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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
TIE OREGON ' DAILY JOUEHAU PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVEMIKO. "APRffi .- IC07. Other Classified Ad vertisements will be found on pp. 16-17, KEW TDAT. RCVBITt AKB HBVICa. Depositors demanding bank ing service of the very highest " character will find the , ;- 'OldestTrBst Companyln Oregon - ' able to meet their most exacting requirements. . k , Resources over V 02,000,000 . We pay. from 2 to 4 per cent interest, dependent upon the na LiSIl jhe deposit. " , Call for statement and book of 1 HXTTITIATIOVS. y Portland Trust Company of Oregon : ' t. U .- Cor. Third sad Oak StaV , ' noM Kxshaage TS. ; v ' ,k- . ' ' '" . ' '. BKNJ.' t ConWH. ...... .....Tntmt B. L. FITTOCK Vice-President b. lib paoit... ...... secretary J.. O. GOLTBA, . . .Aarbrtaat secretary itOTJUTT . A1TD BBBTJCB. STEAM COOKERS - To Housekeepers: The Ohio Steam Cooker eooka everything to perfection and pa-a for Itself In from one to three months by (anna; it par cent In gro ceries, meat and fuel bill a, . Nothing to burn, dry up' or boll - over. Fits a, oil, wood or ooal atove All over one burner. If you want It 'you can buy ' one with one dollar down and one dol lar a week. Call at tZi First street, or rinc up Paclflo 164. , We will brine you .one,.-.- . l? Pm erst --. ra m C4- -apovw -ruwrn uiwiwn, viefini name. I cement basement, with furnace: beau j tlful'View, end the beet bargain In Portland, today. .' xm m oo, ' '- ; Boom 33S Lumbar Exchange. , ! MARRIAGE LICENSES. $ Hal B. MnMleton of Calgary, Alberta. Csa- soa, sa, eea- buna riss. sa- t 1- T. Boroea jot Bt, .Jobna. Oregon, U. M M ft. Inrle. 84. ' -" Jobs' Wataon. Se..esd Ansls Halrereos. M. Julius Graaeeth of sisgeav Oregea. S. m . Oeorgins Beaeon, SO. Prederlck M.Keprea. BS, aad OamUls . JmBua. 4(1. - . Vktor KCsak, 10,'ahd ! Edna Wsshbara, IS. r 1 e X Wedtllng Cards. W. O. Bmtth ah Co.. Weah Ington bldg serxter Poarth aad Washmgtea eta. Tonsetb Co.. florists, lnda. . 128 Slith st. Oswsrs sf aB 1 Clarhe ne., Plnrlats Ptee Oewsrs end flsral eeigns. 2M Mortisoa St. Pah drees Sellorhig fe salts for rent, all elsts. SOP Stark st. yakjee 'xBIRTHSl HBTEI.KB At 8t Vincent's hospital. Asm r. to Mr. sad Mrs.' Edward H. lieuier. a Dor. NOTICES. T BIPB will be referred for wiring the county , hospital and peer farm for slectrls llrhtbig, : selil aosa April - IS, whsa aame wlU be opened. AO .bids aboald be asaled tad ' ' marked "Bids for Wiring." aad addressed te ; the anderelgned. Plans ssd sped flee tloee a he .seee st the of rice of the county clerk. . . . PRANK a. PIEIiOS. Oenaty Clerk. MEETING NOTICES BBOULAB meeting of I ran boa Nvl at K. sf - P. hall at 11th snd Aider at p. m.. Pan - rank. Visitors welcome. , meert Bller. C. 0. HELPWANTKIV-MALE. TBAhterjglneer, sems erperteacei Interns, teotaal Os-Tcapondsnes School student pre rerredV Apply L C B. reprsssatattra, S14 L McKay bldg. - JOUNO man la office of electric company! s seed chance tor promotion. Isternatloaal Correshoadcnca School etndent preferred. Call tO. B. office, 614 McKay bldg. .WANTKD -A yoeng man for general ' eraud stars. Aspiy st sry company, hnrrlaoa Wonder Mlllln, I and Ptrst sts. 1 ANTED Brtrtrt. renatahls solicitors. Belen- oia prnpesiuoa. vau sow avast Horraam. asb ' far far. BereyS. , OT wanted to wsrk Sl Blxtk str Apply I BLACKSMITHS. STS ssd beards ramp 75. M. J. Dlioo. tS North Beoosd St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. MCHT bare partner la my real sststs baalnaea. Moaeyao object. It la help I west. If yea ere a rustler call st once. SSVt Sixth, Best ,; " Pins. ,...)-.. "WANTEIM-fllrla. sxnerlenced snd taexoerleaeea. ' . for paper boa making. Americas Chicle tW st porta rrvnu c ' BTBONO yotrsa girl te assist kt honaawerk. ast , ear. Clay. . WANTED Tws wsltsrs. Call slob. Alder st. ontrsnes. at Arltngtoa , WANTED Millinery salealadlss. eallllaerT atak , are snd trimmers.. Apply st sacs, woauar swuiDory campsay, morrama ano rwst sts. 1 WANTED Olrl -t Tillamook st. for . general aoasswork. . 4x9 WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTKI) f west side soath of Morrlana a eacsnl lot or lot with honee at sine. Mala 1PM. 505 Chamber sf Commerce. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Hesey grafting machine jobs. Caa , j commence at once. A1-lraa T. lt jnnnml, If a merchant Ihinks . that a few inches of ad vertising v Bpace in a newspaper; adequately . represents his store well, the readers of.the;Y newspaper ere too ct to ?Tf i with 1 ' n! FCRXISIIED ROOMS-1-FOR REXT. II.KOANT rnom, -lati w era) .mitt, Mtf m aw, osy owvasssi,, ami, fob iun-nor8EKEEPiyq. ; yiNB bouMiMptn rooms hi heestlfnl si or. baa horns sou esxUuc, 12.0o. i'booe Sea weed . BUSINESS CHANCES. IF TOO are loot fnf tr a roomlng-booae, sail . sad look over our Hat. t SO rooau es Wasblnsto st. swell leeaUesi low rent, with 4V.-rea.ra leaeei SS.OOO. IS ' roeme, ea TbJra St., close lii l-rear aae; ai.joo. - - v so room, ea Pint ef?: 11,600. f 24 room. ea Waaklaitea st, Issss, wits w tent: S1.1M. A.LBKBT K. W. BCH5B1DBB. .( USk Ponrtk St. SO Boots' hotel dotnc goed beitBeee, well fuT BMbee. n eaeiero urrcon. lerax; nne eeieai; ft "at eelldl firs Ursa. sDk4 aista, sear Plus. iO BOOM resalnt koaee. elesantly farnlitwd, d kxatloa, rr kvaa. t4 Slzta, sear ; FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Hawthorne Ave. Residence Tfw ' meters home la eholreet H tins of Hawthorne eve. . Very hasdeoaiely . . much weoewora uaioe; Daanurui aiaetet a4 MreBlaie, larre attlei fall eoaerete hea nent, furnace, plamblnc both p and dnwa eta Irs. beautiful Ursa fronnds, lfiOxaoO feet, wtth rholreet Tarlety flf fruit treee, berrlea end akrobbery. Pine S-atory barn. Thla ' property la attested loe fret from Hawtheree aee.. Pee le y ewuaa tot fJJXJO. a sood bartala for aoaeone. Uawtborae are. speaks for Itself. , .1 - r T. A. Sutherland - - BOOM 804 BnCHAHAH BLTX). taevi Wsauloctoa St. Paons Mala Mod. BOW Is the time to soy Oosaa Beech property sod phoae Weodlawa 300; wlU tell yon all about It. Hers Is s hist: Pour acne with ' eeeaa aad rirer rrentaae, only 100. Call oe sad we will eosie to aee yoe with naps and facts. Walter Oregnry Ce. : We refer yea to Allen a Lewis. Wadbaau A Berr Bme., ' Blake McPall. Becnrtty BaTtacs Trsst Oo Brerdlac d Parrell.. I - J. TOO PBETTt s-rooaa bear low, brand new, East (2nd, sear Clinton. Old Knrllah styls. shlafkMl. nreplaee, tUea beta end kltcbo, - full baaenieat, eoaerete walls. Workmanship flrst-eUas sad seerythlBf cesaplete sad sea Tealent. ' Kaay terma. MOBOAN, BWBBT CHAPMA. 1M AMnatoa Bld. . Phoas Maln SOlB. S1.0O0 A 4-ROOM ssttaee. Kset SPth t. aest To in a eoraes or aaar rinei inu ixihw lot; ISS0 faah sad the balance ea Install. Bsenta; S blacks freak the Eaet-Asaeay car Hoe. This Is sa epportsslty for s working; sua who Is looking for s home st s sotall coat. Hartmsa at Thoaapsoa, Chaatbet of . S-BOOM aeass, let lOOrlOO, prlee $300. , . S-ROOM koeae, lot SOrlOO, price 11.100. a-ROOM Boase, lot frOiloe. aendera. Sa.eo9. - T-ROOVT hoaae. ehrsbhery. fralt, ehlckea pare. 1 VF) cash, balancs te salt pel Price. S1.SO0. SSVj SUth, sear Pins. S3. 000 WErT slds awdsra boms hi walking eie- taaos. siignt reoeas' ana Data, cement eaae meat, lasadry trsys. Xws years eid. T Jaf- . MOBtlAN. BWBBT I CHAPMAN, Phone Mala S01S. III Atilngtoa Dldg. t7BO 41x100. WASCO at. sear S4th: torsi. , sovo soxiuo, Misnaeots are. near uiamore. S' .000 Nice lob. Vest QUean near S4th. WUllam H. Uadaay. Phone East S10S. tS.000 WILL bny two S-raooi - cottages, new, comer mt. sozixs. r-ieamont rare, six minnte car serrlca. Joe real Xerms. Owasr, 4 162. cars hHOUBB sad let, 2.no0. Rente 1S per toorth. I On Knott at., near Williams are. Inquire SOS Monroe at. FOR SALE FARMS. ' sBeaxawexgpwaeaBtaaa An Etatc Most Be Closed I) acres of rich red ran. miles sea tit west sf Belem and 4 miles seathwaat of Tamer, Oregon, aesreet shipping point t 1S5 teres In enltlTatioa; soma psatorei eoourh fir and sek timber to pay for place. Plenty of apples, . seers, alaras. cherries. One sood 1 7 -room hoaas near center of treat ; hem; milkhnoae aad other satballdtnss. - At eae sad of tract Is saetbar hooss with two large rooms, fire place aad epstsirs; bare, eta, stall delivered dally. ' - , T. A. Sutherland " BOOM 804 BOCHANAN .BLDO. . tm Waahlngtoa Bt Phone Mala Bane. PERSONAL. WILL O. M. W. wbs left the Weetera hotel. . 8a era men to, last Tassday, writs X 1U3, Joar - nalT WANTED FINAN WANTED A II 000 balldmr ansa . rste nsrtles. , Addres T L Joantal. "Ref ormM your li brary! Make a list of . your duplicate books-j of : your ,5 not - wanted . books and sell or ex ; change them through a few classified ads in The Journal. ' ; '; ;r soap on rVHooK ; Y ; " a i ..'.. Nova Arrangement for Hanging Cp the Soap When Not in Vse. "A recent Invention of a. Chicago man. If universally adopted by by ait snap manu' the use of faetorera, would eliminate . SOAP HANOS ON NAIL. C soap eut-a and trays entirely. No matter howt earefully the soap tray is arainea a certain amount of water manages to adhere to the top, which tenda to soften the soap and cause wastefulness. This waatefwlnsse Is Impossible with the de vice shown In the aocompanylnv Illus tration bolder for the cake or soap It Is the purpose of the Inventor to have each cake ef soap contain one et these hanrsra, the latter belnr Imbedded dur In the process ef manufacture. The banger la of wire, bent la the form ef three loope and a hook, the tmter loop entr!nr otitaMa the Cake of soap. Ob- vii.i-j'v. t' , i .r, uemLloyed to attack T cruiy front art. M0NARCH3 FEAR w si These pictures show Queen Eliza beth aad King Charles ot.Riamaala, whose peasant subjects have re volted.' There have been deeds of violence on the royal estates and the monarcha are closely guarded la their palace. , ; - -. ? - . SAVED MARK TWAIN'S LIFE . '-' , mm, -, X Yet Dr. Meredith Was ' GooC' Man : and Meant Well, Sra Clemena. In the autobiography with which liark Twain Is snllTenlnr the North American Kevlew the public has Just been Introduced to a hitherto unknown benefactor. Hla name laor was Meredith, and lie was a country doctor la the Missouri villa gs of Florida, where Mark Twain waa a boy. . - According to the autobiography hiedl- cal attendance then cost next to nothing;. for the doctor worked by the year 111 for the whole family.. "I remember two of the doctors," say a Twain, "Chownln and Meredith, Thsv not only tended the entire famll; for ISt a year, but fornlahed themedl clnea themselves. - Good measure, too. Only the largest persona could hold a whole doae. Castor ollwaa the prin cipal be vara fre. The-'&oae waa bait a dlDoerfuL with hall a dlpperful of New Orleans molasses added - to - help It down and make It taete good, which It never' dLd. i . he next standby waa calomel: the next, rhubarb, and the next. Jalap, Then they bled the patient aad put' mustard Dlaaters On mm. it was a areaoiui system, and yet the death rate waa not heavy. The calomel waa nearly aura to salivate the patient and coat him. some of hla teethe "There were no dentlate. When teeth became touched with decay or were otherwise aillns the doctor anew of bat one thins to do; be fetched hie tongs and draggnd them out If the Jaw re mained It waa not hie fault. "Doctors were not called In cases of ordinary Illness; the family's grand mother attended to - those. . Every old woman wae a doctor and gathered her awn medicines In the wood a and knew how to compound doaea that would stir the vital s of a eaaUroa doc. "And than there was the Indian doe tor, a grave savage, remnant of ble tribe, deeply read In the mysteries of nature and the secret properties of herba,- and moat backwoodsmen had high faith In hla powers and could tell ot wonderful eurea achieved by aim. "In Mauritius, away off yonder In the aotltudea of rfas Indian ocean, there le a peraon who anawere to our Indian doctor of tile eld times. He Is a negro, and has ha no teaching . aa a doctor. vet there la one diaeaae which he la master of end can cure, and the doctore can't. They , send for htm when they have a case.' It is a child a disease or a strange and deadly aort, and the negro eurea It with a herb medicine which be makaa himself front a prescription, which haa eome down to htm from hla father and grandfather. lie will - not let anyone aee It- He keepe the secret of Its com ponents to himself, and It le feared that he wlU die w1thouTd!vulsins' It; then A DOLLAtt A WEEK WIIL DO on us. We sell the finest line of . ' Diamonds - Watches - Jewelry on a partial payment plan. Inrest in a . diamond on this plan and you save money STANDARD JEWELRY CO. 189 Third Stroeat V REVOLUTIONISTS 1; there will be consternation In Mauritius. I was told these things by the people there lh 1SSS. v . . ' "We had' the faith doctor, too. In thoae early day a, woman. Her spec ialty waa tqgtthaohe. Bbs waa a farmer's old wife,-and lived five an Has from Hannibal. She would lay her hand on the patlent'a jaw and say, 'Belle-vet' and the cure was prompt. Mrs. Utterbaek, I remember her very welL Twice X rode out there behind my mother, horse back, and saw the euro performed. . My mother waa th patient. "Dr. Meredith removed ' to Hannibal by and by and was our family physician there, and saved my life several times. Still,. be was a rood man and meruit welL ijt ft so .-. always told : that z was a ckly and precarioua and tlresoms and uwoartaia child, and lived mainly on allopathto medicines during- the first aeven years of my life,, I ' asked my mother about this In ber aid are she was in her 58th year and aald: - - "1 suppose that dorlnr all that time yon were uneasy about mar - Tea, the whole time.' "Afraid I wouldn't liver -After a reflective pause ostensibly to tnina out me lacta: . , -- "No, afraid too would.' H ' History In Law Reports. " The Enrllaa and American lawyers and Judges have worked out a wonder. ful system that must command the ad. miration of all who have competent anowieore or it. . -- Thle system le formed by the reports of the decisions' of courts of laat re sort. . ' ' ' There are probably now eome 11.000 volumes of reports, glvlnr the dlsposl lion oi nunareae or inousanas of par ticular instances mat nave arisen la the actual course of the ever-chanrlnf rsiauons in numan aiiairs. - . If every evidence of our civilisation of the laat 100 years should pertah, says the American Lawyer, and there ahould remain only one set of the re port a, all of our Institutions, social, religious and political, and much of our sclanos and philosophy, could be reconstructed from them by the "traveler from New Zea land." The Republican leaders In New Tork City, declare that If Hearst's -Indspend- ence ,iearue puts a run ticket in the field this fall It will help the Repub lican candidates. The eleetlon In No vember will be for one Justloe of the supreme court, a sheriff, members ot the assembly and members of ths board of aldermen almost as Important to the politicians as the mayoralty year. The trade) union mem be renin ef Ana. trails Is said to be only about stft.OOO. Wedneeday la the laat day for dlav count on west side ras bills 4 ,M , - '.V Are you going to buy an engagement ring, a 1 tick pin, watch or any 1 -jewelry? It you are, then you do youself an Injustice by not calling .V GAB IVAS ORIVEII BY il PRINCESS Society Mashera Pay Dearly for Effort to Flirt With Beau - V ' ' tlful Princea,. ; AN HOUR'S DRIVE COST THREE HUNPRED FRANCS French . Vlcomtesle Wbo Wants ' Divorce but Woald Rather Drive Cab Than Accept Alimony From , Haabevnd Makes Application. ' ' Farta, April 0. After having made ao much nolae about our female cab driv ers we bave auddenly discovered, that we had them a long time ago. The first womaa cab driver seen in the streets of Paris was a beautiful lady, now dead, who, durlnr the second empire. rained a great reputation for her char. lty and, goodness ta .thejoorf rincess Metternlch. i Driving along the boulevards one day, the princess waa accosted by two ao elety m sabers, who recognised her but thought to eonfuae her. They hailed ber carriage, . climbed In end, without looking at the lady, called oat: . "By the hoar. - - - . "Very good, my men," . the princess replied In the most mettsr-of-faot man ner, and for an hour aha drove them around the Bols do Boulogne. . When the hour waa up the prlnoeaa stopped and aaked the men te dismount 'Then, holding out her band, aha said: "Ton know It coeta 100 francs an hour to be driven bp a princess I Tou did not ask my terms or I would have told you beforehand. I need the money for my poor, so I hop you wlU pay at once." reeling a bit ashamed ef themselves, the men could do nothing but pay. --Apropos of "chares" as th female eabbleo ara now known, th latest ap plicant for a license la Vlcom tease du Sresnel-Rousaeau, a beautiful woman of 14, well known In the salons of Faujurg 8t Oermaln. The vtoomteeae Is seeking a divorce from ber husband, and that shs may not need to accept any alimony from him ahe has entered her name for the position of horse management and pho tography, whloh all ' eab drivers must paaa. Toothful Royal Couples.' If, aa la commonly rumored In Ber lin, Prlnoe Augustus William of Prus sia, th kaiser's fourth son. Is to lead hla eoualn. Princess Alexandria of Bchleswlg-Holsteia Bon'dsrburr -Olucke- burg, to the altar In May next, they 111, says ths Westminster oaaette. rank high among th moat youthful of royal couples, for the bridegroom will be but 10 and his bride IT. . Th king of th Belgians snd hla brlds were II and IT, respectively, when they atood before the altar In 1S51, and their two daughters wer wives before they had 'reached their eighteenth year. Th 1st empress of Austria, waa mated at 10 to th present emperor. who was 14, and the ages of King Hum bert and Queen Margherlta were the An announcement extraordinary will appear in the course of a feways. It will be the greatest and. most liberal, proposition ever offered tothe y people of Portland, It won't cost a single penny. " Something absolutely for nothing! Something of a great big value; something that everybody L will want and something that some one will get free of cost What is it? ' Who " will be the lucky one? Watch arid see. Get ready. ft : Wo mm. . Main OHice SMh cna Wr:" V Entire Scccr.3 Flocr -' - - in the Cigar Business : - What is your cigar expendituro In a 'year? .. '.:;. ";- ' t ' : ' Taking chances one at a'time'dis turbs Votir comfort and enjoyment more than it seems to disturb your income or confidence ; but after a year of it you've paid a very fat tax to a very flourislimg lottery and drawn a long list of blanks. It9 8 all unnecessary ' i We designed the Triangle A merit mark to be a sign to yaw a sign that you could not only recognize but pro riounce and ash for. r, . : ; , It enables you to make your selec tions from cigars that you know are the best your money can buy. ; . The New is one of the most convincing' examples of tho improved quality produced through our new processes of refining tobacco.'?" rr 7r : Every box Is extra-wrapped In glassine paper to make sure the fresh, clean and in the condition, v ' i . AMERICAN CTGAR C03LPANY, Mfr. Clarke, Woodward Drug Co. Importing Wholesalers & Hanaracturln. Cor. 9th and noyt Sts. ' te eftO annira fast etf Boor araaa. A eomplete analytical Laboratory. A private switching track from the terminal yard a .. The1; largest and ..most perfectly asms when they wer mad en In list. At 11 th king of Greece married his 11-year-old queen; our own king and queen wer 11 aad It, respectively, on their wedding day; Queen Victoria and Prlnoe Albert were. both 10. 2aeC WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW 1 CREMO cigars reach you best smokmg equipped wholesale drag house on th cos a t ' Buyers and handlers of beeswax and Oregon drug products, cases re. bark, a-ape root, eta, ' A, straw vote taken among the Re publicans ef th Mas ohnastt legisla ture on their choice for the presidential nomination resulted as follows: Roose velt lit; Crane IS, Taft 11, Root 7, Fairbanks. Hughes sad On lid on each. A m. - v po. In aee te a