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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1907)
-1 . -' ' TIIC OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 21. 1S07. nn"o Illlttl.lO The Pure Food Lay Sssse4 sad saforoed br ths V. S. Govern ment mattes bo a of tue talks of tne Trust XrugstOTs tuat they eaxry pnres 6 ruars tbaa deparuaeat stoses. Yhe Iare lHod L soiT'els equal high qualities . everywhere, las Oovexaasect plays ao favontsa. Window Ehadeg Mad to Order Watch-Repairing Framing. A Bit of History GAP1TAL CITY Th "Owl" Oat-Kate Srarstore has bea the first to sell all ITalOAtO KXatn DiTS, Drags and Toilet meqouritee at tue prewaat low prtoes. Oiaa drugstores s.l una agreement sot to advertise eat prices oasyioy to aaataa large prefitev 'j Barrett Declares Danger Con ; front Influence of Washing ton as National Capital. ; Good Merchandiss Only Quality Considered Our Price Are Always th Lowest ' i No MaaorciersirTl " ; A Drug Sale That Will Brieak All Records in Portland j iNoM.iiordr,ra SOCIF ThelQwFs TTJRIL TQOD,, Sale of DRUGS Standard Qiiality Drugs, Soaps, Toilet Requisites. Medicines and Supplies j HAS TOO MUCH SOCIETY : Congressmen wad GoYentment Of f ileitis Tske So llacb Time Prink- tag Tw and . Dancing That They Cannot Do Their -Work. ," ; I (washiest Bares of Tbs JearasL) Washington., (April It. John Barrett of Portland, Or., director of th bureau I of Amerioaa republics, formerly a newa-paper-man. in Portland and Astoria, de-' . clared the other night In an addresg at tho monthly meeting of . the . Society of ', the Oregon Country: v . "There la no-greater danger confront. lng the poaltlon and Influence of the ' city of Washington, as the capital of tha nation, than that of the gathering there In overwhelming numbera of rich 'i people who : are seeking simply the -! prominence and pleasure of social life." T K m ............ U r. retf attracted general attention. One "of the features here during the past , few years baa , been the demand for ' choice residence sites for residences for 'i tha rich. Already many palatial homes : hare been built George Westlnghouse, ..! Mr. Patterson of the Chicago Tribune, ' " Thomas J. Walsh, the Townsends, Wads- worths. Levi Z. Letter, Lars Anderson , and many others have built struotures - - of magnitude and filled them with eost- ly furnlshments. and perry Belmont and ' ' many othera of the millionaire clans . hare bought sites ' on which they will ' erect Just aa elegant dwellings as lavish ' expenditure of dollars can accomplish. Strife of Brains and Money.' .V i The propaganda of Mr. Barrett waa ' headlined In the eastern papers and t wrought to indues wide editorialising. John Barrett was a poor newspaper ' man when he came here; today he Is a man of Influence, but not because of money.' .'(. . , ' - - ' v Here It is not a strife between pew ') or old wealth, but a question as be- -i tween bralna and ' money and - what r money will buy.- And the citation by r Director Barrett, therefore, has drawn the Issue Into discussions and. conver s&tlons arid dinners and teas and has . caused quite a sensation among - the elect The sober, sound sense of the i thoughtful element,- however,- re with V his In his analysis. Mr. Barrett thus ' set forth his view at length: ' i "Hundreds of men and women from 'all part of the United : States sre building homes In the capital purely to make a social campaign. So eager are ; they in this purpose that they are eut- ting themselves entirely loose from the original states and cities. Already not "only the newspapers of Washington but v those of New Yerk. Chicago and veo 8t. Louis contain evidence of the domin ant part which this kind of society. Is exercising In. Washington.. It almost 5 subordinates to itself the work of con-,-gresa and the different departments In the'demsnds Jt makes ropon the leading, men .in, ... all , branches,, of ths govern-, iVmentj . ' ' ' ;- ' $ TeaalUave Tin tot Work, -"Dinner parties,' reception, teas, ".bnlla and ,taetre ' -pertlea take up so much of thauue of leaders in Ih leg islative end executive branches of the i government that they " cannot - possibly glve- that attention . to their - regular duties that they require. Senators, Con gressmen and h'gh claas officers of the different departmenta having 'limited '.means or dependent upon their salaries, cannot afford to enter thla social com-: " -"petition, with ths result thst there are serious heartburning and Jealoualee v which do far moro harm than good. Every day the social news vies in .1 prominence .and Importance , with the proceedings of congress or the reports of the different departments. "Now, the unfortunate effect of all -this Is that It lends to demoralise the .national Idea of the capital city and alienates ths lpterest snd sympathy of other sections of the country, especially '"of those who are remote from the capl 1 tal. - There Is a growing feeling In the ' Vest that Washington is not as repre- . peniaww o ..- .-. . 1n all that stands for serious progress and ths nowesx immwan " .-vui.-try. Bather, on the other hand, tha - impression Is growing that It is beeom. lng a great center of . wealth without ' sympathies or Interests for all portions of the country. - " ., "If Washington Is to be an- ideal na tional capital, its society must develop intellectual. ' scientific end economic Ides of life aa well as thsjjurely so- rial and polltloal; it must always keep -to the front the Ides that each stste ior section has direct concern in ths ! progress and welfare of the capital; and it muat bend its energies to make the feewfgr west reei mi n .uuvjid... ni imi . - - - here proportionately ss has the ' "If Washington' espects the senators f snd congressmen from the Central and ffar west to approve liberal appropria tions for the betterment of Its physicsl. 'srtlstlc, social and general welfare, it must msks them feel that therr own ststes and dlstrtots have an equal con cern with the residents of the capital In Its Improvement and betterment .The responsibility, however, does not rest with Washington alone nor is the blame by any means to be placed on Its people ..exclusively."..-' ' , 'j - . AU Stats) Start AM. ' " All states - and sections musrvnnks an sffort themselves to bs better ao nuslnted with Washington, to exercise thel Jnfluence her In a way that It will be felt, and to remember that they must do their share toward ths recog nition of themselves as intergral ele ments of the nation and of Washington as ths capital thereof. On of the best ways to promote state and seotlonal protnlnencs In Waehlngton s to orgsn- M state ins w- . Ir;a WUI nn uruwi. w M.k. bnnwa they Imnort- snc and interests of thslr portion of the country. In this way ths state snd national effort win go nana m - hand and Washington will be reeognls ,ed ss th real caplUl ofth entlr , country.'' . '. '. ' ' : i I The Smile That Won't Come Off Is the smll worn by th man who wears Schaefer s Korrect euotnos. Pchaefer makes a specialty of togging He 'hss'atudled th subjsct from A (o Z. Knows whafs korrect and sees that you get It. .,. . The natty Greaser Is now wearing stylish gray single-breasted sacks in checks snd shadow plalda. Also serges. Schaefer A Co., of course, keeps them, and you, of course, are a natty dresser, j .C. Sehaefer Co., successors to Armstrong ths Tailor. Rooms 1 and 11, Ralalgh building. Sixth and Washing ton streets. ... ;... . ;j ise si anc - , ' . - , " . , : ; ; ' ' ; : . ' . - - . ''.''' - This mammoth Drue Sale, the greatest ever inaugurated by any house on the Pacific Coast, is made compulsory bjrthe United States Government, through the passage of the Pure Food Laws, demanding a. change of labels on all drugs and toilet articles. , During entire next week the most sen sational cutting of prices on STANDARD QUALITY Drugs and Toilet Articles ever presented to the people of Portland. You can always buy . .tanriarri rinio-- rmriw anrl toilet article cheaDer tt our Owl Cut-Rate Druestore than anywhere else. But you never did get, and never again ".r V'VH will eet such low prices as prevail in this mammoth sale. Extra clerks and extra wrappers to wait on you.: .We, reserve the privilege of limiting w'tfm X V V" km. -y 2,000 packare of SERVIETTES or SANITARY NAPKINS, one dosea in box: drug ator ;5Q. price 75c j Owl cut nt...jy CODLIVER OIL, imported from Norway, prima and fresh;, drug tore price 50c; Owl cut- ''" rate aalc C Scltser Salts. Liver Salts, Citrate of Lithia. Hydrobromide of Caf feine; drug store price - O 25c; Owl cut rate. . , . 16 V Extra' Urg RED RUSSIAN SPONGES; drug store price $1.00; Ow cut-rate sals i ft price .................... JiC Ebony, Rosewood end Cocoabolo HAIR BRUSHES, values to $M0; Owl cut-rats sate in. price .......... i.........VC Fetter's famous SWANSDOWN POWDER; drug stors price 15c; Owl cut-rate ; sals price flf only .........Ov 10O TT1 ' 1 Drug Bloarnonate or , Soda, 1-lb. pkg. Epsom Salts, 1-lb. pag .. ......, Rochell Balta, " 1-lb. pkg. t5e Sassafras Bark. . . It Senna ieave , ICo . Borax, pkg. -..'.... Sol " Sulphur, per pkg. I0O Chloride of lint, per pkg. lSe ..' Precipitated Chalk lte " Powdered Orris Root . ........ Powdered - French Chalk,, .....,v Soap Bar ........ pewdered ' Jamaica ' Oinger . ....... Powd'r'd Mtistard WH t . t Mnatard Magnesia . y Bird Seed ........ Cream of Tartar, large ... Y.....V.. Cream of Tartar, ..small .' ........ 110 ISO . 15o .160 loo 160' .160 10c 3 19a) "34 ,...V6 'If ;Te 't U Ts) ;T y T Buchu Leaves around Flaxseed. Flaxseed . . . Castor Oil Castor Oil ..... ..V 16e ; 16o 16o, 60a' tsc 6o ; 83 Buchu Leaves .... 16o 174 xT? H 74 74 394 184 104 194 194 74 18s) 28e) 194 194 ,-74 18s) Cascara Bark, lb.. 85c Camphor- . 16c Turpentine ISc Copperas . ...... loo Wood Alcohol .... 16e Excelsior Spirits..- 15c. Cascara Aromatic -15c . Arnica .1 16o y Cocoanut ,OU . . 10c '.' Soan Liniment... 16o ' arnica Liniment.. 15c . 184 Chloroform ; Llni- -ment . ........ 16o ; 184 Warner's Nervine -lt - - Cure i ... . . . i..1.0e ' 624 Money Drug Store Price. slues' Heart Curell.00 AngOstora Bitters. 11.00 St Thomas Bay: Rum . ......... too Rose Water , ; ... . 16o .'' Glycerin . ...... 16o O I y c r I n e and Rose Water , .. 2 6c Myrrh . 16c Kilmer's Ointment 60c ' Smith's Bile Beans 15c Tarrant's Seltser . Aperient . . . . - 60 . Seltser Baits ..... 150 Liver Salts ' I60 Hydro bromide , Kaff eine . . . . ' 16c Citrate of Llthla. 16o Citrate ef . Caf- ' felna 16o Pur - Norwegian : Cod Liver OH... 0o Pu re Norwegian Cod Liver. Oil.. v 46o Stuart's CaUrrh Tablets . 11.00 Green . Mountain Asthma Cure ..$1.00 Green - Mountain - Asthma Cure . . 60o Shiff man's Asthma Cur . ..........11.00 Shiftman's Asthma . Cure . ......... 0o Dr. Blrney Ca- - tarrb Cure ..... 6O0 ' Trommer's Malt with Cascara ...$1.00 Trommer"a Malt 1 with Cod Liver Oil . .....'.....11.00 , Sloan's Nerve and Bone Liniment.. 1.00 . Lash's Kidney , .and Llvsrv Bit-' tare . 11.00 .' Foley'a Kidney 1 Cure i ....... ..11.09 KodoL Dyspepsia , Cure . ........ ..11.00 f rrloe Btere. 62a pa) 89e) 184 194 194 194 36e 18 ZB4 12) 12) 12) 124 49e 33e) 62s) G84 38) 62) 36s) 36) est 62) 62) 62s) 62) 62s) Drug Btor Me Dr. Du Puys Pen- 1 nyroyal Pills ...$1.00 39) Shoop's i ' 1 Preventives 16';., 144 Peppermint . ... 16e ' 19) Spirits of Nitre.... 15c 12 Rhubarb PUU 100 to bottle.... - l(o ;' 144 AsafeUda Pills, " ,' ' . ' $-gr. ......... 16o 144 Asafetida Fill, ,;';- t-mrmm, 15c 21) Bland's PUls ..... 15o 16) Warner's 8af , Pills . . .. . .. 16o 14tt Henderson's Man- drake Pills i.... 16o 12e) Henderson's Com- ,r t - pound Catbartlo Pilis . i6o ia Henderson's Back- - ' ache Pills 16c '12s) Henderson's Little " Liver PUls .... ISo 12f Henderson's Dys- pepsla Tablets.., too 18) Henderson's Laxa- , ativs Quinine Pills 15c 12M) Henderson's Pils . Ointment . ..... 16o 16) Henderson's .:. Pits . Cones . ........ 16o 18) StrM Sntherlaad Sisters' til !(, SO tvaJne . ....... 35) Henderson's ; Llq- ,. s. ; uld Dyspepsia - Cure.. . .. .. . I0o 38) Xsaderson's Biaokbstry . Cordial .... SB .144 Hsaderson's . Saadraff On TS . 33) Bead Orson's X.iqnld Sham poo ...... SOo 23) Challenge. Prices . ) Never Lqualed Elsewhere 60c Aaeptlne Egg Shampoo. 16e Bensoin Almond Cream........ 12s) 15o Wood Violet Almond Meal.... 12) 15o Violet Cream Lotion 12) 15o Witch Hasel Jelly . .12) 15o Cucumber Jelly .12 16o Cucumber and Witch Hasel ' ' Jelly . .v.... .12) 15o Osborn's Foot Ease ......'... .12) 6O0 Palmer'a Perfumes 34s) 16 Sheffield Tooth Powder lie) y50c Henderson's Kidney Cure. 23) $1.00 Henderson s Vegetable Com pound . 494 16e Henderson's Backache Pills.... 12) $1.00 Du Puys Pennyroyal Pills. . .39) 60c Cntloura Resolvent .;,...... .34e) $100, Quinine Capsules. 100 for... .29) $1.00 Pond s Extract ....... v ... .62) Very finest imported a OLIVE OIL, i Owl II Tt 1 cut rate bottle ...... s W: :j Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Face Creams, lLtc. Manicure Articles ato ,, .' '.. Drns ' - Stor Mm ' .'.'"'." "' Prlo. Set. Parker Prays On- golln too . X4 Parker Pray,' s Nsil Enamel ... !5o lTf No. II Rouge .... le 144 Or ana . Wood Sucks, dog. .... llo IO Large stse, extra buffer . ....... M a Bast - - mry - "' .:; ' Boards, Aos. ... 100 o) Fin Steel Mant- eure Scissors . . 15 48) Powders Tetter's Swans- - down Powder .. lto Satin Bkla Powder I6 Roger t Gallef s Rloe Powder ... . lie Babeakin ' Talcum Powder . ...... 160 Sqnlbb's Talcum Powder . ho Sanltol Talcum Powder . 160 Roger A . Oallefe - Talcum Powder, lio Sachets Lefevre's French '. - Sachet 10a ) 17f IT) ru ia 14) .18)' , r. Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes Xbony, Boseweud Bad Co . snsbola SollA Back SCais 1 Bitiklt, hand diaw a ' bristUsi Tains to SLSOi i out rate 494 lte Rubber Complexion , Brushss . .,..9) Tooth Powders r Drag ' ' Prloe. :, -Stor Sheffield Teeth - Powder . 16o Sheffield Tooth t . Past , ........ 15o Sanltol Tooth Past . ........ 15o Sanltol Tooth v Powder . ...... ,60 Graves' Tooth Powder . ...... 15o i Perfumes Palmar' a Per fumes,' all ' odors 60c Roger Ss . GaJlet e ' all odors .750 Soger a: Gallet's Toilet Water ..61. OS IVench ' Perfume. ' assorted odor 60o ilefevre - rrencn Odors. .. ....... 0e J oh an n - Marl ' rFarins ' I0o 11) 14) 18) 181 14) i 84) 64s) 69) 19) 39) ,88) IISilll.llUKi Fins Dressing Comb. . men's and women's rubber . and celluloid; sals prtoe,,..19e) Dupont's Ventilated Back Tooth Brushes .18) Men's . Long Hair Shavtng Brushes; regular 16o; out raU . ..Be) ISO Nuir sunns Brashes .; 18) 60o Men's ' Handy Shaving Mirrors, stand baek.M. 29a) face Creams BtorS Prto. ": Pries. Pomoellas '. ' Mas- ' sag Cream -. . . 6O0 33) Licsey a uwm as - us . so zim unggeit as iuoi-i dell's Cream ..." lto Ins) imggeii c .titms. dell's Cream ... lis Sfta urem . eimon Cream - . SOo SrtA M..w... . m ft m- . weed Cream ... 6O0 3Be) ur. unariea Fleah FotMt .... in JtAA a.spey s . rrmgrani - Pi4m j ... . tEa "f AA r noimes- . cnseiia . Cream ....... If 144 Pond's Extract 1 -J, . Cream . ....... llo ., ; IT) - Cucumber Cream, lto , Ta) Cold Cream ,16 T) ' Camphor Ice 16o 14 PARKER PRAY'S ONGAUNE for ths nails; drug store price 45c; Owl cut-rate , sale J9c Best Linen EMERY JBOARDS. 1 doien In box; drug store price 10c; Owl cut , rate, per C doxen . . .. ....... .-r . Dickinson's PURE WITCH HA ZEL, also Violet Witch Hasel; drug store price 25c; Owl O cut-rate safs price .....IOC Henderson's Finest Quality SU GAR OF MILK, 1 pound; drug store price 50c; Owl cut- 1 rate price .v.... ."....leL Henderson's LAXATIVE QUI NINE TABLETS; drug stors price 25c; Owl cut rate, OC two for . . . .... . . ... .Wfc Henderson's BRONCHIAL LOZ ENGES, drug store price Q 25c; Owl cut-rate-sale........ OC Johnson ft Johnson's MUSTARD PLASTERS, regulsr 20c , 4 size; Owl cut rate. .........11. POROUS PLASTERS, regulsr drug itore price 10c; Owl OCr cut rate, four for......,...esJt KIDNEY PLASTERS, regulsr drug stors price 25e; Owl 4 OlfA cut rate, three for ........ . V 3-grain? QUININE CAPSULES, 100 in box; drug store -OA price $1; Owl cut rate..,. ubeC Best GERMAN MALT; drug store price 25c; Owl cut'.' f 1 -rate, per bottle .. II w CLINICAL THERMOMETERS minute, $1 at drug store. 41a) 1 minute, 75c at drug store, 31 2 minute, 50c at drug store, 25 v 5 '."...:''. ' - a M 1 a m m - : ' sF ... . . .' sr ' ... fTTt ' w '' i- ST" "S rr m -WW it. M Hakes loilet soap! i 250000 Every Soap in This Great-Event Is a Soap of World-Wide Tame A Big Carload rourteen Tons . " SBsBsBBBBBsaHsSSfSBSsasBBsBBBssBBsWaSM -.lis . " - JSBSSBBjSBSaBejaWBSSSJSSSBSBWaBSBBBSBS.-wlB I 3. Regulsr. Pries 5c a Cske. . i Sale, Two Cakes for 5c 5 . 25 gross Bay Rum, OstmeeL Iris,' Rose, Violette, Hyacinth, Lsvei der snd Cream Soap; choice of sny kind, TWO cskes ' for Regular- Price 5e a Cske. Sale Price, 2c Per Cake SO gross Fine Tar Soap, mads by Liberty Soap Co fully equal to any tsr sosp mad; sale ; -)-price only ....... aL Regular Price 10c s Cake. ; , r Sale Price, 5c Per Cake Rainier Mineral Soap,' fuH-slzed cakes, one of the best soap made, never before sold so C. low ss in this great sale. . . . . .JL - Regulsr Price Se s Cak. ; Sale, Two Cakes for 5c "Monkey tirand" Scouring Soap, an unequaled snd perfect sosp of its kind, world-famous for house hold use. Limited quan- - C tity, TWO for. ....i.. JC " Regulsr Price Se s Cske. ' . Sale Price, 3c per Bar ' Willlami' Barber Sosp, ths finest snd smoothest shaving sosp ever made; does not dry on ths face. While it . lasts, per bar, . O only C Other Toilet Soaps Its Pond's Extract Soap IT) llo Woodbury Facial Soap. . 1 Te) !6o Rostnol Soap........ 174 36 Pompellaa Massage Soap.l7s 76o CaaUle Soap, I-lb. bar.... 394 6e Rogsr and Oallet's Lrettue Soap ......... ,14s) The Lowest trices BSSBBSSBBBBBBSBBSBSSBJBW llHHIIIIIII.TTI..l...ifl........i,..-...IIi:T SEEK LOWERvRf LUfilBER, RATES Minmsn i-of Interior Mills iVVill Appear Befors th RaJIway i Commissioners. ' - COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS -, ASK NEW MILEACE BOOKS Samuel Council Complains That Ben son's Logging Road Is Conducted as Commercial Line, but Will Not . Accept His Lumber. ' , Three imporUnt questions are up for conalderatlon by . th Oregon railway commission and tha railroad companies, and directly affeotin Portland Inter ests Th commission yesterday after noon held the flrst of a aeries of ses sions that will occupy much of Us at tention for the net two week or until a final determination Is arrived at Willamette . valley lumber manu facturers are asking for relief frem th proposed raise .. of .' Southern Faclfla freight rates on green common lumoer t o.n irrnnioo. " The commission will m tutu Masian nest. Tuesday at Salem on thla ' subject and evidence will be beard from witnesses ail me way aown tha line from Salem to Asblend. , . ' What Snutuners Taat. ";-,'.. - Ths traveling men of th state hat petitioned for relief from the present uKfAw.M.A mathfj fit hookkeSDina in carrying mileage accounts with ths railroad companies, and are sklng for a simpt Interchangeable mileage book. bases on rates or i cm is par umw m 6.009-mlle book. and IH cents per mile for J.OoO-mils books - ' -'' The flrst meeting to consider this inM h.i.1 vMterrfsv sfternoon (U.n.iuil otbw at ths of lies of William McMurray. gen eral- passenger ageni m uie nrnmu lines There were present Mr. McMur- T.v.n tt Of nit assistant aeneral paaaenger agent; A. I. Charlton, as sistant general passenger om nur.n ern Paclflo; Bats Agent Gardiner of the a .t o..ia niuMinr' denartment at San Francisco; Ratlwsy Commlsalon- ers Campbell ana Aiicnison, sna Fraaer and Dick, tw committeemen from th traveling men' organisation. V . JTJ8T BSOAVSS ' .. your cough Is only In ths throat and does not trouble you now, don't think that It needa n attention. When it ha rot YrA tnntU of a slsrt Is the time to cWerk It The slightest cough eas ily leads to Pneumonia, Bronchitis snd Consumption. A bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup will cur that cough. Th prloe puts It within reach of aU. old by all druggists . The meeting was a preliminary round to acquaint each side with v the views of the other, and get ths question fairly before th Interested parties. Th com missioners placed themselves In tbe role of arbitrators, and th discussion was carried on with th utmost courtesy. The prospect Is that a basts will be ar rived at thst will be fairly satisfactory to all concerned. Another meeting will be held- following the return of the Portland business men's excursion to esstern Oregon. - Tomorrow the railway commission will meet In Portland to consider a complaint filed by Samuel Connell against the Sunset Logging company of this city. The logging company, whleh Is owned by S. Benson, operates a log ging road seven . miles long In the Clatakanie region, and Is charged with having refused to hsul out lumber from a mill owned by Mr. Connell on Its line. Th complainant alleges that the oompany haa exercised th rights of eminent domain and has In various ways laid Itself open to the assumption that It is a commercial railroad. Transpor tation being. vital to the operation of his sawmill, he seeks to -compel the road to accept business at reasonable tariff rates . - May Exclude Sailors. ' "' ' " (Journal Special rlre.t ' Providence, R. I., April to. The su preme court of this stste declared to day that Chief Teoman Busel ef th navy can recover from the amusement company only the price he paid for his admission ticket ' the company being authorised ' to exclude ny person ' It does not want , . - ' , GIVE THE FIREL1EII SOME CHARGE TO WORK . Under sn order by rh executive board at, merchants who stor goods In base ments will have' to plae casing holes in th sldswalks so that th fir depart ment may make quick connection with spraying nossles. - On nosal must be placed to every 1.100 feet of floor space. A . M.a. m. ...a i . m .n t mm aawniro entrance to th basements only by Dreaaing mrougn uie locaea trap uwr In the cement walk districts snd by chODDlng throuah the wooden doors In other districts v Ftr Chief Campbell says S great aeai of damage Is done before an entrance can be effected, and most of It could u prevented if th casing boles were cut In and th spray nosxl used from tbe street ..'' - " .i . JUSTICE OLSON RETURNS IMPROVED IN HEALTH i : .i . ' Pred L. Olson. Justice of th pae of the Cat Portland district has re turned from an extended visit to Hot tw. hr ha went tor th benefit of hie health. For a time grav fear for his recovery were entertained, but he Is greatly Improved and will b abl to resume Vte 1iitlsa tomorrow. Th Justice court Will be opened at a sew place tomorrow. Th building at : : BEiST FRIEINDS ' s and If properly taken car of will cause you V "'1NO ACHBS OR PAINO V TKARS OP EXPERIENCE. AT TOUR COMMAND. LGN8C8 DUPLICATGD WMIL.I3 YOU WAIT J, D. DUBACK, Optomctrict S SCIENTIFIC UE1NS QRI1NDER3 Successor to th , x ' OREGON AND POWmD OPTICAL CI ITS POVBTaT. ' ' ' T. M. O. A. X : 1. tbe east end of th Burnstde street bridge has been abandoned and the Jus tice's offlc moved to I8 East Eurn sld street between Union and -Grand avenues. ' Workmen were excavating for a btilldlrg to be erected ailjolnlng th Justice court and a bank caved In, threatening th building. , ' Homeless Manhattan.' A melancholy fact la that In New Tork, relatively to the sue of the population, fewer pe i le ou n 1 than In any other city r,f n.. There dwell on the 1 if ' tan 3tl.t87 fsmllles. m , l , j : which hol'l title to inn- occupy. Ninety-fnur Oiit '( families r"T rnt. One result of li . t lr Rene li he points .nut I t i Pearson's, Is that t' i Amertcsa tntr. : e . f m n t i known.