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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL ?ORTLAIID, MONDAY EVENINO, APRIL' IS, KCf. COLONfA L LIED i COIIFEREIICE Premiere and Delegates of Eng land and Hr Colonies . Meet at London.' P DIIjCUSS QUESTION OF PREFERENTIAL TARIFF Extent Colonic Bhall Contrflmt to England'a Defense to Be Conald ' end and Whether ' Colonic Shall : Hara Armies and Navies. STEVENS TALKS OF BIG CAHAL Former Chief Engineer 8aye the ' Ditch Should Be Finished ' In Eight Years.; NOT OOINO TO HAVE - , TROUBLE WITH DISEASE , " (Joernal gpoeml SarTiae.) fcondon, April lsAfter a lapse of Br years elnoe the first conference of lia Kind ni held, the British Colonial Conference, made up of tha pramlara aad ether representatives of - England and nor self-governing , oolonlea. aa- amniaainjwxioa today ta discuss im ponant mattara tbat ere 6r"Tnutnai interoet to the component part of tha Tba aonfaranoa was oponad at tha wrauu Oinca with Blr Hnin n.mnhall. Baaacnnaa, aa prima minister, opoupy ing th, chair. Nalthar tha preaa not Puduo litobi admlttad to tha sessions, though It la not Intended that tha pro ceedings shall ba kept secret. Tha con- . rerence will ba In aaaalon about month. Aftar Ita oloaa aa account of tha proceeding win ba laauad In tha xorm or blue book. Canada la represented at tha confer ence by Sir Wilfrid Laurler. premier! Sir Frederick Borden, minister of mi litia and defense, and I . P. Brodeur, mlnleter of marina and fisheries. Me foundland la repreeented by Sir Robert Bond. Mr. Deakln. premier of the Commonwealth of Australia.; Sir JCe, Wsrd, premier f Naw Zealand; L. B. Jameson, premier of Capa Colony; F. R. Moor, premier of Natal; General Botha, representing tha Transvaal, and Sir W. Lyns, minister of customs of Aus tralia, ware other notable flgurea at tha conference opening. Tha Importance of the conference ean scarcely ba overestimated. Tha policy which may ba adopted by tha premiers will exert a tremendous Influence on the trade and commerce of tha world and, on political history of every com ponent part of the empire. Sifting out the matters which a ma jority of tba colonies regard aa rela tively most Important, tha first place la to ba given to the question of tha constitution of tha Imperial conference Itself. The wisdom of maklnx It a per manent institution, which shall meet at atated Intervale and dlacuse tba ques tions which affect tha British empire, will ba considered. - - .Canada la not much In favor of making tha confer ence a permanent Institution. Tha sen timent of a majority of tha eolonleo la that the conference. If made perma nent, ahould ba purely an advisory board. - Next to tha nature and extant of this permanent council Itself, li tha event that It ie established, tha question of Leave Oaaal tor Purely Personal Reason ' and Refuse to. Hake Them PubUc-7Perfect OrfanJxa tion Left tor Army Ilea. . (Journal Special geniee.) New York.. April la There la no reason on earth why tha Panama oaaal ahould toot be completed by January V, 1111, enabling ehipe to paaa from the Atlaatlo ta tba Pacific at will.'' Thla la tha prediction of John F. Star, ana, who brought order oat of chaos at the, lathmus. and aftar montha of preparatory work showed that the canal oould be dug rapidly if the admlnlatra tlon would only keep polltlca out ot It The Hit prediction waa made In aa exclusive Interview given ehortly after Mr. Stevana landed from tha ataameblp Panama. He firmly believes tha canal will be completed by tbat data If tha englneere are permitted, to go; ahead with tha work. "It baa been aald that you resigned baoauae your health wuld not stand tba climate of the tropica," waa sug gested, - -:. ..-:,,,' Zeepe Benson a Secret. "Nothing to that." came ' tha rapid fire answer. Tve been in Panama two yeara and I waa navar in better health In my life. I did not have a day of alokneaa that oould ba laid to ollmetlO oondlUone. They are aot going to have any trouble with disease There has not not been a oaae of yellow -ever aince a year ago laat December. Tha proportion of malaria and other dis eases la aot greater than that of Louis iana, Taxaa or ether gulf atatee. Why. Panama la a health resort." "Why did you leave the lathmusr ha waa asked, v "I ' have ' been under fire for two montha. . I have been called a fool, a i quitter, and I don't know what they haven't called ma. I have not aald a word. Nona of the reasons put forward in the newapapara have any. bearing on , my withdrawal. I have three reaaona i and 1 conatdcr them entirely sufficient."! At this time I will not say why I re signed." - . ".' . . . "There la no reaaon why the work on the canal ahould not go on smoothly to a consummation In llli." he aald. "Tha anglneera who take over the taak have .. a perfect organisation of men who are Intensely Interested In their work. There Is a working force of 8,609 whites and 11.000 blacks and there will be no difficulty In keeping thla force up to the mark. Tba labor prob lem of Panama has been solved. Prlendiy to Officers. -con Nothing leu than the finest Quality M keep a cigar .continuously in popular faror for orer thirty years, CHANCELLOR V- Cigar , . . . t)Idest and Best" - CEyery box of Chancellor Cigars is 'now stamped with, tha "Triangle A" , merit mark as well deserring this dls , tinction of high and consistent quality. Made in rations' sizes, sold at 3-for-25c, 2-for-25c" and 10c straight. AMERICAN CIGAR , ; COMPANY .' Muniactwrer "The army offlcara whom President greataat moment to be discussed la tbat v . .Tr" of a preferential tariff. While tha gov- TA .!f .! Jrap.10" I? erhment now In power In . England, la definitely committed to oppose this sys tem of a "preferential tariff, mora than one of tha colonies la now Insisting upon It, and the Indies tlona are that It will be a leading feature In the discus sion, i The advocates of a preferential tariff maintain that existing tariffs can be reduced tn favor of tba colonies on a reciprocal basis, and thua knit the empire wtto one homogeneoua whole wlthoua sustaining any loss. - V How far tha colonies shall contribute to tba imperial defenaa la another mat ter of groat importance which will la no feeling agalnat them. Tha work. Ing force la willing and they have mat with ao opposition." Mr. Stevens Is most optlmlstlo regarding the Datura dam, one of tha Mg problems of the ca nal. Engineers have declared that the plana for thla dam are faulty and that It cannot be properly founded. "There la nothing the matter with tha approved plana for dam a or locks," Mr. Stevens aald. "The secretary of war haa juat eent three of thle country's moK xamous engineers to investigate. They are J. R. Freeman of Hartford; Fred R. Stems of Boston and Oeorse coma before the conference. Many of ir" .ZV:.ii, . . .u T "a than. ar. getting ready to launch put on ll0::8'" .V,?ZZLtb?! a naval and military nrosram or tneir I . . - iwidi own. How rar mis snail oa pursued and how much It shall be placed at tba disposal of tha mother country la to be threshed out at tha conxcrenca. The Canadian ministers taking part In the conference have announced no eroa-ram on their own account, tnougn they are expected to take an Important part la the discussion of . the prefer ential trade question. mmy wilt aiso urea tha abrogation of the . modus Vivendi. In addition to tha three principal -queatione named above tha conference will gtva attention to tha subjects ' of naturalisation and Immigration. Next in order on the agenda are the aub- leota of judicial appeals, reservation of ? i i i . bllia passea oy toiuuli .su.'ur, tnu the extension of British Interests In the Paolnc And, finally, Uf time allows, tha queatlons of uniformity of patent lawa, reciprocity In professional qualifications, and the Introduction of tha metric sys tem will be taken up for discussion by tha premiers. PEARY TO START FOR NORTH POLE IN JULY (Jooraal Special gerrlecl Portland, Ma., April it. Commander Robert K. Peary baa definitely dcolded to make an attempt to reach the north pole thla aummer. Ha aald today he would aall from New York as near July 1 next as possible. Sufflclsnt money haa been raleed, ha said, for repairing Ms ship, tha Roosevelt, and a fund of 1100,000 nacesaary to equip tha sxpedl- 1 t'on Will DO avajiaoie uwvi. amy a, , ' Commander Peary eaya ha expects to arrive among the Ice fields by the middle Of JUly. n reianon w piana. Hid tha oommander, "I shall follow almost ta the latter those of my laat trip." SONS OF HERMANN IN BIENNIAL CONVENTION , DALLAS, Texas. April II. Ths Texas grand lodge of the Sons of, Hermann, a mutual benefit society whose member airp" 1 confined to persons of Oerman -Olrth or parentage, began Its biennial session In Dallas today with delegataa 1 present from many parte ef the etate. Tha reports of the officers show ths or ganisation to be in a flourishing condi tion, both numerically and financially. - in Texas tha society now numbers 161 local lodges with an aggregate member ship exceeding 10,000. 'gggg 8WMfg"g1"e''"gjBt aak them regarding their deeleloa but i am oonrmeini mat it will be favorable, I am away from Panama for good.". Mr. Btavona and his wife left ta the eiiernoon xor waanington. COCKRELL WILL HOT AID HIS SOU ANY FURTHER Commerce Commissioner ; Hu miliatac' at Actions of Son In Englaad and France. ACfJBA QUALITY is the new wsy i of sawintf ttrfect naintai eT age 0 m F jj, enamels, stains, y?yjt f'l . Tarniahes--peryp: ; feet when you JmMf buy, and fMf I I ..ptriect- IM , I in vi.-FW''' I I . frfftf -r hlMDf want 2f2w. ; 7V. T. thTrrrA :i 5y 1 1 matrrialvait f 7 the name if J "ACMEQUAim- : let e scad yoa a copy ec 5 the new test book. The f t aelectlea aad Use of Palate aadPlaiahce.1 Precoareqncet. ' cnpply yea with the "Acata ' fiuaaV alad.wawin. T'-T-" I ...... . ', , ., , .,. 1 f ew Era Paint 4 Varnish Co. ITS Sirs St. . , rortlaad, Oregon. sisvaterrtas ef I SiicSa ;Glpirjiiig. f itciMsss: of Success Rlewir E2lc r( ""''"!?" '"rj" """y". . . iniw,.,.,,..t,,v..,wv?v. t, , m, , . IT. Of - .''-..,.. : Cars Will Run in Thirty DaysStock Will Advance in Price Any J)ayfM& UNITED STATES GROWINQ FASTI Rare INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY If the country were to stand still toduatrlaTly 4t our population were not to increase by a alngle Individual, the new railroad being built by the people between Chicago and New York would be assured of a sufficient volume of busi ness te make It the moat profitable long-dlatance railroad In tha United States. The naeda of today ao far exceed the eapeoitlea of the railroads operating be tween New Tork and Chicago that Increased faolUtlea are imperative, Theae great terminal eitlea are rn urgent need of better railroad aorvloe and all tha interlylng territory Is In need of It But the Chloago-Naw Tork Elect rla Air Line Railroad haa Infinitely greater prospects than even tba necessities now promise, it will go through the moat populoua and the greataat Induatrial and Commercial States Of the Union. More over, what this section Is today merely suggests what It will be la the future. TREMENDOUS FREIGHTS The present Increase tn population obtains la almost every section of the country, but It Is attaining tremendous proportions In New Tork, Now Jereey. Pennsylvania, Ohio. Indiana aad Ullnoia, ve States through which the Chicago New Tork El eo trio Air Line will case. These now oontain neayiv people, and with the States which they adjoin, the territory Indicated In the aoove map, may wciuae aim obi eu.uuu,sws people, or inree-x population of the united States. fourthavef tba entire The two principal distributing points or the country are CM cage aad New idti mi i or uie vresi ana nm owier ior uie lyuu ine snipping earned On between them la enormoua. but la now restricted bv the lnadaauata fanilltlaa fov handling It Moat of the leading Western roada converge at Chicago, so prao- y tloall v all ahlomenta for tha aaatern markatsi and for unorl . a.ra haji4lA Kv the lines now operating between New Tork and Chicago. The Eastward tide memoes rruita xrom cajiromia, wneat- eorn, oats ana bene rrem the fields of the West, flour from Mlnneaota, furniture from Mlohlgan, lumber from the far Y:; : TEA . Th? grreatcst teamrinkers arc full-bottom Dutch men. There isn't much nervoui prostration in Holland." : .;.v - .. iV Scailliag k Caanpaay 8aa rraadac tJearaal SiiaMal Sailn 1 Waahlngton, April II. Tormer Sena tor Cockrell of MlasourL now a mem' bar of the interstate commerce oom- mission, is convinced that the EDhrlem Cockrell referred te In numerous cables from London la hia son. In Justice to Ephriam Cockrell, to himself and the public, Mr. Cockrell authorised the pub lication or thla atatement from him: ri have done my part In mv son's be half, but ha haa declined to follow nfy advice. Already be baa proven tha source or great expenae to me aad I am now unable to render him further aa alstance. Those who deal with him must da so Independently of his rela tionship to ma No one can more deeply or sorrowfully regret the course be is alleged to be pursuing than I. 'He haa treated bla wife shamefully. She has not been with him la Europe, but haa been either with ma, with my family, or with her father's family. Ephriera left thla country last June and since then I have had no communi cation with him aor have I known his address.' "The nsws oontalned tn the London dispatches Is Indeed humiliating." CHILDREN OF WORTHLESS ' V PARENTS TAKEN AWAY '(Special Dispatch te The Jeeraal.) ' Salem, Or., April 18. On complaint ot J. Teuecher Jr., an officer of the Boys' and Girls' Aid society, six chil dren of J. J. Smith ot Stlverton ware today committed to ths custody of that aoclcty after a hearing by Judge J. H. 1 Scott. Tbe evidenoe showed that the parents had neglected tha children, an thafcv though offered work Smith had refused to support his , family. The Smttha came to Sllverton laat fall and have been supported by ths oounty and tha people of Sllverton. The l-yaar-old baby was left in the custody of Ita parenta. , . CARTERS ORE Bleb Beadaebe aad relieve all tbe craaUes !net dent a btlloua atateof the ayetem,eah aa Disataaae, Kaeaae, Pins lines, IMetraas after eUo(, Pain ta tha Btda, ao. White their meat remartable snnn.ts haa been shore la oaring man aTcedaahc, yet Oartera Little liver Vffls are equally valuable la OonetipaMoa, suing ead pee- vaa ting this aaaoyiogeoniplatnt, while thay aotveetalldlaotteiaMtheatomaaaunwilaathe VveraaAragoiatethebowela. Svaalf aaayealf and HEAD; Aahathey would be almoctprieeteaa te Ihcsswbe Snffw from tbie i1l.lna.lng oompialnti bat rortw bataly thelrgoodneaadoas ootand barauid those whoonee try then will gad tUeae Uttle pule valu able la ee maay waya that thay will sot be wii llsgtadowiibouttbam. Bat after aUalok head Xs the Banc ct eemaay lives that km le where we make ear gnat beast. Oar pills cue It while eUMredeaot. ' 3artere Little Liver Kla are vary entail and very easy te take. One or two pills make a dace. Thay era stitetly veastablc and da ao grtpeee y uryOrnt py Uutz gaatle aeUoa pleasaaU who . tvum itiBxesn oa, m vox."" . Dal ta New Stocks. . Ilottraal gpeelal kVrrlra.1 . , New Tork, April- II. The new atock department ef the Naw Tork produce xohange opened for buaioeee today. Tha Hat of induatrial stocks and securi ties to bv dealt in by the exchange aggregates about Tl, tn addition to be tween lit and 110 mining stocks. jJ lUwaya Bay """s - Cy&JAnr. Collars M . - 0EBXnr fag gyas. - M tnsv aowT easoa ae awoge . n fl Save-tUIOOOKP" eyelet ea kitleahslei 11 1 1 that ttaad tbe .train. 1 1 II ose,e,ng aaewktaaate Taer,a,Y. II l -riai?iM aS-"- I fl XVaW' JAAV'' c 1:1 J northwest, livestock and dressed meats from the packing bouaee ot Chicago, Kanaaa City and Omaha.- Tha Industriea and natural resouroM of the eastern states seek the great wesiern maraeia ana create a volume ox ireignx ousiness wnion equals that coming from tha wast. Among the statea of the union New Tork la first in manufactures, Pennaylvanla aeoond and Naw Jersey haa Immense manufactur ing Intereets. Maaaachuaetta la ths center of America's boot, shoe, leather, wool, paper and cotton tradea. The eastern and middle Atlantic atataa send westward vaat quantities ef machinery, manufactured gooda, granite, marble, building atone, brick, aalt and numberleaa other produefe. The coal mlnea of Pennaylvanla, tha principal source of supply In the United States, are aoaataatly ahlpplng their output In every direction. Thua there la a never-ending flow of traffic ta feed the railroads operating between New Tork and Chicago, and it will continue and Inoreaae in volume aa long as the country exiata xna trazno between tnese great eitles haa doubled In the paat eight yeara aad yet no new lines have been built to oare for the Increase and the facilities of the old Unas have not bean extended. This condi tion Indtoatea how aerlously tha Chicago-New Tork Eleetrto Air Line is needed. It will traverse the most populous seotloa where the present congestion ta felt with greatest force. I UNITED STATES MAIL The Importance of the United States malla to tha railroads of thla section Is difficult to meaaure. It la aafe to aaaume that tha pereonal and oommerolal mail bualneaa created by tha alxty million people In thla territory la a consider able portion of the whole. A total of 11.000,000 separata pleoea ef mall of tha publication euse oniy every monm goea out rrora Mew xork city alone. And the Chicago-New Tork Electrlo Air Line will be the logical route for the United Statea malls tn Its territory, beoauae ef Its saving of time, for dispatch la of first consideration with ths government. ... PASSENGER TRAFFIC At present there are 8 regular through tralna' plying between Naw Tork aad Chloego dally. Passenger trains are almost Invariably filled te their utmoet eapacltlea. Tha existing syatema not only ears for all of tbe in tor-city paasen- -Thla cursory view of the situation Indicates that a tremendous volume of buslneea awaits tha oompleUoa of tbe Chicago-New Tork Else trie Air line Rail road and It does not take late account the future development of the country. The auooeaa of the Air Line la aa aura aa anything that man ean toreee, and the perxoaaeney of It aa certain ao that of the great eitles it win join. Ita advantages aa an investment are obvious Ita prospects of success too many to enumerate. No laveetment opportunity ta recent yeara either la mining, real aetata, tnveatlona or railroads haa been so replete with fortujte-makiag pros peota aa this sntercrlse. . - Railroad Stock Is well known to ba tha aefeat and moat euaeaaafMl imraat. menta. All over tha land - there are families living In afflucooa oa the pro ceeds of railroad Investments, many of them made one or more generations back. Statlstloa abow that there are fewer failures among ratlroada than In almost any otherjbranoh of Induatry. kOnlng la sometimes immensely profitable, but there era a. rmnrlrarl irnhahl r a thmiMnA-f.llM. In I n mm mnaHmm turn air ugt in aa extraordinary railroad project, ror none waa ever exploited that bad ao many and' eo great proepeots of Instantaneous suceeea It la not going Into a naw and- undeveloped country, but In the heart ef the moot thickly settled portion ad the continent, where the very beat railroad site haa heretofore BUILDING THE AIR LINE The Atr Una Is in process of etfnetruotloa. work having been commenced tn September. Oa February I ot thla year, tha first spike waa driven at La Porte. Indiana. Tha first section is 10 miles long and will draw bualneaa from several thriving eitles and towne. It will eonatltute a complete paying railroad In It selt and this Is one of the moat advantageous features of the organiser's plana Efforts are centered on one division at a time and lust aa soon aa It la oom- Kleted ttwlll be put tn operation, and tbe railroad will thereby be earning prefita ine? before It Is eomnleta from aiul ta mnA. ., Th Prtnoipal camp of the Cooperative Construction company, wtlch la building the first 190 miles of the road, la at South La Porte, and preeents a scene ef the greatest activity tbat region haa ever known. The aiding from the Pare Marquette railroad and the big warehouae nave bean eompleted. Work la progressing on the cement house, within two weeks ths foundations of tha power houee will be to and tha brick ear barna will have begun to rise. All the labor available at la Porta la an Hi. fok aiut aoa mM UkAw. m ml. any day and give new Impetus to the advanoe of the line. Two construction loco- mouvea mna traina are on tne way to the camp. All tbe machinery for the powerhouse le ordered. It Inoludea the most modern Weetlnghouse equipment, with a 400 horaeoowar enelna. Flftv-fnot MmMrutiiM nuwial xniimM n....,i..r ears have been ordered for delivery In April. in j aiiurnivua siaatiu an ovei. coating iiv.ooe ana aomg me wi ex a big any or Toieao. xnree gang of men, la on the way from the Vuloaa Iron Shovel oom par new work oaraps will he eatabllithed and over 1.00 man will 1 road hare within a month. With aeasonable weather ears be working on the i will be running over the flrat II mUaa of the Chloago-New Tork Electric Air Line In dare. n tba first division territory there are no more doubters as to the auooeea of uie wnwBgo-mew I or a a.ieotno Air Line Railroad. Aa the tangible aaaeta of the road Inoreaae. the value aad tha prioe of tbe a took advanoe. er traffle of the new great oenters with respective populations of 4.000,60s and .000.000. and of all of tbe thickly populated states lvlne? between tham. K people going from almost any point In the east to any point In the west muat use one 01 tnese unea at ih pan bi uis way, - , The Air Line will tnduoe new travel because of Ita saving of time and of the Increased comfort that Its smooth and stralaht roadbed will attn3 Y I. sxpecieo ui ui HTini m wm uu in cuti vi operating ana maintaining Ita electrlo ayatem will enable the Air Line Railroad to make a material reduc tion In the present fare between New Tork and Chicago and atlll make a larger margin of profit than is made by the steam roada Every one has ths desire ta travel at least aa an oocaalonal diversion. But now Ita cost is prohibitive to many thousands of people In moderate clrcumatancea. So the moner-savlaa advantage will create a large amount of passenger traffle, If yea want to Jota the moat promising wiimsr enablae prolee of lbs aa-a ' If yoa want to be a partner la what will ha tha xaost tmportaat rsflisad la the Salted states, tl yoa want to anas xa tae pronto or aa eaterprlae wmlaa axoaa. isea greae revmraa ea xae lavwasaaasi maaa aayuiag; bexote tha Aaxerloaa LA FOWTn. KaplaODraS erbe Is chief esflness sa4 general savenateaeaat ef tbe Ooeerattvc Cuaetractloa OemDaar. wklck is balldiaa tha Oalcafo-New Terk Bleetrle Air Lbm, has had a highly eueeWeful career as sa aleetrtc raUway baUaar and eoarator. A Mew Terser , by birth, he epeat three rears la the bm ebaaleal Separtaaent ef the Leraxea Steal Ooatpasy ia Joenatowa, Pa., thea enterloc tbe eoatraet department ef that eon pear M charge ef electric railway eoastractlna aad balldlng reads la PkUadelphla. Waahlaa-taa, few Vara, Harrlahwf. Leacastas aad Ceaa tar. Pa Be chanced the cable Usee ef mtejbarg te electrtettr aad belli aad oper ated the SapM Transit Bail way ke that eUy. He ballt sad ertaalasd Uia aparatlag oapaitaiaat ef tbe ktlaalsslset Teller baas t lulasta. He earn here tram the Baath wkere be raeaaatraeted the city Maes el lieaipaJa, Teaa aad rest Worth. Tex. POXXOW IJIH) Mar. M-BUke IBDI STO OOatlfZarl A. J. a eehaea, a asteg dcsliloat ef Plttabarg, has Jaloed Mr. M.dIi they have saea aasoctated a railroad eaiie 1ns daring tbe Mat 10 yean aad he will eaaerlntaad the Valid Ins ef the hciaae at Booth La Porte and the larrer sewer heaee tea the mam Has te ba crested east ef thle city. The bla snwor aseas will be keUt 10 miM eaet ot ta Porta, ea the banks ef tbe Kaakakee Blver, with Its aever-talW ' ing water supply, where the Anr Una will cress the Grand Trsak track, solas ever It, tmmrm mm W SO W gnoe Aa- Use. Work has beraa aad is aa the sbetmente tee the .ariose ever the Pen Ifarqaette tracks arast ml tha) dty. All Che worktus ferce ef tbe euaauaaunn eamaany Is being atreetad a paahlna the work ea the roes' from thla etty te Chiaare, wtileh will be eseiBlated aae ta epeislTiai ssiore tne saauaer aas ACT NOW TO-DAY If you have allowed thla stock to tnorease in value from week to week wtth eut taking advantage of your opportunity, do not let another advanoe coma before Joining the enlerprtee. Remember that tbe demand for the stock has already caused eight advancea In prioe and baa greatly enhanced Ita value, Onlr a limited amount will be aold at any price below par (1100). There Is now a limited allotment being sold at 146 a share and we cannot tell what day it mar be exhauated. Tha day this lot Is exheueted the price goes ap. That will be any day. Buy, or at least Investigate, now, while you have a chance to buy It at 4I a share. . , . t .. . tt yoa waat to learn more about tha railroad which win ba the first direct Dae between vow Terk aad Chicago, aad ltl toilee ahorteg than the shortest aew la eperatloa if yea waat te know about ths mam who conceived the alaa ef sulldiag modern railroad to gaaet eeadlttona as they exist today 4f you waat ta reoeivc the Air Xiao srewg free tboa , ; SLat ran HoivYou Can Buy Stock-Wow ws am KOfr orrxmnrw m rvr-t, paib wow-AsnsaAsios sioo pjjs TAZ.xni stoox o rmm .... Chicago-New York Electric Air Line Railroad Company on ra rouwzaw ast nmacsi re, pay down 8 AM aad S .SO pee moata t am aaei res, pay down S 13.00 aad S ls.oo pet mouth fog aaoi irea, pay down 8 40-00 and f 4S.O0 per aaoata for t rami res, pay down faao aad aas.oo per meata tor s mei P 4S buya 1 ahare. B IBS k..a m Mi - i -40 buys 10 B bares. SartM bay a M Shores, pay aaoatha. montha. meutha. latka. Tou can contract for any number of shares, paying for them tn the name proportion. Tou can pay more dowa and mora per month If you desire, or you can pay In the entire balance due at any time, whan a certificate will be Issued. AU applications ahould ba sent aad rcralttaacee made payable to SOUTHWESTERN SECURITIES CO. 009 v CfIlU:l.i; . gOCTaWSITSBN tSCCftmBS 00. fleaaa find tneheed I. is (faV er part) payment for shares ef Chk-.go-Kaw lark Elsctrle Ah- Una a. I. twrk. Kama addreaa A..i.... ' rim SOUTHWESTERN SECURITIES CO. 300r301 Tilford B!d?., Pori!r.;:.l, Cr. ; torrnwKSTEn t-c-'irv; I ba lntr..ti t .,, t-iarlxie air 1 K. I..