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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1907)
THE OREGON PAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL' 23, 1907. 17 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BOMB GOOD HOMES. 11.600. rTrca groom cot t art, on Mount Scott esr Bust modern, lot 60x104; 10OQ down, ba lanes . to suit. , I2.XUO. Hew T-rosea modern bono, fntt basement, At furnace, m bun, 10x23, 14-foot alley, tut Suxltx), oa eornsrj term. , . ' I'.' MM. . t honsss, barn, fruit tress, etc.? cement sidewalk, street Improved, Montana ave, seer Ivy street, 100118 feet ef ground, room fur another houesi term. - . v! 1 Modern Mm bouae, new, corner Int. SOx 100, ob northesst eoruer Sharer and Height at. toon (or aaatbar doom; halt caab. Itv vssttgsts. . ' ' v - ; Betory 8-raocn modern hoass, M Height at, Bppar Albloa; easy terms. '"'. ' 2. TM. ': ' 1-story T-room houss and attle. Jnat being completed. Id Highland. Lot as abow this; : tsrws. . . lv $100. , ': , Oood boaaa, lot 60x148, oat Baa Rafael; t00 down, balance to ealt. A boss. If the don't ail It call '. XHB VFTERA H LAND CO.," , , '' -Itta Third St. SMALL bona and barn; lot SOilOO; T good cows, horse, barnaal and wagon, tat $XiO; close In. , 2- room boaaa, plastered, food ban) 1 Iota; " price gxoo. Bmall boaaa and 1 lots, gno. .. Small boaaa, or lot, 84'XV. Na bungalow 12,800; 8400 down! balance In tnetallmenta. t New a-roon bojaw; prion 11.400) part down, ' balance on tlm. 11,700 buys ww T-room boaaa,' small psy (tent down: balance on ttmt. ..... 8. FE10HNKK. ''..: . . 400 Eaat Morrlsuo, FOR BALI. Wrwai build boaaa to gait and an sy . neyments en . . - Eaat 2th below Powell. . . , s Feat 2th below 1'oweU. ':. r- Eaat 87th and Lincoln (a Esst 471b nir Hawthorne ave. r.aei wo ana want. " t. . RlreraMa atatbta (Pladmantl. W agra to bar Ton la tfa bona wrtbln o aara. , MULTNOMAH BUILDINO CO., , 170 Stark. aC ATTRACTIVE nrw boaaa. ballt for a bonM. fall two-atory; larga moma. raraplton ball and pantra; bathroom with nlrkel trimmed bath, porealaln aod patent tollrt; naulTe porrbea; . eonereta fonndatlna; full, well-llgbtrd dry ; baaament; eonranlent arrangement throngh rnt; blgb grada workmanablp. material an4 . flnlah; exnenalra plumbing; piped for gaa; on floe 100x100 alghtlr enrner; offered at laea , tbaa enet; price, 12,0001 tarma. . Uonw Land - On., lint at. For barralns see t&e Beaver Real Estate & InYestment Co., rocms 3 and 4, Odd Fellows' Bid?., First and Alder Sts. STRAWBERRIES ERER. ' Iftbt Inta, I.T00 and op. eaay parmentai . beat garden aoll, noma covered wltb atraw barrlea and fruit treee; graded atreeta and water malaai on W-W earUna. .. J. f. OEBRR. Comer Grand are. and Kaat Ankrny at. . IS.600 PTrtl larva T-room booee, wltb aeraa lead a the weet- alopa of Mt. Tabor, all la bearing fruit treee and beriiea; thla r la n good lneaatment and for d home It la aimplr awgaat. iu (later a Co., luIM Third treat. I.zan ACHES good boil a-tnom nonaa. ableken boaaa, all fenced, aboat 1 arree . cleared and moatle net to fruit and ber r!eei on rarllne; cloaa la. Register h Co, lOTH Third at. . , THET ARB OOINO TKWt, R early 00 fcta eold. Lnta 0sl2A. 0-font at and XO-f not aller. 1110. (A dowa, & per ' taonth; aetalag Ilka It for tbc nooer. . J. t. OEDER. ' floraar Grand and Eaat Aakene. T-ROOM bmaa, bath and bare, 1 full lota, corner end alley. 30 bearing choice fruit tiara, aaauitment of berrlea. 10A cbolea reeea. ' beantlfnl arounde and fine garden, as Ideal . noma. ga.Ooa . Pbnae Kaat ao7B. . BARGAIN Troon) modern bonee, ftna Int. BOX loo. Holladay Park. Inquire a nremleea. . Sid Clackamas at., or pbone Eaat KW, Moat all at once. Thla m anap. . M ACRES on Oregon City earltne near Clackn . mil rlyer, T-room bonaa. all 1oa proved. The Bpaatoa Co, 170 Stark at. t-ROOM cottage, corner bit. In Bt arena" addl ttonj foil baaamantl prtee 1,800. M MadK ' aoa at. d-ROOM bonee, lot 60.3, to trade for chicken tancb; fl.SOO. "Tbe Bpauton Co.. 1T0 Stark at. BOnO BDTS 1 lota, 1-mom bone, frrrtt treea, la Earn Park: 326 caab. 242 Madlasa at. . I VERT Choice mta en tbc Willamette botile . yard, at bargain, from owner. Pbone Eaat 114. Addreaa 411 Eaat 4tb at. T ROOM modem bonae, i Mock, frrrtt treee, 1 blorke from car Hoe, t2 SKM), aoo down. ' J. 1. Oedec, cor. Oread and Kaat Ankeny. IP yon want to buy. eell or exchange year property, call on er addreaa Oeo. w, Tnrnar 106 V Wnablngtop at., Portland. Or. - A rTICR d-room booee, POT Eaat 10th at., north. tl.0001 tarma. (oOO down. 10 per monta. i per cent. Trade wltb owner In boaaa. d-ROOM booee. 1 block, from ear line, rente 110 per mouth) (I.SoO. . Hatfield Smith. lWt renrtb a treat. . BOO PARM8, amaU tract and lota: bargalne oa O. W. P. eleetrte line. O. B, Additon. Lenta. Oregon. Take ML boott ear. eo. . LOOK I1S00 1800 caab, 120 par month. AM modern T-room boaaa, fnrnlahed. Smith At Algar. USH.Iirat at. Boom L, 8,oOO PUTS V4 -block, 1 modern honaea, rente t SomTT ,m"fc ,M rtnt HOURS and lot gl.gor), aire to Morrleon at. meat cell qalck. In- ' A 0-ROOM bonee. eomer lot fWxlflO, wltb fall naaemeni. inquire ei B uiriaioa at. i ' mmAjn rr ww o.e , uu n mooci u e-room . booee, tot aittxiuo. low Eaat Sixth North. ABOVB the fnge, 0-mnn bonee, magnificent dew) floe fruit Main SMS. . - o0 CASH bujra benac and 1 mta, Slat North. 1028 Eaat FOB SALE FARMS. 40 ACRES oa Cotnmbth rtrer, Improred, at $.180 par acre. ISO acrea improred, Oolnmbla rtrer, at 1323 per acre. SO acrea, Colnmbla rlrer, fine land, im prored, level, 1260 per ecre.. 13S acrea, SO acrea leTal bottom Mad. bal- a nee timber, 1225 per acre. - 170 acrea, Oolnmbla rlrer, good farm, SIM '. per acre. We eaa (ell any part ef tbe ahora farm. , at terme to ault. Wa are the ewnere of over . S.100 acrea ef Colombia rlrer farme. Call and era Da for particulate. , - COLl'MHlA REAI.TT CO., ' SUV Third St, Boome B-T. FOR SALE B0 acrea, S mile from town ef . Carrollton. oa Columbia river) 40 acrea cleared, live water; large barn, new a-room bou... coat ll.OOOt two good chlcken-boneea. ' mntbooee. ether ontbulldtnga; orchard, Ino treea; light team, wagon, S head cattle. Id Aaamre roe fa, fine reKhitered buck, S pen. barroera, cultivator, tncuhatnr.t broodera, nd einer toon; n. r. u.i price aa.wiof terme. Other iirma. Call on J, 8. Bnntlngtoa, K.leo, Waab. - n Hood River Applies . Wa have choice S and Irt-acra orchard tract. ; at Hood Rtrer which ran fw planted with each rarletlea of apple, aa yon may aelert or our expert will aelert them for you. We will care f them free for yoa nntll they come Into bearing. Terme, 20 per. cent ra.b, 10 per cent per year until the profit, frnni the orrh.rd will pay eat. Tlile In an opportunity that enmee but once la a lifetime; don't let it paea; write at once or call 003 Commer cial btk. rrncn pairt ranch. 100-acre dairy ranch. 8 H ml Ire from Pnreat Grove, mllea from Hlllahoro; bonee. orchard, aprlng piped te the booee; - BO acrea cleared, IU) acrea In pond timber. will give yon the lend, the timber, ail the tmpmvementa an! will only aek yon to pay f..r the lahor In fleering the land. Ton could not erpect tt cheeper. "Vi'lll give terme or tlher.1 dlecount iur eaab, Addreaa M 1UU, care Journal. X)It SALEPAIUIS. PX)R 8AI.R AT A BARGAIN. 40 acree In the beet wheat belt of "tier man county, S aillee from town and rallmed t a i hn; run acrea In cultivation. X-'n in (all wheat and 210 to be eaimucr (alloenl: welw lmiu-ored t'i bouae. barn and outtmlMtnir.: pleuty water, larae riKtern. windmill and . tec piped to bouae and .tork; will aell m eeay trrn.a; III health ol)ert In aelllng. Ad dreaa Enterprise r.eet. Hox S3. Kent. Or. SPLENDID frm SO acrea, all under- cultiva tion, but about IS acrea paecure; good boaaa, fine barn; about ttOtOO; Ss mtlxa from Portland, and one mile from two railway ' atatlone and poatoffl'-e) oa main traveled rood and milk route for condeneur; an Ideal farm In an Ideal location: t "4 per acre. la. quire U. S. Hudaun, l Commerclai bldg. . . BRST .mall farm buy m Oregon 80 acree, . aioetly cleared and culftvet'd, adlolnlng town . alia of Ilea valley town; fine fruit, aprlng, creek.- wood, arhonla. rhttrchea, railroad; T Jarre aawmilla near; bnlldlnra worth 1,000; only 12.000. Inquire Hi Btark at. ' 14 ACRES ' for rent, wltb prlvllexe of baying; 10 acree of hop., bop bouae, fine fruit or potato eull, right on a county road, 0 nillea from Port land, V-mlle from new Portland Salem car line. 0. H. Pfaffle, UOa Third at., ltf-20, near Madleoa. W1IITB SALMON IS arree an Improved fruit , land, fine for early fruit, cherrlea or grapeai only half mile from town of White Salmon a bargain, or might trade for euburbaa prop erty. V and aa Walton. Sift Chamber of Commerce. , . i CHICKEN ranch, weat aide, ea eac line, heat of anil, all in cultivation, no bulldlnga. t acrea. eaay terme STM0 t 10 acraa,, eaey term. .'. 2, 100 W. II. BVtlT. .' 1-1 Lambar Eichange Bldg. Mala 48TT rOR SAI-E Paring dairy farm. of 1TB acree, mllea from good town and railroad, oa mail and cream route, and telephone line; .Lao Hi acrea timber end paature land adjoining above. Will aril together or aeparaUly, at bargain. V ITT, care Journal. Tl ACRES eaat ef Oregon City, partly Im proved, on good road; forced te aell; only XUOO; term, to ault; a genuine bargain. ; VAN DIJYN A WALTON. ' SIS Chamber ef Commerce, tsfiO BUTS 40 acrea one mile from Eatacadai . good aoll. aprlng branch, eordwood and tie timber; part ea.h. balaaot eaay tarma. Boa l&S, Eatacada. Or. 10-ACRB tract a, apple land, nnlmpmred. be i tween White Salmon and Klickitat rirera, llnod River dlatrict. (200.. Tbe Spantoa Co., 170 Stark at. - . BEPOKB yoa locate cell oa or write Warren A Stater, the leading real eatate dealer, la Vamblll county, Oregon, located at McMlna- vllle; tbe beat county la tbe etate. S3. 000 A SNAf k arree, Arlington , Helghta, platted. S mllea oat twe.t aide), toll of Oa- yon road, near Council Croat. Apply at SS7 Morrleon at. . SNAP 41 arree Improved, near ear: eloee In; 1O0 fruit treea; ii acre berrlaa; fS,S00. SIS Commerclai blk. 40 ACRES, beat farm, all Improved. ( miles eaat Portland, near railroad i : eaay . terms, Boggeee, 161 Front. - TIMBER. " WANTED 10 people to Join our party to take, timber claima; we leave next Bator day at T p. m. This la your laat chance to get aometnlnf good; erulee from 1. 000. OOO to 8,000.000 enrar and yellow pine; tbe ', time la abort, sod timber la getting raree. For partlculare call at Hi Allaky bldg.. Third and Morrison. Pbone Mala WIS. . - TO OWNERS of timber elatme and timber , We will buy fee caab any good timber trfb ntary to the Neb. leal river. Will deal wltb owners only; write, giving .fall partlculare, Kehalem Invew merit Co.. S2S Chamber of Commerce building. Portland. Or. , 10.000,000 FEET good eaw timber, with enough more that can be rot tee In body to make ' BO. 000,000, rn Tambill ooenty; road and good creek rons through same. L. Seward, owner, ' Sheridan, Or, R. F. D. X. . CERTIFIED serte, any alee, Inweat prleee. W. O Howell, oSS Cb amber of Commerce, HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. ORSES and beanrles for ead month; apedal rates suta ana rjawtnarne. BORBRS FOR BALE SO bead. 1,100 to I.SOO poaada. Overton, oerween ista ana iu take S ear. . Freed men Bros. i , ENTTRB stock of slightly damaged harness nnd aereeaortee will be sold at 11 to Oft. Keller Harness Co.. 48 North Sixth at. . BORBB and Engllah saddle snd equipment, a enap at STS, Apply 0. B. Eddy, 40S Eaat j Ankeny. -. Pbone Eaat 82T1. FOR ' SALE Cheap, one horse. 401 Eny e treat, ESTIMATES - given on excavating and team : work. Pbone Eaat TZ, 420 Hawthorne are. FOR ALB Pony and saddle. S9B. Inquire at 1SSH Third at. Pbone Pacific UTS. ' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR SALB OR EXCHANDB for light rig snd . driver er heavy draft bone, good Bonn 4 young ' work bone, weight ahont 1,100 pounds. 4S AJ btna are. Pbone Eaat 434. TWO Jersey cows for sale, one fresh with calf 5 three quarters of a mile north ef Lenta. J. A. Wilson. riKB freah family cow and calf for saw at 12ZT Borthwlck at., Piedmont - FRESH cow for ssle; good Bilker. 13S Kear ney, cor. Grand sve, MTSICAL IKSTRTJMENT9. VICTOR T11ng Machines and records) Itfla. way (or ether V pianos, Sherman, Clay 4k Co Sixth snd Morrison Slav, op p. P. O. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE For farm, acreage or vacant Iota. 48 ronma corner, new brick, vary cen tral, clearing wTM per month, wall fnrnisbed: on account of alckneoa. Phone Pacific 1211 ' or call st 805)4 Bornstds it.. Boom 10, after 6 p. m. - FOR SALB or exrbsngs for curd wood, city " property, one, O-botaepower stsMosary, one l o-Doreepowar portaoie engine. veu : Eaat 424. or at 49 49 Alblne sve. TO EXCIIANOB Nicely furnished boeeekaeptng ' mites or sleeping-rooms tor psperbsaglag. ' SOSb alder at. , FOR SALB OR TRADE Half mtereet la Cea- tral Maakat, St. Johns. FOR , BALE MISCELLANEOUS. SIN0ER and Wheeler and Wilson sewing ma chine office, Ws sell, leass ur rent new ma chlnea; eld machines taken In part paymentt ae con it-hand machine fS and np: other makes of new machines 1 28 and spt needlea for all makea of machine.; all kinds of machines ' repaired snd gusranteed. S. S. "legal, sgsnt, SiC Morrfsos at. Pbjos Mala SIM. , 1S.000 NO. t HARD brick, SIS per thoa- ssnd, f.'- e. b., Portlend. 48.000 No. 1 stock brick, 819 per thousand ' t. o. b, Portland. TO.000 light bard belch, (11.60 per thoa sand, f. o. b., Portland. i Apply No. 8, Chamber of Commerce bldg, Portland, Or. 1S QUARTER eak hall tree, 10. t 4S ateel ranrea. I'jfj. V ' ' . Cook stoves. .1.60 a p. ' , ' ' Iron beds, 83 op. " ' Highest cash price paid for all kinds ef ' second-hand mode, THE GRAND FURNTTTJBB CO, ' '. 411 Hswtborne Ave. Tbons Eaat SM. PON'T go tn Tbe Dollar, Ktl Pleat St., bseaoae be sella too cheap. He sell, thla week a 1S Caacrd range, new. anc $2S; wool-top mat treeeee. 13.60, snd others from T6o ap; also thouaanda of dollara' vrorth of new and second-hand furniture cheap) 100 oil paintings worth ta.50 at 1 esch. BUTTERFLY coafnme. Ilrhta, robe, curtain and elide, for poaee plsetloue) alao other the atrical gonde, arc lamp. rheoatat, rob wlieaila. ralclnm llrht. khby board., trnnka. etc. . Call between 1 and 4 p. m., Room No. ' 48. Uni Sixth St - - - FOR BALE Rarretna la Whites. Singers, Darte. Wheeler A Wlleons, Hosaabolds and other sll.htly damaged machines. Ths Whits Sew. Ins; Machine nrrice. H. D. Jones, In Xsmhlll St., corner Fourth, , PRINTINO press, d. A P. xl; paper cutter, trpe, ere. a very Complete little entfit, al Biuat new. Addreaa W 173, care Journal. FOR SLE MISCELLANEOUS. DANDY Utile launch and boa thouae, fully equipped; engine guaranteed. Addreaa H 173, care Journal. 8 FINE English aetter pupa st Klng'e Hill . Kennela; come early so aa to gat pick, two U'aablngtoa aL ? SEWINO MACHINES boocht, eold ead ea ch acred, 13 and sp. W eaters Selvass C-a W Washlaetoa St. BH0WCASK8, coenters, flxrnres, bought, eold or earhanged. Western Rarrega Co. SIT Waeblngton at. Pacific TPS. FREB FOR EVERYBODY Ring np Mala 420 or call tlSH Frost St. Ws bsy snd sell fa Bltars. sloliilng or soy sld tblug. ' BILLIARD AND POOL tobies for rent er ear ' .ale oa eaay paymenta. TUB BRUNSWICK BALKB-COIXENDEBOO, 4S Third sc.. Portlend FOR SALETwo top, hsnd-made grocery wagon and one eeeond-had express wagon. 420 Belmont at. BUFF ORPINGTON and Plymouth Rock eggs. 11 setting. 1008 titaad are. sad rior.ace. Scott 603. - BHOLES TYPEWRITER good condition, 2S( l.'eat axB kodak. 3. ST -Slxlh St., near Mia- ... PRACTICALLY new No. S Coder wood type writer for sale st a bargain. Adrsss A 17T, ears Journal. FOB SALB A fine shspberd pup, cheap. F. B. usher, sycamore, sts. inquirs yesmare, ur. BOLDEN'S BHEDMATIO CURB Bare ears for rbeumetlsm. Bold by all drpgglsta. FOR SALE Oliver typewriter, practically n.w, Soft. 131 East 18th at. Pbone Eaat 2700. OLD BOOK STORB removed to 108 Fifth and 111 Second sts. FURNITURE of 4 rooms for sals. SOS Mon tana ave. - - FOR SALE Piano, a I moat sew; a hargsia. Ixe quire svo Macadam road. ACTOMOB1T.B sale, 1008 Cadi Use rase aboat. Io0 las Utb at. SODA F0UNTAIS for ssls or trade.. 1ST Front. PERSONAL. t Russian Baths . - , KIT THIRD ST.. BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON; BWIMMINO POOL. STEAM - AND HOT AIR BATH; FHOM S Aa M. TO IS P. U. PRICE SS CENTS. , NOTICB OP REMOVAL. A. Reiner, the farrier, will Lswm bldg. Msreh 1; looking for salt. his location; for preeeot may be found at reel denes, 2n3 North IStb at. Pbone Pacific SasT. Will call and give eettmatss aa sesai. SEXINE PILLS cure all forms of servos, sr m secular vreakoree. For men er women. Prlre 1 a box, 8 boxes SB, with faU gsas atse. Address or cell J. A. Clameosoa, drag gist. Second sad Tsmhlll sts. Portland. Or. LADIES Dr. Ketebom. grsdnste snd rctiatcred phyalrlan, treats sny snd sll your complaints wltb skill snd snccsss. ITOfh Third SC. Bur ner TsmhllL Pacific 2229. GERMAN books, mar. erne. anvaM. etc. I Gee. men. Bngll.h. French, Spanish, Swsdlsh snd It.H.a dletlonsiies; forelrs books of all ' kinds. Sckmsle Osw, S2S Fxrst st. MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Roberts Nerve uloouiss. vne moains uwinwat. Ml m montbs, IB; sent seen rely sealed by msfL Agsnts. Waodard. Clarke A Co.. Portland. Or. HOLD ON There le one thing that will care . rbenmstmm. A ah your druggist for berk tonic er address or call J. A. Clemeusoa, . druggist, Portland, Of. TOO NO scieatlfle mssssass gives electrical, sl cotaolla snd medicated treatments, sum tub bath.. 41 Balelgh bldg. Sixth and Wssb- . Ingtoa sts. SUITS prssssd while yoa wait. SOe. Ladies' - skirts preessd, SOc. Ollhert, lOflv, Sixth BU, : next to Quells. Phone Mala S088. BEST nugsxlne cmbs ever offered t send for prices; agent, wanted. Josss Bookators, 8B1 , Alder St., Portland, Or. LADIRBi Ir. La Franco's Compound; sets. kpeedy regulator; 30 cents, dmrirl.t. or mall) booklet tree, ur. Le rrsaco. i-nuaoeipoia, rm MOLES, wrinkles, stiperflooo. hair rsmoved. No charge to talk tt over. Mrs. M. D. PHI. room 830 F let doer bldg. Phone Pacific 183. DR. ftlNa CDOONO. tmnorter Chinese n -. medicines: sslls Cblneee tee, certain rare for eU 191 Id. bet, xamblll and Tayios. una wrvrra elm. Aaetel aaaa. ssgo, chiropody. - 10 to S. 224 H Wssblnctoa St, Hoars LADIES who desire a beaatlfnl complex Ion. free from ail biemisn, snoain can on La Gay,, 18 Russel block, 4th and Morrison. NEWLY opened mssssge parlors, 31H AMe st, salts 4. Miss Msroslla La Boy, aceom- ' pllahed ma PROFESSOR WALLACE, ' Portland's fsvorlts elatrvoyant, pelmlat snd wdlarn; readings SOc. 841H Mor.. cor. Tth. BATH parlors hare recently changed bands at SOTH Third at,, a pat. Ira. room 14; will gnas. antee to plsase all; ladles and gentlemen. ' MANICURING, fseial maasegs end scarp treat meat. ' Try rosea 1. SOSVs Washington et. MALM OP FIOB for all female d East BelmoaL Phone Bast 40S4. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Orecoolan bldg.l sidles days, gentle mes nights. Msla 1968. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sins rheumatism. Sold by all draggtsta. TOUNO lady sires trsstmsats. SMib Tsablll, MISS OIBSON gives scalp treatment ; ma zttsM Morrtsna et, room 81. age, MADAME TA8HTI. heeler; vapor and tab baths, saasssgs. S01H Third St.. cor. Taylor. WANDA, tbe fsawma palmMt, 228 Fifth at, readings dally; prices Sfio and ap. RECENTLY opened manicuring parlors removed from 861H to IWH Morrleon at, room S. MIRS RAYMOND Masseuse. flg, Morrlsoa St., room 14. Pbone Msla 8911. BUSINESS PERSONALS. DECORATING AND TINTING. - r.onms kslsomlned at t and np; old floors and llnolesma reflnlahed at 12 and up; satis faction guaranteed; best of references. Call H. W. Mort. Pbone Pacific 807, or address 1481 Esst Devto st. EXPERIENCED taadsrspa gardener will take contracts or dxy work. Aak for Natbea i Burgees. Pbone Pacific lSTH Borne A 8199. Call up at T p. m. INVENTIONS bongbt and sold. Covenant Ooa trsct Co., 427 rilcdner bldg. Mala SMI. 8KELLT CO., 14th and Flandera; fbmr, feed, bay, grain. P bones A. 1811, Pacific 811. IF TOO want a carpenter or shtsglsr, phone carpenter, r.sst Ks, AUTOMOBILES. H. L. KEATS AUTO CO., ' ' ATJTOMOBILFJI AND BUPPLIRS. ' Northwestern distributors for Pope Hart ford., Pops Tt thanes. Pops Wsrsrlys. Pone ToledVax, Thorn.. Oldemeblles. Frsnkllns. Bnlcks. 80-81 Seventh at.. Portland, Oregon, HOWARD M. COVET. Bi a A -mw tMnmnbllea. I-eo- lll.e and Knee. Temporary Jose t toe Club Osrsge, 13th sua swier bis. HAVE TOO SEBN BAKER BLFCTRICSt Cspltsl Bapply Co, 4i Atasr si. rnoee re rifle OTl. iemon.trstion oy sppomiejeei. ATTORNETS. ' l. H. TANNER, attorney. room ee, mercisl blk. Second and Wsshlagtoa su, Pbone Msls 1448. PlOe0TT, FINCH A BIOOER. sttorneys st law, 4 Molkey brag corner SfSmd aad Mor rison. ASSAYERS.' GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO., gad Montana Assay Office, INS Morrison at. ARCHITECTS. H. C PlTT"il('i, architect. I'l Wiliiama grs- mr. McMillan St. Pbone Esst aaiL . ERNST KRONER, archltset Plsns sad specifi es uossi also bauainjt eu periston asses. ART. FEES LEMSDNS. IN Emtr,i.lcrr Ererr Day. THE NKKKI-RCKArT SHOP. 8N2 W aali Ins tun st. B. H. MOOKKHOUHE A CO. Artists' msrsrtels. plcturs molding, picture frsralng. stsreoeie suns, Untern slides. 812 Aide St. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS LOUIS J. WILD8V Home Telephone bonds, bsnk stork.. Corner Sixth and V, asningtos) su, Portlsnd. Or. . , BATHS MASSAGE. MRS. OBROCK. gradsste maasanssi esMast -bath, aalt glow, alcohol rub, cream maaeage rsferssees. Its) Seveath st Msln eWOA. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES BUTCH EBB SUPPLIES a. Blrhenwsld Co., . 8O4-S08 Everett at.) Isrgest batcher sapply honse oa tbe coast. Wrlta for rata logos. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES Adnrph A. Dskass, . isi-iss rirst st., carries a run line sua piste assortment st lowest msskst prices. LANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM. 100-111 Second st. Blsnk books msnnfsrtored; e gents for Jossaf Improved Loose-Lssf ledgersl sse tbe new Boreas leaf, ths heat en tbe msrxet. COAL AND WOOD.' PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLABWOOD OO- BnO Front, auecsssora to vuiuo weoa ue. fir,, oak. alabwaod. coaL Tel.- Mala 18S8. FOR prompt dellvmr of slsbwood cell Msla Wosd A Coal Co, 18th and Sarler ats. OREGON FUEL CO. M now aetllnf Welsh an thracite, beet coal oa tbe mars el. aoa aioss St. Main 8. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers In gordwood, ossl snd creea and dry alaowooo. ak ano Alblaa ave.. 1 blocks ssst of ferry. East 67a. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Bonee end blacksmith coala. coke, char- eoal. kindling. Pbone Mala 10IS. TELEPHONE BAST T. F. B. JONES W. Wood and Coal. - 181 East Water at. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL OO. Dealers la coel. eurqwooq eno ury sibowooo, rswe - . CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. . Alwevs Oonsnlt tbe Best. PROF. n. KHIMO. - Ore. test living sstrsl dead tr. nee elatrvoyant . of the are; adviser on business aad all ef . fairs of life; tell, your full name and what yoa called for, whom yoa will marry, how to control tbc one yoa love, even though miles . ewsyt reanltea tbe sepsrsted; gives secret powers to control; no long delsys la waiting. Boars 10 to S, dally and Sunday. , Office Nos. S snd 4. Grsnd Theatre bide, ' 8o24 Wash, near Park at. Phone Mala 1287. MRS. B. B. SEIP. Psycnsmetrist, - Prophetic BphitosI Life Reader, reliable In every SB tall, 10 to 8, S02 Allsky bldg. Circles Tires, Wed.. Thar., Fri, 8 p. m, 25e. Pse. SMS. MTSS MAT ANDREWS Card reading. ISe. 233 Sixth et., corner Mam aaasa ea a n i i n i a ' '' ' CAFES. THE OFFICE Sr Waahlngtoa aL, pbsn. Mala TTl. Samuel vigneas. CHTROPODISTS. WM. DETENT A RSTEI.LB DEVENT, THS ealy edentifw chiropodists, parlors 108 Drew bldg- 11 Sd at. Pboos Msla 1801. CHIROPODY snd Psdb-trtg. Mrs. M. tt. H11L Room 880 Fmldnsr Bldg. Phone Paetfle 188. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON. 104 Fourth t- Office and store fixtures pant snd re modeled; so-ew oases Mala 1T8T. . B. MELTON Office, store fix rsraei general lobbing. T First st. Phone Main llsO. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING OO. v plant on coast; Loring snd Harding sts. t nhoee ' East SX0; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed ssd Isld; atssm snd compressed air process; re novating auttrsssss sad fsathsrs a specialty. JOTCB BROS., pmprletnrs of tbe Electric Oees Ing erorksi eerpets cleaned and laid, -both dry nnd com pre cleaning; carpet refitting . our specialty: work rnaranteed. phens Mala 10T1 snd A 26T3. 270 Grant St. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed. 81 pee- month. Unlqne Tailoring Co, 108 Btark st, , - PORTLAND Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Works, 111 kearth st. Phono Part fie SOT. H. W. TURNER, drsr; esrpets dysd a special ty, do Jeffersoa st, Msla sola. DENTISTS. DR. EARL O. MeFARLAND, denthn. Bnttea TlO-TU-Tlt bldg. Pbone Msla 1201. DRESSMAKING. MRS. VAUOHAN, oxpsrlracod dreeamsker. 8W3H Bast Bamslda at. Phone Bast 281T. MADAMB ANGELES 141 Fifth. Pacific 883. DANCING. DANCING lessons lc. clamia gnd Brlvste. . dally. Prof.- Wal Wfllaoa. hsll 804 Allaky bldg. Third and Morrleon sts. Sort a 1 dancing waits, two-step, three -etep, eta.: stars danc ing, hark and wing slog, reel, jig, Htghlaad fling. Spanish, ate. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Class Mna, Tbare. and Est. svs.T social, fsacy sad step dancing tsnghti S and. tint teechera; class snd prints lessons dally. . Western Academy hall. Second and Morrlssa sts. Pacific 1830. PROP. BINGLER. MISS BUCKENMBTBH Lending school, dairy; new hall, best la city. f Grand sve. esd Esst Mecvbmq st. Esst Serro. iii EDUCATIONAL. OREGON EXPERT COLLEOBV Commonwealth building. 8th aad Ankeny, pbone Mala 8001. Telegraphy, shorthand, typrserrltlng. penmanship, English branches. Individual instruct loos, . pedal scholarship. nOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Waahlngtoa and loth sts. Filed oer bldg. Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting and sTi English brsnrbes tsngbt, both dsy and night. ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, Pitman Shorthand bv Oonrt Rsonrter. Bnsl- ess Coarse. Special Boholarahtpe ; positions Sea Uommonwsslth bldg, 8th snd Ankeny. . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. J. WALSH OO, Sll Stsrk at. Electric and Gas ' Flatness snd fmppHsa. M.otsls. Tiling. Grates and Doglrona. PACIFI0 ELECTRIC COFnrtoeerm, ceatrse tors, repairer., electric wiring, supplies. St First, cor. Btark. Msla 860. R. B. Tate. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 81 Blxth St. Contractor., elecfrle snpplles, awifiew ssd dy . as most we light and power plants. MORRISON ELECTS 10 CO, V1 Es.t Morrlsrsi st-Flxtares. wiring, repeh-lns. East 812. Classified Ads In Trie Journal reach the people tn ths (Teat Orcfon country At ths right tiro. ' Rates for Classified Advertisements Count alx words to ths Una.) ' -On cant A word aaoh Insertion. Mor than two Insertions, cants par lino each Insert Ion. By ths week. It eanta par lino (' daps). . I No advarUsamtnt taken for leas than It eanta, . GASOLINE ENGINES. GASOLINE engines, all etMe aad etyMa. et Siweei prices. Heiraon mai'innery vm., i -Morrlsuo st. SHEFFIELD marine en at nee. Any propellers. ralrbanka. Mores A Co.. First sod Stark sts. "HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARB CO. nllette Ity to qsets prices. 14 Blxth st. rsct HOTELS. HOTLL Portlaad. Amsrlcsa pica. IS, S per day. BELVEDERE: Eruopeea plsai 4th aad Alder sts. MACHINERY. B. TRENKUAN A CO. Mining, sawmill, log ging machinery; hydraulic plpse, casting; all kinds, repaired. 104 North Fourth at. THE H. a ALBEB CO Seeeud-hsnd ma chinery, sawmills, sts. gsB Ore do sve. FENCJ5 AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIS B A IRON WORK and Bvsrett sts. Pbone Mela 1000. INSURANCE. ISA AO L. WHITE, firs lnsuraaea. lock bids. , - V. L. PAGE, Insorsncs; employers llsblllrr, surety bonds, bnrglsr snd scsldent famaranes. Phone Msin 828. 804 Fa I Hag bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, emptor era' liability and ta dividual eeeldeot security bonds of aQ klade, Pbone 4T. 803 McKay bldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED snd for ssls All kinds, Incmdmg appro red forest reserve scrip for surveyed, ea surveyed, timber and prairie gsvsrnment land. H. M. Hamilton, "Ths Portland." Portlaad. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES L. MASTTCK A CO.. Front ssd Osb sts., leather snd skins of every ssscnpuoa for ell purposes! sole . aad tap oattorai findings. MONEY TO LOAN. MttfttltlMtlltfUffttMltftllUIUI ItttfttttlttttttfttUIIUf Itllllttttli lllliilllltll IIIIIIIIUUIIIII ttt . MONEY. $11 tit i MONET. ' tit tt ' MONET. HI , til , SALARY LOANS. tit , $ Upon Plan Notes. ttt tit NOINDORSER. ttt tit NO PUBLICITY. ttt y IIIWE NEVERTAKEtll tit MORTGAGES, ttt tit ABSOLUTELY tit tit NO SECURITY, ttt s lit GIVE !. tit : Tour Nots. , lit -ttt GET til ttt HO to 1100. Ill ttt Open from 8 a m. to p-m. Ill tit STATE SECURITY CO tit ttt - ' T04 Dekum Bid. tit ttt Open until 9 p. m. Saturdays, ttt ttlltlttttlllttllltttllltlltlllitllttl titttiiitttittiiiittiiiitiiiiittititii ttttttltitlititttttittitittlttlililltt MONBT TO LOAN Oa Improved city property er for building purposes, for from I to 10 years time, with privilege to repay an or pert ef loan after two years, unans approved rroaa piane ana aeoney sdvsaeed ss building progresses; i gsgee taken np and replaced. FRED H. STRONO. Plnsndal Agsst, 2H3 Stark at. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa oslsrlss, fmsarsneo pollclea. pianos, furniture, wsrenoase receipts. . ete.t sny deserving person may ssenre a lib eral advance, repaying ny easy wsssty en monthly Installments. NEW ERA I.OAN A TRUST COMFAHY, 208 Ablngtoa bldg. MONBT loosed to salaried people Just so) poor sera asms! doa't borrow until yoa eee me; my s raters Is ths best for railroad men. clerks. .. , mnA .11 AtfaaH. t ntoyes- bnameas strictly connnestiai. r. a. jaewTon. oil naa aanan nmg., naeiunsivj vwi between Foortb nud Fifth, MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PFOPt.B snd ethers spou their own names without sersr. Ity; chespest rstss. seal est payments: offices In an principal titles: ears yourself mover ' bv getting our terms firet. ' TOLMAN, 223 Ablngtoa bldg, 108H Third St. WANTED Noteev mort cares er contract, ea any kind of real eatate to Oreros snd wsen mgtnn; second mortcsges pnrrbssed If well secured. B. B. Nobis. 811 Commsrclsl blk. DON'T htsioa monev on sslerr wa tfl Huttcn Credit Co. 811 Dekum bldg. MONET to losai large loan, spednltyt shw building Mans: mweet re fee; nre 1 . William G. Berk. 811 Fslllas bldg. TO LOAN A client win Insn SS00 on unin cumbered real estate, Grabsr, 81T Commer cial blk. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 428 Mobswk bldg. Mnnoy to leeid na saay-p.yment plea to wags earner. ; strictly eonfldentlaL MORTGAGE losas st current rats.; .no ooav mission. Co ram bis Life A Trust Compsny, Lambsr Exrbangs bldg. MONEY to loss oa all ktnde of security, liars Boll, room Wsshtogtoa bldg. . Wit- TO LOAN Sums to salt oa chattel assarlty. B. A. Frame, 814 the Msrqnsm. QUICK hmns ea all securities. S. W. Karat, 48 Wsstalngtoa bldg. Mala 8100. ON mortgage, 20O to IS.OOOi eoat pspsrs ealy. Ward, lawyer. Allaky bldg. MUSICAL. THS WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, basis. gsltsr In. tract loos, eavvb waahlngtoa as. PIANO, violin, cornet, trwrnbone, clarinet, fnv fessor E. A. Bmltb. z4 lztb St. Msla 47IB1, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH A CO. Tbe Pioneer Pamt Oa. window glass aod glsalag. 188 First at. Pbone 1834. MONUMENTS. MEO A EINGSLEY. ESS first St. PorUsndS Issdlsg marMs aad grsnlts srarka. MONUMENTAL BRONTE CO. Most dvrshle grsre aeaoatonee, Koom la. Ifl Btark at. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. D LILLEBRLI.B PATTERSON, epeelallet os perinna. scute aad sbronle dleeeses. Offwe sit Fsatoa bldg. Phono Pacific 1190. DBS. ADIX A NORTH RTP, 4IB-I8-IT Pekom Mdg, Third and Wsshlngtoa sts. Phone wain S4U. Kxamta.tioa free. -...n .. ... , - PLUMBERS. FOX A CO Banner- prambera. SSI Becnod. bet. Mats and Salmon. Oregoa phone Msln 1001, DONNERBERO A RADEMACHEB No, SOI Burnelde St. PIUNTTNO. THE MODERN PRTWTERY Artistic neintlaa 28 Rnesel bldg, Foorth aad Morrisoa, Pbone rssirie 1520. c EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From circulars to cershe-nea and new pa rears. Metropolttsa Printing Co.. I4T Frost st. 0OILBER BROS.. pHstsrs Csrds. blllbssds, etc Phono Msla ISA. tB firet St. PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. IKIANB, 2a Yamsin st, opposite Jeer. sal oirice Wall paper, painting end decorat ing, i'bo-e aa for estlmstss. Pselfle 223d. FOR rsllahls work, reasonable prleee, Sbeenr Bdos, SNateS Tamhlll. sear tth. Msla 8072. RUBBER STAMPS. P. 0. STAMP WORKS. 148 Alder St. I phone . Mars TI0. Rnhher stamp, sesle. stencils; hag Saga, trade checks, brsst signs aad slates. BANKS. u sTTTEO STATES BATIOBAt BAK OF POST LAITD, OEEOOsT. Northwest Corner Tbb-d Trsnssets a General Haa.lng Beerneee. nlted States and Eompe. Hoorkons snd ...J. 0. AINBtAllHTH I 'resident R. LEA BARNES I the rfnlted rreaMent Vlce-li Aw ilst.nt Csehler. I ADO TTXT0V. aASKXs8 PsrtUaA Oregee. W. M. Ledd. . B. Ledd. E.tsbH.hed Transect -Stannieo ii-o. ...-.-. -a - - gsnsrsl banking bnameee. AAVINilit BANK psrABTMRNT. Bsrlng heeas tvaosd ea savings deposits. I at. rest paid oa time deposits. ft EROltAaTTr EATI0BA1 B AVE PertUad 111. J"" watbon Freeident I B. W. HOIT " Csshtsr i . 8. GL CATCHING ,.Seeosd Asem.nt Cssnesr. Trsasscta a General Barking Basl.aa. rmfta and Lettere s Credit All rsrte "f tbe World, fPh AVXEEB A T man VB wvafa .in wka 13 Orowmeeetsl aad U rings DspartsssaC "'the World. - D C. PELTON auiiMi i nt I nt j nt ( ZT B. ROTHCniLD. . . First Vlee-Presldent J"Hf A. KBATINO -s vice-Prsslderrt ' w ere; n A sty aw r . t nn, w . . , , 1 Cspltsl peid up ? g4.nnn nno I frnrpbss end nnnivlded General Banking snd Fvcbenge ReelneseTrsnescted. Intereet ea Time Depemus. , sU VINOS DBPArfTMENT Account, may be opened ef 10 and npwsrd. . I A . , ru Xt ttitlns. WV- R. MACREA V..-ll CIST h ATT0EAL BABal Portlasd. Orsgsa. . Oldest Nsthmsl Bank oa the Psctfie Cuaat. CAPITAL JED SURPLUS 11 fi00.rl0.o0. DEPOSITS 114.000.000 80. L. hnr.TB - i s itrnnn .i.Aastatast fsrter J. W. NEWKIRE..I !! I..'.. Csehler t TRUST COMPANIES. erOETT.Airn Tarrow fwssivv nv asvAfiv f- RESOURCES OVER 83.000.000. Gertsrsl on .fi parts sf tha world. Bsvinss sconunts. Time rwniB ivt a sonnreaei eel aeiiy seiencee or cisi eertlfiretn. VX) or ev-r. 21, to 4 per cent. CaU foe Bonk ef -it J.' -''"- , . , Sootbesst Carreer Third snd Oah Streets. Pbone Privets Exchange l"- BENJ t COHEN .....Preeideeit I H. U PlTT'ntK'"--'""l":-Z.mI!ZZl B LEE PAGET....! .I!!!!"" '"aeeretsrr I J O. GOLTR A Aorlrt.nt Seevetsrr ' XOTTRTTY SAVTE08 A TRUST CO MP A XT gee Mai rises Street. Portlaad. Ore, eta. ,1 Banking Bualaess. SAVINGS DEPABTMENT. rr iTSldS Accounts. Acts ss Trustee for Estates. Drsfta sad Lsttera sf Credit I Trsnssets Oeoersl xtms end Be vines Av.11.bls m All a F. ADAMS .....a President I ...Second Viee-Preeldeet s. i GEO. B. RTSSELL. . TT7.Tr ami .xrvr a. eamv nnwsaarv M0BT0AGB tlANS cm Portland erl,la Im-mI Ah.ti J. THORBTTBrT EOSB. .,,, ro.iin i n , OEOROE H. TTILL. .. . Tice-Preeident I BONDS AND asrsasrshsissa.awaasw 0REJS BEOTTftlS fthamhsr at Oemmsros ' Municipal. 'Raflroad snd Public Service OvTor.tV-n DOWELEG-HOPKMS C0MPAET XaUbliahsd STOCKS, BONDS, GRAM Bought Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER 0TJIS J. WTT.T1T JJOMX TELEPHOEE BONDS BARK STOCKS. Member Portlsnd Stork Excbsngs, r fttrner Sirtb ssd Ws.hlngtoa Overbeck, Starr & Cooke Co. GRATIS, PE0VTSI0N8 COTTON, STOCKS AWT) BONDS. . . , WE CO A SItUCTXT 00MMI88JOB BUSIVESA, OoerrlnreoBa Marhsta by Private Wire. Quick srs, and united at a tee national sail oi ro tubbo. REAL ESTATE. PARRI8E. W ATKINS A CO, 210 ALDER ST. . Real serate. rents la. loans and tnsarsnee. We msks a speclslty ef bsadllug restate ' and property for reetdeots snd eon-res loeots, Establlebed 18T3. Pbone Msla 1044. t. W. OOll.BEB, reel estate and loans; estaa- llsbed lms. 14DA mrsi si., room ir. SPHINX AGENCY, deslsre la reel eetats and rentals. lOSVi Surk st. Msla 8184. . FOR FARMS OP EVERT DESCRIPTION. W. W. BSPEY. SIS Commercial bldg. ROOFING. riN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general oeMBg. J. ruoall. XIX sorratsoa si. rn. - mu it iiij. .jmj 1 - -si ii i niai SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. - roan rn a art riSFttRinNS. ' We have ballt ap ths Isrgsat sirs bashmsn , ts ths city by nrst-eises wars in. ssepms ear nramlsea. Oar prices are right. Fifth ssd Evsrstt sts. Phoae Excbsngs 88. GEORGE WEBER. MODERN SIGNS "The Dlffwreat Bhop. bub roans, rsciiw son. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT Portlsnd Slgr Cek, 2ST Stsrk st. Phone Pad fie I6ir, "CARDS THAT CATCH THE EYE" Beat work In the dtp. Betts. 800 Dekum bldg. Msls 60 a, SAFES. PORTLAND BAFB 0O, soto scents Par Bsr-rlng-Hall-MervIn ssfes and Msagsness Steel Sets Co.'s bank ssfes; 20 second-hand flrs- Sroof so fee eed tank aafes, very cheep! sse ism or writs us. 92 Seventh at. DIEBOLD Manganese and fireproof safes: lock. oats opened! metsl nirnree; vssit ana jew work; Jscks. J. E. Davis, 88 Sd. Msln 1660. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. laftwrilti - - - n,.rrt,itt t ak Rat ana store nxioreo msos to nrosr. ir. aeaiaw Msaarsctnriag vs, ronuna. B. H. BIRDSALL, deeimer; .rent M. Winter Lumber Co. T Ha mil tea bldg. Mara soao. - STENOGRAPHERS. WANTED Bte-neraphle work st . reeeosahls prleee. Miss lounge, SOS Lbr. Ex. Mala 6719. PUBLIC atenographer and typewrltr-f Phoae Msla 1371. 814 Deksm bldg. ' her PTBLIO typewriting, n - raereoi groaad floor. a. Chamber of Oora SEWING MACHINES. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE AGENCY, sen T.mhlll at . one. 4th. Pborae Msla 8102. Remains to sD kMds of BOW ssd Setiaid- .. hsnd sewing msehlnss; a fsw sllrhtly ds: eged, good aa aew, et greatly reduced price-. PHONE Psctfie 1780 snd I personally will cell and repair your cowing maehme: work gear- ' aateea. a. nemo, sajumsr, soi inr STREET PAVING. WARREN) CVmetructtea Co., street pevfng. slde- walks aad cromlugs. 814 Lamnsr xeosnge. THE Berber. Pavfng On, at PsrtlaDd. Offtce 838 Woreestsr wa. - TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS for new and rebuilt type writers of sll makss: see ear window t If yon ' ere going to bay a new typewriter sse ss be fore buying: e ess sere yea awioey; we hsve parts for repairing all msrhlnes; stats . agents for the Visible Post we bay ell klade of typewriters. The Typewriter Hicnssge. . Inc. B. J. Ellison, msnsasr. as tntra nt. BLICKBNSDERFER TypewHtsr Agency; bbb 7 alles; rep Its. Relelrh bldg, 8th aad Wash. saorss. ere., lower then sny other ssmpsnyi Investlgsts, Uederoeod Typewriter Co.. as, atb. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THS! BAOOAGB a omnibus transfer oo, f corner Sixth end Oek sts. 1 bars re checked front betel or reetdenee direct to deettneltoei ' pseeengsrs there fore eesld rash snd assay snce rt scoots. Priests Exebsnge 88. SAFES, pi. nos ssd furniture mored. pecked reedy for shipping snd shipped: stl work gee ran teed: lerre 8-story hrlck fireproof ' wsrsbonM for stnrsss. Office SOS Oak et. Olssa A Roe. Pboos Mala 64T. C O. PICK, office SS First St., between Stsrk ano uai i - . tnrs moved snd pecked for chipping ; eommo dtous brick ware one wltb separate Iros rsoms. Front snd Clay sts. RATIONAL TRANSFER A STORAOE CO.. POS Oak at. telepbeoe a-abl 4400. Trsostsrrmg aod storing. 0REOON TRANSFER CO, 1M tort. Sixth et. pboos Mala 09. Heavy hauling aad INDEPENDENT BA00A0B A TRANiyEB f, Storsae. 814 Stsrk st. Mala u7. POST SPECIAL DELI V r i v bo. ..n, e, a . kngtoa St. rheos kl.ia r i. and Oek nrreere. f 'RAFTs ISKUro Aesflable tn A" ClJ-e ef kl.nlle. Collections Made w "Me T- Ceehlee... "-, ,.,; Aaststsst Caabler w. s, unit A. M. WEIGHT J. W. Lads. isrs). .ree-Pieetlt-et L- m'n nam. ........ GEORGE W. HOYT t Oaahles Isesed AralUble te ooileenons s rne-ienr- - rhnar Beaoa 1 ssd Stark .tl eat". Letters of Credit Issoed A veils bis to AO Per . at fi MWtBS ..ntenier e. vest Its "V-iV-V"r!ehuJ H. TV 8TORIT, L", PLATT A PLATT fj-nee.1 Co-iet ... w a amm e. TiBselass CsHrBram. T xtraTCHAELL. . . . . . . Asetetsnt Ifjwyer R. F.' BTEVENS Second Aeeistest T.Milae- ret., aism e. flam sa ay ta Bsnklng. Tare per cent mfwreet ea Letters sf credit end exchange so. or mwwr. certlficstes. 8 to 4 Peree-t: ehort-eajl sps. Psrts of ths World. . TL. A. LEWIS ............I B. C. JCBITE. . '- First fice-Pvsrdderrt ,,.,.aeil.l-arr . .Aeeletent Bicratary ean vj raahteetow Real Estate at Lowest Rstss. t tm ramlahed. ,, .Beeretsry , .Treeeurer . i.v. B). aiti rtiotin. ,...., T. x. BCRKHArtr... INVESTMENTS. ai, nMgretajaaAwSnkqsBasE atatUlac. 1898 BBOxOCm. and Bold tor Cash sad ea Margin. ef COMMERCE. mens stern st. Streets. Portland U XZTZ grnr--. SerrlrV REFERENCES Ledd A TUtea, Baak- TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWSIJI DAILY Comb, brasa. sobs, l per month. Portlssd Lsondry A Towel Supply Co, Ninth snd Omen. Psoas 410. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE OREGON CHEESB CO. UNO CHEESE. BUTTER. EGGS. etc.. dairy prod acta boagbt or bam led I on eommisaloa. 128 Fifth st, (Swstlsnd bldg.), Portlsnd. Or. M. A. GUNST A CO, DISTBIBCTORS OF PINE CIOAXA. , PORTLAND. OREGON. EVERD1NG A FARREI.L. produce end oses- mlsston merchant. 10 Front at, Portlasd. Or. Phoas Mala ITS. - - OREGON FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacture ef rarutare tar rate mas. Portland. Oregon. WADHAMS A CO, wholes. is grocers, sians fscturers snd oommlssioa msrenanta. Fosrtb - aad Oek sts. . . , . ..... FURNITURE manufacturing ssd speeisl order. L.'a foraltaro factory, SOT Front st. ALLEN A LEWIS, cnmmlnloa ssd prodnes sser- e Hants, rront and itsvia sts,, rartisnd. or. WHOLESALE crockery and glassware. Preel. xtsgsie A tvo,'. rortisna. orsgon. 0. W. SIMPSON, 201 Wsshlngtoa st Wboee- ssie oe.iee ra grata ana her. TRANSPORTATION. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 5 TtUPS B. B. uTpokana, 14, 881 Jnly 12, S8 An, a. , Qnsem, July 18. , moia moTra. . U. Benatov. -Tune 1 B. a. SeiaeBt..... .....JTrina BL EL ATVABTTCA mOTTr-BL ' ngwy, Bltka, Jiuiean aad way pcrrta. aillnt t . Ba. : BLS-B-Co-'S XomhoUlt....Apra B-ll-ll vonmgm vnj, wis nuxxo. ..... . jxpru t-sj. City of BsmtUe ..April 1T-8T babj raAjroiBOo biottttb. ' BalUna t a. as. lrom Beattle City of rnablA April S-80 trpokAs- ...............AprU SS Bpokaaa, dLreet..., April 11 UixUatXUA ....April 15-30 City Cffloe, S4B Washington STt, Columbia Klvcr Scenery MOTXvATOB XXsTa BTBAJCEXS. - Dally , service betwees Portland snd Tbe Dsllss, except Sander, braving Port land at 7 a. m, arriving aboat 8 p. rs, esrryhig freight and pssssogera. Splendid scours seda tion a for estfits snd livestock. Dock foot of Alder et, Portlsnd; font sf Oonrt at. The Dalles, phoae Mala 914, Peruana. Str.Chas.Ra Spencer WasUnrbo-gtreet Doc. ' Dally, except Sunday, for Tha Danes and way landlnge. tt 1 i m, returning 10 p. m. Fast time, beat service. Tp-oneai IKAlaw 31 S4 stoma, A, 11, S4, wars-re. rAcxno BrBAhtsxax caa Steamships ROANOKE ; ' and CEO. W. ELDER Sail for Fureka, Ran FTanolsco And Ls Anarelee direct every Tuesday at I p. m. iicket omce lit Third, near Alder. Pomes AC lilt. 1T TOUNii, Ageot. AT.1VABT Z-rBTXI OCBASt BTEAhTSSTrPE. LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, L0EDOW, RAVSt. New etc. mere VlvIORlAB ssd VtSniNIAU, trtii I. r, .. ,M,hl,., . n .. . . tn .i.i , u 00R8ICAM mni I0NUN, tmn-r9w. H-..'o- -rW, -tPhir Mill BT W - I J rrOOi HU.HHs.AL, PMSMsiu-j wwi in piot wmmt tt Hi, wrrri'i fiVM aS aim tim I1 as S A ... 1 1 Asya as ..... c. paM84. Rate: KnkMa pnum mud nrti"; tvti4 rartltt $40 mt mntt opwmr. Cm r.. Culito Btrmp .( ati't ttwrr1riv, v tll.Ay .fc COM FA M T. 174 Jaohaot, pr-m.. C HOLD PILOT TO BLAME FOR SHIPS' COLLISiC:. t Jnarnail -4brtml rvr Nfrt Tendon. Cunn., April IJ Th('-1 ltatvc stAmbOatc lnpiH'(ri t! if ? oi'lTl that I'llot sAtSunn I rr,n'i f f tli ?oLllii.4n of t1 - r I - In "; i - I gr it In- f if I