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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1907)
THE ' OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL xl. 1C07. 7ALKER WHITESIDE IS AN ACTOR WHO PRESENTS HIS OWN IDEAS Walker WtKeaide. Walker Whiteside, the excellent young actor who Is to appear at ttao Hetllg April tl In "The Maglo Melody," la one of the nan of the atag who haa achiev ed an excellent opinion and haa work ed out hi own destiny through bla own unaided efforts. .- . Mr. Whiteside's own estimate of the course he haa pursued U tempered with modesty, for white he observe that he tna never vet hMH mihiected tn a di recting Influence In bla work, ho baa I taken countless opportunltlea to . OO erve, analyse and i dissect the work and efforta of every prominent artist In the world, He haa watched them at rehearsal in th preparation of .forthcoming- portrayals, and baa then stud ied the effect of the resulting product , at first nights and at subsequent per formances. ' j . I Mr. Whiteside baa been an Intimate! friend of the late Sir Henry Irving, and I baa watched hla work with Interest and profit. He hak studied carefully the I methoda of the late Adelaide Ptstori.1 and baa analysed her success. He baa I dissected the art of Richard Mansfield and has found much therein to profit Duse, Rejane, Novelll Tomasso and blm; be hap been a close student of Pols' sard, Coquelln, Bernhardt, Sonnentha, countless others; A 1 PRIZE WALTZER WOULD DANCE : BUT NOT WIN HEART'S DESIRE Three dollars deposited' with County Clerk Pleld last July, by the Orooers' association will be returned, 'aa the time limit for, using- Jt for th purpose for which it was deposited has expired. The money represents a price given by the Grocers' association tot the beet gentle man wsJHkst at their. annual picnio on July ' 17- . The winner was given six months in which to call for the cash and apply it ln the purchase of a marriage license.'' Evidently she wouldn't have blm. for ba never ahowed tip, Mr. Fields does not know the nam of the unlucky waits, v " ; .': -, ROCK ISLAND . : ; I CLUB TO OPEfl River Resting Place : Will. Be v I Greatly Improved for Ap ' preaching Season. : . MANY MEMBERS HAVE , . ! BEEN ADDED TO ROLL Xlrldge v Win B Built r from the Pretty little Island to the Maln . land and Launch Will Ply Prom McKlnale, J. F. Toft, a F. Johnson, R. Smith, H. H. Rlddell, C. W. Rlddell, C. F. Rhodes, H. JX Langille, T. Stanley, Geo. F. Schoot, H. O. Hendry... Frank B. Riley, Alex Bweek, Ellle O. Hughes, , A. O. BJelland. Dr. J. C.-Ross. H. O. Reed, M. O. Thorsen, M- U Holbrook, O. W. 8tapletoa, Goo. 8. Cameron, C. J. Reed, J. . V. Bennea, "W. ' F. Tobey, O. . MaoV Qregor, W. B. Mallory. - - . FIRST AID TO . TRIP PLANNER the City. ' ' "Extensive preparations are now going on for th opening of th Rock bland Country club. May la. Th affair will be on long to be remembered, judging from the manner In which those having th matter in band are prosecuting 1 le work. In the nret place, th grounds will be In much better sbap than laat Reason, and then the membership will be fully twice aa large. ' Secretary O. Netter Is devoting all bla time to th membership list at pres ent, and a number of name were added during th past few days. Th mort representative men of th city are tak ing much Interest In the new Ciub, and tV. H. Chapln. R. C. Hart, A, Refflln.t, a executive board, have dovised a num ber of new feature. Musical will be riven frequently and other squally tomptlng. diversions will b provided every week. - Th club house Is being placed in fin condition after having weathered the winter's blow and rains, and a bridge will be built from th pic turesque island to th matnland, near Inland station, on th O. W. P. line. At lie same tlm a launch will be operated from the city to the island. V ... ' , The .Rock Island Country club was organised lat year by -A- Rof fling, who Kni the island upon which It la lo r tted, and the Wedneoday evening enter. 1 , inments becam very popular with the rivib members and their friend. But tmt season waa only a starter, and a splendid future la looked forward to. The following namea hav been added 1 the membership list during tbe paat t w dsvs: J. C. Alnaworth, Slg. Blchel. V U Maclcsy. Julius I. Meier, It C. ortmsn, MUton W."Rmlth, W. F. Wood- r, Louis O. Clarke. W. B. Beeb, W. I I.lpmsn, C. K. Williams. E. & I.ytle, ns. K. Iidd. C. K. fwlgert. II. C . ,.,nihelL A. C. Hmlth. W. C. Bristol, I I J. Forties. J II. Truby. I O. Orted. ' . A. Hn. II. J. Langol. A. K. Jack , ;. VI. IX. treter, A. J, Paul, F. L. :nmrman, J. C. Le. A. J. Lgan. H. O. -rkwiih. rr. J. C Eaa, C B. Cadwelt . -'e T. ISrooka, W. J. Howard, J. H. Railroad , Folder and Book , ...... . . N - ' '; Eoropeaai Travel Are at tha Library on Folder of . th various transportation companies will be found shelved In th clrculaltng department of th publio library. These will be very useful to all those planning summer vacations, and every on i at liberty to com and look them over. Here- are the names of some book for th European tourist! Allen, " Grant European Tour; a Handbook for American and Colonists, 1IT. - "Stimulative aad suggestive." The guides aim "to supply th tour ist with suoh historical and antiquarian Information as will enable him te un derstand the architecture,' sculpture, painting and minor art of th town' he visits." , ' , - , Allen, Grant Belgium; Its Cities, 104. , : " : .',. ; Allen, Grant Florence, 10. ' 4t Allen. Grant Venice, 10J.' - Williamson. O.- (V Th Cltle . of Northern Italy, 1101. .; Grant Allen's plan of historical guide books to the principal eltlea of Europe la her carried on by th abov author. "Mr. Williamson's artistic knowledge and disposition are manifest.' . ' Guerber, H. A. How to ire pare for Europe: a handbook of historical, liter ary and artistic data, with full direc tions for preliminary studies and trav eling arrangement. 10. "Training for th European tour cannot begin too soon." . ''-..;'. Jones, It. C European Travel for Women, 100. List of book given, pre liminary reading, work, of art, and books relating to certain period Con tains very practical hints. Powera, H. IL Th Art of Travel. Published by th Bureau of University Travel. Toiler, Josephine Traveler Hand book; a Manual for Trans-Atlantlo Tourlsta A moat practical book, giving detailed information on preparation, sea life, postal and letter rates, food, man ners and customs and money In the dif ferent countries, fees, eto. Taylor, J. B. Views Afoot, or Europe Seen With Knapsack and Staff. "Two years 1S44-J traveK on foot through Germany, Italy and Franca, spending 1600 earned on the road." ' .- - Manv interaetlna books of travel In Europe and descriptive of the different' count riee will be found on th shelves by the charging desk with those men tioned above. Tbe Travel magadne. In th period- $4.23 set of 45 pieces in the white semi-porcelain ; ; special ... . . . . .1.'. . i . .82.75 $5.75 set of 42 pieces Via the semi-porcelain, blue " decoration ; special . . . . . . . ...83.75 $6.50 set of 60 pieces in the white semi-porcelain; special . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . , . . , ; . , .S4.25 $7.50 set ' ofr 42 pieces, pink and ' gold decorated ; " special ... .................... . U . .... .84.75 Three Days' Special Sale of Dinner Sets Basement Dept. . , i For tpmorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday our Basement Department offers unusual special prices on fourteen dinner sets, comprised of 42, 50' and 100 pieces, in the best patterns and decorations this assortment being a selection from their most complete stock of dinner ware in the semi-porcelain, Austrian china and Haviland. ". This sale offers an op portunity to supply your crockery needs at a saving. On the first nine patterns of the following, vre have applied the special terms of $1.00 down, 50 cents. week. Reasonable terms of payment on the Haviland 'sets'if desired. '.rsF--f-"' '' s - : $.13.50 Haviland set of 50 pieces, green and eold ' decorartd ; special . , . . i . . . . .'. .825.50 " $35.00 IIavilandt set of 50 pieces, pink, green and goJd decorated ; special.". .... y.827.00 $7.75 set of 42 pieces, pink, green and gold deco rated ; special ... t . , . i .. ..... .85.25 $8.50 set of 50 pieces, pink and, gold decorated; special .-.V. ,J , . i , . . , .. .80.50 $10.50 set of 50 pieces, pink," green and gold deco- rated ; special ........ i ........ . .... . .87.50 $20.00 set of J00 pieces, in two patterns, in the Austrian china, pink and gold decorated ; spe cial...; ..,..........fl4.75 $59.00 Haviland set of 100 pieces, pink, green and gold decorated; special. .847.00 $67.50 Haviland set of 100 pieces, our choice -of two patterns, white and . gold ; or pink, green and gold decorated ; special . . ; . .... . . .... , 852.00 i I lSK I aw 'IT K i en fin s f rr-4H if I 11 Specials in V: Lace . Curtains and . Curtain Materials Two days special selling of a surplus stock of Arabian tint laces in the latest patterns and .effects large quantities Ipf each. Commencing tomorrow in ; our Drapery and Decorative Department sixth floor. Nif our credit is good. ? " ' h, : $2.50 and $2.75 values in Cable Net' Laces ; and Arabian tints, Cluny pat-(P CA ' ternl; per pair . .t) 1 OU $3.00 and $3.25 values in Cable Net and Cluny Lace CI 7 H effects ; per pair . .! .... .... ..... . . .... Pl I O 1 $3:25 to, $3.75 values in Real Cluny and Arabian Tape and Tint hand- made Laces, 2j and 3 yards long; ' . fl0 AA per pair . . . ........" DaWcUil $6.00 and $6.50 values in Real Cluny, and Arabian Laces, all Arabian : tints, large stock of each pattern; "' per pair 1 . .......,...,. tpd O 15c Curtain Swiss in white dots, figures and stripes, substantial and effective window curtain materials; per yard ."..."... .-4. C 15c Summer Drapery material in floral designs and colorings, 36 : AV inches wde; per yard. 1 . L the special, per, yard, $1.75 Scotch Madras,-50 inches wide; a few pieces to sell at A A ... , ....... v . , . . ; ,y ' f.Oft VL r . , . .... -, 1 Couch Special Tomorrow we offer an exceptional bargain in this up-' holstered piece a pleasing design in framed golden oak, .tufted covering of the best arid most "serviceable quality ',. of : imitation .leather, which is v superior to genuine split leather, steel construction. This piece is well worth twice ,; - the price at which it is offered. You can see display in our , Special $15.00 We offer. this on the special payment term's of $1.00 ' down, $1.00 week. ' : 2s : Hill Reirigeratprs In the ' V; Basement Department . - We will show this season a line of re frigerators that embrace the most economi cal, sanitary "and -scientific features iai size and appointment to meet all reauirements. We call attention particularly, to the Drl Perkins' sanitary refrigerators, ' built on : a principle entirely different from the old and unsanitary, meth- ' ods of food preservation..; In these refrigerators .there is a perfect cir-:; ; culation, air being taken in from one side and after circulating is released. ' on the opposite side, this disposing of all dampness which will naturally " accumulate where there is no circulation. Butter can be placed close; , to strong-smelling vegetables arid foods without fear of contamination. n harmonious and beautiful effects. A number of these are ; played in our windows. . - tv.-m V-"' v -1 9 : Ornamental Lighting Pieces "S - V ' ' .;'! Wea're; displaying, a .' line ",of ;.... I ' hi&rhlv artistic and effective elec- ' ' 1 - i a, .- .. 7 - H ,.- -i 1 j ' troliers andi hanging domes in . - i 'J skillfully designed' antique brass ,- 1 ' ), and imported color, glass: ! ?This" "' . glass is selected ; and perfectly V j i' blended , so as to? produce most , - ' - M ITT I T TIT T II, II 1 i 4 I . I I fill I I I 1 I I II A numbef of , these are now dis- ' t Wall Tapers : Decorative Department Sixth Tloox j v Inexpensive foreign papersjn novel patterns"and har monious - color effects . that suggest correct ; treatment for all rooms : some of . these . in Derf ect imitation nf fin9n;cii leather and hand beaten metal; others in dainty floral ef- xects xor Dearooms witn Hangings to match. We will be Dieasea to turnisn estimates on work nf th? rT- ar a - w - The Most- :v; Attractive Styles in Folding Go-Carts and Baby-.Carriages m HYourtcuorr tttwoo J mm C0MPLETE-H005EtFURni5HER5 MAKCVOUR BBMbjSBpjaa B 'New Process: $100 Down $1.00 i Week; leal room contain each month brief and useful note for th traveler. OAKS RINK MATINEE - Oraa Ttofmm. ef-vent at th Sif . v Bkatia- Klak Today. : This -will be a notable day at the bl Oak rink. From earlr morn till 11 at nla-ht th grand floor will fairly' ttug with merriment. A special matinee will be given In th afternoon, and If you can't skat you will enjoy watchins; the other ' and hearlnc th delightful waltsea and twosteps. . There will be flve-mlnut car servlc over th Oregon City line and an army f Instructors will be ready to welcome beginners. Don't let yourself, say naxt day, "I am sorry I too waa not at the Ouka rlnlt Sunday." Bear In mind this will he a banner day at th Oaks. Tonr friends will be there. Don't let them miss you or yon will ml" tn ilm ot Tour life. Remember, If you've only an hour to par today you bad best spend It at th Oak rink. . ASKS COURT'S AID TO VISIT HIS CHIL0REH-! Williams' Divorced Wife Keeps . ; Youngsters to Herself, ' ' - '; ' He Says. Th divorced wife of John C, "Wil liams, who resides at fS3 Spokan ave nue, fiellwood, refuse to allow him to visit their two small children and Mr. Williams ha , applied to the circuit court for an order compelling their mother to give him an day a week of their -time. - Tha divorce waa granted only a few months after th birth of th younger child. Aliens; th older on 1 Orvel Reese, eight year of age, Williams say he tried to see hi chil dren last September but ills wife turned him away.' He never made any attempt to fore hla way Into their presence, but haa waited, as th complaint aya, "all these times" in tha bop that the mother would relent. The plaintiff say that he haa repeatedly oUtered to help pay for the children's support, but that the wife refuses to receive th money. INDIANA RELATIVES , v : SEEK FRED NEW Fred New, who was laat seen on a westbound O. R. N. train. a Caldwell, Idaho, laat Christmas, la being anxious ly sougbXby bls relatives and friends residing at Greenfield. Indiana. He 1 presumed to be on the Paclflo coaat or tn Nevada. . He Is of medium fair com plexion, height about S fret t Inchea, weight about 16 pounds, brown hair, blue eyes, and IS year of age. Any In formation addressed to. A. I New at Greenfield. Indiana, or Oakland, Call-' fornla, will be gratefully received. ' STONE QUARRY FACILITIES TO BE LARGELY INCREASED -V.V"X: " A:" - riv: Additional Machinery of Latest Pattern to Be Installed by Forest Crove Company. A , Th Forest Orev Stone Quarry com pany haa Increased Its capital stock by 1100,000. all of which I to be uaed In largely Increasing th company' out puof building stone. Orders for addi tional machinery hav been placed and neceasary trackage facllltlea will be pro vided for th output. Several Pitmen saws will be Installed, a diamond-tooth circular saw and th latest Improved channeling machine, Th Pitman saw ta a comparatively recent invention, which , does away with th eld style method of lng sand and a stream of watr tot cutting, fin steel shot aup- yijrui iav sana. , , : ; Tn Forest . Oram mm ... --T two xcIlent srradea at kniMu. One. when first quarried, 1 j dork btu. changing after. short exposure to grayish green. The- other 1 a pat whit, which ha been pronounced to b qua! In wearing qualities to th darker colored. .. . - . . . Tha quarry lie about a mil from th ' Southern Pacific West Bid line. It 1 th intention of th company to pnt la a spur track to th quarry aad opr at th plant on a much largar cal In future. Th Forest Qrov university waa built of atone from th quarry and a handsome resldene la soon to be erected In Hollady addition entirely f th whit stone. "'.,' , - y . ' " Rent a Good Piano.' Small coat 1 to $( a month no charge for csrtage If kept six month, filler Plan House, 6 Waahlnaton, corner Park. - i , .