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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
IS i.ilLLM ARE FOR LIVES Rise In Southern Pacific Rates : SpsIIs Ruin to Valley .;' '. Manufacturers.. ; REVENGE IS SAID TO V BE BACK' OF NEW RATES Answer tohe Constant Demand for Car ' Is aa Evident Intent by the . Common 1 Carrier '", to Throttle Ore : Industry. V ' : ';' - War to th knife, and the knlf to th hUt, 1 tba Immediate prospect be tween tha Southern Paolfl railroad and tha lumbar manufacturer of tha Wil lamette Jler and aoutharn Oregon. Tha mlllraan nay tha propoeed lncraaaa of - tha frela-hi.jale .fiij green common lum ber to Ban Pranclaoo will nenkrapt . them, and tha railroad freight officials declare In anawar that tha rata ahaU g Into affeot regardless of rewnlta. Mlllmen are aroused, and tha word la going dor-a tha line that a strong or ganisation must be roiaassl aa ta m nut be oarrted te tba aonrt lae re- anrt lr iteueaaau n.tlnm of tha lumbering InatestrT tweea Salem and Aahlaad. Tha aail mllle ara at tha present tlaae making a profit of tl to $. par tnewaaad feet an their prod net delivered at tha railway tatlnn Tha Dronoed tar. r ease of frelirht rataa to San lnaeteoa--whlh la their only antlet emanate aa 11-11 ' par thousand, which wonid praotloaUr all of their profit. Vhoaaanda Are Affi Tha territory affected haa about 1M Brills, and from .S0 to . ampleyea, all of which ara staring ruin ta tha faea aa a reeut of tha propoaad ad-vane In rataa, which tha railroad efflclala aa Biuat go Into effect April II to aa the Southern Pacific oompaay from loatng caonay. ' "Rerene." aa uly .word In eommer elal and lnduatrlal affaire, la being ban , died. . It la aald the-Southern Pacific ' company la wreaking- vengeance upon tba lumbar lntereata for tha active part they took la ursine: tha passage of tha new railroad regulation law In Oregon. ' There la ona other explanation of the railroad company poller offered that It haa deliberately determined to at ran fie the Interior lumber mill Indnatrjr ta atop the lnceaaant cry for earn. . Infant to Ba Choked. "'..' "To tha railroad company our mills are Ilka a large family of Infanta cry ing for food when there la nothing In the pantry. Tha company haa decided that we must be put out of the way," said ona mlllraan who has been per Blatant In operating his milt and de manding cara Jn which to ahlp his product. ' "With mora tonnage than It can furnish ears to mare, the com TO BUY. GOODS AT ftirfti a j . ' m uovemmem , mil vavemn ior - Supplies to Bs Delivered Hera as Well as Puget Sound. ' DISCRIMINATION IS :"r: TO BE PREVENTED 7 V- Tbls City I Now Very Mnch on tha , ' Map la Waabingtoa and Will 'No ' Loncer B Ignored OfnclaDy by r' the Oorernaaent. ' ''.-"v l; A ' Repeated nets of discrimination com . Salt ted by government departmental of- flolala against Portland In th matter of bid for supplies, ' and 'in . various way affecting the standing, of this wort will b stopped, according to ad- rice from Washington. It Is said Sen ator Jonathan Bourne haa secured . letter xrom tne rommimi j (ninv th nrmy at Waahlngton airing assur- . anoe that there will be no further oml alon by departments In this reepeot Hereafter, .when advertlalpg for sup plies for the northwest end for Alsska '. polnta; the government will call for bids for delivery at Portland aa well as for deliveries at Tacoma. Seattle or other Puget Sound points. There never has ' been the ellghtest excuse or ground for it was ths focusing point of all Pacific northweet business of the government ' aa well as private commerce and Alaska relied entirely upon Portland for its .. supplies, it:., i ' ' . In recent years a custom has grown - up of favoritism to Puget sound ports. ' snd in spit of repeated protests sent te - different sub-off Iclsls at Washington , crimination waa pursued, . Ths nsw rul ing will. It Is said, put a stop to this policy, and from this time forward the commissary general will aee to it that - blda are Invited at Postland as wall aa at Puget sound. at Washington become at ona time that when the department of commerce and labor was organized Ita affalra were ao ehaped that Portland was left off of Its . official map.. At the same time thie port wss furnlehtng nearly all of the wheat and flour that makes up Pacific eaport trade, and waa ahlpplng more lumber than any ther on city In th world. After several warm passages by fnall between flAmm.n.1.1 ..!.. it... - - . g.iiiM twum snd the department. Portland waa shown on the department's map as being a point where ateamshlp lines operete. - OOOS IWQICMWTt Is th eseeatlal eharacteiistlo of men snd women. Invaluable to good bnal. rises men and neceesar to tmueewlves. A womaa shows good Judgment when she burs "White's Cresm Vermlfuse for h-r bnUf. . The best worm medirlneever nfftrrd to molhore. Many, Indeed, are the e.nnlble mothers who write expreee In their aretitiide tor the good health of thetr rlillrlren, which they owe te the ueS of U hliei Cream , Vermifuge, gold br ell rlriierte'e. PORTLAND IN FIGHT WITH ROAD pany 'does not oar Whether we lira or not -. : ' . "There was a time whan the railroad eoBipajay would eeneider ue as Bt to walk an, when It wanted bualneae In tha Taller to keep tha railroad running. At that time the lumber mills were worth while considering, and rataa were made under which we could lira and do bualneae. Now, whan tha constant ear shortage Is a menace ta tha compears comfort, and Ita watered etoeks are pay ing 1 per oent dividends, tha railroad people hare decided that there la no uaa permitting us to exiet any longer, aa the Portland mills ire turning out all of tha lumber that tha railroad company haa care to haul with."' - - - -- It la aald tha Southern Paclfle com pany'! freight department in Portland haa vouchsafed no reason for tha -start ling ralee tn ratea, and In anawar te proteeta of lumber sallla aommltteas It bss simply replied: "The advanced rat mast go Int af fect" Besallatloa by BaOroad, ,-: ' " When the recent agitation was st Its height ' for a railway commission bill and a reciprocal demurrage law, the ahlpplng lntereata at Eugene and Al bony and other points held .car shortage conventions and took rigorous sotloa that went far toward crystallising pub- tie eentlmeat tn favor of tha proposed railroad regulation laws, T,hs - valley lumber mill men were foremost In these activities. It la now elleged, by man who hare been watching every move eloaely. taat the railroad company Is retaliating. . . The suggestion that the eld lumber rate from valley polnta to San Fran- dee. leH eenta per let pounds for MT a Ilea, was unprofitable to the railroad company. 1 seat by the faet that the same railroad people are hauling lum ber from tha Willamette valley to Chi cago, 1.411 miles, for St cents per ton. If It be trno that tha haul from the valley to San Francisco Is unprofitable, the haul from the same valley to Chi cago muat be extremely unprofitable to the railroad, aa tha Chicago rate Is very much lower per ton er mile. The railroad people have aald the haul aouthward over-, the Stsklyous Is ex pensive, but . there are also mountain ran gee to tha eastward, ever-which the lumber must be Qfted to reach Chicago. In the absence of no real reason for tha increase. In ratea, the lumber mill men are convinced that the railroad companya attitude toward them is sim ply ona of revenge. '.. , ; wniaaeai a Organise. . It la probable that tha lumbar mill man In the valley .and throughout southern Oregon will organise and carry their case before the interstate com merce commission. They will also go before the Oregon railway eommlaslon and ask for a rate of something like tl per 1,000 feet to Portland,. .where they will secure an outlet by - water to San Francisco, , j . r Mlllmen say they can run their mills at present prices and absorb , aa much as $1 per 1,000 feet, so long as they get a ready market and do not meet with losses at sea. Tha Oregon ralV v commission will meet at Salem, Ap ru is to consider their PARTISAU BUT HOT SPOILSfilAll v-.'-.A.-V,. . . . , ' - ; Thomas, However, Declares Of fices Co to Those Who Work H for Organization. C APPALLING UST OF MAYOR LANE'S MISDEEDS Central Oommltte Chairman Polnta Oat Importation of Park Snperln. tendent From Idaho and Alao tba Appointment of Brain. ', . " -1 .t r : j. Oeorg H. Thomas, whs haa an nounced himself aa a Demoeratl oaa di late (or nomination for mayor, take leene with the argument that the rule of th civil aervloe eommissloa prevent tn exercise or much discretion la the awarding ef appointments.. He reiter ates the doctrine that "to th victor belong th spoils" and holds that Mayor Lane haa appointed men to office with out reference t their service to the party. The statement prepared by Mr. Thomas la aa follows: It haa been contended for . Mayor Lena that the civil service conditions ofths elty charter withheld from hire the discretionary ' privilege ef appoint ing Democrats to office; so much mors the reason then why he should have exercised a . jealous care in selecting resident Democrats for the very few offices at his disposal. , The mayor failed to appoint a ehlef of police until compelled- to do soby a Republi can city council. , . ' ."The appointment of Mr. Orltsmacnsr to that reeponelbls position Implies that Mayor - Lane eonsldera there la not la Portland a Democrat capable of con ducting that office. When he secured from Lewlaton, Idaho, a keeper for the parka of our city we must believe that he thought there was no Republican or Democrat . within the .etty of Portland who oould properly discharge the duties of that place, and when he selected Mr, Patrick Bruin, late of the Philippine Inlands, aa Inspector of police, it appears that he Blurred every member of the police . department and ignored every Democrat whoae ' arduoue - labors had don ao much to maka'of Dr. Lane a successful politician. ' . "I repeat that I believe In organisa tion. Evil la permanent And powerful beeause well drilled and organised. Ws must fight ths devil with fire.' Political parties exist for purpose of good gov ernment. " People differ a to what la rood. On the difference of opinion partisanship Is based; hence we have majority and minority parties. Organi sation 1 recognised a a necessity In religion. In business, la war and In poli tic. In each of theee callings the offices go to those wh work for the upbuilding of their particular organl satlona. If ths laborer In the pulpit working for the good of the souls of men Is worthy of his hire then I Insist that the partisan who works for ths bet terroent of men on earth shall not bs ridiculed as a spoilsman. "What oould Roosevelt do without or ganlsatlonf But ths president backed by tha power of a mighty people eon tends that an organisation of which Mr. Harrlman is the head la a menace to the public welfare and thus organise- i ,Uon struggle.'' ;-' - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. FOKTLAWD, TUE3DAT ' Bad Symptoms. ' The woman who has periodical teed nobe, backache, tees Imaginary dark pots or pecks floating or dancing before tier tree, biygna wing distress or beery full feeling 1S Jtomach, faint spells, drat glng -downHaling ta lower abdomlaal ot pelvis rrgfon, easily iwun ar e, rb. te anfferrna- from ersnawmenU thai should ntioB. Not nil of above likely ta b present la any A ' a or badly treaieo. an sucn mm Into maladies which dc- iargeon'1 Tknll U tksy do not vi.iln il3 medical science for the cur of woman's peculiar ailments enter Into Its com position. No alcohol, harmful, or habit-forming drug Is to b found In the list of Its Ingredient printed on each bottle-wrapper and attested ander oath. In any condition of the female system Dr. Pierce' t Favorite Prescription can dc only good never harm. It whole effect is to strong thsn. Invigorate and regulau tb whole femal system and especially ths pelvlo organs, when thee are de ranged In function or affected by disease, the stomach and other organs ot digestion become sympathetically deranged, thr nerves are weakened, and a long list of fbsd, unpleasant symptoms follow. Toe much must not ne expected oi uus 'f a vorite Prescription. It will not pfcrfonc miracles) will not enr tumors no med icine will. It vrM of tea prevent them. It taken la time, and thus th operating tabls sad th surgeon's knlf may bt voided. , - ' - Women goffering from diseases of long standing, are Invited to consult Doctor Pierce by letter, free. AH oorreepondencr la held as strictly privet and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. E. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. T. f - Dr. Plerce't Medical Adviser fUOO pages) It sent res on receipt of tl one-cent stamps for paper-covered, or II stamp tor cloth-bound copy. Address as above. SPINAL MENINGITIS CLAIMS ANOTHER VICTIM Dread spinal meningitis ha -claimed another victim in. Portland. Edwin U Fake of 1011 Beat Main street, after lying' In an. unconscious condition for two weeks, .succumbed to the ravages of the baffling diseas yesterday morn ing at St Vincent' sanatorium. It la th opinion of th physicians that Fake contracted the malady in Se attle, where he was in the employ of the street railway, company. Within two dara after returning from the sound city symptoms of spinal meningitis de veloped and Dr. B. Moo re waa eauea to attend the patient The physician ordered Fake removed to the.hoepltal. , K, I Fake was ths son of Mr. and Mrs. N. 3. Fake, It yeara of age, and waa born and raised at South Mount Tabor. In the preseno of th relay Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache Sour Stom ach, Tprpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. -: Pleasant to taKo' , irrvgutsr or painm weakii.itrnl rBptodUsoT eaae at one Ala Meflef-tcd enTyfe yTT Trrr-Ti-3 t i w nr V m, Hi e n e -y Goldenrod Skin Food A delightful toilet requisite, neither greasy , nor oily. Gives a pure, delicate and beauti ful complexion. Gentlemen will find it most excellent after shaving. ' Golden Rod Skin : Food is in stick form; no liquid to spill. 25cvj ; Sent by mail to any address i ; Beauty and Style Are v;' Joined With Efficiency ' : - In our Eyeglasses ' v . THE ''(liNGSWELm Eyeglasses are ' so constructed that the lenses and the slender gold band connecting them are the only visible parts." No heavy, wearisome mountings to tire the eyes. . Do You Know That For $3 You can purchase for your child a perfect little camera, one that will give days of pure delight. We always show our patrons, old r or young. The - largest dealers in Photo Supplies on the Pacific Slope. " 1. v Developing, Printing, Enlarging r , . . 4. LOWNETS DELICIOUS CHOCOLATES. V Tak a Box to Her Today. (' When you are in a hurry call Exchange 11 10 trunk lines, 20 extensions. Over 100 salesmen ready to attend'to your orders.' Eoiv About ; 'v : , This Is th kind of weather- : ' : ; i . ; r : : c that suggests ; ' ; ?. ' . y . ; rjediom Wei nlit GziVnienls "A,. '., . ... . v W--..V. a i '- : v'". -v.'1- -''.; , .'. ' '"'" ';..'. " '. '" ''y.i Ws sxv sgents fsr r .' r' .- Dclmcl's Pure Linen tlcsh , : . . . ., .. .... ...... . ,1 , ' ( ,! ' cv : - . " . also . Dr, Jaeger's Pnre Ssnllcry Wool Ujtl vA lledlaaTTelsU ' It Is easy for ns to plssss ytm as ws are show tog compltbs llnss from ths plain Balbriggsn at . $LI ptr salt to ths para aOk at $20.09, ' jJU til Kcrrtsca Slrecl . Gentility r.. OppcsUe v ,ri Uvea th body waa Interred In Mult nomah cemetery yesterday afternoon,. ''Wednesday la '-the last day. for dis count on wast side gas bill a. Milwaukls Country Club. ' Euttra ai4 California racea, Take Sellwood and Oregon City oar at First and Alder. . . - oimo Laxative Fruit Syrap ro liu it m Bivtaxm nntfit w nnn ' have. KVEmwu. flfim. o, gvi. Yoiir i ': i.L, V - The PostoIIlce Shop Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches.' It. is guarante ed ' NEW tanrl Stamns '" ever urini v i . mn. W . PYR0 GRAPHIC W' ; : . : ' vvdoiiard.clarke;& ca : ! PORTLAND. ORE. ; : - r m . 1 . sr to this city. Every desirable or useful ; article in wood we ' . -,-ls ' 1 " '".'.':., f ARTSIUNS : Every shade, color and size. : Our artist will make any design desired. : ..-'."i.'; Free hand work on either leather or wood.- ,We are closing out our regular $5.00 leather Table Covers at $2.47. xv . ; DENATURED ALCOHOL 'r Gallon cans ... . . i '. .$1.25 Woodlark Rose and Fruity Spray kills , all Jeaf-eating insects or parasites without , injury to foliage or flowers; pints,, 35c; quarts . . . .. . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . ..60c Spray Pumps . ., ..... .... . . .. .;. . . . '. ,65c COLONIST . . "ratco to - bREGON And th Psdfl Northwst vrtb Oregon Railroad & Nsvlgatlon Co th East, DAILY during March and YpU CA IN PREPAY . 'C ; ', Tor tickets, ff yoti deslr to bring friends, rethrca. employ or othrrt frora th East, by depositing th cost with any agent of th O. R. Ac N. or S. P. Co, with nam and address, and ticket will b promptly furnished in th East. A Har Opportunltr to Promoto tKo In- duatrlal urowth ' saim rsoi namras ' A Ooloage ...... ,.S90.M S. XolB ....I.. BT.84 kaasaa City , Omaha . .. ......,. S.o St. 11 Sa.oO BS3.00 0.00 5.00 8.00 A.0 A Rate apply te all main and branch line' points, Huntington te Spoken. ' fnoluslve. B -Ratea apply to Portland. Astoria and Puget Sound potnts;ala Southern PncllU main and branoh lla polnU north of and Including Ashkuu . Oregca. For complete Information, tnqnlr of ' ' ... ,. . WK aaoMtrmmAT, weatral rasseagss Agen, - ' ' .. " ' , : . Oregon A".llrosd B BravlcwMoa Oa - C W. Stinger. City Tloket AaU td and Washington. 4 Hlof'luch Paint Z to the Can? ( T TMCUSaiewAagtaaMMieeerefarssmnea I I atettlacbea, The "HIGH STANDARD' w' PAINT am has -hche taaMe. Bnryaiae re bar a "HIGH rrANDAXTwsak wmaa,ymsmtgmiumpmtm.- avenr vm s aI tachee hulee eaa, Toe get she Oteterk tt te SIM tbe brtm. Itery Ue eaa at "HIGH STArTDAkD - aotcepedrf eair. aeea ieamaaart ssJata bins gr tettma. BiealatrVewawal iissHisjflss, Lowe Drothers "Ilih Standard" Liquid Paint . V ' ': Gives Best Results ' v ;' -' ;' mpreamlBa1iifcwertlgiadaeiileg Hiieeel meaT0sasr'fcenTwnh) wakhturickly prwee to mHhm, . j. - .'.. ' i aiw Bianv ajut f aia i ssHi eentmy c ietkl aS erlenflftc Bilnl auUes, gieaes sad mwiBBS. by iwailul BMirhlmcy te aa tndeacrlntble Sne. samBadasertMtaBkiaeteeiiAieadlisrida. "HIGH STANDARD"? AINT Is eeklcd hi shxlglit eaBe-rhlch kee it ahverS Sssk Sad geeeV-aad BBBked ' THere ai a Lowe Bnxhen Ptiat fcir rrenr M sad s Low BraeWe seller la . BirlyearrMa. Write as tot seiriat sWi ssssisad ser arectttal heek 1st, MPalmaadPslatla.Mf aUUedea. , , ,. . . . ' RASMU3SEN & CO., Second ond Tsylorlsu. MEN TREATED AND CURED , ' -Best Service!; Lowes! Oiarges! Cores Coirtnfeed ' Wbe are affllete wlrk I"V0U1 BBBIUTT, er tMnat gwearta, eeaw ' Bonlr ealU "LOST MANHOOD." Exhaartlng Drains. Pimples, Lene Back, . ro(lBBttaa ef the Btasoer ead Kldaere, Blftilf MarS Drtne, tape. ' teaey, DeepaBdesey,. rellle Meeiarr, Vom of Am MI toe, Meatsl Worry, re. .. salts e exeeae and everwsrki PUea, rietala and Hydrocele ee etaer wees, aees, walea abeolauly aatlt taea for gteAr. Baslaeea, rieasare er Merrtaee. '"' Be sere, 'a jlr. Bleed Peteea, - eoetraeted ar kerrtaryt ghi, - trietsra, Xnlarged Vreetate eaa nwimiwi eei lit, . ; " 0aO -at writ BBV JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY BEST VJoodlark Olive Oil 'From tne selected sun-ripened queen olives f of southern California's first pressing, a de t licious . healthful product i makeT lean folks Gallon ; . . . .... . ;.v . ... .. .$3.50 Large"' bottles , .V. ,y, i .85c v ; Small : size ... V'. .. . . V. .... . 50c Y' - : ; ;v-v'- i : V SUGAR milk; ." Woodlark brand, purVpowdered, lb.;.. 35c -:. phosphate soda Granular, lb. .........'.'..25c - SASSAFRAS BARK y:tu : From Virginia, fresh and bright, lb. e... 35c : . : ' SPANISH LICORICE ROOB ' ' - seiected; ib. .... : ....'..25c ; -sS' A GILLETTE S4FETY RAZOR Is yotirs totry for s week, FREE. ' Money back If von don't like it.. ......,'....,...' fT 9 f la You Can Put Faith in Our Rubber Goods ," No trash; eyery bottle, ghr sstisf actios. j:...,-.y. ; 'J,;.;. 7 Specials y :' Rubber Garden Gloves, pair........;;.BOf Fountain Syringes, 2-fluart . . i . . t . Combination Hot Watef Bottle and Fountsja Syrings,.... fl.53 Tjarliea'. Korar Svrinsre. . ..... . . .Sl.SS 3-rjuart white flsnnel-corered Water Bottl. .......f 189 Water Wings, pair. ... .Vi . . . . . . ... .'. f r Erery child learning to swim should hay them. . . Bathing Caps ..m..,..,...,,....,... ..W German Rubber Toys, pur gum annot make baby's , ; mouth sore. ... -. , ;. ,'. -' t TEDDY BEARS, white and cinnamon, atl aStes. ., y. We want monthly accounts with responsi ble folk. Our delivery system is goocTand we are always trying to improve it. We take Canadian money at full value.' - ; Unloti Pacific, Oregon jhort t4ns and Soutbern Pacific, from all partg ol April. ortne rsoniawoasi Bmffalo , , SO 0 Hew Tork Boston T.4 Philadelphia ............. 7S Washlagtoa 47AS eo.04 . Huntington te" Spokane, htead, yne pay lis tafanU.gOeveni . ansrsB. That wham Sw sad wiaerBs m one aTnesBBj hM mmm to S bH mtxmi and x i . -cJ -.i;- ta-: m 1 rVatanw ead Byamaile. Beaeet BeaUaga, Saeeeaetalj . . :- . TIIXCX.' in fbH St. PerUaad. Or. ' ' every gyring rwiJI .J I