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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, 1 TUESDAY" UrvrENINOi APRIL"' 0, 1907. AMBASSADOR'S WIFE ILL Better Tone. Shown in Potatoes and Onion andPrices Are Climbing Steadily Latter't Values Likely to Reach Close to Throe Cents TODAY'S MARKETS jphaeaeMBXgaanesDawiBammaammmB -. j V f - " .V- w LACK OF ORDERS If HOP MRKEI I . . i ' as easterners Not Willing to Buy Even at Present Low Range ;' of Quotations. SAY THEY WILL BOY THEIR NEEDS FOR CESS Grower WcakeulnaT Under Heary ' Strata 'and Lack of Encourage. rtv-nt Trade la Slow la All Cj- ; tcra 1 One Crtmrrj Cuts Price. da'S Principal market restarts: Serosa toes la mlllfeeds sad hay. rtroMT toes la potato. Ontoa prions 4HIU climbing. ' -. One creamery rata batter price, ruocotsta and soess advaaesd. ' Eggs era holding somewhat firmer. " leek of erdera la bops. - "s Higher prlre-for mohair. . ' Mttls fresh poultry totes .freeed. Egg plant esaihtg frota riorMs dally, ttnibvria scant cesie frota sooth. .- v Xaek of Oram la Xese. Dealers report a general lark of orders In the hop ankit AU .Ute advices received here rroai casters anlm snd bnrnn bearish. The nam impress loe, ta tbs sst te a that the Pacific coast has eesens : at sops sad the vrsds there expects , tats the tsajar earttoa ef thaee .applies sroond " SaTc s poena. Eastern dealer weald hU thaae TahMS If tbev tbonaiit thev eon Id rot the hope st tbls time, hat they sre of tliery ersnti enmloa mat U the wait awhile emwera them- selves will be the aw te aiake the sffers te ma at thaaa vslaee. The long-eonttneed dml Baas la the bap Bursal kaa weakens the growers eplnloa of the market sn4 mssy e( them are bow said te ha offering to sail st aiatarlal rsdertlaas frost the raises which they held for e short tune see. Special lapaiu The stares! frota the east ana from Bsroee Indicate that hat e a mall amount of the Pacific coast hope will be treated eseept st the bayers' own vtmss. Trade at dell st all centers sad Fselfle cess hops en account ef tse.lsrge crop here, sre the lowest at the world. . - Reports front the hopyards ef the Wltlsmstts seller tndlcsta that bet s small sntoeat of damage was done the Tines throach the sold spall, altheogh It la a trifle toe early tp tall tha exact ameant eamsge. ' ' Higher rrio far Kahala. ,' A half eent has heea eddad te the price paid for aaohalr by the local trade. Several emaU Jots ware said doting the Boat 14 home eroead B8-4e aa there a e report that We was paid. While no wool has ss yet bora received la this erty this season, soma entail lots sre nx pected from mnttoa sheep doling the next few days. Prices are expected te rale around S2r a poaad. Until most markets eoatlane te show a falr ly good tone with arrivals sad demand Just about equal st the present range of .vtloea for both eeal end bogs.. ; . Oee Creamery ffathes Batter Pries. " " Bit one city creamery towered Its gootatlone ea batter today althaeas several -are expected to pot down the value either tomorrow Thursday. - WhUo the aoppllea ef cream ore sat much Increased ever wuat they were a week sge It Is the general Ian pr nation of the tra'le that valaee ahoeld go lower. The one city cTsamery whirfe La eowa today a the-same one thst held ap while the others dropped ' the price e. week ago. By Its decline sods It Dot only meats the cat made formerly by ke other craamorlee. bat, eats 2He s poaad aador .the values; making Its total decline for 'be , day (e e noead or I0e a square. Ths ettaa ' thm Is tbos reviewed: a T. a. Tuessasd leu t mach of aa tufistat .Is tbs eopply oi eream end while ws look or ra decline eooa. ws do not thlak prkes shoold be down today. ; af. ladttoooea of the Haaelarood We fcood , ; that the anrthsra eitlre were dowa Se a boand 'last slcht. so ere thonsbt the mcel.merket eboeld be tower. Oresmery supplies sre ta ' creaalnc, bat we have heea clsaaiaa; Bp every thing that eonsa. , a drop la bettor today, ss sopplles are Bot - ear toe heavy tor the demand sod we think that the ex-toss - charted yesterday will lbs - snstatalaes for the next tew days. . Brief Tetas ef the Trass. - . astera chocolate and eoesa show adveaeee ef 1 te as a ponnd. ' . Potatoes sad enhma are frrmar theash Tslees are ancheassd. CaUfornla , stssmst waa reported In bmj aterntns wMh a emaU ameant ef iroens ea accuont ef the scarcity ta the sosta. . Ests are ssmewhst firmer sad stats are asking a fractional sdvsnce. Mttls fresh poaltry w betas errerea. Dslly srrlvsls of est plant now ebowa rviridsu riftv cents s Doond. Loo Anrvlee strawberries In rsfrlserstors are 'smw arrtvlns dally with prices sotmt hew. RinuMiM rtver abed bow arrtvlns. Bells at 10s a poend. Borne fresh aelntea alee he ft ma that etreeoB, The trade pays the fctloerlas prlcss te met street. Prlcee aeld shippers are east regular eommlssloBa: . , wrsla. Ilea sad Feed. . ORAIX BAOS Celeatta, He bayfat Brteei HEATi3;?iib'Tac: red aaaUa. 70c; blee- tem. 75e; valley. 72c. COBS Whole. . 2XK; eraefeed, fas.00 BABXBT New reed. 21.00tn.t)0 per tea; tolled. $3.ooextw, erawuaa,, rsi.wv uvn at AS nee est, !" OATS New Prodscers arlee Ne. 1 White. S2B.0O2J0 per tool fray. $3a002sj FLOUB sfsstsrs Oreroe ps toojs. , M.lJ; strahrbta, $s.0: export. $3.U; vslley .7: Ibsm. V $J; wbols wheat, $.tl rys. Alia. $B.on; nsies, . Vrr i e-rT-w Vtr.s. 117.00 set toal Alines. $25.00; shorts, eooa try, $20,501 ett, Blls0i ebop. $14.00021 AW. L HAt-rocors- price Timothy. Willamette valley, fancy, $ll.rwii v; orainary. .wiij VO; essrera Oretoa. $ju.O0eM O0; mixed. $10(i '10 50; ctovet. $.00; srsla. $a.00t) 10.00; chest, . ag 00. - 1 ' t . Battar, Estt snd Psartry. ' BCTTEB PAT f. a 'h. rortlaud Bwitt cream, M"e; eoot, tlHe. ' . BUTTKaV Tlty rresmery. ' tmQSBt; , eet Me. fancy. S2fe0.1ri slors. SOe. fAinn Extra fancy, candled. lH0lBe. ' DHStSS New mil eraast, fUta, 14JlSMe; Jonas America, 17t317He. POULTBI Mixed chirk ess, 14 Se per Bn ' fancy heeav 16e per Ib; roosters, eld. llI12e per ibt eld stats, HQlfHe per Ib: fryere, ISe per lb; brotlera, IBs per Ib; eld docks, 11 H ' per lb sprint darks, lt4t per lb; seees, ! loe pat rhi turkeys, I7e per th for old; dtetaed, fancy, 22e par Ib; sqasba. $2.00 par dos; plseooe, $1.00 pet doe. brassed peeltry 14Jlne pet lb blsbee. ... Bene, Went sad Xldss. ' HOPS IK crap .Choice, lie; prime te ebok-e. lOestOUe; tsedlum to prima. ttlOe: aaenlom, Sc; eontraeta. IIM7 amp. 12e. WOtiL laos ells Taller, sudjtac; east era Orison. 9oe. MuHAlK New 1B07 7b. BHEKPfKINa ieerlns, lSyjOe es. aart wool. 2.'.aeVi medlam wool. sOOTse ea.hi Ims wool, 7cJl.0O each. ' aU-OW-irime. per lh. $Hc; Be. t aa free. Jn2H i HITTIM BABst At for ear lots; ssmB lore.' $41"-. " - fc liinKS Pry, No. 1, Id lbs sad ap, 154) le per lb; dry kip. Bo. 1, $ to 15 tha. H9iv: dry eslt. No. I. sndsr S ths. 20c; ssltad kMes, .' -t. aaad, 00 lbs Sad ever, 100 He; sows, f-n ",: atast ane oeiia, aoene, 'iJ7c; kip. II. l 50 lbs. Be; eslt. sonod. soder li lha, lie; lien, is ares; rails, ic per Ib leas: I."". Mos. aaiard. eaoa, $i.mel2.0U: dry, oah, .w,; orr. ea -u. tl 'HIJU! eou hhVa. anaMiei mat aklaa. emmos. Bach. $1 U0. lOlAr; Aacora, saoh. 2te Pralm aad TatoUhlaa. riTATOra Baytof artrs, aaetera Mall a. s-k and tla-'kamss selet, $1 7lnrt I.T5 - sell, la. taurv. $1 U: ordinary. baylBt, $1 tT'St I es.iera Oreaxw, be; lag, $1.0001.10; a ' f per in. i.v K)v,j..Miv(r price No. I Oreeoe $1 W ' ; v., No. ft. $1.15: boring price. $1 7fi i 2$ t a H. aVilrnlhe n.i4nti ear-lie. '' fte SV lb. Al I l.ts Saaef Uood Jtlvar StiUsesbeia' sad WHAT DEALERS SAY ' . OF LOCAL MARKETS By Templaton Broa. at Rica. ' 4 The errtvala of poultry hava bean entirely too light to eupply tha demand and , retallera are forced to rely upon cold storase bird. There la a steady Inquiry for Itena and broilers, but seeae and turkeya are not Bought after. 4 Eggs show a little firmer tone and If preaent weather eondl- , d tlona continue' the.' price will stiffen. . . . e There is rood Inquiry for fancy Teal and- hoc and quota tions are easily obtained. Potatoes are very ecaree and 2 advance , yell w Newtcwns. tl.SO: fancy Willamette val ley sod anathrrs Oregoa, 1.5002.w; ordinary mem F8L1TS Oranxea. new aaveL U T9; usaennea. aijai bat lemoas. sa.OOita.OII nor boxt limes, llexlcaa. Si.Uk per 100: MoeaDslea. M.OOue.M do dua grape frolt. 13-23. VBOCTABLKTorakya, new. tOcCII sack; earrota. Tfx-ittl 00 tver aack: beets. tl.TB per aack:' paraolpa. Il.O0ttl.2S: cabbace. R 50(3t.ts; lomatoee, klrxiran. s3.S3Ul.frO: riorlda. stOO; naranina. AA-fitl M' m1rt,,m Ummnm IAa nee lh; caallftowerT i80a.T6 dua; psaa. IV; boras - radian. Be aer Ihr arlfehnkaa. favmll .00 see doa: sqsaab, TScti 11.00 per box: celery. Call - forela, eottTOe ir doai cranberries. H.Ofl SX0.OO tier herrel enmnt. BaKun Me lhf aanara. gus. UeiSc; rbabarb, Qsc per lb.) groan oiuoaa, tac aoa; rmrma bell pepsers. eus eor lb.; aplnach. 1 Ktll.frO par bos. DRIED rBt-ITH .innloa avanoratad. IUS Te par lb; eorleota. lkUU'JOo oar Ibt seechaa. IzaiSHe per lb: sscks. Wa per lb met: prunes, su te eo, ee: He drop oa each 1-1V amaJler 1 blach. edHe per lb; IHc per lb; da tea. aolden. 1.40l.a0 per 16-lb bos. ewe; lira, csnromia Callfonila whlta.:iMSt4e I0.W per bos; lards. 1.. rsestiae, Vsts. Xts. HrOAR Celltorole a Ha walla a Cabs. IS.37H: powdered. U.13m berry, dry rtnniatea, M.wat: rjtsr, - Hutt; 00 nr. m. V yellow, a'eatem Oobs, I """i aura O, S4.Z2I4 t sraaelated, S4-82H; berrsls, lue salt berrsls. bos so. ftOe edvence on aack basis- I Above artoss are days set cash qmota- tlona I . CorFEB Psckaas brands, llB.S80K.aS. ' HALl t'Aarae lis it srxmaa, luue. iu.w peri roe; oue, s'u.u; tsois. aairy, sua, ss.w; iws, 1 13.711: hales. flOO; Imported UvsrnooL 00s, i.oo; luoa. flT.oo; SMa, tio.oo: extra nne, bbst, zs, ss snd 10s, es.soi.Oi uverpooi 1, W.poa e: Liverpool Urn; 00-lb reek. ,10.60; ' re Hiss, ot leas thaa lamp rock, ner luoa. 10J. t A dots pncee sppiy. re sews or atas laaa an. m qmw msuw RICB Iroperlsl Japsa. He. t. Set Wo. t,! -t DUc. BEANB Boian wMta, atrre wuits, IS.tO; pink. $,; bayoa. S.7o; Umaa, 6i4i alcilran reds. so. - nutb reanats. jibn, ewe pas ret iir- iwa, per id; roaaiea, iu p-ar id, .-e sees, aerate; roast ea, luitrt per m; eoeiaa- as, auven per aoa, v.h.wi miiiwum, iwj e Ik, tUkM 1A Ik, .h.i,l I eastern. lArlrie ner th: Brssll ants. Joe 5 lb; riiberts. lee per lb; zaacy peeaaa, waw. almonds, lB21fcc afosts, risk and Tieilitwnt . FRESll MEATS Prent Street Hoss. fsBey, 8Vi3 per lb: veal, axtra.- 8Q8U, pat lb; ertltiiary. InOH per n; poor, ee per idi i t- tan, fancy, tUM per lb; eprlnf lambs. lee at a, i HAMS, BACON. ETC. Port la ad peek (local) bsmt. 10 to 13 lbs. 16V,e per lb; 14 to 1 lha, le pet lb; IS to SO lbs, lee par lb:, breakfast bacon. ldVieZlMe per lb: plrnlee. IBs ner ib cottars roll, 12e per lb; recnlar short clears. sssmoked. 13c per Ibt smoked. 13e per lb clear hacks, ansmoked, 12e; smoked. iHe per Ib; Union bntts, 10 te Id lbs, ansmnked, per lb; smoked. Be per lb! riser bellies, aa- tmoked. 12He per lb; smoked, ISHe per lb; sboalders, IHc per Ib; pickled tonenss, 90s seen. LOCAL LABO Kettle leaf, 10s, 134e per Ibi He. lSe per Ib; 60-Ib tins, 1J psr lb; ttssm rendered. 10s, 12(e per Ib; OS, I2t per Ibf componad, 10s, W Ber Ib. CANNED SALMON Colombia river. 1-Tk tails,; 2-lb tslla.) $2.79; fancy 1-lb fists, tl.0; H-lb fancy fists, 11.15; fasey 1-lb ovale. $2.75: Alaska tails, omk, 8Sge0e; red.-$1.); BomtntL at. tall. $2.00. - - ri8H Bock esd, 7s per Ibt flovndere, lie per lb; hall bat. SHe per lb; era be. $l.ooiajl.M per doe;' striped btaa, lie lb; catfish, 10c lb; sal mon, fresh California, lie Ib; frosea sal mon, lie per 10; aemna;, oe . per id; boms. ec per id; snnmps, tus psr id; nercn, te per Ib; black cod, 7s per lb; temeod. 7e per lb; lobsters, le per Ib: fraah mackerel. Re per lht erawflasu S0e nor dos: stare son. 10c bot lb; blacc nesa. vaj per to; uoiamnia nvvr Be per lb; anas. 10c. OXRTF.BbV 8hselwstet bsy. per nDoa. $150: per 100-lb sack. $4 .40; Olympla. per rsltoa. 12.26; per 115-th sack. $a.b0sJS.25t Easle. tanned, loe can. $7.00 dos. CLAMH Rardanen, per ara. $2.40; raaor slams. $2.00 par box. lie Per dot. - Valat, Coal 00. Ik . ; B0PB Pare Manila. IS-; standard, Uti alaal. lie. ' COAL orL Peerl or Astral Cessa, ltHa pet eel; water wblts. Iron obit, lie par sal; rooOea. lie nor sat; uroinai, tiv eeg. liwe oer ra ll. OIKUUNE-M dee., Im K.k. l Me nee sal. rasas, 24H set BENZINE i des, eaaaa, 29a yet gsf; tree Ms. ldHe per jral. TUBPBNTIN'B la casts, age per (al; wooden bbla, :v per gal. WH1TB LEAD Tea lets. Tile per 7k; BOO-Ib lots. Be pet u: less isia, se per in, WIRP! N AJ 1 Present baala st 12 PS. LINSKED OIL Pore raw, m S-bbl Iota, BOc; 1-bbl Iota, Bsc; esses, oee per gai; seeome ket tle-bolled. cases. Oue per gsl; ft-bbl lots. B4e: 1-bbl lots, hoe psr gsl: ground cats, car lots, 1 20 .00 set too; less thaa ear eota, $80.00 per HOGS SHOW WEAKNESS' at , ? BUT ARE UNCHANGED 1 " j . i ' - Eastern Prices Steadily Losing- No Cattle Arrive In During the " . Twenty-Four Hours. PortJand Unloa Stockyards, April . stock receipts: . . -.'''-Bots. Cattls. Bheep. Today 11S . ... 11 rV eek S go ........ ,,, .(.r Tear age ...........V M .' 11 ... Prevlons year , IBS S.1M - While the price ef bogs a) steadily decile his In the rest owing to ths hesvy srrlvsls for thla time ef year, local valnea, tboagh aa- ebanged, sre weaker. Beets cents la ths ex treme top ef the market and there are Indi ra tlona that a lower price win be named la fbe near furore. A year ss today huts were firm, hot enchanted. - Ne cattle arrived la ths ysrds tpd7 sad the tone Is firm, t brash anchanged. with beat staff tt $3. A rear age settle were firm, hot anchanged la price. - joat 11 Bees or sntap cams ra wiring nm 14 boars. Market very firm, bet nachsnged. A year age tone wae nrm. Today 26 bead ot barsee were tmoas the arrlrala. , . Official nvestnck prices: Hoes Best setters Oresea. $7 r); slsthsu and feeders. $.75: (Thins tats, $4.75. ( aula Beat eastern Oregon steers, so on; a, Aa sad kjelfera. S3.5Ofl4.O0: Stocksrs tnd taedera. $.7.50'i 4 00; bulls. $2.50. Sheep Mixed, S'SoHr: wstbsrs, Stic; ewes, fJOVie; Umbs, 4Aioe. .. EASTERN HOGS OFF AGAIN .111. H U 1 MiUla. IT UUtt . - . - w v I llMnm T-. a . Y T I W S. 22: beet s;.",. ii.KiT I ! .'7 .. Ir undTT V"'" w JSSS leametl -0.M TV,i -hl. -"Hl seiue-- T"' Z.rFlfLZZ U'r4 Statai Nation. " Mii WnS la t.7' ,'7,'rr7...,,T::Tr-Z,l Prk had a soars sdvsnea. with antmoet bI I America a Blaeolt a. . . M jw im I BurDriae. .It ev.M. iwaa . nw.. I . .1 - ' . 1 FIto Crats Dropp-d Off Prlct Cat , tie and Sheep Steady. Cktcass, April Livestock recelnts: Hogs. CsttU. Bheep, Cblcsge .....'.....1.1. d.OfaJ ILOfid Kansas City 13.0"0 ll.OHO 10.004 Oniaha 12,(a S 000 12.000 Me sr be lower, with lf left ever. Re. celpta s year teo were 11(. Mixed $! 50 IVlt.VSSi ,' ... n04.M; rartls afeaAy. Sheep Staadjr. ' . 11 STROOG TOIIf .IN flLSIOFFS 4l 2 I ! 4l 4 I Local Conditions : Are Unusual for This Time of Year ' Prices Are High. f ENORMOUS DEMAND CONTINUES IN FLOUR uucago neat Market ecelvc IU Decline Right After the Btart July Weakest With a Loss of c a BusheL CHICAOO WHEAT TliCBUL )'- April t. .J. ... .78'., A .... WIHA ... UlA April 8. Leas. 1 .77 I .on4 .7HB .0S .MlH - MOi 3( .00. 100ft I May I July .7n-i .77 1 Pt "e I I Oondltloas la the local era la and hog Bitr- 1 aa aio aooax onaaual st tbla time, wnoat I gaining In flrmneee owing to I na contuuea beavr drain ea thla floor market I r oneorai soiument. I. MUlatuffn are firmer at thto time thaa they 10 man tswy I oeen at una seaaoa for UM values are very rhjld end millers sre not posh - In their nalea. ss better velars are bolus el - j 'ored by Calllornle. umiiM wou seesoss or too laisnees ei sf - im ij iiiui wmviDf v wessasan is etover, nut valnea are not shaded ta the lesst eves ft that srada. OfflcUl eeorstlona by Over berk, Btart WHEAT. t Open. Illsa. 77 77U - '"' tbu . . . nu I . " r - a I Dee 82 Vi ; S2U i tX)B. I stay stay tftv. ' 40H Jnly mi7 Mt? aspt 42 d 47 J . . - OAT& i . , . . ., oiTa I May m. ., - dfTa - 48 In I. .ail a. - ' .- f I . ruaa, ; I vjwsj lono iboj l'r ...leva .lais 1900 1810 I LARD. r .. inn sra sen ' ana ,aif aae. ... swt . . - BHT SS0 aspt ....800 . SOT' MO , B8T RHiiKT WIRB ?7 WO "M . '. 8H8 2?? ?7? 7 8ept 071 8J SM3 NEVADA STOCKS MIXED Price Are Both Up and Dowa Mo-1 . nawK Ixmps BOc Toda. - la Baa Pranckww tndav Kmi, rather mixed, la ths Ooldtleld list Bandatorm advaBced 2e. Bed Top 15c. while Mohawk lost 50c. Jumbo advanced lse wi.Ma i.ia,.i ar-pppen sari I Blivet fK lost Be and St. rwm eemo amonnu Offlclsl onotstlona . by ; Overbeek, Starr ,h vwwssi company; ... ' x " wOLDPTELD DISTRICT. ' ' Bandstorm. ftlo: Rod Tm aa ta. unk. 16.00 Oolsinbls UU,' $L02H; Jo mho. $4.15 jomno $2.42H; Vernsl, Sle; Pennsylvania Jc: Ooldfleld M. Co, $1.60; Kendall. 44c; Booth sioi sjoii, oic: a as ma, zoc; Blivet Pick. awi sy Wueen, 28c; Nev. Boy. 14c: B. B. vc; nins neii, 2se; inxw. lie; Htbernm, 14r: St. Ives, $17U; Conqueror. He; Blk. Rock. Be; Lone Ktar A.te. a. Wamaaa Sa- iw 43c; Kendan Ext., 6c; Bandat. Ext, Sc; Mayne, 14c; Atlanta. 77c; Great Bend. $1.10; Empire, 15c; Red Top Ext.. Bsc; Florence, $6.50; Dlam'f. B. B. Coo.. dOe; 0. Daisy. $2.36; Lagnnt. $1.75; Commoowsslth. $3.50; Comb. Frsct, $4.00; Or. Bend Ext., SOe; Oi. Bend Anx.. aOrA; Mill storm, 85c; B. B. Bonansa. 12c; KtwaiKX, $1.46; Btmersids. lie. Portlaad. 8.VA: Crack er Jack. 20c i Francis Mohawk. $1.10; Bed HIIL 42e; Mohawk Ext, 24n; Spearhead Gold. 40c: Lot i Dillon, lscA; T. Tiger, 21c; Oraadma, 27c; ! PjT",.f - lle'- T- -: Co'- Mt. Ext, 7c I Ooldf. Cons, $8.50; Dlsm'f. Triangle, B2e. COMSTOOK DI8TBICT. Onhlr. ee.eB: Mexican. Bee- iVsiM sV rs, . $Se: Com. Vlrglsls, $1.10; Savage, tele; Hale ft Norcroee, Soc; Tsllow Jscket. Ml Mi Bel cher, eoe; Confidence. Be; Blerra Mav., See; Exchsqacr, S4e; Uawa, 4e- N 'B7JLLFB0O DIbTB7CT. Orlgmti lc; Bnllf . M. c, 28e; Mont Bnlf . ; Nat. . tui nk. 44ci L. Harris, act laehm sflci tiold Bar, $1.20: Buinwar. le: Denver Bat i. nx..22cA; Bonnie Clare. 45c: Maefl Cons., 48e: Monty. Ohio Ext.. loot i Baaa, xtc: Moaty. Mt.. 2Uc; B. Dtlay, 28c; Hoot take Cons, $1.27,: Tankse Girl. 11c; Noggett, 10c; Trsmp Cons., $1 20; Victor, 2ScA; North Star. 10c A; . Midas, BOc A; Sunset, lOe. . TON0PAH DISTRICT. Tea. Nee.; $l.O0; Mont. Toe., $.2U; Toe. Ext., $4.00; MacNamara.Afte; Mtdway? $1.74; Ton. Bolmrmt, $4 00; Ton! No. Bur, 80c. Ohio Ton., be; West End Conaft $1.45; Reams, Wc; Ton. Calif.. 11c; Golden Anchor, 44c; Jim Bailor, $1.17;. Ton. Cash Boy, 10c; Toe. Rome, Sc; Boat. Ton., 13e; Monarrb Pitta Ex.. f?cAi,l?Bt--JiMVBl"-'AlocJ 0M Crow a. 14c; M. y. Ton. Cons., 4c. - . MANHATTAN . DISTRICT. . ' Maah. Coaa, BOc; Msnk. M. 0, lSe ' O. Wedge. lle Beyler Hamp, Sc; Dexter, I3c; L. Joe, Sc; Crescent, Sc; Combination, V; Orsnny. 21c; Msttsng. 28c; Ltttls Grey, 40c; Cowboy, .fie; Oris;. Manh, 10c; Broncho, ISc; Jams Jtck, 17c At Plnenat, 18c; Buffalo, 7c; B. Dog. 23c X. Horse, 7c; Indlaa Oaaip, 14c. ' v- , TARIOCB DISTRICTS. Fairy Silver Kins, 46c A; Fairy Eagle. SraA; Plttsbnrg rlllver Pttk, $1.77; Eagle t Nest, $3c; Baby Wonder, SOe; Alice of Wonder, 12c. " ' TTBTTSS STATU BOTCTaTatTBT BONDS, New York, April S. Government bonds: - - "s'e. Bid. Ask. Twos, registered ISO "4 100 105 do oounon - 1030 ....... 108 ....... 100S HW1' 1I2V inV 102V 130V 180V Kiev Threes, registered 108Vi eouoon sue Tnress, email oonas ........ Foars, registered .......... 1028 JS1H 11 Vi iOoti 1061, do eonpos . swAo Foars. Phlllpplnse Twos, pensms 104 Vs 104 Vi do ceaooe .....,.. PORTIA ID BAJTK BTATIltXaTT. Clearings today . Clearings yetr ago. .$1.25.2n2.n . l.tuw.seo.ll Oala today ..,,. , 170.lt27.d2 . I72.awo.oo . 1W.16I.78 paiancea av-iay ........a... Balances yetr ego Frolt Acreage Increased. iHpeetal Dlapstch to Ths Jonrssl.) La tlrande. Or ' Aorll 0. Tbere Bromtsee te be s big tneresss ha orchard screags ra Ore no Bonds valley this season. Many Urge aar aery shipments sre arriving dally. One car of trees from the Milton nursery btve arrived, also a ear from a company at Louisiana, tlla marl. There are tlso big shipments doe from Kalera, The Dalles and other local points sf supply. Weather conditions an to this time save been almost perfect for fruit ef sll va rieties, and tbs pros ports could hardly be bet r. A Jsnsary , I Ohlesen .K..I ..k 1 a m. I "ercaanrs nattonal . inn Mine Kla Ll-i;- 4-,B.,JL.".t: aovement la ths latter.. allrM I L18TCD BECtTKlTIBS moHnti . his death St I - turw, Clnss. 78 'Z - 78 A 80t 00t4 814 1A it. tA 47 ;: T Sii miJa . e M ' ate is lasssa-eaBn.,,, 1 BTW TORK COTTON MaRaUT. New Tork, April . Cottoa fntnres: Asrll open. niga. Iw . 1017 1017" 1007 ions lime 1'MO 45 , 9rA ll Hi HO 4 SS 1011 101$ M ' V ma ft.14 d 7 p Ml tv4 rsnrusry apru .......... nay ,, Jnnt ., July ., Anrstt Setitemt October OSS 'png , 870 7$ 008 tot S4S 'a 05 ;o m 73 ' 004 . WHO .emher Itcsmhar ...1001 1002 001 SLIGIII LOSSES 1.1 LIE SHARES Poticle .Drops a Fraction on the Local Market During To . . day's Trading, i : ASSOCIATED OIL IS v .ADVANCED A DOLLAR I waanougai Extension and British J Colnmbia Amalgamated Lee Company Stock Offered at De cline of S3.50. ' Associated Oil abowad tha 1v ..1. tA.m ea the local sxchtnse. - nid sri anXi: -piciure is irom a recent vao- J.k ."T H" bt stday. Jam Tit eh aVIIltlfiaw lime DA.ald 1 a a a aa.' kat le la ths bid mmd V'mhoumml Extonaliti I IllmalM 1. Ooinmbu Am.iaT.ui.tM droniMd cai .t,V,n.4,.1n50'th,V rU'ed lilt r.Jtl .L "ar? ""S aropped fcc, Stand- . " . Tc ap EteflJt Udsted loot ee. whllel uit Loeur a Aleae vsnred He, O. K. Consolidated wwwiwrs aavaaced sc. Seles: Tan aaanHai.a rut - aaa om I 1 . . . . : w 9rw. 1 ivnTsce sate I si oe. S.0OO CotMwe k Im 1 IfT-T?, Vo'TL"1 ,00 hlsmmotb (prtvste 1 L. V . l?Jh. . . I - ' j . 0lcUI prices: ' ; - 1 .. I n.nw A. ... - bio. -. saw. I .......eoou.w I SV"" mberiens....U.. 10o.0 CtllfornU. ...... .....IM,, oo Merrbanta National CltT snd HtthnrhAA Sa 02.00 80.00 Horns Tnlephons os 0. B. ft h Kallo-ay ... O. W. P. ft Railway Ss.. Pacific Coaat Biscuit ea.. Portland RaUwav Sa SS 00 100.00 M.50 so.oo o. on. ee ::::.:::::: ::::: 100.00 MISCELLANBOna rmrri Aeaodstrd Oil 43.00 Homo TelanhoBA aa aa J. C. Lee Co. 10.00 B3.00 22 50 106.00 SO. 00 Pagst Botud Telephone ..... UMNO BTOCXS.-N . J ' i SB Leeerseh Gold.... Vty. MsntfTtUa Crown Poiat..r."r V-... Poticle Mining " " 'iiii Washongal Cxtenet-a ........... J .20 - M S40 7.00 .1$ .07 .08 .15 ' 1 .OS - .01 .OS .14 r M aIbmj : S.80 UNLISTED arrsOn-al rtontna Bar TVleohoAA tat Oregoa City M1U ft Lam bar.... " ... Aissas Petroleum British Colnmbia AmaJuaamtea. Caacadls iTT, .oa 14 .18 .oou .10S .08 J00S .07 vrreaa nonnsTB uammota Morning . ............... Standard OotiaolldstedT! x scoma Bteei .07 COECB D'ALBNB DIBTRKT Bollkm MTsi h.. 0. k.. CossoBdstsd...... AM ... r04H ea ssV0 .... Xsa . I Hoowthos I Ssewstori EARLY BA1I.S TURNED TO LOSS till ill DAT ' NET GAINS. Car Foundry..., ta Colo, rael m prsx ' nearer Sugar ........... I4 Katy , Smelter .......... K i)mt Nortaera vasaaiaa . 2v People's Gsa ... ot. Paul H u. C. ft O. 44 Bock IsL sraf lu sea fftf-.ou a . IASOOE.Q. Amalgsmstsd ,iN. jr. Central...... 1 Cot inn 011 Cm. a w : st Atehlsoa 1 ipeaa. ..;......... IU. On d IPreaa Steal - St L. ft N ll. Readme " aZ Boathera Pae...u. UlRoek lslnnd aZ Southern Ry., M. 8. Bteei Bret... U union ran. ....... , . . Karly prlcee m Near Tork - were advanced today, a better tons Mkowuaa rnllno at ike start la London. : Later ta the day profit tak kog cost New Tork values s seed nan af Iba early profits. Boathera Railway a ad Br la touchsd bow low marks, ths Utter la sympa thy with tbe former. Amsrlraa Smelting was ths strong feature of the day sad held wall while ths general Hat was aadet primers, it closed e points sp. - - OfflcUl Bootatkma Overwsek, attars Cooke company: y ' Open. Clnss, Amalgsmstsd Copper Co txtta Amerlcaa Car A f oundry, com. . .. M Amerlcnn Car ft roundry. p(d..... .... Amerlcaa Cottoa OIL eommoa.,... II AaBerleae Iorouxtlre. eotnama.... SA Anterlcan Sugar, eommoa .....174 Ameneaa Smelter, eommoa. . lss Amerlrsa n me Iter, preferred ..... .... Ansconde Mining Os MI4 Amerlcaa Wooles, eommoa........ 81 Atchison, common Bt Atchison, preferred .... Baltimore ft Ohio, eommoa 101 Vi' 1"1 Brooklyn Btpld Transit 9ft S1H Canadian Padfle. mnant... 178U -A7lli Central Leather, corarooa SI 80 Central Leather, preferred........ .... SS Chicago ft Great Western, com. .... 14 lVi aaiiwsnsea at nx. rani. ...irvj jtv, 1 Dies go a Horthwastara, eommoa.. 16 a 150 Cheas peaks ft Ohio , 41 41 Colorado Foci A Iron, somanon- ST art Colorado Boathera, let Bid SO niiwarf at atuosoa .1BD lnl: Denver ft Rio Orende, eemraoa. ... $1(4 I 81' i"-nrr at an uranoa, prererrso. ' 75 Brie, cornea 1BVA 24' Krle, 2d pfd ..... f'r)e. 1st pfd Mi ofi IlUnols Central iftovi 146 Louisville ft Nsshvllla iaaS us aannanaa lunway .... 187 Mexican Central Bsllwsy.. 22 at aa, Miatonrl, Kansas ft Texas, eoa... 87 Z ' 17 1 Missouri. Kansas A Tessa, fa.... SS ' S Dlatlllers , 71 yji Oreat Northern. 137x4 m Federal Bmelter aji Mlasoori Pacifle TT It National Lead 81 New Tork Central r..l20 lis New Tork, Ontario A Western..., 88 al . 2!i ?;'r"' eomatoa...... .... T8 Norfolk A West sra, pratarred mi North American , . 75 Nor Mi era Padfle, eommoa ........188 Iftn Pacifle Mall Hteamahlp Oe 20 2K Pennsylvania ' Railway .....,.,.,..127 ' ' 12H People's Oaa, Light ft Coks Os..., 2S Z Pressed steel Car, eommoa $TZ . $7 Pressed Steal Car, preferred....... B4Vk 04 Reading, eommoa, ..lllVi lio1 Reeding, 2d pfd .... M Heading, let Dfd ...,.(.r. .... as Repohlle lroa ft Steel, oonimoa. . Hepuhlie Iron ft BteeL preferred... Rock Ialand, eomon,,.l Bock Island, preferred ........... St. Lnnla ft Baa Fransltce, 2d pfd. 8U Louis ft Bas Francisco, 1st pfd Ht. Loot a ft Southwestern, sent.... 81 Loala A rVa to western, pfd.,., 0 $5 iwMithers pscine, comoa ...... m. . . ss Mouthers Pacific, preferred....... ... Hon them Railway, eomssen. ....... tt Southern Rsllwsy, preferred... I.. 70V Testa A Padfle tSt Toledo, St. Louis A Weat., ema. Toledo, St. Louie A WteU. pfd. Colon Ptetfle, eommoa United States Buhner, eommoa.. Cnlted Btstes Rubber, preferred. I'nlted States Steel Co., com... lolled Suits Steal G pfd... Wabaah. common B94 .141 .. 87A ..100 Vi Wabaab, preferred .... 71 V Weatera flnkin Telegraph ..... 82 u Wlaeonaln OntraL common .... . ia? Wlacnnstn Central, preferred. .... 40 Tlrglaa Chsmlcsl .... 28 Bsw TsTB-Lendoa BUrer. ' -s ' New Tork. April $. Bar silver, SSUI tea eon, $0 $ ld. Wedneedsy Is tha last .day for dis 4 en 17Vi ti 18S loH 2A sov! ie count on west side sea bills. I : nvi. . . . tograpn of Mrs, Charlemagne Tower, -I a s aa . . 1 wlfa of that ImarUn n.K. 1- 1 - " w M uiuomhiuvi IU Berlin, who wm Uken Boddenlr 111 upon her -rjT.lyln New York, KING LEOPOLD'S DEATH , . . .... LOOKED FOR ANY DAY (Juaraal Special Barvtce.) Brussels. April . Kins Leojxll, who la soendlnt ths aprlnr in tha Riviera, Is 71 rears old today. Despite ths of flclal statements recently . laeued majeatr'a tieeJth It Is from reliable sources that tha undoubtedly in a bad stats and anr time would cause little is understood ' that his majesty fully realises his precarious 1 oondlttoa and durtnf ths past year has worked unceasintrly to place his ails ire, both official and personal, in shape for his success or on ths throne. Being now In Uncomplicated Cases My fee Is Only Yoa Can Pay Men Cured the serious complex and stubborn ones that others neither cure nor compre hend. I hare confined my effort to di stales of men exclusively, and there la no ailment belonging to thia class .that I cannot fully conquer. I make broad anH definite claims. , I' tell men that I can cure them, even though others hare ; failed. Jealous doctor have charged me with claiming too much. But I ask,' wherein have I failed to fulfill a promise? My practice is now fully twice that of any other specialist upon the Pacific coaat treating men's diseases, - It haa -grown to these dimensions because I have made promises and fulfilled them.' Each cure I have effected it a triumph and a manifestation of skill that has had its part in the making of my success. Each day new cures are com- ; pleted, and my present growth of practice is more rapid than ever before. Consultation is free. . If you are afflicted, consult me. You can rely upon what I tell you, and if I acceptyour case you can rest assured thst complete and permanent cure will follow my treatment. All necessary . X-Ray examinations are ' abso lutely free to patients. My equipment lot X-Ray work ia the- finest and most complete ever pro duced, and equally . per fect resulta are not possi ble with am inferior appa ratus. ---- --' All medicines : are pre pared from standardised drugs in my own private laboratory and are - sup plied to patients at actual ' had ef 0VU-4 . t. mm 8 ' . A.aV ..' 1 g : 3d Yasara. In Portland - ST. LOUIS MEDICAL and SURGICAL DISPENSARY The U. S; Government ''. ,, .i - ,V mHAS ADOPTS D The Automatic Telephone The United States Government believes so thoroughly in our automatic system that it has adopted it at four of its V arsenals Rock Island Arsenal. Rock Island. I1L ; Frank-' " " ford Arsenal, Bridesburg,, Pa.; Watervliet ArsenaL Syra cuse, N. Y. Springfield Arsenal. Springfield. Mass.; at the Naval Station at New Orleans, La., ,and at the Sandy Hook Proving Ground, Fort Hancock, N. J.V LOUIS J. WILDE, ';V".!. "HOME BONDS" r ' : v" LAFAYETTE. BUILDING. PORTLAND. OREGON at variance with an his daufhters It ta believed that tha bulk of King- Leopold's raat private fortune will "descend , to Prince Albert of Flanders, who Is the heir to- ths throne, after adequate pro vision haa been mads for thoaa to whom the kins; has been closely attached In ibl. jronrs. " . . . . j A.AM..AMnAM..e Dcg for Third Term. , A 'l JorasI Bnedal Bervtre.) St. Paul. ArrU . $. The bouae this afternoon unanimously adopted reeo lutlon aaklns Rooaevelf to -run for president aeTaln. '. Five Democrats did not trots.' - ..- - .; - ' - Fsrmart Build Warsksasst BavertoB. Or., April sV The hopsiiwreia la the vicinity ef hllre en have erganlaed and sre building s large rehouse near the depot. The saaortatloa at eompesed ef about 50 of the largest growers near BUvertna. Disaster Postal Cards. T Ths disaster postal Is one of ths latest forms ePJhe souvenir poatal erase. It Is fashioned from some material which 1 Have tho Largest Prac tice Because I Invanably Fullil My Proniises Success isn't attained at a bound. It if made tip ' ' of many little triumphs. A large medical prac tice doesn't wait the young physician at the col lege door. He must prove himself.. He must work toward succesa day after day, doing, well : each day's task., . . It has always been mV rule to promise nothing . that I am not absolutely certain of accomplish- - ing. Realizing that no one physician can sue- ' ; cessfully undertake to cure all diseases, I entered .. special courses of study in preparation for my ' . present work. For sixteen years I hare been , , , proring my ability and building my success v I have -mastered,' first the simpler diseases, then Taylor Co. 234 MorrUon St. Cor. Second Portiand, Oregon rstleasi HvtaaT ef tka etty aad seess s Bs fsnlahed with fuse raaaa for trseteesni wUl W fsmlaaad with fine skarge. Oaeok year traahs dirte te S84V4 stattissa DISEASES OF? MtLRI CONSULTATION Our Fee Need Not Paid Unless Cured ' - By years of erpsrlenoe we kaew that men who riavw enffered froro maladies of different varieties Mob. aa jrerroria SeblUty, lru. easle Tro-ablee, BVaodi rotaoa, etsv, wreck their owe Urea by nesleot lns the proper tnedloal aid. or by coneultlnr nnrellable "ao-olled apeclallsts" who know nothlna; about tha salenoe, of medtelne, end thla la worse for tha patients, both flnasinlally aa well aa phywUnvlly. This drain, aerre and taaaealae Caaareylaa alsaasa, will sve kill yoa, Bat It wUl torwara yoa aa did tha oannaballstlo tribes years ago. XV wilt drire you ta a aaaaaat as weir aa ywaoal daetlay, by . fooling away your tlma and money en experiments. We are Be oaly reliable aneaaUarta la leortlaad aad She Worth weert tree tine dlseaaea of men, and when we aooept ease yoa ara aa evxra of m smra, aa max aa taxa ana rlaea la the eaart and seta la tha weat. Ton aak why wa make such a broad statement, and our answer "The are kaew on bnalatea tJoonjagThly and aar oTfloa to eqaiTrped ta IsBBUIla swah gaaia. Consult os free ef cbarre and eat our eavndld, heatsse aeries and If wa can help you - we will cladly tell you ao, and If your caae la beyond help, you will not be tinder any financial obligation, to u Boa's rly oa mrta taae ef ethers. . v P . . , j , " , , , n wnw ninn -if.v. ay sits Worn aim PTOaaT tans. . - f . T so SiSO. dallyl fojadaja, t to It, Cteaumltaktloa fraa."' 4 ooaurro laooirs aJro TAJtaOzj. MnxxTt, roanAJrs, t . .. . haa flsured In 'an accident or calamity and la properly lsbelsd and dated. ' ' "The collision "off 7 Noyes , Beach, by which ths steamer larehmoBt was tost, furnished a number of tbeas cards. They . were mads of a piece of a sall.' cot'rei latlon postal card slsa,' and on tbs back waa printed: "Piece of salt from wrack of schooner Harry Knowlton at Noyas Beachy Rhode Island. Wrecked by col lision with atesmer Larchmont, Febru ary u, isw. . - - . . Ths cloth was about a etchth of sa Inch thick and on Its face bore ths ad dress and ths usual stamp. San Fran Cisco and Klnrston have furnlshejl any number of these postal a From railroad wrecks bays been sent pieces of cap cushions or Pullman draperies, ., Work will be commenced within ths next few months on tbs magnificent labor temple to be erected in Kan aae City. ,. . Wednesday Is ths last day for dis count on weat side gas bills. DR. TAYLOR The Leading Specialist , WMkness T stodsse temporary activity ; ef the fnsetlons la sssts ef ee celled waa knees le a simple mat " tor, bat te permsasnlly restore strength aad vigor is s problem ' thst bat few pbrslclsBS have eolved. ' I never treat far teot- t porsry efferia. Cader tar sxs- " revs sf treatment, every bit ef Impmaaaitiit Is a part of a nee. raasent - car. Thoegh - sther phxalctaaa hsve,' thrsagh siy sae eess ta effecting semi seat '- en res, been convlaced ef the feet that prenxatuiaaase. lost ef sow er, .te., are hat tysiptomt re : eoltlng from chrsnle tnflseiaie. - - tlea ee eoagestiea ta the proa tars land, anas have as yet heea able as duplicate my enres. sir s .ret em of local treatment Is the nly effective taesas vet hi fo- -eateries the prostats te Its a v 'I srsts, which always re su.ts In fail ssd eranplete rstara ef strength sad vigor. Bach a ears Is ebeorstele fArmasent, No ra oee the tJondtrloa res poo sfh la for the faaettona disorder at en tirely reaweed. It la the ealy kind ef e ear. a natlei axMrea. cere I end le the only tied at will treat far. , . i Corvsaltatlon Free 'I tttte norh rag- la siy rn- nooBrereentt 1st the ttrstgbt, sqaire troth. ' It will coat yov ' nothing te eel end tslk seer ' roar ssts. Too esa frndotft sll stoat year treabls and roe esa later arrange to begin treatment any time yoa like. . My offices, eoenprltlng - tsa rooms, ere th.. lsrgeat most elegsnt aad heat rsrt. fraa St. son ip pod ia me FREE OUR FEB Be IN SPECIAL CASES o