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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1907)
,: THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. APRIL 8. 1807. 11 F FOR SALE REAL gCSTATE. 3 oo MODERN 7-room boo. a,T? ?!, flnlah; lil-mlnuta car eerrloe: nl OAl, ' mil I block, to second ear line. HATHhLl SMITH. lual Foarth "I 4 MCI! e-room bonae, 007 Keet loth st.. north, i $1); terms, down. 110 per month, 1 t ner cent. Trade with owner In houM. . List Year City Property . . With ': : ' T. A. L2atherlaii!l SO KIW BUCHANAN BLDG. We Hare Customers , ONR lot awl S-room cottage, food picket fence, cellar under part" of bouae, good wood lied, to Uii; snap If taken at encet tocatem laurel wood Park. 24T Hoyt at. Ml . go I ear Ilea. Q 1M, eara Journal. TODAY OM.T. - A new 8-room indtni cottage, toilet, bath, faa, cement btvmtnl, ninnl walk, 3 blocks from car Una: price $2.w0. sol Swetland bldg.. corner Firth and waeuingion aia. A KCW T-room mortem house, full eement baaement. bath, gas anil electricity, new womi alilewalks. several iruix r., lot SOxloO: price 3tl Swetland bldg.. oomar rum ana waaouiBum i ONE lot ana 6-rooai enttsge. good picket fence 11 . kMIU MMl MMlhM , rviiar "dust ymt. " , - - - -- nice lawn; a nep If taken at once: eejtlon leureiwooa ram, mi .. - ear Hoe. Q 151. rare Journal. Prlca $080. A Barraln Aa S-mern modern bonaa. toilet; bath, raa an electricity, aa beautiful corner lot. nice large lawo. choice rose bnabse, fall eement " botaw,llTflti " ato" 00( " atS) llMlt- Wattf fclaO'haaOw- rtea (3fOO, terma. Tall Bo I gwetlana iOf ruth ani wuinnfinn. . - v . , HE NUB A KETH. I niVI a aond T-room amlerB home. lot. Eaat Mtb at., S 1 blorka of Hawthorne are., S blorka W-R ear; -tO0 aah, baUnea - eaa. 341 atark at TOR SALE BT OwNEIt-rltw, atrtetlr BMdara -raoai cnttara ana ana 4-roaaj eotUtat oaay ': tertna. Ptaooa Tabor S2S. flNB anbdlrlaloa propaaltloa a O. W. P, ' aloaa In, tl araaa; level, aa rrarali aoraata for qalek aalo. Vaadnja i Waltoa, 1 irsT THINE! Lota ISO aarh, at 11 pee BMath. BMir Salaa ear Una, aa tarthar thia . St. Johne. Applr ta owner, W. Retdt, Waat Inctoa bM. . WHY par SaoO for a lot where there ta aa ear Una ar arwara when yon ran bar ona for that prkw In blorka af Wlllltma ava. with all cltr Improeeroenta Int. BKOISTER A CO. s " 107 H Third St. OWNER la obllred to aall reeldeoeo otto 11T daap hj 34 frooti for a Iniarkma hona alta It will eon pare with anything In tha cltr. . Prleo IS.aoO. rkoaa Eaat Bit. T I, ara JooraaL- POB SALE Pall lot. Mallorr and Beach. STOO; tor a few tare. Ad1raaa T 147, eara Journal. East Hcrrtscn IOOtIOO. aat aeroea arldfa, aiaat aall at --.ew ggQM. M COMMERCIAL ELK. MODERN 8 mora cottaio, Baanreldo (aowor dhv trlrt); $150 down, bell are Ilka rent. A. P. ' Smith, owner. Bid Coataiorclal klk. FOR SA LB Two-atory kawao, cornar lot. Baa BreMe; rbeap'lt pnrebared at enrol Boaro ta perfeet order; aleetrte llahta; one block froai - car Una. E. C. Minor, 1006 Belmont at. - , EAST SIDB LOTS. -ChoW-a cornar notion. Waaoa at- ll.SOO. . (oiino. Bear th. Sl.SuO. . Soaioo, Eaat ldtk, nlea location, 1.W)0. Corner aaar Eaat 12th. callable Tor barn, ti.soo. (' ' , . - ' J. . OEOER. , Cor. nrand arc, and E. Ankoay. : fg.iSWt Nice roon hoee oa Eaat Alder at., hill lot la beet of eondltloa aid aood aa REOI8TKR CO. . lOTVi Third St. . : S3 MO WILL bay a neat -rooa bonae and M aoilOO la Sellwnod. Adrlraao ItM. Eaat Mtk at., ellweod. i'boae aaat aoua. ANOTHER BARGAIN II eeree, aaoatly cleared. good boaaa and bara, fine aril, aaat go cheap, i The -J me e Anatract ue., rooaa a Mulkay bldg, Becond aad Murrlaaa eta. T-ROOM bonne, almoat new, fine' corner let, betweea Hawtborne and W. R. eara; only ' ga.uju; aoiaj ceaa. sea acara aa. - WANTED Homeeeekere to write to WHUmetta . vaiiey Real natate aicoanga, wooaDara, urH nr revieea iiat et nraae. OWNER MUST BELL t Iota, Ideal location. B-mlnute ear ride, $0 rack I half cash, balance monthly. Ad dreae E lea. Journal. MODERN g room bonae oa Eaat tfttb at. t new bath and tank: $2.IA0: ternie. H. B. Ilckln- aoa. t CommercUl bldg. Pboaa Pacific FT, TWO choice Iota ta Tremoet Piece ea Wood. atock are., fie- aala eery reeaoaable for raeb. PORTLAND TR18T COMPANY OF OREUON 8. B. Cor. Third aad Oak Sta. i SS.T50 A a elegant new S-renm boaaa, with . block, la center of Piedmont, i . . RKHI8TER A :0., . -' Ki7ia Third St. A IUR0IAIN Lot SOxlOO, 4-room eottaget coma aad ear. Mre. E. Hitter, Gray'a Croea lag. O. W. P. Ry. ONB ftae corner and one in Ida let near Al berta car line for good team, weight 1.200 to l.SOO po no da. Addreaa B 164. rare Journal. EASY TERMS Near T room modem honaa ta creeton, le-mbiata ride to city. P 160, eara Journal, 1 ' EASY TERMS New 8-roora modern cottage ta - Creetna, 15 mlnnte ride to city. Bee owner. Q 186, care Journal. . EASY TTrftMS New t-rnom modern hooae m Creeton, by owner; 18-minute ride to city. 1 R 166, cere Journal. yS , LOT BOilflO, Eaat Eighth aad Falling eta., one half caeh. balance your own terma; Apply owner, 1071 Orand are., N. Pboaa Wood lawa 131. , . "aJlKST bay on Mt, Scott lme; new modem ntm. Taajow, S large roome,' electric fin urea, china ', cloeet, bath; 100 feet from car; $1,700; terma. Second houaa north af Tremont. OONKI.IN BROS. . nebineta hi HewlSorae txMa, boaeee.and lota, and acreage throoga-' Wac tin oipiriv tor hn. t Hnoaea dealgned and built, plana aad Bpeet. ', fleet lone fornlahed to borne bulldera. Phone Tabor sue. Office, Eaat SSth and - Hawthorne are. . ' FOR SALE -acraa et good fertile land ea O. W. P. car Hne. anltable for fruit or chicken raach: natural erring nf pure water; SO mtantee tide from Portland. Come and , make Be aa offer. Stanley atatloa, J. C. Front. . REAL ESTATE. $.1,400 A 'S-room modem bonae jnat being , completed on $ot 40x148.' eement ha eement. ' eement walka, reel lent location. 1 block from earllne. Call $01 BwetUad bldg., comer Fifth aad Waaalngton. HENSB NETH. IH ACRES cleared, or 1 acre, or t acree not 1 cleared; $300 to $V per acre; will cell ea beat terma eeer altered. Write Boa Irwin, Mllwaukle. Or. ' - . , fFTxCBLLEKT Biodern 10-room bonae la Irrlng. bmiae la rrceptlonally well built and modern: price $6,200. Von cannot build the bonae ,. today for that figure. Spblaa Agaac, $u4 , Stark at. , 71 A BEACTirCL home of l reome and two bathe, eeerythlng. modem, grnunda 100x1,10 ' and on car line, cloae la: It la eery ebeaa at $0,000. Sphtag Ageaey, SOSH Stark at. LOTS of mta to build en ta rTolladay'a ad.ll Ilea and Irrmrtna from $1,100 to $2,000 each, . or can aire you quarter bloeke from $3 800 te $4,900. Sphinx Agency. oH stark et. t-ROOM bonae, oa car line; cement walk aad improved atreet, M 84x70: Si nai, . . HATFIELD A SMITH. 1681a Fourth St. ' " NSW aditirleat beat lore la Lenta, Bt'rioo, only $116; Bear cart terma. O. R. Addlton, lnta. Or. Take Mount aentt ear, Sa fare. FOR SALE nonae aad twa lota at Lenta. Caeh or Inatallmente. R, L. Hick mas, Lenta, Oregon. p.A Ri)AIf ecre h'-re. worth 1 ''. H i ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. INVESTMENTS. EAST BIDS HOME. . $8,000 T-snom new and modern bone la Suonvelde, with wall Improved let; euuld Sot ba duplicated or the mousy. . - HOB HILL LOT. ' ; ; $.T60 Nob Hill lot, fulL alaa; choice lo atioa oa 34th it. . , PIEDMONT LOT. , I-rail coroar kit la Piedmont; excel lent place for Bona and a soap at the iwlc. , f - WEST SIDE LOT. , .-' $6.000 Oolce kit nrti Wnt Park and Clay at,.; a flna loeatloa tor flats ar apartments! tbla I barge le. . . ' . NOB BILL QUARTER BLOCK. ' T,600 Pull W block . oa Hob Bill Mat eelect BClgtborbood. . r . la a EAST BIDS BOMB. , , . SA.ono-Modera room hooae and fall kit, n rluee In oa the eaat side! hoaee la atrlctly ' ap-to-date and tha loeatloa la choice. . , ; ' yOQ BILL BOMB, v ' ; ' tT,5f)0 . S room new aad modern bnaae and full lot, aaat IrooUga: choice kxatloa ea K'ob 1IIIL . - , - JAMES J, FLYNN, . SIS Chamber of Commerce. Speculators and Hcsieseekers Attentlcn! V . $38,000-HAI.P BIK-K IN TERMINAL DIS TRICT. One oi tba beat buya la . tha city. $11,000 Klea.nt room bonae and lot TStlOA on I'ORTLAND HEIGHTS. ORANO '''" VIEW and aa Ideal home. ' . $9,000 Income bearing property ea Raaaato " and Larrabee; room for another baUd- " log; Jut orer the Steel brMge. M. 090 Three lota, . beautiful 10-roota hooae, oa Pattoa are. . .00O Corner lot, eplaodtd B-roooa boaae, ea Broadwar;,up to date. $8.B0O Bc,utlfnl ft-room Irrlagtoa borne, .. ' tboronably modern. , 1X900 New & room boaaa, bant for a home: a enan. $00 7-rooni house and corner lot) frntb rreea; electric llahta; pleaaant none, $3.800 Nice A-room hoaaa. fine baeetnent: . . lot TIilOO; PORTSMOUTH; beeutlful warer tin; xerme. $3, tOO Modern room bonaa, lot 100x109, . UNIVERSITY PARK. $1,800 Nice cottage and lot BOzlSS. frolt treea and lawn, alley b rear; three blorka from ear line, right ea Porte 0 i month ae. ; terme . FIVB ACRES WATERFRONT, platted ror mta, city water, aaar Oregee city car line. .. Each Three ' lota mar Hawtborne clone Id: enleadtd niece for atghtly heme; 10 per eaat dowa. 10 , per cent a moaia. Home nice bueraeae lota rlabt ea v ' , Una. alao aome Bice reaidance lota at OIVEttlflTY PARK, vary raaaonahle. uwa. acreage, timner UBoa. city aad aumir ' baa property bandied. . . ZIMMERMAN A YACOHAN. ' , ' Room $10 Boebaaaa bldg., .Bet.' tk and Btk ate., oa Waahlngtoa at. Phone 1075. , ROSe ADDITION, ' Adjoining Sellwnod oa the eaat. Deeirahle mta. ibo to $280; tnatanmenta. Peter Uuma, - jiana or nan wood, local agent. . : ESTACADA. s.' Terminal city of the O. ' W. P. dleteloa of The Portland Railway. I.leht A Power Co.. SO rallea eoatbaaat of Portland; a aiannfae , tnrtng center In the beet farming eectloa or irregon. Lota and acreage for Bale en Inatallmente. - EaUeada State Beak, - local ageau . Iiralrable S-room modern , aubarbaa re f"ce fort aalo at a bargain, one -half block rvaa ear nee.. , Eighty acree aa O. W. P. Eetaeada oi-i-aton. aoltahle for aubdlridlDg Into , tire, acre fruit farma. OREGON ; WATFR POWER COMPANY. . T0WN8ITB Keoi aad 5, 1SH Flrat at. Cor. Alder. - .' Phone Mala t1.""," $1,400 SNAP 6-ronm bonae. completely fur nlehed, twa Iota, each 40x100. fenced, garden, lawn, treea. troodahed. water la yard, car line. $1,600 New T-room bouae. barn, ehleken bouae, fruit treea. lot 80x130; rented, S per wm; a gooo nay. $1.000 7-rooea kouee, frnlt treea. bkra, lot ' loajoe. i . RrVkiff la euu emtwn ar ' ' rnotia raririe got. $100 BELOW -alee: comer lot. Call aootku comer Eaat Llnoola and S4th eta. SMALL 4-room kouee, cloae la. oa car Una; $278. - farm era Land Co., 178 Madleoa at. IS nrm T-BOOM modera bouae oa Monroe at., fkll lot; stoat aall. Inquire SOS Monroe at. 80x100 LOT na Waldler et. oatr $1,500. gpblnx Agency, 305 H Stark at. FOR SALE FAR3IS. ' CLARKE COCNTT, WASHINGTON. 58 acree, I mile front railroad town and' 13 enllee from thla city; S3 acree under fine Mate pf enltleetton, balance all fine Mature; family orchard of eaeorted frulta; good T-room ' bouae, bara 00x86. ehlrkee-boneea and ranta and aU ether outbuild Inge neceeaary; Irlng atream and good well; Vt Bile from ,. erhool; team, wagon, hameea, new hark and bark harneaa, buggy, 0 eowe. two S-yaar-old belfara, S hogs, 3 plow a, cultivator, barrow, dlec harrow,, chlckene. tnrkeya, a zee, aawa, - aredgea, etc. rrlce $3,600. , 340-acre farm, 90 acree nnder fence. 60 acme perfectly cleared, 16 acrea la winter epplee. family orchard of aeaorted . frulta. , atrawherrtee, raepherrlee, Black Cap. Ijiw tone. Erergreaaa, many varletlea' of eberrtee, ' plume, pre nee, qnlneea, crab applea. .etc. two Inex penal re bonere. with wooiiahed, chick-en-heuaea. root cellara, large barn with ata . blee, aheda, etc. ; good carrlage-booea, with 1 otorage-boaee everbead, graBery, S grain aad hay aheda. Implement abed, I plghouaee, 3 frulthouaee, etc.; 6 aowa, S belfera, 1 bnrae and l mare. SI head of pure blood Berkehtre hofera: wagon,- eurrey, cert, haraaaaee. harrow, dlec harrow, potato harrow, S plowe, I douhl. - ehovel plow. 1 break log plow, fanning Bill, elder preee, apraylng material, cutting Bin. pern, pruning ah eara. eeythee, a zee. aa we. ; wedgee, wraocbee aad, ta fact, everything need on a ftret-eleae flaee; ebeat Sno beahela grain, all boaeed: old furniture; 100 buabeta ' veretablea: carpenter too la, etc., ete.t eae of the beat ail-around equipped farme la the elate. Price $8,000. Two ml lea from rail road atatloa. In good farming eectlon of Clarke county, Vaeh: 18 rallea from Van couver aad SS mllea from Portland. A bargain. 6 acree. lvt mllea from thla city, all under fine atate of eulilvatloa; nice 4 room cot te.' barn, chicken bnnaee and yen!,; cite water and living atream aeroea one end of the place; fine orchard of aaaarted frnlta; - good road and fme neighborhood; tbla pla.e Ilea within 4 mil of the platted addltlona to the city where lore em Belting from $150 ap. Price, If gold eoea, $l.oo0 raa arraoga for terma. 30 acrea, nice level land. It acree cleared and la fine elate of eultlratlon, balance In pa it are. rome green timber; new 4 room ot. tare, good barn and ether enthalldlnea; nice family orchard, 'varVuia frnlta la fall bear ing. S acrea la gtrawherrlee aad raanberrlea; goad wall:, place alcely fenced; 14 mile. from rharch and graded erhool, la good Community, IH aillea from railroad atatloa and country town and S tnllee from Vancouver on elce Irtel rood. Prlca $I.T80; tncltidea eoae farm lux tot and the crrf-,. tan n4 lk our lte orer before buying; we mn -'i nn-T, i "s A sirix, ( i i l , V atf.xturat, .Waah, I FOR SALE FARMS. CATTLE RANCH FOR SALE , , - Which I aaneual Income property And la the rtneet Mg raach " ' , la the atata of Oregon. ' Adepted for , Cattle ar eherp. alfalfa, grali of, - fruit; -the title la perfect. Fine complete tmproeemeata, -leaty of ranulug water, good trauaportatlea. Haa 'dairy aqnlpaant, ' : Big rovmy farmbooe. .Two fine orcuarde. Elegant gardea lead. " About 8 000 eeree ta tract. ' , 1A.000INI0 feet fine timber. . , 000 arrra alfalfa, 680 aeraa under ditch, Balaaca beet graalng land. Rangee 13.0H0 abeep and rattle. - The price of tbla property hi $40,000. but will taka one half caeh, be la oca at long time and . eaey terma, to be paid out of aem tnga of ranch. The big crope now . le go with tha place, and will nearly pay the ttO.OOO required PnONK EXCrTANr.B TO. ' R. L. CaTB, 238 Stark at. ISO ACRES, with SO-aere meidow. 100 beertng frnlt treea, comfortable konee. barn. 10 bead cattle (5 oowe), I noree. piow. .im;;, 'i ui.Mih irk nrda fram houaa. dally mall; " open range for cattle; flna climate: price ll.ftOO; email payment down, balance ea eaay ' A.,c: PALMER. . N . 10$ Buchanaa bldg. , ; : SO ACRES $2 000. Klca Summer Home at . White Salmon. Waah. Oa the rrrer, Reantlfullr kcatad and fine itantMl foe orchard or farm. The healthteet part of Waahlngtoa. PHONE EXCti ANtlB TO. , R. U CATR, 22 Stark at - Farm Bargains r ' : 14T eeree rich ralley land. aU ta eulflre Hoa: gon.1 T-roora houaa. good bara: fine young orchard and aU klnde of email frnlt 1 only 50 ml lee from Portland; thla la tba beet my In Willamette aalley at $4T.B0 per acre; $8,000 will handle ., .;- . ROOM 2, JflS STARK ST. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. 640 acree la the beat wheat belt ef Bber Ban county, S mllea from town and railroad atatloa; 540 acrea la cultivation. 32ft 'la fall wheat aad SIO to be aummer-f allowed : well Improved good boaae. barn and antbulldlnge! -plenty water, tar re elaterax windmill - and water piped to bouae and atock r will aaU ea eaey terma: 111 kealth obtect la exiling. Ad n dreea Enterprtee Farm, Box 63. Beat. Or. - FOR SALE 11T Acree rich bottom land. 6S acrea nnder cultivation, fair Improvementa, land border on Willamette river, about SO acrea good aeh aad maple Umber: rkaw ta town and erhool ; la center of Willamette valley; $2,500 will bny It If taken eoon; thla la a genuine bargain; don't Blee It. Cell en or addreaa. J. D. Winn. Bnena Ylata. Or. BRrr email farm bwv ta araetly cleared nd culttvatrd. adtolnlng toern Blte ef live ralley tewa: fine fruit, ageing, creek, wood, acboola. churcbee, railroad: T large aawmllla near; bnlldlnra worth' $2,000; i only $3,800. Inquire 348 Sterk at. nir.irxl eracta. Bllea anath ef land, fine eoll, water piped te each S-aere recti thla land le one mile waet af Clarke. Baa atatloa and railroad and en the Port land and Orcarou City wagoa road. Price from $100 to $200 per acre; ea eaey terma. For farther particular are O. W. Bever. S60 Eaat MorrUon at.. City. FIVB acre. mllea from city tiro Ira, S mln utea walk to O. W. P. line; level land, beat Mark eoll. all In cultivation, aome beniea and fruit treea: enlendld Blghtly place aa good road. Owner, T 151, care JoaraaL FOR SALE Intt acree ea Columbia. 50 acrea ready tor plow and balance covered with fine timber, cloae to etream, ev anao. Price $2,500. Addreaa TTS E. 9th at., etty. Pboaa Katt tBSO,-. .."-.. .., 34S-ACRB ranch at railroad atatlon. well Im proved. 1,000.000 feet timber, eprtng water; will aell at great aarrlfke. I am going bark: don't write, come and ere: t will certainly ell or rent to yea. D. W. Ruffar, Divide. Or. BELINQinSHMENT taken up S yea re ago. In the rrtiit nen neur arooo ea and barn: 40 acree traced: goae at B bargain. Addreaa W 163. Journal. - . , . $850 BUYS 40 ecre one mfle from Eetaeada: goon eon. eprinar r m-H . .ii.wq an re timber: part caeh, balaaca eaay terma. Box 153. Eataeada. Or. , BY OWNER 306-scre wn proved farm an Wil lamette river, heart or ralley. nne soli: too acree In cultivation: very cheap for cash. T. J. Jscksnu. sis nor i at. EASTERN FARM BUYERS. . 1 174 acres, to nnder cultivation; two net building; good orchard: running water; $30 per arm. Address o itm, care journei. IMPROVED land on north beak: level, rich. beautimi: win aivine iv suki terma. X. su Ooou. Hood River, Or. FOR Bale or trade. 3n-scre raach aaar Bearer tea. inquire ai Hawiaorae ave. TIMBER. . , SAWMILL. - r $23.000 J 8. 000.000 feet rbotra fir ttmher mill 88 horse power, can city 40.000; S bead horses, complete logging outfit. S engine. S boiler, aawduax- and Blab carrier; every, thin aew and modern: near O. -W. P. Ry, So mllea from Portland; timber alooe worth price aaKed. . ' - C C, 8HAY A Phone Main 1S42. ' - 804 Ablngtoa bldg. COLUMBIA RIVER. Sa arm 111, flumea. -logging mada; eawBRI comolete. two enalnea. two bollere, aood me- ehlnery, three donkey englnea; targe body ef yellow nr mat win run- nair.ciear; win eeii timber at actual cost of lumptg) eawmlll, etc, tbmwB tn. iX' C C. SHAY. S04 Ablngtoa bldg, TIMBER CLAIM SNAP $8,000. ' Five Billion feet. Twuglaa county. - C. I PARRIRH -A CO.,- 811 Marquam bldg. Foo Main 6323. FOR SALE at a baraatn. 18.006.000 feet rood saw timber la one body, go mllea out: eaay to Mg, to raiirnaa. i. n . aaaiton, Lents, Or. Take Mt. Scott ear. So. WANTED Rellnqulsk Beat of a good- timber claim:-will art at once ana pay 'goon price E lad. Journal. , . . . TIMBER elalme In eoathera Oregon I will cruise g. inn over: party going aown in lew . days. Y 181. Journal. -- . : CERTIFIED scrip, say shw, la waet price. Q. Howeli. nna csamne er Dommeree.. HOMESTEAD and timber land, crip. tOfloae. axm commercial BMg. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. FOR SALE CHEAP Robber-tired buggy and harness, inquire ot waanmgron at. DRIVINO herae for aala, $70: smell one, $38; Hint wagon and karneea. Corner Eaat S2d and Pacific sis. , . . - mt aAT.ej One teem and - . . . 1 1 a, , , . . , k i-none eisrn s-iw, w . swh.i , ats. Concannon'a store. - DOSeys end bogriee for rent ny day, aad month; eveciai raws r Sixth and Hawthorne, East 73. BORSES FOR SALE SO bead. 1.100 ta 1.600 Bnonue, uverrow. ertvw, i.i" isia, lake ear. Freedmae Bra. WILL Bxcbsng $400 lot ta Catoase for good grtver and open nmirwn vompieie, wvaaii gate. Call 883 Third etreet. FOR SALE CHEAP Wood aecond-hand top gro cery wagoa and ngni enrug uriivery wagon. Inquhre 420 Belmont at. FARM wema wanted, about 8V$ er SV4 tl". Addreaa H lea, care eowraei. OOOI driving bore for ask), $.1$. SOS Third ave.r Lenta, ur. . ENTIRB atock of slightly damaged karneea and aeceeenrtee will ae en'u ii i-a m eg Keller Harneaa Co.. 46 North Sixth t. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. VICTOR Talking Machine and records: Stetu. way (or other) piaaoa. nnermen. cie ie,, tutA aad Menlsea 6(e . t, 0 FOIt SALI" LIVESTOCK. FOR SILK a good freeh cow and ealf; big milker. Ul Cy..k are. I'bone Woodlawa S43. FIVR freak cowa. gentle for wamea. aillkera, eta Eaat Madlaoa at. good FOR SALE One family cow. 41 Dlrimoa at.. Mt. Tabor. BARTER AXD. EXC1LX0E. WHAT have yoa to exchange for Los Angelee or aoutliera California property I ja Angaiea etty property, orange grevae, alfalfa, farm or fruit renehee to ei-aange for Port lead city, eubarhea or - farm property. . If yon wlah tu exchange your proiierty for a home , In -eunny California liat aame with aa et ' once, 'elating what kind of property yoa Wlah lu return. ' EXCHANGE REALTY CO., Mala 1342. 304 Ablngtoa bldg. HAVE good cottage, beet reeldeaee dlBtrlct. ra -Yew park car line In Salem; will exchange i for Portland property; paying difference: Eroperty niuat be cloae in- 804 Ablngtoa Ids. Phone Mala 1W43. . FOR SALE or exchange for cord wood, city property, oaf 6-korerpewer elation, ry, one lu-noraepewer eorraoie engine. vail Eaat 424. aw at 40 Alblna are. A BEAUTIFUL borne, large ground, magnlfl. ' cant view; carneta and furniture; Buet aell, going sway; taka lot or acreage aa part pay ment. L 134. care JoarneL . TO exchange ea vacant or Improved Iota, or farm, a good grocery on beat eaat aide car tine; Invoice about $1,800. 0 182, Journal. FOR 8ALF MISCELLANEOUS. .'$$$$$$$$$$$ W have secured all of the Battreaaee that Ware daBaged at the rim la a large factory aell rm a . wool top, eieaa new for $2.60; wool eombtnatlone, t 80. at $J.KB: B splendid chance for Battreaaee; alao we have an aaaortBent of household gonde te i aell cheap. The Dollar. 233 Flrat at. Stoves, raagaa, beds sad bedding. . $$$$$$$$$$$ SINOEB end Wheeler and Wileoa eawlng ma chine office. We eell. lease or rent new me ehlnee; eld machine taken In part payment: second-band machines $5 and ap; other wis lee ef ate machlnee $20 and en; ueedlee for all makee of machlnee; all kinds ef machlnee repaired and guaranteed. B. S. RlegeL agent, $.46 Morrtooa at. I'bjee Mala 3188. FOR SALE Bargain la White. Singer. Davie. Wheeler A Wllanne, Hnuaaholde end other alight ly damaged machine. The While Sew ing Machine of rice, H. D. Jones, 280 XsmhIU at, corner Fourth. . TALKINO machine, brand new. elegant $25 , machine and 34 aew Sue diae record,, $13.50 foe $87 outfit; eaay payaients; sea It. 1M Sixth at. SCALES, coonrera. shelving, cant harneaa, all complete. Bust be sold Tuesday; Bake na t ' SSlt SIXTH ST.T NEAR PINsL WB print your aame ea 60 calling cards, proper Bhw and style. Bsc; 280 bualneaa cards. 81, A. W. Sehmale Co.. X2S First, Portland. Or. SHOWCASES aad fixtures, new and si rend hand. Carlson A Kalletrom. 3hS Coach at. FOR SALE, CHEAP 4 Inch Keystone watet meter, pmetleaily sew. Inquire U. Metager, 326 Front at. BBWINO MACHINES bottrht. Bold aad ex changed, $3 and ap. . Western Salvage Ce 627 Waahlngtoa at. ' . SHOWCA8E8, counters, fixtures, bought, gold ' er exchanged. Western Salvage Co,, 627 Waahlngtoa at. Pacific TSS. . . FBSB FOR EVERYBODY Ring up Main 4200 er rall.213H Front et. We buy aad aall fur nltare, clothing or say eld thing. .... . BILLIARD AND POOL tables for teat or tor eale en eaay payments. TUB BRUNSWICK BAtKB-OOLLBNDEB CO.. 40 Third et.. Portland. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sura earn for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. OLD BOOK STORE ra moved to 168 Fifth and 811 Second ata. N FOR SALS Cheep, 30.000 feet lumber. R. B. Stoot, T4S Raleigh aL. Phone Main BUS. RAISE SQUABS for $t Information to ralee . every aquab: none seed die. Call ar addreaa 1220 north wick at., city. FOR $228 A Rambler automobile. Hall at. Inquire SOT rOR SALE A $70 typewriter, good as aew, tor ju cam. xbs rvasningioa ax. CLEVELAND bicycle. $3. - Apply T4T Gltaaa at,. arter a e eiocs. STEAK woodaaw for eale. tn ftrat-elaaa condi tion. . Call 288 East Eighth at, er phone Eaat Z5SB. FOR SALE, reasoaahle, one Invalid chair? Invalid tricycle. 246V, VamhIU St. , GERMAN canaries ef fme song, . alaa fa ma lea. ,. Pbune Main 7080. SAT Grant at. FIRST-CLASS phoregrspb entflt, complete; Boat be sold cheap, can lzes vaat xamuiu at. BUFF ORPINGTON and Plymeath Rock eras. $1 per arttlng. 1088 Grand ave. and Flor ence. Pbona Scott 63. , , FOR SALE 28-foot launch, nearly new) com plete entnt ana nrst-eiase in every, way, Addreaa L 163, Journal. FOR BALE Combination go-earti anltable for Infant; good oonuiuon; cheap. 407 loth at flat L. ... e , , MOTldN Plctnre machine $211. 100 views 810. ' 1.000 fort ef film $30. Phone Pacific 3823. PERSONAL. AMELIA R. BROWN, elertre-Barnettc healer; all caeca ef a chronic nature promptly yield ' to my method of treatment; wemen'a and . children's dlesaaea a specialty.- Room X, Hotel uba Msaieon ona s rout er. AN EXTRAORDINARY PERSONALITY. Are yoa tn doubt a hoot m vestment a. love er any thing m nrei waaoa aaviaaa with a enc ceee that etrikea one aa weird. She caa point ant fne way io eoccese. WANDA, The Famous Palmist, 320 Soath Fifth etv . , . DELIGHTFUL and Invigorating treatments . gives for rbeumsasm and net luua allmenta; full tine ot hatha, roome If desired, Vaahtl, Taluilat aad Healer, 301H Third St, cor. layior. i . NOTICE OF REMOVAL. A. Reiner, the furrier, will move frnra Lewie bldg. March 1; looking for callable location; for present may ae round at resi dence, V. North 10th at. Phone Peel fie S407. Will call and give estimatae aa usual SEXINH PILLS cuts all forms of muscular weakaeae. for men er women. Price $1 a boa. 6 bores $8, with full guar antee. Addreaa or call J. A. Cetmeweoa, drug - gist. Second aad Yamhill eta- Portland. Or. XOCNO scientific mi seen ee fives electrical alcoholic Snd medicated treatments, alee tub baths. 41 tuieigB Bldg., Mixta all 4 Wash ington ata. - , MTSS GIBSON gives scalp tree. t aeeti t; dandraff. 3SH Morrleoa et.. mora 63. GERMAN books, mars tines, novels, arc. ( Oer- man. nngimn. rrencn,' npaniaa. nwediari and Itallaa dlcttonarlee; fomlrn hooka ef all klnde. Sehmale Co.. 220 Flrat at. MOLES. wrlnkkw. superftaoas hair removed. No ebarare te talk It over. Mrs. M. r. mil 3.10 Fleldner bldg. Pbona Paclfle 133. DR. RING CHOONO. tm porter Chinese rent medicines; sella Chinese tee, certain core for all dleanaee. 11 3d. bet. Yamhill aad Taylor. MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve MioMies. one months treatment. $3; 8 gmntha, $8; aent eecitmty seeled by mall. Agenta, Woodard. Clarke A Co.. Portland. Or. YOUNG lady gtvae tpeatuaentn. Sfi8Vt Yamhill. "I wonder if i it is too late to get one?' is the ' question of the woman who "never reads the want ads." when a friend tells her of hav ing secured a real bar ' gain through The Jour nal. . - ' PERSONAL. HOLD ON There le one thing that will cure rheumatism. Aak your tf ruggwt , for bark toelo or addreaa or call J. A. Clei druxglat. Portland, Or. ' LADIES, chiropractic cures all of your ema plalnta wtttiout druge or eneratloa; It avmovea the cause. Conaullatloa (roe, . Dr. Aiardle, 816 Allsky bldg. - CENT. 84. plain, tntelltgeut. with home, would like to meet maid or widow, SO ta . plain, Induatrlotia, alng and play and thoughtful. Addreaa O 164, Journal. SUITS proceed while you wait. 80e. Ladles Bklrts pressed. 30c. Gilbert, J06U, SUU BU, as it to Quelle. Phone Main 3088. BEST Bagaatne clone ever offered; eend for prlceei agents wanted. Jones' Bookstore, Swt ' Alder at., Portland. Or. PROFESSOR FELIX K. E Miracle, magnetic healing and euggestlre. 16 Sixth at,, comer Alder. - UANICURINO. facial manure and scalp treat ment. Try room 1. SOJVfc Waahlngtoa St. i MIDDLB-AOED gentlemsa earning 1128 month would like to meet honorable lady: object. , matrimony; give phooe number.' M 166, care Journal. BATH par loct have recently changed hands at f ao7 Third St., a pet, Ira. room 14; will gnar aatee to please all; ladles and gentlemen. MISS RAYMOND Maseeoee. 18 at., room 14. Pbona Mala SOU. RECENTLY opened manicuring parlor; ladles and gentlemen. 38114 Morriaon at., room 13. MRS.' POTTER Maeaeuee. ace In, faciei sage, crlropody.. 224 Vk Waahlngtoa at. BALM OF FIOS for all female 26 Eaat Belmont. Phone Eaat 4084. I TURKIHK-BATHeV too Oaegenlea hldga Jail lei daya. gentlemen alghta. Mala 1S88. HOI.DBN'S RHET7MATIO CURB Sore eara for rheumatism. Sold by aU druggists. CHIROPODY, manicuring aad ma me tie treat ments. 148V, Sixth at.. eoraer-Akler, room 23. BUSINESS PERSONALS. 0. H. 0088ETT, engineer aad surveyor; all kinds of surveying, addltlona platted, maps and estimates fualehed. Office 88 Waehlng- ' toa bMg Fmtrtk and Washington. Olenweod I'ark. Phone Main 8586. INVENTIONS bought and sold. Covenant Con tract Co., 427 Filed ner bldg. . Mala 2X11. ARCHITECTS. B. C PITTRICH, architect. 821 Wllltama are., ear. McMlllen at. Phone Eaat 83.11. . ASSATER9. GARVIN CYANIDhT EXTRACTION CO.. aad Montana Aaaay Office. 186 Morrison at. ART. FREE LESSONS IN Embroidery Everv Day.' THE NEEOLECRAFT SHOP, 883 Waahlngtoa at, B. H. MOOREHOUSE A CO. Artiste' materiala, picture 'molding, picture framing, tereoptl- on, la n tern slldee. gis Alder at. AUTOMOBILES. PULLMAN AUTO CAR CO.. Builders. deelgnera and repairer af aTl Bakes ef flutoroobilee. Bodlea. tope, fender, dashee, lamp brackets, rannlng boar da aad glees fronts. Gears and all parts ef aato raohllee made te order. C -70-72 74 N. Sixth at., aor. BveretL, n. L. KEATS AUTO CO., AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. North weatern dlatrlbutnra for Pope Plart forda. Pope Trtbunea, Pope Wsvsrlrs. Pone Toledo. Thomaa. Oldamobtlea. Franklin. Bulck. 80-83 Seventh at., Portland. Oregon. HOWARD M. COVET. Agent Pierre Great Arrow, Locomobile. Cad illac and Knox. Temporary loeatloa Cash Oarage. 15th and Alder ata. . , HAVE YOU BERN BAKER ELECTRICS t Capital Supply Co., gftS Alder et. Phone Pa clfle B71. Demonatratlon by appointment. ATTORNEYS. C. H. PIGGOTT AND J. A. FINCH AttoTneve-at-Iw. Prsctlce ha all d Mnlkey bldg., aorner Oecnad and Morriaon. BATHS MASSAGE. MRS. OB ROCK, graduate maeaeoae; cabinet bark, salt glow, alcohol rab, cream maeeage; reference, law neveata sr. nam evua. MANICURING, face and eealp treatment, hath ad maaaag. 1 lluVs ronrtk at., cor. waah. BUTCHERS' SUPPOES ; RITCHERS' SUPPUES S. Blrkrnwald do. 804406 Everett at.; lergret butcher eapply bouse oa the oast, writ for catalogue. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekum, 181-138 First et., carries a fall line and cose- . parte assortment at lowest marsex prices. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWR. DAVIS KII.HAM. lOS-Ul Second et. Blank hooka msnafactared: e rents for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgera; are tha aew Eureka leaf, the beat ea the marsex. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CAHPET CLEANING CO. Largest plant en the eoaat; Lorlng aad Harding ate.; telephone East 380. Carpets e leased, refitted, sewed snd laid: both ateem and latest com pressed air process: renovating Buttresses aad fee the ra a apaclalty. JOYCE BROS., proprietor ef the Electric Clese- Ing works; carpet, cieaneu sue mm. ""n mr and compressed-air cleaning: carpet refitting our epeclalty; work guaranteed. Pkene Mala 3878 and A 3672,. 370 Grant St. CnLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. Always Consult the Bert " PROF. B. KIIIMO. . ' Greatest living stral dead trance clabrvoyant nf the age: adviser on buarnee aad ll af fair of life: tell your fnl neate and what yon called for. whom yoa will J""T. how t control the one you love, even though Bllea . - ik. seosrstrd: si nosesA to control: no long driers In waiting. Ill gal, aw Bk A liar at nrl mUndllT JUKirn sty IW iert; . - a. a - Of Oce No, rand 4. Oratid T1itre hMr. 832V W.h, near Park t. Phone Manx 126T. MISS MAY ANDREWS Card reading. S3e. SSI Sixth t.t corner nam. ( CARRIAGE PAINTING. BPFC1AL prices en tight; t"tli Tl gles, $10 and ap. Richards, fourth eed Ash. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS.! CARPENTER .nd builder: boe mavlagaad repairing, lose s-aex w - fina. a tors fixture; get " rirst et. Phone Mat 8190, COAL AND WOOD. Telephone Mala 8663. .. Smithing Coal aad - -v , , Coal for Ship - . , apsrUltr. The STOREY A BROOKES FUEL CO. , . ( (Incorporated. I . Exchtalre egenta for . KEMMERKR COAU - . COAL. rKB. CHARCOAU Office end Yard Front aad has may Bta. PORTLAND SAWDUST SLABWrKTO CO, S8S Front, aarceaeor to Falto WeodOe. fir, oat. alahwood. coat Tel. Mam wen. FOR prompt dell vary of .labwood eall Male 4T fek. aeh. fir and -mar Portland Wood A Coal Co., lata ana navies- sis. 0REOON FUEL CO. B bow selling Welak , an thracite aeex cesu on is sm . at. Mala OS. ALSINA FUEL CO. Peeler ta i wteswd, rnel and sree and ory aieowono. el. . si Alhlaa are.. $ block caet ferry, teat 8.4. STKFf. BRIPOE FUEL CO Dealers la eo.l. Cord seed atxt Dry aiaeweeo, noee avast ... I BANKS. teTITtD STATES BATIOBAL BANK OF e-f ' ' Norths m . nw 1 II Bl BJBl V-ril 8 lllll the n,,?;"'t Oeneral Banking ins united bts as a.s V .. u h - ..j Vitw:, -C AINSWORTrl risw-rreaiooat. ,,...' w t aimri . R. LEA RARNES I Aaalatant Cashier LADD "LT0M. BABXXRS Xatabllahxd ."r General Basking Ruelnee s . k t ,. - a Lettem af credit teeoed available State, . :. "-nra ei credit teeoed available la It'trone end an Loot. " rEL ,eh"r nd Telegraphic Trsnafera cold oa New York LmadlL d i""11. Ben Francreee and Montana aad Brltteb Cel yns. Berlin. Frankfort.' Iloagkoaa, Yokohama. Manila at St, M'y0!! TI0AI. BANX-PsrtUad. Oresren. . . ." . a i,."1' President I R L DrRHAV... .... w- H0TT... Caahler OROROE W. HOYT .-A S. C. CATCHfNO Transacts 1 Banking Business, TH-afta . All Part of the World. B lOHBERaTIB'S BABK Pertlaad. Oregon. Corner Becond snd Stark etreere. ef trwerTd?1 T,n "winens. Letters et Credit leaned Arallable te AU Prta fred r. nv;f;u, '',i.'.'' !1" 1 JOHM wm l."- lr"r vice-rreeident I JtHr A. KEAT1NO..., Second Ylce-Preeldent TH ",AX ' CAXITORkTIA EatahllUed O s? "' $4.000000 - . i.... '""sine ana rvenange Hnmneee SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts i.." . Port Is ad Braach Chamber bj. MACREA I Wlf. ii "t'nmn..ii unmgWT I FIRST BATI0FAX BAkK Portland. Oregan. ' CAPITAL ANn inttpi ri et soo CAPITAL AND SURPLUS S1.S00.600.60. DEPOSITS S14.000.OflO.00. , 1 f'Jb "'I."-'''-.....".;.......;.Prealder)t I e. w. BtsMRH... Caahler I TRU8T COMPANIES. tTkORTLANB TRUST COMPAarr OF AarnnV tx rudssA Tnrt risanssa-r BESOCRCES OVER 8t.800.onn. General Banking.' Two per cent tntereet en Cher ae. roonra (awn hendred.) an dally balances ef 8W or over. Letters of credit end es chance on an parts of the world. Savins accounts- Time certiflmt.a. 8 tn 4 per eeet: ehort-eall sp. clal certifies tee. gnoo or ever. Jv, to 4 per cent. Cell for Book ef TlXfRTRATIONR. -w; Ron ta .eat Ownes Third end Oak- 81 rests. .Phone Pr!TSlebanga Tt. ; iKy, wwI-.rn,-JN Preeide-t 1 H. L PITTOCK..." '7!' B LER PAGET Secretary I J O. OOT-TRA Aeatetant Secretary C ECUR1TI SAVTB0S A TRUST COMPART . S Transact a flss at w..blH -- Time end Savings Account. Act aa Trustee for Retnte. Drafts and Letter ot Credit , , Arallable en All Ports of the World. C. f- r.8 President I K A. I.PWiS ..........Flrrt Vew-Preewt A. L. MILLS. ......... Sacoad Vlce-Preatdeut I R. a JCBITB Secretary GEO. B. RUSSELL Aeet.rant Secretary TITLE OffAR-NTEE A TRUST COMPART 046 Waahlngtoa Sliest. . . MORTOA0B LOANS ea Portland Rent Katate et Lowest Rataav -' Title Insured Abatmeta Fnrnistied. J. THORBURN ROSS........ President I OEOROB H. I7ILL. . , .... Vice-Preel dent I BONDS AND M 0RRIB BR0THX1S CbsmbSg ef Cemmarea Municipal. , Baflroad and Pub DOWBTJrO-HOFKnfS OOMPABT Eatakllaked. 188S-BX0KXXB. , - STOCKS. BONDS, ORAlN Bought and Sold for Cash and ea Margta, Private Wtree. ROOM d CHAMBER of COMMERCE. Phone Main ST. 0UIS J. WILDE BOMB TELZPH03TB BONDS BABK STOCKS, , . - . - Member Portland Stock Exchange. ' ,- earner Sixth sad Waahlngtoa Streeta. Portland. Oregon. fl tTrrrL- Cfrt P. PaoVb P W T W VWVJa.f ayUAAA Aab VWAW Vw . - ; BRATW, PR0VTSI0NS. COTTON. STOCKS A WD BObDS. ... v , WI DO A STaUCTLT 0OMMU6IOR BUSIBTSS. t CaattaotnwMarkst by Privet Wlr. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd A Tllton, Baaav- . are, and United State National Bank af Portland. - , CHTROPODISTS. - WM. DEVBNY A E8TELLB DRVBNY. TUB only aelentine chiropodists, parlors 308 Drew bldg., 163 3d at. Phone Mala 1301. CH1BOPOOY and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. t. Rill. - Beoa ago rieMner Bigg. PsciMe 133. MEW and scientific method of treating end bunion. 2oVt Fourth et, room 7. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed. $1 per moath. Uatqae Tailoring Co 300 Stark at. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and eleeoer, SOS Jaffaraoa at. Phone Mala 3818. . PORTLAND Steea ' 81 1 Fourth Bt. Cleaning A Dyeing Works. Pbona Pacific SOT. CAFES. THE OFFICE 23 Waablagtoa t, phone Mala 771. i BaBuel Vlgoeul. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. TtEOON CHBRMI TO.IN&EESI8. BUTTER. EGOS. etc.. dairy pmdoete bought er handled on eommloalou. 120 Fifth et, (Swetland bldg.), Portland. Or. DENTISTS. DR. CARL C. McPARLAND. dentist. Bnrlc TIO-711-718 Swetland bldg. Phooe Main 361. DRESSMAKING. MRS. M. B. WRIOHT will ops dressmaking par lore In her rooms at 873Vk Bast Oak SL Rooms S3 and B4. MRS. - VAU0HAN. experienced dressmaker. 892V6 Eaat Bumalde st.. phone East 4BS2. DANCING. DANCING leeaoa. SSet elaaaea er prtvutet wsrta- mir. xwe-axep. tarea men. ere-i atage oancing, bock and wing, cbag.- reel, ektrt, Soanlah, Hhrhlaad fling, etc. rroreeao Wal Wlheia, oldmt recngnlaed teacher. Allsky Mas., Third Bed Morrkeea ata. . WOODWARD DANCING BCHOOL-laas Men.. -inure, aad nat. eve.; social, fancy end etep dancing taught; S aaalataat tear We; claaa and private leeeorte dally. Western Amdemy Ball. Second aad Morrtooa ata. Paetfle 1630. PROF. RINOLER. MISS BUCK EN MEYER leading aehool. dally; aew hall, beat la cltr. Grand are. sad Bast Moe-rwoe at. Eaat 8670. EDUCATIONAL. OREGON ETfPERT COLL EG R. Commonwealth building. 6th and Ankenv. fboae Mala 8001. Telegraphy, ahorthand, rprewrltlng. nenmenshlp. English brencbea. individual Inatructlona. epsclal scholerabl. - . HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Weshlnrton end 10th ats.. Fried ner bldg. Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting and aU Baalish branches taught, both day and night. ROSE CTTT BUSINESS COLLEGE Pitman Sbortbaud hr Court Renortev. Rnsl. aeee Course. Special Scrmlarehlna; Position Se- wnnMseiir. blag.. Sth and Ankeny. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE IRON WORK and Evertt at. Phone Morn 2000. GASOLINE ENGINES, GASOLINE engtnee, ell shjae and etyle, at lowest price, Ralraoa Machinery Oa, 183 44 SHEFFIELD marine engines. Any nrnnellera. ralrbsnka,, Morse A Co, Font and Stark ate. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, M. J. WALSH CO.. Sit Stark at. 2,.. " " SnnpiM. '"-"'"' ass, aeogrrun. PACIFIC ELECTS !C CO. Rnrtneere, contrae tors. renatrere, electrle wiring, enpnilea, M Flrat. cor. Stark. Mala 084). A. H. Tate. mgr. WESTERN KLRCTRIO WORKS. 61 Stith at. Contract ore. electrle ennpliea, moteea aad dy namos; we Install light aad power pexeie. MORRIUON ELECTRIC CO., 31 East Morrtson et. yuta res. wiring, wpslrmg. gjaet 31 . BARRETT R. 408 Morriaon a, rtnn Mm 122. Everything In electrle wiring and liebtlng. HARDWARE. PORTT.AND HARDWARE rn entlctra c-oorrm Ity te quote prlcea. 74 Suth et. l a. ,,tr .A IVSURANCX. ISAAC 1.. WHITE, fir ln.".nee. tork bl.lg. r. l i a-ire'V ' I'tiofie J PORTLAND. OREO.0V. TlfJ t'Wal g" i v-sr sr. rRtrTS Isst'ED Avanible te AH ef j-m,, i u.s aa Favorable Toe fcs.hler":..: B. . J I .,.- raahue ..W. A, M'LI Assistant CsshleV A. M. WRI0HT la lit Collectlo, cii.i.m ms. e an eotata on raws-en . ta Rirone end all polnte ta ' "' wk. Wesntnrrow. n.r.. Celumhla. Evchaage sold nd Honotnia. TVc-Pr eat dent Aaatataat Oaekle Seeand Aastatant Cashier. and , Letter of Credit leaned Available Collecvion Specialty. ; 5. C: M"".' CneMer Aeetetant Cashier H. i. btiikkt PLATT PL ATT Oeneml t ottneei 1194. Head Of flea. Sea Frsaoiaoa. Oallforsla. I Snrphva and undivided profit iiJt! Transacted, mrervsv ow no. ,,. mar be onened of $10 aad apward. , ef Commerce ftnlMlng. . r m arpTrnirt l, ...Aeatetant Manager ' r. nir.i' fMr.LU , - Oldest Netmnel Bank en the Paclfle Coeet. ooo oo nrpnatTa , I W. C. AT.VORD Aaelorewt Cash lev R. F. STEVENS Second Aeeiatanr iw.aisr 366 Morriaon Street. Portland. Oregasv livivc, nrDiBTurxv Interest allow JNO. B. AITCHISOW.... T. T. BUBKHART. INVESTMENTS. Banding. tie Service Corpora tlou Bond. I . (Members Chic go Board ef Trade.) 103 Third Bt... MrKay Bldg., Portland, Oregsa. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. Aaaerleaa plaa. $3. $8 per day. BELVEDERE; European plan: 4th and Alder na. ' LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for eale All kinds, lacludlug epproved toreat reaarra errrp fa surveyed, aa anrveved. timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. The Portbind." Pertlaad. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES L. MASTICK ft CO., Front end Oak sta., leather aad skins ef every description for all purposes; sola . ssd tap cutter: finding. . MONUMENTS. NEU A KINGSLEY, 308 First at. Portland leading marble and granite rerk. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAN A COc-Mlalng, aawnrlll. Icr , glng machinery) bydraalle pi pea, casting; all kind repaired. - 14 North Fworth at. A. J. PAUL, 103 Flret t Engtasa, bollere. sawmill and croaa-arm msehlnary. THB H. a ALBRB CO.-Second .hand ehlnery, fawmllls. etc. 346 Orand ave. MONEY TO LOAN. - MONRY TO LOAN On tm proved' city property or for building purpnaae. tor rrom a te 10 rears' time, with privilege te repay aU er part ef kaa after two res re. Loans approved from plana and ewsj aavaneea a Minting progresses; gages taken up and. replaced. . FEED H. STRONG. Financial Agent ' 842 Stark et. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ea Mlarlae. laauranee pot i cms. pianos, rural tore, warehouse receipts, etc.) any deserving person may saenre a lib eral aura nee. re paring by aay .weekly er monthly Installment. NEW ERA IX) AN A TRUST COMPART. 306 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY loaned te salaried people Jnet en roar own name; don't burrow antll yoa see me; my system la the beet tor railroad men. clerks, bookkeeper, streetcar men and all ether em ployee; bnelaeee etrtctlv eonSdentiaL F, A. ' Newton, 611 Herbs nan Vddg., Waah In gt on sts. . between Fourth snd Fifth. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PBOPLB snd others a poo tbear own aamee art t hoot secur ity; cheapest rates, eeeteet paymentat off less ta 60 principal eitlea: eeva yourself aMney by getting our terms first; TOLMAN. 326 Ablngtoa kids.. 10SH Tktrd at. WANTED Nntee, BHWtgBgoe ar eantrecte en any kind ef real aetata la Oregon end Weh kigteo; ex coed mortgagee pea-chased If well .- secured. H. I. Noble, 818 Commercial blk. DON'T borrow money en salary an til yea aea J- Hnttcn Credit Co. 813 Dekum kldg." MONRY te Iota; large haw snecteltT: alee . nniiding loans : merest rstesr rim WlUlam O. Beck. 313 Falling bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 Mohawk bide . Money ta lend ea) eeay-peymeat alaa ta waaw ; atnetiy eoniineauai. , MORTGAGE mana at current rateo; ae enm mlselna. Columbia Life A Trust Company, La laser Exchange Mdg. MONEY to fees ea all ktnde of security, tiara HolL room S Waahtngtou bldg. TO LOAN Some tn suit an chattel security. R, A, Fraaxe, 616 the Marquess. - A LOAN for the aak I eg Salary ar chattel. The Loaa Co, 410 Dekum bldg. oriCK Inane ea all serorltiee. S. W. Kin 46 Weahtngteu bldg. Main S100, ' MONEY ra tnaa an dry property, eon, 318 Com metric l big. 0. A. Johe- 0N mortgare. $200 ta $3,000; cost pa para ealy. Went, lawyer. Allaky bldg. MUSICAL. LF.JwnNN hoc ptaao, guitar, banbi. mando in, violin ; piano $78. erxan 80. Sllvt llret et, earner Slain, upetalra. THE WEBBER STUDIO ttssdnlla. Kaiite. guitar Inatrsctlme. 4huA iuw:' at. PIANO. VloMn, mandolin, tremlooe. cla"--. Professor E. A. goilth. 284 KrB. Uala 4 PROF. T. E. t.AWMiiN. a rifle gllPlaiMl lew,. Itw Uta et ,a S.t reM,. osTrortr:-