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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1907)
TII2 OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING,., APRIL tl, 1SC7. Undcrinuslin Bargains Corset Covers of soft sheer nainsook or cambric in full front styles, neatly trimmed with laces, embroidery and ribbons, Special values at. , . . .. J J C ' " 'V - ' Gown in a.', variety of . t - , styles, mad ol sott nam- , ,'sook, .cambric or mushn," . t t- . , i - - t O jyjf m .nijn or low ncgK ei- rys- V . fects, - elbow or long"; sleeves, neatly ,. tnmmed with embroidery and lace insertion and edge, bead-; ing drawn with ribbon ; food .values r at $1.25. ; pecial this week CJQ Skirts of cambric, havings flaring lawn flounces, ela borately trimmed, with t several rows of valenciennes lace insertion ', i and edge or deep flounces of eyelet em- 1 broidery, extra underlay and "dust ruffle;. ; good ,$2.00 values. Special this Special values in Drawers, 25, 35e 50. ;:;:y 'r:':Er&:G. Corsets';- :' v . Ours 5 is the only store in Portland which ! carries "a", complete stock of the R.. & G. Corsets. We are now showing the; latest . . spring models, and ' they ' are . reasonably priced, 75fY$l, $1.50, $2, and $2.50 . For a low-price Corset.we.are showing the best in the world at. ..... .... . . . . .50$ - Short Corsets and -Tape Girdles in white, pink, blue and drab ; none, better anywhere at .... . . . . ....... ........ i;. . I. . ;. . .60 - Ferris Waists fof women, misses and chil dren...... ........ .91.00, 75 and 50 Scott's Bustles and Bust Ruffles at 25, 50f, 75 and... . ......... ?1.00 Swped Notions The little helps are at little prices always .'-at this store.. The completeness and com prehensiveness of the stock is appreciated - by our public just as much as the price fea tures are. If there is any notion' want we ' cannot fill we do not know it. These have been specially low-priced for Monday and Tuesday: v .-v-. . AT 7e Stockinet Dress Shields of extra : good quality, sizes 1 and '2, 'regular price-; 10c a "pais. , V -'- ;-: : .... AT 10 Stockinet Dress Shields of dou- A ble covered nainsook, sizef 4, regular priced. 16c a pair.' '.,..'.:"' AT 25S Onandoff adjustable, washable' Dress Shields, sizes 2,' 8 and 4, usual 25c, 30c and 35c kinds. ' v ' 1 , AT 25f Sterling Silver Hat ; Pins ' that will not tarnish, large size, pretty head and flower designs, usual 35c kinds.- "0 AT 3. 1-2 Nickel-Plated Safety Pins, all '. the best sizes, usually sold at 6c a card. '' ""? AT .- 20 Security SbjrtwatstABelts an elastic "belt that holds the waist in place without pins of hooks. AJ 50 Kid and Wash Belts in a large assortment . of new . styles for spring and ; summer. . ' .-"v , , The; BEST QUALITY it n The HIOST -:::.';.IIT'": VALUE Two Extraordinary ia Vornon'c GIiocd ' The last ' Big Shipment of the Great FACTORY CLEAN-UP PURCHASE Just Received In Time for Monday's Sale. Contrasted prices are frequently looked upon with suspicion by prospective buyers.- It has become a habit with "some stores to quote everything as reduced from some previous high mark. When we advertise comparative prices, theComparisons mean that we are closing out a season's lines below cost in accordance with our fixed policy of never carrying goods over from one season to another... Some times they mean we have taken advantage of a manu facturer's' dull season and secured noteworthy price concessions on condition of giving him orders. Sometimes im porters, and manufacturers, are overstocked and in need of ready cash and turn to our immense retail business as a natural outlet. Always and. invariably there is a reason for our contrasting our prices with the regular quota tions. Portland shoppers regard our, store news as authoritative information onsaving opportunities. ; THe following Itemd on Sale Honday Underwear and Ho Crroat Introductory Solo of NEW SPUING AND SUIHIEB, : roB wouen and CHILDBEN Buying up immense quantities, entire surplus, stocks, from the best mills In the country, we are able to make our own prices, which are in every instance half and less than half regular. Underwear of seasonable quality for women and children, fashionable stock ings for women and excellent stockings for children's school wear; all extraordinary values that are made possible by our wide resources and great purchasing power. Wisdom dictates buying for the entire season at the remarkably . low prices which now prevail; the saving is considerable on every purchase. Following we quote a few hints of kinds and prices: :" . ;, "Women Fleece lined , Vests 30o Women's White Fteece-Llned Vests, high necic ana long sleeves, well made ; not sold elsewhere for less than 65c ; Special QA Monday and Tuesday. ............. OUC "Women's Cotton Pants 25o Women's summer weight Cotton Pants, good - sizes, - knee ' length, lace trimmed : good 40c grade. Special Monday q and Tuesday J C Children's Black Tights 60o Children's ; summer ' weight ' Black Cotton Tights, in all sizes, &. very, serviceable gar ment; our best 75c grade. Special A Monday and Tuesday at. . . . . . .'. . . . UUC . Children's Underwear 22o Children's fine White Swiss Ribbed Cotton Vests and Pants, ( summer weight ; vests with high neck, long.or short sleeves ; pants in knee or ankle length; our 35c nn quality. Special Moil and Tues. at.. C 75o Cotton Union Suits 29o , Women's bleached Egyptian Cotton Union Suits, buttoned down, the front, high .neck; long sleeves, ankle length excellent finish; good 75c values. Special Monday o and Tuesday ; . . ... .......... C Women's 75o Hosiery 39o Women's Fancy Embroidered Lisle Hosiery in tan, champagne, 1 blue, grayand black, . r 3 ' 11 a. nr. ail sizes, vanery 01, aesigns, cxccucnt oc qualities. Specially reduced tor QQ Monday's selling to. . . . . . , . . . . . . . i OVC Women's 40o v , p Hosiery 25o A line 1 6f Women's Lisle and ' Cotton- Stockings, black c only; pretty pat-? terns in lace effects, made with high-spliced . heel and toe. double ole 'taa tic tpps; no better values offered at 40c per. pair. Our - special sale ; O C price, per pair, . &uC Women's 2 5o Xace Hose 15o New arrivals in Women's Black Lace Hose These stockings are guaranteed fast dye, double sole, spliced heel and toe; 280 dozen in the lot. The best stocking shown at 25c. Our . special price, Monday, ir per pait. . V. . i . . .'. V. . . . . ...... 1 OC Children's 20o Stockingrs 5o Children's Lisle and Cotton Stockings, black only, fine ribbed and allover lacf ef fects, seamless, fast color, spliced heel and toe; only about 40 dozen left, broken sizes good 20c quality. ' Monday as long as, they last, special at, per. pair ... jjC Infant's Silk Lisle Hose 25o A complete assortment of infants' best qual ity Silk Lisle Hose, in white and OC colors, all sizes. Special Monday, pr, . &DQ ' Women's Cotton Vests Oo Women's summer weight White, Cotton Ribbed. Vests, low neck, no sleeves, neatly finished. around neck; come in sizes A 4, 5, 6. ,Special Mon. and Tues., each. . 7C Women's Fancy . Vests 17o Large line of women's summer weight Fancy Vests in 'two styles, one "with hand crochet ed trimmings, the other with dainty lace trim mings; come in white only; 5c" grade. Spe-' cial Mon. - and 17 Tues; each..... 1 C Women's Xisle ' Vests 25o ; ; Women's ,; fine ; Swiss ribbed summer 'weight Lisle .Thread Vests, low,., neck ' and no sleeves, prettily trim- med with lade yokes, etc; Special OC Monday and. Tuesday. . . . . ... . tOC Hundreds of HTe w ' .: You- will not find such 'values at another store, so come direct to Roberts Bros. Spring Suits 015 Choice ot more than 100 brand v new Suits at" this price, shown , in ' the , .latest ? cut aways, Et oil s ,( ponies, tight - Fit- ting, nip - lengm Coats and Prince Chap styles ;". the materials prise, checks, mix tures, broadcloths and worsted pana mas, ' braided and silk trimmed. ;y- Sprins? Suits v 810.50 V Practically alt the new spring styles are shown at this price,, beautiful materials in, fine stripes, checks "arid chiffon panamas . in .all the best colors ,' better looking arid better ' mad suits than any we have "ever shown at this, price. New arrivals v shown for. the first time tomorrow, V . , ' : " Spring Suits 025 A magnificent collection of high-grade man-tailored Suits at this price ; -exact copies of the imported models at half . their cost; materials are beautiful novel ties, styles are the cleverest out this sea son ; fully a hundred suits to choose from. We are also showing quite a number of " beautiful Suits for women and misses at ?10.50 and ? 12.50 ; llevr Spring- Coats & Jackets None better are shown anywhere Our : prices are positively the lowest.' r - New Silk Etons, pony and long coafs, at ?5, ?7.50, S10.50, .f 12.50, $15 Broadcloth ' Jackets, tight-fitting - and pony styles at ?5.50, $6.50, $7.50, ; 810.50 and ........ V.;.V....?13.50 Covert Jackets in the Mohegan and .hard- twisted finish, " satin lined ' and tailor strapped, at 25, S6.50, S7.50, S10.50 Tourist Coats made of all-wool worsteds, in stripes and checks, effectively trimmed with velvet, 60 inches long, at 86.50, 97.50, S8.50, $10.50 and $12.50 New Spring Waists, thousands to choose from White lawn and dotted Swiss Waists, allover embroidery or lace fronts, at $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.00 $2.50 and .... . . . ..............,...... $2.75 Exquisite, Lingerie Waists at $1.05, 82.50, $2.75, $3.50 and. ......$4.50 Lace Net and Jap Silk Waists Except tional values at $2.50, $2.80, $3.50, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and..... $7.50 Coats for Children Stylish models in and H length spring 'Coats, sizes 4 to 14 years, in all the new check and stripe material, also navy and golf red cheviot; plain man-tailored,' sin gle and double-breasted effects; others trimmed with braid and velvet. Priced at ' $3.50, $3.90, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 : For the baby we are showing dainty white cashmere, Bedford cord, brilliantine and pique Coats, sizes to 4 years. ' Priced at $1.25, $1.50, $1.00, $2.50, $3.50, $4.50 and ..... v ..... . . . . ; ... . . $5.50 Children's Lawn and Silk Bonnets in a large variety ot- new and pretty styles, ranging in price from 25V to $1.50 Fancy Worsted Skirts 400 Women's ' fancy, -worsted Panama Skirts, pleated effects, one of this season's latest styles ; fully worth $5.00. Our spe eial price ..................... ..$3.50 See our Black Voile Skirts at $6.50, $7.50, $10.00 and. ........ .$12.50 Two Spe cial Numb ero in Pottic oat s Mercerized Sateen Petticoat 01.25 - (, ' Material is of extra grade sateen, flounce ornamented with three, wide ruffles with', ' . 1 : . six rows of stitching on each, making it an effective style. ' J .. , y .v . Heatkerbloom Petticoat $2J5 This, garment, made from the famous Heatherbloom material, is the nearest ap- E roach to taffeta silk ever produced and as the "cry. and swish" of silk; wide ' flounce ornamented with deep shirred ruf fles, underlay and dust ruffle; black and colors. ";. ' , Goods Trimmings and '3 Embroideries ! " ,.. ' : . ; The assortments far exceed in variety of ' designs any previous showing, including as they do all the smartest, newest things. The : following special prices for Monday and . Tuesday insure considerable saying: " Cluny Iand Oo Large assortment of Cluny Lace - Bands used for trimming-white suits and waists, very good values; regular prices 15c, 20c, 25c, from lyi to 4y inches wide; all in Q .- one lot. - Special Monday, per yard. . . uC Torchon Lace Per Bolt 15o Monday we place on sale a great line of , Torchon Laces, well worth 5c yard, if ; at special price ,per bolt of 6 yards.. IOC V Brussels Net Waisting1 ' Our assortment of Net Waistings is un--surpassed in quality, variety and price. Note the reductions: v : . ' Best 75c quality, 38 in. wide, spec. , 50 ' Best $1.25 quality, 48 in. wide, spec.'. 05 ; Best $1.75 quality, 72 in. wide, spec. .$1.00 mbroideryAttractions ":"" Monday we will .oifer all our- exquisite' new Embroideries at prices far below regu lar selling price. ; j - ' Flouncing and Waisting, 18 to 20 inches wide. Regular 60c and 60c quality,, QQ special at. . . . . 00C Corset Cover Embroidery, 18 to 20 inches wide. Best 35c and : 40c qualities, or 1 ' special at ........................ . CtO C ' ' Flouncing Embroidery, 10 to 14 inches wide ; regularly sold at 25c yard. Special Another Rihhon Sale ' 1 Greatly reduced prices on staple ' plain , black, stiff Taffeta Ribbon. -. No. 60 1 in. wide, 25c grade ; spec, 14 No. 805 in. wide, 30c grade, spec, 18 No. 100 in. wide, 35c grade, spec, 23 v . No. 150 6 in; wide, 40c grade, spec, 20 , Seven inches wide, 50c grade, special . . .33 : Hessalino Rihhon ,.6 Inches wide, all colors, Wt and lustrous, . used extensively for millinery purposes; reg ular 60c quality. On special tale n A Monday and Tuesday at. ......... . . LiiC '. See windqw display. A 1 Horo Attractive Values in Hen's i We ar : Stroll through our popular men's section tomorrow. Many striking price reductions will greet you at every step. For Monday and Tuesday some extra good values have been prepared, for instance: ;; Men's 30o Underwear 30o Men's blue elastic ribbed Balbriggan Under wear, regular spring weight, made form fit ting and finely finished, all sizes shirts and drawers. Extra good 50c value, spe- QA cial Monday and Tuesday, garment. . OuC Men's 73o Underwear 03o Fine Camel's-hair Underwear, a good weight for spring and summer : wear ; shirts are made with ribbed bottom and cuffs, neck and front finished with a fancy braid; all sizes 6hirts and drawers ; one of the best 75c values on the market. Special, per 0 garment............... DOC This Is an extraordinary sale of Women's High-Grade Shoes and Oxfords, that are correct, fashionable and attractive. Shoes and Oxfords to fit every type of foot and to conform to every demand of dress. Spe cially priced for this sale at LESS THAN REGULAR FACTORY COST! Women's Shoes & Oxfords 01 Best $2.00 and $3.00 Grades. SEE MORRISON STREET WINDOW. Hundreds and hundreds of pairs of Wom en's Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers, in new ' up-to-date-styles, in all the best leathers; vici kid and patent colt Shoes, vici kid and patent leather Oxfords, in both black and tan colors ; also vici kid and patent leather one and two-strap Slippers, medium light and heavy soles; regular $2.60 and $3J)0 grades, specially priced for this AA "sale at, only......;.. ......OlUU Women's Stylish "Walk-Over" V Shoes and Oxfords 03.37 Never Before Sold for Less Than $3.80. . The celebrated $3.50 "Walk-Over" Shoes and Oxfords in patent leather and black rid kid, lace and button, with light and heavy soles, Cuban, concave and military heels, as well as the Lady Chorchill $3.00 Shoes and Oxfords, Ziegler Bros.' $3.50 Shoes and Ox fords, the Sherwood $3.50 Shoes and Ox fords, Hannah McCarthy $3.50 Shoes and Oxfords all to go at one price. Qf . . Your choice, only ............... J I Cotton Dreob Goodo In Great Array ::h . . Excellent qualities underpriced. These are not holdovers they are bright, new, pretty Cotton Dress Goods that never saw ' a retail store until this season. That you ' may save in the buying of them is due to the dose watch we keep on the markets. These were sacrificed by the manufacturer v and we were quick to pick them up. Prices : for this sale run like this:1 Dress Ginghams Hundreds of pieces, neat 'styles, plain and fancy. Specially inl priced at.............. 12C New Percales 25,000 yards, light, medium and dark styles, dots, stripes and iJ figures.' Specially priced, per yard. IOC : Scotch Zephyrs in large assortment of neat checks; stripes and plaids, all colors; ex cellent values. Specially priced at, ojj per yard. ......... .................iloC Silk Ginghams In pretty checked and plaid effects in all the wanted colors ; good Off quality. Specially priced, per yard. . 0 C Kimono Crepes, pretty patterns in navy and cadet; very- popular, t Specially OJ priced, per yard ........ V .... . . . . . u C Japanese Crepe in plain colors tan, pink,-, light blue, navy, red, gray and white. f Price, per yard.....................l3C Silk Mulls New printed Silk Mulls, large assortment of pretty flowered ef- nj fects. Price, per yard. ..:&3C Eyelet Batistes Dainty and durable, large assortment of light styles. Specially OC priced, per yard. ................... &3C Cotton Taffeta Soft and silky, neat de signs in medium and dark shades. C Specially priced, per yard ....... . . ; 1 p C Mercerized Voile Tissue A new , dainty sheer fabric, check and plaid effects, in ; all wanted colors. Specially priced A Groat Stock of Mew jDre ss (brooclls At Iibwest Priceo Never before did we gather such a magnificent stock of Woolen Dress Goods. It Is larger, better and more varied than that of last season. And you remember what last season was the most complete in the city. Youll find here, too, of course, the very lowest prices possible to quote on like qualities. These are newcomers. See them tomorrow. . ' : : ... . s. . ... ' , V. ,- : - -. v ', , ' - Newest Styles Fancy, Wool ' Suitings, 36 inches wide, t elaborate designs in shadow plaids, checks and stripes; - over 50 different styles to select from; extremely CA fashionable. Special price....... OUC AIl-Wool Suitings, 46 inches wide, all the latest popular weaves in nobby checks' and . stripes. Evenr popular shade at the exceedingly Panama Suitings, 46 and 48 inches wide, made of finest selected wool in attractive checks, stripes and Invisible plaids ; every known color. Specially 6l AA priced at. Ol.UU Pun Tab Silks Warranted to be the best wearing silk made; comes in an almost unlimited variety of new, designs in plaids, stripes, checks, etc ; exclusive pat-' terns found nowhere else in J (f city. Price, per yard... ....... 4JJLUU Cream Novelties We have In stock an unexcelled assortment of white and cream wool goods in voiles, batistes, serges, mo - hairs, Panamas, eoliennes, crepes, nenriet tas, Lansdowns, etc Taffeta Silks 19-inch soft Taffeta Silk . (washable) in the new popular black and white broken plaids ; great variety ry r of patterns. Price, per yard 1 1 C Silk and Wool Novelties Dainty im ported silk and wool fabrics, 42-44 inches wide ; to be found nowhere else ( f r in this city. Specially priced at.0 1 . 1 1 Silk and Wool Voiles, 42 inches wL1-, i 1 ; all the new chamelion tints; one cf tV beautiful new Trench novel- -j r ties. Specially priced, per yard.O I .' Tap Wash Silk 22-inch Trint-! J Wash Silk, with cream groun 'ir! figures, dots, stripes, etc.; a!l dainty patterns. Price, per yzrl. . .