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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 21. 1807. William Barker in 111 Sixty-Horsepower" 8teTens-Duryea Touring Car. JEWS AND SUGGESTIONS ABOUT THE AUTO WORLD Local Gossip and General Information About the Men Who Follow the Honk-Honk Cars Brief Notes and Hints to : . " '. . . : . .... ...... 1 .- .. ..... - ,7 .-, ' , ,-, ' - Chauffeurs..."' -.y , . 1 The American output of automobiles for 1107 la estimated at 161.000.000. If there b poetrr In motion, why v mar not on exceed the speed limit by poetlo licenser - V' A national convention of chauffeur la being planned for New Tork City 'during ahow weak next winter. Ground shortly will be broken at ( Pittsburg for the constr notion of a lx-atory . fireproof garage , to , east 1300,000. r Ninety-two entries have been received for, the kaiser's cup race, which will cover a 77-mlle oourse four tlmea. Several Philadelphia dealera will keep their ahowroome open until 11 p. m. very evening antll ine last 01 May. Salt extracted from eea water la rec ommended for laying duet an road a by Dr. Carl, an eminent chemlat for Bor deaux. .: Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana are the lateat to organise etate dlvlalona rsxx: Red aiid W'6r& Cars Salesroom Removed to 493-85 Alder Street, Corner 15th. Reo 20 H. P. Touring Car with detachable tonneau, pressed , steel frame, 94-inch wheel base, multiple disk clutch, full elliptic springs, three powerful brakes, five lamps; $1,400. Reo 8-10 H. P. Runabout, the most economical automobile built, $700; with folding rear seat, $723. : FORD CARS Ford 15 H. P. Four-Cylinder Runabout, shaft drive, 84-inch : wheel base, full elliptic springs, multiple disk clutch, three , point driving construction, all working parts absolutely dust and mud proof, all axles, gears, steering knuckles and shafts ' made from best chrome steel; price $700. s . The Ford Six-Forty, six cylinders, forty H. P.,1, 120-inch c wheel base,, double ignition, three point driving suspension, all working parts absolutely mud and dust proof, no vibra- . : tion. A demonstration in this car is a revelation in flexibil-. ! ity and control, $3,000. ., :,;. ;' '" , '' t 'V? ; , All Prices F. O. B. Portland or Spokane. All Models in Stock Salesrooms 4935 Alder Street , FRED A.: BENNETT PORTLAND, OREGON. 7 v; SPOKANE, WASH. of the American Automobile association. Aa a reault of the lncreaaed eaae with which long dlstanoes can be covered In autemobl lee, land values are booming In Texas. , t A comprehensive exhibit of the man ufacture of denatured alcohol wUl be made by Germany at the Jamestown exposition. Although' Rio de Janlero has better streets than most South American citlea It poaaeaaes only between to and . 0 automobiles. The aggregate mileage' of " publlo roads la the United S la tee la approxi mately 1,100,000, not Including Alaaka and Inaular possessions. Ssiss, the winner of last year's Grand Prix, will accompany a party of Ameri cans on 'a tour through Europe this month and next. ! . More than ,000 ears designed espe cially for the . transportation of auto mobiles have been built by the railroads of the country within the past three years. ; At the annual floral parade at Hono lulu on Washington's birthday first prise was won by a motorist who had his car decorated aa a miniature - vol cano, i . - In Paris the automobile Is now uaed by the municipality for collecting garb age, watering and sweeping streets, by the police and fire brigades snd as a hearse. ' f The Motor union of Great ' Britain and Ireland now Includes I clubs, with a membership of 14.72, an Incresse of 24 clubs and. 1,527 members 1n the past year. ' The' proposal to hold a race for Im ported machines only over the Vender bllt course portion of the Long Island Motor parkway next fall Is . arousing much Intsrest. - . ,r, The government Is considering the advisability of holding motor car tests for the war department and the post office department at the Jamestown ex position.', v.- .1 ,. The average pay of a first-class city chauffeur-is from 1 21 to ISO a week, and the best chauffeurs are declared to be young men who began - Ufa aa me. ehanlcs apprentices. ' "' : There la a rapidly Increasing demand for motor cars la Hawaii. The roads are all fins and smaller machlnea are very serviceable for plantation Inspec tion purposes. ' On of the interesting features of the Canadian trade just now is the demand for automobiles by the miners at Co balt.' who recently came Into wealth by the silver strike in that vicinity. The .extent or tne motor crass in London was recently shown at an auc tion of commercial and pleasure motor vehloles,- over 110,000 being realised within the first 16 minutes' bidding. Sixteen thousand, eight hundred and thirty-five miles In rental service and still doing business Is the record of a car owned by a Los Angeles automobile livery company. - s Aooording to a decision ny tne court of appeals of Lyons, France, the driver of an automobile cannot be held respon sible for an accident caused by the bursting of a tire. " Buenoa Ay res, Argentina,- has - the most automobiles of any South Ameri can city, the cars numbering over too, mostly of - French and English make, with a sprinkling of American. . ' The commissioners of Falrrnount park. Philadelphia's 1,800-scre pleasure ground are considering raising the speed limit for Its driveways from seven to U miles an hour. Carrying a four-oared shell on his automobile 50 miles, - from New Tork to Princeton, C S. Titus, a student, christened the pretty lake given the university by Andrsw Carnegie. Giving legislators rree rides in auto mobiles has resulted la the killing of a bill In the Wisconsin legislature reg ulating the speed In cities to six miles art hour and In the country to eight. An up-to-date - automobile express company has been established at Phila delphia, placing ears at the service of . i i j T 1 IHIltHln lull illj -Imni U S f Si - I " aw. es eswassasT ' . 1 fTh p K f i . . ' - ' ' .v.."'.;." I. .. t- The Truscott leads in the race for leadership because of its superiority in making, looks and speed: There are many launches made by "get rich quick" companies that are a very fair im itation of the Truscott in looks, but when it comes to the actual trial you j will know you are not in a boat that resembles the Truscott.' There is a certain grace that distinguishes this launch from any other a grace that cannot be imitated. Be convinced. -r 'As well as a large supply of launches we handle a complete stock of canoes and row boats. We also handle a separate line of canoes and paddles. If you contemplate making a launch Inquire about our line of gasoline engines. If your old engine needs repairing our workmen are equal to the most difficult repair. An assorted line of launch trimmings always on hand. e Reierson Machinery, Co. 182-4-4 Morrison SL ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IN PLEASURE CRAFTS. the public at a aavtng of from 21 to I' per cent over horse-drawn vehicles. One of the new measures for which the federation of American Motor cyclists la to be congratulated is the projected organisation of a system of official repair shops throughout the country. . The automobile business In the Paclflc coast states Is suffering greatly by the railroad blockade. There are said to be several freight trains loaded exclusively with motor cars tied tip la Nevada. Er. John Fltsierald. superintendent ef the Kings county hospital.. Brooklyn, declares that the substitution of the motor ambulance for Ute horse-drawn Vehicles Is a great saving of time, money and life. 4 " V r The next New York show of the XJ rrnssd Asoclatlon of Automobile Manu facturers will be held at Madison Square Garden October SO to November 7. The Chicago ahow will be held November 10 to December T. The Paris Salon d'Automoblla this coming fall will last 10 'Instead of 15 days, as heretofore, and will be Illum inated In a manner that has not been equaled since the visit of the Russian emperor to Paris. . . '. The Quaker City Motor club expects to have the use of S00 cars on "Orphans day," June 11, when all the. .children from Philadelphia's numerous Institu tions will be taken to a suburban park for a day's outing. . . ; i . Motor cycling has been honored with a. place' In" the next fllymple games, which will be held In Ixodoq in l0(. R. O.. Betts of the Federation of Motor cyclists has been appointed a member of the general committee. Though ' the demand - for 'domestic automobiles is far tn.xoeasf the sup ply, tba situation for manufacturers Is becoming more complicated because of the tremendoui demand for American cars In both Canada and Mexico. ' .Although many German municipalities have been receiving a large annual in come from heavily taxing automobiles, the outcry agalnat the practice has be come so strong thst a number of the Cities wltl abolish the tax May 1. A Chicago man is out with a novel method for obtaining the erection of signboards on country road a. ' He pro poses that motorists make It a point to. knock at the door of houses at cross roads and merely Inquire: "Which road do I take, pi esse?" t v Henry Schuraana-Heiakv son of .the famous prima donna, has donned overalls to learn the mechanical engineering In a Boston auto factory for a few dollars a week pay. . He began Studying en gineering as a coal passer at Cramps' shipyards, Philadelphia. A new feature ef the French Grand Prix wlH be the placing of Venetian maats at regular intervals along the course of view of the grand stand to allow the public to calculate the speed of the competitors as they rush by on the faateat stretch. Making the engine ' act as a brake on steep hills Is becoming common prac. time, but when the foot of the Incline Is near the car should be allowed to pick up speed before the throttle is opened, especially if the high gear la thrown into action. , ' For the second time within Ave Tears 1 the Automobile club of Great Britain and Ireland, of London, now the Royal Automobile club, has 'been forced to move by reason of cramped quarters. It now will occupy the former war office building, recently vacated by the gov ernment, j The fourth annual tour of the Ameri can Automobile' association. Including the third Olldden contest, will start on July 10 from Cleveland, running to Chi cago, then returning through Indiana, Ohio; Pennsylvania .and New Jersey to New Tork City, which will be reached about July 21. . . (Continued on Page Thirteen.) 3 V Cadillac Model M v Light Touring Car, . -Price $1,050. Cadillac Model K Runabout, Price $900. . AMONG SMALL CARS Doesn't the fact that last year the sale of Cad- r illacs of the ten horse power-type exceeded the! com bined sales of any three models of other makes carry , a pretty strong conviction of superiority,? T . This, record is the result, of the wonderful effi ciency of the Cadillac' single-cylinder engine a -bit of mechanism so perfect in. construction that it has successfully withstood the test of five years of severe service in thousands of cars. Thus while others were experimenting and changing we stuck to time tried principles we knew were correct," until today . there is absolutely no question as to the supremacy of, the single-cylinder Cadillac among small cars. Demonstration in stock. The. new 20 horse-power k 4-cylinder, Cadillac is such a wonderful, car for $2,000 . ..j - that it will break all records for sales just is the single cylinder car has done. Deliv ery will be slow for a while on this car, but it will be worth your while waiting. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR CO, MFGS. : . y DETROIT, niCH. .i. - t HOWARD M. COV1LY : :v : ,v-: .' AGENT, ; ; ; ;. ; ,;. . 7 -'. '16TH AND ALDER STS. PHONE .MAIN 6470.' lie Store Vhr your needs tn many line may bs taken cars of. Oallou & Vrp ' Ar constantly adding to their immense stock, which is by far the largest in their lint west of Chicago. . ' , ';. " ' 'A - " National, Pierce and Emblem Bicycles v . THE FAMOUS Indian and M-M es Motorcvcl A long ride at little expense. W can convince you of this by a five-minuta demonrt radon. HEADQUARTERS FOR v Auto Supplies ' '' ' '', , Baseball Goods ; ' " ,; . ; -j ; , : Tennis Goods ' . ' Bicycle Sundries ' ; " : and Repairs . - ' . .. . ' ' Roller Skates v Garden Hose : ! ., BALLOU . 86 Sixth Street, Opposite "Wells i , Fargo Block. , , THE, and the ta lif ' ' ' aaaj saalas i a aaaaaaa.- X At WW WW These " cars always re- ..... 'i i ..- spond to the touch of the . '.. . .-,-;'''".. r operator. In emergencies they do even more than is expected of them, Men learn to love these ' ma- , "BIGGBST ;MG CAR" ( l chines because they do not ! stop tor unexpiainabie rea. " q P. THOMAS FLYER., $4000, F. O. B. Fcctory sons , when least expected. "The "Biggest Big Car Thomas Forty Roadster, 40 II. P.. $2,750 f. 0. B. Factory The "Biggest Little Car" There's comfort in the v feeling of safety exper- ienced by owners of the ."Thomas." . It is a ma chine with a reputation be hind it. A little investiga tion and honest compari son will convince the most skeptical; that 1 the ; "Thomas" isa leader in the details of modern construction. Northwestern Distributors ItvL KEATS AUTO T-orthv; - - 7 POPE-TOLUDO, POPE-HARTFORD, POPE- TIU3UNE, THOMAS FLYZ?., THOMAS rO.ITV, TV. OLDSMOB1LE, and FRANKLIN for the Stata cf Oregon t