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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1907)
' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 8. 1907. 10 San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Mirket,St,bet 3d & 4th umnmmn 'ajtd svb- - HUKIOn UOBITID. Orrgotilans ha In San 7Trnclco can har their mall Mnt In ear or Tti Journal office. ARTHUR U FISH. RipNtrntoUT " NEW TODAY. $ 2,400 On Haight street, near Williams avenue, new 6-room house, lot 60 by 100. f . .; ". f3,750 ' Three houses and two lots in St Johns, growing district. ' ?1,050 JBeautiful lot 50x100, in Irvington near . TiilamoolTstfeetfcement walk and all improvements made. MOORE REALTY COMPANY . 268 Stark Street. 7& ACRES for $614 trie, torsi - land, wood enough for homo aaa. Will make a ft .it a gaugl lot whan you can tat over seven aorae for the same prloet Tou xserely oamp on a Btngle lo. You raise your Using on thla k and bar oca to aall. .Boll thla orsr la your mind and let us hear from yomi asy terms. v INVESTMENT CO. ' 144 RiaX T. w. Quaokeabaah, rreetdawt, - Tor It days only you oaa buy on of th beat Quarter blocks on Hawthorn. Good oorner In bustnaa aeotlon cheap. Be thla beforo It is too lata. liimoBn uurr oo, 281 MargTierite At.,' Cor. Hawthorn. . Tabor ill. , Kcw t-room modern cottage, finely ar ranged and finely finished. Just the on you ar looking for; f2,7(VO, one half cash, balano to suit. Can be tinted to ault, ,: I satmomira bbaxtt oo, . lit Marguerite A., Cor. Hawthorn. Tabor lit. Two good lots on Improred street. 10x100 each, all aaaeasments paid, th oorner S600, 1100 caah. balano 121 per month. The lnalde lot 9500, tarn liwrnan uaxtt oo, 181 Marguerite Are, Cor.' Hawthorn. Tabor til. $3TB0 Buys a beautiful home, mod era lnrry way; fas, electric light, furnace, t room a and den; new; 11,106 cash, balance lit per. month. , , UTTIOan SIUTT oo, til Marguerite Arc, Cor. Hawthorn. Tabor 111. Hawthorne Realty Co. Th finest e-room cottage en east std; modern In erery way; ne-w; can be tinted te suit purchaser. Il.tOt cash. Balance to ault at T per cant wmoin UAXTT oo. SIC Marguerite At., Cor. Hawthorne. Tabor 111. Hawthorne Realty Co. Finest and cheapest quarter brack In business center - on Hawthorn Are. Price low. - XAwnoajra uurr oo., 281 Marguerite At.. Cor. Hawthorn. : : - Tabor 111. ; SUN SOON HU1L2 CO. MatUnrs, silks, Japanee feney goods now at 17 North Blxth at, near Cavla. Thiwie Pactflc '2tK. t- . U r- WHEN AWAY FROM HOME " - ' Coplae of The Jnarnal eas ba abtataed th. toUowtag rttloa and towna eetalde at Orasea. . Tea Joormml woold appraelate the racalpt at raporta of fallare to obuta eoplaa of the paper at aar a tbeaa plaraa: ; rocrii;, wahminuton a. n. Kmg. ' 'UJ WALLA. WASHINGTON Walla Walla , ttatkMMrr Oompaar; Ooai R"ri Brt " Bland; L'aloa Cigar Stand; Oatral Maw, Oooinanr TACOMA, WAKKlwOTOlt-Hotel Taeama Mawa J"",--111 ",k raat. . . SCAT-TUB. WAKHIMlTuN liattitar ' read , Iwa atasd; IntarnOlonal Mawa Akaary !wP;rT WT. tfiital Kaattl, Nawa stand. OW.Ufir.U), XSV ADA-Umta Poo a, KewaaapOT tAN1Tl!O0, CAI.lrARKIA Abm. Mawa Ca Daar. Kmratapr wiaoa. PPoaANB. WAbHIMUtOK aoba A Cm. W. erabara pfllHK, IDAHO Jaaapb (Viniwj. MINNCAPOUt.' Ml.NNRAOTA U. J nanrh. M Tlttrd atraat. aooth. , Cara- ST. UUin. MIBriUBI . T Jrtt, tot OUT. arraM: Owae L. Akarmaa. X ANHAt ciTf, MIMoiiri lona Mawa Ooav pnr. nawapapvr- n aan.. nnuoo. ii.ijphiib p. ' IT, naarbom atraat. O. Raw Compear, rKNTRa COLORADO Caloa tlaaat Mi HlfsaTfat, Lot ANOrXKt, CAUPORH1A Asms teipanr. JiawatHirr Waaoa. OAkLANh. CAl.lroRNlA Anna Nawe Caav , paaf. Nawapanar naennt M. Wbaatary Mawa (Wtmpaaj, Nwaapapar Wafna. as , atNn, Al.irokM A H. rrhaaiiar !awa O-mpaaa. Kaaranapar Waroo; Paat,, A Oraar, Trry baiMln; inbaaoa Hawa Oaaj. panr. !4M rillawira atraat. AI T LA K a CITY. UTAH Mre. lealea. Wawe papar V arna; . L. IaUa, Rotal Kau,ua M'"r Cr.a., 4a Waal B.ataid atraat. eoatb. tvil'KV. I I AH Oray Mawa Camaaay, Daaot f. v H A. . N aKIASK A Wlllard Batal K yr iroUK CITT Arttiar r'pat TtMoaa. . Betalrag. Hawthorne Realty (o. Ilaioroe Pealfv Co. Ilartorne nealty (o. Ilaiorne Healfv (o. M MARRIAGE LICENSES. William CTt!liribr r of Endloert, Wut logtos. 28. aad Maggl Welhr. at. August M. WIest of Scappooss, St, aad Mar. nrtl Mctiniw, mm. Grahsm Dukabert, 21. an Ida May IMi aar. 1. William Undrerg, bs, aad Hula Ham Prsjnaea. 82. Weddm COrd. W. O. Smith 4 Co.. Wild tngtos bldg., aoraar Feorth and Weshlngtoo sts. Tosseth kinds. II Co.. florists, fat Sixth at. fie ir art af all Clarke Dm., rTortsra rtne flowers designs. V Marrlaoa at. , ant Oaral mil dress aalra fnr rent, all Tailoring Oa, 80 Btark at. Unlaw DEATHS. WHEELER In Lo Angela. Cel., April f. Jobe C. Wheeler, aged 7B years, father at Mra. Mary Stewart of Berkeley. Cat.. Clar- ence J. Wheeler and the late M. C Wbeolef af Pertlssd. UNDERTAKERS. a. s. nilhuA i 1 i. I h a ad embelmere; modera In every detail. Seventh and rise, siain aw. My '-". rHehra rtnAertaklna Co.. and embalming-. 408 Aider at. Phone Mala 8133. Lady aaalatant. . J. P. Flnler A tone. Third and Madlaoa ata. Office f eouoty eoroaar. Phone Main t. Eallrr-Rrm Oo ranaral dlrertora, embalav m, 371 BaaaaU. Beat IONS. Lady aaalatant. "ATBTHainltm'k. ruaaral director. -Katt 13th and Vmatllla. Phone Ballwoot Tl. Lady aaalataat. Edward Holmaa. andartakar, 130 Third at. CEMETERIES. BITER TIKW ttnfle graTaa, 10; family lota, 1100 te al.w. ina only eemanry la ran land which perparaalljr malnutna and earae fur lota. Par fall Information, apply to w. R. Mackaml, Worcaater block, dty. W. M. La4d, analdant. - BoBI Crrr Blni-la rraraa. 10; fanrlly lota. te f tb. HoparniianoanT at eemetary, aor aar of Prenent at. and Cally road. Phaae Tabor loa. par fall Information apply te Prank Krblagel, tQt Oommarclal bib. Phone Mala tKM. - ,L REAL ESTATE TRANSFRS. Oaapar M. and Harriet . Braaafh te M. I. Noble, lot , and north H of lot t. block 3; JoU I and V. blbci S; W lh block t! lot IB. block i: lot B. block 1. Braaacb'a addition I 1.860 Joha P. and Mary P. Thornton te R. M. Hberwend, tMa l ana la, dmcb Xd, Mount Tabor VtUa Tit la Onarantaa A Treat company ta Hanry and Barbara K. cnata, lot a. block T, Waat Ptadmoot HaUle L. Palmer t. t. O. Hartley, lot T. block a3, Ballwaod MrMlnnalll. Collatta to J. O. Rartlay, lot i, block 8S. Hallweod Rnaatta K. and Prad M. Templeton to llanry C. Webber, kt la. block 20, nt aAillrloB ta UoUadar Park addl- too 10 us ' ttea 10 Carrie P. and Jteea W. Talbot to R. A. Klna lot 1A. block 10. Bunnralda addition ' 10 A. II. and Pbabe A. Brermaa re I. A. King, lot 0, block 11, Sannyrtde addi tion AM Perrr H. and Mary Aacnata Birth te tt'llll.M A an,! Bm. (JmiIA In I Q block M. Wlllametta Balgbta addition. tOO Cbrlet and Maiy Malaar to Hanry - Pnhrer, t abrca beginning at a point In ran tar of eoonty road 21 ehalna north of1 nortbaaat eornar ef eacttoa . IT, townahlp 1 eonth. ranira 1 eaat.... t.000 Wnilani and Hannah Dry ilea te Grace H. Downlni. t 1, Warna 10 A. L. and Minnie L. Dark to A. W. Vlncant, lota a. 10 and 11. block a. euMlTlatnn of 8t. Johna nalgbta 100 Thnmaa and Ann B. Conned to R. H. Tbomnaon Jr., loU 17 aad 1ft, block t. RaTenawood 1.000 Mary R. aad J. 8. Dnnnkif to Pi on la Vandcrmaar, lota 20 and 21, block 10ft, -Untaeralty P'fk 1.200 W. H. and Alice B. Nana te Jatnee M. PallHore, lot T, block 28, North Irr. Initoa , ' ft Moore Inreattnent company to J. A. Oraaf. lot 12. block 111, Vernon ISO Cntaerelty Land company to Emma C Trontman. lota 4 and 6. block OS, TJbl- -avtraltT Park HO foaaphme and A. P. Kqalrae to Harry i. Mananr, eaat so reel or mt i ana a, block a. Wheeler's addition 1,100 Mlctiaal and El la a Q' Brian te Leo F, Thlbao. lot 13, block , f lafltnant. . . . euv B. B. and A11ta M. Btemler to A. 0. Perklna, KO18O fact commencing at a point 60 feat north of north waat eornar nt Albina ane HnmbeMt atreeta 2,200 Lorea and Leaora E. Heward to Elisa beth Wood, tot la, oioca vo, norta Irrtngtoa W '. H. and Virginia Kmg to W. W. Raeer. lot I. block 16, Ktnpe ash dlTtakm of lot 16. North St. John. - tOO Portland Tmat Company of Orerea te Oeorre U. Barna, tot a. una Woodetork . P. M. and BUa K. Hat trick to T. W. ad Lillian rt. smeraon, iois 11 ana 12. block , Boath tannyalde I.BOO tnaaatment company te Thomas Melon- bar. Iota 1, 2 end t, block t. Barer tr 1,600 Henrietta and Stephen T. Ada ma to J. tL. and A. A. aerr ana v. u. aio, awn. lot t. block , Sararanca addition to St. John. ,s0 P. A. Helm and Emma K. Orerea te Ward B. Swope. lots t and 11, block - I. Mount cotr Park ,e0 . W. and HatOe B. Latimer to W. N. Waat, lot 4. block t, Barcatfa add tlea Portland Tmat Company of Oreeoa to riorance U Day, tot 2d, block 23, Tremont Place ii.":" w Robert and Arleta A. Adama to Char lea Adama. tot 2, block R. Hellwond . 200 Holt 0. had Pannle B. Wllaoa to t nariea O. Hall, tot 4, block 12. Kenllworth. 237 nia rislnn. to Annie Catone, 66 1-6 by alnn. to Annie taiooe. aa i-n ny ni feet beginning at a amn aa wm boundary of lot t. Black Is tone's addi tion. 66 1-1 feet north front soathweet rae ef aa Id block 10 t. E. and Mary Dngaa to Oeorae Sctinet- aer, sot la, siock uiiaiu '-uu-addltloa Richard C. Hart to Henry ana Host Bauer, lot s. nraca f. ventrsi rar..,., 1.260 0 Ony B. Bloas to Fred Israel, lot is. block 1, Poxehase addltloa .1 William M. aad Alice McL. Wblddea te Hermln A. nayua, aos ej, osaca 1.200 Jamee A. and Jennie O. Sheffield to Han EMirxeuaiul. so a. ssjcs ew, rwivinsl Townalt of Albina 1.800 Title Guarantee A Trtist company to Lntber m. ana aiaryarei aa. i t and eaat 10 feet ef tot 4, Meek t, nltns'a addltloa 2,800 II. b, and Emma A. Wakamia to Annie fr PNT am a ana n. dsicb . . IWa'l aoVlltktB 28,000 Point Tlew Real Estate eomnaay to Roy W liens, sots su an. zj, nsuca a, s-vwi Pk-W , 228 B. E. sad Ella T. Noble and Baiters IsreettcenT company so wwiian n,ir sai. lot 14. blork 27, Central Albina.. TOO V. H. and Cell Lewis to B. Tonkin, eouiu a V. sua a, wswta ae. vwmm addltloa .i 1.000 A. t. Mrnislel et al. to I. i Hit, , nndlvioeo l-a oi m s ana a, dsuch 66. Beat Portland Robert V. and Mary A. Belford to Bank f Sellwood. lot 1, block t, Lincoln - Park 10 1,200 pansy O. and H. M. Prysilr to Claud Thayer, lota 4 sua e, owes s, vennnr AdltLua annex ' 10 480 Janet and Thomas Roe to Peter Hume, tot 11. Work It, City View Park...... I. H. nd Emily B. Pay to Byron H. fnantnan. an it, omnu aN ana . ' Second sedition 6,000 Rudolph A. and Jails SylTaater te Wil liam ri. noaa, an 1, ewca w, uncoia park annex Sycamore Real Eetate company to W. L. and Myrtle Smith, lata It, 14, II 1.200 end 16, blocs 2. sera e-ars too svsy abstracts, title Insurance er sMrtgags Inane, call on Pacific Title A Trust company, 204-6 6-T Palling bldg. .. Oet your Insurance end shetreet to real swtet from the Title Guarantee Trust com ear. 240 Waahlngtoa at, corner Second, '' 1 NOTICES. stOTtCE TO riBHERME't AND DEALERS IN Thl Is to ir form yen that all licenses per taining t th flahlng Induatry - laened I til, to March U. eiplrad March M. ItxrT: ed to flah for salaaos o deal Is aelraoa ec other anadroxaoae fleh without llceeae n cnmraltllng mledeniaasor that will be ueslabed la th courts. H. 0, TAN DITSKN, Mester Pish Wardes, Aataria. Qiwgoa. NOTICE. The EddyriTls aiohalr peel win b sold ' Aarll 1A lWt7. - 4 8 tTANDAED, SeareUry. KOTICE8. IHHRIPP-a BALB In the dreelt emrt of the a t, Unitnoajah county. ' r. P. Dabnar. plaintiff. H. a Bell. Miry A, Bell. Bamael OoodMll, Ada Ooudaall, M. 37 Oreae. Ada L. aaa, Thomas Pal. Cato ..Log Lumber company, a eorpuratlaa, 11. .H. McOmraa and Marr Doe McUowan, de fendant: , .' by Ttrtne of an execatloa, grnent ee. der, decree and order of aale laaaad oat of tba abore eotlttod court la the above entitled ranee, to me directed and dated th. 22d day of March. IfaiiT, upon a lodgment ren dered and an tared la eatd court ua the Slat day .f March. WOT. In faaor ef P. P. JDah nay. plain l Iff. and igalnat K. C. Ball, Mary A. Bell, Samael Oooaeeu, Ada Goodaall, H. 1. Craaa, Ada L. Ccaaa, Thomaa lay. Union Log Lamber company, a corporation, H. t. McOuwaa and Mary Doe McOowan. da fendanta, for the mm of 3.tM2.Bu, and the further aum af 1175 attorney', feea, and the coata and dlaburaementa of thla ault. taied . at 5d.u, and the caats ef and upon thla writ, commanding ma to maka aale of the following deecrlbed real pro party, to-wit! The aortheaat quarti (N. B. Ii of the north weat quarter (N. W. HI ef eectlon twenty four 124). townahlp one ! aouth. . range fire (Si eaat. eontalnlng forty ecrae. Lot three t) of eeetloa four 4) and the eaat half . V,l of the aortbweat quarter (N. W. i) and tot one (1) of aactlon nine U, . In townahlp one (I) north of range all (8 east of the Willamette meridian. Now, therefore, by ttrtue of aald exeea tton, Judgment, order, decree and order of aale and In compliance with the eommanda of aald writ, I will on Monday, the 6th day of May, 19(T, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the . front door of the county eourtboaae. In . Portland, Multnomah county. Oreson, aeU at rnbllc auction tiubject to aedamptlon) to the Ighar bidder for caah In hand, all the right, title and Intereet which the within named defendants lor either of tbem) had en the lat day of June. 1HU0. the date of execatloa of the mortgage torectoaed by th. decree herein, or elnce that date had la and ta the abQTe deacr1hed property or any part there of, to lattery said exenitlim) jadgment. or dec and decree, Intereet. eoata and accruing . U tTBTENB. Sheriff ef Multnomah County, Oregon, rated thla 26th day of March. 1207. Plret taana, April 6tb, 1007. Laat taaue. May 4th. 1907. IN THB dlitrlct 'court ef the TJntted Btatee for the dlatrlct ef nregoa la the matter ef the eatate of Chan. H. Cooper, bankrupt. The aniterelmed will receire aaaled bide at bis office. No. T Plrat St.. Pert land, Oregon, fee the etock of taerchandlaa, eonalattng of dry guoda, aotlona, clothing and famishing goode. amounting to ga. 656.01, toaether with the office and store flxraree ef IAS21B parte tntng to thla estate, a to 12 o'clock noon ad Thsre dar. April 11. 1007. Terma, eaah, eub)ect to confirmation by the court, and a certified (heck for 10 par cent of the anaount effaced muet accompany each bid. Aa Inventory ef the piopeity may be eaea at my office asd the stock may be Inspected st Astoria, Oregon. All propoaata most be plainly marked, "Bid for C. H. Conner stock and flxturea.' . L. SABIN. n, lruexee. IN THB COUNTY COCRT OP THB STATE OP Oregon, tor Multnomah County. In the matter of the eatate ef Rynpollte IWitard, deceeeed. State of Oregoa, County of Multnomah, as. The endcreUrnad, administrator with the will annexed ef the eatate of aald deceased, situate within the etate of Oregon, ha flled In thla aourt hie on si account aa each admm ' tatrator. and notice M herby girea that Thursday, tbs 16th day of April, 10O7, st 6:60 , o'clock a. m., has, by thla court, bean sat aa the time, and the county courtroom, la Muit - nomas county, aa the place for the settle ment of aald final account, and th Bearing asd determining of objections there, . Dated March Bib, 1907.. , , t. 0. PLANDRBfl, Admtoletratar with th will annexed of the estate of aald deceased. sJtnats within th state ef Otugoa. THB county enart ef Maltnomah county will reeelTe sealed bide until It o'clock boob, the 12th day of April. 1007, for furnish In r eae steam roller, not leas thaa 10 tone weight, and fitted with oil burner. Tbe canty re aersree the right to reject say and all bide. Bid should be addressed te the enderelgned, sad marked "Rid for Road Roller." P. S. PIKLD8, County Clark. WIT.HOIT SPRINGS MINERAL WATER. 627 Stark at., between Sixth and Serenth. Phone Paetfle 1666, Elmer J. Wallace, agent. INFORMATION wanted of tbs whereabouts of Lonle Pellant by his brother. Joaepb Pellant, Kalama. Week. ' MEETING NOTICES. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 1,468. meets Wednesday a caning, Aliaky bldg.. Third and Morrison eta. YEOMAN "Skldoe" aortal, Western Academy ef Mnate, cor. Second and Morrison st., Wednes day craning. April 10. Dancing and whist. M. W. A. Oragoa Grape Camp No. 6.676, Mon days, 17tk and MarahaU. Visitor welcome. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between 4:60 end I p. .. April 6. msn red leather pare contalalng S4..V, between 64 I'nloa ere. and eornar Washing ton and Orsnd see. Return to 406H Eaat Taylor. Property of sear woman with sick children. Reward. FOUND A place te bar hah? mattress reno- rates ana retnrnea same aar . zzn rront si. Main 474; Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metaeer, proprietor. LOST B lark eerered triplicate order seek. Finder please las re st 606 Waahlngtoa It. ' Top and Bottom Shan. Loet Fountain pen, near The Journal office ; return te circulation department aad re ceire reward. LOST A handbag and purse containing ST00. Reward. Return te Journal ef fire. POUND On street ta Portland watch. Owner end dceulpltua to nor 64. ftheiidiB.-Or. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED AT ONCE Stare-bolt cutter, wage 11.60 per eord; stesdy work. Apply Western ' Cooperage OS Stearns bldg., Portland, or Honltos, or. WANTED Saleemes many maka 1100 to 1180 per month; some erea mora; stock clean, grows oa issii latlon. far from old archards; cash sdrsnced weekly I choice ef territory. . . Addree Waahlngtoa Nursery company, Top panxtb. WsahnigtoB. . WANTED Experienced cement and concrete finisher; s msn to finish cement sidewalk er to r,ra th construction of the same; steady employment; good wages. 'Apply Mr. . Carey. Elton Court botel. 11th and Yamhill ata, hetweea 0 and t s. aa.. Monday, April A YOUXa mes, railroad .poaltlona is tetee-raph-era and a rents secured after completing rooms ef las traction; day sad a caning classe; good wares. OREGON COLI.BOB. . ' tot Commonwealth bldg. A PEW men wanted te areriere for gorsm. ment positions; glrs two referancae. Write Pacific State School, department B7 6 Mc Kay bldg., Portland. Or, WANTED Poor young mea who knew aeootrot , Ing and want good pnaltlons to learn te operate the Comptometer com pn ring machine. O. London Dalley, agent, 64 Third at. WANTED Three reliable Dllcirra arefar thoa who anderstsnd Isduatrlal Ufa) lesnr ance; new proposition, good fatsrei referene . requited. - 200 Marqusm bldg. WANTBD Prtlealr people te try CArdmoce coffee." t lb. 61. If tbfci Bieens yes, yon ' wlU call at Boyd Tea Co.. to Ptrst at. WANTED Hlgb-ctsas ealearaan for cbniee ter ritories: highest eommlaatoB peld: arerythiag furnlabed; caah dranced for expanses. A rare opportunity. Addree. quick, Oiegos Nnrsery, Salem, Or. PAOTTIO STATIONERY A PRINTINO CO, 206-207 Second at. Phone Mam 621. Ws design and Install ths moat modern and Improred office systems; eompstts line loo leaf filing dartre. 11.00 A MONTH PROTECTS YOU Against aocklsnt. sickness snd daatb. Writ or call and lareetlgate, Nnrthweitera Health Accident Aaeociatlna. Room 81, 266 Stark St. ' Agent wasted. MEN AND WOMEN te I sens the barber trad In eight sreeks: graduates earn from 115 te 136 weekly; expect Inetructora; catalogue free. Holer System of College, 88 North Fourth tl. Port sa ad. . WE ret work for oar mmbera; anadal mem ber, tt. Y. M. C. A., Poortb and Yamhill. SALESMEN make btg moser working for na; experience snneceeeary, r.J PaHfle Aid Aeae- cletkw. 224 Lamber rxebange eidg., Port land, Oragoa. 1 ADVERTtNINO snlfHtora, eaah eotnmteslon, city printing, newspaper kelp. News pa per Breksrags, traodnoagh bldg.. , HELP WANTED MALE. STt'DENTt of the International Correepradeaee achcolo daairlng practical experience nr. re onaatad to llet their namae at ear local of flea, 014 McKay building. MBN and bnye wanted te Warn plamnlng, plae terlng. bricklaying, eatctiical trades; free catalogue: poaltlona eccured. Coyne Trade Brhooia. New Xork and San Praaclaea, NIORTWATCHMAN ateady, sober, a Marty married man; ataady b for right saraon; rafaraacae required. Apply Poarth and Oak, Contracting Knglneerlng Co. WANTED Tree cabinet maker. Roe City Pnrulture -Mfg. Co., Plret and Olbba ata. AN experienced bench hand and framemaker. Apply at once. Portland Saab A Door Oo., I'nloa ,Ta. aad Eaat Taylor at. , ACTIVE man te aell end collect; muet fur- o". " w w.r .nil ffumj ireou. w Waahlngtoa at. WANTFD A turner la fornttura factory. Call i a nncro tun at. I0 TO tin pgR DAT Solicitor. lady or ges- i iroitn , i' par cunt aa inaaators. r leo, car. Journal. BOT with bicycle: moat be well anraahrtad nra city. Vienna Dye Worts, 226 Third at. BOT wanted, with wheel, tones' Bookstore, 261 Alder at. BOY I and machine mes wanted Is furniture factory. Call at 106 North 11th St. WANTED Two bore tor wort la laundry. Union Laundry Co. WANTED Wseon-msker. Call 4Jt Belmont et.. Bunoay at a. a. W A NTED Mittreee-makera; city work. Proat st corner Darls. 69 WANTED Three trldeawakr raltilbte nsrsaTnenr only men capable of earnlog 8100 per month seed call; reference required. .714 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED Two couch makers, one ripsaw man, Oregoa Pnrnttur Co., Macadam raid. r ANTED Ptrst elaaa chair ysmlshers: also boy for shop wore, Columbia Cbabt Co., 641 acaoam t- SIGNiPAINTEB ranted. Apply Berger A too, 24 IsmhlU. STAN TED Good secnod eahcbakei; steady arork. Address W 164. Journal. . W AH TED Van with small amount of mousy; profits' 6160 weekly: bare fine motlos pic ' tur. sbw. Particulars, 14SH tilth, room A BOYS. 16 6 17 years ef sga. Apply to Olds, Wort man A King, WANTED Carpenters far finish. .Ro and Rodney are. eU St. THREE men to aell apple land ea monthly permeate. Addree 0 166, car Journal. PANTED A strong bey to del leer groeerl isa lese wan. . sp,i la. noris ins . BOY wanted to work ta grocery (tors. Apply 882 Sixth t- WANTED A etrong hay nt fisirsiiassi'i aiar ket, 21st asd Johosoa sts. . WANTED wrre-cut nrickmskers. Apply Port land Brick A Tile Co.. St. Helens road. WANTED Carpenter. Call at 266 Taylor . st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. " LADIES Positions as cured as eosnmerclal tel. egraphers after completing coarse of In struct lone In .oar college ; day asd srsning OREGON COLLEGE. " 808 Commonwealth bldg. , WANTED Lady raihler from 10:80 s. m. ts 6:60 p. m. snd all day Saturday: only one tir ing et home need apply. Crystal Barber Boos, Fifth snd Wsahmgma sts,-' WANTED Good girl to a as lat rs genera boose work. 871 East 11th it., north. Taks Broad way car. EXPERIENCED cboeolat dtppsrs; hlghsst wage; permanent, George A. McNeil Co., . no north r our is t, sear uiisas, Yi eon feet louera. AN eld established bouse wests s bookkeeper accustomed to bualnea methods; good wages. Apply, sts ting experience, X 166, Journal. GIRLS' to work en nirsay gowns: pay whll learning to girls who are handr with th seats, j in iits st.,, ear. lamnui. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 846 Waah lngtoa at., corner Serenth, upstair. Phono Main wsa. lists help wasted. OIRI.S WANTED Operators to work en ehlrts snd orsrslls. Lesson glean to lnerperlenced. Apply at Ktsadsrd factory No. S, Grand are. - and Beat Taylor St. , SHIRTMAKERS wanted. 21H Btark st. Jaooba Shirt Oa., GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard fsVtory A Grand are. asd Eaat Taylor at. f Mo. MATURE woma, refined, of good sddreas, te . glee part time for organising work with Aid eoctotla. Call 206 Tllford bldg. WANTED Girl to work doubie-etlrefe ms chines. Inquire Fits-Wall factory, 78 Ptrst, WANTED Bookkeeper. Cell on G. London Darley, agent '"Comptometer,'' 64 Third st. WANTED Woman er girl to do housework. Staples, the jeweler. WOMEN ssrt or all of their time: beet wsges. 088 East 18th St., north: take Alberts ear. WANTED Competent girl for general wars, rnons assi 2pjui. GIRL for general hue sink; washing scat oat. Phone Pacific 818. FINISHERS (8) ea pants; ateady week. Bert Pay. 207 Commonwealth bldg. GOOD girl for general housework. 128 14th at. WANTED A girl to aeslet with light booss work; no sweeping or cooking. 689 East Al der, near Twentieth st- WANTED Olrla for eborn work, stack snd road; so tights: saasoa engagement. P. C, isio rars styt rssconrar, waan. MIDDLE-AGED wntnaa for honsework; mU family. Call 650 Montgomery at. Phone Pacific 2700. GIRL for Hoyt St. booeework wanted. Inquire 170 BALESGIRL wanted, 16 to 18; rferness ts- qslred. 66 Norta Olxts ST. WANTED Ctrl for general bonaewnrk. Can morning, 711 Kearney st. Fhons Mala WOO. THREE ladies to ssU .aSPpte land oa monthly payments; assy. A duress a 10.1, journal. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THOSE totereatsd- m aecurlng bettor paying poaltlona ahosid call st ths office of the International Correspondence Schnow. 1113 Fifth st. lye bar cosraee mat win nt you for ths soafrfeej yea wsnt. Open ereslngs. HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. R. O. Drake. 206", Waahlngtoa it. Pacific 1870. SITCATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED To de yonr bouse repairing er re modeling; will do It promptly end guarantee satlafaellon. I. N. Rogeia, carpenter snd ' builder. Phone MateatiOA YOUNG stationary engineer wishes emptor nient) In city preferred; ess furnish rafsr nrv. K 166, Journal. WANTED By yosng married man, snsltloa ts learn carpenter's trade; soma ei parlance; bandy with tools. 1S4 Eaat Ssmner St. ENGINEER, hoist or stationary, night or day work; wages 12.60; can keep m rapalr. phone Main T112,6.p. m You are not exactly "up-to-date unless you have read today's ads. Even if you read yester day's you are only "up-'to-yesterday." ; . WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS make bit money bendlhut ear aalcfc- aalllng bouaahoid apaclaitlaa; catalogue and price uat rrae. scannani Mail vroes J bos 26a. Lake Oily. Colorado. ONI - bsetler la each owa or locality te handle medlelDee or eoapi write Quick; big y. u. ml. rmaunae. ano snira n. AOENT8, ladles and geutsi food money-making prupnallloo. OaU tueti Plret at. 620 A WEEK Expenses sdrascsdi aasa as woomb to travel for manufacturer and ap g,,u s 'it. ,'J. .uhmovib sasvMiiy ay ror home work r part time. Ziegiet zn icuat at., Philadelphia, rs. EMPLOVIENT AGENCIES. RED CROSt EMPLOYMENT CO. Ixgg1ug camp and farm help s speetslty. 20 North Second St. Phone Mala 6XM. - We pay all telegraph charges. HANHEN'g EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, FOB MEN. 26 North Second at. "none Msla 1620. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 206W Morrison at ....Phone Pacific 26 27 North second st Phone Pacific laoo O. K. EMPLOYMENT OPFICB Halo furnished free te employers. 28 N. 2d. Phone 8707. WANTED TP RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming honcae, stc. Laad- .' lords will do well to call os " PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. Pbon Ex. 72. S. B. Cor. 8d snd Oak. WANTED Ts rent small acreage with house and barn; muet be wlthls 12 miles ef Port land i atate price snd tocattoa la letter. Ad dress Box Soft, Salsm, Or. WANTED T rent for term of years, with prl rile of buying, small farm sear city, with team and tools furnished; good refer- Address a. .. awl Clinton St. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF you want to sell quick, list with P. Fscha, 221 Morrlsos St. WANTED Prom ewnere who'll ssU, good hosaes, Tacant tots. Improred farms and In come baelness properties. Home Land Co.. 148 First at. WANTED la Sellwood, one er two nleely eltn- ted Iota, near the rlrer; gtrs full particu late. Address P 166, cars JournaL WE wast Sunnyalds property : list years with us for quick reunite. Conk lis Bras., Eset Thirty-flftn snd Hawthorn , srs. Phone Tabtar 06. . WANTED SnbnrbaB lots -and acreage: star lowest price end location, phone Pactfls SMS, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED To boy farm of from 10 ta 40 seres. Improred, with tools snd stock t near mad and school; giro fall slsscrlpttoa. B 161, cars Journal. WANTED Purntturs snd konasbold goods ef srerr description bought, sold snd exchanged. Tbe I, 232 Plrat at, Mais 6374. WE bsupucsd boras snd cattle free. Oregoa . Fertlllxer Works, or notify Carney's Veteri nary. Fourth an Ollasa its. Msla 1008. CASH for household roods. Ssesgs A Panne n, 86-847 Ph-st st. ' Pbon Pacific 860. CAN ass 86.000 worth furniture this waski high est prices paid la stty. W eaters 8a Ira g Co. Psclflc 706. HIGHEST eaah Dries paid for all kind second hand goods. Phone Mala till. 62 N. Third. WE WILL BUY, SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGB CO 027-620 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 70S. . MAIN 6660. CASH. AND LOTS OP IT, FOR. FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, ' 211 FIRST ST. MAIN 8668. MAIN 0688. THE GRAND FURNITURE CO.. 411 Hawthorne are., pay th highest cash, price for second- Sana furniture, cast sw. WANTED Farm wagon, about V4 or SU tire; moat be cheap fx eaah, Address N 162, cars Journal. ... THB GRAND FURNTTUBB CO., 411 Hawthorns sew., pays we angncax ous pnos gar aecoBQ' hand furniture. East 800. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THE RICHELIEU. 63 North Sixth et, Ele gantly fnrniahedi steam bast and baths. THB GRAND, 46 North Third St. Rooma for gent Is nan, 1.28 pes week aad up. THE ARCADE. 146 n rat at., near Morrison Furnished rooms, tee to 61; transient. THB STEWART Housekeeping and fnrnlebed transient ana aingis. auo wsaa. THE GLADSTONE, 612 Seder at. Nice clean furnlabed rooms, alngle or doable, from 1.26 ' per -week ep; free phone, gas snd parlor. . 186 FOURTH ST. Furnlabed ' rooms, day, week sr month; prices reasonable. Paclfta tu0. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front mom, suit able for two gentlemani phone, bath and with or without board. Answer O 164, Journal. . t OB 4 furnished rooms, modern house, piano, gaa and wood ranges; best rseldaore section: wslklng distance; reasonable. 847 College st. to FIFTH fTT. Large aonny rooma. bath, gas, phone, 6100 per week. FOR BENT Famished roam la Tartrate family for gentleman; hreakfaet If wanted. 427 Second st, near HalL FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. FURNISHED room fnr rent, for sleeping or light housekeeping. 187 Poarth st. TWO nicely fsrnlshed boaeekeeplng-rooma. rent 110. with water snd gas. 110 Msrkst St., room A ' FURNISHED room for honeekeeplnf . 860 Haw thorn see. FOR RENT Three anfnrnfahed boosekeeplng rooms. 6 par month. 612 Columbia at. 120 LOWER floor of hens, em furnished, four room; bath; Third, ar HIL . 446 Third at. TWO or four front rooms, newly furnlebed, for housekeeping; gas, bath, pantry, sink; esay walking dlstancs. 211 Sherman St. 11.60 WEEK UP Lares, clean furnlabed house keeping rooeis. laundry and bath. 184 Sher man at., south, Portland. 11.28 WEEK UP Clean Furnished housekeep ing rooma. parlor, bath, laundry, rornsos heat, yard. 206 Stanton st. V csr. THB MlTCnEM.' Housekeeping snd transient rooma, rsaaonibls. Sereeth snd Flsndere sts. FOR RENT Furnlehsd and snfurnlabed keeplngrooma, also slngls. 146 Proat St., near Morrlsos. MICE snd newly furnlebed, also unfurnished, hoasekeepbif-room st reasonsbls rate; brick building. Hotel Ohio, 266 Front at, GOOD fornlabad bouaekaeplng-rooma, 1.28 week, . snd 4, 6 and 7-rnom eettagea, on west aide, furnished or unfurnished. Apply 864 North 26 th; W -eers-to 26th, turs left half block. TWO rooms, farnlehed eomplet. for housekeep ing, gas snd bath. 110. 460- Esst Wash lng -. ton at., corner Ninth. ' NEATLY furnished rooms, ftret floor, house keeping If deal red; gaa. bath and Pbon. Ill 12th at, near Waablngtoa, TWO toss, reasonable. Phono East 4871. 1211 Mnore St. FURNISHED - or sn fnrnlebed boosekeerrlnr rooma 1 gas. bath, phons and nae of piano. . 278 North 13th aC Pbons Msla 1031. . FURNISHED or snfurnlabed bouas keeping rooms: free betb snd phons. 371 North 12ta - St. Pnons Mask 4167. ROOMS AND BOARD. THS CARLRTON Ths most daslrabl family botel In th city; It ha th location; wefl furnlabed oetaldc rooma. slngls or es suite; " rteera beat, hot and cold running water In rooms, snd ths beet table board that eas he found anywhere Tel. Msla 2161. Corner 13th snd Aider sts. . WANTED- t or I chlldres to board. an orer t yeer prefer Infant: will glr them a mother's beat eare price 110 set moatk. ' H ISO, cars .onrsai. . 1 e' ROOMS AND BOARD. WELL-FURNISH ED rooms with board rsll snod sra sosrenleoeas; good horn cooking; law eery reasonsuie; gaatlamsa preferred. Call . 442 Janereua et, . ' THB MORRISON, formerly ths Hesperian Large comfortable rooms, elngle snd ss suits. ; newly furnlabed; beet tabl board: prlass BUbdarats. 60s Marrlaoa sl eornar 17th. WANTED Children to board nd roomi good bom snd school a few blocka sway. Call st 120 Eaat 62d St. NICELY furnished rooms, wttb board; strictly bom sooklng. tfS 14th st. Phone Pacific 1000. . - ' ' MIDDLE-AGED lady wants t er t eblldrea between t and 4 year eld to board; com- . fortebte home: no other rhUdrsa. 68 Bid well sr., Belrwood atatloo. BOSEDALB (th Burrall etata), 404 earner 10th and Mad laoo. Just opened: everything first-class, bewly furnlabed Ihrooghout. UNFURNISHED ROOMS.' THREE unfurnished rooms for tent. 480 Ksst Morrison st. Eaat '1016. TWO onfarnishsd rooms, tor rent. Inquire- at BO Eaat 12th St., corner Stars. FOR RENT HOUSES. 218 NEAT 6-room cottage, modern: dlt East Ninth, near Grant. THB DUNN LAWRENCE CO., 14v First St. 4. t AND 7 -room cortsga. newly papered, fur nlabed er unfurnished, on -weat aide, la good neighborhood; a km housekeeping-rooms, 11.26 week. Apply 864 North 26tk at.) W ears to Snth. turn left half block. GUARANTEED ss sdrertlaed. . W tan rant sr sell your aoeeoa, swans, ai.w, . stores, farms, acreage, loU; list now for eastern drartUtng. . 204 Mohawk bldg. FOR RENT 6-room modem boose, betwses the two car lines. East 84tb at., 20 per month. Hawthorne Realty Co.. 2S. Msrgoerits ars.. earner Hawthorns. Tabor 616. A ROOM cottage with bath, 808 Market St. Key st oi usrset. . WE rest aad sell pianos. A Co. Sherman, Clay SMIW BaUST rtfi amsll s- wMM, Chjafet) tfl. Land Co.. 178 86 per month, tall rarmsrs MaduHss. FOR RENT a-mom booae. Eaat list St., K call worth. Phone East 788. FOR BENT 7-room cottage, Mt. Tabor, strict- Ablngton bldg. FURNISHED HOUSES. 10 Three-reosa furnished lat, ' eloae lo; ta new. rhon Bast toot, oa ea Tenia st. FURNISHED 6-room cottage, saodera. laaotr oa Oregon lea bldg. 11-B00M boarding boo; fine furniture; fall or oosraers: iot. HATFIELD A MTTH, 166 Fourth St. " . HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. . FOR SALE Farnttnre of 6-room fist aa Ser enth St., 8 blocks from postofflcei destrsbls loos tlon: house strictly saodera: rest reason able) no agents. Addree T 148. JournaL FOR RENT 6-room modera flat, only 8 min ster" walk from poet of flee, and furniture for y aale; this la a bergs In. 200 Serenth at. WB need furniture st any price. Pertlsnd A ac tios Rooms, 211 Pint St. Msla 6060. v NEW fornttura of modern 4-room pertment. prints entrance, close; suitable for bachelor a partisan ta. . Pacific 804. 10-ROOM bouse for rent, furniture for sale; moat aell, as parties sr Waring tows. 266 Harrtsoa St. . FURNITURE nf S-room boas for sale, booss for rent. 448 - Fifth at. FOR RENT FLATS. TTt TJP noM te anetpsw, r8 'mai joj U ujspoui moat-i jo aluieUjnj stSldKoa FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS. nnfornUbed rooms sad ssnv pie-room for rent, Weodnough bldg. Apply eleretor. . ; FOR RENT One, two or three large office rooms, suitable for lob printing offices or other lines. Isnulrs Portland Gas A Bicycle Co., 161 First St. ' FOR RENT Window snd storeroom apace on Waahlngtoa St.; beat block In city; stats nature of bualnaaa. Address M 162. Journal. STORE, with or without llrtng rooms, for rent. 247 Grand ars., city. POR RENT Good office fronting oa Waah . Ing ton st, 811 Commercial blk. STORE for rant 348 Madlaoa. st. Inquire overhead. ' FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Farm, 100 seres, sll fenced, good na stare: 10 sere cultlTited: small bona. barn; well watered; cheap. Owner. 821 Eset Light St., norta. rnone cast sois. 40 ACRES, 28 ta hops. 18 In cultivation: good Mrs, bophouae. fences, 4 room bouse, etc.; 0 mile Xrotn Portland, mils from rail road; cheap rent to good tenant. J. W. OOILBEB. ' Room 11, 14.1 First st. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT Lodging house 82 noma, unfur nished, eloae Is. Call Hotel Okls, 266 Front St. A SUNNY basement for rest fat bousskeep- Ing mom. 66 South Seventh. BUSINESS CHANCES. SSspsrAssBsjaSSsssW aWQi l'a.eaBsnMT,aseMaB Jamestoi Exposition wanted Larry or geotlemes of business ability and good addreaa to demonstrate for a reliable firm st ths Jameatown exposition: 100 per month and expeneea paid: mnst In reet 11.000. which I secured, and furnish anqoeatlonabl references. Fnr further infor mation sddreas, In own handwriting, H 162, ear Journal. A CRACKER-JACK stock hardware, eash, door snd implements: pries. Including buildings. IS. 000 cash; no trade considered. Got to give ' up bnatneaa on account health. If yon deelre a good business, here Is your chance.. Do not answer unles you mean haalneea. Add roes owner, D 134, cars Journal. ONE of ths largest aalvage buslneeaee In thla city for ale. will aell one-half Interest or II. well eetabllahed trade. Thl bnalnee occupies fir room, will require about. 87,- 800 to bay all. REGISTER A CO., - . 107 Third St. IP YOU bare 4 a mouth te Invest I want yonr Same and sddreas to anbmlt to yon aa bonoe. elite and legitimate buslnraa proposition. I will sot worry yon with s persons 1 Interview. Pull Information wlH be mailed you and If sfier InveetlgntloB yoa desire sa Interview yoo can write snd I will maks aa appointment. Postofflce Bos 621, . city. GENUINE SNAP We eas how yoa family hotel which made guaranteed net profit of over 16,000 daring past year; at preacnt ' profile are over 1 12.1 per month; 1 3.. TOO cash required. Those desiring to Inraatlgate must produce financial rsf stances; a agents, f, 156, car JournaL . ROOMINO-HOfSES FOR SALE. HATFIELD A SMITH, 106 FOURTH IT. V 40 rooma, brick building, Il.tKM). SB-room bouse, very central. 1,000. . 12-mofli houae, bargain, 6HA0. - lt-ronm booae, $W0 Income. 1126. SO rooms, transient, one floor. 8060. II rooms, boarding, fins furniture, 11,000. WILL sell st Invoice s general a tore In beat lo ci tl on In th city, will Invoice about t.000; t horse, 1 sew wagon and hameee; sale monthly 83,000 and Increasing: near one of lite largest carbarn hi rpltl-growlng sect! m. 7ll ml Swetland bldg., corner fifth and Waahlngtoa. BETTER THAN COPPER STOCKS, A WORLD'S NECESSITY. Immense profits; small cspltallaatlont only 20,000 (hire allotted to ths whole Psrlfi coast. Writs quickly. A., Postofflo Bog tot, Ressburg, Or. BUSINESS CHANCES. RESTAURANT, centrally boated en, Plrat at., pood trade, cheap rent, will bear closest la reetlg alloc. Corns and see tbM snsp, then Bisks as sn eff-r on It. B.BU13TKN A CO., 107 Third St. POR SALE Meat market, cheap: all saw fix tures, new fas) refrigerator;' good tooatloa; owssr sl-k and must aell. " 11AWTHOUNS IttALTY CO., 268 Marguerlls sr., w. Hlwthorss. Tabor B1A - ' POR SALE OR TRADE Hotel Haleey,, 100 miles from Portland oa southern Pacific 1 a modera up-to-date booss, newly furnished: has good commercial trade. Address Hotel Haleey. HaJaey, Or. . CUT this sat sod bring It with yes. I hire s 10.000 per cent In rest meat la a manufactur ing company' etock; mechanic baring small amounts to Inreet preferred; offto opes Sat- - nrday erasing. Apply to Wat. O. Peter bans. Sis Commercial blk, . LIVERY and feed hers with good borers snd rlga; laeaa; rent ISO; clear orer gaoO per month; continued 111 health of owner compel . eacrtfleo; price 6.800. See B. D. Susies st Horns Land Oo.'s office, 146 Plret t, . 0NB-THIRD Interest la a good hard ware store, centrally located In ths city. REGISTER A CO., " ' 107 Third St. . , , 1.1O0V-FOR SALB-e-Gracery, cigar aad confer. - ttooery etore. good locstlon; new stuck snd fixture, living rooms in connection; rent 14; good reason for sailing. Addrsas G 163, oars - JournaL POR SAI.B AT ONCE A good paying janitor Job; owner muet quit; a bargain fnr some one. Inquire st 846 17th St. Dslbsrt Wil liam. . . WANTED Maa with small sraosnt of money; profile 150 weekly: bars complete motion - picture show. Particular a. ,146 Blxth St.. POR BALE 'Rooming and bosrdlng-bonss en west aide, centrally located; 22 rooms. alL occupied : good reason, for selling. Addrsas Q 166. Jour eel. ( . . 8600, OR Inrentory, pert tlm. boys beet py- Ing cash grocery, clgsr. confectionery store. In good neighborhood; rant 112, store and rooma; seeing Is beUcrlng. Pbon Scott 1818. GROCERY stars, wu located, eetabllahed trade of about too par day, wlU sell st Uroteo. x RPOISTER CO.,' ' -107 Third St. ' - BEST IN TOWN Corner cigar store. A No. 1 cash trade: old aund; er will aicbange fnr . country property. Address L 164, Journal. WELL satsbllshed hardware sad furniture basl asee; low rent, long lease; good chance f"T s hustler. Address II ISA. cars Journal, IAVB MONET Anything ta printing see Mad. ecu. Odd Fellows Temple. First sad Alder sts. I spats Ira, WANTED Te meet a maair? Compoeer having a number of original song poems; would form a song team. K 163. care Joarasl. 81 UNFURNISHED raw, central Iocs ttoe 1 eat reasonable. Inquire It Laloa are. POR SALE A confectionary and etnek 12.600. Is good location: would trale ror rartu. u. u. wood, tin HueeaU at. Port land, Or. Phons Esst 4604. FOB SALE Nearly new National cash register, amsll etssi bargain. 166 Third at. , lauo CI 0 AS, candy and fruit standi goad lo cation and stock. ISA Marrlaoa St. 666t BUYS up-to-date little yob printing office doing good easlneee. Addrsas B 166, Joarasl. POR SALE New snd complete oyster house; . bargain It sold st ones. 1S6 Third St. SEVEN new furnished rooms. 808 Pins St,, 8U0; rent 30. Call snd trade with ewaer. DAIRY foe eels. Inquire 881 . oiiy; take Woodetork car. FOB SALE Dellcateeeea. with tiring - Call afternoons, 846 Yamhill st. BARGAINS la rooming-house. . Apply - 231 Fifth - I WANT s partner In a good small grocery store. Nelson, 14th sad Irrlng sts. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.. 't Put Off Buying that home or lot; erery day yoa wilt will cost yoa more mosey. Bead this list carefully, then see aa. 2225 Lota, Bdea ddttloo. Clinton et. car. ,260 Lota, Myrtle Park addltloa, ML Scott ear. 6.100 Lots, City Viaw Park addition. 811 trood ear. IVXi Lot, Central Albina, V csr. 800 Nice tot near 24th St., oa Clacksmss. st Corner, Hawthorn' Pint addition; Ankeny csr. 12.100100x100, 24th snd East Everett He. taVlOO 121x100. 27 Ul snd Wco ata. IMPROVED. 11,800 80x100, 4-roocs hoses, Karl St., Brooklyn. 2.2tto BOxlOO, 6-room atodera bouas. Ore goo at. 12,70066 2-8x100, 7-mora modern booae. TJnlreralty Park. 2.80088x100, 1-room house, did aad Haw thorns srs. ta, 100 60x100, 8 rooma, modern, 1 East Flanders at. . 13,16060x100. t rooms, amdsra, Fargo tt.. Bear Rodney are. 11,400 60x100, T rooms, xaodera, E,t lath. la.VtO SOilflO, T rooms, lath sad Alberts. tD.sno 60x100, t rooma, modem, Eaat llth, 4.26060x120, T rooma, new, modea-n, Clsckasna at. " w bar many ether choir bays ts Holla- day p.rfc nd levinjtosi Don't delay, ec ua today. Cciiimciiwcaltli Trust Co. Sixth and Ankeny sts. lose City 'Realty' , Company ; ACREAGE.' ' 10 seres, nil cultivated, fenced: fine bouse, conrrets basement: hsrn; buildings anst 12,600; aU for 63,700. , 14 acre, I acres trawbsrrls, grapea, apple; house, barn: fins road, near cbruch, . coooL. ,torc; 4,2O0t rL 18 acre, good bouse, barn, 6- lore pears, applet, email fruit, 2 car line. 12.600. 204 MOHAWK BLDG. 11.800 LOT tVriDO. 1 block ear, 6-mom booee? yon mike the terma to en It youraelf. 81,400 6-room houee, close , to car, onrner lot; thl Is s good bay; easy terma to party meaning bneineea. 11.660 6-room home. 1 block ear, S block school; Al neighborhood: terms If yoa wish . them. 12.600 Beautiful brand new bungalows with fireplace and all modern Improve men ta; In fin algbbnrbood; eaah will bay tor much lea 18.700 Elegant boms Of T mom oa Haw thorn are.: modera bouse and new. Many other bom, prices from I860 to 18.000. 11.800 6-aerd tract, wtttt booss, ham, ate.) " 10c car fan. P. J. STEIN METE A CO., Tbs Bemeaeller, 108 Morrison St. ON WILLIAMS AVE. Bee bare, s strictly modern 7 -room boo, steely fumlehed. snd t-room cottage, tu whole boalneea for 64.260; half ess.-. . - ROOM 20, 80S STARK ST. ONE fin kit In 0 ten wood Park, sell cheap oa account of sick nisi Owner, 04 sixth st. BEST bsrgala ta markt Nearly new 7-room modern booss, choice corner, na Bunnyalit car line; dry concrete basement, front and aide norebss, awning, screens, gas: sll room tinted; street! Improred: lawn, rosea, fruit trees; coay home. Look this op. Phone, owner, East 4766. QUARTER block at 2TU aad Bast Clinton sts., sns 6-room ard oo t-room cottsgs, full basement; theee are modern; nothing ' nicer In Hut Portlsnd. Ptic 6.000; res I Its terms. See O. W. Baser, ewaer, - 800 set Morrison at,. City. 11.260 6 ACRES, eloae ta oa ear Use with I ere elesrrd and mostly set to fruit and , berries, . good 8-room houee and all fenced. BK.OI8TER A CO. - . 107 Third It. . . FOR I A LB. ' tt lots, fenced, cleared and cultivated, 4-room houee, etly water; near Peninsular sta tion, bn St. John ear Una; 6.1,000. - Choir warehnue Vocation la Lowe AlMna. I. COLLINS. . . vt0 KsaseU at. -'i ''