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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
THE OREGON DAIIY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 9. 1807. Ill WAtJTS 10 GIVE ISliliPfliE Mrs. Von Ciaussen Would Like to Hold Teddy's Head Under a Hydrant and Jurn on the 1 v Watef--Asks for Insanity Commission Jmraal Seeds! gervlee.l Washington, D. C, April I. Mrs. Ida Von Ciaussen called at tha White House this morning In order to ses tha preei t , dnt, but waa refused admlsalon by the : executive's secretaries. ' She left a lat ter demanding that a commission ba p- pmmsu la inquirw - w-. ... j tba president proceed with Ma lnvestl ' ration of her right to ba praaantad to tha king of Sweden. . ' V ... ' Tha letter Mra. Von Ciaussen left for - tha prealdent aald! "Mra. Von Clauaaen bar a Prealdent Roosevelt at onoa to ap point a eomroHtee of experts to make aura that aha la of sounds mind before , ba proceed further la thla caaa for aha well knowa that when tha prealdent la cornered ha haa a habit of appointing avch eommltteee to help Mm out of tha . ounouuiea, 1 ' Qtw Xls Water Core. , , Returning to tha hotel tha woman !: : - -.-..:,.. -"I'd Ilka ta tire Booeevelt tha water core. It would Juat do ane rood to put his head undtr the hydrant and turn on , tba water. Up to thla point I ware been In perfect good humor, but when I am treated with contempt by the govern ment which I sought to keep from ridi cule in Europe. I lose my temper." "Don't you think tha letter I sent In to tha prealdent waa enter aha eon-j NINETEEN COUNTIES'SEND : ' DELEGATES TO GRAND JURY 4 That tha forthcoming federal grand ' Jury will be a representative one la shown by tha fact that It of tba St .counties of tha state are represented, while -it different vocations are fol lowed by. tha. I men drawn In tha venire yesterday. - -.! Nearly every walk In life la represent ed from that of a locksmith to a cap- ' Italiat Farmers predominate and ex- terday belong to the class wbo till tha soil. Merchants come next In order ' three, while two dairymen are Included In tha Hat Of the remainder there are BEFUDDLED FATHER CLAIMS . . BOY BABE IS DAUGHTER ' Fatherhood fell so happily upon a ' touii man that thla morning ha Jour neyed three miles In order to report the birth of hla flrat-bora - te the health board. The attending physician, had been ahead of him, bowever, and tba re ports conflicted. Tha report of fhe phy alclaa to Secretary Moore waa that tha babe born waa a girl. Tha father as serted that It waa a boy. . "Do I look aa If I bad been drinking T" the father Indignantly asked when ha waa shown the report of the physician. . "Ton certainly don't," answered Miss Moore, "but we must accept tha report of tha phyalctan flref " ' HATLESS AND COATLESS BALD- ' iirAnrn rADDioiiic ccPADro nLnuLU i "Oh. no. beH never get away," aald Jailer Ben Branch to Captain Moore when the police official warned the vet eran patrolman to be on his guard against John O. . Fabriclua, tha "church thief," serving a tt-day sentence for vagrancy. - " ' ' "1 dsi i;syxaiD soon Dunou . wm well founded waa evidenced thla morn ing when Fabric! u a, detailed to aweep out the municipal court corridors, took French leave. Tha prisoner escaped BRISTOL WILL HOT QUIT J2QW Further Effort Will Be Made. to , Bring Los Angeles Men to V Oregon for Trial. United Stetea District Attorney W li tis m C Bristol received word this af ternoon that tha United Statea supreme courtj bad sustained tha appeal ef tha Los Angelea man Indicted for violating the federal land laws la Curry county, Oregon,-la their, efforts to resist re moval to Oregon for trial on tha charges Included la the Indlctmenta. 4 Despite tha victory of "the Loa An gelea parties. Mr. Bristol will Institute new proceedings againat them and will go to Loa Angelas and try tha oases againat the men himself, s soon aa he can get away from hla dutlea connected 'with the federal grand Jury, which will . meet thla month. - . The Los . Angelea men Indicted are Olllellen. Kennx. Goodwin and Gould. . They are well-known and t Influential cltlsena of California and have eouaht .refuge from every court possible. Anally winning In tba supreme court. . This, however, does not release "them from the chsrges la the Indlctmenta and Instead of being tried la Ore ran rtvea them the opportunity to be tried In California. Mr. Bristol does not see it that way, nowever, and Insists that tha men snail be tried la thla state. Tne men appeaieo to tne supreme court from the United Statea circuit court ef tha southern California district on a writ of habeas corpus. r.lioots Husband In Bon's Presence. (Jmreal rUl Berrin.l fait Lska. irll t. As her 10-year. mj son stood by iter side, Mra. William T. liooley shot and killed ber husband sa be stood at the telephone la thetr home thla tnornln. Two- hours later ti e Inquest was h"id and a lunacy com- r ..sio'i arpaluted te pasa oa her sanity. ; t: , '.; ' tinned. Oh. Ife almost funny. I al most had to laugh at the pompous way In which the meaaenaer or aomebody at tha White Houaa name out to say Mr; Loeb -waa busy and eould not see me.J . . I want o tell the world Oiat It I. an "HtS bu1cn.ry V Om. rasa. Put It In big type that there l.lmo-t horrible kiiim a conspiracy. Jealoas of To tell the truth about tha whole matter, aald Mrs. Von Clauasen In a con fidential tone, "the reason Mra. Oravea, wife of the American minister to Swe den, would not present ma to tha kin of Sweden after he had expressed a wish that"tbe presented, was that aha waa Jealoua of my dress. . She, being of tha diplomatic corps, waa compelled, to wear the regulation court dreaa of black with ridiculous short puffy sleeves. When aha waa Informed of my gorgeous gown, aha had an attack or heart fail ure. " . . . . ' ; - Asked whan aha waa going to leare Washington. Mra Von Ciaussen aald "Not until I hare made it ao hot that they grant ma redress for my wrongs. If I just get that lunacy commission appointed, ao they oannot put me la Jail for aaylng what I want to, I will tin coTer soma things. . There la an up- rlalna? in. Sweden. ' I may hare to ask Graves what part. If any, ha la taking In tha matter." 0 ... , a banker, a liveryman, tlmberman, hop buyer, 'printer. locksmith, engraver. manufacturer agent, fisherman, stock- raiser, miner and sheepman. , i Multnomah county leads tha .counties represented with the unlucky II. Three of theae live outalde of Portland, namely In Hoioreck, Montavllla - and Tremont Place. Marlon la second with six venire men to her credit Jackson cornea third with five, while Baker haa four. Clat sop and Douglas are a tla with three. Six mora have two each, aa follows: Umatilla, Union, Clsckamaa. Benton, Lane and Linn. Waaeo, Columbia, Polk and Tamblll each have one. "WeH." said the father. "I thought tha doctor aald it waa boy, I gueaa I waa dreaming." - i'.'.v '' Several fathers of young ladlsa who happened to be In the health at the time assured him that he waa, and ha left the room with; tha serene amlle of the proprietor of a family. Bo happy waa he that aa hour later ha aent up a box of cigars to tha yewng ladles In tha health office and a box of bonbons to the male employes. It la needless to say that tba bonbona were traded for tha clgara.' . r i numuiuo uouni lo without coat or bat and in view of the fact that hla head la aa bald aa a billiard ball tha police expect to have no difficulty In locating him. ' Fabriciua la well known to the au-, thorttlea, having bean arrested on sev eral occasions for etealing from houses of, worship and -consequently became known aa the "church thief." . The pris oner had but it daya mora to aerve and la tha event of hla recapture will ao doubt pay a visit to tha rockptle. TESTIFIES TO SAVE SOU'S LIFE Mrs. Carritz Tells Story of In .. sanity Among Other. Mem- bers of Famlly.v ' . - .... . - . t. With law banging loose and eyes staring vacant before him, Peter Oar tits, tba murderer of Anton Orohe. was led Into oourt thla morning to listen te the testimony which will decide whether or not tha law ahai, treat him as an ir responsible madman. : Tha It regularly called Jurymen wb will listen to the testimony In tha e are A. Mil la, Hiram Terwllllger, B. Jones, J. C. MoOrew, W. N. lieu. bree, p. Murray, George Suttle, N. Solo mon, C. L. Cllne, C k Fox, W. O. Has tlna and C J. Van Avery. The st ran rest non-expert witness for Oarrlta will ba hla mother. Mrs. Llssle Verataten, who took the stand tha flrat after tha opening of court at I o clock thla afternoon. Mra Verataten told a long story of Inaanlty and misfortune In the family tending . to show oon gental Inaanlty. She aald that bar own sister and her slaters son had both been adjudged Insane and now are In matea of tha same asylum In. the etate of Wisconsin. Her- own husband, the father of Oarrlta. committed auiotde by drowning when Peter waa but 7 years of age. - Expert witnesses to ba eauaa by oar- ritaa attorney. J. F. Watte, are Dra. William Houaa. W. F. Amoe ana w. u. McNary. Dra. House and McNary have both sworn to tnelr belief that Oarrlta is tneane and a victim of feeble-mlnded- nesa probably dating from -early child' hood. . ' The Interests of tha people are' being looked after In tha trial by Deputy Dis trict Attorney Adams. Mr. Adams stated at the openlne- of the trial thst he will do nothing to- prejudice tha minds of the Jury sgelnst the prisoner; that If the accused Is insane he wtshea to know It, aa ha doea not prosecute a uruy aoaa ior uurdos BUTCHERY If! . . - . ' ; - - ' -A JAP RESORT Three at .Tacoma . Combine to Murder a Fourth Principal ,; ') s In Deed Confesses! Tacoma, Wash April t. R. Omatt, a Japaneae labor contractor, waa 'found dead, lying In pool of blood amid a Utter of broken ohaira and furniture. a Japanese resort rery early thla morn- Inf.. M. Aloiiyasu, a' countryman of Omatt, baa admitted ba waa responsible for hla death, and that another Jap anese, named M. Nakamura, also as slated In the killing. Both7 of these men were Immediately captured by tha Omatt la one of tha most horrible killings that haa taken place in Tacoma In several t-eara, ac cording to the police.' Tha resort" Is1 an exoluslvely Japanese - club, devoted to card rooms and restaurant boxes, where Japaneae women resort The three man mentioned were In a box last night with a fourth Japaneae, whose name haa not been learned. Suddenly there waa heard Inalda tha box the crash of breaking dishes, the thud of tablea being over turned and tha amaahlng of furniture. . ' While tha proprietor of the place waa tiring to' open the door, which had ''been locked. It waa suddenly thrown open and tha Japaneae, whose name haa not been- learned, knocked him down and ruahed down the atairway to tha atreet At thla Instant eight shots were fired In rapid aucceasion and then Morlyaau, carrying a amoklng pistol In his hand, daahed out and ran directly Into the arms of Patrolman 8hock, who placed htm under arreat Morlyaan waa great ly excited and Jabbered while behig handcuffed. I shot him," he -aald, "he look after me ail day yesterday to kill me; I wait for Mm and kill him." In addition to Moriyaau'a confession. Indicating deliberate murder on hla part,. Omatl waa found to be unarmed and defenseless. Four bulleta entered hla back and two his braMt In,, add It Ion there were numeroua knife wounda about hla neck and head. APRIL MEETING r BEGINS TODAY Women's Missionary . Society Meets at Taylor Street Church. . The Columbia' River branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodlat Episcopal church la hold ing its semi-annual meeting today- at Taylot Street Methodist v church. Tha aeml-annual meeting la April la alwaya held there and the annual tmeetiag moves from place to place. The reporte of officers and committees occupied the entire morning session. .A The branch la In a better financial condition than at any former time. The paat half year the raoelpta from dues, gifts and subscriptions' have bean $., and tha disbursements 11.701. leaving a balance af ll.Ott. This ahowa a gain over tha earns tlmo last year of The. treasurer. Miss Nsttle Whitney of Tacoma la the successor of her mother, who held the office for many .years and left the work to ber daughter when aha died within tha year. Mrs. A. N. Fisher, corresponding sec retary , who baa , Just returned from uaiirornia, gave aa interacting account of tha work of tha California branehi one jamemea mo iaci uiii tne memDep- ship of the Columbia river branch does not Increase as rapidly as It should. There are JT.000 Methodist woman In tha territory and only- 4,000 are en listed In tha foreign mlaalonary society work. ' Many of tha older women are called awav by death and there Is none to take their places. , - .- v Mrs. Fisher spoke particularly of Mra Whitney and Mra Foster, both of whom have died within the last year. She -read Interesting letters from mis sionaries In China, Japan and India. Tha nits box committee reported that 114 boxes have been given out this year and it la hoped to raise tha sum ' to l,O00. - .- : - ... - . , . Mra SL K. Upmayer, secretary of tha young people's work, entered a plea for all women to uaa their Influence with tha young people to join, for their aid would be needed when the older ones gave up their active work.'' The after noon was devoted to papers en mission ary subjects. , , TOKEN IS GIVEN ' ELDER, PRATT Evangelical . Conference '. Closes Ministers Present Gift to Leader--, Dlatrict Appofhtmentg Made.'' The United Evangelical conference cloaed yesterday. Tha church waa packed to the door both morning and evening to hear Bishop Hell of HlghlandTTark. His morning sermon was on "The Cer tainties of Preaching and Christian Living." . . ; v - Presiding Elder H. I Pratt, of Port l 1 ' district, was presented . with n gold watch by the ministers . jf i. ;s district. At tha mlaalonary meeting held at I p.' m. over f 800 was raised for home missions. ' ' - ' The appointments ; for the snsutng ysar are aa lollowa; .Portland oieiric nev. ta. i. zsaiiaa- tvna, P. E. Brooks, O. O. Arnold;, Day ton. W. 8. Plowman; HUlsboro, S, J. Lindsay: Irrigon and Uklah. A. W, Brickley; iareyette and uaston, gi. is. McVlcker; Laurel, F. S. Locke; Ockley Green, J. Boweraox; Portland first, A. A.- Winter; Portland second, B. t S. Hushes; St. Johns, CP. Oates; Trout- dale, to be au polled . Dallas District, H. L. Pratt. P. K. Buelnh and Alaea, B. M. Wood, "A'atlae, N. W. Baser; Florence, O. L. Lovell; Independence, S. B. Lou re r; Klrig'a Val ley, J. L. Bums; Lewlsvllle, M. I B, Toung: Mapleton, K. W. Phelps; Salem, H. A. Deck; Soda villa and Sweet Home, C. A. Burrls. . SPEAK AJ COMMERCIAL CLUB DINNER J0NIGHT Among the speakers who will discuss the subject of "District Street Improve ment" at tha monthly dinner of 'the Portland Commercial club tonight will be te A. McNery, I. Lang, H. C Camp- W ii wwe . wr - s ww NE17 HOTEL AT PARK AND ALDER Dr. Cornelius VVill Erect Six. V 'Story Brick. Building - T-: v 'on Corner. Vv-i Dr. C W. Cornallua will beat within SO days the erection of a atx-etory brilk hotel and store building oa tha north west, corner of Alder and Park streets. jusi across nrt street from tha medl cal and dental of flee bulldlna; bow under eonatructlon by Baldwin A Downlna. Tba ooat of tha Cornellua atructure will be about m,oo. Tha ground floor will be uaed for stores and tha remaining nve noora win be fitted up aa a first- class family hotel. While the atructure wnr aot be of the ateel skeleton type, such aa the Corbett at Fifth and Mor rison, n will ba aupported with ateel girdera and beams and oolumna of Iron. Bennea, Hsndrlcka & Tobey are . prepar ing tha plana and specifications for the proposed atructure. Tha Jor geason building at Third And Main streetat although ' nearly com pleted, ia - t be remodeled -at-an - ax pense of $10,604 aid converted Into a first class hoteL The original Inten tion of the builder waa to have the en tire ground floor utilised for bualnaas houses and the upper floors divided Into offlces, but Architect Kmll Schacht baa been ordered to make tha neceaaary al terations In order to convert It into an up-to-date hotel. The new plan calls for a dining room (0 by 100 feet a grill, bar and lobby on tha ground floor. Twanty-four suites ' are to ba provided with hatha The necessary al terations will ba completed by June 10. Thla will ba the first modern hotel to ba located on South Third street ASKS $7,000 FOR . INJURIES IK SAWMILL Wind . River Lumber Company Sued by Guardian of B." ' v-: A.Carner.7 . B. A. Oamer. by his guardian., filed suit In the United States circuit court this 'morning against tha Wind River Lumber company to recover damagea In the aum ef $7,000 for personal tnjurlea received while working in tha company's sawmill. The case comes up on re moval from the circuit court, of Waaeo county. . , . Another ease brought Into tha United Statea circuit court on removal from the stats courts today was that of Ralph Rogera againat tha Peninsula Lumber company. In which Rogers seeks to re cover 13S.000 fdr Injuries- which ha al leges to bava received while working for - the lumber company. Tha caaa came from the circuit oourt of Colum bia county. ,. -y.j .. OFFICIALS TAKE OATH OF OFFICE St, ''Johns Guardians Begin New ; DBtle in ' Tbrlrtais Town . ''V Acroas the Blver. '..,.'.' Mayor-elect C. K. Couch ' and other officials In St Johns took their oath of office last- nlahL - Thev aaauma their iduUea at once. Recorder A. M. Kaaoa fie in poeaesslon of tha one .arm-chair that adorns tha spaoloua quarters la the city hall and reigns' supreme today as recorder, elty auditor, municipal Judge , and ex-officlo Juatloe 'of tha peace. - - . ' : .. ' - Charles. Bredesdn was appointed chief of police to succeed himself. - Other officers will ba appointed later. Cle nathe L. Goodrich retains his position aa supervising architect of.the city halL Police deputies ware provided by tha mayor also last night ao that tha city will not be without police protection. ' 'TCvery thing la running along smooth ly." said Recorder Eaaon, thla morning, "and nobody has threatened to shoot me yet" ' ' ' Mr. Essen is tackling bis work with energy.' Mr. Thorndyke, retiring record er, baa not yet decided on bis future oo- cupatlon, . . . DEMENTED MAN JUMPS ' : OUT OF CAR WINDOW G. Baeoo, while supposed to have been, demented. Jumped through an open window of a car - oa Southern Padflo train Na 10 at Clackamas station .thla mora- ' Ing and sustained serious In juries. The man waa - found lying by tha aide of the track by ' the crew of a following train and brought to. this elty. Baeoo was . removed 'to the Good Samaritan, hospital for treatment and Is thought to be Internally Injured, Nothing Is known of his ante-, cedents and the police have been asked to locate hla frtende or relatives. ,r . . . ARCHITECTS ASK LANE'S - .V VETO OF SHEPHERD BILL ,-,'.,.;,-.- ::.;'-... Several architects have asked Mayor Lane to veto the Shepherd ordinance, which limits the height of all build in ga, except those built of ateel or re enforced concrete, to four stories. The mayor aald thla morning that ha would not take any action In the jnatter until be had further advice. The requeat for tha veto waa made by Arohltecta Rich ard Martin Jr. and Ernest Kronsr. -Mr. Shepherd, who recently resigned from the council, opposed tha request ' . REGISTRATION CLERKS 'VERY BUSY TODAY , ,i . Tba registration, clerks at thf court house wera extremely busy today. Vot ers stood 1n long lines In front o(. ths registration counter,' awaiting their turn to be entered properly on the election books. Up to noon 0t new names bad been added and Tl changes In addresa had been filed. . Teaterday 14 1 new vot ers signed u$ and 111 changea of ad dres were made. Tha entire number of new namea on tha books at noon today was 1,011. - . Wednrsdsy is the last day for dls aount on west side gas 'bills , DISBAR TURNER FROM PRACTISE Supreme Court Shuts Out Young Salem Lawyer Who ' Forged Land Entries. (seeial fnsaatea to Tke JearaaLi Salem, Or, April . In an opinion per curiam the Oregon supreme oourt ioaay oraerea tne aiabdrment of H. H. Turner, . the ' young Salem lawyer, for unprofessional conduct. Tha ' nroeeed- Ings were Instituted by the Bute Bar association for : Turner'a disbarment. and the Information : charaea that In August, ItOt. Turner wrongfully . and unlawfully , forged a pretended assign ment for the aale of school lands by signing tha name of G. I. Rice, a flo tltloua person, thereto, and attaching tales certificate of acknowledcment of such assignment, purporting to have been taken before htm aa a notary pub lic, and' that be forged soma II appli cations for ths ' purchase of school landa. ' 'In bis answer Turner expressly ad-BsHav- the -commission of- --tb acts charged, that the matter of the signa turaato applications for the purchase af school lands and affidavits thereto were antiquated matters of style and form, and no longer binding on account of long continued naage, and disregard of their substance by tha vartoua school boards. Saya tha oourt: "It la unnecessary to comment upon such a defenses - The-essence ef It la that Turner' thought and believed that because o there wera violating tha law and committing crimes be was Justified In doing the aame. A lawyer who has no higher conception of personal Integ rity or professional honor 4a an un worthy member of bis profession and should be disbarred. - ' ' Judge Eakin reversed tba judgment and ordered a new trial In the ease of B. B. Seabreok. appellant., against1 tba Coos Bay Ics 4k Cold Storage company, respondent, an appeal from Cooa "bounty. Lawrenoa T, Harris Judge. - It waa aa action In" ejectment and plaintiff's property was averted toax- ivnu over upon oercara nam tsnus. Beny Patltloa of fannlaga, . A petition for rehearing la tho case of tha atata of ' Oregon, reepondeot, againat Jasper Jennlnga, appellant, was denied In a per curiam opinion. An amended bill of axeeptlona, which la substantially a new bill, had been filed without leave of court. It la not claimed that the original bill , was erroneous, but only that It did not stats thofaots Iq detail.: Ths oourt said: ' "A bill of exceptions, weha settled, signed and fOed becomes a part of the record .and atands on precisely , tba same footing Aa any other record, and it will pot bo claimed that where par ties have submitted $he cause for de cision on a record made Jp either of them can after tho declalon, cause a new or amended record to be sub stituted so as to add to or take front the ouestlons presented." Jennlnga was convicted of having killed hla father, Newton M. Jennlnga, September T, 1001,. and was sentenced to hang. - .i- - 'i r On November IL 1001," In an opinion by Justice Halley, tbs Judgment of the lower court waa reversed and a new trial ordered. The time for rehearing was extended on the application of tha state and a new. bill of exceptions whs presented.' - .. -.. '-.,. : .V- v' . Other Lover Ooarts msvsrsed. "'"' The case of Ada Callers. Marie Col ors et aL, appellate, againat H. L. Maaehem and Jesaph Lyona. in an opin ion by Commissioner Xing the Judgment of Judge Lawrence T. Harris was re verend- The opinion holds that ths court erred in -charging tha Jury to ths effect "that an agreement for An exten sion in time of the payment of a note. If proved as alleged, would preclude a recovery against Lyons, - . In the' case of the Portland Iron works, appellant againat C W. Willett respondent, an appeal from a decision of John B. Claland, Judge of tho circuit court for Multnomah county, Commis sioner Slater reversed the Judgment of tho lower court, Willett Is a designer and constructor of machinery. and drawings and patterns he made wars to be tho property of the plaintiff. He perfected several inventions - and proceeded to have - tham patented, to which the company objected, claiming Its right to tham. Tba Inventor brougnt suit and won. ', " ' Chief Justice Bean affirmed tho de cision of the lower oourt In ths esse of J. Danby Budd, - appellant - against Stephen Qelllr, eherlf f of Coos county. and W. B. Andrews, respondents, which arose over tho validity of a lien. - Two i In which Mayor Harry Lane figures are today before tha supreme court - t -''.".it AUDITORIUr.l THEATRE ' VILL S00H BEIPENED f".- Big Chicago Playhouse Leased . for Ten Years fJf a Mil lion Dollars; . v jsersai social lie .? i Chicago, April A 1 1,000,000 theatre lease was consummated when W. A. Brady, manager of tho Savoy and Man hattan, theatres of New Tork, signed tbs papers which will give bim tha Auditorium theatre for 10 years at an annual rental of f 100,000. The signing of tho agreement with the Auditorium association Involves ths Immediate pay; mem 01 lou.wou. alteration - in the houaa will be of a nature to St It for the presentation of big apectaclea.' The houaa proper will be arranged to ac commodate 4,000 persona. .. , . The Auditorium la one of the largest theatres In the United Statea and, ow. Ing to Its great slse and cost of main tenance, is dark a largo .part of tha time. It was dedicated. In 1191 by President Benjamin Harrlaon, and the following years, during tha Columbian exposition, waa the scene of soms re markable stage productions. . - INDIAN FINED FOR A ?: v PEDDLINp FIRE WATER Albert Pox, a 17 -year-old India lad, pleaded guilty In the United Statea dis trict court this - morning to carrying whiskey upon - tba Umatilla Indian reservation and was aantanced -to II days In tha Multnomah county Jail and fined lit. . One reason Fox got off so easily was due to the fact that M waa arreated last September, since which date he has been lying In the Umatilla county Jail. " " Former Senator Pettlgrew, of South Dakota, la aald to have vaatly Increased his wealth during ths past year or two la' stock speculation lit New Tork, UHQ BOUGHT TIDE FLATS? Speculation ,RIf at to Present ' Owner, Although , Thought ; ' '. to Be H&rriman. . t , What Is considered among real aetata men to bo an unusually remarkable and significant activity ta tho purohaao of three mllea of tide flats weat of As toria across Tounar's bay - within tha last 10 daya bv mysterious buyers who have paid for thla property an aggrej gate aum of Theae nets nave a frontage on tha deepeat water of the Columbia harbor and resemble tho flate at Seattle. Tha theory Is advanced that Harrimaa Interests have become tnter- eated In theae holdings and have cor nered the beat harbor facilities on the Columbia. All Indlcatlona point , to a verification of hla statement - ' ' --The property weat of the location. about three mllea in extent as far as the government . reserve, la controlled by tho HU1 Unas. The Lytic road Is build ing down' the Lewis and Clark river to this point with no terminal yards to receive It therefore It is thought that tha site will bo made a big terminal point for ' tho - Harrimaa llnea. - Tho width of the strip Is from one mile to one and a quarter miles. It Is backed by a fertile oountry, lsvel and now uaed as pasturs lands. A new town. Harn- nian, baa Juat been laid Out In the . vi cinity by aa Independent real eatate man. ; Tho transactions that have been mads bava gone through the . hands of tha A a tori Abstract company, principally, but there have been other purchasers. Tho flats. If filled to a depth of from II to 11 feet . would bo admirably adapted for terminal yards. Tba harbor la deeper and batter, than ' that at Astoria. .The location 10 about 1 miles west of aad aouth of Smith's point tho western moat point of Astoria. - It haa sold for price ranging from (SO to 140 a front foot - .- " mm SLOT fiMClllllES Wlckham and Schlussel Found Guilty' of Operating De- i : - vices and Fined.: - i A decision ef importance was ren dered by Judge Cameron in tho polios court this morning whan be found Al fred Wlckham and Mark Schlussel. pro prietors of a cigar store at 0 Wash ington street guilty of maintaining and operating niekle-ln-the-alot machines in violation of the statute. . 'A fine of fli was imposed on Wlck ham and tbs caaa of Schlussel was con tinued for sentence. Counael for ths defenaa Immediately filed notice of ap peal and tho matter will now bo tried In the circuit court In the event of an adverse decision In tho upper tri bunal. It la. ths announced Intention of tho defenaa to carry tha matter to the supreme court ' . --.',.';!. Tha flxht which is betns made on tha nickel devourers la believed to bo the result of a -preconcerted plan on. ths part oi the tobaeoonlata of tho city to teat tho validity of the atata law. It la understood that In aome legal quarters It Is bald that tho statute Is unconsti tutional. . v . . . Under tho law It Is only necessary for tbs prosecution to make out a -prima facie ease,' l e. It Is only. Incumbent upon ths stats to prove that the mrv ehlnes Wots exposed for play In a pub- llo place owned or controlled by tho defendant Upon the filing -of tho com plaints against Schlussel and Wlckham tho prooecatlon did not allege that any element of chance entered late tho op eration of tho (machines and on this ground the defenaa Interposed a demur rer. - Judge Cameron after listening to arguments from both sides overruled the demurrer and after a week's delay the ease came to trial this ihorntng. The testimony of Detectives Kay and Elonlln waa taken aa to the fact that tho machines . were- exposed for ' play In tha elsar store under the direction of tho two daf endanta, - Several of ths devices labelled . "salesmen" wars hrauaht- Into . court for Inspection. - After hearing ths testimony Judge Cameron bald that tho evidence wag nnnclustva and sromotlv found the de fendants guilty. 'As ths defense hi signified their Intention of appealing, Wlckham was fined and Schluaael's oase continued . for sentence , pending a de cision from the circuit court Chief Oritsmacher has II machines, seised at the cigar store. In his pos sessions Ths appeal taken by tba de fense, however, prevents- him from throwing tbs contrivances la tha river or burning them in a oonnre, asanas been suggested. .. .. -. ' -' ; " FORESTERSTO - . . . -HOLD RALLY 4 11 1 ' - ' Ths Foresters of America will hold a rallv tonight at I o'clock at Fen-esters' haU. Second and Yamhill atreeta The members of the order rn Portland and nelahborin cities will gather at the hall at tha appointed hour for ths pur- nose of marching to Arion hall, where A. Dalgity of Astoria, grand chief ranger, and other officers will address tha meeting. Following the speechmak Ing, the degree team will go through rltualtatto work snd a number of can didates - will be Initiated In the mys teries of the order. ' - At tha eoncluaton of tho exercises at Arion hail, the members will return to thetr hall for the banquet and recep tion. It la expected that nearly all the grand offleera of the Oregon jurisdic tion will be preaent onlght. DeCaprlo'a band will head the parade to and from Arion hail and will furnish music dur ing ths axerclaes snd banquet , , - ' Traveling Man Fined. ' H. a. Bacon, claiming to be a com mercial traveler from Chlcarfb, who was arreated in a Burnalde street resort last night by Deteotlves Baty and Price on a ' charge of carrying a conceaimj weapon, was fined tit In ths police court this morning. I' 'Meeting of. Woman's Club. . The educational department Of ' the Woman's club will meet Thuraday aft ernoon at 1:10, at the residence of Mra O. M. Ollnea, III East Everett street Mra F. A. Sanborn vAll address the meeting on manual training In the pub lic school v, '.. ' . v w ' . , Wednesday Is ths laat day for dis count' on west side gag bills. iiooD-ifino CREAK RECORD Famous Apple 1 , Town Bending V Energlee to Greater 'Fruit, 7 Output This Yea. y Hood Klvor STomtsea a fruit records during ths approach lne; season, according to the report of Com mtsstoner Weber of Tho Da ilea, made before tha aeml-annual seaalon of tha state - horticultural board yeatarday afternoon.' Large' numbers of trees are being set out snd mora acreage added every winter. - The weather conditions have been more favorable than usual, a lata season Is always found to bo tho moat profitable one. What la tho moat notable of now de velopments In the apple country ta tho gradual change of favorites that Is tak ing place. The Newtowne are now tho prevailing apple being setj out Ark an. aas Blacks are taking ths place of tho Spltsenbergs because of their eolor and their batter snipping and keeping quali ties The Dallea la aleo renewine? Its interest reports Mr. Weber, and a great many ireea nave peea planted this win ter. -V About I MOO trees have beoa slanted la the oaatarn die trio t," reports Judd Goer of Cove, with apples aad a harried predominating. - Tha winter baa been moot favorable, which corroborates tho statements made yeatarday by tho Wlt"Ve, lametto - valley ana Rogue river oome miealoaers. The fruit prospects ef tho entire state are unusually favorable this year.- ; The sali of Infected fruit will reoeivo the attention of the horticultural board thla season. Special Inatruetlons to tho county Inspectors are being prepared by Secretary H. M. Wllllama - AU fruit wherever found, regardlaas ef where it cam a from or where It la going, will bo deatroyed by .these Inapectora. . Recent oourt declaloha mads In tho Taktma oountry under ' tho Washington law, which Is tbs same as tbs Oregon statuto regarding this matter, allows tho in spector to Immediately destroy any aad all fruit where any Uttle Infeotlos. la found. - - - - r. .. - The law does ' not ' require tbo In spector to' sort out tho good fruit . It will bo usaleaa for growers to aeTffl In fected fruit to tho market. It will bo deatroyed wherever found, lit her In tbo bands of the wholesaler, retailor or con sumer. ' The horticultural board completed tta work yesterday afternoon, , CHARTER OF S IX TRAHP STEAMERS FOR ALASKA Sesnon Company Will Unload at Nome With Huge Traveling . y. ; Cable.Way. -. ) y',. ry:: fltoeetel Dlseatek e Tke JesraaLl Seattle. April I. -John Seanon. . one ' of the best-known of the Nome opera- tors, announced today that bo had-ar-rangoo for, the charter - of era tramp steamships to handle his freight ship ments - this -seaeon. -The value of tho coal, lumber, hay, grain, oils 'Snd other oommodltlea to bo aent north by -tho 8eanon company will reach close to tho . ll.000.000 . mark In . valuation. - 'Nome - alao will bo supplied with 10,000 tons . of eoaX In all 7,000,000 feet of lumber will go to the Seward peninsula. .The building of a traveling 'oableway . by Seanon will Insure tho dlechargo of vessels at the Bering seaport In all klnda of weather thla eeaaon. Ths In- , shore tower Is already In place and the' baas for the 'offshore tower Is at the preaent time launched on the loo and will soon bo dropped Into position mors than 1,000 feet from shore. The base , will be held in place by 4,000,000 pounds of concrete. - , ' Sesnon Is also building four largo barges in Seattle to be towed nortS at tho opening of navigation and will eon- . atruot a tug to tow the bargea from tho vessels to tho oableway, where tho cargo will be taken ashore and 'unloaded on the beach, .. - , THREATENED STRIKE IS A COMPLETE FAILURE ("penal Dtspatrh ta Tke Jesrael.) ' Seattle, Wash., April 10. The strike of local machinists of th Union Of Metal , Traders Workers of ths Pactfld coast . failed of realisation today as wss or- ' dared by tho union, which ' bad pro dieted that a tbouaand skilled mechanica would bo out of employment today. Only about 10 quit All tha shops are paying more than tho scald to good ma chinists whlls handy men get tl.ll per day.- The wage schedule runs to 14.10 and the Maohtnlata union " haa only1 aakad for a general rate of 40 cents aa hour. ' ,-:, ASSASSINATED BARILLAS FOR BURNING OF SALOON (Jearaal Ipeelsl Berrlea.) '.'"" ,, Mexico City. April . The polios bava captured an accomplice of Joao Estrada, wbo assassinated Baalllaa. Ths man nn-. dar arreat also gives bis name as Es trade. On his person was found nn empty scabbard and ths knife used lit the assaaalnatlon fits ths scabbard. Tho -reason given by the aaaaaaln for tho -deed Is that during Barrlllaa' admin- , latratlon a saloon belonging to blm was burned by ocder of the government' , ... ; . j Fined tor Brutality. Harry Phlllipa,' alias "Shortr Hart- man, arrested by Patrolman Craddock ' yeaterday on charges of saaault and ,' battery and ualng profane language, waa fined III lolhe police court thla -,. morning. Phillips, without provocatlofOsl TIClUU.iy vrjm . w " ......... w . w , . world residing at 71 Fourth atreet , When taken Into custody for hla bru tality, he turned nn the officer, and it waa only with difficulty Phillips was brought to Jail. , v , . When arraigned :n court bo entered a plea of guilty and waa fined III on tho aaaault charge and $10 for the obscene language used,- ' - Finds Missing Valuables. ' 1 Mr. Dolly F. Mating, proprietor of a . loiielna hauaa at lit Park atreet laat night reported tha theft of a retloulo. containing cnecaa ana jeweiry approxi mating 11.000 In value, but . tho - do tectlvea had hardly started on tha ease thla morning whan the woman found the handbag and Ita contents Intact ' with tha exception of about $11 la cash. Mra. Mallns waa entertaining two male acqualntancea laat night and shortly after tha departure of her gueark missed tne antcnai. Bhe round the bsg behind a sofa this morning. with ths money missing. - ,