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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL.' PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNINO APRIL 21. 1807. 1 13 RECORDS BROKEN BY COLLEGIANS Great Crowd Sees Stanford Beat ; Berkeley at History-Making ' - , Track Meet ; , V CAPTAIN MACFARLAND v . HERO OF THE DAY Korman Dole's Phenomenal Flight r Into the Air Beaten by Fre4 Lnn. . '.''inn. VKr Vn'is IT. a Tn1 V . ins? fTnrinra fl main a rnnti 5 ' tltiml Snarl. I bnlM l' Berkeley, Cal.,' April !. Tha biggest t crowd -that aver attended a track meat ''between California tlnlvaraltw ant Rtaa. ford aaw tha Cardinal athletes win thl .afternoon at Berkeley by a aeora of 4 . A C f . 1 A. al - a. J -doubt until tha laat racth relay fwas run, and whan Caput it JJacFarUnd t Stanford eroaaad the Una a wlnnar tn that avant and tha victory was as- aurad.' tha anthtialaalA"Sta.fAr.l uatta. , graduate poured from tha bleachers to tha track and carried him ahoulder high to tha riraaaln.. . . a- Trad Lanagan of Stanford broka tha oast record In pola Tault, clearing tha bare at 1 feat 4 Inchea after winning at 11 feat 1U Inchea Tha former coaat .record waa held by Vormaa Dole. U "n I3-10 lnehea. - " v ; ? Intercollegiate record wera broken 'In tha Jumn. hla-h hunllaa. twn mil a. 'na mile and pola vault. ' ,.j , ( f j Hera are tha official soor!' "- d. One mile run-Da Mamlel . C) first, (Bradford 8 second, -Miller (8) third"; time, 4:3 3-. - ... - iv-- " ' i ' Hammer throw GUiier C) Brat, .toa.i; Duaarey (ui second. Kawaras a third. , ' . , ,.- j . 100-yard s-First heat. Kleeberger (C) rat. Reed (S) aeoond, Paul (C) third; .time. It t-i - aeeonda Second ' beat. iCroaafleld (C) firat, Holman (S) and Vsnaervoort (8) tie for second; time. .19 I-t seconds. Final heat. Kleeberger ' C and Crosafleld C) tie for Brat and 'aecond, Holman X8) third; ttme,l J- aeeonda ' ; . - , : i 110-yards hurdles First beat, Peas la (S) firat, Cowlea (O aecond; time, ; IS 4-J aeeonda Second heat. Mac ar land St flrat. Fret (C) aacond: tlma. 14 f-l second- Final heat.-Cowlea C) Drat, UacFarland (S) aecond, Peaalee (8) third; time, 1 4-t aeoond a-lntercolla-' dilate record. ... , High jump Hall (C). won,' Btotit CO and Poor (S) tie for aecond and third; height feet inch Intercollegiate -' 44 yarda Davla (8) flrat, Stanton C) aecond McNatnara (C) third; time, 43 1-1 aecoada . a fi Two mllea Naah 8) flrat. t)eRemer C second. Worthing ton . (8) third; (time. 10:10 S-S Intercollegiate record. ! Shot put Crawford (S) flrat. fiudle inan C) aecond. Scults (C) third; dis tance. 40 feot 7 Inchea . i 420-yarda hurdlea Flrat heat, Oregg V8) flrat,; Fret (C) aecond t time.. 20 1-t aMconda Saeond heat. MacFarland (8) flrat. Helaley (8) second; time, il . jrtmda . Final heat, MacFarland (8) liUt-areg-Sf -aecwn.'Ialey-r8) aMrdr-trme. 18 -4-g esdftdt " . "kko yards First heat, Jonaa (C) flrat. i Ked (8) second; time,' !J aeeonda Sao nd heat, Croaaneld WC) ' flrat. Holman 8) aacond; time, fl 4t' second. .Final lieat, Johns .(C) first, Reed (8 V' second, fetolman JU third.-' time, IS'4-8 aeeonda 10 yards Miller t8V flrat, Toat (C tSBSBnd. DotlM (O tnlrdj'tlm,' i;0l. Pola vault Lanagan (8) flrat.' Zopha (C and Bchults (C) tie for aeoond and third; height. 11 feet 10 "4 Inchea Relay race, on mile, five men, each man to. run 151 yarda Won by Stan ford McNeill, Coonan. Elwell, Edwarda and McFarland. California team Paul, Flah. Cbaney, MeNamara and Wilcox. CALIFORNIA WINS FROM a THE STANFORD NINE (Haret Meri br Loeaeet Leaaed Wlra.t t Berkeley, Cat. April la. The beee- ball tee ma of California and Stanford will have to play a third game to de cide tha season's series. At California field this morning the blue and gold ball - toaeera put It on tha men from Palo Alto by a score of $ to 0. Inability to hit the delivery of Bob Jordan was the principal canae of Stan. ford'a defeat. ' Several eenaational plays were pulled off, notably Reed's One handed stab of Thleler liner, which looked good for three bags, and Meyers' running catch ef Fenton's foul to the third base bleachers, , Score: i R H J5. Stanford... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o" 1 1 Berkeley ...0 1041000 03 t Batteries Tbial and Stott; 1 Jordan and . Schaef f sr. - Horns run. Sohaef f er. Two-base hit. Wulaer. ' First bssa on balls: Off Jordan, I. Struck out: By Thiols, I; by Jordan. 1. Hit by pitcher. Preaaley, Swaeay, Time, 1:40. NEWS OF THE AUTO WORLD (Continued from Pag Ten-) ' A damaged panel In a atralght-lina tonneau can easily b repaired by cover. Ins it with a thin inset of .aluminum attached by oounteraunk sorewa , The slight' thickening of th panel la not noticeable, and th , job Is very much ehesper than putting in a new . wood panel would b. . ' -, '"- V To th monarch who .'Is dogged by anarchists and other deadly nmles the motor csr has practically given a new lease of Ufa. It Is wsll known that th young king of Spain, for Instancs, owes his Ufa on several bccaalona to tha fact that ha has traveled by motor 'Instead 6f by rail or carriage V.'' on aut and a lock waaner make a better and more permanent adjustment than two nuta screwed together. ' On or th other should Invariably be used where any dependence Is to bs placed on the fastening. But, sbovs all things, a ' self-rtepectlng mechanlo - never will fall Into th error of upsetting th end of a bolt to preventvthe aut from, work lug back. . .". ; v ... SEALS MAKE MONKEYS" ': OF' THE ANGELS 1 (Hearst Mtws by Langcet Leased Wire.) ' Los Angeles, Cal.. April 10. Loa An geles, 0; Ban Francisco, 1. Oacar Jones had his high, close-in ball working overtime today and the Cherubs swung their heads off .and fall ed to get a man serosa. Luck waa with tha visitor,, but they would hav won without it. ' i - Beora by Innings.'' , ' ' Los Angeles , 00000 4 04 Hits .......... 0I3I1100 10 San Frtnolsco.,.. 01001000 01 , Hit .....01011101 04 ' Batteries Heap and Hogan and Jones and Street .Umpire Parrinr. 1 CLEVER CATCHER ON i'V THE BRAINARD TEAM Johnl Shea, th popular "packstop of last season'e Powers' team, will appear la. .'club,"ttntform, .thli afternoon at th Vaughn street grounds ana receive th fast ones from the slab artists. Shea is a younger brother ef th famous Danny, and' from- all 'Indications ' Will soon rival hi celebrated and -semi-professional brother. ' Ha has been playing amateur and eemt-firofeaalonal ball for six years, graduating from th town lots. H Is a An receiver, a aura whip to baa, and bats 170. Each year of ex perienoe add to his strength as a player and hitter. SPOKANE INDIANS WIN THE OPENING CONTEST Spokane, v?ash.. April 10, Th North west league opened Its season her to day with a loosely played gam between th Spokan Indians and Mike Lyhch's Tacoma Tigers, which resulted In . a victory- for th former by the score of to 1. Both teams showed lack of practice and lacked neceasary team work. . Th crowd which witnessed th opening gam waa a record-breaker, there being 1.000 paid admissions, and It being estimated at least 4.000 people war In th grounds, principally on tha bleachers. Tha feature ef th gam waa th fast work of both Infields. . The seor by Innings: , - ' ' ' R. It & Spokane . .....11141401 4 f 11 I Tacoma ....... 1 0 1 4 1 4 0 0 01 12 0 Hatterlea inborn and Swindells; Goodwin and Shea. HOLUDAY JUNIORS ; - , WIN ANOTHER GAME The Holladay Junior " defeated th Holladay Park team yesterday by the soora of 1 to 4. Jones, pitcher for th former, was th feature of th game; The eoore: . . Holladay Juniors. - Holladay Park. - Sheehr, J. .0 Adair Jones ............ .p. .Phillips, Alexson Mulrbead ..........11.... ... GUI Parcel ........... .lb, ...... . Jackson Sholla . ... . .... .as. ,.. . Jensen Southard, R, Ib.Alexson, Phillips Sheeny, R. ....... ..rf ........... . Hand Dillon .cf.., 8a bin McDonald ........ .If ... k .. . Wrtghtaon , Umpire Mr. Kirkland. ; Roaebuds Win Agala. ' Th Ivoaebuds 1 defeated ' tha Albtna Centrala 1 to 11, Roaabud'a aaven teenth straight victory. Th stars were Spardy, Brill and Grayson. The Rosa buds claim th championship over any team In the city under II years of age. Any team doubting . this call up East 10E0 and ask for Harry Grayson. Her waa th line-up: Roaebude. . Central Albtna. '' Bateman C. ....... Wegman O. Brill ........... p. ....... J. Mitchell Allen lb..;.. A. Thompson F. Heln lb Oandy Robertson Carlisle J. Spady .-.W, Davis A. Weatoa ....If. A, Albert H. Grayaon ..rf. H. Toung 8. Craig Cloys Umpirs Ed wiser. , . Bace Rtiltg at Aqueduct. . ' (Hearst Wawa by Lenraet Lesssd Wire.) ' Mew York, April- 10. The racing at Aqueduct today brought out a large crowd" and some favoritea were tn the winners' program. Th races lead with: Six and a half furlongs- Kaator (Gar ner), .1 to i, won; Fos Mead aeoond. Hooray third; time, 1J1 -(. .winneia steepiecnaa naaaicap, about two miles California King (Ray), it to ,' won; Tom Cogan aecond. Pioneer third; tlma, 4:14. Half mile Notasulga (Garner), 11 to I, won; Frlaett seoond, Master Robert third; tlma, 4:47, . . j Mile W. H. Carey (Mountain), T to 1, won; Pretension second, Good Luck third; tlm. 1:40. ' Four and a 1 half furlongs Pleas (Not tor). to 1. won; Kerry second, Rustl third; time, 0:B4 1-4. Six furlongs Star. Cat (Swain), 40 to 1, wont Oolden West second. Royal Onyx third; tlma. 1:1.. ... . Travis Beat Jerome, f (Pabllsbera Press b? Spackl Leased Wmv) Garden City, N. T-. April 10. Walter J. Travla was f oread to go It holes to day to beat Jerome D. Trayars for first honors In ths spring golf tournament of th Garden City club. In th morning round Travis ended up An. In th after noon, ' after losing th flrat, 'Travla quickly ran up a lead of eight holes, but from the alxth on the former cham pion of Great Britain braced and play ed a wonderful game. Altogether It was as stubborn a match aa the two famoua rivals have ever put up. .. y V Kelly and Sullivan In Order. '- ttlsant Xsws by Lonrast Lesssd Wire.) Loa Angelss, April 10. Hugo Kelly and Jack (Twin) Sullivan are -matched to meet in Loa Angalea before 'the Pa cific Athletlo club on May 1 for th middleweight , championship of the world. Kelly agreea to meet Sullivan at 111 pounds at t o'clock on ths after noon of th light. Jack O'Brien and Tommy Burns will settle 'the light heavyweight question on May t. - Pendleton High Win. . ' Walla Walla, Wash.. April 10. Pen dleton high school worsted Walla Walla high achool today In a pretty and ex citing .track meet by a score of 05 to 17. Ths local team won the balf-mll relay In 1:40 l-t. Pendleton won firsts In ths broad Jump, the high hurdles, pole vault, high Jump and discus throwing. Bollerman, a former Pendleton boy. Is captain of tha local team. Walla Walla had her own way in th races. . ' . ; Oldfleld'a Fast Tlrao. '. . (Hearst Hews by Lsagvat Leased Wtrs.) San Diego. Cal April 10. Th larg est crowd aver gathered at Lakeatde saw Barney Oldfleld drive his Grn Dragon a mil In 14 seconds, and aa a closing feature A. B. Danlela, In a'etx eyllnder machine, won a to-mll rao from th 10-horsepower Haynea - Th .ong run waa mad In tt min utes t t-f aeeonda O'Brien Beady for Work. (Hearst Fewe bf Langeat Leased Wire.) Loa Angeles, April 19. Philadelphia Jack O'Brien arrived today to train far his bout with Tommy Burns on May t. AUTO'CLUB WILL - , (Continued from Pag Ten.) does not consider anything of an engine which cannot run fifty or alxty thou aand mllee without giving any trouble. This I certainly a good high standard. '-.. e e . , . , , . It I said that th polloeman'a lot is not a happy one and that tha talk of grafting by ttvem la slander; but a New Tork bike cop haa bought an au tomobile for his family and ths steel bss entered the souls of certain club men who are fond of apeedlng. . , ' 1 : ; i, a a Th Whit company of ' Cleveland, through President Windsor T. White, haa mads formal application to A. R. Partington for a plot of ground adja cent to tha Long Island Motor parkway. When ths purchase Is completed- there will be erected on this plot a ootnmod lou headquarter for th uaa of own era of Whit Steamers and thalr guests. Th structure is, to be celled "The Whit House," and aa thr are over a thouaand Whit owners in Greater New Tork and vicinity, and as a ma jority of them will make at least oc caalonal uaa of tha parkway. It Is evi dent that th building will b of no mean proportions. Th geseral plan of th headquarters will be that of an exclusive country olub, with an immense garage sa th central figure. . The ex tant of the restaurant and sleeping accommodatlona to be provided will de pend upon what hotel development ther will be In th vicinity. -It la a asfa prediction that th example of the Whit company wlU be followed In part at least by other manufacturers, and that a conaldarable motoring colony will spring up In some favored locality. - a ' e ; .... A new auto car company haa been started in . Portland. The nams of It is ths Oregon Motor Car company and it will handle th Los Angelea Toorlat The first shipment of ears will arrlvs May I. The company intenda erecting a large fireproof garage In th oentral part of th city within th next 00 days. ;.. CELEBRATE OPENING . OF THEIR NEW STORE Golden Eagle auspiciously in- stalled in new and larger . ',.'-.' building. . Th opening of the new and rebuilt stors of th Golden Eagle Dry Good company, . last Thursday evening, waa attended by on of th largest crowds that ever thronged an opening event In this city. , The hours of reception were announced to be from 7:1 to 10 o'clock, but long before th opening tlm crowd blocked the sidewalks, and extended far Into th street, Interfering In a great measure with th operation of th atreet ears. ....... Th new and enlarged store presented a very attractive appearance, being; lib erally decorated with - flowera and greens, while great masses of cherry blossoms In full bloom were used to ad vantage In setting off the appearance ef tha Interior. Tha atore haa tn a tailed eatlr new and modern fixtures and a complete systsm of cash carriers, and Is aow mora fully equipped than ever before to properly hand la thalr fast growing trade, which In th short space ef It montha haa compelled them to enlarge four times.' Starting business with - a small store of only It-foot , frontage, the Goldea Eagle haa had a moat phe nomenal growth, and haa succeeded be yond th most sanguln expectations of Its president and manager, a. A. Lowtt, to whoa energy and ability la du th wonderful success. A great many people asked! for a pho tograph gallery. So constant became th request, one waa Installed, and this Is now on of th most flourishing section of th atore. To advertising and printer' Ink th Golden Eagle attributes In a great measur its auccesa 'Mr. Lowtt be lieves In liberal newspaper space, and by adhering strictly to th truth about Its merchandise, and- permitting no mis-statements or exaggerations at any tlm to appear tn It announcements, th people hava com to recognise th Golden Eagle advertising a amongat lb ronet reliable on th western eoast. i Another feature to which Mr. Lowtt ascribes his success ,1a th high class aaslstsnts with which ha is surrounded. Aa an Instance: Mr. Lowtt saw In a Dsnver paper a atyl ef advartlsing that he deemed aupertor and much adapted to his establishment. - Immediately he commenced negotlatlona with th writ er, with th result that on on of his eastern trips he stopped off in Denver long qough to engage his aervlcea. George Muaro who, after IT years f service aa advertising manager and superintendent la th Golden Eagle atore of that erty, earn with Mr. Lowlt to eerve In a Ilk capacity in tha new atore her. . In speaking of th opening Mr. Munre estimated that fully 11.000 people pass ed through tha doors during tha open ing hours, viewing th display and en joying the musical program discoursed by Campbell' orchestra. 4 . Hungarian Partridges for Kansaa. From th Kansaa City Journal : After distributing, several hundred pairs of English pheasants through the stat last fall, Stat Fish and Gam Warden Del Travla la aow stocking th state with Hungarian partridges. It Is thought that th Hungarian partridges will prove more aucceaaful In Kansaa than th English pheesanta. Th par. trldges are being Imported directly from Hungary, wher th seasons are a ss-vei-e aa they ever are In thla atate. They are good gam blrda and hardy. Th Hungarian partrldgea greatly re aembl th native cuall, but are aome- what largr birds.. Their plumage Is not ss bright as that of th quail. Th hens lay about II eggs every spring, which they hatch out. If ths season Is long and open they will hatch two broods a year, the same a quail. $100,000 WORTH OF HIGH GRADE LEAD . .ORE IS PILED ON THE DUMP AT THE MAMMOTH TO BE SHIPPED TO THE SMELTER ; j. V- V- , SHIPMENTS WILL COMMENCE MAY 1ST. WATCH - THE PRICE OF STOCK ADVANCE ; TO PAR WITHIN SIX MONTHS AFTER THE FIRST SHIP- 1 ' MENT IS MADE.' ; " . . 'v ; ; j J: - .;;. -. ; - :-v,.: - Call on us for particulars.; ;; ; ; v . I .: The L Y. Kcady Investment Co. 307 Falling Bid. Phono Mala 1258 COLONIST .- ' RATES TO. OREGON ' .. -s ,1.. i xv (-. . ... ,- .... ...... And th Pacific Nbrthwest ever th Union Pacific, Oregon Short Lin. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., and Southern Pacific, from all parts el th ait, DAILY during March and April . " YOU CAN PREPAY For ticket. If jroo deiint to bring friend. relattYea. employe or other from th Eat. by depositing th cost with anr agent of the O. P-'A N. or 8. P. Cov with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished In th East A Rare Opportunity to Promote the In : dustrlal Growth of the Northwest . aJjTxg ibom rmijiciAi- iimu atat aV OUoag .B30.M Et. ZAOIS ,. ST.BO Kaasas City M.M Omaha .................. Ut.60 B. aaal aaao gss-oa 0.00 S.00 5.00 Buffalo 40. oo nvw reck t.m nosvoa ... 7-0 rauMupsia . SO.00 . 47.M .T Waahlagtoa . ............ A Rates apply to all main and branch 11ns points, Huntington to Spokane, Inclusive. B Ratsa apply to Portland, Astoria and Puget Bound points) also Southern Pacific main and branoh line points north of and Including Ashland. Oregc u - : - -. . ., For somplst Information. Inqutr of :' '.' . , ' ... .WW. aUsttrmmAT. weac-a rManfit Agea. . . Oregon aVrllroan fl sTartgsn 0. C VT. Ittnger. City Ticket Agt- td and Washington. ; , . . .. , - LILY OF THE VALLEY i CHARMING, FRAGRANT; SPRING FLOWERS Ws have just received a large shipment of German Valley Pip. On, iocounQ f; delay In arrival, w will sell thes at I& seats a dossn. II. per hundred. III. ft per thoussnd; jast half price, get out a bed ef these lovely flowering plants where they can remain. Increase and bloom each year. Order gulckly. Stock will not Isst long at thee prices. Phone Main tit. or (.all . -. ii I. . r w i . , : : v ! ' i ' m ii f . 1 1 UK.' i ii i . r It". .. ' - t s. V. r ft t if t .. iH4S'3U 1 i V. ; r : H One Harness UeDarl .:r;;,i;r,:;:;:,.:,..,--u I ment Is replete with styles and qual- , Ities to suit every requirement whether strength, appearance, ..and style. or,price are of first consideration. See us on Har-', ''. riess Whips, Robes. Dusters, . V Sponges,1 Chamois or anything j ; in the line, for WE HAVE IT. Paps AA Ml V V Delivery of jfine Ve licles E yesterday, turnfed out the above string of fine vehicles, each and every one of them a rep ;;resentative of uto-dateriess in stylequality we had not more than taken the above picture when a customer purchased one of those Moyer Genteel Pneumatic Runabouts which might have been added to the list. This shows Xp-fiirliac rf Oliallfxr that discriminating: buyers know where to' eo for V ClllUICo Ul WUctllLy '. at right prices. Seventy-five per cent of them go to ; Hundreds of Styles on Hand and Several Carloads in Transit Arriving Almost Daily