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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
11 BEIT.UIID BILL TO MARRY TOBACCO KINO THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 9, 190f. FOLLOW mi CROWDS TO THE Portlanid's newest-department store and the busiest, too. Buying bargains, selling bargains they're the rea sons that make this store the success it is, and the fastest growing store on the coast.. Post yourself on our bargains, read the ads daily, always something interesting and of money saving importance, to you.'; Tomor- . . row's ereat offers the best of the month. Read on. ' . III PARLIAMENT 1 Meaur Permits Small Holders to Purchase Farm and ,' Real Estate. . Kf ARMINO INTERESTS TO SUPPORTNEW STATUTE Compulsory Purchase and Com V pulsory Leasing of Land by jOcal V Authorities Authorized Create 1 Two Distinct Claeaea. , UowHt Special hnto.) . liomdan. April .-There will be In troduced In parliament next Tueaday or Wedneaday a naw land law dealgned to permit small heiaere to purcnaae farms and real estate. Tha bill will ba moat sweeping ta-exwpe-end-ls-aa pactad to become1 a law. It la to ba favored by tha Lib raj leaders, thara is a strong and growing feeling that tha main planka In tha government pro gram army reform, tha saw army bill or licensing msasure, and tha great Irlah homa rula or devolution scheme da not offer to tha Liberal rotor aurn elantly serious evidences of practloal and concrete sympathy. Tha MIL though It will meat mueh severe criticism, will not. It la believed, ba opposed solely and universally on party means, Tha farming; Interest la Inclined, to arrest extent, to support certain aspects of It. as It must Inevit ably make agricultural labor more plan ttful, whereas now thara are far mora vacancies en tha land than thera are nanehla end auallfled men to fill them. Tha bill will have tha most widespread scope and extant: 1 , " Oompalaoty Faiohaaa, '.,7 ' ;. It will authorise, so it la understood, both the compulsory purchaae and the compulsory leasing; of land by the local authorities. It will create two distinct classes of small holdings in the first case, the allotment of from possibly one-tenth of an sere; as a minimum, to two, three, or four acres held by a man wha win work for tha mainstay of .his existence elsewhere, probably on the large farms; aad In tha other, holdings of from 14 to TS acres, to enable the oocupler to cultivate on Independent and self contained lines... The board of agriculture, which will be supreme In the matter, will appoint commissioners , who will travel up and down tha country; investigating; appll- ' cants for land f roVa whatever district they may come, deciding on the require ments of the applicants and the means of giving- effect to them. Not only the large land owner may be affected, ; t Wta Be sTs Interference. ' - The fanner occupying some (00 or 70S acre may, In vary many casea, be doubtless called on to yield from 10 or mere acre for the common good. -He wOL of course, be left such choice as .to' the portion of the land he will sur render, bat the decision of the commis sioners, subject to appeal, of oourse. to the board of agriculture, will undoubt edly be flneX . .. . V. fc "4 ; At the same time. It may ' be stated eonftdently- that -there-wUI' be no- In terference whatever at the amenities of any- estate.-" The tvA Immediately sur rounding the house will not be affected In any case this the bill will safeguard In tha most explicit fashion. . f The future of the measure should be interesting. . There will be much more Compulsory " leering than compulsory purchase, so it is not anticipated there Will be much need for either the local Or the central authority to borrow very large sums of money for the purpose. One thing ' is certain, so strong Is Opinion - on . the part of most of the Liberals that, .In ease where land is leased, special provision will be made that tha unearned Increment doea not revert to the landlord. As a rule now many land owners will only grant the Short periods of leasing say SI years--snd then resume possession ft this will not be possible under the new bill. 's ' Xomstar Question Xa valid. , i Opinion .Is confidant that the. housing qu action muat, to a certain extent, be Involved In the government measure. It la no good asaignlng a man a holding unless he has somewhere to live on It and therefore, in all probability, . the government will evolve . arrangements for- permitting the erection of dwellings. Common Form of Dyspepsia , Vanqrashed ...... Eating- : a "There V Starch Very ' 1. ' "jv-iV:'.: '. ' This plctura la from a recent photograph of Mrs. William Inman, of Atlanta. Georgia, one ot the leading society women of tha south, . whose engagement to James B. Duke, head ot the tobacco trust, has been an nounced. Mr, Duke obtained a divorce from his former wife last May, after a suit of sensations. - providing the lessor Is willing to pay an Increased rent to cover the Intereet and a small sinking fund. This, so ex perience has shown, he is always most wllllna to do, - . . y The , various councils cur, Dorougn, arban and others will. It la believed, have to take over the land operations and their control. The board of agrl culture will only stimulate action and criticise Its outcome. AT THE THEATRES "Mrs. Wlggs" at Helllg Theatre. The dellehtfal cemedr-dreBi. ' "Mrs. Witts ef the Cabbace Patch." wlU he theattreetloa at the Helllc tboitre. Wmrteenth and WmV Infto streets, tonight sad tomorrow sight. Curtain at S:1S o'clock. - ', . ' Speciaf Price Matinee at Helllg. a anectal nrlee aiatteea win be slvea at the Heilig- theatre tosMrrow Wedseeitar) Rafter- Bonn at S:15 e'clock, when "Mrs. wista ei the Cabbaga Patch" will ba tha Bill. Seats Selling for "The Free Lance." John Phillips Soeea's sew mUltarv eemle epera, "The Free Mace," with ' Joaepe caw- Utora aa the atar ef the aame' big ersaalea- estioia The starchy food so much used nowi days white bread, pastry- potatoes, , hot, biscuit etc,. often cause . "starch . . indigestion" and a long line of troubles ! because the digestive organs are un able to handle the excess of this kind Aof food-material. , , , " J ?';"It remains in the stomach," partially . ferments, causing gas and sour eructa ',) tions,: besides preventing the body P from absorbing the full amount of food ... necessary, Such , persons often feel v. hungry a. short time after eating. , ., , ' In making Grape-Nuts, a food expert combined whole wheat and barley in the ' same way the human organs act on food with heat, moisture arrd time V the diastase in the barley, during the ' process of manufacture, changing vthe starch intq a form of soluble sugar, t-i tM. -t 3 . " inus maKin u easy oi digestion. - In twis way he devised a means of as sisting, weak digestive organs to han dle natural -food with ease and not s only build up .brain and nerves, but strengthen the digestive organs at the :Samti time. ':.. If you have any kind of indigestion ot . . 4 .' . ' nervous dyspepsia, you'll find a marked change in your condition by . a ten days use of - ' ' a Reason At:, s .) .- i.4 . :. ( ..tit i . ...'( tin ef atagera aad eDSMdUsa Which eHdsallr if me tc. the epera at tbe Few Aontaraaai tfeeatre. New Tork, last seaaoa, with the eane lavish produetioa which Klaw a Brians gave It et that tlDje, wUl fee eeea et the Balllg theatre, ronrteenth aad Whlogtoa atrecta, next Thornier, rridar and aaturdar alghta, April li, is'asd Is, with a special price mat- lu. LhrnJ.. IF. I.Mi Am 1 I I I 1 M ee a geaolae eomle epere end s truly magnifl- cent an color nil preauction written la tae "March Kins e" rlorou and BMledlooa atyla with bonk - and Irrlea br Hairy B. SbIU ef "Bohlo Hood" fame, telling a eonalatent etery la a bright, aparkllng Bins? and constantly brimming over with brisk, hnmorona dlalogae. langhable situations aad senalns mlrthfnl quips and Jeste. There are three teasing marchee. There are aaany dainty aambera, eotne ehana Ing ballads and many aapltal eemle dlttlte. The opere la brilliantly ercheatreted and Oia striking choruses are rendered by a numerous aad well trained ebons fall ef sonereos voices. Seats are sow selling at bos ef flee for en tire engagement. - Baker's Play Is Popular. j The sttrsctioa at the Baker thla week. "Tbe ladse aad the Jury," has beea ere son need eae ef the beat far aema time by tbe most critics. - Tbe fact that aa antes particular atteatioa was paid the stage evttlnga has sera appreciated by those wha have ea Joyed the play this week.'' UUlaa Lawrence makes a apieadld Maqolta. - - A Good One at the Empire. "A Straager la Town," ana of tha happiest, merriest maalcal laughter bursts ever aeea la Portland, la mora than making good st the Empire thla week. frank Beam lab ssd bis eompaaloa mlrthmakera are sustaining the rep. atatioa ef the Empire ae tha srraler eote. taiastest ceo tar ef the city. Matinee torn , uTh Gamekeeper." "Tbe Gamekeeper." the delietoaa plar at Irish esantry life which Is the blU this week at the Lyric, la Btvriag see ef the pope lar bills ef the week. For beset Interest, sere comedy aad delietoaa stats pictures it Is hard as beet. Testerday'e aodlencee eppreved by abaadaat applasae. hfatlaee every day at S:S0 e clock. Seats may be reserved by teJepbeaa. MDeliverlng tbe Goods at Grand." "Delivering tha anode", la tha motto ef tbe Oraad aad every vaedeville specialty ea the presram at this beaee most be first-class er It wlU net be sent here by Bnlllvaa, a Oaa. aldlae. The sew bill, which atartad yeeterdsy. Is ene ef tbe moat diverting aad lively ef a ay that the Grand has prseaawd daring the win. ter. It le well bslasced and there are la ash every mlnste. The novelty features era es eeptleaally good 'snd not ene act la the col. Iwttoe la tndirfereat er felle SO attract the attention. There la a dally matinee end twe sight shows st the Grand. - Laugh and Grow Fat at the Star. ' Laugh and grew fat at the Star theatre, thla week, where tbe A tire stark company ra presenting the slde-epllttlng fsrre, "Oar New Girl," Thla la a traaalaUea froa the rrenrb end It baa eaa ef the smet comical eterlee ever enfolded ea the stare ef thla theatre. There le not a moment during tbe play whea thera Is aut a bog h. Miss Yarns reltoa la tha title role srevee aererlf a clever character actress snd all the ether fa Tori tee Is the Alien compear are wall east and coins their beet to smnae. Matlneea Thursday, tietttrday sad Sunday. ,. Sea la are sow on sale. .. .. , ;A GORY REMINDER j . . . . i Red Ink a Ralltic Touch In Low Bridge Warning.' ; Accerdlnf to a story told by the Iron Trail, a magsilne published by snd for railroad employes, the present day flrg man has much to be thankful for. The story concern one John M. Flynit, new a train despatcher on the Northern Pacific. It toes back to 1161 when Sir William Van Horn the plain Wllllsm was chief train deapatchar at Blooming ton, Illinois. Flynn waa his kid operator. Just out of Bloomlngton was aa over head bridge that would not clear a man of ordinary height on top of a car. This bridge had killed ne less than 11 brake. men by knocking thera Off trains while passing under it. Bit William, being something of aa artist, took a large sheet ef paper and 5c Sale of EMBROIDERIES An 100 values at Just half prloe. .000 yards to go fine sheer earn brie Bdglnga aad lasertlons o match dainty opes work effects la the new est designs all best 100 Smbroidsrlss aad yea get two yards for the prloe ef Tomorrow in Ihc 5)C : WiWTGMMRM AT ORIE-THIRD A nving of S3c on every dollar you spend A solid carload o! It. and all the famous blue and white enamelware which is the best and heaviest made. All triple-coated on solid steel, and every piece fully guaranteed. At 8 tomorrow morning the sale begins, and every thrifty housewife should attend. There's a saving of a full third on every piece -Come. . ;, ; ... , Lipped Saucepans, all sixes, worth np to U, at 3Ta, SUf, S6f , 43eT, 49at and Covered Kettles, laraa sisee, worth to tlM, at T0, 89e) and 3e) Dishpana, largest sixes, go at tl.OS and ....fl.81 " And Oranlteware of every kind. Bear in mind. Every piece of this is the best, guaranteed and longest-wearing graniteware made, with the cheap tinny stuff usually, advertised at similar prices. You can't buy better graniteware pay, and on every piece there's a saving of a third under all other stores' prices. - THE ;0M;fipAT CM)M if 500 (Mdren's Hand Bags All fancy styles, riveted frames; made to sell at 25c; special J C 2 for 25c, or each ...IuC Women's Sample Night Gowns Worth np to $2.50 at 9Sc All samples but slightly rousted and soiled, that's why they go so cheap, dozens of styles, late and embroidery trim- g ft med. long and short sleeves, not one worth less than llvxsf) $175 and up to as high as $2.50 Pick out a $2.50 one If 111 . but come early if you want the best choice ",v v ' hSllKs and Dress Goods 10 places faaey cheek aad plaid novelty Drees Boo da, ail colors, fmil ae tnoh aa all regala 8Sc f Q walaes, rax a e w Tara wide Ohlff em Taffeta auk, la mam, browa, pink aad alma ealy rear. 1.M aoality, bat em aoooaat ef havlar only a few eolore cat oq they at, ftiA...,. k...0'' aa-imek White aerye aa extra eaal. Ity aad saada no sen at Tool Ei. aa to, yard... ...utt Odd lota aad remaaata ef ITavelty SUM for . Dreaaea aad " Draperies wortk TM aad ap to 1 1 ahoioe, 2)q drew a locomotive with a long string of cars paaslng ander thla bridge. On one car waa a brakemsn. at the wheel, set ting up the brake. " On top of tha running bosrd f, the second car was the head af the brake man. which had been knocked off, and red Ink scattered all along to Illustrate hew the poor brakeman s blood had been spilled becauee of his careleaanass in falling to due his hes for low bridge. The. bulletin was tacked up la a con spicuous place over our official's table with this Inscription: "Beware Bridge No. 11.". At that time hand brakes, link and pla couplings, poor track, low bridges, wood burner enginee all made a trainman's life mora basardous than the lives of men spent In the great navlaa of the world In tlmea ef war, and he received for such aervtoea ae brakeman the grand sum of M a month. In what was termed "Abe Llnooln'a scabs,' eheap paper money. No overtime was allowed In thoae good old dares If yon spent SO daya and 10 nights oa the road. It counted PORTLANDS I!E17 Great Bargain News for Out-oJ-Town Shoppers ' Send your name aad well mail yoa samples of some ef : our biggest bargaias. They cost yon notnlngweead your aame. Basement AnolhcrGrcal Sale Milk Pans, all sites, values no to 75c, at Choice, 19a, 22ei, 29e. fte), 424 Teakettles, the big , Urge ones, worth $1.50 and $2, -at 91.04 and S1.4T Wash Bssins, worth aa high aa 50c, go at 24, 81e and 33a) Coffee Pots, all sixes, worth np to $1, go at 3Te), 43e, 61f, 6a?r 69, and .T3e) Greatest of All Granite ware Bara ns " Where iou Are uuarameea a saving On whatever you buy whether tha purchase be large or small there's 10 or 25 or even 50 per cent under other stores' prices to be saved and if youll take the trouble to investigate youH admit It, too Tomorrow's offers are Simply characteriatic of tha every -day bargain opportunities here and those that desire the best, most stylish, up-to-date garments minus the exorbitant profit of other stores will do well to inspect these offerings WOMEN'S $35.00 TAILORED SUITS It's a sale all Portland will be wondering at HOW CAN "WE DO IT? Here's the secret ALL, . SAMPLES The maker's show suits bought under value that's why wa can sell won the same garment others ask $25 to $35 for at $14.05 Every one the newest of this season'a style Eton, Box Coat, Semi-Kitting, prince map ana otner novel ties in stripes, checks and plain colors finest all wool materials, silk and satin linings nleated skirts trtmminrs are silks, suits and every ona worth $25 to $35 GREAT 44c WAIST 5,000 Ladies' Waists, new spring styles made of lawna, polka dot nov elties and sheer black materials, fancy yokes, lace and embroid- , ' A A " ery trimmed and finished with tucks none worth less than I g $1 anduD to $1 JO Choice A LACE SALE THAT SHOULD BRING THOUSANDS HERE - An Importer's entire stock of 5,000 bolts of finest French Valenciennes Laces at 48c and every one worth 75c to $1; full 12 yards in 1Q each Daintiest and handsomest of edgings and insertions iLfSC all widths Remember 75c and $1 bolts, while they hist at, bolt.TTVJ 17 ,000 YABsaj Wash Dress ' Plaids Cheap a Sea yard ....... Visit Our New 1 PHOTO STUDIO Prices just half what you pay elsewhere and we guarantee the most artistic work in tne city. Photo Post Cards ( Sold all over at $1 snd $1.50 dozen fnr week bpecisi 141. A brakeman today for the same mileage and time would make Ills, but aa I recall It, It was well worth 1 4 M a month. Vou not only reoulred physical and athietlo ability, but a brave heart, cool head and a (.ood understanding. Cattle cars were nearly all open at the top only a narrow running; board. A aide wabble, and down you would go among the bellowing longhoms. FOND OF BILLIARDS " "" J-' ? Their Favorite Dish Time of Feast ing and Dancing. ' The Kiowa, Comanche and Cheyenne tribes In southwestern Oklahoma con aider dog meat better eating than any other meat, writes a Mountain View cor respondent af tha St Louis Globe-Democrat. When 'the Klowaa have a feaat dog meat la given the first place ss a spe cial honor to the invited guests. W nen the gueet happens to be a while DEPARTMENT STORE A Full 1-3 Off on Every . Piece W fanew braids, buttons, strsoa. etc-Stunnine. eieeant that's what you'd be asked elsewhere Your choice' for f 14.98. SALE Women's Finest Black Hose All 35c Values al 22c Pair Wot 25c nor 30tj but value of extra quality lar made with double sole, toes and nign spucea bvels, hemmed and extra ribbed top, all sizes, not a pair worth less, than 100 BOXiTSil 36-inch Batiste AU rag-, ado g-rada, yard...... 6 for 39c For open- . he dares not refuse the proffered deli cacy If he dealres to preserve his friend ship with the red man. Many a pale face has thus been compelled to eat dog meat or loss his Indian friend's good will, and aa a result comes away with a longing to again taste the toothsome meat. Few white men in Oklahoma who have eaten dog meat will say that It Is not good. Here In Mountain View most any day It la common to sea neatly dressed Klowaa riding Into town In the finest equips gea that money can buy. They arc principally blanket Indians, wearing their long hair hanging In neat bralda down their backs or plaited with bright colored stripe of mualin. gaudy blue, red and yellow tntermlnaled with white. The aquaws carry thd Indian babea In crertlee or 'Yon'as" strspred on their barks, and o ahiut the atreets appar ently r.nt. the lat hampered by their bur.'".,, 1 1; turVe ere f ind of p'sylrte hi' : i, hi:t : ii are een H t tin. ; a . fr v br t- i- 1..-. !!. j j I i r H)lC A Great 39c Sale UNDERWEAR . . . The best 6Co Women's - Underwear yea ever sew-r-now ?t e. . Just flfa easrs of It fineet of Usle thriad, both . vests and I pants, . U7h Back, long .. ana sjon sleeves, ankle aad kaea . paats Uk finish and 60o values, oholoe.. SolidCarload Preserving Kettles, all sixes, worth 50c to 85c, all go at, choice, 31e, S4e. 39? and 4Td Teapots, large site, at ' 43a, 49, 59f, 69d and 89; worth as high as $1.25. Pie Plates, large and deep, worth up to 35c, go at, choice. lTe), 18e), 21e . And everything else just as cheap. to please don't confound it than this, no matter what you ) Women's Black . Sateen Petticoats Made 4ith extra dust ruffle, tucks and deep ruffle regu- QQ lar $1.98 and $2 ....... UOC Women's 75c Corsel Covers Made of fine Swiss, lace, ribbon and embroidery trimmed; a'lO sizes; bargains at 75c, each.. HOC ivery pair a positive guaranteed 35c ameea joc 22c maco, last black, lull regu 35c that we guarantee. Domestics and Wash Goods Kin eads Waits Uwa, fine aad an ear. I ail rood laoMrtbai beea UHe aad lew ffraaeei eat so. ...8c yard SO-laob red, Mae aad brewm Table Sanaa k, fast colors aad eaean i : at soo. yard .....lUt atra special BOO larva la4 ted checked Table Cowers, all frlag-adi largaa, bigwess else u worta o sua, oboioe VCC SO pieces etootoh gatatsa, SO lubes wide, aU colore Jnet tna tbiag- f0, Drsssis aad Waists, aad asU aU ove aa sac ems day ealy Sic ems day ealy rara quires leas exertion. At night ant an Indian la seen on the streets or la the places of amusement. They return to the reservation before sundown. March It la the day they are paid cr by the government. Thla la follow i by feasting and dancing till the m". is all spent Their credit la grm.i R the etores and they are alwaya pr. to pay off their debta on receiving t money from I'ncle Sam. Followed Ordrre. Trent the Indianapolis Star. Admiral fllgsbee, In a re-nt ' dinner epeeoh. said of the naval !r of obedience: "Yet pvm ob!!:ne miy Ii r. too far. , "A lawyer, alo , (,.,.. to hie ofTVe 1 ): I'll be b at i ' court t'n I ' 'Any one ' 'V 6DfTTC OFF Mm JUL -LL