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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1907)
TUB OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,1 SUNDAY MORNIKO, APEIL tl, ISiT. Our Leather Department Is replete with attractive deslgna A enmpWt line of Rhonplng and Hard Baca, Bellv Suit Caaea. Traveling Baga, ate. ... , , . . . - ; . , Specials in Handbags New Venetian' Handled Baga. fitted complet with Card Can and Pura. aaaortad hade and leathers.;., , Regular prlc 11.(0; on aala Monday .981 ' Beautiful Hand Baga In Walrua and Weal, leather Uned. Inatda compartment and ftttlnge complete. - Regular prtc IS.0; on aala Mondny..fl6S Nw Bar In Pig Skin, Horned Alligator and Hnafc Skin In dainty hadee and mountings. ., Novaltlaa of all kind Now Silver Card Caaea In attractive deslgna. , SUITCASES and - r, ; TRAVELING BAGS: a ' magnificent lino . of Leather Bult ' Caaea and Traveling Bag a; handsome la' -an pearane and moat serviceable In ev ery way. Differ ent sis, atylea and prlcoav. , , : Vie; An Glad to Be of Service in Extending Monthly Credit to Responsible Persons Rubber Specials . Oar Ruber Department ta man aged with groat cere. Every artl- ola la carefully inspected before being placed on aala. 1-o.t Combination Water Bottle and Byrtngo, reg. 11.71; apodal 91.53- - Ladle? Spray Syringe. Red Rub ber, reg. It.6 apealal 91.98. ' White Water Bottle, -o.t, reg. I1.S0; apoolal 08. ,, Rubber Bath Caps, prioa, BO 4. Swimming Wings. 3Sd and 25d ; 'Rubber Gloves. 60. Tarine EntenHoths Fly Out i . ; its FLY OR DIE ' Tarine la an tip-to-date efficient moth extinguisher, effective In fighting the moth truat; prepared In baga, eheeta and carda for protecting garmenta ravaged by Inaocta or vermin. Tarine Moth and Duat Proof Baga azcludo moths, duat and mleev' Patent Clothea Hook Inside; cloae with, patent tube faatener. . Two sixes Long Coat, 10x10, 604; Bult alia, ill T, 50. . .i- ; ' Tarine Sheet for wrapping fur rag and blankets, to , ' ' : Sis 40x41, price 60) per dosen. ' . Tarine Moth Carda for trunks, 1oea, ate, ' 100 carda. 254. : .., . Tarine Paper sad Camphor. Wood Chests, 66 to 613. : y:Jrus Scientifically manufactured by trained work men; carefully ahaped and fitted; expert fit ters for both aexea in attendance.' We carry LAhf rractla Pad" .Trues; price f 3.50. i Elastic Hosiery Elaatte Hoalery, Ah demlnal Belte and Band agea of varloua klnda; all garmenta made to your measure to tnaura comfort - and " support. Persons suffering from weak i Joints, sprains, varicose veins and alml lar atlmant ahould, con sult our speclallata. Prlcea vary; all very reasonable. A superior ' line of Ankleta and Wristlets for athletes always lu stock. : ' -. o 1 Art Department n . Displays of Bronaea and Pottery In the Olft Room. Large shipments of beauti ful wares In both useful and ornamental pieces. ;. Exqulalts Candlesticks, ' . Candelabra, Jardinieres, ' Vaaea; ; unlimited choice: pleasing gifts for weddings, birth daye. oto. : " ;. : Porcelains and Pottery Include Royal Dutch War. Limoges, Ven etians. Amphora, Rogaane, Rus sian Hammered Brasses, Japanese Brasaea, Japaneas Bronaea, an ar ray of beautiful pieces. Display from ' our Art Rooms ' In : the Fourth Street Window. , An Unusual Bargain in Note V: Paper WOODLARK" Note, a high-grade linen paper; in one-pound packagea; while the aala lasta, packages of 100 sheets,' 244: envelopes to match, 104 : ' Our Optical Dept. ' We fit your eyea correctly with our new Torle Lanaea; glaaaea adjusted to the eys are comfort. Peraona aufferlng rfrom de Tectlvo vision can; be fitted with ' the right glasses at s fair price. - A aktlied optician will teat your eyes and preaoribs the proper glasses. .' ; .',, ', We do mot treat the eyea. " . - ARTIFICIAL OR GLASS EYES ' We are agents for; the selebrated Oertnan Reform Eye, a- remarkable Imitation of the natural organ. .. . ' - A large a took; we guarantee a natural color and a perfect fit.-, , , , v ,'; ' Cubalor QeamV A delayed shtpment has Just arrived. sised jara.. . ' .. -. i - All Cuf Glass Specials Exquisite American Cut Glass A full and complete line, sparkling,; charming- and Individual In design, each a woqk of art In Itself; made by the famous glsss cutters. Hoars and the Empire CS for whoee producta we are aole agents. ,,u - ; ., ,, , , ' t - . . -, - ' . ' . V-., ; , psolsl Moss fot 130 Week.-. V'v 4 ; ,,: w' ''i: .f RTilar. Bpeciaf '- 17.80- , ' 65.48 ' - Water Pitchers ... ... ... " Pickle Dish i.k..." -5 JIandled. Nappls ,iw.r. " 4.40 Vinegar Cruet ......... 7.00 . V Comport' ....-' J" 7 . Celery Tray '.'. .Vass v..;. ...:.;.k..... "o; i Mn Bowl i.l ............. .s- J HO 3.30 5.28 4.6 -5.3 94.96 4.15 Remember Our Garden - Specials ? " A complete 11ns of May's Flower Seeds; fresh for this season; good, quick growers; Sweet Pess, Nastur tiums, etc; ' per pk., 54 and up. Grass Seed a, per pk, 154. ' v. ' , Flower, Shrub and Fruit Epraya The "WDOD LARK make; destroys troublesome Insect life; never injures ths most delicate foliage. Sprays, 654; Bpry Fluid, 354 par Dottla. . , - A Swedish Shampoo .Ths "WOODLARK" Dry Hair Shampoo, a luxury worth trying; eleanaes ths scalp and hair thoroughly; gives a lively, fluffy ap pearance to oily hair., Large boxes, conveni ent for sifting on jths hair. PRICH 504. , ' Beautifying the Skin ' ; . Ths -Oolden Rod Skin Food has proved it-' self to' be most efficient as a toilet accessory. It feeds and softens ths tissue, quickly heal ing any roughnesa . Gentlemen find it aaef ul after shaving. Delicately ' perfumed, convenient ' for handling; can be mailed; price 254, '' Burning on Wood or Leather WATCK abttjt or ova wurow. : PYROGRAPtilC: ; - It's a simple art to learn. - Artlstle .work, don by beginners. Our deprtmnt devoted to Fyrographl ma terials supplies every requirement for ; this charm ing work. Outfits 91.50 up; skina, natural colore and tinted, T54 and P; wod stamped -ready for burning, 54 and up. ' . ' y f ' J ,' Poor Mr TfiHHv Rear 4j mm mi . Without a home. He" a very sad - and lonesome for a little boy on girl t lev him. He's mad of nice ' bear cloth, fat and 'Shaggy, and' hand-. Some. Tou can move bis head, arms and legs. He is brows or white. Just, the way you . Ilk - him beet, and really a very dealrable oompanton. . Prle 91.00 o 96.00 Specials in Razors -, obt on TOKomow. : ReguUr 11.00 ' values now 894 All our Tank Bafotlss ' - . I 5.00' set 'now' i... ...... .92.50 , .00 set now',......... 4.50 11.00 set 4 now ......... . 5.50 14.00 set now T.OO All our '. Oem,. Star and Zlnn Rasors at half price. " Leather Brashes at a glsooaat of 15 per eext. . We have a full Una of anertlag saver- Kug at special prices during this sal. ; BATTaT ; SOOTat nTrBOIAXgw r Lanier's . Bath Brush, ! off regular prlca . .. H ' ' . English Bath Towela, jt U. off regular prloes, , r . ; ... w 1 v 1 t w 1 Bedside Table Needed In every home to aerve bed aid . meats ' for . th sick, aonvale cent or Invalid; a oon- yenlence for writing ft holding . book. AdJus ' table : to - any dealred :f "height or ; 'position, : -Frlc 98.00. ; ; ' , . Comfortable Wheel Chair Is . a great pleasure ta. the Invalid. Aids . ta -restoring ' health.' I," Full rattan 'spring seat and rubber tires; oomfortabl and ' easy running; - only a few chairs left. Whll they laat, 920.00. " '' Whl;' Chairs5 from UrU U mark , Part easy s seated. ?i y WW WHEN In a HURRY for DRUGS CAVL EX ti FREE DEUVERY IN THE CITY & CO.. Over a Hundred Salesmen to Fill Ypur Orders ; ALL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY FREIGHT SERVIG& OW - BELT LIE PROIifllSED ... " OTW MM M ' ''. I ; O... R. A .N. Manager Makas an ; Annoancerhent That Ha Will I Help Bring More Manufacturing Plants to tha Already - Busy -City;of St Johns: "' ; ; ; -. Dlatrlct Manager J. P. O'Brien of th Karri man lines announces through a private communication to M. L. Hol brook that a trl-weekly freight service will be installed on the new belt line of th O. R. 4t N. that encircles th city of St. Johna Thla service will be in augurated Jcct as soon ss th new in dustries that are to go on the penlnanl this spring are ready for It. Th an nouncement . la ' mad virtually as - a promise to Mr. Holbrook and ths sev eral enterprises. .' . ,.: M. L. Holbrook baa been Instrumental in' th building up of St. John sad be done more perhaps than any other one man to secure factories and foundrlea for th littl city down th river, vi Five new enterprises have been re cently steered to St, Johns largely through the Influence of Mr. Holbrook. The Olllen-Chambers Asbestos com pany and ths Portland Collapsible Box company are two that were announced In these columns two wseks ago, Ths Leach Bros.' iron foundry, Barnea planing mill, and another Iron foundry, th - company nam of whloh 1 unknown, are th three others that have purchased sites slong ths O. R. N. belt line snd will erect factoriea at one. . - ; ., .'Thee factories, will add greatly to the payrolls in 8t Johna and there Is no longer any doubt that the peninsula Is deetined to be th great manufactur ing center of the greater city of Port land and perhaps of ths northwest. The shipping facilities are Ideal, with two deep rivers and a belt Una flEUHAU TO 1 TESTIFY Ifl EAST Interior Department Inspector Must Soon Return to Port land, However. ' . BRISTOL WISHED HIM ' TO STAY IN OREGON HIGH WATER HOLDS UR RAILWAY BRIDGE WORK AT WHITE SALMON ': (AmHiI rXamtrk t Tb loerml.l ' -" ' Hood River, Or.. April 10. The high water in- th White Salmon river during the jast . week . caused a ' 1" to : th . Wenominee Lumber company .of several thousand" fet of hga, wclelTwerc swept away by- the flood. - -4 ha alao forced th contractors for the- concrete work for the bridge of ths North' Bsnk 'rail road a the mouth of ths - river to abandon bperatloaa . Xa th Columbia la likewise 'on the rise, it is thought It may b aomt time before work can be. ronumcJ. . ;..', ".-, "',Th .high Water in - th .Hood. rlT , tuivlng : measurably' receded, the' work ' f repairing ditches and. bridge has t- Bat Other Official Considered His Testimony In the Hyde-Benson Case at Washington to Be of Equally Vital Importance. , - gun. ' Curing the flood the waters Inun dated tha tracks of th Mt Hood Rail road company, and at one time threat ened th 4am of - th Electric Light A Power company. Th banks were ewept clear of loga and driftwood, which waa shot down th fetream with such rap Idity that, a Jam occurred "rn the gorge above Hood River. The swift current rolled ' Immense boulders out of place and' carried , tnem many feet down stresm. The deep snow In the woods snd on Mt. Hood Is esuslng a greater flow of' water in th river this spring than In a good many years, but it Is thought the danger from further floods this spring is past. ; . . ' ' ADDICKS IN POVERTY (Continued from Pag One.) . and aecretiv guest had mads no recent promt era of pay mint to Mrs. Fisher, owm-r of the house where Addicks hsd com to hid from those who were pur suing him with orders from ths court, snd be feared eviction. Not a scrap of food remained In ths enartmrnt' except a half-empty bottle ot curdled milk. Tha mllkmaa had be come aaxtoua about his unpaid bill and bad discontinued tha aupply. . ' " psiisd t pay All Bills.' No man. no. matter how anxious he Miht be to eecape dlaoovery, who had lived In the style end luxury of Ad tlirka In the dayB of senlth of his cow- r could have lived ss he did during the yrar and a half he wae in Hoboken unlovs hs was forced to It by actual pnvrrtyv Running aooounts with email di-lrr. 'failure to pay bills for rent. end food, only attracted greater ettrntini)' u the man and unpaid bills aimnrnl discovery. . it waa a steady decltn In his mod Of iif from th' time' h first appeared In the flat after It had bn rented by Matilda Room, khl stenographer, for him. until his resources seemed at last to fall and his credit exhausted. . The man moved Into th prtmril with but few personal effects snd they con- eieted chleny of the neceaaary furnish ings for th apartmente, . bed. tablea, chair and cooking utsnsila . ' v It was only In these three days thst he was missing thst the Identity became anew of th mysterious old man who had lived alone for three years In ex clnalon, wt'h only one visitor and but inrtequent vtelts from tbla man. . and whose name . was never known to . '.ha other tenants of ths house. Process servers, sfter , months of searching, located Addicks and identi fied the old man whose life had been a pussllng mystery to thoss who lived ear him. It Is believed thst Ad ticks knew he had been dlacovered and cVwild no longur escape his purausrs, but ths element r.f P"rty which now appeara ao plainly from his manner ef living, snd his pa t hullo flight, was -never suspected by tbos whe weie tracing him, . . Thomas B. Neuhauaen, special Inspector of th Interior department, ' wbo haa been aasistlng United States District Attorney William C. Briitol In securing evidence against vlolatars of ths federal land lawa In Oregon, will return to Washington to testify In the Hyde Benson land fraud caaea, despite . th precaution -Mr. Bristol took by subpoe naing Mr.j Neahausen several ' months sgo to appear before the federal grand Jury that will convene here thla week. : Mr. Neuhausen'a return to Washing ton Is said to be In the nature of a compromise between Mr. Bristol - and th Washington authorities and he will be In the capita about twoo weeka and not longer than three, when h will return to Portland to testify before th grand Jury in the caaea that are expected to come up. . - , ' Dole's Oaaes Plrst. That hs can be apared that long is evident because the first work of th grand Jury will be under the direction of Jamea Cole, assistant United Statea district attorney, who will endeavor to secure Indictments s gainst th counter feiting and postofflce gangs thst ar now In th county Jail. After Mr. Cole completes his work before the grand Jury, Mr. Bristol will take charge of tha investigating body. It is expected that Mr. Cole will be able to finish his work In three weeks. , When It wss learned that Mr. Neu hauaen had been subpoenaed by - Mr. Briatol,' It waa thought that It would keep him from going to Washington In th Hyde-Bnnsot esses. It Is said, however, that tha Washington authori ties were so anxtoua for Mr. Neuhau en's testimony that they started to affect an agivment with Mr. Briatol whereby tha inspector could testify .in both pieces a aoon as they learned that Mr. Bristol had subpoenaed him. - : Testify oa Affidavit. Mr. Neuhausen' testimony at Waah- lnton will ba in regard to the Orecon and Washington Isnd entries which It Is alleged were effected megauy by th men Indicted In the Hyde-Benaon case. There were over00 of thee false en trlea, and Mr. Js'euhaueen In cc nectlnn with other inspectors secured the evi dence on which the men were Indicted. It Is for the purpose of hsvlng Mr. Neu hausen testify In thla regard that be 1 called to Washington.' Although ths time has not been defin itely fixed. It Is regarded aa certain that Mr. Neuhausen will leav (pr Waabington tomorrow night: ArV- mi mn rn ' 11 -! Illl Mill ' I U- ! UU IULLUU IIILII; ' ARE INDICTED Grand Jury Charges Prominent Business Men With Violating tha Anti-Trust Law." ONE CORPORATION IS UNDER INDICTMENT Sixty. Members of Master Plumbers' Association, Twenty-Four Lamber men and Nine Brlckmen Accused on 245 Count. .; . (PtiUlakere' Pre by Special ' Leased Whs.) Toledo, Ohio, April Is. Ninety-three of the most prominent men In Toledo' buslnesa Ufa were indicted on til count by th grand Jury which returned . report to Judge Morris this afternoon. The men Indicted ar th members of the Toledo Msster. Plumbers' sssoclt- tlon, numbering 69 persons, St lumber men snd nlns briekmen. Th Indictments ar returned for vio lation of th Valentin anti-trust law, and are th reault of an Inveatlgatloa covering a period of about two weeka The National Supply company of South fit Clair street is th only- corporation Indicted.1 Thia company deala In plumb era and oil wall supplies,, and is ao oused of having been concerned In th regulation of price fixed by th masUr plumbers' association. . . The Toledo Brick Supply' company, aaid to hav been aa illegal combination of brick manufacturera in restraint if trade, la alleged to have been organised for th purpose of controlling the price of the product of local brick manufac turera. Since th passage of th Val entine anti-trust law, it la aaid to have changed Its form, but th prosecutor expects to show that it hss continued aa a monopoly of ths brick business lo cally. - - . Th Toledo lumbar dealer' bureau of credit la charged with being the con trolling organisation of th lumber mar ket, tta members, it la alleged, having combined to boost th prices of lumber at-will. Several building contractors testified before the grand Jury ss to ths manner in which' Its operations af fected them. h manipulation of the price of building material and, the cost of construction by tha lumber deal era. brick manufacturers, plumbers snd the supply dealers, sometimes hsvlng a ruinous effect upon their work under contract. ' Nobody will be placed under Immedi ate arrest. Tha proaecutor will give them a chance to come In voluntarily, plead to the Indictment' against them and give bond for sppearsnce for trial. Tiles e preliminary messurea will ; accomplished within the coming week and th cases will be assigned for trial later. ' ... , ; ' Beady for Haywood Trial. Bolae, Idaho, April JO. Both sides are ready for ths opening of th Hay wood trial May t. A ' panel ha been drawn for the Jury, but tha Jury Itself haa not been chosen. . BUILDING PLANS FOR " ASTORIA'S GREAT HOTEL " ' V (Special Dispatch to The Jesmel.) ' . Astoria, . Or.. April to. A. E. Butt nsr, on of th representatives of th Welnhardt astat. J here to look attar th detail of th construction ef th new half million dollar hotel. H x peota to hav an. architect her In a few week and th foundation pat down In June. He called on Manager Whyt of th Chamber of. Commerce, signed th constitution of ths exchange and became en of th largest aubscrtbsr to th promotion fund. "Astoria's in terest ar our interests from tbl tlm on," he asld. "and I want tha Chamber of Commerce to know this 1 so." EUGENE IS ALLOWED NEW LETTER CARRIER IWaahlogtea Bares ef The Jersal. , Washington, April 10. Aa additional letter-carrier was authorised today for Eugene to begin May I. ' Civil service examlnatlona will be held May 1 at Van couver, Washington; North Taktma, Washington; Astoria and Albany, Ore gon. ; RAILROAD RATE DEBATE AT DAUGHTERS CONGRESS Cruel Railroad Agents Refuse to Give Reduced Rates to the " Revolution's Daughters." T (Fa bashers' Press by Special Leased Wire.) Wsshlngton, April 10. Th closing hour of th sixteenth annual continen tal congress of th Daughters of th American Revolution were marked by a railroad - rat debate. Th Daughter wanted reduced rates. It appeara that those who Interviewed local agent re alised forcibly what a part of th pres ent railroad agitation meant for th ggent who war obdurate. - Mrs. - Walter Talbot of Connecticut, for the railroad committee, started th discussion when called upon for a re port. After detailing her unsatisfactory experience, h exclaimed amid laugh ter: 'The la at man I saw told me to take my request to Philadelphia. I did not believe th walking waa good." . A resolution waa adopted calling up on railroads for a reduced passenger rate. Th con tree today received a fine silk American "neaoe" flag, aewed on a white silk background. It came from to, international arourauon ana peace congress. Ths names of lira Stephens B. Elklns and her mother, Mra. Henry C Davis, war placed upon th roll of honor by reason of the former's two contribution of ftO toward Con tinental hall. . . ' m 1 1 ti SPOKANE ELECTRICAL WORKERS ASK RAISE . ... ..' i. .. '.(.' ' (Special Dispatch tai The JearaaL) ' Spokane, Wash., April ' to. Spokane electrical workera hav threatened to go on a atrlk unless their , wage ar increased to 61 1-1 cents .par hour, equivalent to a dollar a day increase. They ar now getting 14 a day. Con tractor claim th demand ha been mad with th statement that unleaa It la given they may aspect a walkout May 1. They claim wage ar now high anough. - -. . ' ' Th treasurer of th local union de nies that a atrlke la threatened. ' . . Assaulted by Negro. ' Washington. ' April I. Mra. ; Boss Porter, whit, aged 10 year, of Bethaada. Maryland, waa brutally assaulted and robbed by a negro whll ah waa on her way to visit friend. 1 Her skull wss fractured and her fao and body badly bruised. . ' Credit' mm We have received a large shipment of Rugs and in tend to dispose of them quickly. ;We Quote ' Special Prices and Terms On Them All This Week : 1 9x1? Axminster Rugs, T - SPECIAL 533.50 1 (Stnford) f.: l" ; s- ljrt; 'R-egoIcr, Price $42.50 9x12 Sciamless Velvet gs : , ! (Excelsior) '.'V V ' ,':'.' '' Retnlar Price SdO.on .:' 9x 1 2 Tapestry IUigs - - SPECIAL $20.00h r (Afishaniiton) - : ' v - . Regular Price $27.50 ; ; $1 00 Down :dl;S";li? ;- i-Jliald and Lined Free FURWITUHE GO. All The Credit You Want, : 184-106 FInt Street : :. PORTLAND. AO EINTS FOR LAUREL RANQriS