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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1907)
A Little Ad in THE JOURNAL Journal Circulation Urines Result!. Costa OrJy One Cent a Word. Was - Thq Weather Fair tonight and Tuesday; westerly winds. ' VOL. VI. NO. 41. PORTLAND, OREGON. MONDAY . EVENING; APRIL 22. 1907. FOURTEEN PAGES. . PRICE TWO CENTS. kvFc1?. iy GETS BULLET PREDICTS HUGHES' ELECTION lAM M it rr a r n m ud r vi ifnn n a PR wrrf V-4LN mm OFF JAPAf, . Big Liner in Trying to : Escape Collision Is Forced - Into Land Near Mayeda - - (Joaraal -Special Servtee.) Tokto, April 12. The mammoth Pa- ', clflo Mall liner Mongolia went ashors thla morning near' Maveda lighthouse. , province -of Naga to. She left Hong- kong April IS for . San Francisco and .war porta with a full Hat of passen- vara, a capacity cargo, and a craw of . , 400, Including- the officers. Tha ateamer . Ilea In 1 an ertremaly dangerous poal- tlon, but there la alight hop-of aav Ing her from tha, fata that a few weeks ago befell HUl'a big liner the Dakota, , ' wblcb Ilea submerged on tha oppoalte ahore of tha Island. Tbe stranding appeara to hare bean unavoidable, eince ths big craft waa forced to alter hf course in order to avoid running doh a Japaneaa sailing vessel that earn directly in her path. In changing her course the liner ran Into a locality dotted with "dangerous .. Maf. mnA mhm TitleA nn am m. n tK.m . before having proceeded far after leav ing tha main channel In the strait. -' 1 . There la practically no danger of any 'loss of life because the Mongolia lies sa near tha shore that boats can easily K rfcech her on short notice and tha aea la comparatively calm. - The passengers will, be landed at ones shouldthere ap . pear to be tha least danger of ' the steamer settling or showing algna of .breaking' up. . ; v.. Ban Francisco, April 12. Officials of , tha Pacific ' Mall Steamship . eompany ascribe the Mongolian disaster to the refusal of Japaneaa sailing masters to nav anv attention to aia-nala dlanlavad by American vessels along tha Japanese -coast. .. Either they are Ignorant of the - moaning of the signals or they get In tbs way with tha Intent of causing dam age to their competitor for the trade on "the Pacific V . ... '.-' Officials here report that during tha past several montha a number of serious i aecldenta such as befell tha Mongolia today have narrowly been averted aim ply 'because the Japanese navigators would not respond to tha signals of tha American vessels, y .Vr The Mongolia was due to arrive here Mr .:; Ar.v--- : v . ; ::i : , , . Tha monster PaelMe MaQ flyer Mon golia was built In Camden, New Jersey, In 1(01, and la of the following dlmen- slous: ' Length, (00 feet; - beam, 6.l feet; death. 114 feet. She waa brought around the'horn Immediately upon com pletion and entered tn tha trans-Paclfle trade. ' She has a oarrylng capacity of 10.000 tons and cost $1,100,000. . She ran aground on tha Hawaiian Islands some months ago and baa only made a few trips since coming out of tha dry dock. ' 'The floating. , of ' tha steamer and - the subsequent . dockage and repairs mounted to a vast sum ef money. Tbe Mongolia is one of five liners of e aame type operated between San Isco and Hongkong by the Pacific Mail, tha others being, tha Korea, Sibe ria, Manchuria and 'China. - The Korea, too, -ran aground a few "montha ago, piling up on Midway Island In a foe She was floated and repaired about the aama time aa tha Mongolia. , ; "TRuer TrlaP Ksumcil. . ' - Ban Francisoo, April It. TbVtrial of . Abe Ruef waa resumed todsy. , No prog ress wso mads at the morning session toward securing a jury. ( ' t . . COFFEY WILL BE LABOR'S : CANDIDATE FOR MAYORALTY Agreement Made by He Will Run Independent If Defeated v. ' . r;'inSthePrirnies- .' - John B. Coffey, candidate for tha Re publican nomination for Mayor, has entered into an agreement - with the li'nion Labor people, who have Indorsed Mm, pledging himself to run Independ ently aa the labor union candidate In .the event of his defeat in. the Republl ' can primaries, according to the atate. mehta cf various labor union men. - Mr. Coffey denies that he has made any promises of any kind to anyone, but at tha same time hr diw'l-s say whether or not he will support tha Republican ticket In. tha event of his not being abls to land tlie nomination. . mt. Coffey uses the phrsse now wil known t polttlcsl rnder of the city ami says, "Sufficient unto tie day is tbe svll thereof." , UPON Steamer WHITE FAVORS CATHOLIC HALL Cornell University President Fa vors Catholic Chapel, Hall and Lecture Room " at College Credit to Catholic Students. : (ioaraa! Special Service.) ' Ithaca, N. T., AprU Andrew H. White, first president of Cornell univer sity, has Issued a statement In favor of tha proposition of Bishop McQuade of Rochester diocese of tha Roman Catho- liochuroh to establish, ft Cathollo chapel. residence hall and lecture room at cor ell university. ,He also Impliedly fa fore tha schame of allowing credit to ward graduating at Cornell for work don In certain subjects In thla Cathollo Institution. .. - .?... l - ut. vne ways zor ivrnrv n dm been in favor of the establishment of sectarian and denominational schools In the neighborhood of large universities in order that students may get a broader lnslaht and wider vision Into tha great studies. Tha progress of education has been retarded by tha clanalahneaa of some sectarian Institutions and ' their narrow policy, ha thinks. ' He regards -the move made by Bishop McQuade as a step in advance and as a recognition by him- of the needa . of mora Intermingling between the large atate universities and the smaller and. minor denominational Institutions. , He points out that such a policy has been followed In Europe with great success. After, Running Away School, Charles Fiester and Companion Attempt to Rob tha PostofRce " (Special Dlspateb ts The JnoraaL) Chemawa, Or., April tl. Charles Fleeter, agd II yeara and a atudent at the Chemawa Institute, jama shot at an early hour thla morning by, R. G. Hen derson, postmaster at Chemawa. The bullet entered the right temple and came out over tha left ear; tha boy lived only a few hours, - Fleeter, In, com pany with another youth, waa attempt ing to break Into tha Chemawa poet offloe. '... '.:."" ' A short time ago . Charles' Fleeter, with a companion, Ignaca Seymore, ran away from tha school. They took up their aboda In a nearby forest. The Yll oi the wild" could not be resisted and book ' learning did not . appeal to their civilised natures. . However, the forest waa not found abundant In tha game that nourished their, grandfath ers, so It la presumed the boys planned together to rob be Chemawa postofflce. Mr. Henderson waa disturbed . about Republican by Which , ' It : ia asserted by labor ' union men Who ssy they are on the Inslds and know that before the Indorsement - of the Union Labor' party was promised - or given to Mr. Coffey he entered Into sn sgreement wkb. them that ha would be their candidate clear up to the final election day In June. -It wis, of course, expected that the nominee of the Labor party would se cure the nomination, but at tha asms time the managers looked ahead and required their -candidate to pledge him self to Stand by them clear through the esmnala-n. Ths labor Interests want a candidate after ths primaries as well as before. (Continued ea rage Twej. .-'aaT ' " ' .... Mongolia. ' WITH ROOSEVELT Meddling of Theodore in Attempt . to .Dictate Instructions for Taft Resented Most Federal Officeholders Democrats, i (Joamal Special service.) " . Atlanta, Oa., April IJ. Many mem bers of tha Georgia Republican State league are Indignant over the recent visit to Atlanta of First AaalsUnt Post master General . F. XV Hitchcock, who cams. It la said, aa Roosevelt's emissary In the interest or the Taft boom. ' Fed eral officeholders, declared J. T. Hood, tbe secretary of ; the league, are .. In reality Democrats, appointed for soma good servloe performed In favor of the administration or , tor soma personal consideration.. ;'.-. . . - Ninety-three per oent of tha presi dent's appolntmenta fn ' Qeorgla, says Mr. Hood, are Democrata. J. EL Bis- trunk, president of - the league, says Assistant Postmsster General Hitch cock's visit to Atlanta' waa tn tha In tereat of Roosevelt's eheiee and to ask tha co-operation of tha league. . Tbe league, according to Siatrunk. win bsck this request with all tha vigor at Ua Command. , . May Resume Hoatiytles. (Joeraal aeerfal Servtra.1 Washington. April It. Tha govern ment was today advised that the peace conference at Amapala la deadlocked and there Is likely to be a resumption of hostilities In Central America. . From the Chemavva 1 o'clock this morning by a suspicious noise and, cautiously approaching, dis covered that soma one waa forcing aa entrance to the postofflce. Not wishing V take any mora chances than . acces sary ha took careful aim and Qred.. The bullet from tha revolver penetrated the brain, passing completely through tha head. ox tha young robber. Henderson Immediately notified - tha school authorltlee and also Sheriff Cut' ber and Coroner A. M. Clough of Ma rlon county. The youth died at.:l o'clock. Doctors were summoned, but could not save him. An Inquest waa oalled at once and It la believed that the coroner a Jury will exonerate Hen derson.- r Ignaca Seymore escaped, but . waa found later In a nearby barn. He has been placed In the guardhouse. Fleeter oama to Chemawa thla winter from northern California, i - ,v GEORGIANS ANGRY . I 'N'. . John B. Coffay. ' s". INSTEAD OF SWEETHEART Cowboy Lover Who Seeks , Bride With a Gun Is Killed in Duel by Maiden's Father Requests Hand of Young Ctrl and Vows He WHI Wed Despite Parents Fires Five Shots at Her Father, Who Replies With Rifle With Fatal Results. rSaeeUl IHaestek ts Tks lesrsaLI Lewlstown. MonU April It. Burt Klncher, s oowboy suitor for tha hand of the 14-year-old daughter of B. F. Moulton, one of the beat-known - stock men of central Montana," waa killed yes terday morning during a duel with Moul ton st tha tatter's ranch, where Klncher had gone determined, it la said, to gst tha girl or shoot It out with tha old man. . 1 . ' '-"'- Klncher had been In tha employ of Moulton. and bis persistent attentions to the child had made him very obnox ious to Moulton. ' Klncher wss ordered from the ranch and left tn a very surly atate of mind, vowing ha would get even. ,! ': '"'".' Several days ago the young lady re turned from school In the aaat and Kln cher reiterated hie vowa that he "would marry the kid." He sent word to Moul ton that he wished to see him on very Imoortant business yestsrday morning. Moulton had an Intimation of pending trouble and took, the precaution to place hla Wlncbeeter rifle within eaay reacn. Early yesterday Klncher made bla ap- nearance at the Moulton ranch, demand ing to aea Moulton at ones. . atouiion appeared and peremptorily ordered the oowboy to leave the place, wnereupon Klncher shouted. "Thsn we will shoot It out!" and, pulling hla six-shooter, began firing. Ha- emptied every cham ber of bis gun at tna stocsman, out not one of the, six bullets found its mark, though three grased him. Moulton's first . shot hit Klncher in the band, tearing off a finger and knocking hla run to tha ground. The aeeond lodged tn tha leg. and tha third In the head. It tumbled tha oowboy dead In hla tracks. - SALT LAKE STREETCAR , MEN VOTE. ON STRIKE Salt Lake. Utah. April It. Salt Lake strectoar operatlvea met this, morning and balloted on a strike. Tha result of tha vote will be - snnounced tomorrow night - It Is generally admitted that a strike will be oalled Wednesdsy. All ths men connected with the allied unions. It la said will also walk out Thta meana no streetcars, na lights, and no power until the trouble la settled. FORCE DECISION Oil INDORSEMENT Members of Union Republican Club Will Learn What to Do ' : Before Primaries, v Lively times are expected at the meeting of the Union-Republican club to be held tonight In the BeUlng-Hlrsch hall on Washington' street when tbe question will be settled whether or not the club shall . Indorse candidates for office prior to the primaries. The sub ject will coma up under a resolution In troduced at the laat meeting making It obligatory upon the club to take a de cided stand In acocrdance with the pro visions of tha club's bylaws, Much opposition to the course has de veloped, it being said that the organisa tion baa been formed for the purpose of Indorsing the candidacy ef City Auditor Devlin, one of the candidates for mayor. The settlement of the contention will In aU probability cause a ; good .deal of heated oratory during the session tonight..- , . " .' . Invitatlona have been sent out to all the Republican candidates for city of-'; flcea and It Is expected that they will aU appear at the meeting and subscribe to the platform fixed up by the man agers of the club and tha Republican oounty central committee, the principal plank of which la a pledge on the part of each candidate that he will agree faithfully to support the Republican ticket aa chosen at the primaries. - While the Union club to holding Ita meeting on the one slds of Washington street It Is expected thst the old Repub lican club -will be gathered together In the office of Charlea E. Lockwood. Ita secretary, discussing the question of whether or not It is merged. Mr. Lock wood snd a number of the old Repub lican club have not taken kindly to the merging Of e Republican club and the Reaver club and continue to hold meet ings separately and alone. ' The meeting of the Union club will be attended thla evening by the member, ahlp of the Beaver club and a' part of the. Republican club, now Joined under th common nam. Preparations have been saaAe let kerf sUsaaa . ...... - . - : ' I ... .' . - . ( ' , i ., .- - ' ' : . o 1..,. Henry Watteraon. , ; O'GRADY TELLS OF POLICE GRAFT Schmitz'p Venality Laid Bare by Former Commissioner Says ; Brother Placed ' All Insurance for Gas and Electrio Company. (Anna! Specfel Sei-rfce.) San Franclsooi April 12. Home sen sational revelations In tha graft Inquiry were mads today when It was given out that former Police . Commissioner O'Orady had told Detective Burns all he knows about the alleged venality of Mayor Schmits. It la declared that thl testimony ts stronger than that of the supervisors, aa O'Orady came Into Inti mate pereonal association with Bohmlts. The value of bla story may bo appre ciated from the fact that when once be fore he threatened to tell all he knew he was given a fat local Job worth iS a month. Recently . the ; supervisors lopped oil 0Oradys head. , AaaurSd of Immunity, he baa now made a full con fession of ths mayor's alleged schemee to extort money from saloon-keepers, French - restaurants and disorderly houses through ths subservient board of police commissioners, - O'Grsdy's testimony corroborates thst ef Regan, Hutton and Drinkhouse, all police commissioners at the- same time. O'Orady will be a witness before ths grand Jury In a short Urns. ' Detective Burns has discovered that Herbert Schmits, ths mayor's brother. placsd all tbe Insurance for tha Oaa tt Electrio company, which corrupted the supervisors for Its franchise. His fees for this work amounted to tit. 000. The next session of the grand Jury will be on Tuesday, when It Is expected the polios department win be Investigated, Xjord Barrlngton Most Die. (Jeoraal Special servfe.) Washington, April 22. Lord Barring ton, convicted in Missouri of the murder of James McCann, must die. . The su perior court today refused a writ of error wbsreby Barrlngton - sought to have the death sentence reviewed, - Advertising Record lor Ihe Week "' The'record of the sdvertising for the week ending April 21 shows a gain for The Journal over the prerlous week and that the volume of advertising carried by The Journal is in creasing from time to time. '' ' , V ; . ' . Local, Inches !- e Classified snd Real Estate: :' nuru3us sue njufiuig jur tircuiaiKm ana inc taci inar. The Journal has more circulation in Portland and in Oregon than any other daily newspaper is responsible for the volume X of.advertismg carried by this 4 FEDERAL GRAND JURY IS READY FOR; BUSINESS Boo. Selling. Henry Watteraon Picks Governor As , Roosevelt's Successor , (looroal Rpeefal gervlea.) - K, j New Tork. April 23. Henry Wat terson. editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, naa returned from a winter spent abroad.; He predicts the election of Governor C B. Hughes to tbe presidency in 1908. '' Watteraon aaya that Hughes U cer tain to be the Republican nominee and Bryan the Democratic nominee and that Hughea will defeat Bryan at tbe polls. He aaya that be holds a ticket In tbe Parla Mutuals for a bet of 100 to 1 that Hughea will succeed Roosevelt. Y Watteraon thinks that Roosevelt will again be a, candidate for tbe presidency In 191J. DIVORCEE WILL MORE COIN Mrs. Rdsencrantx Says Former Husband Has Gathered a For tune Since They Have Been Separated. Is a' divorced wife entitled to share la ths prosperity of her ex-hoaband when that prosperity arrives after ths divorce has been granted and all tlea severed"! .:'.' . ( " ; This la a' question that one ef Mult nomah county's circuit court Judges wlU be called upon to decide within the next few weeks. The princlpala In the case are J. Roeencranta, a furni ture dealer oa the Eaat Side, and hla former wife, - Annie Roeencranta. When the oouple were divorced, only two yeara ago, Rosenerants waa deeply tn debt, . and hla entire resources amounted to less that $1,000. In con sideration of the payment of ftoe in eaah and aa agreement to pay 120 per month toward taw support of his two sons, the woman gave the furniture man a receipt In fall for ail elalma. But now that Resetieraata haa amass ed a fortune ef 116,000 and prosperity la sailing sweetly upon htm, the woman asks the oourt to compel him to pay tha generoua sum of tits per month for tha maintenance of herself and chil dren. - The Roaenorantas ware married In January, ItST, and have three ehlldrea of It, IT and 10 Eugene, an employe of the Baker theater: Sadie, a atudent at Helena hall, and Moses. Tha divorce took placa early In 1108. tha grounds of complaint being cruelty. Upon the payment of IfOO part of which the hus band had to borrow' and a promise to pay 110 a month for the support of each of tha boys until they should become 11 rears or age. the wire signed a re ceipt for settlement in run. ' Mrs. Rosenerants sought a lawyer, with the result that she now demands that Rosenerants provide her with sufficient funds to maintain a home and to send the boya to school. ; TournsX Oregonlan, Telegram. 7 Issues. V 7 Issues. 6 Issues, 6,600 1,096 3,388 A 5,454 1,012 4,525 5,040 899 2,218 AS 11,093 .11,891 0,057 newspaper. Ben Selling Appointed the ' Foreman and V. E. Prudhomme Is Elected Clerk In vestigations Begin This Afternoon Peter Peldhausen ef Mount Hood will be the first person Investigated by the federal grand Jury, whloh was conv pleted this morning after a delay aris ing because a sufficient number of Jurors could not be obtained from the first Venire. Feldhauaen waa the laat man arrested among those held to the grand Jury and will be the first one examined by the Jury. He la rharsnd with having sent obscene lottera through the government mall. . It required but 26 mlnuta for Cntted States Plstrlct Attormy Wil liam C. UrtfUol to examine the ncr. aary fight milrri to complete the grand Inrv tills morning. Thov r Immi-di it' !v sworn tn with tlm my select-1 1 r' liv sit l tbr tH F Jury w t U fl I i ," , Oorernor C BL Hughea. BOYS SILENT ON WHO FIRED SHOT Ernest Vosper Wounded by Ball ; From Small Rifle, but Five Boys Refusi to Tell Who Is : Rsponslblei.r":Vw.';;--'4-,-.;'- While paddling tn a canoe with companion on Columbia slough yeater-. day afternoon Ernest Voaper. aa II-year-oid boy who resides with his par. enta at 12X0 Williams avenue, waa ac cidentally shot by another boy. who, with five others, waa rowing tn a boat. " The bullet entered the lad's shoulder e .... k. nw jt pmstratsd ths . upper portion of hla right lung. Be Is at St Vincent's hos pital, where It la said he will recover. The . other' boya have entered Into - a compact for ths purpose of concealing tha Identity of the boy who Is respon sible for the accident. They positively, refuse to disclose bis name. : Qniok fcoa In Amto. Vosper and another boy, Oswald West, were to the canoe. In the eame vicinity on the slough there were two small boats filled with boya One of the boya had a .11 caliber Wlncbeateo rifle. . He waa In the act of breaking tha rifle when It aocldeatally exploded, the ball striking, young Vosper. The wounded boy was taken quickly ashore snd waa able to walk for quite a distance. However, he finally be came exhauated from loan ef blood and pain and his companions hailed the automobile of H. J. Blaealng, who mada the run to tha hospital In 15 minutes. Physicians de-tfare that he will recover and that they will probe for tha buUet tomorrow. -1 Vosper was employed as messenger boy at the city office ef the Chicago Js Northwestern railroad. He la II yeara of 'age and beara an excellent reputa tion. " ' Varna STot, Bavwaled. -Though there were five boys tn the boat from which the shot waa fired; all disclaim knowledge of the Identity of the one who permitted the 'rifle to ex plode. It la said that each haa prom ised not to reveal the name ef the boyj who la responsible under any etreum stanosa, Ettorta oa the part of the wounded bova relative and frlanrfa tn dlsoover who la responsible have failed. SIX HUNDRED MINERS LOCKED OUT BY OWNERS (Jearnel Sperlal genfae.) Stockton, CaL. April ItvForty arrasdj guards are patrolling the properties ef the Utlca Mining company at Angel's oamp, where over 000 men are locke4 out. Tbe miners demanded aa eight hoar day. The owners refused to grant It. and, anticipating a strike, eloaed down. , . Spangh Gets Reprieve - (Jeernel aoeetal S.1 fcO Jefferson City. Mo., April St. The governor today granted a alxty-day re prieve to William flpaugh. who waa sentenced to be hsnged Thursday for the murder of Sheriff Polk of Iron county. '.'' , Judge Charlea E. Wolvertn . ad Ben Selling foreman.. Ftrkt ; Ity was followed In the Jury j. Ings and Mr. Snlllng was r. take a i etal oath. After the lury ha.l he.n Br I t Jtnlttn Wolverton mi .t , to idem. i-hlrli Iia r. Jury ami the fe.i- il I t- I 1 specif Ically on It timher an! mm. verton ex pl ln,"l to the J'ir..n, t Infr-rr-'! i (lie f ! . ' - tl ) IN.- !