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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
HIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL" 9, 1S07. IT FOR SALE REAL gCSTATE. " EAST SIDB LOTS.. Cholc corner hi n loo. Waeto it., 11.(00. ,: BuiloO. near pun. 81.2i. fr.lloO. tut 1'llh. nlcw location. $1,500. ' Corn sear East lZib. sulisbl fur bara. ' ' ii.suo, i J. J. OEDER. ' Oar. Grand art. and K. Aakeny. I1.4A0 FOR tbst very rxt Broom housa end , two lots; regulsr orchard of trult; Bunny alar, sear Heluiout eL It will astonish you .- St. .A h. 1 I m nun bui- a oaraaiu. I2,KM for beat n.srly new T-rootn house. nne corner. Bunnrslde; anomer anap, w QUlrs quick, Oil won't lest king. ... . BTAI'B SAWlfcLL. Corner 82d and Belmont Sts. WILL Mil cheap ' (moat Uata town) T room , bouse and bam on (mood 100x100 sr any . part thsreof j thta la jour chance. 3 Boa- -' Bar avs, cor. Skid mora. FOB SALB A aaapi $1.000. 50: almost 1 sere of sna, . woomawu; an in rirut-ciasa iruni '-room boose and outbuildings; close to car Inc. Inquire e9 North if to I at. I aotai. Half each, balm oca easy tar ma. V I too WILL bur baat e-ronm house and kt . aoxioo in Beiiwond. AOOreee inn seat uu at., neiiwood. phone a-st eouo..- 8.9no Nlr I rnrtin house on Eaat Aldar at. full lot la , beat ot condition and food aa BB0I8TER CO. 107 Third St. . 2- ANOTHER BARGAIN 11 acres, mostly cleared. . food bona end bara, fine eoll, moat pa cheap. The Title A tie tract oe.. room a M sissy bldg. Earned and Morrison eta. - FIVE to eight-room bonaea; eeO we easy pay ments or will take part exchange: make an offer of what roe a re. . 8s Caaoa at.. - Moutavllla. . V-ROOM honae. almoat new. fin cornet lot. . . between Hawthorne "ind W." B.-eareionly ,, . 83.000; 8600 caah. 23 Stark at. ' WANTED Bomeeeekera to write to Willamette Valley Keel Batata Kictiang. wood Dura, vt ' toe revlaed'llat of farnuW . ' ' OWNER MUST BELL- . lots -. Ideal locution. 2S-iluute ear ride 8M0 each; kalf caah, balance monthly. Ad- areas 104, Joaraal. KODBBN 9-reoni beoee en Eaat flth at. r new bath and tank! tl.tW; teripa. H. B. Plekln- ' eon, 4U8 Oommerclal bid. Itojia Pacific 27, $3.T50 Aa elerant nw S-nom bonae, with block. 1b center of Piedmont, t . i RF0I8TKR ds CO., 1 ' ' - ! - 'i.- 10TH Third St. ,. ' ItODERM eVrooaa eottare, 8nnnyalde (aewer dhv trlct) 1150 down, balance Ilka rent. A. P. . Eoilth. owner, did Oommerclal blk, ' A ttARflAiw -Lot WXIOO. 4-eoom eottare: , come end eae. Mrs. B. Better, Cray's Croaa- Inc. O. W- ' ' ' ' ONE fine corner and one Inalde lot near Al . berta ear line for rood team, weight 1,800 to i,wo ponnda. Addreaa la, care joarnai M ACRES eloaredi or 1 acre, or acree an cleared; 1200 to 100 per a pre; will eell a beet terma ever enered. W nta Ben Irwin, Mliweakle. Or. ' . ' dROOM bonse, en ear Mnet cement walk and improrea. atreet,- ouiu, ei.n,- m ., ,- . - .. HATFIELD A BUIT11. " ,-" v " iH ramitb. Bt. .-. l' (OR BALE Reewe and two lote at Lenta. Cash or Installments. B. L. Blckmaa, Lents, . oratoa. . I '' BOO FARMS, small tracts end lorat barwahte na O. W. f. electrw line. u. k. Adaiton. Mats, uracoa, xse hi. anen car, sc. BAR0AI5 R-aere home, fine fralt, 3.00) . worth ss.OOO. , HollUter. ia Uommarclal blk, OWNER eatn; d-rooca boaae. aearly sew, fl.iuu. nou later, aia uomawrciai oia. $100 BELOW ralne; corner lot. Call aoothweet Corner sasi unooia ana aeia eia. 13,000 T-ROOaf modern honae on Monroe at., full lot aast sell. Inquire Bud Monroe at. , FOR BALE ma tot. Maltorr and Beech, 700 for few daya. Addrsee T 147, care Journal. FOB SALE FARMS. Nortiiwesteni : "Realty. Co:: "Is acres, 10 acre ander plow, balance la . paatnra and eeelly cleared, aeeoed to Mm ' othy end cIotm; all leeel land; food fence; family ore bard; a-room boose, good well at - kitchen door, food barn, chicken house; place . la kalf mile from railroad atatioa, cloae to ': arbool, 13 miles from, - Vsoeourer. Wash. "' Price Una. Crop Included, . x.f - 40 acres, I acres cleared, S scrM slashed tad burned; twa housee. sjood bara, cow ' abed, woodbonae and henboosa; small or. : chard, etrawbenira) partly fenced; 100.000 ' good saw timber; running water, well; 10 miles from VaaooaTer. Wash. Pries di.OOO; ternas. y, S . -. 43 seres, IT acres nndef plow, balance very i ssally cleared; all good tend, leroll running water and good well; food a-room bonae, barn 24i60, dalry-booas and woodabed place well fenced; floe orchard of applea. pears v snd cherries, elm berry frslt!one of the J beet farms la Clarke county. , Prion A3,000( aaay terma.. - ;v j--:-r:.l 111 seres, 80 ander xXonif balance 'id pas. tura and brash. 6 acres aood timber; 40 - scree of this to genaine bearer dsn land; all ander fence; running water; a-mum bouse 'la 5ood eondltloa, Urge bara In excellent coa Itlsa, other oatbtilldlnga, two wellar two seres mixeu wnuni, - town: R. t. It., telenhoae: 10 miles from Tsacoarer. Price K-Ouot terma. , , ut Noriliwesteri':;: ': Kealty,Co. Bit Commercial bt. Portland. Or., 404 -WsshlnaHoBsaooariaa Waaav: CATTLE RANCH FOB SALE wnics Is Eaasttal Income property y . aw And . IS fha finest big-ranch la the etate of Oregon. , , Adapted for. Cattle or sheep, alfslfs. rraln ot ... trait; the title Is perfect, v Fine complete Improvements, .plenty of running water, good trans porta tlon. , ITss dairy equipment, BIS roomy farmhtmsee, Two fine oreharde, .. - V Elegant gsrdsn land. About B.000 seres la tract. ; ls.000.OO0 feet fine timber. , , .", 500 eerae slfairs, . , - SfiO acree onder ditch, Bslance best grsilng land. ttengee 11,000 sheep and cattle. The price of tote property Is 00.000, bat will take one balf . cash, bslsnca at long time snd easy terms, to be paid oat of earn ings of ranch. The big crops sow In go with !hg place, snd will aearly pay tba ao,000 required "'PH0NB FXCTUNOB T f , . m. L. CaTB, XM Btarh St. lOft ACRIta, with 90-aere meadow. 100 bearing . Sm trees, comfortable honae, barn, 10 head ' cattle (S cowsl, I horse, plow, barrow, etc.; schoolbouse 20 yards-from house, dally mall; open range for esttlo; fine climate; price ti,oo small paymsnt down, balsnce oa eesy -1 ".., A. C. PALMER, j ; SOS Buchanan bldf. SO ArRKS $2 (MO. Nlos Bummer Boms a '. White Salmon, Wash. Oa the river, Beautifully located sod fins bomej sd anted fog orchard sr fares. The heelthleet part of Washington. PHONE FXCHANOB TO. , B. L. CATE, 826 Stsrk at e4H-ArRS ranch at railroad ststleo. well Im proved. 1.000.000 feet timber, spring wstor) - will ssll et great sacrifice. I am going back) " don't writs, come snd eeet I will certainly sail st roat te yse. 1, W, liiiltu, Dlvkle, Ut, FOR SALEFARMS. V s .Fot Baralrs ' 14T acres rich relief bind.' all la cutties tlon: gotNl T-roora nouee, good barn; fine , young orrnard sad sll kinds t small fruit; only 50 miles fr..iu Portland; this Is the beat buy In Willamette valley st feT.OO per acre; fci.OOg will handle this. - ROOM kr Stis STARK BT. ' FOB SALE AT A BAROAIM. 40 acres In the beat wheat belt oT Khar. Bias county, S miles from town and railroad station; 540 scree la 'Cultivation. 2A la fall wheat and ziu to be aummer-rsiiowea: we l Improved good bonae, barn and outbuilding! plenty water, large cistern, windmill and water piped to houae and stock: will anB en essy terms: 111 health object la selling. AoV dress Hater pries Farm stox as. event, o. FOB SALE11T acres rich bottom land, U acres nnder cultivation, fair Improvements, land borders -on Wlllsmetts river. , snout SO ; seres good ssh snd mauls tlmher; close to town and school: la eeoter of Wlllsmette valley; 3.500 will buy It If takes eooat this Is a gtnulns bargain; doe't miss It. Call oa or s duress. J. D. Wlun. Bnaua vlata. Or, BBfrr small farm boy la Oregon IW acres. mosuy ciesrso sno euiirvairn, aojoimng tow 1 site of live valley town! fine (rait, spring. Creek, wood, schools, churches, railroad; 1 large sawmills aeeri bnlldlngs worth I2.000 only SX.SUO. inquirs a nars St. . - FIFE-ACRE tracts, miles south of Port. land, fine SnlL water piped to each o-acre tract! this land Is one mile west of Clack a. mas atatioa and railroad- snd oa the Porv Hod and Oreroa City wsgoa road. Pries from 1100 to 1200 par sere: oa -eaay terma. For further particulars see 0. W. Barer, sou Eaat Morrison st., city. . . STOCK rsncb far sale: ftRlH seres: loo head -ef cattle and few herase If sea h-ad ,- farm Implements, rmlt trees, berries snd bees fins range for sheep or cattle; running wstnr -everywhere will be sold st a bargain. Write Oos A. Nymaa, hlvuat Taraoa, firaat coun ty, wregoa. . . , ' PITH acres, miles from elty Hmlta, mla. ntee wilt to fA, w. f. una) level lend, best Mack soil, all la cultivation, some barrlee and fralt trees: eplendld elghtly place oa food rose, uwnev, i. 101, care journal. FOB BALE 140 acree en Columbia.- 00 ready for plow and balance covered with fine timber, cloae to stream, .a snao.- Price . Ia.000. Address TTB B. 2UU sL. city. Pboae BCOtl SOW. ' , BFUNQT'ISHMKNT taken ap years ago, la tba fruit belt near Mooter i food loe 1 and barn: 40 acree fenced goss st a bargain. aaarsea w isa, journal. 850 BUYS 40 acres one mile from Bstaeada gooa sou. spring prance, eorawooa and tie t'mDer; part eaen, saiaaca assy terms. Box loo, satacaaa. or. -, FOR sale or trade, to-acrs ranch near Beaver- a. inquire eol tuwtaorne a vs.- i. TIMBER. - SAWMILL. . - ' 28.000 1ROO0.OOO feet ebotrs fir timber till 5-horsepower, capacity 40.000; S bead horses, complete logging outfit, S engines. I . Sonera, sawdust and slsb earners; every thins sew and modern! near O. W. P. Rr SO miles from Portland; Umber Skene worth pries saxea. - - , ' A C. O. BHAT. :-' - -! Phone Mala IMS. . . 04 Ablngtoa bldg COLCMBIA RITBR. , Sswmin, flamea, log ring roads) eewmlll complete, two enaiBss, two boilers, good ma cklnery, three donkey engines: large body of yeiiow rir mar win ran nair clear; win sen timber at actual cost f stum page; sawmlu, ate., theeern In. a 0. BHAT, 804 Ablngtoa bids. ' FOR BALE at a bsrratn. 15 000 000 feet aood saw timber la oos body, svmueo est; essy r log, essy to railroad, ft. n. Addltoa, AeBis, jt.. laxe Ht. acotc ear, sc. WANTED Rellnmjlahment of a good timber cisim: will an st ease eaa pay gooa price. TIMBRE claims la Southern Oregon will eratsa 1.000,000 and ever; party fouif dowa la law oars, v loi, journal. CERTIFIED scrip, say sue, lowest prions. u uowea, sod uismber or uommerca. . : BOMF.RTBAD and timber lands, sorlp. to loaa. arm Oommerclal Slog. HORSES, VEHICLES. HARNESS. FOR SALE Oner team and express wagon. mooe stain or au Slat sod Johnson sts4 Coacaaaoa's store. BORSES end baggies for rest by day. aad moata; special rates to vnsia tita ana nawtsorna. Kaet IX. . BORSF.S FOB SALE SO bead, 1.100 to 1.8O0 pounds., overtoa. Derweea isia, aad lata j isse m ear. sreeomaa Broa. WILL Exehaagw-4400 lot ta Chicago for good fl river snd open rnaanoat eompiets, ' laveeU- gsta. can x in ir street. FOR BALB CHEAP Good second-hand top sjeov eery wagon ana ngm spring swuvery wsgoa. inquire, aw acimons at. . FARU wagon wanted, shout SH or M tl-s. aoarsee n aos. cure journal. GOOD driving boras for sals, 183. SO Third are., Mats, ur. f ENTIRE stock of slightly dams red harness and accessonea win as som st I I to u mt, Keller Harness Co.. 40 North Blxth st. MUSICAL IXSTRUMEJTTS. TICT0B Talking Machlars snd records; Steln- ,wsy (or ettierl pianos. Bbermaa, Clay at Qew Blxth and Worrtsoa sts.. odd. P. O. " FOR SALE--L1TESTOCK. FOR SALE One family caw. ML Tabor. 41 DlvUloa at-. , j BARTER AKP KXCHAyOE. WHAT have yea to exchange for Lee Angelee or southern California property I Los Angeles - city propsrry, orangs groves, eirsira, rams or trult ranches to sxehangs for Portland city, eabarban or farm property. - If yoa ' wish ta aarhsngs Four orooerty for a borne la . sasny-Csllfomia list same .with an -aM once, stating what kind of property yoa wise la return. . EXCHAM0I BEAI.TT CO., Mala 1042. t . 804 Ahlagtoa bldg. HAVE good cottars, best residence district, ea , Tew Park car line In Salem: win stchsnsre . for Portland property; paying difference; property moat be close In. S04 Ablngtoa -bldg. Phone Mala 1043. - FOR BALB or . exchange for eotdamud. city prnpesty, one -horsepower ststJnnsry, one in-borsepower 1 portable engine. Call phone - East 4x4, or st 40 Albtns see. . ' A BRAtTTIFUL home, large grounds, magntfVf , cent view) carpets snd rurnltore; most sen, solnf away: take lot or acreage as part ps ' meat. - L 184, csre Joarnal. FOR sals ev exchange, so acres good tlmher lend, H - mile from railmsd station. Gates, Or.; will exchange for small residence oa or nesr car line. Address J. P.,- P. 0. box M. Nehsms, Or. . - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. t V 9 " V S We have secured all of the mattresses that wars damagd at the firs la a large factory Snd ran sell yoa a $.1 50 wool top, class new for U 50; wool combinations, 14 50, at 135) B splendid chsnee for xaattreasesj also wa bsve'Sa saaortment of household foods to sell cheep. The Itoller. 182 First st. Stoves, ranges, beds and bedding, - I I M II I I'M I SINORR and Wheeler and Wilson sewing ms- cnine ornce. we sen, lease ur rent new na. , chines: old machines taken la part paymsnt; second-bsnd msrhlnes S5 aad ap; ether makes ' of new ms chines (2S and np; needles for sll maki'S of machines; all kinds of machines repaired and gnaranteed. B B. Slegal, sgeat, . Morrison at. Pkjoe Mala tlSS. . A FINE lot of second-hand sad slightly da re sted machines, 15 aad ap. Including New Homo, Singer, White and Domestic; drop heeds ss low ss 10 gnaranteed Snd all sttschments complete. J, 8. Crane, 800 Morrison at., Lewis bids. - FOR SALB Barrels ta Whites, Sragera, Davta, wneeier Wllsona, nonaeholde end other ellghtly dsmaged machines. The White Sew. fng Machine nfflcej, U. D. Jones, 180 Xsmhlll St., corner Fourth. TALKING machine, brand new, elegant 82.1 mscnine snri us new noe niee records, 8e no for lT outfit; essy payments; see IL IPd SUth St. OLD book store removed Is led fifth aad ua eooaa sta , ., f . .. . ... - FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS. BROWN Leghorns, whits Leghorns, white . Wjandottes sod Bsrred Rocks; em. 11 per setuiig or in. at, ottr. o4a kviugmsa at., Woodlawa, Or, WE print your name oo UK calling carda. proper visa ana acyw, aoc; zno nuainese carda. SI. A. W. Schoiale Co., 3 First, portUnd. Or. . BHOWCAPRft and flrtures. new and hand. Carlson at Ksllatrom, 'ist Conch at. run bale. CHRAP 4-Incb Hsystone - wstec meter, practically new. , Isqulrs U. Metager, 120 Front at. . . . . BEWINO MAOHINBS bonght, eold and sx rhsngod, 88 snd ap. Westers Salvage Ca 27 Waablngtoa St. SHOWCASES, counters, ftxturss. booght. eold ev eirbsoged. Westera Batvaga Co., fit Washington at. Pastfle TPS. - ' i FRF.E FOR EVERYB0DI Ring ap Mala 42P8 or call 818 H Front at- We buy aad eeU tur , altars, clothing or eny old thing. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rent or foi ssls oa essy psyments. TUB BRUNSWICK BALKS COLLESTDEB CO, 48 Third St., PortUnd. BOLDBN'B BUECMATIO CURB Sura ears tor rbeumatlsm. Sold by all druggists. . - ,. FOR SALB Cheap, S5.000 feet lumber. H. B. Stout, T48 Raleigh at Phone Mala fSBS. FOR 220 A Rambler automobile, i Inquire EOT , Ball St. ., - . -. - FOR SALE, reaaoBsble, one tnvalM chair, sas Invalid tricycle. . X48M Yamhill at. FIB8T-CLAMI photograph outfit, complete: mast - be sold cheep. Call VtM East Tamiiill at. FOR SALB IS-foot launch, aearly new; eem- plete outfit and .flratclaaa la evsry way. Address L 13, J oar sal. , FOR BALB Com bins tloa go-cart, suitable for Infant; good eondltloa; cheep.' dot loth at- tut L. - - . , ' - . - . -: -. . MOTION picture machine 82ft, 100 views 810, reel oi mm JO. t'eono ratine xejo. AN office desk for sals; barf ala, Iagtrlre T14 cnamnar ox uommsreo. FOR BALB Tricycle tnvstld chair, cheap. quire ex 1 norta roarta at. PERSON, AMELIA B. BROWN, electro-magnetic healer- au cases or a chronic nature promptly yleM to my method of treatment; women's aad children's diseases a epeclalty. .Boom t. Bote! unw, Maaiaon sad rront sts. 1 DET.IOHTFUL snd Invigorating ' treatments aires for rheumatism and aervoos ailments; i full lino of baths, rooms If desired, Vashtl, - Palmist and Healer, 801 Third St., ear. asyjov. .. ; NOT1CB OP REMOVAL, A. Belner. the farrier, will Lswls bldg. March 1) looking for suitable location ; ror present may oa roanel at reel dene, 25 North 19th st. Phone Pacific 8417. Will can sad glva est ma tea as aeaal. BEXINE PILLS curs all forma of asrvous or muscular weakness. ynr mea or women. Price 81 a box, boxes 85, with fnU guae antea, Addroso or call J. A. Clemenana, drug fist. Second sad Xsmhlll ata. Portland. Or. IOUNO sdeatlfle at' electrical. laieonous sad medicated treat men ts, also tub patna. - 41 awiaiga bldf. Sixth .sad Waab lngtoa sts. MIR GIBSON fives scalp treatment; dandrmff. wo, satn-ruraa. si., room ax. . , . 0ERMAN books, magaatnee, novels, etc. t Ger man, amriisn,. rreaca, npsnisn, awedlsa and Itsllaa dlctfcwarleai foreign honks ot sll kinds. Beamals Co., X2 First st. '. , .-v MOLES, wrinkles, superflnoaa hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mra. M. D. Bill, room 830 Fletdoer bldf. Pbon Padflo 133. DR. BIN0) CHrvONO, Importer - Chinese root aneaieineo: aene oimeee tea., certain curs for ell diseases. 181 Id. bet. Xsmhlll sad Taylor. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve loonies, un montns treatment, fx; I most ha, 85) sent eecorely sealed by mall Areata, Woodard. Clarke A Co.. Portland. Or, BOLD ON Then Is eaa thing that wBI cars rneumstkim. Ask yoor druggist tor bara tonic or address or eaa I, A. druggist. Portland. Or. LADIES,, chiropractic cures an st roar plaints without a rues or operation : it removes ins ranee iwnsuiiauoa xree. m. xtarain. Bis Aiieky bldg. - CENT. 84. plain, tntenigent. with home, would like m roast maia or einnv. ao to su. main. Indus triooe, -slnf and play anal thoughtful, Address 0 104, Joarnal i LADIES: Dr. La Franco's Compound; sara. speedy regulstori IS cents, druggists or msll; booklet free. Dr. La Fnaco. Phllsdelphla. Pa. SUITS pressed while. yoa wait. 50c. Ladlea' sains presssa, ooc. ' till Pert, l'"lH Sixth su, w so vuciie. raone saaia suos. . BEST magaslne eluhe ever offered: eead for pncee; agents wanted. Maes' Bookstore. ZW Auier st-. romaau. ur. - , A MIDDLE-AG ED lady wishes to make the ac quaintance ef an honorable gentleman with stonrssB w loo. care journal. PROFESSOR FELIX K. E. Miracles, magnetic neeiing sna auggestive. laoa Blxth St., eorner akjst. MANICURING, facial massage and scalp treat- sueni. Ary room 1, swta waaBIDftoa St. MIDDI.E-AOKD gentleman earning 12S month woo in use n mee aoaeranio isdy: Object, matrimony j fir phone number. M 16a, cars souraaj. . , , . - . BATH parlors have recently changed bands st win intra St., apetsirs, room 14; will fuar- mmiww w pesase an; lauies a a foauemea. MISS RATMOND Masseuse. ' 2S Morrtaoa t, lousn i. . rnone maw bwia. BRCENTLT opened manicuring parlora; Is dies unu yvstismea. asi Morrleoa at., nose-12. MRS.- POTTERICssevuss. seskn. fsclsl mas sage, erlropody. iiihi Washlnftoa at. BALM OP PIGS for all female dli a East Helmoat. Pbooe East 4084. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oreconlaa Mdf .) Udlee r leiwtwia aignn, man ivuo. BOLDBN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sure cure for rues sialism, sold by an drag gists. . CHIROPODY, Bianlrurtaf snd msgustle treat- en is. iw Bum st., eorner Alder, room 86. TOTJNO lady fives treatments. 858 H Tsmhni, BUSINESS PERSONALS. R. fJOflSETT. engineer and snrveyori" sll kinds ef surveying; additions plstted, msna aad estimates fnrnlahed. office M Weak. Ingtoa bldg r Fnurth snd Wsshlnrtoa. Baal- denes Oleawood. Phone Mala ftfrhd. INTENTIONS bonrht and sold. Covenant Coa- trsct Oo,, 87 Flledner bldg. - Msla Stl. - v ATTORNETS. , H. PIOOOTT AND 7. A. FINCH Atforneys-st-Lsw. Prectlc la aU 4 Malkey .bldg., eorner Second snd Worrtsoa. ART. FREE LESSONS ITF ' Jmbroidery Every Day. THE NEF.DI.BCBAFT SHOP, - m Waablngtoa st, - H. M00BEH0USB A CO. Arrises' mstertale, picture molding, picture framing, stsrsop ti ls ntsra elides. Ill Aider st. AUTOMOBILES. , PULLMAN AUTO CAR CO.. Bonders, designers sad repstrers sf til mskse of automobile. Bod lea, tope, finders, daanes, tamp brackets, running boards sad f lass fronts. . Gears and all parts at aato mohtle mads to order, , BO-70-T2-74 N. Blxth st, cor. Everett. H. L. KEATS AUTO CO, AT7TOMOB1I.ICS AND SUPPLIES.' - Northwestern diet rib tore for Pop Hert ford. Pooe Tribune. Pone Weverlve. Pnaa Toledoe, Thomas,. OMsmoMle, Franklins, Boicka, BO-88 Sevsath st, Portland. Oregosn HOWARD M. COVET. A sevit Fierce Great Arrow. Locomohlleo, Cad illac snd Knox. Temporary meatloa Clsb Oarage, 18th aad Alder eta. BATE TOU SFRN BAKER EI.FfTRirst laDltai Buppiy my son Aider ev. raone Pa siiid 1 1 A. t'SiaaosUsUfiei ky snoaBOaoata 1 ARCHITECTS. B. O. D1TTRICU, architect. 821 Williams svs-. iit, aarnuieu mu rnone S.SS1 SMl ASSAYERS. 0ARV1N CTANIDE .EXTRACTION CO., and aaontsna Asssy ornce. l Morrleoa st. BATHSMASSAGE. MRS. On ROCK. graduaU mssssase; ea bluet oatn. eait glow, alcohol, ran. ereem msssage; ninwoja, iiaa neveoin ax, saaia fvos. MANICTJRINO, face and eealp treatment, bath ' end mssssge. llOVi Fourth St., cor. Wash. , BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES - ' BnTCHnSilf 8UPPL1E8 B BlrkeowaM Co.. , 804-808 Everett st.) lsrgest butcher eupply awoaw oa us eoaex. write for cataJogae. BlTCnRRS' SDPPLIES Adolnh A. Dekam. 181-188 First St., carries s full line and coot- r-ivie assortmeni at lowest market prices. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWB, DAVIS KILHAM, 10B-1U Second st. mana Books manufactured: sgeats for JoaeV ' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the Dew rwureas leer, the beat oa the market. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING TO. Largest plant oa the coast; Lorlng and Harding sts.) . telephone Best SWO. Carpets clesned. refitted. sewea ana lata; nota steam ana latest prssssd-alr process; rsao rating mattrssass . reataers a specialty. J0TCBBBO8., proprietors of tbs Electric Clean--lag worhet- csrus Is - cleaaed-aad laldV,- both wry ana compressed-air clsanlng; carpet refitting enr epeclalty; work gnaranteed. Psoas Mais xots sna a ZS73. sno araat st. CXAIRV0YANTS AND PALMISTS. Always Consult the ' - rsur, m. shiho, . Oreetest Uvtng eetral dead-trance slalrvoysat ' ot the see) adviser oa business and all af fairs of life) telle your full asms and what . yoa called for, wbom yoa will marry, bow to control the one yoa love, eves though mites awsy; reunites the separated; give secret powers to control; as long delays la waiting. Hours 10 to 8. dally and Sunday. , Office No. 8 and 4, Grand Theatre bldf. SoeH Waalu sear Park st- phone Mala liuT. PROr WALLACE, , ' Portland's favorite clairvoyant, palmist snd awdlam; easdings 60c. 841 MoT., cor. Tth. MISS MAT ANDREWS Card res ding. ISO. 839 Blxth St., corner Ms In CARRIAGE PAINTING. SPECIAL Prices oa light carriage painting, bog gles. 810 sad ap. Richards, Fourth and Ash. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS.' CABPENTEB and builder) house moving sat repairing. - 103S East Grant. Tabor 170. L MELTON Office, store ftxturea: Jobbing. T First et Phone Msla tlVO. COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST a SLABWOOD CO, S5& Front, successors ts Fnltea Wood Oo.; fir. oak, slabwood, eoaL Tel. Msla 1S34. FOR prompt delivery ot slabwood can Mala 4M7S. uas. sa, nr ana casi. loruaao Wood Coal Co, 16th aad Savior sts. OREGON FUEL CO. sow selling Welsh an thracite, best -eosl oa tbs market, 884 Aider st. Msla a. . ALBTNA FUEL CO. Dealers ta cord wood, coal end green ana ary eiaowoos. at. al. and Alblna are., S blocks eaat of ferry. Eaat 674. BTEBL BRIDGE FX'F.L CO. Dealers ta coal. eorawooo aaa ary sisnwooa.-rauno suat aa. CHIROPODISTS. WM. DETENT E8TELLB DBTBNT, THB - only scientific chiropodists, parlors 808 Drew piaf, lax as at. raoas Msna moa. - CHIROPODY and Pedlcurtaf. ' Mrs. bt. D. Bin. som aap FketdBar Bldg. rasas Feeine Ma. NEW aad sdsntlfle method ef treating and bunkma. 8004 Fourth at, room f. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned sad pressed, fl per Ualqoe Tailoring Co, 800 Stark at. H. W. TUBNEB, profeesloasl dyar and slssssr. r va eotioruow ei. rooao axaia sola. - PORTLAND Bteam Cleaning Dyeing Works, ait sourra wc - rnone racinc but. CAFES. THB OFFICE EsJl Washington st. Mala Til. aamaei vifneax. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. THB OREGON CHBESfl CO. (INaV CHBESB. BUTTRR, EGGS, etc., dairy prod acts nought er bandied oa commission. 128 Fifth at. (Bwetland bldg ). Pertlaad, or. DENTISTS. DB. EARL 0. HrFARI.AND, dentist. Bnttes T10-711-711 B wet lend Blag, pnono Mala 1201 DRESSMAKING, f MRS. M. B. WRIGHT win opea dressmaking parmru rn nvr room -as eiawj Aasx vaa SC. awoms zs ana a. MRS. TAU0HAN. experienced dressmaker. both Rest Burns Ida st. Phaaa Eaat 45 83. MADAMB ANGELES 841 Fifth. Pacific SX DANCING. DAN01NO leeson. Srlc; daeee er private; waits. log, twe-etep. tares step, etc. ) etege naaelnaT, buck snd wing, clog, reel, skirt, Spanish, Ulrhlend fling, etc Pmfsesnr Wat Wlleoa, eldest recognised teacher. . Allaky bldf. anirs anu aorrsns ova. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Class Won -inure, ana one, vtv.j erni, rsm-y nna atep dancing tanrht: I asslstaat toecratret rlsee end private icssona oeny. westera Academy ball. Second and Morrtaoa sts. t Psdfle 1S30. PROP. RINGLEB. MIBS BUCKRNMBTER Isdlng school, dally; new hall, best as elrv. urana avo. ana saer Morrison st, mast M70, EDUCATIONAL. ' OREGON EXPIfRT COTXEOB. Commnnwealth building, atb ssd Ankeny, phone Mala 8001. Telegvapby, stiorthsnd. If iirewriting. peamsnsnip. nnglisa Brand Indlvidusl Instructions, speclsl scbolarahlp. .( . HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Washlngtna and 10th sts, Flledner bldf.' Bookkeeping. Sunrthsnd, Tynewrttlng sad atl English branchea taught, both day sad night. BOSB CTTT BUSINESS COLLEGE. Pltmaa Shorthand by Court Reporter, Bast sees Coarse, Special Scholarships: Posit Inns S cured. Commonwealth bldg.. 8th and Ankeny. ; FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLANP WIRB IRON WORK.,,,.. end Everett sts. rhou Mam 1000, GASOLINE ENGINES. GASOLINE snflneo, all sines snd styles, st lowest price. , steirsou assconrery ua- I8S-4-S Morrlsoa et. . SHEFFIELD msrtaa englnee. Aay propeller, Fslrhsnks. Morse Sr on. First and Btark etc. INSURANCE. ISA AO U WHITB, firs tasnraacs. ,loch bldf. ; - . ..; P. L. PA0E, tnsnrsaesi employers tlshtllty. enrsly bonds, nurflsr snd Occident 1 Phone Main 82. 204 Falling bldf. JAS. Mel, WOOD, employers liability end I. dlvldaal accident security beads at all kinds. Psoas dT. 01 UcJUp. sld, . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. J. WALSH CO., 811 Stark et. Electric aad Gaa Fixtures and SuppUes. Mantels. Ttllug, Orates and Dog Iron. PACIFIC BI.EOTRI0 CO. Engineers, contrae tors, repairers, electric wiring, euppllee. P4 First, cur. Stsrk. Mf la So0. B. B. Tsto, mgr. WBHTERN ELECTRIO WORKS. 01 Sixth at Contractora, alsctrle snppllcs, motors sod dy Aauos; we fcastsll light and power plaaov M0RBIHON ELECTRIO CO., 201 Eaat Morrison St. futures, wiring, repairing. East 812a. BARRETT'S. 408 Morrleoa St. Phone Msla 122. Everything la electric wiring and Dghting. HARDWARE. PORTLAND BARDWARB CO. solicits opportun ity to ooto prices T4 Sixth St. Pscllle 4M. HOTELS. BOTEL Portland. Amsrlcsa plaa. 88, 88 par day. BELTEUBBB) Buropaaa plaa) 4th aad Alder sts, LAND SCRIP., WANTED aad for ssls AD kinds. Ineludmf approved forest reserve scrip for surveyed, aa- ' surveyed, timber snd prairie government land. H. M. Hamlltoa. The Portland." Portland. : LEATHER AND FINDINGS. rniai M i. uiinrr a rn . rroBt sad Osk sts.. lesther aad skins of every aseenpnoa for all purposes; , sols sad tap , sutlers! finding. ' ' " ' MONUMENTS. NED BINOSLET, 188 First et. Portland' leading esarbls end graalts worka. MACHINERY. I. TRENKMAN CO-Mlnlng, sawmill, log- (Ing msehineryi bydraulle pipes, eaa ting I all bids repaired. 104 North Fourth St. i j. paul, ioa First et. Euglnee, boUera. sawmlu and maemnory. THE H. C ALBBB CO. Becosd-haad shlaory, sawmllla, etc. 148 Grand ave. - HONEY TO LOAN. sstissiststitssssssstsssettmtmtm ttututtttistiitsitituutittMtniu iutiittttiMsetiiutttuiteftttttfttt a MONET. .- MONEY. - MONET. HALART LOANS. Vpon Plain Notaa. NO INDORSES. NO PUBLICITT." III - - lie --- v m it in JtlWB NEVER TAKEItl 888 MORTOAGE8. 888 ,.i III ABSOLUTELY . Ill .'' ' tit NU BECUK1II,. 88' - - ' GIVE ttt y . , Tour Not. - III ( . GET - ,:' , Iff ,( ilo to iioo. til 88 III m Open from I a. m. to I p. n, lit " STATE SECVRJTT CO, ' III lit " 104 TJekum Bids. ' It III Open nntll p. m. Saturdays. It 88IIII8II8IIII8I8IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lllltttllfttUlf8lllttltllltl Itlttllllttlttttttttttltttlltlltllttll MONET TO LOAN ' Oa Improved city property er for bofldBf purpooaa, for tram 8 to 10 years' time, with j privilege to repay an or part sf losa after two years. Loans spproved from pleas snd money sdvaaced ss building progressist mort gagee takes sp and replaced. FBED B. 8TRONO. Flnaaetal Agsut, . -. - - B4S Stark at. -.. .. ... '. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa salaries, mevraaee pouelee, planoe, furniture, ware house receipts, etc.) sny deserving person may eecure a lib eral advance, repeylnf by easy . weekly or monthly InstaTlmonta. NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPART, BOO Ablngtoa bldf. MONBT kwnad ta salaried people Just oa your own aatna; doa't borrow until yoa see ma: my - system le the best for railroad man. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar .mea and sll other ow - ployee; holiness strictly eoandenttaL P. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan bldf., Waablngtoa at, between Fourth sad Fifth. - . MONET ADTANCED SALARIED PEOPLE sad others apoa their sws names without eecur Ity; cheapest rates, asaleet payments; offlaos is ew principal cines: eavs yourseit br cettlna our terms first. TOLMAN, 128 Ablngtoa bldf, 10SH Third at. WANTED Notes, mart ga res or eon tracts oa any kind ot resl sstats la Orogoa and Wash-Ins-ton: seeoad mortgagee purchased If well seeurea. . m. noble, six commercial dik DON'T borrow money oa salary until yoa saa Huttoa Credit Co. - - -. - - . til Dekam bldf. -, ' -. MONET to loaa; tergs msna speclsl lty alas building loans: lowest rates: fir 1 William O. Beck. Sll Falllnf bldg. CBRSCENT LOAN CO, 428 Mohawk bldg. Mosey ts lend oa saay-payment plaa ta wag. eurncra; otnctiy , eonryontiai. MORTGAGE loans st current rates ! as c mmnosi. vniumnm Lira, m XTust uompsay, hwu, .vuwae wia, MONBT ta loaa oa all kinds of asenrity. wn- nam nou, room a waaamaToa oiag. TO LOAN Sums to salt sa chattel sscurity, a. a. rrsma, bis ua aaraasm. , A LOAN for ths asking Salary or chattel. Tba LOSS US, 41U IMSUBt bldf. QUICK losas oa all aecuritlea. 8. W. Khxf, so wseningtoa oiog. maia aiuu. ON mongers, 820S to 88,000; cost papers only, w aro, lawyer, ,uasy oiag . MUSICAL. LESSONS OOe Piano, guitar, bann, mandolin. violin; piano 876, organ sp. , 841H Flrat St. eorner Mala, upstairs. ASTERN mania teacher would Ilka B pupils; son a lesson) satieractioa gusrsa- teaai A oof saa THB WERRER STUDTO Mandolin, , baajs. gaiter InitrnctloM. tm Weeding toa at. violin, msndolta. trwiihuaa. clarinet, B. A. Hmltb. 864 lztb.. Mam S7us. PB0F. T. B. LAWSON. 188 12th at, pheas 1 seine bio flan leaaoas, so cents. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DB LILLEBELLB PATTERSON, specialist oa aervnaa, scats sad ehroaie aiseaaee. uma bit rentoa bldf. raoae rseine nim. DBS. ADIX NOBTHBUP. 418-1S-1T Dekam bldf- Third and Waablngtoa sts. , Paaaa Mala 840. Exammetloa free. - PLUMBERS. FOX CO. Sanitary plumbers, 181 Secood. bet. Mala sad aaimoa. uregoa pnssw am DONNBRBERO A BADEMACBEB rsmovsd ts No. 808 Burns Id at, PAINTING AND PAPERING. . A. D0ANB, tM Tsmhin St., op posits Tom si atflce WsU paper, pslnllaf and decoeat tug. Psoas as tor estimates. Paclfle 2234. FOR reliable work, reasonable prices. Sheeny Bros, 188H XsmhUI. seer ctn.aaaia tm. : PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. " . B. BEACH CO -The Plqaeer Paint On.) window r'ess sad flaslsf. 18 First et Phone 1884. PRINTING. THB MODERN PRINTEBT Artlette prtirtrag. 8l Boeael bldf, roarta aaa siorrieusi. rsooo Pacific 1524. . BTERTTHING IN PRINTTNO From circulars to eatakiguee and aewspapsra. Metropolltss PrlnUng Co., I4T Front at. OGILBEB BEOS., prtntars Csrds. bllUmada, e. Pheas Mela lno. isott nm ex. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, fattevlnf, repairing and general Ussu, 81 jsixarssa st. pea. uaa. its - . tit BANKS. t BTTED STATES BATIOEAL BANK OP V. t. .o.r Northwest Cornsr Third tbs rrt, i " s wenersi nsnkiog rioainree. i h f is imi u - - , President"1 "n ta 'ororM, ilonvkoo, and Msnlla. Collsctloae Made ee r'T"i'rnTr:'; Vlci-Prlui:;.- ft AINSWORTH ICsshUe..... Y.' i vice-r-rsaldeBt., o. ra BARNkS 1 Aaaluant Cashier W. A. UUl-I Assistant Cashier.. UD TTLTOx? now... Jj!""'i ' 0-neral B.rklna Bssineea. forme. Sta. 8trh . X1Z 'Da. ."""" j-iv or ereoT lasned svsiisbie Sc. ImI. V, ann i-eiegrapaic iran.rcra ema on new " .. . oo" Li,- "r' Freoclseo snd Montana and prttl.h Corsmbls. - tier n a. Frankfort, Hongkong. MlIC,lV TOa BAVX Psrtlaad. Oragoa tw; x,7.5WTSON Preeldewt I I. t, I) ' . BOT.... ...Cesblor I OBOROB aft s. A -V- f wa - ' TtBascts a General Bsnfcro Bnalness." rivsfl ' AH Parts of the World. BABXEBB A, LtntBEBaTEVB BAKK PsrtUad. Oregon. Corner Second end Stark streets, of "wITm"1 Tncs DeosrtmsnL Letters sf Credit, Issued Available as AO Psrts D p. FREn n o..,,.:..::--" . . .President rBa.nn " a: KEAN iZIlS ZK-E!2!! .Second Tie-President - .....u , nvrm nn i 0T CAIXFOBBTAIstaWlahed SULm 1 84.000 000 Rtnkhi. ..S B. 1 m . SATINOS DEPARTMENT Aeeooeta WTsT. .B, sfACRBA..' Msnsgsr pTBBT BATT0BAX BAJTX Pertlaad, Orsgou. Oldest Nstfoosl Bsnk sts the Psetfls Cosst, I ' J CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ll.80O.O00.00. ' DEPOSITS B14.0O0.000.fs. ' A.. L. frrvv a ..President ....Csshler W. NeWEIRTf TRUST COMPANIES. D11 TBTST CO MP ART OF 0BE00N The Oldeet Trust Cssapaar ta Orsgeta, B j '-'JKCr.s OVKB 81.SO0.OO0. General Banking. Twa per cent tntereei oo cnerj - ' """I" (eves btrndredsl oa dslly balances of 85O0 ee ovsT." Letters of credit and evchanaje oa an ne rra nr th. w i. M . . . t anoet-eall ana , elal .lnct- ITO J e',V TZ -LrZ. iL Z itt J..TSTRA TWS 8." Wnnsv rt.V .. -www -aoiru sou lei uireeia, .ntnn. rrrraw a(iHw....- -ii.e IIE1.,KS-5N ' PrsddeutlH. L. PtrTOCK. -.. Z'TmZZXZ B. LEE PAGET fAerretary ft O. OOLTRA Assistant Secretary SXCUB1TT BATTN0B TRUST O0 BIT ART 84 Bfsrrlsea Street. Portlsad. Orsgsu. Tranaects a General Rs eking Bnslnses. SATINOS TEP A BTMENT. Interest ellovwdjija Tims-sod Barings Accounts. Arts ss Trustee tor Relate. DrsfU sad Letters sf Credit , - Avallsble oa AO Parte of the World. ' ?' f- I ta A. LPWTS ........First TlsavPvosMsat A..U MILLS..., Second Vlee-Prealdeur I B. 0, JUBITB Beeretarp , 0BO. B. RUSSELL , Asststsnt Secretary ITXl 0T7AR-VTFE A TRUST onarPAWl MORTGAGE IXIANS oa Portlsnd Real Estate at Urwewt abttsfa. r. Thorbubw rosb...., OEOROE H. niLL....... Title Insured. . .Prssldsnt . . . .Tlcs-Preeldent BONDS AND M 0BBB BBOTBTIB OhsmVay sf Osssmsrss Manldpal. Bsnrnad sad DOWBtBO-BJOPKTBS OOktPAKT lata Wished BTOCKS. BONDS, GRAIN Bought Prlvats Wtrec. ' BOOM 4 CHAMBER OVia X, WILDB BOMB T-LXPB0B- B0KD8 -BAJTK STCrCKB. , . . - Member Portland Stock Exchange. ' CoTPcr Blxth and Washlnftoa Streets, Portlsnd. Oregon. OYdfceck, Starr & Cooke Co. U K ' - . ' BtATTf, PB0TTRT0WS. C0TT0W. STOCKS ANT BOsTDB, . , Wl DO A SIliCTXT OOMMIBsIOK BU8JHI88. ... w . Coattnwc-s Mark at by Private Wire. Ante srs, saa united stale REAL ESTATE. PABBISH. W ATKINS CO., SflO ALDEB ST. Beal estate, rent sis. loana snd Inearaace. We make a epeclalty of handling rents la ' snd property for residents snd aon-reeldeaa. BatabUahed 1871. ' Phone Mala M44. 0EO. J. BCHAEPEB, reel sstats sad Bra aaea. III Chsmber of Commerce. COOS BAT NfcXT." . J. W. OGILBEB. reel estate aad loans) astsk- llabed loss. 148H First st, room 11. . . BPHINX AGENCY, dealers la real aetata aad rentals. 806 Stark st. Msla 184. - FOR FABMS OP BTERT DESCBIPTIOM. W. W. ESPBT, 818 Commercial bldg . SAFES. PORTLAND SAFB sCO, sols sgents for Her- rlng-Hall-Marvtn aafae and Manganeee Bteel Safe Oo.'a bank aafee) SO eecoad-baad fire proof eafee aad bank safea, very sbeapt see . them or writs as. s sevsoth at. DIEROLD Mansaaaee ssd ftreoroof safss: lock oata opened; metal flxtarss; vault and lall work) Jacks. 1. B. Devls. so so. Mala less. STREET PAVING. WARRBN Construct ton Co., street saving, sld. wslks sad croaslnga. . S14 Knnst aueaaafu. THB Barber Aephalt Paving Co. st Portland. Ulrica aoo Worcester but. SEWING MACHINES. THB WHITB SEWING MACHINE AGENCY, ; ISO Tamhlll st, cor. 4th. Phono Mala 4108. Bargain ta an ktsda ef new snd second hand sewing machines; a few ellghUy dam aged, good aa new, at greatly teduoed pneee. PHONB Pacific STM aad 1 parsons Ily wfll can ' ssd repair your sewing machine: work guar anteed. S. Baaas, adjuster, Sol Third st. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description; end store flxtares mads to order. Manofactarmf Co, Portland. , beak, bar The Latke I. H. BIRDSALL, deetgnen ageat M. Winter Lumber Co. T Hamlltoa bldg. Mam bojv. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. FOSTER A KLEI8EB SIGNS. -We bars built up the largest elgs basins la tba ettv b flrst-clase stork aad keep! a - ear uioui-se. Oar pries are right, aad Ersrstt sts. , Pboae Exeaaaga 66. BEOROB WEBER, MODERN Different Shop." 904 Fourth. SIGNS -The Psclfls SS11. "CARDS THAT CATCH THB EYE" Beet work la the city. Betta. S00 Dekam bldg. Mate 804A SfONS THAT ATTRACT" -Portland Sign OS, 8SI .. mono r-acinc im-. STENOGRAPHERS. BXPEBT staaogrBBher and tvpewrltst. Mais 1871. 814 Aiesam auf. TYPEWRITERS. BBADQUARTERS for sew sad rebellt type writers of Sll msxssi ss war wrrraewi n yoa sr going to boy s new typewriter esc aa be fore saying) we ess savs you mousy: we bars psrts for repairing all machines etate agent for the Visible Fox; we buy all klads of typewriters. The Typewriter Riehaaga, lac, B. i. Elllaoa. msasger. 84 Third St. BLICKKN8DEBFBR Typewriter Ageaevi aup- pllee; repair, tuieisn omg., m aaa nana. , PUBLIC BTENOGBAPBEB. . WB aeU Bemmatoas. Smith-Premiers. etc, lower thss say other eemnenri tnvoatlgate. Underwood Typewriter Co.. 48 4th. TRANSFER AND IaAUXTNG. THB BAGOAGI A OMNIBUS TBANSPBR CO- coraer Sixth asd oak sts.) beggar cheeked from hotel er residence direct to deetlaattnat passengers therefore svold rush aad aaaoy ears at depots. Prlvats Exchange as. SAFES, pie sos end furniture moved, packed ready tor anippiag ana anmpeat an work gnaranteed; large 8 -story brick fireproof wsrsuoose for etorag. Office 80S, Oak st Olaea A Boa. Phono Mala 64 T. . Or X PICK,- of flea ft rtrst St.-,- beleeeg Stark esc uaa ere.) pnon owo. riaaoa aad furnl. tnre moved and pseked for shipping; com me dio ua brick warehouse with separate Iroa SToui ana visy ete. - RATIONAL TBANSFEB A STORAGE CO.. aoa uas sr. i xeiepnouo wa seou. iTSsarerrlsf and storing. . OREGON TRANSFER CO, 184 North Sixth st.) pson aiis we. neu.y aauiing ana s to rase. INDEPENDENT BAOOAOB A TBANSFEB CO, ororage. sse oiaru . mam so?. POST SPECIAL DELITEBT. Na. SOOtt Wash- mgrou sc. roou sisiu vo ' RUDDER STAMPS. P. 0. I4S Aider st i nho. Msla Tin. Bobber, seals, ateucila: bee. (afc, trsda s-ecka; braaa signs ssd plat. P0RTLAKD, 0KXSOB. ; w a n-e a and Oak Street. A. M. WRIGHT Colleetlone made st sH .e1? is Europe sna su v""'m " r""""w1. V-..hl..een. Cblcaso. Tok.ibama. Manila anu nn"... rntHAW. . .Ties-Press Aeet . ...AostaUat Cashlsr Horr.'.'.'......AoslaUBt Cashlsi ft A l.a. amsA IsaaP. end Letters of Credit tsswed Avatlabls Collections s Soedslty. I m V STOP. EY vrvAftu CaSMec .Assists at Cashier , . . General Counsel Si f PLATT PL ATT 1844, Bead Offlos. Baa Ivaaotsos, ps'1frsU. Snrphva and andlvlded Pr.fl,-L11.,?K, 1 . . - - T-lmo Tlanoslta.. may be orjened of 810 and upward. , ; I 1. T. BPRTCHABLL Assistant Vaeas-er I W. C. AT.TORn. ...i -Asslstsut "srrjev I B. P. STEVENS Second Asstsrsnt Csshlse ' aid Wa.Mn-to Strset. Abstracts Farmahed. JN0. B. AITCHISOW T. T. BURKHART. .. . .Bsui ststp , .Ti sssui sc INTEST&IENTS. aWUlaf. - Public Ser-ric CVorsrloa Bonds. 1888-BBO-XBa. ',- I ' Sad Sold tor Caah sad aa Msrfta. ' of WMIfERCB. ' J raoao Itata ST. . Service. ' BEFERENCES Ladd TUtoa, Bsal national nana or Portland. . . TOWEL SUPPLT. LEAN TOWBUI DAILY Comb, brush, soap, 61 per month. Portland Laundry A Torres apply Co, Nlath sad Couch. Phone 410. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. ' M. A. OUNST A CO, IlIBTBIRUTORS OF PINB CI0ABB, PORTLAND, OREGON, HBRK GRAHAM CO. (Inc.) Com miasma . BwrchaBta, Jobbers of fruits, produce, ets.1 consignments aoUdtod. - 12S Front st. BTEBDINO A FABBELU produca and mtaalou merchanta. 140 Froat et, Portia A -Or, Phone Msla 1TB.. OBBGON FUBNITUBB MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers at fBrnitars tor ths trsus. Portland, Orogoa. ; WADHAMS A CO., wboleoal svocers, mas, factum and oommlssloa snarehaate. . Fourth and Oak sts. FCBNITURB menu factoring and special enters. L. Baveasky's furniture factory, 807 Froat at, ALLEN A LEWIS, eommlmloa and produce au chants, Froat sad Davte ate, Portland, Or. WHOLE8ALB Crockery aad sissew are. Hegel A Co, Portland. Oregon. PraeL I. W. SIMPSON. 801 Waahragtoa et -Waoae-sis dealer la fraia aad hay. TRANSPORTATIOir. 1 , Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 5 TKIPS 9. U. Bpoa-aa, diaa 14, B8I aly IB, SS Atf, B. Qturext, Jnly IS. mova movTa. Bv. ft. eaatop. . .......'...'...... m 1 ft. S. rrasUeat........ .....Jubw 4 sh a. AI.ABB-A BOUTS. SksMrwRFt. Batka, raaaaa aa way porta. ...... i j BW-lf w Tfm Ba. ..Oca's Xaa.boldt....Arjr1l B-ia-Sl Oottaca City, rU Bltka.. AprU T-Bl Otty of cattle AprU IT-IT A3T jTUV0XSOO jBOTJTB. BWlllr A. 80. jr-OBA SAttlA Ottr of jraeblA April B-10 City of TopokA Apra 10-83 fypotaaaA, rUraet .e.....Ain la VatAtUlR April 1B-B0 CttT-OiBov B4AWaaiarAwa .- Columbia River Scenery ssvumiui xr BTAaS. Daily aenVa s . Dsllss, except Busdsy. Issrlng Portland at i s. m, arriving about p, .. aarrvlna freight aad Daaaannra. Sr.ulii Jr!T." Moos tor oatflts and Uvsstsck. --v-Dock toot of Aldar a.. r i..a . . - Court st, Ths Dallse, Pbon Mate ia 'twf..? Str.Chas.U Spencer WssUnfa-ortrewt Dock. .J?-!'- BU"1. tor Tba TMlloa nd way lantflnts. it U m.. roturnlna 1 p. m.. Fast tlma. bast srrloa. sPkOBMl Bt-la. 11841 Mobsa. A. 11. sta BTOATr PACTTI0 BTZAKSXlr- CO.1 Steamships EOAXOXE , and CEO. W. ELCL! all for TCureka, Bart FraneSaco anil Txi 'ltckot rmca Phonea U. 1114. inir.i. near Alder. H. TOUNO, Agent. xjvabt rnra ocajt TBAEisTrfj- imifOOL, OLAeio-w I0NDON wv New atmr ViulOAIAH and TI' t'''"-''' turblns snglnM. an4 1 . . CO MIC AN and lOKIAal. twin-ecrewe i bee. onr sellings sr Wscklr tn,m MoS'i , , , pa HUB w rn to pleturverra S. I - river br davlUbt. i,,.m,i.. .. passed. Betes: Ha loon 8 " ssd an, second eabln 640 oo and upwards. , r Cabin Stseo,.r.. S to IM) at.,1 A ALLAH A luMPA t. 17t jseWa k-.ui'., ( Though tba actual work of elsgatoa to tba next , tlonal eonvanllon wi.l r...t 1 lmost A year, tta frl.n rs rf . Bryan era aJrsa.iy or th country to pronmi . a t AS the eandlilsts for -moat active seint h ppeara to hS tii t."n,. Anll-Tfust ee- ie. w: . A tryaa Off anUatiou.