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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1907)
II THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENINtJ, APRIL 8. 1807. BtTCnEltS' BCPrtXES. ELECTKICA L SUPPLIES. BANKS. klTOHKI.1' rU'PMBS . Biraenwala Os., , w - Innll st.j lsrest bnlrser mpi'l , boBM on (IX nut. Writ (or eatakisBe.- ill l.a rirat at., carries a full ItM ana .lt aaxirlntoat at lowest market prions. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. I M. J. WAIXH CO.. (11 Stark St. Electric aat Gas rii tores aad SepeUes. Maalela. Tutus', Qrataa a ad Doftrooa. HOWE, DAVIS A KIt.HAM. I OS 111 !Wo4 at. Flank book masn factored; agents for Jose' Improves! lxoee lt leJjt-rn; see lb aew Eureka leaf. Ota boat a tba Bjartet. CARRIAGE TATSTOO. PHCIAL prices aa llcht eerrtaie ealatlng. so.- (10 a ad a a. Bteaarea, rearm aaa CBIROrODiSTS. wu iitvinv a. ae-riri.I.n DEVBivT. TH . iv sc'lentlflo eSlropodlete, parlors MS Draw MJ.. la M at. rasas) Mem as. CHTIlornnT end Pedkwtag. - lira. M. D. Hill. kUxxa ase PleKtaer Bids, rbeaw PnclMe 14. KSW and eclentlfte aietbod of treatlns corns aaA rwnlena. t 'gurlk at, roues 1. . MW asd Bcwntirte method at treating and hanloas, Fanrtk tM room T. . CARPET CLEAVING. ri AMiAHl CARPET CLBAfilNO, V. Larrest plant oa tha coat Lortng and Bartflnc ata. rclepooae Kaef zmi. t a rrteia cieanen. minw, aewed and letdi botk eteeio aad lataat com preeaedalr process: reaoratlaf Bistmms and fesuiere spacialtv. ' J0V1E BROS.; erwrteforsof tha Electric Clesn. In works: carpets cleaned aad Ia4d. botk dry and cncnprenord-alr cleeoloa;: esrpet reflttln mr sperlaltri work snnranteed. Phone Mala ZlO Hi72 and A SH72. Grant at. CARPENTERS AKD BUILDERS. CARPENTKB, and bonder repairing. - loos East Grant. nonse moving aad Tabor ZTO. MELTON Oft Ice, VtllB(. 67 rirat at flxtares: nral Pbona Mala S1MO. CLAIRVOTASTTS - AND PALMISTS. Bee tb Beet e tba Rt. low fee. 60c. ' low Pea. Roc. For three dare. Tm three dars. Tka Great K AArEl. Clalrvoraut. Pechle rslmlst. i afraneele faadnatlne ar tba WOT da that mraa (ram the cultivated Hps of this Or rat F.nlrma. That ba bsa Bower tnat mar-v-hme. anoat tarwalraia. is to Bay tba leaat He t-ll rrnir name, the Dane of any oca yoa know, IWInc or dead: tha color of aaa- one's erea or bair; sjlva In d talks a corrert deerrlp - ttoaj f tba ana roa will marrj; aettlea lorera' narrpa, anitra tbnaa who are ae pa rated; hantdis aoaxrlarea: tells aa to Jnnrnrra. law bndnea. snlnea. laTeatmeata, , wills, Baretita, old estate, hurled treasure. loat or aheeat friend. ; devek'pa. Biarnetlc (orea and remoyea e1 InflaejM-ea; teaches eTere nhaae of oocnlt nwer. Hee him tod.y. Honrs from 10 a. m. ta 6 p.' w. dallr: arenlngs from I t, Rrueabar tba name. - 11 Fovth at. - lS roartsi at. Tba Greet NAGANZI. ' Alwara Con salt the Beat, PRllP. B. KHIMO. Ore a teat llTtn astral dead traara claarrorant of tba axe; adrlaer aa bnalseaa and all af fairs of life: tails eon full Bama and what roa called for, wbnaa yoa brill marry, bow to control tha ana yon Ion. aren tbonfb miles swst: reonltes tha separated: sires secret powers to control; no WWir delays Is) wsltlog. Honrs 10 to . dally and Banosr. rtrrtee. Va A and A. rand Theater bids'. K2W Wash., aaar Park at. Pbona ataut lJflT FACiriC ELECTRIC CO Ensineors. eontrae- tors, repalrem. alectrle wiring, euppltee. M lrt. cor. BUrk. Main a. It. IL Tata, bat, WEHTERN ELKCTRIO WORKS, fll Slits) St. i on tractors, aavtrie supplies, motors and ay- ansae i we usiau iifai ana power p lasts. MORRISON ELKCTRIO CO.. 2U1 East Morrlsoa st. riitnraa. wlrU. rapalrlns. East SlS. BARRETT'S, 40S Morrbna a. Pbona Mala 123. BTerythinc is aiactria winns and llcktlof. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. aoUclts opportnn. Ity to anota prtraa. 74 Sixth st. PaeUta 464. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. America a plaa. fS. M par day. BELVEDERE; Europeaa plaa; th and Aider SU. INSURANCE. ISAAC I. WHITE, flra tMaraac. lock bids. , . W. L. PAOR. tnaaraaca: employers' liability, . enraty bonds, burglar and accident Inanraaca. Pbona Mala 338. 204 rslUns bids. J AH. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability aad tn dleldnal aerldent aecurtty boa da af all klnda. Phooa T. o2 McKay bids. LANI SCRIP, WANTED and for sale All ktasds. tnclndmc apnroTsd forest raaerra scrip for sarreyed, en- ' surrey ed. timber and prairie (toeeraaient mnd, H. M. Hamilton. "Tba Portland." Portland. LEATHER- AND UNDINES.' u BITXS STATU BATIOHAL BARK OF VOsjIXAafD, OXXOOK. NM.kHH r I Thl r A AtiA Ct.b n Trsasscts a Aeoerei Ranklne Raalnsss. DRA ri'nV INsri in Aearubla la AM Cities at tba rtaltsd States aad Ktirope, Hooskona aad Manila. CullectWaa Msda aa s"sorsbla Terssa. " J. cTAINsVVORTrl I Cartl B. W. SOHMICB1R VIca-PrssMaat.. B. LEA BARNES I Aaalataat Cashier .....W. A. UULX ' ' Assistant Cashier A. M. WBIOHT LADD TUTOR, BARKERS (Estakllskjd to 1US.) - Tranaacta a Oenaral Banktna Bnalnaaa. Oollacttoas made at III points aa "a"" "J J terme. utters of credit lseaed arsllsbla U Europa and all points In tba Onltad tatec Slxht Eiehanfe and Telefraohla Traaarera aold oa Kew York. Waablnatea. Chlcaro. St. Loan, Dearer, Omaha, Kaa rraactce and Mootsna and Brltlab Columbia. Eichsnaa aoM on LoBdoa, Part a. Berlla. Frankfort. Honskoag.. Yokohama. Manila and Honowln. MIRCHARTS' BATI0RAL BARK Portia!, Oraawa 1. FRANK WATSON PreaMent R. U DCRHAWf..... B. W. H0TT . .Casbkar I OEORCB W. H0YT. . , , . B. C CATCHINQ Sauoad AsalaUat Casblar. ' 1 Traaaaett a General Barking Baslneaa. DrafM and Lattar of Credit Issaed Available ta All Parts of tba World. Collections a SpsdsltiN TW-Praatdont Aaalataat Oaablar pr ABXERS' MrwayRarCBT'B lilirt-iu.t oa. rwenaa Beannd aad Stark etreem. f . OommerclsJ and Ba Tings Depart meat.. Utters of Credit Issasd AralUbl ta All firta Of the WatIA D. C. PELTON President fRED H. ROTH CHILD... Plrst Vlca-Presldent JOHN A. K E ATI NQ.... Second Vice-President B. C. MR A H. D. ST0K PLATT PLA .Caabler '.Aaslataat Cashier . . .General Oouneel sTBK BARK AF nATTTnnariA.tMi.vj taaev Weed nrrtoa. Bast Fnaaclsea. Oaltfa Capital patd no. S4.000.0n0 t Snroloa and andlrldad mflta......IO,lM,STS ". General Banking and Eirhauaa Buetneaa Tranaaetad. Iiitrreat on Time Deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened of flO and upward. Portlsad Branch Chamber of Commerce Buiming. m. MACBBA... .- Manager I. T. Bl'RTCHAKI.L. .Asalatsnt Manager FIRST RATIOS A BARK Partlaas. Oragea. - Oldest Hatkyoal Bank oa tka Faelfl Coast. . ' - CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 11.500.000.00. DEFOSITS 14.000,000.00. A. L. MILLS. J. W. NBWK KIRK. Preeldeot Cashier W. C. B. F. AT.T0Rt ;..AaalataBt caanwr STEVENS gat sad Aaalataat Cashier TRUST COMPANIES. P0RTLRRD TXITBT OOKPAVT OF 0RE00H Tka Oldast Trust Company ta Oragea. BEHOCRCES OVER 130.0t3. Oeneral Banking. Twa par cant tabsrsat aarteck ee eounta teeen bnodrednt on dallr kalancaa of aoOO or orer. Letters of credit aad axcaanga a an partA of tha .-id aa.inga .,nt. Time certlflcatca. i to 4 prt ' cent; .hor-;1!!fl ciaj esruiicates. aouo or orer, ZSi to 4 per cent, van roe jsooa oa , SkMifheaat rnu. Third mnA Oak Btreeta. Pnnne frlTaiO uesun BENJ. I. COHEN .PrealJcnl I H. L. PITTOCK........f Vl-President B. LEE PAGET. .Secretary ECURITT BAFIROS I H. U OOI.TRA. .Asalataat Becretsry TRUST CO Mr ART Mt Merrtaea Street, Portland, Oragea. I Keeklne Kn.lnxuL MA V INCH DEPARTMENT. lntCTCet sllowed OB CHARLES L. MART1CK CO.. Prsat and Oak . eta., leather and skins ef erery dascrlptloa for all purposes; sola aad tap cattera; findings. MONUMENTS. hETJ EINOKI.ET. SOS First St. PorUaad'S leading marbla and granite srorka. PAIKTINO AND PAPERING. P. A: POANE. SAS Yamhill st, appaslta Jeor aal office Wall paper, painting and decora t - log. Pbe oa for eetlmatea. Pacific sza. FOR reliable work, raasnaabla prarea. Sheeny . Bros.. SKIt YamhUI, Bear 4th. Mala S072. . ., k , .tirivvja itvo. dtu rw Inteeeet eUoB .imcu vnnrii iwdiiiu ou.inee. b.i.iwo "V ..I i. . Xlme and Sarlngs Aocouuta. Acta as Trustee for Bststes. ucuia ana nue. ATsuabln oa AU rarta or taa Troriiy , C, F. ADAMS president I U A. LEWIS ....Ilrat TW-Prealest A. U MILLS Second Vlce-Presldeat I R. C JUBITI Seeratarir GEO. E. RL'BBELL. , . .Asslstsnt Secretary TITL 0TAR-RTEZ TRUST C0BPART 4t Washtogtaa Street. . . MORTGAGE LOANS aa Portlaad Real Eatate at Leweat Bataa. - . j Title Insured. A Detracts Furnished. J. THORBUBlf ROSS.... President I JNO. B. AITCHISOlt GCOK0B H. UllAj Tlcs-Prcaldent T. T. BCRKHABT .Secretary .Treaeurer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M' ORRIS BROTHER 1 Oaambar af Oamavsros Bulldnwi. MnnlHpa Railroad and Public Serelce Cerporsrtoa Bonds. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAM A CO Mtnlna. aawmllL lor- glng machinery; hydraulic pliwa, caellng; all ktads ra paired. 104 "iorth FonrtB at. L. J. PAUL, I0S Fh-st at. Enrlnes, boilers, sawmill and gross arm machinery. THB H. . C. ALBEB CO Seeond-baad chmery, aawmllls, ete. SsS draad are.. MONET TO LOAN. PROF. WALLACE. Pnetlsnd's fseorlts clslrroyant. palmist aad sptrltnallst, will noslikrely made no cbaraa tir his serrlces anlesa you are entirely estle. . fled snd find aim superior to nay paimanu medium ar rlslrroyant whs baa arer . fi iere. Low fee. 60c and $1. , 110H rourth St., corner . Wsshmgtoa. MIS MAT ANDREWS Card reading, S5c. 8ltb St., corner Wain. 108 COAX AND WOOD. BHtRTT.awn AWm-irr At SLABWOOD CO .MS Front, successors to Fill ton Wood Co.; fir. aak, aUbwood. cosL TeL Mala ISfla. FOR prompt dsltrary of slsbwood can Mara .T3. IMS. sen. ' nr um raati. ' V Wood Fuel Co.. ldth aad Sarle sta. OrWJO" FT FX Crt. Is aow selling Welsh sa- thradte. beet coal oa tba msnau aoa Auaur . St. Main 5. 1 - - AI.H1.NA FUEL CO. Dealers In ooiMwondv coal . ana green ana ary eieownnu. aa. 1.. .nu Alblna sea.. S blocks aaat of fairy. East 674. , 8TKFL RRIDflB Tilth CO Dealers ta coal. 1 rarnwcod and dry alabwood. Pbona Ksat 424. wehterr rr.r.n . rvw. co.--hobsb aad mala. Phone Mais 1018. 1 COMMTSSIOX MERCHANTS. TIIB OR TWO 5 CFEESB CO. INO CHEEKS. BUTTER, BOGS, etc, dairy prorlacta boagbt or neadiea on eomuiiamna. 120 w uta at. I Swat lend Mdg.). Portland, Or. CLEANaTQ AND DTETCa. CLOTHES cleaned aad prsaasd. St par -rnlqua Tailoring Co., t Stark St... . nth. . IT W. TPRNER. profeeenoaal dyer and cleaner, SOf Jefreraoa at. Phone Main 2813. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning A Dyerag Works. SU Fourth st. Pbene Psctflc SOT. CAFES.- TUT OKFICB sm- Washington St., 771. Samuel Vigneuz. Mala TO LOAN Same to bult oa chattel R. A. Frame, 014 tha Marque aa. DENTISTS." DR. EARL C. McFARLAND, dentist. Snttes Tin 111 iz SwetUnd bldg. Pbona Mala MT.I. DRESSMAKINa : MRS. U. rC ATXElt. tbs flahloosNe dress. maker. h4 lately neneed ta Woedlawa. Thlr - teentk sid Winona sta.: prices' reaaoaaMa) perlect U and astlatsctlaa gsarsateed. MRS TW0HA. experienced dreaamslec. - r.,4 r.aft Bumslds st. Pbona East 4383. , . ' HIRTWATKTS sad plate I at. Pacific BUS. ring. 388 Market DANCING. ruNCINff lesaoB. tV) classes ar private; watts ' eng. twe-etep. tbrsMtsp. ate.; stags dancing, bock and wing, clog, reel Skirt. Spsnlab, Hlrhmad ' fling, ate. Professor Wsl Witooo, oldt recoiralsed teecaor, . AUaky bldg . Third aad Morrlsoa sta. ' WM)PWAR0 PANCIKQ SCHOOL Class Mob., Thnrs. and Sst era.: aortal, fancy and atep danclog taurhl: e,aealataat teachers; rUes sn prtrste leewir,. dally. Western Academy hall. Be send and laorrtsna sta. Pacific ItMK PROF. RINOT.EB, MJHS BITCRENMRTBR lending scbool. dally j new kali, beat m city. Oraud ae. aad Raet Morrlsoa at. F.aet S70. . EDUCATIONAL. - 'jr'H OREOOW KXPFRT COLLROH rewimonuealth bonding, ath and Ankeae, phone V1n Kofll. T.legrnphy. shorthand, ITprewrltlng. penmanship. EngHab brer.cbea. lltiniinuil luetrooi lone, special scoelarsbtp. HOLMES BI S1NEHS COI.LEtlB. 1 Waahlnrtoa end I th Sta.. Fllednee hide. P. eiawplng. Shorfhsnd, Trpewrltlag aad all Friiitab braocbrs taught, both day and Blgkt. non city BrmNrM rorLroi.. Pitman rthnrthan1 It Conrt Rrnrtr. BtkiI- r-trewl. Cnmnfnltb U1(., 9t aod AnktMir, rrNrcK and wire works. roan and WIRB IRON WORKS Sacoad and Ktrerett eta. Pbono Main GiSOIJNE ENGINES.. MONET TO LOAN Oa liuututed city property ar - for build tag purnosea. for from 8 to 10 rears' time, with privilege ta repay all or part af loss after twa years. Loans approves from plana and money advanced aa building pi fares taken ua and replaced. FBED H. STRONO. Financial Agent. . 243 Stark St. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS aa selarlee, laeurasce pnllclee. plaeoa. furniture, wsrehoasa raoslpta, ate; any deserving person may eeenre a llb- ; aral advance, repeylng by aaay weekly at ironthly mstsllments. KEW ERA LOAN TSCST COMPANT. 303 Ablngtaa bldg. MONET loened to saUtied people J net oa yoor I s name; don't borrow anfll yon sea aaa: my SPHINX AGBNCT, deslers la ererero le tba beet for railroad man. clerks. bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other tm- Rloyee; bu"fness strictly eonlldentlal. F. A. ewton. Ml Rucbanan bldg., Washlngtoa St., between Fourth aad Fifth. DOWBTjrw.H0rKJJIS OOMTABT EstaUisAed iaSa-BBOKZBB. . . STOCKS. BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold (ar Cash and oa Mania. Private Wires. - ROOM 4 CHAMBER of COMMERCE. Phone Mats 8T. 0VXS J. WILDE HOalK TIXEPH0BE B0RDB BARat STOCKS.. M.mher eNkrtiaad Stock Excbamra. 1 Comer Sixth and Washington Streets. Portland. Oregon. Oycrtcck, Starr & Cooke Co. !, XX (Members Chicago Board et Trade.) St., Ml bay Bias., ronJSBO. vrraxsa, SBATlf, PR0VTSIOR8. COTTOW, STOCKS ART) B0XDS. , . ' . ' WE DO A SZBiCTLT COMMISSION BVSUIKSS. Continuous Marksts by Private Wlr! Mk M'"h. SW?1?" 5"" ars, aad United States National Bank af Portland. RUBBER STAJ&FB. P. 0. STAMP WORKS, 349 Alder at.; aboaa Mala T10. Rubber sumps, seels, stsnclls beg - gaga, trade checks; brass signs and plates. REAL ESTATE. PARR1SH, W ATKINS CO., SS0 ALDER ST. steal aetata, nana, "" . Wa BMka a apeclalty of handling rantahi aad property for residents sad 0011 resides la. Established 1873. Phone Mala 104. GEO. I. SCHABFERT real aetata aad flra aoea. AIT Chamber of Commerce. "COOS BAT MBXT. - J. W.OOIIBKE, real eataU and kana; aa tab bed 1883. isats First at., room u. real eatata aad TOWEL SUPPLI. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, soap. in. rortlsad Laundry Towel "81 supply Ca, Math aad Coach. Pbona 410. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. M. A. 0UN8T CO., .. ' DISTKlbCTORS OF F1NB CIO ARB. PORTLAND, 0REUON. SHERK dt GRAHAM CO. (Inc.) Com miss ma merchants, jobbers of fruits, produce, els. ; coaslgamaata aoUclted. US Front et. EVERDINO FABfRELL, prodnoa aad com. mission BMrcbants. 140 Front at., fertlasd. Or. fboaa Mala 17. . rsaula. S06H Stark at... Mala 8164. FOR FABMS Or EVERY DESCRIPTION. W. W. E8PET, 1 Cammarclal idg. - MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB and others npon tnelr own natnee without secur ity; cheapest rales, easiest payments; offlcaa la SO principal cities; ears yoarself money . br rettlBM'our terms first. - TOLMAN, .223 Ablngtoa bldg., 10V Thtrd at. SAFES. v' Money to Loan Money ta loan at S per cent aa east's West side business r resideare property. . V Mall & VcaBcrstel 104 Second at. aad 803 E. Bnraslda at. WANTED Notes, mortdairaa ar cootrscte aa any kind of real eetsta ta Oregon aad Wssb mgton; second nnortgages purchased If well secured. H. E. Noble. 813 Commercial alk. MONET ta loss ta earns ta suit. S and S years. aa lew at S per cent, oa improved city prop erty. Mnaltoa Scobey, 801 Columbia bids.. 818 WnhlBgtoa at. . . . ; . DON'T borrow atoney oa salary until you .aaa Huttcn Credit Co. ; . 813 Dekum bldg. MOfET to loan; large mens apeclalty: abas butMInc btans ; lowest rates; fire tnsaraaca, William. O. Beck, 813 Falling bldg. - CRESCENT LOAN CO., 438 Mohawk bids. strictly confidential. Money ta lend oa eaay-paymeat plsa tojwsfs PORTLAND SAFB CO., sole a genu far Her . rlng-Hall-MarvIa sefee and Mangsaese Steel . Safe Co.'s bank safes; 30 aseond-bsad fire proof safes aad hank safes, eery caeap; - them er srrite us. S3 Beneath st. niiani.n Uaneanssa end flreoroof aafaa: lock i metal nxrurso; rann ana jui 4 . sj, injrnm. Be so.- msui sooo. onts work; opened; I Jacks. 1 SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. nam A KLBI8EB SIGNS. I We have built np tbe largest slga baslneaa la the city by first -class work and keeping aw Dronileea. Our prices are right, fifth aad Everett sta, Phone Exchange 68. GEO RGB WEBER. MODERN lHffsreat Shop."- 20S Fourth. SIGNS "The Pacific 3811. "CARDS THA CATCH THB BY B" Beet work la tbe city, sietta, auv win oeug. aiiaww. "BIONS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Blfa Cev, SMI BUrk et. rnone t-nciim iDva, STREET PAVING. WARREN Oooetrnctloa Co., street paving, atda walka aaa crneamrs. ua kuew acuw UnRTAllll 1 . 1 te.. a mlealoa. - Columbia Life at Traat Company, Lomber exchange Daag. MONET to loan oa all klnda af security. jiam nou, team waanuigToa tMg. , WU- urlty. A LOAN for tbs s.klng Salary 01 chattel Tha Loaa Co, 4is iMkam wag. QUICK loana oa'all sacarttlsa. . 49 waaninguni nuig. maw oiuol W. King. MONET to Joss ea elty property. n. BIS commercial Blk. . O. A. Joba- ON enortgaga. I'JOO to 38,000; east pa para anly. ward, lawyer, auacy auig. - WILL mi 88.000 ar less ea real estate, S par seat. Fsrrmgtoa. l Fen ton Bldg. f 10.000 TO Vwa aa Improved city property. areas u 100, enire rfounuu.' . v Ad- 18.000. 82,800 snd 3G00 to losa et 3 per cent .... . .4n -- ........ .... r itiwi.!... vv , v k , u .... . e MUSICAL. THB WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, benje. galtar dm tract lone. 4nV4 waanugtoa si. PIANO, eioHa. msndoltn. trombone, clarinet. proreasor H. A. Bmitb, 204 lata, sisib sivu. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LILLBREt.LB PATTERSON, special krt en aerrona, acute ead et ironic dlsssa.s. tKrees 31T Fen toe bldg. Phone PadHe tlSO. DRS. ADIK NORTH RTP. 418-18-1T Dekum bldg. Third and -Wnshlngtoa Its. Msla 848. Examkiatwa free. - Vssssa.aatCsaesa PLUMBERS. FOX CO .Sanitary pwimHersf"2l SeeisMd. Mala 4 Mala and Salaxm. Oregoa phone aoui. DONKERRER4 A BADBMACHBB Ne. Sot Rnrnatds at. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH CO.. Window (la as aad Phone 1M4. -Tbe Pioneer Pslnt Co. gUslng. MS First St. PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTF.RT AHIetlc printing. 3d Roeeel Mdg, Fourth and Morrison. Pboae Pacific IS28. FVERTTHINO IN PRINTING Prma clrcnlare to eta lor nee and newspapers. . Metropolitan Printing Co., 14T Front et. r efbee. ell eleea and alylee. st 1 ..1 imrea. K'lre Mariilneiy Co., 12 I 0 ,! el. ' 1' niMMI tnartoe erflli. Anr pr.Hellees. 1.1 .., i.-kv A Co, 1 Hit eu4 it.ik sis. fKIII.Brn ' Bnos., printers Csrds. billheads, ere. phone Mala 1M8. 14 IMS First st. r : I TIN RfNiFINd I .t.lnt. i. 1 ROOFINO. rutterinr. reoafrine snd aeneral Loalt, 211 ieffersoa et. Pse. 1424. THB Barber Asphalt Paving Co. af Portland. Office aos worceerer 01a. SEWING MACHINES. THB.WHITB SEWING MACHINE AGBNCT. 380 TsmhlU at., cor. 4th. Phone Mala S103. - Bargains la aU kinds af new and second hand sewing machines; a few slightly dam aged, good aa new. at greatly reduced prices. PHONB Pactfie 3738 and I personally will call and repair year sewing machine; work guar aataed. S. Sams, adjuster. 841 Third at. STENOGRAPHERS. EXPERT nsoogrephr typewriter. Mala 1ST1. 814 Dekam bldg. Phone 8HOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deeerl prion; bank, bar snd store f Ixtarea made te order. The Latks Masufscturlng Co, Portland.- r B. H. BIRDS ALL. designer; agent M. Winter Lember Oe. 1 Hamilton bldg. Msln 8AM. . TTPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS far new and rebuilt type writers ef all makes; sea onr window: tf yos are going te buy a sew typewriter see as be- ' Core buvlas: we can save yea money; we have parrs for repairing all marblnea; state agenta for the Visible Fox; we buy all kinds of typewriters. Tbe Typewriter Kxmsnge, ' lnc, B. 1. Ellison, maasger. 84 Third at. - BLICKENSDERFER Typewriter Agency; enp Plats; repatre. Bslelgh bldg, 8th aad Wash PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. WB sell Remingtons, Smith-Premiers. TVoe- moree etc, lower man any otner compeny; Invent In te. fnderweod Typewriter Co.. M 8tb. TRANSFER AND HAULING. TH"-BAfK)AGE OMNIBUS TBANSFEB CO, encner HJxth am IMS SIS, I eessawe cnecnew ' (root hotel oP-vesldenee direct to dentins tloneHe, peeeengers thereforeavoi.i euiak ann ajnnor anre st depots. Prlvste Eichsngs'W. SAFES, plsno snd furniture moved, packed ready r shipping snd sblmted; all work gnera steed; large S-elry brick (Ireproof wsrebonee foe storage. 4fflr 30 Osk st. Olsea Bob. Phone Msla MT. C. O. PICK, office SS Flret at., between Stark and Oak ate.; phone IHm. pianos snd furni ture moved and packed for shipping; com mo- ' dlona brick warrbnnne , with aeparate Iron roome. Front and Clay sta. . NATIONAL TRANSFER STORAGE CO, COS Osk St.; telephone Mala 4400., 3 rsnaf srtlng and storing. 1 OREGON TRANSFER CO, 1.14 North Sixth St.; pooBe Msle 80. Heavy asnllng aad etorare. INDEPENDENT RAOOAGB TRANMFEB CO. 'Storage. t4 Mam 4"7. rrHT SPECIAL DELIVERY. Ne. u0i Wl . tnf (oa at, . i'Uoaa. Mala w3-. OREGON Fl'BNITURB MANUFACTURING CO. . . Mansfactnrera of , furaitare for the trade. J Portland. Oregoa. ' .' WADHAMB CO, wholesale srecera, awan fsetnrere and emu mission awrchaau. Foarth aad Oak sts. . , . ' PUBNITURB mauafacturtxig and special srders. L. Bavansky's furniture factory, 807 Front at. AII-EN A LEWIS, com m las ion and prod see mar. chaata. Front and Davis sts, Portland, Oa, WHOLESALB crockery and glassware,' Prael, Hegela Co, Portland, Oregon. . . , O. W. SIMPSON. 301 Washing toa at . sale dealer la grain sad hay. -Whole- TRANSPORTATION. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 3 TRAPS at .' tTpokaBw, TtOM 14, SS July 13, 8S Aug. S. von bovti. ,. . S. atotsbtOB.... .vV-.-jRae) 1 . af. AXAsTKUa SOTra. i nrArtrap, aTdtka, efuaaaei sad wsp porta. Balllnr S p. a. l BL . ft. Co-'s XmToUlt....AprU S-1S-S3 Oottasra City, vU hUtkA. ..... .April T-Sl City of weattle .............AprQ iT-eTT sajt raABrcxaoo Boxm. - . Baills S.R. sb. rtoss sUatUe. City mt raabiB .;. i... April S-30 City of Topak. ............ .AprU 1B-S8 Vsukill April lS-SO City OSUM, S4S Wuhlmrlot St Arc Ym a f&fczl Urn? With No Dacll Pains - ' '. No Nervdusness . " , , No Waito of Power V V. y No Loss of Ambition . CUT ITITn PLENTY OF LIFE AND ENERGY AND TEE VIGOR OF YOUTQ To be 'strong snd msnly is the aim of every strong man, snd yet how many w find who are wasting the vitality and strength which nature gives them. In stead of developing into the ttronn.Pvigorout, manly young fellows that nsture intended thtera to be, they find themielves weak, stunted and despondent no ambition to do anything. They struggle aimlessly along, sooner or later to be come 'victims of that dread disease, nervous debility; their finer sensibilities blunted and their nerves shsttered. , t . - ? ' : I Cure Men's Diseases: - I have treated hundreds of men who have long suffered a gradual decline of physical and mental energy as a result of private ailments, and have bevn interested in notigg the marked general improvement that fol lows a thorough cure of the chief disorder. My success in curing difficult esses of long standing has made irre the foremost specialist treating men's disesses. This success is due to several things!. It is due to the study I have given my specialty; to my having ascertained the exact nature of men's ailments, and to the original, distinctive and thoroughly scientific methods of treatment I employ. , .. ; - ' ' . , . To those in doubt as to their true condition vho wish to avoid tbe serious results that may follow neg lect, I offer free consultation and advice, either at my office or through correspondence. If your case is one of the few that has reached an incurable stage, I will not accept it for treatment, nor wilt I urge my services upon any one. 1 treat curable cases only, and cure an cases I treat , DR. TAYLOR Tbe Leading Specialist Weakness Tou'v probably been treated for so-called weakneea and helped tempo rarily or not at all,, and the reason Is very apparent when causa of Joss of power In men is understood. Weakness Is mere ly a -symptom of chronic inflamma tion of the proa tats (land. " which my treatment re movea. t h a r s b y permanently re storing strsnstb snd visor. ; - Specific Blood Poisor Ne dangemus minerals to drtve- tha virus to the Interior, but qulolc ours Is desirable harmless. Mood-cleansing rem edies that remove the last poisonous taint. . . . , . ' - 'Varicocele Absolutely painless treatment that cures completely In one week. Investigate my method.' It ta the only thoroughly sci entific, treatment for this dis ease being employed,". My colored chart, showing the mai4Sanatomy and afford Lag aa interesting study in m i dla- aases win be, given free upon application, ' 1 ' Consultation and Advice FREE -CotltrstctsBtJ . DlaBOrtlsBt-AuY Tou can depend upon a quick and thorough cure by my treatment. A because - a slow cure Is apt to be no cure at all. and a chronlo development will come later. I cure you beyond the possi bility of a.relapae snd in .half the usu) time required. . . , , , Weafissx Allmntss r Often the condition appearing to be the chief disorder Is. only a reflex ailment resulting from some other disease. Weakness sometimes comes from varicocele or stricture; wktn and bone dlsrasea result from blotd poi son taint, end physical and mental decline follow long-standing func tional disorder. My long experience in treating men enables me to deter mine the exact 'conditions that exist and to treat accordingly,' thus re moving every "damaging cause and its effects. '-v.. Call or Write Today BoAdays 10 o 1. Che DR. TAYLOR Co. 334 Morrison StrBt, Corinssr S4ond, Portland, Or. mtleata Uvbtg eat ef tbe elty Bag. ooming te wSortlaa' foe treatment will be furaishad wltk ftae (worm free of obavrge, - Check your aramka dlreot to 834 H BCorrlaoB Btreet. n Uncompli-r cated Cases My Fee Is AlOnly ? It You Pay When ""Cured Str. Chas. R. Spencer WatfelS4rtoaVtree Beefc, Dally, ' except Sunday, for The Dalles ana way lanainga, at 7 a. rru. returning it s. .1111 o, aerv service. Fhoxaai Mala. tlS4. etome. A, 11, Si, won noma BTaTiararx oo.m Steamships R0AN0X 7 and CEO; VV ELDER Sail for Kurtka, flan Francisco and Lot ipv7na airtsvt, wvurr i Uflluajr at I n m M i . saw a. uiiivq A eVIliru. nAr AidA!. Phones M. 1814 ft. TOlfNQ7 gen t. ' Columbia; River Scenery uvvuitv UATB BTBASHTaVS. nail serve-e' between Partlaa4 and The palloa, exceut Bnadsr. leaving Porlland at T a. a, arrlvine about S p. carrvlns frelclit and jvaasenswrs. Splendid accoaaoda tmns tor outfits snS livestock. IlOCk foot of Aloee . . m . - Court st me Dalles. Phooe M., u. PortUBd: ROSEBURG ELKS ELECT - AND ENJOY A BANQUET (rtpecna, eVawtrk ta The Journal.) Roseburg. Or.,--art S.-Jtocbur lodge No. ?. B. p, o. X.-A the laai regular meeting elected the following officers for the ensuing term: H. T. McClallen, exalted ruler; E. I parrot, esteemed loading knight: I. B Rlddln. eateemed loyal knight; W. W. Cardwell, esteemed lecturing knight; George W. Uley, secretary; 3. H. Booth, treas urer; C U Hadley, tyler; C. W. Parrott, irnatee. A There was a grand good time for all and a fine banquet to finish up the evening's enjoyment. This Is the larg est F.lkn lodge In the) state outside of Portland and v is enjoying a good and steady growl" . ' , WRITE YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS toCOME WEST via SPEGAL LOW COLONIST RATES STjmriro Bievmos abtd evrmix Prora Bt. Paul. Mlnneapa. u,,t'i Omaha, Bt Joeeph. Kansas City snd other Mlsaouri river points to Portland and Ashland. Of-, and in termediate points sa&uio Prom St Louis to Portland. Ash land. Of., and Intermediate points n 30JX From Chicago to Portland Ashland. Or, and intermediate points 93iUM Similar low rates-from other seat em points to the weat. ' - -Send me full name, and address of your relatives or friends In the east that are thinking of coming to the Pcclflo Northwest, and I will have them furnlahed with literature snd full Information, or If you wlah to pay the fare of any onek the money can be deposited with any agent of the Northern Pactfie Rail way and tickets will be promptly furnlahed. For any additional information wanted, call on or address v A. D. CHARLTON Asslstsnt General Paeeenger Agent, - SSS KoiTlsoa Bt-t Oe, Third, PorUasd, Or. DALLAS' VOTING CONTEST WinilER , . swssaaaanisawssnanniMsaaiiBBJBBBi Mist' Ada Longnecker Wins '-Val-uablPiano--Thre 0thr , Valuable Prizes. (Special Dltpstrk te The Jourasl.) - -Dallaa, Or, AprU I. One of tbe most hotly contested voting contests ever conducted by a newspaper lb Polk coun ty has just been brought to a sueoessful finish by the Itemlser of this elty. About 160.000 votes were esst for the various candidates. " Mlsg " Ada long necker of Dalles recelved81,T9 votes snd jecelved the first prise, a handsome 1375" piano. Miss Delbert Keiaon oi Perrydale was a close second with T1T 710 votes snd reeelved the second prise, a 178 sewing maohlne. Miss Lydia Mus- cott, also of Dallas, received ine mru nriaa.' a78 tvnewrlter. . . The . fourth prise, a $59 shotgun, wss won by Miss Hsttle Masters of Falls City. RUIN TO SHIPPERS IF i - EMBARGO NOT BROKEN Abire-n! Ar? VlMTrchant mlllraen and others wno rauroad service for the tranaportat on of aoods are all watching with the keeneet anxiety the dally developments of the great struggle HbW going on In railroad circles. Business here nss not yet recovered from the paralysing effect of the embargo of ma paa win- ter, Goods have juat neen nru.,va m.i have" been 78 and 8i days pn the road from Chicago and a leading dry goods " ATJBT BiOAUBal.'" vcur couch Is only in the throat snd does not trouble you now, dont thins that It neeaa no. """ ', IV i. has not had much of a atsrt Is the time to check It. The allghteet eouah eas ily leads to Pneumonia. Bronchitis and Consumption. A bottle of Ballard s llAMhAiinil hTniD win ti.iw ' ' - v p. . The nrloei Dllte 11 Willi ill remvii ui aiu Sol4 by H druggists. MEM'S . . . Permanently Cured OOBTSUXiTATIOaT Tin-IO - , PAT VatXXBsti CTTaUCS. ' OUR FEE in most; CASES ma Men Read This PAT VU A PXmBOaf AX. OAlVIi at your earliest conven ience, for it is Uk'v :.. oooner you do so the better It will be for yon. ' ui. over," hear what we have to say about your trouble, and you will not be urged to be-' gin treatment with ue, but will be asked to consider if we have told you tbe truth,' and whether you can make up your mind that we ere the special ists who will do the right thing by you. . . . ... . .:'.-.. MEN. REMEMBER Weakness and Varicocele. The conditions by far the most common Of all the disesses of men and ' those mistreated most often, require EXACT, DELICATE, DIRECT TRFATMFNT v - ' AS WE HAVE STCrJlKDYHESB DISEASKS MOST THOROUOHI.Y AND ClvOSELY, AND Ot'R EOIJIPMENT FOR TREATMENT IS TJB3 BKST, THIS IS THB REASON WB ALWAYS CURE. AU Pelvic Iia eases. Inherited. Contracted or Wood Diseaaes, Wasting "Weakness, Atro phy. Proetatlo Troubles, Rectal and Kidney IMseases and Hydrocele re spond quickly to our methods. ; ic..-. , V e YOU DO NOT WANT merely a temporary treatment, but one that Is efficacious in reestablish ing a normal condition of health, -Our treatment curea the moat obatl- jiote chronlo conditions. It la a method not in common use and espe-. TlaJIv adapted to thoaa caaes of declining, functional power. .atajiy have one or more of the above symptoms or diseases, arid drag from day to day in despair of a proaperoua, happy future, when by con sulting a reliable physician or specialist at once, all might be easily remedied and a permanent cure quickly effected. Don t give up in de spair. Others are cured every month; why not you? If responsible and can give security, pay for professional services when benefited or cured, 'or In email weekly payments, an convenient. Terms reeeonabler , a . WJUTS XT TOT CAJTUO OAXX. . Office hous, t a. m. to S:10 p. in. Sunday, s to 13 m. MEDICAL AND sT 1 aTi t af A IT OOBITSB IIOOKB AV9 TABDaXLt 8TUXT8, POmTaVABTO, omaoOaT. ST. LOUIS DISPENSAUY 1 KgZIXZXXllggIXZXlIiaiMIlI..lM Reautiful half-acre tract on the Oreiron City carline. one-half block" from station; soil of the very best, all plowed and ready for crop- Price, 1300; JoO.casii, balance on time, . " , Two acres, one block from station, on public road, rich soil, lays well. Price, $650; $200 cash, balance on time. ' Four large lots, on tha Oregon City carline, opposite station; all cleared, plowed and ready for building. , Price, J00 per lot; $50 cash, Mbalanag on time. - . These are but a few of the lane number of acre tracts and lots we are handling on the Oregon City carline. They have neither r6ck nor gravel and lay high and sightly in one of the choicest localities betweenPortland and Oregon City. Intending purchasers will findjt to their advantage to call on us before buying.. , The Shaw-Ffear Company -2,'ABVxr STARK" STREET merchant here Is stilt awaiting the ar rlvsl of a shipment 1 from New York ordered laat September. The mills have ieven hoping that when the embargo was rtaiSnd tney wouia news inn extra cars the tiave been aaklng for so long. If the strike eomes on top ef the embargo It wilt mean distress to many firms, especially, (he emailed ones, snd pos sibly ruin to some. Who Is MtirTr Fte fits your eyes for l.COl tl) Sixth street. i Mt. Angel Election Results. (Special IMvpercK In The JonrnsLI Mount Ansel, Or., April . At the municipal election here the following officers were elected: Mayor, Fred Schwab: recorder, Joseph J. Buchheltt treasVirer,' David Back; marshal, Joseph Zollnert councllmen, Frank Overroed der, John. Wlndlschar and John .W. Ebner. . ' . , .. Piefened Btoak Oaaaed Oooda. Allen Jk lewla'. Best Brand. - ii- I - . ' r