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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, rORTLAIID. TUESDAY EVENING. ATOIL 3, 1CC7. JOES BETTER IERE HE I IS Friend of Washington Congrew- man Question the Wisdom r ; of t Toga Chase. CAN HELP STATE MORE ; -STAYING IN THE HOUSE Rivera and Harbora Chairmanship .Ilia With little Waiting Direct .-. Primary Might Pat Him Oat En tirely -Consider Ankeny Faction. - (SperUl mspatea to Th Joe rail.) ' Olympla, Wash.. April It. Friends ef Con-rmn Wesley I Jones at tha atata capital ara by no maana a unit In deelrtng: him to ba a candidate for tha Unit ad States senate cert year. Boma of think It would be th blBfeet poUnoal mistake ha oould make, alao Uiat tha Interests of tha atata would suffer ehould Jones ba taken oat or me national houaa of reDreeentatl-ree. They wiu all suppoH Jones If ha ta a candidate for tha eenate, and they bo ners as can do elected: bat they potn out that if ha quite tha aoeee It will ba many year before ba oaa ba re placed there la poaltloa and influence, and a long time before ha oaa become anything Ilka as stror.a a factor la tha sonata as ha la la tha house. They call attention especially ta his poaltloa aa a member of the rlrars and harbor committee, which, ther assert. is by far tha moat Important commit tee in tha national eonrress so far as tha Interests of tha people of this stats are concerned, in tha laat honae there were only nine men above Jones on this committee. Several of thoaa above him ware defeated for reelection, which will put tha Waahlnfton man considerably nearer tha top in tha eonarreas which ha already been sleeted Oh airman of Committee ta Time. Jonas can. of course, remain In tha houaa aa lone as ha likes, and la comparatively iort time, his friends declare, ha will ba next to Chairman Theodora E. Burton himself, and If ba remalna a few years longer will become chairman of tha rivera and harbora com mlttee. They point to the present polit ical death-atruKirle in Ohio between Foraker and Taft Congressman Bur ton Is Involved as tha manager of tha MtkeHed Where it sr,wfd' mm y ,1 cooks the l I W . . I A hot store la a hot kitchen makes a hot cook. Use a store that trires eanetntrattd heat that meal ankklT without . malcW : an overheated kitchen. With the New Perfection" Ofl Stove yon get a working flame at momtnt of lighting. The ; Wick Blue Flame GU Coofc-Stove ... is the nso oil stove. Embodies new principles. Gives - best results.' Chimneys are. enameled in blue, which makes them rust-proof and easily cleaned.'- Made in three sixes, with one, two, and three burners. Every stove warranted.' . If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency for -t descriptive circular. - t.; V- )s.nrSf v the best lamp GLyJL,amp for all-round awes' ' '. household use. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. . ' Perfectly constructed ; .absolutely safe; unexcelled in light-givbg power; : an ornament to any room. ; Every lamp 'warranted. If not at your dealer's. write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OH. COMPANY ' . - u s ce areavaTB The Taft oampalaa. and If ha wins ha will o to tha senate as Foraker s suooeeaor. u avraasr wins, aa wlU send a new man to tha house to replaos Burton, so that la any event tha Cleveland ; oon- (reaamaa will be eat ef tha houaa wltn- (aw years, it la eat 1 mated that it Jonas had the shalrmaneblp of this Important oo mini t tee. worthy projeou In this state. Including, tha navy-yard " -oremenon, would oaU for th es paaura oz millions annually. Bisect JPrimary . a Orava panares. They alee oaU attanUoa to th direct primary altuaUon, which might poaat bly result In taking Jonee.out of ooo gresa altogether, if ha file bis deo la ration' for aanator, be cannot ba a can didate for th house, alnoe a narai oaa appear on th ballot In two Dlaoee. WtiUe his friends profess to believ he oould certainly be elected aanator by tha people, they admit, to hemealvea at least, that there la not so much cer tainty of that as of bis candidacy for in lower houaa, - It la not believed the Piles organisa tion could support Jones under preaent conditions. Piles himself haa declared himself with the Ankeny aandldaoy. and that senator and" his frlenda are said to bs of tha opinion that It would ba a mlataka to make any . changes la the Washington delegation la congress at preaent. Tha Bourn campaign ta Oregon Is pointed to as an instance of what can be aeoompllahad by aa organisation and money ander th direct primary system. Bourn was not a nubile speaker and had no publlo reoord which made him a natural candidate, but hs built up great organization in every preelnot ia Oregon and got a plurality for senator. Aarlaere With Axaa. So OttaA, Frlenda of Jonas also feel that ba would be making a mistake by antag onising tna Plies-Ankeny - organisation at thla time, They look upon this or ganisation as th strongest political compact In th atata. and. realise that even as popular a man as Jones can not sweep it off Its feet la th centers of population, where vote will b rolled up In bunches nnder tha direct primary, Thay argue that Jonas, having been re garded as friendly to this organisation In tha past, will be th natural heir to Its support ta good time. Attention Is also called to th fact that eonalderabl Jones senatorial sen tlment Is worked up by candi dates or their friends who desire to sucoeed Jones In congress. At leert six men are aald to have declared themselves eaadldntes for oongrae In Jones' district already. It Is not Ukely that any on of them would ear to go Into ths campaign against Jonas him' self tf he should decide to aak for that nomination. But each? one of them be ll evee hs could win against th others. Sine th recant legislature divided th stat into congressional districts, th east slds has become fertile around for congressional candidates, if congress man Jonea can only be Induced to keep out f that race next year. , prince and princess : : ; OF WALES AT G LASGOW '- (JfaaraaT RpeHal Bwrlee. " Glasgow. April It. Tha Prince and Princes ef Wales paid a visit te Olas- ! gow today and officiated at tha opening 1 of th new buildings ef th University ;of Glasgow and at ths laying ef th ' foundation atone of an extension to ths Royal Infirmary. Enormous crowds i ttned tha street snd ths - houses and , stores displayed flags. Their royal , highnesses ' received, aa ovation. They ' win remain la thla vicinity for several ! days as guests of - Lord and Lady , Blythswood, at Blrthswood nous, .RenXrevrahlr,. , .. r . ' , lODIill DIVORCE SUITS FOR TRIAL South Dakota Court Haa Twenty v Indian Divorce Cases on , , Its Calendar. BLANKETS AND PONIES IN LIEU OF ALIMONY Infidelity, Desertion and Cruelty v Charged by Red-Skinned Spouses -Do Soldier Made Coffin for Sick Wife Angry at Recovery. (awSwVwaaJ aapwMfSal BwTTte. Bones teel. a. D, April II. A glanee at th calendar ef th Gregory county circuit court, whloh convened for Its regular term today, la sufficient te show that ther is nothing la the pop ular belief that th red man is Incap able ef adopting the' whit man's ways. Ne fewer than is dlvore eases are on the docket in wruon inaiana are the prtnelpala, Thla is regarded aa a good reoord, even ta Booth Dakota. It Is ths first session of ths court ander th new law whleh abolished th Indian eourt and , required that all Indian cases ahaH be tried by whites. The complaints would Indicate that tha .Indians apparently have better rea son for desiring1 that their marital bonds be severed than Is oftentimes ths ease with their white brothers and slaters. For Instanos, Jamas Ghoat Walk wants a divorce from bis wife. Beeal Ghost Walk, on the ground that ahe eloped with Walking Soldier. Tbi facta In th ease Ghost Walk expects to prove by Thomas Two Stocks and William Bear. The complainant 1 alae asks for the custody of his child. Mollis Three Thighs Ohoat Walk. A case la which the wife is ths com plainant la that ef Alloa Oood ifuak- rat, who asks for a divorce from her huaband.1 Henry, who Is charged with eloping ' with Flora Walks as ' She Jumps. Ths plaintiff wants her maiden name of Alio High Kicker restored. Another - esse Is entitled Poor Man Star Boy vs. Jennie Star Boy. Poor Man alleges that Jennie ran away from him four years ago and took up her abode with an Indian named Walking Thnnder, with whom ahs is now living. His wltnesaes In the ease will be Three Dogs, Kicks High and .Three Moons. , Ponies Instead ef Alimony. , ' Kate Bait, after waiting three years for Anthony Belt to return. uea for a divorce . and alimony In the shape of ka slloe of Anthony's land and some of his ponies and blankets. . Mule Driver. High Hawk and Walks Over will be the wltnesaes for th plaintiff. " Ho! y Track wants a dlvore from Never Stampede, , whe Is alleged to have belled his name by stampeding with Anna Buffalo Pipe. White Belly. Three Toea and One Tall' are expected to prove the facts alleged by Mrs. Holy Track.. - v- One of the most peculiar cases oa th docket la that Josephine Dog Soldier, whe gives most novel reasons for desiring a divorce from her spouse. She declarea that when she was sick OF Pstaonal knowledge Is the wumlag meter ta tha eeJmlnarlns contests of thla competitive age ana wkea of ample ensrarter it place its fortunate possessor ia 'Am front aanka el ' ' Th Wall Informed ef the) World. ,. , , v A vast fond of personal knowledge Is really esasnh'sl to the achievement of tha highest excellence ia any held ol human effort. . . '' ' ; A Knowledge of Forma. Knowledge of Function and , Knowledge of Product are aQ of the otmoet value and ta question of lil aad health when a true and wholesome remedy is desirsd it should be mntgu . bored that Syrup ol Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the CaCfornla Fig Syrup Co ia as ethical product which Las met with th approval of the moat saw . tnont phyelciana and gtvee antveraal aa tie faction, because it la a remedy of ," Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Com ponent Parte and has won the valuable patronage el aniTlions of the Well Informed of the world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from 1 actual oaa that it is- the first and beet of family laxativae, for which so extra. wagant or antessonshle claim are made, . " . This valuable remedy ha bee long aad favorably known ondoc the name oP-Syrup of Figsand has attained to ' world-wide acceptance aa the most excellent family laxative, As pum laxative principlea, obtained from Senna, are well known ; to physicians and the Well Informed ef th world to be th best we have adopted th more elaborate namebi Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna aa mora fully deecriptiv of the remedy, but doubtlessly it wtu always be called for bytheahoitat nam oi Syrup of Figs and to get A V- . 1 W6 r i v (a its beneficial effects, always note, whea purchasing the full of th Company California Fig. Syrup Co. printed on th front oi every package. i whether you call for Syrup of Figs- or by the full i and Elixir of Senna. -Syrup of Figs w, s Mm tDinSVILLE, KyI w w . s - 1 --rT ass i L Dog .Soldier bought a coffin and mads preparations for her funeral, and when she got well Dog Soldier became very angry, threatened to shoot her, knocked her leg out ef Joint and finally drove her away from home. She expects te prove these allegations by Left Handed Thunder, Whistling Crow and Rattling Shield. , ' - - - - Other cases that will be tried before the terra of court Is snded sre thoae of Picket Pin vs. Mary Picket Pin; James Bull Tall va Bear Bull Tall; Helen Turning Bear vs. Fred Left Hand; His Horse Standing va White Whirl Wind and Hall Fast Horse vs. Fast Horss. SOUTHERN METHODIST EDUCATORS CONVENE ' (7eraa! greets! Service.) St. . Lou la. Ho, April . During the next two days the general beard ef ed ducatlon ef the Methodist . Episcopal Church South will be in annual session In thla city. The meeting this year le to partake ef the nature ef a great educational convention, the purpose of which Is to stimulate Interest In Chris tian education throughout the south. Some of the moot. prominent men In southern Methodism, Including bishops. oonneetlonal officers, educators ' and pastors, are to preaent . papers or ad dree sea on subjects Of general Interest In th educational world. At th for mal opening tonight Rev. T. E. Sharp. D. D ef St. Louis will preside and the chief speakers will be Charles W. Byrd. D. D.,e f Nashville and Jam C Morris, D. tK of Kansas City. . Bpokane Booster Easy ItoBeyw ' Spokane, Wash, " April IS. The Spo kane Boosters' minstrel show, given by the members ef the 110,90 crab, wa eomplete sueeess. The 1 1.111 taken ta Is nsariy all elesr profit, as th ex pense was light. , . : YOU MAY. PAY TWENTY.FIVB PER-CENT DOWN AND TEN PER CENT PER MOIST1-I BUTTE BOYS MINING: SHARES 5 in ffl d V We always have reserved the right to increase the price of our stock without notice, but lest some might take umbrage at such a move, our directors decided to make this public announce ' , merit so that those who have expressed-a desire: to increase their holdings might have ample opportunity to , do so at values prevailing at the start. . ; j; " SHARES MAY BE PAID POlt' AT 23 PER CENT AT TIME ' V OF BOOKING ORDER AND 10 PER CENT PER v MONTH UNTIL CONTRACT IS COMPLETED. Stock, will then be -delivered -to the purchaser and he will' share, in all profits of the enterprise participate in all divi dends for all time thereafter. , ' , . THE BUTTE BOYS CONSOLIDATED MINING COM PANY OWNS 100 ACRES OF GROUND IN THE , . HEART. OF THE GREATEST MINING :" . , . CAMP ON EARTIL ' These five miners claims are absolutely , free from all in cumbrances.. The company doe. not owe a 'dollar to any one, . and its miners , are at work day and night sinking the shaft through rock that assays from $24 to the ton on the surface to as high as $2,600 further -down, and other values from $390.23 to $1,500, and between these figures along from $30, to $81.03. . 1 $10 PER TON OF THIS FREE MILLING ORE WOULD , ; MAKE OURS A SPLENDID MINE. , - - It would be a fine paying proposition at that figure, so when it is contemplated that our rock is almost certain to go from 10 to 20 times that much, but little figuring is required to deter . mine the wealth that is stored beneath the surface of the Gold- , 1 field earth for distribution to the owners of Butte Boys stock. .When it is considered thaf the stock of the Mohawk mine, in , the same district with ours, is selling now at $17.50 per share, and that one of the operators of that property declares that , ; "YOUR PROSPECTS ARE EXACTLY" AS GOOD AS OURS WERE AT THE SAME STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT,". "It is not difficult to be convinced that our shares art liable to soon again advance with leaps and bounds, and that $5 or $10 per share, within a year, will not occasion great surprise. . " WE HAVE THE - LARGEST TRACT OF MINERAL ; GROUND IN GOLD FIELD, NEVADA. . . ; V All about us are half-acre, acre, two-acres and five-acres claims, not one of which is for sale, and here we are with 100 , acres right in the-thick of this great nest of mineral holdings. This is accounted for by the fact that the Callahan Brothers, who , located our, property, were among the very first in Goldfield. They took up these claims and faithfully performed their assess ment obligations, but' were too poor to-make other improve- ments. Satisfied that they had discovered a treasure vault, the ! 'struggling brothers steadfastly refused all offers to sell, and only v consented to" the formation of our company when it was agreed that, they should have $75,000 worth of stock as their share of ' the million dollars at which the Vnterprise was capitalized THESE BROTHER PROSPECTORS HAVE THE CON , . TRACT FOR SINKING OUR SHAFT. ; v They are therefore not only partners, but employes, and for tunately the rules of the miners' union does not prohibit men ' working for themselves, so that our work- goes on steadily as if there had beer no strike. at all.'' Our progress, therefore, is not ;' retarded, and from the beginning directly to this time we seem 1 to have been, and to be, among the most favored of all that world-astounding camp. . . . '.'. THE BUTTE BOYS MINING COMPANY HAS SOLD ITS SHARES AS MINING SHARES WERE NEVER : v , SOLD BEFORE IN PORTLAND. N For one reason, every member of the directorate is well known in both business and family circles throughout the city, and marly of them throughout the state. Their lives in this community is an open book to be read by alL Each is an honor able, upright citizen, their several avocations bringing them into close touch with the people generally, and THE PEOPLE BE , . LI EVE IN THEM. And these officers and directors believe in . their mine. 'They can't help it. Every sign, every atom of " information, every added inch Of development, repeats,' over and over again, the story of encouragement, and it is not, therefore, . surprising, that it is deemed today that the Butte Boys shares will still be too cheap when the advance shall come. A New York mining engineer, Mr. VV. E. Mitchell, declares his belief that at 1,000 feet the Mohawk mine will disclose an ore body sufficient to pay the National debt, and the Mohawk people say ; that our showing is' fully equal to their own when their shaft was no deeper than ours is today, Mohawk stock now sells at $17.50, l ours at 10 cents. Is it a wonder, therefore, that we have de cided to increase the price ? ; -t ' BUT THERE IS 11 DAYS YET IN WHICH TO BUY OUR ; SHARES, AT 10 CENTS EACH. That time will never come again after these 11 days after May 5. Therefore be wise. Get your block now, before the price . goes up. ;: ' . . ' : ., v. ... v Twenty-five dollars invested In Mohawk' shares THREE ' ' years ago would today bring the owner $17,500 1 Forty dollars invested then would now sell for $27,0001 Fifty dollars worth eof stock bought at first hands would now sell at $35,000 1 " ONE CAN BUY $23 WORTH OF BUTTE BOYS STOCK BY PAYING $8.25 DOWN AND $2.50 PER MONTH, AND LARGER AMOUNTS IN PROPORTION. It is not a hardship to buy stock on these terms. Almost arjybody can afford at least 250 shares, and these sold at $17.50 a share would yield the pleasant profit of $17,500 f . A person working for $50 per week would be paid $26,000 for 10 years': labor. Forty dollars invested in Mohawk stock at the start would have earned $27,000 in the last THREE years I That's going it, some, isn't it? v ? - DO YOU WANT TO TRAVEL AT A GAIT LIKE THAT? THEN BUY BUTTE BOYS STOCK. Make Checks Payable to the Company Penons remitting; money by mall for Bntt Boys stock ax requested to make all checks, express or money order payable to th Butt Boy Consolidated Mining Company, and NOT to any member of th company. This rule most be rigidly adhered to, in order that th book and account of th secretary may always be kept free from error. T E -BUTTE .BOYS. CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY Capitar $1,000,000 in 1,000,000 Sharer at $1.00 Each Fully Paid Up and Non-Assessable , . , BMC0aPOiVA.TED UNDER THS LAWS OF OREGON . Weatherly Building 360 East Morrison St., Cor. East Third, Portland, Ore., Phono East 773 OFFICERS A'JD DiZICTOjtf Dfe. M. O. McCORKLK, President ,. GEORGE W. BEVER,Vice-Pre.and r.T- F. A. McKECHNIE, Secretary A. W. LAMBERT, Treasurer O. W. WEATHF.RLY ' D. W. FAIRCLOUG1I CHARLES MAUT2 . IV,- l.