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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1907)
..' , . . . ... '. ' ':. - . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 3, 1807, .TODAY'S MARKETS COLORADO SPUDS TO COME HERE ! California ' Is ..' Buying Large V Amounts From Greeley at ? Eighty-Five There. " CAN LAND THEM HERE AT DOLLAR AND FIFTY On Account of Very Low Price Rul j ' Ins In , Wisconsin, Minnesota and . Maine Colorado la Cut Out of r 4 Large Part of Texas Business. Today" principal market featorre: Bag market holding fairly eteedy. -'r- Same old ettuatloa lecblckeaa. " ' Colorado potaloae to com bar. , ", Onloaa ara eceree and klgber. ' Conrad Kraba Bella kopa la brwr. :, Baay ton la drum laeata. Great ebertage af produce. r.lirornla aalmoa to la aurket. Wbaat aadfloar firm. Oalwal Betata ta Ona San. lb waa atated br Tba Joaraat yeetarday ' laere la mil proapact or tba pett BiarKet ahowlag aiack of as adyaaea oor tba preaeat . rtillag figure. Tba trado la geaaral anticipated " that b aiarkat will reaaata eatee to preeant rigor. Tba ary -eaaaee far a Material ad' : raaco am today' price la tbat price la Colo rado a ad tba aaat go ep. At ttala tlma tha boat rural potatoae ara belag 'eaotea) br daalora at Me f . a. a. Oreetey. Colorado. Grayera ara - paid 8a par 100 panada for tba atork. Tba freight ' rata - froa "Greeley - Pacific - eeaet aetata la doe par 100- poaada, tkaa glrtng tba . Pacific coaat trada aa opportaalty to land boat Colorado atork at $1.80 par MO poaada. - A eonalderabla aaaaat of tfala Oreelay atork kaa - already Beea, porcbaard by California partlro baraaaa they bow realla tbat tba ra will aot ba a aafflrleat amont of Orafoaa reanalalng , to till tha daaiaod botb from tba boaia auta . aad fioai tbara. . , , ., .: , . f Breeley' Wkealag la Frlee. Ahbeegb tbara la a fairly good daajaad for ' ' Caloradn potato tba market at Oreeley la reported waakar at SBe. f. a. a. tbat ablppmg , polat. According ta adrleee rarareed baro tbla aanraiBg lha wee a raaae or a railing aff la tba daaiand from Texas and Kaaaaa a aceoent of tha Vmt prtree gaoled tbara for Wlaeaaatn. Jrtneeots aad Malna atorc--ao t la tba prlca la tba latter atata tbat tba grower and daalora tbara ara enabled to eeaipate wltb tba Colorado trado for tha baalaaaa of Tana. in, to tba antral of .wallowing tba groat fralcbr-rato that M applied ta ahtpinaata frora that north ra point. Howavar, todar'a Oraaler adTlra aontlaaaa: "' bara a graat daal laaa potatora ) now tbab wa bad at tbla tlma a raar aeo aad a abarp adranoa la tba prtra ,' ta axnactad la eenarqaaara daring April. In anlrlra ara brbig rarairad from California aad anma ablinoonta ara brag maao at -c i. a. a. . ; Oroahrr. or Il.W calitvraia potnta. , . ' KUr Stop Oragoa Adrmaoa. ." Tba low nrlraa ttolna atjotad for Colorado. MtaDOaota. Whwonala aad Milaa poutoao-any 1 I pat a XoP tha adraarlng prlraa roomily . anowa kt tba roaar aiarkara. Wltb tha Call . dnrnla trada onablad to -toad Colnrado'a boat poUtora at II BO tbara tbay ara not Inellaod t nar tbo baavr premium demand for Oregona. j Moral aoratoea U fct tba Callfernla atarkaU ' , ahaat tar vr IU ponnda ander tba prka f . Barbanka, Wltb growaro aoMIng for te,-ta J tbla market amral local daalara ara aald ta ba aegnllathtg for Oelorado atoek. walla too i altnatioa herd la fully aa' atrong aa It arer waa, 1 daalera ara not worrying mocb baeaaaa growera ' ; wlU not aaU at proaeat riguraa. - Oatea Karkat la Adaaaclng. : ' ; ' " irttk tha ararrlty of anppllaa. daa to tba aoa fcaepmg oauty of tba atorb. raa anna maraot - la abowtng a ataady adTanro botb bora aad ta tha Booth. . Otitona af all klnda ara arareo and ' , tha trada la abla to gat batter prioaa all aroand. 2 Arrordlng to adrleaa ratlad bara by McKtnlay Mltrball. alght ran of Oragoa potataaa anirad , ba Baa FranolBeo yaatarday. Rappllaa eaaamtad -' moatly poor atork wltb prlraa rorraapoadlngly : low. raaey atoff ramalaa high and wanted Ooarad Kraba aUtaraa rraaa Saat. Conrad Kraha. tba hop bub, ta turned tram aa , exteaalre aoataaaa trip to tha aaat tbla BM.-B-: tng. Areordmg ta Mr. Kraba bo anld a ma ' aMarabla amoant at aoatraeta for tba aomlng nop of Oragoa hope ta aaatara brewara aroaad " lac a poaad delrrarad tnara. , Laall tba boa trada la daad. daalara report :, lag a gene raj adranoa of ardara. Cnntraetlng. bowaaor, la anlta fair aad It la ata tad that a : aambM at Urga btocka bara baoa racoatly t written. Brief aTetaa af tha Trada. ftama aid altaaMoa raring la eklrkeaa. raw i gga ara fairly ataady ar He and lae with ,Ji - - ' mIm aawlho lattee arlea. All dnaaad aiaata ara aaaler bat BBCbaBrad L a prlra. - CaUforakt aalnoe baa mado Ita apnaaraae J i. tt,m n.rtati at las a aoond for ftaab. Craamarr hotter eltoattoa BMbaaged. Ona : noamary mattnuea to hold at blgb prlee. aay- hag tbat enrv'lea oo aoc yat warraai a oauura Wbaat and flour firm bnt anrbaagad. ' ta Brndnoa enatlnaaa. Tha trada paya tba following prlraa ta front ; rtreat. Prleaa paid ahlppara ara hat ragolar cammlaaloaai . " . . . a . . Orala, IToar and Faad. . OVJklN BAOH Oalcatta, tH baying prtrat J-aallln. , WH BAT Club. TlttTTrd Baaalaa, aJOe Uhmi.m . t; aaiier. lis. LUKi TV aOM. f4e.Wi vracaav. aev.w por BAP.I ICT Naw raed. tSl.OOgtM M par toa: ' rolled, f z.twiQxa.w; Brewing, t.wej2e.wj. BVB 1.85 per rwt. - . . OATS New Prod aeara prlro Ho. I wklta, i IW 00(29.60 par ton; ara. 3S.0O(MJ0. riX)UR Kaatara Oregna pa tenia, 14.15: t atralgbta, - to.0O; export. 3Ml valley, it.lS; , graham. Ua. 13.50: whole wbaat, M TU; rya, MM. halea. IS.TS. ". M1LLSTTTFKS Bran, tlT.oO par teal mld dlrnra, gM.OOl abarta, reaaary, S0.eO aJtjf, 1 1.M: Chop. $16.00(321 .00. H AT Produce n' price Timothy. Willamette ' ralley, fancy, flS.O&OM.OO: ordinary, OOea T 10 Ofn -aaarera Oraaoor $10.00! ail xed. HO OOldj 10 SO; cloTar. fS.OO; grata. I OO110.00i cheat. " v M OO. .' Batter, trrl aad PeeJtry, ' - -s BOTTSB -FAT t a. : ..a. . Portia Sweat ; eroatn. WHe: eoor, HHe. BUTTER City . creamery, , gftc; aatalda, . fancy. lft, (tre. .' - ' rortS Ultra fancy, caadled, lfiac. r CHKESB New Fall eream. (lata, 1CJ16M f : Tonng America. ITAlTHa. I , POULTRf Mixed eblckeaa. I4H par Iht fkmry bona. lo par lb; rooatera. old, llfglSe . 1 per lh! old ataga, ltd)lHe par Ibl fryara. laa . ?. per lb; brollera, 16a per lb; old dacka. ilHe evper lhi aprlag dnrka, 1SH par B gaaao. , lOe per H; turkaye, ITe per lb for oldl draaae 1. fancy. Ble par Ibl Bona be, gj.oo par" dvat ; plgaona, $1.00 par doa. Praaaed poultry 101m ' per in aigoer. , - Head, Waal aad HI daa. ' HOPS lOrtaj crop Choice. 1 lie: prima la ' ehMce, 0)iOHei medio to prima, lQa; . ae1tum, ar; roatrarta 1D0T crop, lae. ( WOOL 1006 clip Valley, 3U23; aaatara ! MOHJB Mew 100T BSC lb. SHEBPSk-INS Shearing. IRfJBV each; abort ..- wool oJ4flet mediom wool, e0fa7&e aach: '. Vang wool, IRcfltl.OO aach. ) TALLOW Prima, pat lb. IHOac) Ma. t aad . greaee, 92V4C. CHITT1M BABK Be for car Ma; email Iota, . . . H1DBB Dry. No. I. IS Iba and am, Ida) . Ie per lb; dry kip. Xo. 1. to Id lha. IB IV: dry calf. No. J. nnder lha. SOr; aaltad hluea, ' ataera. aooad. 40 lha and arer, iotjllei aawa, ' IHSiHt: atara aad bnlto. aoand. Q7c blp, i 15 ta SO lha. c; calf, aoond. aader IS Iba, 1 let i graaa. anaalted. la. leeal rulla. le par lb haa; ' borae bldea. aaltad. each, $ 1 noflj 00; dry, aach, I 101.60; colt hldea. SnnsOei gnat aklna, , common, each. 10y 10c; Aogara, aach, SOea f fl.OO. ' " I rraHa aa Tagatahlaa. ' ' ' POTATO IS llnymg price, aaatara Maltno- mah end rim. aelect. $11$; cell. I Ing. fancy,' 1 7f; ordinary, hdylnc, II :i l afl:- atern Oregna, atiylng, $1.00 41.(0; ( leM. In pr lh. .-.ION. J.yiblng prlco Aa. t 0rcMe, $1.M WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS By Shark aV Qrahara Company.' , Hoarier arrtvala of draaaed vaal. aapoclally ol tha amallar alaaa. hava had tha affaot of un settling tha market during tha d ' past week. On sorns .days dur- d lna this tlma tha prlca baa held d) firm, whlls on others It haa bean d hard to move tba supplies at d) conaldarably reduced quotatlona.' d At tha .present tlma tha market d on all dressed meats Is weaker a) than ona week ago, but arrivals . ara moving quits freely at prra- a ant printed prioaa. .-'-d . Chlcksns and ducks ara still In d , strons; demand wltb supplies d short Eggs have ahown B aharp break snd tha top prlca today Is - d II oonta.' . It - Is expected con siderable storing ' will ba dona d while tha price atays . at . thta d flgura, i -,,.. v Fotatoaa ara holding firm at present prioaa ad It la not e llkaly that they will ba any leaa during tha preaent aeaaon, while on look lor still further ad- d vances. - . " : .. 0140: We. t. 0e baying nrioa. OOflTSa f. 0. a. aaipping pome, gaxiie, nave per id. APfLLS raaey Hood Hirer Splteeeberg aad yalh'W BewUiWaa, 2-M; fancy WUlametie Tal ler aad aouibera Oragoa, $l.MCl-'$; ordluaiy atork. SOctiei ex. FRESH FRUITS Oraagea, aow a a eat tS-TS aja.w; taagerinea. I ; aaaaaaa, ee per mi lamooa, $4.noijs.00 per box; Umea. alaxlcaa, $l.aa per 100; plBoapplaa, $4 00-00 par dual grape frolt. S.i5. V KOBT A BI.Bd Taralpa, aaw.-SOcail each: carrota, T&cfe1.00 par aack; beeta. $1.7$ per Back) paranlpa. 1.00ll.2S: cab bare. 2.a0 tamatoaa, Mexlcaa. IzJtQtM; Florida, $$.00; paraBlpa, 0rf1$1.00; atrlng baaaa, ISa par lb caaliriowor, M par doa; poaa. 13c boraa radieh. Sa par lb: artlehokao, I$cl1.00 per doa;'aa,aaah, T Sett 1 1.00 par boil celery, Cali fornia. 66tj70e tor doa; rraoaerrtea, $.00 10.00 per tarral: aoroota. Sa Bar lb; a para cue. UAlxvke; rhubarb. SWSc par lb; green ouloaa. laa doa; Florida ball peppera, 40 par u; apiaaca, liwai.a par pox. DRIED FBCITS Applea, evaporated. ShQ Tc per lb; aprlcota. IdMeXO per lb; paachea. UaJlSVie per lb: aacka. Ma aor lb laaa: praBea, ta. area ev ie au, Dtaoe Ho aa each 1-10 amallar a me: tlga, California black, eltte par Hi; California white. SndUa Mr lb: da tee. roloen. $6.o par box; farda, 1.40jl.a0 per la-lb b " I Braaarlaa, Beta, Xta. " ' SnOAB CallfDrnla A ' RawalUa Cnba. $$.H; powdored. SS.ltHt berry. fd-MVi; dry fraanlated, $a.2: Star. $42; conf. A. UMi extra B, -la.allHt golden C. $$$ I D yellow. t.Ut; beet graaalated. tilSM. Wee tern Cube, $4 TH; powdered. SS.lim dry graaulated. $4.17'; P. C. $4.U: SL FraacU, . UNIil eon fact lonara' A, HMH: extra C. H.Ul goldea C, $4 8HHl yellow. $4.22H; beat graaa I. led. $4.b2 m barrela, 10c; half baraala, Sbct bBiaa, sue advance aa aack oeata. (Above prhcaa are $0 day sat cash quota tlona.l .' ; i ' HONBY-l.S0 pec ant: COFFEE Peckace braada. Ilff SI1 "J. SALT Coarao Half groaad, 100a. $10.00 par tea; Sua, $10.60: table, dairy, 60a, $14.00; too. $18.7$; balee, $t.00; Imported Liverpool.. DOa, $1100: lOUa. S1T.0S: 224e. Si 00: extra fine. hbla. za, and 10a. $4.$ofi!S.50 Uverponl lamp rocg, $ per ton; 0-lb rocs, $ lU.JUi loo, no.oo. - --i . - . - lAbove price nobly to aale of .laaa tbaa car lot. Car lota at apeclal prlca aubjoct lo Ifwraationa.i . - RK'B Imnarlal. Janaa Ma. 1.. Sc: No. S. Uc-.Ilaw Orloao. bead, T; AJax, he I Creole, an. . I8.2S; pink, $3.28; aayea. $3.76; Umaa, ft it c I Wei Iran eeda. 4c. NUTS Paanute. Jamba, SH per n; Tlr glnia. TV4 par Bi:' rnaated. 10. par lh; Jana ueea, 5Q3He; roaatad, UTI4 per lb; eoeoa aata, soatoue par daal walnata. Callfania. lac pa lb) J'rrncfa, l$c par lb; pine auta. 14(fJ !." oar lb: hickory note. 10c per lb: ehaatBata. aaatara. 1618 per lb; Braall auta, JHe pe lb; filbert, lde per lb) fancy peeaaa ls(20i:; aiaaoaoa,, iveUmc. . , - , , - . ' Maata, TUh aaat Fravlalaa. - FBRSB MI ATS Froat: Street Roc, fancy. SHi( per lb; vrL extra, sqbo par lb; oraiaary, intlT per to; poon no per id; mat tna, faary, biM par lb; aprlag lamba, 140 lae per lb. BAhfS, BACON. ETC. Portland park (local) kama. 10 to IS Iba. 16He par lb: 14 to IS lha. 16e par lb; 18 to SO Iba. lde -per lb; break fart Da coo. i9uuwa par in: picaira, lee per 10; eottare roll, lie per Ibl regnlar abort claara. anamokad. IS par lh; hmoked.. lJlc per lb; dear back, anamoked. lac; amoked. 13c per lb Ualoa bntta, 10 to is lha. anamoked. S par lb; tnofcad, Sc par lb; clear beiuee. an amoked. Iim per lb: emnked. 1H par ll; ahonklera, 13e par lh; pickled tonrnea, .Via each. , LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10a. 1SH par n: ft, 8e per lb; SO-lb tlna, 124e per l; eteam rendered. 10a. 11 e par lb; aa, 1XC per lb; compound. 10a, Sue per lb. CANNED SALMON Columbia rivet, Ith talla, $L90 t-lb telle. $t.7B;- fancy l ib flete. 1.80; H-lb raacy I lata. raney l-io ovaia, 1.7S: Alaaka talla. nlak. SSaooei rod. S1.D0: nominal. 3a, tau, $2 00. FISH Rock cod. 7 par lh: fhmndera, Sc par lh: hallbat, H par lb; crab. $1.0utl.M per doat atrlped bene, im per lh; catnh. 0e par Ibl aalmoa, freak Columbia river etrelheala. lie per lb; chhtoob. 13He per lb: fmeaa aal aaoa. SaTlla ner lb: berrln. Sc ear lb: aolea. Sa per lb; ahHmp. 10c par Ibl aerch. $e per lb; blaea coo, 1 par ib; umiaiiu. is per u; lohaUra, 10a per Ib; freak mackerel, e per lb; crawflah. 20c par da; taryeoB, 10c per Ib: black baea. SO par Ib-; Columbia river malt, nc per lb. OIKTFR8 snoaivrorer pay, per ganoa, u w; per 100-lb c. 4.oo: oiympta. per genua. $2.1$; per 11Mb aack, ta.S0O8.iW; Eagle, canned. 10 can, $7.00 do.. CLAMS Hardabell, par box, $240; raaor cla ma, $2.00 per box. 11 bar doa. . f Baint, Ceal OO. Xta. BOPB Pare Manila, lB.c; ataadard. : COAL otl Pr4 ar aatrni vaaaaja-aj per . gal: water white. Iron bbm, lee per gal; araoden. 17a par gal: bead light, 170 dag., caeee. Ac per ral. OASOLINB SS dec., caeee, ( 14 Vie par gal; bhla. lac par gal. BENBINB SB dag eaaa. 25 par gal; lrea hbla. 1MV4C per gal. i TDBPBNflNB la raaaa, pet gal. weodaa kkl OHc ner eel. Wnlla L. r. w i m nw, mr ouv-e lot. per lb; leaa lota, HU per lb. . , WIRn nJ l rreaoni noeie 11 e.-eo. MNSEED OIL Pure raw, la S-bM lota, SOe; l-bbl lota, 6Sci aaaca. Ma par gal; genalne kt le-notl4, eaeaa. SOe par gal; S-bhl lota. 64c; khi Iaml atia ner aali eraoad rake, car lota. $200)0 par toa; laa tbaa car lota, $80.00 par Tmrzs iTATxi aoTxivton bobdb. Hew York, April SM QotafnaieBt bond : . , Hare. nia. Aaa. Two, reflate red ... do coupon Threes, r eclat red . do eoupon foora, raglaUrad . . 1080 l3Vt I'M 1VH14 i"avl lj loi mi . ioiH 10(1 . ll 10nl4 14 102 lOJ lOl 1X1 131 , iooji 10S ........ 19m KM 1908 t 10-Id ........ lix7 1907 do connou Three, email bosda Fonra, reglatared .... 102S lS0k do eonpon mra. Pblllpalaea . ... Wis t.aivb ........ l 100 Twna, paaama ... 104 ,i. 104 ' do aoapoe ... IIBST OOBTBAOT f ILXD. (Special Dlapatch to The JsaraaLI ' Salem. Or.. Anrll t. Already tba boa man ara heelnnlne to aeek for tba aew eroa of knpa and ma ay of the bnyere ar entetVy mak ing . eontracta at 10 eenla for tka 1907 crop. One at tba flrat eontracta to ha placed oa record wltb tha Martoa oonnty recorder waa that of J. P, Wllquet. of Oervala, wbo con tracted IS.nno pounda -of ta 1KOT crop to Klaber. Wolf A Netter foe 1014 emu par pound. "'' - POBTLAB-B BABX tTATEMXBT. ' Clearlnga today Clearing year age .. $l..W.M0.J 711.1 W 11 . d Oela today ..... I H19.4J0.M Balance today uwOnUM Balance year age........ iul,$d2.81 LlTaraoei OH toa Market. . LIvariMnl. Anrll t. Cpttoa future .rloaed U ta IV, polat lower. Xanaaa City Wheat Market, y.neaa T, Arrll 8 loeer Vheat kJy, b. aakedi July, 861i taAed. Pacific Coast Cents Sold tin DESPITE HEWS Wheat Values Lose Today and Bulls Are Somewhat Ditcour ' aged Over Foreign Values. LATTER OPTIONS ARE - t MOST FIRMLY HELD Mar Closes at 78 Mc Bid, Nearly 2c Under the Price of This Date Year Ago Gonerallj- Cloudy In ' the Wheat Belt. ( " - "-WEATHEB 7!f wBAtrr-BaXT Nebraaka City, hard rain. . Omaha, partly cloudy and cool. " "' , ' ( ' Kaaaaa City, cloudy aad warmer. ' Iavenworth, ' cloudy and cooL , St. Joarpb, cloudy aad eooL Sloex City, clear, Lincoln. Nebraaka, cloudy aad eaha. 'Haatlng, cloudy and eooL . . Chicago wheat erica ruffe red a reaetloa to day, not wl tba tending tha contlnuaaca of the damage rarrarra. Poanbllltlaa of damage to tba crop by huge In the eouthweet added to tha atreagth lo July and September option a. Foreign markete were rather dlaannolatlng to h bulla. They have advanced bat a fractloa over the Chicago riao alnee rlaat Tnaaday, ' YtfflclaT qootatmna by Overbeefc. Starr . gt Cooke company: , 7., WHEAT. Open. - High. Lew. Cloae. May 7 '4 T7U 7V TOB July TRI 7Vn - 1 THHA n$, siiJ- TBli . an Dae SIM S1K COBN. May .......... 4" 4S .. 4814 July v 4ot 4t4 4ft 4 aept 44 - 48)4 411 SB 4ft '4 B v4A OATS May Julr dt 4! .874 , 874 $.nf 88 MESS PORK. B B I1 88 Sept . W V loHA May .........lefl 180 188 ...... ...1640 184T -1025 LABD. .18WI 1830 SOB i'.BOg . 015 S70 ... gH7 - bog July May S00 ,; . ant SS July 10 : 0)7 j 02 a.t van 028 ia BHOBT BIBS. May .......... 87 - 'art T0 July .......... ns " aoo awt Sept .......... BOO ' BOO 80S NOMINAL' ARRIVALS AND NOMINAL TRADE TODAY Livestock Market Remains Very - Quiet -Hog Are Weak De spite Sharp Rise In East. Portland TJnioa BtockyardV April $. Uvo- atork recelpta: Bog. Cattle. Sheep. louay nn I7 74 4Tlj week ago to Tear ago ......... ...... Frerioua year ...... .. ... (80 Nemlaal arrlvala aad trading contlauee ea tbe Uveetock market. Bog- contaaa eaay to weak at (7.28. Cattle are firm and aheep nominally quoted. Today eo aoraaa arrived In, the yard. A veer aar today: All llvaatack ana firm. pat nncnacgea in vime. orrirlat iivaatoci price! , lloga Beat eaatera Oregon. $7.S8: ttocken and feedera. 8S.2Sfti7.0O Chine fata. SL7fial 7.00. ' - Cattle Beet eaatera Oree-on ateer. S8.0041 S.10; heat cow and helfere, $8,8004.00: etock- era ana I ceo ere, i.t.Miat.w nulla. ( SheapJ-llJted, S3c: wa there, 4Vc; ' awaa. ouuc; lamoa, o-a(0,oike. SHARPURISE IN HOGS Chicago Market Very Strong, S to . 15c Adyanced Over Tnesdar. Chicago. .AprO. g. Uveetock raeelnta: 41oe-e. Cattle. Sheen. Chicago 1$. ("Hi i.'t.noo Kanaaa City ,. 13.01)0 S.nno T BOu Oniaba 6.000 4.000 8. MO - ! ar strong, -Be-to- IB higher, with I.SiiO left over from yraterday. Hecelpta a year ago were 84.00O. ITIcee; Mixed. $8.40 ajo.av; neavy. - an 7nra.TT -jg ; roaga, 8S.40t b..m, iigur, a. Cattle Strong to 10c ap. " Bbeap 8tead-. - - NEVADA MINING STOCKS Prices.' at the Closing of the San Francisco Market Today. Ban IVancleeo. April 8. Official bid price QOLDriELDS D1STB1CT. . MMnjirtn KTc U Vm, ea . . l. $li Colauibla Vlt-. 88c: Jumbo. $3.80: Jumbo ., haou; yernai. aaked; rennaylranla. Onldflald M. 0.. 81. Ml! Kanitall. Knrh. 70r: Bine Bull. 43c: ddima. ITc: Sllree Pick. $1.18; May Queen. $1.80 aakedi Nev. Boy, l&u; B. B. Ext., Iftcs Blue Bell. 2Ac; Dixie, lie; St. lrea. $1.40 aaked; I'onaneror. IHc; Blk. Bock, 7c ; Lone tr, 27 n. Wonder, e aaked; On, 40c: Kami II Ext. 4c; Baadat. Ext. Sc; Mayne, I4c: Atlanta. 89c; Croat Bend, SOc; flmerooe, 2.V: Empire, lc: Ited Top Ext., 48c; Florence. $.$: Dlam'f. B. B. Can.. v.i a. Delay, $1.aS; Lagana. $1.80 aaked; Common wealth, S8c; Comb, rraet, $40: Or. Bend Ext.. Sftci Or. Bend Anx.. 10c aaked; Mill- aroma, IK; B. a. Ron Baa, Sc: Kawanoa, $1.2'.: Kamaraida, soc: Portland, SOe; Cracker Jack, like: Francla Mohawk. SI .08: Red Kill, son Mohawk Kxt.. 22c; Loa DUIca, lde; T. Ttrer. lflc; Grandma, 2Ac aaked: 8. Pick Xxt 10c; T. Boa. lOar Col. Mt. Ext.. Sa: lloldf. One. 77l Dlam'f. Triangle. 4e. - . C0MSTOCK DISTBICT. Onhlr. $2.8.1: Mexican. BSci'tinnld a rani. 8lc: Coa. Virginia. $1.10; Savage, 97c; Hale Morcroea, aoc; Yeuow Jacket. 00c; Belcher. 40c: Confidence, Bfic: Sierra Nov., 70c Ex chequer, hoc; t'nha, 70 aaked. BCLLBBOO DISTRICT. : . Original. 17c aaked: Bnllf. hi. c. ue. Ballf., del Nat Bank. 4e: L. Marria. 4c: Amethyat. 44c; Oold Bar, $1.08: Rtelnway, IV; Denver But. Aax.. BV aaked: Bonnie Clare: 44c; Mayfl. Cona., 4c; Mrmty. Ohm Ext.. 14c; O.- Sceptre, - glci Monty, Mt., B$c; B. Daley. SOc aaked; Homaatake Conen $1-1$; Yankee Olrl. Oc: Buacet. Be; TV. mi rvn. $1.17Si Victor. (Or: Banner. 00c: North Star, 11c aaked; Mlilaa. SOr aaked: Sunaat. Sc. TONOPAH DISTRICT. . v Toa. Kev $18X5 aaked; Mont. Toa.. W.SO aexen: ion. t.. ao.ooi maoaenara. e4c; Midway. $1.88; Ton. Belmont, $4-60; Ton, Ke. Htar, gftc; Ohio Ton., Sc; Weet End One.. 1.40: Beecne. 14c; Ton. Calif.. 14a aaked: noldea Anchor, 82c aaked; Jim Butler. $1 08; Ton, Caab Boy, Be; Tn. Home, Sc; Boat. Ton., Monarch Pitta. Ex., 17c: Mont. MM. Ext., lac; Golden Crowa. 14c; M. T. Ton. Coae., Ac. MANHATTAN DISTBICT. . a, ' Maah. Cona 78 aaked; Manh. M Co.. 1 V Wedxe. lie: Serler Hump.. erieitar. .o: L. Joe, 8c; Craacent, Sc; Comblnatlea), 7c; Orennr, tic; Mnatang. 28c; Little Orey, 40c; 'oebny- Orlg. Me nh., nc: Broncbe, lc; lumn. Jack, aoo aekel; Ploennt. anr a.kxl: Hiiffalo. V; B. Tng, HOc: Y.. I lore. 7c aakod; Indlaa Camp. IV. TAR IOCS DISTRICTS. i relrv. Silver King. 42c aaked: Filrv. Raxle. One a.ked: Neeala Hflla, $.!..": Plttabnrg nll ver reak. $1 80; No. Htar TVondcr, IV: Kagle'a it. Mc: Ruby wonder. SOr: Ner, II. riur- aaca. 10c; Alice of M onder. In aaked. St. Lnle Wheat Market. St. Lnwle. April . Cloee: Baaat hUr- Itl Jaly. TTe, GIIICGO nni UU I Colorado Potatoes Are Being Laid Down at Points at Dollar and Fifty "at Eighty-Five Cents There.' IfOr.lE PHONE IS E Thirteen Bonds Are Sold Today ' on Portland Stock Market a an Advance. THREE DOLLARS ADDED ' , TO THE FORMER PRICE Mammoth Mining Adynnces So With ale of Thousand Shares at 10 Bank Shares Hold Better OU Stock Down. Ham. Telenhrtny'hofia'' ao1.t at "aa advam a tooay aa the for tuna a lock market. forma earn of thee boada waa at $HJ today' price going to $80. TalephOB ebarea ware like- wlae (a damaad. The report that the company already had 1,700 laatrumeut la noeratloB added to tba already unproved tone. Tka tl la af tha Mock waa made at $30, unchanged ttam tae former tranaactwa. Mammoth Muting advanced 3 ever the for mar bid price with a aale at 10c. Banker at Lambermen'a bank a (tranced SO la the bid oa account of the graat Increaae In depeelt reported. Bank af California advanced $1. -Merchante National loat B9e la tba aaked price with aa bid. Aaaorlated Oil loat tSe la the bid with he atork offered aader $40. the former price. J. C. Laa Oo. advanced l&e la bid with do Balee. folic la Mining advanced another He la the hid and Waahougal Extanaloa advanced He. Ke Bale In either ban today. ' galea today i Thtrteea Home Telephone bonda at $hs, S Home Telephone stock at $30. 1.000 Mammoth Mining at lOe and 8,800 Brltlih Columbia Amalgamated at private aale. Official prleaa: " " . V "' BARB? aTTOCKB, Bid. ' Ask. Bank of California Banker At l4tmbnBa' Merrbaata' National .... Oragoa Truat 4 Bavlaga.. . ....4ft 00 ! , 102 BO ...... ... 180.60 128.00 120.00 fort land Truat Co , lotted State National 900.00 LISTED SECURITIES (BONDS). American Bteeolt Co. S. 88.00 City A Baburhaa 4a Columbia Southern Irrigations...... Home Telephone Be..,..,.. 0. B. A N. By. 4a............. 00.00 O. W. A By. 100.00 Paclfle Coaat Blacalt da....,. 04, bO Portland By. Ba. J. 0. .Lee Co. ea ..... : MISCELLANXOUB STOCKS. Aaeodated Oil ..w.. 28 Borne Telepbooe $0.00 t. 0. Lee Co 10.26 Paclfle State Telephone...,.., ..... Paget Sound Telephone.... ..... MIMhO STOCKS. Lakevlew .......... M. ........ Leaa Creak Oold. ............. XI Vi Manhattan Crowa Point........ Potlcle Mining .18Vk Waaheagal Bxtonaloa Ui UNLISTED BTOCKS. , TaqahM Bay Talapbone.. .. $.25 . 100 09 02.00 55 no 85.00 100.28 108.80 100.00 000 100.00 40.00 as oo 2S.00 105.00 60.00 .14 .0214 , -to .17 : : .so ' BOO .18 , .07?4 .20 Alaaka PatrolaaaB J3 ' Brltlek Columbia Amal. ........ .04 Caacadia 21 Ooldfleld Trotter ..... Great Mortbera . i ... . X1V4 . Mammoth Mi Morning . .,: Standard Conaolldated ........ ..... Tacoma Steel .10 . COKUB D ALIBI DISTRICT.. Bulltoa .07 Copper King 16 ,. 0. K. Cooaolldatad..M. ."4 Happy Day .05 Snowahoe 40 ; Saow-storai ., 1.80 ' .10 .11 .."a 50S 1?H Jtlfr .05 Si .no BOO RETIRING OF KILL CAUSES BEARS TO SELL eBamaammal agaaamam gBBBBSBBB Great , Northern Loses' Two Points In New York Cover in;; Responsible for Rise.l :s NET LOSSES. ,.. m ureat Norther . .. 4Natlonal Lead .. .. S. Y. Contra, ... .. VNorthera Pacific Amalgamated Car A roaadry Sugar .... u . . Smelter , Anaconda . . . . . 1 Ron tbara Paclfle .5 Baltimore A Ohio. I nloo Paclfle Canadian - 1H B. Btael. BL Paul Inla. At Maah aa prof erred. n c i uaiins. Atchlaoa ......... S heaapeaka Ohm. VL Brooklyn IV I Erie 14 DletUler 1 IHopI' Oa ...... 1 lreaaed Steel Car- Bonding 1 At the cloalBg today tha New Tork atoek market how auoatly toeeee. Snort covering, however, caueed a abarp rlaa la Brooklyn Bapld Tranelt of S4 polata. AtcMaoa waa advanced a fractloa oa the report tbat the atoek bad beea placed upon a S per cent baata. People Oaa advaaced 1H polnta. Copper loat 1 point. Oa the report that I. J. Bill bad turned tbe Great Northern over to hie beare anld the atoek abort and It loat 1 polnta. America a atocaa m inooai .were a-regaier. moatly M to polnta lower. The tendency of the feneral market at to moment aoem lower. The Steel eamlnga for the flrat eraarrar r probably $40,000,000 - aetr Indleatloa of better ingniry repwiw vj aaeinw aoi ' Secretary imreiyoa . innnaacej um iwruung of $ISO,Ono.onn abort raira. commencing 00 April S. Eaaiar taaoency rn sa money maraai. Official qaotatlotm by Overbeck, Starr A Cook comneny: DBSCBimOB. i.l r.iBiwr fa Am tAmiantlM. eoca.. 2T4 Am. Sugar, cnta. ....... 1264 ianixo Atcniaon. cammoa ..... a a. n man mnn - - ST?I 174 3H 9 07 4 SI Brooklya B. Traaalt... Canadian Pacific, com. oa 171H isi 1174 122-, 1T4U Chi.. XII. B St. Baal.. mat liwa. Cola. Fori lrea, eom. z5H ,-inv4 Erie, ronnwe fnl. a. K..h lis 118 lllaaoarl Paclfle New Verb Central. .... . T4l T4i lie. 4 12' asv 11SV. Pennarlvenl Hallway. . Pontile ., U C. Co. Reading, comntoo . . i.ImmI cemnviB.. 1X4 01 17 ".ilia's 2$ I tl K 7J T4 MSI snu Snarbara Pacific, com. . Inlon Pacific, coat C. B. Steel Co., coej... 1M an ftH oo praierrea ......... Lrrarpaol Orala Market. Llrerpool, April . Olflcl! price: . w'HIAT. , aj .. ChM - Infll ' -M.I- 1 Way ........ ,a 4V4 Sa 4H a 4'ld' ... July $ IHd 2Hd ea yli 4 Miy faaSMS d I d ... Terlga Xoaay Xxokaaga, 1 ' Xew Turk. April . Sterling: rteaaanA. 4M.ftO; BO day. 4H0; Parle, 2i leaa 1-1I; A a twerp, 23Vi 1-IS; Anxtordaia, SO 15-10; Vl.noa. SO.: Storkbelai. MM. i a have a torpid liver when Harblne. the only liver regulator, will help youT There la no reaaon why you ahould f- 1 far from Uyapepala. Conatlpatlon. Chills end Kcver or any liver comnlalnla, when I llerliln will cure yon. . F. C. Walt, ( Weslvllla, ria., wrltea: "I waa alrk i for a mnnth with chills and fever, and I after taking two bottle of Ilerhln ami' well and bacJthv.:' Mold hjr all drug- BULLISH Blata , i... GRAI1D JURY ; HI TWO WEEKS Bristol' Announces He Will Do What Prisoners Have' Been Vainly Longing for. Tha federal grand Jury will ba grind ing out Indictment agalnat Oregon criminals In 10 to II daya, according to a atatement made by United States Dle trlot Attorney BrlatoL Mr. Bristol aald thla morning r that ha waa unabla to atata definitely 1 when ha .would call tha (rand jury, but that ha would endeavor to . have tha oavll made thla weak, al though it Is not likely tbat It wlU ba reached until tha flrat of uex week. - Outside of tha press -of work neces sary for tha calling- of a (rand Jury. Mr. Brtetol la deeply engaged In other matters pertaining to work In hla office that will require a great deal of hla tlma. Becauae of the clreumstancaa It la doubtful whether ha will reach tha (rand Jury until next week. Attache of the federal building are on the alert regarding tha 'grand Jury and tha work It wlU have to da' Many Indictment of eonalderabla Importance are expected aa a reault of the lnvoatl-gntIonB,-but kgalnat whom they will be directed la -known only to Mr. Bristol hlmaelf. That many lndlctmenta will ba re turned . In tha land fraud eaaea la be lieved.' T. B. Neuhaaen, special lnspeo tor -of tho Interior department, baa a eonalderabla staff at work, and It la believed that they - ara directing their energies In ferreting out- violations of the federal land lawa. Many other Indictments will also ba returned by tha coming grand . Jury, chief of which will ba those against tha men charges with tha poatofflce robberies and with counterfeiting. Becauae of tha fact that It haa beea mora than a year alnoa a federal Jury haa been tn aoaalon in Oregon, tha num ber of the criminal caaea Is greater than baa aver been before. Many of tha men have been tn the county Jail for a long time some of them more than nine months. Becauae of this con dition of affairs there has been' much oomplalnt and priaonera have triad In vain to have a grand Jury called. NEW CREATION A PUFF OF SMOKE A little flame,' and I BO gone up In smokei And with It many a 4alr one'a dream of shining In a gorgeoua Eaater bonnet when It ahould hava reached tha "marked-down" ataga. But that time will never come. A email gaa exploalon caused a little fire to break out at AUen dt King mil linery atore on Waahlngton atreet this morning. It was promptly extinguished by men who rushed In from tba street, and comparatively little damage waa dona. But tha devastating flame, seeing that It waa to ba robbed of a chance at wholesale destruction, with the eye of a connoisseur selected the handsomest imported bonnet In tha ahop and In no tlma had transformed tha ISO eoneootlon of a bit of lace and a petal or two Into a charred relic And In the aputterlng of the flame aa It died out under a douire of water and - heard a man chuckle, "Wo didn't let that go very far," waa tha diabolical laugh of tba Cams demon. DiphtJierla In UtUo Italy. Several caaea of diphtheria In tha Italian colony In Marquatn gulch hava been reported to the health depart' ment and the paranta of tba children hava been directed to keep their chil dren out of achool. - A phyaiclan. wai not called to attend any of tho patients until tha dlseaae waa In an advanced ataga. . Tha f .000 units of antitoxin were administered to one of tha pa tient, but without affect. All children of families living In tha neighborhood hava been requested to stay away from achool. A BEAUTIFUL FACE Bead ataaiB for Partlcalara aad Teatlaaealala of tka reaaedy that claara Ike Coapleiloa, Be. BMToa Skin Inperfeetlooa, Makaa New Bleed aad lBprueae tbe Beelta. If yoa take BEAUTYSKIN BmflrtU navlt art gBWrifaMd f aSlakrtawt. ; - OHIOKZSTZB CHEXflOit 90 - Btaalaea Blaea. Pkflaaelphla. 1. MORPHINE and other drag habit are poaltlvely cm rod by HA BiTlNA. For Bnermie or lnt entile or Internal nee. Sample aent to any feet, and tft wajiaxe Paga nirXlSi nw ny drug babitae ty riee $3.00 per bottle mail, negniar pi at yonr drngglat or by mail In plain wrap ii a (a... BL Loala. I nail In plain wrapper. , Low la, ae far aale ky Bkldaaare Drag 0.. lei Tkird It., Pnrtiand., Oracoe- - FOR WOMEN ONLY nr. Saaderaoo'a Oeipoond Barta d1 Cot toa Boot Pill. Tbe beet . and ooly reliable reaiedy foe 1B i irrn VEBIOUS. Care the moat U. obatlnata caeee la I to. 10 Say? Price $$ oar box, mailed la plain wrapper. Ad.lna. Dr I. j. PIBBCI. Ill rirat atreet, PortlaBd. Oragoa, ' "3 -WHERI-IHE fiffiCDBY. 1K W CO0 .:::-L'';' ... : then:. Enjoy yourielf with a few boars on the Willamette I In one of our swell little launches. You know your self that there Is nothing so beautiful aa Oregon scenery. Yoa can go to places in a lsunch tht y i r -vr knew existed. You can inake little trips In summer to Oregon City, Salem and many ether c 1 1 i - gon. Places where larger crstta hsve never ventured are revealed through the ail of a li i - '.. C paddles and oars are carried by us for the exclusive u$e of rleaure-aeeker. 1 uy now in 1 t t j W are giving a discount now to encourage esrly buying. Don't wait um 1 t t fc , - ! rr r . r able to get left. If you would rather have a row boat or a canoe vvf-y v- , c i r Perhaps your old launch that you have riven up for worthless can tc r - - i ct our launch trimminf;.. 1 '.;:.,......'.- . is J , Ja v w r . J ''i A CIGAR remains ... X. only so long 81 offeredthat's why. the brands which have been longest established are invariably the beat. : -y : .. . . . , v Think of the hundreds of new brands' introduced every that for more than -Chancellor CIGAR "Oldest and Best' '.has .been known and smoked all over "the 'country.-; ,- '-. -..',; Always the best product of an old estab lished factory, it is considered a worthy . addition to the list of 'Triangle A? brands. Made in several sizes, sold at 3 for 25 cents .. x2 for 25 cents and 10 cents straight., Known to all dealers of good cigars youH find it in the best cigar stores everywhere. : , ' Every box of Chancellor cigars is now stamped with the "Triangle A? merit mark , in recognition of its superior and uniform quality. . l..-..i'J.JJ-..v-:- Know who makes your cigars look for "Triangle A" merit mark on the cigar box every time you buy. : : ; AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY Manufacturer : , i I w i a i - . - - - - . fW . W i bbibIjOiiMm aOaJcawt aanaSI 1 f. I The Shine THAT GOES TVICE AS FAR WOMAN A SPECIALTY AIRS. aS. Vd CHAIN Tk ealy Cbhaaaa woaaa xaedleal eoetor la tbla city. She baa cared ataay afflicted eaftarora. Cored prlrate aad foaiale Sl- , .- , eaaea, alaa aatbaaa, throat aad i 1 I '" traablaa; etoonaek, blaaoer L. , 1,1 and kMaay aad dlaeaaaa af aU : I klaoa tbat tka kamaa flaeh la I aalr to. Cored by Ckloea barb f iViO i Be operatlnna. Honeet treat moat. Bat " MT a aUBAXIOSO l-BBB. II I , V I aag . . BBS Clay Street. Coraor Tklr. I i I k M I r i SC0Ti:i"3 SYRUP J'""' tk Baa baiai urn i by Hinioaa of MoOera for tbetr , a , eUloreaWblle Teetbing for oeor yifty Tear. , . . i It aootboa the ohlld. aoherna tbo guana, ailari , , . . , . y i all aeilB. oarea wlad eolle, aad la tba baa - f"" 11 '. -: , raariely fnrdlarrbcaa. i1 I ;.. 1 ' J i TW " T J.B 1 V CBTTTB A WTTX. , 1 ' " 1 1 " ' ' -4--' OTjlu:, 1 in txroular demand a 7 waw as no better cigar i3 year - - then remember;' thirty years tho ' :6 y-af mm rmr-K TEA :SRICES BAKINO.ROVDEiT 0TJSTRI6HT f ClOSSETfa'DZVEFaS 1 a Marie A ii 7rr I 1 I 1 i-w , I