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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1907)
THE " OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. SATURDAY , EVENING", APRIL' 6,. 1807. i: TO DAY'S STORAGE APPLES THE ONLY ONES Only a .Small Amount of, Ben . . Davis Remain Outside of J,, the Store Plants:, i PRICES ADVANCE WITH -, DEMAND QUITE GOOD Values Ar Fully SSe a Box Higher Onion Market Rising Vlth In. titrations' of Still Further Gain la Priced r ' Today' principal aurket faatare: . Onfcni market to huIic. ' . Potato poaltloa to encore. ' i:v Kgg -ere allgktly firaier, V. llHd continue lu Heady can.- -r - row can aeaaa la good abap,,. , - Duly pierage apple re male. , . Lcl opart rue ( eon boob, . " ' 0ly' Store Apple tatlh' With bat mU aawont of Be Defia ap ple' remaining outride of the etorege eteek, '-' th apple aurket to Urate with priae fully a bra adraaeed. - gtocke of lOMlonii .. apple ee. the itml are very email and Bea . iTto atoek that- wai freely effaced .a we. a age' by h trade at la eaetiy eoaataBd log L 509 1.0ft 1 bu tedy. th oat ' price, "however, t ly . la eseepUeaal ee. CoaeldertBg tb hunm at U . aap pile a aaplea bar held eat wall tbta year. Prleea bar in all lnine remarkably high eaaidertng the tact ttat tba crop all Tri the tnltei Butaa we a reeord-brekr. ' Oaiea Market ' b . Soariaae '.' Mee t la tba local colon aurket ar teat beginning ta feel artlra aad today awtatloaa raaaa frBi for ardlaara atacb a ' 2 for Ka. 1. . diaaton atone tha atraat report auppUaa aa tot aaiall aad aar thr do aot know whora atiMfa ran b obtained at tbaaa aiooa trbra tba. proaaat aappltoa ara aa hauatad. . Roporta fmai Calif orata aa -that ta -oatoa awrkot . taara raaulw aarr Ural at M. - Vateta Poaltloa liaan Saaar. . ' -Vraai . prMot uu)leatlaaa tba potata' aarkat 11m aarare. Oratora ara parcbaalnc all tha atorka Uwp aa flud at tba prtated valnaa. Tbay foport, bowr, tbat aartoada to ftrat kaada ara aioaadlady bard to Had., rrtoaa avorlof blfba lor tba kwal trada. 7 , tin Aia Ucbtl riniar. Tbtra la a allfbtlr ftrowr tnaa ta tba t arkt. altbonch aoaw - dtara ara aat pat " aablnc aar advaaca ovar faraior amlaaa, Tba aurkat at thla flaw la anUraly a waatbat af fair, th cold ralua t tha paat faw dara caaa- Ina amaHrr aappltoa bara Oatalda aiarkata ara pood aad aoaie abipanaUi ara aal ra- portod ta tba Dorta' ? Chicken market to attll anoted rr fli ., wltb lrk of aappltoa. Deaiara. bowawr, ara ot aaaloaa to pap arar tba earront aiarkat, , aa tbr aap tbap raa got all tba aaatar. ataek bP want aadar tbaaa fiparaa. CraaaMrp batter altaatloa. raamalna anebancod, aaa local nBMrr eoatlouloa to aak I Ma a aaaad arar what tba othera cbarto. Raealnta : ara abowlnp a ataadp lacraaao aad tba paaoraH . trada to af tba ootnlea tbat proaaat awaa artu ba ellppad dartoc tba- coalnp woak. Laaai dapanM to Coata toaa. .. y'. ) Report fram CaUforala atata. that tba pa ' dratnit aPtaoal tbara 1a about ta cWae. Prleea U tka aoutb ara blgb aad fanor atntf bora ; anaot' bw-'ptircbaaad aadar las a boodL Bo porta Tron local polau aap tbat Or poo a a ' ' parapoa l) ba la tba Barkct.artth tba' tint clear araatter. ' r rear far af baaaaaa eama rb'paatardap af- ternooa.- Block wera JwM taiBlaf aalea aad , arara ta pood aoadltloa. - ; Derated aaaala of all kind abow a ataadp demand, altboopb tha larper. anirata of eaal Bad aeninc In that Una allbtlp nora difficult at raiup tiporaa. ; : Bap Trada la Terr ttatot. Tba bop trada bra baa aarar beea aa antet at'tbia tima or tba year aa bow, aay local bar era. No aalea ara reported. A Bale of badly da mi fed Waabrnptoa bop are reported aroaad 4a.' Tha aaatara attaatloa ta tboa ra Tlawad by. tba Kev Xork ; Prodarera' Prtea - Oorreat: H) tba feral market trading eonMimee eery qmat aad wa oaly bear af ona tnuaaaeuoa of any tarpnrtaaee, which waa tba Bale of 16 bale of Oregoa at aoetlea at tHtailia. I - kirw York atato vary little boalneaa kaa beea reported aad tba little laqolry aotleed tba paat fnrtnlrbt or aa baa agala dropped off. Prom the Padfta eoaat we bear at aoaw aalea la Oregoa at from Pa ta lOWe, according to fual Ity. wltb afforlnga tbara la large Toloma. A Bale ef l.soo balea ta a local dealer la ported from Yakima, "Waablaftoa, lit ta bare beea at So or IHe. "The reraaua department reports the tax paia oa peer aejaa daring rebruary, 1P0T. at B.ftOT.bsl harrel. aa againat .4ao.0M during rebraary, isoa, tocreaaa that pear af t7.(S aarreia. uta, lpna, rbole. per b.... .lTfJIlte PtaU, lPKd, medlaa ta prime 16)lc Buta. W, per lb. , Ta te Partfle eoaat, lno,.eholea, per lb,......18014e raciti eoaat, lPOo, prima, par IB. ... ,...11U 12c Pacific coast, lHfld, maillom.,,... ....... I0 racing ooeat, jpoe, per lb.. 1410c Balea. Iteaetpfa for week Reeelnte from rwBtoaher 1....... ....MP4.) ' Keoalpta aame tlmp last paar,...,.....84. Kiporte ro Bajropa week,., i.(n5 Rsparra from Peptemhor 1. '.......'..'.. ...Bft.PO ciporta earn una uat pear .M,m Importa for week lot Importa from Keptemher B.T30 awImpo porta aim nam Mat year 1.8U aaa pare ine loiinwina pneee to rroat atreet. Prkca paid abloom are toaa reoaiae oamiBBtona: ' ., - Orala, near aad Feel. ' ' . ' SRAtlt BAQH-CalcattB, la barms prtept WBEAT Club, TPe; red Kaaataa, TOer bloe tem. T5e: eallep, 7Je. ' . . . CORMWkoto, taaMt arackad. 1 24.00 par BAELPT Itew Peed. IM.00OM O9 per tea, called. 2.VflnJ:M.00; brewlag, UMC.tO. i RrPi 4I.M per cwt. - , , OATS New Producer artro 1 n. t white. (3P.0OAt9.sO rf tout gray. 28.ol)ttMJ0. : ri-OUR Eaatara - Oragna pateBta, M.lfli atralghta, t.Oi export, VM; ealley. U.Tfi: Kliam. H. fl.t0i wkola wbaet, W tBr rra , no: tvalea. H.T8. - , ' bfllxarnPFB Braa, 11T.0O per' ,, mf. fllnra.. 2:.00; ahorta, eooab-y, B0.a0 etty, ilP.HOi chop, l00lt.O0. . BAY Prodocer' orlea Tlaethy, Wtl)ma .valley, fancy. IIS.OOAle.W; ordinary, l.oo 10 1 eaatera Ore roe.. $20.n0M 00; mixed, 1101 I0.PO; clover, fw.00) grata. a.00Qia0Oi tbaat. 9100. .. , ,-t...... Batter, Xrg bad Yealtrpv .wi-' BtrrrCR PAT f. a, b. Portlapa Bwaat .cream, BilHci aoar, P1H. BUTTEB Cltr .creaaary. . tO aatald. -faftey. Kei atore, tOa, , r.n Extra fancy, candled. -JIHC1 bV t V CniEHB -Mew Pnll creaa. Data, latfltMci toong America, ITQlTHe. POULTRI Mixed chlckeaa, UH per Ihl faacy ben, la per lh; roaarara, aid, 11011 per lb; eld atafa. UQUMc per Ibl fryara. IB per lbj benllara. Ill per lb eld darka, 18 14 per hi anriaa aaraa, iai Per in 1 peeea, pea 10 par lb; tarkeya, IT per lb for old; dree.!. fancy, 31c per lb: aqnahe, $1.00 per dnai plieoa. $1 00 per oe. tlreaeed poaltry 1A1H per lb higher. . p. wool aad Hie. - - " BOPSlana, crop Choice, lie) Brlae te Paolee, 10e)lOHc; aadlnm ta prime,- aflB. BMdtna, e: contract. IHOT crop, 13o. WOOLIPOt clip Valley, tO)23i aaatar Orepon. o. . . s. hfnH.lrJ New 107 Mt lb. f PHSKPHKINi Phearhtg. 1BM aack I pbart wool, k&40nt medium weal. MaiOa each! long wool, TV1.00 each. - I-LO--Priai, per lb. (H0l N. I aad greaaejI-iltUa. inmiM M-w pap aap lot! amn lota. loe. H IDEW-Dep, 'He. t la rha and a. teal l por Ibi dry ktp, Ha. 1. toll In, ftefivi r,M. , Bmw m ine, Mt aairel DMiaa, teera. aoood. M ih and oear. Inelllm e. . ' fi8 atra and boll aonnd, (IT kHs . Ill ro 10 re., Bo; eaif, anand, BD'ler ! Ir. lie; green par reen, nitaanerl, 10 ea c.iila. p Ikael luce, Mild, each, l.ottaa,ooj dry, aack. MARKETS MOHAIR WOOL MEN WILL NOT BID HIGHER Condition In the - wool and - mohair nurkota are vary qutct. Wool bbearing will begin, in pom a aactlona nazt week If ,tha weath-' . ar claara up, but it I till too cold e ' for ganaral operation. . For tha a d aatna raaaon mohair ellp ha been , d. email thua far. Dealer In both d Una how no deeir to bid nigh- d e ar raiuea In order to cura pup- e a pile at thi tire. ' V . ' lXeiJ0l eolt Mdea, gstfsocigoat aklaa, oommea. each. )O01(ei Angora, each, SOctJ 1.0O. '' Tralta aad Tegetablee. ' ' ' POTATOES Borbig price,, eaatera IfaHao aak aad Clack. ma aelaet, fl.Tixai.T6, Ball ing, faocy, l 7; erdluary, baylnc. Ii noiit 1.40; aaatar Oregoa, buytog, . Al.00ltfl.10; aweata, Te pr lb. , - r. ONIONS Jobbing price Ne. 1 Orexon, (1.S3 S1.40; No. t. POr; buym price, a0<x f . a. b. inelng point; garlic, tl per lb. ' " lipping point APfLES F PLES Fancy Hood Klrer Bpuaenoerg aaa YelLo K.wtuan.. 12 AO: (ancr Wlllamalte Tal ler and acMi tticrn -Oraaoa,- f 1AQ-W; ariilnary atoek. OOeial VP. PBESU TkUlTB Orpa. new aaTl, 11.75 ja.So; tanxerlne. flM; baaana. (c per lcmona.ea.004iS.00 nor box: llmee, Mexlcaa, 11 U per 100; nloaapplaa, .00r.00 per doa) ran fruit. IS. VCOCTABLES Tnralpa, POcrttl aack; earreta, Tartttl.00 per aaek; baeta. 1.T per aack; peranlp, 1.00ai ; cabbage. t.6a.T5; tamatoea, kiexiean, px.anrja-aut Pierioa, aov'i paraalpa, P0ci(1.00; itring beaaa, lie pr lb; cauliflower, f2.60Q2.TII does pea a, 15c; bere radiak. ac per lb: artichoke. Tae $1.00 per doa; aaaaab. T6cfl.00 pa hex) celery, Cali fornia, OdaTOe aar doa; cranberrto. fa-00 e.00 per barrel: eproule. 9e per lb;.apara fua, lift 16c: rhubarb. $ec par lbl grea onloaa. lSc one: Florida bell pepper. 40c per lb; eplnaeb. $I.O0IL2 par box. .. DB1EO rRCITsWApplaa. era nora tad. C4J T per lb) eprlcota, Ufte per lb; peachea, lllHa per lb; aacka, tic par lb laaa: praoee. 10 te 40, fcttfte: He drop oa eecb 1-10 amaller ab; figa, California black, eiHe per ibl California white, tVc per lb: da tea, xoldca, fd.60 par hull Tarda, fl.40iSl.60 par 14-ib bos. . ' . . wxaeariaa. Bat. St. - BrOAR California a Hawaiian-Cube. $6. 27 MM powdered, f$.12Hi berrr. $.2V4) dry graadlatad. t ti Btar, . $4.i2Vii coof. A, extra B. MASK; golden C, $4-22; t Mllow. $t.i4; beet granaleted. fAb2tt. weeiern vane, powoerea. mo.isni rj graaulated. S.27U: P. C. $4,124; t. FrancU, $4.UM; confactloaere' A. ft-OZW; extra 13, pc.eai geioea u X Hnl u -yeuow, $4 22141 beet graaototod. f4A2H; barreto, 10c; half barreto, 26c; boxaa, toe adraBO oa aack beaaj.. (Abort price ara SO daya act caak qoota- ttOM.) - jr , HONEY f.t.00 par, crate. -, , i r COFFEB Packer rna. ' SALT Coar Half gran ad, 100a, $10.00 per ton; 60a, $10.00: table, dairy, 60a, $14.00: 100, tlt.TB; bale, $2.00; Imported Urerpool. boa, flS.00; looa. flT-00: t24a. $l.0O; extra fine, bbla, Sa. te and 10a, $4.6006.60; Urerpool lamp rock. $20.00 per tea; 60-lb rock, $10.00; looa' $10.00. (Above price apply ta aalea ' af lea tba ear lota. Car iota at pectoi prleea anbtoet ta fluctuation.) , 1 ..- BICE imperial : lapaa. Na. 1, Bet No. t, 6c; New Ortoaaa, bead, Tc; AJa, 6c; Creole. IMc. BRANS Small white. tS.SOt btrp white, f ASS; pink, f 3S: bayea,. K.T&; .Uaaa, libel Met lean rede, 4.' I NDTM Paanata. ' Jamba. IU He.h: Vir ginia, TH per lb: roaated, toe par lb; laue aee. 6Hc; roasted. Tf7He per Ib: eacaa- Bnta. asiiiao doa: walaata. Gallforala. lc per lb; French. 16c par lb; plae auto. 14)10e per lb; pickory aata, toe per in; eneatnuta. altera. lBdSIH per Ib; Praall not. IK pet Ib; filbert, loe per lb; fancy pecaaa, U120c aiaMDoa, iPtgaiib. Kaato, ftoh aad PreTialona. . FRE81I MEATS Front Street Roc, fancy IHwee par Ib; eel. extra. Sj$He per lb; ordinary; JHtHto per lb; poor, 6a per lb: ant tea, fancy, par lb; aprinf lamb,' 14c DAn, Buvn, aiiv. ranaaa pecai feareii :. 10 te IS laa. IHC par Ib; 14 to 10 lh. W lb; 1 to SO Iba. 10c par lb: breahtaat 10c baeoa. li4t,2IH Pr lb; plcalca, 12 per A: cottar roll, 12e par lb; re alar abort clear. aaemoked. IS per Ib; emoked. 13c per ib; clear back, aaamoked. 12o; moked, l3e per lb; TJntoa batta, 10 te IS lb, ana moked. e per R; moked. Be par Ib; clear bellica. a- atnoxao. uae per to; inoiea, uc per iu boulder, 12e per lb: pickled tonirnea, 50c each. LOCAL LARD Rattle leaf. 10. 18! pel lb; be. 1S par Ib; 60-lb tlna. 12 per b( ateaa renOcrad, 10a, 12ie per Ib; 6a. 12c per lb; eompoand. 10a, Pe per lb. CANNED SALMON Columbia rleer. I-tb tall. fl.80 lib talla, $2.76; fancy l ib flat. $1 BO; U-lb fancy flata, fl.16; fancy l ib rla, $2.T8 AUtk tall, sink, 6i0ei red, fl.&O; PI8P7 Rock end, Tc per Tb; floandera. Be par IP; Bailout, BH per int crane. ai.uvxi o per doa; (trlped baa. 12 lbf catflah, 10c Ib; aal an, freab California, 13c Ib; froeea al aom, dMBU per lb; berrln, be par Ib; aolea, Oe per lb; hrlmpi 10 per lb; perch, 6c per lb: black cod, Te per lb) tonacod, T per lb: Inbatern, loe per lb; freak mackerel. He per in; crawrua, sua per aoa lbl ' black beea. SO par atomon. 10 lbl OoiumM rieer It. ec per Ib. - , ' -.. OXBTKBS Sboalwafer bay, per galloa. $1 SO; per IUU-IB rt wi tiTmma, per canon, I2.2S: pee -Il6-lb each.- f.eOi Kagto, aanned, 10c can, $7.00 doa. CLAM n H rdebe!l. Bar ba. , fS.401 rpaof laaa, x.v perooz. 11a par on -:''-r''aBt, oaai en. st. ROPB Pat Man 11. I8M; abudard. 1S: alaal. llm- , , COAL OIL Pearl at Atri Caaea. 1H per fan warer won, irow ooia, ic per gi wooden. ITa par gall headlight, 170 dag, eatee, Sl4te per glc - - OA80LINB BS ., eaaaa, B4H Pr gall boa bola, 18a Per gal. BENEINB el deg, caaaa, S3 per gal; iroe bbla. la Pr gal. TURPBNTINK Ia aa. Oft pat gall Wooden beta, P8e per gal. WH1TB LKAD Tea 11 1. T per lbl o00-l Krta. ae per Ibl leaa iota, an per 10.- HIRB haiijO rnemi omeie ai ea.ev. LI.N8BED OIL Pare raw. ta 6-bbl tot. 80c 1-bbl lota, 68: caaea. He per gal) tannine kef. tkt-bolled, caaea, ooe per gal; a-bhl lota, 64c l-bhl lota, 16c per gel: gronad cake, car lota. $20.00 per beat lee tfcaa car lata, $90.00 per tea., i ,- a r , HOG MARKET LOSES 25 CENTS III YARDS High Point Is Cutr-Cattle Down ' Tri7Csntsi)n1Account of ; y ' ' Poor Quality. it .'' , fi " - " y '- & '''' ' PortUad TJntoa Stockyard! AprO tir. Today B1L, . 7S.,, XX Week ac 28 . , j.. Tear ate ... , 2"0 Pretloua yr ... 28 Id Kemtnal wading waa ehowa la tb Ueattock market today, - Tb tep ef the rati market la down to I today owing to Iba general rn of poor ataff eemlnc. , Mog ar .down' 25 from th ' kick BOiat. - Bbetp firm aad aa (hanged. - ; A year ac all line war rra, Ofneul Urettoek price: .. Hoca Beat eaatera Onto. IT OoaT.tS: atoch. an and feeder, X6.T5I China fata, $.tl. Cattle Beat . rtera Oregon eteore, 88.AO; beet cow and heifer. $3.6004.00; .atockara tod feeder. $8.IO4.0O; bulla, $2.60.. . Pheen Mixed. avte: waUera. dWet waa. $fUic; tomb, IVteOKC EASTERN HOGS LOWER PHca S Bo Off Cattle and Sheep :, - ' Hold Steady. Cklcaca, AprU d.-Ueeatnck reeelpto: Hoaa. aattle. Bhaen. OfcatO 1S.O"0 ' . 1 S.rxiO Ban dtp 4 0.w 6u Omah J. ., B.O11O luo 1.000 Hoc are ne towar with J 0 left o-rr He eelpt year t were Bft.0. Mixed, d.riiv$ KA: her. J'l T()OA621$j rough. $.M'tt ttt: Ugnt. e.O''o "9, . r.. i.; .. T , ; ... . Cattle mean . Bhp Bteadi, vEvery Day Shows a Stronger Ton in Both thePotato and Onion Markets - Higher Price Ruling for Latter Along Front Street. AIID PUT PRICE OFF Chicago Wheat Market -Opens Around High Point With Sell Ing Pressure at Start - COST MARKET MOST . , ; : OF YESTERDAY'S RISE j ;,';:;::;- V Maf and July Each Close With De cline of Ts With September and "December fit IxwerwLocl Sit nation Rather Qnlet. ' CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. April a April B, Lea. lSOfl. My July Hcptembar .7e,A p ,TT .. ,TSB .TP .. .TOUA J Z - .00 .77 t7 . etnuT t Pacembar , ,.,J1J4 Altf ,00 ;. Local!, there waa little doing la either wheat ar floor today. Tba con tinned lack ef traaa portatloa to reeposalbl for tb taralng away of many oriental or dara, pad tb middle weal gate the baaaeea. 1 Chicago atarted weak and llqaMattoa Con tinued all through the aeeeloa. Thla coat tha price almoat a cent la May and July. Tba market loa4 around the bottom. Official eooUtiaina br Orarbeek.. Btarr A Cooke aoepanyi . ' : - " . wauT. - . ' r .. ' Opea. H lib. ': I'Ow. rioae. TdJtA TPWA May ........... 7T . TT July TH Hcptembar SO n ; t BOiZ TO' 81 81 December ai vt - CORM May 40 . 40 U ' 48 : 4A J , 4lZ ,4dUl T'-;: 4dl -, 4i a Jaly .......... S September..... 46H 47 OATB. May ........... 43 4211 , 42U 42SA July ST '; $7$ StS - STHA erpUabw V .Mil, S3)B ' MESS PORK. May .......... 106 : ldlO IBM July ...;. 1007 112 ... IBM 1BW 1606A '. LARD. vw-.e SW Ml :- $06 8B . ... 007 007 8HOBT RIBS. Ma.1- STB -;8TTAa P Bail 0T BP7 v July September c" . ' May ..... July September ..... M $58 BBS ..... ft 77 877 .. S70 BbO MB I $71 - SB2A ptoa STIA ' '. Si, teml Wheat kUrket. Bt. Loakt. AprU A W boat cioaaa May, T4T$c ' : Vlaaaapalle Wheat XarkaC Mlnnrapoua, April A Wheat atoaa: May, Tfi bid. .. : , . .. luui City Wheat Market. " Kaaaaa Ctlf, April 0. Wheat cloaai May, $04 bid. ,,' POTICIE fMINfi IS: SHOWING HEAVY GAIN Potlrte Mining did aem ataata cjalt re markable for a otberwlae ojulet mrkt during today a trading oa the roruaaa moen ezraance A eale of 6,000 abaree waa made at lWUc, an adrance f 4 We over the Md price aad Sfc arer tba aea tiu oi Tenwo.r.. Bale wen: Tan Aaaeciated Oil at f41.60, IS Home Telephone at $.16 (private eale), 1 0TA Potlrfe at IB "Ac and 8,000 aa at ViKK STOCKS. V St Bid. Bank of California..... Bankera A Lumbermeaa ..$306.00 .. 102.60 Merchant nation! ..,,.., ..... 1T0.80 Ore ton Tniet A Baringa. ........ ' 1M.00 Portland Itaat vo 1 ,. t-ii ' United BUt. National 200.00 . T tantn aiomiRITIxia BOND8.1 120.00 Amaricaa Blacuft Co. da.. , 08.00 City A Suburban 4a ..... Culnmbla Southern Irritation ..... Home Telephone Ba O. K. a M. Railway aa B0.0O loooo P2.00 66.00 M.OO 100.60 108.60 A V e a. u.ltwae Be 1(M1 tMl Pacific doaat Blacait ft 08.60 , 100.00 Portland Railway &..'... . ' 00.00 J. C. Lee Co. .... , - ' . MISCKLLANKOCB STOCKS. Aoctoteypon ... 41.00 4S.O0 Teleohoae 80.00 Kt.00 1. v.. Lee Co S.T8 28.00 i .iag cxi Va - "106.00 'nilC DIIIPI J wtf-Viiviiay . . . , Puft Bound TviepttoM 40.00 inKINO STOCK B. Lakerlew'.... Leea Creek Oold.. ...... Manhattan Treer Point .,4.., .01H .. .02 Potlcto Mlnlnc IS .20 .38 Waahougai Kxtenaloa ti . UNLISTED STOCKS. . Yaonlna Bay Telepbon 0.28 Oretoa City Mill A Lumber..... Brltleb Colanabi Amalgamated. .04 T.60 .07 Oreat Nortbara ...... .t. ...... Mammoth ..,....,-...... Morning ."rr .r. .. v. . . ... .. . .. Oretna ttorurilte ...'.... ...r. Standard Coneolidated ......... Tacama Bteel COECR D'ALINB DISTRICT. Bull km ........................ .07 Copper King .................. .14V. O. K. Conaolldated 04 PPT ruy Hnowaho .80 Soawatorm S-H 1 1 i 1 ' 10ST0V C0PP1R XAKXZT. ttoehMi. Anrll Clnaltit bid: 11 M' Allonea. SA5t Arcadian. 2Tl Arnold. II aeked: Atlantic, $)S 60; Blnxbam, $20: Cen tennial, $4 aaked; Copper Range, 83 jo; Weet. 1S.S0: Rim Rlrcr, $2; Ma.. $n.26 Michigan. $18.60; Mohawk. $t2:- N era da Con., 8141 North Butte. 80-1.60: . Old Dominion, MlJIXi Oereola, $14,1: Parrot ' $22.00; Phoenix. $2 aaked: Onlnry, $122: Royal, 21 aaked; Santa re. a-Kn: Blianoon. fin.nx; 'lamarar. iia; I nlted Cooper. $88: l'th. 8J 2o: Ttctoria. 18.12m Winona. 8.60: Wolrerlne. 81SS: Butt Co. la.. $2T.TA: Calnmet A Arlaon., $18T.V); Biinarlor a Pitt.. $106.28: Et Bntte, $10.60: nr. $.60; Helreala, $3.60; Xewheu, $20.23; KlpptMlng, llASO. TJjrrrrD states soriRirMiHT bokds. New Totk. AprU 8. Ooremment bond: ' Date. Bid. Aak. Twoa, reti.tered i..... low liffl'A . ins do Counnn in l'c. Three, rettobtred luns 102V i con no ............... nw i"e Prntra, recMtered .......... 1"T I'll ir2 do enapon ...... .. i"i . it Tbroea, email nnoda.j., I02V,. ..... Ponr. rexlatered ......... 1025 :miZ 111 H no connoa ............... li wit lilld rottra. iTtinnntnee .... iw ..... Twoa, Panama iou. lnftU do coupon ' ii luovh . rW YORX RAaTK STATIMIaTT. , New York, April A Bank tUUawnt: TncroMO. eeore -., ',. 60PfMI do lae U. S. ................... .. .Ha.B7. Ina a18.0v Dcle ttala .............. TO4.4O0 Denoelta 1S,6.0 Clrrulanoa ....r.. . 421.VW Deeeeaea. ', V.j-.-.i PORTLAND BABTC STATEMJtVT, CI earl net tad . .,...,.,.,,. .$010 018 ID . 602.162.42 Viearing war ago Alia roriee . .'.$414. Tan , ... 81oR2 ... 66.101.23 Balance today Balaaeea year ago i Raw Yerk-tenAea Sileee. New York. Anrll A Bar allrer. B4Vr: Loa. U .04 H ' .14 - .o .02 .10 I ; .o(4 .1 .00 v .0014 Iwta, AOl-loa... ,,. STOCK L1ARKET SUFFERS LOSS General List Is Down at Close of New York Today -Few Ex : ceptions Are Shown. n- LIQUIDATION COST V ; SOME OF FORMER RISE People's Gas and American Smelter Rise, Latter Up 2 Points and 7 Former St. Paul Loses Lat- ; ter Amoant. ' " 1 . :;i-L. KET LOfiKKS. Loeomotrre ....... Sugar Aaaoond V, Atchtooa U Brooklya M laoauian ....v.... Mt. Paul 1 tori Bit. a Ohio...... l'4'lULi-.l Central Loula. a Nub..,, . VN.ii.urro Pacific Dlatlllera V Reaolnc atiaaoori ractn ,. H Katloaal Lead 1 N. X. Central..... U Southern Railway Lawn Pacific ..... U U. 8. Steel........ S U. S. BtaeL pfd... W( , NBT OAIKS. : ! Amalgamated .... PnaylTal , Cotton Oil ' a' o.V. .2 Peopia'a Uaa 1 CbDak Preoaed Steel Car.. V Republic Steel .... Rock lelaed Soatbera PacUl .. Smelter S Katy Oraat Northern ... . U u. m. eteei, pta... . . , - The Nw Tork atork market wa ander prea aore today and tb eloalng Waa geaarally tower. Popl'a Oa waa aa axceptloa and eleaad wltb gala of 1 point. Smelter waa another bum not affected by the general liqoltbukm aad el nad with a gala of S polnta. - Official cootation by Orarbeek, Starr A Cooke company : . " DBSCB1PTI0B. IDE Am. Car A Poand. .d prfrrd. Am. Cottoa Oil, aom... Am. Leaomotiee, eom. , Am. Bugar, eom....... Am. Smelter, com..... do preferred Anaconda Mining Oo. .. Am. Woolen, coca Atchlaon, com. do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, cool. do eref erred.... ..... mik 181 10. V4 o 81 V 1014 102 i llOU, Brooklya Rapid Trantlt. Caaadiaa Pacific, eom. . Central Leather, aom. . . 178 oo prerenrea... Chi. A O. W., aom.... Chi.. Mil. A St. Paul.. 14 180 V Chi, a N. W., eom..... 161 CDeaapeek a Ohio.... Colo, ptiel A Iron, com, Colo, Soathero, com.., do 2d preferred...., do 1st preferred...., Delaware A Hudaoo... Denear a K. Q. esa.i Krlc, com... do 2d preferred...., do lit preferred...., nilnola Central ....... LoutoTllla A NahTiU 41 80A $1 01 si i 24' BOH 00 Manhattan Railway .... Mexlcaa Centre! Ry.... 188 1129 21-141 22 V at .. .. x.. aom..... do preferred ........ DlatllUr Great Northern ....... Mteeonr! Padfie ..... National Lead ........ N. Y. Central.... N. Y., Ont. A Weat.... f or to lk a Weat., com.. do preferred .......... North Amaricaa North. Pacific, cost. . . . Pacific M. 8. Co....... PennirlTanla Ry ...... People'a O., L, A C. Oe. Preened Steel Car, aom. da preferred ......... Beading, common .... 80 T6H 188 44 ,11114 oe xa pio. . . 88 do lt prd -. Rep. Steel A Iron, eom. do preferred Rock la la ad, eom...... do preferred St. L. A S. P., 24 pfd.. 8Vi B8H 7l ev do lt pra St. Lento A S. W.. com i a S. W., com. I 23 Padfie, eom.. I 84 tcrred ....'.....111 ferXd I a Traa......ll44 Soother Pcctnc, do preferred oatnera ny do nrerei TVnn. Coal Teiaa A Pacific 24 To i.. st. l. a w.. eom. do preferred-77 v."iT' rnlun Pacific, com..... do preferred ......... V. S. Rubber, coll do preferred V. 8. Steel Co., coca... do preferred Whbeah. cornea ....... do tverarred ......... 28 Win. Central. nfd...e. 88 ri 12 S0,r4 Virginia caemicai . ToUl aalea for day, 68T.S00 abuaa. NEVADA MINING STOCKS Prices Cnrrent at Close of the Ban Francisco lcbaage. : Baa rraoelaea, AprU A Nertd ahare ld 1 a..d.tnm. 4Tc! Red Too. SAW: Mohawk. $1T: Columbia lit., OOei Jumbo. $3.80; Jamba Ext., $2.i; Yral, lSc: Pennerleanla, 2c; Ooldfleld M. Co., $1.60: Kendall. 41c: Booth, T.'let Bine Pall, 48e; Adam. 18c: Slice Pick, II.2TH: May Ooeen. 2.V; Ner. Boy. 10c; B. B. ExtVletrita. Bell, 28c; Dixie,' 18c, 0. Co. mmbla. Toe: Blbenila, 12c; St. lee. $166; Conqueror. 18c; Blk. Rock, 8c: Lone Ster. tSc: O. W'oadcr, C Potlacb, TO Ai Or. 48c A; .... t.i ac kiarne. On: Atlanta. Tec: fireat Bend. It.oTH; ICmplr. 17c; Bed Top Pxt., $1.00; Florence, .: I'tam id. b. vu.. It,-; ; G. Daley. .1"J ijagnna. -. vora- wi o ,a monwealtb. 40c A; Comb, rract.. $4 01 Or. n.nrf art.. Ne- nr. Bend Ana.. One; Mlllatorm. 12.88; B. B. Bonanea. 10c: Kawanoa, 11.60; J.merald. S4e A; Porttand. 28c: Cracker Jack, n. u..h.wki at.n&t Red H III. 87c i Mo hawk Ext., See: Snarbd Oold. 85c; Lou Dll. Iim, ITc; Y. Tteer, SOci Orndm. 2ac: B. Tick Kxt., lie; x, no. vu. vm. v .-. to; Dtam'f. Trtongle, 48c COMSTOCK DISTRICT. Ankle a Rfl, U.ilcan. OOct. Onnld A CutTT. 82c; Co. Virginia, $1.20; Sarage, tl; Hale A Nocccoe. OOcA: Yellaw Jacket. M-10: . Bel- char. 48c: Confidence, $1.20 A: Sierra per., TOel xohqwr. (c At iinron, .c. - - ni'LLFROO DISTRICT. ' ' Original, ITc; B.tllf. M. C.. STc! Mont. Bntlf.. Te; Nat. Bank, 42c: L Harrla, 4e; Amethjat, 47c Cold Bar. $1.16; Stelnway, 20c A; Iieneer Buf. , Ana., ! Bonnl Clr. 42c; Myfl. Con.. Hc: Nonty. Obi Bxt. 14c: O. Scepter, lie; Monty. Mt.. 25c: B. Daiar, 80c A: Home at. he Con.. $1.20: Yankee Olrl, lie; Nnftet, 10c: Vlchir. 18c A; North Star, Sc; Mldaa, BO AS Sa iaet. 10c. , TOXOPAH DISTRICT, Ton. Ne., $18: Moot, Ton., 88c; Ton. Bxt. $8.70: MacNamara, c A; Midway, $1.T6; Too,. rVilment, $4 80e Cea. Ko. Star. I3.T8; Ohio Ton., 6; Weat Bad Con.. !.; Rearne, ldc;Ton. A C:lf lie; Golden Anchor, 82c; Jim Butler. $1.074: Ion. Caah Boy Oc; Ton. Home, Vj Rcat. Tn., lie; Bonarch Pitta. Ext., 1c: Mont. Mid. Ext.. 12c; Oold Crowe, 14c; N.. Y.. Ton. Cone., te. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. , Mnh. Con.. 6eA: Mnh. M. Co., lee; f. Werfea 11c; fceelee fluinn. 10c: Dexter. 2-tc: L. Jo, ,1c; t'recent, 8c: Combination, 61eH (irannr, yae; Miiatanx. aaci i,uue wrey, vci Cewhuy, e; Orl. llanh., IV; Broncho, llcj Jump, Jck, 18c: Pinennt, 10c Buffalo, 6c, f. Dog, 2Bci Y. Hone, Oc; India Camp., llo. VARIOCS DISTRICTS. Talrr. Sneer .King. 45e Ai rtr. Rati. Tile A4 Nerd Hlllv STrt Pltthnrg PIItot re, i.i; ro, wr nnwr, m i-. . Neat, Xici Kuhr Wonder, loe; Alice of Won der, 14c. . . . Dulath Wlmat Xarkat Pululh, AprU S. Wheat clcat Uay. i4t. IWO-CEIIT FARES SWELL KIGOLIES Nebraska Roads' March Reports Show Prosperity , Even Aug-, s. mented by Lower Rate. f ' ' " ' foanal Special Sarrtc., Omaha. April I. FreUrnlnary reports of th Nebraska 1 railroad for ? tha month of March lntllcat an iBoreaaa in paoengar oarnlns. althoucn thro week of the, month th roads Were operated under tha 2-oent paaaanger faro law. v According to an ' official of oho Union Pacific, th paaaengar earninga of ,thla road hay abown an lnorea week by week for th paat fir yeaxa. including th month of March. . Th figure for th month of March ar oompleta, but th official ar re ticent and rfuo to jIt out th xaot totala !.,..'. y Tha further otatemant waa mad, however, that tbara had bean no abnor mal Increae and no falling; off for tha weefcyuot-MArch i.slnct, tho iBonsor rat want into ffect. At th Burllnr ton office tb statament was mad that eomplet f lgurca war not yt ayallabla. but that ther waa nothing to show aay decrease la their receipt. At th Northwtrn of no It waa atatsd that tharo had been a decided In crease in th number of tickets old. , YORK OOTTOBT MAXXXT. Hew York, April . Cottoa fa tor: . Open. High. Low. Apr.. Apr 6. Inury ...... 1000 , lOiO 1008 loio lono rebraary ..... ... ... . ... ; 1014 1 April ......... ... , ... ... . e.TT 0R8 May .PS 068 04T PSS ' 048 June 06 pi July ..4 868 104 SAT , 062 : 0A0 Augoat i. 061 01 PAO , 4 . 000 September .... 008 ; M .MI Mt - ll October ...... 082 MT 081 Oa OH November pro ps rtocembex ..... 080 80S , PAS S$ - SaS Iteatpeet Oottaa 'xaifcei, '" v LlTerpool. April C Cottoa apeta doa.4 a. changed: futare S polnta down ta t point up. '. . " " ,Arc You a Perfect ta? With No Dock Pains : No Nervousness BUT WITH PLENTY OF LIFE AND ENERGY AND THE VIGOJt OF YOUTH To bo strong; and manly Is the slm of eyery strong; man, and yet how mny w find who are wsstins; the ritslity snd strength which nature gives them, In steadlof developing into the strong, vigorous, msnly young fellows tbat nsture -intended them to be, they Find themselves weak, stunted snd despondent no ambition to do anything. They straggle aimlessly Along, sooner or lster to be -come victims of that dread disease, nervous debility; their finer sensibilities blunted and their nerves shattered. . : I Cure Men's Diseases I have treated hundreds of men who have long suffered s gradual decline of physical and mental energy as a result of private ailments, snd have been interested in noting the marked general improvement that fol lows a thorough cure of the chief disorder. My success in curing difficult cases of long standing has made me the foremost specislist treating men's diseases. . This success is due to several things. It is due to the study I bsve given my specialty; to'my having ascertained the exact nature of men's ailments, and to the origins, distinctive and thoroughly scientific methods of treatment ! employ. ' To those in doubt as to their true condition who wish to svoid the serious results that may follow neg lect, I offer free consultation snd advice, either at my office or through correspondence If your case is one of the few that hag reached an Incurable stage, I will not accept it for treatment, nor will I urge my services npon any one. . I treat curable cases Weakness You've 1 probably, been ' treated tor so-calld weaknee and helped tempo rarily or not at all, and the reason is vary apparent when eaua of loss of power In man la understood. Waaknea I mer- ly a symptom of ehronlo lnflamma tlon ef th pro tat - aland, which, my treatment re move. thereby pcrmonently . re itorlna atrongth Specific Blood Poison No dan re rang mine raj to drtvO th virus to th Interior, but hannlaaa, blood-elanalnc rem odla that remove , the last polaonous taint, . ;- . : I Varicocele Absotutaly painl treatraant that etirs - eompltly . In on week. Xnveatlgate any mathod. It la tba only thoroughly act oatifle treatmant for thla dis ease bains employed. - FREE My eolored chart, a-bowing the -male anatomy aad affording aa latareatlna study ta man's dl aas will be given free upon and visor. J application. . , Consultation and Advice FREE' Call or Write Today ; Komro a a. pa, to y, aa. ataadoys It) to . ma t)R. TAYLOR Co. 334 Morrison JBtret Corner Aacond, Portland, Ores ravtiaats Uviar eat ef ae eity aa omlns' Vortlaaa foa treataiant will b faralahe wtta -, fla teoss rroe of onarr. kok yoas trajUa Alrwot to tSAVi Monrtooa attrwat, lllllll 1Ca A" ...At R I . 35 Yaara In Portland Writ, It yea eeaaot call, ataaip a iaeor reply. orriLB All HuVHA ST. LOUIS MEDICAL rn J r VH WATCH PORTLAND STOCK EXCHANGE FOR NEXT TWELVE TO EIGHTEEN MONTHS. YOU CAN DOUBLE EVERY DOLLAR OF YOUR MONEY IN PORT LAND HOME TELEPHONE STOCK. PRESENT PRICE RIDICULOUS. BUY ALL YOU CAN GET AT ANY FIGURE UNDER 50 CENTS AND HOLD FOR 80 CENTS TO PAR. YOlJ WILL GET YOUR. PRICE ABSOLUTELY. ' awBBOBxeanenjg ' i LOUIS d. WILDE 3 LAFAYETTE BLDG. , l PORTLAND, OR. ME1N TREATED Best Service! Lowest Cbarfies! 1 Cores Cnsrss!eel Wbe are affnetad with NSRYOUS TBBILITT, or Palling Stranartn, eoe. monly eelled "LOST MANHOOD." (iba aat big Drutaa, Plmplea, laioe Back. iafUmmatloa of tb Bladder aad KUtaeye, Hlphly Colored Urine, Impo teacy. Deapondaacy, rallla Memory. Loaa Ambition. Mental Worry, re euiui J MaScee ana ererworki Plto. Pie tula and Hydrocele or tbc wk- ltTi, waleb abaolatoly aaflt them for Btady. Be lam, Ptoaeare ec MerMace. : " V'' ware, a pay. ' led Petoea. " een reacted ar hereditary! 'thla MMM. BaanatSai: Seraa, iwallmca, Dacbargad, ftmerrbeo. Sl-at CU writ SB, T. , Flra at Insane Asjlnm. (loaraal Special Serrtoa.) Bonth Windham, Conn., April rir thi morning In th lnaane asy lum at thi city killed on inmate, in othara being reacuad. Th property loss was not rrt No Waste of Power ' v : ; No Loss of Ambition only, and cure all cases I treat. . i. - .-.', ' ';--v ' - - ' j' . , Contracted Dlaordri You can depend upon a quick and thoroueh our by my treatment. A quick cure la deairabl becaua a slow our la apt to be no eur at an. and a ehronlo development will eom later. I eur you beyond th possi bility of ' a relapaa and la half the usual time required. ' - v ; - Ropflex All m nt as Often th condition appearlnp; te be the ohlaf dlordr ts oaly a reTUx allraant reaultlng: from some , ether dlseaae. Weaknee sometime ootnee from variooeele or strleturet akta and bone dlBeaaee rerult from blood poi son taint and phyaioal and mental deelln follow long-atandlna funo tlonal dlaordar. My loaa exparlanoe rn treatlna mm enable ma to deter mine th zact condition that exiat and to treat '" aeeoTdlnrly, thna-re-movlne vry damattng eauae and . I its ffota. Consultation Free Our, Fee- $10.00 In Most Cases I he career' Tea haa aorooM "fall feel tired, won eat, leaMcrad thi diaa" ad wlthoat ny ram) IndiBcretlona which yJ irarticad. Hear naeria ttantlOa. Dlacing leur eoet yea cent te thla, . , . . Blood Poison fa the meat dreadful, 4aagr n tractiv dleMM kaew. Tola nlaaaee aot oalr anflta yea foe poor wrrk aed dnrta. ant ax tea a ataa anflt for e.r rl. for hoWlaar rwpoaIW pnaltirma. Woe hi arat become Inoculated with th fern tl whole body nneroe a chance of " poelfloB. and not only eeenlia a dlflarnent of the bed v. hat ale ef the Biae. Thla nteeaee can l-e cared. We h receleed th e-.erla.Hn gratitude ef U"e whom w har cured nd wee abow their appreclatlaa by e-xt-aaadlag as ether caea. alrfrtly eoafeetl.1 e n rnli . na. te I P at. 1 r.niitK. T I I r AND CURED ( . rrXRCQt ltt rUrl BV. PwrtlaaA. Oe. Cbehalia Poatofflccj Atrranoad. ' Cbahalla. 'Waan,' April S. Th Cha halis postotfie will be adTanead a point in th now c la aalfl cation. Th racelpta' fop th year ending; March SI wore li.llT.76. a subaUntial lncrcaa owr th figmre of a year ago. DR. TAYLOR The Leading Spedalist 'V ' In Uncompli cated Cases My fee Is Only You Pay When Cured No Pay Unless Cured We Cure i StWctore, Impaired Vitality, ; Contracted Disorders Kidney, Bladder and Prostatic Dls- orders, Varicocele, Clood ti Poison, Rectal Diseases. at can Httl trooDle in lie Infancy and aow It yt yoa c't alritnn whr ya elwuiM not resaemner, yen put lif, an.l renr preaent 'mo down arctem e-rli.i w elaewhtr U d e b.. It eni t Nervous Debility horn f (hMrsrw, will pwr, U k tt etmfutmitm oi Ihn-wt, Vm M 9tf, Whlrb ltn-i ftmt ntu m. lrvsfital trrll 1 lner.l Tliahi of tlis rr..ii a t phrral ri(U r Urn ! tr-'ngt (t-n4 - t that I" ft tltrrrt ffm -ti wlit r-" jNmr ritTlnsl trnirri 4tir1 rx ". r In. ff y av t t.t. r i fi- e th ,tw-e t . hut T'-ir " a r i ml fp(iw hi!!, . - ' a i IVtnrM rhatiir" t! a - (','' - l t,(l t . , t C In I. Dll ... V Vt WW m