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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 24. 1007. 11 FOR SALE REAL ESTATT. Tic. wide awalci people arc gotarto; - ;RMERE; " fcrtfccIrlnTestaents. Yea tetter net wait, If ycu go m will miss cue ci tne ' test crjcrtimltlescfycur life. Pfccpe Private Ex. 30 Title Guarantee Trust i' " Co. v ' " - '..A' . . ' -- f t . .'!-'' ' '" 1 mm mmmmf " " " ' r. " 240 Wastlaitcn Street I r JUST AS WB BAT. T-reoia modern cottage. 4 big Int.. Son 100, Mat front, nice ebade, 1 block. Br car fare: Bice sw honse, no .hack.; Ptrlssd Stntioa, Priet $2,800; $1,000 cash;., balance Mr. M miM odaraj bwt noose In Bane raid.; tot SAxltl; .11 kinds frnlt; If thta la Mt amB thee Bevsr wa. aim; $3,000; half cut, 1228 Eaat Tsrlor at. Go took. room. nioderB to everr respect, toeTt furnace; corner tot, 23d and Clinton; oonth front; 748 CllBtoa at.; bnllt on year; 20 annates walk to tbla office $2,750; halt 1 sb. S.roem good hsos; nle lot at frnlt: 1 hleck ear. at Center Addition, ftn Montavllla arllnsi I Iota, lOoxloO; $1.1100; half caab. Coma anil look at thl. Don't ot anything to see It. A nice llltto suburban home, t eres. at Courtney Btatto. oa Oregon City earllns; all la smsli fruit; $I.MiO; half eaah. J. M. CAMERON REALTY CO., 411 Commercial Bldg., i ' Second and Waahlnftoa It. 84.BOO FIND 8 acre place wltk S-room bonae, 1 bsros. 1M fin frnlt trees ot choice ' variety: 1 ever-rnnnlng trout strasms: Ideal place for gar den, frnlt end poultry; kasdy to Bo Cera: aav terms. p. rerun. ' 22114 Morrleoa Street. ' . Clieap H Ieaee s iMll, Nearly aew S-rooa bonae, on graded st. convenient to car, nice yard, frnlt trees, rblckea bouee, etc; water piped In .heoee end ysrd; at tha low prtc of $73o; worth $1,000; aarrlr a snap. ... V. J. PAT A CO., A ' 134 Fonrtb St. ' A few good pnys. - $l,Bnn tm very eaay terms fnf tiles full lot at Piedmont, with aew cottage; hsth and toilet; good plumbing; ' frnlt ttc. ft.OOO Pine art fimd.rn 7 -room am with 8 ales hta; en easy terms. F. Fucfcs E21H Morrtaon Street. TF"T de.trahte home 1nt this aMs sf Feet ;"h a!-ett tsi'nifl'.ir nv'-1'i: terms. Ataia J.'j.. S.-5 of loiuuitirc. FOR SAOl rEEAL ESTATE. YasMatoa'& Ore; ; Realty Co. . "iron eA J1 m ablrtaBa: 00 aln tmiotf radi ff l"l'"a, oua n-r botiaa: bft of black rail, la abiul; balf aaab, balaaca Xaar. at S par cant. $(W)0 10 acrra oaar t.a Cntr! TTaab.t 1 ar claarad, aoin good tlmlxr. eroak tbroakb P'ar., aoni. frnif; arw Imu kmaa. anma Jnmbar oa .round; oor anil; tariua. $JVi0 taao. balanca 4 f aara at t pv aaatt anap , PMM araa In Clark, roanty, W.ah.; S arraa alaaliml and bo-fad an4 la rraaa. aoma rtkB tlrohar. ac-tea fin. .wale; 1 Bill, from jobool and atora. 4 a. I lea from tallroad ta aoll' " kouaa liV; baaC of bUck fit) atra tn n.rk. county, Wah., biIIm rrora boatUaillnf and railroads WA' aena hj , . ..,-', pi raiua. oa djik-b -'. aura paatur. aaallr alaarad, all fm-d, all " .'ra. brarlnt orchard; Bw m-atorj 7-roona malic h.aa, new frania bar aOtinn. frnlt dryar, blai-kamltb-abop, nillklH.a.a; tin. prlDf mi bona; Inn. 8 waaoiia. bark, naw Oaborna bln4fr, mowar and raka. all klnda of turn marhtnwjr; 14 tnllcb enwa, bull, aoma jonn atoek; h.T, nata, whaat; ' r. D- DlU to artoof: brat of blarfc nil; $4S par a era, balf ah. balanca yaara at $ par cant; will taka part la axcUang. for Portland proparty. $1,00010 am. 12Vi nllaa from Portland; arroa cleared, balaoc eaallj cleared, all loel, black aoll; floe location, 4 oillea from railroad at. Moo, ft ntla to acbool, B. V. D. aad telephone, y . 40 aereo. 13H Rillea ' from Portland. ' KU Bllee from Bearertoa. 4 no line from railroad elation; 0 acrea 'cleared, & acre, green tin, ber. balance eaelle cleared, all terel. neat nf black aoll, bo rock er (rarel: fine location; B. r. D. and telenhone. XL mile, to acbool: price tJ,wuj food terma. I.1T aerea ta Clarke eonntr. - Vaaf BU aillea from Waahonaal: 12 acraa learad. i acrea bearing orchard; 4-roora bouae:ft0 acrea leeei and aaallr cleared, balanca rollkf fine oiaca eou; price l,buu; good.tarua; foeo - loeaUos, , v .. t , . , .g , . .t.s . $3.200 i acrea. 13 txllea from Portland, 4 mllee from railroad, ate.: tb acrea ta nil' tl ratloa 1 10 acrea flna aaw timber: baUaea orean. ea.uj cleared; a-room roena uooae; Beer barn; good well at door; rural free de )Ittt. and telephone; Vi mile to acbool; floe location; beet of aoll; cab. balance B yeare; will eichaogre fog Portland proport. , If yon want ta exebanfe city property for farma. or farma for eltv Brooerty. call and , Be whet wa Bare, Wa b.ra tba larceet mi c iiTBw ob rne Buraer. irom o-acra xa .uw-aa-a farm, 43.00 to $100 per acre. L , (:;0rcOT 108 Second at.. Portland. Oregon, aod 100 1 Ataia .t.( vanemrrer. Weak. Pbona Main S404, ONLT SEVEN LEFT. ' Beeldenca Iota $300 below price, aa aaarny atreeta; I ret bdotb atreet, 1 ntoek to car; alltblo paTemeat (to be); parkey croee. eu-eera. aaaaa yanr owa tartna, one Burry, aa tbey will aooa he gvna. Owner, Belmont and Eaat ItStb. ' List Yciir Property Witli L. Aldernaa ' FOB QUICK BALES. - Itiooe Uala 1611. ' v A Bargain fcr Scmetoay ' $7&0 caab. a corner at Penlnenlar. 60x100. right on St. Johna ear line. Including 25x100 adjoining It 00 tba rear, alaa a aorner. Pbona Aiaui zaii, alter a p. aa. . $oq BUYS a deetrahle boalneea lot aa Dawaoa at., riant la the Bidet of aeurltlee on the Pentnaola, right where thera la anmethln doing; email payment down. BagamaBa Blanehard. 1 r'ktth at. . . COMkfON BENBI ! and a few doll ere will put Ton In poaaaaaloa ef a good lot lying hleb- and alghtly en Bell wood car Una Be and IS mlnutea' time, get off at crematorium and ae LaConiptev he will abow yon. - Rodney Avenue Let Cneap $lfi0 eaah, 80x100, choice lot near Going at., all Improvement In. Pboaa Mala S871, after 8 p. ai. r - C. R. Doncell &. Co. REAL ESTATE. ' Room IS. 848 Stark at. FOR BALE 1, I er I acrea ef rich coal land fronting oa 0. w. p. ear iiaet good aprlng of water, SB tnlnntea' rlda from tba city. 8400 per acre. Be owner oa the ground. J. 0. rroat, Stanley Btatloa. I HAT! a "8 T-room atodera home, corner lot, e.aet aatn at., a Bwcaa ot nietkorr ae.. $ blocka W R ear; $300 aaab, balance eeay. 248 Slark at. AKOTRER BAROAIlf II acre, mnetly cleared. gnoa Bonea ann Bar, nne ariv, moat ga cheap. Th Tit la 4k Abatraet Co.. room 4 afulkey bldg Second aad klorrlaoo at. Eastncrrtsoa , 00x100, Juet aarota bridge, mart aaD at RO0M 0 COMMERCIAL BLK. " ' $7.W THRF.R Int., Arbor Lodra, $108 down, $S aiontttiy oa aca lot 11 aoid aooa; Beer ear lino. If ffltareated aend card. . L. Kabik, 1570 Oaeoata at., Woodlawa. . '. OWNER LEAVlNo, moat aell lot on Benton at., Bear Do pout at.; a hargatn. J cone, Trim kla 4k Trimble. .411 Maruaam bldg. Phon Pacific 17S1. FOR BALE Rsntstna nt poor own terms: 1 cottage, 4 rooms- .1 4 rooms aad hstb, hnTi a lern ; on car line... By owner. Phone Bsll- wood 837. - ... . $1.000 EI.EOANT hew S-room cottage. 1 bed rooms, near r,aec in ar. t xmiy 1 siers troro carllne: $1,800; remainder $10 tier month st S per cent. Register Co., 1071 Third at. ea.tyvsj ROOMS, reeeptln hall. Bath, eement waiKS, en nouievaru, neii piors rrem car line. Fine lawn, lot KOxSn, Inqntrs H. B. liudsoa. 000 Commercial bldg." MODERN brand new B room eottagea. Both and E. Mala and 80th and Eaat Morrleoa; $2.10; $200 down, balance Ilka rent, A. P, Smith, 41 Commercial block. . Soon LOT, IPPFR Al.BINA: $1,000, TWO LOTS IN Ant.TNOMAH. BKH tS FOR BAR GAINS. MONTE CUBISTO REAL ESTATB CO., 229 FIFTH ST. . . MI'ST be sold this week! B room Iwaeaa for $2,300; S-room for $1,400. Close hv . Phone TjBtoa 176a. . FOR BALE 8 scree en Powell strsst way be low th. market if sold before th first. Th Kpsnton Co., 270 Stark st. LOTS FOR BALR 8200 below th market: a lot no Vstoo sea., sear Rriaaell: sriat be galck sals. Tha 8 panto CoM 170 Stark at. Wl WILL knlM bona to en It yo aad wa will sell on saav monthly tnatallments. p, Q, Lssssa 4 Co-, 874 Fwst at.. Portland. IP TOV want to bny bsm aa eeay term 874 First St., Portland. , Snncv-LOT 80x100 near St. Johaa acbeok hosae. KG eaah, 810 r' month. fmvvLl BOino Ilayea at.. Worth St. John. ; JiTV yit BOilia) tUenwood Park, enltlvatrd. e ' U" . M 7 J r. ' ' ! ,11,7, AO eaah. 410 per mouth, (ilenwoed. 1 MlO 6 lots Ii7xt00. rultlTSted. Short dis tance from McKenns lunctlon. $J.7,"0 S-rnom boo, modern, St. Johns, lsrgs I t. cloes In. , . fT.BoO A tract that plats SO ht $0x100 hsrh. nesr seme iairiw ' ' - Hare other lots. Notary pnblic. -t . , Olenweod StailoB. . St. Johaa carllne. $1.700-, lrf 80rio. corner, rents for $114) per! inoriui. wear 1 -r o, in,'" we, or rert-1 ter, A. J. Parmer Co.. room 80 Washing-I too bl-lg . M mo 41. 1 $.1 .000 M lm, , fm Waabengsl. n nark county. Washlngtim: aore r MN, 10 scree greea timber, balance eaaily cl'srsd; all fenced, all level; two-etury Broom bouee. barn, 1 scree orchard. 4 noraes. 1 wagons, arw me-wer and rake, eresm separator, all farm Implements seeded ea F pm Ko l . . . . . , a wasiragtoa FOK SALE RE.1L E'ATE. $S.BO0 rifit large T room bouee. with 1S4 a.Tea land Oa Ilia weat elune ef lit. Tahar. - all lo bearlna fruit treea and berrtea; tola gam Hi.oaimeni ana for a Boma tt la almply elegant. Hrglatar Co., 101 Hi Third $l.JVo ACBCS rood aoll. Irooa heaea, cbickea hooae. all fenced, ahnnt t aerea cleared and nwetly. aet to frelt aad bee- T-BOOM botaa. batk and barn. S foil lota, , ynrnef, aad alley, to bearing choice fruit trera. aaaortment of herrlaa, 100 ebolca roaee, beentlful gronnde and flna gardegg aa Ideal . eo-iaw. I'Bona Kaat 4U7I. BAROAIM T room modem bona., flna lot, 0 "olladay Prt. Inquire an premleea. Id Clackauiaa at., or phone Eaat 3C. Muet all at oao. Thla la a aaap. lu Arnra n ,. t. Bia. rleer, Tom hooae, all Imprwrad. Tba , w., a 1 v oiara at, ... -RKJ hooae. lot $0fl, to trade fog ehlekea rancbi $1.300. Tba Bpentoa Co 170 I Lark at. T-BOOM modern hooae, ale fl replace, porcelain plnmblne all thmoch: inoliin ill fa. l.w and fralf. I tjlork of carl all' ronoia Urea ana airy; nonre can't he built foe $a,0or all , oea for $2,0; half eaah or leaa; at Flrland eiainai, a. H . tameroB Bealty Ca.. 411 Com' Bierclaj blk., aecond and Waahtngton eta. IP yea want ta buy, eell or aackange roar priiiwriy. ran ob or aoareea ueo, w , Turner. I'UVi Waablngtoo at., Portland. Or. A tVROOM hooae. comer kit (MhtlOO, wltk fall beaemeut. loqulra at SQ3 Dlelaloa at. FOB. BALE By owner, new anodera 6-rootn notxae, 8. ,110". -ioo Btat BUU North. $000 CAH buy. booaa and t Iota. 1018 Eaat etai r. arm. lit 1 PIEDMONT. ' Uta noxioo Impraeed atreeta, , Bnll Boa water, $424, eaay terma. ' , . IN H0I4.ADAT. .Lot BOxlOO. aement eldewalka, 1 block from ear Una In Holladay, $900; terma. A beautiful borne of S muni, eery modara, JOtiiloO trooad. oTer, eamant walka, (ravel treet; only (5.7O0. . rooma, lot (0x100; aaly $, half caab . . mvm A ttm. Ml Bwetlend Bld.. Oar. Plftb and Waeb, A SNAP la a few lota at 24th at., on Wood. ".-fL1"1" to ,T walklnr dlataace) 2ill. $371 eeck, oa aaa payawata. 1. M. flameroa Realty Co.. 412 .Commercial blk., Heooad aad Waahtngton eta. . . . A' FTNB corner lot, lOOilOO; nice treea for ahade; rleer a lope and elew: good bandy car , ae trice; graded atreet and) Bull Ran water; terma. Owner, room 12, Cambrldaa bfllld Inc. Third and lioniaoa. $6001 NICB lota oa Eaat 14th at., only 100 , feet from carllne; tbla I aboat half their aSie. B. S. Cook Co.. 2S1 Alder at. Two. acre at a bargain, high and) alghtly, IB mlnatea, ride. Woodatock ear. Owa;. Eaat 80 ih aad Holgata. . FOR BALR er rent by owner, cheap If taken , thla week. 84 1-ld aerea, 8H mllea from Van. rouTr, Waah.; 11 acrea baaeerdam la cnltr- Awireea M 111, car joarnai, SNAP Union are. property, foil lot, ap-bdat bendeotne Uwb. trait and flowers, 81,760. 810 Cnloa ra. . FOR BALR 8 lot oa Ollbam ae., two block Montll carllnei make me aa offer, ' Owner. Addree O 178, car JoaraaL r.?.ALF "mall cottage. Bear ear, aond lot. . $700; eaay terma) no ax ante; Mt. Scott ear. Una.. Addreaa O 17T, ear Journal. . GOOD 4 and T-room eottagea, weat aide, far : alahed er onfumlghed. 81$ and 828: (lea . bovaekeeplng-roome, 8LSS week. Apply 304 North Itithj W car to Sfltb, tura oulk half block. . .... 0OOO 8 room bonae. noreelaln plumbing, bl 1 piece of irmand !ooxo, 2Bth at.,- 1 block " eeuth otctlnfoa, fine elew of rleer and city, 82.6OO1 owner will paint hooae to eult par. , ehaaer; terma. J. M. Cameroa Realty Co., 412 Commercial blk.. Second aad Washington. 8800 Bay good banding lot. Beer tw earllnes. vjuaw a, eei eioe; lerme. MODLTOIt BCOBRT, ' - " : WH Oolambla bMg., SB Waablngtoa at. fit line i Torr r.v-r vr - - If pna hare $200 In eaah. pon' eaa bay a fine modero 0-roora oottsge. If you apeak qoica. , Morr.To scobeyT " J 601 Columbia bldg., 803 Washington at. ' f-ROOM honae. slmeet new. fin net as lot. . between Hawthorn aad W. R ears: eslr e,ww. y mmo cinrs pa. WANTED nemeaeekera to write to Wlllametla Valley Real F.atate Excbaage, Wood bars. Or ' for reeloed list ef farms. . FAXON PARK lot 100x21)0. la rntttrstlen lerel sad alghtly; prlcee $00 t $375. O. R. Addltoa, Lsnta, Or. 1 Mt. Scstt car. Be. FOR BALR Modem -rooe koeae. barn; gromds .".. '... ',11, 1 ' rv . uDrnma, aewer, Eia. No. $78 Eaat -, 10 ta. Pboae Wood wa 877.- - . - - - . , --.-., , SNAP S-mnm bar as and lott mast aell at once; location 147 Rott sr.. Laarelwoed Park: price tooO. Addreaa M 100, ears Journal. FOR BAM: 2. 100 Corner lot 00x100. East IBth aad Salmoa. 129 Eaat 12th. FOR 8ALB. - -w will halld boose te (nit aad aa assy permeate en Past Idtb below PoweTl.' ' ; V East 2Kth below. PowalL ' - Kaat 87th and I.lnoolo fa eeeoer). East 47th near II aw thorns STS. , Fsat 40th and Grant. RlTsrelda itatloB (Piedmont). . ' Wa egret to bar ye la th with la SO days. MULTNOMAH BTTTLDINQ CO. , 270 Stark at . .'' ' ATTRACTIVE aew heuea. bollt for hem, full two-etory; a large rooma. receptloa hall aad poetry; bathroom with nickel trimmed hath, porcelain and patent toilet; masales sore bee: concrete foundation; full well-lighted dry hssement; eoneenlent errsngsnaent through ont: high gred workmanship, material and . finish: expensive plumbing; piped for gsa; oa fine 100x100 sightly corner; offered at lee tbsa coat; price, 82,8001 term. Bona Land Co., 14SV4 First at. , Fcr tariralES see the Bearer Real Estate & Investment Co.. rocas 3 and 4, Odd Fellows Blair., First and Alder Sts. r STRAWBERRIES FREE. NIc lots, $.100 nd ap. eaay payments; - beet gardea soli, aoma severed with straw. -' berries snd fruit trees; graded streets aad A water mains; oa W-W rarllo. -, ' J. t. -ORDER. , Corner Orssd avs. sad Bast Aaksap t. DEBIRARLB home ef rooms and bath. mod. ern. first story brick. Corner lot, la Holladay - addition. - T82 Clsekamaa at. BorBR and kit 81.M0; ma.t aell ejnlcfc. la. oilre 803 Monroe at. FOR SALE FARMS. $10.000 A 11S-ACRR farm near Clackamas sts ttoa: 48 scree In culttvatloo, 18 Seres la tim ber, balance In pasture, all wall fenced, plenty ' of running water; good large barn, moth noes, ehlcksa-hous snd psrk. windmill, large tonka, water piped all ever; cattle, horses, wagon and all klnda of farming Implements, includ ing a kit of carpenter's tools: thl would . mars No. I dairy farm: lead all around - tt sailing from $100 to $200 par sere; good road to Portlaad. S4.B00 About SO teres ef excellent hind i about T mile from Portland. 14 mMs from ths O. W. P.. Cassdsr line, nesr Wichita; ' thla hi good land, aa gravel, and 1 cheap at . the above prloe, compered with land all ' around It, jos. Ta mpt. rath, t V Room 17. 2C714 Washington St. Pboae Paclfle $. . - 40 ACRES oa Columbia rtvsr, Imprevsd, st SBBO per acre. 130 sere Improved. Cehrmbi rtvsr, st $S2 , per acre. 1 SO acres, Columbia rfeer, fin lead, Im anvred, level, $2S0 per acre. 128 acraa, SO acre level bottom lead, bal ance timber, $2211 par acre. 170 acre, Columbia river, good fsrsa.. $123 per scrs. Ws raa sell asp part sf th bove farma st terma te suit. W are th owners of vsf 8.200 acres ef Columbia giver farms. Call aad see u f"C particular. COLUMBIA REALTY CO., ' S2 Third St.. Boom 8-T. . At T r e Y t 1 mm mm.. C.,. eific rlolath.u Co.; 'the greeteet Irrigation pro 'eet on tne- eoetrnent: ssent will start ta -s few dare; rail or write foe Battlers' gates, B, B, Uuk 4 Ce 83) Alder st, FOR SALE FARMS. ... Bpey ROOM 118 COMMERCIAL BLDO., Corner SeooBd aaud Washlogtoa alia. 1T3 Acres S8 la enltreatloB; 80 acrea lit ae atampai good family orchard. S-room bouse with pea try and bath; place fenced; good bar. 44x4d, fw. ! bcuae, wuodhonee, mtlkboaae, ' wood, abed, fenced aad ereee-f eooed ; en eouoty , road) K. r, D. mall, poons la tba boae: 24 . bead of cattle, at which aoma are freak row.t 100 Angora goeta, and all farming lin tlruienta aad fe4 enough to feed through; 24 mllee from Laurel, SU, aillee from , hkhowla rerryi price $.1,000; terma half Caab, balaac per cent. It la 1R mile treat th ,ef aa -a good road. . v',60 Acres-"--'-: JB In ralrlratloat all wall fenced; ban fdxTdt 24 (eet high, with eoaeret fonda. thia 1 feet algh. IB-Inek base, lo-lnch top. tainted red. tine botiee. aula pert 18x29, lichen 14x18. painted white; tool bo and fiwt hcuae cnfnhloed; eblrkeouoaee 12x10; bog. hooae IHiM; fin young ereh.rd for v I"U,,1J' purpose.; epring water la bouee and ears from a ram at aprlng; B0 acrea eaa be rultlratcd for farmlog; aa Ideal dairy farm; j? ?00; cloae to railroad aad rleer, within 8), mllea en a flae read. - , v s EO;Acres ";v'4V'V'f . '' coltleatloo! food orchard, good) bard-flnlabed hooee, rooma. a tone baee ,Bent oa county road. 1 mil t school. 4 mllea to Am boy. atora. eraamary. a to. I 8 good cowa. 8 yearllnga, 1 Urge hogs. 1 good bora, chlckena, wagon aad haraees: an tha farming tools; fine stream by th place; good wen oa ths porch; soma good bottom land; . price 82.MO: 81.300 down. baUne agreed , time at per eect intorast. . , . v , , 100-acre eel,Minthm ,i,Ihi, a.i.w e.s timber land, spruce. , fir and bemlockt JtO a ores ones graes land, green tha whole year) 8 mllea from ebolca taetortea. aear th ' bay; chases at a Ufetlme; price $BO0. . s' 40 Acres Aboat 80 clear, all good aoll; goad 8-room hose, barn, two well.: 1W acres la Wrlag orchsrd. herrlee, etct f good team, 1 wagoa aad barneaa. 1 light wagon. 1 elarle boggy ssd bsraeee, T bead of rattle. 8 ar milch cows; 8 tin bogs. 80 ale chlckena, avowee end rsk. 8 plows, harrow aad other entailer too la, aiae bonsehold gnodat good oat alde range for stock; fin eet of frnlt, potato or bay land: 14 mllea from raUroed. rtr-r and town, on mala eonnty road, mall rout JT 80 ll treat Portland; price $3,000) $8,000 dowa, balaace 8 per eaat. Snap. 160 Acres Mi aerea rich sandy loam la eultlratloa 'Ineat land la America; a good house and barn; ether buildings; .fine orchard; 00 ap Pi trees, alee plumbs, pear, eberrlea, small frnlta; place well fenced' and eroaa-feneed ; crop and 25 tone hay; hay-baler: all tba farming Implements; mils to railroad and depot; great dairy . ranch. . Price $4,000; tor ma. , ., ; . .. , . .... ; If pea want a farm, large or emalL tt win h to roer Intereet to bm our bat, aa we hsee tha largest farm list la th dtp, ranging front 1 acr to 10.000 sere. . J . BOOM 81$ COMMERCIAL BLDO., ' Corner Second and Waablngtoa eta. ' BOMB BXCRLLENT SMALL TRACTS . . ' KEAR VANCOUVER. . ,. '' . U la orchard of saaorted frnlt, good t-etory T-room bouse and good bam. well with windmill, water piped to bona and hern; excellent aubnrban home: balf mil from Vaaeoaver city limit. Price $4,200. ,; , 11 aerea, about half cleared snd In frnlt, II tree la ood bearlnjt: no bnlMtnaa; IU toltof from Taacoavar. Prtea $2,i00; terms. "IS scree, 11 seres cleared, all ta'fmlt: ; good steel wladmlllt a hoar 1 tt mllee r m Vanreaver, In, Fruit valley. Price $808 per acre; wiu lase Si. tea aaa rteai i crop, . S seres, all cleared, all fenced, aboat 14 aerea la orchard; 6-room house, city wafer la hooas; H nil from garrlaon. . Price $2,200. NORTHWESTERN REALTY CO., '. Sll Commercial blk Portland. Ore roe. : ' . 404 Waahlngtoa t Vancouver, Waah. ' FOR 80 aerea, S mllee frees tows ef tarroiirnn, oa loiumois river;. 40 acrea cleared, live water; large bsm. asw S-room . beeae. cost $1,000; two good chlckan-soaeee. . rootheaso. ether eutballdlncsi erebsrd, ISO tress; light team, wagoa. S bead cattle, IS anrnni gveiv, nne reeNTerea enca, . pen a .. blooded fowla, 80 la all: mower, raka, plowe, harrows, cultivator,' Incubator, hroodera, sad ether toolo: R. F. D. price $2,000; terms. Other larme. Call an J. S. Bantlugtoo, Kelso. Wssh. -.. , , . ' FARM BARHAJNS. v $2.700 Beautiful . 40-scre farm, first -clsas Boll, good location; eaay term. $8.000 AO acres, with rood Improvements. " so better soil In Ore goo, 12 mllea from Port land: May term. ' $30 Pr acre SSI acre, mostly river hot. taka land, right ea the Willamette, with boat. Isndlng; aa Ideal dairy or vereUhte farm, cr say other farming: moat favorably altuatsd for breeding fins stock 1 flrst-claes tmprove ' mental $4,000 eaah, balaac per cent with "$600 every year. If yoa want good farm bargains inspect my list, and If yoa do sot find It as repre sented will pay yea $10 a dap aad sxpentas. T F. Focns ;:,t!:-V;, , ' B81H Morrhma at. ,,' i - 1 ' H .1 1 r 1 ' FOB SALR AT A BARGAIN. 840 seres In th best wbeet belt ef Shoe, mas eoaaty, S mllea from Iowa and railroad statical eeo scree to eeltlvettee. 82S la fall wheat aad 810 to be summer-fallowed; welt Improved goo hooae. barn aad ootholMlare: plenty wstar. large cistern, windmill aad water piped t hsoae and etoek; will sell oa easy rermsi 111 health eMeet In selling. Ad dress Enterprise Fares. Beg 88. Kent. Or. WH ITS SALMON 1$ sera unimproved trait la no, no rnr riy rrait, merrtes er grapes; only hslf mike from town ef White Salmoa; a bargain, or might trade for aubnrbaa prop erty. Tsaduya 4k Walts. 81$ Cham bar t Commerce. 1 BAVB TO acre st Oewego, fronting ea laks; B.000 cerde wood, fine spring aad small cabin t rut up tt wllk brine $10,000; will asU dirt cheap. Addreaa P ITS. care JoutsjlL CBICKEN ranch, wast aids, ea oar line, best ef soil, all ta cuinvanoa. Bo aaudlnga, a si as, easy terma ......,.. 10 acr, ay terma ......,.....,.$2,100 W. H. BC0T. BOl-t Lam ber Bxehaag Bldg. - Mxta 8TT FOB; SALE Paying dairy farm ef ITS acres, mile rrom gooa sow sna rsiirosa, oa man and cream mute and telephone one; also 14B scree timber and paaturs land adjoining above. Will aell together or eeparaUly, at a bargain. V 17T, car Journal. Tl ACRES sst ef Oregon city, partly tm. proved, en goo ma a; roreea to aeii; aai $000; term to suit: reunion brgsla , . VAN DPTM ft WALTON. BIB Chan ber ef Commerce. gSMBOYS 40 aerea en mil from Bataeada; euifc wtmm wwuwwv eew ,ea timber; part se.h, balaac easy terms. Be -IBS. Eetaeada. Or. 10-ACRS tracts, appl mad, unimproved, be- tweea wane raimoa ana niicxitst rivers. Hood Rtvsr district. $200. The B pan ton Co., 170 Stork at. BEFORR roe locate call oa er write Warres ft Stater, th leading real satats dealers I Yamhill county, Oregon, located at McMlaa vllle; the best county la the tuts, . 40 ACRES, beet fsrm. sll Improved. S mllea sat Portland, aaa rsllresdl sp , terms. Bog gees. 181 Front. $l,nno $1,000 DOWN aad $1,000 ea eaay pay. meats bays 41-eer farm. Improved with bnlMlngs. water system; 1 sere timber; Bills railroad town, 80 mllea Portland; cine to rants of Forest 6 rove; milk eoadease. B. S. Cook ft Co, SSI Aide St. . , $400 880 ACRES, a beautiful farm, with' list scrs la crop. 40 acraa timber, helanoe pas ture, but more aaa he cultivated; living watef . aa evry eighty; good barn, boose fair, with atons basement; splendid atoek, grain ar fruit land: two mile ec railroad towu and IS mllea ' ef Ooldendale. W think thl sns sf th heat bar offered- B. 8. Cook ft Co r.l . Aider st. 83,000 A SNAP B aereo. Arlington Heights, ' platted. $ miles eat tweet elrte). Inn ef Cen- voa read, near Ceoaetl Crest. Apply at SsT , MorrlaaD t. TIMBER. WANTED 10 people to Join eor party ta ti'ka timber rlalma; are leae next' Bstar. day at t b. m. Thla la year laet ch i-e to get eomethtag guod; erulae rrota 2 ia,0"0 10 s.uuu.tav sogar sna yellow pine; toe time Is sheet, end timber le Betting scares. Per particulars call at 111 Allaky bldg.. intra sna uurnaon. raoas Hals Hit. TO OWNERS ef timber claims and timber we will buy for eaab any good timber trlb Btarr to the Nehaiem rlre. Will deal with own era only: write, glelog full parties lara. fcebalem Isrsetmeat Co.ji 823 Chamber ef Commerce eulldlug. Portlaad. Or, CERTIFIED scrip, say alaa.' lowest price. W. u uoweu. his cnamner ef Umatarce. HOMENTBAT) for $000, not far eat. 42 000 worth eedar, ahlngle mill U mile; saw hooae; . epponuniiy ox a iirettnie la una anap. A dreaa R ITS, care Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. 0OHAF and ba1e for rent by day. week sna bssbibs special re tee te mliiii . bixib aad Hawtborae. East 18. BORBKS FOR SALE 80 bead. 1.100 te I.O00 ponaoa. orartoa. between 13th ssd I4thi ' taka S ear. Freed ma a Bros. FOR SALE Ckeap. , ee bores, sol Khy strsst. ESTIMATES gleen oa excavating aad team work. Phone Eaat TS. 420 Hawtborae are. FOR BALE Pony and aaddle. $3B. Inantr at IftStt Third c I'hoB Pacific 22T8. , BKKT work and light barneaa. prlcee loweett -' ' '..ww ... nuni lor aew. Roller Harneea Co.. 4 North Blxtb at. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR BALE OB EXCRANOR for light rig aad driver or beaey draft bnrae, good eonnd yoang work horaa, weight aboat 1,160 pounds. 48 Al bins are. Pbona Eaat 424. TWO Jersey cows for sele, en fresh with eelf ; , three quarter of gall north ef Lent. I. ' , A. WUsua. , . - - FRESH oow for sele; good milker. 1M Kesr aey at., corner Orand svs Moots villa. FOR BALR Good young Berkablr pig. good for breeding. Address N 171. ears Journal. MTSICA1V INSTRUMENTS. VICTOR Talking Machine and records: Statu way for other! pianos. Sherman. Clap Co., Sixth and Morrleoa ata,, epp. P. O. - BARTER AND EXCHANGE. FOR SALR er exchange for cordwood. city froperty. eae horae power etatlonary, cm S-borae power portable engine. CsU nhea Eaat 424. ae ai da Albrns av. ' FOR SALE OB TRAKB Half intereet ta Cen tral Market. St. Jobss. WILL exchange on farm or city property - .-- - pn,7, n mmoaaa lliwi ua vole $1,500. Call SM Union srs., Borth. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SINOER snd Wheeler and Wllaoa sewing ms. ehlne sffles. W sell, lease ur rant new ms. Chinee; old aserhtner takes In pert payment; seeend-bssd msrblnee $6 and ap: other make. ef new machines $28 snd Bp: aeedlsa for all makes ef machlnee; ell klnda of machines repaired snd guar. n teed. 8. S. BlegsL sgest, - 8 Morrisoe St. Pbjse Mala 1188. . NO. 1 HARD brick, , $13 per thou. - aaad. f. a. b., Portland. . . 48,000 No. 1 stock brick, $11 par tbooasnd f. 0. b . Portland. , TO.000 nght hard brick. $11.80 per thou sand, f. e. b., Portland. Apply No. $ Chamber f Commsrc bldg Port Is ad. Or. OO NT gn to The Dollar, 839 First at, becanee , he sella tea cheap. Re eella this week s $.15 Caacod range, new. for 82ft: wool -ton mat. tresst s. 42 BO. snd ethers from TBs up: alas thouaanda of dollars' worth of are and aee. end-hand fnrnltore cheap; 106 ell paBtlng wure ee.w ax si aecn. SEW NO MACHINES hnnrht. Bold and . ehaneed. $s snd up, , Waatarn Balvag Cav - nwaiBina sx. . SHOWCASES, coantera. fixture, boaght, gold "r exrnangea. weerera najvag 1. ait ..-u u iv. ... reciiie vs. FRER FOR EVERYBODY Ring trp Mala J0 r call Sim rroat st. We bay sad sell fur. airare, eiotsing er any aid tiling BILLIARD AND POOL tabes for mt sr 'ear Bale on eaay peymenta. THB BRUNSWICK-BALRK-COLLBNDBB CO, S Third St.. Portlaad. FOR SALE Tw top. hand-mad grocery wagons ssd en second-band sxpras wagoa. 420 Belmont at. PRACTICALLY new No. 8 Underwood type writer for a. I. at a bargain. Adreae ft 177, ears Journal. FOR SALE A fine shepherd pop, cheap. P. B. Baker, Bros more, at. - Inquire B yea mora. Or. BOI.DEN'B RHEUMATIC CCRB Bur ur for rbsumattsm. Sold by all druggists. FOR BALR Oliver typewriter, praetleallv xe $08. 131 Bsst 18th St. Pboae Best Z7S4). OLD BOOR STORB ramovsd to IBS Fifth aad Sll Second ata. ' FOR SALR Piano, almost new; a bargain, la. .qulrs SOS Macadam road. ' BUTTERFLY cos turns, tlrhts, robe, enrtaia and . elides for poses plsatlqna; ale ether the atrical goods, are tamps, rheostat, color wheels, calcium light, lobby board., trunk, - fe. Call between 1 and 4 P- St., Room Re. 48. 14CH Sixth t, FOR SALE Be rev tne la White, Singers, Dev. Wheeler ft Wllaoaa. Houaabnlda aad ether slightly dams red machlnee. The White Sew. ' tog Machine sfflee, H. D. losjea. B80 Yamhill tn -corner Feurtb. ATJTOMOBTT.B for sale. 1808 Cadi lie bbooi. uou. lev iita ax. ODA FOUNTAIN for sale sr trad. 1ST Froat. ' . - FINB motion plctnra marhms, gas eutftt. B.VI feet film snd 100 views to 8100: east 800. Boom 9, 14BH SlkU t. . . $38 BORNE rang $18. $8 tron bed $4.BO. $0 phouoirrspb and 18 reeorde $11-80, $8.80 bed ; a or Is re 82 2$, $18. SO Buck' ook sfovs 8 SO; '. ether pieces of taraltar at epeeial prices. 828 First t. , . ... , FULL-BLOODED Cocker Spa nisi bitch, BM eld, $18. $60 Kogeaa at, . . -" . , i ths FOR SALE Boa too terrlera aad aid atoek 1 writs box BWl, Rowburg, Or. FERSOXAli. ' SOT "THIRD ST, BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON? SWTMMINO POOL. STEAM AND HOT AIR BATH: FROM S A. M. TO e . . a... enl.w w lifllB, ni.B vr aasuTtti, . a ... ., , ,irarr, win salt rrem LawlB bldg. March 1; took tag for salts Ms lorstioa; for present may be rnemd at reel. ' J- KJ """h 10th et. Pboae PaelH ftaux win Mil . i . , IEXINR PILLS cor aU form ef narrows sr ' muscular weak seas. Fur meo or womsu. Fries $1 box, bags $8, with full guar - sates. Address er call J A. Clsmeasna. 2ms gist. Second end Yamhill ata. Pert la sd. Or. LADIES Dr. Reteham, graduate end redetered phvalclan. treata ssy aad all year complaints wltk skill and surceas, I toy Third at., ee. aer YsmhllL Pseifle 1328s 0ERMAN hooka. BMgasrsee. asvele. etc. 1 Oer. man. Bagll.h. French. Bpsahih. Swedish ssd Italian dirttonarles; foreien books - sf sll kinds. Schmsis Ce 12 Flrat at. MANLY vigor restored hy Dr. BoOerts' Nsrve Olobolea. One moatb'e treatment. $1: 8 tnonthe. 88: sent even rely eesled by man. aaeuta. weoasra. visrss rmj, BOLD ON There Is eae thing that will care t . . - - - . i . k.e ii.nmii nttb . eaa ywwr ' e. .. - ,"nie or aaoreee er oui e. av. ' ornggist, i-ortlsBd. ter. BAt M OP FIOS foe all female diseases. 3S Esst Belmoet. Pueae Eaat 4084. TURRISI1 BATHS, 80 Oresvmlsa bldg. Mil lea a - -.. . u.(a 1U. ye. geeKieavew - - - YOUNO Bctenttfl msssaas give laetrlcsl, si eohollc end medicated trsstmenta. eleo tub baths. , 41 Rsralgh bldg. Sixth snd Wash. Ingtoa ata. SrtTS preeeed wblle yee welt. mr. ladles skirts pre 4. -. Ollbert. IS Stxtk et, asxl te tineile. I'boae Mala 2"--. TERSONAL. BOl.DEN'S RHEPMATIO CURE Bur euro $u rbsasMtlsm. Sold hy all drugglata. BEHT ma ga i Ins efcshe aver offered: aend fo prices; agents wsated. eoaaa Bookstura, 3V1 . Aider at.; Portlaad. Or. MOLES, wrinkles, en pert" loose hatr removed. Ne ekarge ts tslk It over. , Mrs. M. D. Hit. room sjo pisidner bldg. Pboos Pscui isj. BR. PINO CHOONO. hn nortec CI msdlclnas: sells Chlneee Ua, certain ear far 11 dleeeeee. 101 2d. beL YamblU and Taylor. MRS. pmsTER Maeeesse. scalp, facial mss .sage, chlropedy. 124 th Wsshlugtea at. Boor no to 8. LADIES who drat re a beentlful complexion, free from sll blemish, should CsU en Mailam La Oay, SS Raaael block. 4la sad Morriaam. NEWLT opened maassre parlors. Mltft Alder St.. salts 4. Mlse Marcs lis La RotY accou plishsd msaaeoae. BATH parlors have recently ehsnged hsnds st 807H Third su, upstairs, room 14; will guar antee to pleaae all; ladles and gantlamsa. MANICURINO, facial massage and aealp treat aiest. Trp room 1. 80XH Wsablngtoa at. YOUNO Udp glvs traatmests. SS84 XsmhlU. room S. - MISS OIBSON glee scalp rreetmeat; maaaa ga. tC Morrlaoa eU, Mom 81. . , . MADAMB VaSHTI. heeler; vapor and tub hatha, auasags. 201 Vs Third at., eor. Taylor. WANDA, tha famoue palmist. 220 Fifth st, readings daily; price 2sc snd up. . RECENTLY opened msnlrurlng psrlore removed from 861 M to 843 H Morrlsoa St.. room X MISS RAYMOND Masseuse. 208 Morrlaoa at., room 14. Pbon Uala S811. - PIIB Itching, bleeding, protruding, fissures. fistula, eonatlpetiou snd all rectal dleeeeee : cured la lit to 80 dare, wltbont the knife ' or Ugstur. Call or writ Dr. T. 1. Pierce, . 181 First St., Portland, Or. , WANTED Ths present, addreaa ef 'Jotm- H. Puryesri very Important. Addreaa B ITS, rare Journal. DECORATTNO AND TINTTNO. Loom kaleomlned at $8 and op; eld floor ' tnd liooleum reftnlabed at $2 and up: sa tie faction guaranteed: beet of references. CslI ( R. W. Mort. Phon Pacitl 847,, er addreaa 1481 Eaat Davla at. EXPERIENCED laadacape gardener will take , eootracta er day work. Ask for Nathan Burgees. Phone Pselfl 1871) Bom A I ISO. CsU up st T p. m. . . INVENTIONS bought and sold. Covenant Coo tract. Oa.. AST Piled nee bldg. Mala ltl. SHELLY CO., 14th and Plsnderst fWrr. feed, hay, grsls. rbones A 1611. Paclfle 811. AUTOMOBILES. " ' H. L. KEATS ATJTOCO, AtrrOMOBILKS AND SUPPLfES, Northwestern distributors for Pone Hert fords. Pope Tribunes. Pop Wsvarlr. P.nt Toledoa, Thomas, Oldamvbllee. Prenkltna. Bulcka. 80-81 Seventh St.. Portlaad. Oregon. - HOWARD M. COVEY. Agent Pteri-e Qreet Arrow. Locomobile, Cad lllae aad Kbob. Temporary . loestJo Chah Rarage. iBtb sad Alder sts. HAVB TOO BEEN RARER ELECTRICS! Ctpltsl Supply Co.. 48 Alder st. Pbnu Pa cific 8TI. Demonetrsttoa by appolntmast. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNXB, attorney. Room SOS. Com merrla! blk.. Second and Washlngtoa ate., Phone Mala 1448. PIOOOTT, FINCH ft BIOOER. attorney at law. 4 Mulkey bldg., corner aeeond snd Mor- ' rlson. - ASSAVERS. BARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO., Montana Aaaay Office. 18 Morrlsoa K. ARCHITECTS. B. a pITTRICH. architect. 821 William cor. . McMlllen st Phon Bast 8331. ERNST KRONER, srcbltect Plans snd apedfl eatfoaa; alao handing aperlntendence. ART. FREE LESSONS IN Rmbrnlflery Every Dep.- . THB NEKDLECRAFT 8 BOP. SKI Washlngtoa St. . B. H. MOOREHOU8R ft CO. Art lets' materials. pieturw molding, picture rrsmxpg. stereopti. e suae, laatsra elide. 811 Ahlet t. - tsaKuas.-err.-wrKu-wmittiei. i i , n n mi ami aimsa BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. LOUIS J. WILDB Horn Telephone bonds, bank stocks, turner oixta tat wssningtoa ais Portlsnd, Or. w weMiBBiaai aiauasa sw.ieii.iaa alisAaaMSa BATHS MASSAGE. MRS. 0BROCK. graduate mssssaasi caMnet herb, salt glow, aleokol rub, rrsam maaesge law BwesntB at. uala saoa. BUTCHERS BUTTLTES BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES S. BlrfcenwaM Co., 804-808 Everett at.; Isrgsst batcher euppty bouse eat th osst. Write for sstslogus. BUTCHERS- SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekam, 1SI-I8S First St., carrte a full Mn end com plete eeeortaaent at lowest market prices. n BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWR. DAVIS ft KILHAU. 10S-111 Bacoad st. Bmnk hooks BMBBfaetBred: a gea ts. for Jus.v Improved Leose-Lesf ledgsra; aee the aew Eureka href, the beet ea the msrkst. COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST ft SLABWOOD CO, sna rroat. oocccasore to rnitoa weed oa. nr. esk. sisowooa, sssi. Tel. mam FOR araanpt deltemy ef alahwood cull Main 4ST8. Osk. aahl Tr and roe!. Portland wood 4b Coal Co, isth aad Barter ata. OREOON PUEL CO. la Bow selling W.lah sa. tnraeire. treet aosl ta martev im hm ' st Mai ea. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer ta cord wood, ml and green ssd dry slsbwood. B. R. sad . Ik, . m . 1 .- . m W.. Me, a , ... m Men. we. w . " . mmmm wtv. - WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO. Bouee snd Mseksmltk eoala. coke, ch sai, kmdiug. Pboae Msis 101. TELEPHONE EAST T. P. B. JONES ft CO, Weed aad Coal. ISA East Water St. STEEL BRIDOB FUEL OO Dealer la coal, eerdwond and dry slsbwood. Phone East 434. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS, Alwaye Oooeolt the Best. I PROP. B. KHIMO. Ore test living asrrsl dee rt-trance clairvoyant of the seel sdvieer oa Bneineaa snd su sr- fatr of llfs: toll your full asms snd whst yoa called for, whom you will marry, bow to enatrol ths oa ye love, even thonsb mllee a war; reunites ths asperated: gives s.crat Kwera to seatral: no long delay ta waiting, mra 10 to 8. dally and Bnnlay. . Office No. $ aad 4. Oread Theatre hid., SSSH Waah. aear Park at. Pboae Mala 120T. MRS. 8. B. BEIP. PaychomearMit. Prophetle tall. 10 to 8, 802 Alieky bldg. Ctrelss tne... Wed.. Thar.. PrU 8 p. tm.. 2c. Pao. ixnii. PROFESSOR WALLACE. Pertlanst favorite lslrvoyant. palmier and aaedlum; rsadlnga 80. 841 Vi Mor., ear. Tth. MISS MAT ANDREWS Card reading, lot, 138 Sixth st, corner Mttn. CAFES. THS OrriCE 2NI Wseblngtea St., shea Msla TT1. Samuel Vlgweus. CHIROPODISTS. WM. DCVF - v eely set' M(, ! J . i I S t , ' i I "il I l- CPIM'I'" Jloi re I CARPENTERS AMI ECILI I ":: JOHN A. MKI.ION, S 4 r.xii-th at Of atu flxturee Ceti 1 It and retnyjele-t ; 0ei. aad counter. Phone Msln li-SI. E. M ELTON Office, store flxtneea; r-neral Johblng. 1T Flrat st. Phone u-v. CARPET CLEANING STANDARD CARPET t LKANINO CO l.aree.t plant oq eosat; Lsrlng ssd rlardlng eta.; tuui,e Haat Ih0 carpets a lee wed. refitted. Bee .4 and laid; eteam ssd oiwpreeaed air pprae: re. Bova ting msttresees sad feathers a specialty. JOTCB BROS., proprietors ef the Electric Clean- log wortai cerpeta cleaned aad rsld. both il'f snd entnpr.saed-slr eleanlag; esrpet refitting one epeelslty; work guaranteed. Phone Mais M71 snd A tUTA. 10 tirsnt st. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTH ES elesned and preeeed. '$1 per aunatb. Unique Tailoring Co, 80 Stsrb St. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning ft Dyeing Works. Sll Ourtk st. Phooa Paelfle SOT. B. W. TURNER, dyer; carpets deed special. iy. eerrerssa at. staia xo is. i DENTISTS. DR. EARL 0. McFARLAND. deotlat.- Bnltee iro-,ii-ji7 awetland blili. Phone Mala 2.H1. DRESSMAKING. MRS. VAU0HAN. eTnerteoeed dreaematar, atH'i But Bnraaide at. Phooa Eaat 2U17. MADAMS ANGELES 141 Fifth. Psclfle B2. ri DANCING. OANCINU leeaons tor. elaases snd private. dally. Prof. Wal Wtllaon. ball H04 Altakr - bids.. Third and Morrlaoa ata. Social da nor g ' waits, twe-etep. three-step, etc: etere dan,- tng, bark snd wing clog, rsol, jig. Highland fling, Bpanlah. etc. WOODWARD DANCINtl BCHOOf Claaa Moa.. , Thera. sod Bat. sv.i sorlel. feser snd stes dancing taught: 8 eaatstsnt teacher.: cla.e snd privets leaeone dally. Wastera Aeee-ry hall. Second aad Morrlaoa ata. Pacific lfl-Vl. PROP. RINOI.ER. MISS:' Rf'CKRNMETEM Leading eebeot. dally; new hall, beet In city. Orssd a vs. snd Fsat Morrteoe at. Eaat IMI70. ; EDUCATIONAL. OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE). Commonwealth building. 8th aad Ankeae, rheoe Main 8001. Telegraphs, shorthand, yprrwrltlng. penmsnsblp. Engllab brancbee. Individual Instructions, special scbslsrshlp. - HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Wtshlnctou end 10th sts.. Fllednrr bldg. Bookkeeping. Shorthand, T.vnewritlng snd sll English bra aches tsagbt, both day aad Bight. ROSE CITY Rt'StNESS C0LI.E0B. Pitman Shorthand he Court Be-wter. Rn1. Be Coorae. Special Bcbnlarablne: Poeltlrma Be. cored. Oorsmon wealth bldg.. th snd Ankeny. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. 1 M. e. WALSH Co. 811 Stsrk st. " Electric and Oa Fixture ead SwppHee. Mantels. Tiling. Orstss aad Doglmna. PACIFIC ELECTBIQ CO. Enrtnsers. c , tors, repairers, electric wiring, sunplle. S4 First, eor. Stark. Main 080. R. H. Tate. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 81 Blxtb at. . : Contractors, electric supplies, motors snd dy Rsums; we InstsII llrbt and power plants. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO.. 191 Eart Morrhma St. rixmres. wiring, repslrtag. Rsst VM. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB ft IRON WORKS . Secosd sno vsrert su. Phon Main sooo. GASOLINE ENGINES. BASOLINR engines, sll sixes and etylee. st ;, lowest price. Relrsoa Machinery CSv. 1S3-4-8 Murrlwo et. .. SHEFFIELD marine engines. Any propellers. Fairbanks, Morse ft Co.. .First snd Stark sts. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HABDWARB CO. solicits opportun ity te quote prlcee, T4 Sixth at. Psclfle 4IA. HOTELS. ROTKL Portland. American pUa. $8, 83 per dsy. BELVEJJERBt Europesa plsn; 4th sad Alder ata. EVSURANCE. I8AA0 I- WHITE, fire Insurance, lock bids- 844 Shsr- W. L. PAGE. Inauranee: emplorera" Habllltv. survty boods, burglar snd accident Insurance. ' Phoae Mala 828. 204 Falling bldg. .. . JAN. McI. WOOD, emptovers' liability and fnT uiTiunai eavioeni aemnry nnvraa or a u araas. Pboe 4T. 80S McKay Mdg. v v LAND SCRIP. 'v. WANTED and fo saw All kinds, locrs.lfcg , sppraved foreet reserve scrip fee earveyed. us surveyed, timber sad pralrl rxrvamaienl lan-1. B. M. Hamilton, 'The Portlaod." Portia od. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES L. MA8TICK ft CO.. Froet and Oak ata, leather and aklne af every dearrlpth-a - foe sll purpoeee; aols sad tap euttara; flndlsgs. M.4CHINERY. B. TRENKUAN ft CO. Mining, aswrnlll. lo. (tog mschlnsryt hydrsulle pipes, easting; sll Inds repaired. 104 North Fourth et. THR H. C ' ALBER CO Second ha od ws- chtnery. sawmills, etc. 148 Grand are. MUSICAL. THB WEBBER STUDIO Mswdollo. basis, goiter instruction. 48H Wash lag toa St. . . PIANO, vtolla, cornet, trombone, clarinet. Pro. feeaor E. A. Smith. KA 12th et. Mala 4T0.t. MONUMENTS. NBU. ft KINOSLEY. S88 First et PerUasd'S leading marble and granite work. MONUMENTAL BRONZE CO. Mo-t durable grave beadstnnee. Room 12. 108 Stsrk at. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. D LILLRREI.LB PATTERSON, specialist sa Bcmats. acute aad ehraoh dlaasai n. Offiee 117 Peatoa bldg. Phone Psetfl 110. DR. ADIX ft NORTHRUP. lB-l-l p-kee. bldg. Third and Weshlnrtoa Ma.. Phone : Main S4S. Examination tree. PLU3IBERS. FOX ft CO ftsnltsr- sins, here. 181 Second. '- Msla and Salmoa. Orsgua pbaa Mala . DOVNEBBERO ft RADKMACHEB .-' n".t riumetoe at. PAINTS, OIL AND GLAS1. P. B. BEACH ft COa.TU PtOSeer P.'et U I wiedrw elaaa end gla.n.g. i .1 luil a. Phoee 184. PRINTINO. TPSJ Mi)IFP.N fISTrtf--i1a p'" zu H"hI bi lg, Ftmrm aad i.a-il'0. I Paotrie inj. HrsTTiiiv it nniivi From ctrcolare to ear.N 'ea a 1 eae..'. Metropolitan Printing to,, 1. F-nt Oct pc " p i . e"nter-r-e-. eo. r'.re k' n h -i, i I PAINTTNa . I a '