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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTEND. - TUESDAY EVENING. APRIT ' B. ' 1907. . v PLANS TO HOLD WORLD'S. RICHEST WIDOW TWO YEARS IN BED SPRING CHINOOK : Master Fith Warden Arranges to - Hold Them In Clackamas for Spawning. NHAS LET CONTRACT FOR OASUUNfc rATKyL BUAI Beporto Lew on Lower Columbia , WeU Enforced. With Aid of the Packer New Deputy for Clack amas WecelpU and Expenditure (Speetel Dispatch to The IormL) Balem, Or, April . The board of flsb eommlaelonere met yesterday af teraooa at the atata taouM and ehoae Frank & Brownj superintendent of the hatchery near 6ntarlo7 oaputjrftali warden to succeed Herman Webster of Claokamaa. Brown la an Oregon City boy and on of tba younger man In th aervloe. laf aeoorflanee with tha Inatruotlon srtven him at tha laat meeting of tha board Master Flab Warden H. O. Van sen reported that ha had let tha con tract tor tha building of tha gaeollne patrol boat for uaa among tha fisher men of tba Columbia river and lta tributaries, to R. M. Leather -f As toria, Tha boat will ba modeled after a Colombia river flahlng 'boat and will ba tt feet long with eight-foot beam. (I inches In death with a removable house all feet by eight over the engine. J It will ba operated by mesne of a 1 horaepower three-oycllnder Troyer gaa angina and sufficient air tanka to aa aura lta floating In case of awamplng and will ba equipped with all tha neces sary paraphernalia. Tha eearehllght and compass -are to be furnished by the atata. Tha coast of tha boat will be 11.111. Tha report ahowed that tha disburse-; menta for both districts were tl,48t.S8 and tha receipts from tha first district were tw Xaa Been WeU Baforoed. Tha report of Mr. Van Duaen aaya that with tha aid of tha packers on the lower river tha apring-eloee-aeaaon period on tha Columbia river and Its tributaries haa been well enforced. Two gasoline boats for patrol service were employed, one of which waa placed In charge of Water Bailiff "Settem" for the lower Columbia river and tha other under tha charge of Water Bailiff "Smith." who la looking after tha. en forcement of tha law In tha watera of tha upper Columbia and tha lower Wil lamette river. Tot Sprta Chinook Supply. Tha work of tha various hatcheries la gone over in detail in tha report Re lative to tha operations to be conducted on tha Clackamae river, Warden Van Duaen aaya: Thla year I will arrange to put In a Bet of racks and will undertake to trap and hold a supply of spring Chinook salmon In the Clackamaa river below tha Caaadero dam for spawning pur pose. We have been leaving thla stream to tha United Statea bureau of , fisheries, to work, but during tha paat two yeara they have done nothing In the matter of getting a aupply of egga from tha apiing Chinook a, ao I feel war ranted In taking the matter In hand and see If a aupply of salmon cannot -ba had at thla point for apawning purpoaea; and If ao, undertake to hold them be tween racks until their spawning period. Thla situation Is a long distance from the natural spawning grounds of the early fish that ascend thla stream and It will ba a difficult matter to hold them there In a healthful condition, but an attempt will be made and every pre caution will ba taken and they will be held If It ia possible to do ao. If tha superintendent In charge of tha Work carried on by the United Statea bureau of fisheries so desires, I will have tha bureau cooperate with ma la thla under taking." Ketagar fits your ayea for IL0S. Ill Sixth street, near Washington. BIDS FDR FUEL FOR INDIAN SCHOOL OPENED "vjer ClTei fflpeeial Dwpatek to Ttis Joereal.) Chemawa, Or., April 8 Bide were opened by Superintendent B. I. Chal oraft at tha Indian achool here today for wood andoal for the fiscal year ending Juno 10, 1108. Tha following bids were offered: Tha Crystal Ice Storage company of Portland offered 1400 tons of eoal at 17.90 per ton for screened tump, $7.40 for egg or range and 17.11 for run of mine. The Oregon Fuel company of Portland offered 1,200 tona at 18.00 per ton. William Good rich of Chemawa offered 100 cords of wood at It. 76 per cord; Nelson P. Wil liam eon of Salem 600 eorda at $8.81 er cord and Charlea Zlellnski of imawa 100 cords at $$.80 per cord. No awards were made, tha blda being taken under advisement. Wednesday la tha laat day for dis count on weat aide gaa bllla. PROFESSOR HESS COMES TO LECTURE StU DENTS (Joeraal Speelsl service. I Berlin, April t. Profeaaor Karl Heea, tha celebrated Bavarian ophthalmolo gist, took passage today for America, where ha la to deliver a aerlea of lec tures at tha universities of Chicago, Pennsylvania and New Tork. Hla visit la In aeoeptanoe of an invitation ex tended him by the American Sclantlflo and Medloal association. 1 1 4 V 1 1 t v J. X JLr X " -( iJ ' r i ' a ft , i . ' ? v ' The recent death at Toklo of Jamoa H. Smith, better known aa "Silent Smith," created a profound, aenaatlon In New Tork aoclal and financial circles, In both of which Mr. Smith was a prominent figure. Mrs. Smith, formerly Mrs. William Rhlnelander Stewart, Is now the rich eat widow In the world. Her husband Inherited an estate exceeding $50,000,000 In value. LdPllClsi:.k'T .VlssW- )1 MLM. MMNB e A HELEN HrWmORNE. Women and Athletics. " A man who. may be supposed to ba thoroughly competent from yeara of ex perience and observation to apeak with authority on tha matter of physical ex ercise for women Is Dr. Luther H. Oullck, who Is president of the Ameri can Physical .association and head of the department of physical training for tha public schools of New Tork. He waa asked recently to give hla opinion aa to whether competition In athletlo sports and games la desirable for women. He replied that there la a woman's problem In exercise aa In many other things, Tha reason for encouraging team work among college v girls ha thought to be the need which girls have for tha ethical training which It glvea Nothing Is of . greater value. In hla opinion, for tha college girl, than to find out that money, pull, aoclal posi tion, count for nothing. They do not help her to play ball, to excel la tennla, nor are they of any value In making her a- dealrabla member of a team. What ahe la, and what she can do, are the thtnga of vital Importance, and in the game all aoclal or Imaginary dis tinctions are lost It ia repeatedly aald that It is mora dlffloult to teach games to women than to men. Women have become so trained to Individuality It Is emphasised from a girl's earliest babyhood that It la hard for girls to marge tha Individual in thfc mass. , Team work, class spirit, tha good of tha whole, are't hinge which girls learn with difficulty, whereas with boys theaa are the uaual and tha accepted thing. There la quite a difference, too. In the way In which women and men accept defeat. Tha emotional reaction la pow erful and la Inherently natural. Teara and sulks, however, do not combine well with athletlo aporta. Tha self-control required for a team of girls to stand bravely together congratulating their successful rivals ia undoubtedly the best thing that the game teaches. . Bo for all these reasons, competition and team work In athletics are valuable. On the other hand. Dr. Oullck thinks that moderate and graceful exercise, without the stress and strain of compe tition la best adapted to women. Ha states flatly that women need vigorous exercise less than men and profit by It less; also that they profit more by mild exercise long' continued. These are more than mere assertions; ha goes into tha matter somewhat deeply from the physiological aide, ahowlng the differ ence In bodily structure, tha different weight center, breadth of shoulder and length of limb. Some years ago tha Idea uaed to be that It waa the difference In training which made tha difference In men and Boo Am The Best Scorning Soap Made A Sconrinff Soap A Metal Polish V A Glau Cleaner women In bodily development. Thla la no longer held. There la leaa attempt than formerly to gainsay tba physio logical facta. Man la built to ba tha fighter and the protector. Woman la built for motherhood. The exercises which are beat adapted for women are those which give auf flclent exercise without strain and those which, indulged In moderation, give grace and elasticity. All forma of eal lathentca and light gymnaatlca, archery, tennla, awimmlng, field hockey, lacrosse, bicycling, rowing, canoeing, golf, skat ing, fencing, basketball, dancing all theaa are tha dealrabla means. Tha and ehould ba a sound body, a clear brain. poise and grace. To quote Dr, Oullck again: "Woman may ba excused for not being aa strong and enduring aa man. but they cannot be excuaed for not being mora finished and graoefuL Good car riage, perfect poise, self-command and exquisite grace and refinement should enter into women a - atnieuo perrorm ancea. "I do not mean that girla or woman ahould spend their time attitudinising, but that they should ba thoroughly trained In ease and grace of movement. Women ao drilled never have to ba told what to do with their hands and feet. Whether hay enter a drawing-room, preside at a meeting, or do anything' else, they may ba depended upon to ba perfectly natural and at ease. t at at Hew Tork Fashions. At tha moment there la almost aa much variety allowed In .the evening sown aa In tha visiting ana street ooe- tume and wa are aeelng a number af lovely thlnga aa a result. What might ba called modified empire effects are constantly growing In favor and are really very charming, with the favor ite surplice waist. Tba proa a ana drooping shoulder la to be noted on all the. -later gowns and not a fsw of tha short, open mandarin eleevee are seen in tha bodices of evening wear. All aorta of thin and dlaphanoua mats rials are well liked for many of theaa and aoma vary lovely spangled nets and lace are aeen; as, for example, a gown that Is to make part of tha outfit to an out-of-town house party, which la of pearl apangled tulle eomblned with plain. There la tha empire affect at tha back and tha long, aloping llnaa of that period, while tha corsage la draped In tha surplice style that la ao satisfactory with material of thla sort. Tha entire gown la made of alternat ing stripes of tha plain and tha fancy tulle and there la a wide hem of pale pinkish mauva velvet at tha lower ede-e. while' the beautifully draned deoollette bffdloe la finished with a single huge rose, where the oroaalng la made allghtly to tha left of tha front There are elbow eleevee that are di vided Into two puffs by means of bands of smaller roses of a similar sort. Tha gown la mounted over a pinkish mauva foundation of liberty satin veiled with tulle and ia just as tlry, falryllke a creation as well can be devised. - The huge rosea worn in thla manner, by tha way, form a recant novel, fad sent over from Paris and really are at tractive and chic. A very lovely gown was of pals gray silk moussellna over blue with trimming of silver eomblned with gray and pale blue and waa worn with a atngla large pink rose at tha front of the almoat elaaalo bodice In di- rectolre style. t t It Lad Baltimore Cake. . ' Tha whites of eight egga, one pound of flour, one pound of sugar, one-half pound of butter, one-half pint of sweet milk, two teaspoonfula of baking pow der and two of almond extract. 81ft tha baking powder with the flour, cream tha butter and sugar until very light, add carefully and alowly tha milk, flour and well-beaten whites, then the flavoring. Beat . thoroughly and baka In three ' layers, Put together with tha following: . n n - n . . Fining for Lady Baltimore Cake! . Pour a gill of boiling watsr over three cupa of sugar and boll until It thread a Add a pinch of tartaric acid to tha stiffened egg-whltea. and pour tha syrup gradually upon theaa. beat-. Ing steadily. When nearly cold, stir In two eupa, each, of chopped raielna and English walnut and flavor with vanilla. Put between tha eaka la vera A portion of tha plain Icing may ba reserved for the Jop of tha eaka Deo orate this with halved walnuts, . . :-...u.::v j.r' " DB, WXXUAMar smraaoBir i FTXU VUU TierxnL U9 Oae Who steads This Caa Afford to Xe rrejmdloe rrereat Giving the Beeaedy Trial. - Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been eurtng the most stubborn cases of rheu matism for nearly a generation and thousands of grateful patients have given testimony that cannot bo Ignored. If you auffer -from thla disease and have not given tba pills a trial perhaps It. is your prejudice or tha Influence of aoma friend that haa prevented your finding health. Perhaps your doctor cannot help you and tha thousand reme dies recommended for rheumatism do not touch your ease. We have on record hundreds of Just auch cases cured by Dr. Williams Pink Pills and will wel come tha opportunity to aubmlt tha evi dence to you. J , Mr. Robert Odbert, a machlnlet, liv ing' at 101 Cameron atreet, Detroit, Mich, had a very distressing experience with rheumatism for about two yeara He makes the following statement: "About the year 1187 I felt the effects of rheumatism which gradually grew worse uhtll I was compelled to give up work -for, a time, Thajears .of'.T and '91 I was confined to my bed most of the time. I was under doctors' treat ment but found no relief. My legs were swollen from the hlpe downward and hed blotches appeared all over them .' Fre quently they pained ma ao that I had to bind them tightly with strips of linen. This sometimes relieved the pain but at other times failed to do so. At times I had to crawl to my work, using two crutohss. During ,-these spells I suf fered greatly from pain around my heart which I attributed to the rheuma tism. "At last my mother wrote ma and asked me to- try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I did and In a ehort time X found myaelf getting better and have had no trouble alnca. I may here add that I consider myaelf perfectly cured. I have not had tha leaat algn of the dla easa alnca and feel better now than I ever did. For theaa reaeone I recom mend Dr. Wllllama" Pink Pllle to any ona affected tha aama aa I waa. Dr. Wllllama Pink Pllla are sold by all drugglata, or aent by mall, postpaid on receipt of price, 60 eenta per box. alx bottlea for 1.0. by tha Dr. Wllllama Medlolna Co., Schenectady, N. T. INSANE FRQU LEAVING DEAR OLD VIRGINIA David McClanahan'g Homesick ness Reaches Acute Sui cidal. Stage. ' (Special Dtepeteh to The Joei-ntl) i Taooma, April . David MoClanahan. while on his way from Seattle to Cha- halla, accompanied by his family. Jumped from a car winaow at me nine teenth atreet depot In an attempt to commit suicide. Beyond minor cute and bruises ha auatalnad few tnjurlea, and waa later taken on to Cheballa. Mo Clanahan and hla family were emigrants .n n, from Vlnclnla to Cheballa, v . .V Kail hnnrlit a homa The Bailing of tha old hotneetead in Vir ginia worked on his inina uniu crooning drove him inaane. Hla aona aay that after boarding tha train in tha eaat ha kept talking of -hla boyhood daya and the sorrow it gave) mm i home. When a change of cars waa - l. a..1. l--t nfa,hfc he had JUJ a UI wk.w " " t.t,v.--ie Into a state of nervous eollapee, and fearing ha would do him self m teenier mey oegan io waicu mm Wednesdsy la tha laat day for dis count on weat Bias gaa oiua. OBSERVE APPOMATTOX DAY BY BANQUET TODAY (roaraat Special Berries.) Til Anril Elaborate nrerj- aratlons have bean completed for tha J 7th annual Appomaum y waqun of tha Hamilton club, in commemora tion of tha first day of peace, to ba , . . .v. A 1 tnrA ti rt, V4a vn1 n w glVVU V iu. - Governor Deneen and nnmeroua other . - . .At, n ha-nrMant. fVin. unM v - rressniaji Francl W. Cushman, of WASninSTOn, will aa iwr uw rauutg 1 ta aaa eVsvsi 'OtlP tpV.t.ntraT frttV. lUFV fcV VUV evnei vm was- pressman A. O. fitanler. of Kentucky, will apeak for tha aouth to tha toaat TtODr Bi -, mil WM.-t9Vitm..Vr tt ! i tm Us,.M a Tl Hnfila wl 11 mrkA to tha toaat "The Commander-in-Chief." i 9 referred Stock Oaaaed woods, Allen Lewis' Beat Brand. Ambassador Sternberg Goes Home. .New- Tork. April . Baron Stern burg, tha German ambaaaador, and tha Baroneaa Btemburg, sailed for Europe ,yt-w Th.. nlan to remain In flw many moat of the rummer, returning to Washington in pepremoer. i una wt. Scores of Portland Citizens Have Learned It. If you suffer from backache. There la only one way to cure It Tha perfect way la to euro tha kid neys. - A bad back means sick kidneys. Negloot It, urinary troublee follow. Dean's Kidney PUla are made for kld- Lneys only. Are enaorsea oy roruuia people. O. H. Sprlne-meyer, expreeeman, ef ion mrst atreet, rortiand, ore., aaya: "Exposure to rough' weather and the Jarring or my wagon Brought On kidney troubla Mr back ached almoat mm. stantly and the action of the kldneya aeemed weak and the passagea of tha secretions too frequent Doan'a Kidney pllla came to my notice and I got a box and began using them at onoe. The pain In my back waa eoon relieved and tha kidney secretions became normal. Two boxes of Doan'a Kidney Pills brought about thla result." (From statement made Feb. IS, 101.) CURED TO STAT CURED. On Jan. II. I90, Mr. Rprtngmeyer con Armed the above statement and added: "Since the' time referred to In my former teetlmony I have not had a trace of kidney trouble. I have recom mended Toan'a Kidney Pllla to many people ana am always giaa to ao ao." For eale by all deal era Price 10 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork. sole agents for tha United Statea. Remember the Bams DOAN'8 and take no other.. . Value i . Quality A Remarkable Sale of ILace Curtains In Full Range of This Season's Designs j - . Beginning tomorrow we place on display a remark- able showing of Lace Curtains in all the most favored patterns and designs a multiplicity of beautiful pat JteiriSLjthatjca the city. And you will find our prices to be much lower than you would pay elsewhere. J.i you've planned to buy curtains of any kind or in any quantity, by all means come to the store tomorrow, for well offer bargains such as you've never dreamed of. It's a wonderful opportu nity. A few examples: AT OSf4 White Scotch Lace Curtains, 8 yards by 46 inches, pretty assortment of designs, , good values. Special, per pair ... 05e AT 81.25 White Scotch Lace Cur tains, 3 yards by 60 inches, large line of neat figured effects, extra good qualities, 'per pair i 81.25 AT 81.75 White Scotch Lace Cur tains, dyi yards by 60 inches, extra heavy, double thread lace, pretty patterns. Spe cially priced ...... .......81.75 AT 82.50 White Madras Lace Cur tains, 354 yards by 54 inches, assortment of elaborate designs, exceptionally good values. Special, per pair 82.50 AT 83.00 White Cable Net Curtains, imitation Cluny lace borders, extra heavy, 8 yards by B0 inches. Specially priced at, per pair . 83.00 AT 84.50 Ivory Madras Lace Cur-' tains, in an assortment of exclusive de signs, dainty and attractive, 84 yards by 50 inches. Priced, per pair 84.50 AT 81.75 Arabian Madras Lace Cur tains, in leaded glass effects, buttonhole stitched edge, size 8 yarda by 50 inches. Priced at 81.75 AT $2.50 Arabun Cable Net Cur tains, beautiful leaded glass effects, exr tra good values, size 3 yards by 50 inches. Specially priced, per pair. ....... .82.50 AT 83.25 Arabian Corded Scotch Lace' Curtains, fish net center effects, scalloped edge, heavily corded, size 8)4 yards by 60 inches. Special, per pair. ....... .83.25 AT" 83.75 Arabian Corded Cable Net Curtains, elaborate Cluny lace effects, specially good values, 8i yards by 50 inches. Priced, per pair. ...... . .83.75 AT 85.50 Arabian Cable Net Curtains, plain centers, with heavily corded Batten berg borders, pretty and durable, size SJi yards by 50' inches. Priced, pair. 35.50 AT 1 86.50 Arabian English. Bobinet Curtains, in Marie Antoinette lace pat terns, size 3 yards by 50 inches, excep tionally fine values. Priced, pair. 86.50 A Superb Display oi New DRESS GOODS AJWD SILKS An extraordinary showing comprising all the latest spring and summer styles and col orings, with prices within the reach of alL Every item offered will permit a saving on your part. . 1 ' AT. f l.OO Black snd Whits Suitinfs An exceptionally fine assortment of black snd white Suitings in large variety of checks, stripes snd small plaids. These goods sre 46 inches wide; very popular; priced at, per ysrd fl.00 AT l.OO New Block Checks In black snd white; very choice patterns; warranted all wool, 44 inches wide, very stylish for spring snd summer wear; specially priced at, per ysrd ...fl.OO AT f 1.50 New Jamestown Shadow Checks in s beautiful assortment of new smoky grays with red, blue and green overpliids; 50 inches wide; one of the most desirable fabrics of the season; a good $2 value; specially priced st, per ysrd fl.50 AT 75? Shadow Checked Panama in the new spring shades of blue, brown, tan, green, slate and gray; 42 inches wide; all wool, very choice, entirely new; specially priced at, per yard ...T5f AT 1.25 New Wool Coatings in great as sortment of new gray and tan combinations: 56 inches wide, sll wool; sold elsewhere st $z per ysrd; our pries, per yard 1.25 . AT fl.OO Silk and Wool Bollenna, tha finest foreign goods made; comes in sll the new shsdes of gray, biscuit, reseda, cadet, green. lavender, red, pink, cream and black; 42 inches wide, half silk; sold elsewhere st $1.50 and $2; our price, per ysrd t .fl-OO AT fl.OO New Plaid Pan Jabs The vry best silk made, warranted to" neither cut, slip nor break; comes -in an endless variety of new popular black and white checks and plaids snd novejjty grays; moderately priced at, yd. fl.OO AT T5 . New Wash Taffetas Tha cele brated Cheney Bros.' wash taffetas in rare as sortment of blsck snd white plaids; warranted to wear and to wash like linen; specisl price, per yard AT T5 New Wash Foulards Meeaalines Something new this spring; 19 inches wide, pretty line of graduated and broken checks: exquisite colorings and designs; good $1 23 values, special at,.... T5e AT 85 Cheney Bros.' Crepe da Chine. 24 inches wide, sll pure silk; in the season's favor ite colors, rich and elegant, beautiful for even ing gowns and waists; our regular $1 quality, special, at.... AT 85 Special 1 Black Taffeta Bargain Our best $1.25 grade 36-inch black taffeta, war-. ranted pure silk, spotless black, highly fin ished; this silk can not be duplicated in this . city st $1.25; our special price .....05s) Acknowledgred BEST SHOE VALUES Are To Be Found Only At Thiai Store . " In selecting your new Spring Footwear, give the subject the same thoughtful consideration you 'would give your new suit, gown or coat. Our splendid stock affords every opportunity for chooe : ing etyles that are correct and shoes thai are made for service and comfort. ' , Note These Three Underpriced Lota Men's Shoes Q . and Oxfords iJw-OO At this price you have choice of the follow ing well-known makes: Spence Shoe Com- Eany's $4.00 Oxfords. Rice ft Hut chins' $5.00 hoes, the Churchill $3.50 Shoes, Macey Bros. $3.50 Shoes Basement Shoe Department This season's most popular styles, in all the fashionable leathers, vici kid, box calf, patent colt, etc, in both plain lace and blucher styles; medium, light and heavy solest not a pair in the lot sold for less than $3.50; most all are $4 and $5 values; all to go at one t0 QC price your choice ...yeO7 v Women's Shoes &0 Q1? and Oxfords APrWoOeT $JJ0 and $4 Values Main Floor Shoe Dept. By far the lowest price ever quoted on high grade, up-to-date Shoes. The celebrated $150 cWalk-Over" Shoes and Oxfords, in patent leather and black vici kid. lace and button, with light and heavy soles, Cuban, concave and mili tary heels, as well aa the Lady Churchill $3 Shoes and Oxfords, Zieglar Bro.' $3.50 Shoes and Oxfords, the Sherwood $350 Shoes and Oxfords, Hannah McCarthy $3.50 Shoes and Oxforda? all go at one price your if choice I $1.00 FOB WOMEN'S STI0E3 and 02X0Hr3 C1.C3 Another shipment of 11,000 palm Juat rwel A. Vfftet avtrawfl'nsry eit" Tr.rei "H a r larje and moet fortunate purehaea we are abJe to eil rel ia.K end II CO .nns "1 i the rldleulouely low price of tl-OO. At this trlr yn have the rhoi.-e ef ev.ri , ' sll this soaeon's atylea. In vici kid. patent !eattr aA r" : ' blurhr eut heavy, light and medium eolwa, nh rxiJ! ry r low h.e. -and two-strap Sllppere. Not a pair la the lot made te e4 for lees than I! kj. n . au ara II. oo Bhoea, roar choice at.......