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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1907)
1 A little Ad in Tim JovmiAL v rrV r , Journal Circulation A- Erinji Results. One Cent a Word. The Weather Showerg . and Wednesday; southwest VOL. VL NO. 42. OUT FOR FAIRBANKS :'"'- Above, is Vice-President Fairbanks and below Speaker Catlnon. who de sires ' the former's election to suc ceed Rooseyelt as president In 1108. iittni r . inrVnirr v'-"-'-" '' .7 'J" -""" " ,"'. FOR Fill 1 Speaker Said to Favor Vice-President for Candidate in Coming Campaign j-Foraker , Stirring Things Up ,f or Fairbanks . ' (Journal Speetal Berrfc. V , adlahapolls, April .-i-paker Can son -and a, party or Fairbanks . presi dential t boomers left .this moraine for - .. . . - - V W I will V -V' . 1 VT Mn II 1 up nw ..... the" -president' to, vJamestown. "Asked pointedly IT b xavorea tairmmm iot i president. Cannon dodged and: Aid: ' vnitis now .for r. a. little Jaunt to f Jamestown. Nothing sis Is worrying ' me. ' At a'confarsnos last' night how- ... .v.. .wOl, , talkerf nt . 'ITmlr. v banks for president.'",; , ' it Is declared that - Cennon, is for u ,' Fairbanks Jand that Foraker la stlrrlag , ap the :rumpus tn Ohio merely make th Buckeye delegation.. -. ' ' i . mm um little. Question but . that ' f the antl-Rooee-elt strength will sventu Ltiw mtii behind Fairbanks, who as a the 'isterssts,- tnousm -mj ppar . ' sntly bs scattered behind Foraker and ' uiunr s-i w - ar 'HONS TO: PAY FOR DQVIE'S BURIAL Five Hundred Dollars Is the Sum SoughtWidow Refuses to V :: ' Give Expenpe:. Money. , ' r: .l' (Trmra.l Hitsplal lwlc. ' - ' JSIon' City, April. ...-An urgent sub iscrlptlon list Is being circulated, to se ur t9 to pay for the funeral of John' Alexander Dowie. v This brings out i the- faot -that- Dowis died in actual poverty, although there were persistent , rumors. Just after his death , that, hs ihnd mansged to secrets about f 10.000,- 00. which was to be used to restors : Zlon 'when ths right leader should- sp Althdiigh Dowle's widow Is reportedj ; expenses, and ths peopis wnp nave sso 'rlftced sll their-belongings la Dowle's ' schemes are expected to make one mors . contribution. Ths spectacla of the ps ' tltlon ssklng. for small .contributions to tnury Dowle Is a striking contrast to his former mernlflcencs, when hs ab ' solute? controlled at one tlms as much 'ss 20,000,000' snd could draw bis per sonal check for U. 000,000 snd have It honored at any bank, ' - , - . . . , Cripple Gcta Ilcavjr Damages. Jnarsal SpsrtsJ Snlf. , New Tork, April IS.Mrs. Henrietta ' Oetssmann waa awarded 115,000 dam ages yesterday by a jury In the supreme , ' court. Justice John W. Ooff presiding. In her suit sgalnst the New .York. City t Railway company. She was thrown 'dawn by ths premature starting of, a car and crlpptad for' life, - being . now obliged to use crutohes. Ths Jury was out Only JO minutes. Costs Only tonight wind. Are Thought to Be Thieves, as Much Jewelry Was Found on Dead Bodies Twenty-One Loaded Cars on the Northern Pacific Leave Track on Account of Broken Flange . and , Smash Into ' Kindling V- Wood In the Ditch. I ' Passensers on Northern Paclflo No. 1, due hers yesterday morning from the east at 7 o'clock, did. not arrive until 10 o'clock .this morning, having been held for 27 , hours near Kennewlck. Washington, by a freight wreck t In which, four hoboes, supposed to have composed gang of thieves, lost their lives snd 11 cars loaded , with lumber were smashed into kindling wood. Every effort was made by the railroad to sup press details of the disaster, and It was not until the arrival of the belated train that the acts became known. -- The wreck occurred Sunday morning at f o'clock and was caused by av broken flange. Tho cars left the track on a curve, at the sams place where a wash out occurred five weeka ago. , The freight train, which was sastbound, was heavily laden. The angina remained on tha track, but the cars piled up on top of - one another and ..were , literally smashed to atoms. t ,'" -. ' , None of ths trainmen were: serionaly Injured,, though some received, severe bruises. It was at Ore supposed that o Uvea were lontrbut in the wreckaa-e of one of the boxcars ths remain of four tramps, who had -evidently been beating. their -way east, were found. All were fearfully, mangled and It was ap parent that all met death Instantly. , Vpon the person of on of the tramps iS gold and silver vastches were found. Other articles, evidently, stolen, ' were fonnd upon ths others, which has-led the authorities ts believe- that tha men composed a gang of robbers, on -their way sast : after - a successful haul ' In some of ths coast cities.' ' Eight sast and westbound trains, with 700 or 800 psssengers aboard, ware held at the scene of the- disaster while a gang of from ISO to 200 men worked night and da to clear ths wreckage away. ..';! ..! . , m ,. . ; v ; . , Stearoev Arcadia Lost.', - : i ."(Joereal Special Rervtoe.l Banister, Mich.. April II. Ths steamer Arcadia, overdue since April 14, ts believed to hsvs been lost with ths captain and his wife and fourteen men aboard. . Wreckage marked "Arcadia" Is strewn along ths coast for miles. : Proceedings - of Grand iiJudge'fWolvert Tllllf 'IPS DIE MAY BE INDICTED JUDGE LECTURES REPORTERS Be Pried Into -;' : "Ths proceedings of a grand Jury are mads secret by law.. If a nawspsper msn has any Information ; as to se crets of ths grand Jury hs has no busi ness to print It , until It comes Into court, because they should be as law abiding as sny other cltlien." i - Thus did Judgs Charles E. Wolver ton, of ths United States district court deliver himself before ths federal grand lury which began its Investigations yesterday. . The remark was made by Judgs Wolverton as hs gave additional Instructions to the' grand Jury vpon ths secrecy of their proceedings. Judgs Wolverton's remarks were caused by ths headlines which appeared over a story In a morning paper to tha effect that. "Two. - Indictments Are, . Soon Found." But Judgs Wolverton placed his criticism on broad ground and as hs spoke directed Hie remarks to the news. CHAUFFEUR FINDS I HOODOOTWENTY-fHREE ; CAUSES ALL HIS WOE Arthur E. Smith, ths Adonis of, ths local chauffeurs, who presides at (the helm of one of Harry F. Estsr "benslns spsce snnlhllstors," Is now firmly con vinced that thsrs Is sn element of boodoo about ths numerals "23." Smith, who is it yesrs of sge and drives ths motor ear bearing city number St, was arrested this morning. April tl, upon complaint of Detectives Tlchenor snd Inskeep for running his auto M miles an hour on .the Base JLIne road last Sunday afternoon snd his employer lives st I21Flfth street.. Upon complaints received relative to ths great speed of eutomoMles In ths Montsvllla district. Chief Oiitsmacber PORTLAND, OREGON. TUESDAY. EVENING, APRIL Above Is Tlrey L. Ford : of San Franclaco, general counsel .fortbe United Railroads. Below is Alonio B. Cass of Xios Angeles, of the Home Telephone company.,' '.. ; " - OLD SALT STRUCK PARSOH IIICKfilAtl Tali Oystsrman, at Whom Par son Looked During Temper ,"ance Semon, Boards Parson 1 After Preaching Is Over. ' : KnMml HWvIm.I ' -k baltlmore. April IS. "This here' min ister hs gives on t the hymnf Throw out the lifeline, some soul Is drlftln' away,' and ths whole congregation looks at ms ss though ' I needed a three-inch cable to keep ms from drlftln' on a lee shore. I ain't no example to hold up to ' whole eongregatlcn.". .This was tho ' explanation given : byv John W. Lewis, a' tall oysterman, to tho police, when asked why he had struck Rev. Jsmes Hickman st ths morning service last Sunday. . . -tr Lewis ' Is tall, . rawboned., lives on Hooper's Island, and. Is engaged In the ' (Continued '-on' Page Two.). 'Jury Are Secret, Says paper ( reporters sitting in ths , oourt room.- ; . ' 't- ;:') '. , .' Judge Wolverton ' took exception ' to ths story in tho morning psper because It presumed to give out ths transse tions of ths rand Jury before they had reported to the. court.) This, he said, was clearly outside. the. law, which he declared made the- proceeding" of the grand Jury secret. Instructing tfte grand Jury further, hs saldf , vNo- member t of -ths . grand Uury or sny person .connected , wl th . the grand Jury, or around' the- grand 'Jury, has any right to discloss .anything that i is be fore' the rranf jury. ? ' "Ths grand Jury la a secret body and Its proceedings are secret. No person baa a. right to approach a-members of ths grand Jury., or any witness, or-any offleer-of this court, to a "certain any thing that goes on before the grand jury. : ;' : T , . .... ; ., detailed ths two detectives to secure evidence. Armed with a tspe messurs snd stop watches, T'.chenor and Inskeep repaired to the Bass Line rood Sunday afternoon.- -Charles Iloon. a deputy under Sheriff Stevens, Robert Johns and Harry Bates wers srrested this morn ing. Their hearing will bs held tomor row, . i In ths police court Smith,, was found s-ullty, but sentence was suspended. During ths trial It: was brought out tnat ths speedometer' on Smith's, ma chlns was out of order. . Deputy .City Attorney Fltsrerald observed that as the contrivance-! only- .registered .up to 100 miles an' Hour the chauffeur bad disconnected ths Indicator. HOBO TO BE SEEJT John Schuyler Randell Harrison, Millionaire Tramp, Goes Crazy in County 'Jail Unfortunate Life Is Result of Congenital Epilepsy He Has Traveled AH Over the World, ; but Could Never Hold Job on Account of Malady. John Schuyler Randall Harrison,' ths millionaire tramp who haa been in ths county Jail for the past six '. weeka charged with decamping with a sack of money belonging to the Skidmors Drug company, has gone Insane and will probably .beVcommltted ts " the - state asylum at Salem pending the. action, of representatives of tho estate to which he haa fallen heir in Philadelphia. An insanity complaint , was filed sgalnat him this, morning by his attorneys. - It is alleged Harrison Is Joint heir with his father and brother to 20 busi ness blocks in .Philadelphia,, left them recently , by . the death . of Miss Ellen Castle, a near relative. ' Harrison . has been sn epileptic all his ilfe. snd It was this malady which caused his wtfs to leave him eight years ago and caused him to. become a wanderer on the face of the earth. He has tramped snd ork-d tn many countries, -but slwnys lost bis Job on account or -tils periodical fits. .;.-; ' Harrison came here from eastern Ore gon In charge of a drove of sheep sent to . market by . a stockman. He after ward secured a Job in the Hkldmore drugstore. One day Mwager? Ralph Crysler gave, him a sack of eoln to put In ths bank,- and- Harrison went 'Out and never returned. Ths next day ho turned up at a lodging house In Astoria, where he announced that hs had beea robbed. -He was brought back to Port land by Detective Hellyer, butdclsred that hs had not Intended to steal, that hs must have wandered away while In a temporary condition of mental aber ration. . s i r-.'-. ' " s SECRETARY OF WAR RETURNS FROM CUBA CJosraal Speetal aer1ee.t .. Wsshlngton, April 2 J.- Secretary Tsft srrived In Washington -tonight on ths Mayflower from his . visit to Panama, Cuba and Porto - Rloo. . Taft saya hs found conditions on ths isthmus satis factory, and praised ths work dons by Engineer Stevens. Hs says that ' be found in Cuba satisfactory conditions. Hs will go to Ohio next Friday to ad dress the T. M.' C. A. at Dayton, and tho Cincinnati Business Men's dub next Monday. ,-... y -v - j Terrorist Bomb Kills Ten. - . ' ' " Joornal Rperlal Sei ! .) - ' Lods, Poland, April J J. Ten gusrds, who wers escorting government funds, wers killed by a bomb thrown by ter rorists, who attacked them and seised tha money, Ths terrorists secured 12, 000 thst had been obtained at a govern ment sale of liquor and escaped. - Resume Letter rrosecation. : (Jott-nal gpselal Serylc.) Dnquoln. HL, April ..Prosecution of ths Zlegler Coal company, of which Joseph Letter is ths president, for vio lation of tha state mining laws wss resumed today st Benton. HUMAN CORPSES Fifty Dead Bodies in Pickle Wait '. y ' ' ing for , Purchasers Los " An geles Supervisors Have Begun an Investigation. ,x? ?V ' (Jmrail gprel.l Ssrvtcs.! : Los Angeles, April 21. Wholesale horrible trafflo In human bodies has bsen carried on hers, according to erV- denos unearthed by tha county authori ties, and ths board of supervisors haa begun an investigation. There are four medical colleges In ths city snd repre sentatives of these Institutions stated that 40 cadavers ' yearly - should serve ths purposes of slL - There -sre, however;- mors than 400 deaths annually of persons whose re mains are unclaimed and many of these corpses a re- believed to bs bartered by mercenaries.' Startling ; rsvelstlons made at ths opening of ths Investiga tion, presage- a scndal. thst may In volve many, physicians and undertakers It la Intimated that there lie at one undertaking establishment more than 60 bodies tn pickle,' ready for dtftpoel tlqn. sind thst. they tere not .used i for legttlmsts anatomical research. 4 i llanaffur thsrs Is to ha a distribution 'of unclaimed deod by .Superintendent Barber of the county, . hospital, and tl.000 bonds guaranteeing proper tisnre will be required from the persons "en titled to-them.,, The . surplus , will be buried. TRAFFICKING k I .1 23, 1907. EIGHTEEN PAGES. Mrs. Eddy in Fear of Frye, Ex-Senator Chandler Says f V 0 Snapshot of Mrs. Mary Baker O.' Eddy, head of the Christian Science church, out for her dally drive. Her : ; . secretary, Calvla A. Frye. Is seated on the box beside the coachman. v RESUME PROBING OF FRISCO GRAFT Grand Jury Again at Work Un ; ; earthing Municipal Rotten :: ness in Bay City Phone, Po - lice; Gas and Water inquiry. (Joarnal Special ,8rvicc.) ' San Francisco. April 23.-Tha grand Jury today resumed Its Investigation of graft and several witneases were , be fore . tho Inquisitorial body before ad journment. . It la currently reported that before the Jury adjourns for ths week, ths indictments voted sgalnut toe Home Telephone joompany officials and those against the. United Bailrogdg officers will be mads publlo, ; . Roth police corruption and the gas company snd Ocean Shore railroad fran chises are down for searching Inquiry. The limelight will besagaln turned upon the Spring Valley Water company and Its annual rata tussle with ths board of supervisors. , - ' ; t. Among those who are- reported "to be down for Indictment are Alonso- Bk Cass of Los -Angeles, . ons of ths pro moters of ths Home. Telephone com pany, and former" president of the Chamber of Commerce. Tlrey L. Ford, gnnesal counael for the . United Rail roads, Is also reported to have been similarly distinguished. '-, ,J, . . Negro Uxoricide Hanged, i (Journal Special hula.) Washington. April 21. William Burge, a negro, was-hanged at 12:05 this afternoon for. uxoricide, four 'years after th crime. President Roosevelt had refused -toInterfere. - . , Slip of Boy;; Climbs ; and Is Star Witness. Against Man -Al-; :; J Aleged'tb:Have Whipped Him y Little 1-year-oldV Ralph Newton, 'the precocious son of - Mrs.' H. F. .-Newton of 20V Larabe street, .was. th star, wit ness In - tho l polio court this, morning In -the case of 8. Wlneford,. a butcher, of 18 Weldler street, who is cliarged with having lashed ' th' . youngster with a buggy "whip."., . Wlneford .was arrested, yesterday up on, complaint, of Mrs., Newton, who. al leged, that t the, meat dealer ' without provocation, whipped her offspring. Ths case' cams to. trial this morning' and after ths. mother had . testified as to ths assault. on her.chlld. Master' Ralph took ths . stand. , . . .' -j ,'.',.., , The lad. attired in a natty Mus sail or suit svtnced .no fear , of the stern vlsaged 'Judge, ths frowning deputy city attorney . or .ths. clerk' with the mega phone voice,, and-clambered upon his mother's knee to1 tell! how it all hap pened. , , , ', ",' i INSANE MAN FGHTS THREE PATROLMEN; WHOOVERFOWER HIM Oreat excitement wss occasioned in ths police court this . morning by an insana man and it was only after a fierce atruggle between three husky policemen and the fellow that h was finally overpowered. Th unfortunate, who nam " has been ascertained to be Frank Ousts' son. entered th courtroom during th nrxir,., nt a trial of several Chinese accn-ted , of having . lottery tickets in their possession. , Notwunstanuing oai. llf f .' MacDonaM'S request that he , rei move his, hat,' Oustafson refused, an sauntered up to ttl benoh. , ,t Lying on the press table were a large number of Chlness lottery tickets ' PRICE TWO LEADER OF SCIENTISTS IN DREAD OF SECRETARY Witness Found Who Is Church Organizer in Distant City to Teir of Mrs. Eddy's Fear of FryeWhom She Could Not Resist . 'it j -Charges Denied byTootrrtan-Secretary.Who States That Leader Acts in All Things Absolutely independently. I ' fJoornal Special Rrrvlce. i- . i Concord, N. H, April 22. When the suit brought by the relative, of . Mrs. Mary Baker. O. . Eddy for an account ing of th disposition of her property ts called for trial, there will be a wit ness, according to Senator Chandler, attorney far ths complainants, who will testify that ira. Eddy years ago con fessed ths. she wss in mortal dread of C. A. Fry, her private secretary, and could not resist th evil Influence hs cast over her. . ',-.. This witness ts dsscribed ss a woman of ' means snd assured social position, and tha organiser of" an ' Influential Christian Scienoa church in a distant city. She Is reported ss asserting that she urged Mrs. , Eddy to lesvs Concord because Mrs. Eddy had ssld her life wss in danger since shs opposed F-ye. Senator Chandler says the woman will teatlfy that Mrs. Eddy, told her that "Frye ts the living Incarnation of ma licious animal magnetism." t Calvin A. Frv who la both coachman and secretary for Mrs. Eddy, has been In her employ for 26 years. Hs Is one of the defendants sgalnst whom the suit was brought, and la charged with the others with restricting Mrs. Eddy's personal liberty and wrongfully Influ encing tha disposal of her millions. In his snswer to tns suit frye says: "I have been In the employ of Mra Up on Mother's ; Knee ' ' '- ''':- . ' V Ws was throwin'- sticks into Jth shop," ssld the little fellow In a child tstl treble, after he' had 'become com fortably ssttled In - his mother's lap. "and then that bad man' cam and hit ms with a bie-.wnln on the leg." . "Did It bujrt muohf asked Deputy ntigersld. i - ; t ., "Uh, huh. and t cried, I 'did. -replied th. youthful, witness., "W. was only foolln. at. first, but. when jwiwaa by tha chicken coop he t'rew . a piece of .meat st us.". ' ' ' '. ...' . fWhat were you doing to .'ths chick en?" Inquired Judge Cameron.. , ! TWIgglln' their Ulla"; langhed Mas ter Ralph, and-the 'courtroom wss In an .uproar., . ' - -..- - . Wlneford. In his own' behslf, denied striking tha child, butisdmlttsd-that- hs had used th whip to frighten th boy, According to - th butcher, th young. (Continued on Psgs. Two.) being used as evidence. Ths bits of paper with th fantastlo characters impressed Oustafson aa absolutely es sential to his welfsrs and hs grabbed the bundle. 4 Patrolmen Tom Caaey, Wade and Anderson hastened to compek the f-l-low to relinquish his hold on ths pack Sg. but -without success. Struggling fiercely, the msn was hustled Into the dock and after a desperate encounter with the manlao th policemen managed to manacle him- , vr. y.iesier wn called and pro nounced Oiltafin violently Insane. The prisoner will be removed ti the county jtl this afternoon tor examina tion by -tii allenUta. CENTS.' SM,,? cSG V: ' 7 M WOW '4-' Eddy for about 25 years, for a consid erable part of the time as private sec retary. During all that time her house at Concord and . all other houses In which she has. resided, together with all . persons employed . or - connected therewith, have always been under the absolute control and direction of Mrs. Eddju - Mrav Eddy -determines for her self whom she will sea and tha length of time that will be given for that purpose." . ,'.'' .. -.. Fry denies that hs sver personally or In conjunction with Strang or others of tha defendants refused to allow any person or persons to se Mrs. Eddy, or that he has limited the time to be al lowed to . persons . desiring to confer with her, except ' In accordance with the rules prescribed by Mrs. Eddy- for -ths conduct of her household and business. ' Frye denies slso that Mrs. Eddy Is and has been for many late years not legally responsible for acta done by her. H . avers than shs always has directed snd managed her Judge Chamberlin has fixed May as the data when affidavits must bo filed by the "next friends," stating their objections to ths substitution In their place In th equity suit of th thre trustees to whom Mrs. Eddy de livered her property. - Argument on this phase will be heard on May IX. TO SUE STANDARD OIL - FOR PHILIPPINE DUTY (Jogroat Speetal HarvVe.l Manila, P. L, April JJ.Sult againsfe th Standard Oil company for 119.211 will be brought by th. collector of cus toms at this port for unpaid duty on 20.000 cases of oil Imported In 1101. Th oil was sdmitted duty free because It wss ' Intended for government use. Afterward about 19.000 cases were sold In th- open market, and a new tariff rats hsd been adopted, r Ths Standard paid duty .on the oil - under ' the new schedule, which wss lowsr than the old. Th customs officials demsnd tariff un der, th old schedule, 'which, th com pany refused to pay.. 'The suit vrill be brought to collect the, balance between the two rates. 1 WAIjT. DAY: OFF OR i'ilLL STRIKE Police; ..Threaten 'to Quit City Jobs and Accept Others Un- "less ''They Are Civen Mon Resting Time. r Portland's policemen are HWelv r, out on a strike. ,A number of t want a day off each Week, snd If t do not get It they mar quit the o- meni ana accept psttlona wlil h I been Offered to therrt byr .h-l. -merchanta and wharflnirers. Th conservative nolli --n,. i satisfied with one d iy off in t . . dui tne others shv th,.y ,,,,. i - lowed one lny off every .we. are. they say, subject to the chief at any time, as the fir and tl.ey alioiihl be glvn t le;es of the flremn. Tl, f i given 12 bnur' lii. ei. i . they are sutleot to th. , chief. The policemen are t- . n -12 days 'iit-h lu'mi-r 'J ' la the only re-1. t.r-v duties ill si iml tl t.. renin i" t ( e t- in t a J