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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
EDITOEIAIj dvge 0F THE JOUKNAIj r .... , V TtJrr trT TT XT A 1 v X 1 lEr J V- W XV IN Xxl- An iNDBPENDaNT nswsrArt c a. J AOKtoM .....v......,..rMtafctobalniot beyond the mean of i-ibihiMd awy mh, tax seeaart ea i . ru'nie y?.tU "rS. pS7u7 o. Katr4 .t tb. m,, pwxi. o traaaailaafcaa threeeS th$ a-atia. T1LEPBON AIM TIT. n Sepa-tamta raaraaS by tela iia. ten U Saaart it yaa warn. JBKION A IV C RTI8I NO MCPaBSEHTaTIVg miarnl-Baajaaila Special Adrnlln r 10 Mama Mrs. Maw gerki Trlkaae u. Ctileac. - , - SabaerlMaaa Th.i a Ban a an ta uw CaUe Suua. Caaeee at MexleM . .' - . DAILY -. v, - . Ob rw.......K ( I Oaa Batata., BCNDAI - I Oh atest.. .... r. DAILY AKD SUNDAY One rw., S7.SS I Oaa exalt.......! -St The JOURNAL ' . IW01I CHCVLATIOX. , i aUroa. 1SS7, , , . 9Jt f Sally ima).... ...1.... . OeOJU - OOMPAXATm RATZaTnTi KuA, MOT, daily aw. It M am, tuna, eauy average..... ss.ui Omla la the rear, eafly mhiii.h t.Ttt Tee Journal ru tb first aeaer la tba artairwt throocaoat the Oregon eoeatry i aaDiuai ita Firm Mt Km ery ear a do Invite eajtm latareeted ta eeme see ecaaf tne ft racarde at aa- tlaae. Taa lolUttde ia atlU epa ta frlea ar tea. evee ta aa rpraaataUTe at aw rtvala. who Kill bara llacartai rtoobta of THX f 0C VAX I flvaraa. THX JOCaitAX'a atawaaeata an I acoauta ar all alntlMu aatbartttaa. torn at waoaa MH auda anmloattuaa, aaa aa tha atrancta of wbleh BowaU'a Aawrlnia Newapapar Directory aaaaraa IKS JOUR- mx, ia saaraataa atar, wairtj rarthor law saraa tba cncurlBaaa of Tha Journal'! rUlaaa a ad florM. THX JOUXXAL aav h arraator Mid cirrolatlaa la Porllaad and Orrcaa taaa aay ataa dally aap it orrera tna fratMl nMaeaawau ta a vortlaara, tbaoa aiaktef tloM coattaFta ka lac ginm tha bcaaflt of rataa laaa taaa t eanta par Ibb. ar laaartlna. par tbaoaaad at proad rlrcalatloa, a knrar rata tba aar papar oa tba toaat. Tba adTartlavra taa adraataf of aotb Jottraal clmlatloa and rataa. ao mart ao that Ita colaauul ars mwdad with thatr haataaaa aad raealt fKw to thatn la aatlafylaf qaantMy, whlb) XJLK jOVaXAJ. prespara aad floartabaa. If. we could read the aecret history of our enemiet, we hould find in each train' life Borrow and Buffering enough to disarm all hostility Longfel low, -r -1 ' WIFE AND BABY. i t MR. TAFT, aentenced to teven - wear.' tml .erritude. went lfl . when he thought of hit wife and little trirl child, left dea. . . I tittite. Though he went so crookedly, he love hi wife and child, and uf- fera most, oerhaos. because of the uf- ferine: h. has brout-ht noon . thAtn. But regret, and even remorse are al- way'fa rain.. s-The only goo they! fn. to nuni.h the Miltw one. Bnt the punishment of the iniocent can- not be averted. It is bad when s ain- v, raan w wrono- and ia rf! - a graced and puniahed, but how facom-jIoon,0,nic" were set siaeoysiae rar.hlv wor.o hen tha fnnvi- ulthcy would make a solid:, row , five heard to wail: "Mr wife: my babr "J0"' n length.. The dnnk bill of the Mention ia thna mafla nf anrh run I occasionally to direct to them the attention of men writh wiv. ant babies, men who may be tempted to go wrong and act crookedly. .Think, beware, fa time; remember not only yourself, " though that ahould be enough; but remember mother, wife nt K.k . We may not have very areat ynv pathy for the man in his prime who I thua wrong hi fellow, but there tgnculture. But concedmg an mat, e w ojmv. 11 u and the ure shoulj be anivertal compassion fa one may well ask: ."Doe it pay?" gonian are both right,' Seattle ia near uch a ca for the innocent and uf- Itn't .the public on a final balance a ly twice as large at Portland. But fering wife and baby. Though fa no wite to blame, the punishment falls heaviest on them. Well may the man wiil! .OmT r mrlK. t. 1 OUR WATER POWER WEALTH I r VNNE OF the influences that U tributes lU share in drawing at direction as opportunity offers is not tenee of only seven-year was im teotion to Oregon, is as vst I tranH Her- a-littl- and there -a I COsed.lThie may ao facona ru- reaource oi undeveloped elec- trk power. The head of a party of 10 that passed through Portland this week retired from the flour milling business In' Minnesota to take it up in Oregon., The reason for the change wat the extreme cost of electric pow er in Minnesota at compared with that in Oregon. The cost of power for hit mill fa. the east was $150 per month, while in the new field it will be but a fraction of the sum. " The incident it a hint of the coming revolution in thit ttate. In the heavy rolumet of water that rush down the streams on both side of the Cat csdea, there is stored energy for an infinite- rariety and immense number of busy Industries. In the Willam ette ralley. and southern Oregon in particular, the forces that can be brought , by electrical appliances into the' arts of commerce, are scarcely equaled in any similar area on the planet The great volume of the riv ers and their precipitous rush down the mountain sides would ' snnnU power enough to dot each of the two sections with factories and mills em ploying a multitude of operatives and affording investment for uncounted capital" - . " ' ". . J : J Though still i in its' infancy, the transmission of power by electrical appliances is a solved problem,. , It m be carried great distances and 'it below the cost of tteam power. ; t is the coming motive power for tl.e tsi'.roada, because the locomotiv ' has reached it last limit of derelop- ment unlet the ' railroad gauge , be widened an undertakine so , rsst at i . . . . . . accomplishment The management of every great railroad hat an eye or electricity with an expectation of ita earlr aubttitution for tteam, for rea - tont of economy and greater facility. At it will be with the railroadt, to It 1 almoitdrertain to be with manu . facturing enterpritet. , Tbit more- ment, of which w ar now pn the threshold, will toon begin ttt tidal .2 n tha.n h-anaa of her rush- in rivera. Oregon will be widely sought as a place wherein to eatab- . - ......... lish new and multiplied mouitnet. Tfc . atate'a water vower wul nltl-1 matclv be one of her commanding ' 1 assets. PARTY IN CITY ELECTIONS. 'kr MUNICIFAI, election It ap- L A JDroachfainJaltMortU XX doubtful city politically, and one with many independent votert. and In ditcutsinf the event thm "Th citw of Balti- more it a great business corporation, in the management of which it it fa' cumbent upon the votert to exercise a perfectly calm and unbiased judg ment and to get for the future the very bett results possible. ' "There are many thousand of vot er in Baltimore who are attached to opinion on the part of delegatea of neither party, and with whom the leading power fa favor of limi chief con.ideration is the wdfare of armament would, it ia the city during a period of four yeart in which. the whol municipal future I of the city will be given ehape and direction. Tbeae votert will recog- nize it at their dutv to make their choice with little regard for either Dreadnaughta already ordered, pro partitan or tentimental eonsidera- Tiding Germany, France and other tiont." ' y;,i 1 if..- power will each give np one like bat Thi i true fa many citiea; mor or t,e,hiP- Thi of-er however, wfl lea so in all citie. and newtpapert carcely be considered teriouily, tince of , the ; highett character and the - wou,1 ,eT England at much ahead greatest influence, ihough having- of .thotlLr Bf propo dW.d choice, oerhaoa. between the lt,on m7 ,ed t ditcuttiott in partiet on paramount national quet- tiont, refuse to be party organs and u adrocate or tSoDoa the election of an man nr tieVet of men because of 1 . their politica. , We know tomething of what oartv oriraniiation has done in running municipal affairt in New York. Philadelohia. Cincinnati and - 7 . - - - . . 1 . other ciUea, and tne-people ar wim I to be .uspiciou about it vs.-; . -.u 1 , : V DOES IT PAY ". ' J '''' ";- A STATISTICIAN ht figured it ll t ou. inai bdoui scTcn-icnm. oj the poverty and destitution in ' ' M c,tT 01 nicK0 a causeo by drink. He states that it , S . "iwunia i wit umi,. .y, Wot only ia most .01 this money wasted, squandered, oy tnose who Pen- ' bu , consider the re- iulunt expense to th public, in po- Ucemen, jaila, courtt and poverty. Of course the liquor traffic "makes bu,,nes' ene. tor many not 01-1 Irectlv enne-ed in it It is more ori le, lU,'d - interworen witn manyi kinds of industry, even some form otltement mat . tne population or 5e . a .a I aa 1 1 at aAA M '. a. a a. food deal worse off with it thai It would be without it? ; r ' V' N liquor traffic U'too big, and f rom a "business" and industrial point I of view too imoortant to be easily or quickly eliminated, ; This must e done, if at all, by easy gradations, but con-Jthat people should be moving in that little, the orohibitionista. thoueh not gaining rote a a distinct party, arc gaining ground, and more people are regarding the saloon as an eviL MILLIONS STARVING. T HIRTY MILLION people are (aid to be suffering from hun-1 ger in Russia. Many of them are in a starving condition al- ready, and the number of such will I increase during the months before a crop can be harvested. Millions ar in like condition in China, where the dead, eren after burial, arc in some cases made to keep the spark of life alive a brief time in those who oon must succumb to starvation. . . What a blessing tf is to be an American. And how few appreciate it There are aome terribly poor peo- pie in our large cities, and much uf.cuted for hia part in I the rebellion of fenng for the necessaries of life,; bur most of our so-called poor people are rich beside million in Rutia and China, people living not only in the citiet, but in the country. Every day ought to be a Thtnksgiring day for the American people, and it ran only be truly to by helping I he ttarr- ing-millions of; other v lands our neighbor!. For, Slar, Tartar,, Mon folian or. Ethiopian, they are our neighbor! atilL . . - , , There is aome suffering in our cities, yet; but our. broad, beautiful, blessed country never fail. The peril 01 jfaauna never I shores. Our land can feed u people to urfeit and pr enough . to feed tnilliona beyond sea besides. I Throughout moil of our bountiful .1. - . . . , -, land come aiwaya tne eariy,ana tni latter rain, the ripening,but not Ce ttroyhig tun, the narveati tn aue tea 1 ton. I Rejoice, O American, fa thy land the bett. mot fruitful, mott bountl ful on arth; rejoice in liberty, intel la, . a a a - .A. "gene, irnowieage, acnieremeni; out renumber that tot whom much it given, of him much anal! tie required. and that the Chinese and Ruatian peaaanta. art your neignoort in, ait tree. What they need now is not re- It. i a u i "gion, om.wun-vt "8' form of food iTrtA M1NV TIptrAnWAnQHTa E ERHAPS THE most important aubject that will be1 discussed ' at the approaching peace con ferenct will" be the limitation of national armament. The United atatet and reat Britain are leading ui the movement to. introduce thia UueatiohT for argument at the next Hague conference; , Germany, it it expected, will oppose any considera tion of the matter. It is not likely that the conference will take any pot itive action on the subject, and it would not bv binding upon any power if. it should. But the consensu of thought, operate at . a potent moral tore- ; ' ; u Henry CampbeU-Banwerman, it i. win aenniteiy oner to cancel h building of one of the aix British wh,ch oth'n aeneible will be laid thttw,n do ,omt tood- " Th working people of all classes ought to make their nroicet heard, on I.u:. -..u: . . t j. i ;.i - t impos.uon upon them th T have aufficient cause verbaUy to resent in strong language mni the b110 boxes, too, if op iur)iiii.'l (f... at.. t.:i1: . ' .1 - (v - --- :"wni... oi money ahould be spent' in building i'gwwgnip lor.wnicn mere ought to be no use, that are only ex Periment, tnd btfa a fewear must tbUow all their predecessor to uit acrapneapa. o oe ure, tne building of these vessel use up mucn material and employs a vaai amount of Ubor,. which is t . A. a . . - coinewnat compensatory, out in the balance a heavy burden fall upon the taxpayers , it seems fully i me that i mac cuuuio iv urgm to crop wis barbarous attitude of persistent nostinty, and this petpetital effort among nations to outdo one another fa; building great ' fighting thip. Every new Dreadnaught it a marine monument to the folly and wicaeanett 01 tne world ruler. , , . 1 1 " - oeauie iime carries daily the ootn papert are about equally off, one because it it a boasting boomer, the other becauae it ia a malevolent knocker. , -V lawyer wno argued and pro tested nis cnent s innocence thinks he won a great" rictory because a sen- ou a it aeem. Senator Bourne thinks no gentle man would repeat what wat taid at a social dinner. In a good many cases those who attended couldn't if they wanted to. Z. ;.. -;' ... "The defense rests " said Mr. Del- ma, j "The people rest," said Mr, Jerome. Good newt. "The people" need a rest Of coarse Mr.. Delmas will cause her to cry copiously, i ; Today in History. ' 1I2 Francis Bacon died... Born Jan nary ss, lost. , . .. , . . -; , Ill Treaty of Lelpala. r 114 Duke of Monmouth, leader of rebellion asmlnat James 11, born. Died ,;-Lim trrA t'-.m L. 1781 Flaher Ames, American statas- mu , and orator, born. . .. c , llOt Aaron Burr arrtved at Blennsr haaaett'e Island,' In th Ohio liver. lilt Russians defeated In batU nar Bladloe, in Poland, : ' . lit Oeneral te surrendered te General Grant at Appomattox eourt houee, Vlrainla. ,- lll First locomotive passed through the St, Clair tunnel.' . ., - Suit th People. 'From the Albany Herald (Rap.).' ' Ia rising above partlaanshlp and re fusing Democratic nomination with conditions attached. Mayor tans has mad his reelection quit probable. ' , ? They ar not eoanollmea, but "aldsr- aay." la Cot taa Qr0T y Small Change Bllaa ru4 Cortelyen are pa Tin ttoUi- Unci Jod aot biok without dminmlnf tne eanaL : , O walL the trout are not vary rood yot,. any way. y. i Th ThomM i machine, thouth email, Un't a pretty. Raytiman ahould not aquaaj at being "dona"-ut ho didn't, publicly. , v "Mr doer Mart" doubtlooa haa aldarabl aympathy lor Barrlman. Of sours Toddy will aond word to th Filipinos bow thoy jnust rota. . V . - o , Maybo Thaw aad Btn-r Hermann eaa oxohanao conarmtulaUona this waok. If tha lata Russell Baao knows, he probably ret" rata baring married Mas. " o. o . . tealaad wanta independence th peo ple up there .think they ought to out some loo. .... --fhieh ar areat -ehamplon tst the people aa Mr. Wanon ought not to try to play tricks on them..-. . , ' - - , .... e f v After Taft lea.vea. th Cubans may discover that the box be left contained mostly lemona. i Boston people ar thankful for aome rem insteaa or enow. Tney wouia uiiu our weather real spring good. 1 New Tork has Rainy Day olub. If it would move to say Astoria or Tilla mook it could meat real often. .' e . - . . A man's hair turn gray five year sooner than a woman's. And what mar rled man doesn't know th reaaont Bo Evelyn 'Sews oa buttons and darna socks for Harry. Couldn't thos aarnea socks be got Into the ess as an ex. I ,. ,-.'.... Nob having been convicted yet. Mover and Haywood have reason to reeent be ing- olassed aa nearly aa nan ciusena aa Harrimen. - - - '- ;;; If any letter of th president says anything different from what he now wlshea it bad said, why, th thing ia a lying; forgery. : . : , . A Republican eichante thinks that If Mr. Bryan keepa on running long enough, a lot of Republicans will rote for him to get rid of him as a oandi- ,. ; i. . e j e , ":' Maxim Gorkr In his new book says he "found absolutely nothing congenial to him in America.'" But th country scarcely deaervea ' so high a , compll ment . : . Senator Foraker and Secretary Taft have aareed that they shall coo teat botn for the Ohio senatorahlp and th preai dency. If there la anything else they want they will mention It later. . -. The Play , Buppoae everybody were a disciple ef tha BhiloaODhV of "Mrs. Wlgs of th Cabbage Patch,- wouldn't It dispel the Bloom and chang th world? Th very first effect would be th eradication of th "grouch." that blighting ailment that (Is reflected from so many coun tenances.' ' ' A big audience at th Heillg last night listened to her teachings, won dared at her areat . forbearance, and enjoyed tmmenaely the portrayal of that character which - filled the eabbag patch with sunshine and spread happi ness through ail tne neignoornooa. n there was on ia all th audience who suffered from "grouch" when he , de parted, his cass is hopeless, his sour ness complete. i Two years ago tha company playing Mr. "Wlirs" was sent to th coast and left a ieep imprint in th af faction of Portland people. At that' time Mrs. Mads Carr Cooke, th originator of th nart of th delightful philosopher, was playing the title role, while Mlaa Helen Lowell, who originated th part of Miss Hasy, was portraying the char acter Of th excruciating bride. Mrs. Cook waa recently called to London and Miss Lowell la anow with the Blanch Walsh company which playsd her last week. But th -performanc laat night dam onatrsted that no matter how excellent on may be .In any particular line, there are others Inst as good. Miss Blanche Chapman, who has been Interpreting th part of Mra-Wlggs for only a few weeks, does It with exquisite deftnssa She thoroughly appreciates th charac ter ah Is portraying and enters Into it completely. Physically ah 1' Ideally equipped for th part of th good natured, forgiving dlspeller of worries Th part llsslf Is so delightfully oharmlng and thoroughly wholesome tnat even in the hands of on less skil ful thsn Miss Chapman it would pleaaw most any audience. But with her In terpretation it more than pleases, and If Mrs. Cooks made It more delightful, the public has already forgotten. As Miss Hasy, Miss Viva Ogden srouses all th excruciating mirth that ahould be aroused 'without 111 effects upon ths audience. Merely to look Is to laugh at Miss Hasy and there is no doubt but that th part haa lost none of Its possibilities. In, th handa of Miss Ogdwn. -. . . , . i Th on weak part In th eaatja that of Lovey Mary, which Is played by Miss Edith Taliaferro, It la a charm ing part and on that '. requires mors than a little skill In Its portrayal. Ex. trems youth and rare beauty ar in Miss Taliaferro's favor, but comeliness and youth ar not th only requlsltlos to th part ' , . Charles Carter, as Mr. Stubblns, is still doing the excellent work as' th bibulous O. A. "a. hero that he did two years ago.. Thar Is soma exceedingly clever character acting tn th piece and the children are aa welt trained and In telligent a group of youngsters as eould be assembled upon th stag.. "lira. Wlggs of ths Cabbage Patch" will be preaented again tonight tomor row night and tomorrow afternoon. It Is a play that you will never regret having seen, and If you ars at all afflicted with ths common or garden variety of "grouch," a visit to th Heillg during on of thes performances will do vou mors good thsn all th doctors In Portland. '). ; Due CaurJon.'..'; ' '.; Hotel Clerk', (suspiciously) Tour bundle has come apart. May I ask whst that queer thing 1st Guest Thla Is a new patent fir eacape. - I always carry It, ao In case of fire I esn let myself down from ths hotel. window. See? Clerk (thoughtfully) -t see Our terms for guests with rirs-eeeaocs. sir. Press Comments online Roosevelt-Harriman Controversy From th Now Tork Americas find.) Her is an extract from thla famous Hariimaa letter a letter which I Ita place In tb history of corrupt Amer ican politica, and a letter which wUl never be wiped out of th record of Theodore Rooeevelt, even If he were to apply the word liar to every adult voter in me unitea eta tea. .. . . Says Mr. Harrlman: " " v ' "liyan's suoceae in all his manipula tions, traction deals, tobaooe combine tlon, manluplatlon of tb Stat Truat company Into th Morton Trust com pany, th Shoe and Leather 'bank Into th . Weatarn National bank, and then again Into th Bank of Commerce thua covering up hia track-has been done by the adroit mind of Ellhu Root and this present situation haa been broucht about by a combination of clrcura- atanoea watch haa brought together th Ryan.-Boot, Roosevelt element" This letter shows that upon Roose velt's personal appeal, and upon prom i maae, jiamman, arter an Inter view with th president rave Bllaa who gave to th preeldent'a represents tlve, Cortelyou. $200,000, including ISO,. 00 from Hariiman'a private packet. Veraatll .and original as ever. -Mr. Rooeevelt has applied th word liar" to Harrlman. ... - But be has not explained away that tsOO.eeo which Harrlman gave to help elect him. And Bllaa does not dare, deny that th money was paid to bins. ' And Cortelyou would not dare deny tt ir put unoer oat a. And . Roosevelt would not dare deny that b knew all about It if he were put under oath. - In thla letter Mr. Roosevelt says to Harrlman, who la , now " bis ' nmy: mow, my dear sir. yon and I ar practical men, and "you are on th ground and know the conditions better than I do. If you think there Is any danger of your vtelt to me 'causing troubls , give np ths visit for ths time being." ... Are there any two meanings to that lent this th letter . ef . a man who mesne to say: .,-. .'..;, . "Wbiis I have asked yon to corns down her and discuss th ralalng of money for me and th conditions on which you, will rats It, I can realise our discussion might cause suspicion. If roe think it would cause' suspicion. wait a while ... i Isn't that what Mr. Roosevelt meant He might well say, , "Ton and I sue practical men." 11 , '- . - Mr. Rooaevelt her races scandal ef signed documents, ths worst of them signed by himself. And he cannot set tie this matter by calling anybody a liar. Ho can settle It partially by compell ing- a return of that money. He will never be able to use duit th same i lofty ton In criticising others. In preaching to others, aa he has done hitherto. . ' ' : . ' His turn has come, as apparently It had to do. The exposure la absolute Th only hope of thos Involved Is to live . It down, and that hope Is a faint one. ' . . t.y - . Harrlman Thrown Down, From -the Now Tork World (Dem.) : November to, 1904, Mr. Harrlman baa talk by telephone with Mr. Loeb. ths president's - secretary. ' Mr. Fsrrtmsn was "vary apprehensive" about th at titude which Mr. Roosevelt might take In his forthcoming masssg concerning the Interstate commerce commission and th railroads. October 14 Mr. Roosevelt had written to Mr. Harrlman aaylng that "before I writ my message I ahall get you to come down to dlaouss certain government matters not connected with th campaign." ' Railroad -regulation was ths only such matter in which, Mr. Harrlman was Interested. He "believed it would be best for all Intsrests that no reference be made te the subject" In ths mesas g. A very logical request, was It notT Mr. Harrlman bad himself subscribed Biaaaa-asaBaE . W -ZZ. IM w. , v Putting tke Roosevelt Brand on Harriman ;' , a.l 1. I 73' .... rAl a! ..' '- I r ."-V , A .r - "'-'. " ttO.Ot toward ths Republican state campaign fund In New York, and had raised tltO.000 more. Did not a self-sacrificing- Wall street patriot Uk that daaarv advene Information from th president In regard to tha mesaags to congress f . Was h not entitled to be consulted about the policies ot the gov rnmentt :''-.-., ' . - But Mr. Roosevelt-promptly repudi ated what Vlatt called "the moral obli gation," and thereupon Mr. Harrlman wrote to Mr. Roosevelt to complain that "It waa natural for me to suppose thst railroad matters would be Included la any discussion you and . I might bavs before writing your message" . Naturally Mr. Harrlman is aggrieved. What did be aubscrlb th tSO.00 for? Than he 1 earns that James Haaea Hyde haa generouely contributed 10,000 of th policyholders' money to th campaign fund and expecta to be mad ambasaador to France. Mr. Hyde Is very useful, to Mr. Harrlman, who needs Equitable money in bis railroad exploitation. ... :-. . ! Harrlman wants to keep .In friendly relatione with th president, ao tb Mer cantile Truat company aettles Odell's ahtpoulldtng-trust cUlms snd" Depew Is reelected. Then th presldsnt turns down 'Hyde and Mr. Harrlman la again left outside the breastworks, - while Thomaa F. Ryan, assisted by, Ellhu Root, eventually takes poaseaslon of the Equltabl Life Assurance society. ... i . Mr. Harrlman had , aasumed that he waa dealing with responsible people who would respect "ths moral obliga tion." Instead he derived no dividends whatever from his Investment In 'Roose velt presidential atock. No more "moral obligations" for Mr. Harrlman. He would do bualneaa tn politica thereafter on a business basis. Tb best that can be said of Mr. Roosevelt's pert in tbeae transactions Is that be did not keep th implied faith with the man who 'logically took it for gra: ted that be waa buying privilege ana protection, through bis campaign contributions. .As for Mr. Harrlman, be must retire from the presidency of the Union Paclfio nsuroaa company, it is a national scandal that suoh a man ahould be at tha head of a great railroad system, and it tn onrectors or that corporation per slst In keeping him . there they will share the disgrace and Infamy. Whatever ', else happens, Harrlman muat go! '. i, 'r ;, '. ;.'-'V One Too Many "Xiara." f . From th Bait Lake Tribune ((Rep.) Everybody Is a - liar who disagrees with Mr. Roosevelt f in hia recollection of any circumstance. Interview, or fact Th number of distinguished Ameri cans whom Mr. Rooaevelt haa posted as liars is growing very large -.;. It Is not aay to see why Mr. Harri1 man should have lied in that letter. It waa in tha nature of a family Utter, written tn a friendly spirit to a relative by marriage The letter submitted In the course of - this correspondence do not bear out President Roosevelt's sug gested idea that tha interview with him waa aought by Mr. Harrlman; but .they do bear out . th idea which Mr. Harrl man insist upon, that It was President Roosevelt who sent for him to talk over th Nsw Tork situs tlon and todo aoraetnlng" to avert th apparent defeat that stared Mr. Roosevelt In the face in that etate. ' President Rooaevelt has made a mis take this tlms In calling his opponent a liar; he should have met the eaae tn a different manner. Not only . la ths wsight of th testimony a gal net him, but th circumstances, ths . tendencies, and everything about the developments are also against him. i'r ;'. .. Some Facts Clear. ', " '," ' r ' From the Sioux City Journal (Rep.) Without attempting to decide between the conflicting testimony thsrs ars some facta which appear reasonably clear: Th president -was en cordial terms 'Mm r -r j S m al M SX a ' with' Harrlman In 104 and was glad to enlist hia aid In clearing up th New Tork situation. Mr. ' Harrlman was " ready to help and did help. Hs believed th Depew appointment waa to be made , In accordance with his wishes. He felt resentment 'toward th president, be caua th appointment was not made, -and alae felt aggrieved when the prst- '. dent proceeded to "Jump oa him" la various ways later, , . ' " Blunder of an Egotist ; , ' ' From th New Tork Preaa" .'. - . ; We do not believe that th American people era ready to think that President -. Rooeevelt has deliberately betrayed or ' meditated th betrayal, la part or whole, -of th public to that financial power which has so . often and so wickedly acquired public officials as it acquired franchises and ths stocks of corpora tions. ' But Mr. Roosevelt's passion for personal glorification, both before the ' classes and ths masses, th oppressor and ths oppressed, bas led him to in tercourse with man who never ought to have been admitted lato tb conferences of the chief magistrate of ths nation, -wb ought t have-been-barred from . friendly relations with the leader of the American people aa a safe cracker la barred from a bank's vaults -and a oaa of smallpox from a publlo sehoot - It Is not conceivable that a Harrl man, er a Ryan, or a Rockefeller, In -person or through professional repre sentatlon. could go to th Whit House . . er plan with the preaident for the good " of the American people. Yet, Mr. Rooae- -velt's self-confidence, his infatuation with bla own capacity to bond and " ahape all natursa and ail things to his plans' and cause, baa beguiled him Into.' relationships and Intimacies thst have -worked incalculable injury te his own program, not to speak of ths future ef his party, and have at times dumfound ed and petrified ths American paopf. ' To tak unto bla bosom a Paul Morton ' was to tls ons arm behind tha presl ' dent's back; to be guided by a Spoener waa to tie tha other:- to havs Root closer to him than any othsr man in the United Btstes; to trust a Knox be ' yond a La Follette: to be hot admirer ' and almost worshiper of these ancient and trained servants of ths corpora , tlona. because bs thought hs was re making their charactera and relnsplrlng , thslr motives, st taa earns time using their bralna, while all tb time these types,, many of them bia superiors in intellect and experience, ail of them la trickery and guile, war pulling th 1 wool over bis eyesto do ail thla has. been a grievous thing for ths presl " dsnt'a wn reputation and for the wet . fare of ths people which bs has un- ,' doubtedly Intended to serve well. - The . consequbnecs, aa muat have been fore- seen by Judgment not too often swayed. Ilk raw youth, by hopeful. Imaginative X exuberance, have begun - te manifest themselves In ways thst are a ehook te . pu. i sentiment and a baneful burden to the party which has so loyally eup ported - President - Rooaevelt. . - But, after all. tf he-has learned, er If from such sxperlences as he has under--gone hs has arrived at ths stage where . ; he may learn that even he, whatever . his aim, csn make errora of 'Judgment that may become as disastrous aa ths ' ' sinister faults of th heart. It may be that much good shell follow from ths lamentable Harrlman - chapter tn the wake of ths Paul Morton, the Bpooner and othar mlstaksa . ' , . '; , .Falth in Roosevelt' 3'7;" From the Bpokane 8pokeman-Rvlew . Placing th twe men aid by aids It . is not surprising that absolute eonfi -dene ahould be placed tn Rooeevelt. while doubt and distrust throw a cloud round Harrlman. Th world knowa . . that Roosevelt does not say one thing and mean another; It knowa, er at leaat ' believes, that Harrlman can never be . , entirely relied -on as meaning .what be ' !' Bays. , J: ., , . Sea Sal a . I .1,. - "' it X. World, jar Invariably, eeab la advenoe. .