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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 9. 1807. SUGGESTS BANDS OF COMBING WOOL SHEEP C ' mi II .L 111 UJ r SamuejJPearson Points Out Profits of This Breed and of the ', .Vast Afnount and yalue of Wool Imported Into t This 1 'L' ' ' -' -1 ' ' .-A. C.... .' ,'",,' Country Every Year. ' That western Oregon of far aa ad mlrable field for. the .production of oomblng wool of as fin quality aa th million of pound Imported Into this : country annually' from England, and that farmer throughout tb valley could materially add to tbeir wealth by running small band of combing wool beep, 1 the opinion expressed by Sam uel Pearson of thl city, who for nearly half a century ha been closely allied With the wool Industry. . "If western Oregon farmers would de- rote only a 'small portion of their time ' to tbls industry," be said. It would mean the establishment In a vary short ' time of combing plants to handle tbe r produot, and besides adding new feo ' torlea and opening up new avenues of employment for Oregon would be '; source of heavy and profitable income to the farmers themselves." In a letter which Mr. Pearson addresses to The , . Journal, h says: .- ' sr kage I It.' ' "Regarding the very valuable and In : tereetlng report of the sheep and wool - Industry of the United States In your Issue of April 1. It show that Oregon has 1.100,000 head of sheep with a wool v produotloa of 11,000,000 pounds. , The shrinkage. In aoourlng, however, 1 TO per cent, so that the produotloa of clean ' wool Is only 4,190,000 pounds. , "I consider this report hardly Just to ' this state la regard to the shrinkage. . ' No doubt It Is true with reference to the eastera part ot Oregon, but It is well known that a very-great part of the wool grown In the "Willamette val-l ' ley Is known to the trade as croas-bred oomblng, which class rarely eieeeda 10 ' per cent la shrinkage.' --. "A few' weeks ago the British steamer Ashantl arrived la Boston from- Aua 1.; trails bringing the most valuable cargo ' of wool over knftwn, namely, 4,I3,C ' pounds, valued at 12,000,000. The duties amounted to TtS,000, the freight - charges $(0,000, and the premium on ' Insurance $15,000. Thl wool la In the grease ahd largely "botany"., combing, the moat valuable grade of wool and - used for the finest worsteds. ' r ' . "Tbe county of Yorkshire, England, with aa area of something over (.000 qua re miles, has " liTfl.ttt head of sheep, wbloh produoed ll.4TI.60t pounds of wool, or a fraction less tbaa seven pounds per head. - The shrinkage In soourlng shows net pounds clean wool to be t, (07.001. The average prloe of , Lincolnshire wools for 10 year pact has beea Ji cants per pound. The total value of wool ahlpped from England to mis country amounted to nearly -$1T, during ii months of 10(. - - : Suggestion to Tamer. -- "To the writer It has often beea matter of surprise why Oregon la par ticular does not make a greater showing In Its production of wool, possessing aa It doea a rich soli, aa equable climate and everything essential for a first class combing wool. I mention ' this kind because all wool practically speak ing raised J In the counties of Lincoln end .Yorkshire, are ar this class, and, we have been Importing them to my per sonal knowledge for over 4$ years. And this, too. la view of the fact that the Oregon farmer receives- the benefit of II cent pes pound duty aa against tb British grower. ' "A already stated. Oregon , show only 4,50,000 pounds eleaa wool, equal to about half that raised la-toe oounty of Yorkshire. In my estimation there 1 a splendid opening for wool growing In the western- part of Oregon. I do not mean by 'having large band,' but rather that eaoh and every farmer ought to have from 100 t 100 head and be stow ,the same care and attention upon his sheep . that he doea en fine eattle and horse.. It 1 aa admitted Tact that sheep return more to the soil than they take from it, cenoe ought to be profit able. y , .-. . " v ' DESPONDENCY DRIVES : W00LRIDGE TO DEATH ' Ooldendale, Wash April t. A farmer named William . H. Woolrldge, whose home was ta the timber aorta of Ool dendala, oommltted suicide last night by shooting himself. Tb - coroner's verdict waa suicide caused by despond ency. ' woolrldge leave three, grown children. i .... Mil. a ; See the picture of the inhaler in the lower right hand corner." - - v : v -"w" VI D.atk K lt.1m mmtA lm.i, - ll air from this little physician over-the mem- . brane which is inflamed from coughs xr colds ' and relief is always immediate and en tire eradication in few hours is certain..-; V'V -.; . ; ':?. . : V i; tly'omel not only cures coa&ths and colds, bat it cures catarrh and bronchitis and asthma. ':' at AD THBSS TWO TESTIMONIALS.: WB ' HAVE THOUSANDS OF SIMILAR. ONES. I have tried Hyomel .tiece. trolly for aaeal catarrh, and .ball be fled to give yea a testimonial te that effect, II It Is el any value to yon In tatrodnclag year remedy t needy tnSereri. Yoars lor Hyoael's success. Rev. Jobs M. Artere, - r - , . fstter M,B. Church, Odette. Delaware. I led Hyomtt a plssssst sod prompt relief for ca tarrhal coldt. .. . Yours truly. Frederic Leech, ; : t. CIvO Eogimeer. Ehairs. M. Y. Yaa caa buy m eomplet Hyomei outfit iri cludlng Inhaler far $1.00 atanydruf ttora and it cost you nothinf unlets it core w guar antee it all druKtits recommend it Mail or der Ailed. Send for ire booklet. ; : BOOTHS HYOMEI CO.. n.rr.i. i v . I .... - ... : ... .: ., , ...... lf . The Kind Ton nave Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of - and has been made under his per - r fyfujLt - on& sapcrlslon since Its Infancy.' . w t - . ' aiiow no ona m aeeeiTB von in uui. - . All Counterfeits, Imitations smd " Just--g-ood ' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of . Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. . What is CASTORIA : Oastorla Is harmless substitute Jot Castor OO; Pare txtrie. Drops and Soothing Syrups.' It Is Pleasant. It ' ."' contains neither Opium.' Morphine nor other Narcotlo . substance. Its ag-e is its guarantee. . It destroys Worms ' .- and allays FeTerisbness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind ' r-' Colic.' It relieves Teething Troubles, cares Constipation '. - and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the '-' . : Stomach and Bowels, "giving healthy and natural sleep. . ' The Children's Fanacea The Mother's Friend. v ; " ' ....... .: v. .- . y w . - vv-; ccriuiric CASTORIA ALVAYS Sears the Signature cf SI Tto M You HaVe Always; Bought i In Uso 'For Over 30 Years. ; v. rf traeaa. ereccr, aew veae OfTV, LI nUSTLEARn HOW BIROS FLY Only yVay for Man to Fly Is to Stoal the Secret From . ; ; Birds" ; NO TWO KINDS CF r BIRDS FLY ALIKE Soma Boar Smoothly Along Through tbe Air, While Others Flap Their Wings BmlthaonUn . . Instltnte l Would Bolre Problem. -r (eraal SoeHal Berries.) Prarue. April I. What Is the secret of the flight of birds and insects T How much of tbl secret can, be discovered and applied to tb practical pa of maaT To answer thee eoestlons from tnor ouhlr sclentlflo observation la the ul- T i avf ' ' ' .) i't. JrTMd Jk Bniiard High bore the Barth. ttmate object of a series of InTestlra tlona by Dr. R, Ton Lendenfeld of th Zooloaioal lhetltute. Pre rue, oonduoted under a arant from the Smithsonian In stitute at Wasblncton. . Machine .sustained by rases Urhter than air hay been found unwieldy and Impracticable, if man 1 ever .to he carried through the atmosphere It Is now renerally conceded that he mart be by the application of some sclentlflo principle Involved In th flight ot birds and Insects.. Dr. von tanderfeld reaearohea,' ex tending- over a period of about alz year. have brought to llg-ht soma vitally lntr- atlna fact So full f possibilities that the secretary of the Smlthsonlaa insti tution ha just slrned a further grant to enable a. continuance of th work. - erg-ana having special funotlona, but rather a system of empty tnterepaoes. Its value He In Its vacuity, that Is, In Its containing nothing that can offer a great reeletano or that baa notable weight" There 1 apparently -nothing la the "air sac" system In birds which should prevent the eonstruotlon of a flying machine upon similar principles. . Ths findings In th aeoond report just received are equally vital to the prob lem of . mechanical flight. .Dr. Leo Waltsr, another of Dr. von Lenden feld' assistants, haa been examining th workings of th flying apparatus f four-winged insects. Th etrofce. aays Dr. Walter, la a ourloua ona It la like a figure with a small upper loop a stroke whloh might be reproduced mechanically. Just what : principle of aatur brought out in these researches may be applied to practical use In the flying- machine taking th word literally 1 yet, to be determined. The eomplet die. covery, however, of the secret, of sus pension and locomdtlon Involved In the mgui vf eirus ana insects is ths nrst step la the eolution of mechanical navi gation In ths air. The theory once eetabllshed bevand . Annh may Incorporate all practical feature uitv ih waiirwtum oz a mecnine. tdo object ot Dr. von Lendenfeld'a work under the Hodrklns - grants of th Smithsonian Institution 1 to find fast upon wnicn nrmiy to "pes a theory. ; SALE OF ELK CREEK : HQTEL AND GROUNDS - a ,. fpee Dtnetek te The Jearael.t ' Astoria, Or April . A deed was filed yesterday afternoon whereby Plor eno N. and AIlc I. Imogen of Bngland sold to A. M. Smith, C. Anderson and John Matteoa of Astoria 1SI acre of land. Including th Elk Creek hotel prop erty, lor s i.ooe. - mt r. Brown of Portland ha leered th hotel .for 'a term of two years. . "Wednesday to th last day for dis count oa west side gas bills. , OUT OF PIT IN fl ORTI ERH Came Coin That Was Carried by ; One ' of - Alexander ths v Great's Invaders. GOLDMAN'S HALF DOLLAR COLLECTION INTERESTING Flab Laws Better Observed. Astoria. Or.. April I. To this dst fish Warden Van Dusea has Issued III gill net snd 41 set net licenses. Water Bailiff Setteur, who 1 patrolling the river during th closed season, reports th law la being mor strictly observed this year than over before. . r have a torpid liver . when Herbln, the only liver regulator, will help youT There la no reason why you ehould Buf fer from DTSDeoela. Constipation. Chills snd Fever or sny liver eomplainta-wben Herbtne will euro you. r: u. wait, Westvm. Fla., writ p.: I waa alck for a month with chills and fever, and after taking two bottles of Herblne am well and heattny." uoia oy au arug-glsta Stni the Flood of Curlon ; Coin , Contlnaet, More Collector Un w earthing Rare and Ancient Spec imen From Their Treaaore. i&&3-- ooln that dates back to the Urn of Alexander the Great la owned by rar v. cunning of lfT North Twen ty-eoona street. It Waa found In a eopper vessel dug from the earth at the depth of 10 feet In the Punjab, north ern mala, la itsi. and was presented to Mrs- Dunning -by -one- of- the- present si in i nme or th discovery. It 1 a mall Silver ooln stamped with Greek letter. Aa Alexander the Or. at made his famous Invasion of this territory about 110 B. C. It seems certain that this pleoo of money was hammered out that many yeara before the beginning of th Christian era. Apparently this 1 th oldest ooln brought to Th Journal offlo slnoa th recent renewal of Inter est In old coin began. Mrs. Dunning also owns a large Spanish pleoe dated 1030. On of the- best collection of Ameri can half-dollar to owned by William Goldman, III Oregonlan building. . He haa a half-dollar of 110 with the lib erty head facing to the. right Instead of to th left as 1 found In all other oolns minted since that year. Beside tbl hi collection contains half-dollars ranging In yeara from 1101 to IttL all of them remarkably well preserved. Another pleoe of continental from which the expression . is derived, rnot worth a continental.- haa been brought to by X R. Bhutt, t4t Jefferson street. It la an eight-dollar bill. Issued In 1TTI and printed en one aid only. On th reversed slds it haa United Btetea printed at th two ends. J. P. Wsndllek, 01 Sumner street, poe- sesse a 15 gold plaoe of HIT that to peculiar. It 1 stamped with a "Id" In stead of the "V." The goddess of lib erty haa a wreath Instead of a Crown It means the hottest and cleanest flame produced by any store. This is the flame the New Perfection Oil Stove gives the - instant - a -lighted match is ap plied no . delay, no trouble, no soot, no dirt- For cooking, the at VM Blue Flame Oil Cco!i-S!dv2 is unequaled. It gives quick results because its ' heat isnighly concentrated. Cuts fuel-expanse , r"i. .1 ' . . rerr eaU -k . rt in two. Made in tnree sizes. .v . stove warranted. If ot at your 4 er s write to our nearest agency. :The Jfrfrh T the beet ' a -rouni botiMhokl Vlade of brut duowebout and beautifully nickeled. ParfecdT conrtrnctedi abaoluterjr unexcallod 1VC la Uoht-chring powptn to onmeat to txsj room. Every lamp warrantaa. irnotityoue dealer a. write te our nast agac7 . v STAND APT rX C VET ANY . UsrHiB . W1 v on her head and her ootffnre to differ ently arranged. X. W. Eagood ef 174 money-f Hamilton are sue, has one Idsntloal with the above and would like to knew it falua " , . THINGS THAT HAPPEN TO OREGON AND WASHINGTON , Washington. .April Hlchaet J. Bush of Oregon haa been appointed assistant snglneer of th llghthoua arvlco. ' - The Colombia National amy ef Dayton, Washington, haa beea granted right ef way 10 fast wide and two miles long for a flame, eanel aad pip Una within -the Wenaha national forest. . ' . Th Bunnysid. Washington, Tlrst Na tional bank haa selected se tt reserve agent th Fourth National Bank t ' New Tork, th American National bank of Ban fraadseo and National Bank ot Com me roe of Seattle. - j Wednesday to the last day for dis count on west slds gas bills. . Weeds' Kam Winn. br. von Lendenfeld' first work under Smlthsonlaa grant waa performed In 1100. - It consisted mainly of general studies into the etructure and function of th organ of flying creature, aa a' preparation suitable for researohea into t the actual mechanics of flight. . Sines then much of his time haa been taken-' up In personal laboratory lnveatlgatlona or In directing investigation of hie du- . pil in ths university at Prague. . The first set of exnerlments. mmnln. ed-about three year agd, eetabllshed be yond a -doubt that aonr property of air enabled larger and heavier btrda aueh a th albatross and th eagle o austaln their weight with comparatively much smaller wing surface. It waa worked! out , by analogy that, given the secret ', of control of motion, a man weighing i 100' pound . (10 kilograms) could sail through th air with a sustaining wing , surfac. of about three " square yards (t.T square meters). But when Dr. von Lendenfeld turned to consider - th actual mechanic of flight, he was confronted Immediately by the fact that all birds by no means fly alike. The two extremes, th al batross and the humming-bird, the ex perimenter took aa types. Insects, also, h found to be classed In a Ilk many nar. ' . - ' -' Among botlr- bird and insects, how ever, th sailers were found not to be restricted te the large creature and th flappers to th small On th con trary there were discovered creatures of all slses in each group. In the sailer class th lemon butterfly war plaoad be side th stork and the allvsr gull beslds th dragon fly. The flapper elasa em braced flyers from the bussard and th pheasant to th houae fly and the gnat In this study ef night method, there fore, th Question ot sis had to be elim inated, - - . -. . , v. : 1 umaa Being Save th Mmaolo, t Muscular power waa an slsment to be considered. Dr. von Lendenfeld was satisfied that th flapper were gifted with- truck troagrmuol than-the sallara And bo found that although human being could not Immediately de velop enough muscle to Join the class of flapping flyers, he mlgnt well be able. If he knew how, to soar at will. . AU three conclusion hinged upon th interesting phenomenon that the ln creaa In weight, to be .carried through th air to not proportional to the nec essary lncreaee in sis of tue support ing aurraoe, mat la, the larger th bird, th smaller In proportion are th wing. Knowing that th air require an ap preciable time ta yield to th pressure of th moving wing, th larger th wing surface, th greater the' quantity of air displaced and the greater tbe resistance or this compressed air to the subsequent wing stroke which must act upon It, It la evldsnt that thl conclusion to cor rect. .... i i . v Upon a principle of oom pressed air. therefor, may rest th ultimata solu tion of man's flight abov th earth. At th same time that Dr. von Len denfeld was working out, these facta Dr. XL Mascha, studying under hi direc tion at the institute, was determining what magic there might be In the feather structure .of bird's wlnga His result show how perfect for It pur pose t th topping of th feather quill on over another. The combination ot strength and lightness In this flexible structure to a combination th value of which 1 mor widely realised in com merolal construction every day. . On th under side and at the ends of th feather libera, Dr. Vfeecha points out microscopic hooks which serve to at tach easily on feather te another to make up on whol wing structurs. Tapering with greater aad greater flexibility toward th back and and of tb wing, the feather make possible th peculiar motion ef the wing upon the air. . Wtost Ai Beea in Bird Are Tot. Two other sets of research have Just been completed under th direction of Dr. von Lendenfeld. Th first, con ducted by Dr. Bruno Muller, wss de stined to determine the use of certain empty spaces In the bodle of birds whloh have pusslsd Investigator for many year a The second has te do with the flight of four-winged Insects. Th "air aao- Investigation to Just reported - to - th Smithsonian. Dr. ullsr reaches very simple conclu sion. He ssysi '-..'' ;umJi I -IA LJ V.L.V, V. . Tr - .1 ,- m ... ; v-. - r I vSvJS r."5 V. V, ' 1 THETMAN WHO WANTS A HOME Rose City Jfark is especially inviting. It provides a place for a CASTLE ON A HILL; ; From his porch he can OVERLOOK MORE MAGNIFICENCE OF SCENERY THAN FROM ALMOST ANY OTHER SPOT ON EARTH. To him his home will be a CASTLE IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE.' lit guarantees his retreat from the noise, dust and turmoil of the city and INSURES PERFECT RESTFULNESS. It provides safety for his children, an environment that conduces to LOVE OF NATURE and at the same time offers EVERY ADVANTAGE OF THE MODERN CITY OF PORTLANDS J ; TO THE MAN WHO SEEKS AN INVESTMENT Rose City Park offers more and better ad vantages than any other property in the city. AN INVESTMENT MADE NOW WILL SOON BE A TOWER OF STRENGTH to any man or woman. Never will the time'eome when Rose City Park values will be as low as they are now. If the general increase in property Valuations con tinues in the ensuing two years as it has in the past two, Rose City Park lots will be in demand at DOUBLE THfclR PRESENT PRICES. The entire secret of future wealth in Rose City Park is TO BUY RIGHT NOW. ' Every moment of delay is a MOMENT OF FINANCIAL LOSS. -., ' - ''VV '"j ""''''''' ' 1 ' ' ' ';':V ; ',v ".".. .'. : ':'a' . .- . ' f; NOTE One hundrejd and seventy-eight more Rose City 'Park lots have just been placed on the market. The prices are $450. and $650. The terns remain the same. If you. have not seen Rose City Park, we have plenty of automobiles to take, you out and bring you home. We will call for you if you wish. - . , ; ' . ' . . 'vi- : . a , : . ' : -' ' '''....",.-...-.. ' . . . . M AMTM AN -is tTTr-! ' " ' ; :. GEa tinnio3r ok C - 1 do not consider ths sir sea system a whole - .aa a ooiieoUon etj