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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, 'PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. APRIL 8. - 1907.' ' X ' l"L" ' " ' ' I I'm a a a I . ' ' . " "..". N Will GOD PLAYS LiArrs AFFAIRS Rev. Hiram Vrooman Show for . What Man Alons j Held v Responsible. UNDERSTANDING OF. FIVE ACTS IS NECESSARY Swedrnborglaa Speaker Declare IMvlno " Wisdom Knows' Exactly What Emr Man Has Determined Upon aa uT Bight nnd Wrong. At ths Presbyterlsn church Rev. Illram Vrooman took for Wb toplo "The Divine Providence, or tbs Part God Plays In Human-Affairs.- Ha spoks In part aa follows '' ";' ' r.-- - . -To believe. In tha dlvlna providence n to -believe -ttat-tna- " front divine or perreci love ana w.v unerring wladom or intelligence for tha beat Interests of every roan and wn and Child In all tha world, and that ha has so acted toward svery P"00 all ages. God s actlvltlee In behalf of tha beat Interests of avary man ara so oonatant that never a minute paaaaa but what dlvlna love directed by unerring wladom la doing things In hla behalf. To. believe tbua In tha dlvlna provi dence in a rational way. In the face of ao much avU and suffering and In Justice and inequality, we muat of oeces atty learn aomethlng of several aiost alirnlflcant and fundamental facta which ara vital to . auch belief. Several of theaa moat Important related facta are. Drat, man'a apiritual freedom, second, man's responsibilities which srlse from hla apiritual freedom, third, tha relation between a man'a temporal and eternal Interests, fourth, tha Inherent dltfer eaeea that exlet between tha mental ca pacitiea and tendenclea of any two per aona, fifth, God's knowledge of how every person will be spiritually affected by circumstances and environment Without some understanding Of these Ave facta no one can rationally believe In the loving and Jntelligent providence of God. ' ' "1. Man's apiritual freedom meane that every man haa tha power to try at all times -to choose - the - right in preference to the wrong;. , Every man. In perfect apiritual freedom, determine hla own attitude toward. -hla clrcum atanoea and environment aa It reapecta right and wrong. Ood never lnterferea here, for . auch. Interference , would de stroy tha human principle In man. Di vine love would not destroy the human quality or principle, of a manven to aave him from hell, beeauaa hell la bet ter than annihilation. -. ' . "2. Uan'a - responsibilities arising from hla apiritual freedom are neither ao numeroua nor complex aa may seem. 'W ' 1- ' V f um' J the Wonder Millinery Co; CORNER MORRISON AND FIRST. 3 The Largest Mimnery House In the West. . ;::LWe havcjustrcccivcd shipments oi fancy-finished, grain fattened Eastern Oregon steers and Polk County prize lambs. They will be sold oyer our counters thfs week at the prices mentioned below. We, have also plenty of choice veal and grain-fed pork. " V When Smith says a thing, it's so. "When he advertises an article he has it. He ex pects to give you the best in the land and correct weight on honest scales. fA . FRANK L. SMITH- MEAT " CO. ..' ; . .'. . 226-228 Alder street, between iFirst and Second streets. ; . : " FIGHTING THE' BEEl TTtUST,,': -7 ft ' BEEF 3c TO 15c ' j Soup-Meat i. ,3c Beef Kidneys ,..Sc Beef Stew 5c Kecks to4 Boil . . .... . . . . . 5c Brisket Beef .....!...;..5c Liver ......,.,. , . . , , 1 5c Oxtails, per pound...... 5c Corned lieet -,...;.,,,, 6c Shoulder Steak . ,8c .Shoulder Roast . t . ... . ." .8c Tot Roast Beef.......;.. 8c Rump Roast Beef.;. ..'..8c Tripe . . .-. .8c Prime Rib Roast. ..... ,10c Best Round Steak.. ....10c Brains ... .'.".i.., 10c Ilamburper Steak ..... .10c Sirloin Steak 12c Snnll Porterhouse ..A2l2c Rolled Rib Roast..... 12c I'ccf 'Loin Steak. .... .12Jc Declares the City "Portland. April t Tsthe Editor, of The Journal The good work dona In behalf of Mayor Laos through tha col uma of your paper la-to be commended. That Mayor Lane haa - given this city a clean, honest, faithful and fear leaa administration during hla term of service will be. admitted by air fair minded, men. ' That hla efforts in behalf of Port land have resulted in a moral better ment, broader prestlgs and higher Ideals In both civic and political Improvement no man can truthfully deny., Hampered though he has been at tlmea by unjust criticism and a par tisan council, watched by the keen eye of the public, the pulpit and the press; like the rock of Gibraltar has ha stood firm and ateadfast . for those policies that have added luster to the name of Portland, and which. If pursued, will make It the largest, cleanest and beat city in all the great -west. Selected -from the ranks of a minor ity party, elected 4y tha vote of men whose loyalty to Portland In tha past has been Us mainstay and on wboae shoulders tha future of -our city will largely be made . secure; by these and manv others haa he- been tried, tested and found to. have made good. . In the list or tnese existing new. u appears that a email coterie of dis they consist ofThfe maintaining sTIrm and und.vlatlng purpose of doing right as nearly as he knows how at all times under his circumstances. . God alone la responsible for a great many things that inrusi inemseivee mm 1 ... lmMrt,HM f A BC. I. i m v, . v.. " iimiii mm am rasnonaible and wherein God and not wa are responsible. . -". If man while in tnia worm is seed containing the potentialities of an eternal growth . and unfoldment. and auch he certainly Is, then his present Interests are vitally related to hla Im ut.Ma ntvlna love could not IIIVIMI, .l....... - be expected to'grant petty satisfactions snd pleasurea here which would destroy the capaeltiea lor - larger muikii j nj-..M a h, evnerfeneed for ever. . God look at our temporal Inter est from we viewpoint w our broken, everlasting Interests. Wa should endesvor to do the same. - "4. Men supplement each other In useful work and tbla implies organic mental ' differences. No two persons h inherit. nreclselv the asms mental capacities and tendencies. Tha differences between man a quainiw tions for serving mankind are aa great knm KtwMn tha different orsana of the human body for serving the man. Hence the circumstances ana environ ment best -qualified to serve the highest Intereata of one roan differ from those most suitable for any other. This points to tne solution , or -; me ejueBiion w loequalitlea. - 'C TV, Aivlnm vlnm knAvl Are- cisefy what every man haa freely de termined in. respecx w n """ toward right and wrong. Divine wis dom - furthermore knows precisely wherein one man differs from all other men In mental power, uivine wisaoro therefore provides the precise environ ment ana winuiuuii. iwi will minister most effectively under the circumstances v nia eternal interests, OricHalf ThiV: Week 'OuV:.entir"'?Kne' 'of Tailored Trimmed Stresrt Ht. congistinj; of Milans, hair and isncjr - oruag. Must clean them out. See large center window, Morrison street, for prices. , . , -, $1.19, $1:29, $1.3!? $1.49 and $1.69 TmAAmm nvf i-ag tKal r Kgfftt valuea ever offered. . , Fancy Porterhouse . . . . ; 15c Fancy "T'.'-Bone . 1 , r . . 15c Beef Tongues, each; . . .'.45c VEAL 6c TO 15c Veal for Broth, i . . . ... .'.6c Veal for Stewing . . . . . . .: 8c Breast of Veal ...10c Shoulder Roast Veal.. T 10c .eg Rpast-of:Vealrv-12VaC Veal Rump Roast -v. ... 15c Loin Roast :Veal. . '. . .15t Rib Roast Veal . . . ." i . .15c Loin Veal Cutlets...... 15c Rib VealXTutlets. . . . . . ,15c calves' Liver . . . . ... 15c LAMB 5c TO 15c Lanib Liver '. . . . . : . . ... . 5c Lamb Stew ............ 6c Frontquarters Lamb . . 10c Shoulders of Lamb ....10c Lamb Sh'lder Roast. 10c Heeds Lane Again gruntled politicians, whoaa hands have been barred irora loucnma purse, end whose perception of tha du ties of a public servant appeare to be aadly lacking in (raining, have Been fit to Interpose objections to ths man ner In which Mayor Lane has conduct ed the duties of his office, and will endeavor to prevent the city from en joying the splendid services which it would receive at hla handa wars be reelected for another term. Whether or not tha will of tha peo ple will be thwarted by auch' methods remains to be seen. ; " Howeer. I do not tska It that what tha party haa ao far Beml-offlclnlly dona. Is at all binding upon those Dem ocrats whose fundamental principles of Democracy bind them to tlea that ara higher, than the thougnt or onice ox Ita emoluments, and who can see in Mayor Lane one who represents ths tvpleat ideas of . Democracy: "Equal rl-hta for all. special, privileges . for none. . '. Before I will , ever believe that, tne great rank and file of Democrats In a. amw MinaMaratlla nOTtlOII HIM . J , " . of them, are opposed to tha reelection of Mayor Lana, a mass convention w Democrats wlH have to be called to de termine that question. f . 'liAoJ created the meHeTTunlveTse and-ita "natural laws and forces aa In strumentalities In' his handa for the creation -of a heaven of angela from tha human race. , God manipulates these aa any workman doea hla tools Id tha work of doing all the things that are possible to be done for tha eternal spiritual intereata of every person. God doea a million things in our behalf by way of altering our circumstances and environment where we notloe but' one. Hla watchfulness and hla activities reach down to ths minutest and seem ingly moat trivial of our experiences." . 'OPEN RELIGIOUS FORUM Y Dr. Muckley Announces Innovation for First Christian. .s " , ' In his sermon yesterday morning on "An Innovation and a Larger Gospel for the First Christian Church," Rev. E. 8. Muckley announced and explained ths nature of a plan adopted at. hla sugges tion by. his board of elders to devote at least one Sunday evening each month to an open forum. Dr Muckley has given a plan that - would bridge the chasm aeparatlng - the . "unchurched masses" from ths ohurch much thought. Ha says; ' -. .. " i "We ara separated because we do not understand one another and tha truth. Troth la unifying and conciliatory to those ' who are honestly seeking after truth and Justice. Eellgious denomlna tiona have often used truth as a cudgel to' pound each other with. The same baa been true in large mesjrure .with reference to questions . that are not usually admitted . to . discussion In churches. We have too often knocked each other. My conviction la that all questions relating to tha temporal and apiritual welfare- ef the Individual or the community should be discussed under the auspices of tha church.' We should not debate ..and argue them. which teifds to divide us. but we should enter upon a friendly-discussion of them to see If we . cannot -come , together. Truth should bring all honest folks to gether." -- Dr. Muckley and his church desire to give any honest man seeking she-best things for ths human family a chance to express himself in the First Chrla tlan church. "The man- antagonistic to the'ehudch insists that if be goes to been the preacher discuss a vital theme that he Is sure to get Just a one-aided dlscuslon." .- says Dr. Muckley. "He can't talk . back and ao never gets a chance .to correct his wrong ideas. , la our public forum they will get a chance to talk -back. I am not arratd to have any subject relating to any Interest of men discussed in a friendly and cour teous way. It matters not how radical a man's view msy bs. On ths last Sun day night of each month, therefore, we will have a real open forum. And I In vite the public to suggest themes for these meetings."- : i . , f., --. $ HOW TO BE PURE Dr. B rougher Savs Best Man Morally . , ;ia He With Pure Heart. ;S ' "Ths pure of heart are the clean of heart." said ths Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougher in ths course of hla sermon on -The Bt niggle With Impurity." the eighth Id the series on "Jesus and Ufa Struggles." ..-." "Jesus. continued Dr. Brougher, "said ths hypocritical Pharisees were white washed but the pore In heart have been whitewashed with - tha blood of ths lamb.' Those who are willing to pay tha pries may have ths Joy and happi ness of a purs, heart, and may ulti mately realise the presence of God' In their lives." . . . Dr. Brougher . said ; ths best man Lamb Shoulder Chops 12c Leg of Lamb . . . V. , . .' . 1 5c Lamb 'Loin Roast ... . .15c Lamb Rib Roast. . . ..15c Lamb Loin Chops . . . . 15c Lamb Rib Chops. ...T.". 15c PORK 5c TO 15 c ; Piers' Feet ... . ... t, . 5c Pigs' Heads ....... .5c Pork Sausage . . ..... iz3c Side Pork .X2e Pork Shoulder Roast. 12Vo Leaf Lard .12c Pickled Pork ........ 124c Pork Chops ......... i.l5c Pork Loin Roast. ..... .15c Pork Steak .......... .15c Our Own Hams. 17c Our Own Bacon 17 Our Own Pure Lard, 5 lbs. ... ......... '....65c i v i i n i i k i 1 1 1 1 i i ' . . - ? ..j JADE OF COPPER Quarter of a Farthing Owned by Redland, Oregon, Man, Who Has Good Collection. ' A. a Holllngswortb, Oregon City ... n V XJn , rmi infl. urt. Twnufi . M T . . - - -1 gon. also a reader of tha 8eml-Week-l ly Journal, writes that ha naa aeverai oolns older than any olted In tha eopy nt Th. journal that he aaw. They ara English farthings bearing tha datea 1677. l7t and 1700. He aleo has a queer old token with the data 1T8 and the Inacrlption "in memory pi tlmea" on one aide and a picture of George III on th other. Mr. Holllngs worth possesses a quarter of a farth ln which ha bellavea to be the small est copper coin ever minted. ' Lemyrt Knettle, an Ji-yaar-om stu dent at HIU Military academy, has a coin bearlna- tha data HIT. This . Is snother Mohammedan exobangs - me dium and not ao old aa some ounn that have been brought to Tha Journal these two ara Assyrian oolna. He haa an Indian coin aatea in nia. V. V. Conover of HlllsDoro nas m large one-cent piece of tho United 8tatea currency of 1106 Srhlch ha val ues highly. Mrs. G. I MacGibbon, 4t East Twenty-second street, has a, coin of tha year 1757, bearing tha Belgian nut nt anna and tha Inscription. "Con- cordla res parvae creaount" Bha Is at a loss to know ths nationality of tha coin and would also Ilka to know lta value. - v . . . . . morally Is , ths one who has tha purs heart. Happy tha man who haa a purs bodr. cure blood, pure breath and purs complexion, but happier atlll la ha who haa a furs mind. An - unciean oooy were bluer than filthy mind. Pars thoughts, purs' Imagination and pure intellectual tastes and habits, but higher and better atlll Is purity of heart. Heart purity haa tha commendation of a man's conscience. Conscience makes unhappy those' who realise that they are Impure of heart. It-speaks Its word of warning or Inflicts Its pangs of pun-1 lahment. Only those who are pure in heart can. understand ths real Joy of livings :--'. ' " -i To secure a purs heart. Dr. Brougher said a person should beware of every thing that eucxeated a thought of evil painting, statuary, romance or song or evil companions. Second,. the habit tof purs thinking ahould be cultivated, aa tha beginning of Imparity Is found In ths thoughts. Third, ths reception of Christ, 'for those who realise God's presence wlir not bo mastered by Im purity." .- y. . . ' .;, , FEARS RELIGIOUS TYRANNY "' ' ''. ..' Seventh Day Adventlst Against the '." Proposed Theocratic Party. ; ; A union of ' church " and atat. would result la a system of religious Intol erance and tyranny.; . Bo declared Elder G. A. Bnyder In aa addreaa at the Sev enth Day AdventlaV church last night. Rev. Mr. Snyder said that tha move ment' lately started to launch a theo cratic " party In ths United ; States Is nothing . mors nor less than an at tempt of the- church to get possession of the state and to force lta rule upon tha whole body of ths citizens, whatsve their personal . convictions might bs. ' v . - V. This, said Elder Snyder. Is-not only unconstitutional, but It Is In opposition to ths tescblngs of the - New Testa ment i Ths theocratio . government of earjy Israel was rlght.-said he. for Ja hoVah personally guided the rulers, but todsy such a system would result only In Injustice. PROFANE WICKED MAN , , -. - ' 1 ' Rev. J. E. Snyder Thinks It Small Wondea-Women Gladt of Set. '. "God made man Just as purs mP ha made women." aald Rev. J.-.E. Snyder. In a sermon at tha Sellwood Presby terian church yesterday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Snyder made a atrong plea for an equal standard of purity for the two sexea "What shall we do with' our girlsT" was -ones a burning question, said be, "but now .th. .ques tion Is: What shall we do' with our boys?" Three j worn en to one man at. tend tha churches, .which proves tha superior moral f Ibro of the women A university Questioner once sent letters to 600 female graduates, asking wheth er they would rather bo men or wo men, and why. NInety-flva were glad they were not men. because men swear, drink, chew, smoke and steal. . V. : VdiiiMiH la tha last day' for dis count on west side gas Bins. , - . , ; - COUNTY WILL CRUISE TIMBER FOR TAXATION . (Sjawtal r1 .pates t.- T. tmrtl . Chehaila Wash.. April . The county commissioners of Lwls county an nounced last week that they would have .w ....A(..nh., an timber holdings SMHU... In tiewls county cruised as a method or determining the vaius or ns PyP"" for purposes or muh. n.mwi . w , itn work on th. cruises xivn . . and It Is thought ths work can bs pretty well completea msiae m jiuir . . . . L..... . M . k. The . heavlesi limwr nvmi cunty Is ths Wsyernaeuser company. Within tha paat few months ths Mil waukee Interest hss been buying very i w K.,, nm hnilns-a ara sosttered. Much of the yveyerhaeuaer timber la in compact Doaies. as inr b .-.-efn Pacific Unda ,Ths estimate of u...w oivea Lewis county about 1,600,000.000 feet of Umber, x Results of Brownsrino . Election. (Mpertal Blspsteh te The Joarsst) .11. rr - Anrll l.Thi fol- Pltt.ll. . Illi - . - - - i j nn aclared Bleated to city offices hers! J. D. Irvine, msydr; George, recoraer; rr. o. marshal. Ths election was tha liveliest .oitin the city has known for several yeara,-or-since tho aaloona were closaa n.r.. There wers two tlcksts. ths Temper ance and the Cltlsena The adherents to ths latter tlCKei cisimea iocu option whs a dead, issue, cms oemg a ory oounty. On ths Cltlsenr ticKei au were elected ecer't one rntinclltrtsw. TEA : When tea is good, do you know why it is good; and, vhen it, is bad, do you know' why it is bad t A Schilling. & Coopany San Tnndxi ' ;: ,y: is ready and YOUR SPRING SUIT? We have over One Thousand Suits to choose "t from and you will-Wonder bow we do itand ' so do our competitors who charge from; $5 to" $8 more. You will find : the identical: pat- ) ' v- terns and faoncs in up-town stores ar q l dio $U wny WML CLUB'S -AFFAIRS CHAOS St. John People Declare Organ- jz&tion Has Been Too Busy : :-in Politics. ; ; V; . .-..ll k.a haan raafhad -In tbS af- falrs of ths St. Johns Commercial club, This ' condition . which tnreaiena tne organisation with immediate dlarnpUon 1. .k. .An.a nt dabbling In politics. Certain of ths members attempted to .... . . -i .. w . . ik. miim nt the lata municipal campaign which resulted dls- . i . l. .Wa. n rl sstrousiy WW ivr - - - - -i.v. m.. nviaani affairs of tha club ara freely discussed on ths streets snd they are ins leaamg ope slecUon has passed. ' - - , Mnnvt n. k. atreets last . t V WW " "T week that D. C Itodgera, president of . . - a. ' u.JMa4a AW tM CI UD mil a m wwi cmiuh.w w cou noil man. , had rMlgn4 ntT that a rorfanliatloa would tk plac-j aoon. Th!a atory ia danid 'by both Gk J. Parklna acrtaryt and C A. Wood, an ..aiw M.mKa an1 t-gaaihter In tha eMJWTSJ uiVUivo Peninsula bank.' Mr. Psrkina aaya tha story was given, mrcn oy io. -ia-iu" .a w SmImt. M.n f 1 v to the lUfV 7 ea. - . , . effect that he would not bs a candidate for reelection at xne ne nwura " held by the club, Wednesday, April 17. . . to 1 a .ha. th. elnftk Ml In Bar. r a ii imv - good condition and that everything was going along nioeiy. v. w.a li... VlAna. tnr the elUB bv mUVH tAmm . " - different cltlsena living In St. Johns snd even ny men living vnum oi oi- who have large properxy inwmu m 1.11 tw. alt.K la Im Mr mnoA r to...!." . - - - - eondltlon. Chargea against the club are freely maae inciuaing among mnw . .w. ...( .a ih. Ht. atarrlna UliOS. Miai. fi.i... .w - - secret meetings were held and plans laid to rapture the city of (Ices. Ths membership of the club includes soma of ths nest men la Bt. John a Harmony la essential to ths promotion -at a a ai Ka.ta fcv a 4 . A . aOl.H fhss OX linp'Jrasint wum rssviw wi .sw .14. 1 tm a. Mat era 4 kfSSl SaWt skf ST aw4 llttls. from Uia dub. It v haa vrown ta tplta hara ooma unaollcltad. x . " VWadnasday !a tha last day for dia- eount on waat alda caa tmia. - BAPTIST WORKERS IN ' : SUNDAY SCHOOLS MEET This sventng ths Baptist Sunday Bcbool union ox rorusnq win nuiu us quarterly open meeting at tha White T era pie. Thers will be a general dis cussion on - th. of (lea -of - aacretary la Sunday schools, led by James Edmunds. Sunday school missionary of ths Ameri can Baptist Publication society, and an other on the time for Sunday school sessions, led by Elnathan Sweet The officers of ths society ara; President. V. K. Hall of tha Second Baptlat Sun day school; vice-president. W. S. Hale at tha Immanuel school; secretary, El nathan Sweet of ths , Whits Temple achooL . Harrisbtirg Phono Office Moved. grHsl Chi pairs t. Tk. Jmtrssl.t ' Tlarrtsburg, Or., April l.r-The central office of the Pacific States Telephone company has been transferred from ths poatofflce to the future home of the llsrrlsburg Bulletin, where It will be In rhre of KM I tor Ira A. Phelps, who has hd ounslderabla experience in that line. mmmm .v1:..Sr,tir it heed not cost you more than a1 pay .uic uiuci ciiuc r IU - FROINT . AIND MORRISON STS. a.aii.aaiSaiaa.aaiaiaiitiXa lr $3.00 Vis ' Known us? the Sclecr. one for. your Spring Hat r and you will know why -. Spring -Underwear for Your Comfort, in the new weaves, 25c, 50c, v . :. 75c and $1.00 the garment v , . 'y: . ; y- .-,. ,, .... " -,- y -, ( ' If not right Welch makes it right : :-l. '! - ' ' , . . . v ; irS - : third ; v .AND OAK A STAIN THArS HOT ' A BLEMISH On either 'your ropuutfem'or' yaur bouse Is a bit of wood stain wa can supply whloh yon ,taus apply for the sides of your . staircases - carpet In ths middle you know. It's remarkable how1 chesplyw you oaa Improve ths appearanos 7 of ' your 'staircases and halls by bujrtn paints, stains and varnish., hers. ' THt BIG PAINT STORE iFisherJhorsen & Co. .HAT; - "Dependable" Mat ie - , , 4 MORRISON. Cai22STST