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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1907)
THE JOURNAL liAS THE LARGEST DOHA FIDE CmCULAlTIO.N IN PORTLAND. AND III .OLllL J VUi Issue of " The Sunday Journal v Comprises 5 Sections 60 Pcges The Weather Fair. and warmer i westerly winds. . . - . - Journal Circulation Yesterday Wu mm VOL. IV. . NO. , 5. ; ' PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 4. 14, 1907. PRICE FIVE CENTS. StefFensSays HeneyQid Good Work in Oregon rBut'HoIds Society to ' Blame Corruption Everywhere,; 8ay . Editor Who Found Old. Old Story of Dishonesty Publlo ; tty Only Hope of Curing Ills That Afflict Our Government. (Hntrt News by Umfmt Um4 Wire.) San . Franclaeo, April 11. Lincoln teffens. tha graft tnveatlgator, la avals la tha city, aftar having baan away for tlx waaka In Oregon, whara ha want to look into tha atata of corruption. . Ha came to Ban- Franclaeo t in February to turn tha light of publicity upon' tha anal" administration, tta political boaaea and tha bribe-giving official! of tha publlo servloe - sorporatlona. But finding that Uenay had a long way to travaraa to tha and of hla labora Staff na bethought, himself to keep busy until tha local situation had cleared somewhat to permit of aa unobaourod view of our cirlo same. Accordingly ha want to Oregon, expecting to apend two or three waaka In hla lnveatlga ttona. Instead ha remained alx waaka and et!U did not get-to tha bottom. "It la tha old, old story," ha aald; "tha atory of graft If la a beaten trail to ma oWi I no longer oare toward what city I direct my Investigations. It la all tha aama. Corruption la every where. Tha publlo think It la new. Because tha scene la aat In new loca- tlona and tha names of tha pereone are new. But it la not new. ' v "I do not consider persona, . I do not care that an tr Ividual la corrupt. I m intereated in tha clroumetancee that tan mhke graft poaalbla In tha condition of society that glvea thle opportunity for tha proatltution of publlo effloe to private, gain. Tha publlo ia responsible. Same aa msswbsrs.-' "It la the aama in Oregon aa every where else, aa In Plttaburg, In Philadel phia, . In San Franclaeo, and. in Wssh Ington. Our government ia not repre sentative of ua. but of crooke in tha public aervica corporationa, la tha apo dal interests, which In order to ob tain valuable privllegea must corrupt all that can oppose them. They Influ ence thla peraon and that . person, nd they in turn bearuipon others, and aoon tha whole ayatera la vicious. Tha pub lla la affected, and the only difference la that tha governing eiaaa ia tne teaat nrnmilai-B nart of the public In seek- ing advantage they have revolutionised the wnoia government. What la needed la a atrong presen tation of facts to tha publlo to roues It to an appreciation or me a anger. . "Honey did a big work In tha" land frauds of Oregon. Not alone becauee he has put men in Jail, but aama of tha cltlsena of the atata who before had thought they were entirely reapectable and euperlor peraona ware shown to be allied with tha grafters,' The exposures deterred tha grafters in ether llnea for a time, and made them laaa bold in their operations, but the aondlUon yet re- mHire hi Ban Franclaeo It la tha same, When Heney will havs uncovered tha whole ellmy trail of corruption, and ahown what really la tha governing llSI Real Reason Prisoner ;ls Anxious, to Secure Bail Is On Account of l-Jis Frail Wife 't , Heroine of Murder Trial Hi With Consumption and a ". Mere Physical Wreck- Thaw JtW Delmas to -Get Him Out on .' Bail or He Will Lose His Job. (Continued on Page Four.) (PnMlahers rreaa by Special teased Wire.) New York. April II. The real rea son for Harry K. . TbaWs daalre to be admitted to ball Immediately pending hla retrial for ' tha killing of Stanford White, aalda from hla natural craving for freedom, it developed - tonight, la that ha feara hla wife may utterly ool lapaa unlaaa ha can gat her away from New Tork at once. .- Evelyn la a wreck. . One of tha men who haa been ' her oonetant attendant ever alnoa Thaw's arrest confessed to day that tha greatest worry . of the whole Thaar family Is Evelyn's health.. "Since last July," aald tha attendant. "Mrs.. Thaw haa waated away 60 per eent. - She la only a ehadow of herself. If aha abould eatch cold and It aettled on her lungs, .In her preaant physical condition, it would, mean , almoat car; tain death to her." . ' His wife's condition furnished - the real motive for the demand Thaw will make during the coming week for hla release tinder $260,000 ball. Evelyn re fuses to leave New Tork without her husband. ' c ' .- ' r ' afmass te beawe arry. . 1 -Members of tha family have coaxed her In vain to oonaent to any number of little trips planned for warmer ollraea and reat resorts where she could re cuperate, but tha fltUs wife Insists her piece la by 'her husband, and it will be New Tork 'for her unless. Harry can aocomnanv her. Peraona who do not look kindly upon Thaw's defense are Inclined to , find In hla anxiety regarding hla' wife, and eapeclally the 'Intereet auddenly being ahown In her oy ma reiauvea. a aeirian motive. They point out that tha only thing which gave Thaw the ghoat of a Chance In hla recent trial waa Evelyn's appearance on tha atand. If aha abould die or abould fall ao that aha would be unable to go on the atsnd and repeat her awful atory, - oplnlono generally agree that It. would take far leas than 47 hours for a iurv to a tree and that it would probably be tha death chair for the slayer of Whits, rata Thaw's anxiety to. get out of prison was demonstrated today In a aeaalon he bad ia tha Wombs with Delmas, . the lawyer who practically conducted tha defense. Thaw, it la said, practically put It up to Delmas ta get him out on ball lf ha wlahed to remain .in the case. Thaw openly charged that the Callfornlan, so ths story leaked out of tha Tomba. had thrown - away hla chances with ths jury by his plea of Juatlft cation. . "Now go and make 'good. Oat ma out of hers on ball. That's tha thing I want now." - Thla Is tha remark which Thaw Is reported to have thundered- down the corridor after Delmsa aa ha beat a haaty retreat from ths cell. . : IS THIS YOUR IDEAL OF BEAUTY? . - . . . V. K (Continued on Pago Four.) Clerk Charges Him With Selling and Using the Money Obtained for His Own Purposes - Realdenta at the Carleton, a fashion able boarding houaa at tha corner of Alder and Thirteenth atreeta, are agog ever the arrest of , Sam MeCredle. a sapper young man who with hla wife haa been living with eonelderable ap- roprance o weaun ana aiyie i m riiton for some weeka. Mr. MrCredla Is charged wun emoes alement He was captured at Vancouver yesterday afternoon by Detective Hell rer, and falling to eecure bond he spent tha night In Jail. Clerk stakes Charge. It la alleged that ha aecured tha confidence of a drygoods dark, C W. Iiouaing, at a local department store, who had accumulated soma mining tork and that MeCredle got possession of the atock under an arrangement Aitt lia was to aall It at advanced prloea and divide tha profits' with Dousing. It la rharged by Dousing that MeCredle. af ter getting him to Indorse the abares In blank, converted the atock fa to caab and appropriated tha money to his own ""Dousing had 1006 shares of Lee's Creek company atock which MeCredle, It la alleged, represented that he could crll at l cente per share, provided Doua. Ing conld add 4.000 aharea to the block and mske It 10,000 shares. This Dousing did and while ths negotiation was pro gressing it waa revealed that Dousing also poaeeaaed four aharae of J. O. Lee company atock. This MoCredle said ha could aall for ISO per ahare - it four aharea wars added to make a block of It aharea. - ' MoCredle Apprehended, Again Dousing aroaa to tha altuatlon and after all the aharea had been duly Indorsed in blank to MeCredle the lau tar. failed to materialises with tha pro ceeds sad declare the ; promised dlvl alon of profit a. Aftar Doualng's aua plclona reached tha acuta auge ha filed Information and a detective waa aant after MeCredle. Ths latter bad left word that ho was on tha way to Chi cago on bualneaa tor hla uncle, J. Du Bola, of the McMlnnvllIa hotel, but It waa aaeertalned that ha had gone to Seattle Instead. Later It waa learned that ha bad returned to Vancouver and there ha was apprehended yeatarday. . It la alleged that MeCredle sold tha X. C. Las atock to Broker Catlln of Portland for tlO par ehara, and tha .ee'e Creek company atock to Dr. Smith-of East Portland for 1H cents per ahare. ... Last evening MfCredle waa "released on deposit of 19 oast) ball given by L. J. Wilde. v - - . " e it , r '' ' 'J - J C . - " i I a . i : f t & W . t .. i t i ! ' - ' f ' - I. f . . J. , a- , t it ! OimmSTMlIM: Ida De Marlon, Ona of tha Winners of tha Chicago Tribune. Beauty , 5 ,: Conteat. CJopyrlfht by Chloago Trlbnne. ALL JOIN IN BEAUTY Contest. Becomes Internationar in Scope. Twenty-Four Newspapers; Seeking the ( . . Mnct Roaiitilnl Wnman N mugs uuuuinui ii wiiiuii t: Ths Journal's great beauty . ajuest la now fairly under way. Next week' a double page with portraits of tS beau tiful Oregon women will be published. Every . mall brings . pictures from all sections of tha state, but there are many beautiful women whoaa photos havs not yst reached Ths Journal office. All readers are requeated to aend la tha photographs of every beautiful woman they know.. : . , .. .. - ,.- ... There are 14 great newspapers now engaged In the beauty queaU They are as follows: Chicago Tribune, Boston Herald, Buf falo Times, Denver Post, Cleveland Leader, St. Paul Newe,, Indlanapolla Star, Detroit Newa-Trtbune, New Tork World. Milwaukee Sentinel, - Philadel phia Inquirer, Dea Molnee News.. Pitts burg . oasette-Tlmea, omana Newa, Louisville Courier-Journal, 8 an . Fran cisco Call, 8L Loula Republic, Provl dsnce Tribune, Washington , , Times, Minneapolis News, Columbns "Mspatoh, Salt Lake Tribune, .Portland toregsnj Journal. Nashville American. ' In Canada the' Montreal Standard Is conducting a beauty quest. Other Can ada panara are to follow, and 'ths eon- teat thueassomee InternaUonsJ aspects. Ths winner of eaoh atata sonteat enters ths national competition and the winner of the national competition will prob ably compete with the winners of ths eompetlttona being held throughout Eu rope. Thus ths most beautiful woman In the world will be selected aad pro claimed. Phe ought to be aa Oregon woman. The newepapera of tha elate are as sisting Ths Journal In lta beauty queat. firm In tha belief that thla atata pro duces ths finest type or beauty. - . . The Newberg Enterprise aaysi "The Oregon Journal now- has a beauty eon teat on with a number af eastern pa- (Contlnued on Fags Two.) AGTOR IS BOUND TO VOTE Gleason of Baker Company, Turned Down Because Only Father , Naturalized, Begins Mandamus Proceedings Against : .;'.'.' County Clerk. , . FME OF $29,2 mm Rockefeller's Concern Convicted in Federal Court at-Chicaao bv-Jurv-Mie crafb ressinns and Reductions Fmm Railrrmri: UEira Billy" Oleaaon, whom "everybody knowe aa a leading character aotor of the Baker atock company, wanta ta east his vots In the - approaohlng Portland election. Indeed, "Billy" la ao anxloua to vote that ha ta willing to apand a good-alaed slice of his weekly salary to get thea- . Laat Thursday tha Jolly Old Man of tha Baker presented himself at the county courthouae and asked . to have hla name duly placed upon the registra tion beeka Frank Flelda gave him a cold atony atare figuratively apeak-Ina- of course and nodded to the next customer. Waa Uncle Billy madt Oh, my ! Tou would have thought OS waa 4oing oaavy xor a cnange, t ,.,,.('' - Tha trouble was that Mr. Olaasoa In nocently sdmlttad that he was bom In Ireland. Now, who would havs thought "Billy" Oleaaon came all the way from Ireland T And from .Tlpperary county, too. Mr. Oleaaon waa bora la Tlpper ary county IT year a ago, and vary soon after hla birth ha brought hla parents to America. In Cincinnati In lilt he had his father take out papers and be come a naturalised cltlaen of tha United Statea. , "Billy- never took out naturalisation papers of his own. Hs become of. legal age and voted, and haa voted aver since. Naturally, he waa wroth to be' told that (Continued en Fags TwX , J " : s:":- (Publishers Press by Special Leased Wire)' ':' saei e al A ' awWaB . ej m M .-' . m umcago, Apru u. ine atanqara uu company was touna guilty at 10 o'clock to night of rebating, by a jury in Federal Judge Landis' court. The jury declared the trust was not guilty on 441 counts of the indictment, but that it was liable on 1,462 counts. t The maximum fine is $20,000 on each count arid the nunimum $1,000. There fore the maximum gross fines may aggregate $29,240,000. - The jury retired to consider the evidence at 6:12 p. m. . and do voted two hours of the time in tervening between the retirement from court and the return to ren der a verdict to eating a course dinner. The minds of the jurors were made up. They had been listpnincr tn th sv!n.A tnr ---"---a. w , v iViVllVW ia OlA weeks and evidently arrived at a conclusion before the final argu ments, judge Landis returned from dinner attired in a full dress suit He opened court, sent for the jury and receivedthe verdict. Immediately upon reading the verdict the attorneys for the oil company moved for a new trial, and next week was set as tho time for hearing arguments on the motion. Before this motion is , disposed of the question of whether the defendant can be fined on more than one . count must' be determined. Whether the court has any discretion to ignore the jury's findings and fine on but one count is a' disputed question. - , , ' ' Marlmnm Flas Jaiaa.- . ... . ' Ths defense does, not believe that the court will inflict Such an unprecedented and enormoua sum - In flnea. United States District Attorney 81ms declares ths full penalty la each case will not be disproportionate. He saya that if a common criminal is sentenced to prison iur a year ror ina inert or en artixia worth a few dollars, then the Unpoaltlon of 129,240,004 In fines against a corpo ration worth $100,000,000, a largo por tion of which wealth was amassed by collecting rebates, will be reasonable and according to tha practice of ths courts in easea of petty criminals. - The hlgh-prloed lawyers for the, ell company were creatfallea over their de. feat. They expreas a determination to carry the ease to the supreme court rather than permit their ellenta ta pay the great fine. If a single fine of few thousand dollars Is imposed they will pay It. . but If tha fins exceeds . , AAA . , . . ., . . . iw.vvv iu.j wiu nu, a aesperats fight before advising payment - The Standard Oil company of Indiana waa Indicted by tha federal grand jury of the northern district of Illinois for accepting concessions in storage charges, reductions ta rates and receiv ing other advantages of railroad dis crimination which wans equivalent to concessions in rates. The Indictment contained 1,104 count The amounts alleged to have been given the company aggregated UTt.tOO within It montha. Competitor plecrlm tested Agalast. Ths shipments were from Whiting, Indiana, to East Bt Louis. Illlnola, and from ChappeU, Illlnola, to St Loula. Ths Investigation of ths grand Jury INCUBATOR USED AS HOME FOR A 2-POUND INFANT Little One Is No Longer Than a Foot Rule and Just Able to Make Noise When It Cries Hands and Feet of Baby Are . - No Larger Than Marbles. ... .. -. - . . j (Special Dteeetea te Tee Jearaatl ' XTlma, Wash., . April II. There was bora ' to - tha wife of Milton . Burgeon Thureday a child . that weighed at birth but . two pounds. Bo ilght . and frail waa tha tiny plaos of humAnlty that Dr. Blair of Elma.. tha attending phyalclan, in ths absenos of better fa cilities ordered a ohlokea .Incubator Im mediately provided for the newborn babe, and that ths child be placed in it at ones and tha temperature kept at blood beat. With careful watching and attention tha child haa eontlnued to live, it la kept wrapped In tha f tnaat and eofteet cotton batting. Although tha child was prematurely bora by four montha It now gives every promlss of . living. It Is not longer than a foot rule and Just abla to maks a noise when it cries, its little handa are clinched and are not larger than ordinary marbles. Its breathing la per. oeptlble and regular. The temperature that Is maintained 1 oauaea tha Uttls oreature to perspire freely.. Ths father and mother of the ehlld are living on a farm about three mllea from Elma. Tho babe Is thslr first born aad is a girl. ' STRIKING SHIPBUILDERS v WILL RETURN TO WORK (FaMlsh-re Press by perls Leased Wire.) Loralns, O, April 11. Hundreda of ehlpbulhlera employed by tha American Shipbuilding oompany will return to work Monday .morning, it was stated upon good authority tonight. Tha men struck beoauss President Wallace would not grant them aa audience when they desired to request a shorter work day. Fir Rages tn Owoeeo. (PsMlssera Press ay 'Sseela Leased wve.l Owoeeo, MlctL, AprU II. Fire de stroyed ths city fire building tonight Ths firemen were slumbering when the names broke out and were almoat con sumed In their beds. Ths engine house oontalnad all the flrs-flghting apparatua tn town and It waa only by hereto ef forts this was eaved. TO FOLLOW ADVICE OF CJBSION Washington Tlmbermen Will Eliminate All Questions Be fore' Board Except That of Opening Portland Gateway Full Hearing Impossible Now. .Seattle, April 11. The Interstate commerce commission are aeektng to eliminate all questions in tha big suit brought by ths Washington lumbar- men aava tha queatlon of the opening of wihe Portland gateway, and will un doubtedly bo allowed to fix 'the. scops or ths railroad Inquiry. -The lumber men. Insistent at the outaet upon mak ing a fight agalnat III railroads, are In a mood to accept ths Interstate com merce commlaaioa's views. Both Jamee M. Aabton and AnaUa H. Griffith, attorneys for ths m 111m en, are In fsvor of seceding to the Interstate commerce oommlaalon's auggeetlon. and tha lumbermen can be expected to take the view of their counsellors. Ths at- tomeya do not want to be overly In sistent In mattera of procedure before a quaal-Judlclal body that will hear their caas, x - A meeting of the lumbermen's com mittee will be held early thla week to ree upon a program. Correspon dence between the attorneya and the in terstate commerce commission show ing plainly that the. temper of the com mission la against an extended inquiry will be laid before tha mltimen'B com mittee at that time. - - It la aaaerted by tha lnteratata com merce commission that If the mlllmen demand a full Inquiry tha hearing will have ta be postponed Indefinitely until enough time can be given to listen to all tho evidence affecting each road. Tha Intimation la given that If the in quiry is limited to tha opening of the Portland gateway tha questlona Involved can be aettled early. Since the anlllmen have asked that a precedent be eatabllahed at ones, ths commission's intimation of an early hearing will have great Influence In favor of tha Portland teat I.aff to Manage Phillies. Philadelphia. AprU II. President John L Taylor of ths Boston American League club, announced tonight that hs had aecured George Huff to manage the team. Huff, who la at present athletic director of the Illlnola university, haa signed a " three-years' contract with Boa ton and will take charge in a few days. (ConUnuad oa Page Two. LEAVES RUNAWAY HUSBAND aW-V a ' I -pA 11 f I P i t ilA Ii I A IV I A f I V OtLL I U VV tU VVUIVIMIM vv nVJ LOVES HIM DESPITE ALL - Love alone forgave all tha wrongs which lease Luke bad done to MUe Nettie Miller even the elopement f Luke with Miss Miller's pretty lt-year-old half sister. Xatls Bevana, and the wronged woman who waa wife foy two years In all but legal acquiescence, came to Portland yeatarday and. In order to save II possible Luke from punisnmem tha court, aecured his release from ths county Jail long enough to marry nun. It waa only another chapter In a story about a womaa who sacrificed ev erything for the man ana loves, . - Traasf erred KU Affeettoaa. mh one wee written when Jease Luke and Nettle Miller met. loved end married, but forgot to ooaerve " legal formalities of a wedding, aa It waa learned only lately.. Chapter num ber two embraces the arrival on. the scene of ls-year-old Katie Bevana, half sister of the wife, the transference of the husband a affections te the younger girl and their sensational elopement Chapter number three le tragic: A polloeman,' fired by an offer of a 1st reward b 'the father sf the girl, be- comea active long enough to land the elnrra In Jail. Tha lovara are separated, the girl le taken home to her parents Bobbing that aha wUl be true UU death, aad- the man la dragged off to Portland uid thrown Into the county baatile. Finally, oomea chapter number four, written now - for the first time. The outraged wife appeared on bended knee to beg absolution for the man aha atlll lovea Hoping to mitigate the law's vengeance, aha cornea to Portland and goes through the legal ceremony which tUla ths tongues of gossips. ' Two years ago Jeees Luke and Kettle Miller entered Into a common law mar- rlaga They have sines lived at Rainier, where Lake worked In the Reed mill. Six montha ago . Mtas Katie Bevana cama to live with the Lukea. and Bun day, March It, they ran away together, taking ISO, all the Luke aavlngs, with them and leaving tha wife alone, elck and penniless, with a T-weeke-old babe at her breast. . Police Bad Bemaaoe, The elopere traveled to Prattle and then to Belllngham, where they were caught before the week'a end. The girl waa taken home to her father, who had offered a IBt reward for the arrest cf the couple, sn.l l.uke waa brought to Portland fr s' 'K-eplng. Luke h 1 not I In. Joll a dny be fore tin k V wi'inmi li Itnlnler t to work to u . ri !: i his rflae. Wonn'i- Sha euppllcated the district attorney of Columbia county and when he learned that aha waa not his lawful wlfs she offered to prove her forgiveness as well aa his promise to be better by undergo ing the marriage ceremony. . The prosecuting officer of Columbia county did not promise to let Luke ge free, but he wrote a letter of introduo. tlon to Sheriff Stevens, aaklng that on cer to help bring about the marrlase and ta allow the wife to see the prt-. oner aa often as possible. The result was that, hla hair near combed. Luke was led from hla r ; to the upper floor of the rourttiDiiM I i yesterday afternoon. There i a lot of trouble In getting tiis ll-i out at last Sheriff Hteven roiin. ni I to awear to the affidavit and t.'ie rnn, , ascended ta Judse Fraser e rhum' . .. where they Joined hamls In holy . ; look. Then the prlsonef wm . f M- ; his cell and th wtm,!in wr t 1 i Rainier ta thnlr t !. i I. n Unreslnirlv to lrmn: 'i of Its fntli-r. 'I fnrHve Min I "Ite I-.-.s alav t llks Si I "i I "t sls'nr, nut the nn.i, l l-t I v I -1 .