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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 9. IDOf. To-ri Topics- ' Toitiaara amusement, ; . lTell1...."Mn. WlfW e Cabbara Patch" -plr . ."A Itinmpt in Town .ju"-a JrJ.l-. trrie .?0,E Tmtr ui iru w' Aa error, of little Importance, how ever, except that It is always best to be absolutely correct, was mads In ths y Item In this paper yesieraay I hs value of UU eamples of ore assayed - tot the ButU Boys Consolidated Mining oempany. . The figures were given a to the ton. when It should nave been 111.03. At the Butte Boys office. Waethcrly building. . Bast Morrison street, the matter was looked upon as too trifling for correction, but Just the ante, it Is always beet te have figures oorreot or they will He. Yesterday was - another big day with the company. The secretary sent out nearly 10,000 shares. Dr. Ilgmund Hecht of Los Angeles and Grand President Oeorge w. xsiaca. , aUaa of Las Aneralaa. will be the prmoi- pal speakers at a meeting of the B'nai Brtth at Temnle Beth Israel, Friday night , The guests of the Portland eo- - otaty arrived this morning and were- met at the. Union denot by the rouow Ing committee: . I. Leaser Cohen. Otto 3. K reamer. Big glchol. Dr. Germaoua, David N. Mosessohn, Isaao Bwett and Dr. A. Tllser. A meeting of B'nai B'rith wlU be held tonlaht at the Bell- I ' lng-nlrsch building, where a great Vnumber of new members will bo Inltl- ' Night work at the mill of the Eastern at TVestsra Lumber company In North Portland was begun last night alter a shutdown of about six weeks on ac count of the mill laborers' strike. The other mills expect to soon, follow, the example of the Eastern Western, as they consider the strike thing of the past. ' Polios Sergeant Cola and a squad of patrolmen guarded the, mill property dnrlne- the earlr Dart or the evening, but as the strike pickets, who are still nerslstentlv at work, offered no trou- - ble, ' they soon returned to headquar- : tars. , - , ' twiimHu th Hallwiuvt Methodist Zplsoopal church will taks place Bun- dajr, My S. was tntanaoa 10 oate the new edifice this month, but delay In getting material hindered the AMnnfAttA.. nf the hulldlna?.- . Dr. Coleman, president of WUlamette uni versity, win speaa m ins moraine; . - - . . . i evening ana Rev. Mr. jncuougnmu ox ju k. iialivar the dedicatory sermon in the afternoon. The church will oost about 16,000 and will .afford an ebund- w. A .n... n HnnilAv - school and oommlttee-rooma, besides the audito rium, which wlU seat about ioe peopie. ' At the meeting of the Ladles Auxil iary of the A. O. H. Monday evening Mrs. Deary presented to the president, ui. uarta rh.mbera. in behalf of the ... Ladles' Auxiliary a gold bracelet set with emeralds. After the presentation the doors were opened to the brother Hibernians, and ' short program was given as follows: Catherine Foley, piano solo; Mr. MaUey. vocal solo; Cather ine Chambers, Instrumental; - D. W. Laao. poem; Mr. Hayes, vocal solo; Dr. Courtney, remarks; F. Henessey, . vooai solo, B. J. Deery, address; Miss L. McMahan, vocal solo. - ;Vv Professor It F. . Knox, founder of the. mental, college of Bnra Mawr and Seattle, Washington, is in the city to arrange for the founding of a college : here. Ho will deliver a series of four free lectures at the A. O. U. W. hall. Selllng-Hlrsch building.- The first loo ture will be delivered Friday evening at o'clock, the second Baturday even ing and the third Sunday afternoon at 1:10 o'clock. The fourth lecture will be delivered Sunday evening. peter Feldhousen was arrested yes terday afternoon at the Matthlesen ho tel. First and Madison streets, by Den s', oty United States Marshal William . Griffiths, for sending obscene letters v through the mallet The complaint was filed by Postoffioe . .Inspeotor - F. M. . ' Camp. Feldhousen deposited a cash ball of 1S00 to guarantee his appear ance at a preliminary hearing before , United States Commissioner. Edward : McKee. - . The Methodist Ministers' association baa sleeted the following officers to serve during the ensuing yean Presi dent, J. T. Abbott; vice-president. Rev. IX A. Water; secretary and "treasurer. Rev. W. K. Ingalls; program committee, Rsv. Mr.. Brteslng. Rev. K. H, Mawer, and Rev. M. T. Wire. : . , . , . i - ' School Books Arrived Th JT. 1C Oill company desires to notify the school authorities and the trade that they have fust received Sloan's readers and Verti cal writing books No. t. They were ' shipped the first week In January and their delay in the railroad blockade" has eaueed great inconvenience. n. hmuihu eannea and row boata - which have beea recoivedV by Reiereon Machinery company un vhi nw umjm are attracting much attention from kthoae Interested In pleasure crart. it Trnald to be by far the largest assort ment In tha northwest. ; . .. Ringler gymnasium elaasaa now e-pen. Join now and aavs It Initiation ' fee. New East Bide Athletlo club. Grand avenue and East Morrison street.' Phone East 670. . Inspection Invited. y ' ' B. W. Moore, xpert photographer. Elks' building; Seventh and Stark Sta Everyone Is invited to attend tha big union Jubilee tomorrow night at the Hi-act Won THE GREAT QUESTION By the Adwaa's Laaa. Te he er sot te ee. . . Taat w toe eeaatloa,' " ' ' Wkcthrr It Is batter te be. s para, pale-faead Bulden bare at boae, .. , , . . . Urtngia ofctwnrlty, , .- -, i-r- ir be a sonaw , . Aa lalna's pack sinle ' aad fcle ma away te eld Tlnrhua's eheras, - The (jntamra at all (wicked) eye . ror jMt s little while '.!;' Aa thee ratars to denaa eeaeorttyt ' V ah, wnatber is ft battar tor ste te be ' Baal Oood, .. . And snsia day marry a kind, appreciative ekes Whe'It love the (and that'e r-tllf la Be, Or wind styaalf about wltb blanket red, (Inhabited, perhapa, hy aaaMlaaa Inseata), ' And. anldat the kaaaee aad plaadlts ef the aoot of sms . v . Wbe ears sot aa a tow far ay batter salt, ' , Bacoae a part ef aa exalMtloa . Te ba laaghad at , ' Bat est e be adaradf . y, a, Panllnet t v fll'a ate the laudry, '. ',,";' Bvery Nnal , ,. . . Away, Tlrfinlal , Away, Injual v,' away with freakat ." i 1'U Joat he aU mraalf. and la tar oa will be the pride ef M4 dear heaae haahaad aad all aad baak ttrmt la the aanahlee ef kh) atast hely end fend ef--fastloal. . ' : , . tntioit LAtrwniiT. raL Mats M, i axaU aad CMsabla, OFFER 8125,000 FOR SCHOOL SUE Board of Education Receives . Bid for Alnsworth Block at ;, - Twelfth and Davis.' f MANUFACTURERS ARE AFTER CITY PROPERTY ow Lies In Ifew Coininerclal District and Attendance Is Rapid If Decreasing - Board Wants More Money for Acreage. , . At tha meeting of the board of edu oatlon last night aa offer waa received for . tha purchase of . tha - block upon which the Atkinson school Is situated. The block' . Is ' bounded by Eleventh, Twelfth, Couch and Davis streets, and Hlnth newmanufactarrinr district Ths price offered x was . $116,000. The board took the of fer under consideration, but it Is not) probable that any amount under $160,000, will ba accepted. Ever since -ths - manufacturing dis trict has been moving southward and westward, the attendance at the Atkin son school has been decreasing, and the board believes a nsw school should be built in the residence district The At kinson school buildings are worth about $26,000. Tha main building waa built in the early seventies and Is valuable chiefly for atove wood. Tha wing was built about 16 years ago. -- Tha contract for the oonst ruction of the new Creston school oa tha Powell Valley road was awarded to E. B. White, whose bid was $!,($$. Tha W. B. Steele Construction company pre sented a bid for $16,000. Ths Steele company's bid of $18,tl$ for the con struction of ths Terwmiger school building in South Portland was ac cepted. Ruedr Brothers were awarded the contract for tha plumbing work in the two buUdlnga Their bid was for $$.70. ' A petition for the establlahmsnt of a trades i school waa taken tinder advise ment. About $26,000 will ba needed to start tha school. In trie school puplla will receive two years' instruction y in tha various trades. CITY OFFICIALS AND ' - MAYOR GIVEN BANQUET Retiring Councilman Shepherd .; and Masters Spread Plates ' i on Festive Board. ; ' DRY TICKET 10 FIELD FOR VOTES awaBasemaMaamH ' " ' Prohibitionists Will Launch -Candidates for Sacrifice .' This Month. - ' DO NOT EXPECT TO ELECT BUT WILL MAKE SHOWING Choloe for Mayoralty Idea Between Amos, Paget and McKerth . Cold Water Party Convention Will Be Held April 29. , : . ...:) ' prohibitionists ..tor Portland have caught tha fever and are now consider ing tha advisability of placing a full ticket In the field for the coming mu nicipal election. Tho members of the party realise that they cannot hope to elect their candidates, but. they do sot wish to- appear-as- haviag-loat- all -in terest In the political game and have about decided to take steps to get a few gooa prohibition names on tha munici pal ballot - , , L H. Amos, B. Lee Paget and F. Mo- Keroher axe the three men who have been cboaen by tha faithful for the sao rlflca, and one of tha three- will . be selected in ail probability to head the ticket aa the oold water candidate for mayor of Portland. , ' At a meeting of some ef tha promi nent members of tha party held last evening at the T. M. C. A. it waa de termined to call a party convention for April it or $7 for the purpose of nomi nating a ticket. Owing to the fact that tha prohibition vote at the last election did not come up te the $6 per cent re quired by the direct primary law, the party la prevented from putUng a ticket la nomination through tha direct primary law. . It will be compelled to secure aa attendance ef 100 .members of the party at the convention. . This wlU. be tha meeting of April 10 and it waa decided yesterday te send out Invita tions and announcements sufficient to secure ths attendance of the required number for the convention. t c , . OPPOSE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Grange) In Wheeler-. County Adopts Resolutions Against Legislative Act. ' farewell banquet was tendered to Mayor tana. City Auditor Devlin, City otla Treasurer Werleln, the members, of the Klser, secretary: Opposition te the creation of the eleventh Judlolal dlatriot la voloed by Butte Creek grange In .the following resolutions passed April at Foaall, Wheeler county, Oregon, and signed by Klser. master, and Mrs. Llsxle ooancll and the heads of departments bv George B. Shepherd - and W. T. Masters, retiring oounoilmen, last night. Covers were . laid for about as. speeches were made by. many , of those who attended, nr. Bhepnera aeiea as toaatmaater. , The program was as fol lows: v J -, I "Poking Un the Animals." Dr. Harry Lane; -Calling the BoH," Thomas Chauosr Devlin: "Celibacy From a Legal Standpoint.'' - Lawrence Addison Mo- Nary; "Two Hundred and JTorty Pounds Dressed." AUaa . Nathan Wills: "Tha New Show." George Leonldaa Baker; "Full Many a Flower Was Bora te Blush Unseen." Thomas Gray; "An Ex-Party Campaign," James Edward Werlelni Latitudes and . Departures.? - pougisa Tavlor. ; -.: '". - Bones were sung by a enorus oz sailor boys from the British snipe la tee nar- bor. The sailors were: James Sloans and H. Milne of the JordanhllL T. W, Jones. A. Ttnlsy aad J. V. Davis of thai Tola, W. Browne and R. C. Wright of the Dlmadale. , Chamaln Bernara ef the Seaman's in stitute waa pre Bent with the boys and mads a short address. A TSH. C A. building en Fourth and TamhllL Tha successful eloss of the building campaign wilt be celebrated by the two associations interesiea. 'A rousing good time is promised. Ho danger of coffee heart If yon get it from ths Oregon Cheese company, lit Fifth street. Remember we have a special sale Thursday, our regular 0o oof fee !6o straight all day. t , . t '. i Stsamar Jesse Rsrklns, for Camaa, Washougal aad way landings, dally ex cept Bunday. Leaves Washington street dock I p, m, " C Taahlma was found guilty' yester day of robbing a fellow countryman of 120. Judge Gantenbeln sentenced) him to two years In tha penitentiary. ' - - Albert Stone, who for the past eight years 'waa connected with the A, C Feldenhelmsr company, is now .with Manx it Blooh, Third street, . For wire and Iron fences for some- tsrtee or laama,. phone East lot. Co lumbia Wire and Iron works. . , V , twaaaaaaissamajj! - Woman's Exchange, 111 Tenth street lunch 11:10 to ; business men's luaoa. Aetna Oil Co. sells ths1 best safety oea oil and fine gasoline, phone Eaat Tift. For Kodaks, Kodak developing Z. L. Cohan, tha Kodak store. Ill Sixth St Wh ayes y ' pay f moref Metsger fits yeof for L Am Sixth street , i,fV Swell 11.10 ladier oxfords, tea er patent Marks Shoe company. Wednesday is the last day for dis count on vest side gaa bills. Piano teacher will take beslnnsra. hates reasonable. Phone B. 0tt . Dr.' Wm. .House. 1 11-4 Ore Ionian. nervous diseases. Qeneve Llthla , Water It First St D. Chambers, optician. 111 Seventh. Dr. E. C. Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam. Berger signs 114 Tamhlll Phone, v - - i i .i. i The action of the Kentucky court of appeals In declaring unconstitutional ths redlstrictlng act of 1100 will take from tha Democrats seven members of the legislature whloh it was Intended te gain by tha gerrymander, and will render more doubtful the election ef Oovernor J. C W. Beckham te the TJntfed States senate. i Wedneeday Is tha ' last day for dis count ea west side tag bUla, "Whereas, At the last session of the Oregon state legislature -there was paased aa act creating the eleventh Ju dicial dlatrlct. . . , Therefore, he tt resolved by tha mem bers of Butte Creek grange No. tie, Patrons of Husbandry, that we are op posed te said measure for the following reeeona: , - , "First It la uncalled for and unneces sary. . . ' "SecondWe are opposed to any local legislation without - first, ascertaining thewlshee of the people interested. "Third The district aa constituted at present gives ample time for all busi ness oomlng before tha court ' "Fourth The creation - ef the new district adds an additional unnecessary expense of more than 16,000 a year to state and oounty; "And be tt further resolved. That wa favor Invoking the referendum oa this measure. In order that the people may have aa opportunity of expressing their wlabes la the matter, which they ware not given before tha legislature met and passed the bill. "Further, That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to the niwspabers ef Wheeler, Gilliam and Sherman oountles and te the dally papers ef Portland, Qrogon." . . - ; COFFEY: AND KELLAHER V1LL TELL THE VOTERS Mayoralty Aspirants Scheduled to Do Some Stump Speeches " ' at Republican Smoker. - More oratorical fireworks and Illum inated club swinging will be mingled together at ' Artisans' hall. Front aad Olbbs streetsetomorrow night when the South Portland Republican club . will hnlit ite atofind smoker and rallv.- k. John P. Cottar and Dan Kallahe have been Invited to be present and show their plaoea aa mayoralty candldatea be fore the aasembled voters. . Both of them are preparing their speeches and will be on time, according to the accept ances which they have filed with Presi dent W. P. Llllls or the club. " . Julius Sllverstons and George J. Cam eron, the two aspirants for-the Republi can nomination for municipal Judge will also ba present and tell the voters the principles and promises which they have aa material for their campaign a. J.' p. Booths and Dr. CottelL two candidates for councilman from the fifth ward, will be in attendance and speak for them selves. H. A. Beldlng and John M. Mann will drop In on the meeting, but Mr. Mann says there will be nothing do ing unless soma one rubs his hair the wrong way. In which case ha may speak out -in meeting and set t-era straight In addition to theee iclal performer all candldatea of tha Republican creed have been notified by card that tha love feast will be held and that It would add to the sunshine should, thsy make It convenient to come. In addition to the Instruction pro vided by the candldatea entertainment will be furnished by illuminated elub swinging and several vocalists who are expected to bring harmony with them. It la predicted by the president that a moat Interacting time will ba furnished to those who have the time and that some 100 residents of the city will be at leisure. THREE MORE HAVE EYES ON COUNCIL CHAMBER L. M. Davis.' J. If. Blair and George B. Cellars are the three latest te have axplratione aa Republicans to receive the nomination for J the position aa ouaoUAea at lej-g jam, XerU states He Meier & Frank Stof Drug Snndry ; and Stationery Specials : ? Aluminum . Soap . and Powder Boxes; great special 1 Qe value at, each......... 1 ' Tarine Moth Bart and Sheete . moth and duitproof; they la sure the safety of your winter fur and garments; ipecial at; Suit Size at'. . . . . '., . . .30 Large Coat Slie at.;,.49 Large Sheets for lining AQf , trunks and cases, doi.HlC Premium Fountain Syringes, of .. the best quality white rubber. Hard rubber fixtures; rapid-Jloe- tubing; j-quirtQO-. - sisc; special at, each,. 7 (J C Hand Scrub and Vegeta- i - ble Brushes, special at., aw Tetlow Talcum Powder, best ' for babies; i pound, full weight; sprinkle-top IQ. cans, on sale at, each.. 1 7C Satin Skin Cream; keeps the hands soft.', the skin satin l smooth and health- ful; large size for....af7C Sapolin , Furniture i Polish - cleans and polishes; 1 fL ', oa sale at, special..... 1 UC Stationery Linen Envelopes, extra 'heavy quadrille liien; . . regular : Premier siie; . , 1 package......... lwC Stenographers' Notebooks, for ink or pencil; special, ea.v3f Carter's Photo Librarjr, Paste, i for office and photo A ' mounting; special at..., TW Pocket sise Receipt Book, good quality paper; great AV value, on sale at........ Tw Brass Wire Coat Hangers.. ) Brass Wire Suit Hangers.. le Wometfs Shoei and Oxfords - ruesdav and Wednesday- we of fer 1,500 pairs of women's Shoes and Oxfords at a price below manufacturing cost all new, 1907 models, in pat-'- ent colt, rid kid and . dull leathers, light weight and ; heavy . extension soles, sew ; Cuban and - Military heels; ribbon laces. All-new Spring and summer footwear; all sixes and widths; 1 Off reg. $3, pair..... V 1 eOi 1,000 pairs of infants' kid, pat ent leather and red kid lace and bufton Shoes hand-turn soles; sixes 2 to 8; regular values' ranging from .75c to $1J?5 a pair; to be cleaned up at the following low ' Cft i price, the pair .JVC Custom Shade and Drapsry Work Oar Specialty -Eet Materia! Uej 3d Flocr Ar tittic Picture Framing to Yoqr Qrdtr t the Very Lowest Price -4th Floor 1 a ' . , , ... . , - TIi3 Meier Moiiey-Savm In livery Department Tomorro Laces and Embroideries 200 yards of fine embroidered Edgings and Insertions, Swiss , 'and cambric, from 3 to IS ' inches wide; suitable 1 for '. women's and children's wear; handsome patterns; values to ' 65c . yard . ....20 100 yards of Swiss and Batiste ,. Embroidery and ' Insertion, from 3to 18 incbel wide; ex 'V quisite designs in blind work ' and Japanese effects; the very prettiest styles ' for lingerie waists, etc,; . regular values up to $2.00 ihe yard, at M Special lot' of black Chantilly and White Val. Laces and In sertions, 1 to IK inches wide; 1 very pretty designs; regular values up to $2.00 the dozen Wrsrds, for. dozen.. 69e) hite Baby Irish Lace and In " sertion for trimming lingerie waists and gowns; 1 to lyi inches wide great value; on sale at, vard .......lTe White and cream Bern Nets, 43 to 72-inch, on sal at, yd. 69 Women's 65c end 73c Hosiery 38c Pr. Two immense lots of women's high-grade Hosiery on sale at an exceptionally low . price. Standard styles of the best qual ity. Look to your needs and ?rofit by these grsnd special of erings. Mail orders promptly filled. . . Women's fine black Lace Hos iery, beautiful patterns, lace , boot and all-over lace effects; ; great assortment to select from; all sizes; values np to 75c a pair, on sale at this spe cial low price, pair.... ...38 Women's extra fine quality , black gents Lisle Hose, with garter top: full-fashioned leg and French foot; fast black, - all sixes; best 65c values, at : . the pair...... , ...38at Special Sale of Dinner Sets gemt-Ttreols : Dinner Bets pink floral -decorations, with cold trlmmtnr ion all pieces; grand special values, on sale at the following , unusually low prioes, tha sett - . " eo-yo ea Bala fo...:...f 6.98 l00-Ve ea Caie foe $10.63 Great values la Decorated Seml Vltreous Dinner Seta, at set, ttT and SS.9T Beaotlfullr deoorated leml-Vlb-reous Dinner Seta, ea sale at io.ea and .' t....6.98 Bavlland China Dinner Sets Pink rose decoration, wltb gold edge . and gold oa knobs. Grand val ' uas, on sale at the following 'unusually low prices, tha set: eo-yo. Havana ee.....3a.9S lOO-gei HavllaaA eeS.... f46.3 and 100-po. Havtland Sets, spe. . slal at, set, $3741 and. f 42.19 51.25 Riibons 69c 50cRibbons39c 4,000 yards of high-grade fancy Ribbons, in Persian and floral effects; beautiful t colorings : and combinations in all new spring shades; 6 to 7 inches , wide, $15 values, at this low ' price, yard... 69e 5,000 yards of beautiful all-silk wsshsble Taffeta Ribbons,, 5 Jnchesjwide; all the new spring colortags; ts '"white; black, light blue, pink, red, green, tan, brown, etc- Best 50c values, at, yard.....29e The Ribbon stock is at its best A very large and com plete showing of new spring and summer Ribbons, in satins, taf fetas, - fancies, plaids, - stripes, velvet Ribbons, etc They come in all widths and all grades, and for all purposes. Great Sale of Rugs . In the Carpet Store we place on sale 500 Rugs at ridiculously low prices. These Rugs are made of the short ends of carpet borders, matched together into rugs, nicely finished . on the ends. - Good designs and color ings; wonderful values? . Brussels Rags, 44x34-ln..f 1.SO Wilton Rugs, 44x54-ln...f 1.95 Body Brussels Ruga, ,44x54 " " Inches, on sale at, ea. . .f 1.T8 Axmlnster Rugs, 44x54- Inch' . . . ,? ........... . 9i.HO And a large number of odd lengths, which we place on sale at equally low prices. Sample pieces of high-grsde .Carpets, suitable for rugs, on sale at these low prices: '- Royal Wiltons, 27x54-in.f2.2B Body Brussels, 27x54-ln. . . ,95e Tapestry Brussels, 27x54... TBe Great Sale of Handkerchiefs A vary ajnusual bargain ta high grade hand-embroidered Hand kerchiefs, of Madeira linen; era let effects, la many dainty do- ' signs aad fine material; fifty doses In the lot to select from. Regular 111! values, oa sale at this low price, each.. 89 SOS dosea women's fine linen Handkerchiefs, beautifully trimmed with fins Val. lace edge and Insertion; handsome pat- terns; values te loo each,. .21 Women's extra fine Swiss Em broidery Handkerchiefs, hemmed. . with scalloped edgesi hundreds of pretty patterns to select from; t0e values, eaeh.... .21 Portland Agenta Bntterick Patterns ahd Publications Fine New Undermuslins Women's fine cambric and nainsook Gowns,-' made ' low, round slip-over - style; high, round or V-neck; long or short sleeves; yokes made of fine em broideries; insertions, - dust tcrs of. tucks, lace inserting end beading; embroidery and lace edgings. Four lots, at these prices: ' ',-- SI.75 Oowns on sale f or: f 1.33 S2.00 Gowns on sale for $t.6 $2 JO Gowns on sale for. 1.98 $3.50 Gowns on sale for. $2.89 Women's fine cambric and nain sook Corset Covers, trimmed , in dainty Val. laces, and em broideries, headings and rib . bons; blouse fronts; regular $1.25 values, on sale at, spe cial, each., 4 1 .83 Women's cambric and nainsook drawers, with wide embroid cry . and lace-trimmed flounces; very pretty styles: ': all sizes; regular $1.50 to $2.00 : values; your choice at this .low price,' pair ...81.39 ;Chndren White Proses for $1.92 Oreat special lot of children's ' white Dresses, in cambrics, : lawns and nainsook; Mother Hubbard or long-wais ted French styles; also Buster , Brown effects, trimmed in fine laces, embroideries, tucks and beading; long and -short sleeves; ages 6 months to 3 ; years; regular $2.50. $275 and $3.00 values, on sale at, ! each ....... ..........f 1.92 SpecIolSaleLaceCortalns Magnlfteent white and Ivory olor Irish Point Lace Curtains; smalt dainty Duchess - designs; some with figured centers, othsr plain can tore; two, three or four pel re of a. pattern. - Shws SO Inches wide, 1 yards long: Regular f 10 and fit values, at. pair . ....... ...86. 85 Beautiful Arabian and ' Arabian color Renal aaance Lce Curtains, made en the best French nets, with Arabian and Renaissance inserting end edges; two. three and four pairs of a - pattern; fall slsss; values from $.7IMend ,110 a palr; ea sale at per pair , ...f6.35 Sale of Jewelry Oold-plated Beauty Pins. with good safety catch; grand value at, the pair .............. .12 Crystal Top Hat Plus, all oolora, - beautiful out; on sale at this low price, special ...19 ll.H and $1.10 Belt Pins, every one a novelty; all new French patterns. , . Marvelous values; don't fall to see them; on sale at this low price, each. ... .98 Out- entire line of gentlemen's, wafch chains, gold-filled; all have a 16-years guarantee. Take your pick at this unusual price reduction . .....M off Children's Sterling Sliver Brace lets with fancy seals, on sale at this low price ,,..,.....;.B9 . : ; l 1 Humming Birds Free To Boys and Girls This instructive and amusing toy given away free to every boy or girl presenting "Five Batter-Nat ; Bread Labels At oor bakery, 270 Front St,' comer Jefferson," st our down town store, 145 third St, he-, tween Morrison and Alder Sts or from any Butter-Nut ' Bread wagon on the streets. This Is the labeL and it sp pears on every loaf of genuine Butter-Nut Bread the richest and best loaf baked in the city. For Sale at All Grocers '. In his petition, which waa Bled yester day, that If he is nominaiea no wui favor all efforts made to e ecu re better telephone servloe. He also advooatse ths revocation of the occupation tax. a higher license for peddlers and assist ance for home industries. Ruftts Hot man Ik being talked of for eouncOmaa from the fourth ward. MAN NAMED HARTEN DROWNS AT FLAYEL .(Rpadal DtepatHi to The 7onnal.) Aatorla, Or- April I. A man named Hartan was accidentally drowned from the wharf at naval Baturday evening while at work there. Be was seen etrucgllng In tha water but before as sistance could reach him- ba sank for ths last time. The Point Adams life saving crew dragged -for the body Bun- day and yesterday. Wedneeday is the last day for die eeunt on wast side, gaa puia, ' POLK COUNTY TIMBER SELLS AT $20 AM ACRE Thousand-Acre Tract Bought by Local Lumber Firm Cor neliua Buyt Lot. - ' TT. A. Stoksy sold 1.000 aares of Polk oounty timber land yestsrday to local milling Interests for about ISO an acre. The tract will enilse ever T.000.S00 feet te the quarter section, but owing to Its comparative Inaooeaalblhty waa sold for but a fraction of Its stumpags value Mr. Storey has three other large timber deals oa hand, whloh he bopee te bring te a close within a short time Property In the vicinity ef tha port- OeaeoUdate4 raUwafg proposed wi Heills Theatre JST, -. ' rT:I A APRIL. ! maul, tun xATinrf iatvuat DAW gaUUCai Ireaeat the SOU5A OPXRA COMPANY JOSrCAWTHORtf (TBS who made en AbhtUs kagh la "Mataa Uoose") ta oka rfcOtp koeM'i Military Oaaale Oeaae, " TH FREE LANCE " With ths oriental K. T. pradactioa sad oast aUOalSMTaW OaOBKSTBA ' . . . . CHOKrg Off HXTf sveuag rruas avowar IToor, tlret 10 raws, M OOl .! f raws, 9140. Balcoey Tint i rows, 1 1.00 1 but t rwwa, TBe. aaUre gaUary, SOa ee rasarv). Box. SI SO. . paeU Katfaaae Prtaao Lower nana, W leva, tl-BO; laat S, S1.QO. Beloa firat 4 rowe, ei.w last i saws. Toe. aatlre gallery, MOTHL, AUDUBON SAW FlAgCIBOO T7morkA PLAB 0K1T Ha1e moae er ea eelre. Bleratot, ataasi Seat. efctrt Bijhta and (11 nodcra eoaol. aecee. Btrlatly tln-laae. OaeTMln to aaa );" miwwn naa iroei na-ry aas thltL:'tJawtma St Bf. , . S2S SUla et., aaar Vaa V araaae, 4 an. OIKTU. ll(r. Brand central station la still being songni or conservative Investors, net- withstanding that It . has -practically doubled In value since ths first of the year. , a w, Cornelius bousht a lot yesterday In that vicinity for which he paia The lot la situated en the eaat side ef first street, between Pine and Oak - . 1 Pvefaiiee BSaea Oaaaed Allan A Lewis' Beet Brand. ALPHA TAU OMEGA V - . ALUMNI TO ORGANIZE The Alpha Tea Omega fraternity ef Albany college Is contemplating the organisation of an aaeoolatloa of its alumni la Portland.' All graduate mem bers here . are requeeted to eonfer with President H. SC. Crooks as early aa pos slble. ... Wedaeaday Is tha lest day for dis count ea west side gas bUia. JSfiL BEIL1G THEATRE TONIGHT AT S:U O'CIiOCK. Tata Ibaat. SpMial-rriae Matteae Win..dT. Wight. I tobltr A Oa. Itaamt Ota Omneity Prama, "Ml WIeS Of XHI GABBAOI rATOH. tmlM Prlcae Sl-M. 100, Tfie. rAi Hatlaae Prlrae 1 00 te SOa aata SaUlnf So Baceseaaaat at Tbaetre. Wain S BAKER THEATRE Bee. W B.. Oae. Msr. Parmaaaal Ban ef the Baker Tlieetre Rmck Company. ' All Thle Wwk, the Fiame Wft-r. play, TM1 JVM AXD THB JOaT." By OUnt- Maraee and B. D. CotWaO. A Drama of the Oraat "batkmet. rirat Thne B PortlaaS. Mraetloa ef Mr. Artbar Marklay. ' Brentng rrkea, Sfle. soe, SOei Matlaae, lie, a. Matinee BatnMar. Vaxt Weak "Tha AAaUraaU OkHcllWa." QMPIRQ THBATRB nm Ma ha 11T. ' MUUa W. Siia, Mrr. Taelfbt AU Weak Matlnaae Wadeaay and T Hatonlar, BABBT B. LINTON Praarata Treat Beaalatt la tke Brmr (Vieaor with Maaie. "A BTBANOia lit TOWN," AaS a .nahl CoaiMnr. A BOA kino rABCM rnxro LAUGHTER AND MlilO. Baselas Bamyire yriaaa. The Grand Waah 'ef Ayatt 9. Vaadavtlle ea i Bavariy ead KeBae fat TSa Aota aad the '"Xatf-Ut Boy." Ths Pasflitiee, aTaeykt aad Baeaj. Kat taeaiiaaye. the star i:rr m Atxnr stoctc covx tnmn the TMiir'-T rain, oua nm h. ; (tie tnKt ( It. 1q i . h A"'t f MatllMae TMvtHL Tinir.'-. f Sara aa4 Sunda Prtr, i u i . E.ry raine at s 'i. Prlr-.. . . SOa. Baaatra eaata ay fhomt ai.ln t. LYRIC Til artlaaSs P-i'-r 'n-V ' u4 l,iiM. 1 a -..- -T e a-, te r.-i i trnm l- a m. at n-t.l 1i IH. S.-.,.--T