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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1907)
"EV'RY MORN I BRING HER CIiICIIEN" little Ad ia HIE Ertngi Results One Cent a Word. The Weather Rain and warmer tonight; Friday showers, -cooler. VOL. VL; NO. 28. DECISION IS DEFEAT FOR Rumors pf Division! Among: Commissioners V' Prove Without FoundationNeither; Pris- .- oner Nor Jury Present When Written Re port : IsV Handed v; In V! Anniversary of Defendant's Wedding. j (Joerasl Baecial ferric.) -'" -Wew '-Teray-Aprtt 4 Harry Kendall Thaw la bane, This la the verdict given by- Uta Insanity ootmnlstloa thla.aftar- , tioom . ' '- 1 '. '-' . A, unanlmoua rport from tha ton- .tulBlonra was . hamlad by Jnd Flta- (rua 10 aornya or ootn aiaa aDoui 1:10 o'clock tbla aft moon boldtng that Thaw, araa sana and eapabla of directing hla own defanso. Nalthar Thaw., tha Jury or tha commliiloniri wr in tha ' room when thla annoanoamant waa mad. A written report waa handed to the attorneys, whom the court told he would hr any remarks they wished to make. Thla means that the trial will be resumed at onoe. Today la the second anniversary of the weddlna; of the Thaws In Pittsburg. Evelyn visited hec, busbsnd early. Many preseits were eent to the hotel and the " prisoner's mall was heavy with con Kratulatione. ' . '. Btam of Dltrtstoa. . , - .' It waa understood this mornlna that the commission was divided In opinion. It was reported that Putsei had failed Tfieory of, Detectives- Descriptions o? tne man yv no is tnter- ing Nob Hill Residences. . Police officials are 'advancing the startling theory that tha reign of ter ror in the Nob Hill district la being caused by president or residents of that wneignDornooa, . wno are tnorongniy ra I TtNilar with the district and those who I llvj in tha vicinity. - , . . Three bold crlmea In that distrlot, committed within a period of a few daya, bear striking ressmblaneea In many details. ; That the perpetrator of each may be' one of a band who live in the district where they kre operating so successfully is the theory on which de tectives are 'now working. Muni afaa Zaoh Time ' : Tha attempted robbery of the resi dence of Mrs. William Sherlock,. Twenty-first and Washington streets. Is the latest of , a series of remarkably bold and deaperata Jobs. , The others are the robbery of the residence of N. W. Roun tree. Ella street, when Mra. Roun tree was assaulted, and the attempted robbery Tuesday night of the residence of P. C. Patterson, 771-Everett street. In whloh Edmond C Giltner engaged In a pistol dueu with the- robber. The u ... a m.m.u. - i Lfloae proximity. ..............,....,...,............,... I What Would Of building: railroad 1,629 miles long without the. aid or advice of Wall street, but in open defiance of its every man and i its every method? This might strike you as a mere dream to be dissipated like mist by the twitter of the stock-ticker next morning, but it has actually been accomplished, recently, too. . . , . To figuratively shake a fist at the money barons as if to say: "Go to, I'll get the millions without your help -this cer- f tainly heralds the entry of a new phase in our commercial de . . V r . . . . ..... .-.,:,- The story of this seemingly -')'' The Mammoth JOURNAL Costa Paly S DE Today s Second to agree with the legal members rn aonsloertng - Thaw sane. - The - court hoped- to get .a 'Unanlmoua -opinion and the members evidently. believed thla would ba possible if they wars given a little more time for dlseusalon. For this reason an adjournment, waa . taken until this afternoon. Alt of Thaw's lawyers except Del mas were In the court room early. They had received no word from the oommla- slonera and tha attorneys were nervous and tha prisoner anxious. , The Jurors grew impatient at being kept out of the trial room until "the hearing opened. Finally, at 11:1. the jury waa admitted and court convened. . The Jury waa Im mediately excused until 1 o'clock, owing to me tact tuat the commission bad not completed Us report. ,' . ' afae tar Imu. "i ''.v' ' brPutiei withdretf from the council of tha commissioners shortly before noon and left McClure and Olney in con sultation with Fltsgerald. It waa re ported that Putsei had withdrawn final ly and be declined to discuss tha report. "(Continued en Page Two.) After Comparing la advancing the theory detectives be lieve that tha robber have changed their apparel in each ease so that they may avoid recognition as being the per petrators of the other crimes. But in the general descriptions that have been given the police by the varioue vlctlma there are genera features of reaei bianco so strong that tha theory of tha same individual robber is rapidly gain ing oredence, - Beserrptioaa Tally. " ' " 'f In height, weight and general appear ance the descriptions of the robber given by the three victims correspond to a remarkable degree. - In articles of clothing there are soma tea Wires of re semblance, though they are- changed in the different eases. In the Rountree robbery, for instance, the Intruder wore a black Derby hat, while 'the man who startled Mra "Sherlock last night .wore a soft black hat. The attempted robbery of the Sher lock residence last 'night waa what ia termed by detectives "a second story Job." Mrs. Sherlock had been visiting nslghbora early In the evening1, and on (Con tinned en Page Two.) You Think ! , impossible feat will be found in ; "'',. Sunday Journal, ! iMTfII Journal Circulation SAM PORTLAND. OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL T7. T7 TT Tin 77 77 TT TZJ'Vn IT 7T TTN TTZJ rrrv r ; 7"T :n n rri w-eiis- AS THAW LOOKS TODAY rrninniminnijr r ' r a, - - . i , ' ; - . --' ; V - -.s-. -.. '- sail jer ' '''"'". 1 - ... ..... , -riiNfcj ' JL fM aj-tv j -; i -V - k : ) - 'i Wa- i - -i This blcture la, from a photograph of Harry K. Thaw as he waa signing hla name to a letter. Below. handwriting. HARRIF.1AN SAYS HE Railroad Magnate Denies That Ha Wanted to. Be Senator and Says That 'No Political' Bar gain Existed With President. New Torn, April . Harrlman baa got enough. He wanta to atop tha eon trove ray with the president and ha also wanta tha last word. Hare it lat . ' "I don't- Intend to continue the eon. troversy. You gentlemen (addressing the newspaper men assembled at his request) must help me by not aaklng me to . anawer . any questions. - the answers to which are self-evident. "Everybody knows that the contest for th ssnatorshlp in New Tork In 1104 waa between Benator Depew and former Governor Blaokv . - There-could not possibly have been any other candi dates. . , i ,. "There waa no bargain whereby money waa to be raised in eon aide ration of having Depew appointed to Pranoe (Continued on Page Two.) HAS ENOUGH ROOSEVELT TO WAGE WAR AGAINST ALL HIS (Joan assets! Serrlea.) Washington, April 4. "From now mi it will be a fight In the open between the president and hla enemies. , All the world will be able 'to sea the prettiest scrap pulled off that haa occurred In many yeara" Thla was the comment made today by a high official of the administration close to the president He -continued: . "The president haa welcomed the on- portnnflja of plarlna Hsrrtman among his enemies. Hereafter In hla speeches, Instsad of proclaiming generalities against demagogues, Roosevelt, will boldly declare that be hates men like Herrfman. The president le glsd that Harrlrnan's future enmity must be In the open as he courts the opposition of such men." Additional details of the gigantic political ceoaplreey whloh the resides t - - CI - IARMING mm mi m i Is -a sample of tha young prisoner's .- :- . . LINE CAN RUH UP DESCHUTES Land Office " Grants ' Oregon Trunk Right of Way "Forbid den Last Winter by the Recla matlon Service. P. a Gordon, anglneer tn eharga af the Oregon Trunk railroad, work upon which waa suspended several months ago owing to conflict in the right of way with the appropriations made by the government reclamation service, re ceived - a telegram this morning .from Commissioner Balllnger or the general land office that the railroad's right of way had been granted. It la stated that - former clans of the company, of which W. P. Nelson of Seattle la president, will now be carried forward and tha road projected into., eentral Oregon, - -- . : Water Za Appropriated. Surveys on tha line which began at the mouth of the Deeohutea river and continued southward into Crook county were completed laat year, and late In (Continued on Page Two.) ehargea Is being formed by eeipoiata in terests to defeat hie pollclea, were gtvea out at tne wniteHouse this afternoon. "Men who are engineering tha scheme hare a fund or 15,000.000 already sub scribed to effect their purposea," aald an administration repressntntlva. President Roosevelt believes that there la a plot composed of the Harri man. Rockefeller and Hearst Interests, to knock out the polloy of government control of railroads and great eorpor atlona - The plan of the eonnptrators Is not Only to destroy Roosevelttsm In the next preeidentlsl campaign and defeat Taft's or Hughes' nomination, but to prevent railroad leetslatlon In the sixtieth con gress and Incidentally to destroy Roose velt's Influence by making It appear that he was a party to corrupt campalan con tributions by the corporations Le 1104. , COON 50NG 4, 1907. TWENTY PAGES. James Gillespie, Con victed ot KillingTwin iSisterl:, Escapes :AII Punishment- ' r Technical Error Made by Prose cution In Trial Saves Con- demned Man From Life Im prisonment Ordered Re leased Without Bonds. ' (Jesrsal Special Barries.) Indianapolis, Ind, April 4. The Su preme court today freed Jamea Gilles pie, convicted and sentenced to life im prisonment for. the murder of hla twin slater Elisabeth, February 1904. Tha court held that the lower court erred in -not auatalnlng the defendant's objection to the discharge of a Juror and the substitution of another and held that ' Gillespie could not be placed tn Jeopardy again.' The eourt ordered the warden of the -penitentiary to release the prisoner forthwith., without, ball. The alleged mlstske waa made la the effort of the state to get Oscar Jonea off tha Jnry after the members had all beeet- sworn. Tne state said it bad been Informed that Jones did not properly anewer the queetlons which related to Mra fleward and had also declared that no evidence could make him believe that Oillesple murdered his elster. The defense objected to Jones being excused on the ground thst the defend ant, after the Jury bad been sworn, had been put In Jeopardy, but the ob jection waa overruled. It la on this "placing In Jeopardy point that tha ap peal waa taken. . The trial of this sensational ease cre ated widespread Interest. The Gillespie family Is very prominent here, having resided in this locality for more than 100 years. The dead woman waa highly popular and accomplished, and there la a general desire to have her alayars punished. The atoryxof the murder is simple enough. - Miss Gillespie waa preparing to entertain the Women's Literary club of Rising Sun In the front room of the two-story frame house in which she ahd her aged mother lived. It waa Just about dark when a shot rang eut- Two or- three- minute later the mother gave the alarm, neighbors rnshed in and the young woman waa found on the floor with a wound in the left side of her head Just' above the ear. She waa unconscious and remained In tnat condition until her death, . vahich occurred the following afternoon. It was afterward discovered that the wada taken from tha head were dis charged from a It-gauge shotgun, and a bunch of No. 4 shot was found Im bedded In the brain. It happened that James Oillesple waa one of three per- ons-la Rising gun whe bad a gun of the la-gauge yaiiety. .. Although their slater waa mortally wounded, neither Mra Beward nor James Gillespie, nor Mr. and Mra Bar boar, who lived directly across the street, went to see her before death or attended her funeral. The fact that bad feeling bad existed between them for some time, eoupled with this con duct, was what first directed suspicion toward them. Cuban Revolt Planned. ' r . ' .1 Journal SoecUl WricJ Havana. April 4. Details of a con spiracy by which a revolt haa been or dered during Taff b visit here next week wae exposed today. It Is said that tha Moderates had planned tha scheme to make It appear to be a Liberal uprising to demonstrate to Taft the necessity of keeping troops In the Island. ENEMIES The president did not explain hew or why the Hearst element had Joined the Rockefeller and Harrlman Interests, He merely expressed the belief that this was the ease. The big corporations which contributed to the fund for the Republican committee In 104 are sup posed to be furnishing much of ths Information which Is leaking out through Harrlman- and other former friends of the president. Msny more racy details are expected and politicians - of all persuasions are Intensely Interested In the situation. "And the trail of the conspirator goes right across the onntlnent. They will stop at nothing. They will bur newspapers, legislatures or votes If necessary to-down the president. " When asked how tha preeMent learned , . ... ' - ' - , - . . . " . . . , .... .- ... .. ; ; mi nnunT sr rnin -nrPBrrhn KV H ODh EflD F f-V- Joaitnuea aa fsa I . VJ. IN SUNDAY'5 PRICE TWO .'I v t 4 c George H. Thomas. TWENTY ITALIAflS Flimsy . Lodging House ' In San Francisco Destroyed by Blaze Pitiful Scenes Are Enacted While Flames Are Raging, (Josraal Special Setvlea.) . . , San Pranclaco, April 4. Between II and 10 Italians were roasted to death and an equal number badly injured or burned in the destruction by fire of a cheap lodging bouse at 114 Connecticut street, early thla morning. ' - There were over 100 of them in the fllmey structure when the fire broke out (Continued on Page Two.) Anti-Saloon League BURflED TO DEATH Take Place Devlin; Declares Their Count on - Petitions Inaccurate. One thousand and more names alleged to be mlaalng tn connection with the McKsnna 11,000 liquor license petition and Sunday cloatng ordinance, failed to come around and announce their where abouts thla morning. The result Is that 10 men are hustling with might and mala to gather from among (00 legsl voters their signature to the petition before o'clock this af ternoon at which time the gong rings and bars them from further effort Be sides. the men themselves who are giving their time today to bring success to their' undertaking, offices have- been opened In various parts of the city and a call Issued to Htlssns to sign their names to the peUtlona at any of these placea. '.- . .v. ifaatarea Poarlag lav ....... tTp to noon today the appeal to the public had proved successful to a marked degreo and signatures were be ing rapidly takes. At It o'clock nearly 100 voters had signed the petition at the headquartera of the anti-saloon lea gue In the Commercial block and signa tures were being taken at eeven other places throughout tha city.. ' There la no qneetlon but that-the needed 100 namea will be secured with many to spare aad teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee It Will Be Tamons I When the great quest of The Journal for the mot beiu:!- ful woman In Oregon closes, the photograph recrivlrr t.Vs award of the art commission and the first priie of $75 wi.l ts- " come famous all over the world." It will be accepted as a genuine type of American be 3 ... The Immediate notice the winner may have will be no;! ' :t; the proper satisfaction she will feel in beinj acknoul- ' , . 1 a beautiful representative of excellent Amrricsn v. Journal readers shoulj send in t rv ? ful women. The first Inssllr-er-.t f 1 ' found in 5UPPLEM CENTS. " ' ?" Tnrs m rws Mavor Will not Bs Candidate for the Democratic Nom ination.! Because a small faction, of Demo era Uo politicians undertook to dictate the policy ha shall pursue. Mayor Lane baa declined to become a candidate for renomination at tha. Democratic pri maries. -. Foremost aifcong theae would be dictators is George BL Thomas, chair man of tha Demoeratlo oounty eentral committee and himself a gum ah o can-' dldate for mayor. Back of him are a group ot spoils seekers who have beea much dissatisfied with Mayor Lane on account of hla persistent refusal to use hla office for partisan or political pur poses. Tha same element defeated Tom' Word for reelection as sheriff In the last oounty campaign. . -. It la quite possible that Lane may become am . Independent candidate for reelection, though as yet he declines to commit himself, saying that hla only decision as yet ia that he will not enter the Democratic prlmaxiea ' Thomas Teams Tor Office. George H. Thomas has been a per- pave, the way for hie own nomination and election aa mayor by forcing Lane out of tha race. He represented to Mayor Lane that there was such wide spread dissatisfaction among Demo crats on account of hla decision to seek a second term that it would be impos sible to units) the party In hie support. It appears that the- basis for this al leged dissatisfaction waa the complaint of a few office hunters who were ag grieved at Lane because he had not found Jobs for them la ths city's ser vice.' - Inasmuch as Thomas Is chairman of the county eentral committee, and aa he waa one of those who invited Lane to run a second time.- the mayor at (Continued on Page Two.) Gets New Names to some of the municipal laagva members are sanguine enough regarding the out come to aeert that tha number eeeurot by e'olock will be nearer 1.000. It 1 a foregone conclusion that tha petition will be placed on the ballot for a decis ion by the voters at the June lection, Devlin a Strong- Denial. There are atll two very positive a, sertlona revardlnv th. n ..w- - nuiuurr of stgnaturss on the petitions Died some time aga with Cly Auditor Devlin. ioiDrs or ma league asssrt that three weeka a so theva Ann attached to the papers, and that elnra that time eeveral hundred mora were turned In. while on the ether hand. Mr. Devlin saya that when the . Municipal leaauara ea.ll1 him , h. w.n night they did not know how many uuuna naa oeen niea or the number ef sis-natures attached te them. - "Thev started In to rtuinl tv n.m.a last ntght by pages." he said this mom ma, xaaing it ror granted that there were 20 name to the page. I lnslsf-1 unon an I n1l,Mii.l. Asit,n, th. was widely at variance with the figures (Continued en Page Tea) ' '. . . '