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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, FORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENIIIO, APRIL' 9, 1C07. Mi! RACE lil I 10 DEAT DEAtli Charles B. Avery, Stricken With Creeping Paralysis, May Reach Home Before Fatal Stroke. DOES NOT REALIZE HIS ' ; HOPELESS CONDITION ' ; ' - .."'.:; Detb Only Few Dsyg Distant,, He v- Cheerfully Bids Companions Goodbye, .Saying Be Will Return ' to Portland Soon. ' ". ;- . - 'Charles B. Avery, who was etrlckeu few daga ago with creeping paralysis, left last night, accompanied by bla . father, Charles H. Avery, and Dr. Dan tal Grant, for Buffalo, Naw Tor. The trip will be made with all poaalbla ' ' speed, aa thf physicians fear that ha : mar not Mveito reach hla homa at Buf- '. f alo and a., waiting mother, . ; Tha young man aa a city- salesman for tha Boyd Taa company. Several daya ago, whlla driving about tha city ' soliciting orders for hla bouse, ha waa dranchad during a eold rain, and waa next day attacked by tha fatal malady. Hla fathar waa ImmedlaUly adTlaad of tha son's condition and eama on at onoe from Buffalo. ' He waa told by tha doc tor that the aon'a recovery waa Iro poaalble. and at one made preparation to take him homa to die. - Creeping paralyala la one of tha few dlaeaaea that completely bafflea tnedl " eal aklll; In faoU tha doctora any that , nothing can be done even temporarily to euy lta progreas. It at flrat attacka ". tha lower Jlmba and alowly makes iU way upward until tha heart la reached, ' whn sudden death Intervene. 4 Young Avery waa ona of Jhe most popular em pi aye of the Boyd Tea cora . . can v. where he had worked tori tha past tbree years, He waa a very auoceeafulf aaleamen and had one or tna past tea 'and coffee routea In the city. - V A patheUo feature of the young man'a lUneaa la the fact that ha doaa not realise ' the hopelessness of his ease. . , While bidding hla fellow employee rood bye last night, ha spoke of bla early ra - turn to Portland, telling them that the ' dlaeaaa would run Its course tn a month r or so. and upon bla complete recovery . he would at once come back and resume i bla old place. - i The party left on the O. R. A- N. 1:11 -train lst night -for Omaha. But two changea will be necessary, one at Omaha v and tha other at Chicago. Tha railway .. and Pullman offlclala Instructed their ,i: mnloTM ta lend every aid poaalbla to tha eomfort and convenience . of thai " ' ": '- : f.; - V0RK ON. HILL ROAD .-, 7TEN1N0 TO SOUNQ PROMIflEflT PI1YSICIAH Secures New Pine Product A Boon to Consumptives and Peo ple' With Severe Coughs. and Colds Heart of Tree Is Cut Into , Small Blocks. ' v The heart of tha tall pine tresis cut into small square block. Thla la the method pursued by a prominent phy sician tn Bla proceae of obtaining what Is known to druggists and doctors as Concen -rated oil of pine. Subsequent ly the vital juices are extracted by hydraulla pressure and go through a refining and condensing proceas, and yield this wonderful curative oil of which a great dal haa recently been written. It hag proven a moet certain remedy for lumbago and urlo rheuma tism. It also makes a splendid salve to be applied , externally- by mixing It with lard or vaseline. But for the quick cure of oougha and colds It has no equal. - ' For this purpose one . half ounce of the Concentrated oil of pine Is mixed with two ounces tf glycerine and half pint of good whiskey. Must be well shaken and used , In tablespoon doses every four hours. -.. - It should be borne in mind that' the real Concentrated oil of pine oomea put up In small half-ounce bottles, each enclosed In a round screw-top ease and sealed. . Thla ease la Intended to pro tect the contents from the atmospheric changea. There are several patent medlulnea put out by chemical houses that use a similar name and package. These are frequently dangeroua but can be avoided by making aura to get the "Concentrated' oil of pine. It will be found In the prescription depart ment of every nrtt-olsss druggist. ALBANYrCOLLEGE 'GIVEN CLEAR FIELD President Crooks Appeals to Fresby. ferlmaa to GIts to Dtfnomln- K tlonal Institution. ' - i 8peela) tnef,teb te The JoameM . ' Tacoma, Tgaeh.. April . Preparatory work on the new Hill road from Tanlne ; to tha sound haa been begun at Tenlno. - Two crews sire now clearing the land reoently acquired through con- damnation- proceedings for . switching ' yards, and houses located on the right. - of-wey -are- being moved. 'Other rlgbtr . , &.way atrlpa are being bought or. oon- : itvgemned teetween here and Tenino.-A" f tha property over the-.- tunnel to be Vt bored" from Commencement bay to The " t Narrows', near ; Btellacoom la ; being ' i bought to avoid poaslhl damage suits, following slips. or cave-Ins produced by I tha tunneling .The ,raUa for tha line i- to Tenlno are-already ordered and part f ' of tham are sow on their way weat 1 There will b IT mllea of sidetracks at .' Tenlno, which will become quits a rail ; road center through tha building of the t new branch. ' J - ... .-' 'VfT.'.- 1 GRESHAM UBRARY TO: : I BE.FORMALLY OPENED .....J :7'v'. ,-v,-y;, ii .i - ' . . ' A reeentlon "and . public opening will - bo held by tha directors of the Qresham library and reading-room next Friday i i afternoon. Judge Fraaer. W. W. Cot- t ton. W. Ii. Brewster. Miss Isom, Miss . Fox and othere will help start tha new t ", library off right.' Refreshments will be: served In the evening. - Dr. 3. M. Short has algnlfled his willingness to donate a lot for the use of the library provld- ' Ing other eltlsens will subscribe enough to build a beautiful binding suitable for Oresham. The Portland Library as sociation Is aiding the Oreshain protege hy donating the use of books. ' At pres. ant tha now library will have the, use of tha old Msthodlst church. r ' PERSONALS . ! 's.,;- ' ' '. . . '; ': 'i Charles P. poe of San Francisco, preai ldent .of the North Paciflo Steamship k company. . operating the .Roanoke and George W. Elder, la at the Oregon hotel. , "V7. W. MoCreary of Spokane is at the "VOregon hotel. Mri McCreary Is a rall iTToad contractor of ha Washington city, ' and has several Urge contracts on hand . that calls him to Portland. ':' Dr. N- O. Blaleck, a well-known phy . glclan of Walla Walla, Washington, la ,-at the Imperial hotel. ' V T.-C Elliott oaplUliat of Walla Walla, Washington, la at tha Oregon bo ' tel. Ha Is accompanied by his daughter, Miss Mary R. Klllott. - . -, C STOMACH iP BITTERS Don't havejthat tired, run down and languid feeling this spring. Prepare the sys tem for the season's change by taking a course of the Bitters. It will clean out winter impurities from the blood and, cure Spring Fever, General Debility, Dyspepsia, Indljrtstion or Ccr!ivrnc?3. Albany college will have no opposi tion In ortland to Impede its progress. The belief that there would be a Pres byterian educational InatltuUon estab lished here wag definitely settled yes terday at a meeting, of the PrssbyterUn ministers when a positive statement from Mr. W. M. Ladd waa made to the effect that tha Ladd estate had no Intention of endowing an Institution of thla kind.,;.; ' - - President H. M. Crooks, of ths Al bany collets,' waa present at the meet ing and made a. strong appeal for assistance to further the. work of hla InatltuUon. The college la conducted under- the auspices of tha Presbyterian synod, but heretofore help . haa been denied It owing to the rumor that an other college would be established here. Now that thla queotlon la out of the way, tha Albany Institution will have clear field In whioh to work.' . President Crooks said It would . be necessary to raise, lt,00 at once to put the college on a solid working baala, that tha plan waa to raise 110,000 In Albany, tha same amount rn Portland and $4,000 elsewhere In the state. "In my experience.", he said, "bene factors like Carnegie end there ae willing to help after you have proved that you do not need their help, or' at j leaat can get along without IV - If wa . raise thie required aura. I believe that j assistance will come to ua from other directions. The T. M. C A. campaign haa put off our plea several tlmea be cause we felt that, tha time was not au spicious, but, now we want your help. Albany and the state looka for Portland i to take the initiative, and upon your ao-1 tion depend Albany, college's future. - - J . ."Everywhere we are met with, the ex- j cuss that there will soma day be a Pres. 1 byterlan - college founded In Portland, -but If there la one it will be founded, and endowed by tne source tnat must now put Albany college on lta set. The Ladd estate wi.V not endow- a college here, -and la fct Mr. 'Ladd stated pos itively that the beneficiaries are get ting so low that their help to our insti tution cannot be very large."- - . . Final action on tha matter waa de ferred till the meeting -of the synod next Tuesday, but ths minister present Informally pledged their . support and ahowed themselves deeply moved by Mr. Crook's plea. Several extended to him tha uaa of their pulpit a and tha appro priation of the collection and all seemed willing to lend their support to an ac tive : campaign- which will be-started soon. .- r ..: 8 WILL ORGANIZE NATIONAL B0QY : ;--;v:; . Oreron Branch of ; Peavee) Assoda tloa Formed Next More Will f Include All State Many of the leading eltlsens bf Port land mat in the chamber Of oontmeres last night and organised the Oregon branch of the National Industrial Peace association. P. H. Scullln explained to the gathering the plana and scope of tha work and what he expected to accom plish with other associations perfected. Tb meeting- was- prealded over by Rev. B. 8. Muckley. J. Hennessy Murphy acted as secretary. Rev.- J. Whltoomb B rougher In presenting I a motion to organise on a temporary basis spoks In favor of tha movement ' and 'recom mended as chairman of the ministerial committee ' that tha peace body be formed along the Unas embodied In the projeot. . p. H. Bon 111 a, after concluding hla work In Oregon, will organise a similar board In Washington, and then will be gin the formation of the national body, with California. Oregon and Washington the flrat three states to be represented in the larger body. , : ' 1 vi Bonding Permits, ' . To B. Mauretto. a tore and flat a. Union avenue and ICIlsa streets, tt.600. To A. Ksde, dwelling, Jburmaa and Twenty-second streets, $1,109. To K C Davis, dwelling,' ataat Thir tieth and Madison streets, U.iOO. To 8. A. Wheeless, dwelling. Harlem aid Eaat Burnstde streeta, 11.000. To H- Hlrachberger, dweUIng, OU1 man addition. 11.800.. To Frank Boss!, dwelling, Oreeley and Miller streets, 11.000. . . To Lyon Raymond, dwelling, Belmont and Seat Thirty-seventh streets, $1,100. To Hart Land company, dwelling, Thurlo between Allen - and Dearborn, 11,100. . - f- To EX Northrop, dwelling. East Eigh teenth between Tillamook and. Thomp son, $1,000. . , v ' 1 " 1 'Accused Murder TO. ; liearsal SaeeMl Rervtre.) '" Chics go, April I Leonard Leopold, co-defendant with Howard Nicholas on ths charge of murdering Margaret Les lie, la In a critical condition mentally etv! physically tndny, and may never live to liear the vrdlct It la expected that the cane will go to the Jury today. Hail Orders , -yi Have very special 1 attention here. Ont persons takes your order and sees that it is care-, fully and- properly filled.- Send for anything in this ad. ; Send your name for our Spring Cat-' alog.. ; ; ,. if, f V v i " . i g J i f A Agents for indies' Home Journal Patterns Homc-PhozZ'U -. eWawasssMa-ssssamessii i mi i nn We have five automatic phof In the store now, and those who have their "Home" phones installed can reach us by them. ' jllll issiimmnflansn Desk. . - Ataaa oioves, tsnea. . -A14T hea. AJ1V Osedlt S)epartBaaa. Alloa rookery xsp f Lo"g Gloves are going to be mighty scarce before many weeks, and we strongly adviac those who have not laid in a r supply totio so at once. There'll be plenty of "last-minute"! buyers anyway, and if you wait, with them you'll have . ... . : ,: . ) . I x y , . to take r-HTK TOT! T .: 'l i - - . . ;. - -w .. , -., - kmJ Wim&w While You Can Get Them ; the same chances they do. ; Profit by this hint and select a supply of gloves now from our complete stock. New Chamois Cloves, the correct rlove to, wear for ridintr. or driving, have wide cuffs, will wash 'most as A f( weu as isDnc gloves, tiie pair,..,.r...i,.,..,.apiaJv Women's Chamois-Gloves, in the 12-button 1 .rf Cil length, washable, the best in the market, the pair.DCeUU Washable Chamois Gloves. 16-button lentrth. ' Hft ff Jtha-palf . . , i ., rfTTTTTT. OU -Black Kid Gloves, every pair guaranteed, come in 12 and ; 16-button lengths, perfect fitting, the pair, $3.50 QQ ? New Monarch Gloves, pair.... ..2.25 New Magnet uioves, pair ; . . ............... fl.OO New" Neck Ruchings, lots and lots of patterns, at Of' the Neckwear Counter, the yard, 14f to...,....., OoC New Belts, in the elastic webs, -latest fad in the "belt line," the finest line, we've ever had, one we're surely proud ot Come in black and white, trimmed with steel ' CM . rA nail heads; 75a to. ..V. 7. . ... .'. . 0. O U New Elastic Belts,' in fancy colored webs, fancy embossed, mounted with handsome buckles, - ' & A f r f 55.00 io. . 'u , '. o'lDo li u Parasols for spring are here, in white linen (embroidered designs) or in fancy silks. The prices run by JOC f)( easy stages up to. ........ . . . VaCDeli i) Laces for every , use, all the newest meshes and patterns. Batyy Irigh Edges and Insertions, at, the yard, )f 25 to.. .............;.....;.......OloUU Net Top Laces and allovers to match, ths yard, up of f rom... .................. r.. .......gw3C llACE SPECIAL .v . Beautiful ' Oriental Laces, for trimmin sleeves and waists, 4 to"9 inches wide an worth to 76c the yard. Very special sale of a lot that contains thousands of Q yards at, the yard. ... 1., ........... a3C New Braid Trimmings, yard, Of 7Cj New Filet Mesh embroidery in superb as sortment, up to, the . ,f QQ Itfetf Ribbons, in plain taffeta 7C., weaves, all widths, yard. 5s to..:.. .. oC New Velvet Ribbons, black or cot- ored, the yard, 12f to.......... . ODC DINNER SETS Tfea, we're still talking about that special sale .of Decorated' China Dinner Seta, and from the reaponae we've had t& the announcement, it's 'a mighty ' interestinf subject to moat of oupreaders. i All 100-piece sets, spendid quality ware, and th decoration are un OSuaUy attractive; this is the last time well tell , you of 'them, and pay good heed to the values here Sets that sell regularly for $20.00 each, now arsr tfll OC only . . , . v . . , ..... . . 1 1 eaCD Sets that aetl regularly for $22.00 on:-...::: $12.50 Sets' that 'sell egularly for $24.00 each, are now only..... !K3.$13.50 Seethe New Designs fnthe Famous Ubbey Cut Class Women's Fine M50 and $8.50 Box Coats Wednesday - ,.- s I' $5.75 Loose-fitting box style, In smart, short models, some of the1 nattiest spring coats we have In the store, made of all wool materials, in stripes and checks of all sizes and kinds. They also come in neat homespun patterns. Some' arc collarless, some have self-collar and some have velvet collars. The trimmings are fancy buttons, braids and velvet, though all these decora- tions are not found on any one coat No such assortment ever gathered together hereabouts, no such coats ever brought to this section to sell for so little money. For every one in this offering" is a real $7.60 and $8.fiONvalue, you'll find those marks on them when . you come to buy. Choice for Wednesday only, each. lil UNDERWEAR . Choice bargains . in women's flag Undergarments, in lines that we sre unable to replace sices in. High-grad goods, but wa can't get ths same numbers from ths mills after this, hence these marked reductions. Women's Dctael Mesa Linen Veats and pants; all sixes in ths pants, but- ws have not so many of ths . veats; regular 1 CfS $2.50, now - .eleOll Women's Deimcl Ueah Union Suits -Regular $5, good sizes Corset ' Covers. ', ii "Zlmmerli" make; the finest knit goods on the market; firs' styles that we cannot duplicate orders on so here they go. at the iollow Jng reductions Ths $1.35 kind for, only f l.OO The $1.65 kind for, only. ..'.$1.25 The $2.00 kind for, only S1.50 These are made in Switzerland, the beat possible to make or buy. exquisitely trimmed with lace all around; they're exceptional bar gains. ' " '; wmu vuwn d..$3.C3 Shared Fabric Spec'ls Louis sine Silks, a splendid , line for spring wear, just the right patterns and the right weaves.' 27 inches wide, suit able for the construction of shirtwaist suits and pretty little waists, design's are stripes, checks and plaids, and the regular value is $1.25 the yard. QQ "Special 2 days.,... ......QaC Black Dress Goods, fine' Panamas, in chiffon or regular weights, a rich grade thaff sells regularly at $1.75 the yard, v . . , 1 in this special sale Wednes- A nA day and Thursday, the yard only. ............... .'.!)lee0 Imported Novelty Suitings, in stylish and beautiful com binations, 44 to 62 inches wide, stripes, checks and invisible plaids ; regular $L60 and $1.70 qualities. Special t" OQ for 2 days. only. . . D 1 aCO Spring . Suitings, in the PVnama weaves ; also in the new French Foules, come in mixtures, hairline stripes and checks and in the smart invisible plaids. Hundreds of yards for this special,-alt who come may shared and they are regular $1.00 and $1.25 grades. Special for Wednesday and Thurs nV day only, yard. ... .................. . .... , . . . . UuC High Grade Table Linens A sale of pattern table cloths that will bring joy to the heart of the lover of fine table napery. Splendid,' full sized cloths, two by three yards, and in pleasing new patterns. Have pretty bor ders that harmonize well with the center, and the quality of linen is really superb. Here's how you may save : The reg. $4.60 grade Q A on sale now for, each.e$)oUU The $5.50 kind only. . : . .4.45 The $6.50 kind onhr..... $5.60 The $7.60 kind only. . . . .?0-25 The regular $8.60 grade sells now for just, each......$7.00 An Oriental Rug For here's a fine chance to secure one now at less than the regular .'price. Shirvans, - Daghestans, Kiskillems, Moussuls X Beloochistans, - Sarouks, Bergamos, Anatolias, ' Kirmanshahs, Bokharas and'Khivas, Specially priced for this week-only. Save at our ex cuse: 18.60 values. values, values, values. $35.00 $36.00 $37.50 $40.00 $42.00 Special... ;v.. Special....... Special... .... Special....... values. ; Special....... Special... v.... SDecial. ...... . Special.....;.. Special... i i . special..................... Special....,.'......,........ c :-i i. Special..... ...... .....i, $19.50 $21.00 $22.00 $25.00 $30.00. values. $31.00 values. $33.00 values. 113.75 (16.25 U7.50 $18.35 (21.00 525.75 520.50 values, values. -values, values, values. ...,...... $45.00 values. Special $48.00 values. $50.00 values. mnriTiriitt.iKUt $55.00 $60.00 $65.00 values, values, values. Special....... .............. Special Special.................... Special Special..................... ..... . . .fS. - . . . . . . .. . 23-25 30.C0 30.75 325 34X0 30.50 33.50 41.K0 43.C0 43.00 31.75 50. CO ' ....... M Spring Unde wear Me r Can Job It's a spring-weight garment, in nat ural gray merino, shirts and drawers both finished for good solid wear; a Splendid ; between-seascJhs weight; worth 75c the garment. ',. . ff? Spedal. . .... . . . .... OOC Men's Seamless Cotton Hose Come in plainfolack or tan ; a good "I O I 20c value at, the pair... ......lsCC Men's Pure 'Linen Handkerchiefs Plain white with hemstitched in) ...lsC2C border; 20c value for, each. Men's $1.23 Super Weight Me- M rino Underwear. The garment. ) Q Men's Outing Flannel Nighuhirts In Eretty stripedpatterns, pink or QIJ lue; 65c value. Special....... JjC Men's White TwiUed Muslin Night shirts Long and full; $1,00 values, made plain." Special JQ Eight Styles Women's Oxfords $3.50 That's a pretty good line to choose from, isn't It? Every shoe in the lot is a good style, too. good : leather the right cut and the right quality for the price. V--'.' Women's Patent Leather Oxfords, with light, flexible1 sols and high Cuban heel; - four-hols ribbon tie, - CH Blucher cut; pries je?eJeeJU .7 Women's Four-Button Oxfords, with patent kid vamps and dull kid quarter; light flexible sols and r high Cuban heel; very stylish, ths pair.......... e?J.JU Women's Patent Leathsr Oxfords, three hols ribbon tie, dull kid top; flexible sole snd high heel; another o C( good one.......... . ..yJeiJV Women's Oxfords, with patent vsmp and dull kid ouarter; ' four large eyelets for ribbon ties, plain toe snd tJO Cf ' high, heel; price.......... yJ.UV Women's Plain Kid Oxfords, with plain toe (no cap) and large eyelets tor riooon ties: uim soie ana nigs c--i rn heel; comfortable and stylish, the pair... . ...... yO. J Women's Oxfords, in patent leather, medium wticM, frur hole ribbon tie, plain toe and Cuban heel; f C tha oair .' J Women's Oxfords, medium sole and mi'itiry heel; four hole ribbon tie; neat atrect thoe Women' Ounmetal Calf Oxfords, wi:'i ' ole and Cuban heel; four Urge ty' -bon ties; s dressy, sensible street ' - jiv.&y. .... v r- r-