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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1907)
THE OREGON : DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, MAY JTO, T307. 120TII BIRTHDAY :rs TODAY'S MARKETS rfogue Wver Growers FIrtd Hops Too Cheap to RIse Alongside ,of Fruits and They Are Therefore Plowing Up Many of Their Yards. 1 Aa Mosfier f (Continued from Pare One) 12 mm ARE SELLING 10H,; WHAT DEALERS SAY . : I OF LOCAL MARKETS '-'-."'.By W. B. Olafkev .. .-.'",; The chicken market was weaker (or the put six days, tha receipts being considerably mora , liberal, in all line. Prices ara down from He to le a pound all me way through. Fryera and Many Deal. In Hop. for New Crop Are Made During the - Past. Ten Day.. !VxUra Front atraet restores! . Heavy movement la hops. . Walla Walla sspsragas grata market . Scant supplies of strswberrles? String been com frosa Illinois. Bell peppers aU tirr high. Creamery butter snore plentiful. Sec ssarket remains stationary. Potatoes bare a steady too.: . e train. 4 Tha earg market U steady, with .. prloea about tha aama aa tha pre e vlous week. The demand la e fully up to arrivals. 4 Pressed meats of all kind are 4 lower on account of heavier er-; e rivals. The market, however, la 4 very rood, considering the aea e eon or the year. LIVESTOCK IS 25 CEHTS 0 Hogs, Cattle and Sheep Show Effect of Great Run in the Yards the Past Week. . May 30. Lire. Cattle. ' Sheep. 490 - A . ', Heavy laevsasat la Hope. - Qalle -aa aespoctod auvsmsot la hops has bees shown during the past week er 10 days. Only a email number of dealers knew any thing sbout ths matter, trades generally being keot a secret, ao as not te alarm tba sleep ing growers. Although there were reports of Portland Colon Stockyards, stork receipts: v Bogs. Today ...... .... 891 Week sgo 67 . I8 . , TTS Tear a so 1T ' ' . Ml -iwl.078 Previous year 60 600 ' There Is ne Indication at this time of any abatement la the rns ot llveatork to market. Todar'a run nutta am1 mnA. mmlnf a. I IR.flTHi eonf. A, Ifl.TTH: eitra B, $5.27Ult ld on top of the heavy arrivals ef the Isoldes C tS.lTHl' D re Hew. $5.07t4: beet I former week, killers an dlannaad to hold off. granulated, .$5.87; barrels, loe; ball barrels, I at least antU they reeelrs concessions In tbs soc, poxes, ouc savsnrs on sacs naaie. flUBB -ALVAIT HEWS OF CROP Small Ones Cannot Sell Flour for They Have No Wheat Other. Holding Back. price. (A bore Drlcee ara SO days Bt cash Soots-1 All lines Lose a Ami-tar. ' Honsl . Every line was affected by this feeling to- HtFNBT 18.80 per erate. I day. thns causing a seneref drop In Taluea. OOrrEBWractairs brands. $lB.SSOI.S. Walls there were no arrival of hoaa durlnf - ' - " -.a inn. mm mt I the neat a hoars, the heaer arrival ot tba bat 100 WW bales being disposed ot, ltts I ton. j. jn.OO! table, dairy, 50s. I15XK); 100s. P" wsek kept the market down, ITIces ara knows as this Hsn that tbs a(sreate wans. $,4.75. bales, .; Imported Llrerpool. Ma. J, "' au around art Inns dorinc tba week will amount to ever ig.00; loos, $17.00; Z2m, 118.00; aitra fine, .battle rna was quite good over gander, ar- 1JO0 bales. Charles L. Fletcher purchased bbla, 2a, 6s and 10s, $4.608JO: Liverpool bru tOl bead, as sgalnet CIS head a folly 1.000 bales la that tine, aad the ether lump mek, 126.60 per ton) SO lb reek, $11.00 fa:t?1Jh,1 thl a, ". na dealers wlU pot the parchaaas ever the 1.600. llMJs. $10.60. I. J J" 1W09' '""a arrivals Is hale mark. - Ubova prtcse apply te sales of bos than 22f ZSLaLT" mf."J.h" or th P.i.Uv mt h.l wmrlkmmmA dnrlto the ear lotaf Lee lota at anacial orlcaa sableet te "me. period a week ao, it dors not mess ' r . : j . . y ' - unii in. ran is r.iiine rr Pri.. Aawrn ilrtborsood el and iioations.; ... . . . . .. . B. a, a Kici imperial japan, n 1, oci no. a, 1 . - SUci Maw Orleans, head, Tci AJaz. 6c( Creole, I Weajtaeea Eatnaina ' la dheep. o!4. , i .. I "ita a run not BRANS Oman wnite, mi.soi isrfs wane, a week afo, the we) aauuere ' avwai v svsiopmenve. , -. There la an entire abaenoe of business In milling- circles at this time. Few of the smaller mlllera have a aufflclenf amount of wheat available to fill what ordera they have already accept ed and there la little likelihood at this time that they will be able to accept more, during tha present aeaeon. On the other hand the Iprm mlllera who have all the available wheat in their control are not accepting any new business until they aee Just where they etand and how the new crop la a-olng to turn out . past wsek was In the aolgbborbood ef 6c and .It 1 poaad, oarers saying , that snort of them went close te the former flgare. There wars sales sBsde down te ttt a pound, but these roald hardly be called hops, so Inferior was the quality. ; . ' r. Vsar Ooexiaota Are Written. ,N. $S.S6; pink, $8-25s bayoa, $3.7$; Llmas, Hci I effects of the greet supplies plied on the kill. Mexican rede, 40. - I ers during the former six daya. In lino with ' e- e deeeede4 the world, her Intellect la ettll keen, aa ia anown oy me root that a little over Chicago Whkai VAIUkb. fl a year ago, her testimony decided a ? May IB. Gain. 1909, I lawsuit and eetUerl tha title to nmn. 0i ' gaal 1 ....w nmm uvnni ever t vuri i tz - aa? t e.e. ner answers were to tha point 14 .... n errorta to confuse her were una- I . - - I Valllna. flho tamtitimA M.a - - - " .. . . ..v. .vau,U es I v. Today Mre. Toodg apent her 110th birthday receiving a , few caller a , and cleaning gooseberries. A few daya ago aha Buffered a sinking apell and It waa thought aha could not survive, but aha rallied and today aha waa seated on her aofa when The Journal rnnraian ttf vat called and waa apparently. In as rood health aa when ha saw her Ave veare aro. He put her memory to the teat oj suing wnera and when ha laat saw her and aha recalled at once tha clr oumataneea 8ha spoke her vieltofa name ana inquired about hta family. She ordered, 'bacon for lunch a.nri said that her visitor might remain and dine wiio-nar tr aaalrwS.-.,-.'.-. Tha usual celebration waa not held thla year In . deference to grandma's wishes, but a few relatives gathered at her home yeaterday and many presenta were received.1 She exhibited her little Donnet made several year '.ago, with which aha la to be buried. Nearly all atrangera vlaltlng thla city call on Mre, Wood and lnvariablv eiva her monav. Bhe accepta tha coin, aaylnr. 'Thank you,' thank you. Many tlmea I have fed me nungrry without price, and now In my old ara . I - feel I can accept thla muney wun a ciear oonaolence,". ,,;, ,n "My atrenrth la faUlnr." aha aald. -out otherwise I feel well, I could not atand a celebration thla blrthdav. aa iney come ao thick that they amother me," and then tha woman of three cen- turiee laughed., -v;; ; : . - WonVI Oldest - Woautn. Though probably the oldeat woman la Bemalna la theep. Y'l ;'' ? j .XKm oT Ue'kill? P-ber ... 1M .88?A J NUTS Peaanta. Inmbo. SU ear lb: Tb I other Uveatork. ahaen uliu. hiu kM f Cblcaso Wheat started very strong. ' options! details ahnaln. th.e .... Daring the peat week many 000 tracts for glnla, THe per lb: roasted. 16e per lb; apa- with tbs lees .spirited demand, snd quotations hi i!t 'i. blhf- Th rB """ not dulled her recollection ' " were writ tea by ootiiae aeaiers. aoia 1 'i'-o- 'V'7 tr.. , T. I . . to said 4 have takes snoot all the " oouj.uo per oua; wamuie. wiiiwoia, ;w year afo looay au .J. , 7 oer lb: French. 15c ner Ibt Dine nuts. letaiSe thonek weak tn tone. " iwv wtuviaH aae utwt I h. hlknr. nnt. toe ner lbl ebaatnota. I Gttieml llua,w.fc .1.. s contracting aarmg the weea was ea an I . ., ia. I u.. o . " k uc; Nets hope Co. extensive scale. According We can t, .11 I initial trade. Hnina nrtMm MrpM rh. price soon after and low reeords wore made oua ohangea that v have taken Dlaca in recollection. acarcely realise tha marvel- lb; filberts, lfle per lb; fancy pecans, 180 the price bow being paid for eontrscta rans j llmoBu iBaaiHe. fraction higher, while It is stated that grwwvj i 77 ers who have lost then? heads have been of- FR8H UBAT8 Front Btreet Hogs, fancy, faring as sontract dowm to ae a peosd. 'l996 Tu.1'' .IL-,1,.8!L. ST.iS' r rrZz . ,.1 .w. v a. i. .w. mm I ordlnsrv. Tv4s per lbt soot. Be net lbl mutton, tm. ..l.hl. I Dams, l M um, "7a "- Z-.Z. sr -;rTv.,. .r: r. " .: arassias "7 7T- -. VJ- " . "rV.. 1 -T.. I 1DJBJC per D, picnics, ' per id; vatloa due te the high price of labor snd tbs expected low : price that will rule for bops. Bops that growets are aow sailing east I lb; Union bstts, 10 to IS lbs, 'ansmoked, as abont the middle of the day. Peon thla point tha world durlnar Mrs. Woods' eventful on. Id hat on? I 'hs market, by derreee, made Its wsy back to 111 fa. Whan .v.. .. . .vit. .... etorkera and tm-A.r. t -wfa di. 7-k... a point close to first aalea. The eloalne reanle. I L " .. " " -"" trmV - $a.6a , ed in a net gain of to 1, f Cattle Best eastern Oree-oa steers, $4,609 I There was no seaaion la Liverpool, and this o: near mwa . ni i..i.H aa .... .i. i kbti ua lorai m.rr.r rnii aar.v and feeders, $3.60: bulla. S2.&0. ' ' I The market of tha vlslbls supply showat Hheeo Sheared mlaad aa iKern no, i.h. I ' Rnabels $6.0Oad.T8. , I Wheat, tncresstd... d6T,0. com, decreased 1,090,000 uats, Increased t... 18,700 LAMBING SATISFACTORY rally lived tha "almpla Ufa," nona of tne comforts and - oonvenlencea ot to day were tn exlstenoe. Oentleraen still wore tha fanoy eoatume. knickerbockers. frilled ahlrta and oocked hate, while tha common people wore homeapun. Bhe - waa a babe of two reara whan thla them frnUy a third aeore than they are eb I per lhj smoked, vc per lb; clear bellies, na. tT'-Tg - . , 'i.-!, , Aevarmru sMnttlng IfMhot. . - Apareroe BoppUes are so plentiful along Fvoat - a treat that prices are being shaded wbeaevsr a sols esa be made. A bugs smoked. 11W per lb: smoked, line "per lb; I Beppnsr, Or., stay SO. The lambms aeaeoe tiroo Hxoort Bnow came ant ertrh a reoort 1 mrarnmant haamn K, d.... eka that wss consldersd bullish. 4 in yera old whan Rnhart vsiltn. with hla primitive era aM avhan eha rallwa waa laiit Tn thnu M ' Close, daya tha aplnnlng Jenny 'war not ln- . 2l heea very satisfactory to the shsepmen. rSanThiT i1. le percent.,, that wlU bo ssvsd will be ever 1t v.Lei?! Jtm has been cold, the : ever, and tbs rnuita cottage roll. 11 H Pf lb; resular ebort clear-, j Season Showg Increase Ot Over Nine- j Official Chicago prteee br Overbsck. Btarr A p,0Uf h .th wtar anemoked. Us per lb; smoked. 12o per lb; j x Cook Co i ' 1 ' Bm " steamboat, and 40 "Ti f'.K.?!: .'nfJ Z Cnt to Morrow. ' wheat. tint railway waa T. ei 1 rat n a T flam. a, ha. a 11 . 1 1 ao tm. ..... . ih ai.,. .1 on. 1 . . 1 . . ... " a . , - - . . ... e.ow. a- i-iia, fa,., j siaia, ej.-v, n waa jaai year in sorinsase, and Owlnc to the OaUfomla Is In fair eow H-lb Uncy flats. $1.16; fancy Mb ovals, $178; favorable winter, the fleeces are? heavier. " V ranging aroand $1.30 ; a Alaaks ttfia, pink, SS(g80s rsd, $Ls omlnal, AJthoogh eheerlng haTbeen delayed some Jr V ' as, tall. $2.06. .v ' r what this sesson. wool Is beslnnuig eomoTta aSntombeV''"" are la smell sopply, with " sI8HBk eod. Te per lbl fleaaders. e per quiu freely, snd by tha flrat el d.V bere! B,Dt,mb a .... m i ri - -n . ' '' JM, TATtOaV, Tha teadlng sTpeclallat, Koa ' the announcementa of alt other opa clallata and medical Instltutea and you will , see how little they say about their treatment , ' Tor Men's Weaknesses and how lightly they pass over tha subject jet one man out of every four has a vital weakness which con stantly drains his power, and that man must ' continually 'force himself along in his every day path of llvlnr. There Is no real Joy or happiness that Is not marred , by hta ever-present feeling "that ha la not as other jnea. Now to auoh men I offer hops. I not only hold out a helping hand to lift them up, but I urge them earnestly to accept my aid. I can gain their confidence from the first examination by locating tha seat of their trouble exactly, and can always entirely convince them of the logical effect of my treat ment when I explain Its action. I never charge for this examination or consultation, ' ' -:.v." .',''.'.', 'n. . That there la soma functional derangement, tha direct result of Inflam mation, enlargement or excessive sensitiveness of tha prostata glaal ' 8i Miie nvrjo cod tor oi tne reproauoiiva pavria;r uruugrni on oy early ais si pat ion or resulting from soma Improperly .treated contracted- disorder. this condition oaxuioa possibly be removed by internal medicines, aad any tonlo system of treatment : that stimulates tha activity of the , xuncuon can - out result in aggravating . tne reat ailment. This IS a aboulders, each. LOCAL LAHD Kettle leaf, 10s. Ib; (Se, lIHe per lb; bo-lb tins, 12 u. IA. 1BU. ... ft,, a. 19.. I H ... . . . . . 7 ...... smonnt la sow coming from , Walls WhlU aad 7lb; lompoond. l6s. V,e iC - BhelrlnVistobUrt 1." tba part """"I to selling st $1 snd $1J a box. Bunch I CAMNBD fcALMON-Columbla rrver. l ib talla, of tha cotmtr. ss tbs wool I. fMi, V. lf Beotsmber ' ... staff, however, la tn best demand. Caalirknrer from dltloa, with prices dosen. '... norida taanatnea an rn sman strnnav. With I iti noes eoq. ts per mi noonoerm, oe nor I ouite rreeir. and b tha rim. a.u. a., k onallty fata. Demand good s$ $4.28. x , , , I lb; bailbnt, Ip per lb; striped baas. 12c per lb; May 28, there will probably be at least J.flOOu- . Page 80S) report arrivals ef string beans . P 'i , a. fresbCojnbls 000 pound. In the warenouiea.v , cn rmv(. r. h a ... hm i. chlnook.llle per lb; stoelhesdaj. s per lb; her- , , . , X,. . I July lar rows and are la fine shape. . Priced, at . 18e snd lee a pound. ' - Florida bell , peppers are again hi market aad aee selling sroand $8 M s esse. Florida pineapples arrived la thla morning, ellng st IS a aosea. ; Potatoes Bava a ttislr Titns '' . ! -1 OI8TEB8 Bhoslwster bay, per gallon, $J.W; Althoogb there Is ss yet ao -change t, wj. T"J kI Tffi. aes on poutoes, the market . Is somewhat I i.nnad. "Toe can. $7.00 dos. geon, bla rl per Ib; ateelbeadav 8 per lb; her- . ' 1 , . hiZ<iZr CATTLE STEADY TOUGHER ier lb; lobatera, 16c per lb; freak 'r n th.. aH.M.k aWa. aa.e a Ssasawssn-ssmwa . , wren, g-v yww tut wawusu,- wmk st-r- I - ? I Jqw &r?L Se'ne 0l,c0 ' Mwke to x1 Shapes- 8ep.b . Opea. Hlfh. Mar ..... 8$ So July eru ees. tsmbsr .... 100 ... lOOtt 102 CORK. 64 68 6$' OATS. T 8 MESS PORK. 1MB 1646 ion 6V ioo v MB 661A 1 m .5:-.s5J rtnat. 6c per lb; perea. tomcod.' Te per Ib; lobatera. mackerel, Sc per lb; erawneh, aoe per dost stnr- n. loe per lb; bisca beaa, aue pet river smelt, 6o per lb; shad. Be per lb: roe sbad, sc per in; seaa roe, ice per in. " firmer with the controlling of snpollaa br four big firms ot Saa rrancuce. The genwal trade here antidpatas a -t higher range of velaes la the near future. New potatoes sre slower than ever la arriving,, sad prices re main at tne top notch. Erg market Is stationary, vrlfh receipts aad , eemana snoot sejnai st present rtuing. - Chlcksns sre easier, but sales can be mads st tbs prices printed la this report. Creamery batter is holding well, bat the arrivals are tacreailgg. - ' Straw bet lies ! are la very Scant supply, owing to tbs non-arrival of this Stornlng's train rroni uaurornia. sot hair saongh local berries are eosaing to enpplf the demand, and in cooeeqiienco prices still rule verr hbrh. ' Trade pays , the Mlovrlng prices to rreat Street, prices paid shippers are less rsgn. aar . . .. a Drain, Tlonr aad Feed. . SAI1 BAoa-Cmlcutt, 0 Urge fcts sman 1 aula. T . i. ....... x WHEAT Chtb, tie; red Kusalaa,' TSci bhnv . Stent, 83e; valley, t0c, CORN Wheie, $2M0f cracked, $16.00 per BAELET New feed, HA)2a.OO per tea: - rolled, t23.00tJ24.0Ot brew tog, $i2.00oSoO. oxnt ei.oo per cwi. OATS New Piodncers price Wo. 1 white, $28.60020.00 per ton; gray. $2TJ)Oa2$.0O. rLOOB Bsstera Oreron patents, $4.bD; evaiuia, e, eipon. ea.waje: valley, S)S.VOS MILLfiTUrri Brtoo 17.00 per Umi m6- JI1.swa ttOK AA asliMXeVei ShA AA.! HAT Producers' price Timothy, Willamette valley,, fancy, $14 .00 18.00; ordinary, $11.001 14.00: eastern Oregon, $20.002l.OO; mixed, $10.00910.60; clover, $8.600.00; grab), $8.00 aj,xv.w; cneaa, ao.. Butter, In aad Posltry. j BTJTTER W AT f . e 1 b. Portland Sweet . cream, zio; sonr, m . BUTTEB City creamery, tfe; seconds, he; stslds, fsacy. ttt ssconds, tOc; store, ieiTc ' - . 7 F.aGPI Bztra . faner. era died, laeviaa ' CHSB New mil cream, date. Too per lbt Toong America, 17s per lb. ruuL,TKi Mixea cnicaena, 14H ee fancy bens, loe per lb: roosters, old, ' lte i per tb; old stags. 12ai2He per lb; fryers, St,c per lb; broilers, 26e par Ib; old docks. Iftiaieo per lb; spring ducks, 18c per Ib; geese. ' aiOc per lb; turkeys, ITs per lb for old; . squabs, $2.00 per dos; pigeons, $1.00 per doa. Ureaeed poultry laiHo per lb higher. Bops, Wool sad Hides. HOPS 1906 crop Prime to choice, get m. . , glum to prime, 6h97c medlura, l&tSLai coa - tracts, 1S0T crop, 10c. , . WOOL 180T clip Valley, l30ei sastera : Oregon, 16&1SC. MOHAIR New 1S0T 2g)2He. - t 8HKEP8KIK8 Shesriiig, 160200 each; short a -vol, iuwc, aieuioaa . wool, BVUEIM Men . loss wool. 76c9S1j0O each. V , " , . . TALLOW Prlzio, per lb, gM4e; Na 2 and :VBTeaae, itgic CHITTIst ABK D0Ss for ear lots; small " l6DE&-ry,Kor 1, 1$ lbs' sad ap,"lT , IBs per lb; dry kip. No. 1. 6 to 15 lbs, IB : 18c; dry ealf. Ho. 1, under $ lbs, SOc: salted ' nioes, steers, aoaoa, oo ins sna ever, H89Hc; .cows, Se: stsgs and bulls, sound, Ia7e; kip, 15 to 80 lbs, 0c; eslf, sooad. aider li ids, lie; arson, nnssiteo, le leu; cans, le per - id arse; Bores niaes, eaiiea, oecn, gI.OOQ2.00; dry. each, $1.0001.60; colt bides, 2fii50c; gost, mnnm, osco,- juotioc; AOgorS. each. tr-" " seat Tsgstablos. . ' POTATO KB raacy, $2.00; ordinary, Jobbtng, -$lJa2.0O;. sweets, PC per lb new potatoea. 0NI0N8 Jobbing price Kaf 1 Oregon, $2a 290; No. 2, $1,0031.26; Texas aad Austtshan. 4iPcjHr lb; garlle. tejfar lb. ,.. APPLES Taney Hood River. . $2.TO; 1 fancy .Willamette. Talley and southern Oregoav $2.00 r RESHU TRUrTS Oraiigea, new ' navsL $3.80 w.o,iu, :mmnieu sweets, S2.-9W2.W; tSS- ferlneev 81J16; bananas., , Se per . lb; lemona. craie . u . - ooxsar; ; vreroa fS.OO per rxe; eberriee, $L76fiiO0 per 10-lb box. VKkriaJjLtt Toralpe, new. Keail sack!- csrrots, 76c8$l.0O per eaek; beets, $1.78 per seek; parenlps, $1.031.25; cabbage, $8; torna tore, MeTicaa, $1.7Stf..0O; riorlda, $r; oar- CLAMS Hardshslt, - per sox. $2,401 clams, $2.00 per box, 10c par doe. Palate. Ottal OIL Ita. , BOPS Pwe Manila 16ei standard, 1$K I P 81,000. Mixed aaj.;Me.- , ,. I ulZl TUU.ri-,-r COAL oil psari er astrsi uases, iphb per I V alji, . ' ilimm at InMf.l ' O I . I ir.w V oA oaC uv a. 11 I -..,.4 ... v. w. a wuh-. ewu mj, w ua k m iuiof laaarwauxr. N HI, tev Uratl Baas. Mary JUmaey Woods oomss of srood old English stock. Bar ancestors ware all lonr lived people. Her parents oama from England Just after their marriage ana DUBtted on throua-h the carollnan to Tennessee, whera they settled upon a farm that waa afterwards tha seena of tha decisive battle of tha Paducah In dlan war. Here tha couple settled snd here their children were born and reared. There were five girls and three boys In tha family, and Mary was the Bixtn child, according to tha old family Bible.- . . Kate R&maey, tha mother, died after a zew nourr illness, at tba age of 110, 85 years ago. Tha day before her death she had walkM a distance of flva TO NEW YORK. STOCK MARKET . knitunr all the way, as was her o'oool 'a-. y custom;. A lew years before, tha fath- a'luu, I X aa DUka.a Tamaa . ..a a..a War. susiyV withTax) le over, "r General List Is Cut Heavily In Value ?rom heart diwaaiV He wm a brti September May 1845 1800 1872 Bheep Hold Strong. Chicago, May 20 Lire. took receipts I . , HHts. Cattle. Chlcare 24 ono o.via rasorlKsnaas aty ,12,000 7', boo j i.uoo e.noo Mav Jiy. 1877 1887 V LARD. ,.. S12 lt ... 017 . $27 ..: 830 ' 840 SHORT RIBSV - 030 v B80 080 892 v 837 892 on ei7 oso 1648 1687B : 1080 012 022 030': 080 087B solentlflo truth X have ascertained after a careful and sclentlflo nMr I and upon which my own . original system of treatment la baaed. TS-J amnlnv naltf.. Ia.Im .IImhI.nI. mjm ala.ata k.U. .V a... w ll fUl dlreot methods exoluaively.'and my success In curing even those eaaea 1 aoaolastve erldemaa that my method Is tha only poaalble means of a oompleta, radloU and permanent oara. r , . ... A Guarantee Worth Something ; I d not care what yourexpertetMehaa been wttV othert what guarantees you have, and what promises were unfulfilled la tha past, as unsuccessful, nnselentlflo treatments and unrallabla eon oama ' ara la no way a reflection 'upon koaast, trastsrortky tmslnias methods lived Tip to by me for twenty years. . I have an established repuUUon, and my guarantee means that my patients ara tmdlspntably taaured oi suooass In their .ease. There is all tha difference in tha world between a guarantee of thla kind aad tha promise at those mushroom oonoarns which ara oontlnually falling la business. I repeat my atralghtforward, ajusxe proposition to wait fog mr fee nntfl the wase is affsoted. , $1 0 rMMiooimta, UyPeaia Coapllctited C&set YOU PAY WHEN CURED TommsoxA, x.ot Tzoom, irjJ.alo1?1940' rooh' W06a8.i5; V. P. Fonr Point Lower. gal; water white, lroa bbla, 14c per gal; wooden, 17s per gel; headlight, 170 dec,, cases, 21 He per gal, - , GA80UNJ4 00 dog, eases, S4He per gaJ; Oattle Steady to 10s Bp. eep retrong.. MM Of CJHIFORRIJI DROPS $2.50 IH BID Bank of Californls shows saotbeb drop In tbs I i ft no t-'ir thaa" ear lee- fclo OO .1" 'a"' ln C, " $2.80 nn- t e ' i -r nnumr, oat none wss Iron bbla. 18c ner saL HENS51NB 88 deg, essss, 2Be pet gal; troa bbla, 93c per gaL TUB PEN TINE ts cases. 00s par gait wooden bbla, 83c per gaL WHITS 1.EAD Ton lota, fits Bar lbl 600-lb lota, 8c par lbs lees, lots, 8 Me per lb. wiki WAILS rresent ossis at Sa.vo. UNSEED OIL Purs raw, la 0-bbl lots. SOet 1-bbl kits, 68c I eaaea, 68e nor gsl: genuine ei lie-iwiieu. va.aa, w ywr a , trow aula, o K l-bbl lots, 0M per gsi; ground cats, car lots, ton. maker and contractor, and burned the brick uaed and built the"", flret . brick house in Knoxvllle. When Mary was It years old she Joined the Methodist Episcopal Church South. For 10$ years shs has been a Is still . a devoted Central.' Northern Paeifs. Pennavlvaala snd I MathnMer. ffar fntka wara wH An Bouthera Pacific each 2 points. Ts " clpss wss wer alavs owners and possessed eon- aiderable property. She waa married Official oootatlons Oboks eompsnyi The wsy varass melted away la New Tork today was surprising, oonsldering the small I I nnmoer or sales. ' axweeovwere oeavr eu i through the list. American Smelter lost 6 nninta. union rinne a. nmntB. Keaaine ana Amalgamated Copper each t polnta, Illinois communicant, and OaMAjrxo OOsTTaVACTaXD BZBOSSma. TaUOTTJaML nrnCUTlQ , MOOS VOZSOV 'JUTO nui, I also treat and cure promptly and - EXAMINATIOri FREE I offer not only F1UBS Consultation ahd Advice, but of every pass. that cornea te me I will nvtke a Careful Examination and Diagnosis i without charge, No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to" get 1 ' expert opinion about his trouble. ... . ; ..; jy ..-' ,- y r . . "' If you cannot oaH. write (or Diagnosis Chart -riltr eirlclare onaa- I an day from f a. m. to p. bl, and iundayi from 10 to .y the DR. TAYLOR co. " , gt4 Komaxsov r, oo& sboosts, iMBTxjugi, osxcKnr. SXSi oas by Orerte, Starr v-4k NEVADA MININQ STOCKS S6.5!;80- 'Utm9 Telephone SB were sdvsnced $2.50 In tbe saked price, but ho sales resulted. l uriuum miivir OS lost 2be VESCBlPTIOir. s Prices Onrrent Today on the San i , Francisco Exchange. Baa Francisco, Mar . Offlrisl bid prices: GOLD FIELD DISTRICT. Sandstorm. BOc: Red Too. S3. 40 A! Mohawk. $18; Columbia Hood tain, 66c; Jumbo Ext.. peer Home TeleDhone atnek eoaa arw. I. Me r9TT-t Pacific Statee waa .tf.fM . iiu - I m- Wowoa Oil com.. eel Ted no bids. 7 T ' Locomotive com. .. MsnhatU. Crow. Point sdrsac I. No IZ 1,' ' IV. Official closing prices: BASK STOCKS, Bank" of California..... Bankers A Lumbermen's Mercuants' National Am.- Smelt, pfd Anaconda Mlu. Co. Am. Woolen, com. . Bid. r A iked. I Atchlaon, com... V345.00 $362.60 B. O. com.. 104.00 Si OK. . Vmvml 91. L 1 VJ'fTI -1. . it ' . .. . .. I nwnm 1W a. O..I 40c: Blue BolL 88e: Adams, 18c; Silver Pick, E""".11 J30- " ; " " 73o; Nevsda Boy, 4e; B. B. KxU 0c; Bine- Cnltsd ttetee Nattoaal ... 800.00 bell. 18c; Dixie, Te; O. Colombia. 40o; Hi- v LISTED SECURITIES BONDS, bernla, 0c; St. Ives, $1.06; Conqoeror, 14c; American Biscuit Oo. fls ...... S8S0 BUck Rock. 0c; lxe SUr, 20c: O. Wonder, city A Suburban 4s. 8e; Potlaeh, 40c; . Ore, 27e; Kendall Ext., Horn Telephone 6s . . 80; Sandstorm Ext., 8c; Mayne, 9c; Atlanta, O. R. A N. Ry. 4s...,. 64e: Great Bend, . fflc; . Slmerone, 20c A: Bm- o. w. a- ir . imm Eire, 13c: Red Top Ext, SOc; Florence, $5.26; fadfJc Coast Blscnlt 0s 07 00' lamondi&eld B. B. Con., 28c; 0. May. riJA'TJw"J.- Laanna, $1.60: Oomomnwealth, 80c: Comb. I ' . oiw,aa. v . a. ... rm s..a v.. . 1 aa. r- r t I Pnr fiend Ttatlw.v Ka aravw, aa.w, " -u ... -. , v.. , . . . , , ' ......... Aaex, 16c; Iflllatorm, 40c A; B. B. Bonansa. Associated OU $5.50 Se; Kewanos, 05c; Esmeralda, 22cA; Portland, Home Telephone 89.00 24c; Cracker Jack, 18c; rrencls Mohawk, ftle; Pacific Telephone A Tel., pfd. . Bed Hill. 40c; Mohawk Ext.. 14c; Lon Dillon. Tg-l sound 11....... 10c; T. Tiger, 17c; Grandma, 14c; Silver Pick ; MINING-STOCKS. ' JV.L ?S; ',?' i.AJ, LM ManhatUn Crown Point .21 Coldfield Con.. .0O.S7U: Diamondtleld Trlanala. I laka-ia .. . ..-... IPotlels Mining BTJLLFROO DISTRICT. Washougal Extension ........v, M Orlirlnsl. 40C! Bnllfroc M., 0., lOct Hont. I .- , rtair ier--.n n-wewa Bullfrog. 4e: National Bank, 24c: L.: Harris. r xwvlvi!. 8cAt fiold Bar,, 08c; Btelnwsy, 8cA ; Denver l nT tn ' ' ' - Buf. Anex. llcA: Bosnia CUre. 42e; Mar- V",." 2t?.,,u Lnmber.... . . flower jCoo.. , 40c: Montr. , Ohio Ext.. Oe: 6. "5roIT?nl r. ............. , r Scepter; 17eA; Monty. Mt.. lc; B. Daisy. 1; """ uowmD1" msigamatsd ysnks Bin, oc; Hogget, se; Tramp Con., eic; XTT' -f" Victor, lie. ; .w , , . . S?"! f '"V ''" -SS., .u.u...a .... .... ,.,.., .in Standard Consolidated My. 100.00 93.00 87.501 100.001 103.M) 100.00 ex boi; iroee, jnexica-n. 11.23 ner (Unespples. S4Xfir6.00 per dos; (Tape frnit, ; strswbwlesr CsUfornls, $2.25 pes crate snips, 0o&$l; string beans. 12Ve Ib: eaullflow. Ii VJr ?rr; 8(3 Be; horseradish, Sc per lb; artichokes, 65 75c per dos: Hubbard aqoaeh, a- per lb; cranberries, $10.0011.00 Z r'' .PToti , ' Per lb; aapa7agas, "Jfor,?L b'1 P"PlrS' $8-60 crate; spln ei h, $L0Q jMr box; bead lettuce. B5e dos; hot hwee. gi ft per box; cicumbers, $1,001.S4 pel'lb? Pul1i OOP'aftt 10e , DttlED rRClTS Apple evaiiorated. ti r,r?ulSf-!iM;L; ?20c pbTpescbV? I" if Hi ni.b.! If'i- e 10 less: prnni , "fl llfomta black. 6ae per V i. He per lb: dates, golden. 1,0 p( be; far,.. gi.efiilJiO per 15-fu box. t,... kluts. Etc, set,. aa powdered.' $5.7H; ". iX2i dry granulated, $4.1714; SUrl T0N0PAH w. Stv-Ka. Ho-, -v.- ea ... 1 "noara uoni Txi, Fit I2RO- MacN.m.r. JUW-- KM... '" ol"1 ' $l.7H; Ton. Belmont, $3.70; Ton. North Star, COEDR D'ALENB DISTRICT. 28c; Ohio Ton., 6c A; West End Con., 98c; I Bullion . ... .10 Keseoe, ise; Ton. oai., c uoiden Anchor, I Copper King ...... ,. .18 25c; Jim Butler, 90cj Ton. Cash Boy, Sc; Ton. I Happy Day ........ .fj... 04M Home, Tc; Boston Too., 12c A: Monarch Pitts. I O. kV Consolidated...... .04 Bxt iaet Mont.. auo jtiL, f -uoiaea crown, 1 B&owsboe .40 ioy w. x. -lira, uon., jtic. - 1 snowstorm ,,4 1.85 MrS-'-:' MANHATTAlf DISTRICT, Manhattan Con., 00c; Msnhettsn Brooklyn RanlaT Tran.. 1 110 .00 uan. rac. cam. ., 160.00 Cent. Lea to, com. 120.00 t hlcayo Q. w. com V., M. ft Bt. P. .... C. ft N. W. com. , , Ches. ft Ohio ...... Col. Fuel ft L 00m.. Col. South, com. .. do 2d pfd ....... D. ft R. O. eon. Erie com. ........... do 2d pfd 111. cent. . 25 L. A N. . 87. M 1 Mea. Cent. Ry, 42.W1 at., a. ft T. 100.00 1 matlllers . . 40.00 I oreat worth, I a... a 1 . cu. cuiei. 1 Ore Lsnds .. Missouri Pao. N'atl. Lead , N. T.Cent. N. '' X,i Oat. A West. . . Norfolk Se Weat. .'MM. . . 9.87)i I North American ...... 4.00 I Nor. Pae. com. Pas. Mall So. Co. ... Penn. Br. i a People's G., L. ft 0... Prsseed Steel Car com. Resding com. Republic I. ft S. ooto Rock Island com. .... St. Ta ft S. P. M pfd ot. ta a a. w. eom.. St. L. A 8. W. pfd. Sooth. Psc com. ... Bouth, Ry, eom. .22 .15 .21 .25 .08 .25 .15 .07 ' as .lou US ......... f ..,a. 4 V , , Sc: Golden Wedge.' 6c; Sevier Hump. 8r-Dei- ter,' 12c; Little Joer 2c; Crescent, 6c; Combt-1 Clearings todsy Little eray, , j7e; tjownoy,, scl original Mas JS' Tenn. Cbei ft Irowi-i, tweVO I TV1.. fit. L A V' mm litiinn fmf. mm. --a . . . POETLAhTD BASE gTATEXZHT. do pfd . . ........ I U. B., Rubber eom, .. 1 Rfil 1 a its I XL 8. '. Steel Co. eom.. . Clearings a year ago , 1,011,111.48 I d P'd- -i . ,t cum. hattan, r 16c; Broncho, JlcAr , Pine Nut, 10c; I Gain today i ... ..,..,.$ 640.078.15 I Weatern Union Tel. .. Buffalo, 4c; 8. Dog, 15c; ' T. Horse, 4c; In-1 Balances today .......'.,....;....$ 188,507.25 Wis. Cent. com. ...... dins Camp, llcA Balances a year ago 100,841.67 Virginia . Chem. 04U ss so K 69 123 1274. ion 01K 28 874 84 Mi no 804 00 124 83 28 1 88 i4! 062 172H 10'A 129 M, 1014 81 23 23 60 73 04 113 80 70 82 82 19 18 65 72 62 112 a. . . a 127 2B I 122 w 80 103 20 80 804 1 89 84 8 12 81 TJBTTKD STATES MTXlUntXirT B0HDS. Nsw Tork. May 20.-r-Oorernroent "bonds: rv: Date. Bid.--Asked. Twos, i registered ..,. 1903 104 ," - 104 do COUDOO ............... 1930 ' 104 . lOt'i xxtrses. reKisnsrea ........ iis lux 10s do eoanon 1918 02 '103 Threes, small bondst 1918 . JOltt ; Fours, registered, new, .",; 1925 . J29U : m . av...a. . !): i 1Mll7 1 tOftSJ DIGGING UP H0PYARDS Baseness poes Not Pay and Growers Will Raise Fruit In Their Places. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) ' Grants Faas, Or.. Msr 20. -Hone h.a w 12994 i " 01 'important crops or Rogue River 102 I vauej. out me csnruiaea WW price for tbe pa.t ,102 - J two years snu tne Dig pronts in fruit snd airairs nas aiaconragea many or tbe growers 108 a I ,na between inairrerent cultivation- and dug-np .109 I r,ra ,oe rieiu iot inia year will be fully 25 as . ' u ; rni, ago. tne .mall v. A ara. nl,ntar1 I . ., .... . . . raia. li 1 ... , .. . - . --j-. , r ' . , ' fc v.i, auu two awnwwwa -ai..a"a a-aiwii-Taiaww ismau Tsras pianiea mis snrins. hnf tn nrr... Dally via Pennsylvania linea through I this, 8 acres have been dug up. Even though Total sales for dsy, 641,700 shares, . Cell money closed 2(22 per cent -TEW TORE OOTTOsT MARKET. do eooDon- 1923 -129 rears,? registered, old...,., 1907 101 do coupon Fours. Philippines Twos, Panama, registered . do eoopoa ...i..,,.,. .,:: 1907. 10M , AMI 1U1 104 10 Philadelphia and New.. Tork, thence rati or ocean steamer via' Old Point Com- prices gtr-trp. a number of other rarda will ha dug np mis iu sou tne tana set to fruit trees, uoi wni Aa ea-entfon.lla- .n .1. , ion t'vrir1 wuuruo, bibu Vila LI- j ay. ins lottery teanire to ins pries gives tbs more and steamer down potomao river I industry a eo snowins; aiongmce or the certain and Chesapeake bay, and via Washing- SJ pro2,.'?w . T-hiVnl l.X OT. ton and Chesapeake bay or rail through J.Vteii Richmond; also via -Columbus, via CI n- quality wlir both be fine. cinnatl or via Louisville. , ao one route,.) :-iv-- 1 '' ;-m" -11 . return another. : Stop-overs at New! Cieina Rain at HarriahiiriT. York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash- ' rf., n, en . I a lngton; also at Richmond and points In 1 ert Virginia, jVak. Pa N..Kollock, ' District I rlnk t0rMO?2ri 1 Z.tSSZT ' aWV Agent. $1$ Starlt'.treet. Portland. Or, , ap?rr e., c ' . .,11 country as did In the town It will be cuu .Sd bruT4s. mVm many thousand, of dollar, to the frrandma's ' lameness-rDr. Thomas', Eo-j fanners, as growing crops were much In aotrlo OU the great household remedy. I need of moisture, .- - - i - Open. HUtb. January ... 1143 1150 February ... March ..... 1150 1152 May 1096 1100 June ....... 1090 1 1090 July ....... 1090 1109 August ... . . . . ' 1099 ' r 1101 September ... 1094 .1110. October .... 1128 - 11S November .. 1119 1119 December .. 1130 1138 Low. naa 1160 M93 1090 1090 lOftd 1097 "1100 1110 1116 1118 1117 1110 1122 T ! May 20 18 1185 1147 1138 1152 1144: 1158 1092 1094 1091 .1005 1095 1007 1091 1091 BRAZIL-TO BECOME GREAT NAVAL POWER . ....o: ...,.t Washington, D. May 20. The Bra sillan embassy tonight ' confirms - the atarUing information which has reached this government that . , Brasll i has launched on an extensive military pro gram. ., Contracts have been ' let . for three monster battleships of the Dread naught type. There are to be six "ex tra rapid' Crups. 'with S BDeed of 28 knots,, the swlftaat anywhere In the world. A large torpedo flotilla has also been contracted for. The militarv In creases includes several new regiments; more artillery, additional fortifications gnd arsenals. : ..... -. - j at the age of IT to Jacob Lemons, a prosperous rarmer, and the couple lived happily together In their Tennessee home for many years. She wss left a widow 7$ years ago. about the time that AndrSw Jackson was nearlng the end of his nrst term as president. Four chil dren were born to tha couple. Mary J. Lemons, who died In Tennessee - four years ago at the age of 98: Isaae Lem 68; ons, who died tn Kansas City, Missouri, 41 years ago; wancy a. BunocK. wno died at Hlilaboro 40 Tears . ago, and Mrs. C. B. Reynolds who Is now living in xiuisooro, and who. though 77 years of age. Is devoting her life to tbe ears of ner agea parent. - ss'V: Xorseback to Oregon. . For tha next SO years Mrs. Lemons lived with her children, sometimes with one and sometimes with another. , They were seitiea in Aiaoama, Georgia, Ken tucky and Missouri, and the widow lived with, first one and then the other. . In 1852 shs accompanied her youngeat ; daughter, Mrs. C, B. Southworth, acroas the plains to Oregon arriving In Hlila boro In 186S. She was then tt 'years i oia, out roae a pay .mare the entire dls. tance from Tennessee, while her daugh ter and her 'husband rode In an ox. cart Tha party came leisurely, bring lng a doxen slaves with them, some of ttrhtm a.a a.tlt all... ... After her arrival . In '"nrae-nn. Mea. Lemons hunt the. first hotel In Hill. boro. Shortly after she married John Woods, with whom she lived until his death a score of years later. . The eon pie ran the hotel until 40 pears ago, when they turned It over to her daugh ter, Mrs. C B, Reynolds, formerly Mrs. Bouthworth, . her only surviving child. r or many years Mrs. woods was post mistress of Hillsboro, until advancing oia age compelled, ner to taxe lire more easily, since then she has done house work until the last few years, but now confines r herself to the ears of her person, sewing ; or .knitting,. Talks In a Quavo. vMrs. Woods talks in a quavering voice, but very -distinctly, with a marked southern accent, - .". ' She is blind In one eye, as the result of An Illness $8 years ago. Her "third sight' Is now failing, though she oan still sea to thread a large needle.' She lost her teeth 4$ years ago, and since then has worn false teeth. Two veara ago sne cui a tootn. Her diet consists principally of vegetables. She eats three meals a day. and drinks . plenty of strong conee. Awe in Crazing Tjpoa Ker. Mrs. Woods can be found an annnv day walking about the yard or sitting in ner iavorue arm cnair at her daugh ter's home In Hillsboro. ' She la alwava glad to pass the time of day with neigh bors, and has a cheerful how-de-rly and handshake for everyona - For many years the countryside haa 5 gathered upon her birthday to do her honor, and she greets all visitors cordially and makes tea for the assemblage. - une xeeis. a sort or awe In talking 1100 1124 1181 1132 with and gaxlritf npon one who haa seen ss much and lived so long in this world ef ours. Her face is a study In wrinkles. Her voice la a ouaver hut her carriage Is good and her manner alert And yet, oo one' can see her. and yearn to live to be 120 years oldV- i i . i :, ; - . ...a - 'S-'K Missouri will have next year tha un usual experience of a ' suts nrlmarv election for the nomination of candi dates . xor state offices on all party tickets. All the vote will be cast on the same day, making the election, so far as each party is concerned, f-ra-tlcally a general election, . v. 1 M'llDLB-AQBD i OLD WM POSITIVEL.Y CURED OUR FEE 10.00 IW HOST CASES Wi want te Impress it upon every weak man that . we eaa make him strong, vlgortroa, healthy, alert and free from every taint ef disease and weakness. We hsve limited our Specialty In practice te only a few of the more Important disorders, that we could understand these thoroughly. Our experience along, this line for M years qualifies as to say positively that strch trouble, a Tastoooele, Xydre oele, Critzete4 Disorders, Blood Volson said "Weak ness can be cured tjerfectly so gut te stay cured. Wa use different methods thaa the ordinary phy sician. ' Most of these are original with us and were devised for Just such oases as the ordinary eourses .aa..a.. .ri 4. .aaaS. . ' f - . . . . M Tears la rtktaa. Pay Us for CoresA Core with Us Ueans a Life-Long Cure r Ws offer not only FRED Consultation and Advice, but every ease that comes, to ns we make a Careful Examination and Diagnosis without charga No ailing man should neglect this opportunity t4 get expert opinion about his troubla u , It will not eoat you anything to oan at our office and consult us, and by doing may save you muoh time and money, and If we cannns cure you we will honestly tell you so, and you will not be under Chy financial obligation to us. . . , OTja mtmi OF TaVHArnra le superior" to any In this country, and our cures are tha result of these methods. We never fall te effect a euro In any ease we take. If you suffer, from neglect, . from want of money or from unskilled praotlca here Is an epoprtunlty te aret the services of a skilled specialist a graduate physician, with years of ripe -expe rience in treating complicated ana special disorders of MEN ONLY. It will eost you nothing to talk to us, and may be the means of restoring you to health and happiness. Why not call today T Our offices are very private. Tou see only the doctor. - Our fee being so low It, enables many wno are afflicted to procure the i highest scientific medical assistance.- Terms ; made to suit ' If necessary, so that anyone need not go without treatment "u , ' Hours: I a, tn. to I a oil Ehrsnings, o t:$0; Sundays, a. m. to II noon. - - ' ' SI . tonis Dispensary ooim nooon amb STXSBTS, WOMTXtAWD, OaUBOOZT. TEETH Money Come at once and have free examina tion. - - - - ..- ' WB EXTRACT TEETH FRETS: rTTL. TER FILLINaS. I Bo TJP: nni.n VrTl.T- 18, 760 UPJ BBX OF TEETH. $4.00; Eaaj.A.a.j .ajiio.vvi uvuiyvnunito is.oo TO Ib.OS; WsUXsl UUUWHo, ilm TO. $5.00. t. -ill work guaranteed for ten years. Lady attendant always present AU work done absolutely without pain by specialists of from- It te 10 years ex perience. ... ., . Fhoae VsJn aoso, -K91V. Morriaon Ct, ops iostofioe. mmm I LLlU Vll'llL.tLa I tJiJsyiieH? ' Ka,i a .aa.!ra.a. P