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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1907)
-A. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. wgRIL" 8. 1007. i: I'AIXTIXO AND PAPERING. I. A. Imiank. In 'ambltl - oppoalte M eal ri.Well PPr, pslntmg and eeoeat. l.. a. I'buM ui Cue Mtlmatas. racuw ( reliable emrk. ressossble prices. Sheeny tiroa , 14 .iBtll. mm 4t Mala soli PAINTS, OIL- AND GLASS. r. B. MACR (X). Tb P. tut Co.1 wludow gtaaa Bad glaelng I'hna IM4. 139 fin M. PRINTING. -u linntBU PRIMTKBT Artlstl lwlBftna7, 9 Kammmt bid-- FoarU. Bn4 Morrlso. PbuS i-arltl i63o. EVERTTHINO IN PBINTINO Pres. circulars to catalogs. andaejete. . M.tropolltae Prlatlag Co.. 14T Front aU OGILrlEB BBOH., prtntat-Oar. blUbstds. etc. f ban Mala 186. 1414 First a. ROOFING. TIN RooriNO. gartering, naikiai end general Jobbing. . LoeU. 212 JefforeeB st. Pss. 1424. REAL ESTATE." , PARRIRH, WATK1NS ft CO.. 260 ALOEB ST. KmI relate, rentals, leans ana lnar.Kt. We w.a. a apaclalir a bssdllng and property foe residents an noo rwaMeat. EalaWlaMd 1ST! Psoas Mala 144. GBO. J. srBABFKR, raal estate an tit laenr. saos. SIT Chamber of Commerce. , "' : "Xoa BAT NEXT. .-, - ' 1 W. (XilT.BEB. raal estate and loaaa; sta- llshed 18HA. 14614 First at-, ream Ifu i .. . .urns au as. A uaatfl Taf. Bm 1 1 A jilin.iv x . - uasaaBi w ratals. 80614 Stark at. Mala ron fabms or bvbry description. W. W. SKPBT, 11 Commerelsl bklg. SAFES. PORTLAND SAM CO.. an sgeats far Her-rtng-H all-Marvin safes and MssgaaesB Steel Safe Co 'a bank- eates: 80 aecoad-hBBd Bra proof aafM and hank aafea, ry cheap; aaa tbaai a wrlta aa. M SsveatB at. . ) IflKBOLD HlDliunn ana i, Jj i i u-k. I. K. LMTla. aa aa. aiaia t. K. DaTla. M So. Mala STREET PAVING. WARRRN Coaatrartloa Co., atrt partiia. atda. aralka aad CTgaalaaa. U Laakar Kiehaaia. THR Barter Aanoalt rarlnf C. at Portland. - Offka S wareaatai aw. . SEWING MACHINES. IHW WHIT BKWINO MACHINH AORWT. SHO Tamhtll at, eor. 4fh. Pnaaa Mala tlOi. BarKalna la all klada af aaw aad aacoaoV kand arwlnc vaphlBcss a few allcktiy da . aaad, rood aa aaw. a,t graatly ladnead prteaa. PHONB Paelfle JTM and I aaraoaallr will eaU and repair yaar atwlnr naachlna: work cast aataad. . Bama. adjuatar; teiTllr afc SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. BHOWCARM a ararr cjaacrlpttoo; twak. bar and atora flxtoraa Biada ta ordarv Tba Ultkt . MaTmfattarla Ce, Portlaad. . H. BIRD8ALU daalrnws aira M. Winter mbr - T Hamlltoa Md. Mala 580. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. , , rOSTKR ft KLB18BB BIONS, Wa bar ballt ap rha htraaat alra bostnaaa -' la tha itr by flnt-claaa work and kaeplnf oar prombMs. Oar prtraa ar rlaht. rifth and BTaratt at. Pbona Excbaat 60. . UPORGP WEBER, MODERN Dlf reran t Bkoa." SOa roarta. BIONS "Tha Pacific Salt. "CARD THAT CATCH THB EtrWBejt work la tna elty. Bella, QUO Dekem bldg. Hal 604. BIONR THAT ATTRACT" Portland Blga 3y gXl SUrk at. Pbone Pacific 158. STENpGRAPHERS. .TprnT tenoTenber and typewxltar. Pboae Mala 1271. S14 Deknm bldg. TYPEWRITERS. BKATXJCARTFRS tor new aad renaflt type writer ef all makes; nee ear window: If oa are gotng to bay a aew typewriter aee a be- . fore baying: wa can yon money; we bare parts for repelling aU machine; etat areata for the Tlaible roxi we bay all klada ef typewriter. -The Typewriter Bxebange, Inc.. U. J. Elllaoa, maaager. 4 Third at. BLlCBENSDEBrEB Typewriter . Agency! sap llex repalre. Balelrh bldg.. tb aad Waab. PUBLIO 8TKNOGBAPHEB. .... WB sell BeminetoB. Bmltb-Pramlers, Deoa BMree, -ate, lower than any other company; In re titrate. Underwood Tyuee liter Co.. t. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAGOAGB ft OMNIBUS TBAN8PBB CO.. comer Blxth aad Oak eta.; baggage checked from hotel or reeldance direct to desrtoarlo: passengers therefore a eold rah aad annoy ance it denote. Prleate Bxchaage 4S. - BAPBB. piaaos and romtrnre morea. sacked reedy for shipping sad shipped; sit work : gnarenteed; large S-tory brick fireproof wareboaae tor storage. Office 30. Oak at. . Oleea ft Boo. Phone Mam 64T. O. O. PICK, office M First at., belaeea Stark and Oak sta.t phone . Pianos sad fornl - tnrs moeed aad packed (or ehlpplng; cow me . . disss brick wareboass with separate fcroa rroat aaa l-iay eta. BdTIOMAL TBANftTEB ft BTORAOg CO, MM Oak t. I telephone lie la 400. Traasfarlag 'aad atortag. OR BOON TBANflfER CO., IS4 North Blxth et. phone Main . Heery basltag aad storage. INDEPENDENT BAOOAOB ft TBANSfKB CO. Btorago. 324 Stark at. Mala 407. , POST PI!CLAL DBU VKBI. Ne-300 V Wash. Ingtoa at. Phone Mam 62. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C STAMP WORKS, 4 A Mar at: pbone . Mam 710. Banner tamps, seals, standi; bag- ' gage, trade Checks; Drass signs aaa piatos. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLBA TOWPX8 PATI.T Cowih. brash, eoaa. 1 pee month. Portland Laoadry Tewel Bnpply Ce, Ninth sad Coach. Poena daft. WHOLESALE JOBBERS 1 M. A. cnnirr ft 00.; HTSTRI BTTTORg OP FINB CI0ABB, PORTLAND, OBEOON. , BHERK ft ORABAM CO. (In.) Commtarloa archants, tobbera of frtrlta, prod are, ate.: consignments solicited. 12 Proat St. ICV R RHINO ft PARREI.U prndacs and enov OBROON PtlBNITCBB MANUPACTCRINO CO . Manafactnrers e( farsJUrs tor the trade! Portland. Or eras. WAMIAMg ft CO.. wnolessle grocers, nan f.rtarers and eomsilaaloa aMTtbaala. ronrth and Oak eta. . rrRNITTBB tnannfaetnrlne end atM.1 . L. a fsrnltnre factory, 107 groat at. Al l t ft t.EWIR, eomsilastoa asd pratoce msr cbanta, Pront and berla at., Portland. Or. vt Mill KAI.B croekerf sad glasswars. Ueel ft Co, Portlasd, Oregoa. Prae I, U. w. PlMPaoN, tni Waablngtaa ate Whole. I oeeler la grals and hay. ' ' X.U.9 Wrnaluk RrHterve Hearing. , ' (Jonrnal pcil Beretre.) Washington, April t. Foreat Super. vtaor J. M. Schmidt, will be at Walla U'sUa April 11 to hear the claim nf ii.nao who have used the Wenaha range ley here expect to make large profits , 4 .luring th punt An effort will be tnarte'j from the dlry bualneaa for ssy- d to riivi'l the rung fairly and In theidy era! months to com on account') v Lest to protect the Interest of theid of the creamery wr. ., . I ''r and raach wnaxt living la the TODAY'S MARKETS 1700C SIIEARirJG BEGUN ill STATE Operations ori a Small Scale Reported in the Valley and ; In Eastern Oregon. . TOO COLD WEATHER ' ? FOR GENERAL CLIPPING Flirt 3 ' " . 9 1".- . "-. FlTst Mohair Sale at oaviuo morrow PotAtoes Gln In Firm bps Sharp Advanc ta Onlonf om Account ot Scant SuppUe. ' ;! Tndaj'a arlactpat aiarkat laaturaa: ; , Nr wkaat antiid altarafc . . m ; ' ' Krw oaloaa wiu aooa n ; Pouta market atna flrmaeaa. ... Wool aaaaoa feaa atartrd. , - ..... , .. Car eaboara from U Anrelea, . Market bar af aawll crandaa. , v. Fn ra aoldlt nrmr. . (aloiaa aeaaoa ooena aaxt Moaoar. ,, ., wl Ha Opanad. 1 Tb. 10T wool rti.nSjE In open t ton kaaa begun aa a "'V ktfc la rhe Wlllanaette eaUer and In eaetera Taaiaer enndKlan. will kejp tha op raUoaa to a email arU antU 'J'er Ja a Jnauto awdUI. 1 toa uifor mm "v.ta- rr 'r: ln karln. la aMa, taneea U!. io ba dellTared at a eartala data. theee-datM are faat approarhlnk J leHo. IteeU beta, tarbwnrd. arj ar. Ired ta akear before the weather eoodltleoa really Oil, WU1 Ba 1UA . At tbla tl K to W'V taHered that tfcTwool rll ef ftrw and la fact tb. ea tire Parlfle aorthwert will be tba la eeeent r- TUer are two rTn. thl. belief . .-' 'tare J. aa to-. ta tb. amooat af abeep held wlthta lb. roa tinea at tha atata and the taerto eold waatber k iaaed tna wool ta iraw 'TtWrara af - wool dta-tlom ttto J I tb. feet that dealer and Meufnrterer do aeem aearl, ea a.riona former eeaaoa. A rear or twa ate large per teat of tb. wool w" Zl ere before .bearing eperatlon bad ba eki. Meana tnera baa beeaj prae- tlrallr no 'eoatrarttng and tea epenlng af tb. aeaaoa find da Vera not ejeeraniloo to par- Uclpate la tb. parcaaatng. Tba flret eat of the aeaaoa ,wHI take place tooaarrow at god.Tllla. pool . i . a Aon rleaeaa for DOi . . net., reeelred. Aa la wool there baa . w . . AmmkmnS for mohair frota ?r TTL .... hot tomorrow' a aale m enow the erect condition of tb market. Boaie noyera Intlmat that there in - ...u. Mora when tba pool la Weetret . hu. of . OrsBgat. , ' The" tool msrket hw tare orangee. the trade baring only small lot 0fAln7r:":. with .-.! "pplK Trade aaktng -ZZriZr A htrge aniptoent m pine.- ----- waa recelred oa the street this morning, r. higher on eceonnt m .ra-j " ''dT'cir of cabbage from tea Angeles wee among the rail enrrral thto morning. Beat "e sl'tbe California liner brought la a amair supply of greens this morning. , -Zgg Markst Hold Steadier. A steadier tone le sbowa la ths today .wing to ths small f"to- T fjt axtest the scarcity 1 doe t the ahertage of egg eases la. the ccantry.:. , - . . Creamery ontter i " ,,- iA week's eslaes. one local lag above the market l eretndlca- tloas are that nnoiner arar ntLmZ- holding steady "at ' ua- changed asloa. A Sharp Adeaae la Oalaaa. The report by The Journal laat week that bat a fractional amoont or oniowa naw la this stats and that most of these were la on or two hands, earned a sharp advance 1. Taloea today. Akmg th street todsy eren tb second grade stock was firm at $i 73 with some dealera taking 2-60 tot best tttiff. Potatoes are firmer man ersr ... -'- today the price for ordinary stmt " market. Oellfornml adrlces tell of still tnr- ... ., ... A mIm. there. .'. - (JJ, .UVB1D,U - - . J The trade para the- following price to Front street. Prlcea . paid shippers are less regular commissions: " -r-T- -s-- . eraia. near eaaresa. GRAIN BAOS Calcsrta, (H bayrag arirei ellrn. aIS4e. - WHEAT Clnb, Tc: red Baastaa. TOc; bloe- tem.' Te;iisy. , COun wnom. t.wi w.-.. "baBLBT New reed. 21.00MO0 per toe; rolled 2S 00(8240: brewing. 22)23.0O, AV. at K m. eat. OATfl New Prodncer' price No. "1 jrpjte. 12 00W29J10 per tool gray, 2S.noZH to. , ' mt it n Keecern ' Oreron aateata. 4 1" stralrhta. .a0; expert. SJI valley. 3.7: grVhiin. 14sT S.50; whole wheat. 3.7B; rye, Jo. a.0O: bales. I2.7S. . , arii.fjrTTTFPH Bran, 117.00 per ton: mid dlings, 2o.OO ; shorts, country, $20.60; glty SIM OO: Chop. w ' , v H AT Prodojcera' price Timothy. WUlemette ealieVT fncy. l.0f14.00: ordinary., gs unta W eastern Ores-m. 20 WCj-M OO: mlie.1. 10t lOooT "loTsr. ft-00S grata. 80ia00; cheat. " Barter. Zgga aad Paul try. BTJTTKB PAT f. a. b. ; Pectlend Sweet cream, wme: oar. ile. aiiTTKB City creamery. , 8e; SBtalde, CHKBHB New mil cream, flats., leliei loon America. 17J17He. , . PODLTBX Mixed ehlckeee. 14H per roi p 15: .iiri'7rir. per 10; miw k-j. . , . 1.1 ft. per lb; spring aacas, taw per -"T loe per lb; tarkeys, 17e per & for old; dressed ! .?". Ik. . ...1 12.IW DOT d-lt nireon.. $1 .00 per o. Wd poaltry 14tl par lb higher. rT.j. -. Weal aad Bides. nnotoon eroa Choice, lie; etiroe to choice. lOaiOHCI meaiom to prime. medium. Be: costraeta. lBOl erop, 1. to. WOOL ISO clip Tallcy, 2O023c Mtan Oreron, 20. ' ' :';, .t MOH.IR KCW ISWI UK in. ..i.rDglftkfl Hhearlne. 1SA20C esch XAeOe; meotnm wow. vxaii3, CHITT1M ARaC Jt tmt lotMt MBt.Il toU, trmTJ Alfti SJ0L Iftefl isTper : drV kip. Wei 1, 5 tel lbs. 15J1I dry ulf, No. 1, under I lbs. tOe: salted hides. HlltKS lry, ro. . mmmA OA the and over. lOeXlle: unir: Mars asd bolls, sound. i87e: kl. 16 to 1M Hie, sc; calf, aonad. ender 16 lbs. He: erees. snaalted. 1 less; call, le per lb leea; bore hide. lted. esch. tl Ogtt? jJ'Tf' "'"j CREAMERY MEN ARE - , WARRING FOR CREAM Special Dlapatch te The Journal. d Brownsville, OrH - April I. 7 e Three large creamery compsnlea are waging wr in th Browne- e vili vlctnlty. Never before have the farmers in thla part received euch price for butter fat. Thug e far a Portland and a Corvallie Mimntnv seam to be In the lead. although Brownevllle I flghUng' e hard for Ita . share. Farmer e , . I ' - Ja ft aV V 4 4 a) - 4 4 WHAT: DEALERS SAY 1 OF LOCAL MARKETS During; tha Pt week tha eft market wa ilrmar on account of ) the decrtaaa in arrlvajg and tha " holding; by country ahlpparg. 4 Changing; weather oondltlona, however, aeem to make the open- . d Ing; of the r market aomewhat alower, although prlcea, hold yet at tha top., There-are no . cold atorage operation Juat , Bow b oc a use price ar too high. d Poultry: continue aa during; d the prevloua week with receipt 4 light and demand on apr with d 'them. Trad doean't aeem wery anzlou to paty over the price Hated ' and la ualng eaatern ; torage atuf t In preference to ' quoting any' advance for local (OOda. , i' Weather condition have been . d reaponalble for en eaaler tone In drensed meatn, but thus far prteaa are unchanged. Future of the market depend absolutely upon weather condition next week. ' - .. .i .,'. ' Sl.0O4tl.9O: eoltMdea. SnCISOe; goat aklaa. commvB, web, IDgjloe; Angora, each. Xocq 1.00. ., . Vraita aad TegaUUea. POTATpBS Barmg price, eaatera Vlttltno nk aad Clara a ma aelert, gl.IOitl.To aell Inr. fancy, 1.75; ordinary, buyln. eaatera. Ore fan. buying, 1.001.U1 aweeta. 7e per. lb. OMONS-lobblng price No, 1 Orernn. g2.2S ?2-o0; No. i. Ills: buying prfce. l.ISa.Z5 . b. btpptog point; garlic. ( per lb. APPLES Fancy flood Hirer BpltnenWg aad Tell w Kewtbwoa. $1.40; fancy Will. matt Tel ley and aouthern Oregoa. 1.002.00; ordinary rRKSH I KI IT8 Orangee, hew aaeet 3T9 OS. 20; tangerinea.; baaanaa, 6c per In: lemona. 4.0Oa5.0O . per box; llmea. Maxlcaa. Vi.zo per iuu: pineapples, ae.wajo.uv nw m. gran rrnlt. At! 29. v K41B.TA Toraipa, aew. oocfltl aack; sarrots. 7Sci$l 00 per aack: beets. gl.TR pet sark: parsnip. tl.00eei.XK; cabbage, X.aOri.iA; tomatoes. Mexican. rntiia, s.wr, paranlpa. 0ci 1 00; atrlng bsaae. 1.1c per lb; cealirknrer, 502.7 dns: pea a. IV; horaa radlsh. Be per lb; artichokes, 74e3llI.OO pet oos; sojBssa, Tocaigt.uv per soxi ceierx, mr fnrnls. A6ej70r ter doa: eraaherrlea, 18.00 titi-UO per barrel: enroau. (te per lb; sapara gna. 14(8 IV; rhnbarh. a per lb.; green enloas. lSc doa: Florida bell peppers. eOe aor lb.: spinach. $1 61.M per box. ataia.u rnui jt Appie. eeaewraieu. 7c per lb; aprlcota. 18VtWe per lb; p 13jlSHc per 1st eacke. He per lb lea; 80 to 40, 6Cc: He drop ea each 1-10 1 DRIED FBUITB Apple, avaporsteo. au peacn. praoes. n oa each 1-10 smaller slae; figs. Csllfornla black, He per lb; California white. etHe per lb: ostss. gotoea, (d.60 per box: fsrda. tl.46iai.i0 per 15-lb box. -.- v wpeasries. Vats, Eto. ' 817(1 A K California ft Hawaiian Cab. 15.27 H; pondered. ii,12V4; berry. S4.B2H; dry granulated. td.WHi Star, ee.UKV eonf. A, 4.-im extra B, 14.42: goMea 0. M H; D yellow, 4 22! paet graauUted. H.82H. W eaters Cube. 4 7H: powdered. 9.m; dry granulated. $6.27H; P. C, 42Hf St. Francis, 4.82V4; cnaiectloners' A, te.ftSHi extra 0. 4.;( goMea C, 4 82Vi: D yellow. 4.22Hl beet graatllated. I4.82H; barrela. 10c; half barrels, Uc; bacss, 60s advaace oa aack hssls , . (A bars prices are 80 days aat.easb gnota- tlona.t , - ; ,, , v ; HONKT I8B0 per crate. V rorPEB Peekaea brands. tlR.saelld.CS. 8AI.T Coaree Half ground, 100a. 110.00 per ton: 60s,; table, dairy, bus. eieuu; iua. IS.7.V, hales, $2.00; Imported I.WerpooL 60a, sis oft t(Hta n oftr - lln.Wlr extra tioe. bhls, 3s. as and ios, sa.ouwra.ou; uTerpoo. lamp rock, per too; ou-ib roc. v.w, no oo. tAbore Drtce' apply to paias or wee tnaa car lots. Car lota at special prices subject to RICB imperial Japan,' No. : 1. tet No. t. 54c; New Orleans, bead. 7e; AJax. 6c) Creole, a ly. . ft BANS BmaM white. .'t.a: large whits. t3.6; pink, 3 26;, bayoo, umaa, e; uilTpM.nt. ' Jamho. . Ue nor lb! Tlr- gtnl. THe per lb; toasted, 10a per lb; Jspa. rout. 717 "Ac per lb: auta, b6uoc per dos; walnats, Osllforsla, lee per lb; French, 15c per lb; pine nata, 144) 16e per lb; hickory nata, 10c per th; ebeetnuta. eeatern. lSbloc per lb; Brasll aut. Ae?er lb; filbert. 10c per lb; Uacy peons, issjajc; slmosas. WH. - , . afatta, risk sal Prerliloaa. ' ' 1 FRRAft MEATS Froot Street Hogs, fancy tHftlte per lb; real, extra." 83814c per lb; orautary, l)einc per id; pour, v yw iu, p,i- too, fsncy. . per lb; . spring lambs, 14e - BAMS, BACON. aTTO. Portland pack (local) .A 10 Ik. I.U. km II,. A 1 the II u:, .v IV . e Mvm. vtt 1. "w, - " - , loe per lb; la. to 20 lbs. lee per lb: breakfrat bacon, lou.uaivic per id; picnic, ism per iu, eotug roU, 12c par lb; regaiar short clears. anamoksd, 12e pec lb; emoked. las per lb; clear hacks, snaiuoksd, 12c; smoked, lac per lb; Cnloa batts, 10 to 11 Iba, smamoked, 8e per lb; smoked. Be per lb: clear bellies, an nuo ed. l2Vi per lb; amoked. 1H per lbs anon loere.. 12e tier id; picaiea magass, aus sacs. LOCAL LARD Kettle lest, lUa. 131 per lb; 6s. 13e per lb; 60-lb tto 12e per V( stsam reaaereo, iu izhs per id; oa, X2 per lb; com poo no. iub, stas par is. CANNED SALMON Colnrabla rtmr, lib tJtlle, $1.80; l-lh tana. Vi.lfi; fancy l ib nets. It no: u-lb fancy flats. 81.15: fancy l ib orsls. $2.76; Alaaka talis, pink, 8SS0e; red, $1.60; umlnal. 2a. tall. $2 00. F1HH Bock end, 7e per lb: floanders, e per th ball but. m per lb: eraba. tl.00ai.S0 pet doa; striped baas. 12c lb; cstflah, 10c ib; sal. mon. fresh California. 13c lb; froaca aal- mo. lie per H: herring, te per lb; sole. ic per db; alinmp. loe per lb; perch. Bo lb: black cod, Je per lb: tomcod. Ta per lobsters. 14c per lb; freak mackerel. Do th: crawfish. 20s per doa: starxeoa. 10a Ib; black baa. 20e per lb; Colombia river smelt. Be per lb. OYSTERS BHoaiwater bay. per gallon, ft 80; per 100-lb sack. S4.60; Olrmpla. per gallon. $2.26; per no in aaea, ia.ou.26s Eagle, Mnnal. 1UC Can. If.W OOB. ' " CXAMiHrdahcTL"-)r''DOx clams, $2.00 per box. lit per . lHtnt, Coal 00. tta. B0PB Pore Manila. 15; staadard, Ie; leel lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, IRHc par gal; water whit.- Iroa bhls. Me per gal; woodea. 17c per gal; headlight. 170 deg cam, tlWc per gal. OAnoi.isiR ew nes., ", sane par gait tron bhl. 18c par gal. 4 BEN7.INa- g cases, per ); bbla. l-jc per gal. TUB PEN nn is khl. QHe nee sal. case, got per gal; wood WHITE LEAD Toe lota, Tli per lb; 800-lb lots. 8c per in; teae khs, otte per in. . sriaa v AlIitPraMnt basis st t2.Av. I.INttKED OIL Pare rsw, to B-bkl lots. ISOc; 1-bM os, 6Sc) caaea,' 68c per gal; r eon In kt-tle-nolled, caaes, oO per gal; t-bhl lots, 64e; 1-hhl tots, 6c per gal; ground cake, car lota, $20.00 per ton; toss than ear lots,- $.10 00 per P0BTLAND BAXX STATZaTEVT. Clearings today do year ago.. .$1,728,244.48 . 1.1D2.822.U Osla today Balances today do. year ago.. ,t nn,421.(M . 227,040.40 . . 174, 768.00 " Tnlted Staiee wovarajaent Boads. v.k Anrll a Qorernment bonds: f" ' late. Bid. Aak. Twos, regieti IBK) l'ISV lu.m i8vj 1H"I 102i 106 106 do coupon ...... Thrcee. reglatrrea . 100I4, do conKin ........ . iw8 . 107 . , 10T '. J0M . 19 I" 12 1U2 foura, reglatere ,.. lot 1M do eoupoo Threes, small bonds. 102(4 .TV". 1804 18H4 l.V'H 131 ioH .... 104H 10614 i44 106V4 roars, regiaterea .. do coupon rours. Philippines-.. Twos, Panama ...... e eonsoa .... ' rortlga Exahssge Bate. . ' .". New Tork. April . Money etchange rutea: HamrJ. 4 1-16; Paris 6aH: H: 40 -!. holm, 28.60; sterling, demand, 4X0; 0 daye, 482. . , . ' . ' New Trk-Loada Silver. New Tork. April . Bar silver, 03 fr ten doa, SO t-ld. Lleerpeol Oettoa Markst, I.Trernonl Anrll 8. fottoa fittnree k te polau aa. MldUilugs uickaiuid. HO WHEAT LEFT ' -Oil 0.1 o. Available Supplies In'the Pacific ' Northwest Are Very Scant Say Local Buyers Today. NORTHERN ROADS HAVE WHAT GRAIN IS LEFT Miller Are In Market and Indlca " tiona Are for Rise In Price) Sharp Advance I Made la the Chicago Blarket. . ! AMBBICAM OBAI!f TI8IBLB, I " Wheat Increaeed 2.4M.O0O Cora Increaned 1S.O0O baahels. Oata becrenead 178.00 bnabebi. , - ' . j CHICAGO WH1AT. TALCXS. .. . . Aneil B Anrll B. fleln. I 100ft May 1M.,..C. .77B .T614A .01-1 .78A Jnly ....;..-. .7048- .T.8 .0114 -77 Oepteniber ... - .74A .011 '. TTA December .... .83 Si " JIM M Arcordlag to prominent wheat men there is bat little wheat rsmtlnm ansold la tbla vicin ity. Jt to stated that practically none to aew being offered along the Usee ef the O. B. ft NY ead only a very small amoont to available along the aortbera roads. MUleat are ia the market tor sappllee and th. present prlcea era likely to he sdvaneed. Floar eltuatjos remain fully as strong as Ust week.. Th foreign markets did not offer mock roarsgement to the balls in Chicago, bat not withstanding the lower prlcea oa tha ether elds Chicago tad a vera; alrp advaace.' more thaa ncwrertag the bad break . which apaet Tslnes la that market oa Saturday. Jaly and September were the strong feature of tue trading there, aack earning with a gala ef lHs. May and December sack held a gala ef 1c at the ead ef the day. Official Ohleege. prices by Overbsek, Starr ft Cooke company: . rni. . Ope. High. May Jaly gepteasher ..... December ... 7n4 ' 77 74 TB T4 n 12 ' eta. OOBN May .......... 48, . 484 414 a' 42 48 ' , . 8Z i 46' 4T.----47 - -45 V 4 Jnly Bevtemoer OATS. , . ' H . 4SW ' 42 ; 41' I? 844 - tS , ' S4 Msy .......... Jnly 42 42B 87 83 September ... ME 88 PORK. 1685 1886 : ISM 160T LARD. ,. 1678 "18BB ' 156a , . 16ft M.y .1...... Jaly ....... May ,. 888 tl' Jnly B75 2 876 . tsS ' 840 -.' 867 '- 887 8I ' 876 , 4 ,' . ma 867.. September. oao pi BHOBT niBB. May 842 848, Jaly 857, 3 8c p em bar .... 887 . " 870 1TALL GRAIN LOOKS WELL Early' Sown Wheat Growing Fast . ' Too Wet tor Sowing. iSnectal fH. natch to The Monmouth. Or., April B. Esrly fall-sows grain la looking well, while biter crook are rather backward. The late rain, hsve delayed farming considerably, bat th prospect . to as good ss asoal for a bonatlfnl. harvest. - Most of tha orchard lata ar through spraying nd tree are looking well. ' A Bomber of strangers are here looking for farms aad homes. I rrTMPOoL sRAnr mabkxt Lrrpool, AprU g. Official prices: T Ollrl a a t Oil He Caka Aorfl t March ...... s 44d 44d ft 4Hd . i MS 2d J ... 4. Bd ... 4s 64d ... July ........ s 2Sd 6a A May , 1 oi July . -4 M o o tkd KiaasapoUa Wheat Market, - v Mlnneapolla, AprU Se-Wbet etoss; Msy, TOe. . ' '' Doltrtk Wheat Karkst, " " '- , ( Damth, April g Wheat eloaei May SOHe - ' Vew Tsrk' Wheat Itarhat. " New York, AprU I. Wheat closs: . May, 86 atked. . - - .. , 4 NEVADA STOCKS HIGHER t Creneral Advance Noted In GoldfJeld - a ' .'.....;' Isaacs Today. v: -. t- Bsa Frsnclsco, April 8. Nevada shsres show ta advance tn laoat laaoes today. Almost tb entire Uoldfleld list Is higher. la the Ton oushs. Nerada to $1 ap sad ether shares are abOT Satarday'e value. ' Official quotation by Orarbeck, Starr ft lOoke eompany v ,. . ' OOLDITEXD8 DISTRICT. -Bendatorm. TC Bed "TPr 4.00; llohawk, 1160; Cohimhla Mf., 1.0! Jnmho. MOO; Iamb Ext.. $260: Verasl. tic; rennsylrssls. Goldrirld M. UO., fl.oo; neoueu, . . 8:: Blue Ball. 84c: Adame, 21c; Silver Pick, Low. Close. 7H 77H 784 - 7UB ai.oo, aiay woven, 1 I iwnosiya naa ATsnait. . e. ... ..... oi oiaj ixt 14cj Woe Bell. W-.j, Canadian Pacific, co-moa. utlL.17jlH. J74H tiimhto. 77e; Hloeral.-locBAvastfTaxrentrsI Leather. Common. 30 , 80 : Hit uueen. c, nn. D.e, . . a. Wonder. 8c; On, 44c; KentoU Etx. 6c; ..a. lv.. a.. Uivm. 16fl! AtlSntS. BOc" rtr. ami om. . "T"T7 Great Bend! $1.15: F-mptre; JOc; Bed Top F.XU ! rToreace. .00A; Dtom f B. . Con., 42c a. Delay. 82.60: Laguna $1.76; Com monwealth. 80c: Comb. Prsct.. I4.M: Or. Bend Ext.. , Or. Bend Anx., SOe; MJIwtorm. 40e; B. B. Boaanss, 12c; K ewanoe, 1 1 .00 ! amer .u. a.. d KeA- Cracker Jack. 20e; rrancla irofcawk. Sl.lO: Bed Hill. 42c: Mo. hawk Ext.. 28c; Lea Mllon. 17ct Y. Tiger, 20c; Orandms. 2c; S. Pick, Ext., lAc; T. Ra. 12c; Col. Mt. Ext., 8c ; Ooldf. Cons.. 8.76 Dlam'f. .Triangle, o..- . " . , - COMBTOCK DISTRICT. - -n.. i. 'eoKji. u.,im. ate: . floula ft Carry. ate- r. 'irelnla. S1.10: Savage. Wc; Hals A NorcroaV. 7Sc; Belcbet, 47c; Coafldence, tl.OOA; Sierra Nev., 6c; TJbIob, etc. , BULLFROO DISTRICT. " Original, 17c: Built. U. a. 7e; Moat. Bnllf., ... n.w iu. t- Harris. 4c: Amethyat, 4tu? Oo'lft Bar. S1.17V4: Stelnway, 16c; Dn- rer Baf. Aox., 20c; Bonnie Clars, 48e; Mayfl. rtone . Oe: u.nti. Ohio Kit. 16c! O. Scepter, 22c; Monty. Mt, 87c; B. Daley. 20c; Home ataks Con... 81.28; Ynkee faMrl, 11c: MeA or; Jtorth Star, IH1V wne.. 10c; aa 1 uaa, oc, uiir "!-".--. tonopah district. Tea. Nev., 819.00; Mont. Ton., , ta.BOj Ton. n. J..K,m.r. 47c: Midway. 11.76; T" noi'mont g.1.00: Too. No. tsr. 8c; Ohio Ton., 4c; West End Cone., tl-38: Resc-e. 18c; Ton. ft Calif.. He; Oolden Anchor, tac; Jim Butler,; Ton. uaaa nor. '"'"-; ftc; Boat. Ton., 11c: Monarch Plfta Ex.. 19c; Moat. Mid. Ext., 13c; Ooldea Crowa, 14c; N. X. To. .Cone., c. -v.: i manbattan bisTRicT. Manh. fW. TV; Mann. ,!; Wedge., lie; Beylee Hump. 10c; Dexter, 28c L. - Joe. 8ci t reacent, c; ComblBStlon, 6c; Oranny, 21c; Muatang, ; Uttto Orey, 40o; Cowboy, 6c; Broncho. lc; Jump. Jack. 17c; Plnenat, 16c ) uffalo, 6c; B. Dog. 28c; X. Horse, c; Iodise Camp. 16cA. . , VARIOUS DISTRICTS. rth-y Silver Kin. V; rittsborf SIIvm Peak, tl 80; No War Wonder, lOc; Eagles Neat, 8oc; Huby Wonder, toe; Alice ef Woa- ' - ' ' . , ' New Yerh Metals. New Tork. Apr" - Us and , copper , a changed; tin. - Wednedy 1 the lat -day for dis count on wt W bill. Who I Vtt 't oup eyee for tl.6. M Bllth trwt .'- At Exclusively Predicted by The Journal. Onjon Prices Are Rising Very Fast. Owing to the Very Scant Supplies on the Coast. OIL STOCK IS 82. il SHARE OP .'':. V . Associated Sells at Forty-Three for Ten Shares on' Local - .' : Exchange. ' BANK SHARES MIXED AT CL0SINQ TODAYl Home Telephone Being Picked Up at - $35 Owgoa Seenirltle Sells nt Halt Cent to Local People Notes of the Market. , ; . ' v , Assedatsd OH dencd it m th hteel aaee. et Uxlay,. a 1 eel, wad at -!, - Oregon necarltiea showed a aale. the first time for many weeks, 1.0UO shares gotng at Ha. Asetber bkx-k of Home Telephone share was sold at ;. . . . . . . Bsnk shsres were 'slightly ' ehangsd. Bank of Csllfornla losing. $5 ea eccMBt of the dlrl- oena aireaay Being paid. . Bankere' ft Lam bernien'e adranced-fjOc hi the bid price and Merchants' National tost the asms smoont. Id the mining ehares Ca acedia denred lUe te tba hid. Mammoth tost He and Morning He and tregoa Securities dronoed lie. Coaur d'Alene ebsres were quiet with Bnllioa 4c ep. a,, umsouaaiee 4 op, nappy Day ue ap, Baowaboe-ac ap and snowstorm Se off I the bM. . .. :, Today sale: Tea Associated OH at' 143. 80 Home Telephone (prtrate ssla) at tat sat ,ww uregoo awcornia ai nc. , . ,j - . . . Official Brie: ... bans: stocks.' ... Bid.''"- Aak. Baak ef California. ........ ....g3HO.) B Banker ft Lnmhermea'...... 108.0 MrchSBts National . . . . - 1700 186.00 120.00 Oregoa Trust ft 8 rings. ....... ..... Portland Trust Co ..... fatted Btstes Nsrbmsl 200.00 LISTED 8ECLRIT1EB 4BONDS1. Amertraa Biscuit Co. oa B8.00 , 15.00 1.00 City ft Bobarhaa 4 ..... - Columbia 8outhrs Irrlgatiea e Horn Telephone (e. ........... O. H, ft N. By. 4...,... t 04 O. W. P. ft By. s. , 100.00 66.00 Paelfle Coast Btseatt .. ...... M.60, Portland By. Is, 8.00 100.00 t. O. Lee Co, a ' MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Assorlsred Oil 48.00 Horns Teleeboaa . 48.80 85.00 25 00 106.00 40.00 ' .24- .024( .20 .20 . .2 t on .07 M. e . a .08 - .14' , .04 J01V4 .10 - .l4 .0814 .,- .06 , .061 .40 M - J. C. Lee Co 10.60 Paelfle State Telenhoai.. ...... - Paget Soaad Tetopboa. ........ ... . MININO STOCKS. ' ' i Lskerlew .18' Lse's Cxesk Gold .01 H , Maahattaa Crows Polat. ....... J8 Potlde .Mining ' .18U '' Waaooogsl Eitemrton UNLISTED STOCKS. Taoalaa Bay Tatophona J0 Oregoa City MU1 ft Lumber.... ...... Brltlta Colombl Amalgamated. .04 Ceacadla 2H Great NortberB ............... .OIH Mammoth ......... v.... .10 Morning t...t , .03 H Oregoa Secoiltlea , .00 u Btsadard Consolidate ........v.-- .08 H iscoma btsoi- Am AUaks Perm leu at ft Coal .18 - ,7COBUa D ALINS DI8TBIOT. Bnllioa ...I............. -.07V Copper Kin ....14V , O. K. Consplldated... .04 1 .' Happy Day .C4S Bnowahoe .40 Snowstorm 2 ' - LIQUIDATION COST )': SOME OF .THE PROFITS KIT LOSSES. ... 4 (Great Norther... I ' Csr ft Poandry .... Locomotive ........ S IOUlBTllie 11 Katy ,.l Mlaaoorl Pac. , N. T. Oenual 4a O. ft W .'a Pennayleasis .......1 People's Oes -. 1H t r tooaary.,.. Woolea , Brooklya B. ft O. ..,,... ., cotton ou C. ft O Pme Steel ........ DlstlUers neaotng .... Boatbera Pse. ErltV ea a e ) ' S 1'ntoa Paelfle .....VH Smelter .....8 Anacneda ......... H North era Pacific. ;.l U. S. Stsel do praf. .. ...... 14 Canadian .......... Nsttoasl Lead ..... London waa weak and lower -for Ansrteta stocks today aad there was considerable profit Uklng la New Tork. There la Uttle rhSBg la th sentiment of the market, with the exception of loeses ef one point each la North era Pacific, Orsat North era and Pennsylvania and 114 polat la Peopls's Oas, ths lower movement ef prices wss wlthla aarrow lim its. . Smelter common was eae ef 4he fsw to hold aad gained 8 point. - , . Ope. Amalgamatsd Copper Co.... ....... 18 America t ar ft Foundry, com.., 7H Amerlcaa Car ft Poandry, pfd....n .... America Cottoa Oil, common. ..... 11 Amerlcaa Locometire, common.... On Amerlcaa Bngar. eonimon. ..1S7 ' Amerlcaa Smelter, commna. .......130 Amertcao Smelter, preferred.,..., Anaconda Mining Co 88 Amerlcaa Woolea. common.,. II Atchlsoo, common ..... ........ 99 Atchlaoa, preerred .......,.-. .... Baltimore fteOhto. common 101 Baltimore A Uihlo. preferred ....... .... Cloae. HI14 ST "7 81 , 88 1261 132a 108 4)814 to4 7lJ m 1004 80 Brooklyn Rail Transit. .r 81 1 Central Leather, preferred. 6 Chicago ft Orest W eat em, enma 14 184 Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paul 188 137 "4 Chicago ft Northwestern, common.. 1814 ,1624 Cheaenesk ft Ohio 41V 41 14 Colorado Feel ft Iron, common... Ta Colorado Southern, common., 1714 Colorado Boo, hern, Sd preferred...., ... Colorado Southern. 1st preferred. . . .... Delswsrs ft Hndsoa . . . ... t ..15' Denrer ft Rio rends, commoa. . ... 8114 Deavar ft Rio Grande, preferred Erie, common .................... 2314 Erie, 2d preferred..,, Erie. 1st preferred. ....... 68 14 Illinois Central J .... Louisville ft Nssbrille .1194 Manhsttsn- Bsllwsy ...v,;...1. .'... Mexican Central Railway........ - M14 Mlaaonti. Kansas ft Tex, com..., to 14 2H 80 186 : .' 81 . 76 . 25UJ 40 6NU 14 IIO14 180 , -- 22tt S Miaaoun. Kanaaa pscirie, pta a en Distillers ...... .... Tift ....187? T114 Orest Northern . . Mtssoarl Pacific .. National Lead ... New Tork Central 1H8 ly., w14 To 14 .......... mi 5 .i.... ...120' wters.,... SH mo...,.. TBlJ New Tork, Ontario ft W eater. Norfolk ft western, common V: ...... 1 to , WeeeeM matoMJ . North American .' T6 Northera Paelfle. commoa. 188 , 1.1 I Pacific Msll Bteamahip do... ...... 28V 20 Pennsylvania Railway .....127 12T People's Oss. Light ft Coke Co oat 824 Praaaed Steel l ar. common ...... , . si 871J Freaaao etsei vr, preierreu, .....e. .... Reading, common ............... .1114 Reading. 2d preferred Reeding, 1st preferred .... Republic Iroa ft Steel, commoa.... SOU Bepnbllc Iron ft BteeL preferred... 88I4 Rock Island, common. ..r. ........ , 2814 Rock llnd. preferred 61 , St. Loots ft Ban Fran.. 2d pfd..... It St. txmls ft Ban Fran., let pfd.... . ... St, Ijoula ft Bonthweetern, commoa. .... St. Louis ft Bootbweetera. preferred .... Boatheia Paelfle, commoa 1414 Soother Prlf In. preferred..,,.. Soothers Railway, common. ....... 3114 Hon there Railway, preferred 71 Tennessee Cosl ft Iron .......14414 Tex . ft Paelfle. I . Toledo, St. Louie ft Weetern. com.. 2H Toledo. HI. Ioula ft Westsra, pfd I'ntoa PsHfle, commoa.., ...14114 In loo pactflc, preferred. .......... .... I'nlted States Rubber, commoa..,. 44 1'nlted State Rnhber. nreferred... .... I nlted Ststea Steel Vi., common. .. 274 mited States Steel Co., preferred. .100 v Wshaah, common Wahaah,, preferred .t...,r. Weatern tnloa Telegraph..,.,,,,,, .... W l.ono.m Central, enmnvm,,, . Wleconala Central, preferred.,,.... ...4 Tlrglnl Chemical - ' ' ' -' ' . WO lIMi 84 4S6 ' snti - rt 60 . 88 82 ; 22 6ST4 .8414 118 22 li 2 2'4 58 4 42 11014 100$ 144 .'26 82 I'H tt The U. S. ' ' : Vu- "--v- HAS The Automatic Telephone The United States Government believes so thoroughly in our automatic system that it has adopted it at four of ita arsenals Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island. 111.; Frank . . - . i ford Arsenal, Bridesburg. Pa.; Watervliet Arsenal, Syra N, Y.; Springfield Arsenal, Springfield. Mass.; at the Naval Station at New Orleans, La., and at the , Sandy Hoott Proving Ground, Fort Hancock, ft. 'J.,- LOUIS J. WILDE -v-: ;;, ., HOMG boisds ,. :; ' Y -fas g, v LAFAYETTK BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON ; COLONIST- i 'ratesto '(OREGON And th Pacific Northwest over Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co.. tne tttt, VAlLtX during March and ApriL ' ' YOU CAIN PREPAY ' v For tickntt. if you desire to bring friends, relativei. emVloves or others from the Eatt, by depositing the cott with any agent of the O. R. & N. or S. P. Co.. with name and addrett, snd ticket will be promptly furnished in tire Eatt - A Rare Opportunity' to Promote' tHo In ' dustrlal Growth of the Northwest . BaVTZS nOBt IVBUBTOXWAX, SUTSSI 07TX.S. A Ohleagw S33.00 K. Seaal 87.60 80.O0 araaaava 431tw .v '. 8.80 SS.00 MOOiOmaha BB.M BtxAO 2 HhU . S3 -SO a n.t. snr.iv tn all main aad hraaeh Una nointa'Huntins-ton to Sookan. " Inclnstve. B Rate apply to -Portland. Astoria and Puget Sound point; alBp) Pouthsrn PaclBo main and p ranch line polnU north ef and Including Ashland. Oregca. ... , . . , ..I For eomplet Information. Ineutr of -: Wat. 0MTJaUkAT. aBlta asw-Agw, "'"v- "'. . '.,.'.. -,' ,c-... Oxesjom aUroM t. twe1fatta 0V C, W. Stinger, City Ticket AgU Ton can be sure to tret the rirkt taint for , any vise wiihort fuss, bother or uncertainty. Thlt quality mark pro tect you in buying and - ruin?, tet n aena yon m eevanf ttla. CCITtl CllctO nr ' Taint guide OHe Selection and Une ta..? aaaaal nnlahea." If vonr nearest ' dealer cannot supply yon with the "Acme NEW ' ERA PAINT . . TS TOST ST .-e)-' RECEIPTS SMALL IN YARDS No Sheep Conie In Durlne Forty , Eight Hours---Best Cattle r . ' Holding Better. ... ' Portland TJnloa Stocxyards, April . IJts. stork receipt. . Sheep. Todsy :.... Jf r Week sgs ............. - ' - -J . Tr ago . ....... , n PreTiens year .'V' , 7 ,fct J Receipts wsre egaln very Hght. la the to rsi yards, the total errteste during the 48 hoars belng 184 head of cattle, W sbeep snd 12 boteea. All Uvea-are holding soc hanged "'AySjr'tMay tl Mvr. were firmer, tat nchanged In value. " Official llreatock prices: . , Hogs Beat eaatera Oregon, tf.f; stock, ere nd feeders, t.T5; Chins sts. , Cattle Best tasters 'Oregon steers, tjoo, best cows snd heifers. $3.60(84.00; stock- ers snd feeder,' $8 6034.00; bulla, $1.60. sheep Mixed, fleT wether, Hc; we, eV4c; lambs. 14 at "a. ' ;' . vr ' EASTERN" HOGS LOWER rrices Down 10c Prom Saturday Cattle Steady to lOe Off.i : . -CWcago, ; April a Livestock receiptg! '.' f v ' ' . . , Hog. Csttle. Jttheeti. Chlcsgo .'..v...i.e......B4.0fio go.oOo S?.::r.::::v. l$S "So ?3 Hogs at 10c lower with t.tOO left jeer. Recetots s year ego were 14.000. Mixed, td.60 M870I b"vy V.00.T0; roagh, f0.464j4.65; light. t.46i.T0. ' - , , ' , rattle Steady te 10e lower. ' Sheep Steady. , -:. : ,,, -,,''' .fa ' WOOL; CUP STARTS ; y Season Begins tn Butter Creek and ' . Meadows Country. ; ' (Speetol Dlapatch to Th. JonrnsLl echo. Or., April - a Shearing haa com menced la the Batter creek snd Meadow conn, try nast wool to beginning to come Into the Echo warehouse. This week it is sxpected thst work will be on tn fn'l blsat. Jack Wstenberger la expected to arrlTe here with hla plant ef 1 machine to sheer a hoot 80,. ooo head ef h. wl,k,B. ""T .." .B trscted tor. Tb wool to I eicalleat eondl tlon thl rest., TWO LARGE SUITS ON '. NOTES AT PENDLETON " (Spci Plana tch to The Jonrnal.) Pendleton. Or., April 8. Two suit hav ben filed by J. H. Koont again at Leora Hunt, O. W. Hunt at al. for the collection of note tleged to b du and unpaid. In th first suit a personal decree g8lnst th defendant for IS.tSO and 1100 attomey'a fee i asked for; In th eco&d th sum of $1,140 50 and 1121 attorney' fe I requested. Both of th complaint wr filed by -Colonel J. H. Raley, ttorny for th plaintiff. Residence Earned at Salem. v ." Salem. Or., Anrll 1 Th bom of Mr. OUf Johnson,- near Fifteenth and Government ADOPTED ' :-.; the Union Pacific. Oregon Short Llm rnd Southern Pacific, from all parts 0 BotTalo 40 00 rsw- Tork ............... 47.SO Bosrhoa 4T.40 rhiladlthU . 47-SS Waahingtoa TM BOvOO ' 4.e . 4.Tt S4 and "Washington. Ju Gettino paint Is ft aimple matter at any stora : wj . . where you : una ine y h. paints, enamels. ataina, varnihe sold nnder the ' famous ' . Aent QoailtX marlu . Quality" kind, we wllL & VARNISH CO. 9QttAM7. TKANSrORTATIOrf. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS. B. .' atpokanft, Jane 14, St I JTnly IS, SS$ Aaf. S. -, Queen, July IS. . BTOMQ U. U. lldt.,.......r ...... na 4 ' .. ATaAtncA moTrra. ',. Baag-eray, gHtka, Jaaeaa and way porta. f.m.a; g j). j, "' aCS.a.Oe.'g aabold....Aira tVlS-SS Cottage City, wg, Sitka. .April T-SI City of ttoattl ...,.....,...ApTnT-rr . sajt rUJroisoo motrrM.', ' 1 Bailing B a. aa. rroat SesTttl. -Olty of Faebla ..............AprU tveo City of Topeka.............. April 10-gS pokan. dlreot. .....April IS VnaatlUa ................ i..AprU 1S-SO city otnoe, t "wtur -nrz" Colombia Elver ftceneFyv aVBOTrtVATOB XXaTB ITI S.sTsTalS. . Daily service betwesa Portland aad The Dallee, except Sonilay, leartng Portland at T a. m arriving aboat t - p. m., carrying ' freight snd passengers. Splendid aeasmmed' ttom for eat fit end livestock. , Dock foot of Alder et.. Portland! foot of Coort at The Dalle. JVw Mala tie, Pertlaad. Str. Chas. HSpencer IWasrelsa-Btoesn, Book, ;'X. Dally, except Sunday, for Th Dalle tad tray landings, tt I A m., returning 10 p. m. Fast time, beat eervlo. . -Fhoaeai Kaia. S184J XoaM, A. XX, xfOatrt facitxo BTsiABUiatr oat Steamships ROANOKE . t - v and GEO. W. ELDER Hair for Sunk, flan Francisco and Xya ' igele. direct every Tuesday at I p. rrr.,s. Ticket , offlc 1st i niro, near Aiosr. Phone M. 1114. . H. YOUNG, AgenC R street, Eat Salem, waa destroyed by fir 1st laat evening. .Only part of the furniture wa saved. The total loss probably amount to $1,100. Th fir de partment mad a fast run but tha alarm, through th new system, wa not given efficiently, th party falling to break the class at the alarm bog. ' J Socialism t Umatilla. (Special DM. patch to The Jesenal.l Tjmatllla,' Or.. April A local o ciety of Socialists ha been organised In Umatilla by Qeorg H. Ooebel, na-'i tlonal organiser, with a membership that will be so increnaed by member from HertnUton , and t-lclnlty a to , make It on of the largest in th tat. Wednesday la th tt day for dl- . count on west aid gts bill.