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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. 'APRIL 9, 1907. ::ified Advertise .. ts received top for insertion in 2 pages will be .:und oh Page 13. Sm , Francisco Office Oregon Journal 729 Market St; bet 3d t 4th AOTHTHlMtf Tl AWD ' tVB BCaUFTaOBTB BBOXZTS9. Oreronlane when' la Baa Franoltoo cen hav thet mall Bent la car of Journal offloe. . ,' ARTHUR JU FISH." Repreaentatlve. NEW TOD AT.' Two sood lota ea ' ImnroTed ' street. 10x100 each, all aseesaments paid, the corner B600. 1100 cash, balance lit r r month. The Inside lot $500, same terms. .1.. XAWTKOBI1 BXAXTT 00, '' - 1 SS Marguerite Are., Cor. Hawtboroa. Tabor Hi. ..,,.;. f ". ' ' 93750 Buys a beautiful home, mod' era la every way; free.' wwing uri, furnace. I room and den; new; H.800 cash, beJsnee 121 par month. ; 1 . ; UWTIOin WITT OO, . -tit Marguerite Ava'Cor. Hawthorne. . , Tabor lit. ..., . Hawthorne Realty Co. The Bneat l-roora cottage ' on east aide; modern in every way; aaw; can be tinted to autt purchaser. 11.100 cash. Balance to suit at T per eent, XAWTXOMra uutf 00. Ill Marguerite Ave., Cor. Hawthorne. , Tabor Ul i- ; Dawthorne Really Co. Flneat and cheapest quarter blook la bualneaa center .1 on Hawtboroa Are. Price low. , uwnoun Kiixrr oa, 281 Marguerite Ava., - Cor. Hawthorne. Tabor 111. -. WHEN AWAY FROM HOME Ooplra ef The Journal eta be obtained!, the to 1 lowing eltle and Iowa, eatslde of Oregon. Oh. Journal would appreciate tbe receipt ef report of feller to ebtala eoplm ar tbe papr t any of tbea places: ,- COLFAX, WASHINGTON A. R. King. WALLA WALLA. WASHINGTON Walla Walla Stationary Company; Rorers-Hoewell Oone- Piny; Hotel Decree New Stand; Uuloe C4gr tend; Central News Compsay. . TACOMA. WASHINGTON Hotel Tsmms Mew Btsnd, tdtt South Fourth street. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON hatnlsr Grand News Stand; laternstjneal New Agency Newepeper Wagon; Hotel Brattle Maw Stand. GOl.l), IfcLD, KSVADA Leal Fobs. Newspaper SANWKOO, CALIFORNIA. A awe Mews' Cem ' pany, Nvwspsper Wsros. ' SPOKANE, WASHIKOXOll John W. Graham Co. ( .. . stoiRH. IDAHO Joaenh (VTIIna. ' ' 1 ' aii.NNKAPOU". MliiNIUOTA kt J. an oanrh. 6a Third treat, eonta BT. LOUIS. M18S0UBI I. T. Jett. Kit OU arreet: Oeoraa L. ArteraMD. KANSAS CITY. HIBSOUB.1 Xam New Ooav paay, Ktwapaper wane. CHiCAOO, 1LUNOIB . a Wre-a 17a rteerhnre afreet. DRNVEB. COLORADO Caloa , Depot ; Wewa ITs "a MO BtBS. ' OAUrOftltlA-ABM Mewa reu.f. Newanaoea Waaoa. OAKLAKD, CALIFORNIA Aawe Kawa Oeav paBy, Kawapapar Waoa; B. Wbaatley. New CVmirwny. Newapaper W.ron. AN rRANCIHCO, CALIPOHNI A M. WKaatley Newa Company, Kewapapar Waaoa: Foater A Orear, Farry balMlaa; JohBaoa Mwt Ooav pany, I4B1 Flllmera atraet. , , bai t Lakb citt. UTAH afra. 1-ertne. (tewe. Kpar Waeoal O. U Da T lea, HotW Kaayoai irrow Bma., 4S Waat Baeoad atreet, eseth. KiiiKN. UTAH Gray Kewi Oeatpaay, Depet Naea BUnrl. , . ' OMAHA. MKBrnASKA lfniard Betal Mewl Praad. MFW XOrtK CITT Arthar BotallaaV Me' papa Waaeaa, WEATUEB REPORT. r Btorra eaetbwaat waraing wwe erdarad die. playaa at 1 a. at. at au auuvna im ww A Mora of moderate energy"! approach Ine- the Waahbutea oat. - It will awae la- land dto-lag the nt M aoar " aral ralne la Okie dlatrlrt, with high wind a la the Interior and a strong eeetborly gal. along th. eoeet Th. atorai yaatarday .ear the lake ragloa la bow teaml off the Vlr alola eoaat. It baa canard haaay mow la the lower lake region, middle Atlantic ana new F.nalaad tatea aad It ml Mewlag thl Bvra ln aa far eonta a Washington. D. C. Fair weather preratle generally throughout th W rat era atatea. 1 It la mtx-h warmer along the eeat ahipe ef the Rocky mnnataloa, aaa eorreapona' Ugly renew tee veu fjp Mac . Ml: Sfrd nnatea, Masssrbaaetta 8A 'Chicago, Illinois 4t 84 - Cincinnati. Ohio Bl . . J , ' Denver. Colorado , ot . ' Kew rirleana, Lenlalaaa.... BO - . M , ' New York. Sew Tort...... 44 ; 81 s Omaha. Nebraaks B2 40 . rtiliad.lnhls. prnnaylranla. 61 ' - SB plttnhnrg, Peanaylvania .. 81 r '. 84 -Portland, Oregon 67 ; 81 T M .0 .0 .64 .0 .IS .0 A .6 .0 A & .0 Hoaehnr. Orrcn . Baetsmento, California ' Bt. Innta, Mkanerl... .... T4 ..... 4t 88 Bt. Paal. MlimeaoU.. Bait l lan .......... o Baa Frandsre, CaHforala.. Tl 64 UNDERTAKERS. rnmarng. MrEate A Ollbeorh. aadevtaker ltd embalmera; atedeea ta avry detail. Be rant nd Fine. Mala 4M. Lady aaaleUat. . F rick ana Cedertektnf On, aad mbalmmg, 406 Alder at. Phea Mala 6113. Lady seatetaat. J. P. rinley d Ron. Third end Medietas eta. Orrire ef eoanly coroner. Phone Main 6. EeHer-Rrrnee Oa. faneral directors, an halm- era, r;a RaaaaU. Esat loxs. Laoy aaaisuat. A. a. Ilematork. funeral director. Beet lltk and Cmatllla. pbea Be 11 wood Tl. Lady ssalstsat. Edwsrd Holmaa, Bndertaker. 220 Third et. CEMETERIES. Rivril TIFW Blngl Br, 1! family Ir tn 61.000. The ealy cewetary la Pi l.nd which perpetually maintain sad e f. lota. Fw faU Information, apply to 0: family lota. rare- are W l . Itarkenale, vtareseter htoc. aiy. w. Laed. preeldeat. . aj ( ITT ainal gree, 616: family let. s ta I". Kuperlaleenent t Cemetery, 1 1 -r et rrement t. and Calif read. Pt .r rar fall tafnrmatloa SBr'r . t '-lgi, Bui ComaMrslsl bUu rhoa REAL ESTATE TRANSFBS. E.' I. aad lui Coach to Mount Boott . Construction mnuv, undivided H of Nit M (Ml 0 Far ........... mk a, atuoa 19, .ra ft. R. nd Miry M. Rice to Alonee . Carnar. lot . aluck la, Bulladay I"ark a.Wlitua B.000 Karen V. and Maria' T. Oomatork te rred O. firoetR lot 10. block 10. Or chard Hobmo v llargatet Mayer to Jaraea M. Darla, lot : 1. hlork , Hlghuad Park........... B. M. and Carollae a. tmnnard t rraa- . eae Hloaa Lombard at aL, let d end a, block 44. and kxa I and block T. raltou Park W. 0. and Anna R. Francla to St. Johna Laather eonpany, aaat 40 feat of Mock Ti eaat 40 feet ef rlrer hi l; aaat ' ', part of block 0) all of block d Jam John eddltioa t St. iobaa ead vtber ( property (............ v Martin and Dime Olaoa te Jama A. ' Woody ard, lot T aad A, block X Boa- -rnw Park ., H.-ti. and Oanarwre O. Ooltoa te Dr- . beat Waaearriot "O" and "V," block s a. Rob Ro addition 1 100 1 Frank J. and Wary A. Peeae to at. W. ' and Katharine Knickerbocker, lot a, btork 20, city view rrk Bam and Kanaa a. Blnoa to W. W. Hill 10 .M acraa eetamanclng at aactlon erav ' ear betwaea section 24 and 24. town- ahlp 1 north, range 1 eaat, and aee tloa 10 and SO, , township 1 north, "range t seat- J. C. aad Ida Robert to C J. , Bralth. lot , block ST. iUasoa' aee- ood adlttoe Albert 4J. and Harriet hL Walla to F. J. and EtU J. Beatty, lots B and B. block B. Arbor Lodg . lime P. MrGllncbey to P.. W. Todd, lots 21 and XI. block 134, University J, C. aad'tda 'aVBeberu"tllhwb , RwtMn, east tA of Ms 1 and S. bfetck SI. Uanaoa's aeooud addltloa. y. fr- enit - Anee Kanwedy e - Rons., . bel Craddy. lot f, block 1, . A lb In Homestead X. i. sad Barbara McNamee to I. D; Kennedy, lot 4, block i. Albtna Home taed ... Horace D.'and Barak W. Jonee te W. W. Graree. lot a. block 4, rirUnd.-i William B. Bobertaoa et aL, to A. W. Barley et al.. kits t. 81 and 84, bkwk TV-University Park.w........ Banrtetta P. snd H. W. Chrysler to Daniel B. Weheter, lots tl. B2. S, and 14. block T. Portsmnntb VUla ei tended .too .BTS 1J0O I.TSB poo 00 ,1,400 two BOO Thaddeos . and Wain I M. Holland to Joaa aad Ussls Bwaniaa, waai a irei of lot 4 and fractional lot a, Bioca J, Uaene HiIm aAiMtkm -. . . . .too iBveatntent oompany to Sarah B. Btee- . pletoa. lot 15. block B, Besverly , Prank and Aana fctlcaaela to A. Aayrr- : nan. lots Id. 17. , 1. IB aad ; 1 blork B. March ooat sddltloa , " Portland Troat company at, Oreaon to - Bebaatlaa snd Lydls Nash, ' block It. Coach sddltloa ........... Bd-OOB C. F. snd Mrlll Bunker te B. H. TUIot- .. sea. lots 11, a see xa, ojocb au, , -, flrrt addition to Ltantoa. Mora snd .op a Urlngatoa to James H. MCAIIlSTer. an A I ajra .a, we - 1 Snrtueath roe Wllllaei end ' AtmM Reidt to lame Denholm, BOxluO reel nefmnmg at smitheast corner of block 40, JaSMe j,..1 aaum to at. John. Ulltaa and Lawl L. Aahlork to Barma A. Altwe. lot 1T Mock a, Oay's a 4- .1 dltlon te Alhlaa John n. Hall and Jeasl B. Han to Jaoob A. Prg at al.. lota to la, iwta. Kink a rjaltna'a addltlo . B.000 Cdaar J. and Ada lid P. Snow te O. R. at It. eompany, a rrip iuw reet wme over part of Charles Feaatta s dona. the land claim - Oti Bmaa Lewis Bingham at aL, to O. R. N. company, part e eona nanam donattoa land claim ta sections and 10. township 1 aorta, range I east.. 1.T00 Mary ft. Boston to O. ft. B. com pany, pan ec aortnwcei 1 ej. " is end aortbeaat W of ssctloa 98, town wile 1 north, range east. 150 000 0. W. and Kellle Taylor toG. M. Leash,' lot 1. btock 8, Bootk -Bonnyald. . Hlbornl Bsvings bank to ft. D. Thorn n- . son, lots a and ZJ. njoca t. vapiux Bill... ,. 400 Laura M. and fl. O. Gsmmsna to Mary B. Btrowbrldge, loU IB te .B ineioarve, Ftrland place... . 10 Bridget LIUls to Annie Jecobberter, at eg e B, zracuonai nwca bi, eitel .... ' Bridget Llllm to Catherine LUlla. Weat . U ef lot t, fractional block 101, city J. 1, WerlelB. treeaarer. to H. W. Beott. traatee, lot 4. bioca M, Bum dltlra . J. li. War la In. tree rarer to H. N. Beott. traatee, lot B, blocs ia, nsnawa au dition ... ; IS 0. A. snd Mary. A. Plnpla to Battle i CVrrle, lot a, Bioca S. loa s eecvou ev .itlM .a Alhlna ............ .t ...... ' 480 Joha Bsrms te tyarttn Bowman, lots 44 and 46. blora v, atasiey looiina..,.., Msrchsats1 Matloaal bank to Real Ka tate Inveatment association,- lot 1. v 1 B and 10. block 'X," 811 wood, aaa ether lots In Bsllweod . C. end Minnie M. Goddsrd to Jessie Goddsrd. lota 6 and T. block 14, om.1. rlMt eitdltlM re ARilns....!... 1.000 - ' 16 Bctber C Tofford te Mary Chlldera, lot 1.150 B. block 16. ineoia r-ar annaa...... Karl J. aad Jnlla I. Cleland to J. A. John eon. lot a, block 80. Smayalde... - 290 Gottlieb snd Mtanl. Plmmell to M. E. Martin, tola a - aaa . bwcb . STt Tboma J. and Besst L. Vs Aakea to , . T. Bnnser, Mt , owca ea, umun first addition ... Electric Land cooirvaay to Jam H. Mo A Ulster, lot IB, block 18. Portsmeath. . ft. L. Ollssn te C. M. Kasy, tot B, block T. City Flaw Park..,. O. P. snd Bailie B. Wolcott 'to Lydla - Feber. andlvlded H ef lot I and an . divided H of west H of lot 6, block 1, P. T. Smith's sddltloa to St. Johns W. 8. snd Ethel Hamilton to George W. Miner, tot 8, block 111, Stephen' addltloa Samuel O. and Bealab Kendall Reed to reward Cooktnaham. hat B. block 62. 'too 1,000 1.600 Ooach addltloa 10,900 Ephrlaai B. snd Ellssbeth C HeieomB te Joha B. WUMea, land begmnlng at ' point 8.84 chain north and 88.86 -chain cast ef nathwsst corner of esc ttoa it, township 1 aoath, rang ., eaat ,. . ftalph W. Elmer to Jaeob K. Elmer, lots . 19. to. 21 aad ft, block ST, . Point ' Vhe addltloa .v Leail re aad Catherine L. Iirl to H. N. Beott, lot 4, block 14,. Mount Tabor Villa annex ' B. M. and Aaaa Belle Beott te George . P. Barrinrer, tot 4. block 14, Mount Tabor Villa ann Georre P. and Clara Barrrager to . asder Uwls. tot 4, block, 14, Mount Tabor Till noI Mary 8. Gross te Carrt U Bloom,- lot : 1 te 14 tocloslve, block 1 1 lots 1 to M Incloetre. block T: lota 1 to M Incto lv. block Bi lota 1, ft, IS to 24 to- . . lln. hWvk 10. Want Portland 0n- 080 too 160 tar - 800 Th Land company ef Orecon te M. C. tereee. lot IT. block 22. CltV VleW Park ITI Catherine McHardy to wnrtam Klaatsob, lets 4 and Bo. wooastora. .......... a, aw ft. L. and Carrie H. Sahln te Boott- McClnre Land company, lot B ana M, kLwb, v n ami M block 8: lota as and IS. block 1. Multnomah Park.. 484 Oarer Wsleea et si., to Ldora B. Pick' matt Boulevard sera .. 850 Hob Laad company tn Ledora H. Tlrk- . .... 1... IV klnek ITWIIU. matte Bonlevard scree ............. aze J. w. and Nellie B. Crnw to . L. Doble. . lot I. block 4. Aaams aoainoa 10,01. John ..... i... . 1 Cltlsena bank to B. B. Jackson, Una , commencing at point i rnoe sear oi u sectloa post between sections 1 and ST towashlp 1 anuth. rsnge 1 aaat la . Beirloa Murray dooatlon land claim.. BOO Thsododa W. Smith et aL, to Joha Aa- ; dereoa, 4-6 Intersat of weat H ef 44 acre m donation land claim ef Jaeon ' Johnson .;. 2.900 For ahetrecta. title tn en ranee er mertgsg n. call en Pad ft Title A Trust aompany. 204-8-6-T Falling bids. t year In en rune and a be tract te real estate from th nil tjoarantee a ttosc eom- pnar, 80 Waehlngtoa 1 NOTICES. IN THE dletrlct Court ef ths Talted State for th dutrict ot irregon la ine metier ne the atte ef Chaa. Tt. Cooper, bankrupt. Tlx enderalrned will recelee aealed bid at bl office. No. T First at., Portlaad. Oregoa, for the atork of airrcheadl. cnnalattng ef dry. good, notions, clothing and fnrnlahlng gnsda, smonatlng to rM0l, together with th office and ore future ef tr82.IB pertaining to thl eetat. p te 12 o'clock nooa of Tfcars day. April II. I POT. Term., cash, snhject to eenflnnatloa by . th court, and certified (heck for 16 per eeat of tbe amount offered most aceompaay each bid. . Aa toeewtory et the properly may h aeea at my office end th atock may he tnepeeted t Aetori. Oregon. All proposal meet b plainly marked. "Bid for C. fl. Cooper atork ad filter. - R. I BABIN. Tree OTTCR. Tbe TMdyellle mohair pest win be eeld AptU la, ln. a. . tZAIOABA BssrsUsy. NOTICES. UKRIFF'B BALE la the circuit eort f the tat ef Oregua f..r Multnomah county, r. P. Daboay. plaintiff. a. M. C. hell. Mary A. Bell. Bamael Guudaall, Ada Ooodesll. . J. Creas, Ada L. Creaa, Thomas Day. Uslm Log A Lumbar company, corporation. It. B. McOowaa and Uut JDoe McGWa. do . tMIll -II , t . 1 Uy rtrta ef aa eiecatloa, lodgmat er - dec. decree and order ef sal booed eat of , the bov entitled eoort la the ahov entltl'd caius. to me SlrecUd sd dated tlie 2id day of March. IwoT. upon a judgment ren dered end ea tared la said Co an tie in - . day of March. WOT, la favor of P. P. . ' Bay, plaintiff, and agalnat R. O. Bell. Mary A. Ball. Bamael OoudaeU. Ads Goodssll. H. ' J. Cress. Ada L. Cresa, Thomas Day. Ud'S Log A Laniber comitany, a corporstlon, M. S. McOowaa aad Mary Do Mctiowan. da. fend .a la. fur the earn of 4H.2N2 60. and the - rurtbar sum or 61T attorney a iee, enate and dlebureementa ef this ult, taied at I3S.S0, sad tka eeat f aed neoa this 1 writ, eeramandlna me to hisk eave of the following dcecrlbed real property, te-wlt: The ; aortbeaat quarter (H.. H. U el the aorth weet quarter N. W. I4 of aeetion twoty ' tMtr (M). townahip one l aouth. rang flee (6) eest. eoatalnlng forty acres. Lot three 8 of aectioa four (4 and the eaat half (E. Hi ef he northwest euerter N. W. H) snd lot on l) of ectlo nine . ), la tewnehln one til north of range l - id) at ef the Willamette meridian. ; Mow. therefore, by virtue ef said eaeea tloa, indgment. order, decree and order of : a. la and la compile ne with th command! ef aald writ. I wlU oa Mooday, the 6th day of May. l0T, at 10 o'clock a. m. at th 'front door of th county courthouse, to Portland, Maltnomah county. Oregon, sell st rnbllc aactlon (subject to redemption) to the Igher bidder for caah Is band, all the right, - title end Internet which th within named . .defendant (or attner ef them) bad ea th 1st day ef Inn. 1NU0. the date of execution ' of th mortgage foreclosed by th decree herein, or alnc that data had la and to th . bov deacrlbd property er any part there of, to aatlafy laid execution, Jadgment, or. derand decrM. Inter!, dostg and actrtrtor . C0' ' H. U STEVENS, - . Sheriff of Multnomah Connty. Oregoa. . Psted this 26th day of Merck, lBOT. . First Isane, April th. lmiT. Last tom. May 4th, ltiT. . II THE DISTRICT COURT, OP THE UNITED exai&s tor in oiainci ui inriw. In th matter of Jwia Roth, henkrtrpt. Notice la hereby giren that on th 2Uh day ef Marrti A. D. IOOT. Lewie Both ot Port land. Oregon, was duly adjudlcstsd bank, nipt: and thst ths first meeting ef hi 'creditors will b held st rooms 204-8 Fnton building., Portland. Oregon, on the 1Mb day ef April. MOT. at 10 a. m.. at which time tbe aald er editor my attend, prov tbelr lalm. appoint a traate. mln th bank rapt and transact each other bailnen a an f properly com before each meeting. , , Dated AprO . , . fiefere. u Bankruptcy. . M0TICI TO riBHERMBN AMD DBAUCM IM w ion. This hi te Inforai yon that an lire usee per taining to the fiahlng indoetry laaned prior to March Bl. expired March 81. WOT; and to flak for eslmoa or deal la salmna er ether snadremeus flak without Ilcanae ki eoamtttlng a Dledemeanor . that will be ponlsbadsla th eoorta. . , H. O. TAW DUBKN, - Master Fish Ward. Astoria, Oregon. SOCIALIST -party ef the city ef Portland will jbave a ymaea annvenrien at mm uera at., 'April Al. 1KOT, to th perposs of nomlust tna candidate for Coming election tor city office te be filled et th election to be aM aa the ftrat Monda In June: Born- 1 tnatkma for mayor, auditor, treaaurer, city attorney, municipal Jtimra, eoanciimaa roc ward on, tour, flv. U, aeven, el-bt, and tw oooDcilmen at large. ,' , COUNTT . COMM1TTEB. THE county court ef Multnomeb eounty wttl recslve le4 bid Bntn u ocmcb nooa, tue 12th day of April, MOT, for furnishing one eteem roller, not less than 10 too weight, and fitted with oil Mrner. Tbe coaaty re eerve the right te reject any and all bid. . Bid should be addressed to the snderttgaed, aad marked "Bid for Road Roller." F. S. FIELDS, County Casrh. , Wn.HOIT SPRINGS MINERAL WATER. 827 Btrk et-, between Blstb and Seventh. Phone Pacific 1664. . Elmer J. Wallace, agent. INFORMATION wanted ef the whereabout of Loul reliant ny au aroiner, fumtyn reuani. WHEN vtalUns Bt. Johns can ea home bakery for roncn. 1 ' MEETTNt NOTICES. GEORGE WABHINOTON CAMP , 2H7. W. O. W. Regular whlet snd dsdes tonight at Wood ' mea temple, If yea want a Kid time, don't miss this, freahmeute will be served. BIXIBOrT BNCAMPMENT MO. 1, I. 0. O. P. Regular, meeting this (Tueefley) evening. April 6. st S o'clock. Odd PalMira tempi. Royal Purpl degree. . VMitor enpectally wel come. . . , B. B. SUA&ON, Bcrlbs. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP, 6,466. meets Wednesday .vsalns. Aliaky bids.. Third and . Morrlaoa sta. . 4 TEOMAR "SkmVie" sorlsl, W cetera Academy et M aalc, eoe. Becona and alorriaoa era., Wednes day evening, April 10. Dancing aad whist. f. W. A. Oregoa flrape Camp No. 6,6TB, Moer daya, 17th and Marshall. Visitors wslcome. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A place to have blr mattresses reno vwd and at turned ssrae dsy . 226 Front et. Main 4T4. Portland Corlsd-HaJr Fctory. H. Metagar. proprietor, p ' .. LOST Gents 1 gun matt 1 watch, with gold edge, banter case; 82. HO reward. Notify S 162, Journal. HELP WANTED MALE. ; A Good Pcslticn For an ' eaoerleneed - etenogrtphsr bl with family lienor atorot on that ma mat herself aaa mi as essoier and in general of flee work. Address, stating sslsry expected, refarences and former si parlance, to tt 162) Journal. ' i WANTED AT 0!t CTE 6 tare-ho H eatters, wsge , si JW per cord; steady won. Apply W tmpersg uo ' Boaltoa, Or, Blosraa bldg.. Port Ian A, er WANTED Balaam! many msks 1100 to 6160 par month; eom even moret stock clean, - grown en rrvtinn, far from ld orchards; . caah advanced weekly; ebolc ef territory, Address Wsahtngtoa Mnrssry eompsny. Top penlaa. Waehlngtoa. ,, TOTJMO men, railroad podtton telegnph. or aad agenta aecarea . arter completlna eoare ef lntrticUoaT day Bad Tnluf 00a weacp. OREGON C0M.E0E. ' BOB Commoowealth hldg. A FEW men wanted to, prepare for Bent poelttona; give two reference. Writ Pacific Stetee Bchooll, departmaat B, f Me- Kay bklg rortiana. or. . WANTED Four young man who know srenent- Ing snd wsnt good positions to learn to cperste the Comptometer computing mscblas, . London Dal Icy, agent. 84 Third at. WANTED Three sellable Bollrltor; prefer - those who understand Industrial Ufa Insur ance; new imipoeltlon, good futare; raferencs reqalrsd. auw sisrqusm siag. WANTED Psrtleulsr people to try "Ardmor coffee." 8 the. 81. If thl mean yoa, you .; will can at Boyd Tea no rirn ex. era Tvn Flirt -clans titotiee; highest eommtsaloa paid Cnmiafeed: caeh advanced for e everything A - rare eponrtuulty. Addreef. ooick, Nuraery, Be lent, Or. Oregoa PACIFIC BTATIONERT A PRINTING CO, orm-arrT Becond st. Phone Mam 821. . w:. AHlm ael tnatetl tbe moat modern Snd hnproved office eyatemat complete llo loos lest fuing oevices.. 11.00 A MONTH PROTECTS OU , Agalrtet accident, atcknee snd death. Write or call and laeeatlgat. Morrhweetern Heltk Accident AaaeWstmn. I 61, 20B Blara SI, - aretie wanien. MEN AND WOMEN to leers th barber trert - r eight week; graausies earn irom ,ii i Moire Bystem et OoUsges, 88 tyr,o FearU i., rartiaaa. . WANTED Perene te travel la boms territory) alary tt 80 per day and rpeneea. Address Joseph Alexander, i Plymouth place, Chl ill.- - Jfe jj BAftBfta Wanted SA a S84 Bt, HELP WANTED MALE. IALKKMEN Bitk big meecy working far a; experience autieceeaary. Pacific Aid Asso ciation. 224 Lamher Exeheus bidg Purt laad. Orsgue. STCDBNTB ef th International Onrrepondaee srbcols desiring practical experience are r. Sueatrd to Uat thear names st our local ef flee, 14 McKay bulldlsa. MEN and boy wanted to learn plambtng, plas tering, bricklaying, lectrlcl tredea fro , catahignc; poaltkm secured. Coyne Trad Schooia. New Jtark aad Baa Francisco. WANTED Tres cabinet maker. Rom City rnrultur Mfg. Co., pint and Olbbe st. AN experienced Bench hand and framemaker. . Apply, st ones. Portlasd Sash A Deo Ce. Luioa are. and East TaUr st. ACTIVE msa to sell aad collect; ' must for . slab korss aad Waaxm aad Bursty bead, dot Wathiugtoa at- . ' . WANTED Toong ma a aa seelatant la shlp- -ln. ILL. r- .4 . Ck. . II.L and Ollsaa sis. ' ' ' WANTED Reliable young man tor filing aad city collecting la wholesale Boose; apply la ewa handwriting. W Idl, Journal. . WANTED First -clsse cnatmaksr; nooa ether neea apply, iiuinraoa Levees, B tears hlk., Blxih aad Morrison sta. , WANTED Apprentice! a young maa to learn in Dsroer Deaiseasi ens with some expsru oo daalrad. CaU 44 2nd t- . ; WANTED A turner to fnrnltare faetory. Call t .we riurcn Alia et. - - BOYS and marhla man wanted la farnltur xaeiory, - van ai luo rorxa ilia.. WANTED Two boy for work la kaadry. Unloa Laundry Co. WANTED Msttress-msksrs: erltr work. 86 1 Ptuut at comer Davis. . '- WANTED Twe coach maker, ens rlpaaw awn. uregaa sura ltar vo Macadam road. WANTED Pint class chair ra mix here ale ooy lor anop wora. . voiuutua Wair C4 B4I Macadam st. SIGN PAINTER Wanted. Apply Bergar Sea, xn x tauui, ... . WANTED Gd eecond caksbsker; steady wwa. enuj jot, fuarmi, , WANTED Mae with email s mount of money; roiiia iou weeaiy; save nne motion ple ura show. Particular. 18 Sixth, room ft, BOTS. 16 to IT year ef as. Apply te Old. wonmsa ex XL in. , THREE msa to mil apple lead en monthly payment. Address a loS. cere JoaroaL. WANTED- A tTong boy at Concanao' mar- aei. sist ana joaneon st. . WANTED Wlrs-rut brtekmskcr. Apply Por- " wax as xiie vsk, au netene roaa. WB get work for our members; special menv Bers, 2. 1. at. u. A., rourth and XamhllL HELP WANTED FEMALE. 1 LAD I IB Positions secured aa commercial tel. egrapnem after completing course ' of In struction In our olleal day and evenlne elaass. - oreoon catt.xam. - ' ' ' 803 Commonwealth bids. WANTED Good gtrl to amMt ta general bewee- si mx aaw x.earia. A aaa xvoo way ear. EXPERIENCED enoeolate dlpnem; high eat wagaa; permanent. Gcorg A. McNeil Co.. 110 North rourth st. Bear Gllaan. Whoteaal confectioners. . , . ' - TEACHERS tor Rrtscopal Chinese Mix Ion, 2M Becond at-) alght ecbonl from T:80 to 6:80 e'eiock. Apply 141 Bixth end AJder sta. Jamea Kan, auparintendeat. WANTED Girl te psck cracker. Apply to weatern xwaing j enmpany, tTBira ana Datia ata. .......... AN eld sstsbltahsd bona want a bookkeeper seeustOBiea to ouelneee metlioa; good ware. ' Apply, Matins experience. X 166, Journal. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. B48W, ingiua at., corner neventn. upvtaira, .. xdqss Msla 242. remain help wanted. GIRLS WANTED Operators to work ea shirts snd ovsralls. lmon glvsa to inexperienced. , Apply et Standard factory Me. 2, Graad are. and Eaat Tay lor at. SHIRTMAKERS wanted. 281 H Stark at.. Jaeoba Shirt Cat. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard faetory Jte. a, uraae av. ana csst isyior at. - MATCBB woman, mfmed, ef good address, to glv part ttm for orgaatslng work with AM odetiea. Call BOB TiUord hldg.' WANTED Girl to work double-tirck ma. ehlnae. Inquire Fits-Well factory, IB llrst. WANTED ttookkeeoer. Call en fl. Darley, sgeat ' Comptometer, ' B4 Third at. WOMEN put or all of their timer beat wage. nb aaat 16th St., aorta; take Aioerta car.. WANTED Orrmpeteat girl (or aaaeral house- rneae But suut. GIRL for general honework washing aaat eat. rnon rteint io. WANTED A girl to amit with' light boo work; no sweeping er ooLng. B6B Bait Al der, near Twentieth st. BALE8GIRL wanted, 16 to 18 reti quired. an Mwt Bixtn eu - WANTED Girl for. general boejeswark. Call mornings. 7l Bamy t. rnon sum awn. THREB tadlea to sell apple land on monthly Daymen ta; may. Ad or aaa n ibo, journal. JUBT t mora ladlm, 623 weekly; call today. fainter hotel, room bt, iw Aioer st. A FIRRT-CLABS dining-room girl wanted at Linden, Market St., set. 'intra ana rourtn. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THOSE tntereated m securing better paying positions mould call st the office et the Internatunel Oorresposdence School, 182 Fifth at. W. bar cunraae thst will fit yon for th position yon want. Open evening. HELP wsated sad supplied, mala er female. Tt. O. Drake, 206H Waehlngtoa at. rein lirre. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG stationary engineer wishes employ nmnt; In city prererreaj can rurniaa reier ace. K 164, Journal. ... , WANTED By young married an, pmrltton te learn carpenter a irxoe; some expsrieiKwi handy with toois. - 164 East Buraner si. - FIRST-CLASS chef cook wtehe tltnattoe. , Ad- draee 162, Jonrnal. . A STEADY young; man want tmalde work ef ny Biuo. rnenc nwuw., V'- WANTED AGENTS. ' 20 A WEEK Expense' dvncd; msa er woman te travel ror manurncturnr ine mint scent tor household necessity; Bood pay for koms wrk or part time. Eleglar Co., 221 Losust at.. PhlUdalphla, P. ONE hastier la each town er ' locality to beadle medicine er soap; writs quick i bis money, ft. M. Phimms. 860 Third st AGENTS, ladle and gents; good money -i proposition. Call 806 V4 First t. sklng WANTED TO RENT. "-' WANTED TO RENT Bouse, eottegea, flafa, ' itorea, office, rooming-bue, ata. Land lord, trill do wall to call oa lOKTLAND TRUST COM PANT OF OREGON. Phone Ex. T2. S. R. Cor. Sd ead Oak. Classified Ads la The Journal reach the people in the great Oregoa country at th right time. . Rates for Classified ; Advertisements , v Count six words to- the line,) One cent A word each Insertion. . More than two insertions, I cents per line each insertion. By the week, 10 cents per line O day). No advertisement taken tor less than II eentav. .'' :. " EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. KD CKOBS EMPLOIMBNT CO. LossinB camp aad farm help a epeitty. SO horta Secwd at, Phene Mala Ub4. We pay sll te'arsub aha r gee. , HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE . lOl MEN. SB North Seooed st" Pboaa Mats 1814. - PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 6t4 Morrlaoa at Phone PcWI t6 27 Korth Beeond t. ..... .Phone Paelfl ltuO O. K. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Help furnished freete aniployera.eoSiN. Id. ' Phone 67UT. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED A cottar or boueo and SUble. net too far out, with 8A00 down -and l per month. 874 Pint St., Portland. - WANTED Btwlnes property, trots 610.000 to $16,000. P. C Laa Co.. 874 Pint at. IF yoa waat te l ealck. Ilat with V. Faesa, S21V4 Morrlaoa st. WE wsnt Bannytlds property t Ilat year with n foe quick result. On kiln Bros., East Thlrty-trta and Hswtlnme av. Phoos Tabor Bod. WANTRD Suburban lota 'and aereaget (tat . lowest price aad location, phone Peultte torn. WB HAVB bnyera for small eettegee, - close In. DsBMDt-Klua, 142 Madlsoa. Mala 62u2. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED 200 or 2SO-egg Cornell, Moxel er V Cypher Incubator. Phone East 6009. Ches ter A. Minefield, West av. and Belmont, Meant Tabor. , , WANTED Te buy farm ef from 10 to 40 acres. Improved, with tools snd stock; Bear e4 aad echoolA. else fttU description.-ft Mil, mm Journal. PONT wanted, with or without aad d la: meet be cheap. Phone Woedlawa BBS or eddree B 162. Journal. ( WANTED Furniture and household good cf vry deearlptton bought, sold snd exchanged. Th 4. ill First st. Msla 6ST4. WE hsn deed horns and cattle free. Fertiliser Work,,, or notify Carney's Vctert. nary. Fourth and Glisaa sta. Msla 1664. . CASH for housshold roods. Bare re A Pntnall, ' 846-847 Flrat t. I boo raetfl BOO. r CAN nee 88.000 worth fsrnltar thl week; hlgb eat price paid ia pity. Western Salvage Co. Pacific TBS. ' HIGH EST cash price paid for all kinds second hand good. Phone Msla 81U. 82 N. Third. WB WILL BUT, BELL OR TRADE ART OLD THTNO. WESTERN BALVAOR CO.. 627-626 : WASHINGTON. PACiriO 7 US. ' MAIN 6r8. . ... . . CASrT, AND IrTS OP IT, - ' FOR FURNITURE. )'!. rOBTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, 111 FIRST ST. MAIN 8608. ' MAIN S658. WANTED Tana wsgoa, sbout SMj er SU tire; , moat be cheap far asah. Addrem N lot, up SVIIWs THE GRAND FCRNTTURB CO.. 411 Hawthorn av., pay the algbeet cash price, for band furniture. But 840. FURNISHED ROOMS TOR RENT. THB RICHELIEU, 88 H North Sixth St. Ele- gantly furaiahedl (team beat and batha. foe, gentiemsn. 41JW per week and Bp. THB ARCADE, 146H First St., Bear Morrison Famtshsd rooms, is to 111 traaalsnt. . THB STEWART Ikmeekeeptog and farnlhd ' room; transient aaa single. 20614 Wash. THB GLADSTONE, 612 S a Tier St. Nice clean . furalshsd rooms, slngl e doubl. from 11.18 per week up; fr phone, gaa aad parlor, t 188 tt FOURTH ST. Furnished dav. , week er month; prime name Pacifw FOR RENT Nicely fnrntahed front room, eu1t bl for twe gentlemen; phone, hath and with . ec without board. Asswsr O 164, Journal. . SOB FIFTH BT. l-arce many rooma, bath, gas, pboaa, 11.60 per week. FOR RRNTwrarnlahad room la private family for - gvatlemaai breekfaat If wealed. 42T : Second Bt.. Bear Hail. TWO nlcaly fa-rnlxhed front rooms) geatlsnsa preferred. Apply S2T Clsckema at. ' FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. TWO or four front rooms, newly furnished, . for housekeeping; gaa, bath, pantry, a ink; a ay walking distance. 211 Sherman St. 11.60 WEEK UP large, clean furnished bnaee- Bmping-room. lauadry and Bath. IB Btaa St., aoath, Portland. 11.16 WEEK UP Clean Fornix bed housekeeping-moms, parlor, bath, laundry, furnace best, yard. 20Stt Stanton Bt. U car. . THB MITCHELL Housekeeping and -transient room, rsasonabls. Seventh and Pleaders sta. FOR RKNT rurnlabed aad aafnrnlshed hauae , keeping-rooms, aim slsgls. lelltj Front C near Morrlaoa. MICB ndi sewly furnlehed. also- enfarnkrhed. houeekesplng-ronms at reasoaable rates; brick building. Betel Ohio, 204 rroat at. . GOOD famished bouerkeeplnf -rooma. $1.21 week, nd 4, S aad T-roora eottegea, ea weat elde. fnmUhed or amfurntsbed. Apply 804 North aeth; W ear te 26th, turn left half block. TWO rooms, famished complete far housekeep ing, gaa and bath. 110. 460 Bast Wsahkog toa at., corner Ninth. . TWO rooms, mssoaabl. Phone Bast 467L 1211 Moore at. FURNISHED -or snfurntaberT aonsekeepls gaa. beta, nhone and use of nlan 176 North 11th at. Phone Mala 1031. FURNISHED or unfarnlahed booeekeeplng roem; fre bath and phone. ST1 North 12th et. Pboa Most 41T. ROOMS AND BOARD. THB CARLBTON Th nrmt desirable family . hotel ta tbe city; It baa th loestloa; weft furnished outside rooms, steals or ' eait; team heat, bet end cold running water hi rooma, aad the beat table board that can be found anywhere. TeL . Mala 21B6. . Corner 18th and Aider sta. , WANTED ft or t ctilldrsa to board, aone ever 6 yea re prefer Infanta; .will glv tbm a . mother's best care; price f 10 pet mouth. ' M 166. cam Journal. WELL-FURNISHED reome with board; all mod ern eottveniencm; good bom cooking; rate, very reaeoneble; gentlamea pre fart 4- CaU 442 Jsftersoa at. THB MORRISON, formerly the Hesperian 1 Large eomfortabf room, tngl Sad a mite, ' nawly farnl.hed; beet tebl board; prim moderate. 64 Morrlaoa t, mraw 17th. WANTED eChlldr en to board aad room) good bom snd school -a tew block away. Call at 126 Bast 82d St. B08EDALB (th. BurreU mtete). 404 comer 10th and ' Madison, teat opened; everything first-class. Nawly fnrntahed f hroagbout. .. MINNEQUA IMN, 878 Yamhill St. Nets rooms. steam ami, spienaie meaia, esy. l month; asw msasgsmeati home cooking, FOR RENT Large fnralahad room, with er without board; gentle maa preferred. Phone Psclfl 2m. ROOMt and board for twe youog ladle er men; modern; good location, 624 Beat Mor rlaoa st. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. THREE us furnlehed room for rent. 481 Bast Merrhare St. Eaat 1016. - TWO anfurnlahed moms tor mat. SO pjnat Uth t., corner Stark. faquir at FOR RENT HOUSES. 616 NEAT B-root eottxg, modara; 41S Bast , Ninth, near Grant. THB DUNN LAWRENCE CO., . i 14SV4 First St. 4, s AND T room sottarss, newly pprd, fur. BMhed er ttn furnlehed, ea- weat sine, la good 1 Bslghborbsod; arm housekeeping-rooms, 81.28 . week. Apply 8A4 North 26th St.; W Cars to tilth, tern left half block.. POR RENT 6-room boem. Bast Ilat St., ftaallwertA. Psoas Bast T84. ; FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT Broom modem boom, betweea the twe cr tlBes. Eaat 84th St., i V month. HswtboriwvR.elty Co.. 26 Msr6s'"to tlswuiorns. xaoor oiv. - 6 -ROOM cottage with bath. 606 Baikal aL Kay at 618 Marks. ' WE mat and mil piano. A Cq. Soermaa, Clay FOR RENT T-mom cottage, Mr. Tabor, strict . It modern. Mala 4012. or apply room 424, Ablngtoa bldg. . . GUARANTEED advertised. Ws ma rent or mil your boesss. rooms, flsta, erflcea, stores. Is rats, acreage, Iota; Ilat now tar . eaeteru advertlelog. 204 Mohswk bldg. FURNISHED HOUSES. 110 Three-room furnished Bat, close la) view. Phone But 160T, 654 Barents St. FURNISHED 6-eoom cottage, modem. 6U6 Omgoolsa hldg. Inquire ll.ROOM hoarding hones; fin rarnltami full ef bordra: i2t. - . ... .. -. , BATFiBtn a Mrra, . : KttVt rourth St ' t - ' ' ' IOUSES FOR RENT FURNrTlJRE - FOR SALE, c - A BXA P Furniture of t-roots flat for sale; . svsrythtna I first -class; rent 616, includ ing water and lie ht : minute walk from poetoffloa; prlc leei. BEAVER REAL ESTATE A IVVISTMENT CO., 167 tt FIRST ST. r - . FURNITURE ef 8-room house foe sale; bourn for rent; 6 rooms rented to steady roomer. Call 22 North Sixth at. WB mad fatalism at eay aeiee Pertlsad Ass. tun xwoma, wi nmt st. Mara eoeo. MEW farslrura ef modern 4-mom apsrtntent, prtTste entrance, cloee: mttebl for bachelor apartments. Pacific B04. , ... W-ROOM bourn for rent, frrrnltum for ml; ' must mo, aa parties am htavlas town. 114 ' Bsrrlsoa at. -, FURNITURB-of 8 room boom tot Mk, boose tor rent. 448 Fifth t. COMPLETE furnlihlng of 7 -room modem fist for rent. BOB Msdleoa st Pbon Psclflo 111. FOR RENT FLATS. ; COVPLETE fnmmh'mg of T-mom modem flat for rent. 8O0 Madison st Phone Peeifte 81 L FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. 0WCB BOOMS, eufarnubed ple-moma tea mat. - eexvetae-i .i..- ... tesoaaaatab bids. . Apply FOR RENT One, tw or three large office rooma, suitable for lob printing office er ether line. Inqnu Portlaad ttae A Bteyel Co., 161 First st . FOR RENT Window and storeroom spam on Wsshlagton St.; bast block tn city; stets ox tsxism, Addrem M itn, journal. FOR BENT Good office frontlnft ea Wash ington st 811 Commercial blk. . STORE 'tor rent Tern sad. - 86 Madlsoa et. - Inqubra STORE for rent ea busy 422. B4S Madison st atrmt Call Mala FOR RENT FARMS. 46 ACRES, M ta bops. IB In cult! ration: good ban,' hophnms, fence. 4-room house, etc. I ' 6 miles from Portland, tt mil from rs li ma d; cheap mat to good tenant. ,. . W. OGILBBB. . -r 11. 146 tt Flrat st FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. - FOR RIUVT-Jjodgltij boom 82 moms, snfrrr .. alshed, atom la. Call Hotel Okl. knAtt ' Front et - A SUNNT basement for rent for housekeep ing rooms. 48 South Ssveath. BUSINESS CHANCES. Jamestown Exposition Wanted LadT er aentlsmsa ef ability gad good addreea to demonstrate for a rellabl firm at tbe Jsrseatown expmltwa; 1100 per xnooth snd expense paid; nmt In , veat 81,000. which ta secured, and famish - anqosstkmsble references. For farther Infor mation sddreas, la ewa handwriting. B 162, 'cam Journal. . A CRACKER-JACK stork hardwire, msh. doom and Implement; prim. Including bnlldtngs. 66,000 msh a trade considered. Got to giv p boatneea on account health. If yea deelre a good kaslnem. hem is your chsoc. Do not s as war aslem yon mean boilnsss , Addrsss , D 14, sere journal. ONE of the lxrgeet salrega but tn ernes In this city for ml, will mil ene-hlf Interest or all. wall sstebllsbsd trad. Thl business . eccuple firs roaam, will rtqnlre shout 7,- - register' A CO.," 4 '- - i ' t . ' lOTtt Third St :t ' - , GENUINE SNAP We ma show yea family - hotel whtrk made gaarsnteed net profit et ever 18.000 daring past ysar; at present profits ar ever Sa2S per moathl 13,300 caah eennlred. Thom SeelrtnS to lnvtleto mnat It produce flmaclal reference; no exeats, ft 164, r eournai. ROOMING HOrSES FOB BALE. ;, BATFIEIJ A SMITH, 148tt FOURTH T. 40 rooma, brick building, 11,000. M-reora hooee, very central. 81,600. 12-rnom bouse, be r gain. 8660. i 11-soora bouse, 6iK Income, 8426. '-, 20 rooms, traneient, on floor, 8660. ' - 11 rooms, boarding, fine fnrnltam, 41,000, BETTER THAN COPPER BTOCKA. ... - . A WORLD'S NECESBITY. Immsnes profits; smsll mpltellmtionj only tO.000 hare allotted to the whole Pari tie coast Write quickly. A, Postoffto Box 864, Bombers, Or. ; , RESTAURANT, centrally located ea First t, good trade, Cheap rent wilt beef cloeeet V lnvmtlgstloe. Com and em tbla aaap, then msks aa aa ef fee en it -.. , w , REGISTER A C0. , t ; ' -.- lOTtt Third Bt FOR BALE Mast market cheap; all new fix ture, new 2r0 refrigerator; feed locatlaa; owner lck nd mnat mil. -.:. , t - ' BAWTH0RNB REALTY CO., , BH Marguerite v cor. Hawthorne. - Tbor 816. . FOR SALE Grocery store, stock aad flxtnrmt evsrythlnt complete; will Involm about ' fS.600; or will mil bslf Interest to 11m ', young msa; svrg dally sale 128; good raying but! nets oa cast aid. lAddmm F 68, JournaL- ... ... .y .. FOR SALB OR TRADE Hotel Balmy, 108 mile from Portlaad oa Soother Peclfte; a "i modara up-to-dsts bourn, sewly furnlehed: hae good eommsreta trade, Addrem Bote! - Barmy. Hslsey. Or. '.- . CUT this sat and bring It with yon. - 1 bav 10.000 per eeat investment la a msaufsstur ing com pa ay a atock; mechanics hating email x mounts to invest preferred; office pa Sat urday evening. Apply to Wax. O. Peter - ha ae, 815 Commercial bib. - TBB ROYAL RESTAURANT 84S Yamhill at., , with equipment complete, will be nld eat bloc to th highest bidder by J. T. WU oa, auctioneer, on Thursday next, April 11, at 10 a. as. Bs Wednesday's pspers tor , parti cuiara. 2.2fio T ROOMS, long lease ; net mrnlnga , from $100 te 1160 6 month. Addrem A 162, . Joaraal. - $1.100 NEW atork of groceries; good kesee doing aim bualnees; tlTing room beck, Ad . drew B 162, 'Joarusl. 61 ONE-THIRD Interest la a good hsrdwsm store, centrally locsred in 1h Mty. ... , RKOISTKR A CO., j - V . . 107 tt Third St. - '' $1, 1O0 FOB BALE Grocery, cigar and cosfeo tlonery ator, good location! new stock and fixture, living rooma In connection; rent $26; ' good reason (or mlling. Addrem O 168, ear JournaL FOR SALB AT ONCE A Bond paying Janitor lob; owner mnat quit; a bargain for om on. ' Uqulr at 846 ITU tt betbert WIV- llama - - WANTED Maa with mll amount ef aseney; , profits $160 wsekly; bar complete motioa picture show. Partli iealsr. 148 tt Sixth t, . room ft $660, OR mventery, pert tlm. bnys heat pay. tnt caeh grocery, cigar, confectionery store, Wia food aslghborhondi mat $12, etor and memsi me Lug to belletlng. hoae Soott 181 A BrSINESS CHANCES. OROCERT store, " well lorsted, setsbll.hed trade of about $30 per day, will mil al tututee. BEOISTP.R A CO., loltt Tilled St. BEST IN TOWN Corner dgsr stove. A No. 1 m eh trade aid at and; or will ichanx for '. souatry property. Addram L 104, JournaL WELL sstsbllshsd hsrdwsm snd furnltur buel Mex; low rent, long learn; good chance ( 6 hustler. Addreaa II 104, ram Journal. SAVE MONBY Anything la printing sm Mse - den. Odd Fellow,' Templs, Flml aad Alder sta. ; Bpatalra, RESTAURANT for wis cheap; good Msetloa and eppoeitKsit a money-maker tor and wife. Addrem K 163. JournaL LAUNDRY route, 6-year contract; making $100 per -moath; will yU reasonable. 1U2 Madl- FURNITURE of 10-coom hooee. Bear dtp hall; rent $26- present income lot. 242 aledlson, : GOOD mstsursnt old stand; will mat, mil ea trad; see me today. 842 Madison st 61 UNFURNISHED rooms, ventral lomttonr vent reasonable. Inquire 18 Union av. . ' FOR BALE .Nearly new National msh rag I tar, mall Sim: bsrgsla. 186tt Third at FOR SALB New and eom p let neater bargain If mid at one. lMtt Third at, SEVEN new fnrnlehed room. 806 H Pine Bt, IftoO; rant $30. CaU and trad with owner. - DAIRY for ml, inquire 861 Frances am, city; taks Woodstock car. FOR SALE Dellceteeeen. with 11 viae rooms, Call afternoons, 646 tt Yamhill st. BARGAINS momlng-honsee. , Apply 181 rifth st ' V WANT a partner In a good small grocery atom. Nelson, 14th and Irving t. - for s Alb real estate. COME AND ASK ABOUT THESE. - Lot 66x200, with 8-room houee, om tog trait tram; wlU mU for cub, 1800. Lot lOftxlOO, with Areom hoaae. far 11.860, pert cash.. . , , Lots BflrlOO. ea good and alghtlyt prim 1226. mi line, fine esfl J 8. 6 and T-room cnttagesv smell sash pay. ments, be lane yoa per in monthly payxeaata, ' aa yoa am paying fur rent now. etaad rellnqulahmmU not far oat tor tarm nmr MrMtea-rTTla, . ' aeme bp, cheap tor caeh... .. 'v 5 . ' " Aim throe goods timber elatm nBntralaV Brant near Myrtle Point far 600, , " ' Tw million feet ef good pllinr timber, 1A Hllm from Cetembta rleer, 40 mllM ap. BEAVER SEAL ESTATE INVBSTMBNT COMPANY. Room Me.- 4, 16Ttt Flrat et, fSwOand. Or. loseiCity-lealty: V' '" " ACREAGB. -' 1 10 acme," til cultivated, fenced; fin houee, concrete baeement; ban; ., buudlng ' coat. 12.600; aU for It, TOO. . - v ' 24 acrtst : ttt acme strawherrles, grapss, applm; boom, bam: fin mad. seat eh ruck, ecbasL etomt HJM- .; . IS ecm. sand boom, bam, I seres pears, ; apple, small fruit. 1 car lines, $2,000. I - 2o4 MOHAWK BLDG. ' BEST barrets ta market Nsarly new T-room . modern bo, choice corner, oa . Snnnyild car. line; dry concrete baeement, front and aid porchee. awnlnga. scree ne, gaa; all room tinted; streets Improved lawn, rosss, fruit a coxy oou. aaiob inw np. rnon Bast 4TH6. . . QUARTER block at ITtk aad Eeat Cltntew BIS., WO rrejrj 'IfN vmm ww enpi . full basement; three am modern; nothing .. st i.teS e MSM. u . Cvc terms, nee G. W. Bever, ewner, 860 Wl wniM.a .... 1.2f 6 ACRES, cloee la en car tine with 1 , aero cleared and mostly act to trait and berries, good 8-room boom snd all fenced. , ... e ' REGISTER A CO. .107 tt Third St . FOB SALB. . M lota, fenced, cleared and caltimtod, 4-room boom, city wster; nmr Penlnsulsf eta tlon. en St John car Una; 13.600. ,: Cbolm warehouse location in Lower Albtna. S. COLLINS, . ', i. , ... . ! -"" 140tt RusmU Bt ' I - 1 ON WILLIAMS AVB. See hem, a strictly modern T-room hsuss. nicely ' furnished, snd 8-room cottage, the whole bnalnem for 84.260; half each. . ROOM 29. ted STARK ST. . 0MB fine let In- Glsowood Park, mil cheap ea acoount of icknms. Owner, 44 Sixth st , v CONKt.IN BROS. - Snaeisllsta In Hawthorae av. property. - ; , Lota, bouses and lots, snd scree go through. , ' out thl district for mis. ' Houees dmlgnsd snd built, plsne sad sped- . ' fleet km furnished to bom builder. Pbon Tabor BOB. Ofiic. East 86th and Bawthera ava. - ..-in. , i'.-' FOB SALB 4 cm f goad fertile Uad ea O. . W. P. car line, eulteble for fruit er chlckea ranch; natural spring ef pur water) SO minutes ride from Portlsad. Cera and msks ne SB offer. Steamy station. J. O. . Frmt ' ' ' - , ONLY A FEW LEFT. ' Cbmpest rmtdenm lot ea markets Only 16 minute to city: eenvent sldewslks; dna't , delay, ss they will soon b gone. , . ,s , V. PAGE HARRIS, . ,,' Belmont aad But 26th.- IS.S0O BEAUTIFUL. 8-room seam;- all. latest Improvements; w ollclt mmnarlsoa with ' anything ea market; $1,000 caah. ,. , , V. PAGE HARRIS, - : V ' v ' ',' 'Belmont aad But 20th. $8.200 MODERN T-room beam, weathered mk finish; 10-mluute car eervlce: 1st BOxlOO; only I block to second car line. m , , BATTIELD A SMITH, i " 166tt Fourth St i '- 1 A MICB 4-raetn bum, POT Best loth et, north. r l.eoo; term. 6o00 down, gio per month. per mat. . xrao wita owner is none. List Ycur city Property r-Wtth'; V'''-:; ;.' v. T. A. Sutherland : - 404 MBW BUCHANAN BLDG. ,; ,.' We Have Ccstcaers r TODAY ONLY. A new 6-room modern eottag. toilet, bath. gaa. cement bamment cement walk, 2 blocks v from csr Uns: prim $2,000. ' 801 Bwstlsnd - bldg., corner Fifth ana wunmgton sts. . . A NEW 7 .room modern beam.' full baeement. i bath, . gas and slsctrlelty. new wood sldewslks, terenl frnlt trees fa rear, lot 60x100; price $3,160, 801 Bwetisnd bldg., ' corner Fifth aad Waablngtoa sts. - I HAVB a Bond T-raoni modern home. eMrtwr Int. Eset 84th St., 8 blocks ef Hswthores am., I block W-B eat) $00 man, balance uy, 248 Stsrk st . - , FOR SALB BT OWNER Nsw. rrtrletlr modem .as. I ; B-rnom rottxa and me 4-room ottag j may i " terms, rums laoov xao. . . JUBT THINK I Lot $20 mob, H, II Pr moath, near Balem car He, f.rther the Bt. Johna. Apfly to ewner, W. fteldt Wash- , IngtOB DHL' WHY psy $600 for a lot whom them le ne eel line or sewers when yoa csn buy eoe tr thst prim In t blocks of Willis ms sts. i with U tlty improvement lal ... . RK.H8TFR A CO. .. 107 tt Third 8t ' ' ? OWNRR bl obliged to mil msldenm site lit deep by 234 frost1 for tninrtoa home elt It will enTiper with snythlng la th tlty. Prim $6,600. Phoae But 114. X 146, mm , Journal. - . ' East Hcrrison 100x100, Jut across bridge, moat mil at a ' fcW "ROOM 106 COMMERCIAL BLK, FOR BALE Two-story houee, corner lot, Bert- , Byslds; cheep If purchseed l one; bonae In j perfect erder; leetrlc llshta; one blork from ' gar line. B. 0. Minor, 10U6 Bslmonl st ' .. ...'.! ' : -A. f