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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1907)
TIIE - OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAU PORTLAND! SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL' 21. 1CC7. r . LOriG JOURNEY BEFORE lEJDRilil Homer i Davenport'a Arabian Is v Being Prepared for the fV,V:: Ride of Hie Ufe.. STARTS AT 8ILVERT0N : - V WEEK FROM MONDAY i . Across Continent Ha I Expected to Cnr Army Maa fa. Uandred Day Grand Bondoff to. B Grrea At Hi Owners 'GUI Home. Sllverteu, " Or., , April I. 8econd Lieutenant E. 8. McCabe f the Slsta cavalry, iUUond at Fort RUey, will arriv la 8Uvsrten Monday. APU St. to formulate plans for his horseback rid from this city to Morris Plains. New Jersey, oa Hootr 'C Davenport" a imported Arabian cars, nejaran. Lieutenant MoCabc will Mart em ale lone Journey Way 1, carrying tha rsgu latlon army equipment Ha -will be ao eompanleg by Sergeant Bemuel Peter eon, who ha baa detailed by Major General J. F. Ball, chief f staff of tha Vnitea States army, to act aa aid to Lieu ten int MeCab. Tha rlda la to ba mad under tha supervision of tha Vnltod IUIM army an to tast tha f A eleney of 'Arablaa hersea for nse ,1a tha united states cavalry. . In a letter from Mr. Davenport tadsy e ecpreesee confidence la tha animal a ability to make tha trip from this olty to Morris Plains, covering a dtstaneo Of t,00 miles, la leas tbaa 109 days.: The Xhreovio psvenport Bara. ', Tha horee Is" IS years old and stands a UKJs mors than 14 hands high. Ha was played In tha ' International polo matches In England In 104. Ho was brought to this oountry in tha fall of ths same year and eshlblted at tha Lewie and Clark exposition at Portland In ltOI. Ha la pronounced perfect by uoh) horsemen as Tom Matlock of Heppner, Oregon, and Dr, MeOlnnla of Kentucky. Following ths ' suggaattons sat ' forth In a report to ths war department by Major-Oenera) Bell, Sergeant Peteraon will change horses at various army poata en route and -will keep aiatlatlca hewing the-weight and condition of the horse and rider at the beginning and end, of the trip, the character of rood conaunaea oy the Jioree eacn aay and also the condition" of the weather daring each day of the entire trip. Mr. Davenport la not making Sliver ton ths starting point aa a matter of advertlelng his old home town but as a matter of sentiment. He requests that the horse be started, on what win ooudi less be the greatest test of horsemen- ship ' - ever - carried en In the United States, from Jils bid "home, where tha celebrated csrtoomst commenced hi favorite vocation' painting .picture of horses, cows a ltd chickens on the walls snd doors' of ttie very barn from which the start w)U fee made. . . ,. Oraaa eond-Off f the adder. Homers fTlends in this city are mak ing plans to give lieutenant MoCsbe and Sergeant Peteraon a grand reception oa the evening previous to tnear da parture on ths long Journey,' Governor Chamberlain will be Invited to deliver an address and ths ailveitoa band, of which the cartoonist was a charter member, will furnish gnaalo for the oo eaaion. A program will ba rendered and M1sa Addle Davenport, a vocalist of more than ordinary ability and a alstar of Mr. Davenport will be aakad to slug. " May 1 ' the taad will start from the Davenport barn on Water street and ' follow ths participants in this long endure ace tost to the olty limits. It will b one of ths greatest demonstrations over seen at Daven port's childhood home. The horse is now at snarl a an. Ore gon, being prepared for the long Jour ney, it will bo brought to suverton some time next week. . - BROWNSVILLE REPORTS ; ; CHAPTER ;QF ACCIDENTS Brownsville. Or-; April 10. Brick Moyer met with a ' painful accident while working In his planer. A flying fragment of steel struck him la the eyeball. Dr. Ellis of Albany waa call ed and removed the allver. Moyer Is doing wall. ' ' iamsa ferrell, who loat a finger In the sawmill about three weks ago, la still having trouble with tt. as It is not heeling aa it should. While Jack Baker waa haullna tlra. bora for the dam his team took fright COGIHLL LEAVES WilRfil FRIE0D8 Coee to Fill a Chair Vacated by V Man .That Chicago UnU -. . v - versity Wants, 'a L , -' (Special Ptopatrfe te The JooraeL) ' Salem, Or.. April CO. The declalon of Professor George E. OoghlU of .Willam ette unlveralty to accept the chair of soology tendered him by the trustees of Denlsoa university at Granville, Ohio, Is the 'cause 'of much regret among tha students and hla fellow members of the faoultr. Dr. CoghlU came here last September from PaciQc unlveralty at Foreat Grave, where h had held the chair of biology and neu rology for alx year. He has been one of the professors In ths medical col lars here and Is wsll liked by ths stu dents of that department. la assum ing his nsw chair he will take ths plscs recently made vacant by the resigns tlon of Profeaaor C. Judaon Herrlck, Who baa been made professor of neu rology In Chicago unlveralty. Dr, Her rlck was editor of the Journal of Com parative Neurology and Paychology, to which Professor CoghlU was a con tributor... The new position cams to the Willamette unlveralty professor unsolicited. Tha new marine laboratory which Is to bs conducted at Newport this sum mer under the auspices of Willamette anlveraity Was ons of the creatleaa of Dr. CoghlU and President J. H. Cole man., and it la. a matter of great re-' sret that ths learned professor will not bo here to see the laboratory's work brought to fruition. He said last even ing that unless a successor wss chosen by the Willamette unlveralty board of trustees Immediately ho would continue the remainder of the year with the Salem institution and open ths labora tory at Newport. ftp QJJ SPRING, FASH-MOWS ,M ?UI!irNjETUIill: We have on display the most complete collection of Home Outfits and single pieces ever placed on the market, so u you nave a iittie.spare time this week, call 1 ' .'i. A -1 " ' . .. . . 3i sf and visit us. As the new season is upon us, I . ptiiiui ua w assure you ai one I act, wnicn is.OI V the greatest importance to you, and that is: POWERS will this year sell ydu the best furni- ture it is possible to make and at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. . Our DIGNIFIED . CREDIT SYSTEM is at your disposal and we V will make the payments to meet your income. . Things for the Den T We have just received lot of new and pretty Den fittings, con tistinf of " ' ' ' Framed Tapestries - Desks Couches , " , ., Cellarettes s Tables U " Stein Racks Chairs Card Tables 7 Tabourettes ' Pictures " Smokers Tables ' ; Pipe Racks ' t l : P 1)0(1 anA ran away. The leaaera vouna horses snd ons struck a tree ana fall dead. A singletree struck Bert i mlth's bucar. breaking two wheels and throwing him and Mrs. Smith and their ehlldrea out. but fortunately did not hurt any of them. THE BIO STORE . WITH THE LITTLE PRICES v I at. mm , a gi it ir yj:- JTs 2 j - t'0. t: PA 25 ! ! FOR eft NOBBY 'Mi; '.j " ;;:;'?f . yv;v''.;. that ' will fit and look as if ( it was made to your order, : and if you don't get better X ; v : V?i Values Jiere thaii anywhere, ; ; Vsilrvaa ' let ' 4-NV' V A Nw4 ' Ui - ' ' ' v. i yi v -j v . . L a t it ; ' r- Edttjj" , 1 ; ' : r it; 1 V. - ' vj - I . J i 1 niissioii Fiirniliire rhia popular fnrnltaro rtin kolas Its ' own. Im f act. la has eomo to n. have odd plsoss tot mil parts of the house, X oomee la golden, weathered, early BagUsh aad aaabogaay. Tie up. holstered pleees are oevered im Bpaaiah leather, la aU ahadea. Tha prtoee axe ajanelagly .low, ' rZSOBS FOm BVaTBT SOOX ' : ' -. tu ni iovh ..... nail aoci ; . In golden and weathered oak, early English and solid mahogany and range in price from - ; ' - $22.50, to $250.00 Dressers We want to make a steady customer of every jjerson who 'en ters oiir store, and if GOOD GOODS" at right ; prices will do: it, we hre going' to succeed. SOME "STORES ASK $15.00 FOR THEM AND OTHERS EVEN MORE T '.V J. B. STETSON HATS ANY. STYLE, ANY ? COLOR, 5400 Vr ; A $3 HAT, ANY STYLE, ANY COLORS FOR $2BO Headquarters for-GENUINE PANAMA HATS CLOTGHiRlG COIVuPArNlY CORNER MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS I UI' Y U New shapes and finish Mahogany, bird's-eye maple, 'Cir--; , long line, rockers you art not likely to find elsewhere, for cassian. walnut, early English, golden and weathered oak 1 ... pleasing particular rocker customers is a hobby .of VOUrs. ,. ine rocner tnown in circ aoove i made throughout-of Dressers of tveryL size and description. 'The one shown . here is made in solid mahogany or quarter-sawed golden oak and is a special lor this DmsTrilvO What la home without a! comfortable rocker We have .i. i i:, ii i .l. ixr. .v. : - ,,uuu Mr lib am mii..m uwui'Uis uauj lAy ire biiuwuik a . rockers you art) not likely to find elsewhere, for particular Tocker; customers is. a hobby .of vours.. uarter-sawed j . genuine rMhoganaj (His week is a special jl JJ W wniilrl nfrallv rail wrtiir a t-tent inn tr nni i new stock of Carpets and Floor Coverings. We; : ' are' better prepared than ever totak6"care of $J ' vour wants in this line.' Select vour Cornets and ' : ' ,f . .. . . : rrr. I.Knnmr TaMaa Draperies now while the choosing is good. We ) t luLul ill J 1 UtllCo "sw ,-l B I ''.,. ' A fcw ' Center Table , . This table is made in quarter- !; ... - ' 1 " - ' u"L ' '. . , " , A table in genuine mahogany or sawed golden or genuine mahog- will lay them when you are ready. ; quartered golden oak, with full ; any and is offered this Q ' ' , ' . ; French legs, special f 47C : emk only at, evl' -'X.,"0.:t''- v ''a this week:...,.. ;-,.Wol. Alhvln Collapsible Go-Carls $9.00 r mum ... -- leai. Mil M' . AMeMterMpamaBaVL UMMsalsBBBWsBMBBaA. 7lO Alhvln Collapsible Go-Carls 1. S9.C0; ' WAY FOUND TO RE-HAN THE SHIP OF STATE , '.':'"''.'! Waahintonfa Wise Men Find a ' Way to Keep Fruit Inspec- ; tlon Going; oh. . (Saeelal Meet tot te Te leamal.) ' Olyropla, Wash., AprU SO. A war will probably bs found to meet the Con ditions raises by the supreme oourt decision which knocks out ths county horticulturist and other county offi cers who Have beea appointed by the boards of count? commissioners Instead- of being eleoted by tha people as the state constitution requires. Ths constitution provides that va cancies la count offices shall be filled by the board of county commissioners and this is the aolutloa of the prsssnt sltustioo now proposed. Th plan Is to treat the offices aa being vacant and. then havs the commlalonert make appointments to fill such vacanolea. At the next' election the offices can be filled by election the sams as all other offices are filled. The attorney-general's offices admits, that this plan would probably meet all ths require meats of th constitution and the su premo court decision, , , , . London Globe Owner Dead.., ' (Jeareet tnexlel Srl. t London, April J0 Sir George Arm strong, proprietor of the London Olobe, died today. i W. C. T. U. SILVER MEDAL' CONTEST AT THE- DALLES toeelal bleseick to Tae gearsaLt ' Tha Dalles, Or., AprU JO. A W. C. T. U. oratorical oontsat tor a sllvsr medal took place laat night at the courthouse . In this olty. Ths contest ants wsrs Delia Height, Hugh Fogaa, Charlotte Ellerd, June Ml Hi ken, Ray Harper, Georgia Phillips, Nell Jones, Lois Taylor and Pearl Watkina. The medal -waa awarded to Oeorgl Phillips, who was considered by Judges best in expression, . Intonation 1 and gestures. Ths judges were Dr. H. .C. Comma, .Ed Hostctlcr and Mrs, J. H. FUloon. ; ...... VALUABLE WASHINGTON LANDS TO FIGHT OVER ' eetat Meaetes ta Tae Jeernel.t ' Olyaipla, Wash, April 30. NoUoehaa been received by the state land Office that the plat will be filed In tha looat United States land office on June 11 that will open to entry part of town ship 1, range 10 seat, at th head waters of the Green river la King and Pierce counties. There srs about 100 settlers on th land Who have, prior right to entry and who have been await ing tha government survey to make en try, Th Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul railroad runs through the land and It Is regarded as .quit valuable. Per sons who have beea la that section de aler that la mvz taataaoog there are Will ma Mil Mi' i mil iiev s mim aa man as four settlers on ths sams land, and that when the filings are made there will be opened up on of th biggest series cf land contests the stat baa ever witnessed, It Is pre dicted by thos familiar , with govsrn msnt methods that as a result of tha eoatesta that are certain1 to ba Insti tuted ths land may be withdrawn from settlement entirely. HOQUIAM'S MACHINERY . FOR MAKING STREETS . (Special ntcpetea te The JearaaLl ' ' , Hoqulam, Wash., April ' 10. -Mayer Mclntyrs and Clark Wilson today sign sd a contract for th, nurohaa of a seven'ton steam road roller, a Street sprinkler and a rock ortfshsr with capacity of SO tons of ston per hour, Th totsl contract prlo la 11,107 and tha machinery Is to bs delivered In this olty May 1. This la the beginning of the making of permanent streets for Hoqulam. . SEATTLE PROTESTS ON POPULATION ESTIMATE ,. , ' (SpeeMl. pKpaleti to Tba lecraaL) . Olympia, Waah, April to. Copies were received by the a Late offlolals to day of bulletin Tl, Issued by the United States census bureau, giving esttmatea of population for the years 1004-1-0, aa wall aa th oenaue returns, official, for the years 1899 snd 1000. This Is ths bulletin whloh Director North Is said te have ensured Senator - pile would sot be generally distributed un til big protest could ft Inserted regsr log th population of. Washington 1tl However, th cspUa rooelved her not contain the protest- It give t population f Seattle for l04 ag I lot, for 110 a It.lio, gad for 1 aa 104,161. A footnote says: "Ths municipal authorities of '$ attls. Washington, pretaat against c Umatlng th prsssnt population of th ftlty by th census formula.- Had t protest been received ta time, th s mat for that olty would have be omitted a in tha case ef Los Angela- HOPES THAT SNOW MAY? 00 MUCH EARLY MEUU (Saertal Sltsatsft to The Jeamal.) Tha Dai las, Or April !. Tns.rlv oontinu at a high sugs for th seaa et the year, whloh la very desirable, ths more th wster that flows away April and May the lees snow there w be for th usual June freshet The Is more snow la th mountain than h been known for a number of years, ai with a long spell of warm weather n month a flood ,n June may b dreedl If the Bnake. and Columbia livers r eelre with a rush ths watsr from tl melting snows. If 07 will bs nnoth flood year In th middle and upper C lumbl. region. . , Anotbr Kentucky Horror. Colonel Allgor seems to be takti quite a shine U the rtoh widow of pickle manufacturer." - "Noi she's taking a ehln U htm. t told ms th other dsy, with awry fac that th wag big sour mash. v ,l