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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1907)
t THE, OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, - PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL S; 1907. -FOR RENT FLATS. FOB RENT Mc 4 room flat, food new bnlld . 1n. eaay walking distance, $ 50. Maui l7. ' FOR RE5T STORES-OFFICES OFFICE-BOOMS. BBfarnkbed wh ui sss. . pie-rooms tM mi, whmhh P' ' elevator. FOB BENT One, . two or three large sffle " ruome, suitable foe Job printing office or " other line... Inqulr Portland Ua rJlcysl Co.. 131 First . i ' . c ' TOR BENT flood offlc froatlnf Wn Isgtoa at. All Commercial blk. .j, ., - - THBER enfuralahed room tot not. 48$ Bast Morrleeu at. till HH6. ' ' BUSINESS , CHANCES. . HOTELS OUB SPECIALTY. . If your hotel to for Ml. U or eat of th rlt. brio It to m and era will proeur aarebaeer without publicity. Rettanc, Uo HI Moo' essoclsrton. t. L, Al'STEN A CO., Original Hotel Brokers. " ' Butte 123 to 1M, Ablngton bldg. Phong Mala 24. rVItL ITAXD TOI R CLOSEST INVEST. , CATION,- , , $3.000 Ooo of tho Bloat proproo grocery form la Portland for aal an acooant of poor health; aek any wboleaala feeuaa or people you eaa drpeud on, and 70a will find out It te a good thine; might exchange fur gaud city pro;erfy or good farm. . t.. rucus. rem M0BHI80.N st: WANTED T aril, half Interest ta good pay. Ingf bualneea. Phono after B'tlfiCaJTCuWa. Won Matn 'BTuI. -- GENUINE SNAP Wo raa show Too family . hotel which nisds guaranteed art profit of "'aver $3,000 during part year! at praeent proflta are over $325 per month: 13.500 eaah . required. Thoee rieelrlng to Investlgat mnt . produce financial reference! ao agent. 2 154, 1 car Journal 0-ROOM hotel, all light room, elegantly fur- t . ninnni, , vest ouy ID Vliy, siwej rrewimi, ': moolhly proflta guaranteed rent, $175, March $275; 62.300 take thla bargain; May - termel hthh eofn In larcar tuilel. C. . . . P. I.. AUSTIN CO.,- 123 Ablngto. bldg. . ' . CONrECTIONBRY. cigar and tobacco, com , groceries; good trad, tin location, rent $19. .', including 3 llrlng rooaia; touv; If yen want . .watetniug good, tnreatlgate. ", f . r s DIAMOND REALTY CO., t V . :. . 261 Alder,. Boom 10. SALOON, hotel and larg dining-room: a hoot go room. etahuebed, doing a good business; Phone Pacific 101. " STOCK eqmpante incorporated. If yea bar . etorki or bond for ial, let Be try to aril them for you., tieorge N. Kellogg, broker, ' ' 640 Blllcott Square, Buffalo. FOR SALB-Sarberhop. Call at 0 Wash- . trtgtoa at " ... i FOB SALE. - - Orocary (tor, eaat aide, good clean Braes. ; V doing good hualaeaa; will aell 10 par gfcat lea lnrolce: tone lea raa n had. t PKEBT A WILSON,- .'. 3 WUllama ae.-...-.'. . . CRANCB for party with email capital to toeeat . to trarel in eosat territory for food prod art wiannferturlnf concern! enmethlng new: no eon) petition; good paying Inreatiurnt and Mg pay oa the road. Addraaa tor lnterrlew, B 155, ear Journal. BAR CHANCE Cigar, randy, honk and anaga, at on; good clean atork; . $ llrlng fooma, ' ".'with or without furniture; rent flB; Boat Jell; cheap. tu First at. TOR HALE A fine, hahery, wU equipped. i V 143, Joaraal.7 f. . " ' BAVB the beat opening e the eot In wU , atabllhed nterprleet - email capital re- : qnlred I writ for partlcalara. F. L Schott, dot 4 Beat Morrlaon at. . . . TOR ' SALE OR TRADB Hotel Balaey. 100 ,. .mile (root Portland oa Soathera Pacific: a modern- np-to-date hoeee. aewly furnlabed; w baa good eameridal trade. Addraaa Hotel . Be leer, Uekwyi Or. -: vvr raia ai ana'Dring it wiib jam. 1 aar 10,000 per cent Inreetment la a aaanafactur. ',' lngompeny'a etock: anrchaolr baring (mall - amoaar ts to rest preferred; erflc open Sat- ; HHt.w .MMiln.1. . InnlV tm We. C PttMh .-heaas-Blt Commercial hlk. '". . A -WANT a .partner da a good email grocery eteee. r aieiin sain ana jnm eie, 1 SAVB MONBTU'ABytklBg la aetnttag ee Mad. Asa, Oad Fellew' lampla, First aad Alder ate. 1 e pet a Ira. 1 'TJNFUBNIHHED rooms, central lorstto rent reasonable. Inqulr 11 Lnlua are., VII B neat eroceiT la Beat Portland I a hooo- - and well-paylog etore. For gal by fa 1. B. Fore man Co.. 181 U ktorrlaoa at. EHTABI.ISHSD paying reeraarant, doing rood haalncee; owner going e springs; only $700. : A ISA. Journal. In the Willamette ealley; the ealy one In the . : place; gned location; plenty of boelneee; . good Teaaoa for aelllng. Inqulr Jam Olb- ). Roonj 11T Ablngto bldg. - Pbon Mala seuB, FOR SALE A ceafectlonery and gn'i f afore, atork $2,300, In good location; would trad - for farm, P. i. Wood, I ID Bttaaell at.,-Port- TO eoaatry mercbsnta; Excluatr ageney for the celebrated t'nlT.raal Cerpd Beoorstor la ". eech town. Writ for etrculara and Informa- . t. 1 niTersei t arpec aeaoTaior u.t aoov, Fhat t Portlaad, Or. I WIIJ. aarrlflc a awell noerdlog -boo r. gardlea of -float. 9iS Madlaoa. COni reetaurant en baey afreet; will et . change for lot or aell oa gsoathly pamenta. 242 aladleoa at. FBGB TO A IX Chaace ta bay 18-roow) boo, - near Washlngtoa at.; rent $50; arlo $70& 12 Madison t. - , old eatabltabed trade; cub or city property". L 147. ear Journal. , nam. seats 60; owner rk (O steady board- era; price iou. a ler, ear aoaraai. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 000 5-ROOM raodera oottag oa corner, cloae ,ln nari at. $2,100 A tin bom la Center addition, close to car, plenty . fruit, good water, lOOi ' ion; $1,100 eaah. H.IKX) Fine room modem kom, eloa ka. ; full lot. ee,t aide: terms. , - ; $ IS 000 One block, has I new cottage, '-rente la $W) H of block to recent; let a how you. . ' $14, boo H block, enrner Third sad East Pmes fin warehoue artel good tncom now. HABPBR 0 DO.NNKI.L. Phone Mala (73. . Fifth aad eiorrlaoa bt. ' RAROAIN IN ST. JOHNS PROPERTY. ' . ' L'nder eneclcl price for a few dare, ftoai , of Ibis will tell at 20 per cent locreea now. ' 1.700 Half lot on Jersey at., block from i Center. I 1 , $2.1100 TOOrlOO tmstneea lot. $.t00 SOxlOO reaWeace property ; thb t a . ,. 1 . gvio AOiIOO reaMeac lot, Height. ' $V050100 reeldenc lot: a good bay. $1.000 f0i 100 bnaln lot Jersey at. . tl.oOO Timber claim Klickitat eoaatr. HARRY B. WAGONER, St. John. Or. nvtvn 11 In la. will woe sm rmmmt J W i lk..h mII.KIa JL-Um . te ftm want quick return, list your property witn Bteaear near anitare at inTeeimeoi e 167v rirst at. We can el It. . W bar good buy. Com In and ee as, , - Bearer Seal Fstate A Investment Co., ., l7i ytrst t. 70 TWO res Mas re lots, below Talus; nearby Iota telling for $00. . , 2.oo eVrnom boa; don't fall t ee tbli Wore buying. T $.i.M0 $-rniHa mod era keuee; beat . for ,. toney oa eaat aw. V. PAGE HARRIS, " Pboa Eaat 4M0, Belmont and Bait Sfltk It. 1 FOR ALB. ' 1,. into, fenced, cleared and eultleated, 4-room bona, city water; aar Penlnaular (ta- TAh mmr lli.e! g.t Am cnolc wareaouse iocati'n 1 Mrww Ainina, liLl.l, 10 4 Rueaell t ' HAWTHORNS BBALTT CO.' $21,00014 per cent Ineeatment; flneet e ' ratio oa eaat aide; fact growing eecttoni '' kalf eaah. balance I2000 yeer at t per eaat. HAWTHORNS REALTY CO., 28 Margnerli , cor. Hawthorn. Tenor $1... 3 U. FOR RAI F trxitino ft ol t.1n ae , h twee '. and Ma't'jr. In (ill at l'td .T 1... - 1 a t. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. m Ki.vroMii a mnwnx. 420 CommerrUl bldg. Pbua Pacific 2514. $1,100 lOOiloo, t fef abore grade, Mdiprartd. aat eld ear Uo t bkka, , - I2.2UO Quarter block. 6-rovm cottage, $" block frpiu Albin car beni. " ' ii.oo ..1 Corner Sdtb and Kaaf Waaklngtoa, S-ronm Cottage lust comiilrtrd. Can't be beat; term. $5.T1 Kortheaat enrner Kodner and Fare, two P-rooaa luodcr houee. flu location $3.0V1 will owing una. . w.M Rlx-room bouse, entirely modera, la. Hol la day Park; terms; anap. . . $T.ooO Quarter block oa talon are., boa and para .threw lu. ' $4,000 ' " . . Kin rooms, modern, psa quarter block, Klickitat aud I'nloo are. , . a A-Mapilflcent Ccttae :.- Heme - J' riace worth $3,500, for I2.R00. i f Corner lot, d-roea Queen Ann cottage, por celain bjb, hot and cold water, patent toilet. . marble top waab tanda, full cotuTfre uaee Bient, elcctrbi llgbU; etreet Improred, new atdewalks; phiea all landecap gardened; Mori-, tana are. and Church at. . The graade9 plan you rr aaw for tn j money. Leva than tb Improrentent coat, Very eaay . term. -- ' THB bUNN-LAWREN'CR COMPANY, 140 First at. .,. .,. .. .. VACA NT e-r . $11.000 IMHR0. aeer Ruraald. . fl.ano looilJt, tirand are. : ' 1 $4.a xliH, York t. , . ; ' , tl.aou Ouarter block. Msllory in. 1.000 4 la Iota m Kt. J..hna car llae, ' Irt.10 KKrilOO, Koulb St. John. :ao Comer. . A Ins worth it aad pe Tenth. 1. 800 1001 ISO, Alnsworth are. Hho lOoil&o, on North Mnth at. S H.V) 10OxlXI, Jeraey at.; St. John, (too fruira. Chlpman add. to St. Johns. 1.200 4Mxl2d. Hi. John. , . Ka) 5 lota. Excelsior add.; easy terma. 2.VI 2 lota, Kaceiatur add. I aay terma. About $0 lot on It car, ranging In price from . $3711 to $U0; $60 cub. be lane $10 per month. - OTTO, CROCKETT RARKS0N, " .. . 1IH First St. - . BOOMINO-HOCRES. ' $X0 d-rooia boarding aad lodgtng-boua; ''.' .,',.' $42n Id room, all full. ' ' $1.1T5 10-reom boarding and )odgl0f-aona Income $K) monthly. - -m $2,230 4f Mom, i-year lease; clear $100 aer feVinth. -. " $2,70022 rooma, near Perkln hotel, good lease: farm. ' . . $2.500is room, long ' lease, hlgk-claea trade, ' The are nly a few of th bargain w a. ..' . HARPER A O'DONKELU , Benson bldg.. Fifth and Morrison. ' - A FEW BARGAINS. $7.000 Lot boaroo, good a-room aoaa oa Bort at., near 2Jd.f ' ' $A.50i Quarter block, good T rana bona. - modern. Kaet ltb and Uadteaa, at. .- $T.00tV-Cornr SOxlOO, 2 good boubesi rant , $30 per month; Bear la oa west side, on car line. $4.260 Lot 00x100, goad T ' minute' Walk of cltr hall. boua,.lO 10O aeree. In Hood Rlrer. 20 Carre In ap ples, good boos and .outbuildings; tbl la - a anap. - ... ' . - A. 1. FARMER CO.. v. Boom 20 Waaklngtoa bldg. ' TWO ale lot, eloa la, near Belmoat at., room for 2 houses; nice rlew. beet realdcB location a eeet aide; Tory reeeonabl. ,H. W. J. PAT C00 . , - . ... . ' leJHFoartb St. - , : A FEW OP OUR BAB0AFN8,.y. M evwi x- e . w . . ' g.700 7-room house. 2 lot. .0 . .. ' $7.000 11-rooaa Aoeee. Mill at '.. $2.0oo New 6-room house near dsr hern. . $1.000 New 7-rooro hone, lot $01130. , TABMKRa' LAND CO. -i .' i Madlaoa bldg. " S-ROOlf cottar la Alhlna. on fin lot aat out to hrabbery and garden; concrete basement, patent toilet, bath, sink: only 1 14 block from Williams are.; prlo only $2,200. Horn Land Co.. l5H Ftrat t. 10-ACRB tract close In, 1,000 feet railroad , track: a snap, $3,500 aa acr. Call 80fUi WaablagtoD t., room . - ; LOT 100x100 feet, 10-rnoia house, hot aad cnld , water with bath. Pbon Unloa 6081, or ad dree Boa ass, 8t. John. 0NB lot and A room oottare. good picket fence. ceiur ndcr pari or nouee, gooa wooaenea, ale law 1 anap If taken at ooce'.- location .Lanrelwood Park, S4T Hoyt, M, Nt; Scott Car line. Q 131, car JoumaL A NICK quarter block, 100 feet from atreet car lln. near, north Attune atatioa; a-room cottage With both; other bnlktlnge; atreeta graded, eirtewelke In. bearing fruit treef, $1,000; half cash, balaac $20 per monaf s owner leering end le bound .to eellv will tak team or eow. Pbon Wood lawn 814. - QUARTER block at 27 tb and Eaat CHntoa ets., en -rJia ems on v isies roriage, foil basement; the are modern: nothing leer In East Portland, prlc $5,000; can fir term. Be Q. W.-' Barer, owner. Sag aat Montana at.. City. . - A BARGAIN Lot oa Bentoo at.. In Shaffer addition, on biocg rrom cr Vn. J anno, Trlmbl A Trimble, 411 Marquam bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER Nw. rrtctly modera B-routa cottar and one 4-roon cottage; easy terma. Pbon Tabor 225. FINS aubdletowa propoaltto en O. W. P, . do In, 21 acre; leeel, ao graeel; bargal for quick aal. Yanduya h Waltoa, 51$ . Chamber Comaverc. -, - JL'ST THINK Lot $20 each, at $1, per month, near aaiem car na, n rartber thai St. John. Apply t owner, W. Reldt. Wash tngtoa bldg. . . . OWNER hi obliged tn aell reeldeno. fl$ lit deep by 234 frost: for a Injurious Bom sit It will compare with anything 'in the city. Price $3,500. Pbon Eaat 514. T 140, care, Journal. TOR SAIB Full lot, Mallory and Reectl. $T00; for a few day. AdnV T 147,-war Journal. $$.000 A ROOM bona, modera; IM2, Farro at., , mar Cnlou are. Pbon owner. Woodlawa a2T. Crcston . $T00 cash. $300 oa sy par men fa, $ year, at 4 per cent, 5-fura modera ncaia In Craeto. Inqulr N. Peterson, owner, near Creitoo Sta tlon. ob Mt. Scott carUM. . v East ncrrlsoii - . 100x100. juat acroa bridg. mt wtl at low pric. ' ROOM SOS COMMERClAIe BLK. . ' $d00-r-tot 60x100. oa Rodney are., near Going , at., with aleewalks, atreet graded and saw, era In. Register At Co., 1071 Third at. - MODERN 3 room cottaga. Sunnyald (ewr dis trict! ; $150 down, balane Ilk rent, A. P. Smith, owner, lg Commercial blk. MODERN T-roora residence In Hawthorn Park; construction tA eery bear, practically nawi tnrnaca, flna flreplac. both Bp and down stairs, full cement fmnred basement, lot 50x100, smith facing, cement aldewalk and walk. Prlc" tbl week $5,500; bait eaah dowa. O 151. Journal. ' . . , FOR SALE Cheap, a aew bungalow, $2,TK: fir room, lot SOxlOO, porcelain bath and plumbing tbrongbout, dooMe fkmra, etc., was built foe a home; In a nice location aeer th - Hawthorn are. car Una; $1,600 eaah down, balance at per cent. A 151 Joara, FOR few day I will aell comer inorloo oa Thurmaa at., east bt 23d It., for $,60, 161, Journal. - . 200 FARMS, email tract and lot; bargain na 0. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addltoo, Lenta, OregoB. Tak Mt. Scott car, 6. $TTB BITTS 5 -room boe.c, enrner lot 60x100. en cut 42d at. near Hawthorne a re. J seaia fruit trees, barrle. 242 Madlaon. . 0OOD, nearly new -room bomw, pantry, cloeeta, nice yard, fruit, flower, etc., coaTenlBt U ear Ilo, only $"30 cash; anap. W. J. PAY CO., -r- Fourth at. . ' ON'B acre, cult Its fed and In bearing fruit J email house, nlc eh Ir ken -bouee nd.rk; near Ariel tatlnn no Mt. Rcott ckr line; tearing city yeaann for aelllng; $L00. A0 dreaa V 147. car Jnarnml. ( J- RPECIAL PRICE IF OL QCICK. Kew 7-roma nvxlern bouee, furnace, flre nlace: cement wslks, -fSTed atreett; tiled bathronm and kltdiee. ts and electric; fix. tnrcs. wo'-d f-her planter, weathered oak finifo; f'lil a'-et lot; one hlock from car line, i . iiAi.N iv42. , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. " - ." "ROSS AODITION. 'Adjoining Setfwood oa th eeet. Pealrabt ' lota. $160 ta $ri0; Inatallmeuta, Peter Hume. Bank of Sellwood, local agent. - ! , EST ACAD A. " ."' Terminal City of th O." W. P.' .dlrlsloo f th Portland Railway. Light A Tower O,. 6 mile suutheaat of Portland; a maanfac- titling center In the beet farming, section of Oregon. . Lots and acreage for aale en S Inetellaient. Kstecada Stat Bank, local gtut. .... , Pelrabl A room modera gabarbaa real, dene for eal at bargain, one-half block from cat line. , . ... .. Eighty acre on o. W. T. Eatarada die. leu. suitable for eubdlrtdlng lata fir, acr fruit tgrma. -, , , . OR BC0X WATER POWER - COMPANY, TOWKSITB y ... Boom 4 and 6. 132 Ftrat t Cer. Alder. '. .-' Pbon Mala 211 ;' ' STOP PATINO RENT. 1 Lot 100x100. email bouse, fenced. a S car lln; fin llttl bom; going at $000; finished nicely. , . . , '. 1M 100x100, ; small bona. water, ne ear . Una; fin bomf llttl moaay; golngat $1,000. Ift 2xl00. . email krmee. fenced, trees. a $i0 nt "' mlU ' " M Ul( . Lot 100x100. 4-rooea beuoe, lot. $00. frait. " acre ar ear lin; T-room boa, bam. cblrkca-bouar; fruit treee: fenced; (rare led road: 2 hacks, bone. 2 cows, 2 be If era. all farming tool, chick; all goes at eecu nd ee . ... '. Acreage. 1 to' 400. lmnraeed and Balm. proredf 54 Intg betwsea Roe City Park aad -the cur, hair distance, at $300 a lot. - MOHAWK BLDG. L $-rom boas, S storlee, good anrcbe. bay window, ball, pa a try. bath, larg window. rnicEca park ana bouee, barn, ground. goxlOO feet, good lawn, ornamental tree, new, fruit tree and berries: 1 block each from 2 oar lines: 1 dry good store, 2 grocery tore, I drug tore, 1 botcher she. 1 black amltb abnp, 1 millinery otore. 1 confectionery Moc within t block of th bouee; public . K-nooi a D locks away; T rhnrcae within 10 ptoraa. an only an mtnntee' . oralh ..buslncea center of th city. ' :,- Heckle & Harrison . tax Ablngto bid. - BARGAINS IN CITY HOMES AND TABMS. $V500 3-room bnnralow, aew and mod am, with 2 lota; eaay terma. - $2. . d room modera bom Bear East Xfttb , at.; fraio eaah, balance same rent. $3.700 7-room bam oa Hawthorn t. . terma. $750 Last lot oa TamhtU at. at thl prlc; easy term. 1 . , , $0008 lota near Hawthorn are.; 20, .balance $10 par month, v $1.800 5-cr tract with Improeefaenta; n Tar far. Many other bargains' ta bom. Iota ahd ' fartuaar " - T. 1. STEINMETt t CO ' v Tb Homeeellera, 102 Morrison at. - in sotrrn Portland. $T.TfM Elegant reeldenc, t ronma, modent, lot Oxll2, beentlful eaat slew, fin laterlor flntab: coos tract Win th eery best. $3.150 New modern A room boa, aa a eee v aer. cement basement, ga. pore lal a plumb ing throughout. Including bath. -- $2.600 Ob a 06(100 lot, a -room bouee; ther Is room tor 'two mora bouse a thla lot THE PROPERTIES TOR BALI EX- . CLI'BIVELY BY . , H. W. LEMClTrJ CO.. ' Sixth sad Waablngtoa Sta. Mala 550. SEB HERB If go, want a bona on tb west aide, close. ta. for $3,200, call at room 20, 288 Stark et. T-ROOkl hones, almost ' new, fin corner lot. between Hawthorne ana w. B. car; only $3,000; $500 cash. 243 Btark St. . BAB0AIN S-room bona and lot: oh rubbery aal - fruit. 900 Montana are.) ft. aad 8. car. OLD MAN need money; will Bel big 100x100- roor corner near ear narna. ainina ror anoo: naif cash. Inqulr room 22, 208 Stark at POOR WIDOW most aell 5-room ban; lot 54x iou; nara, woouaaea, cnicKennouae. not rar from ear; It takea Bt once. $050; term. Room 29. 208 Stark at. ST. JOHNS PROPERTY. Bar I eocnetbmg choir, 100x100, ta eetrle aa atst. close tn. Imnroeed; a bargain. ROOM 29. 28 STARK ST. ANOTHER BAkRGAIN 11 acres, mostly cleared. n.j , in. evil, saesi are cheep. Th Tltm A Abetract Co, team 4 Mulkey bMg, Seeead aad atorrlsea ata. $1.250 Flea acre, with 2-moea houee; 2 sere .cieareu; on u. w. r. can in; ciosa in. ueg fUtar Co.. 107 Third af $2,000 -8, eon -room bone, between Fourth and Firta. on urant bt. 1 mc sixoo. Room a, ua brldg bidg., northweat corner Tblrd and Mr- rlaon. . $21000 B1'8INE!"8 property; Grand are., near Mcrrtaoa. Mohawk bhSff. 60i0: en 206-208, 22. TOO T-ROOM hone, t lots 100x100, H block from. Mt. Tabor car Una; mrg chicksa-boes. fin garden; CTerytblng modem ; jmrsrty ewwlb mor. but heed tb money. Owner, Main 1942. 1 1 Irrintfcii Home 10-room elexant modem 100x100 arronnda! nrice now onlr tA.orto. btNKLI A HARRISOW, 21T Ablngtoa bldg. . GOOD INYE8TMENT. 14 full Iota, only 2 btocke from TJnloa ee., facing on a 100-foot boulevard, Improyed, for .T60 per lot, lay about 2 feet abore th treat grade. . BEfllRTER A CO.j WTV$ Third St. ' - 1 $100 BELOW Telnet owner lot. Call aostbwt earner cast i.menia aaa acta era. SACRIFICE A-mom bouse. $1,100; 1 $1,700. Holllater. 21$ Commercial blk. nana A IN S-acr home; fin . fruit? L leaTlng. Holllater, $12 Commercial blk. WANTED Homeeeekere to write t Willamette Valley Real Estate Ei change. Wood bum. Or. for rerlsed Hat of farm. . . A-ROOM ce flare- aad lot, fenceTf lino eaah, nalanr monthly; m black Mt, Tabor car. 10T Spring at. Free Of taxea and Interest, I wltl at! new d-ranta ' bone and full lot on Mt fteott On for $900; 1 f.VO eaah. balane $15 per month. Com snd be cOBTlnced. Owner. 202 Chamber at Com morce. GOOD BCYS. . $Af Klc lot, with frait trees, 4-mom end. tag and barn; easy term. $2.760 Quarter block oa Eaat Darn with lots of fruit trees and modera 7-room ken so; easy iwi- j T. Ft CHS. 221t MORRISON ST. ' anRNTH, THIS IS A BAROAIN. ' $2 100 Two tin lota with modera T-meul bene, aew, which raa hardly he bsllt ror th prlc asked for tb whaler near Ananel; eery eay term; yonr eommleelon nrntectea. " T. FT CHS. 221H MOHKlavow ST. m ' , n 1 f V e iMvraTASl v ktfk notlce'i.f ! "location; terma and prlc f cloae-ln ioU w r now gelling la a lim ited number. n0xl2HVr bit, block from new school nd postufMce; 10 peg cent dowa, $14 per month, at tn eech. HA0SS4ANN A RLANCHAID. 91 Fifth st. ffOR 8 ALE FARMS. A RANCH for aale r trade tO acre seer Usarerton, 451 Hawthorn gra, FOR SALE FARMS. $170084 ACRES, m mile from Washougal. Clark county. Waeblngton, 18 n-res cleared, balsnc pa lure, all fenced, 2 good springs. rood S-room rustic bouse, nlc barn IK64 rustle and painted), other entbelldiuga. ' family rchard; fin locatlen; good wall at door, sew mower and rake, 2 plow, bar row, other email tenia: lyi miles te beet Uadlte and railroad; good eoll; terma, half eaah, balaac $ rears at per cent. Thla la a map. . , $8.Ma.ir8 acres. 4 mile from Waabnagal. ' 40 acta cleared, com green timber, balane ally cleared, ell fenced, nil terel: tine prlng! 4-rsom bouee, fair barn; family or chard; team, wago. barneea. 8 cow, ere aa operator, om bogs and ebn-kms. 200 acka of spuds; peat of black aoll; near acbool. R. F. D. . . $7 500 MS acre, s mile north of Tea ensTer. 15 mile from Portland: TO acre cleared. 20 acre good timber, balance easily cleared . $ aero tearing orchard; goo, tram boaoa, S rooma. good frame bam, am a 11 horse 'barn, other Mthulldlngs: 2 goad wells: all fenced with wire aad board, all Iced; aa main county reed. B. F. !.. near echool; good teas worth $3 SO, 2 cows; all farm Imp I, meet! fin location, bast of enll; glr tar ma. 248 seres la Clark eounty. Waahlngton; 160 acre In awadow free from tnmp. ere a heart tig orchard, some greea tlmb, balance peatare: 2 large barn. 6-room house: mall creek and 2 good aprlnret all fenced with new 6 aad S wlree and one board, boar tight; at. F. D.. school on place: 6 mile from railroad and bnetlandlng: beat of black aoll; good teem. I drtrlng bore, errersl heed of cattle, a. II kind of farm Implement: 60 ton of bay. om boga, 24 ebeep, mm chicken. Thl I on of th beat bora oa -th martetr tr yotr are looking for ftn tlac and a (nap inToatlgate this before buy igi thl Is guaranteed aa edTertlsed;, no rack or graeel; only $43 par aer; air terma. gia.OOO Farm and aawmlll S miles from ' Waahougal and will ha one mil from at tlon on north bank railroad; JT-0 acre fin land. 59 acre In rnltlTatlnn, 100 acre fenced. T ere orchard, mostly applee; good 6-room houee, well finished: large barn, two wagon beds, wood house and torcboue: good teem young bora, T bead cattle. 4 bog. T3 chick ' na; 2 beary wagona, 1 aprtng wagon. 1 sur rey, 8 boggle, 1 csrt. 1 new eelf-blnder, mower and rake, $ barrow. 2 plow a, 1 larg elder mill. Double circular anwrnltl. water power, with 2.000.000 feet good fir timber: ready aab) tor Inmber st mill at $10 per 1,000 tn rough t a mea With some knowledg of sawmill hoal nena can pay for thl place In two yeer .with aawmlll alone; term. $3,000 cash, bel anc lung tlm at per cent. Thla Is a anap. $3,600 4 acr, 18 mile from Portland; 20 acres cleared; Borne green timber balance Catur. anally cleared; atl fenced, 2n acre arlng orchard; S-room bouse, fair bars; oa mala county rood; fin Vocation; 2ty mile from boat landing, R. T. P., near rhool; 'good tee Be, new wasoa aad haraeea, 2 eewa, 2 bogs, soma chickens, farm Imp le menu; Sirs terma. $3.0O0 Ids scree, 8 mile from Waahougal. In Clarke county, Washlngtoa: 86 acre cleared, 10 aeree green timber, nalanr aeally cleared; an fenced, all lerel: twe-etory 8-reom bonne, fair barn, S aeree orchard, d horse. 2 wagooe, new mower and rake, eresm eparator. all farm Implements needed aa a farm, 60 head of cattle. 85 milch cows, 12 hog, some chickens; on main eounty mad; 3 good springs, one Bear bona; best of black soil; mil ta echool; half essh, balsnc 6 Fr at per cent, . . - $4.000 00 eras, 8 miles from VaneonTer, ft mile from railroad station; 20 era cleared, anrn green timber, balane paatiire: new mtory T-room ruatte . houae, burn 20x50, other outbuild Inea; 8 acre bearing ercbard, all kind small fruit; on team, wagon, haraeea, S cow, 2 belfera, new mower gad rake, all tarm Implement need ed on a farm; neer echool; beat of aoll; $3,200. without atork; terms, ball eaah, bal ane ( years st per Mat. . $1. TOO 34 acres. 1U miles from Waah ougal, Clerks county, waahlngton: IS acre cleared sad seeded to dorer. balance pas ture; all fenced; 2 good springe, welt nt door: good A room ruatle bouee, good hem 30x63, raatle and painted: ftn location; R. F. D. ; Bear acbool; family orchard, new mower snd rake. 2 plows, barrow and other mall too la; beat of soil;' terms, kali sash, balance year at 8 per cant. $1.200 SB acres, 12 miles eeet of Tancom Tee; 10 seres cleared, balane eeatly cleared: all fenced ; d-coora nous, en me fruit; fin lor tlon: S. F. D. and telephone; near acbool; 34 mtleg from boat landing,. 1' galls rrom aorta pane railroad; good tarm. k Oregon Really Co. IOS .'Second st, Portland. Oregon, gad 20$ '. Matn St., YaseoBTsr. Wash. Pbon Main 2404. GOOD FARMS FOB I.ITTLB MONEY. -108. seres, all fenced and Improred, IH miles electric ear, 20 miles out; S-ronm bouse, 2 good be ma; only $6,000, Including on, peraonal property. - 68 acre, on a fin public highway, willes out; place all fenced, nearly all in eultl ra ttan; beeutlfnl 6-room cottage, 2 good barn; on of tb beet place ha th BeeeertnaieHar 1 j aauie uiBinci, wner aena m worrn rrom gioo kg ro s.iuu per ncre; price only 64.50O; worth .i,nw. etuy mu, nil, bj.uuu qoicg. A charming 40-acr country plao. elegant 3 -a tor y re We nee, fin larg barn; plac all fenced with board fencing Into neat fields; soil la rich, crops good; flo srstem ef water , worka; choice fruit; a plac you cannot duplt, I rat fo $.000: 16 mile drfr from city, ;"B inlles Vancoueer, 1 mil railway eta t too; be fa rot buy yon erer aaw. lid "here near La Center, on Lewis rirer; 70 acre rich bottom lend. Juat Ilk bearer , dam. balane rich Bpland aotP. lace an stocked and equipped; $5,500. . 8 pec lal bar gain. . . ' For tb beat farm bargain In th stata-ns THE DUNK UWBKNC2 COMPANY. 14ft First St. . TARM. - 80 acres, atl nic land, part gently rolling. 11 fenced; house, barn, rchard, running water; 27 acres eel tie a ted. 12 acres mor Terr May to pat Into cultivation: about 2 .500 cord ot cord wood timber; situated near Wil lamette river and Balsa slectrl Unci s bar gain now st $4,600, Henkle & Harrison , 21T ABINQTON BLDQ. - FARMERS. lESTff ARE BARnATNU." r $3,250 Nlc 60-ecr well-lmprored farm,' beet of oU, bandy ta depot aad college; ear terma. fA.000 Aa good' gn SO-arra place tn eaay day' drtTS to Portland snd bark as yos eaa find near Portland. ' Look at it, and you buy. First-! as bar gains tn farms of all siss by F. FOCUS. 221 A MORRISON ST. DO Y0O WANT A FARMT lf acreej all under eultiratlont S-room bone, stock snd as? bar esrh 40x40, bog. bouse, trultbous knd ether building. 8 sere f archerd. all fenced, 2 good walls. 29 heed of eettl. 1 apaa of brood mares 8 year ld, 1 cream Separator, all Implements; would consider trad (or a - good reeldenca tn Portlaad: this farm la eltuated in Una county. Oregon, 2 miles from 8bdd. For particular call on OTTO. CROCKETT A HARKS0N, . ,18V First St, TOR BALM 11T sere rich bottom tend. 62 serfs nnrenr caiumras, ieir improremests. land borders a Willamette rleer, shout 80 seres good sab snd maple timber- cVoee to town and Bchonl; la center of Willamette raUey: $2,500 will buy It If taken soon; this Is gennln bargain: don't miss It. Call oa or address. J. D. Whin. Bueua Ttota, Or. HATB t fine homestead" relinquishment 1B toon loeanri. raon eism gyg. 228A lorrlaoa (t, . . FOR SALR AT A BAROAIN. - -" 840 acre la tb beet wheat belt f Kher. man eounty, S mile from town snd ratrmad atatloq; 640 acre I cultlTatlen. 823 In fell wheat and 819 to b eemmer-fallowed; well Irapmred good bouee, barn sad onthiilldlnge: plenty water, hire cletern. windmill and water pined t boaa and stock; will eell on. water pined t koea end etock; will cell orj easy torme: III beeltb object la elllnga.Ao - dross Enterprle Farm. Box 88. Kant. Or may secure pets , birds and animals through Journal want advertising. An ad will place you in quick com- , munication with private owners who may wish-, 'to sell. , ' ; Rate 1 cent a word . FOR SALE FARMS. . , ,W. W.. Espcy- ROOM 819 COMMERCIAL BLDO.. y Corner Second and Waalilngwa dts. 20 Acres Mostly all la cultlTattoo, garden land. 12 mllee Lrom city; all new building, fin -running etream on plac; oa beat .rud Inta city; prlc H.HO0; term; A ftmnt , - Lac sxna witn s saaaera noowej. , ttna. en Jeffersoa st; prlc $d,wuO; bU can eiauo, a eeuu . J-;-1':.-. ir3Acres ": S3 In rultlTatlon; 20 acre bar no a turn pa; ajgood family orchard, A room boose with pa -... ...4 ,k. i. eu . amnd bera. 4x4s. new log bouM, wood bouee, mllkboa, wood- . abed, fenced and croes-feneea; oa mma'' road; K. F. D. mall, pnon la tb boaae: 24 bead of cattle, of which om ar freeh MM' tllO a.., mtmtm sm all farming iBJ- . pleinenta aad feed enough to feed through; ' 9 1.'. nu. e. r,MM.l 111 mile from ' Svhowla Ferry; pric $4,0i terms half cash, balsnc S g cant. It I IS mUus treat ti$ city en gooa roe a. an aece elaar SIX' aeree tn orchard good timber; T-room boaae. and a bm Aso: hay rack In It: water thrown to noun nd barn by hydraulic ram; two streams oa place; good outside rang; T cows; o cream sepa rator; one a prlii wagon; plow, steel har row, mower and rake; fine dairy farm or 'TrnllTand ad s crem and malt rmjtm $ . $ per sees,, stack Included. ...'-... 60 Acres 36 In rulrlTUon; all well fenced; barn 8oxT4: 24 (eet high, with eancret founda tion 7 feet aigb, 15-lnch base. 10-Inch top, Ealnted red, a fin bouee, mln part 18x26, lichen 14x18, painted whit; tool bone and root bona combined; chicken house 12xl: bog Suue 18x241 flee . young orchard for fa silly purpose; spring water In nous snd bars from a ram at aprtng; 50 acre eaa b eultleated for farming; aa Ideal dairy farm; prl $5,000; caMa) 10 railroad sad rlrer, wlthU Z mile aa a fins road. " 160 Acres . Fliat-clsea. lerel land; $0 acres la eultlTatloa; 30 to 40 seres seeded, balsnc good timber; good t-room boaae; 2 larg barns, wood boo, rontlMuss, eblcken houee. bogpea a shlda; small ercbard; plenty of berries: 2 good home, d cows, 8 heifers, 5 brood sows. 9 shoeta. 100 PlTmouth Bock chicken, good binder, oa mower, on rake, oas bay pre, on pair ef platform acalea, on anlkay and eeeral walking, plowa: all kind of- small tools, forks sboTela, axea, etc: li acres In wheat; 15 scree oete; Borne clover snd timothy; pries 89.000 tor everything, or .'0 an acr without stock. The plec 1 within 14 miles ot tb city et Portland on a good road; or weald sell 40 ' aeree ot ta abore Improved for $3,000. . 160 Acres 40 seres In ealUratlon; finest et land; fin .orchard, balane of land brush land; Randy river flow through It; fair tog bouse V goo frame barn; 8.600 cord of wood on piece; me good saw timber; 20 miles from city; 4 mile from Troutdale; 3 '4 -nille from Corbet t: srhool bous H . mllef ll nnder fence; U aa acre mil from county road; "prlc gao 22 1-2 Acres - 12 acres In euhtvntion. fair A room boas, cow bam, here bar and n jrouag orchard, . A cow, on spring tooth disc harrow, plow, eultlTuror, eed cultivator, milk can a, mar, worth $00. located ea a milk route aad an the mala road, pbon la bona, 1A miles from Farm In ton; pries $2,100, half ei cub. balaac term, at S par cent.' .80 Acres r 20 acre In cultivate, good archard. . beet verietlea ef frait, lot of berriea and a fin treats flows through tb plac; a good 6-room bard-flnlebeo bona, atone basement on a good eon try read, on mil to school, four mile to good stores ssd creamery. There gne with th plac three good cows and 1 three) yearling and two larg bog. Iota of ' chicken, one good horse, wagon and harnees, ' plow, harrows, and all tho farming Imple ments 10 run tn pur, i n la la an Ideal bom for lthcr young or old couple. - Fin climate and good roe da and good neighbor. Price $2,800, $1,500 down balane long tlm at 6 per rent Thl farm to situs ted bt Clark eounty, Washing ton. W. Y7Epey - ROOM 819 COMMERCIAL BLDO.. - Corner Second and Waahingtua Sta. HOME8EEKBRS ATTENTION If yea ar looking for s horn la th Willamette valley, don't forget Sheridan, Yamhill eounty; bar le where yoa eaa get a better borne for th money than say ether plac la tee valley. For farther particular call on r address WARDB A DArOUERTY, Sheridan. Oregon. THB beet stock ranch ta tb Willamette ealley tor uls st $1X50 per sere. Thl plac eon tern 1.23T acres, of which 400 re tillabl. 00 open paetare, balaac grab paatur and second growth timber; large 10-room bene. S barns and archard; water carried ta bona nd bars by plpea from a strong aprtng; plenty of llrlng aprlara ea all parte ef -ne , place: situated aa scanty road. 6 mile from railroad, mile to ecboaL ea R. F. D.. Tor sals by Wads A Daughorty. Sheridan. Or. $2.600 10 ACRES, bane, tarn. 2 eblcken. sou see, Iscubatnr, brooder, 150 chirks: plac - all la frait 400 apple. 150 peer. 60 walnut, 6 ebeatnut 28 cherry tree. 2 acre prune. 2 ere atrawberrteo, it acrea raepberrle. 200 loejanherrtee. bore, cow, buggy, epring wagon. 2 sets harness, all farm tool, wood. 9 stands bees, barrel rider: $1,500 dowa: near Van roarer. Inqulr 183 Morrlaon- at . . BEST small farm bay tn Oraion 1 60 acrea, Btoatly cleared asd cultlvatrd. adjoining town alt of He valley town: fin trait, prtsc, creek, wood, acbnola, chore, railroad: T larg sawmills near! bnlldtnga worth $4000; ealy $2,500. Inqulr 242 Btark st. FIYE-ACRB tracts. 6 mile south of Pert, la ad. fin soil, water pined to eech 8 er tract; thla land to on mil west ef Clarke. maa atatioa and railroad and ea tb Port rand and Oregon City wagoa lead. Pric from $K to $200 per acre; ea eaay term. For further particulars see Q. W. Be Tar. 800 Baat Morriaoa at.. City. . BUSINESS MAN MUST PELL One ef the beet farm In Yamhill eounty. 127 seres, 117 Improred; 8-room tana. - larg - barn, plenty of fruit; 8 mile from good town; will tak part la city property; tarm, $66 per sere. Call - - . BOOM ffft. 1M STARK ST. Oppoalts Chamber at Commerce. - $0 ACBES. bouee. good barn. 4 -acre orchard. 12 acres cleared: good water, 2 poaltry house, timber on place: one hour by train from P$ . land: acbool Joins land; prlc $2,500: $l.0 eaah. $1,000 nn tlm. Address boa le. rout 4. Sherwood. Oregon. 40 ACRES tn Sonoma eounty. California, a improvement, to exabang for Oregon pron- ' ertr. P. C. Ussca A Co., 374 Flnrt su Portland. 160 ACRES alfalfa land near Ln Angele. 'California, tn xehang for Oregon property. 874 First at, Portland. SEB B for fan lands, Improvsd or antm , proved: eal or trad. Jena. - Trlmbl - At 1 Trimble, 411 Marquam bldg. - IMPROVED land 0 Berth bank: . rlen. beeutlfnl: will itki to suit; rerme. 1, Coon, Hoad River, Or. 22 ACBK8. 14 cultlTsted: stork, crop, tool: 1.6O0 feet t nn, ererTAeeo' houxs., Albtn.J ue FOR S A LE LIVESTOCK. FIR!"T-CI.AS.. geatle. freeh ywang sad eelf. 346. Pboeie Eaat 61M. or call 11 mornings or vnlnga, 4H9 Commercial, corner Pag. FOR RALE A food dairy cows snd S-eww milk rout. Call IH Portland houlsvard; 8 mla ate' walk north of piedmont car bar. OOOD Jersey cow and eelf for Bate, 830. Is quire Jobs Kalb, Lest. Orejroa. FAMILY cow for aale. PIT Belmont st, corner , $0lhl tsks Sunnyald cor. H0R8ER of all kind, from 9f to 1.T00 pound. Oeo. McOreer, Forsat Grove, Or. MTSICAL IXSTROfEXTS. YICTOR TslMng Mscblae Bed reeorde; Bteln. way (ce other! pin- mermen, tisy a) Sixth and Morrlaos st., op p. P. 0. 160 Acres TIMBER. Oliwell ;." - Timber Lands 420 Ccmmercla Bis.? Phcne Pacific 2514 TIMBER LANDS. Osly s very few choice claim left - W re sending party out about April 6. get In before that time. If yea bsv claim to J" handle It, from 100 acrea t 100,000. . . ' . - If you bar a Halm In. CUteep county, . bring ua th nu'aber and price; we will sell It CRRTIFIED scrip, any shw. lowest prices. O Howell. 638 Chamber ef Commerce. HOMESTEAD snd timber lands, eerlp, to loon. 208 Cammerclal bug. . LOGGER with railroad logging outfit, t pur chase Interest la and log piece et hawly Columbia river etampag. , Address Ilex 432. Portlaad. Or. A BAROAIN Columbia river aawmlll with planer complete, now running, 60,oJ,onO fin . timber; sold seoount stckneae. O 151, Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES. HARNESS. FOR 2AI.R 6 rear-old mars, boggy and har nees; good d rleer. Call Portland Lleeotorl Exchange, Fourth gad Ankeey iu. Pet lend. FOR SALE On team, and ipres wagna. Phone Mala 43ft9, or eU 21st snd Johnaua sta' Coocannoaa tor. , ' BOB8ES and bagglea for real by day. week , sad month; pectal rates te bn.lnees-bsuase. ' Sixth asd Bawtherne.' Bast TA HOB8ES TOR SALE 30 bead. 1.100 ta 1.009 pounds. . Orerton, between 13tb and 14th; take S aar. Freed ma a Area. WILL Excbsage 4)400 lot fa Chicago for good drlTr aad opea runabout complete. Invests gste. Cell 232 Third treet. TOR BALE Two new handmade butcher wagooe, ebeep. 420 Belmont at ENTIRE stock of altehilm iimid snd acceeeorles will be sold at 1-5 to H ff regular prlc. Keller Harness Ce, 49 North SUth st . . TOR BALE Good horse, new harnees and de llrry wagon. Inqulr 149 Tint at. OOOD aonnd BOO-ponnd bora for Bale. $25. Corner Beat 22d and Pacific sta. fm""asaBW.sssBaBaB BARTER AND EXCHANGE. CORNER grocery. Bring rooma tn connect torn eomparatlroly free rent; will exebeng for - " Cliy proper ry or oiocounc roc eaa. -. . i ALEXANDER LAND CO . - -- - 63 gjxlh U a ear Pin.. ----- FOR SALE r-xcbang for eordwoud. city fraymrkr. ewe weoisepuwet ststlonary Id-boreepower portable engine. Call Eaet 424. or at 49 Alblss Sea.' ' TOR sal or xehang. a fins 175-scr farm. 1 mil north of Jefferson, Oregon. Tbl farm to wall Improved aa to bouee. barn, ercbard. fence, etc.; 125 acrea cleared, and beet ef Boll. What bare yea to offer for thl farm 1 Vabi $46 per acr. Register A Co, 107ft Third Bt BQCITY tn vary fin tot for work; team: bal ance terma; alas tw lots snd cottage. Wood, lawn 61 A WANTED Furniture tn exchange, CO ken lal horn, six room. Id 122, Journal. WB bsv for trad a good rooming house, veined st $1,000. for small borne la anburha; cheap rent, Horn Land Co., 1484 Tint st TO sehaug oa vacant or 'improved Iota,- or farm, a good grocery oa bast eaat aide ear line; IbtoIc about $1,600. 0 162, Journal. FOR SALE MISCTELL.1XEOUS. AtTTOMORILB BAROAINS. PO TOO WANT A OOOD AUTOMOBfl.Pi CHEAP? HERB ARE A FEW SNAPS: COME QUICK IF YOU WANT ONE. CASH OB EXCHANGE FOR BRAL ESTATE. GRO CERIES. DIAMONDS. OR ANXT1IINO THAT WB CAN TUB OR EAT. On Warerly Electric aatomobll raa- about, $1,000 machine, now 2 230 0b Rambler, model V, 600 machine, new, eilxbtly anop worn..,.. 330 On Rambler, model C, . $800 machine, aew, slightly shop worn , 228 Ob Rambler, old model. $1,000 amcbln. fin pair engine. 230 On Rambler Touring Cnr. modal L, .$1,600 machm , '900 One Pop Toledo, model . XII. 1908. $4,000 ear l.gno t 1 rn as,,,.,!. nnaa na.,1, TOO TO OFFER IN EZCRANGBT . Office FEED T. MERRILL, ; Serenth snd Osk its., after 1 p. m.' . BtTILDINOS FOR RAI.B. Ob 8 -story frame, 27x77, food enndtttoa; 1111 ,e wo,,m .let. . On 3-slory 9-room reeidone. Complete. ' On 2-room store building. Above building la good repair and complete with barb tube, etc.. sow stsnding at tb bead or mark at. and muat he moved.. -Cash or trad for real estate, srucei lee, diamond or anything le good to eat. Build- Inge now standing on block 107, band of Btark st. 1 12th at. Offles FBED T. MERRILL. ' Se Tenth and Oak sts, after 1 p, m. dally. W heve aecwred all of tb mattrsasia tbst Were da raa gen at tb fir In a larg factory and can aell yoa a $3.60 wwal tray, clean new for lit": wool combine none. 64 .50. at 63.95: a spwndld chance for mattresses ; also we bar aa assortment ef household food ta en enewp. 'in uniiar. sag nrsc st. Btoves, ranges, seas sag bedding. $$$$$$$$$$$ BINGES and Wheeler snd Wilson sewing ma- cnine rrie. r a aeii, leaee or rent aew ma chines: old meehlnar takea ta part payment; ecoed-band nmchrne (6 aad ap: ether make f new machine $26 aud up: needle lor all make of marhlnee: ell kinds of machines renaired and guaranteed. S. S. Slegel, agent 836 Merrieoa et Phona Mala 2168. TOR SALE Barrels la Whites, Ringer, Da via. Wheeler A Wilsons, Houaeholda and el her slightly damaged machine. The White Sew-' big Mscbln offlc. H. P. Jonas, 280 Yamhill at, earner Fourth. HAY FOR SALE Baled clever hay. $T per toa; eA or trad for chickens nr grocer tee. f . o, b, ears Oreebem or Falir1ew. Office Trod T. bierrtll. SntA- asd 0ak after. 1 p. m.. dally. PC RE Brown Leghorns. Whits Leghorns. Whit Wyaadottee and Barred Bock err. $1 per retting. 643 Kingman st. Wood lawn, rhon Wood lawn 732. . WB print yonr name eu 60 calling card, proper alee ssd style, 85c: 250 bnslneos cards, $1. A. W. Sehmsl Cse. 229 First Portlssd. Or. SHOWCASES sad fixture, sew and second basd. Cartoon A Kelts trots. 2 Couch st FOB SALE. CHEAP -Inch Kara tone water meter, practically bw. Inqnlr H. bfstagvr, - 22A Front St. . . SEWINO MACHINES bonghf. snld and cbsngad, go ssd up. Westers Salvaga Co, axr waaningtou ex. . r n TO SALE Deer -head well f"'Vw mala prone. c''WI,k f Taqulre'F. Laduae. St John mcajsefed, tws nu,g tine. postoftlce. SHOWCASES, eosarero. fixtures, sou g tit sod or exchanged. W eaters SalTaga Co. U7 Wsshlngtoa at. Pacific TBS. TREE FOR EYERYB0DY Rlflff Bp Ms in 4200 or call 218 Frost St. W buy and aell fur. sltore, clothing sr aav M thing. t BILLIABD AND POOL tablee tor rent ee tn aale en eaay parment. THB BBUN'wiCK-RALKE.ror.LENDER CO., 49 Third t. Portland. ON a 9-font Bora rang, flrst-claea; 2 lc bnve. dwnee. ebalra asd uhlaat all ga at A bargain. Sod Buraalde at ROLDEN'S RUEVMATIC CtRE "nr cur for rheamatlam. Sold by all druxiiata. OLD BOOK STORB 211 Second ets. M t : h Sfld FOR PAl tr etiean, r i -'t 1 Kinnl. 7 a I . . .a al. I . jr. ' FOR SALE MISCELLAXrtCV.'. PIlONOORAPn 1 for ew $?3 machine; r-. vr. aw Plate i. FOR 1223 A Rambler .autemoMle. lo-i"if aiau ar. OOOD aeenng-hand Fox typewriter lor eie ""t- sisa j naieiga bldg. PERSONAL. AM EXTRAORDINARY PKRROVAI.ITY. . r00 J aoubt about kaTratmenla. krr or anything ta life! Wanda adTtee with a euc cese that strike on weird. She can point ut the way te snccee. WANDA, Tb Fammai Palmtet, 2 South Fill t NOTICE OF REMOVAL, A. Reiner, the furrier, will more from Lewis bhlg. March 1; lookkig for col e . ""LL"r preeest may be fnuntf at rl- 2!r '"f' l" ' hM Pnlf1 24W7., W 111 csU and glv earl ma tee aa saual. Z., A1?NA LVCKKX, magnetic, mental sd electric vibratory treetmeut, rheumattn . snd sll nervous d lees see treated eajeceeafuire. facnd scelp treatment French paate for rouaovtng wrlnklee, manlcnring; euppoaitorlee atl Wtl AN BATH. 207 Third at., between Taylor nd Selmon: awlmmlng pooL steam and hot sir bath; rente, from $ a. at to 12 p. m. Pric 25 cents. ., . DOCBLB your tncom by eelHn fc-rigted pnl . land: monthlv naTsaenta. ar in Journal. ' , . ; ' -"."'w SEXINB PILLS cur SU farms of nervous or niuacular weekneen , For aiee or women. Prlca.JX g. boiA boiet $3. with fnll eoar- anlee. Addreae or mil J. A. Cltmenaon. Srux. " gut Second and Yamhill at,., Portland. Or. GERMAN books, roagaainee. novels. tc.i Ger ntsn. English. Freneb, Spanlab. Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign books st ell kinds. . Sehmsls Co.. 2-J8 Flrat atv :' tou.Vd msa. 21 yr nf sr. wo Id like Hi meet young Isdy or widow of sulfaMe age; matrimonially tncltned. Addreaa H 132, Jouc- BATH parlor ksv recently rhsnged heuda at 807 H Third at., anetarra. ream 14: will gur eetee so pleae all; ladles and gentlemen. MOLES, wrinkles, auperfrsoaa hair removed. X eharxe ta talk It erer. Mr. M. D. Hill, room 330 Ftoldaer blag. Phoaa Pacific 183. DR. BINO CHOONO, Importer Cblneee root medicines; aell Chines tea. certain cnr for 11 disease. 191 2d. bat. Yamhill snd Taylor. LADIES! - Dr.. Ketcbnm, graduate and regie- tered. treat any ssd all yonr complaints . with skill and eueeeee. I70H Third St.,7 ear ner YamhOL PaetfU 22J. MANLY vigor reetored by Dr. Roberts rtarre Olobnles. On month's treatment, $2; 8 months. $5: sent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodard. Clerks A Co., Portland. Or. HOLD ON Thar Is sns thing that will cur . rheumatism. . Aak year druggist for burg tonic or address or call J. A. CtomcasiiB. druggist Portland. Or. CHIROPODY and manicuring parlor; else amg nerlc treatments. 1461 Sixth st, cor. Abler. BETTER tbaa syrings: valuable In form a tlon x.for women will be given free ef charge by eendlng addreaa, bocioelng stsmp. D. kayaer Ga.. 2640 Hyd at.. Baa Fmarlsco. Cal. ... . . DISEASES OF WOMEN) sn fortunate glrto and sables cared for: priests hospital. Dr. Atwoo t. room 6, 360V, Morriaoa St. TL Psclfl 1763. SUITS pressed whim yoa wait. 50c. Ladle aklrt preaeed. 60c. Oilhert, 100 Sixth at, . next to Quell. . Pbon Main 20ss7 , . , BAI.M OF FIGS for all female Eaat Balmont Pbon Eaat 4084. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oreronlaa bldg.; todies days. gentlma nlgbt. Mala 1963. ned ynx - 831V. ladle sod gentlemen Morrlaon Bt, room It HOT.DEN'X RHEUMATIC rURR-Olur car far rheumatism. Sold by nil dragglata. BERT magssrn club aver offered : seed ror prices; agente wanted. Joans' Bookstore, 2V1 Alder st, Portland. Or. PROFESSOR riUt K. Miracles, msgnetl - healing end snggUv. 146V, BlaU St.. corner Alder. YOUNO man, 84, would Itke to correepoud wira young uoy suinmoniaiiy uciineo. au stral R 147; Journal, .. . R. G. KCLLRN: Pie a writ to yonr friend. Jack at enc. Had Blver. Oregon.' MISS OIRSON give erelp treatment; aamdrnff. 2ub'4ia Morrison St., room 62. MRS. POTTER afaaeeus. aralp. facial mas - aage, ctkrnpedy- 2MUf Waahiugtoa elf MOllxl. sjopber snd sqnlrrel quickly deatroyed by nalng Wbltny'a Rodent Torpedo tpat l: tulle .tented at 1905 fair, Addreaa) U. T. Whitney. Chitwood, Oregon. MANICCRINO par Wire for ladlee and gen lie men. zunVk Marrlso et. room 14. NEWLY opened mi mm re parlor. 343 H Merri nn at., room 2. Mlaa Marcella Le Roy. -compllsbed msssauss. iltonjd 1 rultiNt MAHICimiNO. facial maesag snd era Ip treat ment Try room 1, 203V, Waahlngton st. EXPERIENCED Bars want, work by day ee week; ea aalt bath, alas) massage. Mela RECENTLY opened manicuring parlors : ladlea and gentlemen. 331 Murrleoa St.. room Xi. HEALTHY feme I infant for adoption. Pbuo Main 741. - - .- ,--- ' BUSINESS PERSONALS. - 0. H. eoWBTT. Bnrtner snd snrveynr; ait kinds ef surveying, addition piatte.1. mane and estimate Mniahed. Offlc 3-1 w .-'.n,,. ton bldg.. Fourth and Waahlngton. Ree..ien.e Otonwoed Park. Pheaa Main 6A. INVENTIONS bought and aolL Coveoaet Con tract Co.. 437 Flledner bldg. hi a In 8- !. ARCTOTECTS. H. C. DTTTRICH, arcbrtaet. $WI are., cor. McMIIlea at. Phone Eaat A"i. ASSATERS. OARV7T4 CTANIDR EXTR ACTIO! CO., and Montana Aesay vrric. i aanrriaoa et ART. FREE LESSONS IN S Embroidery Everr Dev. THE NEEDLECRArT SHOP. - ' r 882 Waabtogton st E. H. M0OREHOU8B A CO. Artt.t.' ,, picture molding, picture tram In a .re.., n. cone. lantern slides. 812 Abler t. ATJTOMOBILra. PULLMAN- AUTO CAR CO., Builders, deelgnere n-1 -iaire ef s'l msks of autocoohlle - ... top.. f..n ' --. daebe, lamp bracbe; 1 n.ier a an.i glaee front. Geere a 1 a,l parte et a no mobile mad ta order. A-70-72-74 N. Sit 1 at., cor. Ereiett. - T. t. Yr q atto CO . - Arrr"fRll.i -i Ail 81 I l l t V. rfoett -n di.irltiu'or ! r 1 -. r forit. i ' IVINinea. I'ooe Waver!'.. TVoniae, OlrtenioMlee. Ir.-. Bulrke. 90 ej Beventh et., Portland, t - . Howard m. covry. Agent Pierce '.re at Arrow. Ia' Iliac and Knox. - Temporary - Garage. ISIh aad AUer bib. HAVE TOO krr.N tgrs 1 (apllal Supplr c. 4' Al ter t rifle 071. l.e.ll,tral ion te a ATTonxrvrs. J. A. rriowRrr CoMiMrclll bk. I lit.nsi 1 c. h ri'iu'H r AM J A Afrn-nr 1 $, . 4 Hi rt nr - , Nr - -j"