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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1907)
THE OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY . EVENING; APRIL 15. 1007. 11 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. s H. W. LEMCKB COMPANY, -UK1.IAHI K IlKALr-itS IS ,, , ' ! CHOHB kKMIIiKNCK i-U.OfH.H1X ', I'llUlLB L(K'A11"' , , Bl'rXIAL VALUE ALL KtJW AND MODERN : Mill SAFM INVKsTUKNT 11 B,00O East Iflih'sU Beer Alberta iLwIlMj . new "7 -oia, modero fcouse od a oiu-aex, Mi).. TfcUMS IF KBl E88AU. : 2,40 Moo.- room bouss, ht boxluO, Mil " bssntituf Wavrrleigk Heights. , IL200 Two-sloty b.ias, tut Mluu, oa block , from ear Bad adjoining , Wanrtslgfc ' , . Heights. . , i , - t2.00-li,LAY Vr., LOWE ALBINA, few , ImI tram aVuessll at., O-roea bouae and bit 6oxlo0; 1 1,20 cuh, balance term. 4 4.600 Nunh Sfftk it, two rood boo corner AoxTO; will lul 10 per ml Inromej- 8,280 Klrgsst Portland Height rsstdenrs, BUHWn. -room, I re I ground," BagMlfl- a. nnt vUw chat cannot ka obatructcd; all kind of fralt UtM, cement walk ' all around house; ground lonxluO. ..- . 12,100 Woods at., South Portland, l-room Bodera house, lul BOxlOO; aarotlala ' katk and plumbing. M.180 New limu buuaa, urg attic, at Ptrat and Curry at., corner lot 60180. - 11,180 Under l-roum bouse, kit bUxlOO. oa ! First at., Boo id Portland. - T,T3S Klrgant Bodera T-room roddaaea oa . Corbatt at., kit 00x112, grand view, turaact, tall eeroeot floored bsssment, fireplace. . paneled dining-room, large front a ad aldo porch, abuadaaoe a shrubbery ami rosea; taraw taa ba ar 1 , ' ' ranged. , ll,00 tin Inloa ava.' earllna, aaar Alberta at., B-rooa aaar modern kouaa, lot dux ' ao; porcelain plumbing, gaa fixture; -' .. Interior dark oak flulab. Tbla la a . , good bur for tha price.' 11,60 eaak ,. down, balaac la roar.. - WB HATE A NUMBER OP BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCES IN 1KVINGTON AND HOL LA ll AY a a, I'kW OP Til KM Ah BAH . GAl.Ng. i .... , , . .: ' ',' ' ' ' ' LOTS. ' ' - 11.200 lOOrlog oa Borlbwrcb .. vlclull of Sharer at. . I 400 1-o 26x100 lota, togatbar at Mount Tabor place. ' t 080- Curaft lot. 1 Boutk Portland, tOzllO, ' Baacroft and Oblo eta.; 2o0 aaak, kai- .. ance aaar term. 11.100 rortUnd H.lgbta, riew lew, SOxlOO, aa earlln. 9 OOO Nortk Alblna, eorser lot, 50x100. flUO Ta 40x100 lota togetber. AW . . brrta at. Mrllua; a axtaer-aHikeri ' loeated at eomer of Eaat 14lk at. 4.200 A bit la block, toOxlSa, adjoining ' ' . Woodlawa. loo Brooklyn at., near tntk at., elgbt choice kt located there at abor prtca per ' lot. - too Baet STtk at. aaar Bajnoa t-, U t-U loo M. . 20 E. Mala at . near B. Utk at,, lot kest to corner, frnm. BOO Hedraont fark, ale 10x100 lot, aaar I'nlon are. car. I. 225 Piedmont Park. 128x100, beeotlful koto alte, nice rlew, aoaTaaiaat t earllna. --000 Boa p Minn ota-ar., aaar - Premont; a cboloa lot. auxlOO. BOO Montana are., lot BOxlOO, aaar Failing atraet. .. 8.000 Vanconrec are.. btwm Boaarll and Knott at., 00x100. 400 Prlc per lot for three BOilOO lota aa Mount Bcott carlloe, near Boctloa Line road. BOO Lerga alghtlr lot at ktooat Tabor. 02x leo. S 228 iino lot at rnlraralty Park. I MO At Plnonla. all Iota, 28x100 aah good apeenlatlr raloe. ' '" ' H. . W. LEMCKE CO., ' . 'A.'- ; ' V ' llxth and WeahlBgtoa abv - afala 680. ' "' InUr Beeond floor. 8T. UHNS REAL ESTATE. The new fact or lee mam atartlng ra 'bo lid. mack leaa tboa tt are pmpectlr. will rail the rata 26 per cent la tk next to dr. I1.T00 Lot aa Jen at, ana block front tk rr center. Tbla la a ana p. I MO 100,100 poalnea lot. A good bay. kku wmiai canter, raatflenc pcopeny. ea ouxiuu rldnc Drooertrt nn oauaing tan. 1900 aoxioo realdeac lot, aloaa . t mum atnoolhoare. 1.0U0 60x100 Jemer at. lot, do ta tkem. . HARBT E. W AGO NEB, Bt. Johaa. Or. v -4.600 OWBV at the fla t boioee oa eaat atd; T-room aaodera kooao, ground 100x100; Bkarar e at. . Call at an. '- 12.200 Greet Snap l-room koaat oa Thar - bm at-.- Bear' fair giada. ' . ' ' - Ill.BOO Oom Int. Onloa aeai. ta bt baaiaea kxatloal natal 168 par monU. s, BM.000 To Inaator U block, aemaad vltb modern flat a, watt aid, aaar la: na tal B440 per awatb. 1 BOOMS 208 AND BOB MOHAWK BLDO. Lots cf Lets ; ALDO ' , B0rE8 AND LOTS r SUITABLE FOB . - . HOMES.' Ba Tbem Before Brig f ', ThcmFson & 0?dcn a Mlaalaatppl Ae. , Pboa Woodlaera BOX . ' Look! Read! S-etorr 0 room koaae oa Sharer at., ear.) 2 block William are.) no BMdera la ererr reapect; fall oemeot kaaameat. ate.) lot BOxlOO; room for another bow faolng Sharer; dirt cheap; prlc B'1.000: term. TUB VETERAN LAND CO., , , l6Vk Third at. 0 ROOM bona, 1 block from atatloo. I860. 6-roi boo, 4 block from station. 2S. Half acre, 1-rooaa booee, 4 block from MOnTacr?B block frota atatlea. B8B0.. " Tw new amdera borne. Term a alL A WOOBTEB. ... : Arista Station. r- " t nr.KT to aell mr bom for H.IWV. I will - aell oa Terr ar aajaieBt a rooai aadra.l I,aaaa. lot auxiou,- in nona aiditm, comer Monuna t. apd Church at. Addraaa B 100, ' nt JoPn"1, ' ' FOR SALB CHEAP Lot 02x200.. 1 aera, . 4-rooai bona, email bamnt. woodebod. nra. ehtckenhonaea, fralt tre , U fenced; 25 mmate' rid oa Mount Bcott ear, Stewart tattoo, eoute oa Maxwall a., N. 112. Owner mart tear. MOPKRN T-room boo and 40xS-foot lot, mt UWk .. .. v M3XVS mrumr - tiwi ra. fruit ana jrw. , . iVl Eaat talk at. Pboo Eaat 1818. INVESTOR1. THIS IB IT. 100x100. oa Bharar at., elm r Junction L and B-8 carllM; Rharr I faat becoming hualnea tret; 12.000. Pboa Woodlawa 114. Na agent, ao Ulflara. 18.000 WHOLB block, ckw ta, fire booee , an part of ground ranting for f 7 anoathl other half block fin nronoaltlon for factor, or Urg ban. Applf to taal Bightk at.. K. 0 1NTBNTORT. par Urn, takea well-pay. In Cigar, confectionery, grocery tore; new etock. epIeDdld fixture, rent 112; tor and room; ant veil. 428 falling t.; taka Wood. - lawa or Alberta ear. - . . P0B SALB at a bargain, 18.000.000 feet S4 aaw timber ra oa body. 80 mil oat; ewey to log, eaay to railroad. O. B. Addltoa. Uata, Or. Tak Mt. 8ott car, a. - ARBOR LODGB BNAPB. Lot and home In tbl beautiful ncatton; term. Be W. B. Bait. Arbor Lodge etatiua, St. John ear. Peon Woodlawa LM LOT a Beatoa at.. Shaffer' addltloa: a bar -gala, ienne. Triable Trimble, 411 Mar quaa bldg. " ' " T In CJleinO. rnilt 1mm. Ha. Owner. 12B Third at. ' t.ROOM bot alnenet new, fln tor nee lot. betweea Itawthnrne and w. B. ears; anly $3 000; B600 csaa. B48 Stark at , ff ANTED Hnmeeeaher t writ to Willamette . relioy nm mhi. . . ci.uf., uwi uure. wr Tor rarleed Uat of farm. kjOORBN B-meai eottaee, an o raid tarwer dk trlct); SI60 down, balaac Ilka rent. A. P. milk, wnr, BIB 0marcll klk. WHY Pr rent wbea yoa caa bay a new . rerr May payaeata, from Miner, 10VB Bel- KTOBl ew . aia modera Rolladay Park rldece: poaltry or (rait lead In rr 100x220. Owner, T3S - Brat Maitnomaa ai. LOT 08x200, l-rnoia knoa and oarhalldtng; 14 large beartag fralt tree, well fenced; 100. - Apply 822 Urf t-, Bt. John. gi 000 BCTB good 4-room bona on loth at, and 'jot tftlOO; term. Dodaea Hecket, 41 Caambae ed Commerce. , I- OU SALE IlE.iL ESTATE. B-HOOM konea, floe fralt. magnificent Tkrw, ll.k.W; termer 813 Commercial block. FOB SALE FARMS. Fares Br Sale . , : $900 ' - : 10t acre, la celrlntlaa, fair . houee. good well, three ' . sre la trwberrl. fine to. . mato land. 1 all from Sod relief town. . $1500 . - f v 00 ecrea, t la bop. " young t. v . , orchard, new bonee and barn, B. P. D. and telephone, prlc, , ' IM0 caeb; balance term. : V: V . $1650 , : .. 42 aaree, IS la enltlratloa, alas ; . , . frnlt, fair bfliu and bunt . , - good water. Tbla la a eplendld . ', place tor price. . , ' ' . ' ' ' . $2000 " "''.' B0 acre, lo acre la eoltlra- ' ' tlon; 20 ala.hed and goated foa . ' . : S yvara. Tbl I a good place ; ' for the aionry. 300 caak; bV. . aao loag time.. , $4455 . ; ' IM urn, 00" ta enltlnttoa, ' ( ' fine S-rooin bona, aprlog water .' , pllied-la bouee; 40 alaabed and 1 ' aeeded to grae; plcaty of trait, . - ,' : good walnut or bop land. . , , . t . : : V , 5000 . ' 200 acre. 00 la ealtleatSoa, . , balance timber eat . "f f and j '; aeeded to paatare; 200 acree nlc land to farm: a nod bone - -,' - nd Oarnq-xrell ntacra; plenty. . of euod water: S mile from , . town, railroad and rlrer. Tbl ' v farm la 0 bargain at prlc. , ' i v $5 COO -. ,.' ' 100 acree, 00 la culthrarlon. aew . 8-rrxim boo an. fair barn; an- , -' other grmd boa and bar oa t plac; plenty of fralt; aprlng - water piped ta both boa and ' baina. . ... ' , . . ' ' e. '. . $9325 ;A ITS acre. 180 la ealtlrarlon, good 10-room boo; good barn, aprlng water piped to boo and barn, good prune, peach and ' apple orchard; tare eilee from towa, railroad and rlrer; la i . '', the center of Willamette ! ,t . ler; a fin etock or diary farm. 13.000 caab; balance oa leaf . , , . tla t B per eaat, " ' ' ' . " . . $12,000. ' ' . . dil eer. 260 la enltlnrloa, balance good pasrur land. ... , Seeded to Bagllah ry green, aew bene, cet 12.000; new bra and other Mt-bulldlnre) , curing water piped to boa od barn, fine young orchard of II acre; crop to go with place; , fin etock, dairy and grata farm; I mile to town and rail- . road; H alia to achnol. Tbla a one of tbe beet (lock farm -. . la Yamhill eoanty. - - $25,600 1 ; ' I B40 acre, S00 la ralrlearloa; ... 'fin houee: ' rood bara; plenty 1 -of fralt; aprlng inter piped to ' ""'i... mi. iub u tmrv vei Uf aad rolllnf; bill Und. it ' ' 4HmwI rneaeU aa.Oanaw. B tfl IlL atrw laUnrxAiv. '- ' . R, L Catc v Pbewe Bs. TO. 22B Stark Bt. IDEAL FARM, BB ACRES IS. 600 CASH. S mile from thrWIng towa on electric tin Into Portland. O. W. P. Ry. ; winter eerr tce erery two koar. anmmer I knur; flrat daaa price for all aad every product ; a farm where aioaey I and eaa be Bade la . . m.u.,, , w . w. wua. m w iwi niiiimwu. I 24. acre t a eemmrctal-appl l rear-old uvea, oauuoe IB nne star or cnltlratloa and Al Und; good bouae. fair ootbulldlnga; on It reab talk and If taken before April 20 tbe following will ba Included: B bead ml Mi enw. Jeraeye. (aom reglatered) nine 1460; S eee-roar-old heifers IdO; T calree. .T.i; 1 fin Jcraer nrletered bull, 150; S nglatered Eaaez n ga, KM); 4 breeding aowa, o: 41 pig. I At; 1 DeLanl aeparator. 180; mower, rake, aprlng tooth barrow, plow (everything new). $inj; 00 buahen wheat. B46; i0 ' buabel oat. BuO; ton bar. 160: 80 acre of crop In retch and oat a, 8:150; 40 acree of noted ground an In, llflo; all for tbe atmple market train of tk land alone. 8.&O0; title perfect and abatraot wltk place. Inquire of owimt el soorolngs. , B. L. W0NAC0TT.- t. M. a A. Oftiae, Prlrate Ex. 05. sheep ranch fob salb. - A Bodera ap-to-dat woobrrowlng punt nf great magnitude, equipped with 0.000 ahecp; power shearing machinery. Will luet glr a few words of tntroductlont 4.400 acre Al land, of which 060 la flneet kind of alfalfa land, 400 seeded to alfalfa. 100 to gnln; ' aa abundance f water for brrlgatloB pur ' poaas. and to epan; 060 acree la rtn pine timber land, cruise 15.000.000 feet; two large dwelling of modern type: plenty nf boraea, cattle and 20 equipped camp with building, etc. For further particular Of tbl coleeeal industry, call or writ , LIND A CO., Room 829 Limber Exchange, Portland, Or. An Estate Mist ' Be Closd 220 sere of rich red aell. I nllee eonthweat of Kale at and 4 miles aoathweet of ' Taner, Oregon, aeareat ahlpplng point; 136 acre la eoltlratloai ao paalure; eaonih fir and ask timber to pay for plac. Plenty of epplee. 'pear, plume, cherries. One good T-roora bouee aear center of tract; bam: aad other outbuilding. At en end of tract la another bouae wltk two large room, fire place and op la Ira; bara. etc Mail delivered dally. . . , - T. JL Sutherland BOOM 804 BUCHANAN BLDO. " 2m Wasklngtea St. Phone Alala MOB. - TWO GOOD CHANCES. First A good dairy farm Bear Wasnoogal, , Waah.i 100 acre ealtlvated, 10 acree ra ' meadow. bmdne of pasture and water, . good bulldlnge: is mUcb aowa, B young rat tle. 2 span f horses : steam engine, milk aeparator, woodesw and all aory tool nd u tensile for a dalryt will U hep- fur cash or trad for city property or acre age. Second About BO acree of good land, lent, ao gravel, good eoll; about T mllea from city ea a good electrle motor: price reasonable. JOS. U MELRATH, . rkoB Pacific tU2. Bouoi IT, KW Weak. at. Farm Bargains 14T aerae rich valley lead, an la cultiva tes; good T-room bouae; good bem; fin young orchard and all klnda of email fralt; only 80 mllea from Portland; tbl I -th beet buy 'la Willamette valley at lsT.80 per acre; B8,on will banrlle this. BOOM 20, BOB BTAKK ST. BEST email farm bey la Oregon- 80, mttly cleared and eultlvat d. ad)ntnlag tow. -a 11 ll- . 1 u m. -' w. - W 7 " , ' I'W . .. . mjrt U.a, creek, wood, eeboola, rhnrrhes, railroad; T Mrs sawmills Bear; ullllns worth 82,000 . aaly 1X600.. Inqulr 241 Stark at. TO ACRES over loo sing fraah water take: email cable, flae soring; S mile from PnrtUad: 2.000 enrila wood; good Boll; Ideal spot for summer home; fine fishing aad boattng; prlc ' I.V600. terms. . See owner. Addrw Q 172, rare soonM. i Td ACRES 02 am la bisk stst of cult! vstlon. lo-room kons, Isrgs bara and good eatbolldlag. - (too tnaadatlona under all bnlldlnga, good aprlng. water piped to boaae and bara. fine orchard. Tha to ea of the beet feraia In Oregen. lit a ted only Ku. mile froa Partlaad aad U all from aew Salem electrle line. Juet right t aubdlrld ta acre tracts. ' D. W. BEILMAN. B04 Ablagtoa bid. Mala 1041 FOR SALB AT A RARUAIN. 40 aerea In the beet wbeet belt of Sher man coon if. t mil froa towa aad railroad -etattoai MO acree le eultlvstloe, 26 la fall wbeet aad I0 to be amar-fllowd: well Impmvad good boose, bara aad onthulldlBgsj pteuty water, ler re ci.tera. wlndialll and water pined to knoee and stock; will asQ easy teraia: 111 kealtk ehjwt la aellmg. Ad dress Enterprise Farm, Box SB. Ksnt, Or. - STOCK ranch for sale;-01 H acre; too beet of cattle and few borsee If desired; farm Implements, fruit tree, berrlee and beea; , fine rang for sheep or cettle; running water verywben: will be nld at a bargain. Write Use A. Nymsa, Mount Ysrooa, Ursal eaaa- ty. Orvgoa. . . . . N60 BUYS 40 acre on mil from E-etanda: good eoll, spring branch, eordwond a ad fie timber: part cash, balaac) easy term. Box 161, Eetacada, Or, - ... ,. , . . , ' FOIl SALE FARMS. FINE farm 66 scree, 11 all froa Port laud, flue building,' bar cot 3.00o; plac level, nuinlna .ilrf aiirlne? at duor. guod dairy. b-wea Ml ib beet road lead lug .from Port land. H Biile to eat Hoe, lie. uilie ta rall v road etatlou: (hi I tlx bust 1 fated ud cheapest farm la Multuonuk eoauty; 12, OOO, guod term. err acree, 0 la cultivation, 10 Bile froa Portland, fin koose, good bara. orchard, h rnnuliig wuter. no gravel. a good ruad, a ' asoilel boas; only lo,0tio; eaay term a. riu V Flrat at., well Improved, reaU 160 per aoath; 116.600; good ternm. Extra bur, W block fiecwd; boaae Cost 10 mm; '412.600. .. B fin lot Bast Ah aar 234. ealy 11.860; easy term. 1 line tract-1H acre at Mount Tabor, over- looktug cliv; fin a-rooa bouos; all klnda of truit; 01. ly I&.0O0; ll taka aou trdi a real snap. . . lii tract near Oraabaa, 88 acre, running . water, car switch oa placs; 3.6ai; a, anap. Mne new 6-room tuourrn eottaga, 2uik, . aaar car Hue. lot Ouxloo; I,SO0; good terms.. Hue aew 8-ro.a bouee. kit BoxloO, Best tMtlj street, near Mount Tabor ear 11 no, bS.OOO; good term. ' . ' ' ' rliw-Vt. Beat 28th, Bear Stark. S1.B00 B600 caab. . v Hue lot. - Bast Slat, Bear ear Una. ever looks elljl 160, 26 etsh, 10 per month I a anap, , - - . I" ' ' . CHARLKSOM a CO., dll Commercial bldg. Phone Pacific 1108. FIVE-ACRB tractn. 0 mile aootk of Part laad. fine oll, water piped to eech B-aen tract! tbla land la one mile wast of Clarka asa stst loo sad railroad and en the Port land and Onroe City . wagoa soad. Price : from loO to $200 per acre; on rosy terms. For further psrtleulara sae U. W. Bvr, BOO Eaat Morrison at.. City. SO ACRES, B0 acre la cultivation, good house ana barn, with tine apnng water: earn two good well. I mile from two good valley wwna, fa mne w awu e uwi , avwv given. Addraaa can JooraaL BEFORB yoa locate cell aa or writ Warm YaBHrtH -eoimtyr-Oreeoor located -at- MeMlav vine: the Beet rue otate. - TIMBER. Al SAWMILL near Portland and Columbia river, runrug dallyj. proflte .0O0 monthly: 100.000,000 feet of fir timber at bead; I donsey englnee, outfit all klnda, complete, B mllee eolld flame: ahlp by rail aad water; ' cheap 6 quirk eal. MTAKI.AND IVVESTVINT CO., . 810-81 1-112 Bwatland bldg. TO OWNERS of timber clalaa and timber We will boy for caab any good timber tiib atary to tbe N'ehalra rtvar. Will desl wltk , owners onlyt write, giving full partlculara, !- Nekalea Investment Co.. S2S Cbaabe of Commerce building. Portland. Or. LOCATE yoa oa 2.000,000 feet of yellow pin Umber, railroad. Incorporated., surveyed snd right of way aeeured; oar locate- 10 yeara roaatf eamyori alga p with Ba. 03 M SlXtk t. :-L 12. 000 A SNAP B acta. Anllngtoa Belgbta. , plstted. S mllee out Iweet ehle). Ion of Can- yoa road, aear Council Creat, Apply at 267 Morrison at. WANTED RellnqulekmeBt of a seed timber claim; will act at ear aad pay good prloa. B 108, ear Journal. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, good timber, cheap. If sold la a few day. 410 Dakaa ' building. CERTIFIED eerlp, say she. lowest price. O Howell. BAB Chamber of Commerce. HOMESTEAD and timber .land, aerla, to loaa. BOS Commercial bldg. WANTED To' boy homestead relinquishment. Address F 1T0, can Journal. HORSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS. TURF.R brood Ban. . weight 1,400 to 1.000 pounas; gona Blocs. jasggw omv oniae dale. Or.; roete bo. 2. DORSES and begelee r rewt by dy.' sreek ssd aoata; apeciai raise ra eon Klxtk snd Hswtbora. Beat 72. HORSES FOR SALB SO bead. I. MM te l.OOO poaads. Overt na, betweea 1SU aad 14tk; take a car. rreeamaa nraa. BNTIRB Mock of llgbtry damaged bane and accesoorlea will be sold it 14 to k .iff. . Keller Harness Co.. 40 North Sixth at. ONB of tha neatest little drlvtaB bane M tbe city, wltn eurgy ana earn ass, tor aaw cneao. Call at 289 RusaeU at4 or phone Eaat 238". ESTIMATES give on exes rating aad team work. Pbone Eaat T2. 420 Hawthorn are. FOB SALB CHEAP A tram a boot 2,000 lb. Inonlr at 803 Dlvlsloa St. FOR SALE Hone, wsgoos and haraeea, Ia qulre 380 Water at.-- ONB median teem, light doabl wagoa aad double harnea la flrst-clsxs coodltloa. Apply 477 William are. - FOB BALB SeroBd-naad top delivery wagoa cheep. 420 Belmoat at. POR SALB Tw email bone, work doabl r single. Phone Eaat 80S. FOR BALB Horace, harness and wagoa cheap. aia auvy v. , wi.tiiw. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. ISO HEAD of tip for al. noobl. Ad drase A. F. Plopar, Logan, Or.; B. P. D. Ko. 2. box TO. CHOICE family cow for , tntk. , BIT Bel. Boat at., anrnar BOth. -- THREB good fresh aowa at TOO Harold at, taka Sellwood ear. MTSICAL IXSTRUSIENTS. YICTOR Talking Machine and records; Strta- wsy (or other! plaane. Sherman. Clay a Ce Ixtb jndMorrisoa ta., J"jMMMM-rM BARTER AND EXCHAKOE. ' FOB SALB or 1 chine tor cord wood, dry rroperty, one B-boraepower autloaary, aae 8-bereepower portable engine. Call pha East 424. r at 4B Alblna ava. ONB 17. 60 cylinder grspbophon aad 10 worth of aew records for blcycl with eoastar brake, 'or what bara yoa te offer? Leek bos 2ol, Orsgoo City, Ongoa. - A BARGAIN. Fine large boos, aew carpets, fornltant going sway; will tak lot ae acres gs aa part payment, . Addr P 187. ear JoaraaL WILL trad fin plan for lota. Addr M 1T0, can Journal. FOR. SALEMISCELLANEOUS. Illllllllll- We base secured an of the that wen damaged at tbs fire In a larg factory ' and ran aell yoa a 13.00 wool top. elean new for 12.60: wool comblnstkin. I4.60, at 12.06; a splendid chance for mattreeare; also w ' bsve assortment of household good k ' oil cheap. The Poller. 232 First at, Stoves, ranched. nd$ bedding. , , , , 8INOEB and Wheeler and Wllaoa aewlng bine office. W cell, lees nnt aew a. chin; aid mechlnee takea In part payment; second-band me rb I pee $6 and ap; other makes f new msrhlnee 2S and ops aeedlea for all aakre of m. chines; all aluda of machine repaired and guaranteed. B. B. Slegel, ageet. BX Morrfcwa St. Pkjaa Mala 2182. FOR BALB Bargain la White. Singers, Deri. ; Wheeler A W Henna. Household end other allgbtly damaged machine. The While Sew ing Machine office, H. D. Joaee. BS0 Yamhill at., corner Fourth. TWO Rambler bicycle, eo-etev brakea. 1 lady' 1 Bt ; OB a v-rooi ig aanwes oa rollers: also 1 wall with glsss dnora; slso I S-montha'-nld boll terrier puppy. Lock hex 201. Oregon City. Or. BROWN foghorn, white Legborn. whtre Wvsadottse aad Barred Bocks; err. II par ' aettlng at 15. H. Better, B4S Klngaaa at Wodlwa, Or. BEMIN0T0N typewvHer. excellent ekap. for aaw or rent. zt.oo or ror rear si aa per aontb. Imraln Went Ad desk, Jourasl busl aeea office. FOR BALE StHctlr barglsr-pnnt, time lock safe 1 perfect coadlrlna; will aell at tractwa f coat. Apply to 881 H East Morrlaoa St., roea 4, mernlngs. V A NEW lennck. 22 feet In length. 24 power. Mrs. B. West. ISlfe B. Morrlaoa, room 4. Wtpply awralnga. OLD BOOK STORR naoved t 108 Flftk aad 111 Second eta. l SIIOWCASFS and fixture, aew ssd head. Car! Kelknros. Sa Cwack at. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB print year name oa 60 celling cards, proper else end style. 8Sc: 160 boslneea cards, 81. - A. W. Scbniale Co., Sx Flrat. Portland. Or. BUFF Orpington aad Plymouth Bork sgrs; 11.00 setting. 100O Oraad are. and t'loraaea, . Scott 6S4B. FOR SALB. CHEAP 4-lnck Keystone wtse meter, practically aear. laqulra U. M stager. Big Front et. SEWINO MACHINES kought. Bold aad ea . chsnged. 16 and a p. Wastera Salvage Co.. ' 027 Wasblagtoa St. SHOWCASES, coanter. flxtaree, boaght eotd or eicbsngcd. Western Sslvege Oo OXT Wasblagtoa at. Paclfle TO. FREB FOR EVERYBODY- Ring np Mam 4280 or call 218V Freat at. We buy and aell for altore. c lot u log or any eld thing. BILLIARD AND POOL tahls for net r for ssls on assy peyment. TUB BRUNSWirK-BALKB COf.I.BNDBBOO, 40 Third St.. Partlaad. MOTION -PICTCRB maebtn. 26; 100 altdM, 10; 1.000 feet film, 130. Room 2. 140V Sixth at. THB Onad Faenlrore Co., 411 Hswtborns ava.. pays tbe highest cask price tor eeceaa-aaB fumltnr. East SAO. ... BOI.DBN'S RHEUMATIC CURB San Can tor rhmUm. Sold by all .druggists. FOB SALE, naaoaahle. one Invalid cbatr, a Invalid trlcyel. 240 M Yamhill at. AN offlc desk for sals; bsrgila. Inquire T14 Chamber or commerce. PIIONOOBAPH and records, ITT hrsnj) new Vit fit. for-10.80; bear It. 190 Sixth t. RECORDS (aew). disc. aU phonographs; 60c record 80c; Victors, 40c. 180 Sixth St. AUTOMOFIH.B for ml. ' ISO Cadllla run- bouu ITOO.; JOBJUUi-t . NEW wsll cases and counter cheap. ISO Seventh at. Mala 40S8. 10-ROOM furniture for sale; mnet aell a par tlsa leaving town. 260 Harrison at. PERSONAL. 1 Russian Baths BAT THIRD ST.. BETWEEN TATLOR AND SALMON! SWIMMING POOL STEAM AND HOT AIR BATH: FROM S A. hL TO 12 P. M. PRICE 26 CENTS. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. l A ' Reiner, the furrier, will Lewie bldg. March 1; looking for ealtahle meat km: for prevent may be found at resl dence, 2n2 North 10th at. - Phone Pacific S4B7. will eau ana give seiimsis aa asuai. 8EXINB PILLS can all forma of nervous or maeeumr weaknees. Por men r women, Price t a box, 0 box IB. "Itb full gar nta. Addr or call J. A. Clemrasou. dme glst. Second And YsmhlU sts Portland. Or. STOP taking drags I If your fsmlly physician cannot ran yaw, satnrs. tbe only healer, will can aU your dims. If possible; chiropractic -make It poaalbl. Dr. Hardin. BIB Allskf bldg. AMELIA R. BROWN, tbe eelabrated cancer aped al let. positively removes cs Doers psla- - lesaly and without use of knife; eonsaltattoa free. Booms 1-2, Hotel Oblo, Front aad Madison, LADIES. Dr. Ketebntn, graduate and nglstsred , pbysldan. trests any aad all your complaints ' with skill and success. 170 Third st,, aor asr YamkllL Paclfle 2220. . . YOUNO adentlfle ns give lectricI. Icobollc snd medicated treetment. slso tnb bstbs. 41 Raleigh bldg. Sixth aad Wasb lagtoa sts. OERMAN bonk, aagaslnea, novel, etc.; 0r mse. English. Freacbv. Spanish. Swedish and . It Use dlcttonsries; forelm honk of wll kind. Bcbmale Ca.. .220 first C LADIES who desire a besntlful complexion, . fre froa all blemish, should can aa Madam La Oay, 22 Buaael block. Fourth aad Mor rlaoa. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberta Users uionnies. uns moatn a rreatment, azi 1 rT bvm th s. f 5 : sent ' securely sealed by mstl A rests, waoaara. cisris s vo.. ronisna. ur. nor n am r. m a. .tiimw ik,i win ., rheumatism. Ask your druggist for bark tonic or dirress or cau . a. ua)osi. drnggwt, Portland, Of. BATH- parlor bar recently chsnged band at 207 A Third at., anstalr. room 14; will guar - ante to pleas all; ladles and gentlemen, ' SUITS pressed whll yoa watt. 80e. Ladlee' aklrta pressed. 60c. Gilbert. 1014 Blxtb U axt to Quelle. Pbone Mala 2088. : BEST magastns crabs ever offered; eesd for price; gent wanted. Joaaa' Bookatora, 281 Alder ,, Portland. Or. PROFESSOR FELIX K. Mlrsclse. msgnetl - bssllng snd aaggntfv. 148 Blxtk L, Aiaer. MOLES, wrlnklee, nperflaoa bslr removed. No cbarg to tslk It over. Mn. M. D, Hill, room 830 Fleldner bldg. Pbone Paclfle 1JJ. DR. BINO CHOONO. Importer Chlaen rant medicine; aella Clilne tea, eertala eun for all disaaara. 101 2d. bet, Yamhill aad Taylor. NEWLY opened mssg parlors, 201 H Alder at., aolte 4. II las Mareella L Roy, accooj pllabed mssossae. AMELIA R. BROWN, cancers re mo red with out pain ar knife. Hotel Ohio. Fnnt and . Madlaoa ata.. room 2. MRS. POTTER Masseae. ectsip, facial ma. asge. chiropody. 224H Wasblngtoa st. Hour 10 t B. . MANICCBINO. fsdsl m.sssrs and cslp treat Beat. Try room 1. 203 V Wasblngtoa st. MISS OIBSON give scalp treatment; daa draff. BUSH Morrison st., room 62. MISS RAYMOND Msseeas. 268 Morris SB st,, raoa is, roon mbib wu. Raim OP FIOB for all female d 2B East Belmont, Pboa Baat 40B4. TURKISH BATHS, BOO Oregon! bldg.l ladle daya. gen Hansen nlghta. Mala 1068. . BOLDBN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sine un tor rheumatism. Bold b all draggtata. GET tbe habit of getting your palm read. Wanda, 220 Fifth at. - s LIST your property with the Moat Cbrlate Keal fcstaia a smo . f RECENTLY opened manlcorrng per Iocs reajoved from 831 1 te B43Vk Morrlaoa st room B. MADAMB VA8HT1. healer; vapor and tab hatha, maaaage. 201 H Third St., cor. Taylor. YOUNO lady Bins treatmenu. 6SH Yarn, bill, roea S. BUSINESS PERSONALS. C. ft. OOSSBTT, engineer and anrvevorj al klnda ef surveying: sddlttons pisttid, me pa and estimate furnlaked, Offlc IS Wsah- Ingtna bldg.. Fourth snd Wsehlngtoa. Uel deaca Olenareod. Pbone Mala B6K0. 0RADINO aad excavating. W. Ft. Bardies, . S62 North llth at corner Shaver. Pbeae Woodlawa 102. INVENTIONS bought aad sold. Covenant Cow- tract Co., 477 Filed ner bldg. Mela zwi. ATTORNEYS. C. H. PIOOOTT AND J. A. FINCH . Atforneve-at-Mw. Practice la all Courts 4 Mulsey bldg.. corner Seeoad aad Mosrlaoa. A. H. TANNER. ttony. Bona 0"0. Com tnercttl blk.. Second snd Wssblngtoa (ta., Pboa Mala 1440. , . .. . ) Your nearly empty : purse may make friends -of many full ' purses through a few Journal For Sale and Exchange . ads. Rate 1 cent a word. I. ASSAYERS. 0ART1N CYANIPB EXTRACTION CO.. Soots na Assay Offlc. lea Morrison ex. ART. . FREB LESSONS IN Embroidery Every Day. THE NICKDLBCRAFT SHOP. I 12 Wasblngtoa at, , B. H. MOOREHOUSB A CO. Artists' aaterlala. picrar moinmg, prciuro iibhhu.. .iWyr sons, sintsrn slides. Ill Alder St. ACTOMOBILES. H. L. SEATS AUTO CO ATJTOMOBII.KS AND SUPPLIES. Northwestern d 1. 1 ribs lore for Pope Hart fords. Pope Tribune. Tor Wsverlr. Pone Toledo. Thomas, Oldsmoblle. Franklin. Bulck. 80-62 Seventh at., Portland. Ongoa. HOWARD M. COVEY, Aseot Pierre Oreat Arrow. Locomoblr. Ced illas and Knox. Temporary kieatloa Club. uarag. lath ana Aioer eta. IIATB YOU BEEN BAKER BLFCTRICSt Cspltsl Supply Co.. 45 Alder t. Pane Pa- - dflc 071. Ileinon.tratloa by appointment. ARCHITECTS. H. 0. DITTRICH. architect, 82t Wllllama are. cor. MrMtllen St. Pbone Esst 1381. - BATHS MASSAGE. MRS. ORROCK. grednste maaseneel bath, aalt glow, alcohol rab. cream msssagef -. nfsrancea. 1KB Seventh st. Mala 4008. MANICURINO, .fan and scalp treatment, bath and massage. 110H Fourth at., aor. Wash. JlUTCIIERS'-SCTriJKS- BL'TCHERS SUPPLIES S. Blrkensrald Oa., S04-Sial Eventt at.; largest butcher supply bouss on the coast. Write for catalogs. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekum, 181-188 Flrat at., carries a full line end eooj pleta aaaortmant at luwet msrketBrtcea. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. ' HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM, 100-111 Seeoad st. Blank books msnufsctared; sgsots for Jones . Improved Loose-Leaf ledger; see the aaw Eureka leaf, tha beet oa tlie mrht. CLAIR VOYAXTS ANT) PALMISTS. Alwars Consult the fiest. PROF. B. KHIMO, . . Ore a teat living strl aead-tranea elafrvor ant of the age; adviser on boslneea and all sffslrs ef life; telle your full nam and what yoa called tot.- whom yoo will- marry,- bow to eoctrul tba one you lov. eren though mile way; reunite the aeparsted; glvea secret power to control; na king delay ta waiting. . Hour IO to 8. dally nd Sunday. Offln No. I and 4. Craud Theatre bldg I52lt Wsah.. near Park st, Fkooa Mala 128T. PROF WALLACB, Portlaad'a fsvorlte clslrvoysot. palmist and medium; readings 60c, S4Hk Mor.. eor. Ttb. MI"S MAY ANDREWS Card- reading. S3. 232 Sixth at., corner Mnm CAFES. THE OFFICE 2W Washington at,, pboa 771. Samuel vigncoa. CHIROPODISTS. WM. DEVENY ESTEtLB DEVENY. THB only rlentlfle eblropodlate, parlor 201 Draw hlilg.. 102 2d at. Pbone Mala 130t. CHIRUPtlOY and Pedlcortug. Mra. M. D. Bill. Room S.10 Fleldner Bldg. Pboa PeetM 180. I CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CLEANIMO CO. Largest plant oa the coast; Lorlng and Rardln eta.; telsobone Eaat 280. Carpets cleaned, refltte-l. X 1 aaw. a aad laldi balk eteain and talsst aom- pressed-alr process; rnourstlng aattrmaa ana featbera a apaclalty. JOTCE nROB.. nronrietnra of the Electric CI eas ing works; carpets cleaned and laid, both dry and rompnsaed-alr cleaalng; carpet nflttlng . our speclslty; work rusrsnteed. Pkoa Mala i 2672 and A 267'JL 270 Grant at. COAL ANT) WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLABWOOD CO, 866 Front, successors to Fultoa Wood Co.; fir. oskx lsbwoud. coal. TL Mala . I960. FOR prompt dellvety of labwood call Mala 48TS. Oak. sab. fir and coaL Partlaad Wood A Coal Co, lOtk aad Sorter st. OREGON FUEL CO. a bow railing Welsh aa. mreciiv. uevi aai wo mw . . hi . at. Mala 06. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers la Cord wood, cool and green and dry elabwond. , B. B. and Alblna ava.. 2 blocka eaat ef ferry. East 874. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Hons aad blacksmith coal, aoke, char coal, kmdllng. Pboa Mala 1018. TELEPHONE BAST T. r-"x F. B. JONES a CO.. Wood and Coal. ItU East Wstsr at. STEEL BRIDOB FUEL CO. Deslen ta coal, eordwond end dry alsbwoed. Pbone Bast 424. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS.' JOHN A. MELTON, 204 Fourth at. Office aad. . a tore flxtaree bnllt aad remodeled; abowcasss and counters. Phono Mala 17S7. CARPENTER and builder: bouee moving aad repairing. 1038 East Grant. Tabor 2TO. B. - MELTON Office.- store flxtnre; geoeral jobbing. BT Pint St. Pboae htsla Blvu. CLE-1NINO AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and pr.secd. II per C eigne Tallortnc Cow BOO 8tark at. ata. H. W. TCBNER, prareaatnaial dyer aad eksase. ooa wsrrsrsoa st. tPkoa Mala 261. PORTLAND Steam Cwealnc Dyeing Work. an soon r. . i-Don i'cirie avj. DAXCIXa. WOODWARD DANCIRO fU'lTOOI Cmwm West.. Thure. aad Sat, eve.; social, fa dot and atep daaclng taagbt; 6 aaelataat teachers: class aad private lee. one gaily. Westers A-"omr halL Seeoad aad Morrlaoa ata. Paclfle IdUO. PROP. RINOLER. MISS BI'CKRNMEYEM-. lsdmg acbool, dslly; sew ksll. beet ta city. uraaa ave. aad East Morrlaoa at. Eaat bore. DENTISTS. DR. EARL C. McFARI.AND. awkt. -Ktitw TivTii-7ii it wet land bldg. Phone Msta TP' DRESSL KINO. MRS. FAUOIIAN. avaorletwed 8S2H Eaat Burns Ids st. Pkon Esat 281T. MADAMB ANOELES 242 Fifth. Pacific EDUCATIONAL. OREOON EXPERT CCLLEOE. ' CeanMHiweeJth building, gth and Anken. rbone Mela Snoi. Telegrspbr. shortbsad. ypiewilting. penmsnshlp. EnglUk brenckee. Individual Inatractlona. spedsl scholarship. HOLMES' BUSINESS COI.LE0B. Wssblngtoa snd loth st.. Flledner bldg. Bookkeeping. Shorthand. T.vpewrltlng and an Easllsb branches taught, both day aad eight. ROSE CITY Bl-SINESS COLLBOE. Pltmaa Shndbsnd he Coort Reporter. Beet Beea Course Special Scholarships; Positions Se cond. Common weel'h bldg.. Stb nd Aokeay. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. J. WALSH CO.. Sll Stark t Electric aad Osa Fltturea and Supplies. Mantela. Tiling. Orate aad Dnglrona. PACIFIC BI.ECTBI0 CO. Fnglnnra. contrac tor, nee,. trees, electric wiring, eapplle. M First, eor. Stark. Mala ;. R. H. Tale, mgr. smrav ci sttrio WORKS, 81 sixth st. .' Contractors, electrle eapprtee. motors and dp- Samoa ; w Install llgbt ana power pissis. MorutlNoy RLFCTRIC CO., fl East Mowtvat St. rixloree. wiring, npelrlng. Rest I1M. BARRETT-SI, 40 Morvlana t. Pbexi Mat 122. Ersryihlng la glectrl wUlog aad llaktlna. RANKS, UKITZD STATES BATIOBAL BATE OP PORTLAND, 0BE00K. Bortbweet Comer Third aad Oek Btveeta. . . Trsasscva a Osneral Ranking Pmelnee. DRAFTS IKHi r.o Avettsbto ?'' f fhe rafted State aad Europe. HonrSo aad Msnlla, Collection Mad PsvoeeMe Te-m. Vlos presldsst.. ...R, LEA BARNES I Awtstsnt Csshl-r. I lawnjwni . . M n 1IMBWI NIH I I f ADO TTLT0B. BANKERS Psrtlaad. 0' 1 - W. M. Ladd. . f C. B. Estahllsked IKB). ' ' a gvaersl banking buafaeee, SAVINGS RANK DEPARTMENT, Issued a Mvlog depnelt. latent pskt sa time dsposlt. BfYBOn-Alrrr NATIONAL BANK Partlaad. 1 a j aa.Mv . ...... . u viiwn, ....... rreaioenr t w. ouit Cachler I B. C CATCHINO .Beeoad Aeslstaat Cashlee. Tnaaarta a Genera Banking BnaT:.eee. Drsfta and Lattera ef Credit Uaaed AvaUabU ta All Parte -f tbe World. Collections a Specialty. B ABBESS' A TTTsarivrvi aarw Com wrf.i and Bavlaga DeavtaeaL ef the World. v. rxtTOi 4 President CJPJi? B ""TnCRfLD... First FIcVpTesldent JOHN A. KEATINO... Second Vies-President THE BAVX OF CALIFORNIA Established Oapltal paid ap M.onn nnO I . Oenerel Ranking snd Frcbsnge Baslnesa AA VINOS DEPA RTMKN f Aceonet TM. R." MACRBA. . .. . " " wVoaiZ: I r(R8T NATIONAL RAKK .Por tU.J. Oeesva. " . CAPITAL AND SUBPT.rS I1.800.b00 00. DEPOSITS l " i., A. L. kftT.TS... . imiiw n ATTORD. ........ Assletsnt PssnW J. w. rtgwgJlltB;., feebler TRrST COMPANIES.' 11TT.Awt TTtrreT maviTV rlT OREOOB w SMnraca ovwm am m. , r. . eoanta leeea l,,,edl d.lle hel.neee oa an porta af tha world, Ssvlnr seconsts Tins dl certlf let, .vw or over, lu, to 4 per rent. , - Sontbeast 'Corner Third end Oek Streets. fboee-.P rtrsfe Fvsasnge J. "'"-I -p., i1T"1T . Secret ry SECtrRITT BATIBGS TRUST COM PANT fa Morrison fltveot. Perttond. Oregee . Transacts a Oeneral Bsnklng Itnvlness. SA VINOS DEPARTMENT. 1 " VTtTU : Time aad Sa rings Accounts. Acts aa Trustee for Bststss. Draft aad Letter ef Credit Avsllshl on All Psrts of the World. . ft P. ADAMS..:.. President I la, MILLS Second Vtce-Presldeat I ORO. B. BTSSELL TITT.E 17 An '. iTrr A vsmv nnxrwAarr I , M0RTOAOB T.OANB on Psrtlaad . Tltkj Imaired. J. TfTORBDRTY ROSS... ..Pres1det OEOROB tt. T7TLL Vice-President I BONDS AND M 0RRTB BB0THE1B Ckamker af Oomawrce Municipal, Banned aad DOWKTJffi-HOPKrHS COMTABT IsUkllahsd . STOCKS. BONDS. 0BAI4 Bougkt Private Wn-ee, BOOyd CHAMBER OUIB WILDE HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BAVX STOCKS. Member Poetised Stock Exckstig. 1 Corner Blxtb and Wasblngtoa Street. Portlsnd, Oregwa. OYerteck, Starr & Cooke Co. U XZFiZ St&2fti ' 6 BATH, PB0T1SI0H8. COTTON. ST0CKB AND BONDS. WI DO 1 BTRICTLY 00MMI88I0B BTJ8INEB8. Ooatiaaoas Markets by private Wire. Quick . an. ana tjaitea atsie nsnosai sui oi rorusLno. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS Seeoad and Bvarett U. Pboae Men 2000. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARB CO. eottdte opoortmv lty to quote price. T4 Sixth st. Paclfle 460 nOTELS. JL HOTEL Portland. Amsrlcsa plan. 18, 16 per day. BELVEDERE; European plaa; 4tb aad Alder t. INSURAXCE. TsiiC X. WHITE, fin lnoinea, B44 Bhar lock bldg. .' W. l PAGE.- tnmraaee: mployer liability, snrety bonds, bnrglsr and accident xaearaaee. Pboa Mala 126. 204 Failing bldg. lis Mel. WOOD, smnkivera' liability and ra. dividual accident eecnrlty bond ef all klad. - Pbone T. 802 McKay bldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for rale AO ktade. Incrodaig approved forest reserve crlp for snrversd. aa- : surveyed, timber and prairie geveromeot land. H. M. Bamlltoa. "The Portlaad." Portlaod. LEATHER AND FINDINGS.' CHARLES L. MASTIC K A CO.. Fnnt ssd Osk ata., leathsr aad skins or every swmpiwa for sll parposrs; asl aad tap etten; finding. ' "' MONEY TO LOAN. iiiiiiiiiiij;j 21 MONEY. Ill MONEY, fll III iff , iff it MONEY. SALARY LOANS. Upon Plain Notes. NO INDORSE R. tun PTTTtT.IfTTT tit . fit ' Ht lit IStWE NEVER TAKEtlt tit MORTGAGES. Ill tit ABSOLUTELY fit ' tit NO BECURITT. fit ,T tlf - GIVE tit . lit. Tour Note. ' ttt ttt - GET , . ttt III IB to 1100. ttt Orwn from I a. m. to p. m,. III tit STiTB RFCimlTT L III ttt 704 nekum Bids?. - III til ' Or" until 9 p. in. Batnrclava. ttt tlltlllltlllttlttltlllllllllltlllSIIII ttlltllttlltlllftflltlllltStlltlltlltt tlttttttttttttttttttlttllltllttlttltlt MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved city property r far batldlag parpass. for froa te 10 years' time, with nrlvlleea " - - "B M mmm af loaa adae twe yeere. Loans anm-oeed from plans and Boney advaac aa vanning niugissouoj mo Vakssi an anel retllscad. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agaat, B2 Btarh St. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa salsrtes. Inaaiaiy BNldea. planns, rnrnltare. warakown recetpia. , etc.; any gasstvlng peraoa Bay secare a lib eral sdra ace, ropsylng hy eaay weekly monthly InatallmentB. NEW EBA I. OA N A TTTST COMPANY, 200 Ablagtoa bid. MONEY kissed to aa laded peopl Jaat oa roar aystem k the baet fee rallread eiee, lrk. bookkeepers, etnefcar men end sll other ei - bo. thee strict tv eoafldentl!. - r. A Kewtwa. 611 SBckaaan Mdg., Wasblagtoa t.. betweea Foartb aad FH'k. MONET ADVANCPID SALARIED PFOPf.B and other spew their ewa Bmse wtrhoet eewr. By; cheapeet raw, easiest payment: ogftrsa ha an nd act pal eltlee: asv yaaraalf saoaev bv retting onr terms flrat. . . TOLMAN. 222 Ablngasa Wdg.. 100H Tbb-d at. WANTED Note. BMWtgagve utrcte a , aay klad af rest setae ra Oveeoa ad Wasb Mgtea: oecood mor f raxes parcbsaed If waH aecared.- H. B. Nobk. 212 Commercial blk. DON'T borrow money oa Misvy eotll Hcttcn Credit Co. 812 Deknm bldg. ' BjOtET to Ices: lanr loaa er-edaltyt slso batMlag Inana: lowest rates; fin msoraao Wllltam O. Beck. 812 Falling kldg. CREeCENT LOAN CO.. 42S Mohawk bldg. Money ta lend oa es.v parmeni plaa ta war esraersi strictly eoafldentl I. MORTOAOB leena at earrent ratee; ae eaea- Biseioa. m nasi vompaar. Lamber Rxrhaage bldg. MONEY ta Inea na H klwd af security. WI1 II am Hoik roosa a wasningto aidg. to LOAN Sam to sett ew. ctistnl n mlty B A. Frame, 61 4 the A LOAN rot fh king B.tsry er cbettel. The tioaa Oo., 410 Deknm bid. . QUICK Vwoe on fc'1- cnr1tea. S. 4b We.ninrtou bi.lg. Mala SIOO, W. Kmg. ON morti Wsr.l. o to gt.iV'O: msi papers only. Aiwir Mrir. ktovi n. rty. O. A. 1 Ban laar . . . a a a a a a 0 s Base " IKlUt Ladd. I. W, Ravtag back . . . . . . -TV"-?' h. l. nn m . . , OHOHQs w. iwn...... .i.a n M rras Buoad sad Btarh streets. Letter of Credit Issesd AvslUhl te AD Part ... a c. TFHrI ., ...... .rasntee n n ktor BT . ii,o .Assistant Cashl PLATT PI.ATT, (enersi oseei 110. Hsad Office. Baa Preaches, J' '""' Snrolo and annivlded av"nn.JJTiO.IBS.8TB Transacted. Intereet oa T1b Tclta, ma be opened cf IIO aad wpward. . y V it'HTCHAEI.L.T. : . ,.Ad.t.nt kfsnagsr oldest National Bank 0 the Paelfla IvJvm ''':: ' Aeststant Cashier ' , B. P. Tba Oldeat Trast Cesansy ta l Ms Snfeeest OB of X.VXI ,w oeee. Lttera of rvedtt ang exensna eertlflrele. I to 4 TTJZZl',. "TTu'Jh Csll for Booh of 1t4.rsTRATIONS. . J7T , ye-President TTT I PITTOTgi. OOLTRA.. Assists wt Secret. rv L. A. LEWIS .......J....rrrt Tlee-Preeiaenx R. C, Jl'BITZ. . ..Becretary .Assistant Secretary asa WuMarua Real Estste st Lowest Rste. Abstract Famlsbea. ... , . I JNO B. AITCHISON rTZ T. T. PiraitHART irwo INVESTMENTS. BuOdlag. Asslstsnt Csskler . ..) A. M. WRIQHT Pnhltc Sevvlce CorporsMon Bond. 1S0B BR0XZXB. ' ' '. aad Bold fnr'Caah aad a Margla. of COMMERCB. Pboae Mala ST. Service. BEPERBNCES Ladd a Tlltea, GASOLINE ENGINES. , 0A8OLINB engines, all alxee aad stykss. at' iuhiui wms. sairasi awaamr torn MerrfanB at. .. SHEFFIELD marine engine. Any propel W Falrbanka. Mora A Co.. Ftrat and Stark i . MACHINERY. B. TRRNKUAN A CO Mining. aawmllL k- (Ing machinery; bvdrauile pi pea. casting ; all Inda repaired. 104 North Foartb at. THE H. a ALBEB CO Seeend-baad ma chinery, sswmllls, eta. 24S Orssd an. MUSICAL. BASTERN moal teacher would Bk a few pnpllst One leesoa; estlifactlse gaarss teed. Addres P 104. JournaL THB WERREB - STUDIO Maadorhs. - kaala. galtar loatroctlona. ASBtb Wssblngtoa at. PIANO, violin, comet, tniuibuua. clarinet. Pro fessor B. . Smith, 264 12th at. Mala 4703. MONUMENTS. BED A KINGSLBY. BBS Pint t Partlaad'e Issdlng msrbl aad grsnlt work. , OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. V PR LILLEBELLB PATTBBSON. spsclalwt sa a' i isiis, aear aae caraaic sT.aa.i wim SIT Fsatea Mdg. Pboae Pactfle 1100. DBS. ADIX BOBTHBUP. 4IB-10-1T Dekeat Mdg. Third and wsstuneToa aev ra Mala S40. EiaaBatloa tree. PLUMBERS. POX A CO. Ssaltsrr phxmksrs. 281 Bund. bet. Mala aa Bauaoa. wregoa poowe main awa. DONNERBRRO A RADEMACHEB Me. SOS Burns Id ex. PAINTIXa AND PAPERECa P. A, DOANB. 2SS YeaxbUI s.. puulta Jor aal atflce WaU paper, palnttag and decors t ' kag. Phone as to atlattaB Paetfkt til. FOR nils hi work, na Bros, 282 IsmbOI. nable prices. Sheeny ear 4th. Mala Sw;2. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. r. B. BEACH A CO. Tbe Para C.t wmdrw skua aad glaalaaj, Pkwa IBS. UB flrat at. PRnSTINO. THB MODEBN PRINTERY Artwrhy prnvttwe. 20 Rnseel hMg, Feartxt saw Moniasa. Pksaa Paelfle 1820, . BVERTTnirtw tw PBINTINI Prsm tliiulsis to cats Vmse snd saapaaara. Metre palltae mnnng ua, mi nwas m. 0OILBBB BROS., prtnurs Card. Billheads, etc Pboae Mala 188. IsBig Pint . ROOFING. TIN ROOF1NO. gnttertng. reparrtne; and general lobbing. J. Loall, 212 Jef ferae at. Pae. 124. REAL ESTATE. PARRISb. W ATKINS A CO.. 200 ALORR ST. Reel estate, rsnlsnv loan and msoranee. W msk a specialty of hand I Is eeorh -end priwertv for reeblena end aosrluwaa. EatablMMd IST2. Pboa Mara 104, i. W. OOtl.BEB. no) estate I Usaed lla. less Pint St.. SPHINX AOEHCY, deelrn la real eetata aad watakx. anew stark a. Mala aia. FOR rtlt OP BVBBY DESCRIPTtfXt. W. W. ESPRY. BIB Cnsnsoseeial bMe. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C, STAMP WORKS. 240 AMer et.t poowe Ms a T1A. Rnbhee stamna. seats, eteaclls: b. gage, trade brkat brass slgna and plaisa. wywaaswsaai m m m aMaaawailaasniia, .n SAFES. PORTLAND SAFB CO.. sola s rent a for T-e. ring HsiI'Msrvm aaree end w.n.. - I Bale Co. 'a hank eafeal 20 ne.i" i i -proof aafes sad tank asfe i y cb...; a-. tboa ar writ aa. B2 Beeenih st. DIEHOI. D Msngssssa and rtcsrieoof esfea: l. sals atssH; meral ri.tarea; vault e"1 work: )cka. J. K. Imvts. an i s". I SIGNS AND KnOW CAM poeTrs a Kftt'-'t- W bavs b'lllt rin I e U , ra the "v by fr.t oar 1'i.miM.. osr r . ml l:.sre at. !' f OK'iWi;! V ' r. Inn.e.,t t- . :