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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1907)
i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 8, 190f. 13 BIG GOLLECTlOriS Rural Hail Carriers of Marion and Clackamas in Convention mm- r ' 'More Than On Hundred and v Fifty Thousand Paid as . la Uncomplicated Cases My Fee Is Only , . ' ' Duty Here. rv n DURING niARCH . ,. ,'-, . i IS. SECOND LARGEST MONTH : IN HISTORY OF, PORT Valua of Domestic Exports, Too, la Greater Thau the Average,. All of . . Which Goes to, Indicate Continuous ' ;' Growth of Commerce of Portland. ; Transactions of ths office of the col . lector of customs of this -port during ths month of March wsrs far In excess of ths average, as is shown by ths fsct , that ths duties on imports alone aggre . (ate ths sum of U50.770.T1. the second :. largest month's business in ths history of ths port. The value of domestlo exbdrtsreachelna"nattTln sr sunt of tl.211.2. while H.I87 Is ths vatua 1 ' placed against ths foreign exports. " . Following is a summary of ths "month's transactions, famished by. the collector this morning, a copy of which has been forwsrded to ths head of tbs department at Washington: - Vessels entered from foreign ports, 4; t vessels cleared for foreign ports, II: vessels cleared from domeatie ports, Is; .,. vessels cleared for domestlo ports.-II 'entries of merchandise for-, duty, 161; entries of merchandise free of duty, Zf entries, for warehouse, ; .en trice for export to adjacent British provinces. It .' sntrlss from warehouse for consump tion. It ; entries from warehouse for exportation to adjaoent British prov inces, 1; entries for Immediate trans- , portatloa without, appraisement. ; - total number of entries of merchandise. S(. Entries for consumption liqui dated, US; entries for warehouse liqul-.- dated, certificates of . enrollment granted. 1; licenses for coasting trade granted, I; licenses to vessels vnder 10 tons granted, I; total number of docu ments to veaeels issued, 10. l' Value of Sxports Domestic, fl.tltr Xtt; foreign, 1,IT. ..',:.. . Receipts from all sources Duties on imports. $150,779.71; duties on imports, Philippine islands. $7.11; fines, penalties and forfeitures, 121.76; miscellaneous customs receipts, tlzS.XS; storage, labor and cartage, $17: official fees, 40 oents; total,- J161.11J.12, Amount of refunds and drawbacks paid, tetl.lS. ' ; HAD NARROW ESCAPE ' J .' : , y : Captain Shaver and Workmen- Are "Cumgjxt bj Rising; River. ( '; - Captain J. W. Shaver and a gang ot workmen, had a narrow escape from . death on - a lonely gravel ' bar In the Snake river last week whqe removing ths . machinery from : ths wrecked steamer J. M. Hannefordte barge for transportation to Portland via Celllo.. -A heavy rain storm caused ; such a ' sudden rise In .the river that ths men were. completely surrounded by a raging torrent In -which It would he ys -been Impossible for a small boa to live. 'Ths wreck' .of ths Hannaf ord. which was high., -tind dry when - operations were commenced. , threatened to drift away with the flood and shs was only saved by the Ingenuity of ths wreckers, who hit upon ths novsl Idea of scuttling her. ' Fr thf "sTBta tn wreckers Reared i . t :.- Golden mm What -"--" ; y... a. wl , ,w.M.r, 7','v'.vWe'ipay'3 per cent; interest on Savings ; Accounts, 4 per cent on Annual Certificates, . issue our 10, 30, 60 and 90 days Demand Cer- ' , tif icates . for .those having funds they may -require at. anytime for investment or other ; ''.use, receive deposits subject to. check, take charge of trust matters, in all their varied ; r ; forms and" in1 short do 'a . general banking "tr and'-trust business V' n 7 "JTz; '- -""P; Mercliants Savings anil: Trast! Company 247 WASHINGTON ST. CAPITAL FULLY J.'.Frank Watson.;. '." R. L; Durham. .. i .."TJ.WrH. Fear. .. . :; S.r.C..Catching".Vi'".'.". . s. ., V ;. 0. V. T. Muellhaupt (special UItKteh to The ' Joaraal.) OervaJs. ,Or., .April . Yesterday the Marlon County Rural Letter Carriers' association met her In regular session and held, aa interesting and profitable meeting. They were entertained by ths Oervals carriers With a dinner. The Msrion county association is comprised of rural letter carriers from Marlon and Clackamas counties snd probably Is ths strongest organisation tn ths stats from any , two - counties. --Interesting ad they would be carried off by ths flood. Eventually the water receded sufficiently to permit ths completion of th work snd Saturday ths machinery wss placed on -board of three . railroad cars at Celllo for shipment to Portland. The machinery will be Installed In a hull to be built. by the Portland Ship building company for the Sbavsr Trans portatlon company thla summer. -, Tbs new boat will be used for towing snd shs will be -one of tbs most powerful on th river. ''- 'FLEET GOES tO SEA - ' eaaBSssaSMmsssaene ' Salt Against Grays Harbor Tugboat ",,.v V;: . Company, ; i. y "'" (Journal Special Service.) ..Hnaulam. Wash... April I. The bar moderated enough- today to allow seven steamers -to pass uL . Some have been bar bound for a 'week. Th steamers that- satled- war the Hoqulem, Qulnault, Nelson. Norwood. Coronado, San Pedro and Bvea, ' The steamer Acme and a sailing vessel also passed out. : . .Deputy United States Marshal J. r. Btatter of Tacoma -today served papers on th Grays Harbor Tugboat company In a suit for $11,000 damages to , the schooner Endeavor.. The suit embraces th togs Traveler, Printer, Cudahy and the ateamer Qulnault, and Is brought by Managing Owner Oeorgs E. Billings of ths schooner Endeavor. Deputy Btatter arrived too lata to serve pspers on ths Folgers Gate Coffee At Breakfast Irmgoratingf 1 ' At Lunch kefrcshing v At Dinner 0 Satisfying , ' ; i ; li. A, F0LGER & CO. - , We D o . I. t . PAID $1 50,00000 .. I.'; President;'; ... .Vice-President ...'W..'. Secretary . . Assistant Secretary v ....... .... . Cashier ' dresses were . mads by Postmaster Cltrke of nervals and others. . - State Secretary ?oins of Albany was present and aided very, much In the proceedings. Members ' ore sent . numbered over 10. Prans Krsxberger of Aurora Is president of ths association. After dinner a group picture was taken of the carriers. Four nsw members joined, the association- at this meeting. V f- The National Letter Carriers' aasoels- tlon numbers over 1,009, while in this steamer Qulnault, as .that boat had left port -1 -. . . . . . Ths schooner Endeavor wss thrown on th south side of; th Jetty several months ago while being towed to sea by th tug Printer, la charge of Captain Erlckson. who claimed ho was crowded over clou to the jetty by Captain Stream with the steamer Qulnault - The steamer Qulnault had the steamer Helene In tow, and the matter waa Investigated by- th- United- States inspectors, but their decision haa not been announced. NOW RECEIVING CARGO ; : Steam Schooner Excelsior May Sail ... , " , ."' ; :. Next Saturday. ; , , ' Ths steam schooner Excelsior com menced loading lumber at th mills of ths Portland Lumber company today. She Is the first craft ot her class to be owned entirely by Portland capital, the Portland - Lumber company and - others having Surchesed 'her from Seattl parties several months -s go to carry lumber from her to Ban Francisco.' The Excelsior will' get away with seo. 000 feet each voyage and shs will probably make three trips a month, so tnst on ths a vera a she will curry soout .reet a month, or 14.000, 00 feet a, year.' .Being owned here, shs will be retained on th route selected for her ss long as there ls a demand for tfcs lumber. ., . : . Captain Erlckson. formerly of the steam schooner Aurella. will be In coin mand of the Excelsior and sh will prob- amy sail next Saturday.- She wss prac tically retuiiit at the yard of tn Port land Bhlpbulldlng -company in' Bouub rortiano. . . : SECURES NEW BERTH Cnstomi Inspector Charles H. Had- ' dix Goea to Chicago. . Jearsal' Bpeelal Rer.lee.1 Astoria, Or., April . Customs In spector Chsrles H. Hsddlx this morning received notice. of his appointment as rat clsrk tn. ths United States reclama tion service with headouartsrs at Chi cs go. - He leaves Wednesday to accept tor appointment. . . .. . . L ALONG THE WATERFRONT Th river will probably height of li t next Wedn there Is ' no danger, of a re ach a day, but flood at present. Th Norwegian steamer Bkorstad left down this afternoon bound for Shanghai and Hankow with t.m.zti feet, of lumber, valued at 61,i. . The British steamer A rd mount. : which ' is loading lumber at IJnnton, will probably sail tomorrow. v . t i i Ths French bark Leon XIII shifted to ths Oceanic dock today to. flnleh load- ing'an-thr-BrttlsB-bant' Jordan' Hill began discharging cement at Greenwich dock. ' v - ... The steamer. Alliance reached Coos Bay this morning several hours , lata from Portland and Astoria. - She had to hug ths shors closely In order to' run against ths heavy southeaster that haa been Blowing ever sine sh crossed the bar Saturday morning. , Ths French bark Bugene Fautrell will not come to Portland as has bees reported. She haa been ordered to Puget sound and is now mere. . . The . Norwegian .- steamer v Hornelen left up this morning and will reach the harbor lata tonight , or th first thing In ths morning. She was a few hours lata getting Into Astoria from ' Port Los Angeles.' Shs brings a part cargo of cemeit eonelgned to Balfour, Outhrie A- eompany. . Ths steam schooner Aurella. Captain Bowdlch, will leave Vancouver today for Bah Francisco with a cargo of lumber. 1 : " ' ' The steamer Telephone Is being over hauled at the foot of Alder street and It will be about a week before sh Is ready to go pn-the run between Port land and The Dalles. . " . . t . The lighthouse tender Armaria suc ceeded In getting a crew yesterday and Immediately started for' Puget sound. CaptslnvJ. p. Werltch, lighthouse In spector, Is on board of her, - - - - The steamship Roanoke arrived here from Port Los Angeles via Ban Fran cisco and Eureka laet nlghtf ., MARINE NOTES Astoria. April t. Arrived at a. m, steamer South Bay. from Ban Francisco.- Arrived at :St a. m. and Isft up st noon. Norwegian steamer Horns len. from Port Los Angeles and London. Saa Francisco, April 7. Arrived at' I p. m., steamer Elder, from Portland. Astoria. April I. Arrived at and left up at 11:10 a, m., ateamer Roanoke, from San Pedro and way ports. Sailed at :4I a. m., steamer Santa Ana. for San Pedro. Arrived down at 7 a. m., schooner Americana. , Balled at 7:10 a. m vacbooner Alvsna, for Ban Pedro, (I : M f r state there are tt carriers and' a total membership of over 10. There, will be a meeting of ths state association at Portland Juns 7, and Ths stats offlcsrs ars as follows: President. K. P. Loon of McMlnnvllls; firet vice-president, W. H. ' Boyd of Besvsrton: second -vice-president. M. B. Grant of Dallas; secretary and treas urer. J. li. (Joins of Albany; delegate to nstlonsi convenlon, Frans Kraxberger, Aurora;, stats organiser, J. 1L Schram of Cleons. ' ' - ' - . .. r ; and barkentins Lahalna. for Ban Fran cisco. Balled at I a. m.. schooner Mar coni, for San Pedro and barkentins Puako, for San Pedro. Arrived down at It noon, barge Rufus E. Wood and schooner Muriel. . Ban Pedro, April I. Arrived, sohoon srs James Kolph snd W. R. Hums, from Astorts. Astoria, April . Condition of ths bar at t a. m., obscured; wind, south east; weather, cloudy and foggy Wednesday Is the .last oay for dis count on west slds gss bills. AT THE THEATRES He "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage ratch." Tenlght will soar the comin of the sua-sr-tampered philosopher, "Mrs. Wtgis ef the Cafapese-ratal" -tea Betl.-ll tey Foot teentb sad Washlngtna streets, for an ea tagement ef three nights with a special siat lMe WedBeeaay. The tame of ths books fmm which ths araraatlsatloa , waa made sad the artistic Seplcttoa ot the varteoa roles br the earefuUr eelacted emnpaay picked by Lleblor a Co, have this pU; the moat popular eooa aramas uronsnont tne entire eoaa try. Beats sre now selling st box office Hel- ug uesire I or eotlre eagagemeat. - "Free jLance". Seat Sale 'Tomorrow. ' Tbe advance seat esle win open tomorrow (Toeedar) mornlns at to o'clock at hoc of fice of th. H.Ulg theatre, roarteeath 'sad Washington streets, tor Joha Philip floess's sew sillltary eoaMe opera "The Iree Lane." which Klaw 4 Krlanger will pressnt et the above theatre sext Thursday. Friday and Sat srday nlfhta, April U. IX, IS, with s special pries aiatlaee Batnrday. . N I ; .. a i - - , .. ...... . Western Drama at Baker. There le plenty of reasos.for the expreeslaiie of eommesdatloa heard yesterday regarding "The Judge aod the Jury" whlcb appeared i tarda at the Baker tor the first time la Portland. This prodoetloa Is werthy all that haa been said and written about it. Ae a wonderful westers drama It has scarcely aa equal. "The Admirable Crlchton." "The AdmtraM. Crlchton" Is the play whirs. Is to follow 'Tree Jadce-ea. the Jnry" et the Baker tbeerre. Thla play has reeoNed the most favorable commendation wherever n bbs n-en presentee ass tne frteaas of the Bakr will endoebtedly find all their expee- vm . mum rvauOTH. II opens B.XE BUUaST Bf teraeos. " " Merry Langhs at Empire, ! The -tfiost eonr-fseed Sua on earth wnaM have laughed his face full ef emlle-wrukles k.4 he vielted the Empire yeaterday. "A Stranger hi Towa" Is eanagb to aiake any body .lasgh. frank Beamlah and the -ether memhers ef the eompaav reallr did auk. mm. erbody laafh yesterday and they can See ap UM ' .1. IT . " , j'The Gamekeeper." " The new bill at tb. Lrrle. which m.a thla afteraooa for i week's ran, la the fa moas' drama et enentry life la Ireland. "The Gamekeeper." It a a strong, eleeS drama ef tne Better son. tbs scenic ertecte are beag. tlfal and the plar Is .loptloaellr wen nit Bad prearated. kfatlaee every day et t:dO. Seata may be waarwd by telepaooe. . ' "The Screaming Faree.M "Oar Kew Olrl" will be plared br th. Sites stock eoeineny thla week st the Star theatre. The first performaaee will be glrea tonight. ' This la a fame with store new complication, snd altnatloee thaa. have ap peared la farees la some time. It effords Terns Felton e new character and aha will fottnler thaa is any other role she haa attMrpted. There will he saetlBeee Toeeday, MRS. W TICCS v :v; i "Mrs. Wlargs of tha Cabba Patch," Who uejrins aa Engagement of Four Performances at tha Hellig Theatra Tonight. YoiiCan Pay When Cured tbe lerious complex snd stubborn ones that others neither cure nor compre hend. I have confined mv efforts to diseases of men exclusively, and there is oilment-bekmgiag taabis-assihat.Xc.w and definite claims. I tell men that 1 can cure them, even though others have failed. Jealous doctors have charged me with claiming too much. But I ask, wherein have I failed to fulfill a promise? My practice is now fully twice that of any other specialist upon the Pacific coast treating men's diseases. It haa grown to these dimensions because I have made promises and fulfilled them, Kach cure I have effected isa triumph and a manifestation of skill that has had its part in the making of my success. - Each day new cures are com pleted, and my present growth of practice is more rapid than ever before.' Consultation is free. If you are afflicted, consult me. You can rely upon what I tell you, and if I accept your case you can rest assured that complete and permanent curs will follow my treatment C "All neegsaary X-fcay examinations are abso lutely fresf to patients. My equipment - for X-Ray work Is the finest and most complete ever pro duced, and ' equally per fect results are not possi ble with an inferior appa ratus. ; . '; ; All medicines are pre pared from standardised drugs in my own private laboratory and are sup plied, to patients at actual COSt. - ' . C , sT 3G Vstara. In Portland Write, If yes caa ant call. All correepoaoeBC. strlcUy ewafldeatUl end all replica eant plan eevelopea. Inclose Scent " vwauaa-.wa viniiti.1 A ew. st ea ska m? spassi I si aTSB T las 'all ItlinU fmL ft IBB . trw 11 saeMsa -stamp te ST. LOUIS MEDICAL and SUROICAL DISPENSARY , ' 00BBTX UOOID AMD TAhTHIIX gTglXT, 0HTTJJn, OaXOOV. K . , Thonday, Saturday and Bandar. ataar. bow ea sate fee the satire week. Order them .arty. . . . " Another Good , Show. ' Haverly and KfRae head the new vande vllle bill at tbeOraag whlcb .tarts today. This teem soared the vsodevlUe bouses of Enrope with tbe eemedr act they are bring ing teTorrlBBd. asolbei .k.tch team la Height and Pean who Breeeat "A Mlallt Meet ing." The Peadletone ar. mualciana playing ea tbe sylnphoee. EmsMtt, tbe dialect maa tmr, will tell atori. In all known dialects. There ere three pwtormancci dally at thla theatre. - , , Wednesday Is ths last ey for dis count, on west side gas bills. . CATCH A THIEF AND MAKE FIVE THOUSAND aBamssaiaiawBBSSaBsawamBW "'""' ""Tacoma, April . With a pries T of IS.00S set upon him. somewhere In vie northwest William F. Walker, abscond ing treasurer ot the New Britain Sav ings bank. New Britain. Conn., is la hiding. - Ha dleappeared from thS" Cum berland hotel. New York elty. February I. and has been traced Into tha north west Ths sleuths are of .ths opinion that if he has not already done so be will try to ship from Portland or ons of ths sound titles for ths orient. Hs Is suffering from a chronic trouble neces sitating frequent surgical treatment and a canvass of physicians may reeult In his apprehension. - The savings bank has offered -a reward ot 15,00 for his arrest. He Is SI years old and it la charged he recently ottered forged documents.. ..,.. . METHODISTS MOVE FOR .TACOMA'S SALVATION T.Aitnvi. April t. 8lteen Methodist churchee have united In a series of re vival services that began- at the First Methodist church with a big snass meet ing yesterday afternoon. The Rev, Her. bert c Hart, evangelist, snd Prof. A. 8. Maganif, singer, hava charge of the meetings sad a chorus of ISO voices Is furnishing snuslo. , Ths Methodists pro pose to sweep ths' city with such a propoganda aa Tacomans have not here tofore experienced. Wedneeday la the laat day for dis count on wt sile gas bills. 1 Have the Largest Prac tice Because I Invariably Fulfil My Promises Success isn't attained at a bound. It is made up of many little triumphs. A large medical prsc tiee doesn't wait the young physician at the. col lege door. He must prove himself. He must work toward success day after' day.' doing well eich day's task. ' . , ,. : It has always been my rule to promise nothing that I am not absolutely certain of accomplish ing. Realizing that no one physician, can suc cessfully undertake to cure all diseases, I entered, special courses of study in preparation for my present work. For sixteen years I have been proving my ability and building my success. I. have mastered, first the simpler diseases, then ThedDdctbr yior vo. 234 Morrison SC Cor. Second Portland, Oregon ratleata Ileus eat ef the eity aad esmbjg e rorW lead fst toeetaMBt will Vs fanlahad with flae leom frae ef eharge. - Cheek year trasks street to SMVi Korrisea . Consultation Free r OurFee $ 1 0.00 In Most Cases Too bare of tea wondered ever .the cared r loa ka.e aeglected tble peeome a '-ran grows eiaaase - aao feel tired, worn eat, without a or eaaae: BMiacntiaas wbkb yoe prsccicsa. lour praaent "roa (Iowa ' system sertoualy somIs stteatloa. Before placing rear case eloewhere call aag see ne. It goa t euat yoe a cent te do thla. ... ' Blood Poison Is the most areadfal. tractive disease kaewa. This dla nof only anflta yea for year work a ad duties, bat makes a maa anflt for mar riage, for lKMlng reaponalble positions. Wkaa his system becomes Inoculated with tbe germ the whole body undergoes a change ot deeooiposltioa, and not only remits in s dlsflgarsment of tbe body, but sloe of the man. This disease eaa te eared. We have received tbe everlaatlng gratltada of tboee whom we have eared and wbe shew appreciation by send- emdlag as etser eaaae. dgfiftttr Collars B-jS3SV , Wyg sjtrwag. v vhsv oosrv eases: ee owoa 1-1.1 (XAHtr artMMt swUaaki ne atovwat euttoahoie made. ass. p. ids a oo, m.air Taer.a, v, ' "Vary Scfi.aiMa, . That Is fit It will cost te write to as today for a enpy of eur booklet, describing eye troubles. If yoa out- . fer from any dlaeaao of the eye that can be cared, a ad nearly a II ef them ' can. thla le. by far. the beet ritted InatHntkvs on tbe coaat to tell you , how they should be treated. Ry re maanc neglect your eye.. They are ) he beat friends yne will aver have. . Our BMibod. ars gaaranlet accurate . asd satlsfaetary. Uet the book. . IA MSSA STUlUglX, ftefreetiealet. Fuunsell Optical Co. M ACHAT 11M, rOlTlAJIO, OB. n Urn aSV- 1 ar AW lw DR. TAYLOR The Leading Specialist Weakness To groduce temporary afttvlty ef the fuactloaa la earn of an. la a aimpia auu tea, bet t. perai.aettilj reetnre . atreagili sad vigor la a pcpblein that set few phmk-ieneV Bare aolTed. I neTsr tr-et- niw tent porery effect., t'mler my ajra tem of treatment, .eery bit ef Improreeimt le a port uf a per manent cure. iBousb, etbe phr.lclana kare. through my ne. reaa In effecting permanent euros, bees enn.lnred ef tne fact . that premalotenaiie. Inas ef pow er. tc are but .rmptnms re solthtg fnrtn ehronle tloa or congeatloo tn the ptoataie gland, sone kare es yel been able to dnplleate mr enres. Sly rm ef locsl treatsieet Is tbe only effective mcana 7.1 known for restoring tne praatate to Its Sanaa I .tat., whlck always re snlta In full and complete rerwa ef streniitk and tIkot. aucb a rare le abaolatelr permanent, ne eaoM the cnndltkin reapoaalhle . for the fuaetleoal dlaorder la ee . ttrely removed. It la tbe only . kind et e ears a patient daatree, aod w the only kind ef cure I : will treat for-,. ... . Consultation Free - I etate nothing la' my so sonncements set tbe etrslsbt. eqnare trntk. It will enat roe ' nothing te call aad talk ever ynnt caa.. loa eaa find oat sll aboat your tranble and yoe eaa later arrange to begin treatment any time roe like. My offices, eoanprlslng Bra rooms. . sre 'be Urcast. moat elegant ami hast eoalpped la the weat. No Pay Unless Cured We Cure - Stricture, Impaired Vitality, ' ; Contracted Disorders, Kidney, Bladder and Prostatic DU ' orders, Varicocele, Blood Poison, Rectal Diseases. V; goeettoa ef "What le my trouble. M eaa lit tie trouble m Ite Infancr and bow It yet yoe eaa t aoderataad why roe should bat remember, rmmr m- life, and lair Nervous Debility' tarn ef eaergy,' win power, lack of ' eoseenrratloa ef theeght, loss ef mem- ' ery, which weakens year entire ere- ' tem, meats! aa wall ss peroral. Thla lowered vitality of tbe Borvooa and phraleal condition Is etreog thened eu that la a abort time yoa will have yoar'erlshial atronatk snd be yoaraelt . It is not only yoa that derives the benefit, bat year ssssrlatao. family ' and fellow-beings eaa see tbe pro nounced ehasge ef a healthy and manly appearsace. Uoa't wait aay koger. . t i WRITE YOUR EASTERfi FRIENDS toCOME WEST via SPECIAL LOW COLONIST RATES STntOTO afAJtCS AJTS ATtOX, From 8t Paul, Minneapolis. Dulnth. - Omaha, 9t Joseph. Kansas City ;. snd other Missouri river points to v Portland and Ashland Or., and In- - termediate points i....Sfl8.0O From St Ixuls to Portland, Ash land. Or., and Intermediate points .130.00 From Chicago to Portland, A ah Unit. Or., and Intermediate points $M.OO Similar low rates front other east ern points to the west. Send me full name and address of your relatives or friends In the east that are thinking of onmlng ti the Pcelflo Northweet, and t will have them furnished with literature 'Snd full Information, ee If you wialt to pay the fare of any one, the money can be deposited with any sgent of the Northern Psclfle Rail way end tickets will be promptly furnlahed. For sny Sddttlonnl Information wanted, call on or arid reaa A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General passenger Agent. tot Korrisea St., Cor. Third, , ... Fertlaaa, Or. f '0 r p "V I. h a J V e