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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1907)
THE "OREGON DAILY" JOURf TA PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. 'APRIL' 13. KCT. STATUARY SHOCKED THEM -Mdt-Tivstngtocth6lptorrio-AfterCopie-otha . Famous Apollo Belvedere and Adonis Marble - Copies of ; Statues Too Close Imitations of Nature for Approval. 'I (Jouaal Special SwvfaeJ ' tttsburg. April Artists who nave visited the Carnegie institute are laughing over the altered appearance ef many of the figures la -the ball ef , la t miry. Today the tory wa told ef how the millionaire trasteea'of the tn Utute were ebooked by the original appearance of the statuary Included , In the Institute, An agent waa sent by the truateea to Italy and Prance to con tract for exact replica ef famoua statue, v Three acore or -nor figure arrived couple of day a before the ded ication of the inatltute, and Director John 1 W, Beatty of the department of fine arta placed them on their pedestals. , The truateea whea given a new of the marble collection were ahocked be cauae Apollo Belvedere, Ad6nla and oth er characters were modeled too oloeely la Imitation of nature. looal sculptor were eummoned and before the hall of statuary waa thrown open to the pub lic-they removed the feature to wnioa the modeat truateea objected, s . - LlflllTOfJ GROl'IS -DIJIillKIGIII AFTER 42 YEARS BROTHERS MEET AGAIN AND CLASP HANDS ' Two ef the happiest men la Poffland yesterday were T. C 1 Turlay ef Chicago . and B. B. Turlay or Portland, brother i who met yesterday for the first time la 41 years. ." Whea yeuag men their parent died aad tbe boys decided to oome weat and ;. make their fortune. - t'pon their ar rlral at Denver T. C. Turlay turned ' taok end finally arrived at Chicago, where he baa resided since and made a fortune, Ue Is president of the Chi cago Insulated Wire at Manufacturing - company located In the Windy City. B. B. TUrlev came to Portland, where he baa resided ever since., Mr. Turlay ' la Inspector of the Portland water de partment. . ' .--..-: The meeting of the brother) yeater day waa by eh Several montha ago Mr. Turlay ef Chicago met a music teacher traveling In the eaat who said that ah had for one of her pupil a child of B, B. Turlay. He knew that Ms brother was In the weot but did not know that he waa located la Portland. A few week ago it was necessary for him to make .a business trip to horn Angeles. He extended hla journey t Portlaad. :- Coming up the coaat Mr. Turley waa accompanied by William Knight, who arranged a meeting be tween the long separated brother at the Portland hotel. - 4 At first the atrangeneaa ef .their latlona embarraased the men, but tbey were soon loot In recounting memories of their boyhood day.- Hour clipped by and the day waned, but la a cosy corner the brother had forgottea the time. Midnight oame and they were still relating stories of their Uvea. Whea they finally parted. It waa only to asset again today to arrange a family reunion between their famine and an other brother and stater whom Mr. Tur lay of Portland baa not aeon sine ho oame weat. OVHS ONE OFUNCLE SAM'S FIRST HALF CENT; PIECES Mrs. Schwabauer Has Fractional Cpln Bearing Early Date , in Last Century. . Mrs, J. Schwabauer, 70f Vancouver avenue, I the poaaaeeor of three Old coins, one of which la believed to be ef considerable value. - . Mrs. Schwabauer brought her eoln to The Journal office to eater them la the old eoln contest and to dlaoo-ver the value of the piece.' One) Of tbe three, which form only part of her collection, la a Liberty half-cent 'of 1194. It U a small coin and bear the word Tdberty," with the rat and the fraction 1-100. The word "ha If -cent" alee appear on the cote with "United State of Amer ica, i ' i- :- : ' . Another coin owned by Mrs. Schwa bauer is a bank token ef the bank of Upper Canada of 1S6S. The coin fie maraea one penny, an a on acopunt or it age 1 supposed to b valuable. ., The third coin is a one-penny' piece of the province of Canada. , The coin bear a ploture of the bank of Montreal and carrle the legend, .."Concordia 0a !ua.' It 1 dated 1842. When You Buy Diamonds Suburb Opposite St. Johns: in Midst of Unusually Vigorous Building Activity. . y ''' :' Dnntqa acroae the Willamette from St. Johns, ha caught some of the spirit of that enterprising Utile city and la Just now la the midst of an unusual building activity. Several business bouses and a large number of reaidenoee are i under construction there. Within the paat year the town ha gone for ward very rapidly. Llnnton most preaaing need la direct streetcar con nection with Portland, which will no doubt be established during the present The JTerthern Paclflo railroad 1 mak ing aom extensive improvement there, building a new depot and laying nearly half mil of sidetrack In order to accommodate the Willamette Bos -ft Lumber company, a concern that has recently located at Llnnton. Thai f lark. Wilson Lumber company ha largely In creased It output, which I now about i isv.vv teste day.- , ; I Llnnton 1 already the leraest between Portland and St. Helena on the nna racino line ana ic people con fidently expect It to become tbe largest ana moat important plao between Port land and Astoria on the Astoria aV Co lumbia River railroad. . , - i ,..- t J, D. MOWRER SUFFERS" BURNS AND LOSES HOUSE (Bpertal Ptpet to Tee JeeraaLV Cervalll. Or, April 19. A telephone meeeage reached her last mldntaht stating that la a fir In the reeldenee or j. IX Mowrer, near Big Elk, he and hi . 14-year-old . nephew were badly burned. Tbe dwelling and content were destroyed. Mowrer wa eeatma- ter at Marian aad kept the office in hla house. The fixture and book were de stroyed, but the mall waa saved. The family were a sleep whea the fire waa discovered The origin of It I a knows, . Diamond J" ... ,- mttchmis .v.. This store, la the-reoog-. ' ' nlaed diamond emporium of tbe coast. You enjoy many advantage here Impoaible elsewber weat of Chicago. The stock I more extensive and the assortment more varied. Your obolo I not re I st rioted a to sis or I atyl of mounting. If ' you seek ' a plain little ton at I U, ye will find many her from which to choose. If yea dealr a - more preten tious diamond, you will find It - her, aad you will find It here at It best, at the lowest prio Doaalbl to sell an ebaa. lately good diamond, guaranteed aa represented. You may choose fromi ( i , 1 ., . . - j is,; Siaaaoad SoUtalre SUag Batra targe Plain end Mag Stediaaa Sis Diamond BUaga Small Diamond Klag - Blamoad Twin Ssoae ' Blaaaoad Ma to had Patra ' Diamond Baaqnet Blaga ' ; Blaaaoad Cl aster Bin- , Piaenead Beo Blaga x-. Plamema Bead Biag Blaaaoad Three stone Bin . . Blaaaoad Prlaoesa Xixvg . BlaadaS aad Pear Biag Blamoad aad Baby Biag Blamoad aad Sapphur Blar Dlamoad aad Tarqaoi Blag Diamond aad Bmerald Blaga Blamoad , aad . Stag SapphlTC . Blags Blaaaoad BJag foa BLaa Pancy Blamoad Blag ' Aad Blamoad Jewelry of , Bvery Beeorlptioa. Ted get something else her for which you pay nothing and that . onfldeno aad th you feel whea you that you are ; dealing witl. erperte -who know their basiaes thoroug!v ly and whose established . reputation warrant th trout . you i repose In them, In their diamonds aad la their prio. It la a pleasure t show . nr ware. Inspection I cordially lavited.- w. I I I , know SOUTHERN PACIFIC IS ; ORDERED TO PAY FINE United States Attorney William C Bristol appeared before Judge Charlee EL Wolvertoa In the United States' dis trict court this morning and asked that a Judgment of 1200 be ordered paid by the Southern Pacific Railroad company In the safety appliance oase which the government won agalnat th railroad company several, week ago. Attorney W. D. Fenton. who represented ' the company, stated that hla client did not care to make further effort-1 stay th judgment and Judge Wolvertoa Issued the necessary order. - The' point at Issue waa that th com pany bad violated the interstate com merce law . by-.aotr' providing - safety coupling devtnea on gar encaged la in terstate traffle. ., . ; . r-, SALT LAKE STREETCAR A ?YSTP T(ED UP AGAIN f Perfect Womanhood . Th greatest menaca to woman' permanent happlneaa in )if la tha uffeting that cornea from aom 4a. raojremcxit oi the feminine) orfaoa. r Many thousand of women hav realized thi too labs to av tbelr health, barely in tlm to aava their Uvea., . , ' To b a nooesful wife, to retain th love and admiration of her hus band, should p woman' eonataal tudr. . ., .. . . If ft woman finds that bar ener gieaar flagging-, that ah feta easily - tired, dark shadow appear under ber eyea. aha 'ha backach, head ache, bearing-down sensations, ner vouioesa, irregularities -or tha "blue," sb abould atari at onoa. to build up her system by a tonio with specific .powers, such a Lydia E. Pinkham sVegetable Compound tbe great woman's remedy for woman's Uls, mad only of root and herb. J t cure Female Complaint, auch aa Dragging Sensation, Weak Back, Falling aad Displacement. Inflammation and Ulceration, and ail . Organ io Diseases, and Is invaluable in the Chang of Life. It diseolvea and Expels Tumor at an early stag. Subdue ralntness, Karrona Prostration, Exhaustion, and strengthens and tones th Stomach. Cure Headache, General Debility, Indigestion, nd Invigorates th whol female aysem. , It is n excellent remedy tor derangement of the auaneys in eitner sex. GORDRAY GIVES UR NEW THEATRE Abandons Plan to Us East Side ; Rink--Noted Actresses , Will Not Come. " v f7nnar Mrfal Sal Lake. April II. By IS 'o'clock th strikers had drlvea the laat non union maa from the street care and th system is effectually tied up again. Nu merous assault occurred in wnlcn strikebreaker were badly beaten. An effort Is being made to run mail ears with deputy, sheriff aa guard with th promts that If they 'are molested, troops from Port Dougla win be fur. nUbed. ... . . - r- ' . , . MISS RUBY CROHN DIES AT ASTORIA ' (Spectel rMsBstek te Th fearaal.) Astoria. Dr April I. Ruby, the 1T year-eld daughter of Mr. and Mr. Her man Crohn of thi city, died thla mora ine ef consumption after almost a year's . illness, Hhe was ' beloved by a large circle of relative and friend, es pecially among! ber schoolmate. ' Th body will be taken onlght to Portland f? burial la. th Jewish cemetery. LAQUATS ARE HERE ' HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? John F. Cord ray ha abandoned' the idea of bringing Mrs. risk, Mary Maa- nerlng and other Independent theatrical attractions to Portland during th sum mer. The decision was reached after many obstacles and objection had been overcome. Mr. Cord ray arranged with th man agement of the ice-skating rink on tbe eaat eld to convert th place into a theatre for the purpose of bousing the Independent attraction. For a time the city council . withheld, permission, but Snarly consented that a special permit be Issued. Mr. Cordray. however, ha decided that the ordinance regulating the use Of buildings for theatrical purpose are good one and should not be molested under a.ny circumstance. He ' 1 will big, he declares, to abandon 'hla prop osition . rather than infringe upon the ordinance. "The pro position looked good to me." he aald, "and I am deeply appreciative for what the council and city ofnoiala did In. my behalf. But there 1 no doubt but that th ordinance covering I I 1 th use of building for theatrical pur pose are good ones and no en abould attempt to get around them. I believe the city should be very Jeaiou ta pro tecting the public -and that stringent saw wita referenoe to theatre should be enforced. I shall devote my atten tlon to the building ef tha new east id theatre." , SECRETARY ROOT TO ; RESIGN FROM CABINET (Joemal apeeial Berries.) ' Waahlngton, April It. It 1 said that Secretary of Stat Boot la contemplating resigning and is apparently pushing Ba con ahead to take charge 'ef th office. It 1 believed Root aad th president hav not been In close sympathy alnc th president advocated Taft's candi dacy. Secretary RooM now at Clinton. tows, wor no waa causa ay nie broth' era Ulness. ' . . .. OPERATION UPON JOHN , MITCHELL SUCCESSFUL " in . . f ; . . v eToUrUsnl 0JS6lat ScFVlBsy.) , Spring Valley, 111., April lt-A suc cessful operation for strangulated her nia was performed upon Job MltobeU. president of th United Mine Worker. thla morning. He la resting easily. The doctor aay no danger la now apparent. VVe Want 25 Millinery Trimmers. Must be thoroughly experlesoed. flret- clasa and need to the finest work In th craft ( good wage. - Apply at 126 Waahlngton street, next door ' above Ooddard dc - Kelly shoe store, " Th fihafer-Whittier company.. i AN ELECTRIC FLAT-IRON FREJL ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL Save Kef Plxo Save Bar BeaJth ve Be Weary Steps Bve Toar Money ave Toar Clom Bav Be Tempe Have Be 0eaapiexto J., " m. a , . -.r i Fill in coupon and mail to us The iron will be delivered, witK all necessary equipment, abso lutely tree ot cnarge s .r.. CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY. LIOHT A POWER CO. . First n4 Aider Streets, Portland, Oregon, . ' Gentlemen Yoa tny dtliver to rat one Electric Flat iron, which t agree to try, and if unsstisfaetory to tne, te retnra to yon within 30 dsjfg from date of delivery. - If I do not return it at that time yon may charge same to my account at 4Xa It is understood that no charg trUl t made for the iron if I return it within 30 day. - -'-; .V Name". ........ .'. . . ... '"'"'.' . Addftu '...........J... ....... PEPT. J. , THE, 30 DAYS' TRIAL OFIXll AP J?LIES ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF r ' OUR CURRENT ; V'. I ' . r r 6 si Our repair de partment I un surpassed for Its efficiency In doing only first Cla work. LEFFERT'S Jewelers and Diamond Merchant Do yon wish te relieve that con tinual eye strain and make" your vision eleart ' Oome te us. 272 WASHINGTON STREET 1 1 Frtt Ullj-ho ride erery afternoon. It coite you nothing. Reserve your eeats now.' ; . v ' H. VV. LEMCKE COMPANY SIXTH AND WASHINGTON wain oao . , ' . Home Phone A 2337 JXX1 3C A new tropical fruit, trans planted from Japan 1 Southern California, ' has been received here for th Brat Urn aad i an display In a Third street mar. keU It la th laauat and grew In clusters. It la - yellow In color and Is a erees between agar pear -aad a yellow plum. Beside thi It haa a taste pe culiarly It wn - f : Notice. . To th Ic Trad of th CTtf and th Northwest Terltery: . .' -Upon the return of summer wearher we are compelled te cancel our 'winter rate and hop our effort te Indue ln creased consumption of our product ' pr continuing the low rate so long hag been appreciated. Owing to Increase cost of th manufacture of 1c and In order that the price ahall pot go above what yon hay previously enjoyed In recent year, we hav arranged with the "Ic Delivery Co," a new .corporation, for th delivery or our entire output. ... Each plant will be lntereated in re taining all old customers and the pro. curing of new trade. Preaent arrange. menta wiu enaoie the flee Delivery Co. to give much better service; drivers wilj epreciau greater responsibility) em- plslnt aa oe setter handled; expense will be greatly leeeeaed, which benefit win enure ana x tne consumer aad manuTacturer. ' Our Individual interest and Identity remain, and to patron favoring th Ic Delivery. Co. w are pleased te stats tnat our eomntned capacity, energy and support win at tneir eemrnsnd. CRygTAL, ICII STORAGE CO V PORTLANTJ ARTIFICIAL ICB CO. INDEPENDENT ICB COAX, CO. PERSONAL Owing te th serious Illness ef his father, 1. Benosky. an old-time resident of Portland, who Is now lying ill at the Oood Samaritan hospital, hla eon, B. Senoaky wa called home fronv. old liexlco, where he ha been for the past tea weeks. :.. t . , , - v . . ' I - i hi -V . , 100 Millinery SaTecfadiet Wanted Women earerlenced la selling, medium and' high-class m 11 liner yi. Apply at tit Washington street, next door to Ood dard AV Kelly shoe store, xb Shater whlttiar aom nans. I.. nv( This amount was earned lafc year by sten ographers who secured positions through tho I) Employment i As the iupcrior qualities of the Smith Premier Typewriter become more widely -Jcnown, so the demand for competent Smith Premier operators Increases. : Notice ' the growth of this department la the United States alone. -i ? Vi " Total calls recehred - ; - - 22,C33 " Total positions filled ;-': '''' ,-' 20,051 Yearly salaries earned . 910,893,446 J 'V V 30,670 26VK7 $14,713,052 Shorthand students should learn to operate the Smith Premier typewriter, which offers . them such a wide and profitable field for their talents.' . 'v:-' .y ';: " Send jour name to the Smith Premier Typewriter Co., Executfre Office, a ' : 1 -339 Broadway, New York, and receive tbe "TjrpUt" free for a year. It ($ . V" : ' f , . a bright little monthly of unusual interest to atenoijfr' ihers and typists. , v r:i ' .y..;.v ; , , v., ; ; i , -. :..y-''';:.y: The Smith lPremier:TypewriteiCompan Syracuse, N. Y.