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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1907)
i J, ;; '. ',-: x v s I ' t REVENUE CUTTER Captain Wertich Notifies Govern- ment of Derelict Adrift Qff ' ', Oregon Coast. SUGGESTS THAT VESSEL . BE blown; UP AT ONCE IJghUionae Keeper Bight Derelict Adrift With Wind and Carreftt Off ' ' ' HeoeU Heed ftnd NoUflea Bnperior Path of CoMtera. - ' goTn)n)nt tmmI .will in all prob ' ability dlf patoh4 to blow v tli ' arUot ' BU K..' whloh U floatlnc ,: bottom nip -off th Ortm ooaat ' Cap ' Uln P. J. Worltch, Uchthous Inspector, yastardar afternoon wlrod th ' com mandera at Mar Ialand and Bremerton . nary yarda and the bydro(raphlo offloe In Waahlngton, lnformlnf them that the derellot la drifting about directly In the path fTeaaela aniraced m -the leoaatwlae trade.. " , ' Captain Werllah'a attention u waa ' called to the derellot yesterday by Olof U Hansen, keeper' of tba lighthouse at . Beoeta Head, who reported that on 'April II he aaw-a.rease) bottom up ' drltlna to the southward off the coast. He aald the derelict waa directly in the path of yeaula ajolna up and down the coast, and foe that reason made his re ; port toj the. head of the department. ; Captain Werllch aated promptly , by no tifying those .having authority to detail !a vesaer to tpw the vaeoel into port or .blow her up. Until a lae hour .last MIGH flight no answer naa oeen receiyea, out Jens possible that a cutter haa already Xbeen dispatched. t i t There la erery reason to bellere that .the derellot la the gasoline Schooner Bessie K., that turned turtle several ''weeks ago while bound front Coqullle, fto Sad Francisco with a cargo of luni vber. The overturned craft haa been - sighted a number of times by steamers 'plying along the coast, and two weeks 'ago tody she waa seen by the officers of the ateamer Alliance on her way from thle port to Cooe bay. The dere llct waa then drifting north near the .mouth of the Columbia river, but short ly afterward the wlnda veered around , . Oat of Bight. ' : t noat Of sight, out of mind." la an old saying whloh appll with speclnl force to a eore, bflrn or wound that's been ' treated with riticklen'a Arnica Halve. 'li'e out of sight, out of mind and out of existence. FIJes, too, and chilblains dlePPnr unrir Its healing Influence. Guaranteed, by Bed Cross Pharmacy. so a to send the derelict In a southerly direction. . . The captain and craw of tba Beaale K. -have never' been heard from since the day they left Coqullle, and It la now almost certain that they perished when the """all craft turned over In' the storm. There were eight all told. The ' barge Chinook, - which ' drifted away from the tug Columbia eeveral daya ago In the vicinity of Capo Arago, haa gone ashore, but the 100 tons of dyn-nilte furnishing part of her cargo have been removed to a place of aafety by men who ventured on board through the surf. It waa feared for a. while that thai dynamite would explode and wreck tne barge, but luckily aha pound- ad lightly In going ashore. . ; . TRAMP OVERDUE . ' ' : y':.' Norwefflaa ' Steamer Wormaa ' Ialea ' ; ; Should Be la Port Now. The Norwegian ateamer Norman Ialea left Sea Franclaco three daya ago for Portland yet aha had not reported ' off tho mouth of the river . at a lata hour laat night. Her tardiness la inexplicable axoept that she must have encountered severe northerly winds. The Norman Isles should have been here-- yesterday, aa the run from the Bay City to the Columbia even by the Blower tramp ateamera seldom eon aumea more than three daya. The Nor man .Isles- comes here under charter to Kerr, Clifford 4k Co. te load wheat and flour for China.. ' The British steamer Tottenham la re ported eeoomlng hero onder charter to the Pacific Export Lamber company to load .lumber, for .the .orient . She haa been hero several times. ; V" 'SINKS BURNING BOAT, Rainier Launch Owner Una Narrow . Escape Prom Death. , (Hnwlal DUpateh' te Tee Joernt!.) ' ' Rainier. . Or., . April tt. Ttiterday afternoon She gasoline launch He ttle, that runs between Rainier and Kelso, suffered an explosion that necesaltated its being aunk In order to save "It from being destroyed by-Are. H. 3, Warner, the owner, who waa running the boat at the time, ran short of gasoline and mixed a little kerosene with It. "An explosion followed and the boat eaught Are. - In order to save tt rrara entirely burning, holes were drilled in it and It was aunk. . , . Mr. Warner expects to raise the boat soon. '. , i .' ' ' , . PRICES ADVANCING Government Will Pa More for Fuel ; , , j, and Food. The government will have -to pay a great deal more xor coai uiis year than It did last at least so far aa Ita light house department' la concerned. Yes terday afternoon bids for supplies of food and fuel were opened by. Captain P. J. Werllch, lighthouse J napoo tor of the -thirteenth district and this fact became known. There were two bidder - to anpply eoal, but they did not enter Into com petition, slnoa one bid upon on lot and THE . OREGON SUNDAY JOTONAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MOIUHT.O. A PHIL 81, ' : , ,,..;:. ; V r the other upon another. It la supposed the bide will 'be aceebted. There waa little more competition for the food aup py ' business, but Ross, iHlgglna ac Co. of Astoria are believed to be the loweat ..uder. although the blda will have to be compared carefully be fore -4k-decision can be reached with certainty. Charles B, Houston offered to furnish coal at the following prices: Portland, tf per long ton; Beattle, tt per long ton; Juneau, t; Sitka, $.I5; Ketohlkan, 110.26. George A. Sanborn of Astoria offered to furnish eoal at Astoria at 17.71 par, long ton. Laat year the gov ernment paid the 'following "prices for coal: Portland, ft; Seattle, $; Juneau, tt; Ketchikan,; Astoria, ft.7l, or about t per ton less than the prices i rw being naked. About t.OOO tons of fuel will be required for tho lighthouses and tenders this year. The contracts will be awarded as aoon aa tha blda have .been acted . upon at Washington. ., YANKEE RASCALITY ; ; English, Paper Comment Adversely V on Dakota Wreck. Bngllah newspaper are1 apaaklng of Tanke rascality" la commenting upon tho loss nf Hill's mammoth .'liner Da kota which went ashor on tha ooat-f Japan reoently and now seema to bo a total loss. It la aald in tha reports that tho ateamer waa Insured for vastly more than her value. In thla country it la understood that the craft waa In sured for $1,800,000,' English . lodemnl ters carrying tha riska. An tnveattgation Into tha cause of the stranding of the big liner waa com pleted yesterday at Seattle but tho In spectors have not yet handed down their deolalon, 'According to the testimony strong currents caused " tha - diaaater. Reporta from Japan atat that the weather1 waa Una and there waa no fog. while tha aooldent occurred In broad daylight bat. tho -.hearing . tended to show that Strang' current carried the mammoth vessel out of her course and clou to shore before the danger waa reallaed. '. , ,-, . - v HAVE NEW QUARTERS . Aberdeen Sailors Jubilant Over Their " ' . '- Proaperlty " " ( : . 'feerliil TtHn'otrB te The Joereet.t ' Aberdeen, Weeh.. April 10. Members of tha Bailors' anion era Jubilant over taking posaeealen'of their new quarters In tha building lust completed for their use. Thla building la located on lower P street near the railroad bridge, and convenient te the dock and water front t ' : , The quarter consist of a larg hall fitted, up with, everything needed for their oomfora William Gohl la agent for tha union again and looks after the welfare of all -the members. . . , 'r - ALONG THE WATERFRONT ' r r- ".- Tha North" Paclflo etaamahlp oom pany'a ateamer, Roanoke, Captain Dun ham, la due to arrive here thla after noon. ; ' . ' Tha offlrera of the Oerman steamer! Aragonla will tire a dinner tomorrow! I f (' K f 3 --!-' afternoon te a number of frienda. Thla la the Aragonla'a Ust visit hero, but tho officers expect and bop to be trans ferred to the Ales la, which la to take her nlaca on the run. ' i The Oerman bark Altalr 1 reported aa having been chartered to bring gen eral oergo from Rotterdam to San Fran cisco and Portauid. - - ' - - Tha French bark Annan haa bean chartered to carry a cargo of coal from Newcastle, Australia, to San Francisco. Bhe will finish discharging general car go her thla week and sail In ballast for tha eoal port a - - Tha British steamer Woodford which was her a few weks aao with a cargo of coal from Japan haa been charterfi to load lumber on Puget Bound for Aua- Tha oil carrier Roeecrana will be at Llnnton today to discharge a cargo of oil. - Th Norwegian ateamer Terje Vixen waa nainted in tha dryaocK yesieroay. Prom hero tha Tarja Vlken wlU carry lumhe to Australia. The steamer Alltanoe aalla for Cooe bar tomorrow night in command of Captain B. W. Olson, who formerly waa her chief offioer. ' . : MARINE NOTES Astoria. Or, April I0.-jondltio of tha bar at p. m., amooin; wina. norm. It miles; weather, clear. Arrived down at 11 noon: rrenon nam vrnu nan, Arrived at 4 p. m.. ateamer Roaoorand rrnm Ran Prancleco. San Pranclaco, April 10. Sailed, schooner Columbia for Colombia river. .nd. ateamer South Bay for Astoria. Sailed laat night steamer Coaster for Portland. Sailed it IP. nv, ateamer fttnm Wand a or Columbia river. V' Port Hartford. April tt. -Arrived, ateamer Argyll from Portland. ; MARINE INTELLIGENCE ' - Beamier tfcwn Das te Arrive. Roanoke, from aee FXtra and w...vAprtl XI ColnoibU. from Baa rrenelees AdtII M r. A. KIlbar, fmei "an Fraa. aad w.Ainl ts AllUoce. from Cooe Boy April Jf Nlonnoflle. from erlent ......April v. Bin. rmm 8as Franrteee. ...... .April !S d. w. Elder, from a Fedie and way.Aprll T Nnmtetla. Irom erMnt 7 LrmMmJ ffM rl1fet ......... ....a .JDe I Atosla. trem erteat ialy U Eeralar Users te Depart. rv-t tin. for Ban rraseleee Aprtl Si Alllaeee. for Com B..... Asrtl zt RooDoke, tor Bea Fwlre aea amy .April IS Oolambl. foe salt FraSrliwe April M F A. Kllbnra, for Haa me. end way.Aprll 27 O. W.: KI4M, for aa Fedre and way.. April 90 Aresonl'. for erteat ...May, t NIcotMdla. for erieet Ma? 10 Hamantle. for erteat Jane Arabia, from erloat ....Jnee la Alesia, fee erteat WuLy tT TemeU la Ferl. a . ' Alliance, Am. sir., at Coerh street sock. ' -Atlaa. Am. enH' et Aeteria. Araamila, Ow. itr, at Alaaka aeak. ' . twrwW-k. saaollne aph, et Aatorta. John PoalMQ. Am. etr at Inmaa-Pwalaea aallL . Coqnllle Rlw, Am. etr., at drydnrk. - BoreeWa. Hue. atr., at Oeaaole sock. . Irtah Monarah, Br. etr., et Rainier. jr. MarWfer, Am. atr., at V. II. Iroa Work. Terle Vlkea. No, etr, aa drydock. Artnea. FT. ba.. at Meroay ooek. naronae. Fr. ah., at Mooliroiry dork No. t. (lorn II Part, Fr. M, anrhore In atraae. IHnwnale. Br. kk., at Hrandant Boa dork. Klrktoe. Br. atr.. a Oeeanle doca. ... Lena XIII, Fr. bk.. at Aatnrta. Mlehelet, Fr. bk., at Colombia lo. i. Bllrlra. Nor. atr.. at MnntrMnery No. t. . Vola, Br. ah., at Rlerarnr Sock. ' AbMe, Am. et. at aside. IT YOU WANT TO KNOW' WHAT SMARTLY WEAR THIS SEASON ASK BLN CORRECT CLOTHES FOR MLN AND THE, VERY Finest Tailoring Evident, in Every Detail Produced for Us EXCLUSIVELY by the . World's Best Designers MODELS With Merit and Distinctiveness at MODEST PRICES LADIES AND MISSES HAND-TAILORED COATS AD DRESSES. 1907 MODELS Aleae Beaee. Am. bk. at O. W. F. deck. Cbaaalta. Am. bkta., et fttella. JordanhtlL Br. bk, at Ortenwlca. ahoaie. Am. art., at Stella. ' Joka Carrier. Am. ah., at Astoria. ' Hoaeeraaa, Am. atr., et Unntoa. r Walaeot. Am. barie, at Aatorta. Ooata B lea. Am. atr.. at A In, worth dock. Loalalaaa, Am. ah., at Btella. Ttvertoa, Ami atr., at Teogoe Potot ' lamber Oarrlers Xa Beats. Alice HrDoaakt Am. eeb lea Fraaelss. ADBle Ureen, Am. eeh. Baa Fraackwe. . Coter. Am. atr.. Baa Fraaclcxo. '"ro0"i,JU'"d' Am- . . F. Whltaey, Am. bk.. MakaweU. Ellpee, Am. ah.. Baa Fadre. Elwall. Am. ah.. Baa Pedro. . tlHebonae, Am. ech., Manila. ' . '-'"Ilka. Aat. h., R.a FraBdeea. S"', ". Fraaemea, " Northland, Am. etr. Baa Francises. ht Orlfflth. Am. bkta.. faa Fraaeajea. - 'oea Falmer, Am. bktn.. Baa FraBCtseo. -B4rtrlrrr, Am. bktn. Baa Fraacleeo. Bailor Boy, Am. ech. Ban Fraaclaee. Sfj tr1"aa Fraaclsea, . Bin tram. Am. sh, Radoode. Aorore, Am. bkta. Baa FraBeteee. . Waahtnrton. Am. etr.. Baa FraacaW Earehoor, Am. atr. Baa FraBcwee. Oolambla. Am. ech., Sas Fraaclare. Jataas Rolph, Am. aeh.. Bas Padre. . nhu Smith. Am. bktn.. Bas Pedra. . Themaa U Wand. Am. atr.. Baa Franeaw. la Beats With Oamaat aad eaerat, . Boeclearh. Br, ah, Bamben. Brean, Fr. bk, HoIL , . " Ooaway Ceatle. Br. bk, Antwerp. Dalcoaar. Br. sh, Bambara. ' . Kdanmore, Br. sh.. Danklrk. Europe, Fr. bk., Antwerp. Genevieve Mollooa. Fr. bk., teadoa, j Raae Kervllar, Fr. ah., Bambura. - Laennee. Fr. eh.. Swansea. , Le Filler, Frbk, Loadon. Varthe Roax, Fr. bk, Hemberg. ' Moaamblqae. Br. ah, Newcastle, U. . Samoa. Br. bk., Bhlelda. 1 -. . Blam. fier. an., toadoa. ' . r , Borne. Fr. eh., . Newcastle. B. ' Tellna. Oar. bk.. Lelth. ' Tlnreaaea, Fr. bk, Olaagew. Finite, Br. bk., Antwerp. MarechM Tnrreae. Fr. kk., Rambarf. Title de Balbeoee, Ft. bk., Antwerp. , Oeal Bhlpe Xa Beate. ' ' ' Balen. Ft. bk.. rTewraatle. A.' ' ' ' ' Col. de Tlllehols Marenll. Fr. bk.,tfeweastls, A. m mwm , nr. aa, riawcearie. A. Bt. Lesla, Fr. bk, Neweaatle, A. . ; j . Tramp tea ment Xa Beam. ' Aaeet, Br. str., Boenoa Arras. , 1 ' Hradfoi-d.- Br. str, Bas Franc woo. - . t'roaan Mara, Jap str.. Japas. Belenca, Rnes. atr. Baa Padre. '.' '' . Normaa Ialea. Nor. str. Baa Frs nrKe. African Monarch, Br. atr. Baa Frondes, llerculee. Nor. etr, Mnraraa. Btrathcljrde. Br. etr. Ban rranHace. ' Btrathyre. Br. etr. Ban Franctaoe. , Tellua, Nor. str. Ban Franclace. Iva, Oer. etr. Sea Frasctece. . . 4 . Blseallajmeee Coaster Xa Beate.,' ' Roeecrana. ell etr, Baa Franclaco. W, g. Porter, ell str. Baa Franclace. Great Prorea of Caribou. .. Prom tha Los Angeles Times. K4 Tinker of Esat Loa Angeles haa returned from a nine year sojourn la Alaska. .. "If a llf.' aid Tinker yeeterday. "of some hardships, but I enloyed every day of it I hunted aa much with the gun aa with the gold pan. "One winter, before the law prohib ited the sale of caribou for food, my partner and I hunted for market We wcra 140 miles up the river back of Dnwnon and brought out tha meat rn sleds, my six doga bringing out two loda at a time. We aold upward , of M.000 worth of meat killing 130 cari bou. I had It caribou on the sleds the first trip out to Dawson. They weighed t.tSO pounds and I received tl a pound. Including skins. "Xou might think th game would KZt.. BOYS y to $40 "tt: Clothier Butter CLEAN AND BEST FOR P1t cents per loaf " at aQ ,:. gTocers, Humming Bird toyi free to Biftter-Nut labels at our' Clarke; Woodward Drue' Co. Importing Hholcialers & thr.ufzct-jrint Ccr, Cth arJ Kr.l S!i. !, eqaatrw itai or poor space. A complete analytical Laboratory. A private ewllchlna track from the terminal yard a 1 ne la re-eat ana moat perfectly oon b killed off at that rata, but If yoa war to see th drove of caribou that I have seen In that country you ould readily believe that there will be gam In Alaska Indefinitely for the on who la willing te endure hardships with th mercury 10 degrees below. Of oourae. If a man is accustomed to a steam heated office and has not the pluck to sul-Ject himself to hard work arV aero weather he can ehoot a fl:,a epeclmcn ef itkkim or onrliwu vi'h a 1100 bill right on Die str,-i, tf Law son." - DIXSSLD UUl V,II SLLLING Li mm read HEALTHFUL EVERYBODY ziok for the label on every loaf. boys and girls Who present 5 stores or to' wagon drivers! N o equipped wboleaals drug house on I coa.t. 1 lmyers and handler of buarii a 1 Orevon drug prodoota, eaare I . . re root. eta. Ordered to Bc-w lp Their po, , From the L.i. rii-r,MK Tha amnatus fact w tiit..t in v . ) af cmnmnna roeantlr that a r. . of the hi.jal barrtan art i .i aii'lutrtct. waa h"Hl n a. . ', i v ttlr4 offWra enaei,i.r' --t t . not Utcr tnaa MkrN S r t , of n.m conntif-Mirtni . . tliclr cnfTM, ml h h -N.rlcct nt ttia - r . antr, mi 4 1