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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1907)
. 1 tllfe' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL" 23, 1B07. TRY- TO KILL Monthly Credit Accommodations Extended to Responsible Persons lk HEW DISTRICT Eastern Oregon People Seek the Referendum on Creation of k Eleventh District DISTRICT ATTORNEY . CENTER OF OPPOSITION Collier, Who IUn Against Judge Bradshaw of d Seventh District, Is Opposed ' by the Grangers of Three Counties." ; ;. s Opposition tn particular cutting th eleventh Judicial district out of the territory of th seventh ana ID g-eneral to J. A. Collier, tbe recent appoint cnoeea to fill, the plac of th dlstriot attorney under the new law. Is renpoD albl for th referendum belnc Invoked on th bill creatine the new district tn eastern Oregon. - Petitions providing for the application of ' the referendum to th measure have been received In Port land and are now being circulated. With in the week representatives of - th movement inaugurated by the granges eooD ravamwr : Is th essential characteristic of men and women. Invaluable to good bust, ness men and necessary to housewives. A woman shows good Judgment when eh buy White's Cream Varmlfug for her baby. The best worm medicine aver offered to mothers. Many. Indeed, are th sensible mothers Who writ express ing their gratitude for the good health of their children, which they ow to the us of Whit' Cream Vermifuge. Sold by all druggists, I , of Sherman. Wheeler and Gilliam coun ties will com to Portland and take personal charge of the task 'of secur ing th necessary signatures to th pe titions... Th nw law --was fathered ' during th last session of th legislature by Representative Pike of Wheeler, Sher man and Gilliam counties. It was tn reality,, however, th idea of Senator Jay Bowerman from th asm district The measure was referred to th dele gatlona from the counties affected and went through th legislature on their recommendation, without dissension. Much opposition developed. howvr. from th Seventh dlstriot. Judge Brad shaw, th presiding Judge, opposed the division strenuously for som time and interceded with various nubile officials. arguing that th formation of th ad ditional district was unnecessary and would plao a burden of taxation on the new district out of proportion with th good gained by Its creation. After Judge Littlefleld took office, however, Judge Bradshaw quit opposing th di vision. ' . ; Th appointment of J. A. Collier to the office of district attorney was th last straw that broke the passive in sistence of th residents of th new diatrlct. Colfler was deputy district at torney under District Attorney Menefee of Th Dalles, and In th last general election ran ssalnst Judsn Bradshaw who ws trying for reelection. The pe6- pie of the Seventh district while they 1 like Mr. Collier personally sr said not ' to be satisfied with him aa a, district 1 attorney. . r. As a result of th double contention the grange or th aw district have undertaken to invoke th referendum and have raised some Sls.SOS to assist In th work. I Will Show You How To Crtre Yours. FHFI7? I was practically helnlesj and feed-ridden tor any years from a double rupture. I wore In numerable different kinds ol trum and sppll tncee. Boms of them were tortures, sums post, lively dangerous, and none would hold th rup ture In its rffuer Dlaoe. The doctors told me I could not expect to have It entirely healed unlet I wouia eoawnt to a surgical operation. I fooled IttAiB all ..4 .1, !t -1 - and permanently by a simple method which i discovered. An rone can naa la and I will aladlv Bend tbe cur free by mail to anyone who writes ror iv. rm out me ooupen or low ana mau It to me may. i wm send ue cur Of return mail. punpaju. , ,,. , , Win-less Torpedoes a Bomerang Th United State navy department Is fully cognisant of th work dona by th wireless torpedoes lately tested by the Japanese government, but It la not yet decided whether or not they will be adopted by this country. It Is admitted that th torpedoes are controlled by th Hertslan waves,, but th question with our navy Is whether interfering neri- slnn waves from the enemy could not turn them, te the destruction of th ship which launches them. - Tbe Genuine Metrostyle Pianola Piano ? Its Wonderful Simplicity ii ,.av. .. I ifii i fp Tin Every expression effect essential to artistic piano playing is produced in the genuine Pianola Piano by means, of indi vidual expression levers. :.' . "V ' - ' : One controls the touch; another the sustaining' pedal of the piano ; a third imparts the delicate '"' shades 'of tempo, . including ritard, accelerandoes and phrasing. , ' - . , These levers are so placed that the player's hands rest ,on all at once, . This is absolutely necessary to . artistic playing, as many of the most beautiful, pianistic effects re- fluire their simultaneous use. . :' ', 'L. : v The new Metrostyle" attachment to the ' Pianola still further simplifies its playing. ..; It is not another lever, but. . an ingenious and highly important addition to one of those already in use. ; ; ; k.-y -,. ''."':.,.' '' It is directly owing to the wonderful expression con- . trol afforded by the Pianola that it has been endorsed by r practically every eminent musician living, and is today the' Standard Piano Player of the world, , . , There is but one genuine . Pianola -Made only by the Aeolian Co., and sold throughout ; the Pacific Northwest only by n.. . ,4 Etters Piano House U Free Rupture-Cure Coupon OAPT. W. A. COLUtaS, Mm 172 Wmtm to a, JT. X. Dear Sir : I wish yon would send m your .New DiooTry for th Cur of Kuptur. RESIDENCE LOTS Fl 11 nm NDBE 0 IIE S Building Sites Sell at Advanced Prices Masons Plan East Side Lodge Structure. No other player piano has reached the marvelous stite of development which is shown in the genuine Pianola The " execution of other player pianos, as compared with that of the Pianola, may be likened to the playing of amateurs as ' compared to that of the great masters. ; ' ' . ' ; X VISIT OUR PIANOLA PARLORS. ; V We should Jike to demonstrate, to you the wonderful ., . ; qualities---the incomparable playing of the genuine Pianola ' Piano, at any hour of the day-Come when it is most con- . venient-i-You will enjoy it You will be convinced that the Pianola Piano stands absolutely alone--supreme. , . ; ; ' - Pianola Pianos may be purchased on extremely liberal terms of paymentThe Eilers Way." A reasonable first . payment, with moderate monthly installments, will secure one of these incomparable instruments. We. will also be pleased to allow you a fair valuation on your old-style piano, which may be applied as part payment And remember - tt : ' ir'W'i " The Genuine Pianola Piano Is Sold Exclusively By V pianorcliability; Tht House cf Ili-hcit Quality ; 353 Washinfirton. Corner of Park ' IB Testerday realty ' sales wer confined malnbr to residence and residence sites, no business property changed hands. and but two small acreage sales wer reported. John F. Buhmana purchased from A. I Howard lit feet on th southeast corner, of Falling street and Cleveland avenue for 14,000. - A modern two-story residence will go up on th lot during th summer. ' - ' - - Henry Oerson. administrator, has sold to E. F. Loomla a lot on the corner of Clackamas and Benton streets, Lower Albina. for SM00. ., . . The lot at th northeast comer of High and King streets. Woodstock, has Deen sola 10 x. iwrry xor 5,euv. Th southeast corner of Ross and Broadway has been purchased by H. J. Malheur from W. B. Bolton for 15.000. Florlan Fuchs baa purchased a house and lot on Willamette Heights for $. 000. . The property belonged to Mont gomery Otis. The east sld Masonlo lodges hav agreed on a general plan for th pro posed temple to be erected at East Burn side and East Eighth streets. - It U proposed to . build a two-story brick, with ornamental front and full concrete basement. The architect's plans will b finished this week and blda asked for at once. : ' - ' . , , - BUM HOOD RIVER LANDS FOR ORCHARDS Portland Syndicate Makes Pur chase of Over Six Hun- , ; :' '-" dred Acres. .T'--- v, ; :. A syndics te of Portland real estate dealers, composed of J. O. Bounties of Whiting . Rountre. E. J. Daly. J. Adrian Epplng and C T. Baker have purchased (41 acres of Hood River apple land and have already let con tracts for clearing tbe entire tract and planting It In appl tree. They wlU set It In Spltsenbergs and Newtons ex clusively, the applea that made Hood river famous the world over. In addlUon to the syndicate purchase Mr, Epplng owns 80 acres, 10 acres of which Is In full bearing, and from which he derived a net Income last year Of $4,000. Mr. Rountr purchased 40 acres. Individually a . few weeks ago. which he ! having 'made ready for planting. . E. J. Daly bought a quarter section near the syndicate purchase last fall, an of which will be set In apples next winter. Within the past year a large amount of Portland money has gon into Hood rlvar and White Salmon lands. - CONSIDER FINAL PEACE PLANS Committer Working to Perfect In J dastrial Arbitration Association -. : Will Meet Wedneadajr Night. , i ' A call has been sent out for a meet ing of the promoters of tbs National Industrial Peace association to be held In . the Chamber of Commerce haU on Wednesday night at o'clock." At this time the final report of the special com mittee on constitution and by-laws will be heard and the nominations prepared for tbe various offices of the sssocia tion will be presented. , A meeting of the special committee will be held at 7 p. m. for tbe pur pose of selecting nine additional mem bers for the board of directors. It Is requested that those who have already been nominated for similar positions be present at 7:10 for the purpose of meet ing th committee. Those already ap pointed on th board of directors ar a follows: . ' Representing the ' people at large Judge A. L- Fraser. J. Henessey Mur phy, Rabbi Wise, Rev. E. & Muckley and Dr. Andrew C. Smith. ' Representing, the Employers ". f. Bwlgert, W. P. Olds, R. L. Endlman. Paul Wesslnger, F. H. Stewsrt and Theodore B. Wilcox. Representing Labor Societies W. E. Pltschke, secretary Stat Federation of Labor: P. McDonald, editor Labor Press; C. A. Foster, delegate Typographical union; Harry Chester Ourr, Bricklayers' union; W. H. Fltgrald,' vice president Ctgarmakers' union, snd C. 'H.:. Oram, prssldent Stats Federation of Labor. Poor John. Apropos e( Senator John Colt Spooner Feather Dusters for Housecleaning Turkey or ostrich feathers, down. or-wool, 'a mw line, 25d and up. See window; display. Bath Fittings Elegant Fixtures at Moder- ate Prices ; '-L N ARTISTIC line of on- veniences .- for" the bath room, in ; nickel Towel Bars Soap, Tumbler and Brush Hold ers, Shower Sprays -every con venience ready for your inspec tion. r " ' .-. :-'','':'-"."';-' - Bath Room Specials ;:';-: f: Lenier's Bath Brushes, half v off regular price. , , ' f English Bath Towels, on fourth off regular price. - Any Liver Trouble Should Not Be Neglected r ' De Castro's Sacred Bark Tea, prescrip tion of barks and herbs,' scientifically prepared by the-famous De Castro. A healthful tonic for, springtime. Tbe most efficacious remedy known for , kidney .and liver , complaints,', Price 25. ' V . ' .''V' Gold Fish Globes Terra Colla Castles ' ,' ' NEW AQUARIUM SUPPLIES. Terra Cotta Castles ,.......,...15 to 75 Cold Fish . ....... 25 Globes . - :. .....,....60 to f 1.25 Gold Fish Food ,-.".... ;,lOf m. Russian Hamttired Brasses Japanese Bronzes ; r? SrJi Candlesticks 4 and - Candelabra A MAGNIFICENT array from which to, choose. Exquisite Porcelains and Pottery, beautiful pieces of every kind. Persons interested in fine Bronzes, Brass and Pottery are invited to - ; visit this art display. ' V .N Tarine Moth Bags i fl Sure Protection1 for Clothing x y Suit Size, ZSx37 .. , . . 50a) , Long Coat, 30x50 ........... ...... ......60 Moth Cards, per' 100 .'...25 Tarine Sheets, for , wrapping, 40x48, per '. ' dozen ,. ..............60 . . ... ,,- Camphorwood - Chests, different '' sizes, at to fu- FREE DELIVERY IN THE CITY Freckle Lotion ! Bell's Face Bleach Destroys Blemishes ; A-NECESSARY toilet acces ' aory for spring use. Re moves freckles and tan.JeaVieur .1. - I , . . . . in saiDi ciear ana soit. a narra- less beauttfier for " the "out-of-door season, '., Micro Hair Tonic ; STOPS FALLINO H AIR A never-failing dandruff cuf safe, sure and inexpensive. The Great Bear - tK- Sized Bear "kMMThe Baby Bear '- W have them all all the bears in. the bear., story. 'V ...T;..,'-.' story. Prices fl to.f6. fi U j Specials tn RdZOrS 1 ; Buy One Today i Reg. $1 values now 89 All our Yankee Safeties js.oo Set fiow. . . . . . ; . .... ,v. : .f 2.00 '19.00 Set now.. .i....... ....... ....... .f4-50 $11.00 Seti now..u...................f5.60 $14.00 Set now.r....;..... ..fT.OO - All our Gem, Star and Zinn Safety Razors at' half price - ' ' ' , Lather Brushes at 25 per cent discount Full line of Sterling Silver Mugs at special prices during this sale. . ' - .. WOODMDsCLMKEM FOR QUICK SERVICE CALL EXCHANGE 11 T ' A , :ZM!fMml .J We RANGE THAT WILL LAST A LIFE,-TIML. - ' ; ;. ''.'; : . -: . . ..-n . t 'vv p IKft JfewS THAT MEANS HSMaN success in 1 ttWv the home : ; For the woman whose pride is in her cooking and the man who is willing to combine greater economy and . better food, "there is a good wholesome lesson to be derived from this splendid range. "The Malleable' is the range for all homes a cooking i apparatus that is guaranteed in every detail quality of material and construction being the very best that science and skilled workmanship can produce. : ' There are many distinctive and superior features in "The Malleable" construction that will." prove of : interest to intending range purchasers.' We will be pleased to show these to you" at any time, and we offer to install one in your home on the convincing and easy payment terms of ?s',?;-r:Yvs $1.00 IN THIRTY -DAYS $1.00 PER WEEK THEREAFTER If desired we will accept your old stove or range in exchange for which we will give you liberal' ! allowance. - 'v,..:v V',; : '::' 'rt:ri '.''. i ; "V--:'-'v"- .--.:V--X"v.-v -i.- ,. .;v, Phone v Exchange 34 Rcjardinj , Our 'TLxchanfle ' Dept. & rout cum tt tooo J C0MPLETE-H0U5E '"' . . ' ' " V, " rgft- . "New ' O'siM Ranges FURHI5iTO5S r 1 ' Tt'-' $1 Week of Wisconsin qulttfns th United' Statss senate to retrieve his fortun fry re sumption of his law praetloa, It la re called that Rosco Conkllnsr left offle poor. John O. Carllsl had nothing after a quarter of a cento ry spent In national life. . Thomas Reed found It necessary to return to th practice of law In order to make proper provision for his . family. . Mr.. Hoar, after years of office, died poor. . , Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. , Pleasant to taho Laxative Fruit Svrop , ros iui it iu sBtroaim . Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. If la suarantaed