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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. APRIL 21. 1$07. HO;, LEGATEE OF , H. 17. EOODE'S ESTATE Believed When Will Is Probated Fortune Will Co to Late Portlander's Wife. i TODAY'S Mi CR!CE I S Heavier Receipts in Butter arid Ega Indicate That a Further Drop in These Products May Follow Otherwise the Market Is Quiet .rnr-'? m I a. I I I I 1 II. It I . IT , AI1Y EGGS ARE III HIE L1ARKET Butter Also Is In Large Supply 'and the Prices May Soon brop. 1 Market feataree today: ' hit receipt, le butler. -" It utter nrleea eotna BD la tb enefc Egg. imkii on account of plentiful narkat. Market otherwlae qmet. "ntjire butter price, uncertain. ' Batter I tte Bneertaln element ta the kwl ' Barker, today, la aplte of Tueeday' Oxop. Cumukwloa nerchaDta expect aa adaittuaal de cUb becaoae tbe receipt, ara Urea. Cream, rlaa, however, atate that tha fatura prlcea ara " Terr nncertaln. Thla la beta dm of the higher Brlc-e Id tba aaat. AltboaiEk battar weakened . cnneLVrrably only Tocedey, other outalde fea- tare guar Influence tba local aiaruta aa mat thtra may be DO change. Tueeday'. weakening Bar and mar not Influence tba asarkete. Everting A Farrel nay that It doaa not aeem nnllkelr that weaker price, will hare to be accented for batter eooe. Oold etoraxe praducta -continue to keep tba poultry market about area. Uhtpmenta are bat tba demand la keening Bp uaaauauy ell. .'--..- ,..:.. Vegetable, and tnilt ahlpnumU bra expected la a few-daym tba may change tola aepecf , of j the eommlaalna bualneea, although nothing naaual la reportea by eemmleeloa mea today. Trade ea Front atreeta waa quiet a ad . so norrlaa or annual proanrttooa ara .xpeeteo. Batter and en ara tba only product that ' betray a armptoro of a change. If there la - any change It may not coma antll next week. ' Bale of K. reel. ' Tbe leio mohair pool of about PO.0O0 pound. waa. bought yeatorday af teraeon by Theodore Burnhelm A Co.. of tbia city, at 38M rente. 'the highest bid received. Two other aaleo will take place at early da tea. Oaa ef about 1.000 fleeoee will Be. of -. v fared at Htlleboro Saturday and another at . aUdyvtUe -April SO. . -., ' 1 . - Trade para the following Brteee. ' Prlcea paid eaippere ara. was regular coamiaatona: rein. Flow and Feed. SKAM BAOS Calcutta, 81e buylag prleet exiling. eHe. ; WHKAT C'lub. n&TSe; .red Boaalan, Tlo bloeetem. T6j76 valley, Mo, - CORK Whole, 828.0O cracked, 138.00 per i . koav ' , ' , BARLkt Few read, azi.ooea.00 per too! anuea, w wndrt.wr otowuag, lA.wr&4a.w. . I K ei oo per rwi. .-i . . - ' OATS New Producer. price lo. I white, f27.MH2s.0ft per tea: (ray. M.M(37.0. FLOUft Raatera Oreaoa pateata, - M.M - : atralcbta. H JS: export, 13.88; ralley, ti.SO-'t ' .Oi rabam, M. UM; wbol. wheat, fS.TS; , rye. We, W 00; balee, $.T. , . -inLLSTlrFS Brea. . IIT.00 per ten): a1d- ' aiiBia. la.wii atxirra. coontry, xao.oo; city, ii60t Choo. IIO.OOat21M. 1 RAT Prodocera' price Timothy, Willamette j eauey. rascy, mw: ordinary, I12.00F 14; eaatera Qreaxa. 2O.O0Q3I.O0; allied. $10j 10 0; clover, JKi.00: rala, Oa.OUt)10.0wi atuttar, Xrx. and omltry. , - " BDTTM FAT C e. b. ' Pnnland aot aream, C3H; eoar. tlHe. BUTTSK City creamery, zfV; aaooada, ZZUes 21ei eutakle. fancy, 4GX! eeoooda. Sue BOOR ltxrra faarrl aaadled. Mr.'" ,'"" CHEB8BV New ruU cream, data, - Sc; (Foona America. 17a. ' . . '. ' r-oXJLlai UUed eblrkena, UUi' per rh! fancy babe, ific per lb: moatara, old, ; HOiac Er one; eia eraau, nmm per lb; tryera, Q oa. brollera, doa old dock a, lrm 1 per lb. eprtre; d.'ke, 18e per lb.; aeree J 10a pet lb: tnrkeya, 17o per lb for old; draaoeJL ' faacy, tM per lb; aquaoa. 3.00 per dna; . -eJaeooe. 1 At per 4o. lltamii eoltry iqn,e Raea. ' Waet mmM VMm. r BOPS 1008 crop Prime, to ebolee, Se -. aw vviuia ee prime, ei man in m, euSHoi ) tracta. 10X17 crop, 10c. . - H WOOU 1007 clip Valley, tOeaSle. V - WrtHAIE New 1807 3u2Vie. HECPHKINS MhmwL. ikjo. , CUlTTlhl lAUC-fee for ear mtr maU I HIDHS Dry, No. U 1 Iba and aa. 1J tlOe per lbt dry kip, No. 1, to It lhe.-80l:; dry callTrio. 1, aoder I Iba, 20e; eelted hldea. ; ateera, aoead, 00 Iba and oref, 0OI0p eowa. ??8e!,".,,,-,,d "" eoOBd. 7C kip, 1 to SO Iba, be; calf, eoaad. under IS iba, lie; ' kreoa, aaealted, le leaa; col la, I e per lb leaa; ' eelted. each, II .. 00 dry, each. IXWOIAO; eoK bldea, t loSOc (eat aklaa, com moo, each. IO0i6e: Angora, each, tOcfl 1A) etaeep ekme. tOetX.ISk' . ,.: , fralta aa4 Veeotoklea. POTATO It Bar btj prlre, oaorera Valtao. Cih and Clarkamaa, ariert, il.TOHJ 1.80- aeU f. faacy, Mia 10; ordinary, Jobbluf, l.7f. l.Wi eeatern Oretoa. buylne, lio; ilUue aota, 11.9063; new aweeta, Oc lb, ONIONS Jobbing or Ice No. I Orecoo, UM: t. Ho. 3. lx.7DdiJ.0u; earlle, Sae per lb. APHLK8 Kiocy Hood Rlaer SplteenBerg and : TrlkW Newtowne, 2Mi fancy Willamette eal . ley and eoathera Oreaoa, llAOdAOU: pnllaarr . atock. ancullS. . . ' FBB8H I RU1T8 Oraniea, new aarel. S.O0 St.oO; taayerlnee, $1.M: baoanaa. be per lb; . kronoa, t4.25QSX0 per box; llmee, Meitcaa, tl.SO per too: ptaeapplea. H 0000.00 per dual . (raae froM, .. . . ' VBOSTABI.KS Tnrnlpa. new. bOc0 Mrk, arrota, 7&ctl.00 per aack; beeta, 11.70 per aack; pamlpe, ft.00iai.xftj canbaxe, t.1iB3is; tomatoaa, lieilcaa. $1.7fit3; Florida, Uiii.bH; panolpa. OOctttl 00; etrlnf beaaa, 13a per lb.' ; ceuliriower, 1JS1.R0 doe.; peaa, OQiOc; ' horaeradleb, Sc lb; artlehokaa, 75e$140 per ' .doe; aqeaab, 75c$I.OO per box; celery. Call. , fnrala, (11 craaberrlea. 10.00Oll per barrel; eprouta, . RiUba per lb, I aeparairaa, ISttloc; rhubarb, Ve per lb.; green ootona. ISc doa.i awruie pen prppera, per to; epinacu, I V 1. . Per box; bead lettnce, 40e doa; botbouae. $3.00 . eaceaibera. 13.25 doai radlaboa, , 10c dos auncnee; exxpiant, loc per lb. DaiEI FUUIT8 Anpiee, ereeorated. HQ , Te per lb; aprlcota. lHC30e per lb: peaehee, I K&U He per lb; aackm, He per lb feoe: prnaea, . 00 to 40, He drop ea each 1-10 a mailer . itaet flra. California black. 8V4 per lb; California white, fl6He p-r lb; da tee. goldeo, , In. 60 per box: fa roe, el-0l-M par U-lb boa. i "'- - Oreoariaa, Kata, Kta. 1 . bTOAB CaiKornla i Ha era 11a a Gaba, . t(l-07H; powdered. tfi.o3U: berry. I6J7H: dr raouiaiea, f o.bmi ntnr, bo.xh. con f. A. S.3; extra B, f4.82Hi goMea O. ta.rtu: Mf jwmww, ee oAa, oeei graneiaTeo, ao.zx. Weatecn Cube, JH; powdered. $b3H; dry granulated, lU3H; P. 0. , o 23Hl - St. Francla, 5JI2t4j onofectlonere A, SJ2H; 'extra U, 4.(tkH; golden C. I4.72H; D yellow, !, f.3W; beat graaulated, $5.3H; barrela, loc; .' kalf barrela, &!; boxea, toe adranea ua aack ' - baala. ' , (A bore prlcea ara M 4ayi an caak aota .' tJona.) , - I. : , . ., . : , I10NBT UN per crate. v - ' ' ' , , OOFKKB Packaye bra ode, g lt.ia.J. ' :- k SALT Cot roe Half pound, 100a, $11.00 pet i ton; 60 $11; table, dairy, 00c. $10.00; 100a, ; $H.7B; balee, $3.00; Imported Ijeerpool, Ooe, '-' $1.00; tooe, $17.00; i4a, $16.00; extra fine. ' bble. Sa. be and 10a, $4.N.80; Ueerpooi '; himp mrk, $20.00 per teal 00-Tb. reck, $11.00) 100a, $10.00. . (A bore prlcea apply to ealee ef leer tba ear lota. Car lota at epeclal prlcea eubjeet w 4 4i:iaa urai.f - kicb Imperial Japan, Ho. I.. Ocl Ho. S. 1C1 Maw OrleailB. heed. Tc! At,, not Graalo. 'bRANS Small white.' M an. larea white. 3.36; pink, $A35 bayoa. $3.10; Umaa, e; , p,,imh rena, ec. , NUTS Peennta. Inmbe. 0H per Tb( Fir . glala. 7Hc per lb; roaaird, 10c per lb; Jap. aeee. n:.Hci roat1ed-'7rt7H per lb: eoooa. r. aata, Oonoc per doa; walnuta. California. la ; per lb; French, IV per lb: pine note, I4ine per Ibi hickory seta, 10c per lb: fbeetaata, . eaatern. lft(jloc per lb; RraaU data, INc per i lb; filbert a inc per lb; fancy peceoa, iO30e; almooda, 10e2lHc. , ," MaaU, Flak aa PreTtalena. . :' ' mrm MKATS Front Street Hoax, fancy, , tHOOe per lb; reel, extra, 0CHe par lb; ordinary, Ttt per lb; poor, 0c per lb; mot ' ton, faacy, la per lb; eprlng lamba, 10c per lb. HAMS, BArowtTO Portland park llocoi! hama, 10 to 13 Iba. lflc per lb; 14 to Id lha, , lne per In; la to 30 lha, 10c per lb; breakfaat beona. KHOIIH per lb; plcutea, J3e per A , enttare roU, lie per lb; rexular abort cleaw. anemoked, 12e per Ri enmked, Ike per lb ' tlear hecka, nnauioked, l'ir; emoked. I He per )h Vnlon bntta, 10 ta III lha. unemoked, ee , per lb; envkeri. Be per lb; clear hellloo, an. , ir.od lie per lb; aninted. I3H per lb; ati"iti '..r,t i jo rr V': r"'ki -t t.Tirne, nc eah. ' A l . I a ,i. .. Iraf. i.w. Ike l-r . lb; u, 1.11,0 pt in; tu lb tuia, l.Ta car Ui WHAT DEALERS SAY V'1. OF . LOCAL MARKETS By Sherk & Graham Cov' . It Is atlll tb name old cry - e '"not enough, poultry coming ta market ta gupply th trade," but , thooe ahlppera who are) fortunate ' '.enough to bo able to take advan tage of tha present market $r getting top prlcei. Tha arrival during tho paat week have ' aeemed unusually abort, ano but ... tot tha cold atorage auppliea tha price would be much higher at . the preaent time. . ' Veal and hoga 'ara flrtn " lit 1 prloted fluotatlone. Tha demand . for the former beaming unueuai ly good. . : ' ! .v ' - ,-:-; ' Tha potato market holds firm ' with no proapect of a decline and : auppliea ara getting; vary ehort . Aa yet there hag been no notice- 4 able advance In price. ; -' , 4 team rendered, 10a, UUe per Tb la, 12 per lb: oom pound. 10a, 0e per lb. . CANNED MALMIIN Colombia river. ' Mb una, ll. Mi; X in tana. i IB;-fancy l ib flare.; H-m aacy nata. ai.ia: rancy lib era la, us: aieaaa mil. pma, Hgwt red. nominal. 2a. tall. 12.00. FISH Rock cod. 7 per lb; flonndera, Oe per lb; kallbut, one per lb; era ha. L00(1 so per aox; etnpea Dee. izc in: reman. iuc id; aal. moo, freeh Colombia Chinook, Oe per lb: ateelbeada, 0c per lb; herring, 0e lb; eolea. ec per in; anrimpe, iuc per id; perch, lb) black rod, 7c per lb; torn cod. 7c lobetera, lc per Ibr freeh mackereL lb: crawftan, X0 per doa; atureeoa. 10c nor lb; black bam. 20c per Columbia river am1t IW. IMf Ibt ihlA. lint. i. . . . OYSTERS Rhoalwater bay, per fa floe, $3 05"H per iuu-id aarx. aaw; uirmpia. per gailoa, 12.38; per - US-lb aack. $0.oVO0.20r Bagaa. canned, -loc eaa, 17.00 ooa. . , CLAUS Hardabell. per boX. $1.40 Clama, $2,00 per box. lie ear dam. , . - Faint, Oaal Oil, Xto. . ' " HOPS Pore Manila, le ataadard, Ue; alaal. 'lie. . . COAL OIL Pearl or Aarnl Caeca, 0He per gall water white, tree bble, 140 per . gal; 17e per gal: headlight, 170 dee:. 21 H per ral. -,.) OASOLINK M dea.. . S4H per gaJ tron bble, ISe per lai. BCNZINB i deg, ai 2Se per gal; troa bble, 18Hc per xaL TURPENflNH la caeea, OOe per gal woodaa bble, iwe per gal WHITS LEAD Tea feta. Te per Ibt 000-Ik avta, ac per in; aeao lota, anc per 10, n : WIRE NAILS Preaeot baala at $3.09. ' LINSEBD OIL Pare raw, hi 0-bbl -lota, S0e 1-bbl lota. 03e; caeca. Me per gal; certain ket tle boiled, caaea. ooe per gall 0-bhllkMa, Ma: t-bbl Iota, OAe per gal; groood eake, car Iota. $30.00 par baas laea thaa oar kna, $30.00 per tea, k i. ..- -., ' t- ") i , NEVADA MININQ STOCKS Trading; Oontlnnes 2aJet,bn( Brisk BloveiWiit ExpoctrMl Soon. aa '' Frendaco. Aortl te Nevada mlnlna ah area eoetlnue ancbanged, .deeplto the faot that tba etrlke la definitely nettled. It le the oplnlea here that there will be aa advance aooa, however. COLDFTKLD DISTRICT. 10c; Colombia Mt.. $1.00: Jumbo. $400; Jumbo ext., ax.(M; vernal, zrec rennaya-rania, sc; Ooldfleld M? Co.. $1.76 A; Kendall, H3c; Booth. S2e: Blue Ball. 00c: A da me. 21a: BUver Pick. $1.20: May Queea. 25c A;. Nev. Boy. 17c; 3. B. Ext.. 14c: Bine BelL 29cl THxIe. 12a: O. Oolambla. T7ct Hi hernia. 14c: St. lrea. $1.0; t oDOoemr, X2c; tiia. kocx. ec; Lfoae Btar, sac; O. Wonder, del PoOacb. SeAl Ore. Sct Keo. dan Ext., loc; Baudot. Kit., iota; Mayne, ioc; Atlanta. Tct ureal tJn. ai.jiHI Empire, ; Red Top Ext., Ole; Florence. 00s; Dlam'f B. B. Coo., $ mt-. -D1y, xJc; Iarai.l.l Com anon weal lb. 40c: Comb. Fract.. K4c: Of. Bend Kxt., aeoTOrj ftead A ex., X2cl MOlaterm, $4.30; B. B. Bonanaa. 13c) KewaBoe. $1.43; Eameralda, 2Sc; Portland, S4c Cracker Jack, c: Francla Mobawk. $1.40A Bed HIIL Ole; Mohawk Kit., 2.1c; Speerbeed Oold, Ooe: Loa iniloa, le: Y. Tiger. 20c: Grandma. 27c: 8 Pick Ext.. Oct T Roae. ISci CoL aft. Kit.. as, uotui. uaaa.; aoe; uiam I. Truagia), aoc. ? 1 ' COMST0CK DI8TBICT. , ' f vanir, wvri armn, L el vwrry. on, Tirxioja, ei.w; Mvexe, vvc; nam Norcroaa. 87c; Yellow Jacket, $1.00; Belcher, 08c: Confidence. ILOTil Sierra Kav.. BSet Xx. cakvuiicr, jvc, unioo, ooe, BrtXTROO BISTKICT. ? ,l A.I 1 ,.lt, 1 w ), ,. . Bullf.. Oe: Nat Bank. 40cA: L. Harrle. 4c: Amethyet, 44c; Oold Bar, $1.07H: Bteiawar. ISe: Denver Baf. Anx.. lAe: Ronnie mere. dSe: Mayfl. Cone., eOei Monty. Ohio Ext., 14c; O. Scepter, aoc; Monty. Mt., 24c; B. Daley, 17c; Hoaneatako Oone $127H Taakee Girl,. IHe; Nnxxet, 10c Tramp Coaa., $1.00; Victor, 20cA; eiorui nw, ivcai ounaev, lue. , TONOPAH DISTRICT. Too. lfev.. 20cAl Mont. Tba.. gean. ajw. lit.. S3.WA: MaeNamara. 4ficA Midway, fl.OOAt Ton. Belmont.' 4Uc; Ton. Mo. Star, iac; Ohio Ton, 4ci Weet End Cone.. $LJ7W , v. . , a. .,.. . ebor, STei Jim Bofhsr, $1.22U; Ton. Onah Boy. tic; i. nooie, w; aweT. -job., lie: atonarch Pitta. Ex.. lOe: Mont. Mid. Bxt 10c; Golden wvwn, aoc, n. x. ion, vono., rue, v t,-.. MAKHATTArt DISTRICT. v aim, lw.i eocf eiano.' am.' vo., JSC, . Wedxe. lie; Seyler Bump, 2cf Dexter, toe; L. Joe, So; Creerent, Sc; Combination. 0c; Granny, 23e Mnatang, 20e; Uttle Grey, tte; Cowboy. Oe; Orlg. Maafa., ISc: Braacba, 14c; enmp. eeca, eici i rinenni, j re; Bnrraio, ac; S. Dog, 20oAS X. Bone, 0e: ladlaa Camp, lac. V . TARIOL'S DISTRICTS. s - Welrv. Silver Klne. Hf. rale r,rl KT-. Nevada Hllla, $4.8THr Pitta burg Silver FVak, 20c: No. Star Wonder. lSeA; Kaglt'a Keet, $1.80: Ruby Wonder. 80c: Alloa of Won. dor. 12ei Bed Bork, 4 2c A. . TVXTZO 1TATTS WmXKZXI B01TDS. New York, April 24. Government bonda: " twos, refutorea ,.,..,,.,, low do coudoo ., lono Threea, regixtered ......... long do coupon 1008 Threea, email bonda .... roura, reaiatereo ,.....,. 1BZB do eonnoo 1&2S ' i ' "in ; im 109 102 100 four, regtotered, eld .,, ' do eonpoa ..................... Foura, Phillpptnee Twoa, Panama eoupoo .... ' FOlTtAlTD tAXX IIATIlfnrT. . Clear hi xa today ,....,..$1,?.91.04 Qlearlnga year ago. ........ 777,010.02 ' Oaln today .-..2 fri Balaneee today iM.bSdm aHuaaoaa year ego , ., . I20,SvO.0 rkntAKT jaOTEMTaT. " Ollcaro. April 24. Recelobl tnda were Wheat, 732.000 bnabebj aralnat 272.000 bnabela; uurn, ooori'w waveie eaaine ovo,wu poeneje. -i:. Bktpmeata. mrxia, apru . nnipmenri la gram are today reported ea followei Wheat, s 073.000 bnabela exalnat SftS.ono buahelai corn, 010.000 buaoeia againei asa.uuv ouaneia. ., , " " ' v" Cleeaooa. j.' - '' '", I rare, 'April 34. Tlcarancea today were aa fouoara: Wheat, 07.BUO boahela; oorn, k41.nno bnabela: rata, 2oO bnabela; floanr, 31,000 barrela I wheat ad floor.. 131.000 hoobole. . , . . ; jrriv 'Tome coTToir kasxzt. .' Kew terk April 24. Cotton, market: V' open. II if a. law, , Cloee. fannary .............I"!9 February , ....... ....1023- March .e,,,.,' April ,,,,., ... May 070 June , 07S July ,., 074 Angnat 07S September TO . October ( November ...lor4 December , 1004 1071 ' 10Z.1 , ... . loil -074 0S OVS ' PS ' ; em 1 07 lot lno 1014 OUT . Pl ONg SS OK." loe) 1013 071 , 0T5 0T e loot 1004 t S ' Uaorpeal Oram Market. Liverpool, April 24. Wheat ejooed Old -to ad a la her. (Wn cloeed i up. May wheat, $Hd: Jnly. wheat. 0 4d, May com, 4a 0dl( Julf torn, 4a 7HA. . ; . teuU 0mhi aeae, '' Rf. 7itili, April 34 May wheat 1nel tMny at 7114, an tinvf ef Ae ever yeetoreay t riuae , HEIV YORK 1, Opened Quiet and Closed About r ; Lovy Point With Very New Turk, April 24. Tbe atock market opened quiet and oulntereaUng at about the cluelng of laat night, there being Be demand for atockx al all. The market waa left en tirely to care tor t tie If, and tbe trading that continued wae of a alow and downward ebar teter, with ao attempt to en p port prlcee at all. There were bo epeclal featurea, tbe whole Hat ftebig aueiipported. Tbe market cloeed at aboot tbe few flMurea aad Irregular Jn tone with a downward tread. - v ...,. . Official qootattonl Cooke company: ay Orarbekk Starr i si D2WCKIPT10II. i imal. Copper Co. ....... Am.. Car A Found., oom. do preferred. ........ Am. Cotton Oil, eom.... Am. Locomotive, eom.,. Am. Sugar, eom.-.. am. Buielter, eom,.,,,. do preferred..'.., Anaconda Muting Co.... Am. .Woolen, eom.., mi 07 k 'soi,' 4 o.-. 87 H 08 07 B'J SO ' 03 87 80 a on 120 ua 13SH 124 120 l1tl 104 IS 3Him 02)4 62 00 04 00 00 . 00 07 Atebiaoa, com...,,.,,,. 0 OH, So preferred..., Baltimore Ohio, eom. . - do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. IW 100H It 871 1701 Canadian Paclfle, com. . Central Leather, eom.... Chi O. W.J eom...,. Chi., Ma SL Paul... Chi. N. W, eom..... Cbeaaoeaka A Ohio llH 137H 17M. 18 12 2 12H 130TA 1H6H 1H&H 101 109 138 103 42 80 2H 42H 41' 8ft' Colo. Fuel 4Y Iron, eom,. 8n 2Tt Uoio. Southern, ooa..-.. go d preferred.,,,., do let D referred . Si 4 OOH Delaware H udaoa 1ST Denver R. Q com... 28 28 .... I 70 do preferred. Erie, com .. , J4h; Sh m 24 30 i 08 Vh iaov. 24 24 08 88V4 OS BolJ ..... 140 110'liu 1130 ea 3d prererred..,,,. do let oreferred...... IUInola Central ... Loulevllle A NaahvUle.. juaohattan Kail war ... Maxima Central By... M, K. A T com....... 21 87U 86 80 A TO , , OAV, 7054 06 701 0A T014 DUtlllera ......e....., Great Korthera ....... 187H lasn.iin.i'S Mleeonrl Paclfta National Lead ........ New k"ork Central...... N. T.. Ont. a Weerern 75, 3H 70 H 78 7o 02 I 03 ea U U!llH SS 7i 80 72 Norfolk A Went... eoani. e e n n do treferred.. ........ norm amencan Northern Pacific. 1814 180 188 1 Pacific MaU S. B. Oo... 1'ennaylvanla Railway, P. G L. A O. Co.... 127, lis 44 27 lZn 2 : 3 WX . 80 . 08 Preeaed Steel Car, com.. S7 aa oo prererred...,,,.,, Reading, coen .,, iiii 110 iioa oo 3d prererred.,,.. do lat preferred.'.... 81 03 2X 80 21 H 4S 80 -62 . 22 lH't sn 2D ss S3 20 so 28 60 31 S0 ti" nep. iron at Bteel, do preferred:... 05 ttj Bock teland. Com. ao nreferred. . . . 33K SL U A S. P., 2d pfd.. oo ut prererrea..,., St. L. A S. W com,,., do preferred......... Southern Pacific,- com. do preferred.'. Southern Ry com.... S4H H 83 lib 117 no 110- 22H 07H 2914 zH 04H 22 22 23 7 do eref erred f0 Tenneeeee Coal A lrea. 140 Texaa A Paclfle... .... '' 30 04 2HW TM., St. b. At eom. Oo preferred. ........ TJnlOB Paclfle, com.... 13 1 141 M1- HP pmnng, . oo U. B. Rubber, can i.....,... ea 10$il0l,luii do arefi 10S V. Sv Steel Oe. 7 81 1 I 87 do preferred......... 101 IU111 00 ?2 Wabaah, com.., oo prererred.....,.., Waa tern L'ntoo Tel..... 83 88, Wieconeln Con., eom... do preferred....,,,,. Virginia Chemical 28HI 28 "Total aalee for tbe day. Call maoer cloeed at T 450.400 aharee. 1 per eeot. ACTIVITY IN HOME . TELEPHONE SHARES Pacific States Drops From Above Par to Ninety-Four Dollars Accordingly, i. A nrivata aala at 128.000 Borne Telephone a per cent oorjae at aw waa a aotaoie reatnre of the loeal exchange thle morning. It had tbe effect of atrengthealng (11 Home Telephone haree. Paclfle Telepboea aharee dropped from W2 to tm. t "i be oniy other aaie reoerneo waa mat or za Aaaoclated Oil at 14A The Port li ad crock exehanea, generally, ahowa more activity thaa at any time oaring cne met few daya. . -,. - Balee: Twenty-nva thonmaa Home Taiepoone per cent bonda at 880. private Bale: 20 Aenndered Oil et 048. , , vrriclal anjotatirine: , - ,f ? t,. ... BANK STOCKS. ' ' t . Bid.' ' Alkad. Bank ef rallfornl .........2361.00 f Hanaera- l.umbermen i lua.oo. Merchanta' National ........,-s.... 1TB. B0 150 00 130.00 Oregoa Treat ak Savlnga.. ...... .....'. Portland Truat Co - United Statea Rational......... 200.00 LISTED BECUIUTIEa (BONDS). Amerlcaa Bmcalt Co. ea MAO - 100.00 City Suburban 4a.. ...... 4,.. ..... 02.00 t 87.00 ' 100.60 , 103. M 100.00 Home Telephone be.. ... ...... .... 0. R. a N. Ry., ......... 07.00 O. W. r. A Ry. 0a 100 00 Paclfle Onaat Blacult 0a OO.ftO Portlaad Ry. ea ....... MOW MI8GELLAKB0US STOCKS. Aaaodltcd Oil ...... ....... 42.00 48.00 Home Telephone , 85.80 ,. 40 00 J. V. Lee CO...... ,iu.uu . lajw Paclfle Statea Telephone....... 04.00 Paget aound Telephone....-.... " 40i ktlNINQ 8TOCKB.V Lakevlee .v . Manhattan Crown Pent : .20 . JO M Potlcte kiln In Waahoagal Extenxtoe ......... .28 TJNUSTBO STTOCXS, Taoulna Bay Telepbooe. . . . .... SJS w. 8.00 .17 urexoa t-iiy mil m uibdw.-m Aleaka Petrolenm hrlttah Columbia Amal.. .03 .22 .10 ,. jOO 0 ; X7 .06 J7U ' .123 .08 .12 J4 ,10 .10 ..... ,06 - - .40 S.x. raecadta ..v............. Mammoth ........ .Morning , i .,.,... ..... Standard Coneolldated rTacoma Steel - COKOB D-ALBNB DISTRICT. Rllllloa t.i .. .MIA Copper King .16 u. jw, tonaoiiaaiee. ......... , Happy fay . .08 ; 8 now, hoe .4 Saowitarm ......., 2. 0 : EASTERN LIVESTOCrC ,:, nogs Opened Strong Yestrdar-1 - , :' Trwid Is Kept p.' ; ':v . Chicago, April 24. Lrreatnek reeetptai Sheen. 20.000 8.000 filcaga 34,ie 2.000 Kanaae City ....... .16.000 lo.ono ' Omaha 10.000 flSOO O.oOO Hnare opened atmng with 8000 left ever. Recetpta a year are were 27.000. Prlcee: turd. r1.I3 heavy. .60U.I2; rough, S0.404t.0St light, 86.nOtI0.78, . ; , tattle and ebeep ateadg. - -- - . KUlcd hy ,Flllng Chlmner. MlUvlllo. N. Ji April t. Throa glrJa employed at tha glass factory of T. C Whaaton ok Co. were killed today 1 DULL by tlie eoUapxa of tba gmokeatack. . Mil RETAINS STRPUG OPENING Liverpool - Influences the : Grain Market and Southwest Puys Heavily. Chicago, April 24. With a better feeling from Liverpool thie morning, thla market be. u llated at higher, our market opened with more confidence. ahoWlog a gala of about e evernlgbt for the July option. But tbe advance waa too Inviting for thoee who bought wheat yeaterday aod profit-taking act la, with the reeult that the early gain waa eooe wiped Ont and tbe market waa let-lined to qutetoeea. Later, however, on tbe weakneea,- aome aa greealve b-i) lug demand aet la and prlcea eeally rt-rained their loea, cloalng at about tbe opening flguree, with eery little change for the day' trading. Tke eloae Waa atreng and eteady, with baying ordera from the aoathweet giving rap. port to Ua market. ,. . ..S. --.v- ' - - WHIAT. i ,- ' - ; Opea. . High. Lowj none. may ........... TS ' , 7 T . "TO B 01 lA July S Sept.' ......... 88 t 0B jo i '; 3 COBN. ' "r 1 ...'.a.,,. rjm "'A July .......... i 4 . 4"4 aept. ,. ,t 40 4 u.s mtt .... v ' OATO. . May , July e.e?e. ..V. J. 43 44 . 48' 41 , - 41 4r, 86 80 80 MESS PORK. May Wet . 1870 1509 IMS IbOO , , lbvT July .line) ' IftOS 'V 1KM7 aept.. ,1000 KkiO' IbIM ' .i ,,. . LABD. '. May ........ tm v aeiT-'. SM ,t.-Siu,.. July" 87T , fS7T .,- 070-'-'; S7S '-. aept, ........ SN7 1 ' 893 S03 BdS ' - -, ,; .-- , SHORT RIBS. - May ......... SH3 ' Sns - -SSA sm A July ........ 70 , 870 , , -,' SHS b Sept S0 080 ' 870 ," 873 B Uew-poe! Cottea Market, ; " , IJverpeoL April 24. Cotton, tutu Pel aleaed fh-m, from to S ,polnU no. ' - ,'.. CHAMPOEG SCENE .. OF CELEBRATION - , . 1 1 . 1 ' ,! '' Great Crowd Exposcted to Visit'- the ;, Groands Where AnnJyersary v Will Be Beld. .Tha t hamlet of 4 Chainpoec, Marioo county. Oregon, la-Justly entitled to tho appellation, "the Plymouth Rock' of tha Paclfle Coast,", for there it was 'that tha germ of popular governrhent on tha Pacific coaat was planted iAy 1841. Thursday, Slay 2, 1007, tha aOgty-fourth acnlveraary of that moroenloua event will be appropriately celebrated at Champoeg. -Tha trip thara is moat delightful . oaa, and ptonearg and. all others who can, particularly atrangera In tha olty, who want av delightful out ing? for day, should avail theraeelvea of tha privilege of vlaltlng this hlatorlo spot. .'"" .- -"-'"-...- .1 - Tho O. T. eoanpany's boat leavea tha faot of Tayrxt wtreet-mt 0:48 a. tir ajid returning leavea Champoeg; at 4 n. m. Maaja can ba had on tha boat' If de- slrad. .Tho aserclaas will conelat of an oration by Hon. Robert A. Ulller of Jackson county, brief addrasaas by a number of dlatlng-ulahed cltlaena and muala, both vocal and. laatrumental. Hon.' F. X Matthleu, tha sola en re vivor of ail that wera preaent 04 years ago. will bo preaent and walooma all who attend. - Jndga George H. Burnett of Salam will ba tha praaldent of 'tha day. , - 1 ?E - Ill HOLD CONFERENCE R. A. Waits of . New York the Principal Speaker This Even- . Ing at Y. M.' C. K J X conference on religious work of the T- M. C. A. will be beld In the rooms of the aasociatlon tonight, It is planned to bring together- the board of directors of the T. M. C the committee of management for each de partment' and aevarai other members of the sssoclatlon who are lntareated In the religious work of the institution. Ths guest of honor and principal Break er of ths evening will be R. A, Walte. of New York, international secretary of 'the religious work department, Fred B. Bmith. asalatant to Mr. WalU will also be present and address the meet ing.. ,,--' ... ... ' Mr. Waits a remarks win be largely explanatory ef the methods adopted by eaatern T. V- C A-'a In carrying on the religious work department. Dinner will be served to the body at 0:11 this evening in the T. M. C A, roomo. ... ' . -., - . ; --. Cotton Msmtifacturers Convene. 1 (Joereal Special Bervlre.) . v Boston, April 24. The National As- sooiation of Cotton Manufacturers be gan its annual meeting, la this city to day and. will continue In aeaslon two days. Leading manufacturers of tha south as well as of New England were present, Zn addition to receiving re ports the aasoclatloa will discuss s number of questions of Importance to the cotton growers and manufacturers. MiRZZXxzzRzzzssnzzxssi Everybody Goes . .! mieli AU 2 etl W aXagJI-i , . .-' . Reserve your seats now by telephone. Tally-ho will sUrt "-ninninij Saturday. i--,-'.;:-;.'. H.'W. Lemcko Company , 'Main 650 'h'. 'V.-';! !.!'.:.-;;.-rv ww a aate .-y..'.. ... ..... . .. nome rnone t xoai ; - BivaiKxiiziiizxzzzzzzzzrzr: Au ''.' ,'!v'' liila rxni.v. PORTLAND WIRE Phona Mala 2000. '' ' :' - - It la reported that tha will of tha late) H. W. Ooode Baa baan found aroong his private papers, and that It leavea hie valuable aetata to his widow. The vaJua of tho aetata is not bow definitely known, but It la supposed to ba be tween 1260,000 and 1800.000, conelatlng largely of Portland realty and stock In various local Institutions. Ha waa known to hole considerable stock in tha j Portland Railway, Light Power com pany, the Oregoa Ufa Inauranca aom pany and a prominent local bank. . Ha owned aevarai valuable pieces of olty business property and : had - recently made heavy purchaaes in tha aaat side warahouoe dlatrlct. v - -, r-'1 Prank V. Kolman, who ' was Mr. Qoode's personal attorney, la now In Philadelphia, and It ta believed that tha will will not bo probated until his re turn, Mrs.' Goode Is now 111 In Chicago and will not return to Portland for soma waaks yet.,. v .. -". .. .-, i-.f ;, WOMEN WHO ROBBED STRANGER HELD ON BOND - Beatrice Xeswis, Grace Read and George Hardin wars given s prelimin ary hearing In tha police) court this morning on tha charge of having robbed Andrew Wilson, a recent arrival in tha city, of tii In greenbacks. - ' Tha testimony adduoed was substan tially tho aama ss has seen published and tha evldenoe is regarded sa oonclu siva, .. Judge Camexooi bald tha twa wo men ta the grand Jury under 11.000 bonds each but gave It aa his opinion that Harding had not baan directly con nected with tha crime and ordered his discharge from custody. . All of tha money stolen from Wilson was subse quently recovered by the police in "a clothes basket In the house at lot Flan ders street 'f ' ",'.":..' . WINEFORD ACQUITTED i v OF WHIPPING CHILD a Wlneford. a butcher at Waldler street, who was arreated upon eomplalnO of Mrs, H. F. Newton of tot lArrabee street on A charge of assaulting her 6-year-old son Ralph with buggy whip, waa acquitted in the polios court this morning. The case was tried yesterday, but upon the request of ths defendant was continued until today for. further testimony.'. , s. An apprentice employed la WlnefortTs shop tea tlfl ed that hie employer did not atrlko : tbe child, but merely used ' the whip to 'frighten tbe youngster. Two Elk Lodges W1U Build. - especial Dlapatch to Tbe Journal. ' ' Aberdeen. Waeh-. April 24. The Elks of this city are conaldering tha build ing of s business block on their lot 'ad- Joining their club house. - It ' is quits j lively me memo era . ox toe loaga who live at Hoquiam will withdrew from ths lodge here, aa they are about to build a handaome lodge room ef their own, and will aak for sv ehsrter for an organisation. v ,. ' -:- ,-' '..'. TIaBARRASSIKG ; SITUAJIOIi An Elephant on His Hands Is what' bt often finds when he "strays away from Avery -Co. -to try what other . houses are advertising aa bar gains, and ha baa to either throw It away or use it Take your choice. Anything purchased from ua la like a ood rriena you like It .better ., the onger you use it i - . j... 8 TXXB9 . MAYOR'S VALHUT OIL Restores Color to Gray Hair or Bear 111 . trtm HehteM haeee ta 4iiawlta.kwieila laa.eia. A klai eleM wwlurteaa areearaUee, naMt.'f ewe pete It. pertw4f kereilwa. earflr aeeltaa. arraVaffaa thepluew. Tbe ell hMa aaaerwa elll aaaaa katr la araO aertaaa kaeltke. (.pMlall. OaMrakae ee Ia4lr aa aarttaa wua Bel Iraal lllaelaeaalaelr. Sea4 be tertlree. alalenew BlkaaaS a ealaaMag , . H rehear allBielc.w1.U.aa It. i 4 miiW.eieM, tturmt, in in. aerk Mayor Walnut Oil Co. aVpt. i.t:7Weaala4 Ave., K aaaaa City. SW.0.S.A, mal L Kegular price 82.00 per bot a yonr ornggiat or by roau in pUln wrapper. Delta Caxesalcal CM St, Lelav x4. a.F,a,?!i ' tsisro Drag Ob 18. Sab St.. rertiaad. Oreeea. A BBBBBg- aBV W Shea i BBaag aawg r-rT7r-7777egwr-7-' .-04av 8 '. , ana otner orug naoita are positively oured by HABIT1NA. For hypodermic or internal use. Bample rent to any dmg habltne by CWaa tie AAVV, nzszrrsszr: to ; Wavcrleigh ., , ( m SIXTH AND , WASHINGTON ixxzzszRa BANK AND OFFICE RAILING ; KIUE AND IKON FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting. Etc. AND IRON 1OIWS SECOriD AND EVEIiUTT l:. hUUseLLJ I Dave Ihe Largest Practice Because I Invariably Fulv V"' ''-' - j-1-"'' '-. ."' -V ,:i(l' ;., -" Success isn't attained at s bound. It Is mads np of many little triumphs. - A largo medical practice doesn't await tho young physician at the college door. He must prove himself. Ha must work toward suc cess day after day, doing well each day's tasks. '.'-;. i- ..-..-, -s; .. -V It has alwsys been my rule to promise nothing that I sm not absolutely certain of accomplishing. Realizing that no one phy sician can successfully undertake to cure all diseases, I entered special courses of study in preparation for my present work. For. 1(S years I have been proving my abil ity and building my success, I nave mas tered first the simpler diseases, then the serious complex and stubborn ones that Others neither cure nor comprehend' I have confined my efforts to diseases of men exclusively, and there Is no ailment belong ing to this class that I cannot fully cod- ?ucr. I-make broad and definite claims, tell men that 1 can cure them, even though others have failed. Jealous doctors have charged me with claiming too much. But I ask wherein Jisvs I failed to fulfill a promise? My practice is now fully twica that of any other specialist upon the Pa cific coast treating men's diseases. - It hss grown to thesis dimensions because I have made promises and' fulfilled them. Each cure J , have effected is a triumph and a manifestation of skill that has had its part in the making .of my success.. Each day new cures are completed, and my present growth of practice is more rapid than ever before. ' ' - :v.- ,.t.- " Consultation is free. If you are afflicted consult me. You can rely upon what I tell you, and if I accept your ease you can rest assured that a complete . and permanent cure will follow my treatment In Uncomplicated Cases My Fee Is Only mil YOU CAN PAY WHEN cuip " All neceasary X-ray examinations ara absolutely free to patients. My equipment for X-ray work is ths finest and moat com plete aver produced, and equally perfect re sults ara not possible with an inferior ap paratus. ' - -; . .' AU medicines are prepared from stand ardised drags in my own private laboratory and are supplied to patients at actual coat. UVA Morrison Street. . Cor. Second Patients living out of the dry and will be furnished with fine room free rect to 234Jg Morrison street , We Cure Weak MqtiI V aUSAjr".'4 .in'1' i . , . , , - , , . . 39 I earn ta rvriaauu ,;',.'--'. f,u a. rear a. Tha alolontlflo Treatment of Wssatcnossss ' lWng the eyetea vttk pewerful atlaralaats ana Oaanea fcx aa effert te reeaare fane. ' tleaal vigor eaa kave kert eae flaal reanlti Tke eeeaitlea la raaaereA weree thaa Were, "Weakneea" le Keenly aa xaaUeatlaa ef a low form ef Infleaaaaatiee la tke areata glaaa, ea4 thla taiianaaattoai la hat aarfravateO r etlnmletlag reawalae tkat exalte tajneorary aetlvlry. We aaegUy the eeUv BeteatUie e4 fally effeetlve treeV xaeat far ''weakaaaa.' wklek affeeta a geraaaaaeeit ear. bv neaareng the aeeetate aleeA le a aeaa4 aa4 heel thy ataka. - We eetaia eeeaBleta reeulte la every eaae we treat. Pay V for Curat A cur with as means a lifelong cere we etrev vwa enry a uoaareiennoBi aea Be we xaaae a uaeara axaateaauaai eaa oiaaraeee wttaeua ekarae. . ae akanlS Bealee thie emartanlty te ae ex Bert eetnlna, abaart a,, haike. It wiu aex eeei yea anvuiaay ao au at It may aave yoa xanea urae eae. BMaay, Lie eall von ae. ana ve will mmt he iiaa OVa srSTEM or TmXATUie la eavarler he any In t .e eoeatiy. eee a or e are the raaalt ef theee raetheea. We never fail te elfeet a .are la . e-ae ea take. If Tree) aaffer freea aegtoet, frere want ef Braaey ee free v t e, a i here la aa avxortvalty te get the aervleee ef a akilieg eneclah.t. a .-e.i - r M(j MIT. aria eoet aetbie te talk te aa aa4 a, Ve the a...e ef r.. yea ee health ea4 kePBtneaa. Way aet rail kaay Oer efOcee are very y.K.M. Tea eae only the Ascter. Omt fee Value ee lew. It eaa Maa aaany whe mrm afflletee te areeere Se kv aeleattfle aaedieel aaalataaee. Xerxea auata ta au.t If aeiuaui. aa teat a. reae eJ Bet ge without traetmoat. wa win avxax saw nr twx rTmvv ve5 tg Airt:r: " t) v -; . va aauvi . .a Hevral a. at, he I s. st. evealaga, 1 m a . . m a n M a ST.LUiJiir.ituiULsn'. . coana ezoovs in taxh 4 e in fey C VrVV' ' SB, TA-tXOB. Tue ZexakOiaf atpeeUUst. WecSavet 00 ; To produce ' temporary activity of . tho functions in cases of so-called weak ness is a simple matter, but to permanently re store strength snd vigor is a problem that but few fhysicians have solved never trest for tempo rary , effects. Under ray system of treatment every bit of imerovement is a part of a permanent cure, Though other physicians have, through my success in effecting permanent cures, been convinced of the fact that prematuree nest, loss of power, etc, are but symptoms result ing from chronic inflam mation or congestion in the prostate gland, none have as yet been able to duplicate my cures. My system of local treatment is the only effective means yet known for restoring the prostate to its normal stste. which alwaya results In full and complete return of strength and rigor. Such a cure is absolutely permanent, - because the condition - responsible for the functional disorder is entirely removed. t It is the only kind of a cure a patient-desires, and is the onlr kind of cure. I will treat for. ; - t ; Consoltatlbia Frca I . state nothing In my announcements 'but ths straight, square truth. It will cost yon nothing to call and .talk over your ease. You can find out all about your trouble and you can later arrange to begin treatment any time you like. My offices, com prising 10 rooms, are ths largest, most elegant and best equipped in the west or Co. i rcrCxsd, Cr. coming to Portland for treatment of charge. Check your trunks di , .;...' OUR FEE L'i r.:osT cases' We era at ta saarees N apna eiaiy weak oaa that we eaa xaake kla) atreag, vlgorone, aealthr, alert . ai4 free treea every taint ef gteeeee eaa veakneea. W. aaee Umlteg eer Specialty ta eraetiee te enlx a few at tke BMre InpertaBt Oieereere ee tkat era eeald aaoeretaoS tbaee thne. mgklv. Oar experkwre aieag tbM tine for twenty-five yeare eaaltflee a te any Bnaltreely tkat reek tree. ilea aa Vlgkt Kalaalena, Loet Vlgee, rarleaeela, Hyai "ele, Ovaxeneeag Diaeraaee. Oeatarleaa SM PaUee. -Itrletare enO "Weakaaaa" eaa be enreo Berfectly ee ea Ba a (ay cere. Of eoaree, we see OlffeeeM authoAa I has the evOlBary akyelrlaa. Alaet ef tkeee are erlginej wltg aa a eg rare eevleeS tor Jnat anek eeaee ae inv wrminexy ewii eee ea vraaienaie aama, ant every eaaa aai ear alilta aa4 eeaealt ea, aag ey M aaa If we eaan.,t enee yea we U a.. r...uf.i .... L. ai. - sr. ta 8 fast.., 0 a. aa. u It e.-.a.