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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 23, 1907. II BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE REAL iCSTATE. FOn SALE REAL INSTATE. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ART. PANC1XQ. A' PAYING RISINKSS. Brtrh and tiling- plant In trade for elty fWlJ it laud; plant sitiistrd m-sr Port land, Kliit bar you 10 trade! Call a tioODALB It CO., , . 2 Aliaky Bldg. MOTEL FOR BALE. Pot Hi. a 14 -room hotel wllk t both loom. good location with luO regular herd- ere; pnra gi.uuu mb: this a bargain it ' taken at o'i. Address North Park Hotel, " 1U4-10 North Seremh at 1011 BALE A, stork of nrnrlpi. bora, wsroa and harness and atora futuraa. will Invoice about f 1 3U0; buaaell at., tltw location; nod trade, tuqulre of H. O. Stltea Co., . 620 Union ave.. Borth, Bear Rueeell at. FOB next 10 data we offer for $.100 cash. balance (30 per month, e.w 11-rooia modera , bearding and roomlug-bouse: bath; fnrulabed complete: par a nat income of $30 par month; fine location. st. joum investment co, . Kt. Jobne, Or. t Phone East $oT. . Boom IS Holbroek bide II UNPURNINBBD rooms, central Iocs t kin; ml raaaoBabla. Inqulrs -IS Union are. LA LOON, hoaaa aad kt. (or aalai parties Imt. - tug oa account et sickness., Addrsse 0 158, Joursst r. - RESTAURANT (or sele or rent; excellent bwel - - Bees: oat aionthly profit 4O0. Po, Q. boa all Vancouver. Washington. - . - i . HOTELS OUB SPECIALTY. . If your hotel b for sale, ta or oat of the city, bring It to as and we will procurs a purchaser without publicity. Reference, Ba te! Men's sssoctsttou, i P. L. AUSTEN A CO.. Ortsiasl Hotal Broken, , Suite 123 ta 120. Ablnittoa bid. ' . Phone Mala Can. BATS tha tMat opening DO tba aoait ta walk aatabllabad enterprise: aiaall aspttel re quired; writ a for particulars. P. L, Sehstt, wa V avast Morrison ax. . . FOR BALB OK TRADB Hotal HabvrT. 100 ' mllaa from Portland oa Boot bam Parlfhtt a aioaera ap-to-aa(a Bouaa. oawlr ftirnlahad: baa toodromnrrlal trad. Addraaa Hotal nau7, uaiaar, or. lOB BAUB Meat fartitabad 4-rnnta (dark i- rrwa ba oar boat at a bargain. Foot of CUT i., waai aioa, am "for naMr" oraa ooor, S2M BL'Ti a raatanrant arlth aond aaak traa rbaap ranti a anap ior aa and wlfat elaara $4 and d par da. Addraaa B 10. JaoraaL aABTNBB with 11.000 to tareat h l In -aropoalttoa: food' ebanea for a haaller. Ad- jjroao jl aoa, cara woornai. . . , . . Bfl'ST BfiUV C1TCAP Book. rtar aad aoafeo tlooarj atora, doln food baalsaaa, rood v ration; $1,000. Iaqulr 0 1ST, Joarual. FOB BALE Brlrk botal, Storr. 42x03; J . noma; furnlabad; anlr flrat-laaa hotal ta , Kawnart. p,ica to.ono tf tnkaa at oaea. Addraaa W. Walter, box fod. .awbr, Or. ECHO BALOOM, altsatad' at 18 North IMmrth at., for aala cheap. - ORtH KBT. toad atark and location, rnad bnaV- aaaa, ezrhanra as boalnaaa naldent Ma, tm prorad or Taeaati larole about 1,(00, Ad--' draaa B 184. cara Journal. BO-ROOM rontnmf -hoaaa, rlearhur $200 : avjotb, $3. boO. Boom T. HUH Flrat at. A BI S1NENS elearlnf $0 a day: awner called aaati al $300 raquired. Boom 1. Fh-at at. -. . . ' 0-ROOM ronantrjg.hoaaa, food location; a saap, $1,900. Boom 7. 11H Flrat at. - CUT THIS OCT AND BBINO IT WITH you 1 aaaa a 10,000 per cent Invaatment ta a - raanufacrurlnf oomi.anr a alock. Macbantca baring amalf ajnounta to teraat prafamd. Apply to Wa. O. Patajrhaaa, . SlCf Conma ' alal blk. - WEEKLT Bwapapar-and Job of flea; powa - c Ha ter and obhera aaarly newi aa axeeic Mnaalry pood field: no crmi petition; iplen-lid propoalttea: eaah or baakabla aota. V7 1M, . cara Journal. , - , . , $2S0 BUYS half tatereat la aatabllabed aian'V faetoruia bualnaoat eaay tarma ta heneat work tn(V mam liiTeetlrata quick; leartut tit. II ISO, ear Journal. ,. BOATIXO baaliwaat wrtl aatabllabed t launch ea, row buata.. bouaa aad all equipment; money. maker: baalneaa tueraaalnc . Back tar. Id. aulra Ifia Alorrlaeu at. VXm WORKS, anod eatabllebed baalneaa; win accept reaaonable offer: rood raaaoa tor aall ' In. , T 1&4. cara Journal. POH BALB Batcher tbop. or wtlUraat: fair trade to atart oa. Addraaa L 100, JanmaL ; $""0 BCT8 a reataurant with (nod .eaah trade: cheap rent; a aaap tor maa and wife: clears a ana pa per oay. AOdreae al ice, JouranL YOl'NO tnan. if you -want a permanent boat. , tieea and make ajoaey while learn In it , call rooa 20. 208 SUrk at, eppoalta Chamber B.N APOm feet looery, elfra and tnbaeca, eoma rroceriea; fine local ma; pood trade: rent 818, Includlnp llrlnr rooma; owner leaTtnc city; i . inv ic taken tma week. Aider, room la fAHTNER wanted tor rrarellnt abow; profits ,r aiu to ou oauy; moai Bare small capital. 1 - Auureue aa aoi, Tare aeurnai. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $4.200 FtNB T-room Bwden hooaaf $40 ftj carpet a: fine lawn; Ankeny at. $4.800 7-room modera hoaaa, aloae ta Bars. ' elile hrld: fall tot; term a. - $1.800 8-roota hooae. aacdara, fan lot. Bast . Slain at.; pood taenia. . $1.300 T room modera benaa. lot 10x1 IT, - to fine fruit traea. 100 raeebaahea; Montartlla '- ear line: 82.000 eaah. $1.100 A fine wareneaee aite aa eorner TKIrtl aad Phta ata.) muet be sold. $1,00040 rooma, well far La bed, fine pUao) . brlcfc hnDdlnfi ea Union are. . $1.000 Boardrat and rnomlnr-neaee. : roams , all fall: daej't fall to see thla: $4f)0 plane. $8.S0O 80x100 ea corner Fnnrth at.; term. Millinery aad dryrooria atork; dnlar food , '. barinaaa; moat sell ea account of slekneea. We hare some rary dealrabla race at lots ' ,, that most be anld. . HARPER O'DOrfrTrtr v Room S Beoaoa hld.. Fifth aad Morrlsea ata. s A MW OOOD BUTS. $300 Lata ta Woodlawa Helfbta, (aS loea- tleu. 40n Let fa Liaeala Park; this la cheap. - ' $1,000 ft-room bouaa and S lots Beat Car - . line: and It'a a be train and oa terma, $1. TOO New 8-room hooae and hath. Sooth Portland; raa be bonrht ea lnetallroente. . $1.800 New 6-room honae aad 4 Iota, St. nlina; thla wlU bear jroar larasttsatiua, . as tsrty la learniav' - ' - 84.SOO n-room aonaa and S lota, plenty of fruit of aa klndst handy to ear line. -J $15,000 U bloc., Kaat Second et. tlue ulldlnp site. - And many other rood rnyeatmenta worthy , ef your Inreatifatloa. Call and let ua show .yoa where yon raa make some money, ? HATHAWAY BROWN. Phone Par. 1832. Boom 10, Waahlnrtral hldf. , AR0A18 I . Ctrr,, AN0 ACBSAOi , PROPERTY. , i OI8 000 for. 10x100, tWtif "arkt fine Incatlon. ' -' " -' . tooiino aed 104WNS hooae; beat map aa Iar.atoryfrnv hulMInf, With 4t liytBS ' ro"mt. lot 80x100; T.. . ' " Over 81 acres oa rlra and Orefoa City tleetrtc line.- t- '.v . . Don't fall ta took theee op. ,,. A. , , e. W CASE, 411 Commercial bld( Portland. Orefea. f .ROOM hooae. - lot lOOxloo, In Bontk . Port . land. Close to car llae: $1,860. ' Bmall cottare. M ouxaoo. on Wlllamatta bonleTtrd: thla ts a ennp; $025. ,', Bmall rottara oa go4 car Una, cheap for rah; $4TB. We bsre etber so4 boys. Com ta tod BEAVr: RIAL fSTATB , IXYKSTMEMT . .- - i - - C0MPANT, -T-- - I . 17 4 ITlrat St.-, ' ' - , .) H8T yoor property with tie. Harper a) OTVm. neil. conm n. iwp", pina., rlaoa ata. Phone Main 8748. a i Fifth aad Mor BPiACTIFl'L home, Willamette Belrhts, one block to ear, modern, new, rlew , aaaorpassed, $4,000. Owner. Pacific B04. . KRW addition; beat Vts ta Lenta, anxioo. Ja . anly $111; near car) terma. 0. B. Addlton, Lenta, Or. Take Monut Scott ear, 6c fare. ONE 4-acre and one 8-acre tract near Job nam creek. Take Eatacada ear to Galea, south i half mile, . L. I). Knlfht. . , . . $110 DOWN, $20 month new hooae et rooma, lot 50x10(1, wide slier. Bear car llae; mnat sell at once, Alleawnrth A Eptoo, end M. V, car Una, Phone Tabor 8X0. iWANT MONEY Two lota aaerlftced for $JuV; 4Mb at., near Hawthorne are. Inquire 878 Hyraeuaa at., i-'tilTcralty Park, BAROAIN New modera 8-roem hnnralow, elee trlc lights and futarear HO feet from car; rnrnar Ararf and kladorf, Xremoot, Alt. fctolt car $130 CASH Two Iota, Broom honae. Crow, art'a etaUnn, Mount Scort Una. Price )'. $128 escb. 4 foot Ma nest Koaa Cltr l-ars. VA Choice lot, Wasco at., a car S4th terma. " ' l J.iioo Onartar blork, It-rooa BaU at. - Lislsay & Co. DO Ralfla-B Bld. SZ31, Waablnftoa Ht a.uOOFOK BALE lira arraa, y, mil from rariina; irilr lo fruit. Oam, B. A. uaiana. ail Menoiaa at., HsatarlUa. tUKKik lot aflunoo. Bmad and Arthnr ata.i Is-room flat rrota fur A24 prr owolk, 4-roora ouiiaKo raaia tor a i prr nonio; prira aj.wni, half down, balaaoa can atand, par cent ta w: W rP!T ' . " Boom Sit Oounarclal bld., Waah. and 14. $50 DOWN. BIS tnontblr. bora ararly nrw oouaa or a - una rooma, racantlna ball. . pantry, bath room and haaamrat: fllu-r plaa- ivraq. tm ta ronnaatlfan, porn'lalu batu, alnk and patant tollrt; (ood plon aad told watar; V, block of ra anblnr. b Mr; Atnltiu lot! Toanc fruit traea. aardaa: aot far out. i-ri'a ai.avu H0M8 LAND CO., 146 H rtrat St rOR gAIB full lot. Mallorr and Baarti. 1700) for l -nnrair Addraaa T lVrr-rara- aarnal. t A' FT S , naaaloa, ail taodam ' oaraalaacaa. New modern 6-room benaa and (I Inta, fS.Ono. ' rVall-ballt 10-room hoaaa. lot bOilOO. tl.biM). Nlra aw eotuxa, roots, ntcalr furnlsuad, all .w a-i iwwk Elraant aindcra bouaa, rooms, 13.000. Bualorf cbanrra, arrra ra. ftna f arma. TUB . B. FOB KUAN 0.. 181 Hi alorriaoa at.. Bear brldca. . 4-BOOM hoaaa with barb, on Kaat Ankmy car una. eioaa ia: rant 13; rnrnltara for aaia, rnooa warn aao. 0WNEB MUST SKr.L Modern S-room hoaaa. Juat fUUbao. tiled bat ti room and kitchen. modern plumblnc, -atatlonary tnba. - eeeient baaement; a baraalw, $2,700. 10S2 Eaat Bel. moot, corn at Both at. Pnona Tabor one. . 100x110. THKEB bouaea. ranted for 170. $8,000, Two choice lota, 40th Bear Uawtboroe, . $500 each. Modern d-room boaee, . full kt, two car - nnea: $2,000. $oo eaah. Full lot oa- Kaat. 12th) central; bar rain; $1,878. . . Modern 5-mora hnnae, . lot 10(180, 18 blocka aieal brldca; $3.X0. Phooe Eaat S384. FOB 8ALB Small eotute. let 100x100, . Bear Arbor Lodft elation aa St Johna Una, laM rt now aw MOPRBIf T-mma hnaaa, S9 ailnotaa' walk from Tnjrd aad MorrhMm ata., eaat aide. Inqulra il Eaat iztb sc. . . -. ANOTHBB BAROAIN U aeres. aaoatl cleared , (ood hoaaa aud bara, fine ac-ll, meat pa cheap. nie line as BDatraer v., rooa Mulkey hide, aacond and Morrtaoa ata. $8,000 BUTS a aew T-eaoaa bouaa Bad Vat tOOx I0O, concrete haeemeut. rood bara and eblckea '' bouaa, $ blocka from S car tinea, laqulre at . aa Boaoef are. - F1NB subdlrlaloB aropnalUoa aa O. W. P, rloaa In ' 81 acreai farel. ne rranl: bar rain , for quick aala. Taadfya Waltoa, M cuamoar unnmrna., i BTOP PATTNO BBJfT. - - miait' as II.. bm.ii 1. meat baae&aot, (ardao. $370. 804 Mohawk t LOT9, 80sOO. near Be car link. $M0, Bead the money, lot atoaawk oiog. , - ': v " k East nonisca; , lOOilOO, Joat Ttcroaa bridgv araat aatX at a low pnea. BOOM SO COMMERCIAL BUT . $1.000 Lot 82x100. hoaaa of 8 rooma. abed. barn, cblcaen-hooae; Trnlt; sear Prettymaa ata I loo. Aaareaa i low. care eournai. CIIOICB eorocr, 100xS. tuiprored afreet oa both at oea. only i.soo; ciea peetpro party In thla dlatrlrt. Apply to owner, w. M. oak tin. Eaat 88th at. aad Hswtberaa are. $3.8n0 HALF eaah, 80x100, aew modera 8-roonl axa ttaac Haataoa at. owner. MODERN 8-room Qaeca Anne cnttare at a bar ram. Bee this, owner, kit Vanoouyer are. 800 FARMS, email tract tad lots; harralna ea O. W. r. electric line. o. K. Addltoo, Lenta, urefonu xaaa aau wemx car, - oo. ; . t. FINE HOMB FOB YOUNO OB OLD C0UPLB SO acrea finely tmpmred pardea land, not far from ear line; riue road re the city; all nicely fenced, good aew bulhilore, botwav - bara, woadbauae, - cbtckea-bouae. root hooae, runolnr water. -- pood- well at house; a anap buy: $2,800; $1,450 down, balance a freed w. W. EBPEY. r - ' " Boom IIS Commercial hldr.. cor. Wasblnrtoa and Second. ' - $1.800 BAROAIN Cottare .la Bamayslde; $800 .'aowa aaa a per em in. ,.4.r, , - $480 Corner lot SSxTS, eoly 10 annates to city. - . W. fi.on HARRIS.' ":''-l: '' Phone Bast 4300. 80S Ilelmeat. cor. B. SSth. MOT new, hot rood 8-room bemaa and laundry feotldlnr oa corner lot; walla tinted, hath, , pea, toilet, ate.; nice lawn and rosea: atreera faded; 15 mlnutee te waefalnrtea St.; one lock east of Wllllama are.l terma If necee. aarjr. If yon want a rood home look thla ap. Buyera oaiy need aaawer. at isa, aonrnax. SNAPS. ." :-'.- $1.300 8 acres, with hoaae aad -bant I owner, compelled to etll: 10c car fare. - . Farms anywhere et all prices, a t. F, 1. BTEINMETZ aV 00,-, , , " ' ; - -... 10$ Morrtaoa St. ..''. '! '. ajl THO nNEXPBCTED financial ma ta aall thla $4,800 6-room hooae ea Eaat ' 84th St., 1 block south of Hrwthorna; $1,900 dowa. balsBce $25 per aaonta, takes . It, M 188, eara JonrnaL " FOR SALE Lota oa 30th aad Beat Btark ata., from $M)0 up; terma. Owner, 70S Eaat Stark at. Phoaa last IBS". . FOR SALE Three boo aaa and lota; a Darrein. Inquire at 00 Fremont et. eorner Ulnneaote, ACRBAOB ef Salem Una. all aiaea. eaae sy. Beidt, Waabtnrtoa bMf. QUARTER block at tTtb aed Baat Cllntna ata., one 8-room sad one 0-roora cottare, full baaameut; theae are modern; nothing alee la East Portktad. Price $5,000; can rlra terms. See O. W, Beeer, ewaer, 800 Eaat Morrtaoa at City. ' $100 nOW, balance $800 terma to aott, S-renm cottare. eomnieie; ia neaa uuouru, . auquira 411 Kaat B4th et. P0RTIAMr HEIGHTS. winuiiH tetwe. - 11. W ..1 UW . m ahlorled bancalow; by ewner. L 154, care eoarnaL. f $40 DOWNf balance terma: either S ec Otoom eotrare IB creatoa; uy owner, . w ion, cure Journal. . t .- KEW addlttoa; beet lots la Lenta, BOilOO, only $116; peflcart terms. 0. B, Addlton, ' Lentev Or. Take Mount SJott car. MOOERN 8-room honee, Bnnnyelde; $in0 eaah, baiaaca montoiy. aia commercial oior. SER Harper ft O'Donnell. Room $, Beneo bld(., corner iirtn aaa uorriaoa. MICT eeh lota, partly hntlt honae, brick . chimney. stx, part eaani aiyrtw rars. . rne owner, T8H CbloB ae. . -i . .. . A MONKT-MAKER. We- offer foe aala foe a few daye a trad, neaa property within 8 blocka of the Cham ber of Oommeree; 'worth $l,ono. Bale price $12,000. Inqnlre room 20. SOS. Stark at., epimelte. Chamber Commerce. f OR 8ALB Hlrh and etrhtty lot, not far from ateei nnora ia rmatiar a . aaa. rrice $1,750. , . JENNB. TRIMBLS TBIMBLB, 411 Marquam bid. ' BEBIDK.VCB lot; will build to unit purchaser; Bull una water, rfoua . Miiitr, euia aaa WyganU - ' CHOICE location, west aide, close rn, modera A-room borne; a few oaye ror .t.awi terma. Room SB, 208 Stark St., opposite Chamber ef Commerce. . . , S-ArllB tract, lerel. 3 blocka from car line. fine anil; anap at uu per sere. lounr a . Cook Inreatment Co., 404 Comiocrclat blk. U0OERH B room eottare. - $3,000; $300, $25 annuthlyw 1'booa Beat 7B, I HAYS two fin lota In In Park that I wllr ecu ror s-ou Tf cH-ae up my dubi nahera; terma If dcalred. : Addreaa 0 ird. care Journal. LOT fjOxinO, on seat aide, rood location : Im- nrored atreeta; eaay terma. 1'hona owner, Woodlawa 181, or can 170 Front at.' . - $ POWh) and $18 a mnntb bora a home la aanayaiue a aoue Aaa euu ea aei aoea, $5.VV-KINS lot. corner, BOilOO oa, PertUnd lilxhta; elraant view; muat sell. fi Full lut oa Mn and 17th ata. tn.o Turner lot, poxluO oa Alhliia are. !iM-A 4-room eollaie oa Alberta ear,. $15 down and $16 a niunth and Iwe total oome early. HARPER a O'DONNELL. Room S. BeuauB bids, pbune ifatB $748. A FEW OF OPR rilOlCB YACAtfT LOT - BARGAINS. 'A fine earner at Irrlugton, $1.BW. Sinrl'M), allay Mtcblraa sea.. --6. looniX). Bear car barna.. Alt.lna. 8800. A few choice ImproTed, fruit and berrtee. Bear car Una, between the rWere. $:ioU, - Koora 20, ins Stark at., eppoalte Chamber Aiinuiarce. . $8.Tno FOR aa eleraat home oa Hawthorne see. Hare several new banralows; they ore fine ana oa near peynienia. If you want either lots or pomes at bar. $ams, sea v , r. I. BTEIMMETS A 00, ' The nomeaallera, IWt Morrtaoa St. ' 10 CIIOICB lohtt yuat south of Warerlelfh. 1H oiH-aa te car, oaiy fw each; a anap. owner, recti ie voe. FOR SALE FARMS. T'- Flic Dairy Farm : 43 seres, 27 seres ander plow, balance caa be put' under rultlratloa at a coat aot to exceed $100; ronulnf water; 4 acres bearer, dam; fine Bod In the entire place, all leeet, bo waata; lit scree la orchard of mixed trait i o-room nonee, osra zeiwh, aairy-aouae. . woodshed: wall at kitchen door; fenced and eroee-fenced; place Ilea aeroee road from atora aud creamery, close to echoot, church and I. O. O. F. hall. Price only tS.Oooi terma, $1,000 down; will- take $1,000-- la - trade. air ea or annreaa . PKAUt.'B 4 MEBUS, " ' ' ,' ,m 404 Waablnftoo sL, Vaaoonrer, Wash. 420 CoMcrcia Phcae Pacific' 2514 : 80 aerea, S , miles from Cottare Orore; rood house: 10 aerea n lowed. 48 acres cleared. balance tu rood fir timber; thla ts the test ebsaos at this for 10 per acre. ' ' ISO acrea. Willamette TaHey; all Ina nroeed. under eroo. aoaae atack. hay Bad - $ra40e $2,000, . .. .- 1M acrea, Lane eoanty, 10 acres bottom land, aaoatly bearer dam. balance rood heaey fir; fine 6-room hooae, barn; school near by, B. P. I.j f8,tM; terms. j.jU-; 62T acrea. Polk county, fenced, creel fenced, 100 acres crop, WO aerea dear pea. ture, . enouph oak ea baiaaca to nay for place; rood bouse and barns, stock, bay, grain and crop; $18 pet sere; terms. SMALL PARMS KEAB TUB CITY. 40 acres, IS miles from Portland on weat aide of rlrer, 35 acrea under cultivation. 15 acres timber end paatare; family orchard well fenced ootid larre bouaa. bara and 1 other . buildings, all Implements, - apaa of horaea. few eowa. bora, chick ena. eroo; $S.IOt-4- teram, Thle place ts- S miles rrom oawrgo, s miles boat unding, s aute afreet car, -- i. . so acrea, 40 acres under ntrJTatloa, S aerea orchard, rood 6-raom houas. bara 40x00, rraaary 20x40 with baaement. 3 enwa, all Implements, sit crops; price $4,600. . This place ta 18 miles from Portland. mllee from Oswecn. S miles from Oreroa City ear. 46 acres, 16 acres- nader celtlratfcon. 4-eoom bouae, email barn, young orchard, apaa ef horeee, alt tmplementa, 1 eow, 1 hog, crone; 61.000; half eaah. This place la 4 mUra from Oregon City. - Aad err era I other small and large ranches on good terma. OTTO, CROCKETT aV HARKSOK REALTY """ ' 181 Va Flrat St. -. AM IDEAL BOMB AND FARM AT BABQA1H AND OW TERMS. -118 scree In hlrh state of eutfleatlooi 11 -room honae with hot and cold water, large barn, orchard, chicken-yard a, brooder-honee and outhuildiUaTS: T miles from vanrnuTee Waahlngton. 1 mile from church end graded school; farm stocked with hlrh -era de atork; farm, -stocky Implements asd- houaehold fur niture win ue aoia sogener or eeperately; fQ.a"i win nanuio rnia. - - Call on aa for harralna ta farm laada. JE.fSB. TBIMBLB 4V TBIMBLB, " 411 Marquam Mdg. r BAROAIN 31 acres. 8 miles from Wood bare Or.: 0 acrea heaeerdam. half remainder colrl Tattoo', balance paafore end timber, 500 eorda wood: pood 8-mom houas.' 2. onion Bonrea, a.ouo aad I,uuo-aack capacity; rblea en-honae. bara; rood family orchard: 84.600; half eaah. baiaaca terma; will exchange for uity property. .... - PABMFRS T.AKO GO.. ' S50'4 Thtrd at. .Jv..v ; "t YAMHILL COUNTY PARM. ' KS acrea, alt choice land,, all ley Btee, TOO acrea ra high atate of caltteatloa; ran Blnv etream of water: bouaa. bara, all oaf. bnlldtnre: fronts on rood road, mile from railroad atatlon, Yamhill county; one of the beat farms In the states, might take aoaae good city nrooeety, , , HENKLB HARRISON, 1. SIT Ablnrtoa hldg. FOR SALE 200 acre of land. 180 acres of marea, loo In aatlee cranberry Tines,, bat. a oca la timber, epreee, far end hemlock; front ln on Blioslwster bay. Pacific county, Waahlnrtoa. Apply owner, I. P. Paul, Par. key honae. Kabeotta, S miles from Astoria, Or. BK8T email farm bay ta Oregon BO acrea. nosiir cm aievt ami miu.aicii. au aviniua; town alio of ilea ehlley town: fine fruit, eprlnr, creek, wood, arbor It, etinrchee, railroad: T large sawmtlta near; bnlldtnre worth $2,000; only $2,800. Inquire 34$ Stark at. , : .,. RSORMODS PR0PTTS TU ; " Hoed River Apple Land ; ' This land la all ta tress sad wfll Be anld hi 0, 10 aad 30-sere tracts for $2WI and $ar0 per acre, oa the paymeat of $M and 80 down and the balance tn 80 monthly pay. Breuta anil! paid. The owner paya all taxee, charge no mtareet and cares for the trees at his expense until the land ts paid for. EIPINO BABKKR,. , J,-. r Urdus! re Agents, ;, ; ;.'-;, 2Vt Third St. ' .'" V'W ' FIYE-ACRB tracts. mllee Booth ef Par. land, fine Boll, water piped to eaea B-aere tractt thla land ta one mile wast ef Clacks maa atatlon and railroad and ea the Port land and Oregon City wagoa road. Price from $100 to $200 oar acre; oa easy terma, Tor further particulars aee O. W. Beret, so Fa at Moniana at.. City. FOR SALB A homestead rellnorrlahnaent, 10$ acres of good farming Una. all fenced with $ stranda of barbed wire: 6-mnm houee, small barn: lance eprlnr that will brie-ate 40 acree; tn Malheur county, 10 miles from good town. For particulars call room 4, 208 Morrtaoa at. DOUGLAS county farm of 340 area, 110 aerea in crop; no uea ana nerus yt mite so ocaooi. church, stare, ete, I fine eolli bargain si 85.000. Young - Cook Inreatment Co., 404 Commercial blk, YAMHILL COUNTY PARM. 10S aerea. all choice land, all culrtvated; Ilea nearly lavel; a heaatlfut little farm, oa good road, i mile from railroad atatkm. . HENKLB A HARRISON,. - , 81T AMngtoa Bldg. . . ' YAMHILL COUNTY PARM. $80 acrea, all fenced. 800 acrea euftrrated; Boaee, barn, orchard watered by- tprmga: ca mala road, 8 ml lee from a nice town oa rata, road; might trade; price only $23 per acre. ; HENKLB i HARRISON, .... 217 Ablligtoa bldg. i t POR SALB 10 acres. Bear Baas Una road! fine water ea lu . Appty so now roruaoa barhet ahop, - "-. , . OOOD dairy farm of ST 14 acree; 80 acrea In cultivation; balance pasture; 3 miles from Oregon City. A. Berger, route No. 1, Ore roe city.. SNAP 820 seres, 80 seres In cultivation; good orchard, good building a, anormtain water piped te bonae; w mile to echoot, S mllee from a thriving-town on gravel road; 4.000,. 000 feet of a"! saw timber: only $4,000. . . calVvell a co Phlramstb, Or. : PARTIES who would Invest Is 6 to 80-aere tract,, wiia perpetual water rignt attached, ad lreeS bos 404, Raker City, Or., for terms. WRITS today If yoa wsnt one of these ranches; fio per acre; umhet paya tor waa. 14 164, ears Journal. . . . 0OOD LAND 100 acrea. 80 acres cult (rated. about 0 aerea alaahed and In feature; 2 - aullea from Ore no I'll,, en peod road; must be sold to claliua. Make im,h offer ancc aaeinf the farm, U. B. Kimkx. truatee Oiefoa City, Or. - . ShtAlX farm aad Implrmeata. eery eloeev tat "j "u impcoreq. ihji uu, uoote a, i-ity. TIMBER. WB HAYB a few ebolee timber claims for hv oauon; party goiug about 37th; eoaae and aee about It. We buy aad BelL No tract toe small or sou targe ror as to haadle. : Mackiatcsli ' & Biilwell Timber Lanls--; 420 Ccmmercial Bid?. : Ptcue Paciflc 2514--' TIMBER lands bought aad Bold and (arma tot aala tn Washington county: deeert lands in .-- Umatilla county; one flue well Improved farm In Clackamaa coonty; 8.TO scree, 100 acree plow laadr 110 acrea paatnre. 80 acres timber; tbls Can he dlelrte; Mnl.lla rlra. nine thnaaga Uatplacei-artce tl.utjo.-terwia. -$1,000 i or b rooa o-room cottage aad roll kit on eaat aide. T. R, Em brie, room ' 12, groand aww. uutanuex ec vom TO OWNERS of timber elalma aud timber We , will bug. for eaah any rood timber tributary , to Neaalem river; will deal with ewoere enly; ae el here seed aaawer. Writs, giving .full particulars,- ts Bog 8. V.. P. 6 tat too. Partlaad, Oreroa. , , . BUY THIS Clackamaa county, 100 aerea, cedar , and yellow fir. cruised 4.000,000 feet; nearly level farm land tf cleared; la line of railroad , branch; earh $8,000; would trade for aaodern city or au bur baa home. Home Lead Co., 146 - Firat at. . ... .v . . . CERTIFIED serlB. a- eras. O. Howell. 68S Chamber ef Commerce HOMESTEAD and timber lends, earl p. to loaa. SOS Comaearcial bldg. .. SO ACHES of good timber, 12 H mllee from a-oniana, miiee rrom ttaeaviuer toe atumpage. laqulre of owaat, ,JU0 Second at., Portland. , .' 100 ACRES of timber, era tea between 3,600.000 . aaa 8.000,000 feet, near Steveoeon. Waah., SH mllee from Colombia, oa creek, $3,000; will trade for Portland realty at equal value. Phone Owner, Tsbor 888. , FOIt SALB 4.000 aerea ftna fir timber ea banks or Bnlaulw rlrer; river front 6 mllee, hotb striae of stream: price per sere. $26, A. B. Hlaksoa, Meadow, Or. - 1000 000 FEET yellow pine, close to railroad; arnoa aoay of umber;,, , xa Waahtngtoa et. WAXTKD Tim bar homeatead relutqulahmeBta; erate price, grsoe and amooat. umber claim. N IBS, Care Journal. WA NTBD Timber bomeeteed reltnqntshmeBts; atate once, grade, amount of timber ' pro claim tea. i m i Address N 168, Journal. 3,000 ACRRS yellow pine outside of reeerre, rusrsnteea; ere caa locate yea; come qul.-k. : Alexander Lead Cm., B Sixth St., aeaf pine. (P YOU want timber claim before they, are all witnorawa see nispies, aog Worcester Bldg. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PICTOR talking roach mee and records; Steta way tana etner; piaBoa, oncrmaa. vmy at Co., Sixth aad Morrlaoa. appoalte poatofftce. $400 PIANO $75. organ $20; teaeona 60c. plane, guitar, nanio, Btandolln. vlous. Z41H rtrat St., earner Main. . Mra. Martin. Upatalra. . A FINB plane for eale cheap at 074 Qulmby at. FOR SALE LITESTOCRV QKNTLB horeei 1,100, good traveler: alao bngry narneaa. inquire vr. nuaa. Baa uibbara at.. MoataTtlla. , CHOICB family caw. Apply, at 481 Hlbbard ai sxontaviijs. . A OOOD all-around horee, weighing about 1.100 Iba.l omke to city: age T years. , Arpiy at once. Woodlawa 874. B. Bally, 06 Beat 16th at., aorth. POR SALE Milch eow, cheap. T03 North Edl- eon ex., nr. eon as. H0RSES. VEIIICXESe HARNESS. POR SALB S-yesr-old mars, buggy snd har- aess; good driver, call rortjand l.ireerocg Kxcnsnga, roarth and Anxeay ata, rortiaaa, DORSES snd hsuTgles for rest hf day week snd month; epeclal rates to anaiasae-BOBi Sixth snd Hawthorne. East TS. . HORSES POR SALB SO heed. 1.100 te 1.000 pounds. Ovartna. between 13th aad 14th; take S car. Freedmsa Bros. POR SALE Chean. panel-top delivery wagoa. aew. ezo ueimont. - TWEI.YB teems, scraper work; steady Job. Apply ea gronnda, 88th aaa Bandy road. jopua Mseas. . POR SALB Fine hey horse, weight 1.410 Ths. inquire et on act, ltia aecona sr., or am Pros at' r Wy.L exchange nlaateting or maaoa work of any aina ror i.iuu or norsa; io ping ta au rtnas or maaoa ware a specialty. Aaurees 4 lea, cara jsarraai. POR SALB Stylish driving bay gelding boras. 1 Tee re old. weirnt anout i.ioo. inquire . B. Fulton, Archer Place, Mt, Boot! car Una. DOURLR exprees rig, cheap; do tug rood bu1- iisss: also t.zuo-pouna Bone, rtee west, loo Front at. - SS HEAD ef work horses for aala: from 1.300 to 1.400 pounds. Apply Farmers' Feed stable. trout st. POR SALB One good, sound young work boraa. weight about 1.370. 1st cne urcgoe uvostocg Exchange, Nlath and Borastde ats. POR SALB 5srt for sale, cheep. 48U Boats Tnrra ex. raowo racina out. OOOD teem for sals, about 1.000 each. Call 376 Arthur sr. BARTER AND EXCHANGE.' TWO aood farms In tha Kllrkltst vslleT. Wash.. bandy ta market; good Buildings, plenty or wood ind water) and a rood farm ta the Willamette valley, wen Improved, and anly an anllae teem Portland! ahaa tons oe three good fame ta eartero Oregon and Washing ton vo exensngs xor cirr properig, mprorea and anlmproved. If any of the shove loca tions salt Too, I win rive yoa a good trsde. Call en Ttwner, SOSM Wsshfagroa St. P. 8. I forgot to meet too tnat zu-acra tract in tna San Joaquin valley. Thla Is a very highly improved place and" "betnrtfut home, and yon caa exchange your home for this one If yoa want to. last ror re, xua sjamosr. GROCERY, rood stork end lore Hon. good bast, peas, axefasngs aa business reel dent lots, t'S- proved or vacant; in votes auoat 1 Lots. AO dress 134. cara Journal. . . , . POR SALB or eiehanre for cord wood, property, one -horaepewer stationary, la-hotaennwar portable - engine. ; Call - F.ast 424, or ai 4 Albtss era. city ens 'FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. - $2T CHARTER ask each Brers, 16; mantel bed. $4.n0; Ne. eookarora, $4 60; S new $2.60 high-beck dining chairs, $1.76; Iroa hods from $1.60 np to $7.50; highest eaah twice. , paid for second-hand furniture. The. Orand Fumlrnre Co, 411 Hawthorne ave. phone Bsst 800.''- - DEUT8CIIR EKITUNO. the big Oermaa paper. Snnacrlptlon price $1 par year; sample copies free. A. B. Kern A Co.. pahllsbera, soruer Second ead Sslmoa ata.. POR BALaV-Oafttam neaberora and brnedeta, 84 davs free trie I. flea.) We Poett, 821 Bsst klarrtena at.. Portland. '. , . WR print ymrf asms aa 80 caltler carda, pawner alts and atyle, 8ne; 350 bnelneea carda, $1, A. W. Bchmete Co., S3 Flrat, Pert Is sd. Or. BnowcASES sad Sxtaree. Bew aad hsad. Cartsos A Kallatrom. SRS Coach st. POR SALB. CHEAP i tnrh Keyerone water meter, prsetlcally new. iBquirs H. lists gee. 32 FroBt at. SRWINO MACHINES bonrht. sold and as chanced. $5 snd ap. Wee tern Barrage Co, 21 Washington at, . FREE FOR RYERYnoDY Ring ap Mala 47A8 ee cell 31814 Front. We boy aad Mil fur al lure, clothing or any eld rhhaft, ...... gllOrVCASKS. countrra. fixtures. Boarut, Bold or eirhanced. VV'eetera 8l?age Co. tuf Waatilngtoa at. Paelfle In. . 1 HOLDKM'g RHEt'M ATI0 CUB Bare eare fat rbeaaiatlam. Sold by all drucglats. BIII.IARO AND POOL teblea for rest as toe aale oo ea.y pavmenbj. tHB BBUNsWk K-BALKS COt LtNDEB CO, 4 Third at. Port a, ad. OLD BOOK BTORit removed t 18 Fifth aad 211 Second ata. FOB SAI.RViara-atns la Whiten, Btarera, Da. via, Wheeler A Wllema, Hooaeholda aud ether alightly damaged macblaee. The White Sear ing Machine office, u. 1). Janes, SaO kamhia at, eoraer Fourth. SBERTIRON atoves of all klads st reaaoaable prices si bob rtrat at. Phooe Pacific 816. POR SALB Cheap. 36.000 feet lumber. H. B. Stout. 748 Raleigh at. Pbuee Mala 3868. - LAST WEBB or a 4 I B Of groceries at 814 Burnalda: we ere forced te sell ss we most vacate before April 1; bow la your chance to boy groceries at cost ar peiuw; nxttiree ror aaie. , OODFRSY BAR CO. FOR SAT E Scotch ooUle puppy, cheap. North, Ninth,, at . FOR SALB Furniture Bf T-room hooae; flrat elaea; party hMVIng town. Address S 160, Journal. BUE8C1IER silver-plated eMde trombone la eaae; Hoatou trombone; Martin eoroeta; ana pa; expert repairing. York'a, 227 Vt Stark at. POR SALE Cigar, eandy, hooks and maga- Bines;- good cieas stock; 8 living rooms, with or without furniture: rent $19; must sail; cheap. , 828 Flrat at. FOR BALE German eanarlea of fine enng; also (emaiea. rhane Mala 700. 247 Grant. FOR BALK Furniture at a 8-room honae. 61S union are. POR ' BALE National amah register.' A.. 'scene, uv f ront at. POR SALB A Bice baby buggy, or win ex- : enaoge ror sewing mecnine. Answer by let ter. 1062 Hswtboras are. FOR SALS CHEAP 18 horsepower boiler' and B-nonepower engine, ntaadaro Carpet Clean ing Co. Phone East 380. THOROCOHBBED White Leghorn cockerels. 'bona Eaat 4708. WHAT hare yon to trade for a Cyphers' roeu- oatori 2u union, are rortiaao, or. rbone Eaat 3617.- . . , .- ... piRRT-CLASS Fdlaoa phonograph , for sale. mean, iwu Williams ava. . Pt'RB Buff Orplnrtoo egra, $1.80 aettlng. 1231 ai inneaoTa ave . rnone Eaat eiai. PERSONAL. MADAM ANNA LUCKEY, ma rne tic. mental aad electric vibratory treatment, rbenmattam and all aervone dlaeaaes tree led successfully, fees and scalp treatment. French paate for re moving wrinkles, manicuring; suppositories for married lad lea. SOOra fourth St., sear Salmon. Mala Soil. ; ; - . A REFINED lady wishes to mske the aeons Int. snce of a refined gentleman; object, mstri. mooy. mi liti, care journal. . . NOT1CB OP RRMOTAU A. Reiner, the furrier, will move from Lew ll bldg. March 1 1 looking tor antuble anca'.too; for preeeof may be fouud at real-d-nce. 2B2 North 19th et. Phone Pacific 3437. Will call and give estimates as asnsL GERMAN books, aaanelnea, onrele. eTe..t Oor sian Knrnah. Freocb. Bpaalsh. Bwedlak end Itallaa dlrtlonartea; forelra hooks of all klads. .Setaaaale Co, 32 First st. VIOIES. wrUkles. snperfrsons hair Ht rbsrrs to talh It over. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Room 83 Pltedaer Bldg. Phooe Pad fie 183. DR.' BIKO CHOONO. importer Chtneae mot anedldnee; sella Chinese tee. cert. la core tot ell dlaeaaes, itri 3d. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. LADIES! Dr. Kef chum, graduate and regb tared, treats any and all yonr complain ta with aklll and eoceeae. I70H Third at, eor aer XambllL Pacific 822B. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve o Minn lea. ajiie moata a rreavmenf, gat a months. $5; sent aecurcty aaa led by matL AgSBts. Woodsrd. Clerks A Co, Portland. Or. iwnir or audi ii. or cau a. aw viemanenn, drngglat. i'onlaud. Or. 8B.TINE PH.r" cure a!l forma of net maa nr muscelsr weakneee. Par ana or woman. . Price $1 a hot, 0 boxes 86. with full reap. - entee.- Addraaa or call J. A. Clemeneoo. drug ' glat, Soeoad sad Yamhill eta.. Portland. Or. TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oreronfaa h'dg.i ladles daya. geatlemea Bights. Manx 148. DISEASES OF WOMENi anfortunsto girls aad osoies earen ror; pnvsrs Bosmtst, int. Atwoon, a. nou't at or. sr. .' Tea. rscias ias. SUITS pressed while yea wstt. 80a. Lsdhaf skirts pressed. 60c. Gilbert, 10, Sixth at, Beit to Qaelle. Phoaa Mala 3088. BALM OP PIOS for att female d! - Baat Belmont, Phoae Bsst 4084. SCHOOL BOOKS bonrht, sold, exchanged. Jones' rjoossioro. zui Alder st. . RADAM'S MICRORB KILLER, tha tree tea germ oeatroyer. for aala by B. D. Wlatera, our uraoa are, aorta. RUSSIAN BATH. SOT Third st, between Taylor aud salmon: swimming pool, steam ssd hot air asm; gents,, ream I k, B. u u I. a. race 25 eeats. - ' - MANICURING. parlors for It diss aad gentlemen. sooa morriaoa au, room it. BOLDEN'B RHEUMATIC CURB Sara rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. FACB and aealp msssaga glvea at 84ie Mor rteoa or,, aaita BEST mega sine etnhs ever ef feted; eead for prices: agents wanted. Jones Book Stars, zvi Alder et, rortlsaa. or. CANCER AND OOITBB SPECIALIST Asth- , antic, aenoaaaeea. chronic ead private die esses permanently cured; eonsaltstlaa ssd . estrsepondeace free. Dr. Yoosa. 18114 Flrat. WANTED-eMea aot cored of their eecret all- mento call on Dr. Bet chum. 1704 Third at. corner lemblll. Pallflc 3224V, - --- . POR manicuring, facial gaaessge sad scalp treatment try room x, auava waaningua at. Bear ntto, . PROFESSOR FELIX K. S. Mlraclss, msgastle heeling snd suggsstlve. 146ii Blxth at.. eorner Alder. HYPNOTISM, baslness psychology, suggsstJoa la tberapeaaea. baoita and eaucauoo, aevci pment of eubconecloaa powers, tsaght by A. A. Lindsay, M. D, principal et College et bu gree lie a. p naiaiga siag. IP YOU are aot feeling well take a tab bath and magnetto treatment; epeclal thla week gi. Oxford hotel, cor. Sixth, aad Oak ata., room it. rnone main os. MRS. OTIS Card reading. 663 ft Yamhill at. room e. - . RECENTLY opened manicuring perioral ladles ana gentlemen, bdits Morrtaoa at, room la. DR. LOUIBR ENGLISH Magnet la healer; rhea- matlsm and aervoua alee as ee cured; alts chiropody and vibratory treatments. 14A Sixth st., room 34. YOUNO scientific masseuse glvea electrlcsL , alcnhoue aad medicated treatments, alao tub baths. 41 BaJslgh hldg., Sixth aad Waab lngtoa sta. ' . v . LADIES: Dr. La France's Own pound: sets. speedy remlstnr; 38 rents, druggists or met!; booklet free. Dr. La gTrsnco, Phllsdslphla. Ps. MANtCURItfO, face sad scslp treatment, bath and maaaege. , iiovt roarta st, cor. Wssh. MISS GIPSON gives scalp treat meat; da ndruff. ZHeVt Alorriaoa at, room oa. . A W0RKINOMAN, 88, wishes to meet a lady. Addreoa hoi 127. Scattla, Washing ten. MRS. POTTER Msseeuse, scalp, facial mas se gs. ehlropiy. 224 wsshlngfoa at. BATH parlora have recently chanced hands at giii 4j intra at., upstairs, room ia; win guar antee to pie a as all: ledlee snd gentlemen. MMB. YASI1-TI Masesges, roanleurtng aad cliiropody. KH4 BUSINESS PERSONALS. INYENTIONS bonrht and anld. Covenant Con- treet Co., Ail rneoner oing. maiu arwi. ASSATERS. 0ABVIN CYANIPB ESTBACTION CO, aad Moauss Assay vines, iss atarrmsa ai. pawn lessons i Bmbroldery Keery Day. tub NKhiiirt RAr-r buop, 882 Waablngtoa at. R. H. MOORFHOt'SB CO Arrlate1 materlaat. picture molding, picture framing, aurayutv coos, lantern alldoa. 813 Alder at. PBOFESSOB R. MAX M8YER, 848 A I dee et. Pert rait aad andacape artist aad teeaher. THB A. BRBOER ART RTUDIO Portrait Bad landscape paintings. 644 Waablngtoa at. AUTOMOBILES, 1 PULLMAN" AUTO CAR CO, Builder a. daalgaere aad repairers of all akea of antoaaoMlee. Bodice, tope, feadera. daabaa. lamp bracheta. running hoards snd giaaa rrenta. . ueara aaa an parse oa . Btotrllee made to order. 8O-70-73-T4 North Sixth st. H. L. KEATS AUTO CO., AUTOMOBILK8 AND BUPPLIES, ajorthwestern dlatrtbutore foe Pope Hart, rorda. Pupe Trtboaea. Pops Waverlra. Pope Toledoa, Themea. Oldamohllea, Frankllna. Bulcks. SOA3 Seveath at.. Portlsad. Oregoaw HOWARD M. COVBY. -Areo4 Pierce CraaA. Arroar, I ow.mohflea. Cad lllae and Kaos. Teeiporary locatloa Club Oarage, 16th aad Alder ata. , " , , HAYB YOU SEEM BAKER ELBCTRICSt Capital Supply Co r 408 Alder at. Phono Pa cific 971 . Demonetratloa by appointment. ATTORNEYS. ft ft PIOOOTT AND J. A. PINCH 4ttiwn.wet.lae. -Practice ta all 4 Mulkey bldg.. eoraer Seconal aad Morrtaoa. J. A. BTR0WBRIIX1B Attorney-et-Law, SOT - Commercial blk. Phone Pacific 678. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS.- flOWR. DATIB A KILHAM. lOO-ttt , Bleak hooka Btaaeraetaredl egeute tor Jtones Improved Leeee Leaf tedrere;. see the aew Bnreke test, the best oa tba market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES S. BtrteawaM Co.. 80. $08 Everett at t large. t batcher auppLy heoee ea the eoaat. Write for eatslogae. BUTCHERS' SUPPT.IES Adolnh A.' Doham. 131 -MX Flrat at-, earrlee a fall I roe aad east. piste eseertmeBt al lowest marset praras. BATHS MASSAGE. MRS. OBROCK, graduate maaaaaaa; cahtBst hath, sslt glow, alcohol rub, ereem maaaaget references. . IS Seveath St. Main eVOS. ' CAFES. THB OFMCB 28 Waahtngtoa et, 771. Beeioel Tleeeex Mat CLAJRVOTAKTS AND PAMHSTS. Alwava Conault the Best, prop. r. khimo, Oreatest tiring astrtt deed trance etslr. soysnt of the sgs; sdvtser oe busloesa and isll affairs of life: telle yoar fall name end what you called for, whom yon will marry. hew to control the one yoa love, even though mllee away; reualtea the separated: give eecret powers to control: no loog detaya ta ; wilting. Hours 1 te 8, dally and Sunday. Office No. S ead 4. Orand Theatre Bldg. $32 Va Waah. near Park St. Phooe Main 128T. NAO ANXI, ,:, : . - :,i . . . CLAIRVOYANT, - . . , .. PALM READER. ' V Tells yonr asms, tells when aad who yoa will marry; different from all others. Bee him today. 860 Waebmgton St. , MADAM R EINflA. - Eryptlaa medium, pslmtst snd clalrvoyaBt; separstea reumieo: unnappr made hsppy; readings 60a ap. 804 Madlaoa st. Bear City HsIL GET the hsbtt of getting your fortune told. Wanda, the famous palmier, am mam ex. MIS MAY ANDREWS Card reading, 38. 33$ Sixth et., eoraer Mara. - CHIROPODISTS. WM. DBYBNY BSTBI.LB DBYENT, THB only scientific chlropodlata. par lore zoo Draw bldg, 102 2d at. raone Mam iaui. NEW snd Scientific method of tree ting earns snd bunions. Znev, roarta at, room t. rniROPOOT and Pedtcurtnr. Mra. M. D. Hilt. - Room SS Phrtdwer SMt. Phone Psclrnr ISA COMMISSION MERCHANTS. THBJ OREGON CHEESE CO. UNO CHEESSJ. BUTTER. BOOS, etc dairy prod seta bought or handled oa commlealou. 124 Fifth at. (Swetland bldg ). Portland. Or. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, the carpenter, 304 Fourth at, 8 tors aad of rice wueh. Mala 17KT. L MELTON Office, store fixtures; general lobbing. 07 Flrat at. Phoaa Mala 810. CARPENTER snd builder; honee moving sad repairing. 10.18 Esst Crant. Tsbor ZTO. . CARPET CLEANINGe' STANDARD CARPET CLEANING COLargoot plant oa the eoaet. Loring and Harding am, . telephone Esst 2H0. Carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; both ateam aad latest Bean preaaed sir prureee; renovating mattresses aad fee there a specialty. , - . JOVCB BROS., proorletora ef the Electric Clesa . tng works; carpets deseed aad laid, both dry and osmprssaad sir elesslog; earpet refitting our specialty: mor roarsntoed. . Phoaa Mala 3873 and A 2072. 370 Grant et. SANITARY carpet cleaning, sect lea aad came preaaed sir combined: carpets cleaned ea float without em orel. Manx 6684. Mam S300. B. C. MAS8EY At CO., aphohrterlng; mattressee made over aud to order; carpets refitted, sewed aad laid. COAL AND WOOD. Telephone Mala Smtfbtng Coal aaa Coal for Ships a Bpectalty. i The 1 " STOREY BROOKES FTJXL CO, ( T scorpora ted. ) - Prelnalvs stents foe .w . i v KEMMERBR COAL. COAL. COKE. CHARCOAL Office ssd Ysrd Frost snd Kearney eta. PORTLAND SAWDUST St.ARWOOD CO, M Front, sneceaeors to Fulton Wood Co.; fir, ask. sMhwood. resL TeL Msla 130. FOR prompt dellrery ef etsbwood catl Main 4ST5. Oak,, ash, fir snd coal. Pertlsad Wood S) Coal Co., 18th aad Barter eta. OR BOON PURL CO. te aew eelllBg Wales, aae , tbracirs. beet coal ea tha market. 834 A loot . St. Mala SB. ... . ALB1NA FUEL CO. Dee We tn esrdased, coal .and grata aad dry slabwood- R, R. and " Albtaa ave.. $ Blocka east et ferry. Bsst 174. STEEL BRIDOR Ft' E: 1 CO. Peelers In eneL cord wood and dry slsbweod. Pbobb Bsst 424. WKSTBRN FEED FUEL CO Ho, blsekamlth one Is. Phono Msla 1018. CLEANING AND DTETNG. CLOTHES cleaned aud pres Uotqwe Talmrtog Co., 80 SUrk B. W. TURNER, profasstnaal dyor end llesaas, BOS Jefrereoa St. Paeae Msla 3618, PORTLAND Stesm ("leasing and DrlneT Werka, III pourtb at. Phoae Pad fie SOT. CHIROPRACTIC. ELMER S. COK Cblrnpractle expert; free treatmenta every tveuneeoev; will 'can at homes snd give free trestment. Off'es hours. a. m. to 6 a. m. Phoae Main sou. Lett be hldg., 227 H Washington at - CARRIAGE PAINTING. SPEflAI. prlcea OB llrt eerrlare p.intlnc, hn-4 gtee, fill en.l no. leherde, limt'i e... A-. rr POHTI snd i DaNCINO teaaue. yc; claaeee or rrlmtc: lug, twot.p, thre-et'i, elc. ; a'.a d buik and wing, eli. rcl, akl t. . IllKhlaad fling, etc. Proreaeor al w'.i. eld. at rrCi.Kiilaed . teacber. . AUiy a . Third sud atodleon au. , WOOHWAPO DANI INO Brttoot laee M-a . There, and Put- are.; aortal, fa err end ei.n dancing taught; 8 aset leerhere; rl. a I - private .eaeuno da II,. Western ca-l.-T hall, second aad MerrUun ata. Paelfle Icux PROP. RINOI.ER. MISI4 Bi t KEKMKYEM -trading aehool. dully J new bell, heat tn d r. Orand ave. and Eaat Morrlaoa at. Best fx..". EDUCATIONAL, - OREOON KXPKHT COIXEOB. - OommoSweaith huiiiling. eth and Ankenv, Jhooe Mala lf.l. Tlcgrahy. ah.irtliand, ypeewrltlug, penmanship, tngllah hram-hee. lutll vldqat Instructions, auecial achalaraBlp. HOLME BI.'KINEtia COM. BOB, Waablngion and 10th ata.. Flledoec hldg. Book keeping. Siurthand, Typewrltlag aad all . Rngliah araacbss taaght, both day aad algbW BEHNKE-WALKER ItrBINESS fOLLSUB. -. - DAY AND NtOHT 8EKSIONS. Bperlal Clasees tn German. J'reneh. SnanjUhe..,. Bhs-Mdg.. Beesotb aod Stark atai ' 01"" CITY BttMNBMS COI.LMwR. Pitman Shorthand by Court Reporter, traeV . Beaa Coarae. Bpaeul Scbelarehtpa; Positions Me. cured. Commonwealth bldg, eta and Aakeoy. DRESS MAKINa. MRS,' TAUGRAN, sipensneed drosewiaket. anSM Eaat Burnalda at. Phoce Baal 4&X2. WANTED Shirtwaists ta make. SO Bait Eighth st.. aorta. Call sftarnooae. , TBY Angelss Dresnmsklng Parlora, 343 Pitta aad Mala. Paelfle Me2. . r- , -. DBEBSMAKrNO," shirtwaist suits asd ehUdrsa sswtng. Ksst 16. , ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ' H. J. WALSH CO.. Bit Stark s. Blecirle sad Uea Fixtures snd Bupnllsa, Maatele. Tiling, Ore tea aad Dogtrvnav PACIFIC EI.ECTBI0 ca Enrlnoers, . con tree. , tors, repalrere. electric wiring, supplies, ad Flrsk cor. Sf.ra. Msla 860. B. B. Tate, mgr.' W RkTkrs rt. sir-ram. sertoira e Csntrsctors, electric euppllee, eaotore aad dye Bsmos; we Install right sad power plants. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO.. tl Bast Morrtaoa St. rixta res. wiring, repairing. Baal SIS.' BARRETT'S. 400 Morrtaoa st Phone Main 133. Everything to OBtctrle 'MTi'lrt .'- t GASOLINE ENGINES. OA SOM NO eogmee. all alsee ecd etykas. a loweet prices, Rahraea Machlaery Caw 183-4-4 Morrlaoa ex. SHEPFIBLD marine engines. Any p.'ertellers. rarrnansa. Moras g, (Jo, Flrat aad Btark eta. HOTELS. HOTEL Pertlsad. Aaaerlesa plaa. SS, $8 par day. BRLYRDBRBt Boropeaa plaa; 4th and Aider eta. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARB CO. asttctts eppurtoa. Ity to qoote prices, 74 Sixth st. Psctfle 46S. INSURANCE. ISAAO U WaiTR. Sra lseuraaes. mch bids. . - ... .,- W. L. PAGE, tnsarsaca; smpinvers tlsblllty. surety bonds, burglar and aertdeut tBaoranes. -Phone Mala 828. 304 Falling bldg. JAB. Mel. WOOD, employers liability ssd ra. dividual acctdeut security bonds of sfl klads. Phone 4T. n3 McKay bldg. LEATHER AND 1 INDINGS. ' CHARLES I MAST1CK A CO.. Front aad Oak -, sta., leather and eh Ins of every daecrlptloa " for sit purposes; sols and tap cuturs; findings. LAND SCRIP. WANTED ead tot aala. At kinds, nchtdtug . approved foreet terervs sertp far sorveved. on-. eureeyed. timber and pes trie rorernment land. ' B. M. BamlltoB, 'The Pectlesd." portlond. - - 1 MONET TO LOAN. - " MONEY TO LOAB Oa Improved city property or for swBdmc porpoaee. ror from $ to 10 yeers. time, with , prlvllere to repay sll or part of maa after two years. Loans approved from plans snd - money aavsaced aa bulMlna progresssst gsgea taken sp snd replaced. FRED a. 8TRONO. FinaaeMl Ageat. 343 Stark at, - . - CONFfDRNTTAL LOAN mm aatartoo. policies, pisnos, farnltnra. wsreboooe receipts, etc.) eny deaervtng perooa may secure a lib eral advance, repaying by easy weekly or Btontuly rnatsnmeots. KBW BRA LOAN TRtrsjT - COMPART. 308 A bint toe bldg. MONEY ADYANCFD SALARIED PROPLR BtS , e leers soon their owe names without eeenc Ity; rheepeet rstes. essteet payments: office In 00 prlnclpsl cities: save yourself messy "V retting our terms first. TOI.MAN. 32S Ahmctee hldg.. I0SH Thtrol st. BIONET TO LOAX MONEY losnsd to sslsiiod people J net ea yeasr wwo arenw; pou I Dorrow anril sow see ane my aatem la the beet for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepera, etreetoar mea snd sll ether employee: hualnees shrlctlv confidential. P. A, Newton. 423 Ablnrtoa bldg. WANTFTk Notea. mortrarea or one trace, oa eny kind of real eat a te In Oreroa sed wssn Isrtnni second Biortraree peechssed tf well at. a, rtobie. BI3 commercial ois. MONRY to Ines tn same to salt. S snd S years. as low as per cent, on Improved city prop erty. Mention t Soobey, 601 Colombia blug SflB Waahlagtoa Bt DON'T borrow reoney eat a a Her wet ft yoa esa HEttca Credit Co. 813 Dakam bldg. MONEY loaaed aa furniture, pianos sad stnor eecantiee. w. A. Hatnswsy, room to, wssa Ingtoa hldg- Phone Pacific 1833. MONEY to leant lsrre knaaa snecnltrt aloe bonding mans: loweet rafeer fire Wllllsm O. Beck. S13 Fslllug hldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 Mohawk hldg.- Money to rend ea esse payment plan to wage careers; strictly eonfldeatlaL MORTGAGE loans st current rsteo; aw- eost mission. Columbia Life 4t Trust compear, -Lumber Excbsngs hldg. MONRY ta man oa ' all trade of security. Wllllsm Holt, room Waah lot ton hldg. TO LOAN Sums to suit en chattel asenrttsk B. A. Frame. l the H areas aa. A LOAN for the Baking salary at rbattei. The Loas, Co., 410 Dekem Bldg. QUICK loans eu sll aecnritlea. 8 W. King. as wssiingtoa niog. msib si"w. MONEY to loan on Hty property. O. A. son. 813 Commercial blk. John-- ON Btortgage. $2t to $.""! cost papers oaiy. Ward, lawyer, Allnky blag. . WILL ansa K 000 ar leea aa reel aetata. peg cent, r arrtagtna, BIS Fealoa S"ig. MACniNERV. R, TBKNKMABI ft CO. Mmisg. sawrnlH, (oe- (Ing msrblnery; brdranlle pines, sosuogl st , lads repaired. 104 North Fourth. A. 1. PAUL, 103 Flret st PerlnsB, belle, S, sawmill snd eross-srm mscuisery. THB R. C. At BE CO Beeeed Bead ehlnerv. eawmliia ete. 7' waiw are. MUSICAL.' II! t-5 1 (inn 'I Ml giiltsr lu.iKf -fs pi rt, . '-f.