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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1907)
I ,- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 15. 1907. San Francisco Office Oregon Jbiiraal 789 Markct,$L,bct 3d & 4 th ADTEKTI8nrEn7TS AWTO - aTTJB SCBJ.FTIOMS MCWTID.. Oregonlana when In Ban Francisco ran liavi the mail Bent Id caroof 7 La Journal offloa. . '. . ARTHUR L. FISH. RepraeenUtivA NEW TODAY. D. E. KEASEY & CO. JPortlarid FOUR NEW COTTAGES f $3,750 to $4,000 On car line, 5, 6 and 7 rooms, gas nnrl .lcrfric lichts. sewer and citv Waier, CCineDl uascuicni, UTiiivctijsmes snd Brinret Kenney to i ntra - i ; r r. I Clemsoo-Blnmsner company, lota T to nrepiace, etc,, nn,e view vi mt. " Hood, 1 lots with each house. Terms to suit," V D. E KEASEY & CO. Exclusive Dealers ' in Heights Property. Office on the Heights and 7 Chamber of , Commerce. . Main 2159. v v .'; BPECT.ALI8TS In Hawthorn v. property. Lota, houaea and lota,' and creeg throughout thla district for Bala. ' HOUSES DESIGNED and built, plana and apaclfloatloaa furnished to noma builder. ..-.-:.''::..:.-.. " . , ., ( : ' ncoara tabob toe. f ':"-y OTTXCX, BAST BSTK AJTS HAW y. Hawthorne Realty Co. Tta eheapast' corner In business cen ter. On Hawthorn. Prloa And terme right. y.: . ' .. , ... ... XAwrxoan uax.ty ch, '281 Marguerite art, cor. Hawthorne. . .Tabor BIB. , , - . Hawthorne Realty Co. The finest quarter block In the finest location on east aide for aa a part men t- houn. The demand la treat for auch a building. Call and- see, uwnoun XZAZ.TT co, tst Marguerite ave., cor. Hawthorn. ' ' Tabor 111. ' " - WHEN A WAT FROM HOME Copies ef Tbe Journal eia be obtained ta the follow Ins eltlee and towns outside ef Oreroa. Tbe Journal would appreciate tbe receipt ef reports or ratio re te obtain copies or in pa pec st any of tbese pieces: , COLFAX. WASHINGTON A.' H. KinsT. ' ' WALLA WALLA. WASHINGTON -Walla Walla Stationery Company; Rogsrs-Hoswell Com. ray; Hotel Decree News Stand; Unto Clfsr tand Contra I News Company. TAOiMA. WASHINGTON Hotel Taeetna Mews Stand. 11 Vi Booth Fourth street. - - SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Rainier Grand News Stand; Isternatlonsl Newe Areocy Newspaper Warns: Hotel Reattls News StaaA OOI.DFIkLd, NEVADA Louie Poha, Mesrspspef Waa-on. RAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Amoa Hew Com- psny. Newspaper Wsroa. BPOKANB, WASHINGTON Job W. Graham at ce, nniRK. IDAHO Joeroh ftollltis. ; i ' (MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA M.v J. On ra se axe. 60 Third street, south. ST. LOOTS. MISSOURI B. Tj Jett 808 Olive - street: George L. Ackertnen. . KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI Yoma Mew Cora. pany, Nswepnper Wtfos, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS P. t. Hews Compear, - -- 17B rwarbora street, r K. N T K RT COLORADO Ualoa ' Depot Hi los California Amos news Company. Newspsper WifM. nimiKi) California Amee Newe (toes 1 . nany. Newspaper Waroa; N. Wbsatley. Hews (ompaay. newepaper wagon. BAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA H.. Wbeetle News Company . Nwapeper Wacon; reeter A Oroar. rry bnlldlnc: Jobaaoa News Ooee r ' neny, 14S1 rillmore street. BALT LAKH CITY. UTAH Mrs. Lerlne, Hew. paper Waroat O. L. Dartee, Hotel Keayoa; tt.rmw vttvM.. AS WMit fUonnd street, eoats. OGORN. UTAH Gray News Company, Depot Newe Btsnd. - " " . OMAHA, NEBRASKA Millard , Hotel Ml . tit. -A - HEW YORK CITT Arttasr BotallB, Mew- ' paper Wstose. -WEATHER -REPORT A eraaeaathaneA trossb ef eiteads (rosi Kends eoattoesetward te Teres and tbesee aertbeertward to Minnesota. Hlsh . nrwiears areas ars central off tbe Ore(neWeab inrion Mut. aear Alberta, end ever tbe enata ALIantlc autes. reapertlTsly. Tbe barometer . i. Mi.rinl. low oft the New Barlead coast t imf fnati neumred this mom tea la tbe north ' Pirtflc stetee. and Hrbt te besey frosts ere ' reported la the eest rulf asd aoatb AtUntle . ft fa tre, nuowers nsre xanee m -wu 1 1 i f.rnla. Nerarla. Ttsb and lllnoeoota. Baew fcsa fellea la North Deknta. The ladlratlnes are for fair weather la this fltetrh-t toelsht end Toeedey. except us enow era are eoaelble tonlrbt In seotbeestera Idaho. I.trtit fraets war-he erperted ersla tonlrbt In einoaed plaees la Uia district, aseept la sostbeeatera Idaho. ! ' . , Tsm. ' ' ' .. l Mat. . Mln. rreeip. ' Abtlone. Texas ..!...,...., 78 as " A marllle. Tens........... as, i Atlanu. Georrla .......... fid , - 92 Kakr City, Orio.. a , ( M CharleKtoa, Booth Carolina.. M . ' SB ililrero. Illinois M 0 Clnrlnnstt. Ohio M ' l lirerer. Colorado . TB B .0 .0 .0 .0 .9 .0 ,02 . .0 , .n r. T. i Detroit, Mlrhlsan ,. SB Ktmu City. Mlaenarl.,,., M ' Knorvllle, Tenneaaee . SB Pnrtlend, Oreeon,. .,;..... St Raernera. 'Orrcoe... ar) Xarrammln. Calltnrsla .... IM Ht. Louis, MtMoert.,..,,.., B Nt. Paul. Mlnseeote 44 Kelt Le, ftah.... TO Walls Walls, Wsahlntioa.. ) e... . a. son. 24 44 2B 40 m R2 BB B n 43 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Alnert O. and Martina O. Bhermaa te -A. B. Mauley, lot 1. Mork W. Knnar- stde i. t.0n i. a. r.iiis to trn-se r. iAnu ans is... sad ID. block 6. Kers Park . J. A. F.llla to Jerob Hatneter, lots IB and Is. hlerk (. Kern park o Tlxmaa and tvatie ritKnoona te Ktra- '! Neon, eonth 40ilc fret of lot t. .-k III, tMirb's addltloa , 10 11 II. sne liottte jtno.rKia te Honert T. I hiory. M in. W.lroee . I 0OB (I II. Amb-rMm to K. M. Twlror. ae. - illvl.Vyl Vj of lot M, M.lrnw Park.... 1TI i; , livmrr w eoiroe to Joha n. Mori1rSl r. V.I . tl -k . (Wk t jr).nn I. I., and Kvs 1. Wlrle to T, J. Teetera, t. t a, Letusrrest Park, aontalalnc 4 i f-"ina sed Bamsel R. Weeteott te W. Into I end e. hlnrh . BMsrelr smoa.......-...,...M.. t,000 Gonhlin BroSi REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Clara HoMa te Victor Ind company, lot A blwk eabalTlslua of P. J. Mer lin's tract 88 Jeasle M. end Hmlth Dotaos to t Harry and Abble E. Klone,' north 00 feet of kil 1 end north 0 feet of west ofv l oftora lie, Bimiiyaitie litira soar-: tion ... 0. W. and Catherine Ollrer to Johanna l.BSB and Jens Jaasea, let A ' It. Cen tral Altilua - s Loolae P. Vsll to Emma L. Bealsy. BOX 100 tret N-rlnnlnjt st aorthweet corner of bkirk 7, Carter's art1lttoo Elmer L. and Myrtle M. Wsldele to Car rie C. Bills, hits 10 sad it. block 7S, Bellwood John and Mary Grady to Joha H. Pfsa aing, lot . block A Lincoln Park Arthur U r In ley to perry L. Wllkla ana et si., lot 8, block Is. Jsatee Johns sddlttoa to St. Johns W. J. and B. tVlle Dodoon to P. L. end Edith Wtlklneoa, lot 14. block 14. Boeth fit. Johns. L. P. and Kffle Hosfnrd to Anas Rata, lot A block T, Wondlawa. Rebecca J. end William 0. H lr rlns to - Lots A. Vance, sooth 20 feet ef lot 1.100 .000 org soo 1,000 dO. 1,000 , A sad all of tot A . block 100. Baal Portland S' A. and Pearl H. Beck to Georre Tot- 11.900 hill, sooth i of lota 11 and li block IS, Msegly Hlichland addition 3. C. and Alice Welch to A. J. Perec 11. ota 7 end A Work 10, German la. .... . Pierce Birrs to Joeeph B-tirewe et aL. kit A block 7. Multnomah Joha P. aud Nancy ft Flnley to James - Graham, lot , block A Alblna Helghta ' addition , '. The lnd Company of Oreroa to Ceth- crlne J. Churchill, tot 1A block 14, S.BO0 f 100 400 400 City view Fsrk. R. L. Sterens (stieriff) to T. Wbrmaa, , acres of eest H of aonthesst H ef City View Park tM sect km 80, townshlB 1 south, range 1 - eeet :.i Helena A. snd lashells Walker to Dora thes Hsrmer. west H of lot 1. block 600 1. snbdlrUha of east of block Z, A2S0 11. tnclnalre. block 1. Bernhardt Park. l.rVO Mary Phelps Montgomery (eiecntrii) to o. . Edwsros. rntctionsi oiors iw Athlna. with oxcentkvne. .. ........ . 84,009 Margaret Short to WlllUm and Anna . , Kern la. lot e, block is, biwuhto e i Plrst addition , 8,00 Jeeele C end A A. Tucker to Belmsr , Aakerrolk, lot A, block v, Aioma addition .. KM Hernias Mersrer (trustee! to Katie Dar- and. lota 87 sad 88. Block , mser voir Park .- 800 Hsrry D. Story to W. B. Gsdaby, lot 18, block IX Goldsmith's addition........ Prank and Isshelte Stemmlller to Agnes loooM Watt, lots 83, m aad B4. owes so, Weet Portland Park... ' soo Berarlty rlarlnrs Trust com pany to W. W. Bsnks. south or lot s ana north of lot 4. block A Irrtnrton... so Edna Jane snd William D. Woodman to Charles Btetnerka, lot as, oieca , Tobssco addition 00 Thomas H. Smith to -Margaret - TJsslett .h l.. . mmA a lilnek ie Tolmsa trset '. TOO Louisa and Joha Boldt at al. to Prank ' .1 ,.. t .mA s hVtfk a. nnnnysMS Issbelle J. and Thomas J. Ererett to A18S Gottlieb Roth, lots A . a, a ana i. block M, Psnlnsnlsr eddltloa He. 8.... 1,060 Mary N.-and J. Whitney to Koecoe B. Morrill, emrtn s-n or weei oi m. A block 77. Aiken's sddltioa A800 TS0 r. I. snd Birdie Way lock to Ralph M. Pome, lot A block A Lester Park.... Electric Land company to Lharte A . Fs- chanaa, lota 0 ana T, mocs so, rww month BOO Betee Hin to F. A. and Amelia Hrede- . meter, lot IB. Week A wnginai lown- a AThtna . , ASoO Henry Behrs to Joha A. Bell, lots It and - IS. DIOCB a, arener ruw Security Barings A Trset eompaay to . Addles Kaiey, lot in. awca ix. eosa -Irrlng's riist addition................ ASOO Par ahstraeta. title tneorsnca or BMrtgaM Visas, can oa Pacific Tills A Trust eompaay. 804-o-a-T railing biag. Omt voee to real estate from the Title Guarantee A Trust psny, 840 Wsahrngtoa at Wedrltnr Card. W. O. Smttb A Co.. Waeh Ingtoa bldg corner Fourth aad Waahlngtoa ata. h Tonacth A Oe.r florteta,-iar-lewete of B kinds. 13 Sixth at. ... Clarke Bros., rve-lats rtne flowers aad floral dsslsns. 2m Monieoa at. - Pan dress suits for rent. Tailoring Co, 80 Stark at. Unlana BIRTHS. A LB RICH At 747 Oorbstt street, April 10, te Mr. snd Mrs. Joha A. Albricn, boy. DAVIDSON At 8S Clsy street, April 11, to Mr, aad Mrs. Roy Dseldeoa of Mayger, otw eon. e airL OLHOfl At 828 Onrth street Aprfl 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Olsoa, a glrL . OWENS At 890 Third street, April 11, ta Mr. and Mrs. Areniboia J. uweaa, a aoy. ' DEATHS.. JORDAN At 11 East Elerenth street, April -., 1A John . Jordan, agea to years, i saoaxaa snd 18 days; csuss, spoplsxy. PENNY At St. Vincent's hospital, April 18. Bowena Penny, aged T years, 10 months aad a riave! eenae. maatoidltls. BARTHOLMY At Timber VaTley, Waahtnrtoa, April In, Clemlnce Bsrtaoimy, sgea 70 asrs, men the aad 8 days; esasa, lafUmmekory rheumstlsm. ' -1 FUNERAL NOTICES. : MTLLEN April 18. 1807. Loala Ml lien, 1 40 years 3 months IB days. ; FrUnds awed Hit. 9 eMotna la aare. raenos are respectfally inrlt'ed to tttend ' the funeral . serrlces which will be held st the Nor- weglsa Lathersa en arch, 4A Nona I4tn at., at 8 p. m., Tneedsy. April 1A Interment Lone rtr cemetery. UNDERTAKERS. , Dormtng, McHnte A Gllbsagh. andettakeia aad emhalmera; rood era In every detail. Beveeth and Pine. Main 430. Lady see latent. Ericsson rtndertaktng Co., and embslmmg, 400 Alder at. Phone Main 818A Lady as, latest. J. p. pinley A Boss, Third aad Madison eta. Office et eooaty accuser. Phone Mala t. .. geller-B lines Co.. funeral directors, embalm era, 878 Rases!!. East 108& Ledy asalstant. A. B. Hematock. funeral director. ' East 18th aad CmatUls. phoaa Sell wood 71. Lady saa latest. Bdward BToIbma aadartaker. 880 Third St. CEMETERIES. BIVER VIEW Steals aTsees. 310) family lots, , 8100 ta $1,000. The only cemetery ta Port lsnd which pernetuallr mslntslns and csree ' fur lots. For fnll Information, spply ta W. . R. Msckensle, Worcester hlock, city.. W. M, Lsdd. president. - - . .. MCm9 CITY Single grsTea, 810t family tots, 32A to 878. Superiateadeat at cemetery, eor ner ef Fremont at. and Cully rood. Phone ' Tabor 30A Per fnll Informatics apply te Frank rVhlegel, 003 Oommsrelal blk. Pbeae Msla ZHZx. MEETTNO NOTICES. HAWTHORNE' LODOH, HO. Ill, . A. F. A A. M. Stated com. . manlcation tbla (Monday! evan nlng. at 8 o'clock. Bnrkhsrd building. -Work la the H. A. de gree. , Visiting brethren weleoma. . C. B. MILLER. See. I W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 8,4trl. meets Wednesday erenlng, Allaky bids-. Third and Morrison ata. I. W. A. Oreroa Orepe Camp No. A87A Mon day a, 17th aad Marshall, risitors wetcosso NOTICES. BIDS will be received for wiring the county aoetiitsl sua poor mnn mr electric urntuig, until noon April 1, when aamc will he opened. AO tilde hould be eealed tnd marked "IltdS (or Wiring,' and sddreased to tbe snderalgned, ' Plans sad specifics Hons a ha aeea at the office of the county clerk. FRANK S. FIELDS. County Clerk. THOMAS GODWIN Age 84, died April T. MOT, st Kewberg. Oregon; was burled at Nswbsrg Aorll B. Anyone knowing snrthlng of his financial or property affairs will confer a greet favor en hie only daughter by mall or . prrsoe. Address Mrs. II. I'. La roan, S4f Knott et,, Portland Oregun- NOTK'K The offices of Drs. Petttt asd Rohhtne bar. been tborontrtily famtsstad sod will be y ope Tuesday sfterooon. April la. , WIIHOIT BPRINGft M1NFRAL WATER. 837 Stark St., between llitli snd Seveoth. ' Phoaa Paeifla IMS, Elmer i. WaUaaa, ageat. NOTICES. IN TI1B dl.trtct conrt ef the United Btstes for the district 'of Orerorr In the softer of Juetne II. McLeuahlla, bankrupt. Notice Is hereby rlTea that on the 0th day of April, A. D.-1W17, Justns H. MeLanrhlla of Port land. Ore ton, was duly adjudicated bank rupt: end that the first meetlor or his oreii itors will be held et rooms 5. reetu bldf., Portland. Ore(on. ca the Wth day of April, 1IMT, at 10 s. si., st which tlms the said creditors msy etteod, praee their clalwa, appoint a Irastee. examine the benkrapt end trsoaset each ether business as msy properly corns before each meeting. 1 Peted April 1A 1W7. r . : . CBISMTBR a MTRPHT. Ref sree ta Bankruptcy. TH8 EDDTTILLB Mohair pool bss been poet poaed antll April DO os seceunt of weetber. i. u. oianoaro, aecretary. LOST AND FOUND. LOfr TV-Iwt. Stark st. entraaee to Lone fir cemetery sod K. IRth snd Btsrk. a Udles' stlrer watch, closed esse, engrared H. C. T. Mark allk fob with agate charm; reward. Pbooa Best 608A . FOCND A place to bars hair reoo. etea a no returned seme day . K2B rroat St. . Main 474. Portland Curled Hslr rectory. H. Metarer, proprietor. LOST Prldsr erenlng between Jsckssa and nnermaa sts., string or sold beads wits cross, ttetura to Llpman. Wulfe A Co., ar MS fifth et., receive rsward. HELP WANTED MALE. WAHTED AT ONCB Stare-bolt ratters, wsgee per eora;stedy work. Apply Western Connersgs Co., Stsaras bldf., PortlanA er Houlton. Or. . ,v , WANTED Salesmen; many make 8100 to llftO per monrn; come eeen more; etoes clean, grown en reservation, far from old orehsrds; Cash adTsnred weekly: choice- of territory. Address Wsahlngtoa Norssry Company, ' penlsh, Wsshtngtoa. . Top. BXPERIF1NCED collector for Inarallmeat store; must be energetic and capable; no others need epnly; glee age. ernerleooe snd salary expected; good proanect for right maa. A A drees U 174, ears Journal. ' WANTED Three reliable sollcltorst prefer those who anderarand tndua trial lira near snce; new propoaltloa, good fatarst refareoos required. 200 Msrqasa bldg. , PACTPIO STATIONERY A PRINTIN 00. 206-tOT Second at. Pboea Main Ml. Wa design and tnstsll tbe most modem aad tmproeed office syatsmai complsts Una loose leaf filing devices. fl.00 A MONTH PROTBCT8 YOU Against aeetdes t, slcknees and dsatA . .. -Writs or call and tneeatlgat North western Health A Accident Aveoclatlon. Room 81, 8M Stark at. . . Agents wanted. MEN AND WOMEN to learn the barber trade m sight weefcs: arsdostes sera from IIS to - 828 weekly: expert Ina tractors: cata lores free. Molcr System ef College. 88 North Feartk ' St.. Pertlsad. WANTED An able and sggreeelTe selesmaa aerastomed to hlgh-claas propositions: the right mas will be glee as opportnnlty to work hi to eotsething better in snort time. Ad drees H 16A ear Journal. SEVERAL good area to prepere for nosltlons ta , I he government service; sow la the bast time to begla. Look shssd. Write for form 173, - PaeUte States Schools,- McKay, bids. WANTED Occd assa that will attend to bast, nees and baa a fsw dollars to Invest: cas make 8100 aer aontk sod ever. 807 Ansky bldg. - . ADVERTISING solicitors, essh commleateai - prlBtrra, newsnsper. tysaaraphlcal help want ed, faratehed. Newspeper Brokers re, Osad nongh hMg. Seettle. 418 Arcade bldg. AH ELDERLY maa to milk S eswe end do choree s round bosrdlnghooee; wares 328 a month, room aad boars. Address N. EL Nel son. Dee. Or., els Hood Riser. WANTED AT ONCB One fireman. 1 mm tot "lo 1 een ... m,- Portland Uassed (1U works, artB ortiano. ; .WANTED Bright, repntahls solicitors. Bplea- ata propositioa. tan evu awn morruma. aa for Mr. Beesya. WANTED BTvery coffee drtnkar to try "Ard- more corree, seaaoa wow fi. soya lee Co, 0 rirst et. BALBSMBH make big money worklnsr for aa sxperlsace aaiveceesary. Paetfie Aid Aass elstloa, 884 Lumber Exchange bldgv. Port- land. Oregon. BTTJDENTB of tbe Iatsrnattonal qiinspsadaniB ecbcola deal ting practical axperteaes are re- ? neeted to Hat their asmsa aAenr local office, 14 McKay building. WANTED Competent young maa etesosTspber 1 for oat et. towa position: stste salary snd ' references. Arthur P. Brand ton, Poetoff Ice Box 46A city. OREGON CHAIR CO., 11 SO Mseadam roaA Portland New factory Just starting sad want rood chair maa and boya; good band sawyer, WANTED Reliable boy for drugstore; an with wheel preferred. Albert Berni, tbe Ndraggist, 288 Wash leg to st. MEN and boya wanted to learn alnmhms, plas tering, brtrklarlnav electrical trades; free 1 catalogs! positions aerorsd. Coyne Trade . Schools, Hew York aad Baa rraaclsoo. WANTED Ma to Wans to operate motio pic tures; easy work; salary 32A Terms sad particulars etui roam A iVfc nixtn su WANTED Flrat-clsas cost maker; none other need apply. Holhrook A Leeeen. Stearns blk., sixth ana Morrison sts. WANTED Young me to study telegraphy; positions st gooa wages when competent. Oregon College. 808 Oommonwesltb bldg- WANTED Butcher, best opening oa St. Johns ear. See W. B. Rust, Arbor Ledge station. Pboae woouiawa i. WANTED Carpenters, 8S.0O for hours: aasb snd door men, fx. 00, 10 eoars work; board, 80 per week. North Bend, Or. - BOY IB te 80; eta re age, aiperlenee, mfsresess. Address P. lev, cars Journal. BOYS make 2Se te 7Sc after echooL girle eaa do better, selling small articles for a eriDDle. t ne uantanoein srs soruer raumg si. WANTED Man wbe baa had experience - oa . raaen ana cattle range. . Answer Arthnr r, Brand ton. Box 403, ally. BILLING clerk t rapid a typewriter! stats agt references; salary expected. Address 108, en re JoarnaL WANTED A young man having sxpsrisace work la bakery. Apply at 043 First at SIGN PAINTER wasted. Apply Berrer A 1 8o4 lambllU . . , T ..,.4 - 6 WB get work for our mem here r special mem bers, $2, Y. M. a A., Fourth and Yamhill. WANTED Oaod reliable bey. Joeea' Bookstore, 201 Alder at. WANTED A batcher to work la slaughter house. . Address J 141, ear JoarnaL . COOKS, maa aad wife, eamp, IMS month; . . n ...... n. ... .1 , .. . ...... BENCH hands wanted. Georre Aasley A Co, WANTED Girt "for , fcnaral housrirark. 1M . N. 18th et. . SALESOIBLi wanted; 18 to 18; refer ences re quired. 8d M. Sixth at. WANTED Competent help In dreeemsklnf, alee ea apprentice. 88 Montgomery. BOY and Buttress maker wanteA 18 20th and Front. WANTBD Oced sound hoy. , F. J. Cronta, 128 . Front at. . WANTED Wagon-maker. 420 Belaoat at. BOY wanted at 170 First at, X 1 ' " E3K3Sg ILELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Oompctent rhsmbermsld tad wait ress, family ef three sdulls; two outers la help are kept; wages $Jt per month; moat hare perennsl references; call, betwesa t aad 12. 184 St. Clair St. WANTED Ae ' elderly women to keep house and ears for two cblMrsa ia widower s family; L,. mnA mntA .(. tO rteht Mae, Apply Hend.y or Monday at T5 Carnenterl St., Bast, tske L, car. HANMRN'S LADIES' AGPJNCY, 84BVA Wee. Ington st., corner BcTeath, ansuira, Pbeae Mala 8ovA Vsmale help weateA , HELP WANTED FEMAXE.. YOI'NO led lee wanted to learn telephone eper atlns; good ealary, abort hours; pay while - leernlng: ronaheon eerred free of ebare-e. Apply chief operatxw, telephone building, Weet Perk and Alder sts. BXPERIENCBD ehooolato dlppere; highest wegea; permenent. George A., McNeil Oe., 110 North rourta at, near 01 leas. Who lea lie ooo fact losers. . WANTED Eiperieaeed aressar ea Udles . garswots; good wages snd permanent po 4T Second at. . , ' , GIBLS WANTED Operators to work os shirts snd everslls. Lias one given to InexperlenceA Apply at Standard taatory No. A Grand ae. . and East Taylor at. - WANTED Young ladiee to study telegraphy; positions st good wsgea whoa qualified. Ore gon College, 008 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED Girls, sxeerieacsd and mexneiienced, for piper box making. AoMricaa Chicle Co., 81 North Frost. WANTED Two ftrst-elsss asaksrs. Art Mil-llnery,- 408 Stsaras bldf., corner Sixth and Morrbwa ata. ' t . CAPABLE woman for position ef treat: sslsrr, nromottoa rapid If aatlafaetory. V 1M, cars ' Journal. '. -; . WANTED Girl to assist la general housework; goo home, ore East 11th N. tss urosa way car. WANTED Housekeeper; email pi lace; light wore ; gooa wsgea. Aoarses cjenii Centralis, Wash Carmsa, WANTED Competent girl for g work. Apply sfur 1. 800 Cnfc GIRL For confectionery and Ice cream parlor. 798 Washington St., sear eity park eatrsaca. WANTED An experienced bead waitress aad a waitress. Hobsrt-Cnrtls, 80S 14th at. WANTED A good fir! for general housework. lie vreiaier, cor. . siax, pnone un sue. WANTBD Olrla to lay maces root. Apply. 10 ji. nixin. JTJST 3 more ladisa, 320 weekly; cell today. i-aimer hotel, rosm 87, 0007k Aiaer sc. WANTED Girl fee general honeeworki B-roora cottars; no washing. Phone wooaiawa itma. WANTED Experienced cook with references; nun family; food wages. Inquire Boo uta. SEWING girls wanted at 108 11th at., also apnranticee. Call at front room, spstatrs. BXPERIENCBD aewiaf girl; good pay.' 1TB Aim, cor. xamniu. OIRL wanted for 3 sacral hosjsework. TUB Lots- joy ax. WANTED flirt for general wsgea. 038 Montgomery el WANTBD Cook In small family: feed wagss; can mornurf. 143 lvth. Mala eaa. WANTED Girl for general housework! food wages. BBS Baasalo et, torn at Grand are. 8HIRTMAKER8 wanted. Jacobs Bhkrt Cs, XVI Vk Btsrk at. - GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard factory He. a, ursaa are. ana Hset isyior st. WANTED Gkrls Ae work donbto-atlreh chines. Inqnlre Fits-Well factory. 78 wIRLS wanted to work ra tallortnf Union Tallortnf Co, SOBVs Stark. WAIST aad lecket help. Mrs. McLean. no, uambnage bldg., eor.. Third an M WANTED Two strong rlrla; - atsady - work; food wages. M N. Frost et. etoady faexery OIRL wanted to work la tailor ibop; expert snce , , t AM D . r. .. .. MALE AND FEMALE HELP THOSE In ferreted hi eetniluf hettar paytnf nosltlons should 'Call at the office ef the Intemsttonal Corrispoadcac Seboola, 133 Pltth et. We have courses thst will fit yon , tor tbe position yon want. Open craning. WANTED .Amstsnr aad professional actors and musicians, etc.; big ealary, 141 Vk Sixth at, room A HELP wanted and supplied, male er female. W, G. Drake, SOBts Washtngto st. Psclfle 1870. SITUATION WANTED MALE. WANTED Position -as esaiaeer; has had T years' experience ; will fornlah the -best to? iweommendstlons. ASdrees & lea, cere enr BaL Main 4418. - ... I WANTED Carpontorinf and rradlnf; glvs dew tlatry er typewriter. , Cell room 8, CUVk Wsahlngtoa. PAINTING and psparhenginf done: win take goods tn exchanga. Address F 1TO, Jeamal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. STENOGRAPHER wishes position: had axpev- e: cen give rexervace. ear JoarnaL WOMAN would like ehambsrwrn-h. Call SOT A 18th at. or Phone Psclfle 10SA WANTED AGENTS. AO K UTS WANTBD Ca ywa aell goods 1 If as ws seed you. Complete outfit free; essh weekly. Write for choice of territory. Cap itol City Nursery Company, Salem. Or. ONB hustler tn each tow er locality to beadle medicines or soap; writs oolck; slg K. at. piammer, zeo intra ex, - EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS KMPLOYMENT CO. Lccslng came Bad farm bsln a ancdaltr, SO North Second at. Phone Mat 8280. We psy ell te'-grsph charges. HAN8EN S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. S3 North Second st. PORTT.AWn MwrlThrrlNT OrFTCB. S0BU Monisoa St.... Phone Pacific " SB 87 North Sscoed at ..Phoaa Paetfie 1800 OBRMAH-AMBRICAH EMPLOYMENT 00. for- . nlsbas mate hslp ef sll kmds free. 388Vt Bursilde at. Phone Male 0488. 0. K. EMPLOYMBNT OFFICB Hslp fnralehed trse to employers. XSVi H. 3d. Pbon 8707. WANTED TO BENT, i WiKTf D TO RENT Rons as. cottage, flats. stores, offices, rrjomlnr-booses, ate. . Lead- lords will do wsll to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. Phone Kb. 73. B. B. Cor. 8d and Oak. WANTED Pnrnlabed boons where letting ef part of rooms will psy rent; references given. Address M 187, oar Journal. , . .. WANTED 4-room nnfamtsbed flat; southwest aide; 8 sdultsi locauo and price, rsciiic 0, WANTED 4 er Broom boose unfurnished. Bear car Una ea east aide Phone East 87.10. . WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF YOO are the owner ef email scree re with in U or H mile ef carllns aad want to aeU. let me know afl I want to boy. State pries snd location. A 107, ear Journal. TO LEASE A hurt nees lot ea Bn melds for a term of years. Ssf emaaa A Blaachard, 01 " Fifth at. - - I WANTED Te buy aborrt one acre ef ground with or 7-rooro houae not too far from ear Una. Address B 187. care Journal. IP yea want to aell quick, list with F. Feeba, 321 Vi Morrlaoa at. - ; ,V- :.y-' r'-.. ' Whenever you "real ; . ly and truly" want to rent that room, then it's , time to try a Journal ; want ad. Rate 1 cent a - word. - ' ... - WANTED REAL ESTATE. What Ha?e Yea to Sell ? ALL persona kselng small places they wish te convert into ready cash, good bargains, shoald SI once oe orrerec to - - TUB DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY, CASH TO 1NVE8T. 14H First et. " WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. , ' MAIN onflB. ' , CASH, AND IX)TB OP TT. ' -1 FOR FfRNITI'SB. ' ', PORTLAND Al'CTlON ROOMS, ' 111 FIRST ST. MAIN 86SS.' . MAIN 8858. WA NTED Furniture and household goods- ef every deserlptloo boagut, sold snd sicbaagsa. The A 803 First st. Msia (kits. WB haul dead horses aad cattle free Oregon - Fertiliser Works, er notify Caraey-a veteri nary, roerta aad Ullaas sts. Main lwna. CAN aae SS.000 worth furniture this week : high- sst prices paid la city.. Western Bsirsg Oa. Psclfle 7WA . ' TENT for camping : moat he tn good condition , and cheep for essh, . Address "Ca mper." 84 B. 17th st. WB WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WKSTERN SALVAOhJ OO, 837-B28 WABtllKQTvJt, PAU1HU TVS. WANTED Home in city ar country for elderly lady who has melancholy spalls! will psy 833 per month. Address D 101, ears Journal. WANTED Single express harness and - pair enarte; state lowest esse price. Aoarase A la), care Journal. . . CASH for household goods.- Rsesge A PeaneU. 84S-847- First st. Psoas Pacific 800. . - HIGHEST cash arloe paid for all kinds second kind goods, phone Main 3111. M H. Third. WANTED Heavy grading machine tons. Can at once. Adarese i. luz journal. WANTED Horse, shout 1.300, light wagon aad - harness. Address B 182, cars Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FINB furnished suite, piano, furnace, electric light, pores lain Data, inquire aui nq, cur. Taylor. " . . . . FOR RENT large front room, suitable for two gentlemen; none ether need apply, can mxta at., near Grant. - THE GLADSTONE, 8134 Barter at. Nice clean rurn 1st! ea rooms, single or aoaoie, rrom fi.xe per week Bp; free phone, gas aad parlor. CLEAN, cbcerfal furnished suites. 314 net month aad a p. Tbe Owens Apartments, 330 , Basaell et. THB RICHELIEU, 83 North Sixth at Ele gantly rarnisiicai steam Best aae natna. THB GRAND, 48V, North Third st Rooms for geatiemen, 31 Jto per sreea ana en. THB STEWART Hensekeeplof snd fnrnlshad rooms; trsaaisat ana single, aunvk waaa. BLEGANT rooma, single er en suits, near Port land, lee Seventh St. Mam 406S. rOR BENT Six rnrnlsned rooms at 1780 Mb Tabor Heights. THB ARCADE. 14SH Ftret at., near Misrlaan Farnlsbsd mm, 2M te 31; tranaksat. IW8 nicely farutahed front reemet gentlemea nrererrea. Apply bzt ciaekamaa sr. OWEN apertmsuts.- ttH Rueeell st, Cmaa, rnrniaas aeoeeseeping reoaar. . two rooms, 310 ner 1 nth. 4871. 111 MOOTS SI. FURNISHED city hall. ' 3 per week; free bath txi rourtn at. ROOMS furnished er nfarnlahd for rent, Inqnlre 887 Alder at, . . NICELY fnralehed. ike aafarnlibed, rooms, reasonable. The Kama, bldf.. First and Pine. ROOMS to rent: desirable, qolst 84Vi Ninth at. UNFURNISHED ROOMS?r SIX sunny Wsace et. far rant; price 31A 368 ROOMS AND BOARD. THB CARL ETON The most dash-able family hotel ia the city; It haa the tocation; wsll ' furnished ontstds rooms, single or ea enitei . a team beat, hot aad cold running water ta rooma, and the best table board that ess he ' found anywhere. TsL Mat 8108. Corns uta ana Aider et. 1 WELL furstabed rooma with board: modern: convenient r reasons ble rates; geatlcmea pra- rsrrso, u senerson. mam sun, BOSEDALB (the Barrsll estate). 404 corner . 10th and Msdlaoa, Junt opened: everything rirst-eisaa. wswiy rarnisaca inrougnout. ROOMS en hoard for two Tonne ladles er men; modera; food kscatlesv 824 Bast ate. - nso at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. OOOD farnlahad boseekeeptug rooma, 81. xt week each; also A 8 and 7 -room cot tares, furnished - or nnrnrnishca, en west smb. Appiy bob i BStb, W. care te 30th, tarn south half block. 81.80 WEEK CP Lara, clean furnished hone keeplng-rooma, laundry and bath. 184 Sher man at, aouta, r ortiano. fl.88 WEEK UP Cleaa Furnished hoosekeen- lng-rootnn. psrior. osta, wanury, lurnacc asst. yard. 808 V, Stanton at, TJ ear. - ITNB hooaekeeoma rooma In beantlfnl auhur- baa home near eerllne, 312.00. Phone Bell- wooa cs. -. THR18 furnished front boost kseglng-roome: . gas. tnqalr roam 48 Union blk, VIVb First . St., corner etera. THB MITCH ELL Housekeeping and transient 1. Beeeata sad risaoers at. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS and single rent. 84 Park at. VERT convenient, small A room eults) 808 Jefferson at. strsl. TWO rooms faralshed for konaekeeninf, from 818 aad np; no children; 864 Jefferson. 878 MONTGOMERY St., eor Fourth, f front rooms; nicely reraisbsa lor neassksepisg. THRBB farnlahad honaekeepiaf rooms; phone and hath. ' 427 Second at. Mala 4707! tSOU OWEN Apartment house; furnished . housekeeping; flee aad reasonable la pric. FOR RENT HOUSES. A 8 AND T-room cottars, newly papered, ftTr atthed or unfurnlabed, en west aide. I good nstghborbood; also honerkeet" if -rooma. - fl,8S ,- week esrn. Apply no north anta rr,; yr cars to 211th, turn left half block. , - " OTTARANTEED as adwtlaed. We eaa rent er aell year . bouaee, rooma, flats, offices, (4 storee, iirm, srvwa, e. now aor eastern advert la1r. .. 304 Mohawk bldg. - MODERN A room cottars, 881 loth and Bast Taggart at. Phone Main o. WB rent aad sail pianos. A Oo. Bhermaa. Clay FOR RBNT New modern B-room hsuss. . 448 Bast 10th, near Bncrmsn. FOR RENT 8-story boss. Ha 188 North 14th . street. FOR RENT FLATS. FOR RENT A modern Aroma flat: eor. of B. Bumalde aad 18th. Phone Bait lOoO. - FOR RBNT 3-room flat.'' 808 Montana arc, R.-S. car. FURNISHED HOUSES. f 10 Three room faralshed ""t, clnee la; raone bmsi iooi, use nsventa ai. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS, rooma aad ease-pie-rooma for rent. Good nongh bldg. Apply ' elevator. FOB RENT One, two or three large office ronms, suitable for lob printing offices or ether tines. Inqrilre Portland Una A Bicycle Co., 161 First st, STORE and basement, new brick bldg.; Madl aos st. bet. Third and Fourth; rent reeenn- able. . Inquire Isaasasee betel, FourtA and Msdlaoa. . ,j . - HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE von SALE. 17S ELY 8 the furniture of s 4-room. hoaea snd psys ths rent for 4 months; bouse aew and modern; H acre ground, fruit trees, stc; - furniture good ss new: rent 310 month. 811 . Llueuln sts, Lsurslwood. Mt, -Scott 11ns. FOR BALE Nsw furniture of modern Broom . fist, rooms furnished; ea essy terme: 8 minutes' walk from poaturnce; aov rent. Phone Msla 8888. - . A SNAP. New aad first-class furniture ef B T-roocs boons tor sale sad boaee for rent: stoat be sold light away. 684 Front at. NEW furniture ef modera 4-room epartment, private entrance, close; suitable for bachelor apartments. Pacific BOA V FOR 8ALB Nice 4-room frees houseboat, nice ly furnished; bargain. Foot Clay at., west side. Sign above door "For Sals." FOB SALB-1 Feral tar of A room flat; house Bkdsrn: rest rsssooahlsl 8 blocks from post office. BowVs Seventh st. GOOD furniture B-room witters. Call after 1:80 p. m. to 4:80, 347 Clsy st. COMPLETE fumiahlngs ef 7-roers modern flate for rent. 80S Madison st. Phone Paclfle 611. WB need faraltnre at aay price. Portland An. tloa Room. All First at. Mala BoU.. - SACRIFICE New furniture of 8 rooma, does la, west Bid if sold soon, call vl r mn sr. FURNITURE OF 4-room house for sals cheep. - St Montana are, corner Falling at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT 8 acres ef food potato hind near Montevllls. . Address B 181, care Journal. PASTURE at 8 cents per dsy, 1H miles west ef City park, oa Barnes road. Joseph Satchel. BUSINESS CHANCES. . ' " GOOD BUSINESS LOCATION. - 32,800 Cigar, eonfecflonery aad fruit stood; eld eetabliahed bualnesa having an average monthly trade et $tMa; present owner most , retire en eeeouut of rheumatism; 2-yeer lease; worth at leant CO per cent; will guarantee . 8 too month net profit; aew developments la vicinity will Increase hualaeee. . D. W. HX1LMA.N. . ' " , 804 Abtngtoa bldf.- Main 1841, , - BUSINESS INVESTMENT. Close la oa ths west aids, nsw grocery stock, complete delicatessen flits res; cook Ing utensils; three furnished living rooma la con nection; reat only 828 for all. Qocd trade; brsad sales pay the rent; everything csa be bought for 81, 000 r" furnished rooms csa be rented for 2U; must be sold at once. Come aad eee. ' , D. W. niBLMAH. 804 Ablngto bldf. Mai 184A toniifactTirIng Site at a Snap A msnuractunng site at a great bargain; en railroad at St. Johns, ground 100x1 with 3-story building 60x100 wltb L 40xVm the beat any In St. Johns; price 3A600. with terms; worth $8,000. COLVIN A HENDERSON, " - St. Johns. Or. i " , BARGAINS IN ROOMING HOLSKS. Hatfield A Smith. ltH Fearth st, : Il-rota annse, 8100 Income. ........ .8128 I2-rooa bouee. well furnished.,....-.. .$dft0 , 12-room bouee, flue, boarding. 81,000 36 rooms, etss floor, nice end cleaa. ..I.) 31 looma, transient, paying well fBoO co-room uonss. pars nuassaeepiBf ft. 000 10 rooms, brick building .8eO0 A GOOD delleatseeea aad home bakery, sa the , wast side, ia . a food location, cheap rant; this Is a food clean money -si .king badness, enttable for a young maa and wife: do not need to aaderetand ths bsktng business, and can mass money af this business. JOS. L. MELBATH, Phone pacific Co 3. Bom 17, 227H Waah at A CRACKER-JACK stock-hardwars. as ah. door ana implements; price, including buildings, $4,000 essh; ae trade considered. Got to give up business on acconnt health. If yoa den Ire e food bo. I nees, acre ta your chance, Do not answer aniens yoe mean boelaeee. , Address owasr, D 184, care Journal. - IP LOOKING for -a ear Investment. 860 tn I rs.ovo, we csa show sonastblag good; ear Droi ts, 30 to 40 per cent; manufacturing bust. 1 nees In Pertlsad; no risk; will only need la sestlfatlea to prove; please call. .... M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO, , 810-811-813 Swetland bMg. - . FOB BALB Grocery store, stock aad fixtures; everythlnf . complete; . will Invoice about . 88.600; or will aell half Interest to . Use yonnf men; aver ars dally salsa 3126; food plying soilness ca east aide. Address I iaS, JoarnaL FOR BALB OR TRADE Hold Hsrsey. I0d mllee from Portland on Southern Pacific; a . modem an-te-dato houne, newly raralabed: . hss goad commercial trade. Address Hot si ' HalMy.sjHslscy. Or. , . . 7 . CUT this cut and bring tt with yea. I has a 10,000 per cent Investment In a m a net n dur ing company'a atoeh; mechanica having small amoanta to Invest preferred; office epea Sst. nrdsy evening. Apply to Wax, O. , Petsr haaa, 818 Commercial blk. CHANCB for party with some capital to la vest to represent weal food product maao- factoring concern In const territory. Ne competition; essy mum; big profit on Invest. ment an gooa wages su rosA Address for Interview, '. v l 170, care Journal. WANTED Experienced man I the market baslnsas butter, eggs, flah. poultry aad ir ' eerie to take one half Intereet for a little money; good men csa do wsll: central loca tion, small expense. Deal with owner, is Fourth et., aear YamhllL . Investigata. WANTED A reliable man to tske an Intereet In a paying real aetata and employment office; yoa eaa make food money. .-. THB J. R. FOREMAN CO., , ' ISIVs Morrlsoa St. . FOB SALB Millinery and ladles' furnwhlnf sonde store; csubllshsd 10 yean; a money maksr. y. . , THB I. R. FOREMAN CO., . ISlti Morrlaoa at. f60 INVENTORY, part time, takaa well-nay. Ing Cigar, confectionery, grocery store: new etock, aplendid flxtnrnc. rent 312: store snd - rooms; mast aell. 428 Failing et.; take Wood lawn or Alberta ear. I WISH to communicate with sp-bvdats gen eral msrctanndlse msn with corns capital; fine . chance to epea store la live valley town Rear Portland; eaa build np big bualnesa. Address M 178, care Journal. . . FOR SALB Tb best dairy and milk rents In Portland; ne chalk snd water about this, .. . . THB J. R. FOREMAN 00, , I , 181V. Morrlaoa at. ' GROCERY, splendid lecatioat good eleaa stock sua so ing paying ouainessr cnesp rent; with living rooms: rare opportnnlty; about $1,200 required. 410 Dskum bldf. . FOR SALB A 8 -drawer Matioaal caah register, cost 3646, will ssll for $160, almost sew and . In A-l condition, and oa Dayton competing seals almost nsw, 866, 477 William avs. FOR SALB A well patronised blacksmith shop In a thickly nettled con a try at B bargain. From berg A Co., 227 H Washington at - PARTNER for amall rroeery; meet he find out side rustler end references; about 8600 re. Jnlred; eee cwner at Point View on St. oboe car line. Address L 180, en re Journal. 08 8HABBS la a lumber company with mill ana a nice iracx si pine timber for ssle very cheep; a asonsy maker. 1088 . Union eve., North. ..-,. PARTNER wanted ta real estate business who Is willing to learn; must have a little money. Address K 107, car Journal. . . AVB MONEY Anything ta printing eee Mad den, Odd Fellowa' Temple. First aad Aldet ata.; epstalra. BETTAUBANT for Bale cheap; food locetloa sncV no opposition; a money -ranker for maa and wlfs. Address K 188. Journal. I A. f 1,000 BUYS a clean grocery etock ea en at aids, doing good bnslneas of $35 per day, 1f sold at ence. Address W 188, (ars -Journal. , $TS0 BUYS 1-8 Intereet In a paying brokers re snd enmminstn business. AdiUssa F Ida, care Journal. - . . ' ARB you looking for a bnnlnsss opening t If so, eommonlcsts with G 167, cars Journal. . BOOMJNG-HOrsH for sals, n Bast Salmon; no Bgsata. Phoaa "last 6008. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GOOD T-rnom house on Fremont at, and Union ave., lot 40X12A; will ssll fhesp. Dodsna A Becket. 418 Chamber et Commerce. 1; Will sell fhem imbcr ef Co met ar, choice Hot, 100x100 NRAR car. c holes tint, nesr rive. Eella Oossett, Riverside effice, St. Johns ear. S-RO0M house! s bar fata. 808 Montana avs. .-. ear, . . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. for str a By H. O. STlTK.i A CO., " ' 620 Unfcsi arc. North, Near Bunnell at. $4,A00 for 8-room house with furnace I beneuient oo Victoria st. This is a fins bouse: ffrst-c!ses. ' $!.Nio for a corner lot on Broadway near .. Wflllnms svs. . $4.0"t for a lot en Williams see. $ for a lot oa Wlllisma svs. $2,000 foe g lot oa WllUms avs. Bear Baa cock at. ' $1,600 for a tot ea Ualoa eve. assr Han cock. , . ' $1,600 for a lot ea Union avs. near Skid mom st. - . $.1,600 for two houses sad a a tors; lot 4ft . 160; will rent for $.18 a month; oa Unto ave. near Sellwood. Wa haee ether bargains toa numerous to men. tloa; pleass glvs ua a call and we will shew you. Renting hones and eollsctlng rents specialty. . . S-BOOM aonae ea good car line, fsts. , 80x300 with small houae, 8800. V : : 60x100 with city water, food earline." , f2u; terma. t 50x100 with S-room modera house, 31,900; ' easy tsrma. f 80x100 with 4-room plastered hones; food yard; fl.000, . " ' .. BuxlOfj with B-room cottars; $150; balaece Ilka rant. BEAVEB REAL ESTATE A INVB8TMENT CO.. Booms 8 aad 4. Odd Fellows Bldg, 141 Vs First St. Hawthorne Aye. Residence . New modsrn borne .to " ' ebolcest ' as. tion of Bswthorne ave. Vary bnadsomslv !Zi .L m.ine; oesatlful maotIJ larn nine; run concrete bcie- t. furnace, nlomblnr tmth nn mnA 1 stairs, beautiful largs grounds, 160x200 feet, with choicest variety of fiult trees, berries' , .and shrubbery. Fine 8-story barn. This ' property (a sltqsted 100 feet from Hawthorn-. ' avs. For sale by owner for 89.000. A goofp i fw,telrr someone. Hawthorne are. apeaka T. k. SctberJand s ! BOO. I 304 BUCHANAN BLDG. XS8H Waahlagtor St- Phoaa Msla SBOd. List Your Property With L. Alderman . FOR QUICK SALES. ; . Phone Mala 1013. '. CHOICE CORNER LOT B. 84 fh and Wasco; N. B. corner: cement , sldnwalkn; newer; ran; choice real, tears dis trict; aothlnf Ilka it for ths money. J X firhrn '. Oraad' ave. and K. Ankeny. A SPLENDID lot os East Mth at. for 8360: ws will build any atyle qM tare desired; pay-as ' f ion Aiwn snd $26 a month. MULTNOMAH BVILDING COMPANY. 270 Starh at. , v Willamette Bcnlsvard ' Larg lots, best view of city and river; terms! are W. B. Bast, Arbor Lodge. Pbeae Woodlawa 12A C R. Dcnnell & Co. REAL ESTATE. 1 Boom IA 868 Stark at. QUARTER - blera al S7tb- and - In! Cllnfn ata., oac A room and ene 4-room ' esttsge, fnll bene ment; fbeee are modern; nothing . nicer In East Portland. Price 86.000; csa give tsrma. grs G. W. Sever, ewncf. 8J-J East Morrlsoa at. City. : t $1. too LOT 40x120. . aew Arnom bonne, ens block from carllns In Rlvervtew addltloi.; ' f300 down, balance 3 r month, i A. J. FARMER A CO., , ' " - . Boom SO W sab big toa bldg. I HAVB good T-room m,elern borne, enraer lot. East 84tb St., 3 blocks ef Hnwll-cres ' ave, 8 blocks W-R car; 8300 cash. Misses essy. 248 Stsrk st. . ' f foO 4i x lOO-, W A SOO cti 860060x100, MlnnesoiB ave. neer Ski.lnwrs. " $1,000 Nice Int. East Glisen nesr IMtn. '. WUUsm H. Undsay 1'hooc Bast 0108. 38.000. WILL hue two B rnnm cot tares, nee. eornsr lot. 60x128, pnWmont Park, six minute car service. Terms. Owasr. J i A ears Journal. - r l rOR SALB A saap; $1,000.60: almost 1 acre of land. -Woodlawa; all la first-class fratu B room bouee and ontbnlldlnri; rkme to enr line. . Inquire 80 North Fifth St.; hotel. . Hslf essh. balaace eany terms. . . OH WILLIAMS AVB. See here, a atrlctly aiodern T ranm boaee. nicely f lira letted, and 6-room cottars, the ' whole btinmsee for H.iT-O: half rash. ROOM 28, 3l'8 STARK ET. , i , , i TWO 6-foom cottagn. sltmtted from U block i" te 1H blocks from oarllne. Inside ctry limit.. ; and SS-acre farai 4 blocks from cite limit,: '- must aell. Address tbe cwner, L 161, Journal. ANOTHER BARGAIN 11 acre, mostly cleared. ', good boons snd bars, fins sell, mnal re cbesp. The Tltto A Abetrsct Co.. room 4 -Mulkey bldg.. Second and Morriana nts. 1 East Kcrrlsca 100x100, Just across bridge, mast saB af a tow price. ROOM COB COMMERCIAL BLK. ' " BEST buy sa Ht Brett line; new modem bus- r f slow, 8 large rooma, electric fixtures, chins . i closet, bath: 100 fee from car: 81.700; terms. Second house north of, Tremont. - A ROOM plastered bonne, ItanBan water, afreet ! graded, $100 down. 312 ipsr mnath. Phone Woodlawa 814. No sgaaia. , . : FOR SALE Modern - Arnom bonne. Richland. New modera 7 room houaa. Pled moot. , Sac , owner, ll7 Union are, nortb. t WANT to net my home en Williams avenue: rJO dBdar value for quick esle. Address 170,' care Joarnah FOR SALE Suburban home, three fnll lota. , T-room houne snd bath; 30 bearlaf fruit tn-es; -. 160 rose bashes; shrubbery etf all kinds. Phase Bast 4o7A WB WILL build yoa a cotters, aay style yc 1 went for 81.900: anv na B2.1 s mnnfh. ' MULTNOMAH BUILDING COMPANY, xiu atsrk at. 8-ROOM cot tarn; modern; new; tot ManvtTT I jeti rrom car, B2.200; Broom onrtsgs; anx 100; 1 block from car, f 1.600, UatflsLd A Smith, 166ts Fourth St. , , MODERN A room bouee. B. tSth St. I food car service; street Improved; 82.860; term. H. B. Dickinson, owner, 408 Commercial hlk. Phone Pacific 27. . WILL aell cheap (must leave town) T-reota houne and bam en ground lOOxluO or any pert thereof: this is your chsacs. 884 Bod-" ney ave, aor. Skldmore. - SOO FARMS, small tracts snd lots; bargilns na O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Add I ton. Lests. Ores. Take Ml. Beott ear. Be. A A ROOM bonne, corner lot 60x100. with full baesment. Inquire at S63 Dlvlaloa at. FAXON PARK lots 100x200. In etilttvstlon. . level aad sightly: prices 3300 to 3376. O. R. Addltoa, LcnU, Or.; Ait. Scott car. Be. FOR SALBU-Fine tot. South Portland, chsns. Inqnlre 088 Flrat St.. or Ssa Frsuclaee Cleaa tng Works. All, Washington at. , FINB corner, Vaacoever ave. and Bleadena et, eeet fronts C. R. Black, owner, 1206 Alblna ave. Phone Wondlawa 208. - IP yoa want to bay .a home ea easy Wrma tt , : win pay yon to see P. fi. Lassen OswiL - . First st, Portland. . S SNAP B-room .houne and tot; must ssll 't ones: loeattoa 347 Holt et, Lsnrslwond Park; price $030. Address M 160, care JoarnaL BUY a home In Nat Grove Orchard todarr' terms; Sella Uossstt, Klverslda office, BU ; Johns car. . ;, FOR SALE S-ronm house; lot 80x138; lot ell under gardea. , 708 Harold at, taks SsUvrovd WB WILL build a bonne to suit yoa aad we .will aell on essy monthly Installments. , P. a Lasssn A Co., 874 First at, Portland. TRY Investment, $0, no mora, In lot' first be anm you are right; for sxplaaatton address . W 172, cars Journal. GOOD Arnom hens and fractional lot oa Ext Secad st. will psy 8 per cent; price l,Vt. Dodaoe A Beihst, 418 Chsmbsr ef Commerce. 8-ROOM honae. 187 Ivy at, furnished, range. '"J?0'.1 8od gardso. chlcken-houee. Applf North Sixth St. ADDlerntn for u..i.r. 10n.Fi!'w,,? ,'B'B8 Sroohryn sehool st f660 each; terms. Booms 206-208 Mohawk bldf. .J