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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEPNESDAY ENING, APRIL' - 3, 1907. y NEW TODAY. , TOB SAta BT Louis Salomon Co. S3S Btaxk SW Vmi Beooad. 9 1 8.500 Quarter block.' ltd and Thurmao sts, partly Improved. ; v , $ 10.500 Conxr lot on N. Itth at. Income bearing. 910.000 60x1 1 N. Slrd at. with t modern houses. ' f 6,500 Entire, Mock on Front rt. $6.2SO Larg. ,lot on lth it, ; Im proved. BAST SXBB. ' X 4. BOO Fine modern It-room house, lot btxlOO on B, Stark t., corner: house alone coat over M.0OO; furnace. front and hark parlor, vestibule, bath, attic, etc., Must sell quick. .. y fS.ROO Mississippi ava,.'. 10010t, with a houses; room for more. 4.50O Lot on Union ava. with store. Income 140 per month. frt.OOO Lot with I bounce. K. 12th t., near Harrison. Rent :l per month. .. -. . ' Union Avenue and ;.: , -East-Davis -Street Ve have 70x100 with two good buildings thereon, situated on the northeast corner of Union avenue and East Davis, property has a frontage of 70 feet on Union ave nue and 100 feet on East Davis. This property has a great future. SEE IT. '" Price 513.SOO WE CAN MAKE TERMS Moll & Yon Borstal 104 Second Street and 892 East Burnside Street" UILIML S. W. Corner Bast Ankeny and East Seventh Sts., fine for apartment-house or business. ' Make terms. ' .-, -V .. " J. L WELLS CO. Room 300, Chamber of Commerce 820-Acre DAIRY FARM On the, Cblurrrtya river, one and three quarfer miles of water front, adjoining a good town and only 32 miles from Portland,, for sale at a bargain. Easy terms. ) Alfred A. Biker 215-216 Abington Bldg. CityRea! Estate ttrW X09XBB" S-BOOK MOXm Cement basement, sewer connection, piped for gas; lot 40x100. l(-foot allay; within two blocks of two ear lines; between Beach and Falling . , streets: price Sl.tsO; 1500 cash., bal ance )0 to ft! per month. - coos T-mooK BOYSB test 4Js. on Jefferson 8t; price f 0,000; on. half down. balanc per cent Interest W.W.ESPEY Boos tit OosajBStola! Bmlldlar. I ,Want a Fur nishedHouso Wanted to lease for 8 months or a yeara 7-room house, by respon sible business man. No children. " Must be agbodlocafiorrand "will pay good rent, Address E 135, Journal, once. :j. .. ; , , j . Bargains in Real Estate 37,OOOViulirter block on 10th St. yildinK U'i per cent Income. St 1 5.0O0 Quarter block oh 4th St. B25,000 Brick block feet Xrontsss on 2nd St. f8,500 -room new modern boms on Willamette Heights. $.l,T&0-7--room house with half block .: on east.slde. Acreage on Columbia Boulevard at . fSOO pec acre. " - . , ,.; x Stevenson-Brown Co. Stoont SU Bacaaaaa Blk, MH Wask- tSgfoB St. r SUNNYSIDE- HOML Delightful modern k-room ""houae. 1 f nely finished, between two car lines. 25AO Ha enough fruit tress tha crop from whli'h will pay Interest LBT VM SBOW TOV. H. W. Lemcke Co. Main 110. , 4th and Washington Sta. 1 THUIU1AN ST. St.eso rwwvt loowioo cast OT TWIK E-TaUJLO B1AVXBT. 14. fin cash down This corner will) ion iirme 1 (,, ruy it now ann me rm a s od fjiilrk profit. Investigate for na.lf siul s-e If you rati find an- i.i S'i"'i n corner on this "live" street rt t ' k'nd of a price.. Hee us at one. t r f .1 lnt..rm.tlo-v. ... 1 I. W. LrriCr.L tC.-'.i'Ar'lTi ,'h-il W.i!.;cgloa CU. iraia Its. I NEW TODAY. City end Suburban Acreage Bargains $5,500 This land Is especially adapted to the raisins of berries ' and small fruits. Terms can be made. . . . , S 650.J645-S575 Each Three five-acre tracts an Powell Val ley road, easrty cleired and about two miles from city. We . look for an in crease In these values of 60 per cent within the next six months. $3,700 ' 41 acres on the Powell Valley' road, a boat four miles from city limits; One soli, level (round and not difficult to. clesr. . ' $12,500 Think of It! Four sores on East 28th fit. one block from Hawthorne avenue. Would be a snap at twice the price. , - Lambert-Whilmer Co. 10T IIIBLOOX BX,DO.. 404 B. ALDI1 STBSBT. . . Read This Carefully $12,50040 Acres A chance to make a fortune quick. This land is located in one of the most exploited suburban districts. The price per acre will figure less than is being paid for the cheap est 50-foot lots and but one half what the higher priced ones are bringing in the adjacent 'tract,' yet they are going with a rush. The first one that gets 'to'ouir office with a deposit secures this prize. Does this look good to you? ' LMIDERT-U CITHER COMPANY 107 Sherlock Building. 404 East Alder Street. A BIG BARGAIN $12,500 10 acres on ' Peninsula, close to car line. For one week only at this price. , . - ., t't Lambcrl-Vhilmer Co. v 107 Sherlock Building. 404 East Alder Street. ' 6 ACRES Vary ehoioe frutt ana berry lamd, all eiUUvated, aew woven wire fens, on two sides, good location. It to It min utes' iid. on the troUsy ear from Iroit- imaA. Crooa oharohes aaA aohooL. ' If you sre looking .for a ales horns or ehlekem raaoh this will suit yom. Easy terms. ,' .. ' ,' Investment Co.' 244 Stark E. QUACKENBUSH, Pres. ' NEWS FOR HOMES EEKERS B2200 T-roorn new modern Pne house. fJOOOt-room modern, new, very at tractive home, WUlamett. Heights. This Is tha best bargain In Portlffnd. S350O T-room ntodorn, new. honsa, Uahpm art ttKniV 8-rnafn ' wood . hauaa S "late. -rooTn goOO nous., iota, B 3 25 0--4 -room - bow, . modern, fine JIVUIV, WWW ,U I CM, uiiu.v. Room S2t Lumber Exchsng-e, Becond and Btark. , Loo!: at These I! P300O 40x100, 7-room cottage.' E." Ash, near 10th. Tha lot alone la worth the price. . - ' - - - S3S0O eoxlOO, . room modern horns, Kaat Flanders st.;- fine location, on block from car; a food buy. --3400 60x1 00, new t - room modern house, Eaat 2S t h at; everything first- class. Ion't fall to see this place. Vacant .lots In all parts of Portland. Boa us before buying. . Commonwealth Trust Co. r- TO SALS ',.", .;) A New - DungaloV Fivt rooms, lot SO x 100, porcelain bath and plumbing thrnughout. double floors, etc.; was built for a home; a nice location near the rtawinorn. ".ve nue car line; f 1,500 cash down, balance at per cent. . R 181. Journal. Hawthorne Realty Co. - The finest-(-room ' cottage on east modern In evory -way; new; ran tinted to suit purchaser. 11.600 cash. "Balance to suit at 7 petr cent BLAWY-atOB-fm EIALTT CO. 2tl Kerguarlte Ave , Cor. Hawthorne. , , , ... Tabor lt...' w. . Oawlhornc Realty Co. rineet and cheapest ti'iarter block In business center on Hawthorne Ave, Price low. ' . aUW-raoira bbaxtt oo., IIS Marguerite Art, Cor. Hawthorns. Tsbor lit. - CANNOT BE BEAT . f4O0 Nli a 2-aiTt) tract, well Improved, $820WilIBuy two ever-running ere'eka, lit cholcelMary and William T. Hento. fe Tdward rult tree handy to cers; . terms. ' B. rVCXS, S314 MotrrtsoB St, . vl WUEX AWAY FROM BOMB. Cepteo ef The- Joan-sal tee be obtained te the roiiowln dun and lowue states f Oregon. Ths JsorusT would sppreclets the receipt ef reports or fa Dure te obtele sopite ef the tenet at soy eff these pieces: COLFAX. WASHINGTON a. t King. WALLA WALLA. WASHINGTON W nils Walls Stationery Compear: Rogere-Hosveell Casspsayt Hotel Dams Newe Stead: Uaasa Clear Stead, IIH South Fourth street. , TACOMA. WASHINGTON Hotel Taeome Hews News Stan4: latrrnatloitsl N.we A wmrf Nrwaiwpor Win: Hotel Seattle M.wa staee. SOI.Ir(tU, NEVADA Uwle rake. Iaspape WlSOB. SAN Dlirort. CAMroRtIA Aaos News Osav eanr, NewapaiMr Ware. POKAMB. WASHINOTOM Inks W. Orsaes a Co. t. hoisr. trAWf J.ftb rmnins. ' SIINKFAPOLII. MIVVRSOTA af. I. .Csvs sank, 80 Tblfd imtt. eoetk. .. STTunig. viSMitjRi J.T. iert, set OMve street: flore L. Arkrrsws. KANSAS CITY. mssouBl Tom Mews Coav pas. KewapapfY Wasea. CHICAOO. IUJNOIS p. o, (rm Ceassay, IT t'arborn stnwt. DENVKB. COLOBADO Oaloa tepet ' Mews Btaad. tf AKOCt.M. CALtroRKIA Antes , Hews CVisapaav, Newapaper Weaoa. OAKLAND. CALIFOKNIA Asms Hews Oms punr. Newan."P.r Wasos: N. Vbrntlar Mews Coejpaar. Nawapeerr Wasos.- SAM FRANCISCO, TaLIFOKNIA . Weeetler News floemear. Nawapepw Wasoa; Footoe Omr. Wrrrr bafMlas: Jobusoa.News Csstasi 14A1 Flllraora etrvat. SALT LAKH flTT. UTAH Mrs. terhis. n paper Wasoat O. L. Davlea, Boiml Kanroo; Burrow Bma.. H West Brm4 atraet. sooth. OODKN, VJJkB Qrar (lawe CesiBaay, Dapot N.are Stand. OMAHA. KEBSA8KA atlllart ' Botel- Maws Sfasd. MBW Tnng CTTT Axthsr BetallBg. Mew. paper Waseoa, ... . ,J WEATHER REPORT, The Rorky nonatals dlatnrhasce has wn4 Pmitlieaatward to Kaaaas and Increaaad In enarsr. hot as yat ae rain ot ennMuace has attanoMl Its proems eaatward. Rhowrry wearh er continues on the I'aclflc slope, snd while t SDioant er rain mat Has fallen Is entry- where light, the ahnwera hare heen reneral In all the raclfl' atates. The high preMiire area yeaterdaj ever the lake res-loa and Mlaaiaalppl valley now oTerlles the Atlantic statea. with Its mat ever the , Vlrrtnlsa. rnmnallr low temperatarea prevail k the seat gulf and sonlh Atlantic states, sad frosts are reported this nxirntna at far emits as Japkaonrtue. Fiorlila. The temperatures In the Paclfle atates sre elso below normal, ana florins teranorarr clearlnit spells frosts ewutiod la that sertloa; they were kearlaat In eonthera Oresoa. The hMlleottons sre fir showers tottlsht sne Thnraday la weateia Orefoa and weatera Wssh- ustoa and ror generally rair weataer east or ths Caecs4e SMuntalns. - . .. Trmn. Mtt. Arm; , no m . M , . 44 .0 .0 T. .0 n . T. .0 .0 01 T. .08 Baker City ( 'lik go, IlllaoN Kanaaa City. Mlssearl...... 61 ' M Iwlaton, Idaho OO : , 44 New Orleans, Lnalslaaa.... ft A2 ' Pwtlsnn. Oreraa HO 41 Roaebors. Oreroa ' SO ' ' R4 HacrAmento, Callforala .... 54 ' ' 4S Bt. Loula, Mtaaoeri 6R , 4 ht. runt, si inneaota. ....... ei ,: 4 Salt Lake. I t.h SO . , 4S Spokane, Waahhurtos 84 '" M Tiieoma. Waahlngtoo ..... 46 ' M MARRIAGE UCEXSES. Fdwar Prtdeaoi, 22, . sod Annie afatorrlch, Toney Graahie of Spokane, WashlDgtoB, tX sad Sliry Larrattl, It. William Beajimls. 64. sad Mildred K. My ers. 46. R. O, Alfred nf Fort Cotnmbla, Wsstalagtna, ST. and h'ettle Glhaoa. IS. H. C. Walling. 24, snd Besala McKenrte, IS. ' Frsss R. TrlL 46, snd EUsabath O'Neill, 26. - Weddlne Cards. W. O. Smftb Co.. Wssk tagtoa bldg.. ear Foartb aad Wsshlastoi am. TOMSBTB? at CO.. rLORTJrrs. FOB FLOWBRt OF ALL KINDS, lit SIXTH ST. Clarke Bros., Florists Fin. floral Aastffvs. 2St Morrlsoa at. Full 6rsss salts for rent, all etass. Tailoring Co., St Stark et. Oslqae DEATHS. CAMPION April t, leoT, at the family test , seeee, SS West Park St.. Aaas Camown, aged T4 years, t months, m&cral annoajnee- ment later. FUNERAL NOTICES. BELLINGER April 1. at bar lata residence. Bellinger farm, sear nsra.jCi.rtia county. Washington, Margery Serens Bel linger, aged , 6.1 yeara, widow of thelate Jndge C. B. Bellinger. Friends snjVtespeetfully Invited tw attend the fniHiralxserrlcea, which will he held nt the Portland eremetorhim, Rellwend, st 1 p. ta.. Thursdsy. April 4, - Special car will leave First snd Alder sts. st 2:80 p. m. for tbe cCematociBm. ' - UNDERTAKERS. Dunutng. MeEatee A Gllbsugh. audertakars end cmbslmsrs; mod era ts every detslL Seventh aad Ptae. Man 4 an. Lady aaatatast Erickeoa PadertaktBg Co., aad embalmlsg, 408 Alder et Phone Msia C188. Lady saeiataat J. P. rialey A Sens. Third aad Madwsa eta. Office ef eonaty coroser. Pbeae Mala B. ' EELLBR-BYBNES CO. Funeral dlreetors, am k,lmm. 273 BossrU. B. lost. Lady eselstsat A. B. HEMSTOCK Tsner.1 dlrsctor. ittb and Umatilla. Psoas BeUw-ood TL Lady aes't Edward Hoi mas. aadertaksr. sat Third st - CEMETERIES. - RIVER VIEW R Ins-la graves, SIO; family lots, f 100 to 81.000; tbe only cemetery la Pert land which perpetually maintains aad cares for Iota. For full laformatloe. apply to W. R. Mscksnsls. Worcester block, city. W. M. ' Ladd, presldeat BOSB CITY Single ersvea. tlo, family lots, 28 te IT& Bapariatendent at eegsctsry. eorner of Fremeut st snd Cully rosd. Phone Tabor 'fot. For full Informs Hea apply te Brank ehlegel, 802 Cemaaerelal alk. Pheae a la 2H28. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. W. J. snd Lacy A. Feddlenrd to G. W. Metllnger, lots 4, 8, t and T, block 2, (ioaaett's subdivision ef lot S, ttlea- wood Psrk ..1 f 1,100 Msclesy Kstste to Aanle MscMsster, Bortb H ef lot 14 and sooth SA feet ' . of lot 15. block 1, amended plat ef Ardmnre T.SOO Annie snd William MscMsster .to Emily ' Falling Cabell, undivided H ef north U of ht 14 snd south AS feet of lot ' " IS. blork I. amended plst of Ardmnre, . 4.000 Annie and William MacManter ts Ilea- , rlelta K. FstUnK snd Mry F. Falling, J. undivided Vk nf. above described prop- ., erty 4,000 Arthar Giles to T. J. Slete. lot 8. block - 11, Paradise Spring tract SOt Pbebe Cnlbura to Helen L. Rtratton. lots 3. 4. I snd 0, bferk TS Eart Portland, tx.800 John A. Bell to W. S. Edgar, lot T, block 8, Archer Place t 130 mma Iwls Bingham' and F. W. Peine, trustee, to A..-M. Wright, land begin- , nlng oa north line .of Joha Rankin's . donation land claim, serf loos 4. t sad ; 10, township I north, range I east 10 Walter B. Hardy lo. Charles Stout, lot 4, 1 block 18. rirland... . 2.0"" George L. Hlbhard to John Christen. Iocs 1 and 2. block 18. Hthhard's addition,. - 40 Joha 11 anna a to Thomaa Cooper, undi vided "x nf lots 8 snd 4, section 18, township 1 aonth. fa age 1 eaat ljim yt H. Kitgsr to Walter O. UalL let t. Work 8. Archer riace. . ISf Srransore Real Katata corn paay to Joha W. Warner, lots 1 and 2, block 10. K era Park riHa.. VV" J'" al. J. and Mary B. 4cPanlcr-'ae-Jhnasw-'' . rger. lots 8 and e, block 14. Tlhbelt additltai 1.3tl S. B. snd Alma E. Holmee to J. B. Hall, lots l sua piwa s. OCTara Louls'tl. "esd" Ellvaheth L." 'citirtie'et si. . te Henry . wnsins, m e, sca v. r rush's Bqnsrs addltms t.ryv J, c. snd Magileletis J. Cbnatsnaea to Ernestlna K. Ilts snd Oeorgs Specs. veil iv of lot T. block 204, Couch s sddltlon. " ."' Minnie snd Wtlhelia Msrks to Jsnws H. ' , and Bertha U. rveeiey, m e, oaira e, Tlhbelt a Homestead Paler snd Ksils Manrin to Edwin A. and Ellen C. Anderson, lot 2. hkx-k 8A, M. Pa l ton's Seeond addRlea to Alblna. Mary Kva Hklbhe and A. J. Sklhhe . to Adolpbus tosty. eeat ef M 21, 1.00. hlork II. lllehlan.t Kta . uusnd ItT block tT BarTsTr. aeoittsa ... t Mt REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. I. P. aad Loolss M. Mea.tea te William R. anil Marr 1. C'ourlner, lot t, block P' UulUday's a4illtk. ........ 1.600 . N. and lubella Wonarutt to Darld , M. -end MArr Handera, BoalOO faot oim. , menrlug at southeast cometi of lot 2A, block 14. Alblna v. 1.000 Alex Kenneth Munre a , Hansel K. Werthalmer, lut 12, block ftol, Uoach ' - addition ' S.OOO B. sj. and laabrl ki. Jarkaos te Greves - . Co.. lac, lot 4, block 68, Coach's . addlthm H.J00 Arthur and Mellle Hob ha te Homer B. Halle, lots 21. 22 add 23, block. It,' Panlntnlar addition hie. 1 ...I... Rlrervtew Cenetsrv assuclatlua to flor Ua C. Harlow, lot 23. block It, eald eemetery Arthur J. and Mllllceat Saresche te Agnes Mltrhsll, lot It, block 4, Wll- eon's sddltloa P. M. and Hsrmae Bmltb to Bd T. Pier- . son. lot 10. Bowne'a sddltloa M. Kllsa ssd Albert i. (apron to Joha MeC'rarken. lot 44, bloik I, King's . Second sddltloa t.SOO f. C. and sarah A. Kdmusds te Hattle C. filoas, land commencing et aorta- t eaat corner of BeMoa Murray's eoaa- tlsn land claim. : 1,000 Arnold aad Vtarr B. hirers to Ellas . Read, bits 8 and S. btork 88. BaUwood. 1.800 Mrs C. I. Fordorrer te Pearl J. Oellar, lot tblork 4, Maplavood addition ' 1800 B. M. and Carolina 8. Lombard to Le-y . B. BolllBS, lots 23 and 24, block 10, Broedwav sddltloa 1.1T2 J. D. Mct'oll? et si. to Bdwsrd A. Mo. - ' Grata, lot 1, block t. city 23,000 George. Laura. Orvllls and Mrrtl Bts- . sbenaon to Balls Curraa. my jo, block Williams Avenue addition 1,800 Tltl Guarantee a Truat company to, . H. T. Palmar, lot 1. mors 1, sntxiiTi- . sloa et lota I, 2. T, t, t and 10. North St. Johna.... t0 M. O. snd harlotte A. Banfleld to Mar- ' tha Jefferlea. Iota t and t. block H, ' Orover's addition TOO Leona C. asd 1-V Jones to hlalblaa Roth, lots 8 snd T, block O, Leitngtoa Heights addition t 400 L. O. and Ada K. Ralston to Oriental , ' Investment eompanr, lot 1, block 24, " ' city 15,000 I'niveralty Lend company to William B, f ' McOonald. Inta 21. SS. 23 sad 34. ' block 14V IlnlveraltT Park.......'.... 00 Nellie L. and Jrerte Price te Albert Bod-' . Inn, lots 1 snd 2. block 8. Klsmere. . . . ' . . 10 Oalay Q and L. Q. Hwetland to Saale ' I. Clerk, eaat On feet of lots 8 ami 7, block 10, Elisabeth Jrvlng sddltloa.. ' 8 E. B. snd A lira B. Holr te J. I. Rmlth. lots 2 and 80, block 48, Pas In- 1 , sular sddltloa No. 4 .- 220 Ida M. aud Bran W. Spain, lots 10. II , , snd 12. snd seat 18 feet ef lot t. block ' 8. Llnwnod , 10 Joha B. UlUer te Julia Reanef. 10 acres aegutnmf sc s point ee eaai una ov , Joha P. Powell's donation land claim , tm sections . 4, t and 10. township 1 i aonth, range S eaat . 4,000 Pacific Realty Investment eompanr to , P. D. Saulcer. fete 12 aad 18, block T. -tlmtt Park' - BOO J. A. and Florence E. Pettlt to John P. Anderaoa, lot 21, block S3, Hollrwooe sddltloa i ...... i ............ i . . - - 90 J. B. snd Ids M. Csples te norace Fi. Tbomss, enino teat Beginning at eonn- . eaat corner of lot a. blork IS, Bllssbeth ' ' living's addition I 8,000 Fne sbvtreets, tiffs Hiaefaaee ee msetgsgs loans, rail on Pacini- Title Trust corneas'. 20444-7 railing betiding. , . . . Get year luenrauee snd abstracts e teal aatate froaa the Title Gearantae AV Tree earn paay. 140 Washington street eome tacead. ... ; NOTICES. IN THB district court ef the United States for the district ef Oregon la the matter f the estate of Cbss. H. Cooper, haukrupt. The anderslgned will receive sealed bids st his . office. No. T Flrat St., Port la ad. Oregon, tot the stork of merchandise, eonetatlng ef dry gooda. notions, clothing snd furnishing goocK. . amounting to 88.nM.Ol, together with the off Ira ssd stare fixtures ef 8&32.18 pertaining ; to this ertste, ap te IS o'clock aooa of Thurs- ' -Terms, caab. subject te eonftrmstloB " the eoort. and a certified cheek for 10 by per cant of the amount ottered mnet accompanf ..each bid. An inventary ef the pmpeiri maytte area " at my office and the stock may br Inspected st Astoria. Orsgon. - All proposals must he pIslnlT marked, "Bid for tX-fl. Cooper atock and flxtarss." B. VSABIN. Trastee. THE vBUGOET OANTON PLACER 4 . PREDOtNO COMPANY. WOTirETO STOCKHOLDERS A speclnW-meeting of ths stockholders ef the Noeget Csnyou Plarer A Dredging cem- pany has been called, upon reeueat la writ- Ins -of the owners of two thirds of ths cspl- I I 1 stm JMondsy, atock of aald corporation. to he held April 8. 180T, at the honr ef w In enom T. at No. 127 U First street, Portland. Oregon, for the purpose ef dissolution of said corporation, organisation ef a aew corporation and such ether bnsl Bees ss may properly some before said spe cial meeting. . ' HARVEY BAILETT President Attest: J. H. CLARK. Secretary. - SEALED bids win be received at the office of the school clerk, city ball, np to 11 m. Monday, April 8. loot, for consrroctlng tbe Terwllllger echool building. Plan, snd speci fics tions for earns ess be sees at the office ef the architect. 3H4 Beat Third street. Separate bids will be received ss follows: First plumbing and drainage; second, glsas and glaslDg; third, the balance of tbe build ing to be don. under ens contract. All nro- v pnssls must . he eeoompsnlsd by a certified cneca ror 1" per rent 01 to. .aanai proposals. Ths school hoard reserves the right to reject any and all bide. - PoTtlaad.' Oregon. April 1. inot. THOS. J. JONES, Architect SBALBD Mas will be received at ft office ef the acheol clerk, dtv hall, ap ,4n 12 m. . Monday, April 8, ItOT, for eonatrtctlng a . srhool building at Creaton, Plana and apecV flcsHoos for ssms can be seen at the office l ot tha . architect. A4 mt Third atrat. Sepsrste bids will he received es follows: First plumbing snd drainage; second, glass snd glaring; third, tbe he la nee ef the build ing to be done under one contract. AH pro - possls mnat be accompsBled by a certified . check for 10 per cent of the amount of proposals.- The school board reserves tbe right te reject say and all bids. , Portland. Oregon, April 1. 1oT. .' -Tflos. JOKES. Architect. THB county court ef Mnltnomsh county will receive sealed bids antll 12 o'clock anon, the . 12th day of April. 1007. for fnrntablng one ' steam roller, not less tbsa 10 tons weight, and fitted with stl burner. The county re- ' serves the right to reject say aad all bids. Blda enenld be addressed to the undersigned, and marked "Bid for Rosd Roller." , F. S. FIELDS, County Clerk. NOTICE ts' hereby giveB thst 011100. charges ,. on one kit of scenery stored In Manufsoturers v building, st Lewis snd Clark fair grounds, and one lot pressed brick stored by John Hunter In Mining building, ssme, locality, are paid before April S. 1D0T, wS will sell said brV-k end sssairy to Bay charge.. Including this notice. Portland Development Co, Fair grounds, city. . . 1' B A TONNB. French bark, Csptala Hue. frflm Cherhoorg. Neither esptsln nor the cnej elgnees of s bore named vessel will be respon sible for any debts that may be contracted by crew. . March St. - ARMEN. French berk.' Captain Revel, from Antwerp, Neither captain Bar the eenalgnees of above-named vessel will be responalbls for any debts thst may be contracted by Alarm z, . WHHOIT SPRINOS MINERAL WATER. 827 Stark et., between Sixth and Seventh. Phone I'ariflc lose. Elmer J. Wallace, agent. NOT accountable for dents contra etsa By my wlrs from now en. u. a. w agner. a tlEETTNO . NOTICES. VVEKOnBN CAMP Mm. MODERN WOOD. MEN OF AMERICA Neighbors are re sooted : te attend the funecsl services of our bits '.neighbor. W. S. Steepv, st rinley's nnder taking parlors, 201 Third St., ea Thursdsy, st S fx . Remains will be Interred at Rlvrrvlew cemetery. n,H, r. DARLINGTON, CeaeuL J. H. OI.SEN, Clerk. . . Some'Dneowns -but has no use for piect too j 800 ni of machinery that would be. a money-maker for you. AND A JOUR NAL W-A NT AD WILL .FIND THIS "SOME ONE.'' , x Rate 1 cent a word. , MEETIXQ NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBOR Soacthliig Dcliii' H07. CAMP w.o.w. BETTER COME WASHINOTON LODOB NO. 48. 4. F. A A. M. JUtated eommanlca- tten this (Wednesday) .Taulng. 30 o'clock. Miirkbard bhlg. F. C. ilogree. Vlaltore welootue. By , order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. B. P. O. ELKS The members ef Portlaad lodge No. 143 are requested to ee preawnt at Ike regular meeting Thursday evening. April 4. 1UOT. to aealat la ths installation of officers (or the eueuliig yea Visiting ,bro there Invlttd to he nraacnt. hf order of the lodge. JOHN B. COFTKY. hWcy. I. W. A. BVEROBBBN Camp. 8,408, amets Wednesday sveatag, AUsky bldg.,, Third aad Murrlsoa sts. ' M. W. A. Orsgoa Grspa Camp. No. t,T. Moe dare.' ITth asd Marsha II; vlaltore welseme. LOST AND FOUND. rorNn A place to have halt msttreeass(reae - vated snd returned same day. 228 Ftoat at. Main 474. Portland Curled-Halt rectory. H. Matsgsr. proprietor. LOUT A carpet. Finder pleaae ealh up phons East 280, Standard Carpet Cleaning Co.. re eelre reward. LOST On Powell Valley road, a package of I room 2B, or phone Palfla 44. Reward. . LOST Gold watch and a fob; monogram L. I. J. ea front raaa snd set In hark, X 14T, Journal. Return to Journal office. LOST White Bplti pup doe. black patch around left ere: reward. 434 Hanrlaoa St. Phone Mala 333. ' .... LOST Ssnday, March 24. diamond and pearl sunburst. Liberal reward, rbone Mats 3v5S. HELt WANTED MALE. WANTED HarBeesnsker: good ' mechanic; steady, sober men for custom bop. la up-to-date town; ateidy Job at 821 per week or piece work to competent man able to make good custom work: sleo good repair maa et . 818 per "week: only good men wanted. Ad dress O. V. Stafford, Lewlatoa. Montana. . WANTRD AT ONCTJ stave-tort ewfters. wseas $1. BO per cord; steady work. Apply Weatera Cooperage Co, Stearaa bldg, Portlaad. W ' Uoeltoa. Or. . . . , v WANTED aleeea: msay make 8100 te flM per msalh; seme even merer stock cleans grown ee reeervetlon. far from old orchard: . eah sdvanced weekly choice ef territory. Address Wsahlagtna Nursery company. Top aenlah. Waahlagtoa. WANTED Every mas eat ef a posltloa er dle sstlafled with hla present vocstimi. to take - a night course at the Brbnke-Wslker Bnai. Bess College. Seventh snd Stark sts. We will . place you la a posltloa when competent. W S get work for ear memherst sseelst mem bers. $2. X. M. O. A. Fourth and Yamhill. MONEY! MONEY I Advsneed every week to ear egents; a fall line. Including wp-to-dste specialties. Write for free ear-vaaetng outfit. Capital City Nursery Co.. Sslem. Or. . WANTED High-class aslesmaa for choice tee- rttoriee: highest eommlaaloa said: everything 1. furalabedi each advanced tor expenses. A Y ,ar ePPertee'ty. Address, quick., oamn, ur. WANTED Tree cabinet maker. Roes City Fnrultare Mfg. Co.. First sad Glbhe sts. PACIFIC STATIONERY PRINTING CO. toft-807 Second et Phone aula Stl We deelga aad Install tba most modern sad Improved offle systems; complete line hast leaf filing devices. - TO!' NO mas desiring to better their condition . call ea employmeat depart maw t. Y, M. C. A. : S1.O0 A MONTH PROTECTS TOtT ' Against aeddeet. etrknees snd death. Write or csll snd Investigate. North w-eat-m Health A Accident Aasoctarloa. Room 81, 2t Stark St. Agents Wsatsd. MEN AND WOMEN to leers the herher trade In eight weeka; graduates gsra from tit to - ttt weekly: expert Inat rectors: catalogue free. ' Moler Rrstem ef Collegss. S3 North Fourth at. Portlaad. ; . WE csa are several men ever 90, ef ability, te Prepare fo. C. 8. cwttoms-honss service: fooo to star ; life positions. Write Pacific Statea ' Schools, McKay bldg., city. SALESMEN make big money working for as; experience annecenary. Paeine Aid Asso- elation. 224 Lumber Exchange bldg.. Port- land. uragoB. ' STl'DENTS ef the International Orreenondenee schcols desiring practical experience are re- 2 nested to Hst their name at oar fecal office. 14 McKay building. . , MEN tad hoys wsated to learn plumbtBg, plas tering, bricklaying, electric trades! free cstsfegne: position. Corse Trad. School. New York aad Saa Fraaclsce. WANTED Every crank tn csll at Boyd Tt Co., 80 First St., for .Ardmors Coffee"; 8 pounds fit- we Hks year yea know whea aad why to kirk. WANTED Pslnter and panerhangert good wages for good lively maa capable of handling mea. Address X 142. cere JoumaL WANTED Boys te wrap soap. A Cske Soap Co. Lucksl, King WANTED 12 Inside wtremea at once; none hut flrst-elaea men used apply. ' Room fit Commercial bldg. , THREE good advertising oltritors st Csll tig Goodneugh bldg., aftat t .' I TAILOR wanted for repair work In clothing atom. Jaa. J. Psddsn. 602-604 Mala St., Van couver, Wash. f APYERTfSINn) inclines. aat ' commission. city: printing, newspaper help. Kewepsper Brokerage, t3oednougb bldg. GOOD harness-makers and saddle hands) top wages. Chat. L. Ma at Irk A Co., wholesale leather. Front snd Osk sts. AN experienced bench hsnd snd frsmemaker. Apply at sue. Portland Sash A Door Co., Union eve. and Esst Taylor st, WANTED In tity, flrat-clsse cement finisher; steady, goooTjiay. Call room to, 2X7 W Waeb Ingtoa st. Phone Pacific 436. WANTED 12 trsms to hsul lumber, to erne. niencs May 1: stesdy work; wsges tight Al Thomaa, 143 Third at, Portlaad, Or, - - BRI'lHT hoy tn learn the plating trade. Apply Oregon Platlag Works, 128 Iwnsdsl at WANTKD Boy with bicycle to carry package. Herbert Greenland, Third aad Washington ta ever Feldenhelmer'. WA NTED Rushslman. Apply Herbert Green lend. Third and Washington 'sts.. over Fsl denhelmer's. OUTK1DR men fat real estate office: must he wideawake snd reliable. Can between and 10 . m. Home Laud Co., 148V4 First at. s AfTlVE maa to aell and collect; mnat fnr. nlah horse and wagon and surety bond., cut Wssbmgma at. - . BRIGHT hoy with wheel, esndy factory. t7 per week. George A. MeNsJI Co., er week. George A. MeNsJI 110 North rourtn st. BOY with wheel to- work tl day. Onddard- Kelly Ihos Co., Sixth snd Washington. GOOD maa to drive express wagoa ea share. , Address D 001, ear. Journal. , ' BOYS wasted tt Roberta Bra. Apply to PnoTOORAPH sgssra wanted. Hofateater, 16u Third St. BOYS snd machine men wanted la fumlturt factory. Call st 106 North 11th tt WANTED Ynong me to ttndy tslegrephv; railroad posit ions; good wsges when eonine tent. Dsy snd evening classes. Csll. Oreg.m ' College, 603 Commonwealth bldg. W A NTED Responsible men that can invest tHMli permanent .alary $2H weekly end ehers ' of profits. Csll 1131, Wsshlngtoe si., room IK, WANTED Good shoemaker, tsj Williams a vs. WASTED Boy, tt per week, et M, Freat st l0 -J? HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTEIV-Every womaa eat nf a noeitlea or dlaaatllflad with ha preaeut so.-atloa.le take a night course st ths Babnae- lke Hiialneaa Cdlegs. Hevanth and htark at. Wa will place you la a posltloa wbaa com patent. - . y HANKKN'g LADIES' AOFMCT. 8481 Wsah . Ingbw at cos. Seventh, apatalf. Pheee Mala tnea. Female help waatad. G1KI4 WANTED Operator. tework ea aklrts and everalla. lamn te lossperlsncad. Apply st Standard factory Be. t. (Iruad aee . and Eaat Taylor 'st. SHIRTMAKEHS wanted. 2H4 Mark at. Jacobs Shirt Co.. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory Me. t, Oraad ae. asd East Taylor St. MATURE womaa, r fined, of good address, te . give part tlms for onranlalng work with Aid societies. Call 20$ Tllford bldg. WANTED iirle to earork douhle-atltrk ma chlaaa. Inquire Fits-Well factory. Tt First. WANTED Toung ladles to study telegraphy; dav and evenlnjr aaaatnna: main Una nractlcei poaltloaa when competent. Apply Ortigoa College, 60S Commonwealth bldg. Fl RUT-OLA 88 cook for family of two: eecond- Tlrl employed: good wagee. Apply 67 North 7th St.. after 4 p. m. and before 10 f. m. 01 BL wanted for general housework ; good wages. Csll 88 Ella at. . WANTED Competent woman to care for bey ef T. CsU 225 Fifth, hours lo to 8. WANTED Strong girl for nreeatug garments; one with exnerlauce preferred. Berlin Pye Works, 84T Hecoutl st. . - WOMEN part nsBS-H of their time; best wages. V3 East iota north; take S car. tOl' NO girl to help la house; good bows. 880 carton, near rsrk. W A VTED Experienced sawing ladles. Call 44T Aider et. WANTED Bookkeeper. Csll on G. Loudoa Dsrley, agent "Comptometer," 84 Third St. WAXTED Wrappers snd rtsekers. ' The Modern Confectionery Co., 13th end Hoyt sts. , ., GIRL wanted for light nights. OHO Couch, st. hone. work; go heme WANTED Experienced help In latest tailor. made ults snd skirts. 181 Third at. Pa cific 1108. . WANTED Experienced pressev ea ladles' gsr ments; good wares snd permanent position . for the. right part. Berlin Dye Works, 847 Second St. . EXPERIENCED chocolate ' dippers; highest wagee: permanent tleorgs A. McNeil Co., Ito North Fourth U near OUsan. Wbolesste "confectioners. WANTED Good cook for small family: good wsges. Apply mornings. E. Cooking nam, 335 llth st. . , WANTED Good girl tor general hoe 128 14th at. , WANTED A girl la tailor shop.. Fourth st. 11H North GIRLS wanted. Oak st. Portland Papsr Box Co., 208 WOMAN re do general cleaning, , WedneadaV, , Friday aad Hat unlay mornings. W Fourth st. Phone Mslu 6717. - YE8TMAKERS and flnlMicr on panta: eteady work, good pay. 207 Couinion wealth bldg. WANTED Young ladle to study telegraphy; commercial positions when competent, Dsy snd evening classes. J'sll Orefoa College. au3 Commonwealth bldg.. WANTED Competent girl for general worn; rsmity onj two. mi jnnnson et GOOD neat girl to help with homework sod neat girl te fate rare or baby. - Telephone Eaat 4400. WANTED Lady to da sewing, mon st. Phone Main tfS. Call 3DStt Sal- MALE AND FEMALS HELP.' MAN and wlfa ea farm near ettyr young; no . children; maa meat understand Oregon term ing, wife to rooki good Job to tight psrtles; bo "brain storm'' rrsnka or boose fighters need spply. Office Fred T. Merrill, Sevratb - and Oak, 1 p. m. daily, v GENTLEMEN and ladles wanted tw personally solicit orders for fine phonograph: exceedingly sttrsctlvs proposition. Call ISA Sixth at. AGENTS wanted, la dice sad gents: best moner . making ' pmmosltloa oa the market - 306 First st ; .. .-. .1 . ; WANTED "Comptometer" operators. If you have ever run a "Comptometer" call oa G. Loudon Dsrley, 84 Third at. nELP wanted and repelled, mala er female. R. O. Drske.jailH Wasblnetna et4 Paetfle 1.170. SITUATION WANTED MALE. SITUATION wanted by ss experteuced men as . timekeeper, arslstsnt bookkeeper, ether elerl- ' caj work, city or country: best of references; lumber business preferred. Address D ,602, care Journal, er phone - Pacific 2018, A GOOD steady boy wants position with eusnce to work up; sot afraid ef work. N 131, . ears Journal . .. A ... ...... MARINB engineer wants Joh ss statioasry engi neer, la city er out ef town: 12 year' mar In experience, deep .water. Addree J 151. ear ' Journal. . EXOAYATINGV- plowing - end genersl fobtrmg; manore delivered. Phone Weodlawa . 161. A YOCNO man with small fsmlly wsnts to work 00 ranch; baa good reference, F ISA, care Journsl. BAKeJR wants steady ; Journal. work, - I. 138, esr WANTED by young married maa. posltloa to , leers esrpeater trade: seme experience; handy with tools. 104 Bast Sumner at SITUATION wasted by young man familiar with operation ef gas engine. , D 1S3. ear ' Journal. . WANTED Position by experienced fsmlly cook. Address Chinese mission. S4TV. Stark at. SrTUATIONSANtED -FEMALE. CAPABLE women desire dsy work, fin. "sun dering, clcsntng or substitute cooking, f hone Mala 6800. - SITUATION WANTED Colored womaa waats . day work, houeecleanlng er ironing. Address 42814 Davis St.- SITUATION , WANTED Colored womaa went , dsy work, bonssclesalng or Ironing, Address 43H Dsvla st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. v BBD CROSS BMPI-OYMBNT CO. togging camp and farm help a specialty. SO North Second et. Phone Mala t2et. W. pay all telegraph charges. , - HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFF1CB FOB MEN. ..-.' tt North Seeond et. Phone Mala tSSt, PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICII tntU Morrlsoa St. ........ Phone Peeifle JJ IT trforth Second at Pheee Pacific 1300 0. K. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Help furnished free to smployers. 13 H N. 2d. Phone 8707. WANTED AGENTS, y . , 1 , , 1 , ,,.1 , '-. -1 . l m.. a h.edlles one nnleb lUEiia iti . ' n " 1 - - - Unin, household suscultlss; catalogue and price Hit free. Standard Mall Order Box 23, lakt City. Colorado. Co.. ONE heetlsr la sack town or fecsllty ts handle medicines er ensp: write quirk) big ' money. R. M. Plummet 260 Third at 1 WANTED TO RENT. Landlords Hav you a bouse to rent W. have a nrwposltloa thst will Interest you. Csll or drop sa line snd we will explain. " COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., . . HUth snd Anksny sts. , WANTED TO RENT Bowses, eottsgsa, funs, storee. office, morning bouses, sts. Lea. Inrde will do well te call ea 1 POKTI.AND TRUST COMPANY OP OR BOOM Phone Ex. 72. S. B. Car. Id and Oak. WANTED To rent for. term of rears, with prlrileg of hnjing. smell farm near clv, with team snd tools -furnished: good refer Addrejs U. A., wl tuatoa !.- .. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF 70a want to aell galea, lis with F. Fechs. 2ilhk Murriaoa el. 0AHII for vacant Ar Improved resldenos prop erty If price la right. Wink, eut . Lumber Eat-hauge. t WANTED A 8 er T-room heeae on South Port laud, from owner, for raeh; must be cheep. P. C luiaeea A Cm, 8T4 Flrat st.,- Portland. WANTED FINANCIAL. 7 PER CENT Wanted 1 100. 000, turns tt er multiple: beat security oa eerth. Address B 1IY2. Journsl. . ' ' - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Furniture ssd ft ever: y deserinttoa bnegbt sold asd aawkaaged. . The t. itt First at. Mala .474. t WB haul deed k arses aad cattle .free. ' Fertiliser Works, er notify Carney' Veresl. , nsry. Fourth end Gluwa sts. Mala It. CAN pse tfi.OOO worth furnltv this week; highest prices paid In city. ssiera aal. vage ce. raeuie tss. BIO BEST cash Brtee psld for aO kinds sacaad hand goods. Phono Mala till. 88 M. Third. WE WILL BOY. SELL. OR TBADB ANY OLD THINO. WESTERS 8AI.YA0B Ca. ' tf-" 2 WASHINGTON . PACIFIC Ttt. ; , MAIN tent., cash and Iits or vt : . rOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, SU First "t, ; MAIN 8668. MAnt I CASH tor heneshold roods. 848-847 First st Phaaa Savage A Pvnaetl. Psclfte too. ; ; WANTEDA steam donkey, slat txlO or 10x11: must be In perfect enndttlea. Address C W. Tyson. 714 Dekum bldg. - 4 HIGHEST price nsld for sscood kasd M cycles. Phone Mala 4280. ' .. .. WANTED To care for I ma II child; good home... 41 Esst 16th at. THE GRAND PL'RN'ITl'RR CO., 411 Hawthorne eve., nays ths highest cash price for second- . , hsnd furultttre. - Esst 860. J WANTED Roll-op detk; aaaae pries aad sum. Box 86T. St.. Johns, Oregon. 11 1 t . ' V : WANTED Showcases, about S feet: seme arte, and else. Box 8T, St.-Johns. Ore sua. . . WANTED To buy bicycle: must be cheap aad . la good condition. Phone Pacific SMk WANTED Sewing by the t'nhtmMa St.. Msla 877. dsy. . Apply - tot FURNISHED BOOMS FOR RENT. HOTEL FRANKLIN, Corner 18th aad Waablm: ton sta., Portland. Or. Newly - furs label threughout: new building: suites aad hath 1 . hut aad cold water te evety room: long dhv tonce phone In U roam. Tel. Msla TIM. THE RICH ELI ED. tSH Nsrtk Sixth etBle. gsatly rurslshsdi atsem heat and hatha. THE ttRAND. 4(1 ti North Third st Ream, far gsBHemea. tl.26et week aad ep. irin a RLAiig, nrat st.. near Morrh . furniahed rooan SSe to 1: trsnah-st - - THB STEWART Honsrkeeplng sud furnished rooms; transient and single. 2oH Wash. inCFXY furniahed rooms, walking dlstaaeeT foe one or two area. 800 Fifth st. . NICELY rm-ntshed rooms: alngle snd ea saps, lot Msdlsoa st.t phone PsVlflo 811. ' -, v THE GLADSTONE, M2H Ssvlec m. NIc, ciesn c furnished moms, single er double, from II. "5 per week ap; free phone, gss and parlor. 1S8H FOURTH ST. Furnished dsy. week er month; prices reasonable 2-130. . . ... . , rtelftj 208 FIFTH ST. Large sunny noma, bath, gaa, phone, 11. W cer week. . " FOR RICNT HOCSRKEEPINO. WEEK CP. large, eteea, rerslssed t keeping teems, Mandry aad hst. IS4 maa aouts. Portlaad. ' ' - TWO nlr. rlesa bouaekeeplHg-rnoms In private . famUy: cmve In. . CsU 242 Msdlsoa at, or . phone Mala 0202. v . . ' ..-T- ll.M .WEEK lip, class furalahed heuaahesm pg nemak parlor,, bath. . laewdry. faraare seat, yard.- aus lit Staatea. O ear. THB MITCHELL Ueuseksentaa awd trsaatsat able. Sevet ruth aad elasoera. FINB boosekeep big-rooms for rent grows i finer; gas, bath and yard. Phowe Bast 34 IU. HOUHEKEBPINO-BOOMS, lowest rates; eler' trie light and phone Ineladed. 301 1, Water sr. ' TWO for nl shed room for houeekeeplng: berk aad pboae. gss. eat Fifth St.. corser Lincoln. FURNISHED for housekeeping: Mt Tabor; 9 rnem. I'heno Tabor 17i 'TWO furnished Ihrht aousekeenlng rooms: mod ern: tne view; light, quiet place for congenial vouple or two ladles. 388 Llneola at, , ' lIOUtSEKEEPINO ROOMSn-e Hall, 414 Firth st.i rooms single and en suite. ' TWO nice houeekeeplng-rooms. ettsap:-wod rr - gu storm. 804 Savler St.. earner North 17tb. THREE foralshed bnwsskehplBg rooms. 204 FourteeutJi si. Call It FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooma; gat. nra. let- wsnu'uvm. FTRNI8HED bemsekeeptng rooms: free bth snd phone. Call 871 N. Itth.l phone Mais 417. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. , FOR BENT Three besutlfnl unfumlshsd rooms, a II conveniences, - hoi Fifth St., corner Mont gomery. ROOMS AND BOARD. vol Ntl maa, why do yon eat la the reatau ranta whsa roa can get first-class rem and hoard for - IS week; also table board', tt week 1 home conking, all conveniences, eloss In. alee yard and porch. AtterHcrftJrU. enth and Madison .-: , , . k ,r THB MORRISON. ' formerly the Hesperian--I .arte comfortable rooma, alngle and ea salts. newly rnrnl.heo: nest rsue hoars; prl . nrndsrat. 83t Morrison st- eorner ITth, ROSEDALB (the Barrell eatata). 404 esrnsr 1 flrst-clsss. Nswly furnii iota ane maoieou, jnas epaneii; svsvyiaiu n-uisneo tlironghout. FOR RENT HOUSES. 7 GUARANTEED advertised. We ess rest r sell your hosaas. rooena, flats, efflees. stores, fsrms. erreage. Iota: Hat new fee eastern advertising. 204 Mohswb-bldg. - . tit NICE t-ronm cottage, 41t East Ninth -St., ncsr corner Esst Grant. Nlr 8-room cottags, 60S First M.' -DL'NN-LAWRBNCB CO., 14t4 First St. riYE-ROOM boo., east td. walking distance: also t office rooms In Osmhrtdge bldg., suit. shls for dentist Csll room 11, er JasltorA , room 22, Cambridge bldg. - - ' $23 .flo COMPLETELY furnished 6-room - cot tage, newly papered 1 get; close ta, eaat aide. Phone Kaat Soil. - ' $80 MODERN t-room houa. Phone Main 44.14. tOO First St. WB test sad Ball p tanas, A On. FURNISHED HOUSES. 10 Three-room torn lake fat, tinea . la; Sat view. Phone Esst I60T. 634 SevenHTat. . FURNISHED 6-mota est tags, xsodsra. InaUlTS t Oregonisn bldg. ' - HOUSES FOR RENT FURIxTTCRrl ; j . FOR SALE." " . FOR 8 A LB Furniture ef room net e Sev. enth St., I blocks from postofftcsi desirable locsuoa; noose strict ir aaoosra: rent re est able; a agsnt. Addree T 141. Jonrnsl. YOUNG man, 28, would Ilk. to mast young lady for her compssy and to go eut even ings. Address Harry S. Milker, Psetisad, Or. WB aerd fsrsltsrs at asy price. Portland. Aec tma Roe am. til Flrat 1 at Matt test. NBW furniture s modern 4-room apartment, - prl vats sntranes, close: suitable for bachelor apartmenta. Paclfle 004. FOR SALE Furniture of t-rooms In fist ef I t reoaui rsut Ju. . rkon Msla Use.