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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1907)
V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, -PORTLAND, TUT3DAY EVErIO, ATT.lL. t lt:7. -re :.i ATILLA. WATCHES WORKMEN: Smith's Cleats Afcsclztelj frtsh ! Perfectly Pore ' No Adalteratlons Whatever Oil STEEL BUILDING AND PONDERS Brisiol: VOMUNS OKBOOM , i ... t : . r ) (0 i lien PnUwa, Umatilla Indian; Looking at New Corbett Building Across Fifth Strest. :. FDANK I. SMrni ftlEAT CO. (as-tSS Aids aTtreei, lrtn Ttrseeajd . sleooad From wlrwara to eteel-fremed aky acrapera waa too much for Allen Patawa, a Umatilla Indian, who la in Portland to teetlfy before the federal grand Jury, aa he aat on the postofflee steps gailng at the new Corbett building- VI Ion of daya gone by. where memory aided 'him in mental wanderings with his tribe oVer the hllla and plains or the Umatilla country, were rudely interrupted by the rapping of the workmen's hammers on the steel, the noise of the dummy en gines furnishing motive power to carry the oement and ateel from the street to the 'steenth floor, and the dropping of boards and planks. . ' . Patawa dreamed luituriously In a glorious Oregon sun-bath while the noise of building went on, but onoe his dreams were Interrupted, his mind commenced to piece together the why and where fores of the new buildingwhy the huge steel girders were not round, but square; why did the workmen put In the bricks at the sixth floor before they started at the ground; why did the white man make such a "heap big wigwam": where would the fire be laid that would boll the water and cook the venison; these were some of the questions that pstawa asked himself as he aat dream Ing on the etepa. Wonder held hint fast aa ho gased spellbound upon the huge pile that re quired but-a few months for hla white brethren to erect. - Plcturea of moun tains arose in his mind In comparison with the structure that made the work of all the gods of his race seem Incon sequential to .Patawa. ... No wonder, thought he, that hapy days of long ago. when Patawa's ancestor owned all the great Oregon country and used It for hunting and fiahtng, had been super aeded by the strenuous, restless days of toil of the white man. ( - Patawa'a dreama of past empires and preeent-day commercialism received the final Jolt that drove him to retire to the ahade of the federal building when he heard the click of the camera In the hand of The Journal photographer. Ualnlrr's Great Lumber Shipments. "; pertal Dlapetcfc te The Jootaal.) ' . Rainier. Or., April 23. The lumber shlpmenta of this month promise to ex ceed the enormous 'output of March. The Iriah-Monarch Is now loading 1.J2J, 000 feet of lumber at the Oregon Kan eaa mills, which Is to be taken to China. There is a shortage ol longshoremen in Rainier and it waa necessary to bring down 21 longshoremen from Portland. -rifl&Unfl the Beef Trnsf BEEF lc to 15c Soup Meat 94 Beef Kidneys of Beef Stew ..., ..8 Necks to Boll ,,...Sf Brisket Beef ., Liver Oxtails, per pound - Corned Beef 64 to 8 el Bhoulder Steak ..84 Shoulder Roast ............... .....S4 Pot Roaat Beef ...&4 Rump Roaat Beef .................84 Tripe ...,...... M....'8f Prime Rib Roaat 10 Best Round Steak ........104 Brains ,.... 104 Hamburger Steak 104 Sirloin Steak J2V Small Porterhouse ...12V Rolled Rib Roast ,.12Vi Beef Loin Steak 124 Fancy Porterhouse ...15f Fancy T"-Bone 15 Beef Tongues, each ...4&4 VEAL 6e to lSe Veal for Broth ...... ........... ...6 Veal for Stewing 84 Breast of Veal lOf Shoulder Roaat Veal ........ lO Leg Roaat of .Veal ......12H Veal Rump Roaat . .............. 15 Loin Roast Veal Rib Roaat Veal 1S Loin Veal Cutlets 1541 Rib Veal Cutlet .......164 Calves Liver ...15- YOUNG MUTTON 5c to 15c Liver Stew t. Frontquarters umD - ...i... Shoulders . ... , - .... Shoulder Roast ' ..... Shoulder Chops Legs of Young Mutton..,. Lrfin Koaat Rib Roaat Lrfiin Ajnops ................. Rib Chop . - PORK 5c to 15c Pigs' Feet .................. Pigs' Heada Pork 8ausag .............. Side Pork , Pork Shoulder Roaat. ........ Leaf Lard Pickled Pork .............. Pork Chopa .r.... Pork Loin Roaat ............ Pork Steak Our Own Hams ............. Our Own Bacon Our, Own Pur Lard, I lbs... . . . .... ..5 ..94 104 104 104 ...12H .....15 . .. . . 154 .....154 ..... J.OC7 164 m , .5 64 ...12H4 ...12H4 ...12H4 ...12H4 ...12H4 .....154 .....154 ....154 ...1TH4 ...1TH4 654 "V How Much Wo You Spend Every Year For Cigars? You buy a lot of cigars in a year's time, don't you? How many of them s : are good and how many are bad? 1 : V i If it's too much trouble to figure that out, at least you can estimate now ; much you'd save and how much more enjoyment you'd get if you could be sure beforehand that every cigar you buy. would be a good one. ; 'v: v. We : have solved your problem by stamping the "Triangle A" on the boxes of the best cigars made. . - v . We know that by: making this ' Tri- angle A" mean "good cigars" .to you .(and we have to prove it with the cigars alone) we get your continued patronage. ; r hn't it plain enough that ; we MUST produce cigars - : '.. that prove our claims ? ' EXPECT BIGGEST TOURIST TRADE All Transportation Une Plan ning Unprecedented Sum . mer Business. : -if The American Cigar. Company can- . f not jeopardize its interests by misrepre- sentmg qualities and leading the public -: to expect better quality than is actually " in . the cigars themselves. 1 The , ' 'Trian.- , ' gle A" really means better cigars . for; ( you and you 11 find - the proof worth . seeking. trf.K: 71 ;' ' :; ': ; 5 ' ; ; : ; : ; , " For convincing proof' of the better'quality t for which the "Triangle A" stands try " : Tlie New CREMO , ,- Every box is extra-wrapped with glassine ; tfdpcr, sealed at each end with the "Triangle A" merit mark, assuring cleanliness and ; proper condition. . ... -' . . : ..' ' Ar.rr.RTnArl rTRAT? PiiirPApJV Mark Manufacturer yXafark RepresentaUres of Colombia rlTt transportation lines met at the of fice of William McMurrar, general pas- i aenger agent of the Harrlman lines, es t.rdav afternoon and discussed summer ' excursion plan for the aeaaide resort ' : and arranged rates and aooommodatlona. The aeaaon this year promises to sur ; pass all preceding rears for buslnsss. ' i The rata of 14 for , round trip front i Portland to the beach resorts will he l " maintained. and also the I1.R0 rate for. an over-Sundar vlalt with privilege of i ; returning Monday. These rates beoom ! J effective June 1. . v , . Portland and the north coast are I every year ahowlng a large increase la j tourist and excursion travel and ape t ; of the Harrlman roada in Oregon will, ) It la hoped, soon be followed by faster ! time for through trains, thus further popularizing the Portland route from the j eaat and south, . ,,. , " , I - Oregon Beauties Known, j A favorite routs of special ear partlea , la the Southern Pacific northward from ' Loa Angeles to Portland, thenc east over one of the northern roada. New ! Yorkers are learning that thla affords ' one of. the greatest railroad outing trlpa ; to be found anywhere in the world. ; i People of large wealth who can afford , to charter a private oar In New Tork for a period of i0 daya cross the continent I to southern California, enjoy a few days' : of that climate and proceed north to Portland, take In the Columbia river gorge, and at Spokane choose between ,j the Northern Pacific and Great North , i em for the eastbound trip. Many of , them include In their plans a visit t ; the world-famous Yellowstone park. -!.. Oets . Bepntatton fo Bpott. ' . , With the development -of aeaaid rs i sorts on the Oregon coast It la aald '. these tourists will make their stays ; longer here. They will Indulge In the i splendid fishlngand hunting of Ore-! I gon, when they come to know more , ' about the royal sport to be had In thle, ; stats.. In the last two years many not", labia parties -have visited the state fort 1 snorts, and the reoutatlon of Oram a along these lines la rapidly gaining In ins un, ...;..-..,,,.,.., CANNOT LONGER DOD&E - PAYING miHO&Y In order to get ont of paying alimony to Is wife, Oeorge-1. Oheen, s eonfeo tloner, spent all his savings en automo biles and gambttng. The Oheens were divorced several month ago, and- aire. Oheen waa swarded ft.TSO In eaah and til per month for her support Oheen deposited tt.(00 In a Washington state bank and resisted payment. When the offlro of the law were hot upon his trail ha withdrew th money and spent lt,': ' Oheen waa In the circuit ourt yester day to show cause why he should not be Dunlahed for contempt for not narlna the money to his wife. He declared that ' he had bought, two automobiles recently, ' end that he had no money left Judge ' Bears would not accept this as an ex- ' cuee, but ordered Oheen to produce .lie . books 1q eoart May 2L I ; Hade by the World'! Best Manufacturer! ' : , . " The New r . ; '. $3.00 ' j V Guaranteed Hat, v ; ,, .. ......... v.- . 'Worn by Thousand! Stylish i Exclusive Guaranteed $3.00 We are showing Bris- . tol . Hats; in : all ; the . Cvery. latest styles and : ' colors for this 'season.. :. The New ;$3.00 : Guaranteed Hat ; Cannot tell you . Just yet .what next season will introduce , (we're , . : not good , guessers), but when the time arrives well be . on . hand , ' ; with nobby styles of Portland new $3.00 Bristol. Hats. r4 311 Morrison St. Opp..fostoffice 5 :- v SW Um a a St Oeaets , OTStniES AXJt, kxnds o UVB BTOCK. AOAXN8T l)SATUFROMAI4Y ; GA.TJSB. - U f. Ibetay FMaHaat : Wkk H. SBlta.V.rm. I. U, Otmb Oast Mga a.M.OewsMHy .s.subuwOmi'Ibhs. 1 .. ' J nag si teat Oaawal rn.MSl 1 M 1MB IX. ISftlasi Caaaew si Cnmii IHMlaat Board af Ttaas .. unaxsca Traet sad anlata ma I ' Tas Sri limit Cnsiaaf -Lfttul Oa-Cniiisinilal taaay. We SHse as jiaahi v a. a . .', We gha yes s aaare d Mhi . jfoiff orricx t-r-i la fa rrm tuxi Caa reaUastas eaa Sfaal wrtass' Oe as rAiroiBOO' lsadixi oowrxBaua. hotxx oovTADnva toe books. The St. James . f uXTO R. ABQ TAX sTXM ATJW, , . um rxAvoisoo. v .:.,, : Waa . aagge, Mga. - ..--, Is straatae la th. bsart af the bariseae- ts Met. Hotel aad raralaaed. Prt .ate baths, tolapheiiM la mrf tonm. Sample loaate Cor toaeauas smb. Haue ream M (4.00, Kaiop.aa- lu. Take MoADUtw a n-Jckt at. eac at ferry eaa get e(t at Tan Km ave. MOTEL. AUDUOON SAV FaAJTOIgOO IVB0F1AB nil OBXT. ' Blagle roona or aa suits. EUrmtcr, steaat kMt, .lctrt. Hf b t. and all Btoilera eoBTtnb aueaa. Strlrtly (inc-el.M. te ahop. pins aalm Oa 4lraet Ha. from terry a4 1 Ihtrd aad TmraMaS a. pa. mtm II ap. 99B BUla St.. .ar Via V areaae. - i C. K. QANTER. Ugr. I ' ' omah Looks to the ruture i ..-. f ,,.....- v . ... ... . . v...,-' iri Ch o osing a Home Location r' Select a hoipe that will always be pleasant where wholesome exercise and air will insure ' health for you and your children a. place you ; will en joy. when you are old. . - i ' This picture shows a homesite iri Rose City Park, overlooking the peaceful, valley, , which slopes gently, to the Columbia, while the sym I metrical Cone of bt. Helen snever changing, w ; yet ever changing catching the 'first ray of " t morning, holding the last gleam of vday, rises to 'give inspiration and' pleasure as .; long as daylight shall touch mountain peak. Improve this Jong-awaited ' opportunity of buying a permanent home lot,' just far enough to be away from noise and smoke; near enough to be easily : reached from business ; where every restriction and provision is being' made to build , up. a. substantial, convenient home locality, including all . modern improvements, schools,, churches and the kind of people . who make good ' homes, , good neighbors . and good citizens. "vr ii . : ' i . .s s '.. .. .1 ' ' It , t . ' a ' ' ' i j, S W' -f , f f V 1 .... f e. l at- " - ! .... LV. . I . V 1 . r ...r v.. r it--., r .... . v .... .'9 .4 t' r We are giving Auto Parties every day-this week to ladies "wishing to see RoseXity Park. Our - autos will call for you, or you may join parties1 at our office.. - Call or telephone. ; '; CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BANKERS GROUND FLOOR y