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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1907)
-THE OREGON DAILY- JOURNALS PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENITJO, 'APRIE 23, -1E07. POLITICAL BOSS . FACES CHARGE Georg Harding, Saloonkeeper, Arrested for Complicity In . 1 Robbery of Wilson, v 1 POMP AND SPLENDOR GREET SPANISH HEIR (JearatI Rixrlal Service.) Ma-lrid. April 32. All Spain la await ing anxloualy the birth of an hair to tha 8panlah throne. - The Jntreetint event la expected, ta take place today and preparations have 'accordingly bean Tha ad rent of a royal babe at the court of Spain la alwaya regarded a a matter of great Import. At a, time whan practically only one life stands between the continued peace and prosperity or the country and the unleashing of the la a result of further Investigation .!ty Detectlvee Jonea and Tlchenor of the robbery of Andrew Wilson in Aseaince Ijewla1 not orioue colored resort at Flanders street aeveiml daya ago, Otorge I doga of war lit th bidding of Carlisle, Hardlnr a aesro. areprletor of a b-I Social lata or Revolutionaries, it la loan at Ninth and Flandvs streets and! fraught with especial significance. eelf-stylsd political boat," was arrested I -The birth of aa heir to the throne Is yesterday afternoon on a warrant charg-1 attended with all the Interminable eere. lng nlm wltn oompjiciiy in me men uximoniais peculiar 10 ino aioei mimivij 6S from 'Wilson. ' . . court in Europe. The wonder Is, indeed. ' . The Lewis woman and Orate Rd I that the hapless infant should survive were taken Into custody on' the day of I the trying ordeal through whloh It Is the crime and are now out on 11.000 1 doomed to pass from the first hour of bonds apieoe. . Following wnaon s com-1 its existence. plaint to uie ponce, - uktoyi jonr.i- . tartest tta SS. 1LCW2I k"5. .VJ "ZJ? r.: .S: Bven before its birth tha machinery - r --lof atate provides that a crowd of mm ?. E Tr.;;.. ir fr.end ; terms P"Sonags .hall be in attendance JZilnESZ tTJ to await the auspicious event la a D,,t forth ever effort to WW apartment are gathered together -h i representatives of me aristocracy ana ?2ZJiZ2y2JX: .VJ1&1 all who are foremost I. th. political r, V." - -T. rr.: and diplomatic world. The prime mln. wer,J,ruo""' ru"u taln-aeoeral of Madrid, tha civil and ""TiTrit ri to military authorities, ths dlplomatlo r... ... .l.. ,,., t...lbody headed by the papal nuncio, com Ending" W.1 aearc tn. ?'X"J building with a paaa key and upon the turlas. lords and ladle. In waUlng. arrival of th. policemen with a search 7 ?oa 'JJSS , warrant refund to open th. door.- th Order of th. Oolden Fleece and of Detective. Jonea and Tlchenor aver other ordars of chivalry assembla her. that Harding endeavored to - induce Wilson to drop th. prosecution upon payment of 1460. This alleged attempt I to compound a felony combined with Harding'a auspicious conduct after the robbery is expected to be sufficient to bind him ever to th. grind Jury. The two women and th. aaloonmen will be I given a preliminary hearing tomorrow I morning in the police court. KEN EXPELLED FROM PANAMA SEEK REVERSE ' .... '. ? ' Police Escorted Three Men to Boats to Make Sure They ' . Left Isthmus. ?J 1 1 LvAv-':-: Ml i f II I I i ii: ., i , .- hi i r t' ill I U , Ml . i '.'11 (Ilk K I I I to greet th. latest atom of royalty and, Incidentally, to bear witness that - no changeling be foisted on th. nation, .A Motareaqaa Gathering. , Presently; th. communicating door. open, and the duoheas or other gret lady who is for the time being mistress of th. robes appears, bearing a massive silver aalv.r and gorgeous crimson vel vet cushion, on which th. Infant Ilea covered with priceless lace. Bhe handa her delicate burden to th. prim, minis ter, who carries it round th. room. Kaoh in turn takes furtive peep at the pink and white morsel of humanity, th. pre mier gives back th. salver to th. mis tress of th. robes, th. child Is reatored to th. mother, and th. ceremony la at Without on th. huge riasa de Orient., the largest square In Madrid, a great multitude of th. people baa gathered to- gether expectantly. After perhapa a vigil of aeveral hours th. broad banda of red and yellow with the escutcheon bearing the castles of Castll. and th. lions of Aragon the royal standard of Spain flutter in th. .A moment of breathless. suenoe follows, and almost simultaneously tha guna boom out n aalute, and th. crowd counts. . ' Twenty-one Xo a Boy. Twenty-one! A boy! And tha "vivas- ring out from thousands of throats. Ona more link baa been forged in in. enam of state to bold In check red riot and revolution. - ' ' - Tha telegraph flashes th. news from GRAND JURY INDICTS UTAH FUEL OFFICIALS t (Joerasl Special terries.) New Tork. April la. Summarily ex polled from tha canal son. and de ported to th. United States under ordera of th. chief of polic. on th. Isthmus of Panama, three man arrived aa aee . ond cabin passengers on th. ateamahlp Finance of th Panama Railroad and Steamship una. their passage being I (Jearaal Boeclal Berrlce.) guaranteed by th. government Giving! Salt Lake City, April . Th. fed- r:X.r., TZ.X,.:'.! Jury ba. returns indict up from th. port of Colon, wher. they B,,n,U ml""t nlr 1 ofrloer" na embarked under police escort, thev ! mplay.a of th Utah Fn.l company, vowed vengeance on th government I charging th acquisition Af th. title of which they declared they, would force I coal lands by fraudulent means. The to pay dearly for th outrage. - . I Indicted men, for whose arrest bench Pas sen gore who talked with them dur-1 warranta have bean issued, are: Henry ing th. voyage said they believed them I WUllama, superintendent of th. com. to b. Spanish-American, and not cltlaena I panyj Robert Forrester, field engineer i uie udiho gum, nrnen ins men l wmiaxn v. rosier, rorreeier a private wer. piaoea on noara tha ship th. I secretary: oeorge A. Moore, sales agent isthmian police, who delivered them, I E. M. Cook of Denver, attorney, and aald that they were being sent away I Alexander H. Cowl, chief clerk' of. th. oecaus or aw attempt to obtain money I Denver office. Trom in laoorara on in. canal by prom Islng them greater wages. GROOM IS THIRTY-TWO ' YEARS BRIDE'S JUNIOR (Jearaal Special Serrlee.) Baltimore, April 21. Mra Laura X Brown, widow of Alexander Brown, formerly this city's most prominent banker, was married today to Charles Kaufman of Boston. - Kaufman It II years younger than hi bride. . - FIRST CASE UNDER A FRUIT PEST LAW ftpsetal Mseatea ta Hie SanmaLt Spokane, Wash., April t. Judge Sul llvan has fined O. O. Richmond, i farmer of Five Mil prairie, f 1.60 for having for sale fruit affected with the codling moth. Th. defense attacked the constitutionality of th. law. Thle la th. firat oaa. to com. tip sine, it was enaoteo. . - The only f ona of food made from wheat that is all nutri ment is the soda cracker, and yetthe only soda cracker of which this is really true is 14 I I r c Thd only J '. :'.v.Tni only ',.-.::y'Th6 only i , The only ill sodA cracker sdentincally baked... : soda cracker effectually : protected. . . soda cracker ever fresh, crisp and dean. ' soda cracker good at all . '' times. ' " 0 In a dust tight, - . mouturt proof packagi. jioiLArat)cw;coMPAjnr I . .... , : j St! 5r 'Cral STORE COVERS H BLOCK OUR FLOOR SPACE 21,000 SQUARE FT. on end of th peninsula to th. other, and north, south, wist and west th Te Deum" Is sung In all th ancient cathe drals throughout th. kingdom. On of th first official messages Is that con veyed to th pope, who Is asked to act aa godfather to th. new-born prince, on day to b. dubbed ' "Most Catbollo Majesty." V ' .. Flags and decorations mak their ap pearance on publlo buildings, private balconies are hung with tapestries of glowing colora, and tha people, ever ready to avail themaalvea of any occa sion for gaiety, mak merry for th. rest of th day. - . I At the top la Queen Victoria ot Spain, who wag Princess Ena ot Bat tenberf. At the left Is tha layetter basket .prepred for the royal nursery In Madrid. At the right Is the royal cradKttsed for rocking the Infant kings of Spain, and at the bottom Is a robe of satin and lace made by Spanish nana for the ex pected heir, OLD SALT k .- f ,. .... . ; (Continued from Pag One.) ooounatlon of fishing for oyster. He was arrested on th charge f assault ing Rev. James Hickman of th. Coop er's Island Methodist ' church. ' When arraigned ha explained: "I drinks a llttl bit. but I clalma that I baa ' that right. - Bometlmee goaa to church, but moat generally don't ' Aa aeon as I got In th door of this preacher's church be began preach' in' on tampers nee. and all th. tlm. he talked b. looked right at me. "I was as peaceful aa a young oyster till all tha congregation begun look In' at me and amllln. Then I begun to get riled, but didn't say anything. - waited until the parson had his say, but when he comes forard and begins mix in' with th. cr.w I boards him. "We gets into a kind of a disagree ment, and I admit I swatted him. don't bit no man unless he does n. wrong, and thla here parson waan't right I ain't no example to bold np to no congregation.- MONGOLIA FLOATED AT .HIGH TIDE A ,, Jearnal .Speeial Bcrrtee. . . Toklo, April XI. The Paelfld Mall steamer. Mongolia waa re floated at high tide this morn ' Ing and resumed her voyage. Th. vesset was not seriously in jured when eh. ran aahore in ' avoiding a collision. est r:o?itiso;i u THUD STREETS Have you considered our r vantages by being in the l:v rent district and the nuns: it is to you when furriihinj your home?. : CAPITAL IS DOUBLE v VALUE OF PROPERTY (Jonrnil Special Berrlce ) Rt Paul. . Minn.. April XI Minnesota railroad property la valued at 1215.. 040,000 by th. Sunderberg Investigating oommltte. According to th. report re turned by this committee, to th. legis lature, railroad property in thla atate Is worth about 126,000 a mile. Th to tal capitalisation of th 1211.000,000 worth of property is $400,000,000, or aboot 160,000 a mil ' Th roads earn about it per cent oa th committee's valuation. CHILDREN ARE BITTEN ... - JY VEK0"01IS RATTIER One Dead r and ,Two Rallying . From Effects of Poisonous r Snake' Attack. . SO SOOTHING Its Influence fas been Felt by So Many Portland Readers. Th. eoothlng- Influence of relief. -After aulterln- from Itching Piles. From Ecsema or any itchiness of th kin, . .-,. Makes on feel grateful' to th. rem edy., ...'.-'. Doan'S Ointment has dreda. Here's what on. Portland oitlaen says: R- B. Long, driver, of 141 bmuikiI street Portland, Oregon, says: "In the summer pf li my body was all broken out with ecsema. tetter or something of in Kino. i ne (onur. I endured waa narce. I waa very much alarmed about It and anxloua to know what It waa and wnai was tn. cause, so I went to a doo. tor. and then to aeveral nthera- hut lutni of them, did me much good. When I got the least bit overexerted th. annov. nee was especially great and It Kept me clawing and scratching. J waa In bad shape when I noticed an advertiae ment In our paper about Doan'a oint ment, and I got a box and tried It It proved to be lust what was claimed for It Leas than two boxes made a com. plot. cur. of my oaa. and later it cured my younger brother of Juat the aama trouble. I know that Doan'a Ointment la on. remedy that can be- depended upon, and I would give Ave dollars Tor a box of It any time rather than adder th. way I used to for on. day." For aal. by all daalera. Price to centa Foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for t he United States. Remember th. name DOAN'S -anit take no other. - , RAILROAD AND DITCH: INTERESTS THAT CLASH (Ipeelsl Dlapetea to Tbe Jearaal ) ' Spokane, WaahM April 21. H. C. Patera of Washtucna, Washington, a stockholder In th. Palous Irrigation 4k Power company, says Ms company will start oondemnatton proceedings against tn Portland Beattl. railroad. He clalma much of their ditch property naa been condemned by tha new road, and that If successful in th. caae against th. Portland at Seattle, th. company will build on. of th. greatest Irrigation dltchea In th. northwest - SAW SPOOK RATS AND TWELVE-HORSE AUTOS (Seectat Hla patch te The JoarsaD Spokane, Wash., April. Jf. Because Pater White -chased a rat along th. road C. ' Borenson complained that th. man was crasr and unaaf to be at large. . Judge Mllea Polndexter Judged him sane. Whit, waa seen wandering atmlesaly along th. road, throwing a ton r a at what h. claimed waa rata. H. also claimed to hav. seen an auto mobile pass with 11 horses hitched to It was discovered that b. . waa mporsrlly Injured by a fall. ' Cfefeild(t Orofes The Finest in America , When you buy clothes you may as well have ; them right . Words cannot do Chesterfield ?; clothes justice-7-you have got .to see them and X; try them on to appreciate them. ' Garments that X will stay right, because they are made right graceful 'shoulders, collars that hug the neck snug, firm-setting fronts, with a general ' easy, stylish, comfortable result. No tailor can give " you better, style or fit. Chesterfield clothes are guaranteed to retain their shape for one year . a guarantee that is 'given by no other maker of ready-to-wear clothes. . ' . ;. V; ,'? : . ' . ' '? , . M 1. JLiUO lUilO ; 269-271 Morrison Street tJosraal Boeclal Servlee.) , Fresno, CaL, April Zt. Three children of Robert Barstow, a rancher residing even mllea south of thla town, were bitten by a rattlesnake yesterday. On of th children died from th. affect of tha venomous poison. Gladys, th. younge.t child, had wandered away from th other children and was play Ing near th house. Th little one's soreams attracted th. attention of th. others, who ran to her and attempted to pull the snake away from her. Th. serpent turned on them and both war. bitten. .A ranch hand working near ran to th. aaelataneo of ths children. He killed th. snak. and calling b.lp ap plied temporary remedies until th. ar rival of a physician. All known anti dotes were need and Robert and Mary tha older children, are rallying from th. poison, but the baby died. The rattler measured 4 fetg lnohes. ' TESTIMONY (Continued from Pag. Ona) aters in th neighborhood hav. been la th. habit of . annoying the chickens, breaking th. back door and hurling rub bish into th. shop. ' . "Last Saturday night they became so boisterous that I determined to frighten them away, and merely struck the pavement with th. whip t. scar. th. little fellow. I am a man of fam ily and would not think of hitting th. child." atated th. wltne.a. . Th. ease was continued until tomor row to allow Wlneford - time to pro duce wltneaaea. When asked If aha had any further testimony to offer, Mra Newton replied In tha negative, but vol unteered th. lnfocmatlon that Wlneford had the reputation of being of a quar relsome disposition. "Why, Judge, it waa only a short tlm ago that he threw an aa at a boy and cut off a dor tail inetead aald th indignant woman. . i Wxef erred Stock Canned Ooo&s. Allen eV Lewis' Best Brand. - STOPPED TO ORATE AND WATERS CALLED IN VAIN .... . , ,.i (ftperial Dispatch te The JoeraeL) Spokane, Wash.. April 2!. Tom Davles startled a large crowd yesterday on the Monroe atreet bridge, by climbing upon the railing and preparing to Jump Into the Spokane river, 91 feet below. He stood waving bla handa and cried, "The waters are calling me, the waters ars calling met Can t you hear them way down there T I must go to them." While he was doing his oratorical a man slipped up behind htm and palled hlra back. He tried twice after to Jump over and one got away and ran down th bridge, but was again caught He waa found to be crazy -' COFFEE Pity t to waste good cof fee by a , poor cook; or waste a '', good cook by poor coffeel Toer gracer tetarns rest aaeney II TetTeeal Ilke&caUUsf'aBesti weaaykiav ... . Great Crowds Have PaclU OF THE- ililii the Little Shop mery fo At 409 Washington StV Bet 10th and 11th 7 j Them. SiAce the opening of the great Sale' on Monday morning. And no wonder I s, For equal' values in vftfine new millinery of the brightest, latest Spring vintage were never before oiiered at the very be ginning of a new season in the histpry of Portland merchandising. ' What a flutter, of delightful an ticipations our announcements of the past two days have caused 1 And every expectation was realized and more today. Here is a display that would, do credit to the big millinery shops of New York City. Prices on the exquisite millinery creations fairly staggered the most skeptical! Never before " in our city have .such ' elegant conceptions ; in, .'women's beautiful Spring Hats v been sold so ridiculously lowl. The Values are extraordinary! and only made possible from the fact that. ' V - WE WERE PA1 D $5000 CASH BONUS- For the Lease of Our Seattle Branch Store; Moved the Stock to Portland and Share Our Luck With Fortunate Local Millinery Buyers y The latest fancies of the best milliners of two continents in a sale at less than the prices of commonplace Hats. All new Spring styles not an old model in the offering! :-':""'' V. ; ' y r:;;-., Space does not admit of, detail price mentions . suffice to say these printed, hints may serve to tell of the merciless slaughtergoing on among the great convention of millinery beauty in the Unprecedented Sale.: ; y- ,s V ,.' . Trimmed Beauties, Tailored Creations Street Hats, Smart Shapes j -' ' . - -' '..AU go in the Sacrifice. . ' MAQNIF1CENT PATTERN HATS Unmatchable values at $30 and $35 go t $18 and $20 creations' of master milli ners included in the sale at eluded in the ; (JQ SMART AND SHINNING MILLINERY ; Representing the greatest values in ' town at $10 and $12. A fC Sale price Vv;..)ytJ And hosts of equally marvelous values are reduced to $2.45, (Qrr $1.95, $1.45 and.. ......yOC SALE LASTS At-L THE WEEK Of the Seattle Branch Store's Magnificent Spring Stock .' : AT THOi VOGUE; MILLINERY PARLOR 409 WASHINQTON STREET, BETWEEN 10th AND 11th