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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1907)
- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1907. Xsified Advertise :.:nts received too !:ie.for insertion in ihzse pages will; be found on Page 13. San francisco Office Oregon Journal 789Markct,StMbct3d&4th ismnmim ' eur. bckiftioms MOEirm. Oregonlana when In Pn Francisco en hav the mall Bant .In ear Of The Journal office. ... ARTHUR L riSH. Rer-rwaentaUve, NEW TODAY. f; D. E. KEASEY & CO. (Portland FOUR NEW COTTAGES $3,750 to $4,000 On car line, 5,' 6 and 7 rooms, gas and electric lights, sewer and city water, cement basement, lurnace, fireplace, etc, fine view of ML Hood, 1 lots with each house. Terms to suit. : - ,' ;' D. E KEASEY & CO. Exclusive Dealers in Heights Property. Office on the Heights and 7 Chamber of r Commerce. , Main 2159. ,--,' Do You Want this waterfront? Then come in and hand me f 3,000 and take it It is a dinger. f 3,500 bays an ' income property that will be a jackpot Let me hear ; from you. -, r.' . : f 22. SO per acre buys one of the best dairy farms in Oregon. Walk right in and let me tell you the rest $11,000 buys 34 acres within one fourth of a mile of Kendal Station, all platted in acre tracts. My judg ment tells me that this is a good buy. I would be pleased to take this up with you. ; ,r-: .', ; . : GREGG BROS. 317-18 FENTON BLDQ. SPECIALISTS tn Hawthorne are. property. Lota, houaea and lota, and aereace throughout thl diatrlot (or Bala. HOUSES DESIGNED and built, plana and apaclflcatlona furnlahed to noma bulldere. - -.-.-., v,,-.. raon tajbob aoe. ' crnci, east sstx ajto maw- $7,200 TVruble bona, f rooms each aide; prao- .ln.n B A a.aA.lw a.1A llW callty; lot 80x1 00, highly Improved; now brlogin I-. $60 per month; can easily oe raieea 10 pay irura a u io tow ynw month. Let na tall you mora about tola exceuenx t-jvewiment . . i . . Commonwealth Trust Co. .'. cutk and Anksoy. " , su.n SOON MUIE CO. Irfattlnera, alike, Japaneaa fancy roods row at 7 North si-in at. naar vavi. rhona iactnc . . . WEATHER REPORT. Tha small disturbance resterdsr e-cer Mmv taaa hss Bsored auotb end 1ncresed (lightly (a energy. The lower Mississippi storm mevrd north to tk. Iwft Ob to valley. A kick araaanr. area baa mate its appesrsnee ta the Canadian northwest, asd Ui. high pn ear area off th California .nut baa ssoved aorta to th swath of th. Columbia river. No rain or ouasernience baa ret molted from to Montana disturbance, bat the weather la unsettled ta thla dletrlct, and sbowsry eon dltlona may b .ipcrt-4 la th. artk Paelfle UM tnnlsbt and WrdB-a1ay. Th. .altera dlatarba-M'. baa ini4 bvary rain In th. Kraror MlMtaalfpt aallay, aod ala la Alabama, Twa-tear Omdi. Twimwm od tb Tlralnlaa. ' ymat wara tpartra tbl. mornliic hi Bnrr Oklahoma and aotrkera Texn. f , - Tattp. . .--' . Max. Mia. Prarfn. Blmarek. Forth Pakata... 41 an .fit fuailoa. aTrhaaatU...... M 4a .00 rhlnaa, IIIIbaI M 3 . Inm, Oolnr-oo........... (3 40 .On Harra, Montana...... . . .fj Kaoaaa City, Mlaanarl at 44 T. Im Anrl. Cll'"rnla..... T M ,eo hw Orlaana, Louttlaa.,. M .14 rortlaad. Or.oa TO 42 .00 . ft. Ionia. Mlaannrt M 44 1 40 Pt. Paol. Mlnanwita.. ft 44 no f.a ranrlaeo, California... CI SO ' .no V aahlnaton, D. O. 44 SO . CEMETERIES. TTre Tirw ahi c-, fie; faany tor. I00 t. 11.000. Th. only eametery la Part, laita arhlrh p-n'na tlr taalnlalna tad car fjr tota. Pot fnll tnrnraiatlon, apply to w B. Markanaia. Wareaat hloca. alty. W. M. Land. -KnakMMt. . o CTTT final, rravaa, (10i family kvta. . to $7. MiipartflleiHlant at eamattry, - rr of r-amo-t at. atid Calif road. Pbon. 1 r. ror fall Infnnnatloa spnly la prank -Me, 603 OMMM-cltJ klk. Pbona kola !x:x. UXDF-KTAKKng. naaatna. Mraata. eiTnaatb. tmdartah and an.tiaiawa; ax-v-ra m r rl.t.ll. Barmb iim. aiaia au. Lady F'lfka-a rnoWtakt-ig O.. tar) mh Imtnf. i.f ai- raoa nam a Li. La,ir aaainaat. taaua laataaaa, anai labia, Ij Xhard aV Heights i UNDERTAKERS. 1. P. Flnley Boas. Third end Madleoa ata. curie or ciuli wfaMf. rsow mix p. . Isilee-Bvraee Ce.. fnml directors, embahav era, XT kHll. East loaa. LJy sasJstsst. A. B. Rsmstoch. funeral director, but lath aad Umatilla- Phoae Be 1 1 wood 71. Lady aestetaot RE.iL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mile M. and Utha . Da a later ta Belea Kelfaorath. eaat 1 foot of lot 1A. biork 4, Abeada' addition t Alblna. . .$ I.ftOO rvriiana i ruai ixMnpaay or uraava tn Tk. Lend Coin nan a of Oraaon. hit a. kaaek 40. Woodatnrk : SO Syeanar Real Eatat. eoniany to J. O. ' and Uaaw Klarknar. tola 11 aad 14. 4 block 1. Kara Park , S00 f. c. aad M. I. Ha rata to Prank P. Balner, aorlh 10 fet of lot S, aU at ' lot a. ana Ik 10 feat of lot . block L. Brnah'a ddllloa , M rtrland nompanr re Marr Xaanaa. lot 1. block T, Plrland SM Arneua and John U. Braakry ta W. O. i , Wood. S aore la neellua A townahla 1 north, ranc I at..... 4,800 urine w. and AM U I peon ta Ella Btrirkrott. lot . block . Arleta Park : No- a , us Moor inmtment eompany to : Jnlln Praderlrkaoa. lot 11 and MOtk U oi lot 10, blork 8, Vamoa ISO and 15. anbdlrraloa B. hlork 1. (mi Oomnaoa'a addition to St. John 400 voaat Inreatment to V. WawMretea. loU ' 14. 15, 14 aad IT. Barton'a addition la St. John 1,000 Charlra 11. Thompaoa ta L. I. Smith, lot : a. Bdranroad 4. BOO m. a. ana aiarf arct MrNeal to Baa M. . . Moara, lou 14 and 16, anhdlrlalon B, blork 1, Oeaatal Oampaoa'a addition -to St. John ISO Tboma and Amy A. Dobaoa to Oenrc H. and May Buxton, treat 40 feet of lot 14 and 18, block IS, William Arnn addllloa , 1.000 A. Lewi Howard and Flora P. Howard , to Joha P. Buhmann, lot IS aad Id and north H of lot 14. block IS, A " blue rJomeetead , 4.000 eooa r. Buoraann to Marraretha Bob. - , , mean. Borth S7H feet of lot 16, block -1, Alblna Bomealead 1.SO0 William 8. and Cornelia Keldler to Ma- . , rmd A. Urlnaston, 14 of aa aera . commenrlnf at a point tn eoath lie ef ertloa T, townafaln 1 aoatk, ranx "t M80 William A. and Mattt Arnxtronr MartnJa A. LMncaton. lot 10, block,. ' i. Lanrelwend Park , EDO Onetaf Kwenaaoa ta Robert Hal Elite, ' andlrided M of blk 38. Ptttoa'a C addition to ArMna.". , . 380 Henry 0. I Tempi . to John W. and Matlldla Murphey. lot 4, block 5, Booth Runnyelde .7 7. : TOO Henry Orraoa admin la tra tori to B. P. nd Mlnrrra A. Loom la, part af black 14. McMlllea' addltioa S.B00 Charlaa A. and Eo V. O. Bryant t a Alhln Ronhlanlnen, TOxlOO feet brain. ' Btnf at a point tn eaat line of Mar- ' ernm trert, 1ST feet north from Inter- . . aectloa nrltb north Una l Princeton . ' trt aso I. T. and Rnxan Smith ta Bdna Mont'. (omery. aiuw mama ooyinlUna at a point 400 feet nontb of northwest oor ner of aorthaaat of ear t Ion SO, town. hip 1 north, ranc east; alao other property In eretion 39, -township 1 north, mbm a mmmt a ana Jacob 0. and Mary J. Elmer ta AM r-arrarn. - an a ana 24, block ST, . Point View eoA Merlon V. and Matt I T. Crocker to 0. i ; i A. Alrord, lot 11, block - a, KeaU- worth 1 000 Portland Realty aj Trost eompany to marie a. frinriie, iota IT, lb, la and ' 30. block S. Brelrn B3S B. h. Bterene- (aherlff) to J. J. Tinker, - tract la Mctlon S, 4 and . townaolp 1 '' north, ran re 1 weat, beainnlna at aoi tli went earner af donation land claim of Solomon Rleharda; also lots IS to 13. block T. Peninsular addition ' SO "The Land eompany of Oreron to L. T, .. Terry, lot S. block BO. Woodstock . . . . ,000 J. B. RIemmona ta John and A. H. Gaet- tenheln. lot d. block 2. Central Alblna 33 Anna C and Montgomery Otis to Plor- tan poena, mt a, block a, wuianutte , Helxhta addition 4.00 Jennie A. Roheaoa to Prederlrk yiererk lot T and a. block Zoo, Holladsy's ddltloa ..... 1.S00 Patrick and Belinda Ward to OHt B. . uuncn, lots 1 and 29. block S, Laonl. : wood BOO Pin ley 0. and Kmma P. MeOraw to Mln ' . nl Kranee, lots IB and SO, block 10, - Kern Park 10 Dora Bell, and Arthur A. Hooray to Mrs. t Ida Condlt, eaat 18 of lot S and weat ' 1 of lot 10, Mock 17. Smith's an. ' dlrtaloa and addition'.... L100 Annas and Abram Pllley to Harriet J. , tiromtaranar, lot a, Moec , uartar s , . sddltloa BBS Carrie and B, H. Dann to William a. ;' pmd. soatk H of lot S, block 3, Daaa'a addition lB8d Boroun D. and Mlnnl. B. Boot to Charles R. Rosa, lot U block as, Trentoot d dltlon ISO Leah J. Hooch to William C. Kchrefbsr, lot B. and d. block 15. Willamette.. ' BOO Marl Schata to John tan, Borth SB feet of lot 10 and sooth l foot B Inches In lot 0. block A Brash's sddltloa. . t KB Portland Tnsjt company of Oregon to . earn Hoyes ana norm is Boyo, lot a. block as, woodstnrk - boo Oeorr snd Marls Elttmayer to Joha P. wuson, lot ii. niod is, orictnai town- . : siU oi Alblna - . IS Anro.-a P, and U Bternysrt( to Wflllsm Trans, Jr. and Fred T. Webber, lot S and 4, blork M. Woodstock SB Luis W. and W. B. Bolton ta Harry J. Mslbenr, lot 14, block 10, Bllsabsth Irrtnaa addition B.O00 H. J. McGlnty to J. H. Petberlck, Jr., lota 1 and a. block Bd, Panlnsnlar ad- ' dltloa Ko. S BOO Pot oetrets. title tnsarsnee ar ssartgng loans, call on Pa rifle Title Trost company, B04-S-4-T Pslllng bldg. Get yoar hsnrsnee snd abstrseta to real estate from the Title Guarantee A Treat eaca pany, 340 Waahlagtoa at, eorner Second. IX)ST AND POIWD. Lost 3,CC0 Shares Butte Boys Ccnsolldateil Mlntns stock, somewhere betweea Kerrlsoa. Waahtngton. Second and 10th ata, Pleee retnrn ta The Joanul offlos aad teeslra re ward. - .. , porjlfD A place to bar katr mal'iuaaia rens .. rated and relarned asm day , S2S Front at. Main 474. Portland Corled-Balx Factory. B Metagsr. proprietor. . trkT TnMdar. sold watch. Initials B. B. K. In back of case: monogram CUB, Betara BOB Marqnami reward. LOWT A sratch charm. engrsTed "D. A. B. Retnrn to 4U jetreraoa ,-ane receirs 13 reward. NOTICES. THOMAS OODWIK Age 64. died April T, 10OT, St r.SWDrg, vieguu; wee pwini m (.vwonrg April . Aayon knowing nnythlng of his financial or proiMR'ty affaire will confer a grant fa ror en bis only daughter by maU or pemna. Addreea Mr. H. P. Lsurson, S49 Knott sr.. toruaao, uregon. KOTTCB I hereby notify th pobHe that fmes April zs, 1W7, I win not oe reaponaioie for any depte contracted by anybody feat myself. J. B. Mathews. WII.HOIT BPBIHOH M1NFBAL WITH. S3T Btsrk St., betweea Sixth snd Bseenth, Phone PaHfle 1WM. Blmer J. WsUses. gnt, .MEETING NOTICES. . WA8HI50TOrf CT1APTE8 10. M, R. A. M Special eoerocatlon thla Tnsdayl ernilng, April 23. 1ROT, ' at S o'clock, , Maaonle ball, Bnrk berd bldg. Mark Maater degree. Visitor welcome. By order B. '.' B. B. BHAB0M, ogretarp. 0PO. WAPniWOTOH CAMP HO. IKU meet tonight ta W. O. W. temple. II Ik at., between Waehlngtoa and Alder. Visitor welcome. habbt babbr, o. a H. A. rREHtUCU, Clerk. KI.I.IHON Knesmpment No. 1, I. 0, o. P. - Hexuler meeting this (Tuesday) .Tenlng, Anrli 23. . lw7. et S .'clock. Odd Fellowa' Temple, corner. First snd Alder. Patriarch ' al i-te, tlnllata weJeome. B. B. Bhaxoa, aw ip. JLVe.H "til fa MEETIXO NOTICES. M. W. A. BFBRaBEE.t CAMP. S.4H. meet Wednesday enlna, Allaky bldg.. Third and siorrieoa sts. M. W. A. Orecon Grape Camp No. B.BTo, Mo day. 17th sod Marshall. Visitor welcome. HELP WAXTED MALE. . TRB Meier A Prank store want B0 ora. steady wore aad good pay- Apply to th aupsrlatsaoeot. . Alder St. sntranc. " Wanted Tailor One who ht competent to take entire ebsrge or a nop; Moles' end men's: high wages paid, Addrass X 170, esr Journal. WANTED Maa ef good appear ace, 39 to 33 year or age, with general Business eipen encs a long the lines of solicitors, collector, sslssmen or commercial boslneea: most bar. good references: permanent position) modsrst oompensstlon. Bsply poa toffies boa ShS. . PACIFIC BTATIONBRT A PRINTTNO CO. SOS-SOT Second St. Phone Main Ml. - Ws design snd Inetall the moat modern and Improeed office a ra tarns I complete Una loose wsf fUing dericee. . WANTBO Raleamen; many make 1100 to flM per month! aome even more: stocg clean, grown on reserrstlon, fsr from old orchsrds; eaah adranced weekly: choice ef terrlto-y. Address Wsahmgtoa Nnrssry com pan. Toa penlsh. Wsshingtoa. . . It.OO A MOtfTH PROTECTS TOO Against accident, sickness snd death. Writs or call snd Inrestlgste. northwester Health A Accident AeaoHstma. Boom Bl, 36S Stark at. Agents wanted. MEM AND WOMEN to learn the barber trade m eight weekai gradnstes cars from gia t 28 weekly: expert Inetrnetors; catsloane free. Moler Systsm of CuUrges, d North Ponrtb at., Portland. WANTED High else aa learn as for choir ter ritory s; highest eommlaslon paid) TrytIilng fnrnlahed; eaah adranced for expenses. A rare opportnnlty. Address, quick, Oregon Nnrssry, Salem. Or. BBVBRAL good mea to prepare for positions la , th government semes; now la tn nest tim ' to begin. Look nhesd. Writ for form 173. Paelflo BUtes Schools. McKay bldg. SALESMEN mak big' money working for net eiperleoce anneceessry. pscine Aid aso cial loa. 234 Lamb Exchange bldg. Port land. Oregon. BTt'DINTB of the Internatioosl Oafrespondsne rhcol dealrlnf practical xperlettc. ar ra on eat rd to list their names at oar local office, 014 McKay banding. BLACKSMITH WANTED Ftrst-elss opening ror good aisnt chance to boy a good Business; Bo opposition. Address Boa 188, Camas, Wash. . . i ..... . B0T8 Id to IT years of age, who ar rellabls no wsnt a permanent position, witn an op portunity of advancement, . Apply to Olds, WortmsB A King. WANTED At once, first -e la as plnmbsr aad fnr- nsee msa in non-union town, good wsgea a no tesdy work for right psrty: prefer man with family. Address P. O. Bog 007, Colfax. Wash. WANTED Boy or yon tig msa to work daring th day; newspsper nuainess, ngni worn; boy to work after school; mnst hare refer, ences. Address L 174. esr Journal. MEN and boy wanted to learn plumbing, plas tering, bricklaying, electrical trade; free i hi r.. ma nv Bcboola. New York and Baa Francisco. AN ACTIVE, experienced fir Insurance a- lirltor can obtain permanent empioymani with eld established agoncj. T 1T1 Journal. CARRIAOB blacksmith wsnted; steady )ob to right men; sue piscsamita aipr sraataa. 174 TJnloa are. WANTED Experienced greeerymaa to take charge of small stock or groceries, raoa m ST4S. WANTBD Experienced - man In second-band store: maal snow bow to aancue uosko xai Prone. WANTED A boy to work after school boar snd Mtnrosya. wngni s ossery, sue nus U St. TWO cmeat-m1ir wsnted at Cntoa are. and Btsklyoa, T:80 wsdnesnay npraiagi wage B2.B0. - " - BXPERT ssbwmaa caa mak flflO a week. Address t. B., 529 gbambsr or oommerca ' bldg. Besttla, Wash. WANTPD Man, SO tn SB year old, energetic nd Intelligent, with experience on ran? aad general farm work. Pes tof flee box 4A2. WANTED Tailors, )iasera and operator and flnUber; highest prices nsio. new xorx Ooatmaker. 303 Oommerdal bldg. WANTED Toang men to study telegraphy; positions st good wsgea wnea competent. Oregon College, BOSr Commonwealth bldg. WANTED Reliable boy , for drugstore; ene wttb wheel preferred. Albert Mrs, th druggist, 23S Waehlngtoa at. SALESMAN In toy and furnlrnre departmeat. Apply to Olds, womnaa m BIOR-ORADR BOLIOTTOR caa mess S300 a month. B 171, ears Journal. WANTBD Onstmakersi highest price paid. A, j. xirsait, rum ana atsra a is. BION PAINTER wanted. Apply Bsrger Boa, 884 Yamhill. WB get work for oar nssmbsr; apecisl menv usts. s a. as. v. su. iww WANTBD Good hameas-mskr. Dsrenpcrt Harnees Co., Hood virsr, or. WANTBD Toong man to dries wsgon. Call today. Bwuand , zi Morrwoa. - B0T WANTBD With wheeL fid per weak. Apply 4X1 siorrisoa- TWO aoll-itnr. few hour work each day good pay. hie ztB Bonia uniro, . , MATTRB88-MAKXB wanted, street. . . It-30 . front BOTS wanted to work la furniture factory, job North 11th at. WANTED Onod strong boy to da rough work la store. T3 Sixth st. WANTED Baker' helper with soma expert, once. OaU B4S Pint at. city. WANTED A boy to learn baker- trade: sll day work. Wright's bakery, S04 Rnaeetl st WANTED A enatmaksr; will pay good price. - 4QS WaafelnetAn at. . PANTBMAKER wsnted. 134 Twelfth street HELP WANTED FEMALE. 'Ltnman. Wolf Co. nire CTnerleneed lewoma la all depsHaMnr. Permanent positions and best Salarlas. Atply to super sntendsnt. ; WANTED Bxpertencad pressers oa ladles ear. meets, at Keet l-ortland Cleaning snd lrs Works: good wages to rigor, parties. 148 Grand sssnoe. PIRS.T-CLAM salessmmen to enllelt 'orders rrom cooeomsre. p.1-.. rtmr, pir Hi ai"MlrWTJv),Ul' HELP WANTED FEMALE. t9 Ta' Bxperlenced cloakroom slsswomea rsnnlrsd one, apply ta superintendent, Llpiuen, " vms as vo TUB Meier A Prank store want 50 Bteadr work and wood pay. Apply to superintendent. Alder at. sntranc. t LAROB hnafness firm desire a women not ander BO who Is trustworthy and energetic i experience nnneresaary. Address be letter on I st swing telephone. M. Knight, 20T Tlt- rora oiog. . BALESW'OMEN who are experienced, compe tent ana reliable assy Bars good, permanent positions with an opportunity for adrsnrs. ment In men of ear departments. , Olds, Wertmaa A sling. , . WANTED Experienced prasaar oa ladles' ,.t iii.uin, p, mmfwm psrusnnr po sition for right party, Berlin Dj Works, B4T Second t 01RLS WANTED Operators to work ea shirt na orraIi. Lessons glrea to Inexperienced. Apply at Piandard factory No. B. Ornad are. and Bsst Taylor t. WANTED Maehtn operators, starcbera. Ironer no mangle girl, eaat nids Lenndry Co., Esst Ash and Sixth. Phone East BOB. la all day Sunday. WANTED Experienced bondm wrapper! steady position. Apply to Mr. , Cones, The Goldeo Ksgle. . , . WANTED Toting ladies to study telegraphy! positions st gooa wsgs wnen qusimea. . urs gon College, BOB Commoawsalu bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCT. IMU Ingtoa at. eorner Beeehtb. anetalra. Pbeoe Mala 30A 1'amsl help wanted. WANTED Tonne ladiee to leer to opera ts th. ,. "Comptometer." Call betweea 13 and 1 p. m. u. Lasooa iMriey, agent. B4 Thlrdl at. STRONO girls for candy factory. George A. mrneii company, wnoieaaie con r set loners, 110 North Fourth, near dllsssv WANTBD Woman or girl for general bons. wars, n-roonj ootuge. 110 kimsrsoa at Take L ear. WANTED Good girl to assist with bons work. a"-11 J.U.L .'II BI-lL WANTED A Isdy bookkeeper; experlencsd. X a to, csr rfonrnsi. -. - - APPRENTTOB girl for dressmaking. , T14 TOUR teeth cleaned for ft a year; solicitor wanted, tail ostweea a ana , ittl Fourth et BHIRTMAKERS wanted. Jacob Bhtrt Ca. ifuii atsra st. GIRLS WANTED Apply BtsndsH factory Re. a. umae are. ana sssi x ay lor at. .- 'ARDMORB COFFEE"; don't forget th nsmsj B pounds for L Boyd Tea Co., 80 Plrst st BLDERLT lady to help care for bsby; good uvkuo. - iniuira seo juanmia. WANTED Millinery makers snd apprentices. mra. M. Keltrucns, Bad Washlngtoa at FINISHERS on pants. Steady, good pay. Gold, tela, 3UT Common wealth Bldg. ... WANTED Onod strong girl to da rough work around store. T3 Sixth et. . . - WANTED Girl to help with light h ansa week; no children. Phone Esst BIST. PANTBMAKBB wonted. 134 Twelfth street. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. DISTRICT AND LOCAL MANAGERS ra every county la Oregon ; established fraternal so ciety; all form of policies, sires Id to Cn: exceptional opportnnlty for sevsral men and women to seen re axclnarv territory oa liberal contracts. Union Provident Laagosv Tllford bldg., Portland. Or. WANTBD Mea and women to prepare for the civil service; gooa position constantly to be had by those who are qualified for them; we make a eneeialty of preparing you. L 0. S .183 Pitta t WANTED Salespeople for eatalde work, ladle or gentlemen. Liberal proposltina to hustlers. uiwi aarocin imparling xcs taK. 406 Washington; 321 First et WANTED Mea and woeaeo of good taste to ' try Ardrnor Coffee, ( pounds for fl. Boyd Tea Co., B0 First st. BBLP wanted snd supplied, msl ar female. B. O. Drsks, 30 H Washlngtoa st Pacific 1870. SITUATION WANTED MALE. HONEST, sober watch mak ar and sn graver d. sire sresoy positioB, snout nrst et May. Address B IT ti. oars Journal. WANTBD Position by expsrieaced . family cook. Addreea Chines Mission, 34TH Stark t. ., GOOD . sll sronnd carpenter wants Job sr dsy work from owaers. Phone carpenter, Bsst SMS. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTBD to do sewing at priests bonsss. Phone Eaat BOSS. CsU aft 6. EXPERIENCED lady want wsshmg or bona cleaning by the day. Phone Pacific 1004. LADY with child wishes position a keeper. BoS Sherlock in. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. ' RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a snsetaTtf. SO North Second at Pbon Mala B20S. We pay aU te'-grspb ebargss. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFriCB 4 FOB MEN. BS North Seoood st. Pbon Mala 1838. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OPP1CB. tOSV, Morrlaoa St. ....... .Phone Pacific BT North Beeoad et Phone Pselfl 1800 GERMAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT CO. fur ntahes msl help nf sll kinds free. 388tt Buruald St. Pbon Msla 6406. 0. K. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Halp pnmlehed free to si ploy era. BtVt N, id. PhArt BTRT. WANTED- AGENTS. $30 A WEEK Expenses advanced; mas r . woman to travel for manufacturer and n , point egenta for household necessity: good pay for horns work or psrt time. Elegler Co., 321 Locust (t. Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED Caa yoa sell goods I If so we need you. Complete outfit free; eseb ; weekly. Writs for choice ef territory, ' Cap itol City Nursery Company, Salem. Or. ONB h setter In each towa oe locality t , bssdls medlctne or snap: write quirk;, tig money. B. M. Plommer. 340 Third at assawxaMosii e1 1 jam a 1 1 11 u 1 " 1. -1 bsscssbssb, . WANTED TO RENT. WANTED By May 1, on wewt elds, nicely fur alahed bona or flat, complete, of 6 or T room; glv fnll partlcnlara; two Is family; will less to th end of tb year or longer: best refereaeea furnlabed. Addreea Poalef f tea Box 111. WANTED 3 or B furnished or partly fne nlahed mom for light bonaekeeplngi walk ing distance preferred. Phone S'llwnod 8;t, 11 a. m. to a p. m., or address Y 176, care Journal. WANTED TO B B NT Houses, cot tares, flare, . stores, offices, rooming-bonsss, etc. Lend )orde will do well to call on J'OllTLAND TBtiST COMPANY OP OREGON. Fbena Ex. TA B, B. Cos. ad aad Oak. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WANT to Hat your property, anywhere be. tweea I lie A Heinle oreso and tn PaelfM ocean, from tb north pole to the aoatk puis, any ild placo, sny kind of property, luat eo yon Hat It worth th money; we will be la our office- Moodsy morning st B e'clorh sbsxpi come early and avoid the rush. Grsgg Bros. 117-Hls-lentoa bldg. WANTED A good B or T-room bouse or doa ble boose, for cash, must be cheep and nesr In. P. 0. Lessen A Co., S74 Plrst et. Port- W ANTED Lot about 40 or BOiSO, with or , without bona, wsst tide, eoath of Morrtson, weat of Fifth; gle location, lowest price. Address Boyhr. B 178, care Journal. B-KOOM bones with ImprosSments: one to three scree; near carllos. Xbe Spantoa Cs). 370 ' .Btsrk at ... WANTED Realty for . good BUM martgsg. B per cent d year; might aasnms debt. Address ii ITT, csr Journal. , , WANTED Prom oenei wh wlU sell, good S"fiae, lora na farms. Home i,ana Ls., ) io riret St.; pnoos sisia B430, IP yon wsnt to sell quirk. list with P. Pacha, S4j n sarrsiia sx. WB BUZ unimproved lots to build en. any wher. Th Spantoa Co. 370 Stark t. WANTED MIBCELLANEOrS. MATH BSJIB. i . . ' GABfT. AND LOTH OP IT, - ' . C POR FURNITTIRB. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. Sll FIRST BT. MAIN oflSB. ' MAIN BBBB. WANTED Furniture and household goads of every description bought, sold snd exchanged. The f, 333 Plrst St. Msla 6374. I WB haul dead feorsss and cuttle free. Orsawa Fertiliser Works, or notify Csrney'a Teterl aery, Ponrtb and Gllaaa sis. Msla 1B08. CAN nse B5.000 worth furnltare this wsekl high est pries paid ta alty. ' Wealera Belvsge m. t-acine 7wa. WB WILL BUT. STl.L OR TRADB ANT OLD . TMINO. W-STSKN BALYAOB CO., B37-B28 naBuinux'un. fatlliu TVS. . CABH for house hold roods. Sara re A Psoas II, nw-m m us sa. rnoDsr raciris bdv. HIGHEST cash price psld for all kind second- tt.n wwwl Bhu. li.i. .,11 w m. i Svwum . UUU. W.1U . . om a., iuim, HAVB yon any junk sr pip of any kind tor ssis. vsu mam m, or A loos. HIGHEST cask price paid for second-basd te vyiaw. aasin zwk . ' WANTED Housework by the day! aw wash ing. Adoree n 177. care Journal. $3rV FOR I ee B years. Improved dry lots. MmImU ..I. . 1 . ' - - - V, , 1 TT Vah . WANTED Children to ear for No. , BBS uuira a ar. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THB OLAD8TONB. BI3H ftsvlee st-NIc else rornisnea rooms, single or doable, rrom il.xo per week ap; free phone, gas aad parlor. lBPti THIRD, eppoeit Baker theatre, aeatty rumienea large pmt noarooaie; etnet tignt rooms; prices moderate. flO PRONT sleeping room; first floor; nicely rurnianea; gaa,, nato, asta phenwi tb north 14th st . .. ....... TBB RICHELIEU. SSU North Sixth st ele gantly furnished: steam best aad baths. THB GRAND. 4B4 North Third st i gentlemen, gijto per wees, aad an. NICELY fornlahsd front room for gentlemen. see sum St. THB STEWART Honsekeeplog snd torawbed rooms; trsnsisnx sno sing is. aoovk wasa. THB ARCADB, 148H First st, near Mr Fnrnlahed rooms, 38 to $1; trass lent TjNFIIRNISHED ROOMS. 410 JEFFERSON. S onfurnlahed honsekseprng roousi gas. nsin, pnone. sssy wsismg ais tanea. No children. t fNPTRNISHED rooms, gaa, woodshed, water, 8T. 190 14 Msrkst st. . ' ROOMS AND BOARD. THE CARLETON The most desirable family hotel In the city; It bsa the Iocs t Ion: wall furnished outside rooms, single or en suite: stesm beet,' hot snd cold running water la rooma, and the Best tsble board that caa he found anywhere. TL Mala 3186. Corns 18th aad Alder ata. , BOREDALB (the Burrell estste). 404 10th snd Msdisoe, just opened; everything flrst-rissa. Newly furnished tun s ghost MINNEQUA INN. STB TsmhlTl stNKe steam best, splendid steels. dsy. week, month; new management: borne eooklag. . NICBLY fnrolshed rooms, board If desired; sed era. 6 East 12th sooth. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. SI.IW WEEK CP Urge, clean furnlnbed boss. kseptng-rtnms. lanndry end Beth. 1B4 Bbsf ' msa St.. south,. Portland. 11.35 WEEK UP Cleea Pornmbed Ing-rooms. parlor, bath, laundry, faraasa beat yard. 308Uj Btaatoa st U car. FOB RENT Unfurnished bonsrkssplng-rooms; walking distance from poetoffle. Apply 804 Sixth t. B NICELY furnished bonekeplng rooms rem. rlete; hath aad gaa. 427 Second St. Phone Mala 470T. TWO very fine nooaekeeplng tptrtmanta, new ly furnished and flrat class location. Call at 420 Commercial bldg. ' BOUSEKPEPINO-ROOMB, lectr1e llgbta and pbona, S3 per week. . 601 Vt Water st TBB MITCHELL Housekeeping and transient rooma, rsssonabw. Bsventh snd Pleader Ms. 10 THBEB furnished rooms; gaa plate, ateel range. BIS Seventh at. Msla 4029. 3 FUBNI8HED boneekeeplng rooms nnstalra, 818. , Phone Msla 6786 or call 24 Mill. TWO a three bonsskssplng rooms. 68 Seventfe at. v 4-ROOM flat, fnrnlahed. bath; Bear dtp kail. 843 Madlaon at Main B'J03. FURNISHED HOUSES. BEAUTIFUL furnished B-ronm modern bom, furniture part new; hew piano; fine rosea la ail Aliexy prog. FOR BALB. CHEAP 4 good gentle fresh rnlb-h cows. 188 Portlsnd boulsrard, 8 block Borth Piedmont esr barns. . - ' 110 Three -room furnlnbed Bat, does in; Baa slew. Phone Esst 1657, 684 Bevoatb et. - FOR RENT HOUSES. 4 AND T-room cottages, with yards, good view, aewly papered, furnished or anfarnlahed, oa west aids, In good neighborhood; also house. keeping rooms, $1 2S week csch.. Apply 644 North 3Atb st, W ears to 4th, turn south kslf block. '. GUARANTEED edeertlsed.. We tan rent ee sell year booses, room, flats, offices, stores, fsrms. acreage, Iota; list now tor Miters advsrtlstng. 304 Mohawk bldg. NEW S-rona cottage; all modera conveniences, 10T Royal at, git.. Tabor, Inuulrs 111 Royal t., aett door. . . . : BTRICTLT modern ft-room cottage. Bnaaysldel . $200 down, balance seme aa rent. A. P. Smith, owner, 610 Commercial btk. FOB RENT (.-room bouse, st T2B East Btsrk, near 31at, by owner. 46 Msrkst Pbon Msla 44BB. - - ; . - . . FOR RENT 8-ronm boa boos and 3 full Iota, 67 par month. Address H TOO, care Journal. WB rent snd Mil pianos. Shermas, Clay' A Co. FOR RENT New 6-rornn boasa la MooUvllls, rent $ Inonlre T19 Bmlth st; FOR RENT FLATS. NEW modera 4 room , upper flat near Onod nsmsritan aoapitu. apply us ovsrtoa st, enrns g2d. T FOB RENT Modem 4 room flat, new. newly jiimisnso mropiete. 1 none i-acine l X1L mt tail at Am Bwraalaa a Bk, AVeom AOs FOR KENT FL4TS. PUR BENT d-room fist, or S rooma up ata Ira, or will rent whole boose; good l Mac fur . roomer. 124 Knott at, luL k. a .id. t POR RENT A modem B-room flat: cot. of B. Bnrnaide and lMh. Phone Eaat J5S5. FOB RENT 8TOHES -OFFICES. POR BENT Suit f office room, suitable for musical, doctor' or dentist use: central, convenient Apply Bller Piano house, tb3 Wsshingtoa, aornsr Psrk. OFFICB-ROOMS. snfurnl Med roome sad osm. . pke-rooos tut rent Uosdnoag bldg. Apply elsTStar. POR BBNT Ons, two or three Urge or flee room, suitable for lob nrlntlne offices or ether 11 nee Inoulre Portland Ous A Bicycle Co.ISI rtrat st -... FOB rent or lesss, g good storeroom. Bee Me Urgor, th barber, zau lamhlll st. 0PP1CB and desk room for rent oa ground floor; also private office. B4 Third st . FTRNISHRD offlca.or deek mora for rent Besver Realty Co., 8-4 Odd Fellows' bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. '-, , . $23B BUYS the furniture of a 6 room cottage; rent 618:. plenty of fruit; close In; West Bide: terms.. Pselfl 3741. 1 FURNITURE B room, pleessnt: bath, gas, phone, rsng. gtc: price 75, rent 614. 8u7 Bixta t. near miu. BROOM modem flat for rent, furniture of 6 roome for aale; must be sold by May 1; close la; e-HJ rent, nione sisia Bona. - WB boy and sell ruraltnra. 828 First at. Phone Pacific 1BT0. WB need furniture at any price. Portlsad Auc tion Rooma. 811 First at. Mala 50A5. 10-ROOM bouM for rent, fumlturs for sal. J o i . n is issep st one, sou narrsoa at. BUSINESS CHANCES. 85,300 Oene-al mdse. store Including 4 lots, store bldg., wttb large hall Snd floor, ealee 12.000 month lr. mostly eaah. In voice tock about 86.000. This la par ing bustnsssv Owner baa food lesson ' for selling. (BOO Wsll eetabllahed meet bualnea ta on .. . , of th best locations oa tbs east side. mall rent, doing business Bl.) ', ' monthly, mostly eaah. Hacks, marhls am os, two lc noxe. rendering tanks. B horses, 8 wagons, 3 Bets harness. In- vole stock; Uila Is w money makk a bo p. M. 000 ' lour mill aad scree of land, water . power, 40 b-p.. asparlty BO hbls. Tbl is a re good paying littler proposition. BARNKH. C0LL1N8ON A STARR, r.M. VULUAOON BTAKH. I Phone M. 6880. tb rust Bt, eofOSB. IF YOU want Butt Boy Consolidated saining stock at 10c. take It sow; this offlc 1 8110 Ksst Msrrlsoa St. The directors of the Com pany, owing to the continual Increase of nslusa of their or and tb development work done and being done, here decided to raise . the price ef stock to 15c on May the Blh. snd may be taken off the market area at- that price any dsy. If yoa want It, gat In now. Bolt Boy Consolidated Mining Ch S00 Bast Morrison st. WANTED High Tlaas msa to epsa tempo rary office la Baa Frsacisce snd manage esmpelgn there for ssle of stork In indue trial corporation ; proposition respectable and gilt sdge; om experience la thte line ef work necessary, with ability to mset bsst People, and anqaeetlooed personal atending. I High salary and all cxnenae to right man. Address, with rsfersaeee, B 171, care Journal. ' HOTELS 0UB SPECIALTY. , If poor hotel Is for ssle. la or oat of the city, bring It to as end we will procure a parch aser without publicity. Reference Hotel Msa' Association. P. L. ArrTTElf A CO.. Origins! Hotel Brokers, ' Butts 122 to 124, Ablnrtoa bldg. Pbona Mala B4AS. , 1 BOOM! NO HOUSES FOR BALA. 11 -room boose, $90 income, 42o. 12- room bons. central, 80OO. 82-room bouss. 8276 Income. 61. BOO. tl-room, tranaient, paving well, 690. , 16 room, brick building. t50. . 1 ' . UATFIBLD A SMITU, V 166 Fourth Bt. -v FOB BALE On ef the beet kotei t tb . city. 68.000 win kssdls: thl la aa excep tional bargain, good reason for selling; ln- reetlgate. Ws also bare t good rooming houses at 6 eery low pries and good money makers. . P. t. AUSTIN A CO, 136-124 A bin (ton Bldg. ' VARIETY etors. town ef ahont 6.000. rent io; gooa mcatloas w sen Ed I eon snd Vic tor phonographs aad records, groceries, cut lery, confectionery, soft drinks, and many other thlnge; living rooma; good place for msa and wlf,- will sell at Invoice. Address th saraer, C ITT, car Journal. f.. L CRACKER-JACK stock hard wars. ssah. door snd Implements; price, including bnltdtnrs. $1,000 essb; aa trad. coneMersd. Got to glee Bp bnerness oa accooat heelth. If goa desire a good business, bet Is your ebsnce. Do not answer snlee yoa mean) bosla. ' Address ewasr, D 164, ear Journal. FOB BALE OB TRADE Hotel Hatsey. - MB mils from Portlsoo on Southern Pacific; a modera up-to-date bos a, newly furatehed: hae good commereiat trsds. Addrsas Bote! HsMy Haleey. Or. FOR BALB Clgsr stand at 101 Sixth st.t lease. I nxtaree and atnrk. Apply to Dtsts-Mneller Co., 229 Lumber Exchange bldg., Portland. ' or Joseph R. WQaoa. admin Istrs tor of es tate af Bam'l W. Robtaeon. CHANCB for party with snm rspltsl to In vest ra represent local fond product mann fsctmieg eoncera In meet territory. N com petition; esey sales; big profit on Invest ment and good wsgea en road.. Addreea (or Interview, T 1T0, care Journal. - ON aecnant of sickness aad going eaet w Bmet Bell oor growing real eatsts hue 1 nee v; offices nicely located, near Third and Stark; If yoa bavs $500 snd wsnt to get Into a good, growing business thla ssn t be bsst N 174, car Journal. IT ROOM boardlbg hens, beet la the city, Bd to 60 regular boarders; clearing 8130 to $250 per month! 61 600. HATFIELD A SMITH. ; 1 146 1 Third et. ' ' GROCERY store doing fine . business la fin , location; flrat-rlaaa fixtnrsa, wsgon and boras; cash rsglatsr, etc., fine opportunity for active man: will Invoice. Commooweslth Trust Co., Sixth and Anksny. FOR BALB TWO-cbalr barber shop fat good locstion. for $150. - Bent for shop and 3 room la th rear $10 per month. Bel es account of having other business ta attend to. 463 CJllaaa at. BLACKSMITH WANTED First- las opening for good msal chance to bay a fond boslneea; no opposition. Addrsas Bog IBS, Cams, Wash. ... ..... ... , STOCK Com pan las Incorporated. If yoa have forks or bond for aale, let m try to ell them for yon. George M. Kellogg, broker, 640 EUleott' sonars, Buffalo. FOB RENT Best paying restaurant ta the city; more bnalness than caa bs bandied; net proceeds, $400 per month : new and eons plete. Bog 618. Vancoerar, Wash. - SAP) MONEY Anything tn printing see Mad. dsn. Odd Fallow a Tempi. First aad A Met era.; upstairs. FOR BALB Small dairy, with outfit. Place tn rent; good caa torn ers. Address D 173, eare JooraaL FOB BALE Carpet cleaner, beet, largest, most ap to date In the city; will stand Invoice; 1 a nap If taken at erics. Address B 174, care Journal. LAST chance to secure good nermsnent position with th Btoper of tb World. 610-611 Mar auara bldg. FOR BALE A good shoe chop In a towa nf BOO. Only shop la tows. Writ Bd Cex, Jeeu. Washington. WANT psrty wttb $1,600 'for high-grade mag- sin publishing business. Address 0 174, care Journal. - $850 BUYS good fnmltur fe lO-roora eorner bonnet hedge, fruit tree; rent $25) tsklng in $2. 343 Madlaoa st. BUTCHKR chance. Fin corner en St John tins. Arbor Lodgs. Be W. B. Bast, phone " Wood laws 124. FOB BALB A hotel of 30 rooms, furnllhed. In a ralley town; a find Investment, Ad dress. T 178. car JournaL J1 FOB BALE Half Interest la good paying manicuring bnalness. Apply northwest eor nsr 12th snd Flanders. 1 FOR BALB Atnrk groceries. Inonlrs of ths owner, 1446 F.sat Giles sC, Portlsad, Or. DVSINIS CHANCES. WILL ssll any part of Butt Boy Co. sIUIstsl niUilug slock at wc If taken soon. llox 4, city. WILL ' eell 10,000 British Columbls Amslga. mated 0sl stock for $400 If taken sooa. ' box 4. city. B1CYCLH repair shoo, dolna good bosli very cneap. tprnc open evenings to nv. J. A. HABBK1TB, 4u7 Hswliiorn are. BAOO PRUIT. confectionery, clgsr ators a snap; tnvsstlgsts. 1'bons Esst 390. BKVKN neve rnisbed moms, BOSH Pine et., f4ou; rent tW, csU and trsds with owner. DRI'OHTOHR for asm; mnst glv my tim to other buslnsss. . Dr. Ever eat. Cornelius, Or. . FURNITURE ef 82 rooma. brick bldg.. re spectable, rent, $70, 46 Va North Third et , FIVE horsepower electric motor for al. Apply 114 Esst 84th at Pbona Bsst 43sH. $200 BUYS reatsurant, eld atand; terms. It today. 242 Madison St. 1" FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. QN BROADWAY Near 17th St.. new 5-room bona with reesa- tlun hall, nicely srrsnged, full basement porcelain be lb. gas snd electric llshta. alrksl plumbing, oa csr 11ns, lot 60x100; a Blea bom. Price. $4,250. . . , , ON EAST SALMON. Corner lot, 40tl23, esst fsce, streets pa pre red. cement sidewalk, B-room, strictly mod ern bouse, cement bseement. laundry tubs, , et. fireplace; a good buy; $8,750, terms. $M0. Fine lot, 60x100, on eorner of Wtadler and 2Ttb st, cement sidewalks snd street Im provements In; easily worth $1,000; $450 fog quick aale. . THB YETEBAN LAND CO . I06H Third Bt ONLY SEVEN LEFT. Residence lota $; below prices ea nearby streets; 4 feet snov street, 1 block to r 10 minute to city; cement sidewalk; bit. -nllthl pavement (to be); psrksy cross street a. Maks yeur own terms, but hurry, as they will soon h gun. Owner, Bslmsnl and Eaat 36th. List Ycur Property With L. Alderman " FOR QUICK BALES. Pbon Msla 1613. - - INVESTORS. BEB HERB. -- On at the choicest corners ea TJntsa sv. can be bed for $13,000, half cash; there M $0,000 profit In thl la the aext year. Call room 80, 268 Stark at - ' A Bargain for Somebody $750 eaah, a corner at Preinsular. BOxinrt. right on Bt. Johns ear lino. Including 85x104 adjoining It oa th rear, also a eorner. Phone Mstn 8871. arts 4 p. m. $000 BUYS a desirable baalnese lot en D arson st., right ta th midst of activities sa the Peninsula, right where there ka something . doing; emsll payment down. Ilagsmaaa A ' Blanchard. Bl V'lflh at. COMMON 8EN8B and k few dollara will oat To la of a. good lot lying high and nightly on Bell wood csr Un. 6e and 16 minutes' time, get off at crematorium and see LeOoeapte, k will show yon. - Rodney Avenue Let Cheap $660 cash, 60x100, choice lot aeaa Going st., all Imptereaieota la. phone Mala 3871, .after 6 p. at. C R. Dcncell & Co. , REAL ESTATE. " Room 12. 346 Blark at. - V FOR BALE 1, er S acre of tick coal land , fronting oa 0. W. P. car line: good spring of water, 33 mmetee' ride from the city, rO per acre, flee owner - ea the ground. 0. Frost. Stanley Station. TWO sere reedy for plstttng at Bt Johns. - to settle aa stt: w will glv yoa deal where- , ' by yoa can make 60 per seat ea your money. Boom 30, BOB Stark at. I HAVB a good T-room modera bom, corner ; lot. Esst 64 to st..- 6 Mocks of Hawthorn . ave., S blocke W-B ears 63U0 cash, balance easy. I4S.atsr st ANOTHRR BARGAIN II acres, mostly eleared. good bona snd barn, fin soil, most g cheap. Tn Tltl A Abstract Co.. rsoaa 4 - Mulkey bid. Becon-t sad Morrhvaa at. East ncrrisca lOOxloa. test across bridge. Beat aB at a . lew prie. ' ROOM arm COMMERCIAL BUC - WB hare a Beat 6-room cottage, H block from -carllne. near Williams ar., for only $2.0OO. If yoa wsnt a home cheap yoa can't beat thla. Inoulre room SB, 348 Btsrk at. $750 TflRRB Iota, Arbor Lodge,, $166 down. $8 monthly on each lot If sold soon; near car line. If Interested send card. L. Kublk, 1570 Oneonts at, Waodlswa. '" A PINB bnalnas corns 100x100 at Bt Johns . that most be sold et once. If yoa wsnt sa nvsstmeat sea aa about thla, - Bona ti, 368 - . .' Bterk st. OWNER LP'AVINO, mnst eell lot on Benton et. near Dnpont St.: a bar gala. Jenne, Trim ble A Trimble. 411 Usnjuara bldg. . Phone Pacific 1761. - - FOR BALB Bargains at year own terms: I cottars. rooma 1 s rooms sno oain, on. Bielern: en far line. By ewaer. Phone Belt, wood 63T. $3.000 ELEOANT new 6-room cottar. 1 bed. rismts, near im i. onir a diwi irvn carlln; 81.3UO; remainder $18 per month st B per cent Register A Ob., 107 H Third at $2,4006 BOOMS, reception ball. bath, cement WSlKSt on oonievsro, iimii i m 1 1 urn oir litis. Fin I wnr lot BOxao. Inaulr H. B. Hudson, 60S Commercial bldg. FOB BALE Oood Income property, or will tak part in trsa tor lena cms. to ciry or for confection sry tore. 124 Knott at. TeL Bl 8026. . -- - r. MODERN lO-room bons. built by owner. Both. log cheap. Close to goon car, mt puxiiar; tins ' rosea; east front: bargain. $3,700. liatflsld A Smith, lABttj Fourth atreet. MODERM brand new 8 -room eottegss, IKHh and F,. Main aad not a ana kssi Morrison; sz.zroi $200 dosrn, balance ilk rent. . r. n miM A.. .I.l klAb 1 Big tiuiiu.i .1.1 wv.. $2.500 New modera. hones, 4 rooma, fairs , , . I , . A . Cmsem sua rnin, ntwii mil wmni u.w ment. gss snd electric Hetite: doss In. Cell ' ! 853 Fremont or telephone Wood laws TOO. , ' $000 IX)T, rPPFB ALBINA: $1,000 TWO LOTS IN MULTNOMAH. HUE TB FOR BAR GAIN"). MONTH I IIK1B1V kill, K3TATM CO., 32B FIFTH BT. , v LARGE It room honse, fnrnlshed complete for . . housekeeping, 'our ecree, tour garnea lot ef fruit; for (ale or trade. Phone Mala 6816 1 Landlady. . MUST be sold thl week:-B-mom hones for $2,300; 6-rnom hous for l,ou. t. loss in. , Phone TJnloa 3768. FOR BALB 8 acre en Powell atreet way be low the marker tt soio or ror tn nrst. 10a . Spantoa Co.. 370 Stark St. . . . LOTS, FOR BALB $200 below the market; g lot oa iIO0 sr., near nueeeu; sun oe , quick sale. Th Spantoa Co. 270 Burk St. WB WILL build a house to suit yoa and we Will SU OO Seer mommy ,.. n . lessee A Oe., $74 Plrat t.. Portlsnd. IT TOO wsnt to bay a home on essy term It Will pay yon to sea w. unseen m vmr B74 First at., Portland. ear T-ROOM bone, almost new, fine corner fr. rtetweeB Mawinorne ma v.. i onty "HI $3,000; $600 cash. 348 Btsrk st . WANTED Itnmeeeekera to write to Wlllametta for revtaed Hat of fsrme. FAXON PARK lota 100x20fi. cultivation. level and sisntiy: gru-es .,. 10 s.iio. u. a. Addlton, I-enta, Or. I Ml. Bcett ear, 6. FOB BA1.B1 Wset sld 6-ronm boase and lot. 10 minutes WSUI imna posToTiir-s; pne f3,00 eaah, or terms. Inquire 326 Curry st. . FOR BALB Modern B-ronm house, ban; grounds lOOxloo. choice fruit; tret Improved, sewer, . ta. re l svssi line. t'ooas VV0OU iwa 877, . - , $1,800 LOT, BOi no. near new high school, sll , ! Improvements! $4,300! nle B-ronm bouse on ' piocg 1 mm nw nigu wuvai, vwner, pnona Ksst 3400. .. BNAP 6-ronm hones and Bt: most sell at once; location 247 unit St., I an re I wood Park; prlrs,$M.'i0. Address M 140, care JournaL FOR BAIB 62. 100 Comer lot 40x100,