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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1907)
THE OREQON DAILY JOURNALY PORTLAND MONDAY . EVENINO, APRIL' I, 1B07. ' ' ' ' , . . BEIfllGSSEMII HI FULL SWING Plungers and Race Track Fol- ' : lowers Holding Sway at the Nation's Capital. 'V BETTING IS NOT LEGAL ' ; EVEN IN WASHINGTON Despite Statute tha Society People Attend With Great Regularity and Lay Wagers on the Fleet-Footed Ponies Bennlngs Is Crowded. (Jorsl kpwUl SsrrtosJ Washington, April - I. Handbook maker, tout, all the army of race track gambler and thalr hangr-on . from eastern oourses are now la Wash Ington, and the Banning meet le la full awing. ' Antl-gambllng lew may go to the bowwow here, because "so ciety" like to gamble on the ponies, and what oclety want society must have. Attempts were made to stop this gambling lat year. District Attorney Baker mad the attempt. Supreme Court Justice Stafford banded down a declalon which esaayad to uphold the law arid yat which has not Interfered in the least with placing money on the horsee Hundreds of olarks. officials, stanog rapher. . from the hot of small sala ried people and, too, the blooming young society matron, the popular debutante, the brilliant bosteas of swell functions, the waalthy patroneee of exclusive affair by aspiring amataur aotors every one, almost. It would seem, at tends the polite gambling meet at Bannlnga Thla 1 la the national capital city, where It 1 presumed that law has majesty; and to Infract it means pur suit by the Nemesis of all offenders against the statutory will of the peo ple. Society Vlay Oeme. From th Washington office of some Wall street broker the society man whirls In his automobile to Bennlngs, stopping en route from his stock gam bling headquarters to tha place where those who know not the language of the gamblers' ticker may Indulge thalr penchant for gambling on the horaaa There, In their boa at the course, or at the clubhouae, the betting la even fiercer than it was within the sound of tha ticks of tha machine which reg isters what Wall street sharks are do-tng- No one fears prosecution for this vice. He or she goes to Bennlngs se cure in the knowledge that he may quite as eafely buy pools there a gro ceries at the corner store Yet) law. la fbeoretlcajlj euprern here., And thire le a iaw against gam bling.' There la a law. against gambling at the racetrack. Every time the young society matron places her money on e long-limbed bay gelding she violates law. - Every - time the owner of the stock ticker' and the automobile bets that the gray will win or playa him "for place" he violates law. Pertinently, talk Is heard, serious talk, too, of enacting a atatuta making it Illegal tn gamble In stocks. Thus It Is proposed to cure the evil of Wall street's glgantio system of vice, threat ening at times the stability of the na tion's finance, end demanding (and arettln. too) helo from the secretary of -the treasury, who "goes to the relief of Wail street." which meane, of courae, "goes to the relief of the bulls who have been crowded Into a corner by the bears." This law. if thought to be constitu tional, may be adopted. But, Benninga gambling, apparently, la safe; for does not the society coterie want it to be safe: and who o great as to fly In the face of society T Ap parently, national capital will con tlnue te supply an example or open violation of the law. Apparently, what la sauce for ihe goose Is not sauce for the gambler, although for age It h been thought to be. EXCITING BOWLING OH - THE OREGON ALLEYS Large Crowd of Spectators En joy Special Matches by the . Crack Tenpln Men. POLO TOURNEY WILL BE HELD AT CAMDEN (Joaraal eclat Mrrlce. ) Camden, S. C, April t. Polo teams from Nsw Orleans, Orlando (snd other southern points, with a liberal sprlnk - ling of northrn4ilayer.aretaklng part tit the big tournament which opened here today under the auspices ftf the Camden Country club. More tBth usual Interest centers In the tournament, a it is the only competi tion to be held this year under the ausplcee of the Polo association. One of the games will be for teams of three, with individual cups for ths victors. The other contests will be for the Camden city cups, for regular team of four undo.- the present handi cap ratings, and for the Camden Coun try club cups, limited to teams not exceeding an aggregate of It goale. .-- -" " i' Typesetter Win. Before the Alblna game a prelimi nary gam wa played between the T. M- C A. Junior of Salem, and the Chemawa printers which wss won by the typestlckere by a score of 14 to S. At the end of the first half the score stood 10 to I In favor of the printer and la the second half the Indian added 14 to their score while the T. M. C. A.' only mad polnta The story of the gam Is that the printer out- layed them. The llne-uo was Chemawa Prlntera T.U.CA. Junior William r... ........ Brooks fjamell ., 4. ...... . ,. ICstser Sorter . .. ,C ....,. Kay Holden ........... 01 1,. ,..., Mills Jayne O Westley Twenty-minute halves were played. Basket were thrown by Sorter, ; William. I; ' tfernell. 4; Holden. .1; Brooke 1, and Kay, 1. Two foul were credited to William and 4 to Kaiser. Of flcalsRefer, Mr, . Newmeyer; um pire, Mr. Lareen. Borne fin special match were played en the Oregon alleya yesterday, th contestant being elaeaad with the beet roller of the elty. The spectator were many and Showed their apprecia tion of good shot by heartily applaud ing the perforroera The first match wa between Bayland and Keee. five games, total pine Keee won by II ptna The match wa very close all th time, first one man would lead then the other. A return match will be played next Sunday. . The second match waa 10 games, to tal pine to count, Kruee va McMenomy. This matoh waa lb drawing card of th lay, ae both bowlers are classed with the best on th coast McMenomy started oat determined, getting a lead of I pins ths first game. He held the lead until the fifth game, when Kruae put In a big game, securing th lead by II pin, which he steadily increased during the last five game, winning with 110 pin to th good. Kruse'a high gam wa 110, average 117; Mo- Menomy'a high gam waa 101. average 1T4. Th third match waa between Lamond and Hague, 10 game, total pin to count The gamee were eloee the first half, when Hague took a spurt In th eighth, getting 114 pin, which Lamond couldn't overcome, giving Hague the match by. 10T ptna Hague averaged lt8, hlgheet game waa !SS: Lamond av- oraged 171, highest game was til. The fourth match was - doublea Plcken and Beyland v. Amb and Ray mond, five game, total nine to count The latter team started with a lead which they held ell th war.- wlnnlna by 11 pin. Raymond had th hlgheet single game. 111, Amb secured the beet average, ltl. Tomorrow night four team la th city league will play their scheduled games. Nonpareils va Monarohs and Parkers va Columbia. ' Following are th score of yester day game: Kses 111, in, in. 1T0. J7T, average - Beyland 17. 171. lit, 147, 114, vr ago 1(7. McMenomy 101, 114. 111. 177. 147, II. 14, ltl. 174. 170, average 174. Kruae 148. 170. 175. 16. Ill, 17, 111, 110. 171. 10, average 187. Hague 10. 174 515. 1J, 181. 11. 181. 114. 147, 170, average 1. . Lamond lt8, 111. Ill, it, 111, 110, 178. 11, 1. 161, average 171. Flcken 1777. 171. 111. 170. 188, total 88S. average 177; Beyland 168. 10, 144, 170, ltl. total 101, average 10. Amb 170, 10. 110. 101. "ill, total Ml, average--1 lit Raymond IT?,- Ill, 101. 111. 171, total 111, average 114. PITTSBURG AUTO SHOW ' V.IS NOW UNDER WAY (Joani! gpeeial aervlee.) Pltteburg, Pa., April I. After weeks of preparation Pittsburgh first auto mobile show opened in Cuquesne Oar dens today under most favorable aus pices. In the number and high class of exhibits the show bears comparison with any hsld heretofore in tha country outside the big New Tork and Chicago exhibitions. More then 100 of the lat est model cars, particularly those of high power such as are required in hilly sections, males up th display, to gether with a good showing of auto mobile accessories and aundrlea Th exhibition will oontlnue through the week. EVEN BREAK AT SAII FRANCISCO Portland and Seals Divide the Sunday Honors In the National 6port GROOM PITCHES GREAT BALL FOR THE GIANTS Through HI Effective Twirling the Rose City Bora Were Enabled to Win Their First Game of Season -Score of Doth Matches. (tarsal Special Bsrvteel San Francisco, April I. The ' Seal and Giant brok even yesterday, the former taking' the morning game at Oakland and the Portlandsr annexing the afternoon contest la thla city. Th morning game was easy for Saa Fran cisco on account of Hlckey good pitching and Sohlmpf a wlldness, the latter giving aevaa baae on balls. . A record-breaking erowd turned out In the afternoon to see the contest' Groom wee sent to the firing line by Manager- McCredle and ths clever twlrler made good. He had everything, including wlldnesa He gave eight baae on ball, allowed eight hit and etruck out eight of the loeal player. Ha kept hi hit wall scattered through seven Inning and. waa particularly, affective with men oa basse. Te Oroom more than anyone else 1 da the credit of th vlotory. ' ' Oa th other hand Wheeler, the old reliable utility performer, waa given a round beating. No matter where Oeorge put the ball It was found by the Port landers, eo that whett the amoke cleared away the vieltor had II hlte and four runa to the Seals' eight hit and a solitary tally. Morlarity played a great game for the Seel, batting Ilk a fiend. Th scores: : - atoning- Oeme. PORTLAND. ' AB. R. H. PO. A. K. Shlnn, ef. Lovett, rt. Casey lb. MoCredls, If. ..t newman. id. Staton, ss. jvane. id. Moore, 0, Schlmpf, p. Total 0 I I I 1 1 . n 110 4 14 11 1 .11 I SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Spencer, ef. ". . I 1 0 1 0 Mohler. Ib. ......... 101-141 Moriorit y, ee. i-rrrrr- I 1 --- I Hlldebrand. If. irwin, so. 1.... Ashley, p,' .... I Williams lb. 0 Wheeler, rf. .....1.. 4 Murphy, rf.-lb. t Csola. e. 1 Hlckey, p. 1 1 1 I 0 0-1 0 0 1 10 0 0 II 1 11 Totals . ...........II T IT 10 4 : RUNS AND HITS BT INNTNOS. Portland 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 01 Hlta .0 1 e 1 1 so 1 0 4 7 SPORTING GOSSIP Portland won yesterday afternoon' game at San Francisco through the good pitching of Qroom. a e Morlarity, the Seals' ' shortstop, 1 rated a a a tar tn hi poaltlon. He can hit the bell some, too. Bill Sweeney, formerly with Portland, contlnuee to have trouble with hie feet an alleged explanation of which Is that he did too much roller skating during the winter. In ths first game Bill played he foocled four out of five chances, which brought a retirement to the bench. It looks a though BUI waa trying to beat the record of Jud Smith, the clever third baseman, who one tried the third sack in Buffalo. In one game he mlncued seven straight chances, which gave htm all he wanted of baae- ball In those parts. Sen Francisco ...1000110 Hit 1 ooloito SUMMARY. Horn run Morisrity. Two-base hits Mohler, Hlldebrand, Wheeler. Sacrifice hits Newman, Murphy. First base on balled balls Off . Bcbimpr, 7; off Ashley, 1; off Hlckey, I. Hit by pitcher McCredle, Schlmpf, Moore, Esola, Mohler. Double plays Btaton to Casey, to Newman, to Moore, to Newman. Stolen bases Kane, Casey, Esola - Passed ball Moore, wild pitch Hlckey. Time of game One hour and 14 fnlnutea Umpire Der- CHEMAVA SECONDS LAY CLAIM TO STATE By Defeating Alblna Lads the Indians Aspire to the Junior Championship Title. (seelat P Up tat t Te Jesreel.) Chemawa, Or., April . I The Che mawa Seoonda by defeating the Alblna Athletic club basketball team on Satur day evening are to be credited with the Junior Amateur Championship of Ore gon for the season of i07. "While they haver lost three game thl aeason yet they have returned the eompUment and by defeating the aam teama stand as undefeated by any amateur team In the, state They had previously defeated the Alblna by a score of 14 to 17, the Alblna defeating them en their floor II to II and th final oor laat night waa 10 to II. Th game waa a clean one and very faet Each td war credited with" la foul and each gained two point a a reeult of foula The first half closed I te I In favor of th Indian boy. In th econd half th Alblna added 11 polnta The Indians ware far the super tore of the Alblna la teamwork and had considerable more wind, but the Alblna were the superior of their red brothers tn basket throwing. Th line-up wa: . Alblna. Chemawa Beoonda Ferret O Wilson Unden .........0. ........... Casey Phlly ...,........C. .......... Goudy Spring ...F.... Wlggtne William F. ........ Sooksolt Halve II and 10 minute were played. Basksts were thrown by , Unden. It Phlly. I; Farrel, If Wilson, lj Casey, I; Qoudy. I. Sooksolt, I; Undsn added I points to the Alblna eoore on eooount of foul while Casey credited Chemawa with the same number. . Williams for Alblna missed 4 trye and Casey missed the same number for Alblna omoiai Mr. Hamilton, rerre; Mr. . Tea do, umpire. TONOPAH SPORTS AWAIT ' OFF Scfcreck and Wills Will Report at Training Camp Early This Week. 1 rick. Shlnn. cf Irftvett, rf. Casey, lb. McCredle, If. Newman, lb. Staton, a. Kane, Ib. AfWraooa Oame. PORTLAND. AB.R.H.PO. A.E. 4.... I 0 I 1 0 l.i I l a a 11 1 0 H Carson c I 11 1 ........... 4 1 0 Oroom, p. Total I Battling Nelson' psp ha grabbed off another hunk of real estate In Heg ewlscli. If pspaa wuld be successful. let them take a tlpr from the Nelson and rear scrappy sons. Bill Squires is coming over here to fight We hope he'll bring a friend or two along with him to send word back to Bin s folks. Among th seasons that will open soon Is th "Rube" Kissinger season. Something nsw in th line of antic la promised. r CALENDAR OF SPORTS Mondy--Ftr8t annual ahew of th Pittsburg Automobile Dealers' associa tion: opening of the season of th south Atlantic Baseball league; opening of Michigan state bowling tournament st Detroit, Michigan: opening of polo tour nament at Camden, South Carolina. Tuesday Fifteenth annual horse show of the Riding and Driving club of Brooklyn. Wednesday Opening of the aeason of the Southern -Baseball league; anneal bench enow of th Wisconsin Kennel club at Milwaukee; annuel bench ahow of the Wolverine Kennel elub at De troit, Michigan. Thursday Otntng ef the aeason of th National Baseball leagus; opening of the on ef the American Baseball league Baturdsy Opening ef the college baseball season In the central and west ern states; indoor athletut meet at Co lumbia university. SOME OF THE MINOR LEAGUES Opening. April 2 April April New Rngiaad league.,,. Connecticut league...... 'entr I league. ,1.,, Apr! Atlantic league. ......Mxy V irglnla league , A rf II Copper. Coui..ry teegue ., a..iUy Interstate league. , 1, Ma V Mlohlean leegus, . 1, . , , , ,I....Mf Empire fi'aie league. ,.....Mxr astern. Illinois lxeiis... Mav Western 'I'ennfjlMiua league. Muy :t 11 li i: 11 t Closing. Sept. 7 Sept. 14 Sept. II . rpt. 14 Sept. Tt. 10 fTt. tt Spt. 24 N-pt. f Hept. I No, Oamsa II 1!. It lit It -M , .. ' - . Ill 0 1 10 1 ' ut .....! 4 II 17 10 SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. PO. A. E 110 10 riirnrfr, ri. Mohler. lb. I Morlarity, ss. I rrildebrandt. If. I rwln, lb. . n .1 Quick, rf. ........... I Murphy, lb. ........ I Strut, . (... I Wheeler, p 4 Hi! , 0 0' 1 011 T 1 Total . ...... .ii l .nm RUNS AND HITS BT INNINGS. Portland ....... .0 1 1 1 0 0 1 4 Hit . .........I 11111 I It San Francisco ...0 0000010 0 1 Hlta 10110111 1 1 8UMMART. Two-baa hlte Casey, Mohler, Mo rlarity I. Sacrifice hlte Kene, Casey 1, Spencer. Trwln. Stolen bases McCre dle, Wheeler. First base on called balls OfT Groom, l; orr Wheeler. 1. Struck out By Oroom, by Wheeler. I. Hit by pitched ball parson. Murphy. Wild pitch Wheeler. Time of game Two boura umpire Derrick. 1 PACIFTc COAST .EACUE Oakland . .. San Francisco Portland 1 Lo Angels . . . Won. 1 t Lot t p.p. 1.000 . .in .too . Oaklaae Wla Aaetken Los Angeles, April I. Oakland de feated th Angel her yesterday by better playing at erttlcat potnta. The eori R. H. K. Lo Angsts '. . . ,V i..V- 7 - 4 Oakland I ' T ' 1 Batteries Bergman and Hogan; Ran dolph and Hackatt Umpire Ps trine For Basketball Benefit. (gpeelat Plainer te TM Josnwl.t Monmouth. Or., April I April 11 will be the date for the athletlo exhibition To be given the Normal ehapel for th benefit of the basketball and base ball teama The exhibition will eonalst of artistic drill by the T. ' D. girls, tumbling by th small boy and bar work by the normal boys Several box ing boat will be en ef th principal features of th evening. Bchedaled for Tonight. . Billy Burka va Hartley Connolly, tlx rounds, at Portland, Main. "Generally debilitated for yeara Had Irk headache, lacked ambition, wa worn out and all ran down. Burdock Blood Hitter made me well woman." Ura Chaa, "reUor alooaup, Conn. . (learaal Ipertai Service. Tenopah. Nov., April 1. Everything la reedlneee for the coming of the Chicago gladiator. Mlk Sohreck and John Will who are due here on Tues day or Wednesday. Training quarter have been provided for them, end all they will have to do open arrival le to get down to wore, it win require few day to get used to the high alti tude, after which It will be no trick for the ble fellow to get Into condition. . The road ar now In fin condition and the air 1 oft and balmy. In thl respect a surprise will be awaiting the men from the Windy City, ror tnsy win find a better climate than they are leav In at home . A more attractive fight program could not be put up than that which I to be presented on April II tinder the aus plcee of the Casino Athletlo club. The fight for th bantamweight ehemplon ship ef America between Phil Knight and Percle Cove will be a faat and fu rioua affair Judging from th showing mad by th man In thalr training, and by the condition they are now In. The preliminary ef ll.rounda will be aome thing worth aeelng for the atart Thla will be between Kid Parker and I Flanders, two comparatively unknowns, but aah the nero of a hundred fights. They will fight all right, and while they may not display th clnc of practiced ring generals, there le no doubt as to the sand of each and of hi ability to fight. The Preliminary. The preliminary to the big fight In the evening has not been srranged yet. JUDGE PARKER VMS NOT A LIAR Man Denounoed by Roosevelt Had Proof That What He . Said Was True. ANANIAS CLtfB LOSES ONE OF IT8 MEMBERS Parker Bad Checks Drawn by Cor poration Cashed at Banks and Proceeds Green to Bllsa and Cor telrou Had Good on Teddy. rWaahlagtoe Bsrss f The 7ers!.) Washington, April I. Facta which present Alton B. Parker as a sacrifice to corporate exigencies, - In connection with the Harrlman-Rooaevelt "contro versy ever campaign contributions te the Republican funds In 1104 were brought- out by the Injection of - Judge Parker into the quarrel. The inside truth with respeot to the historic de nunciation of' corporation contributions to . th Republican funds, - and Mr. Roosevelt's emphatic answer, in which he cam little short of calling Judg Parker a liar, became known. It appear that Judge Parker uttered hi charge with documentary evidence In hi own possession certain check drawn by oertaln corporations, cashed at a oertaln bank, and the proceed of which want Into th Republican fond, of which Cornelius N. Bliss waa treas urer, and Oeorge B. Cortelyou, now seo rotary of the treasury, waa chairman. Having procured these ehecka Judg Parker prepared for the culminating ensation of th 1104 campaign. H gave out hi statement saying that corporation war being held up for contribution. President Roosevelt said It waa un true. Judg Parker waa about to present the check themsslves. whsn th per son who bad supplied them to him .to be ussd as evidence, aaked their return, giving as a reason that If given to the public, the disclosures would cause a feud between different big financial In terest then working in harmony. Judg Parker returned them, and went Into th elsotlon resting under the presi dent's charge of having falsified. , - These facta never before gained pub licity. They were known to a few In siders, but were retained aa a ecret, on th theory, apparently, that harmony between big financial interest waa mors important than th clearing ef tha atmosphere and the undented Imputation of falsehood by President Roosevelt against Judge Parker, hi opponent. How to Exercise the Bowels TT rrOUR Intestines ar lined Inside Jf w1lh mlltlon of Suckers, that draw the Nutrition from food aa II pease? them. But. If (he food passes too slowly, it decay before It fats through. Then the little suckers draw Poison from II Instead of Nutrition. This Pol aon makes a Cas that Injures jrour tylem mora than Oie food should bars nourished It. ... fTha usual remedy for this delayed passage (called Constipation) la to take a big dose of Castor Oil. r . This merely make slippery the passsgs for unloading tha current car go. It does not help (he Cause of delay a trifle. It doe slacken the Bowel-Muscles and weakena them for their next task, - Another remedy Is to take strong TPnysto," Ilka Salts, Calomel. Jalap, Phosphate of Sodium, ApefTant Water, or any of these mixed. This merely flushes-out ths Bowels with a waste of DlgeatlvJulce,aet flowing into th Intestines through tha tiny sucker. - Ceacarats are the only safe medicine for the bowels. f They do not waste any precious fluid of the Bowels, as "Physics" do. i They do not relax ths Intestines by greasing thsm Inside Ilk Castor Oil ar Glycerine. . ' . They simply itlmulate (he Bowei Musoles to do their work naturally, comfortably, and nutritiously.' a e They are put up In thin, flat, round cornered Enamel boxes, so they can be carried In a man's vest pocket, or la a woman's purse, all the time. m The lime to (aks a Case are t is not only when you are Sick, but when you first suspect you used one. Price, 10q a box. Be vary careful to gst th genuine, ' made only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany and never sold In bulk. Evsry tablet stamped "CCC." "All druggists. . but there la om talk of matching Terry JUustain. who 1 on th ground against some heavyweight If he 1 to be had. Terry 1 an old timer at the game and knows all the dlpe and angle and 6urvea of the ring. He haa been there with the beet of them and his showing while training with Knight haa demonstrated that he has not for gotten the experience of long. ago. . The man who puts on the glovee with hint must go some, for he will know that there haa been a fight. Bowling Tournament. (Jnerml Bnerlal Bel itee.1 Detroit, Mich., April I. Crack tenpln player from a number of eitiee of Michigan gathered in Detroit . today to take part in the third annual tourna ment of their stats association. Th tournament which 1 being played at Woodward alleya will oontlnue till the end of the week. Wednesday is the laat day for dis count on west aid gas blKa South Atlantlo Plays Ball. - Uosrsel Special Servtee.) Bavannah, Oa April I. What Is ex pected to be the most successful season in th history ef th South Atlantic Baaeball league opens today and will continue until September 4. Augusta open with th Savannah team here, Macon play at Charleston and Colum bia at Jacksonville. MCHURIA MADE OYER BT AMERICAN METHODS Wheat Displaces Beans and Car ries Plow and Thrasher Along America Wins Market (Special Dhipatr te The foaml) Tacoma, April t. Tbomaa SamraOna, formerly a well-known newspaper man of Tacoma, but recently appointed eon- sut general at Seoul. Korea, arrived here laet night He recently made a tour of Manchuria and Siberia He say America 1 nbw getting th big end or th export business to China and that the Chinese sre adopting American method of railroading and. eopjrlng largely aftar thla country In other re spects. " , ' "In Manchuria and Korea," ald he, "th people are making increased de mand for goode manufactured In thl country. Our Plow. - mresner ana reaper are going there, with other agri cultural ImDlement and maeninry, ana theee are revolutionising farming. The Chinese are now generally learning to use flour, and wheat I being raised In large ouantltlea Heretofore bean rais in was ths principal agricultural in dustry Id Manchuria, but wheat I crowding out th been which ha been grewv there alnoe the dawn of civilisa tion. The Chines relsod the beans principally for th oil, which was used for cooking, much ss we us butter. The refuse and by-product became fer tiliser. This fertiliser wa formerly old to th sugar ran grower of outh- em China but th Japan offered a hlsher r.rlce for It and now get it all and uae It In steal of fish for fertilising. Without this fertiliser th sugar eane grower . were . unaoie 10 grow tnsir crops snd turned tnetr attention to vagetablea Thla change In the market haa wiped out the augar Industry la a Urge section ef China." alii isasassatssiss&sisBBsawaaasaai Gives Credit to Wallace. .. . . (Joeroll Special rvw.t J ' Colon. April I. former Chief engi neer J. r. Stevens, of the Panama eansl, wa tendered a reception here laet night before hie departure for the United Statea At the reception Steve ft a de clared that the credit for the organlaa tlon of the work on the eanal belong to hi predecessor, John F. Wlli StsvsrTs prophesied that th canal will be opened by 1111. Wednesday is the last day for et- eount oa west IJe ts blUa .When you buy your Sultan Cigarettes tell your dealer whether you want them rolled in white rice paper, or that brown mais. , He has these two "wrappings." But he has only one "inside" for CIGARETTES And that la the finest, mellowest blend by which the Turkish tobacco experts distin guish the very cream of the crop the jealously set-aside selection from the final sorting. That's what's in Sultan Cigarettes. That's why they satisfy the most exacting tastes. Each Sultan has its own mouthpiece, too. f 20 for 25c WHYPAYMOREl, Clubs and Good Tobacconists Everywhere THE JOHN TOLLMAN CO., ' Manufacturers ... 8aa Fraodaco lV'' THE BEST $3 HAT IN THE WORLD 50,000 SOLD, NOT ONE RETURNED BEN SELLING LEADING HATTER A Week 117:11 Ie IWlil UU KlJLLO Credit to All on DM20NDS, WATCHES AND Wc Want Your Trade Every Article Guaranteed The Sfanflard Jewelry Star 189 THIRD STREET . Private Loans Made on Jewelry at Your Home. ' Phone Main 7035. ' - v L tii-i ui' - . I 1 t ' V