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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
EVEMNO., APRIL 24, 1S07. MOXEY TO LO.VN. BANKS. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. .WEDNESDAY . I I Xow II A I KS low BAlrN HALART LOW RATES LOANS II i i S 1 liW riAiKS low It ATf.S T'r-Mi ri.ta - rotre," Vobt r"te. li-t" lift t 1U0. No hn-rlty. " No liwloraer. ' ' ' No FuMlrttr. ' Qnlrklf Made yulrtly ErefTthlna CxiflknlUL 1 "Eo-nr Kuld." STATB Kt.d Bl-rr CO, nt vtlun big. ' LOW , BATICi LOW ' KATES LOW KATITS LOW A . RATIS ' LOW , RATES LOW RATES UTTT STATES BATI0BA1 BASK OF PORTLAND, OBtOOR. ' ' 'w.. a- - ertbarea Dmw Third) and Oak Streete. ' PpmMw. flce-Prealdant.,,.'.' a r.. . . - - MBmni naaiaeee. lPfA m iphuke arenaoie re " " Preeidv., ""tee Bsrope, Honraone an Manila. Collectloae Mao ee Fa-oreM. Terme. It. LEA BAR.NKS I A a.,.,... Chirr W. A. HOLT Aeelataet Caabler A. M. WBIOHT AOS o TTLTOK, W. VI. Udd. BAVXERAWlrtlaad. Ontn. t. Ladd. Tranract Low Or-n from I i. n. u I I. a LOW K A TKS , ft. Ktcs. Till S Tlo.-k, , KATES ' LOW LOW - RATKS . - 1 BAXB8 ' LOW ' . -. - BATM :-i MONK? TO LOAM ' On ftnprseed city property or far batldaiC pnrpn-A-. foe from I to 10 yeare rtree, with prtrilrte to repay aD or port of Inoa after two mn. Lore enpmred froai plane end mat; edraBcrdee belMins aragraaaai im taken an and reDleced. FRED H. KTROVO. Ploaactal Afaat, c SIS Start at. , , CONFIDENTIAL LOANS aa aalarlee. etc. i any dreerrtne Parana kit eeeere a lie-1 rral adnata, repartnf by easy weekly monthly fnataTtments. NEW ERA LOAN A TRrST COMFABT. soe A Mar toe woe. C. . ..arid. n.tiif.hAi ta "eral aankln Baetaaoa. RATINGS BANK PFPABTtfRIT. Barings Saokt oa aaTlnfa danoalta. latamt . paid oa tliao dapnalta. B.J .CIABTS' BAT10BAL BARB VtUad. Dm. ' p a,rB J WATSON r..FriMt I R. L. DrRHAM..,......;...Ttr-Fa 1 ."" Caaklar f OROROE W. BOTT Aaaaataa vaaawa , ' .' i CATCHINa ftVcoad Aaalataot Caaklar. a aaaarol. BaPkin Boah-aaA Drafta and Lttff of CrMlt All Parta ta World. rollMlnaa a Snrrtaltr. lawd AaaUakla ta D AaBZRg AV LtTMBraarrwa ai ai.j - aiiaata. ,f r' Impart swat Lottara of Cradlt iaaaaS AaaUaola a AB Parta EATTMn nt VtPToalaVal B. C. KHABfT, R. P. BTORI?T. PI.ATT PLATT. T ' OAlJF0RjriA-taMlalM4 IM, Baa Offtoo, Sai "? Sa.ono.ono f Snrpma and trotlTod ........ 4......aMa ....Aaawtoat faalilT . . . .oaarai vrniiwi MONET loanad ta aalaiiod paonl laat aa) roar owa aaara;. dna't borrow ant!! voa aaa mo: air aTntm la tba Wat for railroad am. bookkoaparo, rtroatrar aia and an atbtr ato tkiraa; rmMneaa arrvtiT caannaanai. r. avtan. Rll Barraran M(( Waatalarloa at., Mtoraoa roartk ana rina. . MONET ADVANCED SALARIFID FROPLB and otbara anna tli'lr aa aamaa arttboat awmr It: riwapoat rat ml. aaaiat paratoata: afnroa In 00 prtnclpal rltlaa: aara roanalf nanar nr ' rvtttnr nr torana nrat. ' r TOLMAN. 223 Ablortoa bid., 108H Third at WANTED Noto. awtiraaaa or eoatrarto aa nr klod of ral ortata la Orama and Waah rnrtont aaraad tnnrtcaroa farrnaaad If waU arcurcd. H. B. Nobla. til Coataiarelal blk. TKIN'T borrow nmr aar rmtfl roa aaa 5 Euttca Crcalt Co. , - . SIS Dckom bW. MONET kma: tarda loaaa anadalrrt . aniioinf nana: lowaat rotrot nra 1 William 0. Bora' SIS FalUa bW. aaa) TO LOAN A llral will Iran tmo oa anln- inmtrra roai aatMa. wratxr, air cammar- rial sic. , CRR10ENT LOAN CO.. M Mohawk blitf. Mono ta hnd oa aaar-parmoDt plaa ta arafa" nraen: airKTjy enararanai. MORTOA0B Inana at rarrrat ratoa) aa aaa ailnaloa. Colombia t.lfa A Traat Oofopaaf. t.aajorr , Kxraanffa aiag. . MONET to kwa aa all kroda of aann-tty. Ilaai Roll, room S Waahraitaa bide. wn- TO LOAN Ran to aolt oa rhattal aacarlt. M. A. From, 614 tha Marqaaaa. ... OriCK loaaa oa all m - a Wastaliwtoa kldc larttloa. H. Mala S100. W. KtMJ, ON artrtxafo. $J00 to IS.WKl: i Ward, lowrar. Allakr kid. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. US Aid at.: pboaa Mala TI0. BabOar atampa. aaa la. atewlla: bax cm. trad cbaeka: braaa alfaa aad plataa. REAL ESTATE. PARRISG, WATKrNS A CO., tflO ALTER ST. A Ral aetata, raotala. loaaa aad Inaaraaea. f Wa maka a apaelaltr of baadltnc roatala and proport for reoldaata aad Boa-raaMaata. Kaubliabed ir?2- Pboaa Mala 1044. . FraaolBaa, Oalifarata. , f .a...,,..... puram ana vmiiTin ,r"Tii., . ... .'.. . '"i"" i nanfttno mmjt vsra f t - . m fWiwita. ; SAFrNQS DEPARTMENT Arroanta nay ba opaord of f'O and apwarA. "A CUBA Manaaor I X. T. Bt'RTCRA BI.L. . . .Aaatatant Maoaaar FTMT a ATI ORAL BAHK JPartlaad. Oraaea. Oldaat Natloaal Bank oa tba Paetfta Ooaat. ' . CAPITAr. a Wn m tV Mi mt M AM ' . AAA AAA aa J j. w. wewribr"""'::" ..PraaloVat I Wi ft AT.TOWTV ....Caakkar I B. F. BTltTBNS.. ..Aaatatant f3aaMop . Baron d Aaalataot caanwr TRUST O0MPAXTES. - - i- . ,MI. i P'VZ1 COrTPABT OF 0RI00W Tha Otdoat Traat OoaiaaaT ta Oraraa. , .DfC,tSAnV5: IOOOOO- Oooaral Banklnf. Two par aoitt ttr-aat aa ao aiiiinta t. ... ia.i i,. i . i ..... a.. . . . . . ... a . . t aaa i. -, --a pnaarwj "t ao,m nr avar. irrrra or rrwiii "no oaaiatw Hal TTi . th!rid- aeroanta. Tlaaa ortlflrat-a. S to par rant; oWt-all apa- 1 . ar. H o 4 pr oat. Oalt for Bonk of ILLmTBATIOrtS." , pry j , rSTiT Corm Third and Oak Stro-ta. Ph-o. Prlrata ticfeaaca T. B. kjf)M ... ...... .rrvmoani l n. u piTTncK.,..............viJ-fioa-i S'! TIlwaI C0MFABT-S0S Morrtaoa Straat, lrtUaA. Otaaaa. rtl-A!- 1 3J'nrl Banklnf Bwdaaaa. BA FINOS DEFABTMENT. Intor-rt allowoS aa -"" ecoora. Acta aa Trnataa for Batataa. Drafta asd Latter of Credit v ' AaaIIaaIa . n T . . aa. B--.A A- MJIJaI " aAlL:iW.'E!!"!! I - A- -BW'!L-. ...Fteat noa-Praalderit a. U .......i!r.PnMt I B. a JHBITB .Secretary "" A Bt SHELL Aaatataat rV-retarr TITLB -"XA "a C0MPABT-S40 W-abraa. Btta MORTQAOS LOANS oa Portland Real F-tate at Lewee TRORBTmit MM mLL... Tltlee InaareA. - Ahetracte Farolabed. . . . rraaldeat I JNO. B. AITCHINOH. Tife-rr-aiaent ( T. T. BURKHART. .Bewetarr .Treeeeree - I BOJfDS AJTD IVTEST.METS. --i n aa. .. iiran. pjog nniiff PFTTicsf rfWJar UTVm BOB4U, D0WBI.K0nmiR C0lPAJrTatWlaaad 1S BROKERS. - -STOCKS. BOHOB. ORAIrt Boackt aad Sold for Caak. obS am Prleata Wlr-a. BOOM 4 CHAMBER of COMMERCB 0VIS J. WIXBE HOME TELKFHOKX B0BDB BABB STOCXB, a y atoojoer rorriaaa stork Eirbanta. KarRts. Phone Ifala ST. Coruar Sltrh and Waablnytoa BtreeU. Portland. Oraaoa. 0?erbeck, Starr & Cccke Co. Lo. 'M-rabare Chlcaga Board of Trade.) l.ue aairaj v.. acaif DIOR., for 11000. VI H " FK07TSI0H8. tJOTTOB. STOCKS ATO BOBDt. v'-m. e aianii.l VVMaUMUUH BDRLVXSS, Oattimoaa Markets Br Prlwte Wtra. Otrlt lereloa. REFERBNCFS Lead A Tut. --h. v - era, aaa paired Rtat-a Ba tloaal Baak af Fortlaad. : - . Tr SEWllVQ BIACHIXES. THE WHITB SEWINa bACBINB AOENCt. xsv lamuiu at., eor. ata. raoaa Mala aioa. Barcalna la all ktarte af aew aad eacoiid kaad eewtnf aiaenLaoa; a few allirktly daia. aaed, (oad aa aaw. at greatly reduced ptleea. PUONB Pacific 17 and I aeraeaally will nail aad repair roar rawing aMontne; work aoar aataed. S. Saaa. adjaatar. SSI Third at. - , I. W. OOII.B8B. real errata aad koana; aataB llabed 1883. 145H Flrat at- ream 11. BPRINX AOKNCT, dealera ta real eetata and reatala. Sue Stark at. Mala S164. FOR FARM!) OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. W. W. EPPET. SIS CoBaaarelal aide. ROOFIXQ. TIN BOOPINO, aatterlna. repaMac aad aoeral joomna. e. Mail, ill jerrereoa at. pae. 1424. SIGXS AKD SnOW CARDS. FOSTER KLEINER RIONS. -Wa hare built ap tba larmet a lire baataeaa la tha eltp br flrat-rlaea work and keeptna ojr nrooilao. Oar prtaee are rlabt. , Fifth aad Krorett ata. -Pltana Biebaaxa 6S. CJEOROB WEBRR, " MODERN 8IONS "Tha birtereat Shop." SOS Foerth. Paetfle Sail. 'SIONN THAT ATTRACT Portland Sin Caw, 287 Stark at. phooe Pacific tsas. "CARDS THAT CATCH THB RTF" Beat work In the rttr. Betta, 000 Drkam bld(. Mala B04S. SAFES. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE OREGON CHERSB CO. (INC.) CHEEK". BUTTEH. BGOS. etc., dairy product boaabt V or handled oa eommlealoa. 1 21 Flftk at, (Swatlaod bkl.). Poritand. Or. . M. A. OCNST A CO.. D18TR1BTTTOR8 OF FINE CIOABB. - . PORTLAKD, OBEOON. . EVERDINO ft FARREI.L, prod ere and aara aitealon roerrhanta. 140 Froat at., Portland. Or. , Pboaa Mala ITS. , - . DISCORD UNION LEADERS Friction in Ranks of Union May Avert Threatened Strik. I of Car Men. , ' (Jooroil Special Serrlca.t Bas Franoiaeo, April 24. If a strlktj of carmen which will tla tin tha entire OREOON FDRNITDRB MANUFACTURING CO. . railway aywtem 0f this city - la . , "e iraua. BTarxea. it will ba becauae of dlasord Portlaod, Oraaoa. . I amonr tha memker. .f ,k. r TTIi. finest home. Io th. cttic. t lk?&l?iWtl V&Z&V?' &-0W of Bo-ton. Wtw.York. Brook- :t ' faHSfr$4Z$t tAtl'L. In, PhilAdelphlA, CleveUnd, St. ' ' vvif Crt - Sw V KiXffSir Iciita. Chicsgo, Omaha. Denver ' WtA!w V o M&nW U tbo cities of the North- . 5 ;;v lJtelei-o Tlfh west are located on the high ele- i frSrt lJ- Ba fjS-.!, A ' i vations. As a rule, these loca- t Vfl':;At.' -i4 !w -d V& V rJwMM&8M&. Prices and - are most eagerly , '4W?F-;V A-iMP Jt therefore with a Witf'&ZV!Z to et t-ft-X tWW&Wi&(' dere of certainty that it may i 1 Tt '&jMfo?WZXM' d"tined to be the finest real- v 'vlawl- -wnfA vViVa Z X tA dence community of the city of tl:kA ViU v O-tV Wrfe' Portland. It is not believed that f!- 'TV vVa vs.'1 at T H V "V' the homce wiU be of the extrav- ; iy'ZSIy vu 'JTVi: $L&?&P- twt type .but rather -on the ? , AiltfeFY too--- M rh&i>ftZ& ' 1 oThomeUko elegance. V .tertftS V rSal WW"1 vkfM&?&- Comfort. convenience and hap. - 'ftMASb-TO (Vi1 A iW?a1 J t'fl. A. atvAlVC puwas- wiU be sought first by X . V;- AtlWr5S AV t-tf ttA it the builders. Architectural styl. .V 'VJ:iV at wiU Probably be of the highest V ,4fwlPliS XyMviM: ; type.K Surroundings will alwsys V , iS WttA .A-Skft ; -avr VfiirXl Wfei ' be ta magnificent harmony wiih . t&$&im3iWw& fW'aV Sstf V-'aSK-'0' I the best clash of homes that tan J -' "ra.' 1 iftj V?4- PobJy be built. Mr. Schlegel. V f Wp5t. " ba. just announced hi. in lit t-tVJ ato ' . V-'d'iiVAW tenUon t to build, sound, the ' keynote- of -the homebuilding -ViVW - '- jfvX Mfi tendency ta . Rom Qty : P " t 3v 'JaV Nearly everybody who has vi " 'M8Z&$fr ited Roae 6ty. Park evidences, 44f .. J" tendon to build tor cow? $ W-W ' ort KtravagRnc. V f;&5sr -seoondary consideration. .rVhy JK-&&: . do yon not build in Rose Cit V Arrange "with us by phone or at our office for special automobile service, to Rose City Park for yourself . . ' . anarnenas. MaKc up a party, we'll be pleased. - HARTM AN !& THOMPSON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BANKERS GROUND FLOOR WADHAMS ft CO. . fart a rare aad aad Oak ata. wholesale aruteia. facta rare aad oonnilaaioa Biarchante. Fourth amona; the mombera union. . There, la of tha Carman's FCBNITCRB aaanofacrartnir aad epertal L. Rnrenakr'a foraltora factory. SOT fraal at. ALLEN ft LEWIS, amnmlaeloa aad prod oca BMP- , euaata, rroat aaa uaria ata.. rartiaaa. or. WHOLESALE crockery aad Rlaaawara. Beaela ft Oe, Portland, Oraroa. Prael. O. W. SIMPSON. S01 Waehlnatoa at-Wtete- aaie eeaier ta araia aad ear. . roRTT AND SAFB CO.. eole areata for Rer. rlnr-Hall-Marrla aafre and Manaaneae Steel Kafe tea hank aafea: to aeeond-haad fire. pnaf eafea aad hank eafee. eery cheap) aaa tbeta or write oa.-. PS Seeeetb at, , DIEfiOI l Manraneee and flrepraof aafaal lark oota opened: metal fliraree; raalt aad Jll work; jacka. J, E. Darla. 00 Sd. Mala 10AS. SHOWCASES AJTD FIXTURES. I ' - TRANSPORTATION. : eilOWCARES of arary deaerlptleat bank, her and a tore fl.tar-a atade to order. Tba Letkc Ma-nofactorlac Co. PortUad, . ' B R. BIRDS ALL, drainer; arret M. Win try Lamber Co. T Ramlltoa blda. Mara ISM. STENOGRAPHERS. ; WANTED Atenotrapblc work at reaaoBabla prloea. Mlaa toome. SOS Lbr. Bx. Mala ATI. 'ri'BLIC tenoTpbrr aad typewriter. I Main 1271. 814 Dekem blda. . Phooe f-t'BLIc, tTpewrltlna. room S. Chaaibar of Coan aieror; pronnd floor. STREET PAVING. WARREN Coaatraotloa Co., at rent aertaa. efde- waika asd ooeainaa. B14 Lomber Exebaaa, Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS . v 5 THJPS U. U. (tpokaaa, aBa 14, B5( Jaly X8, B6 Aug. 0. t . , . Quads, July IB. aTOaDI mOVTB. ' B, B. Banaaor..... Xnae 1 a. 8. rrealdaat.i. .aTRBS 4 1 . a. a.'axaaxA movn. ' .:. akagway, Sitka, Tuneaa aaa way poats. -atoliinc e p. as. . , . " K. . a. Co.'a. Mumbold. . .Vay a, 1R, sa Oottare City, via Bitka. ..Kay a, is, 31 City of BeatUa.. .April 07. May B, IS, B8 . , aa niAir Cisco botjtb. ' SaailBA a a. at. rrota Baa ttla. City of Pmebla ............. .AVptll O-tO Srpokaw .' .......Apttl Bpokaas, AlTatrt. ........ ......AprU IS TBiatUlA Apttt la-aoltwawn City Cffioa, .4. Waahlnrtoa at. THE Bartwr Aephalt Parlnff Co. of Office 6W Worreatar blk. TOWEL SUPPLY. Portland. CLEAN TOWELS DAII.T Comb, braaa. anap. 1 par BMOth. Portland laadry ft Towel Napplr Co Ninth end Coach. Pboae 410. TYPEWRITERS. BEAIHOARTRRS for aew aad renal It tyne- wrltera at all eiakeai ree ear wladowt If oa , are aotna ta tv a new typewriter are aa be- rore parina; wa caa aara poa Bieoeyi oieeta for the VUlhIe Foas we bay all klada typewriter.. The Typewriter Kicna&tfO, Inc., B. J, Elllaoa, aaaaaaer. S4 Third at. riLK'KENNDERFEB Typewriter ' Afea-yt eaa . , plleai rrpalra. Ralrlrh hMr.. rlth aad Waab. I'LBUO STKNOGKAPBBB. VI aril Bemtnrtona. Smrrh-Pi aiulei a, Draa aterre. etr , tower than any arbor company! - tneeatlrete. t'aderwood Typewriter Co., ad dth. r-rr-i-T rsv i 11 1 1 t i i i 1 11 . rnT w TRANSFER AND HAULING. 1HK RAOOAOB A OVNIBtTS TRANSFER CO, corner PtitU and 0k ate.) ha (rare checked from hotel or rratd-aca direct ta draft nation; PA-njor. therefore a rata reeh aaaoy. a nee it drpota. Prlrau Erckanaa OA. safes,, plaaoa and f-rnttme fc,lA if tor ehtpplnf and ahlnnrd: an . p-arantrrd: laiae Seiory brick fireproof yarehonM for etnraiie. Office SOS Oak at, lilM ft Roe. riuea Mala S4T. . , O. r) pti-K. of na aa Flret at., betweea Stark and "ta.t phone M. H I .no, and fnrnt imr ax-rrd and pa-ked for ehlpplna; 000310. w..i, brtrk werehone with aaperata . Irea ,. ., rr-at aad Clay ata, , . Richard Cornelius, president of daa Francisco Streetcar Men' anion. charged with 'using anion to fur ther political enda. Praaldant Cornsllua and Sanra. tary uowiina. DOWUDR oharsea that Cornallna haa j Columbia civcr sccocir rmca,to.roh.'r. KBatnkAToa xxxm btti i mttbb. Bally eccelea betwaaa Pertlaad aad The Dallea. eaoept Baaday. Marina Port Wed at 7 a. arrlrtna a beat S p. earrytna freight and paaaenaera. Bpieadia ao (ton. foe ontflta and lleeatoch. no fuo af Alder atu Pertlaad: foot, af Court at- Tba Da Ilea. Pbooe Mala 814. PorUaad. tha' man Boomed ta aid With' Cornelius, aerloua frtetlon ha-i"l the same tltns It 'waa decided preaeoi tneir aemaaas to. tna company today.. The queatlon of t. strike will ba voted on Saturday nlrtit. '. - principal leataras la tha aaw adracment ' are flat wace rata of tt day and eljht toura work; all otbt time to b paid at 1 of tha regular rata; fall recognition ot the. anion and Its authorised f agent; employes dlacharged for cause only, and when discharged employe feela ag-grieved at having been, discharged unjustly or without causa tnat the anion ahull In tercede in hla behalf and a hall be grant ad a hearing by the company. 1 - .. -rue company adherea to the present graduated scale baaed on a' 10-hour day ana -nay ranging from 31 to SI cents an uvu.. ..... . ' ' J . ..... ..... It Is reported that eastern carjl tall ata. headed by H. ..EX Huntington, era jiow negotiating for the purchase of the United Railroads, and this mar prevent a strike Doubt aa to the validity of tna trouey irancmaes gained by fraud la hindering the negotiations and mar prevent tha sale. , KANSAS PROHIBITION - LAWS TO BE ENFORCED ; AAAAAAAAAAAAA ' . . ' - ' . '. Joaraal , Special Berried.) Topeka. Kan.. April 4. Inlunctlana agalnat nine foreign brewing firms re straining them from owning- or operat lng aaloons in thla atata hare bean an. cured by Attorney General Jackson. Ha also obtained an order that a receiver be appointed ' to ' take charge of tha property , of tha brewers. Tha reoetver will aell the property and tba prooeeda wilt ba need to defray tha eznenaaa of enforcing tha prohibition lawa of Kan- aaa, wnicn iney nare violated. THEATRICAL RATES ON ROAOS OPEN TO PUBLIC .- .1 tr !,. , . .V cV . . Commerce Commission Rule on - Party Rate Ticketa-Mu3t Ba Open to AIT. - (eoaraal Bparlal aarrlea.) Washington, April 14. -Part rate tickota, heretofore sold by the railroads to theatrical troupea only, must be glr- en to ail parties of proper number ask mat for them, according to a ruling of the lni erst ata . commerce commission. The .oommiaaioa was not unanlmoua In the ruling, Commlaalonera Knann and Harlaa dlasentlng. The majority opin ion, delivered by Commlaalonar Prouty. said:- .,. -,,. . "We are unable to sea how tha ear rUge of IS peraone belonging to an amusement company aa a party differs from tha earrtage of 10 other persona aa a party In the same train at the aame time and between the aame points, and we are of the opinion that tba party rate ticket must be open to the publio In ATenersi.' - -. ...... BIG RAILROAD TUNNEL ' UNDER LAKE MICHIGAN . (Jooraal Special Bwretea.) Chicago, April 14, A railroad tunnel from Gary.' Indiana, to Chicago, tt miles long, large enough for four tracks un der Lake Michigan, la propoaed by the Harrtman system. At Gary will ba es tablished tha greatest deep water port a if Everybody Goes to Waverieigh . PREB TAUUY-HO RIOE3 . V. .' Reserve yonr seats now by telephone. Tally-ho will atart running; Saturday. . .', 1 H. SV. Lemcke Company : ; Main 550" ' - - " .. UAme Pho-A AOn : ' .'. a a. i vuv aa www a . '....-',. aa y - SIXTH AND WASHINGTON B as "aaaeaaaaaaae-iaaeaeoaaeMaaaaMaafa-piaiHHaM on the lakes, also mammoth freight and paasenger - terminal. ' Harriman's rail and navigation lines hare been ne gotiating for deep water dock privileges between Twelfth and . ' , Twenty-fifth streets. . It Is planned to make the tar mlnals at Gory the clearing place for all lake and raU traffic . te and from Chicago. ; ; . ... , . . r MITCHELL IS SUDDENLY ; TAKEN ILL ON WAY EAST ''t- (Mtnal 8rcUI.aeTTloa.) Chicago. Aprll IWobn Mitchell. president ' of tha nine workers,- la a very sick man here..- He was taken III while . en route tut Thi nhralclana bare not determined the nature of bis maiaay. his wife was sent for. - Dyspepsia ' la ' our national allmant. Burdock Blood Blttera la the national cure for It, It atrengthena . stomach membranes, promotes flow ef die-net I re juices, punnea tna Diooa, ouuae you up. BRIGAND KILLS POLICE BEFORE KE IS CAPTURED ' (Joaraal Sprdel Srrrlca.) 'v :' Warsaw. April 14. Stanlalaus LIsT tha notorious brigand. Was captured at LaubUn this mornlnc. Ha was mor tally Injured after tha house ta which he bad sought shelter was blown to plecea by artillery. LI killed several police before he was taken. . ' Invested With PaJUotn. - ': (Joaraal SpacUl rterrice.) ' New Orleans. AnrU 14 a r-n,i.,A- Blenk vu invested with tha paUlum before distinguished body of the Catholic hierarchy by Cardinal Gibbons of Bt Louis at the cathedral bare this morrungi Milwaukla Country Cfub. Eastern -and California raeaa. Take Sell wood and Oregon City cars at rirat ana Aiaer. Str. Chas.R. Spencer , WasTilaftoB street door. , Dally! except -Sunday, for The Danes and way landings, at 7 a. m., returning IS p. m. ' Fa at time, beat eervioe. . rbenasi ICaUh Blast some, Jk, IX. s. iMTi ricmo iTBAKinf cova Steamships ROANOKE . . ..-and GEO. Vf. ELDER flail for Kureka, San Franctaeo And Los Angeles direct every i ueeaay at s p. m. 'ilcket once III inira, neap Aiaer. Phcnes M. lilt. H. TOUNQ. Agent. ' ..1AL TP ANEER A STORAOS CO., pre) n.i t.k-phune i.eie 4440. TraBafwrlaa ..4 attain.. ... N TSANIfFR TO, or Haary 1X4 North anth at. hanllna aed etoreae. M'l Nf PAO.IAUS A TRANSFER CO. ... jd liaik at. Mala 4u!. r n i' Ul. If,ivr-r. Na. Wash. ' . u riMwe Mala SCI, GIVES MILLION DOLLARS -FOR' NEGRO EDUCATION Philadelphia, April 14. Mlsa Anna T. Jesnes. aged SO years, Quaker of thla city, haa announce! a gift of 11.000,000 for the education of eoutnera negroee. Booker T. Washington of tha Tuskegee Institute and Hollla B. FrlsaelL, p reel don t of the Hampton Normal Industrial Inrtttute are named aa truateea of the fund. Neither of these achoola are to benefit from tba fund. Tha income from tne money is to be devoted to aiding trior, negroew 10 wnom only smalt rural acnooia are available. , ef erred Stock Can aed OoedS. Allen Lewis' Beat Brand. P---AMAmMAMAWMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA starting Saturday afternoon at 20 ocloclc, the big free tally-ho wiU leave our office, Sixth and Washington," for .Waverieigh. A trip will be made every af ternoon and two trips on Sunday. ' ' RESERVE FREiE SEATS NOW : 7 - Let lis know when you desire to go to see these pretty lots and we will reserve you a seat in the tally-ho. Don't . ... . ; delay, but let us know today :;:-:':i-:-.:?.-;.V;v ' MM Oil EVERYBODY TO WAVER LEIGH It is the place to make money. Buy now. Lots $275 to $500. Only $25 down! We give you a NationafBank guarantee of money back on your investment. See Waverieigh before you buy elsewhere. Cars run to this c ttirct every ten mlhutes. You can go in the W-W or W-R car or come with us. . IN THE FOUR-HORSE FREE'TALLY-HO . Branch OHice at Waverieigh: 26th and FrankHn, W-W Cara - Pasa tha Door ' l A ' a ii . . . . Home Phone A2537 j -.. '